#fighting some pirates and doing some archeology
cozyforjate · 1 year
It surprises me when people say Chapel doesn’t have a trait, personality, or plotline other than being Spock’s love interest... Let me list all the things we know and have seen about this amazing character.
Christine Chapel is a nurse on The Enterprise. She is on civilian exchange from the Stanford Morehouse Epigenetic Project. She is also a part of Starfleet’s initiative to better observe alien cultures without contamination.
M’Benga treats her as an equal. Pike called her “doctor” in the very first episode which suggests that her medical knowledge and experience must be impressive.
She is an expert on genetic modification. She can mess with your genome and temporarily turn you into an Alien. And she makes it look easy.
She is also interested in archeological medicine. She is doing fieldwork, making discoveries, and writing papers on the subject while doing her other duties on the ship.
Long story short she is quite the genius!
She is outgoing, friendly, witty, funny, adventurous, strong, brave but also compassionate and emotional.
She doesn’t judge, she accepts people for who they are.
She is confident in her abilities. She doesn’t take anyone’s BS. “I don’t think the Vulcan Fellowship is ready for me”… No one, not even Vulcans can bully or make her feel insecure.
But when she was a kid she was bullied. Milo, her Malamute, bit one of those bullies. Good boy!
As it was implied in one of the episodes she is most probably bi.
She has a vulnerable side. She is afraid of commitment. Afraid of romantic relationships getting deep. Perhaps even afraid of falling in love. She uses humor when things get too serious or personal for her. There is a story waiting to unfold in time. And i can’t wait to know more of it!
She was in the Klingon War with M'Benga. They witnessed the ugly face of war and had to make some hard decisions. They used (perhaps even developed) an illegal serum that temporarily gives them enough power and stamina to survive against Klingons. This left a scar on her as much as it did on M'Benga. We will revisit this story in episode 8 (i guess).
She knows how to fight. She is a quick thinker during stressful situations. And she is a badass. For example, she can handle space pirates and all she needs is a hypospray! She can deal with baby Gorns and survive!
She is heroic. She would jump into space without an EV suit to prevent a war.
Oh and she is also Spock's love interest and it's a delicious relationship that enrichens both characters.
This is what we got in 15 episodes. I'm sure we'll learn more about her and she will get new storylines in the seasons to come.
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french-unknown · 9 months
Hello!! I hope you are having the loveliest week and happy new year! I'd love to see the sleepy!strawhat pirates :) thank u!
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: luffy, zoro, nami, usopp, sanji, robin 𝐂/𝐖: fluff 𝐀/𝐍: Hello! I also wish you the loveliest week and happy new year! Have a wonderful year 2024 with the best of health! (-‿◦ ) 𝐖/𝐂: 730+
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✧ With Luffy, there are two atmospheres.
✧ The first is after grueling fights or if he is poisoned, he is the type to drop like a fly without going through the "sleepy" phase. One moment he is fully conscious, and the next he is so asleep that even a cataclysm will not wake him.
✧ He can also fall asleep at the worst times!
✧ Otherwise, he continues to jump around screaming for meat or his teammates until he no longer has a single atom of energy in his body.
✧ When he is in between awake and asleep, he will become quite childish.
✧ A pro at staying awake as long as possible while moaning "I don't want to sleep" when everyone sees 100 kilometers away that he can no longer keep his eyes open.
✧ When he falls asleep, it will FINALLY be silence.
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✧ He is used to naps so the habits are there.
✧ You know he is tired when you see him wandering around to find his little corner of the sun where he can do his sleeping beauty with, obviously, always a place to religiously put his swords within reach.
✧ He is a routine man so the corners are always the same on the boat.
✧ He also becomes a lot grumpier. Sanji has no interest in dragging him around.
✧ If you ask him something at that moment, he huffs but he does it. He still drags his feet like a teenager and you don't need a doctorate in archeology to understand that it annoys him. But he likes you so he will still do what you want.
✧ He will fall asleep as soon as he is in place. It's almost automatic.
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✧ Sleepy Nami is more irritable than usual.
✧ As soon as she gets a chance to go into bed, she will grab it like it's a mountain of berries.
✧ She has trouble falling asleep because of the annoyance.
✧ She may be tired as hell, but she won't be able to relax enough to fall asleep quickly.
✧ At some point, she will be too cold so she covers herself in blankets. Then she will be too hot so she takes off the covers. But she will have discomfort in her back so she changes positions. Except that the music that Franky and Brook have been singing all day will be stuck in her head.
✧ There's no point in speaking to her in these cases otherwise, it's guaranteed death!
✧ She also tends to steal every blanket imaginable in order to make the most comfortable bed possible.
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✧ A tired Usopp is much slower than usual. He walks slower, talks slower and thinks slower.
✧ He also complains a lot more.
✧ Expect dramatic “But I want to sleeeeeeeeeep!” as if he was going to die or solemn "Chopper, I don't think I could go any further. Go without me, I will only slow you down" under the panicked cries of the reindeer.
✧ The most significant signal is when he starts jumping at everything and nothing.
✧ At the slightest noise, he jumps several centimeters as if he had just been awakened from micronaps, standing with his eyes open.
✧ He also rubs his eyes more.
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✧ To say it gets clingy is an understatement.
✧ Until he finally falls asleep at midnight, he will be stuck to you like a mussel to a rock.
✧ He's constantly hugging you from behind or putting his arm around your shoulders. His arms will look more like chains than human limbs after a while.
✧ He pouts if you move away.
✧ Will beg you to go to bed early with him for cuddles.
✧ The rest is up to you.
✧ If he's having trouble sleeping, running your hand through his hair will work wonders. Really. He would kill for the slightest sign of affection when he is half asleep.
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✧ A sleepy Robin doesn't change much compared to usual.
✧ The only signal is that she is slightly more distracted.
✧ If you ask her a question, it will take a few seconds before she looks away from the blank space and turns her confused eyes to you so that you repeat what you said.
✧ She's not really trying to fight sleep.
✧ As soon as she mysteriously disappears without warning from your side, you know where to find her. She will already be comfortably asleep in her bed without waiting for you to arrive.
✧ Pretty sleeper by excellence, by the way.
Wow, you find my 4th Easter Egg! take this ψ lemon meringue pie ψ, it's my favorite pastry
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @iheartamora @bontensh0e @opchara @idsmash717 @lys-ada @viscade @parkyrr @yasmiinberkaa @dozcan123 @anotherproblemsos @cellgore @sketchmilk @kai-wifey @clovernumber3 @radiorowrites
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mega-punani · 2 years
Some backstory!! Where are the bois from?
Sans and Papyrus:
Sans and Papyrus were raised by their dad on a particularly mellow island. They were both rather ambitious children and always wanted to be pirates. Their father just let them go along with it, thinking they would grow out of it. After an experiment went wrong, their father simply disappeared. They were supported by the town, there, Sans accidently ate the judgment fruit, thinking it was just another fruit sold by the merchants. Behold, he had received his all-seeing eyes. Papyrus was just a rather flexible and energetic child and grew up to be a flexible and energetic adult. He originally wanted to split off from his brother and captain his own crew, but over heared him express his worries one night. Sans was incredibly afraid of losing Papryrus but could not stop him from doing what he wished to do. Papyrus realized that he cared for his brother much more than a silly dream and set off with him as his first crew member.
Blue and Stretch:
Blue and Stretch had a rather peaceful childhood. Blue helped his father, a ferryman, deliver people and cargo through the rivers running through the town. He met various people and was gifted a broken cannon, sparking his love for the explosive mechanisms. His brother usually played his banjo in the town square to earn some extra change. One day, someone had thrown a fruit into the bowl, and being a child and hungry, he just ate it. And then bam. He has a devil fruit now. They had joined Sans and Papyrus when they had stopped by their island for provisions.
Red and Edge:
These dudes had a pretty rough one. Red and Edge grew up on a shady island, full of shady people. Their father wasn't a good man, and he treated them terribly until they were finally able to flee from him. They lived on the outskirts of town stealing food or doing rough labor to earn money. The moment that Red was old enough, he entered himself into fight rings in order to earn money for him and his little bro. Edge got interested in financing at a very young age and loved books to the core. He was especially interested in archeology, and Red would steal him books whenever he could. In order to help his brother and defend himself, Edge learned to wield a cutlass through books and soon was able to defend himself just as well. Sans soon landed on their island and convinced them to leave the crumby place and venture with them to the sea. Red wanted to escape, and Edge wanted to explore. Along the way, Red picked up engineering and got extremely good at it.
Razz and Cash:
Life was rough for Razz and Cash, and most of their childhood included alotta stealing. Their devil fruits were stolen and eatin at the same time, and with their newfound powers, they were able to get away with many things. Cash mostly spent time stealing from folks and formed a habit of snatching much more than he needed. He didn't really have much ambition, unlike Razz. Razz knew he wanted to be a Navigator the moment he laid eyes on a map. Ever since then, he studied and drew maps until he had become a Navigator better than all. (That's what he liked to think, at least). The moment Sans had offered to bring them along, Razz was all for it. Cash just came along, seeing as he didn't have much to do on his home island and had no qualms in leaving it behind.
Bear and Cinnamon:
Their island was destroyed by a Buster Call. For those who don't know, a Buster call is an attack of the highest order sent by the Marines. This means anything that needs to be eliminated is eliminated. And if it happens to be an island, the entire thing is practically wiped off the map. Their father was able to hide them in a tiny box underground, but he himself could not fit. Their town was put under heavy fire, and Marines took the lives of survivors. Bear only came back out when he could no longer hear screaming and stomping. He and baby cinnamon survived the best they could on the desolate island, foraging and hunting. Many nights, they went hungry, and both of them got injured severely at times. One day, a boat crashed on some nearby rocks, providing the two of them with some resources. This was also where Cinnamon and Bear found their devil fruits and received their powers. The crew came across them entirely by chance and welcomed the two with open arms. Although they were unsettling in the beginning, they integrated well and were soon a semi functional family.
With that, all the cousins were reunited.
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coraniaid · 2 months
Normally when I finish a book by Adrian Tchaikovsky I come away thinking "wow, that guy really loves spiders, huh?". But my main takeaway after finishing Shards of Earth was "hmm, I wonder if Adrian Tchaikovsky's ever played Mass Effect".
I mean, okay, I think what's really going on here is that both The FInal Architecture [of which Shards of Earth is the first book] and Mass Effect are both deeply rooted in the tropes of a common space opera subgenre. A popular SF genre with settings and plots shaped by the likes of Star Trek and Fred Saberhagen's Beserker series and David Brin's Uplift Saga and Babylon 5 and so on and so forth. Certainly none of the world building in Mass Effect is especially unique or deep.
It's just that ... well, if you show me:
a near(ish) future space setting with widespread faster-than-light travel (through a nexus of pre-existing routes between systems that seems to have been created by an older civilization) and a large centralized human goverment whose influence is resented or ignored by people on the edges of human space; with
multiple intelligent alien species (including one species who just so happen to all be attractive women and a species of artificial intelligences who quite recently broke away from their creators and a species whose main gimmick is being responsible for dealing with the money and a species who lost their home world and so travel from system to system rather than living on any planet of their own); and you tell me that
in the last few decades a handful of humans have developed pyschic powers but have been badly mistreated and abused by the centralized human government (who are desperate for an edge in their political struggles with the older and more technologically advanced neighboring alien polities); and then you give me a plot where
in order to deal with the possible return of some mysterious powerful inorganic aliens who are all essentially giant living spaceships and who seem to want to wipe out all intelligent life in the known galaxy (for reasons that we do not know) it is necessary that
a small band of (mostly but not entirely human) plucky underdogs have to travel across the galaxy from world to world in their beloved space ship searching for artifacts from a lost species of alien precursors, aided and abetted by a few key sympathetic members of an otherwise unhelpful and obstructive bureaucracy and occasionally clashing heads over their very different views about the world; while regularly
fighting off threats from criminal gangs, space pirates, and humanity-first reactionaries through a series of gun fights across locations such as a space port, an alien ship, and an archeological dig site investigating the ruins of said lost alien precursors; then...
... I mean, look, the comparison seems pretty obvious, doesn't it?
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astros-turf · 6 months
I'm watching one piece. I'm on episode 512. Major spoilers for the marinefort arc so if you don't want that spoiled don't read.
