#avengers tickle fanfic
Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
Request: Hey there! First of all, I want to say that your stories are amazing and I love reading them <3! They bring me the kind of comfort I can't get anywhere else. I'm fairly new Tumblr user, so I don't know how things actually work here, and I don't even know if you accept story suggestions. But anyway, I have a little idea that I don't feel I'm talented enough to write myself. I don't automatically assume that you will do anything, but I would be more than happy and grateful if you would ever find the time to even consider my suggestion. ❤
Idea: Y/n is really afraid of spiders. One day Natasha she starts discussing it with Natasha. Natasha, being a Black Widow herself, doesn't understand how anyone can be afraid of something as small as a harmless spider. The conversation soon turns into a playful pillow fight where Natasha accidentally finds out that Y/n is ticklish.
hi!! I love reading fanfics you made, but I was wondering would you write another natasha and her sister (reader) story? Thx and have a nice day 💛
Note: Thank you so much for these wonderful requests! I appreciate you guys reading my fics and I am glad you like them! I went ahead and combined these requests, as I felt they went well together. Enjoy! <3
Word Count: 1423
You were Natasha’s little sister and you adored her. You looked up to her in every way and wanted to be just like her. You were always excited to spend time with her, and today was one of those days. You and Natasha were having a sleepover and you two were preparing for it. First, you two went to the supermarket nearby to pick up snacks.
You immediately went to the candy aisle, much to Natasha’s amusement. 
“You know, Y/N, if you’re too energetic and hyped on sugar, I’m gonna have to find a way to calm you down,” Natasha warned you.
“It’s fine, I can tolerate large amounts of sugar,” you replied, taking a large pack of Twix and a bag of M&M’s off the shelf.
“You want anything?” You asked.
“Hmm, I’ll take a KitKat,” Natasha said, as you smiled, knowing that it was her favorite.
You and Natasha then went to get some microwave popcorn bags, a bottle of lemonade, and some paper plates. While she wasn’t looking, you snuck in a large pack of Oreos. You two also got some arts and crafts supplies that you planned on using at your sleepover.
After you guys bought all the items, Natasha surprised you by swinging by the pizzeria and picking up pizza for dinner, as it was 6pm already. 
“I got your favorite, Y/N, pepperoni with sausage and mushrooms,” Natasha said, as your mouth watered. 
You thanked Natasha for getting pizza as you guys headed home. You jumped out of the car, eager to get the sleepover started.
You set out two paper plates on the table and poured some lemonade for both of you. You guys sat down at the kitchen table and chatted while eating dinner.
“So what do you want to do first?” Natasha asked you.
“I want to do an arts and crafts project!” You cheered.
“Then arts and crafts it shall be!” Natasha declared.
After dinner, you guys threw your plates away and headed upstairs to your shared bedroom. 
Natasha pulled out the arts and crafts supplies, consisting of paint, paintbrushes, canvases, and materials to make friendship bracelets.
You took some of the painting supplies and began to paint a picture. You had been working on your art skills for a while, and you decided to attempt to paint a cabin in the mountains with a lake and beautiful nature nearby.
When you two were done painting, you showed each other what you created. Natasha had painted the Statue of Liberty, which turned out pretty decent. 
“Wow, Y/N, I had no idea you had gotten that good at painting. I remember when you used to just throw random colors on there, and now look at you. All grown up and an expert at painting,” Natasha said, tussling your hair as you beamed with pride.
Afterwards, you decided to make friendship bracelets for each other. You chose red thread and decorated it with various colors and spelled out her name.
You guys traded bracelets and then began to set up for the movie. You got the popcorn out and heated it up before pouring it into a large bowl to share. You also made sure to bring the candy over. 
After the movie, you guys changed into your pajamas and headed back to your room to play games and chat. 
After a while, the conversation had shifted into a deeper topic about fears. You thought your fears were silly, but you wanted to share them with the person you trusted the most. 
“I guess I’m sorta afraid of spiders,” you admitted, looking down into your lap.
“Spiders?” Natasha asked, as you nodded.
“It’s just weird because your average spider won’t do any harm, so I feel silly for being afraid of them.
“Y/N, it’s perfectly normal to be afraid of spiders or anything really. We all have our fears, even if we don’t fully understand them. I mean, part of me doesn’t quite understand it since I’m a black widow myself,” Natasha said, hoping to lighten the mood.
“I’m not afraid of you because you’re not an actual spider,” you said, playfully rolling your eyes.
“Wow rude! The disrespect to the original black widow,” Natasha gasped, reaching for a nearby pillow and whacking you with it.
“Pillow fight!” You declared, grabbing another pillow and fighting back. You two whacked each other and giggled endlessly, both not wanting to give in. Natasha lunged and reached to grab your pillow so she would have all the power. However, her hand missed the pillow and she ended up grabbing onto your side, causing you to squeal and jump away.
“Oh sorry Y/N! Are you okay?” Natasha asked, as you were still processing what just happened. 
“Oh, what yeah, I’m okay,” you said, looking away in embarrassment. 
Natasha gave you a weird look, knowing that something was off. Then she finally realized what had happened.
“Ohhhh, I see. Somebody’s ticklish huh?” Natasha said, now inching closer to you.
“No! I’m not!!” You cried, scooting away from her. 
Natasha knew you were bluffing, so she pounced on you and pinned your arms to your side, while tickling your stomach and ribs, making you cackle with laughter.
“NATAHAHAHASHA STAHAHAHAP,” you shouted, kicking your legs underneath her. 
“How come you never told me you were ticklish?” She asked, sneaking her hands into your armpits.
“BEHECAUSE YOU AHAHARE MEHEHEAN,” you squealed, clamping your arms as best as you could. 
“Excuse me?” Natasha said, leaning down to blow a raspberry on your tummy. Your laughter went silent as you shook your head. Your sister gave you a break, but kept your arms pinned.
“Can’t you let me go?” You whined.
“I certainly cannot since I finally found a way to calm you down after all that sugar,” Natasha teased, as she now reached down to shake into your ribs and tickle between the sensitive, vulnerable bones.
“YOHOU JEHEHERK,” you laughed, cursing yourself that you let her find out.
“Where else are you ticklish?” Natasha asked, giving your knees and thighs a squeeze, which gave her a few giggles. 
“Hmm, how about…your feet?” Natasha said, with a growing evil grin as she saw you panic.
“NO PLEASE! NOT MY FEHEEHET,” you squealed, as she began to scribble over your soft and sensitive feet.
“Why not? It’s such a great spot!” Natasha cooed, as you squirmed and thrashed around. 
After she felt you had enough, she helped you sit up.
“Y/N, I have a way to help you get over your fear of spiders,” Natasha said.
“How?” You asked.
She snuck her hand under your shirt to scratch lightly at your back, causing you to gasp and jerk away.
“HAHA NAHAHAT,” you laughed, as she held you still.
“Just imagine that my hand is a spider. See? Harmless, besides the fact that it’s ticklish,” Natasha said with a smirk.
“Now try and stay still,” Natasha said, wiggling her nails all over your back.
You scrunched your face up, trying not to laugh, but couldn’t help but squirm at the touch.
“You’re really that ticklish?” Natasha asked, now tickling your sides to make you collapse in laughter.
“Not until you’re over your fear of spiders~,” Natasha said, now singing the itsy bitsy spider as she walked her nails over your back.
You snorted as she reached the top of your back, right before your neck.
“Is your neck also ticklish?” Natasha asked, as you shook your head vigorously.
Natasha didn’t say anything, but instead wiggled her nails against the back of your neck. You curled up into a ball, swatting at her while laughing.
“Get over here you little troublemaker,” Natasha said, now squeezing the back of your neck, causing you to squeal and beg for mercy.
“Oh alright, you’ve had enough,” Natasha said, now releasing you from her grip.
“Thanks for helping me try to get over my fear of spiders,” you said, snuggling up against her.
“Are you still afraid of me?” Natasha asked with a smile.
“Well, now you made me have two fears. Spiders and the tickle monster,” you said, poking her ribs.
She swatted your hands away with a glare.
“Well, the tickle monster isn’t ticklish,” Natasha said, as you took that as a challenge.
You snuck your finger under her arm when she wasn’t looking, causing her to yelp and jerk her arm down.
“Y/N! I warned you!” Natasha said, pinning you down for round two of tickle torture.
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inneedofsupervision · 5 months
The Big Bad Wolf And The Itsy Bitsy Spider
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As you can read above, I've got a prompt. I took the liberation to alter it since I'm not comfortable writing "reader insert" fics, so here you go with some Bucky, Steve and Peter being dorks and bonding over snow I guess?
Summary: It takes some level of boldness to attempt a snowball assassination of Captain America and the former Winter Solider, but someone has to be the one to throw the first snowball and step onto the thin line that divides braveness from recklessness.
(Or, how Peter thought it would be fun to annoy two super soldiers)
Read on Ao3
"On your left!"
"You've got to be kidding me."
Bucky grimaces at Steve's voice penetrating his ear, breaking the peaceful silence. He blinks a straying snowflake out of his eye before glaring at the back of Steve's head. When did the punk catch up to him? He doesn't try to suppress the urge to roll his eyes at his friend speeding up to jog a few meters ahead, shoulders shaking in poorly hidden laughter. Bucky should have shoved Steve out of the cold and locked the door like Sam suggested when the other asked if he wanted to join him on the running track. The snow-covered running track, he might add. Bucky effortlessly catches up to Steve and shoves him, snickering as it causes the other to stumble, clearly unprepared for getting hit in the side by solid vibranium. Steve huffs, quickly collecting himself before starting to level up from his jog to straight-up running, passing Bucky but not without pushing him in retaliation.
Yes, they are very mature for their age.
"I liked you better before the serum. You've become a show-off, Steve!" shouts Bucky after him before he starts falling into a faster pace. 
"Someone's gotta keep you in check, Buck," answers Steve, and Bucky frowns at the smug grin the blond's carrying. It is just like back then, Steve acting like a little prick. Not that he wasn't happy he could actually go for a run with his friend without the anxiety of an upcoming asthma attack sitting in the back of his mind. Steve just got a little too overconfident for Bucky's taste. 
"Like the little punk he is," mumbles the man as he watches Steve running, probably sporting a grin like usual when he gets to pass Bucky. He played with the thought of running up and shoving the man into the piles of snow lying next to the running track. He decides against it. Being friends with the man for years, Bucky figures it would end up in petty revenge plotting, and he didn't want to spend much more time in the snow than he needed to.
"You're not sleeping, are you, Bucky?" teases Steve, still running in front of him. They are reaching the end of the track when Bucky feels the overwhelming need to throw a snowball at his friend's head. Bucky bends down mid-run and collects a handful of white fluff from the ground, skillfully forming a dense ball. He was acting childish, but damn it, his toes felt like they froze off. Steve deserves at least that for dragging him outside at six in the morning at 24,8 Fahrenheit. Just because he was frozen once doesn't mean he enjoys staying out in the middle of winter in the daytime when the sun decides to grace the horizon. The man straightens up, hand drawn back and ready to smack his little work of art against Steve's back of the head when someone beats him to it. 
The ex-assassin's eyebrows shot upwards as he only caught the movement from the corner of his eyes. Before he could call for Steve to watch out, the snow projectile already hit its goal, the force great enough to let the ball crumple into pieces. Bucky grimaces in sympathy as a fair share of snow runs down the blond's neck and into his sweater, probably completing its mission to soak the backside of his shirt with icy water and causing it to stick against his skin in the most annoying way possible. 
A thick silence settles onto the running track as Steve's hand slowly reaches upward to get the snow out of his hair and off his skin. Blue eyes cold as ice pin Bucky in place. Bucky finds himself backing away slightly.
"So that's how you like to play, sore loser," says Steve, but the glint in his eyes betrays the soft tone of his voice. Bucky let out a short cough. Not because he was trying to buy some time and avoid answering Steve. 
It's not like he was intimidated by that punk or anything. 
Bucky inconspicuously glances towards the compound, measuring the distance between himself and the entrance. He drags his eyes back to the blond.
"Steve, I swear that wasn't me."
Steve gives him a pointed look.
"And what's that?" the other asks, nodding towards him. Bucky looks down and draws his eyebrows together as he catches sight of his hand still holding onto the snowball. 
Well, that certainly looks misleading.
"I know how this could come off as, but-"
"Good, we are on the same page then, Buck." interrupts Steve.
Bucky swallows as the blond starts pulling his sleeves up and going as far as to crack his knuckles. Oh, that dreaded smile. That smile tells you Steve Rogers wouldn't let go of this. Why did he have to befriend this punk again? If anyone asks, Bucky denies having taken a step back. He tries again to reason with his friend, squinting his eyes as Steve bends down to grab a fistful of snow.
"Steve, I didn't throw that thing."
"And I'm not about to push you face-first into the snow."
Bucky let out a frustrated groan. Steve was already closing the gap between them, and he wasn't close to taking a listen to his reasoning. It leaves Bucky questioning, where did that snowball even come from?  
Bucky was too old to wrestle in the snow. Literally. Why did this kind of thing have to happen to him? The man holds his hands up in defense, ready to go and push the other off if he needs to, when another snowball flies at the pair of super-soldiers.
This time, it hits Bucky.
Right in the face.
The explosion of ice transforms into cold wetness trickling down his jaw, chin, and neck before sickering into the fabric of his training shirt as the snow melts instantly on his slightly above-human-average heated skin. 
Without a word, he slowly reaches upwards and wipes the snow that has begun to melt out of his eyes. His face turns into a deep scowl as Steve's hearty laughter carries over to him.
"Stop laughing. I swear, I shove this in your face, Steve!"
Bucky narrows his eyes at the blond, still holding onto the snowball and contemplating throwing it in the blond's face but deciding against it. Before that, he has to figure out who would dare to throw a snowball at him. Bucky had to give the silent shooter credit. It took him a few moments to spot him. If it weren't for the slight color difference of the light gray accent on the guy's shoes, he wouldn't have spotted him in his thoroughly white outfit, blending in quite well into a blanket of snow. Successfully creeping up and keeping out of sight from not one but two trained super-soldiers was not an easy feat. Steve is busy chuckling when Bucky slowly puts a finger to his lips, signaling him to be quiet. Steve raises an eyebrow, and Bucky slowly turns his head, jerking it towards their silent visitor. His friend catches on quickly, and Bucky can tell by the minimal widening of Steve's eyes that the latter has spotted the hidden shooter. The two soldiers held a wordless exchange of glances and came to a silent agreement before Steve let the snow fall from his hands.
"Let's go back inside. It's too cold if we're only standing around."
"Sure. Wouldn't want you to turn into Stevie the Snowman."
Steve rolls his eyes before walking up to Bucky, sending him a silent nod. 
They start walking, pretending to end their little workout, and leave the running track. Steve's eyes hang on the lump of "snow" lying next to the track as they approach from the side. When the two reached the same high as the uninvited visitor, Bucky's left foot took a side step, shifting as he twisted his hip, repositioning his body weight. In a split second, his metal arm shoots forward, throwing the snowball with all his might at the person lying in the snow. The two men watch with more fascination than surprise how the well-camouflaged figure rolls to the side with a shriek, snow-projectile hitting and leaving a rather impressive hole in the snow pile where the person's head had been a moment before. The previously silent attacker is quick on his feet. His move to the side brought a small distance between him and the soldiers before coming to a halt in an uncannily familiar crouching pose. The person who had successfully kept their identity hidden until now slowly raises their head. Steve's lips twitch upwards on instinct while Bucky narrows his eyes at the sight of brown curls hanging over equally brown eyes that sparkle in a mix of unmistakable mischief and amusement. 
