#figth fake left
basilepesso · 1 year
J’Attends les Barbie Barbus.
Cette "inclusivité" est le glissement d'une société basée sur les modèles et les rêves vers une société qui souhaite que chaque personne ayant un problème génétique ou "acquis" se retrouve dans ce qui était les modèles et les rêves. Il s’agit de l'"idéal démocratique". On attend les Barbie nains ou naines, les Barbie obèses, les Barbie à trois couilles, les Barbie barbus jihadistes, les Klaus Barbie, et les Barbie pétomanes. Et on peut mixer ces délicieuses catégories... Basile Pesso, 26 avril 2 023 (Fb) Aqua, Barbie Girl >> "Autre particularité, les orthèses tibiales qu'elle porte à ses jambes, et donc par conséquent le port de baskets à la place des escarpins. Elles sont nécessaires aux enfants touchés par l'anomalie chromosomique, pour pouvoir marcher. Mattel les a bien évidemment colorées en rose, pour rester dans l'esprit des poupées. Enfin, symboliquement, cette Barbie porte un collier rose représentant les trois exemplaires du chromosome 21, responsables de la Trisomie 21. Le fabriquant de jouets n'en est pas à son coup d'essai en matière d'inclusivité. Ces dernières années, Mattel a sorti une Barbie en fauteuil roulant, une autre portant un appareil auditif ou encore une poupée "ronde". Plus qu'une volonté, Mattel a adopté une véritable stratégie de l'inclusivité pour faire face à une baisse des ventes: en 2022, le chiffre d'affaires de la division poupées de l'entreprise a reculé de 9%, rapporte l'AFP." Article de Nice-Matin : “Une nouvelle Barbie porteuse de trisomie 21: Mattel tente de relancer ses poupées en misant sur l'inclusivité“
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yeswearemagazine · 11 months
Little People, Big Art...
I will be less inclined to selecting, highlighting, praising, writing texts, pointing to the YWAMag galleries of the scornful artists. There are two reasons for this hate (cold hate, most of the time, aka passive aggressiveness) : slander, and “anti-racism”, as I am considered by neo-collaborationnists as a “white racist”, which I’m actually not, but having daily worked for about 6 years on crime and terrorism, my fact reports and logical conclusions don’t please those neo-collaborationnists. Yet, the mag is literally full of neo-collabs’. It doesn’t matter, I can’t do otherwise, I just have not to know it or think about this shit.
These little people function by hate and boycott and this is opposed to art. I’m here for art. The Tumblr staff is strictly the same, recruiting on these ideological bases. So, I keep on praising, selecting, etc, just slightly less, for these little people, with big art. Basile Pesso - YWAMag director since 2 014 Nirvana, Serve the Servants
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childrenofthesun77 · 4 months
Giving the heroes 13 mikuni's (well 12 now I guess. Or are 12 fake mikuni's left and the original is not among them so it's still 13? What did you do now mikuni, I'm so confused) to defeat makes a lot of sense now that I thought about it a bit.
Almost all characters are on mahiru's side at this point, with the exception of mikuni, jeje, lily and tsubaki. Even former antagonists like touma and tsubaki's subclass are trying to stop the ritual from succeeding. Now that all the eves and servamps on the heroes side (and gear, touma and tooru) got a chance to show off their powers against pandora I'm expecting that fight to end one way or another soon, meaning we need other antagonists for the many heroes to fight and there aren't a lot left.
Tsubaki is still figthing with kuro. I guess other characters could join the fight, but my guess is that this fight will be mainly between the two and maybe mahiru will join to support kuro at some point. All the servamps coming together to convince tsubaki that they are also his family would be cool too I guess tho.
Last time we saw jeje he was bound in chains and tsubaki stole his jinn, so jeje is currently not exactly a threat unless someone frees him.
Lily could start a fight with someone, but he's not a great fighter, he's a schemer and he already revealed most of his plans to misono. I also feel like while other characters could fight against lily in the end it's misono who has to get through to lily so any other confrontation would only exist to give the characters something to do.
In a similar case I feel like misono should be the one to stop mikuni, but with mikuni's plots harming so many people now (I see lily and mikuni as the true antagonists at this point) I would understand if the other characters got to fight him too. Which thanks to mikuni multiplying a lot is now possible. Some mikuni's are already covered by tsubaki's subclass (so far we've seen belkia, higan and lilac. Plus two pairs of unknown subclass of tsubaki, but I doubt they will defeat mikuni) but many others are not, leaving a lot of mikuni's to defeat to stop whatever spell he cast to aid tsubaki.
I wonder if tsurugi could also return as an antagonist. Not out of his free will of course, but because mikuni is puppeteering his corpse or something. Mikuni told jeje to leave the body as nice as possible and lily killed tsurugi by beheading him with one clean cut. When mikado woke up again the corpse was gone. So did mikuni take it with him to do something with it? Dead tsurugi vs touma would be emotionally brutal😅
The count could return in one form or another too I guess, but I feel like that is something mainly for mahiru and kuro to deal with.
Of course it's possible that a few more heroes get pushed off the board by injury or something similar (tooru is too injured to fight and freya, ildio and lawless did take a lot of damage as they shielded the eves from pandora's blast) but with so many characters on the side of the heroes we need more antagonists to give them something to do while the main characters deal with the bigger threats.
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dangara2610 · 2 months
(4/10) Young adult Ulla - Part 12
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Hey hey hey
I have to hurry up for serious before I lost my objectives on real life xP
Let me remind you all , I enjoyed too much my 5 years of dayly participation here on Tumblr.
I'm going to keep posting here until I finish to tell you all my ideas, but sadly I've been stopping commenting and sharing other people posts.
I'm sorry but keep in mind that I love you all
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Here I go again !!!
Where did I left?
Yeah right
Ulf earned paranormal powers of divination in order to fullyfill his hunger of social interaction sciences (do not mistake with gossiping thirst) So.....
He sended Donella to the location of her lost negligents parent, hopping she can heal her emotional anger wounds
Donella gets back to Cyrus to leave him a series of solid information about Ulla proyects made along with her brother Ulf , and also, all the supplies list
Why? the next step to victory is to convince the next town to invade Nesdernia, rob the supplies and start a figth.
The lie used to win, would be about this pale faces (Faber family) being traitors and being the ones calling the invasors to get in and take the supplies, wood, metals, water, medical herbs, animals for eating or decorations, etc...
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So, Donnie is leaving in order to re-meet and work with her identity meaning leaving explosion and destruction behind.
Once again, Ulla and Ulf are trapped on the crossfire on a war that is not theirs
The wedding got cancelled, Faber's family and Sonia's family got a tag to be captured by any of the two belligerents, the locals to jail them and sentence them as criminals, and the invasors to keep the lie and later dispose them.