I have made a literal blog post blogging about my feelings when it comes to one piece. If you wish to read an essay of how emotional I get about one piece and how much it makes me cry written by a tired, high, queer guy... Then this is the post for you.
Okay. I have been incredibly emotional watching this show. It has the perfect ebb and flow with the major arcs. They build stories up so well. I could talk about this for hours. I sobbed watching the enies lobby arc. I think about Robins I WANT TO LIVE! Fucking constantly. At least once a day. I kinda want it tattooed but I don't know if I want the manga panel or just the words. And then also maybe that's a weird thing to tattoo. Anyway. She's my absolute favourite anime "girl" (quotes cuz she's a woman and it feels weird calling her a girl but this feels fedora-y i hate this). Robins just so cool and I wanna sit and hear about the lands history from her and I want her to tell me about all the theories that the archeology world has going.
But anyway I've been watching this marinefort arc and I had spoiled Aces death ahead of time for myself. So I was really struggling because I was really anxious to see it? Not because I was particularly attached to Ace, but because I'm very protective of Luffy and that's his brother so of course I care like he's my own brother. (I feel like I'm not making sense, I am high and also I have adhd lol)
But I didn't cry for Ace's death somehow. I think I was just so... Not shocked but like stunned? And also so angry that they worked so hard to get to him and Ace just had to stand his ground and I can even respect that but then the double whammy of he ultimately died to protect Luffy. And I just couldn't process that at the time. So I didn't cry. But the whole mini arc after that, the kid one? I was crying left and right at every single thing ace said. I wanted to punch Garp cuz he's an idiot. I wanted to punch Garp more for punching literal children. But mostly I cried because you learn about ace standing up to danger even when that's not the best option and you find out Roger did that too. And it turns out that ace has done it before, also to protect Luffy. Like bro Luffy is Ace's world man, like that's his baby brother and Ace is the fuckin best big bro ever. Made me miss being a kid with my brother when we used to wrestle and roughhouse all the time and have play fights and stuff. My brother is 10 years older than me, so it wasn't much of a fight ever but I remember having a blast. We don't talk anymore and that really sucks, but shit happened and I don't think the relationship will be quite the same unless he gets some therapy or a divorce or both. Anyway. Maybe that's why Ace's death is hitting me so weird, it's like too relatable?
Anyway. I've been off and on crying because of all the crew members finding out about the war and immediately trying to get the fuck to sabaody even if it kills em and I just was like oh my god everyone cares so much. Oh my god and when Jinbe was tryna get Luffy to snap out of it so he'd stop hurting himself and he was like don't you have something worth living for?? And Luffy is remembering his crew one by one I was like "Your crew! 😭" "I've missed our crew too! 😭😭" Bro I really wanna be a pirate on luffys ship. I have no idea what I'd do, I'm not superhuman smart or strong or have some sort of gimmick... None of my SpIns are useful in battle or could be adapted to be useful in battle lol. I'd have to eat a devil fruit for sure cuz there's no way I'd accidentally stumbled ass backwards into haki how I am now. Anyway. Crying.
The whole reason I made this post. I thought I was good. I thought surely, this is gonna be a time when I don't cry. They're finally telling us the full meaning behind what luffys message was and giving us a better look at the photo of Luffy. Cool. Ooo, crocodile. Oh shit? The new gay lovers are going to the new world? With what crew?
Awwww oh my goodness. Everyones home towns... Oh my god Dadan! DADAN. "REST IN PEACE YOU BRAT!" had me HICCUP CRYING. IT STARTED WITH A HICCUP TOO. I had to pause and do a reality check when you're like too deep in the media ya know? Cuz I was like holy fuckin shit get ahold of yourself man. And then I realized that this show feels like free therapy with how much I fuckin cry. And then I was like I gotta ramble about this so here we are.
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thebibliomancer · 4 years
Dark Crystal Age of Resistance Tactics liveblog pt 13
Okay! Time to check out the Sifa!
Y'know, I think that the Sifa get the least exploration in the show. You've got several Vapra main characters, several Stonewood main or focus characters, couple Drenchen, a very main Grottan character, best boy Kylan the Spriton, whole bit of the show with the Dousan. And the Sifa have... I think... that time Brea visited them?
Probably why Alyadon was made a Sifa, so they have some presence.
Mission: Deep Trouble - Hidden Grotto
"A curious, young Sifa is under attack by darkened creatures. Save him from a grisly fate."
Ah, darkened creatures. The gift that keeps giving. So we don't have to always be fighting other Gelfling or Arathim.
Hey, wait a minute. Why DID I fight Arathim in the Vapra missions? You don't unlock those without going through the Grottan missions where the Arathim become your good pals. Dangit, the game!
Wow, five party members. Also Ivo, the Gelfling.
Party: Alyadon, Kylan, Boggi, Breg, and Hup. For being the lowest leveled. That's kind of over doing it on menders but Mender is a required step on a lot of characters' personal journeys so I have too many of them.
The level starts with Ivo corned by a nurloc and a windsifter. If he dies, I lose. If everyone else but him dies, that's fine.
He's also a lvl 25 tracker, which makes him the highest leveled person on my team.
Oh, the tide rises. None of my peeps were anywhere close to it but it apparently will just straight up kill a Gelfling because they're too dumb to move out of the water when its not their turn.
Ivo was apparently researching ancient symbols or something. He weirdly has non text box text explaining this so I missed the first thing he said.
Ok Ivo is definitely going to die. He's corned and a nurloc is attacking him.
He asked me to get him higher because the tide is rising but Ivo, my pal, you're on the highest part of the island...
Wow that tide rising thing is no joke. I think Alyadon just vanished underwater. Eesh. I wish there were tide lines showing you where its going to happen. Or when.
And my non dead units are mostly all trapped on the other side of the island and can't cross the now deep water. Not loving this new mechanic but it is a new mechanic.
With his rolling, he was able to get across the map before the tide rose and with his healing he was able to heal Ivo until Ivo could save himself by knifing the nurloc a lot.
And he was looking for ancient symbols that may go back a thousand trine hidden across the coast.
So final count was Kylan and Alyadon horribly drowned but also leveled. Everyone else leveled and learned. Boggi learned Insistent Bark (revive an ally by barking insistently! Good dog!), Breg learned Borrow Time 2 (slow enemy for two turns, self haste for two turns), and Hup learned Well Done (hit a spiced enemy but really hard).
That's also the last ability Boggi can learn. From now on he is but as you see him. No more, no less.
Mission: Against the Tide - Sinking Isles
"Ivo's search for ancient symbols is met with some resistance."
I don't love how the island is going to sink.
I get five people and Ivo again. Hi Ivo! There are two glowy spots that I assume I have to get him to. Also I assume he can't die.
A Gelfling elder has shown up to tsk because this area is forbidden.
Ivo: "Bu-but, my research was approved by Elder Cadia himself!"
Elder: 'Its been revoked!'
Ha. But no.
Elder: "That fool lost his memory to nulroot. He knows not what he is doing. Guards, seize them!"
Oh, right. Brea wiped his mind. He'll approve any research project now. Geez, Ivo.
Yup, Ivo has to investigate the symbols. And bad news but one is in the water.
Oh, the tide fell instead of rising. And I only just noticed that the tide is in the turn order. Duh.
Oops Ivo drowned. I thought about going up the back instead of back the way I came and then an enemy unit blocked it and by the time I decided it was a bad idea, well, he didn't have enough turns to get back to dry land.
So second attempt is going better now that I have a better idea of how the tide works. The level is fairly open but there's a lot of chokepoints which makes it nerve wracking until you realize that the water doesn't reach the upper elevations of the map.
Also Wukki died =(
But I got Ivo to all the ancient symbols and they've revealed a stunning secret! The next level!
Seriously: "These carvings tell of a secret location: a cave hidden among the rocks on the coast"
If Ivo is one of the two remaining characters I have yet to unlock, I'm going to lose my mind.
BUT: levels up! Wukki leveled up but didn't learn anything. Like Boggi, he may have learned all he can. You can't teach a lvl 24 dog new tricks. (Checking, he apparently keeps learning up until lvl 28). Hup learns Cauldron, which lets him place a healing cauldron on the map. Its a summon so its either that or the worm. Alyadon learned Soothe 2, cooler than Soothe 1. Naia learned Edged Slice 2, cooler than etc. And Kylan learned Awaken but also unlocks Bramble Sage and Adept, meaning he's on his way to Song-Teller!
Mission: Sunken Treasure - Coastal Caves
"A submerged sea cave holds the knowledge Ivo has been looking for."
Oh god most of this cave is flooded. The shiny square is way on the other end under a lot of water. I hope the water just goes down and not up.
Bringing Rian, Deet, Brea and Gurjin. Also Ivo is here.
Gelfling Mage: "Ivo this is your final warning. These etchings have been forbidden by Skeksis law."
That just makes me want to see them more! I WAS wondering whether any of this was relevant.
Ivo: "Why would the skeksis make our own history forbidden? They must be hiding something!"
Follow that train of thought, Ivo!
Yup, the tide is falling, revealing more of the cave. This is a neat mechanic which gives me anxiety.
Ok this isn't going well. I'm down to Gurjin at very low health and Ivo at very low health. Thankfully, I just need to get Ivo to the shiny. As long as nobody spawns near his end of the cave, I'm golden.
A darkened hollerbat just spawned on his side of the cave.
But I ran like heckle to the last symbol and made it before any of the hollerbats could even take a turn. Phew.
Despite everything, everyone got level ups. Brea learned Geyser 2, Gurjin learned Bandage 2, Deet learned Cascade, Rian unlocked the Adept/Bramble Sage jobs meaning he's another step towards Strategist!
Son of a gun, I unlocked Ivo as a character! Not what I was expecting when I started this quest chain and not entirely what I wanted! I also got the Driftwood Cane!
So whats the scoop, Ivo. What do the symbols mean? WHY ITS THE GREAT CONJUNCTION!
There's actually a little cutscene.
Wait, did the Gelflings not know about the Great Conjunction? It only happens every thousand trine but still? Then again, the Skeksis were trying to suppress knowledge of it for some reason.
Geez, Ivo has ten levels in Scout, ten in Mender, and ten in Tracker. I have no idea what I'm going to do with him. I'll keep him in Tracker. And give him a spear. And some clothes.
I'll give the Driftwood Cane to Alyadon. It is the Sifa Clan staff.
Mission: Washed Up - Littered Shores
"A pair of shipwrecked Sifan sailors have washed up on shore. Help them deal with a pack of pursuing pirates."
I'm belatedly realizing that each Gelfling area has its own gimmick. The Sifa missions have the rising and falling tides, of course. The Vapra have the random power ups scattered in the levels. The Caves of Grot have the random buff squares. The Drenchen lands have the poison swamp water. And the Dousan have the sandstorms. Wonder what the Spriton will be when I get there. And I guess the Stonewood didn't have a gimmick?
Ok so I have to protect shipwrecked sailors Van and Jilly. They will probably not end up in my party. I'm still reeling over Ivo being unlocked but it makes sense to give you a Sifa party member that isn't Alyadon. Probably hence why Ivo, despite being a researcher, is very swashbuckly. Compared to Alyadon who is a huge nerd.
The level looks like a rising tide horror show. Most of the level is low lying except for a ridge that the enemy units are all already perched on.
Party: Boggi, Deet, Kylan. They need some love. And levels.
APPARENTLY, Maudra Seethi asked us to save the sailors. Which puts me in mind that the resistance showed up and was like 'hey maybe join us in opposing the Skeksis' and instead of going 'how dare, the Skeksis are beautiful angels' the Maudra went 'huh? That's nice. Go find some sailors'
And the level starts with Jilly and Van bickering over whose fault the shipwreck was. Jilly is mad that Van steered them into some rocks and Van is mad that JILLY STOLE A BUNCH OF TREASURE FROM PIRATES AND THATS WHY THEY WERE IN A HURRY
These two are fun.
I assume this is what happens when a paladin and a thief are friends because Jilly is a thief and Van is a paladin.
The pirates did I mean. I don't think Jilly or Van would.