"Hey, Steve. Hi Bucky."
Peter has the nerve to give a small cheeky wave in their direction, still crouching and looking not an ounce apologetic. The two adults watch, with slight confusion, how the teen's positive expression changes into a frown, leaving the two adults confused about what could have caused the sudden change in Peter's mood. Bucky watches him slowly straighten from his position on the ground. He wants to roll his eyes as he feels Steve twitching next to him, the worry-wart. He can sense Steve's need to ask the kid what was wrong. Peter surprises them by drawing closer to them, towards Bucky, to be more specific, a frown still present on his young face. Before Bucky can react, Peter stands on his tip-toes and reaches his hand out to carefully peel a crumble of snow out of a stray set of Bucky's dark hair. Brown eyes narrow at the sight of the snow in his hands before they settle on Bucky. The teen tilts his head to the side, almost as if he were confused if it weren't for the minuscule twitch of his lips, giving his poorly hidden amusement away.
"Sorry, you've got some snow there. Steve got you good, huh?"
Bucky's fists clenched at the sound of suppressed laughter from the blond to his right. He elbows Steve in the side before he glances back, only to meet the face of a mischievously grinning Peter Parker. He swears that kid is full of shit. But Bucky will be the last to laugh today after he shoves that kid in the nearest snow pile. He feels a grin tugging on his lips at the panic taking over the teen's features as he strides forward, right into Peter's personal space, ready to grab him.
His plan doesn't work as the teen, in one swift movement, manages to dive under the incoming metal arm that took a swing at him. With ease, the vigilante emerges behind the older man, a winning grin painting his features. But the euphoria of escaping a pissed-off Bucky Barnes lasts only a moment. Bucky grins as the teen lets out a shout of surprise at the pair of very fleshy and muscled arms, almost tackling him to the ground. 
The ex-assassin turns around, a taunt for the Spider sitting on his lips, but the words couldn't leave his mouth quick enough before the kid began moving again. Steve didn't know what was coming for him, as from one moment to the next, the Spider-Teen vanished from his vision by jumping up. Peter skillfully escapes the bear hug about to send him to the ground by leaping and pulling his feet up to his chest mid-jump, feet hovering over Steve's head for a moment. Steve grunted in surprise as a foot set down on his shoulder, and he could only glance up, catching a smug grin that the teen had to have learned from none other than Stark himself. Bucky could only watch how his best friend gets abused as the kid's personified springboard, Peter setting a foot down on Steve's shoulder and pushing himself forward to perform a neat somersault over the blond's head. The sheer force of the jump is enough to send Steve tumbling. While Steve takes a dive face-first into the snow, the teen lands with practiced ease on the balls of his feet, a self-satisfied grin on his face.
That little shit. 
Peter's smug expression switches into shock-widened eyes and a surprised squeak getting pushed out of the teen as a metal arm slings around the back of his knees before a shoulder crashes into him. Gloved hands flail around before finding hold of the thick textile of Bucky's jacket as Peter tries to push himself off where he got thrown over the man's shoulder. A laugh escapes the teen, the latter involuntarily rendered in watching the world from upside down. Bucky unconsciously grins at the sound before he lets go of Peter's legs. He grabs the teen's jacket with both hands, ready to haul him into the snow. His hands are firmly on the teen's waist, pulling with strength, but, for some unexplainable reason, Bucky couldn't lift the boy. The body on his shoulder wouldn't move an inch, only shifting slightly along with the movement of his jacket. A short moment passes before Bucky tilts his head to get a look at Peter's face, eyes squinting with accusation. 
"Are you sticking to me?"
The disgust in Bucky's voice sends Peter into a laughing fit, not having expected the sheer horror in the man's voice. He couldn't even form a coherent sentence from how much he was cackling while hanging over Bucky's shoulder, the latter still glaring at him. It wasn't easy to get a genuine reaction out of Bucky, the ex-assassin carrying a neutral expression most of the time if he wasn't scowling at someone or showing a smirk. The surprised tone of the super-soldier's voice, mixed with a spark of horror and disgust, had caught Peter off guard.
Bucky and Sam always reacted rather strongly at the display of Peter's most spider-like trait. Solely for that reason, he used his ability more than once just out of spite to annoy them. Their reactions are hilarious, and although they tell him to keep the "freakiness down a notch" while putting a hand over their chest in Sam's case and accusing him of trying to give them a heart attack, Peter finds himself not minding the teasing. As the youngest of the group, he often has to live with the jokes thrown his way. If sticking to the ceiling at three a.m. is a way to hand back some of their medicine, Peter gladly let go of the chance to get some sleep. The teen made it his challenge to get the two men used to his abilities, and if that meant he had to freak them out until they grew used to him sticking to stuff, then that's what he calls a win-win on his side. 
"You, Peter Parker, aren't as innocent as you pretend to be." 
That's what Mr. Stark had told him with an amused tug of his lips as he had to call someone to repair the hole in the living room, a keepsake from Peter's last little prank on Bucky. 
Peter is still hanging over Bucky's shoulder, clinging to him with his hands efficiently sticking against the man's clothes. The latter can feel the teen shaking from laughter and shakes his head at the teen's antics with a little grin. "I'll get you off. Just wait, Parker," threatens the man playfully as he gives the body on his shoulder another experimental tuck. As expected, Peter wouldn't budge an inch, shaking his head at Bucky's words. Bucky rolls his eyes, having caught a glance at the large grin plastered over the teen's face. The kid was enjoying this way too much.
"Steve, get your frosty butt up. I need a little help here."
As soon as the words leave his lips, Bucky can feel the body on his shoulder stiffen. The man quickly fastens his grip on the teen. And he did so not too late because just a moment later, the struggle began. Bucky laughs. "What? Now, you don't want to stick close?"
He smirks as he hears Peter groan at his bad joke, the movement halting for a moment before it picks up again. Peter is pushing his hands against Bucky's back, trying to lift himself off. His movement grew more erratic, and Bucky raised an eyebrow. One glance at Steve gives Bucky an idea of why Peter's effort to escape is increasing tenfold. Steve frowns at the pair as he runs a hand through his short golden hair, wiping ice water and snow off. The blond had managed to climb out of the snow but gave off a comedic picture. Captain America covered from top to bottom in white, an unamused expression on his face. 
"Do you want to go first, or should I?" asks Bucky Steve, his grin widening as he feels the kid's fingers curl into his jacket, holding on for dear life and probably fearing Steve's revenge. Knowing Steve, the latter would, despite getting kicked into the snow and laughed at, go soft on the teen but said teenager didn't know about that. Steve playfully scowls at Peter, hands on his hips and giving him the disappointed-Captain-America-PSA-look that the kid had probably seen too often during school. 
"Hand the Spider over, Buck."
To the untrained eye, Steve looks convincingly pissed off, but Bucky could see past the stern facade. Steve is successfully messing with the kid. Said kid is easily fooled and starts pleading, nervousness dripping from every word, and Bucky notes with amusement that the hold on his jacket grows even tighter. The teen wasn't even realizing that clinging to Bucky wouldn't help him in any way. 
"Steve? Come on, that was not that bad, right? You were frozen before. Stuck in a bit of snow is nothing new to you."
Steve wears an incredulous look on his face as he raises an eyebrow at Peter's words. He glances at Bucky, silently asking the man if he misheard or if Peter just added fuel to the fire. Bucky shrugs his shoulders. Peter seemed to realize that his nervous stumbling over words wasn't helping him out of this mess. Bucky has to put some strength into his hold on the teen, throwing Steve an amused grin at the teen wriggling like a worm. 
"Whatever you're thinking of, please don't do it. Steve, I'm serious. Steve, no. Stop right there! Don't come closer!"
Despite his words and the evident panic in his voice, some nervous giggles are slipping between the teen's words. Bucky shakes his head at Steve, the latter wearing a stupidly wide grin as he draws closer, clearly amused by Peter's panicked rambling. 
"Stay away, Steve!" shouts Peter as the blond reaches out for the squirming teen, ready to fling him into the snow. It's a good thing they are at the compound, far from the eye of the public, because the scene unfolding on the Avenger's training grounds would have drawn various headlines in the news. It was quite a sight, the former Winter Soldier holding an unknown teenage boy captive while Captain America tries prying said teen off of his shoulder. 
"You're one sticky punk, aren't you?"
"Language, Bucky."
There is no real bite in Steve's voice, the blond too busy trying to avoid getting hit by a lanky arm that flails around while Peter tries to hold onto Bucky and simultaneously tries to push Steve away. Peter keeps shouting at Steve to leave him alone, threatening to stick to him if he gets too close, all the while laughing. His threats only last for so long before Peter lets out a yelp in surprise. His fingers let go of Bucky's jacket that was now lying on his lap, and he stared at it for a few moments, a puzzled look on his face. Peter slowly lifts his head, sitting on the snow-covered ground, dazed. His eyes fall onto Steve's and Bucky's faces. He swallows as the men smirk while looking down at him. In a blur of motion, Peter throws the jacket at its owner, successfully covering his head with it and earning a colorful curse. He uses the few seconds where Bucky is occupied with taking the jacket out of his face and tries dashing between the two men, choosing the fastest way back to the compound. 
The empathize is on trying. 
Steve stepped forward, grabbing the teen by the waist before Peter could run off. Peter let out a grunt as he was successfully tackled to the ground by a body twice his weight.
"Let's see how much you like playing in the snow."
Steve grins down at the teen pinned under him who, despite his earlier panic, throws back a challenging look at the super soldier. Steve raises an eyebrow, surprised at the smugness on the teen's face. It was typical for Spiderman to act confident, but he hasn't seen that look much in Peter Parker. It suits the kid. 
Steve's eyes widen in surprise as a small hand clamps around his wrists. With one powerful tug, their positions reverse, and the blond finds himself pressed into the ground, one arm pinned above his head. Peter leans over him with a wide grin on his face. Steve notices the teen's free hand has grabbed a good amount of snow, and it doesn't take a genius to guess what the kid was planning to do. The teen opens his mouth, probably to throw some witty remark at him, only to wipe his head to the side so fast it nearly causes Steve to flinch. He catches the widening of Peter's eyes.
The command hits deaf ears, and before Steve knows what happens, he's not looking at a grinning Peter but at the cloudless sky above. He turns his head towards the noise on his right, and a grin spreads onto his face. Steve watches a ball of limps rolling a few meters with a chuckle. Bucky had successfully tackled Peter off of him, and he and the kid were now fighting for the upper hand. Steve grins at his best friend grumbling about hyperactive teens and Peter trying to shove the man off him, laughing at his complaints. He laughs as Peter lets out a shriek of protest when the older man starts to put snow into the opening of his jacket. 
"Stohohop, it's cold!"
"That's the point, punk."
Peter trashes under Bucky, who had made it to his challenge to shove as much snow as possible under the teen's clothes. Peter tries prying the icy fingers of his skin, laughing but shuddering at the coldness running through his body. Steve walks over, amused by his friend playing around like a kindergartener, watching the spectacle for a few minutes. In the beginning, Peter had been fiercely fighting back, but after some time, Steve noticed the teen growing tired. If it were anyone else, Steve wouldn't have wondered about giving up against the strength of a playful super-solider, but this was Peter. Spiderman doesn't grow tired this easily.
"Peter, are you alright?"
Steve's words cause Bucky to stop wrestling with the kid. He also had noticed the teen's movements become sluggish, but Peter hadn't earnestly told him to stop, and the older man hadn't put much thought into it. Now that he hovers over the teen, not holding him down anymore, he notices the complexion of the kid's face as unusually pale. Brown eyes glance up at them, a sheepish grin on the teen's face, and if Steve didn't know better, he would say the teen looks almost embarrassed.
"Too cold. Can't thermoregulate."
At Peter's words, Bucky turns his head at Steve, raising an eyebrow in silent question, hoping his friend knew what the teen was talking about. Steve wears a frown on his face, telling Bucky without words that his friend feels as much out of depth as he does with the short explanation. Peter must have caught their troubled expression as he tiredly tugged on Bucky's sleeve, gaining his attention.
"It's because of the spider DNA. I cannot regulate my temperature. My body struggles to create body heat like yours does. If it gets too cold-"
"Your body grows weak because it needs a certain temperature to function," finishes Steve Peter's sentence while looking down at the teen, the latter looking out of it but still nods at him with a small smile. Steve shakes his head at the teen, and Bucky doesn't feel like smiling at all, scowl deepening at the sight of a bluish hue on the boy's lips.
"Damn it, Peter, why didn't you say anything sooner?"
Before the teen could justify his lack of explanation, he finds himself bundled up in a jacket three sizes too big, the initials S.R. adorning the front. Not taking any risks of the teen being out in the cold for much longer, Bucky, despite the weak protests from Peter, throws the boy over his shoulder.
"Don't think we are letting you off the hook that easily," mutters the man under his breath as he carries the teen towards the compound. The automatic doors of the entrance already stand open when Bucky walks in. He kicks his running shoes off mid-step and hurries into the joint room. Despite his grumbling, the older man carefully puts Peter down on the couch. He straightens up, looking down on the freezing teen with a frown. Peter is cold, but the lack of shivering was a bit off-putting, giving little clue about what stage of hypothermia they are dealing with. 
The absence of shivering must have to do something with being unable to thermoregulate. Bucky had to ask Banner about that, not trusting the kid to give him all the information. 
"Friday, can you tell us Peter's body temperature?"
"Mr. Parker's body temperature currently lays around 94,64 °F. I recommend taking measurements to get the temperature up. It is beyond his average. A long-term drop in body temperature could cause health concerns, Mr. Rogers." 
"Thank you, Friday."
Steve turns towards Bucky, who controls the urge to roll his eyes at the kicked-puppy stare his friend is wearing. "He'll be fine, Steve. Go search for a blanket and make some tea or something. I'll take care of him."
Steve sends him a small smile. "Thanks, Buck."
Bucky shakes his head when his friend walks out of the room, not liking the guilty-ridden expression painted on the blond's face. Knowing Steve blames himself for not noticing something was up sooner was typical of the man. It made Bucky want to beat some sense into his best friend. He faces Peter again, the latter, at least looking relatively more aware of his surroundings thanks to Friday having raised the room temperature. He watches the teen fumble with the zipper of his jacket, a frown drawn on his youthful face as his fingers wouldn't work how he wanted them to. Peter stares at the metal hand popping up in his vision and pulls down the zipper he struggled skillfully. His jacket gets peeled off of him the next moment before a gruff voice causes him to lift his head. 
"Arms up, punk."
Brown eyes throw him a confused look, and although Bucky would have teased the teen for being not quick to take on, he swallows the comment. He had time to make fun of the kid after he got rid of the blue on his lips. 
"You need to put on dry clothes. If you get sick, Stark will throw a fit."
That coaxes a reaction out of the teen. 
"Not keen on Mr. Stark threatening to take your arm off?" asks Peter with a little smirk. 
Oh. Bucky grins. Seems like the teen isn't that out of it after all. He flicks Peter's forehead, earning a glare.
"I'll hear that every day. His threats don't work on me. Now, arms up."
Thankfully, Peter wore snow pants, which are relatively easy to pull off the teen. The thick sweatpants he wore under his outdoor clothes were dry, but Bucky couldn't say the same about the kid's socks and shirt. The gray shirt is soaked, sticking to Peter's skin all around. Thankfully, Steve wasn't here to see this, or Bucky would get an earful again. The soldier watches as Peter tugs at the front of his shirt, grimacing at the feeling of the wet fabric pulling off his skin, only to stick back when he lets it drop. 