Ulf is convinced he needs the people to know he is innocent and search the culprit of this mess, and he will use what he knows, but for that, he needs one of the invasors to agree and have a voluntary session of readmind-ing.
But of course that's pretty much impossible, so, Ulla will use her evoluted power of Alchemy to have their own army, repel the invasors and prove their innocence, but, someone stole some of their inventions.
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Donella is back at Ingvarr kingdom , not the capital yet, the mines are bigger, the borders too, she made sure to get a fake identity so her ex-prospects won't recognize her
Her few clients don't recognize her but she stops by there to watch the progress, the guy who buyed wifes? He has a mansion , but the deep inside is an hospital, lots of blonde girls and women are pregnant in here.
Don asks for a place to stay and pays to the guy, so that's her chance to get some information of the place, the owner then recognizes her and thanks her for the advices back them, he is rich and powerful
She thanks him back (not amused and not as friendly as he would have liked)
She leaves next day and goes to the capital, the older princess now is queen and the militar propaganda multiplyed
She finds a person who spies on pretty girls who are working on the mines, another one who robs food, probably from the kitchen asigned to the workers, and someone else who is sick and hungry on the streets.
She follows the one who spies on the girls, half day looks like got wasted on nothing, but she discovers this guy runs a brothel, as she suspected.
She trespasses his place and enters his office, the guy has enough money , and once he enters, she's going to make him a proposition.
Of course the guy doesnt trust her bad she make clear she had the upper hand and her intelect his superior to his, so she end up convincing him.
He will buy her weapons and armor to assault the mansion of blondes women and rob the business, so he will own everything.
Once the deal is done, he has to pay and she has to send a message to Cyrus, in order to hide the money and send them merchandising to the location agreed.
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Dang!!!!! My advances after this got erased again
Hurry Dan, Hurry !!!!
🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀 Whatever 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀
All the seven kingdoms, including Nesdernia no matter if its at a civil war, receive the news , princess Rapunzel of Corona kingdom has born.
Don warns to her client about an owner of a brothel wanting to steal his blondes live stock, so he better buy her some weapons.
Sonia asks Ulf to runaway to her original kingdom, but Ulla's parents suggest to let Sonia live with them in Pittsburgh, they came to the conclusion to get back each one to their homes and see if the wedding re-starts after all these mess is solved , Sonia and her family goes back to the borders of Koto.
Failed mission, they couldn't prove their innocence, but Ulf and Tenax (his father) made sure to give the royals a letter with their side of the history.
Donella finds her parents but there is not reconciliation, instead, they fight over who abandoned who and split up as with most dysfunctional families.
Then she enters Ingvarr capitol, with her new skills (and tools robbed form Ulla's alchemy inventions , everything is very easy, to find all the hidden passages, cross them safely, self defense and attack.
She was able to map everything and feed on the minimal, later, she would sell this information, but then, she found the Metal trial on her own, and tried to solve it but failed due to her cynical twisted morals.
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I lost track of time
Seee you around
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international-sunrise · 8 months
god its me again, with lookism spoilers below the cut
the way everyone gathered with their respective rescues like they're a stray cat or this month's grocery shop is just way too funny y'all but the way jinsung arrived with johan in tow and was immediately like "dude why does it looks like hyungseok was trying to rescue jaeyeol and not the other way around????? why is he knock knock knocking on heavens door???????? what the fuck did you do to him???????????" and hyungseok was like "i promise you there's a very good reason for this :D" smiley emoji and all and jinsung is just "don't????? change the subject????? you almost killed him?????????????" just left me cackling for five minutes straight thanks jinsung i knew i could trust you
jihan walking in carrying jibeom and hudson in a carrier after alexander was deadass carrying both jake and samuel is peak comedy. the devil works hard and alexander works harder. if you're an a/c unit i'm your fan. number one samuel stan can't compare can't compete we aint shit compared to alexander.
also it's funny for me to think that while hyungseok was beating the shit out of everyone, himself included, everyone else was like trying to think about how to transport the rescues. jihan being the bright patootie he is brought a bed, work smarter not harder. alexander decided to brute-force it. jinsung used the bro-style-carry. vasco is now carrying lil hyungseok like he's a cat he just rescued out of a fire. these guys all share one single braincell and its bouncing like that old dvd logo. i hope that reference lands somewhere.
now what's important here.
i think this chapter pretty much confirmed that nº1 is, in fact, made up of parts and scraps of other generation kings. i mean this is pretty obvious but i guess it'll be confirmed in a couple more episodes and we'll have to be like -pretends to be shocked-, i think it will be more impressive if nº1 is not, as a matter of fact, made up of parts and scraps from the 0 gen and is instead made up of several random people and then enhanced by drugs. why do i say this? well usually the first is not the best, specially with experiments, and i really dont think they would have wanted to waste precious parts in order to make something that wouldn't work, so it could be very possible that nº1 is actually the first working prototype of what the workers first affiliate was trying to replicate.
and what were they trying to replicate you ask?
why, hyungseok's fake body, of course.
my working theory is as follows:
i think it's very likely that nº1 is an experiment that is being made behind charles back, by the workers first affiliate, because back in the day he somehow found a way, alongside jinyoung, to recreate the perfect super-soldier, and went around playing the world's worst puzzle and stealing pieces from others with the help of james lee, and now won't rely that information to workers so that they can get mass produced. however it seems like eugene doesn't know about the two bodies, or at least hasn't found a way to confirm it (maybe, hear me out, maybe if ptj hadn't killed jiho off! the shrimp the felony commiter the only one crazy enough to come up with that possibility! then eugene would already know and this plot would be so much far ahead!), therefore it remains as a possibility that he heard about some kind of super-soldier project and tried to find out who was behind it because super-soldiers are very high on the list of what evil little dudes do on their free time, and that's how he stumbled upon jinyoung.
jinyoung however, probably wasn't the entire brain behind the operation. that's why nº1 looks... that way. it's very possible that the other half of the operation was... hear me out: hyungseok's dad, who was supposedly killed by jinyoung.
i dont really think that it was james lee, because he's supposed to be the figthing genius, the one-man-army, the one going to the hardware store to collect the parts and pieces of their little fucked up science fair experiment that might or might not violate the geneva convention (is the geneva convention a thing in the ptj-verse i dont think it is...). i also don't think it was charles, because while he's behind the interconnected webs, that's kinda not in the same ballpark as human experimentation, that's like management vs the kitchen, have you seen management inside the kitchen like actually working? no, that's my point. gapryong was too busy trying to become the president in order to also be trying to bring back prometheus 2: electric boogaloo. which leaves us jinyoung, a farmacologist, and hyungseok's dad, occupation unknown but with ties to jinyoung, and was apparently killed by him as well.
even if jinyoung didn't actively murder him, you know what mom park said? he died sick. who in lookism would have the very specific knowledge to prescribe drugs that would worsen someone's condition instead of making it better, and also be in a position of trust in order to make it work, thus killing hyungseok's dad while making it seem like he simply fell ill?
