#file under : tz
lgcdowoon · 1 year
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EXPLORE WITH TZ : x-hunting in qilou solo COUNT : 581 words
since he was alone and figured footage of him just walking won’t do much good, he spoke his thoughts aloud as he walked down qilou old street with the camera man next to him. “so daeho-hyung and i’s letter is x--which is easy to remember because it’s just a cross, like this” he made a large x with his arms. “now what starts with x...this is hard, i can only think of an x-ray.” he decided that rather than trying to figured out every word that started with x, he would just keep on the move and hope he came across something with an x on it. he and the staff assigned to him walked around the street for a bit, chatting and trying to find an x of some sort--dowoon was getting desperate.
“ooh this is an x!” seeing something in the distance, he ran straight towards the item, leaving the cameraman in the dust. once the camera man caught up with dowoon, he presented the item with glee and pride. it was a sign that read, xylophones 50% off in english, at the front of a small music store. he then started messing with the sign, noticing the tight screws on it. “it’s kinda on there tight--so do i take a picture, or i guess i could ask if i could borrow the sign for a bit? the owner might not mind.” he peered into the store to get a read on who was attending the store. that was when the manager next to the cameraman started to giggle. “what--i need the x right? we’re supposed to find the x... and dowoon look confused. the manager then re-explained the rules, he had to buy the item for one and “OOOOH find an item with a name that starts with x...i see.” he scratched the back of his head, laughing but feeling ashamed for the mistake. 
“well, i guess i’ll keep looking...” he took all of about five steps away from the store, before he remembered the sign itself. “OH! we can get a xylophone!” once again he laughed but had a look of shame on his face as he opened the door into the shop. “this is why the hyungs don’t usually leave me alone” he joked towards the camera.
he decided to take a moment to look around the shop. when he still had the time, he would spend much of a day practicing piano, so he went straight to that small section and played a bit. he played mary had a little lamb for the camera, as well as the part of type zero’s song, before the dawn that he could remember (which wasn’t a lot), “i’m out of practice--i hope my old piano teacher isn’t watching...sorry choi-seonsaengnim.” ashamed seemed to be the emotino of the day for him. he continued to browse around the shop. it wasn’t anything crazy elaborate or large, a couple pianos, guitars, and drums on display--probably family owned if he had to guess. 
he got to the percussion section and went straight towards the xylephones. “jackpot!!!” he exclaimed. there was a box marked sale and filled with loose damaged or lost xylephone keys. he figured that had to count right?? he got as many as he could get--plus a xun, because he thought it seemed cool. with that, he thanked the shop owner and realize he had to race back to the meeting spot to tally the result--he really hoped he won.
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amitabh-d · 2 years
Docker, Mullvad, Socks Proxy, and Automatic Networking Configuration
Mullvad runs their Socks proxy server on But our wireguard is running in a container so the system does not know how to reach this IP address.
We need to tell our system how to reach this IP address via our container's IP.
To selectively route traffic via the proxy, we need to provide a .pac file to Firefox. A .pac file contains a function which decides which URL/host should be proxied. Under network settings Automatic proxy configuration URL it accepts a URL or we can specify a local file using file:////path/to/proxy.pac.
The linuxserver/wireguard image expects a wireguard configuration under /config/wg0.conf. Get your mullvad config from here https://mullvad.net/en/account/#/wireguard-config, and extract the downloaded zip into a wg folder. Rename the config you want to use to wg0.conf. If you don't have IPv6 then remove the IPv6 addresses from the wg0.conf file, otherwise the connection might fail.
Lets create the required files.
Copy the following into docker-compose.yml:
--- version: "3" services: wg: image: lscr.io/linuxserver/wireguard container_name: wg cap_add: - NET_ADMIN - SYS_MODULE environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Europe/London volumes: - ./wg:/config - /lib/modules:/lib/modules ports: - 51820:51820/udp - 1080:1080 #for socks proxy sysctls: - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1 restart: unless-stopped
Copy the following into start.sh:
#!/bin/bash #start wg service docker-compose up -d docker exec wg curl --no-progress-meter https://am.i.mullvad.net/connected #enable nat inside the container docker exec wg iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wg+ -j MASQUERADE #get ip address of wg network wg_ip=$(docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' wg) echo "wg container ip is $wg_ip" #add route to mullvad socks ip sudo ip route add via $wg_ip
And, make the script executable:
chmod 700 start.sh
Copy the following to `mullvad.pac':
const proxyList = new Set(); //add domain names below proxyList.add("mullvad.net"); //proxyList.add("anotherdomain.com"); function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { return proxyList.has(host) ? "SOCKS5" : "DIRECT" }
Open Firefox's network settings and add the path to mullvad.pac file under Automatic proxy configuration URL.
Now if you visit https://mullvad.net/en/check, it should be all green.
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computingpostcom · 2 years
This is a guide on how to install Puppet Master and Agent on Ubuntu 20.04|18.04 Linux system. Puppet is a configuration management tool written in Ruby and C++ that helps you automate configurations and deployments of applications across hundreds to thousands of systems. The software is under Apache License. Puppet run on Linux, Unix, and Windows environments. As of this writing, the latest release of Puppet is 7.2 Puppet Server / Client Architecture Puppet uses Client/Server model. The server does all the automation of tasks on systems that have a client application installed. The work of the Puppet agent is to send facts to the puppet master and request a catalog based on certain interval level. Once it receives a catalog, Puppet agent applies it to the node by checking each resource the catalog describes. It makes relevant changes to attain the desired state. The work of the Puppet master is to control configuration information.  Each managed agent node requests its own configuration catalog from the master. What is a Catalog in Puppet? A catalog is a document that describes the desired system state for one specific system. It lists all of the resources that need to be managed, as well as any dependencies between those resources. Puppet  is able to configure end systems in two stages: Compile a catalog. Apply the catalog. Puppet Master – Agent Communication The communication between the Puppet agent and master servers is over an encrypted tunnel (HTTPS) with client verification. By using configuration management systems like Puppet, as a Sysadmin, you get to focus on production tasks by removing all manual repetitive tasks. Installing Puppet Master on Ubuntu 20.04|18.04 Let’s now dive to the installation process for Puppet master on Ubuntu 20.04|18.04. My Lab environment is as below: Puppet Master: Hostname: puppetmaster IP Address: Puppet Agent ( For Testing ): Hostname: puppetclient IP Address: Setup Prerequisites One of the key requirements of the Puppet master is network time synchronization.  We will ensure we have correct timezone set on the Puppet master server as well as working NTP service. We will later configure Agent nodes to sync their time with the Puppet Master, Step 1: Set correct timezone Ubuntu 18.04+ ships with timedatectl command line tool that you can use to set the correct timezone on your server. Use it like below, replacing “Africa/Nairobi” with your correct timezone. sudo timedatectl set-timezone Africa/Nairobi Confirm the change using: $ timedatectl Local time: Wed 2019-10-30 08:33:53 EAT Universal time: Wed 2019-10-30 05:33:53 UTC RTC time: Wed 2019-10-30 05:33:54 Time zone: Africa/Nairobi (EAT, +0300) System clock synchronized: yes systemd-timesyncd.service active: yes RTC in local TZ: no Step 2: Set server hostname Use the hostnamectl command to set server hostname export HOST_NAME="puppetmaster" sudo hostnamectl set-hostname $HOST_NAME Login again and confirm new hostname $ hostname puppetmaster Add correct hostnames and IP addresses we’ll use later to /etc/hosts file. $ sudo vim /etc/hosts [puppet-master-ip] puppetmaster puppet [puppet-client-ip] puppetclient Step 2: Set Chrony NTP server Install ntp package: sudo apt remove ntp sudo apt -y install chrony If you would like to restrict which systems can use your ntp server, add a line like below to /etc/chrony/chrony.conf: $ sudo vim /etc/chrony/chrony.conf restrict mask nomodify notrap Replace with your trusted network. The restart ntp service: sudo systemctl restart chronyd Check ntp status: $ sudo chronyc sources 210 Number of sources = 8 MS Name/IP address Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample =============================================================================== ^* chilipepper.canonical.com 2 6 17 2 +991us[ +836us] +/- 57ms
^+ pugot.canonical.com 2 6 17 2 +1049us[+1049us] +/- 61ms ^+ golem.canonical.com 2 6 17 3 +153us[-2656ns] +/- 63ms ^+ alphyn.canonical.com 2 6 17 3 +589us[ +433us] +/- 66ms ^+ pool-71-168-219-127.cmdn> 1 6 17 3 +1249us[+1093us] +/- 54ms ^+ smtp.us.naz.com 2 6 17 3 -2583us[-2738us] +/- 67ms ^+ mail.masters-of-cloud.de 2 6 17 2 +1293us[+1137us] +/- 49ms ^+ ns4.turbodns.co.uk 2 6 17 2 +4616us[+4460us] +/- 103ms Install Puppet Master on Ubuntu 20.04|18.04 Now that all prerequisites are met, proceed to download PuppetLabs repository for Ubuntu and install Puppet master on the server. Ubuntu 20.04: sudo apt update curl -O https://apt.puppet.com/puppet-release-focal.deb sudo apt install ./puppet-release-focal.deb Ubuntu 18.04: sudo apt update sudo apt install wget curl -O https://apt.puppet.com/puppet6-release-bionic.deb sudo apt install ./puppet6-release-bionic.deb Update apt index and install puppet master: sudo apt update sudo apt install puppetserver Agree to start the installation: ... Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following additional packages will be installed: ca-certificates-java fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core java-common libavahi-client3 libavahi-common-data libavahi-common3 libcups2 libfontconfig1 libjpeg-turbo8 libjpeg8 liblcms2-2 libnspr4 libnss3 libpcsclite1 libxi6 libxrender1 libxtst6 net-tools openjdk-8-jre-headless puppet-agent x11-common Suggested packages: default-jre cups-common liblcms2-utils pcscd libnss-mdns fonts-dejavu-extra fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-ipafont-mincho fonts-wqy-microhei fonts-wqy-zenhei fonts-indic The following NEW packages will be installed: ca-certificates-java fontconfig-config fonts-dejavu-core java-common libavahi-client3 libavahi-common-data libavahi-common3 libcups2 libfontconfig1 libjpeg-turbo8 libjpeg8 liblcms2-2 libnspr4 libnss3 libpcsclite1 libxi6 libxrender1 libxtst6 net-tools openjdk-8-jre-headless puppet-agent puppetserver x11-common 0 upgraded, 23 newly installed, 0 to remove and 66 not upgraded. Need to get 118 MB of archives. After this operation, 329 MB of additional disk space will be used. Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y Confirm the installed version of Puppet: $ apt policy puppetserver puppetserver: Installed: 7.2.0-1focal Candidate: 7.2.0-1focal Version table: *** 7.2.0-1focal 500 500 http://apt.puppetlabs.com focal/puppet amd64 Packages 500 http://apt.puppetlabs.com focal/puppet all Packages 100 /var/lib/dpkg/status .... Start and enable puppetserver service sudo systemctl start puppetserver.service sudo systemctl enable puppetserver.service On Ubuntu, the service should be started automatically: $ systemctl status puppetserver.service systemctl status puppetserver ● puppetserver.service - puppetserver Service Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/puppetserver.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-06-28 14:31:27 EAT; 33s ago Main PID: 6131 (java) Tasks: 45 (limit: 4915) Memory: 968.2M CGroup: /system.slice/puppetserver.service └─6131 /usr/bin/java -Xms2g -Xmx2g -Djruby.logger.class=com.puppetlabs.jruby_utils.jruby.Slf4jLogger -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="kill -9 %p" -XX:ErrorFi> Jun 28 14:31:07 puppet-server.computingpost.com systemd[1]: Starting puppetserver Service... Jun 28 14:31:27 puppet-server.computingpost.com systemd[1]: Started puppetserver Service. Configure Puppet Master on Ubuntu 20.04|18.04 After the Puppet master server has been installed, it is time to start the configuration. It is recommended to change Puppet Java process memory allocation Infrastructure size. I’ll assign my Puppet server 1gb of ram. This is done by editing environment file located on /etc/default/puppet-master
