clorofolle · 8 months
Hello! I just found your post on pirating. I'm relatively experienced and I think most everything you suggested is smart.
I just wanted to ask, in regards to the VPN, do you have in particular gripes about Proton in regards to the privacy aspect?
I was trying to find a good VPN recently and thought that Proton's offers were pretty good, if expensive in comparison to the competition.
(I promise I'm not a shill, I'm actually wondering if I should regret my purchase lol. I also get that the post is dated last year and things may have gotten worse or better with them since)
Hi!! Sorry for the very very late reply, I didn't check tumblr for months.
To be honest, I did write that post a while ago and should I write it now, my position would be different and much milder. While throwing shade at Proton I was thinking of this incident specifically where, facing a court order, Proton was asked to log and provide the IP address of one of its clients, a French climate activist.
I take issue with companies that market themselves as useful tools to keep you safe and protected instead of actually disclosing what their service truly is about and what data they do have about you, as people might fall into a false sense of security and have no idea what they're actually paying for.
I am generally more warm towards Mullvad since they're extremely transparent about what kind of data they have on you and actively try to get as little data from you as possible, even favouring payment methods where they won't have to store any data on you whatsoever. They also allegedly were subject to a search warrant and were simply unable to give any data whatsoever as they truly had none, which if we want to assume good faith that they aren't making that up, is a good look on them as a whole. Though they've recently started to market themselves as some kind of saviours from "mass surveillance and censorship" in a way that seems... to be really alarmist and out of nowhere and might fool more people into thinking they need a vpn than they actually do, and I'm not happy about that direction at all, though their services still seem like some of the best around.
Still - I recognize that this is a big discussion, one I don't have enough knowledge over to completely discuss it either! And that for torrenting... this doesn't matter at all. In fact, Mullvad is not being recommended for torrenting anymore as it dropped support for port forwarding - for some apparently legit concerns - and it makes the torrenting experience much worse for many people. (My internet is slow as shit so I don't notice either way lol!)
All in all, I'm not a very experienced or savvy user at all. I try to learn about things as much as my lil brain allows me to understand, but were I to rewrite that post now, I wouldn't mention things that are still so murky/difficult to understand for me as well. Hope I sent you some interesting links to start some more research from though! Here's to understanding more of how things work as we go on :D
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I don't know if it's just me, but Reddit seems to have started blocking Mullvad VPN IP Address, and I hate to tell Reddit, but if they think I'm gonna turn it off just for them, they've got another thing coming. I'm at the point where I wish I could just force Firefox to filter out any Reddit results from Google and DuckDuckGo because, at the moment, they're about as useful as they would be if they weren't even there.
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hallowburn-harlot · 11 months
i know that nobody is gonna see this one but express and nord are both owned by horrible people and more relevantly zionists. PLEASE DO NOT USE THEM !!! use mullvad; its affordable and very private
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regale--tress · 10 months
The fact that you can have $7.50 and buy Mullvad VPN for a month by mailing them cash and use something like Fitgirl Repacks with a torrenting software like qbittorent is REALLY BAD YOU SHOULDNT DO STUFF FOR FREE CONSUME BRAND BUY PRODUCT
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thoughtportal · 1 year
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n1cklybear · 1 year
Oh wow, this is amazing.
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tparadox · 8 months
Server misadventure report:
Tailscale will expire your devices' keys every few months by default, and I didn't realize my home server had expired until I couldn't connect to it from outside the house and saw on the admin console that it was offline and expired. I turned off key expiry and it was still offline. Okay, gotta log back in on the server itself. Fine.
When I got home, I TTYed into the server and I believe this is the order of events: I ran "tailscale up" to log back in. I checked my torrent client which is bound to the tailscale tunnel since I've only been able to get Mullvad to work on that device through Tailscale, and it still wasn't active. While I was trying to diagnose that, I ran "tailscale update" to update the version. I believe this is where the harder to solve problem happened.