oh yeah its coming all together.
i also find it extremely funny that, in a way, hyungseok did manage to both unite and dismantle the four major crews. all of the groups are dismantled, inactive, on the run or were absorbed by workers, and now three of the original crew leaders alongside samuel as a representative form a temporary alliance. "not even the four major crews-" bitch sit down didn't you read the big deal arc and the hostel arc, the power of trauma compels you -gets blasted-
also johan being like "ew cant believe i gotta fight alongside you people" kid you've been working with Jake for months now what on earth are you talking about did you also get your memory temporarily erased by the drugs. will anyone else forget about some important part of the plot-- put your hand down jake.
what you thought i wouldnt mention the emotional whiplash it gave me to have hyungseok suddenly remembering the friend he just beat up. JAEYEOL IT'S ME YA BOY bitch you left him about to board the first train without stopovers to the left of christ's throne a foot on the gutter and the other on the grave, wipe out those damn tears and get his ass outta there stop crying it's not the time stop kissing in the foreground
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just-an-enby-lemon · 3 years
*Random ATLA AU Idea*
1. Aang wanted to run.
The Elders wanted to send him away, to take Gyatso away. His mentor (the closest he had to a father, the only friend - except Appa - he still had, the only childhood left) would listen, would have to and when the morning comes (soon, too soon, so soon) he would abandon Aang just like everyone else. And Aang would be alone soalonenoonelefteveryonegonenotachildjustAvataralonealonealone.
So he wanted to run, to abandon Gyatsu first. Thinking somehow it would hurt less (it wouldn't or how it wouldn't).
0nly he did not.
Not in this world.
And it changed everything and nothing at all.
Instead he walked, walked though the nigth, walked to the familiar door, walked too his master room and cried. "I don't want to go".
Gyatso didn't ask how Aang knew about the Elders orders, didn't tell the kid that it was for the best. No, he huged his meente (his son, his friend, his baby, how could no one else see that this was just a child? Not the master of elements, not yet, just a kid) and said "You won't." It was a vow, a promise he had no idea how to keep. But he would.
They talked though the nigth. And when the morning came somehow Gyatso was able to convice the Elders to give Aang one more year. "Them he will be thirteen, mature enougth to truly understand his call".
But destiny is destiny and Aang's was a hundred years too soon.
So before the end of the year the Fire Nation attacked. And this time Aang didn't want to run, he wanted to figth and to protect. But he was the only hope and he was a kid and he was scared and Gyatso screamed "RUN" and he did.
He would regret running just as he would (he did) in a world where he runned that nigth almost a year ago.
And he and Appa somehow fled. Maybe it was destiny or the Avatar State or just dumb luck (or missfortune). And just as it should be they falled. And the water around them froze.
And so did they.
For a hundred years.
Until two siblings from the water tribe found an iceberg.
2. "I'm the last waterbender."
Katara froze. In all universes, in all possible words, Katara always froze on that moment. She wanted to figth, to tell the soldier her mom was lying, to do anything. But she always froze.
And her mother always died.
So she runned.
Too little, too late, but she did.
Runned, trying to get away from the body of her mom, trying to escape the ashes.
With a broken toy sword, and I useless toy boomerang, Sokka saw the ashes, and he wanted to figth. He always would want to figth. He was a protector and his people were dying. But he was a kid and in no reality he would ever be able to win.
And in ever reality Hakoda would send his kid alway, not too much, but enougth, away from the figth, away from his mother corpse and the burnt smell.
So Sokka runned. He followed his sister to the snow. They runned non-stop trying to fend the memories away, but they were never able to.
They runned so far that Hakoda only found his kids two days after the invasion, half-frozen, scared and starved but alive ohalivetheywerealivehedidn'tlosttheytoo.
Running didn't change much for them. Katara would still mature too early and Sokka would still be a warrior and everything would be almost exactaly the same.
And they would still meet a misterius kid in an iceberg and go save the world with him even if it was hard.
They running had nothing to do with the fact that it was Zhao chasing them instead of a certain prince.
3. Lu Ten was nine and he was running in a metaphorical sense. His father would be Fire Lord one day and soo would he. He needed to hurry.
So he talked his grandfather into letting him go to a war meeting. He did not understand war or death but Iroh did and he was terrifield of seem his son in a war room. His father didn't care, he discussed civilian sacrifice in front of his grandson and didn't noticed Lu Ten terrified face or heared any of the kids pleas, Ozai found it funny, making japes of what he called his "nephew weakness", Iroh quickly found a way to win without this move and convinced his father of it with everything he had.
For the rest of the day his child told everyone of how his dad was smart and a hero and the best. And Iroh almost forgot, almost belived his son had not lost a once of his inocence in the whole ordeal.
But on the night, where the darkest thoughts came, Lu Ten asked about death and sacrifices and if they were doing the rigth thing. Iroh said they were. But sudently he didn't belive it.
Lu Ten runned on the sense where he wanted to know too much too fast. And as the year passed, as his son turned ten, an his nephew turned two and his niece came to this world, Iroh realized he needed to make a better world for them. He could not keep this war, this conquer, he could not keep doing the wrong thing.
So he found a group of people and he joined them. He sabotaged his own country, his own family for the White Lotus, for his children. He would make a better world for them.
History would tell about how The Great General Iroh had gonne mad in his son sixteth birthday. How in a fit of madness he attacked his brother, how he killed his own child and not much after his nephew and niece. And them realizing what he done himself. How Ursa disappered soon after. The poor Fire Lady lost in grief.
The truth layed in a confy and somewhat famous small tea shop on the Earth Kigdom. On the old man who runned it and on his three kids. It layed on Prince's Zuko's (or Lee) nigthmares and his soft smiles and lack of scar. It layed on Lu Ten's (it was a fairly Earth Kigndom name and no one discussed how a painter could be the one in the group who lacked creativity for a fake name) hard training and darkened looks (exclusive to fire nation soldiers and wasn't ironic that he almost became one of them) and in his art and his laugther and his LIFE. It layed on Azula's (and honestly the fact she had insisted on ZuLa as here fake name was completly insane and soo stupid but they just stopped trying convice he otherwise) maniacal smile and uncontrolabe rage fits (diferent of Lu Ten's hers didn't had a specific target, but at least were mostly resulted in burned trees and rocks) and on her friends and her few, small apologies and her compassion (it didn't came easy for her empathy, but she tried, she truly did and sometimes she was cold and cruel, but still was enought). It layed on Iroh's (Mushi) conteplative (sad) stares (on his regret of not being able to take Ursa with them), on the strange people with a white lotus emblem that sometimes appeared on the tea shop (sometimes needing healing, sometimes delivering mensages, most planing), on his tea and his stories and on his hope.