Aside from the poor, sweet, innocent doggo, the level went pretty smoothly. The only problem is that one of the enemies cast Guardian's blessing and rather than kill a person twice, I decided to wait it out for some reason.
And then he died of poison and respawned anyway.
I'm good at tactics.
Its fine, he ded now.
At the end of the level, Deet is like ok so can we take you home now and Jilly is like NOT SO FAST THE PIRATES WILL KEEP PURSUING US UNTIL THEY GET THEIR TREASURE BACK.
Jilly: "Our village won't last another trine without it! The Skeksis took everything during the Tithing Ceremony!"
It was kind of lost when the Skeksis went full supervillain and started drinking people, but yeah, lets not forget the multiple ways that the Skeksis were exploiting the Gelfling and the whole dang world. They're drainers in many senses. I love a ridiculous fantasy metaphor that works on multiple levels.
And I'm pretty sure it was intended to be that way since the movie. I remember the novelization being like 'yeah this used to be a nice place and then the Skeksis drained the life out of the planet' or something.
If I'm overfocusing on this its because its only as an adult that I realize how timely Dark Crystal has stayed all this... uh, time.
Anyway Deet is like sure we'll help you beat up the pirates. Its cool.
Deet leveled and learned nothing. Kylan leveled and learned Purge Rot.
Mission: Sneak Attack - Tidal Wall
"The heroes follow the quarreling sailors back to the pirate's den, but encounter resistance along the way."
Is this going to be a real sneaking mission or what, game?
The gimmick for this mission chain is that Jilly and Van are tagging along so you only get to bring three peeps. Because I only get to bring three peeps. Luckily, I have three peeps that are all lvl 23 instead of lvl higher than that.
Oh, this is cool. This is a pirate fortress so there's a wall that we have to fight our way into. Except its less of a wall and more of steps but its wall like. It feels like we're breaking in, anyway.
Look, as I've said, FFTA is my main other experience for trpg games and it was way lazier with its levels.
Party: Boggi, Breg, Alyadon. Boggi wants to redeem himself. I assume. He started yelling but that may have been because of general fizzgig anxiety.
Enemy: "You've walked right into our trap-"
Jilly and Van: -immediately start bickering and interrupt the pirate-
I like that the lack of many Sifa characters from the show means they had to create some for this set of missions. The writing is entertaining enough that I wish there had been more of this for the other clan mission sets.
Nothing to really report about this one, it went swimmingly. Nobody even drowned!
Jilly and Van are decently powerful so I don't regret having them instead of two of my peeps in terms of their efficacy in battle.
I was worried about getting to higher ground with the rising tide but the battle went so quickly that I wasn't ever in real danger of that.
Jilly: -after beating up several pirates- "Well, we've clearly lost the element of surprise."
My favorite part of this is that this does and doesn't have anything to do with having the Sifa join the resistance. I'm pretty sure that we sealed the deal when we saved these two chuckleheads to begin with.
We're going to come back to Maudra Seethi and be like 'we saved Jilly and Van' and she's going to be like 'Ah, well done! The Sifa will be glad to join-' and then we'll be like 'also we beat up a pirate fortress and redistributed the wealth to a destitute village' and she'll be like 'oh.'
Holy crap, Boggi leveled twice! Good dog! I mean, he did a pretty good job. Doggo redeemed. Breg and Alyadon also leveled but learned nothing.
I should check at what point jobs stop paying out in terms of abilities.
I got seven more levels for Breg and six for Alyadon before they've learned all they can.
The pirate fortress is actually a ways away from the Tidal Wall. I guess maybe it was a pirate outpost. Pirate watch station? Anyway.
Mission: Finders, Keepers - Flooded Ruins
"The heroes confront the pirate leader."
Ok this map looks a lot less like a pirate fortress than the last one did. I know that they've got to keep the tide gimmick so the levels have to look a way - with a low part and a higher part - but this is a random sandbar with some rocky bits. The other place had a wall! Why you hanging out here, the pirate king?
Party: Brea, Wukki, Rek'yr.
The pirate leader is this random Sifa caster. They coulda given him a name.
The pirate leader caster says no one gets to steal from him and live
Van: "Hey! I'm the only one that gets to threaten her! We're taking you down!"
Jilly: "Yeah, you don't scare us! Together we're unstoppable!"
Heh, these quest characters are alright.
... ok Brea gets killed without ever taking a move because the enemy placement can just up and kill her turn 1. That's... great.
Ok, Jilly died. Good thing Jilly and Van need to survive isn't a condition on this level. And Wukki died =(
Ok, it was a bloodbath like some of the end missions of mission chains are for some reason. Everyone died except Rek'yr and Van. Then again, whats to be expected of a mission where one of my units died first turn because of enemy placement.
Still, the pirates are defeated and their treasure will save an overly taxed village. Hooray!
Van: "We will tell Maudra Seethi of the good you've done this day."
Ok, alright, yes, so thats how the Sifa join the resistance.
Brea levels and learns nothing! Rek'yr levels and learns Edged Slice! I should check to see where he is vis a vis able to go into Grave Dancer (two more levels)! I get the Seafarer's Harpoon! Spears are really common as important clan weapons, I've noticed! This is probably going right on Ivo!
Except the Unite the Clans meter doesn't go up. Which means that you only have to do one of the mission chains to actually get the clan on your side and it doesn't matter which. I thought it was a weird coincidence that I kept doing the one that got you clan allegiance first but nah. In my heart though, it was helping Jilly and Van that did it.
That just leaves the Stonewood and Spriton, I think. Weird that I don't already have the Stonewood on my side but then again, they were all kidnapped by spiders.
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simssprout · 4 years
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sims 4 holiday legacy!
i wanted to make a fun legacy with some silly rules to shake up the traditional goal based legacies! hope you enjoy it!
general rules:
- must complete aspiration, get to level ten of career, and complete extra rules to complete gen
- can use money cheats (if you want it to be traditional legacy, start with 1800 simoleans, if not, download a nice house and have starting funds)
- physical style/dress sense are suggestions, as you can have your sims look however you want
- everyone in household must have an excellent holiday for the holiday that correlates with the gen. if the holiday didnt come with seasons, add it to the calender!
gen 1: new years
as the first holiday of the year, youre ready to get your life, body, and mind into shape!
- traits: active, dog lover, perfectionist
- aspiration: bodybuilder
- career: writer (author)
- must always be dressed “fancy”
- silvery/platinum blonde hair
- max out fitness and writing skill. reach level five of wellness
- if you have the packs, include vintage glamour or luxury party in multiple rooms of your house
- whenever you are tense, must do yoga to cool off
- have a dog with active trait, go for jogs with them often
- only eat foods that you deem as healthy
- visit every gym lot in game (could do just premade ones and/or can add your own)
- marry a sim you met a gym or spa
- only publish motivational books or fitness
- have three friends that you go out with occasionally and party
- get “juiced” every holiday
gen 2: love day
youve been obsessed with romcoms and romance novels since you were a kid. now that youre grown up, you want to fulfill your childhood romance dreams!
- traits: romantic, bookworm, art lover
- aspiration: soulmate
- career: social media, either branch
- pink/red hair
- dress “romantically” (if you have seasons, use heart dress/suit)
- max charisma and painting skill
- must go on weekly dates with significant other
- gush about partner whenever option is avliable
- paint multiple portraits of partner using paint from reference
- only read romance novels and watch romantic tv
- if you have pets, must dress them in cute dresses
- live in the city as a young adult, can move after if you want to
- always go to romance festival
- have a boy and a girl
gen 3: talk like a pirate day
youve always loved the pirate lifestyle, exploring, stealing, and meeting people all over the place. eventhough you cant have a career as a pirate, that dosent stop you!
- traits: kleptomaniac, non-commital, self-assured
- aspiration: jungle explorer
- career: mixologist
- must wear a pirate outfit/hat as an everyday outfit
- max mixology and archeology skill. reach at least level four mischief
- have at least two children with different partners
- marry someone young, divorce, and never marry again
- have multiple boyfriends/girlfriends at a time
- always sell your artifacts and any other “treasure” you find
- complete at least four “plumages” (temples)
- attempt to steal something from every lot you visit
- for extra fun, if you use mc command center, max woohoo skill
- accept any party invite
gen 4: bunny day
you love being outside! in any weather, your family can expect to find you exploring outside in the garden, fishing, or finding some frogs
- traits: loves outdoors, unflirty, clumsy
- aspiration: angling ace
- career: fisherman and have a business (selling flower arrangements and mounted fish) or gardener (floral arranger)
- one outfit should be overalls
- green/purple hair
- this sim really likes hats
- max fishing and flower arranging. reach level 5 gardening and baking
- always talk about the current weather in every conversation
- if raining, shower in the rain instead of your shower
- have a large garden, but only grow flowers
- complete frog collection
- have a full fish tank in your house
- live in a tiny house
- purchase storm chaser and water resistant aspiration traits
- have one child
- become BFF with flower bunny
gen 5: earth day
the love your parent had for nature passed onto you. you want to make sure youre enjoying outside, while also protecting it!
- traits: green fiend, maker, gloomy
- aspiration: outdoor enthusiast
- career: eco innovator
- have green hair
- have a boho style
- live in either storage container or tiny home
- max herbalism and fabrication
- when you visit - must pick plain lot and sleep in a tent
- live off the grid and/or have surplus of energy
- have a large garden full of just fruits/veggies
- gift your herbal recipes to friends and family
- have bees and bugs
- have dumpster dived furniture in every room (once you unlock smog vaccum)
- one day a week do not eat a meal, only eat harvestables
- vote for a community garden maker space if living in evergreen harbour
- optional: can become a plant sim
gen 6: simspendence day
the party lifestyle is the lifestyle for you! friends, drinking, and fun is how you live your life! but you also make time to solve and end crime in your wonderful world!
- traits: dance machine, bro, jealous
- aspiration: party animal or island life
- career: detective
- red/yellow hair
- wears sunglasses often, even in cold weather!
- live in oasis springs
- any cooking you do must be on a grill or over a fire
- max guitar, dancing, and dj skill. reach level 4 fitness
- sing karaoke whenever theres a karaoke machine present
- have gold on every event type
- get suntans often
- ride bikes and kick soccer balls often
- have a large backyard with hot tub, fire pit, and water slides
- have two kids, have a good relationship with both. no parenting interactions though.
- watch sports tv only
- have five good friends (not including family). give two of them your house key
gen 7: prank day
what can you say? pranking is fun! messing with people and rilling them up is your favorite passtime.
- traits: goofball, ambitious, mean
- aspiration: chief of mischief
- career: engineer
- max comedy, mischief, and robotics
- always do a funny introduction to people
- use voodoo doll everytime you see the person it is bound to
- go to all dance parties you are invited to after 8pm and prank people
- create a servo
- marry someone that you had a bad relationship with originally
- you really like bowling. take your dates/family bowling often
- have a sad clown painting in your house
- if theres a microphone present, perform a comedy routine
gen 8: spooky day
youve always been obsessed with the spooky season and occult sims. now that you have your own house, its always spooky season!
- traits: loner, genius, neat
- aspiration: nerd brain
- career: astronaut
- black hair
- this sim wears glasses
- max rocket science, handiness
- befriend one of every occult
- can have a spooky house or just always have it decorated spooky
- must have at least one everyday outfit that is a “costume”
- always have carved pumpkins outside your door
- complete geode collection
- visit sixam at least three times
- have a child from a one night stand. do not marry that sim. marry an occult sim
gen 9: harvestfest
cooking has been an outlet for you since your parents let you near the stove. you love creating recipes for your family, friends, and even pets to try!
- traits: glutton, lazy, cat lover
- aspiration: big happy family or successful lineage
- career: own a vet
- yellow/orange hair
- wears mostly warm (tan, brown, yellow, orange) clothes
- max gourment cooking and vet skill
- have all 8 slots full (can include pets)
- must cook homemade pet recipes weekly
- have a little veggie patch for fresh ingredients
- befriend patchy
- whenever eating food not made by you, complain about the meal
- if you cook something less than excellent quality, throw it away and make a new dish, no matter how hungry you are
- get married twice
- rake leaves and then woohoo in them
- have family move nights schedules on the calendar!
gen 10: winterfest
winter is the best! the good food, cold weather, and constant family time is what life is all about!