$ sudo vim /etc/default/puppetserver JAVA_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m" Restart puppet server process after making the change. sudo systemctl restart puppetserver Configure Firewall: If you have a firewall on your Ubuntu system, you need to open port 8140 which is used by the Puppet master service. Run the following commands to allow port on the firewall: sudo ufw allow 8140/tcp Configure PATH Environment Add below lines in your bashrc file: $ vim ~/.bashrc export PATH=$PATH:/opt/puppetlabs/bin Source the ~/.bashrc file: source ~/.bashrc Confirm your current PATH settings: $ echo $PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games:/snap/bin:/opt/puppetlabs/bin Install Puppet Agent on Managed Nodes On the nodes to be automated with Puppet install puppet Agent: Ubuntu 20.04: sudo apt update curl -O https://apt.puppet.com/puppet-release-focal.deb sudo apt install ./puppet-release-focal.deb sudo apt update sudo apt install puppet-agent Ubuntu 18.04: sudo apt update sudo apt install wget curl -O https://apt.puppet.com/puppet6-release-bionic.deb sudo apt install ./puppet6-release-bionic.deb sudo apt update sudo apt install puppet-agent Open the /etc/hosts file and set name for the server and this agent: $ sudo vim /etc/hosts [puppet-master-ip] puppetmaster puppet [puppet-client-ip] puppetclient Edit Puppet Agent configuration file and add Master server DNS alternative names: $ sudo vim /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf [server] vardir = /opt/puppetlabs/server/data/puppetserver logdir = /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver rundir = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver pidfile = /var/run/puppetlabs/puppetserver/puppetserver.pid codedir = /etc/puppetlabs/code dns_alt_names=puppetmaster,puppetserver Also configure main section like below: $ sudo vim /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf [main] server = puppetmaster certname = puppetclient environment = production runinterval = 1h Now start the Puppet service: sudo systemctl start puppet sudo systemctl enable puppet On the Puppet Master Node list all the available certificates: $ sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver ca list --all Signed Certificates: puppetmaster (SHA256) 88:75:01:73:8A:CE:50:1D:A1:55:6F:00:47:5C:0B:87:F5:AD:5E:B8:7F:70:F6:A7:7F:C4:92:67:35:07:3E:32 alt names: ["DNS:puppetmaster", "DNS:puppetmaster", "DNS:puppetserver", "DNS:puppetmaster"] authorization extensions: [pp_cli_auth: true] puppetclient (SHA256) 71:80:13:23:4F:30:18:32:05:01:80:52:F7:C2:48:BE:7B:89:AE:E6:DD:87:C4:6B:4C:4F:07:47:7D:D8:14:A2 alt names: ["DNS:puppet", "DNS:puppetclient"] authorization extensions: [pp_cli_auth: true] Sign any pending certificate: sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver ca sign --all The Puppet Master should now be able to communicate with agent node and to control it. Confirm by running below command on the agent: $ sudo /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet agent --test Info: Using configured environment 'production' Info: Retrieving pluginfacts Info: Retrieving plugin Info: Caching catalog for puppetmaster Info: Applying configuration version '1624883476' Notice: Applied catalog in 0.01 seconds Add Puppet Binary folder to $PATH Puppet binaries are located in /opt/puppetlabs/bin. This directory by default is not in your $PATH. As can be confirmed with: $ ls /opt/puppetlabs/bin/ facter hiera puppet puppetserver $ which puppet /usr/bin/which: no puppet in (/home/vagrant/.local/bin:/home/vagrant/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin) Add it to PATH: $ vim ~/.bashrc export PATH=$PATH:/opt/puppetlabs/bin $ source ~/.bashrc $ which puppet /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet Enjoy automating your infrastructure management and applications deployment with Puppet configuration management tool.
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docholligay · 4 years
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I’m not going to destroy my photo limit for the umpteenth time this last Eight Days and just tell you that what’s happening is that the earth’s elliptical course has changed, and every day they are getting closer to the sun. If we believe that this is true, and that this is a forgone conclusion, then the question becomes not just, “What would you do to survive?” but “what would you do to survive a little LONGER, knowing that you will die?” This is a question no man can answer for another. I have an idea of my own leanings, but I’ve never been there, so I can’t really know what I would do. 
But I want you to think about it, before we continue on this journey, because this is really what Serling is asking us. If you know you are going to die, that you all are, what does the question of humanity become? If you cannot excuse yourself by saying you were trying to survive, doesn’t this all get much more complicated. Serling has given us this exact construct, because he doesn’t want to give us an out. He doesn’t want you to be able to excuse, I don’t think. This, like so many of his works, is a thought experiment. 
I talked about it a lot in Night of The Meek, which I may queue up for Christmas Day, being a favored Christmas story of mine. It was EXTREMELY prevalent there, but Rod Serling is Jewish, as am I, and so this idea of approaching morality from the highly theoretical is so very...Talmudic to me. Rav Serling is putting forth that if a man knows his cause to be hopeless and that he shall die, does that not mean that, since survival cannot be achieved, all the mitzvot that might be excused under pikuach nefesh are no longer excused? 
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thorin-is-a-cuddler · 3 years
Archive of laughter
A/N: Natasha realizes that Clint’s motivation is at a new low and tries to shift his mind away from the present. When he accidentally offers her the perfect method for doing so, she does not hesitate. Set in the What if… episode 1x08 with post-apocalyptic Clintasha vibes. I missed them.
2766 words
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„Aw man aw man aw man.“
Natasha looked up from the sheets in her hands with a reprimanding look in her eyes. „Clint!“
„What?“ With a sour expression he sent her a glare over his metal shoulder from where he stood in front of a gigantic shelf, stacked with boxes full of documents. „If I don’t get to bitch about this, I doubt I’ll live through it.“
Natasha’s annoyed countenance made room for worry when she saw how large the shadows under Clint’s eyes were. How dark and hopeless they looked over the left-over shelves of the Archive. Hundreds of them, holding God knew how many files they had to look through to find answers.
It wasn’t like Clint was being dramatic. He was at the limit of his strength, at the far corner of his already fragile mental stability after years of running, hiding, bleeding and grieving. After years of trying to endure the fact that him and Natasha were, as far as they were informed, the last two living beings not only of their planet, but of the entire universe. After Ultron had destroyed everything and everyone else.
Natasha knew what he felt like, knew how hard it could get to keep it together, to not succumb to madness. Especially when faced with an enormous Russian Archive stacked with billion sheets of paper that may or may not offer them a solution in a single printed line or a minimal percentage of about 0,0001 percent of the files at hand.
She could see the horror Clint was experiencing in connection to the possibly hopeless workload that lay ahead of them and she was scared of the thoughts that were currently running through his mind, unseen, pondering dark questions and possibilities she did not dare to even consider.
She had to do something.
Slowly she lowered the files she held in her hands and stared at Clint’s back while he was already busy flipping through boxes again, his head hanging almost as low as his shoulders.
„Hey,“ she gently addressed him, making him stop and look over his shoulder again. Such tired blue eyes. She’d never seen them look this tired before. „Clint, I promise, this will be worth the effort. We will find something that will make all this go away again. Something that will defeat Ultron. I know it.“
His eyes lingered on her for a few moments longer, sadness reflected inside them. Then he turned around again, his shoulders as heavy as before. „Yeah. Sure.“
Now Natasha’s shoulders slumped down as well.
No, no, no, she could not leave him be this way, she could not let this slip and act as if everything was a-okay. She was acting cheerful for the sake of the both of them. But she knew it wouldn’t be good for anything if Clint continued faking smiles and showcasing his I-have-no-hope-left-but-I’ll-do-this-for-you expression.
He didn’t want to worry her. Which was the exact reason why she was so worried.
„Clint?“ She tried again, smiling, despite his loud sigh as he put his box away and turned around another time to face her. With one hand resting on the shelf to support himself he looked at her, softly, despite his obvious frustration. „Yes?“
„Can you imagine that we once thought being caught in an airvent for two days was basically the worst?“
Something in Clint’s posture changed at that. He opened his eyes a bit more and suddenly huffed a short laugh, nodding at her words. „Yeah. Two days. How laughable that seems now.“
„It sure does. But we made the most of it, didn’t we? How did we keep ourselves distracted back then?“ 
Clint pushed himself away from the shelf with a smile, his thoughts obviously shifting from the dark corner of his mind to a brighter one. Natasha’s smile widened.
„Well, you took an awful load of time to find out that I repeatedly wrote the same word during our Hangman matches.“
Natasha had to laugh out loud at that. „Okay, to my own defense: I did not yet know how stupid you actually were back then!“
„Touché,“ Clint grinned, the shadows under his eyes vanishing slightly. „You did find out about quite a few things while we were hiding out up there. The worst part being that you discovered how ticklish I was. Not exactly fun times for me.“
Natasha smirked at the memory. „Oh no, those were actually reeeeally fun times for you. I remember you laughing incessantly in fact.“
„Do you now?“ Clint squinted his eyes at her in mock anger, a warning spark shooting through them.
„Especially when I tickled you in that one particular spot… where was that again? I think you actually begged for me to stop when I got you th-“
„Tz, shut up!“
Natasha gasped in fake indignation as Clint suddenly turned his back to her, his voice altering to a slightly more embarrassed tone and his hand waving her off, as if to tell her not to dwell on it too much. Of course, that was, in her opinion, the most adorable reaction he could have possibly chosen and she would now dwell on it even more than before. Slowly she moved out of her cross-legged position on the floor, threateningly wiggling her fingertips around. Wasn’t this actually the perfect way to cheer up her favorite person in the world? Why hadn’t she thought of this before?
„Wait, I think I actually do remember. Would you mind if we test this memory, just to make sure-“
„Now is not the time, Natasha.“ He gently tried to reason with her, a meaningful look in his blue eyes when he shortly turned his head around to glance at her.
Natasha lowered her hands. But a teasing smirk remained on her face. „The time for what?“ Clint tried to appear unimpressed by her attempt to make him say it. He seemed determined not to step into her trap this time. Not after all those times he’d already made that mistake.
„You’re not gonna make me say it.“
„Say what, Clint?“
Natasha noticed that he kept looking over his shoulder ever so slightly, as she started approaching him, taking note of her sneakily coming closer. The smallest smile played around the corners of his lips.
„I said you’re not gonna make me say it.“
Natasha felt a wave of happiness course through her stomach at the way Clint’s voice altered ever so slightly. He was smiling, she could tell. Now she was going to make him laugh.
Clint sighed as Natasha came to a halt right behind him. By now he had to be able to feel her breath on the back of his neck.
Natasha’s fingertips were itching to search for some ticklish spots.
„Don’t!“ He said gently, without any conviction whatsoever, the small smile still audible in his words.
„Don’t what, Clint?“ Natasha asked again, her hands slowly nearing his sides from behind.
Clint sighed, his shoulders moving up and down. It was a sigh of defeat. The sigh of someone who had accepted his own fate. Probably already had on the day he’d met her. A fate filled with being Natasha’s favorite victim. She could feel anticipation surge within her as Clint tried to mentally prepare himself for the consequences of his actions. Or rather of her actions.
„Tickle me!“ He submitted with a slightly panicked ring to his voice.
And Natasha didn’t allow him a moment to second guess. „My pleasure.“
Clint was on his knees in no time, dropping the files he’d held in his hands and throwing his head back against the awful feeling spreading on his sides. He instinctively tried to press his elbows to his sides to limit the access for Natasha’s ticklish scratches but she easily wormed her way past his defenses, making his suppressed groans turn into giggles effortlessly.
„NO!“ He huffed, trying to bend over more, further away from her, giggling madly as Natasha’s fingers managed to weasle their way under his arms to scratch at his ribs. „Noho plehease!! Tasha!!“
Natasha chuckled triumphantly and tried to climb her fingertips up higher, tried to get them past his ribcage to wiggle them right into his most ticklish spots, right under his arms. But Clint was trying his utmost to keep her from reaching that spot.
„You are saying no, but you asked me to do this, remember?“ Natasha teased, chuckling when Clint tried to snarl at her, with the emphasis on „tried to“ since any possible effect fell flat due to his laughter mixing in loudly.