Maybe he went a little overboard with the snow. With a sigh, he bends over and gets a hold of the end of the wet shirt. Peter made a noise of protest as Bucky pulled the undesirable article of clothing over his head, leaving him in nothing but his pants, but at least he was left with only dry clothes on his body. Bucky scans the room in search of the blankets he had seen other members of the compound use before the voice in the ceiling spoke to him again. 
"If I am allowed to interfere, Mr. Stark has arranged a range of special clothing for Mr. Parker in cases of a temperature drop."
"So Stark is aware of this problem of yours," says Bucky, glancing at the teen. Peter caught him looking and nodded.
"It wasn't fun when he found out. Mr. Stark caught on mid-February with winter almost over." The kid's expression is solemn as he talks. Bucky almost reaches out to ruffle his hair, amused by the seriousness with which Peter was telling him this as if it had been one of the worst days of his life and not his mentor being rightfully concerned. Instead, he gave a little shake of his head, a corner of his lips tugged upwards while walking over to a closet. He hears some shuffling behind him as he pulls out a set of blankets, almost throwing them at the kid in frustration as he sees the teen has stood up.
"What do you think you are doing?"
Peter sighs as he gets pushed back to sit on the couch with Bucky standing before him, sternly looking down on him. A person shouldn't be able to look as intimidating with an armful of baby blue blankets. 
"I was about to get the shirt Friday told you about."
"You will sit here and wait while I get that shirt. It's in your closet?"
Peter nods while pulling the blanket around his shoulders but not without rolling his eyes, letting out a small yelp as Bucky flicks a finger against his forehead. The teen glares up at him, but Bucky merely raises an eyebrow at him, a silent dare. Bucky gives him one last glance, checking that the teen is bundled up tightly and behaving, not wandering around on his own before he retreats. With Stark's AI speaking to him and giving directions, it is relatively easy to find the clothes despite the chaos in Peter's room.
"This looks pretty tight."
The man eyes the almost plain-looking textile in his hand. Bucky wasn't sure what he had expected, but knowing Stark, he thought whatever this was, it to be more eccentric as he took in the dark gray clothing. Maybe the billionaire held back on his desire for extravagance to accommodate the young vigilante's preference for simplicity. He had noticed that aside from throwing in some colors and graphic shirts, the teen likes to dress easy on the eye.
"It is, but it does a good job. Mr. Stark made several of these. They are great. Maybe you could ask him to make some for you and Steve too?"
Bucky refrains from telling the kid that he and Stark weren't on the level for him to ask the kid's mentor any favors, although the hopeful sparkle in the kid's eyes tells him that Peter thought about that matter differently. Shrugging his shoulders, he skilfully avoids giving him an answer. The man stretches the sleeves to form an opening and holds it out for Peter. 
Peter tilts his head to the side, his eyes wandering up to meet Buckys, giving him a look before settling back onto the clothing held out for him, confusion evident on his face. Feeling merciful, Bucky takes Peter's wrist. "You do have to put this on to work, you know?" teases the man while pulling the teen's hand through the sleeve, noticing with a smirk how a hue of pink spread over the teen's ears. Maybe he should start acting more like this if it's this easy to make the kid sputter around in embarrassment. Oh, he has to tell Sam about this. The kid tugs at his wrist, checks growing red as Bucky tries to pull his other hand through the second sleeve. When he was about to pull the shirt over Peter's head, the teen had enough. He pushes the hands away, sending a frown at the man.
"I can do this on my own!" 
Catching the smirk on Bucky's face, it dawns on the teen that the ex-assassin was doing this on purpose. Peter quickly realizes that protesting wouldn't work on the man. Bucky had the mission to embarrass him, but Peter wouldn't let that happen. He was Spiderman, for crying out loud. Peter was perfectly capable of dressing alone. Getting cold slowed the process down, he had to admit. But still, Peter's sixteen years old. 
He knows how to wear a shirt. Not planning to play along with Bucky, the now slightly frustrated teen leaned back into the couch and slid down to avoid the hands pulling further on the long sleeve. He uses the new-won distance to roll to the right, trying to make a run for it.
"Get back here, punk," scolds Bucky, but the playful twinkle in his eyes betrays the stern tone of his voice. 
"I won't let you mess with me."
It would have sounded more convincing if Peter wasn't kneeling at the end of the couch, both arms stuck into the shirt but glaring instead of pulling it over his head, wearily observing what the man a few feet away from him was planning to do. Bucky crosses his arms over his chest, amused.
"Doesn't look like you do a good job."
Peter squints at the words.
"If I pull this over my head, are you leaving me alone?"
Humoring the kid, Bucky acts thoughtful before grinning a shit-eating grin that Peter has seen too often. 
"Why should I do that? I've got to make sure you are wearing it correctly. I cannot trust you to keep yourself warm."
The teen deflates at the words, almost sounding petulant now.
"I would have told you and Steve! Sooner or later..."
When the man raises a single eyebrow, the teen huffs in frustration. But he is not making a move that shows he agrees to let Bucky help him. The tension hangs thickly over the room as the two hold a stare-off. Both are waiting for the other to make the first move, Bucky watching the teen with rapt eyes while Peter's muscles are bulging under his sweatpants, ready to jump over the couch at any second. Bucky was the first to move. Without looking, his arm shots to the side, grabbing a hold of a stray pillow and throwing it at the teen while rushing forward. Thanks to the room's raised temperature, Peter wasn't as sluggish as before but still nowhere near his usual speed. His spidey sense prevents him from being hit in the head, raising his arms along with the thermo-shirt around his wrists to block the flying pillow. Peter's brows draw together in confusion as his spider sense still acts up, even after keeping the pillow from colliding with his face. 
The rest of his sentence gets lost in a high-pitched squeak as a metal arm wraps around his middle, tackling him successfully into the couch. Dark strands fall onto Bucky's face, the man grinning down at the teen who glares up from his position under him. It's a little insulting how easily he got him pinned on his back, straddling him by sitting on his tights and throwing him a winning grin that irks Peter just by looking at it.
"Get off," whines the teen and is about to push at Bucky's chest to shove him off, but the older of the two catches the shirt hanging between Peter's wrists and presses it down, forcing Peter's hands away. 
"You're not in the position to make claims, kid."
While forcing the teen into the shirt, Bucky grins, an occasional chuckle leaving his lips at the glares sent his way. By the end of the ordeal, Peter let his head fall back onto the couch in defeat, looking absolutely done with everything. His hair is a tousled mess of brown curls hanging in his eyes, the tips of his ears red again from embarrassment. The teen rolls his eyes at Bucky when the latter asks if he is still feeling cold with a mild dose of sarcasm. The man catches Peter's expression, poking him in the now finally covered stomach. "Don't get sassy, punk," he threatens with a grin promising no good. He is about to poke Peter a second time, for good measure, when his hand gets caught in a firm hold. Peter lifts his head, sending him a glare.
Bucky raises an eyebrow.
"What? You're ticklish?
When the teen doesn't answer immediately, Bucky pokes him again, this time in the side, eyes trained on Peter's face. Peter's jaw is clenching under the pressure of trying to keep his facial expressions under control, but the unmistakable nervousness creeping on his face is almost too easy to detect. Without batting an eye, Bucky frees his hand out of Peter's hold, ignoring the confusion written all over the teen's face as he places his hand over the teen's middle. He just let it hover there, a few inches over the teen's tummy and not moving, never taking his eyes off the teen's face. Peter glances from the hand up to Bucky's face and back to the hand, eyes widening as he sees a single finger twitch. He observes with the morbid curiosity of someone watching a horror movie how the rest of Bucky's hand stays motionless while one finger moves as if independent of the rest of the body. Peter wasn't sure if it was because of the prosthetic, but somehow Bucky managed to wiggle just one finger, then two, and then three, while the rest stayed static. Under other circumstances, he would be fascinated by this observation. In this instance, it merely serves to freak the hell out of Peter. All of the vibranium fingers are moving now in a manner that only indicates one specific outcome of what happens next, and he is not ready for it. 
When the hand starts to descend, he breaks. Before the wiggling finger could close the gap, Peter loses his will to pretend to be tough in front of Bucky. 
"Okay, okay, I admit it. I'm ticklish, alright? You can stop now. You don't have to prove anything!"
Bucky merely raises his eyebrows in amusement at the panicked words stumbling out of the teen's mouth, accompanied by a pair of hands gripping his wrist, hindering his hand from moving further down. 
"After your stunt from earlier, I'm not sure to believe you. Better check this out myself, just to be sure."
"You don't have to do tha-AHAHA! NOAHAHAH BUHUHUCKY!"
"I'm not convinced, Peter. Does this count as ticklish?"
A grin grows on Bucky's face as he watches the teen under him squirming like a worm on a hook. He had not even touched the teen before nervous giggles slipped out Peter. As soon as his fingers actually dug into the flesh of the kid's stomach, Peter's resolve had broken. He didn't try to hold his reaction back, fueling Bucky's curiosity to see what other noises he could coax out of the teen. His stomach has to be a rather good spot by the way Peter threw his head back as Bucky focused his wriggling fingers to dig into the sides of his tummy. Slender hands tried to catch his, but it was too easy to bat them out of the way to get back on skittering his fingertips over the smooth material of Peter's shirt. The shirt clung tightly against his lean body, making it very easy for the metal digits to glide over the middle of Peter's tummy, earning him little jumps whenever he traveled towards his belly button or his lowest rib. 
"Is that a bad spot?" The answer was obvious, but it was too fun to pass the opportunity to watch Peter struggling to answer. Bucky grins as he watches the teen trying to form a coherent sentence between his laughing fit.
"Yes, yes, yes, yehehehes! It's sohoho bahad, it's bahahahad Buhucky!"
"It's that bad?" asks Bucky, acting surprised as he sends ten fingers onto the small patch between the teen's waistline and belly button, feeling the muscle contracting under his fingertips as the teen tries to curl into himself with a shriek but is unable to. His hands get shoved off by flailing arms.
"It's that bad," confirms Peter with a glare, taking the chance to catch his breath while the super soldier had mercy on him.
"That's too bad. I like that spot," muses Bucky as he looks down on the said spot, catching the nervous look Peter throws him out of the corner of his eyes.
"Don't you dare," warns Peter, failing to sound intimidating while grabbing onto Bucky's wrists. 
"Oh, scary," mocks the man before letting himself fall forward. Peter lets out a panicked squeal and throws his hands up to catch the heavy body that's about to collapse on him. Bucky lessens his fall just in time with one arm probed against the back of the couch while using the chance to get a hold of the teen's arms with his free hand, wrestling them over Peter's head and pinning them there. Brown, wide-blown eyes stare up at him before Peter shakes himself out of puzzlement. 
"You tricked me!" 
"I thought you're smarter than that."
"And I thought you don't use dirty tricks."
"Seems like you've got some things to learn, punk. Now, where were we?" Bucky asks with a grin, challenging a Cheshire cat as he wriggles his fingers in Peter's face before focusing on the teen's stomach. 
"No, nohohoo, Bucky pleahesehe, anywhere but there!" begins the teen to plead, tugging at his captured wrists, lifting his head, and trying to see what the man was doing. Bucky grins.
"You want me to try a different spot? Sure."
"NO! Thatahat's not what I mea-AHAHAHAH STOHOP! YOu know thahahat's nhohot whahat I meant! You ahahre suhhuch ahahahan. Suhuch ahahan-NO! DOHOHON'T!"
Peter's legs hammer down on the couch behind Bucky's back. The ex-assassin worries for a short moment if the furniture would withstand the constant abuse of a spider-kid kicking his legs around uselessly. His focus is back on Peter when he hears a high-pitched squeal escape the teen before a wave of hysterical cackling fills the room. Bucky raises an eyebrow at the reaction, concluding that he found the second worst spot on the teen. His right hand hovers between Peter's armpit and highest rips, fingers digging into the place with vigor. 
"I'm almost convinced you told me the truth about being ticklish."
"Almohohohst? Whahahat do yohohu mean almost?"
Bucky stops tickling, eyes trained on the red-faced teen who tries catching his breath, body shaking when occasional after-giggle slips past his lips. 
"Just saying, when I do this," he pinches Peter's hipbones, earning a full-body jump and a cackle, "or this," Bucky claws his free hand between Peter's ribs and let his fingers skim over the space between the bones to send the teen back into a high-pitched giggle fit, "I would say you are ticklish."
"Are you kidding me?" asks Peter. He wears a bewildered expression. "I've told you from the beginning, I'm ticklish!"
"You could have been lying," retorts Bucky. 
"Are you seriously not believing me anymore because of earlier?" asks Peter. The man had another teasing remark already sitting on the tip of his tongue but halted as he caught something akin to hurt playing on the teen's face. Bucky feels thrown off. He knew he should do something, but looking at Peter's face and seeing the wounded expression, he caught himself out of depth for a second time that day. That's why he needs Steve. Steve is better at this kind of stuff. 
Peter is still looking at him, but as the man above him doesn't answer, the younger man's expression turns hard. Bucky's eyes widen as he gets shoved off, unable to withstand the power behind the thin arms that were now easily pulled out of his grasp. It seems that the spider-kid had his full powers back in play. Watching the kid silently collect his belongings, Bucky blinks slowly before getting a hold of himself. As Peter was about to walk out, he called after him.
"Peter, please wait!"
Whatever the teen heard in his voice, it had to be convincing enough for him to stop in his tracks and turn around to send him a questioning look, daring him to give a good explanation. 
"Can we sit down and talk about this?"
Bucky nods at the couch. There is a spark of hesitancy flickering on Peter's features, and the teen is about to open his mouth to answer when Steve walks into the room. Steve glances at his friend standing behind the couch. Something must have happened for Bucky, who looked troubled with his eyebrows pinched into a frown, and Peter, the latter holding his wet-dripping clothes in his arms, wearing an expression far from the cheerful smile Steve is used to seeing on his face. 
"I made you some tea, Peter. Would you like to sit down with us?"
Steve watches Peter throw a glance at Bucky, the latter having not moved from his position behind the couch before letting out a small sigh that Steve wasn't sure he was supposed to hear.
"Okay," mumbled Peter, sounding defeated, but walks back to the couch, leaving his wet clothes on the floor next to the couch table. 
Steve throws Bucky a questioning glance before putting the tray on the table and handing Peter a cup of tea. 
"I also found these," Steve said and pulled a bundle of fuzzy Captain America-themed socks out of his pants pocket, letting them drop on Peter's lap.
"Nice try, Steve, but I won't wear these around the tower. I like the lab privileges."
"Could have worked," says Steve and slaps his knee in faux disappointment to lighten up the mood. Peter's lip twitches at the reaction before he takes a small sip of his tea. "It's good. Thank you, Steve."
"I'm happy to hear that, Peter."
While Peter takes another gulp of his softly steaming mud, Steve subtly nods towards Peter, telling Bucky to fix whatever he has done. Bucky rolls his eyes but gingerly sets his cup of tea down and leans his forearms on his knees before addressing the teen sitting between them.
"Peter, I want to apologize. I was worried about you earlier, but I wouldn't stop believing you because of what happened, even if I were still upset about it. I meant to tease you a little, but I overdid it. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or make you believe I don't trust your words. I'm sorry." 
Bucky glances at Peter, who sits still, looking at the cup in his hands with a thoughtful look. "I guess I should have told you about this earlier," began the teen, cutting both soldiers off when they opened their mouths to protest. "I trust you to have my back. It's not like I believe you would use that information against me. We are a team, after all," Bucky watches Peter's thumb absentmindedly running along the edge of his cup, halting as the teen continues. "I guess I was too embarrassed to tell you."