- traits: family oriented, cheerful, materialistic
- aspiration: lady of the knits
- career: education
- blue/silvery hair
- wear lots of sweaters and cozy clothing
- max cooking and knitting
- give presents to family members everytime you see them
- keep a christmas tree in house year round
- must declare “snow” as favorite weather
- every day there is snow on ground, you must interact with it (snowball fight, shovel, snowpal, snow angel etc)
- have at least three children
- befriend father winter (can marry if you want to)
- complete snowglobe collection
- get the cold acclimation reward trait
- have a dinner party once every two weeks and cook a grand meal everytime
- have lots of family pictures in your house
- get the polar plunge player achievement (can make a holiday)
- always have a fireplace lit
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 4 years
The Voyage So Far: Skypiea
east blue (1 | 2) || alabasta (1 | 2) || skypiea || water 7 || enies lobby || thriller bark || paramount war (1 | 2) || fishman island || punk hazard || dressrosa (1 | 2) || whole cake island || wano (1 | 2)
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the bar scene in jaya is one i didn’t really get the first time i read it- like nami, i mostly found luffy and zoro’s refusal to fight back frustrating more than anything else. i didn’t realize the connection to shanks in the prologue until someone else pointed it out awhile later, but when i did, it made me appreciate the entire sequence and luffy’s choices a lot more. 
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honestly, i know this is one of the pages that gets the most attention from jaya, and it absolutely deserves it. blackbeard here is effectively dropping one of the biggest main themes of the series- people’s dreams don’t end!!- and how interesting that we get that delivered by the antagonist to the protagonist, instead of the other way around? how often do you see a series do that? 
and the line hits. look at the emphasis. there’s absolutely nothing on these two pages except for the three strawhats, blackbeard, and blackbeard’s line, bigger than anything else. 
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chapter 232, with luffy punching out bellamy in one hit is still, to this day, probably my favorite one piece chapter. it opens with the drunk pirate seeing the newspaper with luffy’s hundred million bounty and realizing just who bellamy was kicking around, and it hits on one of my favorite plot threads of one piece- the growing infamy of the strawhats and luffy in particular, and their rise in the world. 
the atmosphere of the whole scene is so good, the tension in their air, the way all the bar patrons jump when luffy yells for bellamy to come out- and when the hit comes, the satisfaction is visceral. 
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i’ve talked about it before, but god, i LOVE the way one piece defines “romance”- the arthurian kind of romance, the adventurous kind, that romanticizes the world and its wonders- romance dawn. in an arc as thematically heavy as jaya, it makes sense that it, too, is explicitly brought up. can you think of a more romantic, impossible adventure than traveling to the sky?
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nami’s confidence when faced with the task of navigating into the sky is so fantastic. 
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the expressions, and the art in general, in skypiea, are really so lovely. look at the variety between the strawhats when they first emerge from the white-white sea to lay eyes on angel island. look how expressive they all are!! i have such a soft place in my heart for the art in these earlier arcs, honestly.
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somewhat related to the above: there are so many little moments in skypiea where the strawhats just get to have FUN, and be stupid, and get fleshed out more as characters, and honestly it’s such a delight. also, everyone’s skypiea outfits were just really really good. cowboy hat robin... i miss u every day 
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i really like the whole scene where robin is exploring the ruins, and these panels in particular have such a lovely sort of ethereal look to them. i love seeing robin doing archeology, i think for the same reason i love to see sanji cooking- the strawhats are all such cool and passionate people, and it’s really really nice to see them doing and talking about the things they love and excel at most. 
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i’m sure i’ve said it before but i LOVE how logia powers are depicted, especially when used to avoid an attack. it’s so cool. ace’s cover story runs through most of this arc, and we get some great examples of it there as well. 
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1. wife 
2. skypiea is SUCH a good character-building arc for robin- which is good, because the next saga is almost entirely predicated on how much both the audience and the strawhats care about her. it’s here where we learn about her passion for archeology, her reverence for history, and get a much better look at the softer sides of her personality and her fast-growing admiration and affection for the strawhats. 
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man, enel has so many huge, terrifyingly powerful shows of force throughout this arc, but this right here, this little sequence where he appears behind raki between panels without warning and we see him reflected in her eye, communicates better than absolutely anything else just why he’s a nightmare.
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“jonny you sure are posting a lot of panels of zoro being cool without any real commentary” yeah. he kicks ass in this arc 
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conis is a very underrated character, i think. she’s pretty easy to overlook, but she also manages to completely break the indoctrination she’s been raised into and gambles her own life to save most of the population of angel island from complete extermination. she yells that she doesn’t recognize enel as god, an instant death sentence at any other time, just to get them to listen to her. 
there’s a moment, in this scene, where a boy throws a rock at her for insulting enel, and she just stands there, and lets the blood trickle down her face, and keeps making her case. honestly, i really like her.
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look at this page. look how it’s framed. luffy in the foreground, taking up most of the page- enel in the background, tiny, inconsequential. 
now that’s how you draw god’s natural enemy. 
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this is one of my favorite nami character moments in the whole manga. nami is a greedy person. she has a lot of things she wants. it’s one of her defining traits. 
but when faced with someone with godlike power, offering her absolutely anything she wants if she’ll just abandon her friends and come with him- she doesn’t want anything, for that price, even with her life on the line if she declines. she knows exactly what her treasure is. 
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obviously this is an awesome panel, but sanji’s little smile just before enel strikes him is what really, really makes it for me. he’s about to get slammed with several thousand volts of lightning, but more importantly, nami and usopp are going to be safe. 
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the skypiea flashback is one of my very favorites, and also the first time one piece ever made me cry. i nearly cried just flipping through it again for this post. it’s just so fucking devastating.
noland never stopped looking, and calgara never stopped waiting, and neither of them ever lost faith in each other despite how badly they fell out at the end, and wow, that just kills me. but at the same time, it makes the way the flashback and the main story come together at the end so satisfying and cathartic.
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i do think skypiea has one of the best climaxes of any arc. the way all the disparate elements and plot threads- enel, the story of noland and calgara, the war between the skypieans and shandians, cricket’s search down on jaya- come together and tie up so perfectly that the entire arc can be ended by the ringing of a single massive bell is nothing less than genius writing. 
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i really love the establishment of roger’s poneglyph message and all the things it implies here. it raises so many questions, most of which we’ve only now gotten answered, in wano. oda’s capacity for long-term storytelling is one of his greatest strengths, and this is probably one of my favorite examples of it. (see also, in jaya when sanji mentions offhand that he was born in north blue.)
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i just really love seeing them all smiling, and i love the parallels to calgara and noland’s sendoff here. feels like a wound finally healing, after four hundred years. 
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and, of course, it ends with cricket, asking what crazy, romantic dream they’re going to chase down next. because this is one piece!! just because you find the end of one rainbow doesn’t mean you stop looking for the next one. 
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germanicseidr · 4 years
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This is a rewritten post on the Frisii tribe, my previous post is over a year old so I wanted to update it by adding more information.
The Frisii were a Germanic tribe who lived above the Rhine in areas that are now known as modern day Noord-Holland, Friesland, Groningen, the Wadden islands in the Netherlands and East-Frisia in Germany. They should not be confused with the Frisians, a tribe which settled in the same area at a later time period, The Frisians and Frisii are however not completely foreign to each other, some Frisii stayed behind and were absorbed by the Frisians, the oldest still existing Germanic culture. The Frisii were neighboured by the Cananefates to the south and Chauci to the east, the west and north were part of the north sea.
The meaning of their name is derived from the Proto-Germanic word 'frisaz' which means 'curly'. There is a common misunderstanding that the word Frisii, and the later Frisian, comes from the word freeze/vriezen or freedom but this is not correct although understandably a good possible meaning.
The origins of the Frisii is still a bit unclear but there are viable theories. Unlike other tribes, like the Chatti, Lombards, Batavi, Cananefates etc.. who all migrated southwards and settled in their territories around 100BC, the Frisii are a lot older. In fact we do not know how old exactly they are but there are several theories:
The most likely theory is that the early Frisii, also called Proto-Frisians, migrated southwards from northern Germany and Denmark around 1000BC. Somewhere around 700BC they migrated from modern day Drenthe towards modern day Friesland, Groningen and Noord-Holland. There is however a more controversial theory that suggests the birth of the Frisii started with their patron-mother the Goddess Freya.
According to this theory a line of matriarchal rulers, known as folk mothers, were descendants of Freya herself and responsible for the creation of the Frisii, this would mean that the origin of the tribe is not around 700BC but around 2200BC. Here is a line of Frisii folk mothers starting with the Goddess Freya: Freya - somewhere around 2000BC Fasta, Medea, Thiania, Hellenia, Minna, Rosamond, Hellicht, Frana, Adela and Gosa. Of course if there was a continuous matriarchal line for about 1500 years long, this would include many more names but those are lost in time. This theory is based on the information found in the Oera Linda book, a highly disputed manuscript worthy of its own post so I will write about it in the near future.  An altar stone has been found near modern day Xanten however with the following description: "MATRIBUS FRISAVIS PATERNIS" which could refer to these ancient Frisii matriarchs making the Oera Linda book theory possible.
By 100BC the Frisii were quite a large and powerful tribe who had established themselves fully in their current territory. Their first encounter with the Roman empire was around 12BC when Drusus Germanicus, one of Rome's most succesful generals, invaded Germania with the intention to turn the land into a province of Rome.
Drusus Germanicus, not to be confused with the other Roman general called Germanicus, was incredibly succesful with his invasion. He subjugated every Germanic tribe in his path including the Frisii who were forced to be allies of Rome. The Romans also built a fort, their most northern one, at modern day Velsen to keep an eye on the Frisii. It is likely that all of Germania would have become a Roman province if Germanicus didn't die after a fall from his horse in 9BC.
The Frisii delivered auxiliary troops to Rome and they had to pay taxes which led to high tensions between the tribe and Rome. The taxes were incredibly unfair as the Romans demanded large skins of cows which did not even exist in Frisii territory, they only had a small breed of cows. This rising tension eventually led to the Frisii revolting against Rome in 28AD. The Frisii hung Roman tax collectors which infuriated Rome.
Olennius, a Roman centurion in charge of Frisii administration, escaped the lynching party and hid himself at Castellum Flevum, the most northern fort the Romans ever built. The Frisii however marched onwards to this fort but were unable to capture it, archeological research shows traces of heavy fighting at this fort. The Frisii retreated back towards their sacred grove dedicated to their Goddess of war, Baduhenna, luring the Romans with them.
The Romans chased the Frisii right into the sacred grove. This was however a dreadful decision since the Frisii knew their swampy estuary terrain very well and were extra motivated by being in the presence of their battle Goddess. Almost all of the Romans were slaughtered, 900 of them, some according to legends, were captured and sacrificed to Baduhenna right in her grove. Another 400 Roman soldiers killed each other out fear of treachery, the event has been quoted by Tacitus:
"Soon afterwards it was ascertained from deserters that nine hundred Romans had been cut to pieces in a wood called Baduhenna, after prolonging the fight to the next day, and that another body of four hundred, which had taken possession of the house of one Cruptorix, once a soldier in our pay, fearing betrayal, had perished by mutual slaughter." - Tacitus
The Frisii name thus became famous in Germania and Roman emperor Tiberius tried to keep the Roman defeat a secret, not wishing to entrust anyone with the war because of the shame. The Roman fort in modern day Noord-Holland was abandoned after the revolt and the Frisii became free people once again and remained so until the medieval ages.
The earliest known written record that we have about the Frisii comes from a Roman poet Albinovanus Pedo. In one of his poems, he describes a disaster that occured during Germanicus' campaigns to avenge the Teutoburgerwald battle. This disaster took place around the Eems river in Frisii territory around 16AD and involves a storm destroying parts of his fleet:
"For a long time they had left the day and the sunlight behind them, for a long time they looked exiles from the well known part of the world, who had dared to go through forbidden darkness to the boundaries of nature and the furthest coast of the earth.
From here they saw him, the sea, carrying huge monsters under slow waves with rising wild whales and the dogs of the sea on all sides grabbing ships. The fleet was already in the mud, left behind by a rapid storm. They believed that their unfortunate fate was to be torn apart by these wild sea monsters.