And when the news of the Avatar traveling with two water tribe kids came to them. It layed on the decision of finding them before Ozai. Helping them. Making the hope grow.
4. Toph was a runner.
This never changed. She still runned away from her parents overprotectivines again and again. She still runned into the badgermoles and became the best earthbender on history. She still runned into competicions and still became the Blind Bandit. She still runned into Twinkle Toes and his gaang and his adventures (and became his earthbend teacher of course). The only diference was that there were even more places to run into, and so Toph runned into a dumb good humored painter (a soldier in other life, a corpse), into cozy Tea Shop, into a nice old man who was more a father to her than hers ever would, into a akward turtleduck of a teenager and into a angry cool fiery girl (who she never had a crush on, shut up, Sokka).
She runned into the Avatar family and into the Tea Shop one and somehow this was enougth to unite them. To make them just one family. Hers.
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lifesruiner · 7 years
No tengo miedo de apostarte, perderte si me da pavor.
Well, this is the last chapter, this is one of the largest things I’ve wrote and I hope you enjoyed as much as I enjoyed writing it :) Thanks to everybody that took the time to read this and I hope you like :) 
Simon and Luna are stepbrothers and just arrived from Mexico to Argentina, they inmediatly friend Nina, but the power trio of the school gets really interested in this new squad.  
Chapter | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
He was certainly unsure of what he was about to do, but one thing he was sure is that people deserves second chances. When he decided to be away from Ambar it was because he thought she didn’t like him, and would be easy to forget her that way, but he never thought it could be so awful to be away from her, and neither he did that she would be feeling bad for it too, so there was not a good reason to stay away from her if that was causing suffering for both of them.
He arrived to a big manor and looked on his phone to make sure that was actually the adress that Matteo sent him, and then  rang the bell, just second laters it openen showing a mid age lady with a maid uniform there. 
-Good afternoon, can I help you? -She asked scanning Simon from head to toe 
-Good afternoon, is Ambar around? -Simon asked with a big smile, trying to look as friendly as he could 
-Miss Smith is sick and can’t attend visitors at the moment, but I can tell her you came by -She answered nicely, but Simon knew she was just saying what she was told to do 
-Yes, I know, that is why I came, please tell her Simon is here, if she still says she doesn’t want to see anybody I’ll leave, but please... -Simon asked putting his hands as a begging, and just hoped his charming would appeal for him with the lady 
-Okay, wait in the living please, I’ll tell her and be right back young man -The lady said with a smile and Simon almost jumped in his place for the excitement and entered the manor, he was dazzled by all the fancy things there, big chandeliers hanging from the high roof and a lot of vases and paintings that seemed way to expensive, so he decided to not touch anything because the fear of breaking something, if Luna was there he was sure she would already made some kind of mess, he was amused with the thought until he heard someone going down the stairs and before he could do or say something he felt a little pair of hands agains his chest hitting him.
-You liar... You told me that I could count on you -Ambar was shouting mad while she kept hitting him softly -You said you will run to me if I need you, but you left, you left when I needed you the most 
-Hey, hey HEY! -He exclaimed a little louder taking her hands, but for Ambar’s surprise he wasn’t mad, he was laughing -Shouldn’t be me the one mad here? -He asked amused and Ambar swear that she never missed nothing as she has been missing that stupid smile on his face 
-No, beacuse I didn’t break any promise -She said taking a step back and trying to control her early rage attack 
-You broke my heart though -Simon said to cut the tension a little but regret it the second he saw Ambar’s expresion, her eyes were filled with tears and shown regret, he could saw how there were bags down her eyes, and he thought Ambar was unable to have them, she looked flawless always, but now she was looking miserable and Simon felt a hole in his heart for that 
-I’m... I’m so... I’m sorry, when... I did... when I did the bet... I didn’t -Ambar was trying to say but she kept sobbing after every word -I didn’t know you, and didn’t feel anything for you...or... or at least that is what I told to myself -She said and sniffed against the sleeve of her robe and that’s when Simon couldn’t hold it anymore and walked towards her and wrapped her tight in his arms.
Ambar never felt like she belonged to a place before, but since the first moment Simon hugged her in the rink, she knew that it was her place in the world, with him, and once again she let go herself with him, she started crying because the thought of she hurting the only person that has shown real concern for her and because the fear of losing him was still palpable in her
-Will you forgive me? -She asked with her face still sunken in his chest and felt how he let a little giggle out at her question 
-Do you think I would be here if I haven’t forgave you already? -He said with an amused smile on her face and Ambar couldn’t help but let a little giggle out and lifted her face to look Simon in the eyes, he inmediatly got lost, how much he missed that deep blue eyes that make him feel like home, he needed her, no matter what she did in the past, their feelings about eachother changed, and they both needed another chance to be in the place they both belonged. Simon pushed his face to Ambar’s, allowing that their foreheads and noses touch, enjoying the moment, enjoying eachother’s presence.
-I swear to god that if you don’t kiss me this time I will kick your ass -Ambar said smiling but Simon knew she was talking very serious
-If I let go another chance to kiss you please kick my ass -He said and then joined his lips to hers. 
From the second he saw Ambar he knew she was on top that others girls, just saw her and she made him feel like and earthquake was happening, so when he kissed her he felt like the earth was collading to another planet, if he had to choose one thing to do for the rest of his life he would say kiss Ambar without a doubt. Ambar has kissed guys before of course but she never felt anything doing it, at the most she felt awkward, but when she kissed Simon she finally understood what girls in romantic movies said after kissing the person they love, she felt the need for more, she felt safe and loved and that was the feeling she was looking for since she has memory and she swear to herself that she would do anything to have Simon around her life for as long as she could. 
Skating always was his way out of all problems, it made him let the stress out of his mind, but since a couple of days ago it wasn’t working that well, actually, it wasn’t working at all, he spend more time on the ground that actually skating, his mind was somewhere else but there, or with someone else better said, when he tried to do a simple spin he fell again.
-Wow, the king of the rink fell, that is not a thing you see everyday -Gastón said amused entering to the rink 
-Ha ha, funny as always bro -Matteo said standing on his feet and skating towards him -What are you doing? -He greeted him with a hug 
-I was looking for you, I have a date with Nina tonight and I wanted to ask one of your vests for it 
-Sure,so that means you are Nina are back together again? -Matteo asked with a big smile on his face 
-Yes, I talked to her yesterday and we talked about the whole mess and we came clean with each other -Gaston said excited and Matteo couldn’t felt happier for his friend, and also felt a little relieved because it was part of his fault that they were figthing from the begginig 
-Oh that is great bro, let me take my skates off and we’ll go to my house so you can choose whichever vest you want
-Sure, I’ll wait you in the cafeteria because I am a little hungry -Gaston said placing a hand on his stomach 
-When aren’t you? -Matteo mocked and went together to out of the rink, and at the entrance they were shocked of what they were seeing, a smily Ambar holding hands with Simon 
-Oh my god, you are out of your bed -Matteo exclaimed surprised 
-And you showered and brushed your teeth I hope-Gastón exclaimed too and Ambar hitted him softly in one arm 
-You idiot, yes I am out of bed because I am going to have something to drink with my cute boyfriend -She said smiling like they have never seen her before while she tangled herself in Simon’s arm, he was just looking at her with pure adoration 
-Oh that sounds so good, Ambar Smith is my girlfriend, can you believe it? -Simon said looking smitten at her 
-Trust me, I don’t -Gastón said with his eyes wide open while Matteo shook his head, because it was true, seeing Ambar happy dating a guy from the school, a guy that is nice and kind with everyone, just the opposite of her, was something he would never saw coming, never before Simon.