"Embarrassed?" asks Steve, head tilted to the side in confusion. Peter nods before directing his eyes at him, a shy smile tugging on his lips.
"Isn't it kinda silly? I've got all these powers through the spider bite altering my DNA, but when it gets too cold, I become fatigued. Meanwhile, you are this strong, and the cold doesn't bother you two.
I know you can't compare the changes of the serum with my enhancements, but sometimes I think about it and, you know, feel kinda useless." 
Steve hums, fingers drumming against his leg as he thinks about Peter's words. Before he comes to voice his thoughts, a voice on his right beats him to it. Bucky's eyes are trained on the young vigilante sitting between them. 
"You will never be able to beat that flaw of your powers, but stressing about it will get you nowhere." Steve frowns at the harsh words, but when he glances at Peter, he finds him paying close attention to every one of Bucky's words. The latter puts his hand over Peter's knees, hovering there before putting it down, giving it a short squeeze. "Knowing your flaws is one of your biggest strengths. Just keep that in mind." 
Peter sends the man a soft smile. 
"Thanks, Bucky."
Bucky glances at him from the side, the corner of his lip tugged upwards. 
"Don't mention it, punk."
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ticklishturtlett · 2 years
Pairings: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Slight NSFW, Bondage. Minors, do NOT interact! Thank you!
Word Count: 2, 313 words
Summary: Romantic, playful tickling between Loki and the reader. Ler!Loki and Lee!Reader. Enjoy!
It was cold, dark, and quiet in your apartment. It was a blissful rarity on a Friday evening, and You were grateful. For the past two hours, You had taken advantage of the silence. You had pampered yourself, dressed in your favorite silk pajamas, and tidied up your bedroom. Now, You lay snuggled in your bed and wrapped up in the covers as You watched late-night TV. Everything felt warm, comfortable, and perfect.
Well, it was almost perfect. Your mind had been racing with the thought of Loki being with You. You wished he was there, but he was stuck training tonight. He would have made the night perfect, but your boyfriend did have responsibilities to take care of, even though you both wished he could have been with You.
A small smile settled on your lips, mostly due to the thought of Loki's gentle arms embracing You. He would have snuggled with You and watched the show even if he didn't quite understand it. He would have kissed the back of your head every now and again and encouraged You to talk to him about your day. He made life seem so perfect.
Your phone vibrated, and You lifted your head from your cocoon of blankets to glance over at it. "My King" flashed across the screen, and your smile widened into a grin. You reached out and picked up the phone with a cheery, "Hello?"
"Hello, darling," Loki greeted, his smooth voice whispering into your ear. "I hope I didn't wake you from your blissful slumber."
"I wasn't sleeping," You reassured, laying back down on the bed and holding the phone to your ear. "How's training?"
"It was rather pointless, I'm afraid." You heard a bell chime on the other end, and your brow furrowed. "I was wondering if you would be interested in some hot chocolate."
"Hot chocolate?" You glanced at the digital clock on your nightstand. It was only 9:30 PM. "Well, maybe tomorrow we could get some. You have the day-off, right?"
He chuckled. "Yes, I do, but I meant for tonight."
"Tonight?" You sat up quickly. "But I thought your training was going to last all night."
"It was," he drawled, "but it had to end early." He chuckled again, it sounding lower than usual. "A lot of the equipment magically disappeared after our first break. No one knows where it went."
You smirked, arching an eyebrow. "Magically, huh?"
"Oh, yes." He cleared his throat. "So, would you like some hot chocolate with extra whip cream or no, my Queen?"
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach at the pet name, a grin returning to your lips. You clutched your comforter with one hand, trying to lessen the tickly feelings in your stomach. He really did know how to drive you crazy. "I would love some, my King."
He hummed. "Wonderful. Then, I will see you soon, my love."
"Until then."
He hung up, and you clenched your phone in both hands, grinning like a schoolgirl. You bounced on your bed, excitement flowing through your body. He was coming home early.
Your eyes widened, and You froze. He was coming home early. You shot out of bed and dashed to the bathroom. You flipped on the lights and did a quick glance over your appearance. You brushed your hair out, frowned, then shook your hair out; unruly looked better on You, You thought. You thought about brushing your teeth but then realized your toothpaste might ruin the hot chocolate taste for You, so You would worry about that after you finished your treat. You would just talk away from him.
Finally, You unbuttoned the first button of your top, trying to make yourself look as sexy as possible. You couldn't help it. You two had been in a relationship for almost a year now, but you two had only moved in together two months ago. That incessant thought that You had to impress your boyfriend was ruthless, especially now that You were consistently around him. He always reassured You he loved You no matter what You looked like, but You still felt like you had to make the effort.
You jumped and peeked into the bedroom, seeing the kitchen light on through the cracked door. Almost as fast as lightning, You turned off the bathroom light and sprinted back to the bed. You dove into it, quickly wrapping yourself into the covers. You tossed your phone on the nightstand, brushed your hair out of your eyes, and called out, "I'm here!"
The sound of his footsteps got louder the closer he walked toward the bedroom. The door creaked open, and You glanced over to see Loki standing there with two hot chocolates in his hands. A soft smile adorned his lips, and You sighed softly. Finally, he was home.
"I hope I didn't take too long, love." He bounded over to the side of the bed, handing You your hot chocolate. "I'm afraid I had to walk up to the apartment rather than teleport. The landlady scolded me once again."
You giggled, feeling the warmth of your hot chocolate spread across your palm. "She just wanted to see your handsome face."
He let out a hearty laugh, shrugging off his coat. He set it down on a nearby chair. "Oh, yes, I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that she's forbid me from using magic here." He smirked, his clothes shifting into his pajamas. "Well, outside of the apartment, at least."
You hummed and took a sip, eyes roaming his slim form. "I love that shirt on you," you whispered, smiling at the Avenger's T-shirt You bought him for Valentine's Day. He wasn't technically part of the Avengers, but he did work with them. You had gotten the shirt for him as a joke, but also because it was fitted, and it looked incredible on his body. Of course, he knew this.
He smirked, leaning down to You, your noses touching. "I only wear it for you, darling," he whispered and pecked your lips. He hummed, his eyes closing for a brief moment. "Chocolate tastes good on you."
You blushed and set your drink down on the nightstand. You held your arms out to him. "I missed you."
His smirk turned into a soft smile, the mischievous glint in his eyes transforming into adoration. He climbed into your embrace, and You laid back, him holding himself above You. "And I missed you, love."
He leaned down, burying his face into your neck and kissing you softly. You sighed and ran your fingers through his raven hair. With one hand, he caressed your cheek, his fingers occasionally tangling into your hair and caressing your ear.
"You have no idea how long I've waited for this," he whispered, coming up from your neck. He pecked your lips again. "You are so irresistable."
You smiled, your hands cupping his face. "You're the one that's irresistable, my King."
He hummed, leaning closer to You. His lips barely touch your own. "Call me that again," he whispered, his breath sliding across your lips.
On a typical night, You would have given in. You would have called him whatever he wanted and done anything to please him, but tonight, You decided to switch things up a bit. You two hadn't really played together in a while, having both been busy with your own responsibilities. Given that today had been good, and he was home early, why not spice things up a bit?
You smirked and slid your fingers down his cheeks to his neck and to his chest. "Make me," You whispered back, and You stuck your tongue out slightly.
His eyes shot open, and he smirked. "Oh?"
A small giggle escaped your lips, and your hands ran up his chest. "Don't you want to have some fun?"
He hummed then dropped all of his weight on You. You let out a yelp, giggling consistently. "Th-hat's not what I meant!" You shouted. You pushed at his shoulders, trying to free yourself from being trapped underneath him. "Why are you so frickin' heavy?!"
"That's quite rude," he chuckled. You gasped as he grabbed your wrists and shifted to sit up, holding them above your head. "Someone ought to teach you some manners."
"I'd like to see you try."
His smirk grew wider, his eyes lighting up with mischief. "You're going to regret that," he whispered then buried his face in your neck, kissing it gently. You giggled, the tickly sensation sparking with each kiss.
While You were distracted with his soft, delicate kisses, Loki used his magic to bind your hands to the head of the bed. His fingers trailed down your bare arms, twitching along the way. Your giggles rose an octave when he reached that one spot right above your armpit. "L-Loki!" You squealed as his fingers softly scratched there.
Loki chuckled then pecked your grinning lips. "What's the matter, love? A little ticklish?"
Before you could respond, his fingers moved to your armpit, scratching softly, and you let out another squeal, thrashing slightly and tugging at your restraints. "N-Not fair!"
"Oh, I think it's very fair." He pulled the sleeves of your shirt down. He held one of your arms down and winked at you. "After all, I only do this because you're enjoying it."
With his free hand, he used one finger to scratch at your exposed armpit. Your head fell back against the pillow, giggles pouring from your lips. "Y-You're a j-jerk," You giggled.
He chuckled then used all five fingers to scratch at your skin, making You giggle louder. "That is part of my job, darling." He dug deeper, and your arm tried to flinch, but he held it in place. Your giggles turned into laughter. "You knew this going in, after all."
After a few minutes of relentless tickling and your slight thrashing, he released your arm and kissed your cheek. You continued giggling as he sat up, straddling your hips. "I haven't done this in a while," he stated, popping his knuckles. "When was the last time I properly tickled you, hm?"
"I-I don't know," You giggled.
"Well, we should change that. Don't you agree, my Queen?"
"I think," You started, a permanent grin on your lips, "you should let me go."
"Oh?" He arched an eyebrow, smirking. "Why's that?"
Your giggles started up again as he lifted the hem of your shirt to your breasts. "S-So I can t-tickle you, jerk."
"Oh, that's not happening," he chuckled and rested his fingers on your belly. "You are the one who's been practically begging me to tickle you."
"I have not!"
"Oh, are you sure?" His fingers slid across your belly, making you giggle louder. "I could have sworn you asked me to tickle you this morning."
"N-No, I didn't!"
His teasing grin grew. "Of course, you did!" He started scratching softly, sliding across your skin. You squealed and thrashed with each sensitive spot he hit. "I remember it very clearly. It was the first thing you said to me when I woke up. Now, stop lying and admit that you want me to tickle you to tears."
You laughed when he switched to squeezing your sides. Your back arched, and your eyes shut. You couldn't even speak. The tickle sensations with each squeeze were sparking so abruptly You were forced to laugh. It only made it worse when You felt Loki blow a raspberry into your bellybutton. You dug your heels into the mattress, trying to find some sort of way to escape Loki's torture. However, this only encouraged him further.
With another raspberry, Loki switched to squeezing your hips, making you buck underneath him. You tugged at your restraints, letting out short screams of protest and shaking your head wildly. Somehow, You heard his laughter, but it was quickly drowned out by another one of your screams. He had shot back to your underarms without warning, and You couldn't help but feel the ticklish panic set in.
"Cootchie, cootchie, coo," he teased into your ear, making you laugh harder and somehow increasing your ticklishness. "Who's the most ticklish Queen in the world?" He blew into your ear, and You yelped. "I think it's you."
"L-Loki!" You somehow managed to scream out.
"Yes, love?" he teased, grinning maniacally. "Would you like me to tickle you all night? I think that's a wonderful idea."
You screamed again, this time because You felt restraints holding your body still. You couldn't move. Even your head was forced down, your neck completely exposed for him to bury his face in and blow multiple raspberries into it. You thought you were going to lose your mind.
"Please!" You screamed once more before succumbing to hysterical laughter and forced restraint.
With one last raspberry, he slowed his tickles down until he stopped. Your laughter died down to giggles, and You could feel your body shaking from the experience, despite his restraints still holding You in place. With one snap of his fingers, the invisible restraints released You, and You felt your body collapse into the mattress. He caressed your cheek and leaned down to kiss You on the forehead. "Good job, my Queen," he whispered as your giggles started to slow, and your breathing started to return to normal. He climbed off of you and nestled right next to you, wrapping his arms around You and pulling You into his embrace. "You did so wonderfully."
"I-" You started, still trying to fight for your breath back, "-hate you."
He chuckled into your ear, and You giggled again, flinching. "I love you, too, my Queen."
With a smile, You turned around and buried your face in his chest. "I love you more, my King."
He hummed and held you tighter, kissing the top of your head. "I love you most."
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buckyalpine · 2 years
hi love <3 if ur taking requests rn, I was wondering if you could do another secret relationship w bucky. i love love love your two fanfics with that trope.
with this one, could be it be that the reader is the newest (and youngest) avenger, is basically liquid sunshine, everyone on the team adores her, they’re all overprotective (esp nat, steve, and tony), yada yada yada. but they don’t know that she’s been secretly seeing bucky since like the third week she’s started. and with bucky, he’s her first everything, and she just falls so much in love with him (i need the fluff after reading those angsty fics)
thank you, and if you decid not to write this, that’s completely fine! the other thing I ask is just to take care of yourself and have a great day.
You may have guessed my weaknesses by now but secret relationships and getting caught has this unholy choke hold on me and I will never let it go (also I'm so sorry I took forever to get to this, I loved this so much)
Warnings: FLUFFFF a lil bit of angst, implied smut 
"Bye y/n!"
“Be safe darling, call us if you need anything” Nat pressed a quick kiss to your head before boarding the jet. 
“Don’t let Barnes bite” Tony murmured, only half jokingly. If Bucky even thought of laying a finger on you, all hell would break loose, no one touched the team’s precious baby. You were the youngest and newest avenger to join the team and every single person was extremely protective over you, Tony, Steve and Nat especially. You were sunshine in a bottle and they made sure they took care of you at all times. 
That meant they’d whisk you away before missions got too risky. They’d fiercely fight anyone that tired to hurt you. That also meant  no one would ever get to break your heart because they’d screen any potential date you had. What they didn’t know was you had been dating Bucky from the third week you joined, which had been well over a year ago. 
It didn’t take long for you to fall for the super solider, especially when he roamed around the compound at night and you were a complete night owl. Passing smiles became late night walks. Late night rides on his motor bike. Late night hugs. Cuddles. Kisses. Moans and messes between the sheets...
You couldn’t actually tell anyone about the relationship. The team would have had Bucky’s head served on a platter for going anywhere near you. It pained you because you loved Bucky and while the team was protective over you, you were more protective over him. 
“It’ll be fine, you be careful though, okay?” Steve gave you a quick hug before following behind Nat, the team waving at you while you stood at the compound entrance. You waved back, watching the jet take off, your eyes growing wide when you felt someone behind you. 
“Hey baby” 
You yelped, feeling a thick pair of arms wrap around you, his beard tickling your skin as he buried his face into your neck “Do they know I bite you and kiss you and taste you and fuc-
“Oh my god James” You giggled, squealing when Bucky lifted you into his arms, peppering your face with kisses. “You couldn’t even wait 5 minutes for them to leave?” 
“Nope” He smirked, happily carrying you over to his room, dropping you onto his bed before flopping on top of you. “Couldn’t waste another second to get you all to myself. Now I can bite my girl as much as I want wherever I want” You giggled feeling Bucky’s fingers tickle your waist while he playfully nipped your skin, holding you in place “And no one can do anything about it” He said triumphantly. 
“You little perv” You narrowed your eyes at him, all clothes thrown off within seconds. 
“Only a little perv for you doll” 
“We can’t do anything Bucky, your still healing from the last mission” You rolled your eyes while he huffed dramatically, burying his face into your chest, hitching his leg over you. 
“Fine. Naked cuddles?” 
“C’mon, let’s go, time for drinks” 
The team had landed back from their mission with plans in place to go to the bar after reports were done. Tony was the first to head down, followed by the rest. You and Bucky sat on opposite ends of the couch without making eye contact, waiting for everyone to join before heading out. 