The world was robbed, nothing could be distinguished, his breath was taken from him, and thus he spoke from his heart: Where do we end up? The day itself is fleeing and nature closes the rest of the world with eternal darkness. Do we sometimes look for people untouched by wars? The gods call us back, forbid that mortal eyes see the end of everything. Why do we violate a strange and consecrated sea with oars? Why do we disturb the silent dwellings of the gods?" - Albinovadus Pedo
The next written mention is quite an interesting one. It involves a dispute about land on the Roman border area. Two Frisii leaders, Verritus and Malorix decided to travel to Rome in 58AD and defend their case about this piece of land. During their stay in Rome, they amused the Romans greatly by refusing to sit down amongst the common people in a theater exclaiming that: "No people can match the Germanics in loyalty and bravery!" They then proceeded sitting down next to the Roman senators present in the theater. The Roman emperor, Nero, found the whole event quite amusing himself and granted Verritus and Malorix roman citizenship. This account, described by Tacitus, is also the first account of foreign tourists visiting Rome who were mentioned by name.
In 69AD, during a particulary tough year for the Romans, the Batavi revolted against the Roman empire. The Frisii joined this revolt which was initially quite succesful. Unfortunately the revolt was put down by the Romans the following year, resulting in severe trust issues between the Romans and the Batavi and Cananefates.
By 98AD Tacitus published his work 'Germania' and also provices us with a small description on the Frisii. He separated the tribe in two parts, the Frisii Maiores and the Frisii Minores. The Minores lived in what is now Noord-Holland and the Maiores lived in what is now Frisia and Groningen. Here is a description on the Frisii landscape:
"The terrain is fierce, the climate is rough, life and landscape are bleak. You only come here if it's your homeland." - Tacitus
No significant recorded events exist after 98AD, the history on the Frisii between 100AD-300AD is pretty much unknown. We do know that parts of the Frisii joined the Cananefaat pirate/proto-viking Gannascus in his raids on several settlements, mainly in Gaul. These attacks infuriated Rome and led to improved defenses being built by them. Gannascus is eventually assassinated by the Romans under the pretence of a negotiation which caused great outrage amongst the Chauci, Frisii and Cananefates. The Roman emperor of that time, Claudius, feared a violent conflict with these tribes and withdrew Roman forces from the Rhine in order to ease tensions.
Around 300AD the Saxon confederation came into existence and bordered the Frisii directly to the east. The Western Roman empire started to decline rapidly during this time period as well leaving the borders vulnerable for invasions. With the Huns invading Europe, economic hardship, climate change, failed harvests and empty Roman borders, came the great migration. Many Frisii migrated either southwards to become absorbed by the Franks or to the west by invading Britannia together with the Angles, Saxons and Jutes. Only very few Frisii remained in their original homeland, we have archeological evidence that some did indeed stay.
Frisii lands were now almost completely deserted until the arrival of Saxons and Jutes who settled the area together with the few remaining Frisii. These new settlers started to call themselves Frisians, after the ancient Frisii. The Frisians still exist until this day and they have a rich history which deserves a post of its own, which will be coming very soon.
The last thing I want to mention is the auxiliary troops that the Frisii supplied Rome with. The Notitia Dignitatum, a Roman document that describes details of the administrative organisation of the empire, mentions a Frisii cohort stationed at Vindobala, a fort located at Hadrian's wall. This entry 'Tribunes cohortis primae Frixagorum Vindobala' however contains a possible spelling mistake, Frixagorum instead of Frisiavonum. This entry might however also refer to the Frisiavones tribe unrelated to the Frisii.
Here are images of: A map showing the location of the Frisii, A reconstruction of Castellum Flevum, A depiction of the Frisii fighting Romans by an unknown artist, A reconstruction of a Frisii fortification, A small piece of a Roman helmet, bottom left, found at Velsen where once the Castellum Flevum stood which was attacked by the Frisii, A depiction of the Goddess Freyja, the ancestral mother of the Frisii, from 1874,
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missallsundaes · 3 years
And allow me to ask about your selfships in flowers now, iris and zinnia
Both of these have a little bit diff answers to the rest.
Iris - Does your self insert for your f/os source material have a detailed and complex story and character arc, or are they just kind of vibing?
EVENTUALLY I will need to do a self ship post I can link too, because I have a different self insert for each of my top threes. The SIMPLE answer is they all have detailed backstories. The detailed answer I'll put under a cut at the bottom of this post.
Zinnia - how often do you think about your f/o? Do they live in your head rent free, or do you not think about them for months on end before suddenly hyperfixating on them nonstop for a week?
; w ; I feel like you've seen my blog, I never stop thinking about my boys. Sanji and Corazon occupy the most of my brain, but if I see Buggy I get emotional over him too.
OKAY SO HERE I GO about my self inserts. All three are me in personality, interests, and talents. All three have pink hair and green eyes, and glasses.
My s/i Ace x Sanji is an art historian from the South Blue.
They were traveling on a ship that was transporting priceless paintings from one island to another for an exhibition, when the ship was attacked by pirates after the artwork to sell for the Beri it would get them. They were one of only a couple of survivors of this attack, getting away on a scrap of wood that was floating that they managed to scramble on top of. They were rescued by the Straw Hats. This fits in canon timeline between Little Garden and Drum. They fall for Sanji very quickly, despite his bad habits, infatuated with his flirty nature and constant compliments. Despite Nami's warnings that he was like that with "all women," after they come out as nonbinary to Sanji during a heart to heart, he still treats them with the love and affection that made them fall for him. They bond while cooking together, taste testing each other's food and experimenting with new recipes at dinner for the crew. Make quick best friends with Usopp over mutual loves for drawing, plants, bugs, and being snipers. (They are trained in archery.) Jinbei reminds them of their late father, and they quickly get very attracted to the Fishman, looking up to him and asking him for guidance often. Other best friend is Robin, they bond over art history and how it related to archeology, she helps teach them to read poneglyphs so they can help her. [[Sometimes trio ship with Usopp bc I also love Usopp and Sanuso is my otp]]
My s/i Ace x Corazon is a Selkie from the North Blue. This OC is Canon Divergent
Info on Selkies (mostly based on Real World Mythos, but some tweaking done for OP Universe)
Legends Say that a man who finds a selkie for a wife are blessed with a beautiful obedient wife. At least that’s the human version of the tale. In the selkie world, it is a warning, a cautionary tale: never be caught by a human man, lest you have your coat stolen and never return to the sea. Selkies are generally only found in the farthest north points of the North Blue, where seals are abundant. True to legends, Selkies can shift between human and seal form with the use of their coats or seal skins. Selkies are thought to be rarer than mermaids, but due to the nature of their transformation, true numbers are unknown outside the community. When a selkie has her skin stolen she has a compulsion to marry the person who stole it, usually with discomfort to the selkie. If her coat is willingly given to a man, it must be willingly given back. Selkies sometimes bare children to the man they marry, but when they find the hiding place of their coat they will abandon these children to return to the sea. Some legends say that these children are sometimes visited or saved by large seals later in their lives. When selkies first transform, their coat is the clothes they are wearing, so they are naked until clothed in the human fashion.
My self insert specifically!
In seal form, they are a harp seal, dusty grey with dark spots. In human form they have long dusty pink hair and deep dark green eyes, large like a seals. Their coat takes the form of a fluffy winter coat, with the same colors as their seal skin. When they are wearing their coat, it works similar to a zoan fruit, they can transform by choice, and can do a hybrid form (similar to a mermaid) as well. Not trained in any particular fighting style, they're not much use in a battle, but they know basic first aid and are a good support to a team. They witnessed the murder of Corazon by Doffy (and prior, saw Law being placed in the treasure chest). //Canon Divergent// When Doffy leaves the island, leaving Corazon dying in the snow, They nurse him back to health slowly, giving him their coat to keep warm so that he doesn't freeze to death, and builds a small fire to keep him alive. When he comes to, they help him move inside the partially destroyed building. He gives her coat back willingly after explaining to him what it means to her, and that and his deep caring nature made her fall for him. When he's well enough to travel she travels with him so that he can reunite with Law, and they 'adopt' him.
My self ship for Ace x Buggy is a performance Clown part of the Buggy Pirates.
Ace has been a part of the crew for as long as any of the other original members and harbored feelings for their captain for a very long time before eventually breaking down and confessing after feeling like they were going to lose him to impel down. Buggy is initially very awkward and flustered and nervous about the confession but admits that he had feelings too. He's a bit of a tsundere so sometimes it takes a lot to get hid real feelings out in the open. Buggy has huge jealousy issues and will be very very possessive. Has a huge soft spot for Ace. They fight with a comically large hammer, and with a similar style to capoeira where they are dancing as they fight. They are obnoxious after they're officially together, but it's cute.
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phoebehalliwell · 3 years
Piper/Kyle, except it's an AU where Kyle's parents were never killed by demons, so he lived a perfectly normal, happy childhood and grew up to follow their footsteps into teaching and Kyle's a normal, maybe even a little boring archaeology professor who secretly dreams of having his very own Indiana Jones moment - up until the day he opens some dusty old chest and unleashes a demon that tries to kill him, and he barely gets away only to run into this petite brunette woman who proceeds to blow the demon the fuck up, and Kyle's never believed in love at first sight before, but he's pretty sure he can make an exception for Piper
wait omg mentally stable kyle au okay wait i gotta wrap my head around this kyle but not absofuckinlutely insane whatta picture omg. okay. i feel like he’s still gotta have this belief in the supernatural i feel like that’s a large part of the charm in literally any kyle dynamic with the sisters is Witch Who Gets It and Man Who’s Only Got Raw Data. there’s an appeal to that. seeing things from different angles all that. so we can say kyle ever good at puzzles has taken his parents notes and everything he knows and various texts and kinda pieced together okay magic does exist. but in this au he’s a professor and not an fbi agent so he can’t just walk around saying Magic Is Real because um he needs this job. also he’s never seen it. but like. the data does not like. like. like it’s real man like are you kidding me. and we’ll say he has one normal friend because he’s normal in this au and he’s like okay here me out tho magic is real and his friend is like ......okay. because like. it could be, i guess? i’m not gonna fight you on this. and kyle also definitely read a lot as a kid he reads a lot now and he’s always kinda like. like you know wondered what it might be like to be a man of action not someone stuck behind a desk all day seeing the world through books. so when he starts to see markers of the gathering storm,,, well. these are the times that make a man. he can either be a pussy about it and keep living his life through paper and ink, or he can follow his intuition. blah blah blah this leads him to get kidnapped by pirates which like. excuse me??? and kyle’s kinda kicking himself because he Wanted to be like a character in an adventure book and well like bada bing bada boom you get what you ask for. which. all due respect on his part. is smart enough to outwit them and escape. he might have dropped his wallet there tho. but when he goes back the same route wandering through the thick fog, all he finds is a solid wall of rock. so i guess he’s fucked in that regard. whoops. but!! magic is real. so that’s a dub. digs a little bit more into the blackjack cutting lore, maybe finds the x marks the spot on where their main hideout was, road trip to. seattle? i guess? port city that isn’t san francisco but is more reasonable to drive to that like. nola or boston. and lo and behold he finds it and find their documentation of the gathering storm accidentally trips a booby trap and jesus fucking christ pirate skeletons with sword which - respectfully - kyle is holding his own for the most part, not getting immediately worried, but there’s no way that would have lasted had the three skeletons not been blown to pieces. and he looks over and sees three brunettes and the one in the center is like who the hell are you? to which kyle really feels like He should be the one asking that question but after stammering out some kind of response about how he’s a professor and he was just looking for some soil samples something generic archaeological because hey. he doesn’t trust these women. he doesn’t know what side they’re on. and he’s not just gonna sacrifice the information he has on the gathering storm. and it’s obvious they don’t believe him, but they don’t kill him either. instead, the one in the center just says be more careful where you leave your stuff and tosses his wallet back to him.