„Stahahhaap I mean it!!!“ Clint barked when she suddenly pulled her hands away from his ribs to sling her arms around his chest and pull him down on his back, trying to climb on top of him to pin him down properly. He had to laugh at her antics as he in return tried to grab a hold of her arms or legs or basically any part of her body to have a minimal chance of coming out of this without ridiculing himself senseless.
He didn’t stand a chance though, for his bones and muscles already had to start feeling like useless goo, his laughter wouldn’t seize and he couldn’t see properly through his closed eyes. Natasha couldn’t stop smiling either as she could witness all the beauty of Clint melting underneath her touch - into a tiny puddle of giggles and shrieks.
„No no NOO!! AHahaha GET OHOHFF MEE!!!“ Clint yelled when she accidentally pushed a knee in his stomach in their grappling for the upperhand, resulting in her managing to sit on his hips properly, keeping him down where she wanted to keep him.
„Youhohu fohohoul cheheeater!!“ He laughed when her fingertips started crawling up his sides again and he only had limited space for flailing and turning anymore, his laughetr sounding deeper and more breathless already.
„Cheater? Really? What, just because I hit you here?“ She questioned, making him choke on his laughter when she scribbled her fingers on his stomach.
„Dohohon’t!“ He shrieked, hitting his head against the floor by accident and laughing even more in the aftermath. „IT TICKLES!!“
„I know, honey, it’s why you’re laughing!“ Natasha explained in a playful voice, before she had to free her wrists from one of his iron defensive grips in protection of his upper body, which didn’t stop her for long as she merely had to lean down to blow a raspberry on his unprotected neck, making Clint who had not expected this at all squeal with laughter.
„TH-THAHAT’S NOT ALLOWED!!“ He argued, letting go of her hands and trying to push her away from himself again, laughing helplessly when her fingers were back on their way up his ribs in no time. „Stahahap it already!!!“
„No! We haven’t yet tested my memory!“
„It’s my armpits!! I prhohohomise!! No need for tests, rehehheally!! rEHEHEALLY!!“
Clint kicked out as hard as he could behind Natasha’s back as she managed to wiggle her fingertips the slightest bit underneath his biceps and metal arm to get at the sensitive spots. She smirked and tried to distract Clint by blowing air into his face, chuckling when she saw him squeeze his eyes shut even more. „StAHHAP THAT!!“
„Come on, lemme! Just for a second!“
„Nohoho wahahay!!“
Clint’s laughter was flowing completely freely by then. He had seemingly let go of all things depressing for just this small amount of time, giving in to the unrelenting ticklish feeling and not trying to fight his own laughter anymore. Natasha hadn’t seen him this carefree in years.
She could not stop now, where she was seconds away from making him lose all track of thought. Just for a little while. Determined she moved up a little further on his body, sitting down on his upper stomach and almost making his eyes pop out by the sudden shifts of weight. He couldn’t form a coherent complaint though, since Natasha quickly moved her hands behind her back to dance her fingers down his sides, that were now completely at her mercy due to their new position.
„NHOHOO!! Nohoohoho!! stAHHAHP!! I can’t bREHEHEATHE!!!“ Clint’s eyes were shining from his laughter by now, the bright blue of his iris taking Natasha’s breath away. She grinned at his futile attempts to get a grip of her hands and took this opportunity to push her knees up further, blocking Clint’s ability to defend his armpits any further. He realized this immediately and barked out a single „SHIT!“ before her fingers attacked, making him arch his back and give in to a defeated laughter that came straight from his belly and sounded deeper and richer than all the sounds he’d already made. He couldn’t get another word in, as his laughter kept pouring out of him, merely started shaking his head around and kicking out less than before.
Natasha smiled fondly as she listened to his hearty laughter, the one she hadn’t heard in so long and saw how it brightened up his features.
„I think this proves it alright.“ She chuckled, removing her fingers from his armpit to allow him a breather before she evilly snuck them in again.
„NO NO NO PLEHEHEASE!! STAHAHP!!“ Clint barked out, his laughter sounding a tad bit hysterical as he tried to move out of his fatal position now. But Natasha immediately stopped at his request and gently shifted back to sitting on his hips, allowing his arms to cover his ampits again.
She chuckled softly as he gasped for air, noisily, sounding as if he’d just ran a marathon, his head falling back to the ground. She put her hands on his stomach and grinned when he flinched underneath her touch, gently patting the spot in an offer of peace.
„No more tickling, I promise.“
Clint sighed in relief and moved his head up to look at her again. They glared at each other for a little while, before they both had to laugh - about each other, about themselves, about the fact that they had just done this in the midst of an apocalypse.
Clint groaned and tried to stop chuckling with a pained expression. „Ah, I can’t laugh no more. My stomach will explode!“
„What can I say, Clint, you asked for this!“ Natasha smirked, chuckling when Clint squinted his eyes at her dangerously.
„Oh, you better watch it! I know that you’re not immune to this either!“ Clint tried to poke her in the side, but Natasha snatched his wrist and held on tightly.
„You wouldn’t stand a chance!“
Clint grinned at her, a grin she hadn’t seen in quite a while.
„I’ll attack when you least expect it!“ He purred in a voice that sent a goosebump down Natasha’s arm. Damn, she’d missed this Clint.
„I’ll always expect it then,“ she retorted and stuck her tongue out at him, getting back to her feet and offering him a hand but dropping it again before he could reach for it. Clint chuckled at that. Slowly he pushed himself off the ground as well to get back to where he’d been so rudely interrupted previously.
With his hands on his hips he looked over the shelves of the Archive and sighed. „If you keep doing things like that, we’ll never be done here.“ Clint remarked, bending over to pick up the files he’d dropped earlier.
Natasha waited until he was standing upright again, before she took a step closer to him and threw her arms around him. Clint gasped in surprise, the files flying from his hand to the floor. With a tired huff, he ignored the mess and gently wrapped his arms around Natasha as well. She could feel his warm breath on her head and snuggled closer to his chest.
„It’ll be okay,“ Clint suddenly whispered, stealing her line. She moved her head away from his chest in surprise to look at him. He was smiling, nodding - and she realized that it was all she’d needed from him: reassurance.
She turned her lips into a thin line and nodded as well, a weak smile on her face.
„It will be,“ she agreed, meaning to move away from him and get back to work. But his grip tightened around her. She looked up in horror.
„You didn’t expect that.“ He smirked and Natasha could not believe that he had turned the tables this sneakily until he lifted her into the air, threw her over his shoulder and tickled her sides until her laughter and her fists to his back grew weaker.
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prompt by @flashfictionfridayofficial​ ty for the prompt !!
TW: for death, discrimination, mild ns.fw
( setting: an Alternate Universe where the troll kids don’t start the game, and grow up relatively normally in troll society )
(based on thinking more on this meta )
Equius Zahak stood in his workshop back on Alternia, but not alone this time.  The white light of psychic energy, (the energy that by all rights he should have been gifted with at birth), pooled around his lover's hands, and Equius found himself run over by invisible hands and pressed lightly into the wall.
When the pressure ebbed away, he laughed softly and combed his nails through his lover's curly hair, who leaned into the motion.  He quickly checked over the lock on the front door again and swept aside some of the clutter of tools he had been using to make the gloves. a pair of finned ear prostheses lay on the table too, wrought in light gold and brushed in places with glossy violet paint.  The color of a higher caste for sure.
a serviceable daytime shirt decorated in the bluish-green color of his lover's biological caste against the gray lay crumpled on the chair, and he stood before him grinning, decked in a shirt with his sign embroidered in rusty ember-red, picked out with a handful of red and gold seed pearls.  it lay with the buttons half open against his lover's skin. A competent ship's man, short, with gray skin that looked so fetching like this.
Their lips met in a bruising kiss, and then that glowing white, psychic light pooled around the electronic gloves again.  That light that a rust blood could use to lift buildings and ships, and maybe mountains, and that suited his lover so well for all that it was mechanical and not innate... (he remembered how heis partner cried the first time using them,  best thing he had ever made.)
And with that energy, Equius found himself lifted into the air and pressed more roughly against the wall. Power vibrating at his skin. Equius could feel lips brushing his exposed side and as the shorter troll moved back, he caught a glimpse of his partner's bulge, starting to create a puddle.
suddenly the banging on the door vibrated through the wall, making it buzz dully against his back. his stomach sank, as he knew, he just knew what this would be about before the words even were spoken.  TZ had warned him this could happen...  "today's the day" he whispered, while disbelief ran through his mind like standby current.
"We come with drones and a warrant for the arrest of the one who is styled "The Artificr" for the distribution and publication of the following book..."
would there be the axe or the noose, and would they bother burning the books? he wondered dully.
years in the future, but not many ....
a pair of gray troll hands lifted the book off of the high bookstore shelf and flipped it open to read the introduction, well a preface really.
This book is technically filed under "by anonymous". Though both his birth name and profession name have been left obscure by time, he has come to be nicknamed "The Hueforge" for the content of his stories, so that we may have some way to talk about the several books he penned, as well as one he has thought to have maybe written and a handful of historical references that may refer to him. His stylistic prose, and strong emotional core in many caes is enough to make guesses about authorship."
the author mostly predated, but may be thought of as an early example of the sorts of writers nourished by the hue equality and hue mobility movements that reached their peak around the abdication of the Empress Feferi and the early years of the one that followed in ...
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urmckidding · 4 years
╰ °✧ that’s MARLENE MCKINNON and SHE seems to look a lot like NANA KOMATSU. according to ministry files, the PUREBLOOD used to attend HOGWARTS and be in GRYFFINDOR. now, they’re TWENTY and is A RADIO BROADCASTER. red wine stains on white linen ; bloody lips pulled into a defiant grin ; plunging into cold water ; the twist of your gut before you make a stupid decision ( still laughing despite the fear ) ; loud and unapologetic laughter echoing out ; a soldier — scared but marching on nonetheless ; a bonfire roaring to life, wood hissing and sparks flying are the best way to describe them. it doesn’t say in their file, but word around the street is that they’re a ORDER MEMBER.
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hullo  ,  it’s  ME  ,  bri  (  she/her  ,  23  ,  est  tz  )!!  this  is  my  trash  daughter  ,  marlene  ,  but  don’t  tell  her  i  said  that  because  she  will  bully  me.  any  who  ,  you  can  find  more  about  miss  mckinnon  under  the  cut  including  wanted  connections  (  at  the  way  bottom  so  feel  free  to  skip  the  about  bit  if  it’s  too  long  )!  and  feel  free  to  check  out  her  ABOUT  PAGE  &  PINTEREST.   
FULL NAME:  marlene  isadora  mckinnon
AKA:  marlie  ,  len  ,  mckinnon
AGE:  twenty  years  old
GENDER  & PRONOUNS:  cis  woman
PRONOUNS:  she/her
SEXUALITY:  biromantic  bisexual 
BLOOD STATUS:  pureblood 
FORMER HOUSE:  gryffindor
OCCUPATION:  radio  host  ,  order  of  the  phoenix  member
marlene’s  radio  show  is  anonymous  and  she  mainly  uses  it  to  shit  talk  the  deatheater  movement  and  share  stories  about  the  order  of  the  phoenix  and  their  allies.  it’s  fairly  similar  to  the  potterwatch  radio  show  that  lee  jordan  runs  during  the  seventh  book.  of  course  ,  since  this  is  marlene  she’ll  also  put  on  some  music  during  the  breaks.       