-So I can guess you two are good now? -Matteo asked happy for Ambar, even if they were so different they kind of made sense, Simon bring out the nicest part of Ambar and he couldn’t ask for anything but happiness to her 
-More that good -Ambar answered still holding him close to her, and he realized he will have to bear a lot of PDA from them 
-I am so happy for you guys, really congratulations -Matteo said giving them a hug 
-Yes, congratulations, because Ambar not showering was starting to get very hard to endure -Gastón said and covered himself knowing that she would try to hit him again, but all laughed 
-Thank you guys, and I heard that you and Nina are good too now -Simon said excited -We could go on double dates 
-Yeah, I am not sure about that -Ambar said making a fake disgusted face -I don’t think I can endure your lame jokes 
-Well, I don’t think I can endure your lame sense of humor -Gastón said and they both stared to mimicking eachother like two years old, and Simon seemed like having the time of his life seeing them 
-Hey, I am going to take my skates off, wait in the cafeteria for me -Matteo said and headed to the lockers before getting any answer for them. 
Matteo was happy for his friends, of course he was, but seeing them that happy remind him what he could have and lost, and couldn’t help but felt guilty because that was all his fault, he should never made that bet, he should never changed who he was just because people hurt him in the past, because he became the same as that kind of people and that was consuming him, so before he could even realized he hitted the wall with his fist and could heard a little surprising sigh behind him 
-Luna? -He managed to say shocked, she was standing there looking at him with her eyes wide open 
-Oh my god, Matteo your hand -She exclaimed and Matteo looked down at it and saw a little bit of blood coming out of it, Luna rushed to a table where Tamara kept a little emergency kit and sat in the bench -Come sit down, we need to clean that -Matteo did as she said and sat down next to her, she started to clean the wound softly 
-You don’t have to... -Matteo was saying but she interrupted him 
-Shh, and stay still or it will hurt -She said and he just nodded as answer, when she finish cleaning the blood and started to put the bandage in it she let a little giggle out 
-What? What was it? -Matteo asked curious 
-You know, for being a fresa, you bruise like a peach -She said letting a loud laugh out talking about his black eye and his hand 
-Oh my god, that was so bad -Matteo said laughing and covering his face with his free hand -You are spending too much time with Gaston 
-It wasn’t that bad, you laughed -Luna pointed out trying to defend her joke 
-I laughed of how lame it was -he said and they both laughed for a couple of seconds more 
-There you are, hope you don’t hit another wall or no one hit you anytime soon -She said trying to sound as casual as possible 
-I’ll try my best -He answered him smiling 
-It’s must be hard thought, your face provoke a feeling on people that really makes you want to punch you -She said teased him 
-I know, being this handsome is hard to handle -He answered back gettin close and he inmediatly regret it when she froze on her place making him sitting straight again in that second 
-Why? -Was the only thing Luna asked in a low tone, and Matteo knew what she was talking about inmediatly 
-I... I don’t know... Luna I am so sorry for letting that stupid thing goes that far, because in the begginig it was a game, I can’t deny that, but when I met you It became something more, because you are something more -He said reaching for her hand slowly and when he saw she wasn’t taking it away he took her and caress her with his tomb -I just want another chance to show you that what I feel for you is real
-I know, Nina and Gastón told me, and Simon also did, and I think Ambar treath me if I didn’t talk to you, I am not sure, she was smiling too much and that freaked me out 
-Yes, she is happy -Matteo said smiling at the thought of Ambar, he couldn’t remember a time that he saw her that happy before and he was very glad for her 
-But... Matteo you broke my trust, you are the first person I’ve liked this way, and the first guy I’ve ever kissed, and I just can’t stop thinking that you are still playing with my feelings -Luna was saying while tears were starting to fill her eyes and Matteo cursed himself for causing that 
-I know, and I would do anything Luna, anything to help you build that trust again -He said taking both of his hands now, and Luna lifted her head to look him directly in the eyes 
-Really? Anything? -She asked and he nodded as an answer -Would you stop being friend with Ambar? -She asked examinating his expression carefully 
-What? -He asked shocked, so shocked that he let go both of her hands 
-What I said, if that game was just because Ambar brings out that part of you, then would you stop being her friend? -Luna said calm and Matteo was looking at the nowhere, he couldn’t belive that Luna would ask him something like that 
-N...no, she is my best friend, I couldn’t let her, we need each other, the responsabily of this is as mine as hers, she didn’t force me to do anything and I can’t just stop being her friend just because I did a stupidicity -He said sad, he knew he was letting go maybe the only chance to get Luna back, but knew that needed Ambar as much as she needed him too, and even if she was now with Simon he couldn’t let her alone, he was submerged in his thought when a pair of lips catched him out of ward and a little hand caressing his cheeks surprised him, but it took him just a couple of second to reaction and follow her, he was confused because he was already getting settle to the idea of not being with her again, but now he was kissing her -Please don’t tell me this is going to be our last kiss because I won’t stop kissing you then -Matteo said without stop kissing her 
-I hope it isn’t -Luna said laughing 
-Wait -Matteo said pulling her apart a little. to look her in the eyes -This means you forgive me? -Matteo asked confused but with a big excitement inside him and Luna nodded bitting her lower lip and Matteo didn’t know how someone could be so hot and adorable at the same time -But you know I won’t stop being friend with Ambar 
-You heard when I said I need to build my trust again, that was a test, you could have lied me and tell me to unfriend Ambar when secretly you won’t, or even worse, you could actually unfriend her and being a crappy friend, but you prove me that you are loyal, and won’t lie to me in this, at least -Luna explained him taking his healthy hand with both of hers -Maybe I am going to need a little time and maybe we should go slow but I hope we can make it 
-I hope that too, I am going to put the best of me to make it, and I am mostly the best, so that is a big percent -Matteo said smirking 
-Oh, shut up before I give you another black eye you, snob 
-Okay, but you know is true Piccolina -Matteo said and leaned to give her a little kiss on her cheek  -Wanna go to the cafeteria? I told Gaston to wait for me there and he is with Simon and Ambar and I don’t think he is having a great time with their PDA
-Well, Nina was going there too, so I think they can make a competition of PDA -She said making fun 
-Oh god, then let’s go faster or they are going to get banned from the Jam & Roller for life -Matteo joked back offering his hand to go there and Luna took it without hesitation, when they arrived to the table where their friends were sitting they all turned their heads to saw them
-Wow, can we confirm another couple from the roller? -Gastón asked excited
-We are not putting tags yet -Luna said while sitting in the chair that Matteo moved to help her sit and then Matteo sat next to her 
-Yeah, we are going to take it slow -Matteo said giving Luna an accomplice smile