While TS was updating itself, I realized the issue with the torrent client was that I had only joined the TS VPN but I hadn't connected to the Mullvad exit node. This is where the stupider problem happened, because you have to specify that you want to leave LAN access open when you connect to an exit node every time, and I forgot to do this when I used TTY over LAN to tell my headless server to connect to the exit node. Fortunately I got access back by removing the server from my VPN group and rebooting.
When the server was back up, responding to commands, and reauthorized on my TS VPN, I gave the appropriate command to connect to the Mullvad exit node and it gave an error. I thought I had selected the wrong address and told it to list available exit nodes, and it said no nodes found. This was the harder problem to solve. Rebooting didn't do it, it was already the most recent version. I had to leave it for a few days.
While I was trying to find a post online explaining why I couldn't find Mullvad exit nodes even though the device was authorized in my account to use Mullvad, I remembered that the last time it worked might have been before I updated the version. While I was wondering how to go about it back, I noticed that the update command in TS was flagged as "beta" and had a warning that it might not work correctly. I had Apt uninstall and reinstall Tailscale and everything worked correctly and I was finally back to normal.
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algoentremanos · 9 months
Cómo evitar los CAPTCHAs al usar Mullvad VPN con un SOCKS5 Proxy
Me encanta Mullvad, y es mi VPN de referencia últimamente con permiso de NordVPN. No te pierdas mi análisis en profundidad de Mullvad. Una de las cosas que más nos pueden dar problemas cuando usamos una VPN son los malditos CAPTCHAs, esos rompecabezas que nos aparecen para demostrar que somos humanos y que a veces nos piden cosas imposibles de resolver… y que nos hacen perder mucho tiempo. Vamos,…
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View On WordPress
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archiveosorg · 1 year
Mullvad Browser
Mullvad Browser – a privacy-focused web browser developed in a collaboration between https://archiveapp.org/mullvad-browser/
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amitabh-d · 2 years
Docker, Mullvad, Socks Proxy, and Automatic Networking Configuration
Mullvad runs their Socks proxy server on But our wireguard is running in a container so the system does not know how to reach this IP address.
We need to tell our system how to reach this IP address via our container's IP.
To selectively route traffic via the proxy, we need to provide a .pac file to Firefox. A .pac file contains a function which decides which URL/host should be proxied. Under network settings Automatic proxy configuration URL it accepts a URL or we can specify a local file using file:////path/to/proxy.pac.
The linuxserver/wireguard image expects a wireguard configuration under /config/wg0.conf. Get your mullvad config from here https://mullvad.net/en/account/#/wireguard-config, and extract the downloaded zip into a wg folder. Rename the config you want to use to wg0.conf. If you don't have IPv6 then remove the IPv6 addresses from the wg0.conf file, otherwise the connection might fail.
Lets create the required files.
Copy the following into docker-compose.yml:
--- version: "3" services: wg: image: lscr.io/linuxserver/wireguard container_name: wg cap_add: - NET_ADMIN - SYS_MODULE environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Europe/London volumes: - ./wg:/config - /lib/modules:/lib/modules ports: - 51820:51820/udp - 1080:1080 #for socks proxy sysctls: - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1 restart: unless-stopped
Copy the following into start.sh:
#!/bin/bash #start wg service docker-compose up -d docker exec wg curl --no-progress-meter https://am.i.mullvad.net/connected #enable nat inside the container docker exec wg iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o wg+ -j MASQUERADE #get ip address of wg network wg_ip=$(docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' wg) echo "wg container ip is $wg_ip" #add route to mullvad socks ip sudo ip route add via $wg_ip
And, make the script executable:
chmod 700 start.sh
Copy the following to `mullvad.pac':
const proxyList = new Set(); //add domain names below proxyList.add("mullvad.net"); //proxyList.add("anotherdomain.com"); function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { return proxyList.has(host) ? "SOCKS5" : "DIRECT" }
Open Firefox's network settings and add the path to mullvad.pac file under Automatic proxy configuration URL.
Now if you visit https://mullvad.net/en/check, it should be all green.
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leveragehunters · 2 years
Google Germany blocking AO3 in search results
I haven't seen anything on this cross my dash, and I thought it was worth bringing here with as much accuracy as possible. (I first encountered it on Reddit.)