FACECLAIM:  nana  komatsu 
POSITIVE TRAITS:  humorous  ,  protective  ,  spirited  ,  passionate  ,  loyal  ,  courageous  ,  persistent  ,  independent  ,  playful  
NEGATIVE TRAITS:  bullheaded  ,  impulsive  ,  impatient  ,  self  destructive  ,  arrogant  ,  attention  seeking  ,  argumentative    
DEMEANOR:  marlene  can  come  off  one  of  two  ways  :  friendly  and  playful  or  cruel  and  spiteful.  she  is  a  person  set  in  her  ways  ,  that  means  she  probably  has  already  decided  how  she  feels  about  a  person  either  before  or  in  the  first  couple  minutes  of  meeting  them.  to  her  friends  and  family  ,  marlene  is  a  spitfire  with  a  penchant  for  adventure  and  trouble.  she  likes  to  make  her  loved  ones  laugh  and  have  fun  and  is  incredibly  protective  of  them.  however  to  those  she’s  not  so  crazy  about  ,  she’s  a  spitfire  in  a  less  fun  way.  she’s  hard  to  win  over  if  a  person  has  already  felt  her  judgement  but  it’s  possible  ...  maybe  ...  who  knows.      
𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓  (  trigger  warning  :  the  death  of  a family  member -  i  will  tag  the  paragraph  it’s  in.  )
the  mckinnon  brood  resides  in  SCOTLAND  ,  her  father’s  family  having  settled  there  for  quite  some  time  while  her  mother’s  side  has  never  left  japan  —  save  for  her  mother  of  course.  they  are  a  large  crew  even  when  only  counting  marlene’s  immediate  family.  she  has  four  siblings  ,  all  older.  it  had  been  a  contentious  subject  whether  to  send  the  kids  to  hogwarts  or  mahoutokoro  in  japan.  her  father  won  the  fight  eventually  and  the  mckinnons  went  on  to  scatter  themselves  throughout  gryffindor  and  ravenclaw.        
as  a  note  ,  the  mckinnons  have  not  mingled  with  many  of  the  other  zealous  pureblood  families  for  a  long  while  now  having  marked  themselves  as  blood  traitors  generations  ago.  they’re  a  rough  and  tumble  kind  of  group  who  don’t  care  for  haughty  parties  or  the  politics  of  it  all. 
marlene  has  always  been  a  whirlwind  of  spirit  and  trouble.  she  was  infamous  for  the  pranks  she  played  on  the  family’s  tutors  and  her  disappearing  acts  ,  though  her  parents  could  hardly  blame  her  with  the  kind  of  examples  they  set  ;  both  aurors  who  threw  themselves  into  trouble  even  when  the  odds  were  against  them.  marlene  grew  up  hearing  stories  about  their  misadventures  ,  all  tied  up  in  a  nice  little  bow  as  if  her  parents  weren’t  risking  their  lives  as  the  war  worsened.  but  it  was  not  them  that  marlene  wanted  to  be  like.  no  ,  she  completely  adored  and  idolized  her  grandmother.   
KIRA  MCKINNON  was  a  staple  in  the  mckinnon  household  ,  floating  in  and  out  as  if  it  was  her  own  home.  she  doted  on  marlene  as  her  youngest  granddaughter.  she  would  often  steal  her  grandchildren  away  to  different  adventures  in  town  or  the  lands  surrounding  the  mckinnon  manor.  marlene  always  looked  forward  to  her  grandmother’s  visits.  
even  when  marlene  was  whisked  off  to  hogwarts  ,  she  and  her  grandmother  exchanged  letters  —  probably  the  one  thing  that  marlene  would  let  her  friends  tease  her  about  solely  because  she  didn’t  care.  
marlene  was  sorted  into  gryffindor  ,  like  her  father  and  older  brother.  she  made  herself  comfortable  quickly  and  garnered  a  reputation  as  a  fairly  opinionated  and  sharp  witch.  she  liked  the  flashy  spells  and  never  cared  for  the  classes  where  she  was  required  to  sit  still  —  “  what  a  bore.  ”  she  would  often  say  during  history  of  magic  and  potions  classes.  
she  had  grown  up  playing  quidditch  with  her  family  and  tried  out  as  soon  as  she  was  able  to  ,  earning  a  proper  spot  on  the  house  team  in  her  third  year  (  either  beater  or  chaser  ,  whichever  position  works  with  the  other  gryffindor  headcanons!  ).  
most  notoriously  ,  marlene  had  trouble  picking  her  fights  wisely.  she  has  always  been  the  type  of  person  to  act  first  and  think  later  ,  which  during  her  time   at  hogwarts  got  her  into  an  awful  amount  of  trouble  —  fights  on  the  pitch  ,  in  the  corridors  ,  sometimes  even  in  classes.  it  was  difficult  for  her  to  stand  down  when  she  had  a  problem  with  someone  ...  
this  passion  became  more  and  more  focused  around  equality  efforts  for  muggles  and  muggleborns.  that  conversation  was  had  frequently  at  the  mckinnon  house  and  it  was  clear  who  her  family  stood  with  :  the  order.  however  ,  marlene’s  passion  for  it  was  based  in  the  seeds  her  family  planted.  i  think  that  if  the  mckinnons  sided  with  the  death  eaters  ,  marlene  would  have  fought  just  as  passionately  for  that  ...  at  least  until  around  the  time  the  rp  takes  place  because  this  is  when  she  begins  to  form  her  own  opinions. 
FAMILY  MEMBER  DEATH  TRIGGER  WARNING  BEGINS  ...  though  marlene  was  obvious  in  where  she  stood  in  the  war  ,  it  never  became  real  to  her  until  her  seventh  year.  she  had  nursed  a  quiet  fear  for  what  waited  for  her  outside  of  hogwarts’s  walls  until  she  received  news  of  her  grandmother’s  death.  kira  mckinnon  had  garnered  her  own  reputation  throughout  her  career.  she  was  no  one  to  scoff  at  as  a  looming  figure  in  the  efforts  to  catch  war  criminals.  however  when  she  retired  those  she  had  helped  imprison  didn’t  forget  what  she  had  done.  she  had  been  on  the  death  eaters’  hit  list  for  quite  some  time  and  they  finally  crossed  her  off  —  marking  the  beginning  of  the  mckinnon  family’s  demise.  marlene  refused  to  leave  school  and  took  her  grief  out  on  students  who  she  suspected  stood  with  voldemort.  it  nearly  got  her  expelled.  but  her  grandmother’s  death  left  her  with  a  nearly  paralyzing  need  to  fight.  TRIGGER  WARNING  ENDS.    
upon  graduation  ,  marlene  —  seventeen  and  burning  with  purpose  —  signed  up  to  join  the  order.  her  family  welcomed  her  ,  though  her  parents  had  reservations  about  their  youngest  and  most  reckless  joining  up.  they  tried  to  keep  her  off  missions  as  long  as  possible  and  so  marlene  went  elsewhere  to  try  to  help. 
she  began  her  radio  show  ,  title  TBD  ,  when  she  was  nineteen.  it  requires  a  special  tune  in  in  order  to  hear  and  is  riddled  with  passcodes  and  code  names  but  she  mainly  reports  on  news  and  stories  ,  including  her  own  passionate  rhetoric.  she  operates  it  out  of  a  wizarding  network  who  she  hosts  a  show  for  during  some  weekdays  but  at  night  she  uses  the  instruments  to  hold  her  own  show.  of  course  there  is  music  during  breaks  because  marlene  needs  to  jam.  
since  she’s  joined  the  order  she’s  actually  been  included  on  missions  and  meetings.  all  she  can  see  is  the  fight  right  now  ,  but  in  that  reckless  and  young  perspective  where  she  can  only  see  it  ending  well  for  her  and  her  friends.  because  of  that  she  tends  to  act  fearless  and  downright  stupid  ,  glossing  over  her  fears  and  worries  with  humor  and  general  avoidance.  
TLDR;  marlene  is  a  chaotic  dumbass  who  runs  a  secret  radio  show  under  the  guise  of  an  actual  radio  host  for  a  wizarding  network.  she’s  a  dedicated  order  member  who  will  absolutely  throw  herself  in  harm’s  way  because  ...  she’s  a  chaotic  dumbass.     
RIDE  OR  DIE’S  —  these  are  the  people  marlene  would  go  to  battle  for.  she  is  a  fiercely  protective  friend  and  would  rather  herself  get  hurt  than  those  she  cares  for.  these  are  also  the  people  she  would  actually  confide  in  too.  she  very  rarely  shares  what’s  going  on  in  her  brain  except  for  when  it  involves  these  people.  on  the  flip  side  ,  if  no  one’s  in  peril  ,  marlene  is  that  friend  who  always  pushes  her  limits  a  little  too  much.  she  wants  everyone  to  enjoy  themselves  but  it  won’t  stop  her  if  they  decide  not  to  partake.  she’s  a  bad  influence  point  blank.      
HOOK UPS  &  FLINGS  —  marlene  is  straight  up  afraid  of  serious  relationships.  she  sees  her  parents  and  their  parents  and  relationships  like  theirs  seem  so  out  of  reach.  i  wouldn’t  say  she’s  a  serial  one  night  stander  but  she  has  definitely  left  some  broken  off  flings  in  her  wake  because  of  this.  any  gender  ,  anyone.
LOVE  INTEREST  —  me:  *says  marlene  is  afraid  of  serious  relationships*  also  me:  *puts  love  interest  under  wanted  connections*  exCUSE  ME  if  i’m  a  sucker  for  a  guarded  person  falling  in  love  oK.  anyway  this  could  really  be  any  dynamic  but  personally  i  am  a  sucker  for  a  past  hook  up  catching  feels  but  marlene  doesn’t  return  the  sentiment  unTIL  LATER  or  enemies  to  friends  to  lovers  or  literally  anything  ,  it  does  not  take  much  to  please  me.  again  ,  open  to  anyone.  
RIVALS  &  ENEMIES  —  marlene  is  an  absolute  rage  machine  and  has  probably  started  fights  with  a  lot  of  people.  with  that  said  ,  her  favorite  people  to  hate  are  death  eaters  or  their  sympathizers.  other  than  that  ,  rivals  or  enemies  could  be  a  former  school/quidditch  competitor  to  someone  who  looked  at  her  funny  once.  
MENTOR  —  hello  i  am  a  sucker  for  the  mentor  -  student  dynamic  and  if  anyone  wants  to  knock  some  sense  into  marlene  ,  please  do  not  hesitate  to  do  it.  she’s  young  and  stupid  and  naive  about  the  war  efforts  ,  she  doesn’t  have  an  accurate  view  of  the  world  ,  a  place  she  thinks  is  neatly  divided  into  black  and  white.  your  character  can  tell  her  she’s  not  all  good  and  she  can  be  a  pain  in  your  character’s  ass!!  a  win  -  win  honestly. 
LITERALLY  ANYTHING  —  i  ,,  Love  to  plot  and  am  so  down  to  brainstorm  new  fun  things  with  y’all!!  
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lgcdowoon · 1 year
EXPLORE WITH TZ : haikou volcanic cluster mission ft. @lgcdaeho
“that hike was intense.” dowoon groaned as he found his bearings and they settled in the rainforest. he didn’t expect how physical this show was going to be. he wished he had done some gym time before they left. “so now we have to take photos of different flowers right? how long do we have?” he asked for confirmation. “10 minutes? that shouldn’t be too hard should it hyung.” he figured they had a leg up since there were two of them and only one of parker. 
taking out the camera they were allowed to use, he started looking around. “oh hyung!!”dowoon cheered, “there is a super pretty flower right next to you--pose and i’ll get a cute photo” he gave daeho a moment to pose and then snapped the photo. looking at the picture, he compliment daeho, “nice! you look really pretty” and then showed the photo to the other. “now what else is around here...” he looked around, trying to find some pretty flowers to snap pictures of.
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cruciblle · 5 years
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                 *・゚゚・*  𝚊𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚞𝚍𝚘 .
UNREDACTED  CASE  FILE  NO.  663762-XDL.  records  show  that  agent  bellitudo,  given  name  SANNE  SAEDI  SONG,  was  last  seen  in  reykjavik  on  october  1st,  2019.  psych  eval  describes  them  as  hubristic  and  incensed  but  otherwise  fit  for  service  at  the  maenads  agency.  at  twenty,  they  have  been  recruited  as  a  junior  agent  for  the  nine  months.  associations  include:  the  most  sinister  intentions  hidden  behind  the  prettiest  works  of  art,  plucking  an  ant  from  its  safe,  isolated  community  to  give  it  a  life  it  didn’t  ask  for  &  crimson  covered  palms  from  digging  sharp  nails  into  the  flesh.      -      kim  doyeon,  cis  female,  she  /  her  .
okay  ,  hi  everyone  ,  i'm  lit  rally  so  excited  for  this  i  have  no  other  words  to  say  .  i'm  cc  from  the  cst  tz  &  i've  been  dying  to  play  sanne  for  months  now  ,  but  i've  never  found  the  correct  place  to  bring  her  ?  anyway  ,  this  is  really  long  &  winded  &  dramatic  &  stuff  so  pls  ,,  if  u  wanna  skip  to  the  tl;dr  pls  do  .  like  this  &  i'll  slide  into  ur  messages  ,  but  love  u  all  !