-Ugh, you are so lame, just have a good and long make out session and that’s all, problem solve -Ambar said nonchalanty leaning her head on Simon’s shoulder, but Luna opened her eyes in surpride and started to blush furiously 
-Ambar, you are talking about my little sister -Simon exclamed with amusement 
-Oh babe, and you didn’t know she was making out with Matteo, poor you, this must be awful, I wouldn’t want Matteo near any relative of mine neither -She said sarcastically and everybody laughed
-Hey, we order this for you guys -Gastón said pointing to a couple of glasses with juice in there and Luna and Matteo took it and started to drink
-And what were you talking before we came here and Ambar started to be shameless -Matteo asked throwing an amused look at Ambar 
-We where planning on do a movie night in Ambar’s house next weekend -Simon answered smiling as always
-What kind of movie would you like? Because we are having some problems deciding -Nina said frowining at Ambar 
-Well, because this nerds wants to see some sci-fi shit -Ambar said acussatory 
-And what is the problem? You probably won’t be looking at the screening for being making out with Simon -Gastón teased her 
-And I won’t like to have aliens and monsters in the background as I kiss my boyfriend, thank you so much -Ambar said and everyone on the table started to laughed amused about Ambar’s and Gaston’s ranting. And damn, how Matteo missed seeing that big and bright smile of Luna, he swear that if the sun ever shut down, her smile would keep the live in earth intact, he reached for her hand under the table and she took it inmediatly and gave him a smile.
Matteo couldn’t remember the last time he was that happy, the last time he called a country his home, the last time he felt being in family, but at that moment, in that little table, with that group of people he was indeed feeling that way. 
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trickstersantana · 7 years
Para: Trickster agaisnt Shedim
Who: Santana and Elliott Location: Undique Stadium Time: 8th January 2017 Summary: Santana keeps fighting everyone, this time is Elliott’s turn. Triggers/Notes: Violence
Santana was so excited to finally fight Elliott on friendly terms. She remember the day she met him, how many wrong expectatives she had about him (she was still dissapointed about the lack of laser beam), and one of them was to have a real battle of wits against a demon, the original trickster. Of course, Elliott wasn't the evil manipulator she expected, and he was actually a nice dude, but her fighting spirit was still there. She actually didn't even mind losing to him, it was going to be so much fun. She looked at her Fiight bag equipement just in case she needed it, and saw the bottle of ashes there. She wondered if using it counted like a really low blow or not. Probably it was a low blow.
Elliott packed his bag with all the stuff he may need though he wasn't planning to use any, he wanted to fight with all that he got and let this fight be a good training, not only to learn about his own limits but to know as well his potiential, and if he managed to get to know more of Santana's powers the better. It was always nice to know what others could do and be prepared for the future. Once at Undique he entered and looked for his friend, he couldn't wait to start.
Santana waved at Elliott when she saw him "Luci, come to the get a mexican paliza" she taunted with a confident smile.
Elliott waved "Hey" he chuckled "I don't know what that means but I bet you were bragging" he laughed "Well, where can we do this without disrupting anyone else's training?"
Santana giggled. "I'm always bragging, too much greatness overflowing for this tiny body". She pointed at a place with enough space for both of us to punch each other. "Do you want some rules or everything's fair until one surrenders?"
Elliott had to think about it for a second, if there was no limit would any of them do something they would regret, but then again, he also wanted to be able to fight with her in whatever way they both wanted. It was hard to trust his friend when she emitted that uncomfortable aura, however he decided "Yeah, let's do whatever we feel" he winked.
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 5
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 1
Santana in the instant Elliott finished saying feel she was already attacking him with illusory sharp ice coming from the ground to get him. She was going to use spears but maybe that was too close to knifes... sharp ice didn't count, right?
Elliott didn't expect the ice coming from the floor, he activates his shield and steps back. Damn, Santana was quick. When then realized the ice was gone and was very confused... "What the... of course..." he sighed and then smirked. It was sort of exciting to don't know what she would do next "I see how this is going to be" his smile growing bigger as he took off his shoes and threw them away next to his bag.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 5
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Santana wondered what the fuck he took of his shoes. To try to feel things from the ground better? Like that was going to stop her illusions. She did another attack, this time as blue fire around him.
Elliott 's hands turned into sharp claws and his arms started to transform into pitch black as well as his foot, he was confused for a moment about the blue fire but he quickly walked among it and directly attacked Santana with his fist.
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 1
Santana feel the punch "Auch" she complained while jumping behind to get far away from Elliott. She wasn't the close fights type. And she bet he could just snap her neck with his middle finger, thank good he controled himself. It was weird to actually be confortable enough to be with someone you know could easily kill you and be confident on that he won't. She pointed at her wrist with Blaine's golden friendship bracelet and make it turn into one of those hidden crossbow bracelets while pointing at Elliott and throwing an glowly arrow, because if it glows it looks more magical.
Elliott almost falls to the floor trying to avoid the glowing arrow, a little blinded by it glows "shit" he says under his breath.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Santana throws another arrow to him because repeat things until they stop working.
Elliott just closes his eyes for a second to avoid the light and takes a few steps away from her.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Santana keeps attacking Elliott with arrows wishing she actually had a cool real bracelet crossbow, but this time she adds more Swooshy sounds because it didnt sount enough swooshy before.
Elliott moves fast among the flashing arrows, even if they confuse him, he ends getting closer to Santana again, if she can lie he could also can do it, right? he makes a gesture making her believe he is going to punch her, but instead he turns quickly and uses his leg to kick her and drop her to the floor.
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Santana falls to the ground and quickly goes up again and tries to get far away from Elliott. God damn it she hated physical fighters. She takes one Madame Jason’s Cookies of Healing (1HP per cookie)
Elliott runs fast after Santana and when she is near a wall he punches her making her (como se dice chocar) with the wall.
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Elliott punches her again before she tries to run away.
Santana fucking HIT THE WALLS IN SPANISH. And then gets hit again. This is NOT FUN AT ALL. She tries to get away and eat another Madam Jason's cookie.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Santana she made appear a little explosion between them to also get away from Elliott, and then again took another cookie.