and later at the manor paige is like we just let him go?? and phoebe’s like yeah how to we know he’s not a demon? he wouldn’t be the first to pose as a mortal in the mortal world (because phoebe went to the university to return kyle’s wallet because like it has is ID in it employee id all that under the guise of like. giving a lecture to some of the student’s there as the bay’s leading advice columnist oh hey is there a kyle brody here yeah haha he’s a friend of a friend anyone seen him no he’s on vacation right now? left real abruptly? and then immediately went into his office and touched every surface trying to get a premonition (au in which phoebe didn’t get her powers stripped) and concluded that he’s just Some Guy. like he like has friends and a nine to five and an apartment. so a guy). but piper’s like we don’t know. but we also don’t know what he’s up to or what his connection to the pirates was, which is why i cast a tracking spell on the wallet. and both phoebe and paige approve and in this au again phoebe didn’t get her powers stripped so in styx feet under it’s her and paige on mission and as paige is the one who cast the protection spell and as paige is also very stubborn and also refuses to let innocents die she is the one who gets to become death. she also has a very compelling relationship with death because like. she watched her parents die. and she’s prue’s replacement. the replacement for the dead girl. also fun paige/prue parallel! meanwhile right Should state in any piper/kyle au we just extend pleo’s divorce era by having him remain an elder and keeping that early s6 vibe. so piper’s definitely like a bit more neurotic than normal because you know things haven’t gone great for her and those pirates were warning about the gathering storm and honestly that better not be something that’s gonna hurt her boys because she really could not bear to lose another family member so she’s doing some digging which begins to imply that kyle knows more that he let on so where is he now? the university? great.
and kyle’s you know minding his own business in his office when the same woman practically kicks down his door and is like alright i’m gonna ask again who the hell are you and this time you better answer me honestly. to which: wow. like wow. she’s. she’s a force to be reckoned with and also kinda immediately gains points in kyle’s book for like a) kinda confronting him about knowing more because he’s pretty good at covering his tracks all that so if he’s been Found Out it’s by someone good and b) she also disintegrated evil pirate skeletons so like. 👍. But. he does not trust her for shit. no. absolutely not. he has no reason to. but piper’s not yielding blasts a hole in the wall near his head like quickly now or next time i won’t miss but kyle’s so fuckin stubborn he’s like 🤐 and piper’s. i mean, she can’t kill an innocent. she doesn’t know if that’s who he is, but she can’t run that risk. and kyle’s not saying shit, so she leaves.
then it’s the guardian angel episode where the charmed ones are there on instruction (though they don’t know what they’re looking for. maybe they were just scrying for information) and kyle’s there on a hunch and piper and kyle see each other and it’s um. mac charlie see each other from across the room reaction image. both like. what the fuck are you doing here? and in this one paige is still the one to get her guardian angel stolen and piper’s immediately on high alert because you know big sister/mom mode activated. but they don’t know what they’re looking for and kyle’s like it’s her guardian angel. and piper once again snaps to him firey look in her eyes but kyle’s really just trying to place nice here so he’s like guardian angels. they’ve been going missing being stolen whatever. he’s got the research on it. and piper doesn’t want to trust him but paige is really in grave danger. so, as the sister with the offensive power, she’s going with kyle, and phoebe has to make sure paige doesn’t like. pull a grams. (which for the record i do not accept prewitched as canon but like the elders definitely killed grams <3)
so blah blah blah piper’s now and kyle’s place which is ten times worse than his office because this is where he does his real work and he’s got all the guardian angel shit up and out and is explaining it to piper and it’s making sense but what catches her eye is something on the gathering storm that kyle left out now they’re talking about that they’re starting to realize they’re on the same side. blah blah blah save paige. next episodes what werewolf episode. skip. then!! idk paige still runs magic school right so she’s in the library and she calls piper and she’s like hey remember when you told me to keep an eye out on the gathering storm? and piper’s like yes yeah what is it? and she’s like well we’re inventorying the library and we have books on them and piper’s like that’s good news ! ? and paige is like yeah but we’re missing one. book five. in this something something series. and piper knows Exactly where that book is because she fucking saw it on kyle’s kitchen counter. so now she’s barging into kyle’s place which is getting to be a common occurrence at this point and kyle kinda wants to complain but this is by far the most interesting his life’s been ever and honestly? he’d be kinda bummed if piper stopped kicking down his door. wait actually scratch that you want my book no fuck you changed my mind. to which piper’s like look we’re looking for the same goal here right so give me the book because i have the rest of the series and this could be the missing puzzle piece and kyle’s like okay fine i’ve read the book cover to cover give me the rest of the series and i’ll get you your answers and piper’s like okay let’s get things straight here i’m the witch you’re some two bit archeology professor so when it comes to the handling of sacred magical tomes i’ll be taking the reigns here and kyle’s like fine then you won’t be taking the book. and piper’s like wanna bet and the next think kyle knows he’s hearing the door slam his book’s gone and he’s hearing tires peel out onto the street and he has no idea how she did it. 
back at the manor piper’s got her reading glasses on an volume one open and god this fucking sucks. so she makes phoebe take a stab at it and she hates reading it too. paige also starts it and is like respectfully no. piper’s the only one who did the reading in high school. this is her turf. but my god she cannot make it through all eight of these fucking books. So. she calls kyle. he has to come to the manor because there’s no way she’s giving him the books and there’s no way she’s letting him in magic school so. hi. welcome to the house. but!! by a contrived plot device!!!! a gnome has been shot in magic school this book was the only thing at the scene and paige wants to investigate further but she can’t just leave it out there so she brings it back to the manor she’s gonna cast some spell to find out if there are already spells on the book how to reverse it she just needs to find the spell first and like. there’s no way in hell paige ever wears an outfit with big enough pockets to keep the book on her. so she leaves it on the table. to which kyle asks how this is relevant to the collection. to which piper says don’t open that!! whoops. see, this is why i said we don’t let two bit archeology professors near magical books! piper/kyle charmed noir..............
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the---hermit · 3 years
Tag people you want to know better 🌿
I was tagged by @sage-studies (thank you!!). I think I did this not too long ago, but let's go again, some things curely have changed.
Favourite colour: dark purple! I generally like darker colours, so black, dark red, dark green.
Currently reading: other than a couple of archeological articles I have to study for an exam, I am reading Miti Romani by Licia Ferro e Maria Monteleone. I also have a couple of books I am tecnically reading, but I have paused them in the past weeks.
Last song: I was listenin to one of my favourite epic/folk music playlists of youtube (here's the link x). I kid you not, this is one of my favoutire compilations ever, I listen to a lot of epic, celtic, folk music, expecially when I write.
Sweet, savoury or spicy: all of them depending on the mood (pretty sure this was the exact same answer last time)
Last film: pretty sure it was a rewatch of Pirates of the Caribbean with my brother
Last series: I have just finished the second season (second half of the first season ? I have no idea) of Lupin on Netflix
Cravings: okay I have no idea if this is supposed to be food cravings of what, but since I have just finished eating, I'll go off topic. I am currently living in the desire of getting, and reading, a new witchy book. I've been on the hunt for a good book for a while now, cause I haven't read much on the topic in a lot. I have found a couple of interesting titles and I am fighting the urge to buy them in this exact moment.
Tea or coffee: I really like coffee but it fucks my anxiety up so bad, plus I am a total tea addict so, tea.
Currently working on: studying for a late antiquity and early middle ages archeology exam, on the 1st of September!
I am tagging (no pressure, and sorry if I tagged you the other time aswell) : @anxiousoptimist101 , @peregrination-studies , @rylie-studies and if you see this and you want to do this pretend I tagged you directly and have fun!
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jitteryjive · 3 years
FANTSY AU OH BOY*sits down and brings out a bag of popcorn and a large fanta* I WANA LISTEN ABOUT THIS ONE
also apologies for this taking so long to answer!!! I wanted to write everything down :)
warning: this will be a long post even though it’s incomplete! also this will contain ode/pmtok chapter three spoilers since I’m not ignoring the fact that the game exists
tags contain all triggers.
okay, so basically, this niche au is entirely centered around the protagonists of my normal pmtok fics, consisting of Sea Captain, Ode, Prof, Cherub, DJ, and Shroomses. I’m sorry I don’t know why it’s such jitteryjive-protags-toadcentric but whatever, sorry guys
let’s start five thousand years ago. five thousand years ago, a pirate by the name of Captain Ode stole a legendary item from the heavens called the Marino.
it was simply a simple barter for the crown of the desert, belonging to a widespread king named King Shroomses (not to interrupt but HOLY FUCK his later designs in this story are like YES). for a while now, he’s held a grudge against him, as he’s much more skilled in stealing in this au and does stuff to fuck with him.
so, one day, Ode comes to make a deal with the King. he proposes that, if he lets him inherit the entire kingdom right now, he’ll have in possession both the Marino and boundless riches he’d stolen from aristocrats and oligarchies.
however, things don’t go as planned. Ode is captured by the King in response to the deal, surprising him.
he’s told to return the Marino to the heavens or else. like the crafty pirate that he is, Ode creates a plan to get away with the crown, and to seal the deal in a way the King won’t realize.
he tries to become king in the dead of night. he’s found attempting to steal the responsibility of being a ruler of the Kingdom, and apparently, this was the last straw.
this is where canon goes downhill. instead of being frozen and revived yadayada, he’s brutally executed on the spot (it’s not relevant to the plot but he was guillotined if you were wondering, ouch).
even though he’s, well, dead now, the King is still upset over his fuckery, and with necromancers growing stronger around him, he decides to take measures to ensure he will never walk the earth ever again.
he creates an elaborate labyrinth and hides the body of the pirate, convinced no one will ever revive his presence, and he goes back to his throne.
that isn’t the end of his story, though— he feels worse and worse for executing him in such a painful way, all on a personal grudge. it isn’t kingly at all to feel petty and take a technically innocent person’s life, even if everything he said was genuine.
over time, in his head, his morals degrade and his ruling abilities deteriorate as he falls into madness, believing he isn’t fit to rule at all with such a sin committed.
King Shroomses goes to Sedjet, the Fire God, to receive punishment. however, as a divine being due to his blessings, he cannot die from fire (MARY SUE ALERT /j).
he is severely injured, though, earning permanent magic scars all over his body that reek of flames and intended death.
so, what does he do now, to step onto the gallows and rid his kingdom of his evil doings?
the King decides to put himself into eternal sleep (contrasting from the non-au theory that he didn’t intend to sleep for a couple thousand years lmao). he curses himself a flower called the sleeping lily, shutting down his body and sending him into what is essentially a magic coma. he cannot be woken up, unless the lily is destroyed (causing him immense pain), or his living conscience is taken over. the way the curse works is that he allows himself to only think— his intention is to suffer and think over everything he’s done, to rid his body and his kingdom of anymore of his madness and horrible intention.
he orders his kingdom to set a new ruler, and to seal him into a room where his flowers will be kept and connected to his immobilized body. combined with the heavy doors, the flower’s intense properties, and the now hidden key to the room, there is essentially no way to wake him up. the King has finally gotten his wish— he will do the same as Ode and never live again.
he earns the new nickname of the Sleeping King, the once proud and prominent ruler dissolving into nothing more than a mysterious legend and a locked room. again, it’s what he would’ve wanted, to lose everything he’d built up to.
now, present time! woohoo!
five thousand years later, the story now focuses on a young bard by the name of Peter (this is DJ in the au, it’s his first name). Peter is a necromancer bard who comes from a long line of.. oh, pyromancers. they’re not very happy he’s chosen a different route in magic. (this is based off my headcanon/theory that he’s the Lighthouse Keeper in pmcs, just for kicks n laughs lol)
they have dreams of being able to revive someone great, to be known as an important necromancer who’s skilled at what they do. he’s had a dream to revive those important to him, too, considering an incident from long ago when a face-stealing monster (hole punch, not derogatory) took his friends’ lives and nearly took theirs.
however, Peter has no opportunity to revive any great figures of the past— where in the world would he find someone, asking for a necromancer to try their skills and revive an ancient person fo the past?
he finds a scholar named Baker (ahhh prof the homosexual), who also happens to be obsessed with archeology and a certain dead figure in history that he has direct plans to revive and.. okay, on second thought, they find him sort of strange.
he wants to revive a dead pirate named Captain Ode, just a fantastical legend, to have him explain the entirety of his long-dead time. it could provide context for the backstory of the Sleeping King or perhaps the barren desert kingdom that once held the two figures of legend and wonder.
well, it works for Peter, considering they’ve got similar focuses, and they actually become friends! they’re besties now.
to practice the skills of an experienced necromancer, he goes around the world with Baker, the two practicing their skills and gradually collecting what little information they can scavenge for about the infamous pirate, now a shadow to the world’s past.
one day, though, things drastically change and pick up the pace. as they’re passing through a forest, known for its holiness and direct paths into the heavens, an angel falls down from heavens.
and not gracefully, as the fucker just like— *THUNK* hits the ground and doesn’t wake up.
now Peter (an inexperienced necromancer) and Baker (a wimpy scholar) are standing in front of an angel, pale and covered in feathers that fell off their small wings.