Moments earlier in Bucky’s room
“And where do you think you’re going looking like that baby” Bucky caught your arm as you passed his room, quickly pulling you inside. 
“Bucky, they’ll see us” You whispered warningly, your mind turning to mush as he pressed his body against yours, nipping your jawline. 
“Can’t help it, I won’t get to kiss you all night” Bucky pouted, nuzzling into your neck. “I just want a kiss” 
You giggle, cupping his face and pulling him down for a sweet kiss. You tried to pull away but Bucky chased your lips, claiming you again. 
“Bubba, you said one kiss” 
“Just one more”
“Noo, that was too short, one more?”
*intense puppy eyes* 
10 kisses later  
“Looks like that’s all of us, FRIDAY, tell Happy to pull the cars around” The team piled into a few cars; no one had the intention of driving when they all fully intended on drinking their body weight in alcohol. 
The night was going smoothly. You sat in the booth with Nat and Wanda while the guys headed off to the bar to grab a few more drinks. You had a light buzz, doing your best to keep the goofy grin that kept trying to sneak on your face each time you turned back to see your beautiful boyfriend. All black outfit. His dark grey arm. The gold accents. His chestnut hair. Stubble. His blue eyes. Pink lips. Perfect nose. His eyes twinkled as he glanced over at you, a tiny smirk playing on his lips. A man passed Bucky, pausing in front of him. You could see the light from his face drop. 
“Can’t believe they let people like you out” 
You blinked. Surely you heard wrong. 
“Honestly, who let him in here” 
You didn’t. 
Bucky swallowed thickly, frozen in place while Steve came to his side, placing himself between the two men. 
“Do we have a problem here?”
“I think so, why the hell is the winter solider allowed to be out in public” 
Tony and Sam made their way over but not quick enough. It took you less than three strides, shoving yourself in front of Steve, your hand itching to to grab the knife in your thigh holster. 
“What the fuck did you say to him?” Your voice came out a growl through gritted teeth, daring the man to continue. He was only slightly taller than you, but that didn’t phase you, you had taken on worse. 
“You heard me. What the fuck you gonna do about it princess” The man sneered, while Tony and Sam tried to intervene, but you weren’t having it. You grabbed the man by the throat, easily slamming his face against the wooden table of the bar, pressing his face onto the hard counter. You smirked that the tooth that had fallen out, your hands squeezing around his neck tighter the more he tried to pull away. 
“You say that about him again” You hissed, holding the man in place while he continued to squirm. You were relentless, no one, absolutely no one spoke about your Bucky that way. “Don’t you fucking dare” 
“Baby, let him go” Bucky called for you softly, his hands gently gripping your shoulders. You could feel the warmth of his hands melting onto your skin, reluctantly letting go of the man while he dropped to the floor, wheezing. Bucky carefully pulled you away towards him, his heart beating out of his chest because he had some how fallen even more in love with you. 
“Are you okay bubba?” You cupped his face, while he gazed down at you with heart eyes, leaning into your touch. 
“Why wouldn’t I be, I have my own little body guard looking out for me” Bucky whispered before pulling you in for a kiss, completely forgetting (although honestly not caring) that everyone was staring at you both. Steve had the man thrown out, joining the rest in the staring immediately after. 
The team blinked wide eyed, everyone frozen in place. So many questions. First at their little sun shines out burst. You hardly swore let alone raised your voice. You’d once apologized for punching someone too hard. Now you were breaking teeth? 
Why the fuck did you call Bucky bubba? He’s a 6′5 trained assassin. You hadn’t dated anyone since you arrived. Bucky and you never even spoke. Why was he looking at you like that. Now he called you baby? 
“What the hell...” 
You broke out of your trance with Bucky to see Steve, Nat and Tony staring you while Sam and Clint smirked. Tony was the first to speak up, motioning between you and Bucky. 
“You want to explain this?” 
“I love him and he’s mine” You stated matter of factly, wrapping your arms around Bucky protectively. “All mine” 
Bucky couldn’t help but melt into your embrace, his arms hugging you tightly to him. He’d never had anyone love him so fiercely; other than Steve, no one had ever thought to protect him. He’d spent years protecting himself and then you came along. This little drop of sunshine that turned into fire when someone tried to hurt him. 
“All yours huh?” Tony mused while you nodded, your face buried in Bucky’s chest. “Well he’s not special, he has to pass the screening if he wants to date you”
Steve snorted while Bucky looked at the team with wide eyes, their faces all dead serious. 
“What, who said you get to date our baby without permission. Question 1 Barnes, what are your intentions with our y/n?” 
Tags: @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyes @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987 @teambarnes72 @witchy-whore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan @buggy14 @whimsyplaty92 @sergntbarnes @inkedaztec @pono-pura-vida @moonlightreader649 @brooklynscherry-z  @elle14-blog1 @littlelightnings @psychomanniac-blog @happyt0exist @emmabarnes @bethyruth   @matchat3a @cjand10 @getwellsoontana @cherryschaos @lokisasgardianvampirequeen   @ashenc-blog   @buckybarnessimpp  @potatothots @goldylions   @high-functioning-lokipath  @morganemorganite-blog @peaches1958 @kingfleury @spiderman-stilinski @peaceinourtime82   @gublur @wintersmelodie @geeky-politics-46 @lolawassad @almosttoopizza @a-poor-gryffindork @alternativeprincess @buckycallsmeaslut @kamaria-sweet-writes @charmedbysarge @samfreakingwinchester @xnorthstar3x  @kryoee7 @alina02 @gh0stgurl
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shadow-says-hello · 1 month
“Where’s Alpine?!”
Sooo I wrote this a while back and idk if the marvel fandoms been as active as it used to be but I haven’t checked so idk shit. My friend rlly loves my writing and bucky so I wrote this as a gift for them and decided I would be brave and share it with y’all. And alpine is buckys cat from the comics, incorporated her. I have a few unposted fanfics that I might release soon yaaa
Summary: You ran off with Bucky’s precious cat, Alpine, and he has to punish you for it. (A few notes, Bucky is really protective of Alpine and in this story you are dating, also bucky lives with the avengers in the compound with you, enjoy!)
Also, this is completely sfw
“Alpine? Where’d you go?” Bucky called for his white she-cat, Alpine. She meant a lot to Bucky, and he meant a lot to her.
Well, now Alpine was lost somewhere in the compound, and Bucky needed her!
Bucky went over possible causes. Maybe she was asleep, which was usually the case, but he had checked every spot she would be asleep in. She was nowhere. And the doors and windows were closed.
So, she was probably with her other owner, you.
You were mischievous. You loved your boyfriend so much, you would do anything to capture his attention. And, you love animals too. So Alpine was also a huge part of your life.
Bucky sighs and goes to your room. And, as he thought, Alpine was in there.
“Doll, we talked about this. Alpine is my cat, you can not run away with her.”
“Come on! Pleaseeee! You never share her. I just wanted to play with her!! She loves me!” You beg, hugging Alpine tight, teasing him with a pleading voice.
“She’s like my emotional support animal. Sweetface, I need her. Please, give her back.” Bucky frowns.
“Pleaseee!? Can I please stay with her?” You continue to ask.
“No. I want her back!”
“Pleaseee Bucky????”
“Doll…” Bucky warned.
“What?” You ask.
“You know what will happen if you keep this up…”
Bucky had a playful glint in his eyes. You knew what would happen. He loved you, though you may annoy him at times, but you were his partner…he couldn’t hurt you, so he would do the one method he knew to make you surrender easily…
“Wait! What? No!” Your eyes widen a little in surprise and slight desperation. You were really reluctant to give him that cat, because of how much you wanted her right now…but no one was here to save you either.
“Then give her to me.” Bucky leaned on your bed, scary close to where you were sitting with Alpine. Of course he could just take her right now, but he wanted to make this fun for the both of you.
“No way!”
“Fine. You leave me no choice. Let the tickles commence.” Bucky smirked and then grabbed your legs, pulling you closer to him. He pinned your arms above your head with his strong vibranium arm, and used his free hand to scribble under your arms.
You began giggling immediately. And that, as adorable as it sounds, put a smile to Bucky’s face. Seeing his significant other laugh was like music to his ears, and, he liked to see you like this. Made him amused.
“BUHUCKY NO!” You squeal, squirming as he tickled you.
“Bucky yes!” He mocks, moving his hand down to tickle your sides. “You gonna give up, doll?”
“NOHO!! NEHEVER!” You laugh, making weak attempts to get away, but he had you where he wanted you, and his metal arm was way too strong. All you needed to do was give in.
Alpine just sat and watched you two on the bed, lightly grooming her own fur as her big blue eyes stared down. Maybe in her little cat brain this entertained her.
“You’re practically asking for this, love. You just want me to keep going, don’t you?” Bucky asks, tickling your ribs.
“NO!” You lie. You liked it. And you didn’t want to give up the kitty.
“Mm hm. You haven’t told me to stop yet.”
Touché. Your face flushed a little at that. He wasn’t wrong.
When his hand made it to your eighth rib down, your laugh increased a little and your squirming also got worse. He shook his fingers deep into your rib bones, and it tickled. Like hell.
“NONO NOT THEHERE-“ You beg and plead out, and, what really caught Bucky’s eye was the fact your shirt rode up a little bit because of your squirming.
“Oh, let’s see what we’ve got here…” Bucky’s smirk increased as he moved his hand across the sliver of stomach showing.
“WAHAHAIT NO- PLEHEASE BUCKY!!” You kick your legs and squirm, to no avail.
Bucky slid your t-shirt up, resting the hem at the top of your midriff, near your lower ribs. You knew what was coming thanks to what he just said, and it was gonna be bad.
“BUCKY-!” You tried begging again.
“Saying my name won’t change anything, doll.” Bucky blew a huge raspberry, biggest he can muster on your belly. You squealed and screamed real loudly.
And the more you laughed the more fuel that gave your idiot boyfriend to just keep going. So he blew like, 10 more.
He was so good at it. It was wayyy too ticklish.
“So, you’re gonna give me Alpine?” The super soldier asks, before blowing another raspberry.
You didn’t want to answer so you just kept on laughing, but surely his next antic would get you to give in.
“Well, suit yourself. Tickle monsters’ got you in his clutches.” Bucky teases, before nibbling gently on your sides and belly, making dumb “nomnom” noises.
It made your laughter increase to the highest octave and your face become crimson red.
“Omnomnom, your belly tastes good.” He smirks into your belly before nibbling again, a bit harder.
After a few minutes of this, you couldn’t stand it anymore, and…
Bucky slowed his tickles, giving one last raspberry to your belly to make you squeal, and then finally stops. It took you a bit to stop giggling, but you finally stopped and caught your breath.
“There we go. That wasn’t so hard!” He snickers, and then lets go of your arms and pulls your shirt down.
“You’re so cruel.” You roll your eyes.
“You love it.” Bucky chuckles, before ruffling your hair and taking his cat back, holding her like a baby in his arms.
He wasn’t wrong.
The end! 🐉 💕
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astridlaufeydottir02 · 5 months
A Great Idea💞
Character's: Mcu Aunt May × Reader
Notes: For the sake of this story May Parker & Peter Live in The Avengers Tower, Also this is My First Fanfic so please be nice. if there are any spelling eres or other Warnings I need to add Pls Let me know💗
Warnings: Fluff, Sad Reader
Requsts: Open
Summary:  Reader is Having a Bad Weekend due to a unexpected test. May hate's to see you up set so she set out to cheer you up and make your day better.
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You have had a Long not so great day, sure it's normal to have bad days But your whole weekend seemed bad, you had a unexpected test and didn't study for it, so you didn't get to do what you had planned out and now, you have to go back to School tomorrow. 
You pull your duvet cover over your arms and snuggle deeper into the warmth of your bed. You hear someone gently knock on your Bedroom door. “Who is it?”
"Y/n Darling, it's me May!”
Not moving you Call Out. “Come in May doors unlocked!” May opens the door and Smiles
Hey Y/n, Peter and his friend's are going to the Arcade, want to join them?”
“Hey May, thanks for the offer but I'll stay behind this time”
May shuts the door and walks over to your spot on the bed and takes a set next to you. “Y/n are you sure, you love going to the Arcade?” 
“I know, but I'm just not feeling it today." you shrug rolling over to face Away from her.
“Oh love, are you not feeling well?” May gently lays her hand on your forehead starting to worry you might be sick.
You let out a small laugh. “May. I'm not sick, I just had a long Day, that's all!” 
“I understand having a Stressful day, You know what I have a Great Idea on how to make it better!”
You chuckle at her excitement. “Oh no May Parker has an Idea where doomed!” You tease.
May Acts Offended and Gasps in Shock. “Oh you little rat you're going to pay for that!” And with that May jumps over and Starts Trickling your sides Making you squeal and giggle
“May, Mercy please!” You laugh uncontrollably trying to wiggle out of her grip
“ Let's see I'll stop once you take it back!” May shoots back. Continue to trickle you showing no mercy.
Okay, okay You're ideas are always the Best!” May pulls away letting you catch your breath
“See that wasn't so hard was it?” May Smirks
You Glare at her, making her laugh.
“So May What's this Grand idea of yours?”
“Well, I'm going to text Pete and tell him you don't feel like going, and to go on.  And then if you're up to it we can get some snacks, watch a Movie and Cuddle?”
You smile, not just a sad little grin, a full on smile making your whole face light up!
“You know you're right, that's a Great idea. May, I'd love to have a movie night!”
“Awesome you pick a Movie and I'll text Pete and get some snacks!” May gets up and heads for the door “ I'll be back in a Sec!” 
“Okay!” You smile to yourself as you get up and fix your sheets and duvet, thay were a bit of a mess after May's tickle Attack.
You switch off your overhead light and turn on your fairy lights that run along the headboard of your bed, you then light a few candles to make a calming setting.
“Ooo I love what you've done with the place sweetheart!” May smiles as she walks over to you carrying bags of Chips, Candy, Chocolate and Cookies
“Whoa I think you got some of everything May!” Your eyes widen as she keeps placing bags of snacks on the bedside table. 
“Hahaha Don't be silly I only got a few thing's Y/n!” You roll your eyes as you grab the TV Remote and Crawl under the covers. May soon Cuddling in next to you.
After a While you find a movie to Watch. And as the movie starts playing, You lay your back on May's Chest, head resting on her shoulder. May then wraps her arms tightly around your waist holding you as close as possible.
“May?” May hums to let you know she heard you before you continue to speak
“Thank you for everything, Thank you for being here and cuddling with me!”
“Oh Sweetheart of course I love spending time with you, and I'll cuddle with you whenever you want.”
You smile up at her, before letting your tired eyes close.
“Y/n?” You hum in response
“I larb you” You look up at May to See her Smiling, You Chuckle “I Larb you to May”
Well Loves That's all, let me know what you think💗 and Thank so much For Reading. (Reblogs are welcome)
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Peter Wayne (WIP title)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52844305 by IlliterateGoop Inspired by between-two-fandoms on tumblr where I saw a fanfic crossover request that tickled my lil goblin brain. Peter Parker is born as Peter Wayne but grew up with Aunt May, as Peter Parker. He became Spider-Man and there’s some AU bullshittery with Homecoming movie (which I’ve never watched btw) and so Tony keeps the Spider-Man suit and May dies and peter moves to Gotham and operates under the name Venom instead of Spider-Man. And then some time after all this, the avengers and Justice league / Batfam have to team up for something or other, and Tony has some realizations and is like “omg I want my kid back’ and Bruce goes all daddybats mode on him and it’s a whole thing.   Now I don’t know mostly anything about what op what actually envisioning or wanted, or if I can do it Justice but damn I really wanna think about it more Words: 551, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, J. Jonah Jameson, Damian Wayne Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Bruce Wayne, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Peter Parker is Bruce Wayne’s biological son read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52844305
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Short Jarogen Fanfic 🌹
Tickling - in the least creepy way that can sound 💀
Pretty dissapointed. I'm lacking my usual motivation so I don't really like how it turned out.