Elliott falls to the floor putting his hands over his ears, he felt like the explosion happened right on his brain "fuck" he says annoyed as he is almost kneeling on the floor.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 1
Santana tries to keep healing herself with cookies instead of attacking more because FUCKIGN ELLIOT T
Elliott wonders how many cookies does Santana have, but she is being too distractted eating them to actually avoid his next attack so that's fine by him. He approaches her again quickly, attacking from behind with a kick on her back.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Santana hates Elliott so much right now. "Ok dude it's illegal to defeat me!" she complained while making spears to go attack him. And they ARE ALSO GLOWING BECAUSE GLOWING IS COOL. And she takes another cookie while trying to running away because SHE HAS SO MANY COOKIES.
Elliott eyes open wide and he puts his arms in front of his face to protect himself from the spears, he swears he can feel the pain in his abdomen again, that was just really messing his head "fuck you" he says this time loudly.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 2
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 4
Santana smiled and again went far away from Elliott to make Blaine's bracelet looks like it turned into a strange bracelet gun, shooting 3 bullets to Elliott, sound and all. "I'm the one being punched here!" she complained again.
Elliott is mostly annoyed by the gun making him lose concentration and feel a little dizzy. Aether, he was starting to hate illusions.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 2
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 5
Santana tooks another cookie while snapping her fingers. "Do you prefer something more like this?" she said while pointing at her left and making an illusion of Freddie Mercury appear. The Freddi Mercury illusion then spoke using his voice "I actually think the Jonas Brother are better musicians than me"
Elliott frowns looking at Santana like saying "why would Freddie be a bad thing" but then he speaks and Elliott doesn't know if scream or punch a wall, "Woah, that's the rudest thing you have done so far" he said really annoyed "I fucking hate you" he says to the fake Freddie Mercury. Then runs to attack Santana.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 2
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 5
Santana laughs really loud while running far away from Elliot so he doesn't get her. She ses her bracelet again, turning it into the crossbow to shot some glowy arrows. She loved the swooshy sound.
Elliott is getting so annoyed, his head hurts and he just want to catch Santana and make her pay for tainting Freddie's legacy with that stupid illusion, but he feels himself getting tired.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 5
Santana takes another cookie while Elliott get's too close to her. She tries to dodge it.
Elliott punches Santana in the face.
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 5
Elliott feels bad but he is not really sorry.
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 3
Santana is fucking shocked "AUCH...¡CABRÓN!" She said while touching her face and running. Figthing Elliott was so not fun at all. It was just pain. She makes little fireworks exploting around Elliott with louds annoying sounds.
Santana rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Elliott rolled a die. The die showed: 2
Santana keep making more fireworks while shouting "NOW WHO IS THE GAYEST QUEEN?"
Elliott is dizzy, and feels like the room is moving around him, that can't be a good sign "It is me" he says but maybe he didn't he just falls on the floor feeling like crap "Ugh..." he says from the floor "I hate illusions" he moves near his bag and takes one of Tina's kawaii donuts, they may not restore his health but they make his soul feel alright after feeling dirty with that Freddie illusion "you are the werst" he keeps eating the donut in silent.
Santana laughs like an evil villian who can't fucking believe that just beat the hero. She jumps around in celebration. Tricksters 1 Demons 0. "Oh my God I wish I could tell this to my 'dad' he would be so proud" she exclames while starting to do an air guitar but making a fake illusion guitar appear, making it sound like the instrumental version of 'Another one bites the dust' while Elliott is eating on the floor.
Elliott keeps eating his cute donut "Another one bites the dust beginning is made by a bass" he complains seeing her guitar illusion "you are definitely the werst"
Santana keeps playing her fake guitar and started to make drums sounds coming from it. "Look at all the fucks I give, Luci, look at them"
Elliott sits down and takes another kawaii donut "Woah, that's just weird..."
Santana giggles and makes it sound like a violin now. And she keep looking at Elliott's donuts and the cookies just made her more hungry. "Do you have some to share or do you want to get to the store to buy more to Celebrate My Victory" SHE STILL CAN'T BELIEVE SHE FUCKING WON
Elliott pats the floor next to him "I have more, Tina gave me a lot" he takes another donut and gives it to her.
Santana sits on the floor next to him. Maybe it was weird to sit on the middle of a gym eating donuts but she didn't care because she was A Winner. She had the biggest smile on her face, the smile of victory. She felt like she could beat the Champion . She also felt like she was going to have a lot of bruises tomorrow. She took the donut Elliott gave her "I told you illusions are fucking great, you only have to know your opponent and what's their favourite singer" she said sticking her tongue.
Elliott chuckles, he was still annoyed by that illusion but he could appreciate the humor, at least she didn't make an illusion of Adam, that would be much worse "I can't even stand, I feel so dizzy..." he says finishing another kawaii donut "I guess I'm not as mentally strong as I am physically" he sighed "at least I know what I have to improve" he started eating yet another donut.
Santana looked that apparently Elliott wasn't that much of annoyed at her. That was good news. "He he, the trickster greatness is too strong" she tried not to nod to not being mentally strong. She had another things in mind in case she had to fight Elliott for real, but she prefered to save those strategies for real emergencies. They weren't really nice. "How do you train your mind, exactly?" she asked, genuinelly. She knew she was terrible at defending herself, so she always based her strategy to attack stronger to the oponent and try to dodge. I Won't Die always told her she was a glass canon.
Elliott shrugs "I guess with some sort of meditation or something? I don't know... I guess that now that I know I should train that, I'll have to find out" he finished the donut he was eating and then stayed in silence for a while "So... are you going to help me get back to my room?"
Santana finish her kawaii Donut of Victory (TM). "Tell me if you ever find out". She had fought with tricksters who were way better at illusions than her and she still wondered how she survived that one time it was to the death. She looked at Elliott when he finally spoke, and she was tempted to say 'only if you admit I'm the gayest queen', but she decided to actually stand up and try to help him stand. A 5' 5" Skinny Girl Who Was Born As a Cat Sized Ringtail Tries to Lift Up a 6' 1" Buff Demon: The Results Might Surprise You
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basilepesso · 1 year
Il est de bon ton de critiquer Onfray, pour des raisons que j'ignore lorsqu’on est pas un collabo ou un "racisé". Onfray, en  dehors de quelques erreurs parfois gravissimes (vaccins corona en particulier...) est un des tout meilleurs, depuis plus de 20 ans. Il est mis dans une bien étonnante charrette avec un des meilleurs écrivains des dernières décennies (Houellebecq) par des hordes de tacherons qui ont pour faits d'armes quelques textes écrits avec le cul sur Facebook, ou des métiers ma foi tout à fait nobles mais qui ne les autorisent certainement pas à vomir sur de vrais penseurs et de vrais Résistants dans un monde de couilles molles. Basile Pesso, 13 mars 2 023 (Fb), avec citation/visuel de Michel Onfray sur la jeunesse d’aujourd’hui
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basilepesso · 1 year
Pendant que les femmes continuent de risquer leur vie malgré la barbarie de l'immonde régime iranien, Catalunya Radio (lien en commentaires) met en avant sur son Twitter le réchauffement diplomatique entre Iran et Arabie Saoudite. Basile Pesso, 11 mars 2 023 (Fb) avec petite vidéo
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basilepesso · 1 year
Quel absolu délice que de trouver un artiste de plus dans la si mince cohorte que nous formons, à oser se dresser contre le néo-fascisme! >>>> "Ted Nugent has urged supporters of Donald Trump to “remain peaceful” if the former President is arrested. Trump has claimed that he will be arrested today (Tuesday, March 21) on charges related to an investigation into a $130,000 (£106,000) payment to porn star Stormy Daniels, per BBC News. Back in 2016, Daniels offered to sell her account of what she claimed was an adulterous affair she had with Trump in 2006. It’s said that the ex-POTUS’ lawyer Michael Cohen subsequently paid her $130k to keep quiet.