I think you can guess who this is, lol.
after taking the dead? unconscious? whatever angel to safety, they wake up. and instantly start freaking out, because through the jumble of words they’re spitting out, the two friends make out essentially:
they were walking through the heavens, guarding the clouds like usual, when the angels all around them began to panic and freak out. somehow, a monster with blades (scissors, not derogatory once again) had gotten in, and was now killing angels by slicing them in half and causing awful chaos all around.
at some point as they were running away, someone said a warning and shoved them from behind, breaking the magic barrier in the clouds and sending them falling all the way through the heavens to the vines to the canopies, and now onto the ground they were on.
so, essentially, this terrified angel going by the name of Cherub had just survived an attack from a monster and had fallen an impossible height onto earth, where they were now trapped. great.
they agree to take them into their care until they’re back to full health, and they’ll find a way to return them to the heavens— it’s safe to assume they’ll be in trouble for befriending a (literally) fallen angel.
the thing is, they don’t want to go back.
Peter and Baker are confused until they elaborate. recently, Cherub has taken up interest in a long-dead pirate by the name of Captain Ode. they’d already gotten punished for researching such a horrible, damned name in the heavens. he’d stolen the Marino, a precious artifact that was perhaps lost to time now, ruining any chance of letting those on earth to enter the heavens.
since they were so interested in Ode’s character, and that they held the belief he wasn’t as bad as the angels swore he was, they didn’t want to return to angry attendants who despised their growing opinions.
they proceed to ask if they can join them in adventuring, and their quest to revive Ode for answers of everything— they’ve always wanted to see the world.
with even more opportunity for information on a silence figure of the past, they accept them into their party. together, Peter, Baker, and now Cherub set off into the wide world of fantasy, still searching for an answer on the Pirate of Dreams and the Sleeping King.
the three become close friends, stringing quite tightly together that there is no room for anyone else— it’s just Peter, Baker, and Cherub against the world’s judgement, adventuring and fighting monsters and studying dead people.
which messes with a lonely Ken, a sea captain (Sea Captain) who considers himself ‘friends’ with the three. he isn’t sure where he stands in their relationship— he believes that all he is is a figure of transportation, boating them across oceans and supporting their adventures despite his buried jealousy and growing sadness.
he oh-so-wishes he could be part of their world. Ken wishes he could show his unused swordfighting abilities, be able to research whatever legend they’re investigating, join them and be considered an actual friend.
but, every time he asks, the three worried adventurers always say that they’re afraid he won’t be safe enough to come with them. he technically doesn’t own a sword he knows how to wield (why did he choose such a specific weapon..?), and they would hate for him to perish on a certain adventure. besides, they were scared, thinking about how he wasn’t adapted to the environments they’d been in— would he actually survive if he came along?
and every time, Ken’s pleas are refused. when will he ever get his wishes, to be part of them? to be as esteemed as Ode, the seafarer they’ve been researching?
but those are childish dreams, he tells himself. he knows he will never be important to them.
so Ken spends his days, sailing the ocean, wondering what his purpose is when his former purpose was nothing more than expectant ramblings. he’ll never be an adventurer, and he knows this.
the first section of this story is spent detailing Ken’s issues with his loneliness and yearn, and detailing the adventures our three journeyers are going about on, leading up to the true plot of the story.
Baker comes to find information that there is an ancient city deep in the desert, a kingdom of forgotten dreams and necromancers. as Peter is a necromancer bard and likes gathering crowds to their music, a small city full of necromancers is his place to be.
it’s also confirmed by Cherub that this is the assumed kingdom where the Sleeping King resides, the only ‘living’ person left who knows the location of Ode’s body. is he exactly alive, though, they’re not sure.
all they have to do is wake up the basically-fictional-at-this-point King, and they’ll be on their way to getting their precious answers about the history of the ancient times.
also, by this point, the strange party the three have created has taken up a name. they call themselves the Sun Keepers. (this is essentially a way to stop saying “the three” “them” “the group”).
the Sun Keepers head to the Sandcastle Kingdom (YES THIS IS A REFERENCE), asking the long-time residents where to find the Sleeping King. but for some reason, they get ridiculed and laughed at.
one of the residents elaborates that there is no way to find him, because his chambers were magically sealed with the only key that could open them. really, no one knew where the keeper of the key was, or even if she was still alive, narrowing down their chances of ever meeting the Sleeping King in general. woah, plot shit.
their journey takes a brand new turn when they go out, searching everywhere they know for the key that could lead them to the Sleeping King and then Ode.
eventually, more “oh HELL YEAH” plot shit happens where they have to duel the keeper in a battle of wits for the key. Baker’s actually being put to use 😳 also CHERUB USES THEIR AXE. IN SOME OF THE SCENES HERE
once they have the key in their possession, they head to the Sandcastle Kingdom, ready to open the chambers of the Sleeping King after all eternity of slumber.
when they break open the doors, they discover they’ve forgotten the fact he can’t be awoken— considering that he’s spiritually and physically connected to quite a few sleeping lilies, it’s going to be very hard to wake up the, well, Sleeping King.
they attempt a few things (avoiding the last resort of cutting off the lilies and causing him pain) such as naturally trying to wake him up I.e shaking his shoulders, having Peter try to revive him with necromancy despite him being alive, and using heavenly methods to wake him up.
with no way to wake him up, they, downtrodden, leave and lock his chambers. despite all this, hope was not entirely lost, meaning they had to take a forbidden path as to not risk his life and kill the king.
Cherub finds a way to cast a spell that will temporarily allow them to ‘intrude’ his mind, aka just fucking with his thoughts to get him to wake up. it’s difficult at first, as there are no thoughts to be able to intrude (his mind is oddly empty), but they’re able to wake him up.
the sleeping lilies disconnect, he starts breathing again, and King Shroomses is once again awake.
things go VERY differently that expected. instead of standing up or speaking or doing anything, he’s simply in shock and dumbfounded at the fact that he’s actually awake after thousands of years of thinking to himself, preserved in the ancient chambers of his palace.
he then says that he’s confused that two peasants and a divine being had woken him up with no guards in sight— was this some kind of mistake?
the Sun Keepers explain that they’ve woken him up to find the location of Ode’s body, to resurrect him for answers of a pirate’s past.
knowing he was the one who despised Ode and executed him, they expected him to put up a fight and to protest against bringing him to life, he accepts, saying he’ll allow it.
Shroomses explains that he doesn’t care whether Ode is alive or dead at this point— he is nothing more than a legend of the past, and he has nothing to lose or gain from bringing him back to life. so, bringing the one he so awfully killed to fruition, it’s not wrong in his book in the slightest.
he also elaborates that Ode’s body is hidden in a large labyrinth from thousands of years ago. originally, before he had his downward spiral, he despised the thought of Ode returning to mortality, so he’d created this elaborate prison for his body so no one could find him.
their goal won’t be easy to reach if they’re literally going to have to fight tooth and nail to get to the bones of a dead pirate. it’s really sucky for them that, now that Shroomses doesn’t care about whether he’s dead or alive anymore, there’s no reason for the labyrinth to be there.
he lends them a couple things to aid them in their journey, hands them the key to open the labyrinth, and wishes them off.
Shroomses also passes over the old clothing of Ode, his trustworthy, recognizable coat. if he’s going to be alive again, he may as well have the clothes he’s always worn.
he doesn’t even bother to leave the room or follow them or greet anyone— he simply sits back down into his ancient throne, amongst the dead sleeping lilies, and thinks about things for the first time in a long while.
with their road rocky, the Sun Keepers nervously set off to achieve what they’ve come for.
Ode, the Pirate of Dreams, soon to breathe the air of life once again.
(also, if you’re thinking they could’ve asked Shroomses about the past, they were specifically looking for Ode’s insight, as he traveled everywhere and Shroomses did not.)
the trip isn’t easy in the slightest at all— the three risk death and peril as they make their way through the endless structure, holding the bones of the dead man somewhere in its hands.
the worst part is is that they don’t know his location in this maze— it’s a mystery to where his bones might be hiding. good thing Baker has a shovel, though.
and Peter’s afraid to tell his friends that they might not be able to fully/actually revive Ode. they might not be strong or magically potent enough to bring the body of an ancient, ancient man back to life and somehow reverse its decay so the body is all back together.
hopefully, this won’t all go to hell and be for nothing. right?
after hours of staving off the magic of the labyrinth, a defense system to keep out people like them, they’re finally at the end of their path.
a small, simple room, with a grave marked with Ode’s name.
Peter casts the spell. at first, it’s messy— there’s blood, there’s guts, there’s things he wished he hadn’t seen.
but Ode walks again. he’s, surprisingly, acting normal— unlike Shroomses, who sat there for at least thirty seconds processing his existence.
they give him his coat, and now he’s in the full, depicted appearance of himself— the Pirate of Dreams, with his red spots and his blue coat.
he asks who they are, and the Sun Keepers explain just that. Peter, the young necromancer who’d just revived him. Baker, a scholar who’s been waiting to ask him so many questions. And Cherub, a fallen angel who’s been adventuring with them.
Now that he knows who they are, he nonchalantly agrees to teaching them everything he knows. although he is ruffled his peaceful deaths was interrupted, they’ve come this far to learn about him.
Ode doesn’t exactly have any opinion on this— besides, he’s got nothing better to do.
they depart together with small talk and no fanfare.
the four spend the next months learning all about the pirate. Ode does as they say and gives up everything he’s ever seen and learned. Ransacked ships, treasure islands, dead kingdoms of the past, everything an adventuring pirate would see on their travels.
they learn everything he’s been holding onto, the sights he’s taken in and the world he’s experienced.
every word out his mouth is written down and stored away for reference, everything now a symbol of the life he lived before his execution.
Ode bonds with the three, learning about them too and how they all met— even if it’s not an equal exchange, he still finds it usefully interesting.
finally, nothing’s left for them to learn. the three thank him profusely for his help.
he leaves with a simple goodbye to the three, off to apparently re-see the world in new eyes, walk on the modified land he’d ran across thousand of years ago.
the Sun Keepers know their lengthy, strenuous adventure is over now, but they’ve grown so close to one another they can’t help but want to keep going in their futures together, journeying through lands untouched and keeping their reputation as reviving such a famous figure of the past.
everything is well.
of course, that’s what they think. they’re under the oblivious impression that Ode had been cooled down to an unbiased legend, happy to comply to anything.
they’re painfully wrong, because he hates them.
at first, Ode didn’t know who they were— he assumed they were random adventurers who didn’t understand who he really was, which was technically true.
but when they explained that King Shroomses had helped them, he understood who they were. they were evil. they were malicious people, working with the man who’d so shamelessly killed him without a single thought.
and he was offended by how much they used him. at first, when he rested in his grave and grew dormant, he was upset that he was wrongfully executed. but after time, he’d gotten used to the blissful silence and approaching eternity of sleep. it was peaceful, really— no more panic or anger or joy or sadness.
he was dead, and he was fine with that. and that was where he expected to stay.
until these things that held themselves so high revived him with their shitty magic and said they needed him for— what— writing a book or something?
Ode couldn’t believe they’d brought him back into life, overwhelming and miserable for him now, just to learn about them.
they so happily worked with the King he hated, treating him like he was nothing more than a project to be studied. actually, that was who he was to them!
Ode analyzed their behaviors and got them to give up the things they were so vulnerable with.
he was finding the best way to kill them.
they were clearly affected by the state of Shroomses’ deteriorating mindset, nothing more than arrogant adventurers who gave him bad purpose. if he killed them off, he could move onto his bigger goal— the King.
and then he’d finally be at rest.
he targets the Sun Keepers first. he hears they’ve gotten off a boat in a maritime town, so he heads there to find and quietly take their lives.
however, as he’s searching the area by the docks for the sight of a purple haired bard, a scholar in brown, and a small angel with an axe, he hears.. crying.