Beware potentially grammar and spelling mistakes. I neglected to proof-read
Tried Roden's perspective for the first time... maybe that's why it ended up like this lol
Background: he tickled her first. This is just payback
Neither screams nor begging for mercy were a good sign. I had fought in enough battles to know it. I had also fought in enough battles to know who the screams belonged to... Jaron.
My legs carried me of their own accord as I raced through the halls of his living quarters. Feeling the emptiness in my body fill with dread, and my mouth water in anticipation of vomit. Surely I wouldn't keel over and wretch out of fear of failing my duties, my King, my friend, before at least avenging him.
I pulled my sword free on the move, bursting through the doors enough to rattle their hinges and snap the wooden lock in two.
In an instant the screaming ceased. Replaced by the haunting noise of his laboured breath.
"Roden? What do you want?" Imogen was standing over a body that was jammed as far as possible into the wall.
I didn't know why she was so calm, and... irritated?
Practically leaping to their side, I finally caught sight of Jaron. Skin red from strain, but not from blood. Sweaty and dishevelled. Eyes widening with unprecedented levels of fear.
I reached out to pull him to his feet, but Imogen's hand stopped mine. "Don't you dare even think about interfering with my experiment."
I resheathed my sword, albiet hesitantly, "Will you at least tell me what the hell is going on? I could have killed you."
The joy on Imogen's face was strangely unsettling, "I'll show you instead."
She began reaching over, at which Jaron cowered further into the corner, turning the side of his body that Imogen was targeting into the wall. Failing, despite his extensive training, to anticipate the second attack from the other side. Imogen jammed her fingers into his flank and he burst.
Like a dam, the laughter was explosive. Easily mistaken for screams as the begging returned twofold. When he covered his sides with his arms, Imogen simply moved to his neck. It was an endless, deadly loop.
She stopped and turned to me, victorious. "So, what do you think?"
"I think that is a form of torture."
"Oh, don't be such a downer."
She kissed his head and for the first time it didn't magically turn him into a happy, pliable mess. He remained ridged and guarded.
Imogen crossed her arms, "Maybe I did go too far."
My own barely-constrained laughter began to fill the room. Rather manically. But in my defence, I did just have the scare of my life. "This is great," I chuckled. "No, this is fantastic. No... this is ground-breaking."
"This isn't and excuse for you to practice your vocabulary," Jaron finally said something. With the bitterness of someone who wasn't rescued in time in time.
"Sorry, honey. I got a bit carried away."
"That's the most insincere apology I think I've ever heard," I said, earning a glare from them both. "I can't tell you how relieved I am you're not being assassinated or something."
"That would be the preferable alternative," Jaron snapped as Tobias, Mott and Amarinda all entered the room, panting with exertion.
"Is everything ok? Sounded like someone was dying."
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Pranksters Get Tickled
Summary: Yelena has gotten closer to Wanda and decides it is now a good time to play a prank on her. Wanda gets her revenge accordingly.
Note: Happy birthday @lillexx !! I hope you enjoy your day and enjoy this fic as well! I may or may not have used some of your worst spots :)
Word Count: 812
Wanda and Yelena started off not being very close to each other. Their mutual link was Natasha, but they never seemed to click that well. However, Natasha had helped the two of them bond better and now they were much closer. Closer to the point where Yelena found it acceptable to play pranks on the witch. 
Today was one of those days, as Yelena was setting up her prank. As someone as clumsy as herself, she hated how perfect Wanda was. She had never seen her trip or fall once unless she was in a battle. However, Yelena was the type to trip over her own shoelaces. This time would be different though. 
Yelena was setting up a very thin string across the floor of the entrance to the compound, as Wanda was out right now. Being very meticulous as Yelena was, she also set up a system where once the string was tripped upon, a bucket of flour from above would be dropped onto the person who was standing there.
Yelena had just put the finishing touches on the apparatus and quickly raced around the corner as she heard the door unlocking. Luckily for her, nobody else was out during that time, so she knew it had to be Wanda. 
Yelena ran to hide, but tried to hide in a non obvious place. Hiding in her room would be too easy to find, so she hid in Steve’s room.
Yelena kept the door open a crack so she could hear Wanda’s reaction. She heard the door close and then waited for the prank to play out. She heard Wanda gasp as she stumbled over the thin string, shouting as the flour poured down on her. Silence took over, as Wanda tried to process what had just happened. Yelena shut the door quietly and giggled softly to herself, careful to not be too loud.
Wanda quickly took off, looking for the person who was guilty of this prank. She wasn’t sure who had done it, but she had a list of suspects. First, she thought it may have been Peter, so she went off to look for him. However, her search was cut short as the suspect was revealed early.
Yelena hadn’t checked Steve’s room before entering and didn’t realize that Steve was using the attached bathroom to his room. To his surprise, he came out of the bathroom to see Yelena near the door.
“Zip it Captain Underpants, don’t say a word,” Yelena scolded him, looking for her chance to escape.
“Oh Wanda~ I think your culprit is in my room!” Steve called out, betraying Yelena for the nickname she gave him.
Yelena quickly tried to make a run for it, just as she ran right smack into Wanda.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Wanda questioned, still covered in some leftover flour. Yelena couldn’t help but giggle at her.
“You think this is funny? I’ll give you something to laugh about,” Wanda stated, grabbing the younger girl and bringing her to the living room, where she gently tossed the blonde onto the couch. Wanda sat on Yelena’s shins and began tickling her feet, making the blonde squeal with giggles.
“WAHAHANDA,” Yelena shouted.
“I’m not giving you any mercy,” Wanda said strictly, as the blonde began to giggle hysterically. Wanda then moved up and began to squeeze the blonde’s hips, making her gasp and shout with laughter.
“Bad spot?” Wanda asked with a teasing grin.
“Not until you apologize for the prank,” Wanda teased, as she now went to squeeze both of Yelena’s thighs at the same time, making her flop around in ticklish agony.
“OKAHAHAY SOHOHORRY AHAHAHA,” Yelena shouted, reaching up in desperation to tickle Wanda’s ribs.
The witch jumped back in surprise, as Yelena used this opportunity to turn the tables on her. 
“Don’t tickle me!” Wanda shouted, as Yelena dug into her ribs, making Wanda burst out laughing. 
“Not so powerful now huh?” Yelena asked, poking her ribs and spidering her fingers over her stomach.
“YELEHEHENA! STAHAHAHAP,” Wanda cried, as Yelena blew a raspberry on her stomach for good measure. 
“That’ll teach you,” Yelena said with a triumphant smirk.
“You’ll never win!” Wanda declared, tackling Yelena back down and tickling her until she couldn’t breathe.
“Say I win,” Wanda said, as Yelena fought off the witch as best as she could.
Yelena couldn’t handle the tickles anymore and quickly surrendered when her thighs were attacked again. 
“Are you gonna prank me again?” Wanda asked sternly.
“No,” Yelena said reluctantly, rolling her eyes playfully, as they both knew her next prank would probably be within the next 24 hours. 
“You should be flattered that I feel close enough to you to prank you,” Yelena said, as Wanda giggled in appreciation that the blonde now felt comfortable enough to be silly with her. 
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inneedofsupervision · 5 months
Here you can find all the fanfics I have written. Feel free to reblog, like and comment on whatever you enjoyed reading. You can find all of them on Ao3 too.
Short Info: All relationships in my fics are strongly platonic and without sexual themes unless explicitly stated otherwise.
So, you got Detention - Lee! Peter Parker / Ler! Steve Rogers (Read on Ao3)
The Big Bad Wolf And The Itsy Bitsy Spider - Lee! Peter Parker / Ler! Bucky (Read on Ao3)
Suit Up - Lee! Peter Parker / Ler! Ned (Read on Ao3)
An eventfull Tuesday Afternoon - Series (completed)
Part 1: No Spilling Secrets - Lee! Peter Parker / Ler! Clint, Sam, Bucky (Read on Ao3)
Part 2: Hey Mister Villain - Lee! Peter Parker / Ler! Tony Stark (Read on Ao3)
Non-Tickle Fics
An Enemy? A Friend? No, just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman.
Chapter: 1, 2, 3
Are the Avengers a Team? Yes. Are they on good terms? Not necessarily. Has the public caught up on that? Maybe a little. When Fury sends the team on the mission to investigate the identity of New York's favorite vigilante, they have to learn to work as a team and not damage their already battered image. Or, the story of how the Avengers have to earn the public's trust back with the help of a certain crime fighting Spider.
(Read on Ao3)
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ticklishturtlett · 2 years
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Established Relationship)
Disclaimer: I personally feel like this is NSFW, but I know that others would disagree. However, I kindly ask Minors to not interact! Thank you!
Warnings: Bondage, Cursing, Implications of sex, and mention of sex toys.
Word Count: 4, 718 words
Summary: When Life once again gets in your way of doing something You want to do, You start to get stressed and worried. Your boyfriend Bucky decides to help distract you. Ler!Bucky and Lee!Reader. Enjoy!
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The power had been out for a little over three hours now, and You were starting to get antsy. Tonight was the first Zoom meeting for your night class, but because You had no internet, You probably wouldn't be able to attend. If it was a normal, mundane class, You wouldn't have thought it was that much of a big deal. However, this class was different. It focused on your passion, and Tony Stark had spent the entire weekend pulling strings to get You into it. Although Tony wouldn't tell You the price, You imagined it had cost a lot since a famous celebrity was teaching it.
Now, You sat on the couch, fiddling with your necklace as you anxiously waited for the power to turn back on. You had done everything to make sure You looked your best for tonight. You got your nails done, styled your hair, and even decided to wear the most beautiful dress you had. And now, with the class in thirty minutes, You began to worry it all might have been for nothing.
"You alright, doll?" Bucky sat next to You, reading Lord of the Rings, while you both waited this surge out.
You gave him a tight-lipped smile. "I'm fine, Bucky."
He frowned and glanced down at your leg, which had been bouncing for some time. He placed his hand on your leg, forcing it to stop, and his thumb caressed your thigh, but You could hardly feel it because of the dress. He rose an eyebrow at You, and You sighed. "I'm fine, really," You insisted then stood up, grabbed a lit candle, and headed toward the kitchen. "It's just been a long day."
"That's true." Bucky set down the book and leaned forward. "What are you doing?"
"Getting some water." You grabbed a glass and filled it at the sink. "Do you want some?"
"No, I'm good."
You took a sip, leaning onto the counter and staring at your boyfriend. It was difficult to see him completely. With the very few lit candles and the shadows dancing across his face, You could only see pieces of him at a time. His bright blue eyes though never faded in the darkness.
Bucky sighed and leaned back, concealing himself more in the shadows. "What do you want to do, doll?"
You shrugged. "I was supposed to have my class, but I'm guessing I won't be anymore, so I don't know."
He hummed. "Won't there be another one next week?"
"Yeah, but I just really wanted to attend it. Tony put in a lot of work to get me into it."
"Also true, but I'm sure the professor will understand. I mean, half of New York is going through this."
"I guess," You muttered.
Silence fell over both of you, and your thoughts raced with the possible consequences of missing this class. If Tony found out, he might be crushed. This was a class You had been practically obsessing over for a year. You had never looked into the details of the class because You knew You could never afford it, but Tony did. Tony had gifted You the opportunity to take it, and You felt so guilty for not attending the first meeting. You really hoped this didn't happen again next week.
"Did you hear me, darling?"
"Hm?" Your gaze shot back to the darkened silhouette of your boyfriend. "Um, no, sorry, I was in deep thought."
"I asked if you wanted to play something."
You shrugged again then set down your glass of water. "Sure, why not? What did you have in mind?"
"Well, it's dark-"
"-and the walls are practically sound-proof here."
A slight smirk teased your lips. "Uh-huh." Oh, You knew where this was going. Although You weren't entirely feeling it right now, maybe this would serve as a good distraction for You. Plus, You loved playing these 'games' with him. You grabbed your candle and rounded the kitchen island. "No one will be able to hear us."
"Exactly." He leaned forward again, and You felt a flutter in your stomach when You saw his mischievous smirk. The smirk on your face transformed into a shy smile. Okay, now You really liked where this was going. "So, it's the perfect opportunity to murder you."
And the fluttery feeling was gone. Your eyes widened but then you frowned and your brow furrowed. "What?" You asked.
He chuckled, the shadows making his smirk seem like it was stretching into an evil grin. "The darkness, the flickering lights-" His metal hand shot out of the darkness and snatched the only candle on the coffee table, which made You flinch involuntarily. "-not being heard or seen by any nosy neighbors."
"Um, I guess?" This...was something You had never seen before. Not from Bucky, at least. You knew he was just messing with you. Probably trying to rile you up since Halloween was around the corner. He loved to be mischievous at times. "You're being really weird right now. You know that, right?"
"Uh-huh," he said then stood up, holding the candle close to his smirk. "So? Do you want to play?"
"That depends." You took a step in the direction of your bedroom, feeling a knot in your stomach. "What exactly are you going to do to murder me?"
He gave You a lopsided grin then shrugged. "You'll just have to find out, Princess."
You hummed then took another step. "I'm not going to get hurt, right?"
He shook his head. "Not at all."
"Right." Another step. You could lock the bedroom door if You had to. You weren't exactly sure what Bucky's plan was to 'murder you,' but You were a little nervous to find out. You could buy some time and keep him talking while You snuck closer to the bedroom. "Let's just go ahead and point out the obvious here-" Another step. "-you're a Super Soldier and an Avenger."
"I'm just a regular non-super human being. The chances of me surviving your attempt to murder me are pretty much at zero." And another step and You hummed. "Well, maybe there's a fifteen percent chance."
"Fifteen percent?" he chuckled.
"I'm your girlfriend. I know some of your buttons to push."
He hummed, his smirk returning. "Well, let's see if you can push them."
Without warning, he blew out his candle, completely covering himself in darkness. That nervous feeling exploded inside You, and You squeaked before bolting to the bedroom. Excitement morphed with your nervousness, and a few giggles slipped from your lips. This was a game. A weird and scary game, but You knew Bucky was only trying to make this night more exciting and possibly distract You from missing the class.
The moment you reached the door, an arm wrapped around your waist, and You squealed. You held the candle out, trying not to drop it, as he tried to grab your arms. "Bucky! You're going to make me drop the candle!"
His other arm wrapped around your chest and pulled You closer to him, trapping You against him. You felt his lips brush against your ear. "Then put it down, doll," he whispered, and You giggled from the tickly feeling, squirming slightly.
"Make me," You giggled and tried lifting your shoulder to protect your ear, but You knew it was futile. His head was blocking You from doing anything to protect yourself.
He chuckled, and You giggled louder as his breath slid across it. "No problem."
His hand across your waist - which You realized was his metal one because You could hardly move - viciously squeezed your side, and You shot your head back with a scream. "BUCKY!" You yelled, laughing and trying to squirm, then tried grabbing his hand.
Unfortunately, this seemed to be part of Bucky's plan. The moment your hands were close enough to his, he snatched the one holding the candle. He let You squirm out of his hold, and You spun around to face him. His evil grin returned, the shadows making it seem more sinister, and a chill ran down your spine. "Now, we can play," he said then blew out the candle.