“Put on your truck light. Put on your porch light. Carry a lantern. We need to stand strong, he said (via Blabbermouth) “And if they wanna arrest President Trump, we need to not protest; we need to not put on rallies… because Antifa, Black Lives Matter and these imported Chinese nationals and Somali nationals who are coming across our open border, as orchestrated by Biden Satan gang, they are ready to do battle.”
(Aussi sur Fb, 22 mars 2 023)
Article du NME : “Ted Nugent urges Trump supporters to “remain peaceful” if former President is arrested”
0 notes
basilepesso · 1 year
Un article PQ de plus par ce torchon d'ultra-gauche qui ne peut pas s’empêcher, comme un TOC, de répéter les adjectifs "complotiste" et "xénophobe" au sujet de l'adrénochrome. Ils ont tout de même réussi à éviter de titrer sur l'antisémitisme, mais se sont peut-être rattrapés dans l'article, réservé aux abonnés. Le choix de photo d'Hanouna est incroyablement pervers, le représentant en figure démoniaque, alors précisément qu'il est question...de pédo-satanisme.
Basile Pesso, 13 mars 2 023 (Fb) Article de Libération : “”TPMP” relaie la rumeur complotiste et xénophobe de l’adrénochrome devant 2 millions de téléspectateurs”
0 notes
basilepesso · 3 years
Le parti d'ultra-gauche espagnol Podemos tellement fou qu'il refuse de se joindre à l'initiative de VOX Baléares pour distribuer en masse des masques anti-corona gratuitement. Les "arguments" sont doubles et alternent entre fake news et imbécillité absolue, et si représentative : 1. VOX est d'"extrême-droite" (diffamation/fake news/imbécillité) 2. VOX soutiendrait les négationnistes coronesques et le non-port du masque : semi fake news/diffamation. Explication du point 2 : j'ai vertement critiqué l'attitude de VOX en début de pandémie, notamment leurs meetings de printemps tenus en dépit de l'arrivée du corona. Ces meetings à succès avaient entraîné, notamment, la maladie des leaders de VOX dont Abascal et Ortega Smith. Depuis, VOX a tourné casaque et fait tout masqué, notamment les très nombreux clips et vidéos de rencontre avec la population. Ils sont également pro-vax à outrance, ce que je critique également. BP. >> "El grupo municipal ha considerado que Alcúdia tiene un "establiment  corporativo" de 16 concejales que está "blanqueando una extrema derecha que aboga por la abolición de las autonomías y larecentralización del Estado, homologable a la derecha populista europea, antifeminista e islamófoba, que reivindica la dictadura franquista y propugna la derogación de la Ley de Memoria histórica"." Artículo de 20 Minutos : “Podemos Alcúdia critica que al Ayuntamiento haga suya una moción de Vox que pide comprar y distribuir gratis mascarillas“
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basilepesso · 3 years
Il sera intéressant de trouver les articles du Monde et autres collabos haineux quant au "protectionnisme nazi" de Trumpo...je le ferai éventuellement dans les jours qui viennent. Long article absolument pas critique sur une politique identique de Biden sur ces sujets, à part un vague changement de méthode. Le "journalisme" "de gauche" est un naufrage. BP.
Article du Monde : “Joe Biden veut reprendre à son compte le « buy American » défendu par Donald Trump“
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basilepesso · 3 years
...another “milestone” of this horrendous process was the slaughter of London towards a member of the UK army, Lee Rigby, in May 2 013, by two Nigerians, one filming the behading and evisceration. We could then see the barbarian threaten everyone with blood all over him and his visible knife. At the same time, in Paris, was taking place the “Méric case” (L’affaire Méric) on which the former ultra-violent neo-nazi, the Lebanese/French Serge Ayoub wrote a book with this name and made plenty of interventions which were, in spite of his terrible past, very efficient and true. Example with this article of Le Figaro. French were absolutely not interested in the horror lived by Lee, his family and friends, but focused on the Méric case, a violent antifa who had died after having provoked nationalists or far-right dudes. A simple punch and he fell on a street post, which caused his death. The “left-wing” media were only speaking of this, and of the “come back of Nazism”. When I was speaking to friends about Lee and what had just happened to him, either they didn’t react, or spoke of their “distress towards Clément Méric and the rise of neo-nazism in France”. These events colliding showed me that this French land was sick, and that a huge part of its citizens, plus the dominating system, were horrible individuals.
BP. The Clash, London Calling
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basilepesso · 3 years
Lorsque j'ai ouvert cet article, je me disais "ça, ça va pas être un arabe, ni un noir". Je penchais pour un Espagnol, même si ce genre de cas n'arrive jamais. Il s'agissait d'un...Colombien. Agressions sexuelles multiples en quelques semaines à Barcelone dont une filmée par l'ordure, qui suivait les femmes dans leur hall, déguisé en livreur de repas. Pourquoi La Vanguardia est moins gênée pour rapporter ces faits lorsqu'ils émanent de Latinos ? Parce que ce sont des "locuteurs espagnols", et que La Vanguardia est catalaniste. C'est cette logique répugnante qui avait poussé Colau (la mairesse d'ultra-gauche de Barcelone) en mars 2 018 à organiser un rassemblement devant sa mairie suite à un massacre conjugal en appartement, encore une fois par un Latino (un Hondurien), alors qu'une des spécificités de cette bonne femme est de masquer toute criminalité noire, et surtout, musulmane (sa marotte). BP. >>>>>
"El acusado es un hombre de 32 años de nacionalidad colombiana a quien se atribuyen cinco delitos sexuales todos cometidos en las últimas semanas" Articulo de la Vanguardia : “Prisión provisional para el agresor sexual que asaltó a cinco mujeres en Barcelona“
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