𝓲.     𝚊𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚐𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝   .
full   name   :   sanne   saedi   song   /   성 새디 age   :  twenty gender   /   pronouns   :  cis gendered   female   /   she / hers sexuality   :  pansexual  /  panromantic hometown   :  unknown codename :  bellitudo   ,   beauty   in   latin position :  junior  agent  faceclaim :  kim  doyeon 
fun facts : knows  five  languages  (  english  ,  korean  ,  swedish  ,  arabic  &  chinese  )    &   is   in   the   process   of   learning   more  ,  spent  a  few  weeks  on  the  fbi’s  most  wanted  list  after  performing  solo  heists  &  building  b*mbs  for  a  few  people  ,  didn’t  have  a  name  until  she  was  six  shhh  ,  has  really  thick  glasses  &  is  as  blind  as  a  bat  ,  has  a  genius-level  iq  but  doesn’t  utilize  it  often  .
aesthetic : the  most  sinister  intentions  hidden  behind  the  prettiest  works  of  art,  plucking  an  ant  from  its  safe,  isolated  community  to  give  it  a  life  it  didn’t  ask  for  ,  learning  things  on  a  whim  that’ll  help  later  in  life  ,  creating  a  wicked  name  for  yourself  among  the  lowest  reputables  ,  escaping  with  a  singed  cape   &  crimson  covered  palms  from  digging  sharp  nails  into  the  flesh.
𝓲𝓲.     𝚑𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢   .
BEFORE , blood & general criminal activity tw !
a  beautiful  baby  ripped  from  her  mother’s  womb  ,  unwilling  to  turn  the  right  way  to  be  born  &  forcing  her  way  out  with  blood  already  on  her  hands  .  her  parents  ,  two  unwanteds  with  a  rap  sheet  longer  than  the  great  wall  of  china  that  have  her  on  accident  –  the  young  mother  unaware  of  her  pregnancy  until  her  husband’s  cutting  into  her  stomach  &  pulling  a  child  from  her  .  she  doesn’t  survive  &  the  first  time  she  sees  her  mother  ,  she’s  left  in  a  puddle  of  blood  in  a  hotel  bathroom  .
she  doesn’t  remember  ,  obviously  ,  but  her  dad  does  .  he  reminds  her  of  it  every  chance  he  gets  ,  that  she’s  a  murderer  .  five  years  old  &  one  body  underneath  her  belt  .  he  taunts  her  ,  chides  her  into  thinking  there’ll  be  more  unless  she  obeys  him  .  she  stays  under  his  thumb  ,  afraid  to  leave  or  speak  out  in  the  fear  that  she’ll  become  what  he  says  she  is  .
when  she  grows  ,  she  starts  to  capture  the  attention  of  people  around  her  .  she’s  beautiful  ,  stunning  ,  a  visage  comparable  to  aphrodite  –  an  old  woman  told  her  once  .  her  dad  doesn’t  like  it  ,  reminding  him  of  a  woman  who  bore  him  a  child  &  left  without  naming  her  .  he  teaches  her  how  to  weaponize  her  beauty  ,  how  to  use  it  against  the  ones  that  praise  her  so  much  for  it  &  how  to  get  the  most  out  of  venus’s  gifts  .
she’s  six  when  she  finally  gets  a  name  .  sadie  ,  the  first  guess  from  an  elderly  woman  who  found  her  wandering  along  the  side  of  the  road  .  she’s  never  had  a  name  ,  her  dad  refusing  to  call  her  anything  except  ‘you!’  or  ‘hey!’  .  she  takes  the  name  sadie  &  proudly  wears  it  ,  taking  it  back  to  her  dad  who  laughs  &  bitterly  tells  her  that  she’s  not  american  &  to  remember  it  .  they’ve  only  arrived  in  the  country  weeks  ago  ,  she  doesn’t  belong  here  .
after  she  becomes  a  woman  ,  before  she  can  call  herself  an  adult  ,  she  runs  away  from  a  dad  that  never  wanted  her  in  the  first  place  .  she  leaves  the  country  after  she  gets  on  the  radar  ,  spotting  a  wanted  poster  with  her  face  on  it  when  she  winds  up  in  a  cell  for  driving  without  a  license  .  it  lists  her  crimes  &  her  skills  ,  wanted  for  the  theft  of  millions  of  dollars  ,  for  building  bombs  to  aid  criminals  ,  for  creating  fake  passports  for  kingpins  ,  the  list  is  endless  ,  as  are  her  skills  .  they  underestimate  her  abilities  the  way  everyone  in  life  underestimates  her  &  she  flees  the  country  undetected . in  sweden  ,  she  chooses  a  different  name  to  go  by  ,  a  different  life  to  lead  .
sanne  chooses  a  quiet  life  in  the  country  side  ,  a  small  village  offering  a  home  to  a  beautiful  young  woman  who  just  needs  a  little  guidance  .  she  turns  eighteen  there  ,  keeping  to  herself  &  learning  everything  she  can  with  her  free  time  .  the  people  there  love  her  &  she  loves  them  .  she  can  finally  see  a  life  for  herself  when  there’s  a  knock  on  her  door  one  day  ,  asking  her  if  she  wants  an  opportunity  of  a  life  time  .
initially  ,  she  says  no  .  she  says  no  for  an  entire  year  before  she  says  yes  ,  because  since  she  was  found  by  them  ,  she  was  found  by  the  ones  who  want  her  to  answer  for  her  crimes  .  she  doesn’t  have  much  of  a  choice  ,  she  can  go  with  the  maenads  ,  or  she  can  go  with  interpol  .
that’s  ten  months  ago  &  since  then  ,  she’s  been  studying  with  the  agency  .  she’s  fit  &  she’s  skilled  ,  though  she  knows  a  lot  of  people  see  her  as  nothing  more  than  a  pretty  face  .  her  dad  taught  her  one  thing  &  that’s  to  use  it  to  her  advantage  ,  so  she  plays  the  role  people  want  her  to  play  .  
in  the  agency  ,  she’s  not  proven  herself  to  be  much  more  than  a  beautiful  girl  .  she’s  not  a  hardcore  field  agent  trainee  ,  or  a  smart  biomed  agent  ,  to  the  agents  in  the  legacy  filled  agency  ,  she’s  somewhat  of  a  mistake  .  she  flips  her  hair  &  purses  her  lips  &  studies  in  private  ,  keeping  her  head  down  &  succeeding  without  letting  anyone  know  .
sanne  knows  she  can  go  in  whichever  branch  she  wants  ,  but  she  only  finds  passion  in  research  –  because  as  good  as  she  is  as  kicking  in  someone’s  face  or  finding  a  cure  for  cancer  ,  she  enjoys  learning  .  she  works  toward  her  goal  in  secret  ,  keeping  up  the  one-woman  show  &  she  pretends  she’s  really  nothing  more  than  agent  beauty  .
TL ; DR .
born  somewhere  overseas  ,  sanne  is  born  to  criminals  .  her  mom  didn’t  know  she  was  pregnant  &  her  dad  had  to  unfortunately  perform  a  shoddy  c-section  which  killed  her  .  she  was  then  raised  by  a  bitter  dad  that  dragged  her  with  him  through  his  crimes  &  stuff  ,  idk  .
she  never  had  a  name  until  she  arrived  in  america  ,  where  she  got  lost  &  an  old  woman  picked  her  up  &  asked  what  her  name  was  .  sanne  was  like  ‘  guess  !  ’  &  the  woman  said  ‘  sadie.  ’  &  sanne  was  like  ‘  yep  !  ’  &  she  was  so  happy  .  when  she  told  her  dad  ,  her  dad  said  she  wasn’t  american  so  sanne  has  always  gone  by  saedi  instead  (  새디  )  .
at  about  sixteen  ,  she  finally  steels  up  &  runs  away  from  her  dad  .  they’re  somewhere  in  america  &  she  manages  to  live  on  her  own  while  she  racks  up  a  criminal  career  until  finally  ,  she  finds  out  she’s  somehow  on  the  fbi’s  most  wanted  list  ,  so  she  manages  to  flee  the  country  &  settles  down  in  an  isolated  town  in  sweden  ,  where  she’s  chosen  to  go  by  sanne  now  .
in  sweden  ,  she  stays  in  this  little  town  by  herself  ,  falling  in  love  with  the  town  &  the  people  .  she  spends  her  spare  time  learning  everything  she  can  ,  from  languages  to  cooking  to  singing  technique  &  she  genuinely  enjoys  her  life  until  the  maenads  agency  shows  up  at  her  door  to  recruit  her  .  she  says  no  for  an  entire  year  until  she  gets  word  that  interpol  has  now  found  her  ,  so  she  finally  says  yes  to  the  maenads  agency  .
at  the  maenads  agency  ,  she’s  met  with  a  lot  of  the  same  stuff  she’s  met  her  whole  life  –  that  she’s  just  a  pretty  face  &  there’s  not  much  more  there  ,  except  she’s  got  a  lot  going  .  BUT  she  decides  to  just  go  with  it  ,  accepting  the  codename  bellitudo  &  playing  dumb  &  flirty  while  she  studies  &  succeeds  quietly  on  her  own  .
𝓲𝓲𝓲.     𝚍𝚒𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚜𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗   .
despite  her  quiet  life  in  a  quiet  town  ,  sanne’s  been  nothing  but  angry  her  entire  life  .  she  resents  herself  for  killing  her  mom  ,  she  resents  her  dad  for  resenting  her  &  she’s  angry  at  the  world  for  being  nothing  but  cruel  to  her  .  she’s  very  angry  ,  but  she  excels  at  hiding  it  .
she’s  extremely  hubristic  ,  truly  believing  always  that  she’s  the  smartest  one  in  the  room  at  all  times  .  she’s  been  on  her  own  pretty  much  all  her  life  &  that’s  how  it’s  affected  her  ,  by  making  her  think  that  it  should  always  be  her  way  &  her  plan  ,  otherwise  everyone  else  is  stupid  .
extremely  gifted  .  she  loves  learning  &  here’s  why  :  she’s  good  at  it  .  equipped  with  a  photographic  memory  &  a  genius  level  iq  ,  she’s  extremely  quick  when  learning  new  things  ,  able  to  change  and  adapt  like  a  chameleon  with  her  knowledge  .
also  extremely  stupid  though  ,  in  the  sense  that  she’s  gotten  away  with  a  lot  and  she’s  gotten  by  a  lot  of  the  time  because  of  her  beauty  .  she  chose  the  codename  bellitudo  &  as  a  junior  agent  ,  she’s  been  falling  in  the  middle  of  the  pack  .  she  hides  her  skills  &  gifts  behind  a  dumb  smile  &  her  looks  because  she’s  secretly  hoping  she  can  escape  ,  but  i  mean  –  she  kind  of  enjoys  it  ,  so  at  this  point  she  might  just  be  pretending  because  it’s  Fun  .