Currently (24.12.2022) Google is blocking AO3 from search results in Germany as a result of a complaint.
It is only Google, not other search engines. The government did not request it. It has nothing to do with copyright. It does not impact access to the site itself. ETA: If you use Chrome, it may not let you bookmark AO3 URLs (reports are mixed).
I tested it using a VPN set to Germany, searching for my AO3 username. This is a Google search for leveragehunters showing no AO3 results while connected to a German VPN:
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The same search from Australia, with the first result AO3:
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A DuckDuckGo search for leveragehunters while connected to a German VPN - AO3 is the third and fifth hit.
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The bottom of the Google search using the German VPN states:
In response to a legal request submitted to Google, we have removed 2 results from this page. If you wish, you may read more about the request at LumenDatabase.org. This is the link to read more: https://lumendatabase.org/notices/9415.
What was the complaint? You can read it here (and it is seriously light on information): https://lumendatabase.org/notices/9415, but it says:
A URL that otherwise would have appeared in response to your search was not displayed because that URL was reported as illegal under German youth protection laws.
Ihre Suche hätte in den Suchergebnissen einen Treffer generiert, den wir Ihnen nicht anzeigen, da uns mitgeteilt wurde, dass die entsprechende URL rechtswidrig gemäß deutscher Jugendschutzgesetze ist.
Like I said up there, this was not a government request. Government requests to remove material from Google say so on the notice (see, for example: https://lumendatabase.org/notices/30045178 or all of these).
Anyone can make a complaint to Google and ask them to remove something for allegedly violating local laws. I suspect what's happened is that someone has reported the top level AO3 URL to Google through their procedures and that Google, being the knee-jerk risk-adverse devil company that it is, has blocked the site pending investigation (AKA lawyers saying yes or no) or just went stuff it, a shoddy complaint's good enough cause we don't actually care.
The Reddit thread is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AO3/comments/zsgt6v/is_ao3_blocked_from_being_displayed_in_google_in/, but mixed in with the reports from German users is a lot of maybe not so helpful/accurate information so, you know, grain of salt and all that.
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magz · 1 year
Mullvad VPN and TOR collaborated, made a privacy-focused open-source browser that use alongside VPN instead of TOR network.
One more option to protect against surveillance. (example of growing surveillance attempts: "Restrict Act" for U.S.)
Is based on Firefox source-code, but "hardened" for security and privacy.
Read link above for more information.
Both Mullvad browser and TOR browser for normal anonymization and "being indistinguishable from anyone else".
Mullvad browser not ideal use case for identifiable information like account logins, but better for everything else on the "clear web" if find it necessary. (Meaning: can use for clear web browsing like watching TikTok and Youtube videos and Twitter browsing, for example, but not as effective for logged in activity while using those and other accounts.)
Download link.
Get Mullvad VPN for €5 a month
Privacy Guide's introduction to "Threat modeling" and digital privacy (site with article and tool reccomendation)
Techlore's Youtube playlist "Go Incognito: A guide to security, privacy, and anonymity" (video. free version of digital privacy course)
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I swear to fucking God.
Mozilla VPN's 2.17 update completely broke it's Ubuntu 20.04 compatibility. It won't even launch on Zorin OS. I'm now without a VPN on my Linux machine.
I'm getting real tired of this shit. This VPN has been nothing but problems and reliability issues since I got it. When it comes time to renew, I'm cancelling this shit and moving to Mullvad.
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corpsoir · 7 months
why is there ads in my fucking email inbox like not newsletters and subscription junk mail, like i mean actual fucking ads among the subscription junk mail. im so sick of how the internet has turned into an ad machine, theres ads everywhere and thats just fine and normal?? when did we let that happen
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yurideification · 1 month
Does anyone know if you still get shadowbanned for using a VPN
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10001gecs · 2 years
guys i feel like this shouldnt have to be said but if you're going to pirate something, please only download from trusted uploaders. random people on tumblr who just made an account two weeks ago are not trusted uploaders.
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