Ode’s torn. he can either find them and kill them, or he can find the person who sounds like they’re sobbing their eyes out.
he chooses the latter— as morally screwed as he is, he isn’t going to abandon whoever’s crying.
he then discovers the crying’s coming from the boat that he hears belonged to the Sun Keepers. either one of them has been separated, which is lucky for him, or they’ve hurt someone dearly, only adding to the reasons to despise their guts.
Ode finds a freckly sailor, clad in blue, crying very hard in the corner of the boat’s cabin.
he won’t leave them behind, so he sits down next to them and asks who they are.
they admit they’re confused someone’s actually talking to them, then explains that their name is Ken. he’s a sailor who’s friends with a very popular adventuring team, the Sun Keepers.
Ode mentions that he’s.. ‘looking’ for the three, which prompts Ken to immediately direct him towards them, but he refuses his offer— some foolish adventurers don’t matter when he’s in pain.
the sailor is still perplexed by how considerate he’s acting (even though he’s literally asking what his name is..?), apparently not being used to people so nice to him. it’s been a while since someone’s considered his feelings, boating around so many people around the world.
after a bit of coaxing from Ode, he eventually lets slip that he hates his life. he’s such a miserable, greedy person who’s overly jealous of everything about the Sun Keepers.
they won’t let him adventure because they think he’s too weak for it. they’ve got such strong relationships with one another that it’s painful to even watch them stand together. he’s been friends with Baker for so long, so why did it take so little time for him to be painted over with new friends?
he finally confesses that he wants to know just why they ignore him so much, what they’ve been doing that’s making him a ghost in their lives.
Ode painfully reveals how he’s technically the reason why— they’ve been searching for him.
he expects the downtrodden Sea Captain to retaliate or get angry with him, but all he does is sadly accept the truth. it’s really his fault he’s so obsessed with the three.
the pirate backs up his feelings and opinions, however— this isn’t normal behavior in a friendship. this is neglect on their part, and he is a pawn in their game of pathetic research.
he finally speaks up. he says he hates the Sun Keepers, because they’re working with the man who wrongfully killed him over a stupid grudge of his. and they support this! they brush over it like some kind of mistake!
Ken is horrified to hear this, now knowing the deeds of the ones he is now ashamed to call his friends. how could he have been so blind to their horrible tolerance?
and that’s not all— Ode had been revived only to be used for research. he was treated like a lab rat, being continuously squeezed for answers about the past and everything he could remember. it was torture to do it, working tirelessly to give them what he needed.
combined with the fact Ken was only needed just to boat them around (as assumed), they were used in different ways by the same people.
they’re so much worse than he thought, it’s realized.
then Ode asks him something he’d never expected to be offered— if he’d like to join him in killing the Sun Keepers and King Shroomses, to finish off the ones causing them both pain.
it’s a hesitant thought, but he finds it’s the only way to feel better. obviously, they don’t care enough to listen to his pleas to adventure or even be friendlier with them.
Ode promises he’ll never treat him as awfully as the two have been treated— he’ll genuinely be his friend in exchange for working together.
that day, Ken left behind his role as an unsatisfied way to ferry a ‘friend’ around, and he became the best thing he’s experienced—
a bad person. he’s tired of being good, he wants to do bad things.
now that his hunger to be so much better than his measly past self is only temporarily satiated, he’s ready to use those swordfighting abilities he’d left idle, and join Ode on his journey to kill the Sun Keepers and the King of the Desert.
the two set off on foot towards the Sun Keepers’ distant direction, ready to complete the first targets in their intertwined destinies.
anyways! that’s all I have so far. it might be kinda cringe but this au is legit one of my favs of any I’ve written from how interesting it is to me. I’m probably gonna update/make my better refs for all the important characters and post em :)
if you’ve gotten this far in this wall of text, thank for reading about this! it’s incomplete, but again thank you for giving it attention.
peace out 💜
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misc-headcanons · 4 years
So for your OCs, how would their segments go if they were included in their home series' opening? Like Milly having a goofy moment with Spinner in a spotlight segment for the League of Villains or the Katakuri Kids as part of the cast in the recent Wano Arc openings or even Cavalry and/or Mystic interacting with the main cast.
Oooh, this is a really cool question!
I think that Millie (pre joining the LoV) would be in the opening in a short gag segment. Like, the other Heroes/students are all jumping or flying in the air, and she's up there with them by bouncing on a pogo stick lol. Or maybe she's in a shot where she's in her UA uniform doing her homework (with a glitter pen, of course) and she starts daydreaming about Shuichi and her in a thought bubble filled with hearts and drawn in a more cartoony style, and then it transitions to the League of Villains' part of the opening with Spinner in it.
If it's an opening after she joins the League, maybe it'd be in a shot where her missing poster is shown on a sign somewhere in town with a picture of her all smiley in her Hero Costume, then to her looking kind of forlorn and pensive in her Villain outfit and a dark cloud above her head. But Spinner puts a hand on her shoulder, and as she walks with him into the League's hideout, the cloud gets replaced with a smiling sun.
One Piece
Minerva would be in her first opening in a shot similar to Luffy at the helm of the Going Merry, but she's on her small ship after just breaking through the Mist as the sun rises. And in the background, Hawkins and Kids' ships are sailing towards her maybe? It'd be a quick shot since she's more of a side character until she joins the Straw Hats in the reunion arc. Maybe it can be a silly scene where she's all calm and cool on the ship, and then it cuts to her screaming and freaking out as Kid drags her through the air to his ship by the metal on her suitcase.
Once she joins Kid's crew, she'd be in another quick shot where she's fighting alongside the others and then it'd cut to them playing cards/drinking/celebrating on the ship, with Minerva having a book in her hand and acting less rowdy than her crewmates. Kid would clap her on the back to show he was impressed by her skills, and she'd blush a bit before gently patting his shoulder in response. Kid wouldn't blush though, but he'd still look a little tsundere when she does it.
Once she's with the Straw Hats, she'd be in a shot with Robin and Chopper in the Sunny's library, with the two ladies reading books (Robin reading one on archeology, Minnie reading one on neurology) with Chopper studying a medical textbook in between them.
Once she's kidnapped in Wano by Kaido's crew, there'd be a shot of her in a similar cell to Kid but she wouldn't be injured. She'd be surrounded by lab equipment and would be dressed like one of the Beast Pirates as she's looking over some notes on SMILE, and then looking out a nearby window looking all pensive and concerned.
Etherea and the kids would appear in the first WCI opening for a quick second, with the kids peering out from behind their dad's legs (not showing their teeth, since it'd spoil what's behind Kata's scarf): Dochi and Ube are looking angry and ready to fight like the rest of the Charlottes against the Straw Hats, Maple's looking disinterested as she looks up from the magical tome she's reading, Vanilla's waving at Luffy and the others with a sweet smile, and Fritter's only barely coming out from his hiding spot behind Kata's legs. Etherea is standing next to them, smiling with interest and twirling her staff a bit.
After Kata's face and love for donuts is revealed, the opening would show Kata looking all badass with his scarf on (with Ube and Dochi on either side of him, with their weapons ready). Vanilla and Fritter would run up from the side holding a big plate of donuts, and it would transition to the whole family enjoying their Merienda. Etherea would kiss Kata on the cheek, and he'd blush a bit.
For Wano, the kids would be in their new outfits and be wandering through a forest. Maple is holding the scissors that transported them to Wano in one hand and her new fan in the other, while her pipe is in a little holster around her waist. The marking on the scissors is the same as Etherea's cheek marks, so it'd zoom on that symbol and then fade to show Etherea's worried but determined face as she sets out to find them. The camera doesn't completely show who's with her, but it's easy to guess based on the giant hand that reaches down to rest on her shoulder to comfort her.
Persona 5
Cavalry would be in the beginning, around the time Ryuji appears running with a smile on his face. It'd show her with a similar happy expression as she's riding a horse as fast as possible down a race track, and both her shadow and the horse's would be the silhouette of her Phantom Thieves outfit and her Persona.
Mystic would be at the part around when Yusuke is painting, just before the line "What could it mean that we're here?" She'd be riding the subway late at night with nobody else on board, looking sullen and kind of mysterious with her headphones on before it quickly transitions to her riding a train through the Metaverse in her Phantom Thieves outfit, with her Persona's many eyes sprouting around her (and a few slowly opening to look around)
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elahan-alastrovitz · 4 years
I figured I should do a bio for Elahan, since the blog is named after them and all Name: Elahan Alastrovitz Appearance: Large nautical hat, reddish-brown hair, flowing past their shoulders (think a bit more brown then the Topsy King’s), often a bit of similarly colored stubble. Peligin eyes with flashes of storm across them. surprisingly well-kept teeth. They’re on the lean side of built, usually encompassed in a massive, flowing piratical longcoat with a multitude of pockets. Their bone harpoon is always on their back, and a variety of other weapons are stashed about their person, some obviously, some less so. Heavy boots, with laces that talk. Sometimes, they bear the coat of Mr. Cards. Closest to: The Docks Ambition: Heart’s Desire Ending: Power (but only as a means to an end, not because of a love for the bazaar) PoSI specialization: Shattering Force Relationships: Poly, Married, sort of involved with Mr. Pages? it’s complicated. Destiny(s): The Road/The Oath overview of their story below the cut
Elahan’s hopes started simple: find a crew, explore the zee, become a successful pirate in a still exciting, untamable world. After establishing themself, they stumbled on the tale of the Marvelous and threw their full weight into finding and competing in it. They found themself at odds with Virginia, the Manager, and Beechwood, but growing to either tolerate or care for the Bishop, Tristham, and even Mr. Pages, who revealed to them the existence of the high wilderness.
They grew to find the Correspondence fascinating, never having been much of an academic before, but growing quickly to study it and more, choreography, shapeling arts, toxicology, anatomy, archeology... Knowledge became another treasure to be puzzled out or fought for. The zee spoke to them, and they took up monster hunting, and it changed them as they dived deeper and deeper, some might say monstrously, but they find it incredibly freeing and empowering. They acquired a fast clipper, and became a real force on the zee, as they’d always dreamed. They even married, a thief queen with whom they hope to spend a lovely extended life in the neath and beyond.
They returned a heart, returned a mind, shared an intimate dream of Truth-Strangling. In time they won the Marvelous within the depths of the bazaar. Their choice was torn between Power and Time, and in the end the call of the Horizon and the chance to learn even more lead to them taking up the mantle of Mr. Cards. This is, however, only a means to an end; they have other plans in mind. The sky will open up to them, and their destiny is their own. Right now they extend a railroad towards hell, digging up bones, fighting for worker’s rights (they have always hated Fires, Veils, and the others in London who exploit them), and puzzling on the possibilities of locomotives. Perhaps, someday, why they fly into that Wilderness, they’ll bring one with. The Neath continues to change them, and them the Neath, in a chain-shattering, magnificent tale.
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jacksonsdrumstick · 5 years
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Parnassus. Yay. The place where the "Mass of Misanthropes" and "It Was A Big Whale" achievements came to life (and a few more). Well, gods weren't pretty nice, after all.
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As you know, Clio doesn't like fighting. But she doesn't like drunk knights even more. And she adores her antique sword called Frostfang. It's one of her favourite treasures from that archeological excavations she does.
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Meet the leaders of the army of Parnassus. They are doing a "power walk".
Also, meet Polyhymnia. She's a court mage and a lecturer. Now she's moonlighting as a treasure hunter an archaeologist.
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It usually doesn't end well.
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At least, she's alive and (mostly) okay. She has a much better luck with magic.
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And this is Euterpe. Writing and performing stuff. Her favourite theme is Polyhymnia's bad luck with shovels.
Though she met a Beast herself once.
Seems that only Clio knows how to dig without endangering herself.
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Talking about Clio.
Aw, look. She fell in love with some pirate, so they do a traditional sparring match.
He seems to be popular among the ladies of Parnassus.
Maybe I should try to complete "Pirate Polygamy", "Noble Nuptuals" and "I Do" in other kingdoms. Technically, "I Do" was completed in my previous one, but for some reason it's just not there. It happens sometimes.
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