𝓲𝓿.   𝚠𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚍    𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜   .
i  really  want  a  mentor  that’s  also  her  confidant  ?  like  i  might  submit  this  to  the  main  if  i  don’t  get  it  ,  but  any  kind  of  agent  who  sees  through  her  pretty  girl  act  &  genuinely  wants  her  to  survive  &  pull  through  .  she’s  not  had  much  guidance  in  her  life  ,  so  this  figure  would  be  a  huge  thing  for  her  .
like  ,  a  one  -  sided  rival  ,  the  one  -  sided  being  your  muse  because  sanne  genuinely  doesn’t  care  enough  yet  ?  she’s  just  starting  to  fall  in  love  with  the  idea  of  becoming  a  secret  spy  ,  but  she  mainly  just  wants  to  escape  &  find  another  small  town  &  get  another  new  name  ,  uk  ?  but  probably  rivals  because  sanne’s  still  succeeding  despite  putting  zero  (  0  )  effort  into  this  thing  .
someone  who  she  spars  with  /  trains  with  physically  .  she’s  by  no  means  unfit  &  she’s  been  in  her  fair  share  of  fights  ,  but  it’s  probably  nothing  compared  to  the  other  agents  here  .  please  give  me  someone  that  kicks  her  ass  &  then  helps  her  wrap  her  sprained  wrists  &  fingers  afterwards  pls  ,  uwu  .
someone  she  studies  with  ,  even  though  she  technically  doesn’t  ever  study  .  when  she  does  ,  it’s  extremely  low  key  but  imagine  her  studying  in  private  &  ur  muse  walks  in  &  suddenly  her  secret  is  exposed  :  she  does  try  &  she  swears  ur  muse  to  secrecy  &  it’s  this  whole  thing  .
the  agent  who  recruited  her  ?  that  somehow  found  her  in  this  small  village  in  sweden  &  knew  about  her  criminal  tendencies  &  somehow  thought  she’d  be  a  great  fit  as  a  spy  so  here  she  is  .  she  probably  holds  a  lot  of  resentment  toward  them  for  leading  interpol  to  her  but  honest  lee  ,  i  just  want  a  begrudging  enemies  to  fine  ,  i  care  about  you  to  that’s  my  family  thing  ok  .
a   senior   agent   that   she’s   a   significant   annoyance   to   pls   .
a   junior   agent   from   the   firebird   agency   that   she   ??   links   up   w   &   does   general   bullshit   antics   with   because   i   think   that’d   be   super   fun   .
a   regular   agent   from   the   firebird   agency   that   she   links   up   w   or   annoys   in   general   because   i   like   that   .
a  research  agent  who  she  looks  up  to  ,  since  it’s  what  she  wants  to  go  in  .
another  junior  agent  she’s  sort  of  friends  with  ?
someone  who  she  lets  her  untapped  anger  out  to  .
flings  pls  !  the  more  angst  &  drama  ,  the  better  !
skinny  love  !  
lit  rally  anything  ,  pls  i’m  so  excited  for  this  .
𝓿.   𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚌𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗   .
if  you're  still  here  wtf  ,  thx  for  reading  i  love  u  all  sm  !  &  i’m  sorry  it  was  so  insanely  long  !  i’ll  message  everyone  who  likes  this  !  if  you’d  prefer  to  plot  on  discord  ,  i’m  @  brain  not  there#0044  !
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lgcdowoon · 2 years
new thangs.
TYPE ZERO MISSION : practice ft. @eunholgc
he was still adjusting to the whole no longer a trainee, i’m about to debut + two years of catching up to do...thing. life was just a little weird now okay! new schedule, new dorm, new members, new everything. luckily the senior members of type zero were being plenty welcoming to him so far! especially the leader, who was also his roommate. even though dowoon was super intimidated by the nearly 190cm absolute god of a man he slept beside every night. but that was his life now! working and living with chic cool sexy unreal people on his same level. god this idol thing was weird.
he was glad to have a leader like eunho though! dowoon knew he had to have felt similar entering into type zero after it’s start—though dowoon can’t imagine someone like eunho feeling as insecure and almost fraudulent as dowoon did. that made him feel a little more comfortable walking up to eunho, breath still heavy from their group practice session and other members filing out for the night, and saying with a nervous smile, “hey!” just ask him dowoon, you’re supposed to work together “i was just wondering—if you’re not busy of course—if you wanted, could maybe help me out some? ” 
“i’ve been working on learning kick it, since they want us to learn the old songs as well, and i’m just feeling really stuck.” he said giving a defeated look to the older. “i know it’s kind of spur of the moment, but if you’re not too busy now, could we run through it a little? i have most of the moves memorized, but they don’t look cool or smooth right now.” if there was one person who looked smooth and cool on stage, it was the idol in front of him. he hoped whatever secret eunho had to adjusting so effortlessly might be passed on through a private practice together.
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thralls-for-alls · 6 years
Something A Little Lighter...
Torque stood in the doorway, resting his shoulder against the thick, Jennerit fashioned frame as he watched the clone work.  Hunched over, TZ’s scar splashed fingers danced along the keys of his laptop plugged into the heart of he Stryx Striker.  For now, peace reigned in the silent, empty ship and for the focused Mike.  Trouble awaited him in the morning, when his medic would discover that he had broken curfew despite her many stern warnings. FU worried that his most recent, ill-advised stunt of firing himself over the mouth of a volcano might have been a cry for help; he needed to stay in the Kingdom for a while to ensure that he would not hurt himself again.
Clearing his throat, Torque turned his head and scratched under his chin to announce his presence.  
Caught red-handed outside of the Kingdom.  TZ’s body tensed, his hand having to shoot out to keep the laptop from going flying from his gasp.  His head snapped in Torque’s direction, all three golden eyes bright in shock.  “I can explain...”  He pointed to the many, constantly filling and flickering bars as more and more files downloaded from the Imperium network onto the massive hard drive plugged into his laptop.  “We need these files and it won’t be safe to get them with someone else in charge.”
Holding up his hands, Torque shrugged.  “You’re sayin’ that like I’d take you back, mate.”  Shaking his head, he lowered himself to sit behind TZ.  “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay and Ric was busy.”  Torque could not hide the grimace as he uttered the other thrall’s name, years of insults and slurs making it feel strange on his tongue.  Scooping TZ up in his arms, he pulled him up onto his stomach to keep working.  “But, no promises ‘bout when we go back tomorrow, all right.  But I’ll still keep you company.”
Life outside of the Striker was... complicated.  Since TZ had found out about Rictus’ nightmarish warning for Torque, he had pulled everyone together for a simple talk between the three to air out their issues safely.  Neither trusted the other and the piles of abuse and a lifetime of abuse created a sticky problem that made the clone realize he was in over his head.  Therapy was working for him and they needed to talk, so enrolling them both into therapy with his medic, FU seemed natural.  It was rough going and awkward, but forcing the two thrall to live together to force them to get used to each other brought small wins almost every day.  
On a day when Torque’s curse got the better of him, their Rictus verbally tore him a new one, detailing every grievance and abuse suffered at the hands of the bonecrusher.  All of the names, all of the slurs, the constant destruction of the Sinful Bat, the harassment of Vocatia, turning Vocatia in and almost getting her murdered poured from Rictus’s overly fanged mouth.  By the time his was finished, his entire body shook with fury, threatening to knock the spindly thrall off his hooves.  And as the beast, all Torque could do was listen.
Torque had been called names too, slurs of all kinds as well.  His brothers and sisters would wreck his small, stolen collection of containers filled with the prettiest pests he had found; nothing on the scale of the Bat, but just as important to a young thrall who had little else to his name.  As Rictus dumped accusation after accusation, all the liontaur could do was hang his head and lower his ears in shame.  He could never forgive his brothers, even as they had passed in battle and on tours over the years; it was natural the void-touched one did not trust him.  
But TZ did, for some reason.  And so did the other Mikes.  The heat of the overworked laptop propped up against his thighs pleasantly burned his skin through the soft flannel of his new pajama pants, thanks to tailor Mike.  TZ’s bare feet pressed against his stomach as he uncomfortably hunched over to balance the machine across his splayed knees.  With the smooth top of one of the leaf-like protrusions on his knuckle, Torque rubbed TZ’s back.  Torque smiled, letting his eyes rest on the scrolling filenames on the bright screen for a while.
Every so often, a serial number or project name would pass that the old thrall recognized.  From his uninformed perspective, it seemed the Mike was mass downloading literally everything from the Imperium servers and databases across the system.  Payroll sheets, work schedules, greyhorn modification plans, broodhall records... Torque chuffed and gently poked TZ’s back with his knuckle when he saw his number come up.  “’Ey, can you open that one?  ‘T’s about me.”
TZ flinched.  Blinking several times, he stared up to Torque before his brain really processed what he had said.  “Oh!  Yeah, sure bro.”  
The file flashed onto the screen.  Torque squinted to try to read the small dark text across the stark white of the spreadsheet program.  Scrolling down, he scanned for his serial number among the list.  Males paired with females, the resulting litter tacked at the end; a simple broodhall record keeping track of who was paired with who to prevent inbreeding and to keep the army’s genes healthy.
“There,” Torque pointed out, nudging TZ again.  The entry hung in the middle of the screen as followed:
Female:  Q.79q-c.359 Male:   K.24-c.236 Litter Size: 1 Pup: Q.45-c.131
Q.45-c.131, that was... “That’s that rebel... Vo’s pup...”
“Wait, he’s Vo’s son?”  TZ laid back to stare up at the underside of Torque’s thick neck, his eyes thankful for the rest.  “I didn’t know you two...”
“It was a long time ago and under permit, mate.”  Torque tilted his head to glance down to TZ.  Despite the calm explanation, the thrall’s hearts thumped hard in his chest.  Not just once, but twice he had attempted to capture his own son.  He had almost killed Mortus.  “But yeah, we had a litter once.  Neither of us knew who was ours though...”
TZ reached up to affectionately scratch the lowest curve of Torque’s horn.  He knew it would register as the lightest touch for him, but he hoped it would still comfort him.  Despite Torque’s efforts, tension still poured from the bonecrusher.  “So, who are they?”
“... remember that young thrall I attacked on the street?”  
“Yeah, Morty?  Wait!”  TZ set the laptop on the ground next to Torque and flipped over to lay stomach to stomach on him.  “You’re his dad!  That’s great!  I’m surprised I didn’t notice the resemblance sooner.”
The answer was a small nod.  Shame burned between Torque’s horns, silencing his answer.  This was massive news, but he had already ruined any chance of doing anything with it, right?  
Running his palm across Torque’s sternum, TZ let his smile fade, but did not let it dim his hope.  “Well, I know it didn’t turn out good at all last time...”  TZ knew it was an understatement, but how else could he describe the mauling that ended with Torque getting his furry butt handed to him?  “But, maybe if you tell him about his mom and explain the situation, maybe things will be different?”
A purr rolled through his chest as the small hand did its work.  “... I dunno.  He has every reason to hate me and she hates me too... It won’t end up good.”
“Maybe.  But you’ll do something good for both of them.  Even if it doesn’t make them like you, you still would have done something nice.”  TZ gave Torque a hopeful grin, reaching up to grab his chin to lower his head.  Flashing a bright grin, TZ gazed into Torque’s eyes.  “That’s enough of a reason to do it.  I’ll even print up the page and everything.”
Torque let him pull his head down, but he averted his eyes.  “Yeah, you’re right.  I just... I just always wanted to know what our pup was like... and I tried to bring him in to the masters to get culled.”  He rested his hand across TZ’s back.  “Seems like I missed my chance for that.”
The warmth and weight of the huge palm against his back calmed TZ further.  “Yeah, you might’ve,” he admitted; there was no reason to soften the blow.  “But, it’s still worth a try.”
Glancing over to the computer, still churning along on its mass collection of important and not-so-important Imperium data, Torque thrummed.  “I’ll.. do it.  Just got to find the kid first.”  Scooting forward, the thrall lowered his body more so the clone could get more comfortable.  His hard plates jammed uncomfortably against the floor, but it was tolerable for now.  “Maybe I’ll look after I escort you back to the Kingdom.”
“All right,” TZ sighed as he looked around at the room deep within the Striker.  “I’m probably getting put in the tub for this...”
Torque nodded.  “But you’re doin’ somethin’ good, yeah?”
“Exactly,” TZ yawned, a chuckle on his breath.  “It’ll be a good present for the Battleborn, definitely.”
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rennyji · 3 years
July 15th Morning Tweets...
July 15th Morning Tweets...