Darkness fell over the both of you, and You stumbled back into the door. You waited, thinking he would charge at You but nothing happened. It was completely pitch black. You knew you wouldn't be able to run in the dark; You weren't used to traveling in it like Bucky was. "Bucky?" You called.
After a few moments, You turned around and your hands slid across the door, searching for its knob. This was so cruel. He was making You wait in anticipation for his inevitable attack. He probably wanted You to open the door too and lock You in with him. He was probably going to charge You once You did open the door. "You're a jerk," You stated then jumped at the sound of his chuckle echoing around You. "And an asshole."
Your fingers ghosted across the cold knob in your search then You grabbed it and turned it. It didn't squeak. He might not know You found it. If You could do this quickly, maybe You could shut him out. He'd have to break down the door to get to You, and You knew he wouldn't do that. You'd win this weird game of his. As quick as You could, You pushed the door open, ran through, then shut and locked it.
You fell against the door, in disbelief that You actually managed to escape your very mischievous boyfriend. "Holy crap," You breathed out. He couldn't get in not without You unlocking it for him. He was stuck out there. You won. A grin fell on your face, and You rested your head against the door. You were so proud of yourself.
"It sucks to be on the other side, doesn't it, sweetie?" You taunted, a few giggles escaping.
Two hands grabbed your waist, and You screamed and jumped against the door. You started hitting and pulling at the hands, fear immediately overtaking your excitement. "Whoa, whoa, it's just me!" Bucky shouted.
"Shit, Bucky!" You yelled, falling back against the door and covering your face. You felt him wrap his arms around You and pull You closer to him. "Why the hell would You scare me like that?"
His hand rubbed your back. "Because you taunted me." He spidered his fingers up your spine, and You flinched closer to him. "I had to teach you a lesson somehow."
You snorted, your head falling against his shoulder. "Geez, you made me think someone was in our room."
"Oh, but someone is in our room, [Y/N]."
And he was back to being his weird mysterious self. "Oh, right, you're my murderer." You wrapped your arms around his neck. "Well, I guess I have no choice but to surrender myself to you. So do with me as you will."
He chuckled. "Giving up that easily?"
"Again, only a fifteen percent chance, and I'm pretty sure those numbers just dropped anyway."
He chuckled again then slid his hands down and picked You up. Your fingers ran through his hair as he walked you two to the bed. At least, You assumed it was the bed; You could hardly see anything. The moonlight shining in through the window was helping a little bit, but it wasn't enough to light up the room. He stopped and climbed onto the bed then laid You down gently. "What to do with you first," he whispered, his thumb caressing your cheek. "I have a great idea."
"Tell me," You whispered, smiling and closing your eyes as he slid your arms above your head. "I'd love to hear your villainous plan."
"Oh, I know you would, and I'll tell you." He kissed your forehead, making you smile wider.
You started to raise your leg to hook around his waist but then heard a click. Your eyes widened, and You flinched when You heard another one. His fingers ghosted down your arms, and You involuntarily giggled then realized You couldn't put your arms down. You yanked on what was holding them, and You glared at your boyfriend. "What are you doing with the handcuffs?"
You felt a cold, tickly finger lightly scratching at your armpit, and You snickered, ultimately losing the glare as You tried to squirm away from it. "I told you, doll," he singsonged, and You snickered more when he switched to the other armpit. "-someone's in our room."
"N-No, there ISn't," You protested, the tickly sensation driving You up a wall, and You kicked your foot on the mattress. "I-I didn't a-agrEE to THIS!"
"Oh, well, it's not really your choice, isn't it, my little victim?"
He scratched at both armpits, and your head fell back against the pillow, your snickers turning into giggles. "Sweetie," You groaned out then yelped and giggled louder as all of his fingers lightly spidered into your armpits.
"Oh, I'm not your sweetie." He ceased tickling and ghosted his fingers down your body. "Although, I love that you dressed up just for me."
"I-I didn't dress up for you, you a-asshole," You giggled out. "Let me go."
He hummed, his hands caressing your midriff. "You see, I don't think I can." His hands slid to the buttons on your dress and started to undo them. "As your murderer and dedicated tickle monster-"
"Oh, shit."
"Language, [Y/N]," he chuckled, undoing the last button and revealing your tummy. His hands slid into the opening of the dress, his fingers trailing across your sensitive belly. You giggled immediately. "I've noticed you have been rather sad today," he continued.
"S-Stop it," You pleaded.
"And because you've been sad, I'm determined to chase those sad feelings away," he continued. "And, as your murderer, I'm also here to tickle you to death."
"Y-You don't h-have to do thi-is."
"I guess you shouldn't have gotten all dressed up for me, doll. You did this to yourself."
"I did not drESS-" Your laughter exploded, bouncing off the soundproof walls, as Bucky dug into your belly button and scratched at one of your low ribs. Your heels dug into the mattress, and You squirmed as much as You could to get away. "BUCKY!"
You heard him laugh, but it was quickly drowned out when both of his hands slid up beneath your dress to scratch your ribs. "NONONO!" You shouted, your pitch rising high, and arched your back as he dug at the spaces between the bones. "OH, SHIT!"
"Language, [Y/N]!" Bucky scolded as You flailed from side to side, laughing hysterically. He continued to climb your ribs, giving special attention to each and every bone. "I'm trying to murder you here!"
You couldn't even respond. Your thoughts were completely consumed by the tickle sensations exploding in your body. Your body instinctively wiggled to get away, moving so fast it was as if it was panicking that it couldn't escape. You couldn't escape. Your merciless boyfriend had straddled You and strapped You to the bed and now was tickling You to insanity.
Some people would hate being in this situation with their partner, but You didn't. If You were being honest, You loved it when he tickled You. Something about it just made your troubles disappear for a little while, and it made You feel good that he wanted to touch you. You knew he wouldn't go too far with the tickling. You both had a safeword in play for situations like this, but You weren't about to use it unless You reached your limit.
He had reached your armpits again at this point and was showing no mercy. "You are the most ticklish person on this planet," he teased as You screamed when he dug deeper into the skin. "I should have brought our toys over here after handcuffing you."
You shook your head, knowing exactly which toys he was referring to. "No?" he questioned, tilting his head. Without warning, he pulled his hands out from under your dress and started tickling your ears. Your laughter died down and melted into consistent giggles. "But it's so much fun making you lose your mind."
You coughed between your giggles, and he pulled his hands away, giving you a chance to breathe. "N-No t-toys," You breathed out, a permanent grin stretched on your face.
He hummed and brushed your now wild and tangled hair behind your ear. You giggled involuntarily at the light touch, and he chuckled. "Oh, I would love to see that beautiful smile right now."
"Too bAD!" You squealed when he squeezed your sides once. "O-Okay, okay!"
He chuckled again. "You know, maybe I should tickle you until the power comes back on."
"Stop it," You groaned.
"You've told me love it," he stated, which was true. You had confessed that you loved it when he tickled you. You told him after he tickled You for the first time, and he had been more than happy to tickle you since then.
"Well, I don't feel very dead yet."
He barked out a laugh then scooted down to your legs, sitting on them. "Oh, good, because I'm not done murdering you."
You giggled in anticipation, already holding on to the fluffy handcuffs. "I swear if you use your stubble down there-"
"Oh, is someone hinting that they want me to tickle them with my beard?" he teased, ghosting his fingers on your inner thighs.
Your legs flinched and then shook with each caress, and You giggled louder. "You can't grow a beard if you haven't hit puberty yet."
He immediately shifted to all fours. "Ooh, someone wants it badly." Then, You lost it. His stubble scratched at the sensitive skin on your inner thigh, and he held your leg in place to keep it from flinching away. Your head fell back as your laughter poured out, and You pulled at your handcuffs. You didn't think it could get any worse than that until his hand slipped under your dress, and he tickled the lowest part of your belly.
"NO!" You screamed and tried shifting your body up toward the headboard, but it was no use. With his arm holding your leg down, You weren't going to get very far. You just laid there and took it. You did ask for it, after all. You knew better than to tease Bucky, but You liked to do it anyway. "BUCKY!"
"I am not Bucky!" he shouted, and You felt him switch to your other thigh, making You squirm in a different direction. He held your other leg down now and rubbed his stubble against it. You squealed before laughing hysterically again. "I am the Tickle Monster! I'm here to murder you with tickles!"
His hand slipped out from under your dress, and he spidered his fingers along your other thigh. You tried to flinch that leg away, but he had locked it in place with his legs. You could feel both of your legs try to flinch, but neither of them was able to move an inch. Bucky made sure You knew that You were completely at his mercy. "Having fun yet, sweetheart?" he called out, now pinching your inner thighs and lifting his head up.
You cackled, hiding your face behind your arm. "Y-You-AH!" You screamed as he moved to spider his fingers under your knees.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" His wiggling fingers trailed down your calves, and your laughter melted into giggles once more. "I'm afraid I couldn't understand what snarky comment I know you were about to unleash. With you being so ticklish, I can imagine this is a very difficult problem you deal with on a daily basis."
"Oh my g-gosh," You giggled. "B-Babe, please."
"Please what?" he asked, and your breath hitched in your throat when he spidered his fingers on the tops of your feet. You felt him wrap his metal around your ankles, bringing your legs together and keeping them in place. You could thankfully still move your feet, but he would only follow your movements.
"T-This isn't fAIR!" You shouted, your pitch rising, as one finger scratched on the outline of your foot.
"Well, of course, it isn't fair, doll. Murderers don't give their victims chances to live."
"Please, PLEase!" You begged, feeling him move that one damn finger to scratch at your arch. Your feet were extremely ticklish. More ticklish than You thought was humanely possible, but they were. You and Bucky had first discovered this a few weeks ago when You asked him to help you figure out if they were ticklish. You quickly learned that was a mistake as he teased You about it quite often. "I'll do what YOU WAnt!"
The light scratching stopped, and your high-pitched laughter started to turn into giggles. You took in as many greedy breaths as possible, trying to calm down your racing heart. "Anything?" he asked.
"Yes," You sighed, still trying to catch your breath. "Anything."
He hummed, and You felt him switch holds on your legs, taking back his metal arm. You gasped as he slid his cold fingers up one of your arches, and You shivered slightly. "B-Babe, please. I-I said anything," You reminded, feeling your smile involuntarily widen.
"I really want to tickle your feet," he stated, and You pulled at your restraints again. "You do those cute squeals every time I play with your toes."
Your giggles rose an octave as he swiped at your arch again and again and again. "I-I can d-do THAT another WAY!"
He hummed again. "It wouldn't be the same." Without warning, he lightly spider-tickled your arch, and your hysterical laughter returned. You twisted and pulled as you frantically tried to get away.
"Plus," he continued, "they're so much fun to tease. All I have to do is gently tickle your foot anywhere, and you lose your mind. I could tickle this little spot-" His cold finger gently scratched at the space between your big toe and little ones, and You let out another scream. "-and you'll scream your head off all night."
"NO!" You protested before feeling him dig deeper into that space and falling into silent laughter.
He chuckled and switched to tickling your big toe, which wasn't as bad as the previous spot, but still pretty ticklish. The first cute squeal that Bucky loved so much came out, and he switched to your little toes. "Ah, there's the squeals I love to hear," he teased, listening to You squeal as he tickled your toes. "You want to know what's better with this, doll?"
You couldn't respond. You were stuck in a loop of loud, high-pitched squeals that only got louder the longer he tickled your toes. Your thoughts were completely overrun with the ticklish feeling shooting through your toes.
"Using both hands," he continued. Before You could even think about pulling your feet away, Bucky took back his other arm and used his body weight to keep your legs pinned to the mattress.
Then, You truly lost your mind and completely forgot about the power, the class, Tony, and every problem You had encountered. Bucky kept each touch random, never letting You get used to one spot. He would spider tickle your heels, drag his nails up your arches, and dig between each toe several times before You finally gave up and submitted to your fate. It got worse when he threw several sarcastic and snarky comments your way, such as "I think you need to see a doctor about your ticklish feet," or "We should test how much they tickle every night just to make sure you're still ticklish," or - your personal favorite - "I think I'm going to ask Wanda to cast a spell on you on Halloween night. Something that will make you even more ticklish than you already are, Princess." It was so brutal.
However, You were enjoying his playful behavior. Albeit he was being more merciless than he usually was, it felt good to laugh. You felt as though all your worries were melting away as he distracted You with light scratches, surprise pokes, stubble tickles, or digging deep into your skin. You needed this fun, but you would never admit it.
"Tickle tickle tickle!" he singsonged, and You squealed for the billionth time as he returned to your toes. "Such a ticklish Princess! I can't wait to do this again when you're asleep!"
You screamed at that before falling back into your squealing laughter. You were holding onto the headboard of the bed, gripping it harder as if that would help you deal with the ticklish sensations.
After what felt like an eternity, Bucky's tickling slowed, and You took that opportunity to cough out the safe word, "Rose." Fortunately, he heard You and ceased tickling.
He sat up and massaged your feet, rubbing away the ghost tickles as You tried to recollect your thoughts. "Are you okay, doll?" he asked, moving to massage your toes.
"Y-Yeah," You croaked then let out a cough. You watched as Bucky's dark outline climbed off the bed and walked to the dresser. He lit a candle - most likely, the one he took from You - and brought it over to the nightstand. He set it down, and You could finally see him; well, some of him anyway. "You look happy."
He chuckled then smirked. "I'm happy-" He climbed back onto the bed, settling on top of you, and brushed your hair out of your eyes. "-because there's a beautiful smile on your face."
"It was forced," You teased, a few airy giggles coming up.
He rose an eyebrow, and your breath hitched in your throat as he ghosted his fingers down your arm and stopped right above the armpit. "Was it now?"
You were giggling again and shook your head. "N-No! Okay, okay, it w-wasn't! Stop, please!"
He chuckled. "I'm just messing with you, doll." He leaned forward and pecked your lips. "I love hearing your laugh."
"I know you do." You pulled at the handcuffs. "You want to let me out of this, so I can hold you?"
He smirked then reached up and unlocked the handcuffs, releasing your wrists. You lowered your arms and wrapped them around his neck, your hands running through his hair. "I love you," You whispered.
"I love you too, doll," he whispered, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you closer to him. "You did so good during that, you know? You took it like a soldier."
You snorted. "I didn't realize you had to go through tickle torture as a soldier."
"Oh, no, that just started with you, doll, and I say you passed with flying colors." He winked. "Although there is one more test you have to take if you want to be a soldier."
"And what's that?" You whispered as he leaned closer to your lips, and You locked your arms around his neck.
"You have to seduce me."
You smirked. "Oh, I thought I already did."
"Yeah, you did," he whispered then kissed you.
The power didn't turn back on until morning. Bucky sat on the edge of the bed, texting Tony about the class. He had noticed You didn't attend but wasn't disappointed or upset with You like you feared he would be. He was more worried, but he assumed Bucky was taking care of You, so he decided to wait and contact You in the morning. Once he learned that both of you were affected by the sudden power surge, his worries faded, and he told Bucky to have You call him later. A lot of students had missed the class because of the surge, so the Professor was holding another one in a few days to catch everyone up. Bucky reassured him that he would pass the message on then tossed his phone onto the ottoman.
Bucky glanced over, seeing You sleeping soundly under the covers. Your dress and bra lay on the floor, having been tossed to the side during last night's fun. He chuckled to himself and smirked softly as he reflected on it. He loved being with You. Even as you lay there snoring like a tractor, he couldn't help but think he was the luckiest man in the world to have You in his life.
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itzsana-kiddingmenow · 4 months
OKOK the recent lee!minho fanfic? Excuse me? who are you to make my heart flutter so much?? My boy is the sweetest, comfort tickles have me my gosh >< about the jisung part, imagine if minho one day just continuously teased the poor quokka, and he avenges himself by just taking every opportunity when he’s lying down to squeeze lee know’s thighs.. BUT ANYWAY!! That fic was great, keep it going, I’ll eat it up >:) looking very much forward to the next part of the series (more lee minho and ler chan?? I’m devouring it.) AND THE BINNIE FANFIC.. love you always!! ><
-<3 anon
i love comfort tickles theyre one of my favorite kinds :ccc
OOOOhhhh ill have to make that into a drabble sometime!
love you too anonnie, happy valentine's day!! <3333
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lokifanatic1 · 1 year
It would be a great fanfic where Loki is part of the Avengers team, during a game night Loki suggests playing hide and seek but with the difference that if he finds the players, he can tickle them for as long as he wants. everyone refuses to play that game, fearing that Loki doesn't know when to stop, so the reader who is Loki's friend agrees to participate in that game, both to see her friend happy, and to show the team that there is no reason to fear some how many tickles
I think my own writing isn’t that great but I will try and come up with something fun for you. Thank you for the prompt , mari2akary! Sorry if there’s spelling or grammatical errors! They don’t call me the comma queen for nothing! Hope you enjoy!
(Loki, female reader and Avengers fluffiness, SFW)
Loki was now an Avenger and had been absolved of all his past wrongdoings by the team. It had taken a while for the Avengers to warm up to Loki. Especially Tony and Steve. But in their own ways, they began treating Loki as an equal and a friend. That’s when he met you.
You loved being an Avenger and designated “little sister “ to nearly everyone one the team. You were only older than Peter and you loved teasing him like only an older sibling could. You’d play pranks on each other, whilst trying to up one another’s game to see who the champion of pranks would be.
You always won the prank wars because of course, you had the God of Mischief himself, on your side. You had become fast friends when Loki moved to the compound and helped you break out of your shell of shyness. Everyone would always tease you because you were the quietest of the group, so Loki took it upon himself to help you loosen up. He was drawn to you for some unknown reason and you didn’t mind having the prince’s full attention almost all of the time. Maybe it was because you were so quiet from the rest of the Avengers. He didn’t really know but he found a kindred spirit within you. You were sweet, kind and caring. Who knew a prankster lived just under your adorable surface?
One reoccurring “team building “ exercise that Tony would orchestrate at the compound was game night. Mostly they were silly games like “tag”, “charades” or “capture the flag”. However, Loki had another idea for a game. “Hide and seek.” He knew he wanted his playful side on full display for the rest of the team. Especially you.
You see, one day when you were sitting in the living room of the compound watching t.v., Loki unceremoniously walked in and plopped down right next to you on the couch. “What dreadful filth are you watching, love?” You didn’t move. You just kept staring mindlessly at the program you were watching without a word. He looked at you again and poked your side to get your attention. He had never known you to be so ticklish because you’d always acted so stoic around Loki and the team when needing to be. “I never knew you were so, “sensitive “, darling. You know that’s not something you want the God of Mischief to find out. Because I will exploit it to the best of my abilities, leaving you a giggling mess and screaming for mercy.”
You tired showing no emotion but Loki could see a smile creeping it’s way on your face. “I think I have the perfect game for what you mortals call, “Game Night.” He had found out your secret that none of the other Avengers had much privy to and you know he was for sure going to blab. This would come in handy that exact night.
That night, the gang all gathered in the living room so the game could be explained. However, Tony wasn’t the one leading the game this time. It was Loki. You see, Loki had gone to Tony the day before and explained how you inspired this interesting version of “hide and seek.” Tony grinned back at Loki and agreed that would definitely make the game more interesting. “Okay. Listen up. “Reindeer Games” is going to explain how this game works, so pay attention because he’s only going to explain this once.”
With a ready clap of his hands, Loki explained the rules. “Alright. We’re going to be playing what you mortals call, “hide and seek.” A rather childish game but our young Miss (y/n) has inspired me to change the rules up a bit to make it more “fun” for everyone. Since I am the most dashing one amongst us, I will be the seeker.” Well, this came with some playful “boos” and “no fair’s” at Loki’s expense.
He waited in silence for a moment before putting a finger to his lips to “shush” the group. “The game we are going to play involves a specific torture once I have found you. All thanks to (y/n) here.” You blushed and smiled shyly as everyone looked at you in complete confusion. “When I catch you.” He paused for dramatic effect. “I will tickle you for as long as I see fit.” Well, at that point, everyone decided they were out of the game and protested Loki’s way of torment once someone was found because of course, the God of Mischief never knew when to stop once he got a hold of someone. You had only been privy to this a few times so you didn’t think much of it when he rained down ticklish torment upon everyone. But by the sound of it, everyone was fully aware of what kind of ticklish agony Loki could in fact, inflict. They knew the feeling of being held down and tickled until no breath was left in their lungs.
“I’m not scared of you, Loki,” you bravely confessed. The Avengers gasped in surprise as you stood up to the god. “I’ll play.” One by one the others finally gave in and the game started. They could hide anywhere in the compound as to not be found by Loki. He started counting down from ten as everyone dispersed and tried to find a good hiding place. “Ready or not…Here I come”, Loki yelled to anyone who was still trying to hide. He searched the floor they had been on and to his surprise, most of the team had hidden themselves on that floor, so (y/n) could hear the screams of laughter whenever he found someone. As they slowly returned, one by one to the living room, Loki had realized he had not yet found you. As quietly as he could, he stalked around every room he had been in to see if he’d missed you when finding and tickle torturing your other team mates.
You tried staying as quiet as you could in a closet close to the living room. Putting both hands over your mouth so Loki wouldn’t be able to find you. He started yelling out threats of what he was going to do to you and the biggest feeling of fear and excitement overwhelmed you as you hid from the trickster. You wanted to be found but also, you wanted to leave the game in one piece.
You liked this playful little game of tickling. You’d enjoyed it since you were a kid but knowing Loki, he’d show no mercy until you’d had more than enough. You loved the thought of being playful and acting silly every once in a while. After all, being an Avenger came with some pretty dark days so these instances we very much welcome.
“Where, oh where could my little (y/n) be?” Loki inquired to himself as he calmly walked around the area. Hands behind his back, yet ready to strike. You on the other hand, couldn’t help but softly giggle as he got closer to your location. The anticipation was mounting. Your heart pounded. You knew you’d be caught at some point and be forced to laugh your little heart out. After some time, you thought Loki had moved on to another area of the first floor, so you quietly opened the closet door and peeked your head out. No sign of Loki. You were safe. Or so you thought.
All of a sudden, Loki jumped out and tackled you from behind. Sealing his grasp around your waist. “ Gotcha!” he exclaimed in villainous laughter as he dragged you from the closet. “Thought you could hide from me and be unscathed by the consequences, huh?!” Your entire body went limp as you let go and laughed out in pure joy and excitement of what was to come. He pinned you down and sat on top of your waist with ease as you were giggling at the realization of being caught. “Nahahaho! You’ll never take me,” you screamed as Loki pinned your wrists with his hands. He paused and so did you. “It looks like I already have, love.” He evilly wiggled his fingers in your face to make his point. “All I want to hear is your laughter my darling.” With that, he skittered his fingers under your arms as you burst out laughing from the ticklish sensation. He put his lips to your ear as he struggled to hold you still. “Aww. Ticklish are we?” He playfully sneered again as he switched things up and went for your belly. Not before using his magic to cement your wrists to the ground so he could do his absolute worst. Loki was undoing your sanity but by bit. You couldn’t think , nor act so you laid there taking your ticklish punishment.
Tears clouded your eyes as you finally came up with an idea. Get Loki back at his own game. The only problem was getting out of his vice hold on you with his magic. So you came up with the best ploy. Puppy dog face included. You were trying to make Loki feel sorry for you so he could let you go and you could exact your revenge tenfold. You gave him your best sob story, puppy dog eyes included. Well, he fell for it as he had a soft spot for you in his heart. He released you and began trying to hold you to comfort you when you pounced. You squeezed your legs and flipped Loki over so that he was on the receiving end. “Oh, how the tables have turned,” you smirked as you looked the god dead in his eyes. “I will exact the same torment you inflicted on all of us!” The group cheered as you got your ticklish revenge on the younger brother of the god of Thunder.
Loki laughed his head off as you splayed your fingers across his ribs and down to his tummy’s. “T-This is madness!” he laughed out wildly. “This is revenge!” you replied with a satisfied smile. After a few minutes, you could tell Loki was at wits end so you slowed the scratching and tickling over his body. He greedily sucked in air as he finally admitted he’d been had and that he actually had the same weakness as you. Oh, were you going to have fun now, knowing the God of Mischief was indeed, ticklish. If not maybe more than you. You didn’t mind sharing this weakness with him because now you knew how to take him down a peg and made sure the other Avengers knew. It would become a game to you two. Tickling and retaliating on each other as long as you could. Who knew this simple game of “hide and seek” brought out the best in not only Loki and yourself, but the entire team as well. This “team building” game was definitely going to be more than a weekly thing around the compound.
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shadow-says-hello · 2 years
🐉 About me! 🐉
Hello there! I’m Shadow!You can read my bio above, this account is pretty self explanatory hehe 😜 I write fics and headcanons, I also like talking about MY singing monsters, so there will be a lot about that here!
Posssible sign off?:
Im thinking of doing a sign off (maybe like a Therian thing), so my sign off is -💕🐉
My Fics:
🐉 There’s not that many now but I’m working on writing more! :) 🐉
☆ Stranger things:
-This SUCKS!
-“I’m gonna find you!”
-There would be no retreating from Eddie the tickle monster
☆ Lightyear fics:
-He’s purring, it means he likes it!
☆ Hocus Pocus fics:
-Let’s Work Our Magic
☆ Encanto fics:
☆ Wednesday fics:
-Turn it down
-All lights are off
☆ Msm fics:
-“Where did my staff go?”
-Tickles out of boredom
-Vulnerable Wubbox
-The Mess On Air Island -Part 1
-The Mess On Air Island -Part 2
-Common VS Rare
-That Was Mine
☆ Marvel Fics:
-Is the Hawkeye ticklish?
☆ Lorax Drabble ☆
(Headcanons are not posted here, they’re just let loose and free roamed right now :P. The fics have to be locked up in their cages 😈)
What I do
🐉 I write tickle headcanons,tickle fanfics, I post random stuff Im a Norwegian forest cat Therian and raccoon Therian!
🐉 So I mainly write for Whatever I’m currently interested in, here’s my fandom list. Also, if you want, you may ask about other fandoms and I’ll tell you if I’m in them and if I can do something for them
-Hazbin hotel
-My singing monsters
-The Lorax
-Stranger things
-Helluva Boss
(There’s more I can’t remember)
Current Focus (fandom)
🐉I am currently workin on nothing specific, hazbin hotel ig?? But if you want headcanons for another fandom I am in then I’ll do it
Ask Rules:
🐉 please give me a specific prompt, pair and sentence starter!it’ll help a lot! <3
🐉 I’m more into younger characters, not really older people or an older person tickling a younger person (with a huge age difference, if that makes sense)
🐉 if asking for marvel, I only do headcanons and please do the avengers because I just enjoy them (you can request other characters too though I don’t mind actually)
🐉 I also write for any my singing monster characters! Not really the celestials but any monster especially werdos and wubboxes I will write for!
🐉 please only ask for fandoms I am in thanks
🐉 and you only need to ask once I promise I do get your request in my inbox I just might take a bit to get to it
🐉 and please pay attention to if I open or close my inbox. If I’m taking something specific only then request that
🐉 I’m just putting it out there, I don’t mind interacting with anyone as long as you’re not racist, homophobic, etc…
🐉 please leave my blog NOW if you want to do something sexual. I don’t mind NSFW bloggers here, as long as you respect these boundaries
🐉 please don’t be creepy. Simple as that. No sexual stuff PLEASE.
🐉 also please don’t spam my inbox and keep bothering me and trying to dm me because then I’m just gonna block you
🐉 like they’re gonna see this but I hate porn bots 😭
🐉 if you’re gonna hate on me think twice and keep your opinions to yourself. Most hate will be deleted or blocked
🐉Requests are closed 🐉
If I ask you to give me a prompt specifically in a post then you can go for it, otherwise no
🐉 (this is for when requests are open): please read my current fandoms list before asking for anything!🐉
(/-3-)/ \(-_-\)
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astheskycries · 2 years
Wait how old are you?? And you’ve been on tumblr how long??
24! A few months from 25. Younger than most I’ve seen in the fandom, I think, just where I’ve usually lingered? But what corners I’ve always been in, I’m used to having friends older than me and not having been on tumblr as long. It makes me almost feel like an imposter.
Officially I’ve been on tumblr for about… 10 ish years, including the five second deleting of my blog I had regretted and then rejoined? But I didn’t get into fandom until I was about 15-16 which was the Avengers; before that I snooped onto a lot of those memey blogs with bright colored random posts (anyone remember those? Circa de 2010s? They were awful) and I never used it. When I got REALLY into fandom, so about 17 when it wasn’t the fluffy Avengers and it became more celebrities and coming of age, it was before people were watching it as much so I was one of those people I now don’t like (you live and learn), and many people on here that I’ve known and spoken to since joining basically watched me grow up- @avenger-nerd-mom and @thewife101 pop into mind as some I spoke to briefly back then but not much until I was like 17? @chirsevans and @fantastic-fantasy-fanfics are the loves of my life and I adore them forever after years of friendship with the most beautiful souls ever. @lemonsandstrawberries Is my tumblr mom who I discovered when I first got into fandom and learned that my tickle kink was totally normal (Mom!!!) and @imagine-assembling-the-avengers is another I’ve known forever and lets me claim as a tumblr mom. @whostheblondegirl I’ve basically followed since I discovered the Chris Evans fandom and I’ve always adored her.
LONG STORY SHORT… I’ve been on tumblr since I was a pre-teen, done a lot of the bad no-nos, and grew up with some amazing people to guide me. Now I try to write- and have been reposting old fics to help me get inspired again- and try to help others not make the same mistakes I did with the hellsite 🤷🏻‍♀️ Its been a rocky road and while some things I will forever regret (that honestly I think everyone growing up does), others I wouldn’t because of how I’ve grown and been able to not only make amends and be friends with some people I had wronged, but use it to try to promote positivity on here. No bullies. I try to be open for everyone to talk to, be it good bad or something I had done to upset them.
Also, those people tagged? I definitely missed some, but they’re worth the follow and love 💕
Sorry for a ramble, it’s 2am my time.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 5 months
Peter Wayne (WIP title)
by IlliterateGoop Inspired by between-two-fandoms on tumblr where I saw a fanfic crossover request that tickled my lil goblin brain. Peter Parker is born as Peter Wayne but grew up with Aunt May, as Peter Parker. He became Spider-Man and there’s some AU bullshittery with Homecoming movie (which I’ve never watched btw) and so Tony keeps the Spider-Man suit and May dies and peter moves to Gotham and operates under the name Venom instead of Spider-Man. And then some time after all this, the avengers and Justice league / Batfam have to team up for something or other, and Tony has some realizations and is like “omg I want my kid back’ and Bruce goes all daddybats mode on him and it’s a whole thing.   Now I don’t know mostly anything about what op what actually envisioning or wanted, or if I can do it Justice but damn I really wanna think about it more Words: 551, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, J. Jonah Jameson, Damian Wayne Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Bruce Wayne, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Peter Parker is Bruce Wayne’s biological son via https://ift.tt/RkUnlmB
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