Martina McBride - “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing” - the song was made more beautiful by this woman’s voice…I feel women sound less and less like that, and also tend to look less womanly in appearance and more like girls…I mean women have a particular build (…can you say build with women?! I don’t mean broad shoulders like me or other guys and I’m not exactly referring to the body like a coke bottle from rap songs…)…there’s also something to their faces…can’t put my finger on it, but maybe women look like Wonder Woman or Gal Gadot acting as Wonder Woman, where as present day women looking like girls seem…playful?! in appearance…is that actually a thing or style?
From the @TouchofModern app, you can always find innovative interesting stuff at discount prices. On a very dull level, compared to buying a fitness item of sorts, I found these really good quality shirts…what do I mean by quality? The material is good, the design is good, feels good, I think I’m thinking texture?!-it’s also good. The t-shirt brand I’m talking about are from a London/Spain based brand called “Felix Hardy.” Polo Ralph Lauren sells jeans that allow ur legs to bend and move around- I mean you get what you pay for, but I think Felix Hardy sells better shirts…
so with all the philosophy Ive been sharing, I came across Matthew 16. A part of it goes, "The Yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees" . It states, -
-5 When they went across the lake, the disciples forgot to take bread. 6 “Be careful,” Jesus said to them. “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.” 7 They discussed this among themselves and said, “It is because we didn’t bring any bread.”-
-8 Aware of their discussion, Jesus asked, “You of little faith, why are you talking among yourselves about having no bread? 9 Do you still not understand?-
- so yeast of the pharisees and sauducees...like 5 loaves miraculously feeding 5000 men or yeast expanding, an idea in our heads can spiral or take life for better or worse. be mindful of wrong ideas and the spiral they can take you. -
-be mindful of what the known and hidden orchestrators put out...you may only be aware of one group...be mindful, or “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees.”
-In that BiblicalPassage, Christ says, "When they wentAcross the lake, the disciples forgot 2 take bread. “Be careful,” Jesus said 2them. “Be on ur guard againstTheYeast ofPharisees &Sadducees.” 7 They discussed this amongThemselves &said, “It is b/c we didn’t bring any bread.”-
- This is Christ saying, "take in His words and what religions offer, with an open mind, a kind heart, and INSIGHT-i.e. learn to interpret things and not just take things literally. -
-whether in life, reading, or understanding a person and their actions, look at context i.e. what came before, happening now, and the potential for future events...-
- it goes back to what I think I said yesterday about parables being like computer zip files. The way to unzip them is with insight and life experience. To repeat my specific words from yesterday: -
-Here’s a computer metaphor: parables are like computer zip files or compressed files. A zip file is a file that can contain multiple files and folders in the convenience of one smaller file.-
-You use a program to unzip that one file to reveal the multiple files and folders. The parables are zip files and you can gain a myriad of advice, lessons, truth from the same story. -
- From the 10 Commandments to the Golden Rule, in place of long volumes of texts using multiple meaning parables, Christ tries to give an easy, concise, “not-having-to-know-too-many-things” version to Salvation. -
-But you need a strong mind, need to use insight, need to interpret, and not JUST take things literally.
So let’s assume mind reading can happen…you gotta ask to what extent…if someone were to say they can detect my thoughts, or let’s even assume I’m relayed while I slab aftershave all over my face, or while I’m in my boxers around the house, or taking a nap in my man cave of a bedrooms-which I have yet to gain the energy fo clean/organize…I mean what are my actual thoughts…I’m sure for fun it can be said he’s thinking this/that…but then, in those instances, do the orchestrators say I’m thinking what I’m writing in my blog? Aren’t those “thoughts?” When I write on the fly-perhaps I’m seen- can the orchestrators tell which direction I’m going with my writing?! So if mind reading is about thoughts, and you can’t detect my deep and “sometimes” philosophical mind, how can anyone say they’re reading my thoughts? Is that the orchestrators mistakenly saying  they detect “ impulses “ or the “sea of random things” floating through the mind?! Now Ive indicated this idea in past blog posts, maybe among the earliest of them, but I guess I have to repeat myself. So let’s assume the orchestrators detect the sea of randomness in a person’s mind…how many of those random things, popping up in the mind, do you agree with, act on, or make a “willful choice” to “contemplate further.” ?
I’m a guy and a Libran guy. I find women beautiful and enjoy killing time with women. Even in kindergarten, my best friend was a girl and I’d hover around her and keep watch while she talked in a circle with her friends. My father wanted sons, but I want at least one daughter and one son, the daughter of whom, I will probably call, “Lara.”
But back to alleged mind reading. Being a guy and, for sh*tz and giggles, a Libran guy, I see a beautiful or hot girl, my mind, like any other guy, will take directions. But reality is, while that’s happening, I could just be waiting to drop off a box at UPS. My focus is getting in and getting out of UPS, for that instant of time. I’d like to think my mind is governed by several copies of the baby version of my younger sibling. He’s a treasure and a doctor. So figuratively speaking, while waiting on that line at UPS, one of the copies of my sibling will scream, “Breakfast”, while another will scream, “ohhhh beautiful girl”, but how many will “I” act on amidst the screaming copies of my younger sibling? While my body may agree with hunger or attractions, my mind may have different plans. The orchestrators may say he thinks ur beautiful, but that’s like on impulse, without further understanding she doesn’t meet my type of smile requirements. So then, ultimately, would I consider her beautiful, for my needs? Can the alleged mind readers detect that, if it’s not actually explicitly said? I mean, my morning writings are thoughts, are those anticipated? If it’s on the basis of cr*p reading of the mind that people don’t talk to me, I tend to be shameless to the point that I walk around my room naked, under the belief I’m relayed all the time. I would totally value the person who tells me what’s going on and help me move on with my life, after all these years. All this said, this is not to takeaway from my belief that this mind crap and instruction based commanding of people, may have a role in the end of the world, as stated in yesterday’s (Wednesday morning) tweets/tumblr post. Don’t hesitate to talk to me, above all talk to me about “the situation” . I mean some confirmation/acknowledgment for living like this, for figuring out things through evidence/observation through the course of years-it’d be a reward through which youd make my day. Even if I lose a chance at being 6 ft tall or a billion dollars, I don’t care. You and me, we can start something together and say screw you to the world…Christians say the “Our Father” prayer…I say that more important than “Give us this day our daily bread.” Is “Thy Kingdom Come”. While it may refer to an actual Kingdom, there is another Kingdom in every mind. When we say that, we ask for the heaven state of mind in our heads. It brings about a strong state of mind that can handle and attain everything. It is about believing without doubt.In defense of this, Christ even says, “Seek first the Kingdom, and all these things will be given to you.” A mind close to God, that’s trained to handle anything, can achieve anything and reach new heights. In the “Our Father”, we say at the end: “For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, forever and ever, Amen.”
“For Thine is the Kingdom (Throne of the Mind, where we, with our mental voice, reside amidst a sea of impulses and thoughts), the Power ( the power to influence minds and hearts belongs to God and should not be misused as “our own”, “ for human purposes”, to stupidly mind read/ mind control for government projects or social entertainment
-for this power is Holy.
Biblically, it is said, “But whoso shall cause one of these little ones who believe in Me to fall, it were better for him that a millstone were hung about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
This is open to interpretation. The little ones or children represent innocence/purity, or an untainted mind. The crime of assaulting a mind is so severe, it would be better for that person to tie a stone around his neck and drown in the sea. To use a form of the Power of God to do it, you gotta ask, what are these people?!), and the Glory ( my survival alone, the words I relay, not from my intellect. When you see me, act natural and according to what comes to mind upon seeing me. Credit/Glory goes to The Divine. I’m just a passerby. I’m a nobody who likes to wear shades or get involved with computer work and buy his coffee and play rummy/card games with friend-girls or girl-friend. Don’t turn me into a role model, an icon, or associate me with fancy labels, for that poses danger to the First of the 10 Commandments.
Be natural, gain perspective from the relayed.)
Religion is not about restricting your life, but to, if nothing else, give you an open mind and kind heart. Sometimes the rules and regulations make us judge one another, or give us high end superficial morals, or we get lost in the details. But they’re really guidelines to doing what’s appropriate for your life with insight. Religion can give different groups of a people an identity. Through Islam, a large group of people aim to speak one language of Arabic, and identify as one people beyond Pakistan, Afghanistan, or any of the other Middle Eastern countries.
One culture, one “new nation” identity, one language, one system to open the mind and promote kindness of heart, is the goal of religion. It is to make us our best selves and unite the world as One, be it under the label of “Earthlings” or whatever: something beyond American or I dunno Iraqi or whatever. Just be on guard: Discipline will lead to a good mind, but so that ur not robotic or overly serious, remember to train the heart. The Divine sees us as The Divine’s children. Maintain innocence and a mind open to adjusting/learning, like children.
On another note, from observation over 30 years, I feel strict religious practices lead to things like obesity and other vices. I mean people are humans and humans have needs. Life consists of the idea of balance and taking care of your hopes, needs, desires. I mean, you may try not to drink alcohol because you think, among some peoples, that God wouldn’t approve. But that Friday/Saturday night with friends or doing/planning something fun, gives you something to look forward to. In the process of looking ur best for a party, throughout the week, you may better take care of ur health, work out, or eat right and in portions. I feel those who “have the attitude of” “alcohol is sinful” possibly also have mentalities that usually lead to vices like overeating.
In abstaining from one pleasure, you may give urself something to look forward to, by eating the best tasting foods frequently. You may eat a lot of sweets. I mean we’re human, we’ll have desires and vices. Regarding desire, it’s not desire that’s bad or questionable , but what you may possibly do to fulfill your desire or carry out your desire. You may think what else is there to enjoy in life or what else can I afford or do. This “could be” problematic. For one thing, you’ll end up obese, and an unhealthy lifestyle and eating habits can make ur mind cloudy. A cloudy mind makes bad choices or get themselves in more vices like being an inattentive spouse to ur partners conversations or a mediocre listener to your kids. These things can spiral as life from dawn to dusk is in motion in our surroundings and in the hunger and satiating of that literal/metaphorical hunger, daily. Motion!
I mean for the overly religious, a beer or two, or a shot of I dunno Johnny walker black label?! won’t kill you. In the process, it may be avenue to an insightful conversation with a potential friend. With something like sinful alcohol or whatever, I think no one thinks about whether the pros outweigh the cons, and the patterns of behavior it can lead to. While a shot of alcohol may be relaxing, too much can lead to bad choices like roaming busy streets, drunk. Alcohol is also bad for ur muscles if you wanna get jacked. But to each his own as is appropriate for their life in that particular instance of time in their lives.
On a related note, when I went out to a coffee shop mid to late Wednesday morning, it was really hot. I just showered, and was sweating a lot. After having blogged something philosophical, I started thinking about the Sikh men in the beards and turbans or the Muslim women in hijabs or even…is it called burka?(in reference to the long black gown/hoodie)…these are devoted people focused on Union with God. For a woman- I’m just guessing here- ur hair is one of ur assets. It might even be something you treasure. You, being a beautiful creature of the Divine, hiding ur silky or so hair, as a sacrifice, visible only to ur loved ones seeing ur appearance, is truly admirable. I’m sure that sacrifice won’t go ignored and will be spiritually rewarding. And regarding some of the Sikh men I’ve seen…these are some good looking dudes…I mean they’re tall, have the perfect tan, noticeable builds, and the Sikhs I’ve run into tend to skip grades in school. I knew someone who decided the turban and beard weren’t necessary, and he had a lions mane of hair and a face that shone like the sun…these men and women make these uncomfortable clothing accessory choices, not radiating the beauty God gave them, for God. In seeing this, and wishing you guys and girls the best, just wanted to share a thought. I’m a Christian. What do you think counts more in God’s eyes for me? Mechanically going to Church every Sunday and acting super perfect for the sake of what others think, or implementing the Golden Rule in my daily life? (Love God first and foremost, and your neighbor as yourself.) Does God appreciate more what I do with the gifts He gave me and me living my life in a way I can tell my Heavenly Father about my day at the end of that particular day? Does God care whether there is hair gel in my balding head on my fat mess of a body or does He value more the time I spend WITH Him in prayer and For Him in life through my words and actions? With that in mind, while the hijab or the beards and turbans will direct extra blessings ur way, I don’t think it should be required of your religions. All the hub-ub against Muslims…I mean these woman of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern descent are radiant and are like the I-Dream-of-Jeanie partners to their spouses, and their foods: from lamb gyros to the Afghan Chicken and Rice with the special sauce-some good stuff to be aware of…
lets assume you’re not seeing SOME of these postings today, on twitter, or tumblr, for the first time...maybe it was witnessed while being typed, as I’m typing, on the Notes app on my iphone...were the orchestrators aware that I’d mention my take on the Yeast of the Pharisees and Sauducees today? What are they calling this nonsense? Mind reading? Predictive Analytics?-A waste of time, an insult to human dignity, a testament to their indecency...
0 notes
knightavery · 4 years
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UIM Is Different From Liability, Collision, Comprehensive and MedPay Insurance. I have a policy with them both and it was paying for something in December which my son just ran into and hit a deer. I contacted the agent who advised in December to buy collision and collis � � Script, so we can use it for when they are on the road, to pay our insurance premiums. What would the difference is I had Collision and Collis cover. What I wasn t told was Collis covered a lot more than . The agent was saying I wasn t covered and we didn t even know it was a coverage. I was at my car that day. What can I do? I did, it was very frustrating, he gave us my insurance in January of 2020 and then a month later he faxed the information to our insurance to have it on file and they were very frustrated when I called him and said that it was the case. We contacted them to learn that they were not aware of when the car was in the shop and that they.
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Best Motorcycle Insurance Providers in Colorado. You get great discounts for safety, as well as the best auto insurance for low mileage. We provide Colorado residents high risk car insurance for the safety of everyone at the best rates. Comprehensive coverage is what protects you in case you get in a car accident and need to file a claim. Colorado is not a no-fault state. While this leaves a large number uninsured, we have a few plans for you to use. Most Coloradoans get this insurance through their employer or, in the event of an out-of-state claim, your state’s auto insurance. The state-based system is the only one that requires a state-authorized insurance company to offer you a policy. In Colorado, this is called “deductible insurance.” This means you will have it available when you’re needing to file a claim. Deductible insurance is also available in the form of a  and is usually used.
Call Your Motorcycle Insurance Agent Today
Call Your Motorcycle Insurance Agent Today! Since 1959, We ve helped thousands of drivers save money on their insurance. We are an Independent Insurance Agency that work with all of the best companies, making sure you are covered with the best car insurance in Dallas, TX at a competitive rate. We compare insurance rates from multiple insurance providers to get you the right insurance at the lowest price so you can get back on the road. I am confused about how much auto insurance is for a driver with learner’s permits? I wonder how insurance changes if you don’t have an active license. My father has his insurance because he lives in Texas, and they do let the insurance go up during a period when he goes to the DMV. He may be fine for not having their insurance in Texas. I don t have many articles like this,.
Looking for Motorcycle Insurance in Colorado?
Looking for Motorcycle Insurance in Colorado? If you’re a motorcyclist, chances are you’re asking people around you for help with their uninsured motorist. Many states, including Colorado, have minimum auto insurance requirements for all registered motor vehicles. The problem is that you don’t know the state where they’ll provide you with quotes. The minimum requirements vary, but the minimum is liability coverage, not all that cover damages and injuries you cause to other people. The state minimum car insurance in this guide is: Uninsured motorist coverage: If you cause an accident with someone who does not have insurance or does not carry enough coverage to pay for the damages you caused, Colorado requires underinsured Motorist coverage of $20,000 per person and $40,000 per incident. So if you get hurt in a fall in which the at-fault driver’s insurance limits are more than $70,000, the coverage will pay for 80% of the damages. Uninsured motor.
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dipulb3 · 4 years
7 tips to make you a Slack power user
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/7-tips-to-make-you-a-slack-power-user/
7 tips to make you a Slack power user
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If you’re a frequent or even casual user of Slack, you likely know the basics: how to set a status, pin a message, create a new channel or send a gif of a cute puppy or a disappearing Homer Simpson.
But there are less obvious tips and tricks, from keyboard shortcuts to features like polls, that will make your life easier — and impress your colleagues.
Here’s a look at some of Slack’s lesser-known tools.
1. Set reminders
The “/remind” command will nudge you or a coworker about an event of your choosing, such as an appointment or item on your to-do list. The Slack bot, which interacts with users, will send a notification to you or the person at the designated time. It works for reoccurring events, too, so you could ask Slack to prompt you every day ahead of a daily meeting. It could be used as a useful reminder to eat or step away from your computer every once in a while, too.
If you can’t remember what’s on your list, use the command “/remind list” to refresh your memory or delete old entries.
2. Create a custom emoji
From an array of dancing parrots eating pizza or wearing top hats to animated foxes blowing kisses, Slack’s emoji options are top notch. It’s surprisingly easy to add some razzle dazzle to your workplace’s emoji offering by uploading your own custom creation.
Here’s how: First, you must be on a desktop computer. In any message box, click the smiley face emoji icon, and then “Add Emoji.” Upload an image, name it and press save. While it may seem like a quirky feature, it could help add a more personal touch at a time when people are looking for better ways to communicate without being in person.
3. Organize (and jazz up the look of) your Slack app
On the desktop version, hit “Preferences” and then “Sidebar.” You can opt to sort your conversations alphabetically or based on priority. You can also choose to lump private channels together or show all unread messages in one section. I set my conversations based on priority, so new direct messages pop up on the top of my list without me having to scroll far down to see them.
If you’re bored of Slack’s signature purple background, there are other colors to choose from under the “Themes” option, including black, pink, yellow, white and blue.
4. Bring important emails into Slack
No more screenshotting an email and dragging and dropping it into Slack. Under “Preferences” and “Messages & media,” you can upload an email to Slack by forwarding it to a Slack-generated email address made up of random letters. The Slackbot will upload the email to the app, where you can share it with someone else or a channel.
5. Easy shortcuts
There are several commands that can save you time and clicking. “Command + K” on a Mac or “CTRL + K” on a Windows, lets you jump to channels, people or files instead of scrolling through an endless list of DMs and channels.
If you want an easy way to mark everything as read, hit “Shift” and “Escape.” To mark a channel as read, click the “Escape” key. Another useful tip: If you want to mark a certain message as unread so you don’t forget to respond to it, press down on the “Option” key while clicking on the message.
6. Ask your colleagues to weigh in with polls
Slack offers several ways to create polls, from simple ones that only require a yes or no vote (command: “/yesno”) to more robust options like “/polly” that offer custom multiple-choice responses or answers on a scale of one to 10.
7. From translations to time zones
Other helpful commands include “/tz” which calculates the time in another city. There is also a translation feature within Slack: type “/translate” and the language code, such as “es” for Spanish, followed by the text you want translated.
For coworkers in different countries, the “Automatic Translation” feature for channels and DMs will translate every message without needing to type any commands. Slack’s Translate app has free and paid plans.
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lgcdowoon · 2 years
home for the holidays.
A RANDOM SOLO NO ONE SHOULD READ : ft. dowoon’s sister COUNT : 1.09k
“ya! dowoon-ah, what’s this!?”
he looked up at his sister confused on what she was yelling at him about this time. he had come back to his family’s apartment for their break, needing some space away from the dorm and the  “hmm? oh--yeah...crazy right? to think i had two left feet a year ago” he gave a half hearted laugh. it didn’t reach his eyes or his brain or his observant sister.
she squinted her eyes at him and smacked his shoulder. ow he thought, what the did he ever do? “shut the hell up dowoon! what about singing? that’s what you did all of this for, to sing. use that stupid voice of yours you spend so much time worrying about.”
maybe that wasn’t the right moment to take a sip of his tea, which was filled with honey because he always put honey in his tea because it helped his vocals, proving her very point. “well i’m still singing, i sing in the...some of the songs.” he defended. he was singing, performing--living the dream and all that. spent the last three months doing ‘all that’ at hyper speed. “it’s what i wanted.”
“but it’s not.” she insisted and dowoon knew she was right. he didn’t want to agree. he was grateful for a second of screentime, a single line. he didn’t want to be greedy. “how many times have you watched shine? cried at a shin high note? if you can pull up your watch history and prove that agito isn’t there--”
“hush!” he roared. it was strange coming from him, he didn’t roar. but he continued on, ranting and raving. “not everything is perfect okay? you can’t have everything you want. so i may not have ‘vocalist’ next to my name. so the concept isn’t blue hour. so i may have to figure out how to rap and dance and be scary and sexy and loveable all at the same time.” he sat down on his bed, where he dreamt those very dreams that had propelled him to where he was now. this bed was hope, optimism, and naivety. this bed hadn’t seen all the nights he had--sore and exhausted, but all too restless. he spoke again, calmer and more mature than she’d ever seen him. “i’ve made it this fucking far and i’m sure as hell not going to ruin it because it’s not everything i dreamt it would be when i was thirteen.”
the woman was too stunned to speak, literally. she was shocked, her little brother never spoke that way unless it was important. the last time she had heard him yell was in arguments with their mother over whether he could train or not. she knew when he wanted something, he would morph and change himself for it, but never ask anyone else to do the same. he wasn’t looking at her. he had his head in his hands. she walked closer and rubbed his back soothingly. “i just don’t want you to...let go of your principles, your desires, your dreams because it’s...convenient.”
“nothing about this is convenient. i don’t want to be all woo is me but it’s been hard the last...two, three years. just the last couples months have almost knocked me out.” he stated, taking another sip of his mug. “but, this is what i’ve been given and i thank god everyday i’ve been given it. there are hundreds--maybe thousands--of kids that wish they were lucky enough to get in the door of that company, nonetheless make it through training and into a group, in under three years no less. i’m lucky, extremely lucky, do you not get that?” it wasn’t the picture he wanted, but it was a hell of lot better than two more years of training. “and i want to do it. i do. i enjoy my group, our music, and--the fans are awesome, so kind and thoughtful. i get to go to these amazing places, do these amazing things, and i’m getting paid! i’m saving up so i can buy mom a proper house...all doing something that i do really enjoy. and i’m good at it--performing at least.”
“okay, okay. i’ll stop.” she conceded, holding her hands up. “i just--i’m just looking out for you, you know?” she offered, walking closer to her brother, her confidant. they may not see each other as much as they used to, but they trusted one another like no one else. “you’re my cool idol little brother” she scuffed his hair up, he smiled. “i gotta do my older sister thing when i can, alright?”
“i know...it’s something i haven’t really let myself think about. it was a mess through the end of the year...and i just wanted to enjoy that i’d made it. that i actually did it.”
“you more than deserve to bask in the glory of it all.” then, more softly which was hard for her, “i’m proud of you.” his sister was almost the antithesis of dowoon. she was rough and loud and blunt and protective. she’d stepped between him and many bullies in their youth--and he knew she’d stand against the ceo himself if it meant protecting her little brother. 
he hugged her warmly. “thank you, i love you.”
“blah blah, love you too or whatever.” she rolled her eyes and dowoon rolled them back at her still with a smile on his face, but squeezed her against his body again. they let go and dowoon was unsure of 
“this means you’re gonna have to be good at rapping. like really good. can’t make me look like a fool for stanning tz, alright?”
“i’m doing extra rap lessons now. i’ll be fine.”
“freestyle, now. i’ll do the beat.”
she had already started doing an okay beat with just her mouth “go, come on show me the money, do it.”
he laughed, but started to feel the rhythm “my name is dowoon and i’m gonna--”
she abruptly stopped, waving her hands up in protest “no no god no.” she looked disgusted, making dowoon burst in laughter. he thought his sister should have been the famous one out of the two of them, she could make him die laughing. “get back in the practice room...listen to eminem or something...jesus that was already bad.”
“you didn’t even give me a chance!”
“i didn’t need to. stay out of the writing studio, kay? don’t need you ruining my favs’ verses.”
he rolled his eyes with a smile. “alright, alright. i’ll stick with company approved lyrics for now.” she hummed in agreement. then, both of their heads shot up when they heard their mother call them in for dinner, instantly running to fill their plates with whatever deliciousness their mother had prepared for them.
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