#file: chimamire
diinferi · 1 year
[POWER USER] You look human, but you are so much more. You wield a single supernatural power, and overall, your physical abilities and potential are at the peak of humanity, likely a bit more. You may pay an additional 200CP to be permitted to buy a second power. You gain a 200CP stipend to be used for the power section only.
[CIVILIAN] You’re more concerned with living your life, than you are with superhuman power politics. Whether you’re a regular bystander, a killer for hire, or a nobody who just showed up out of thin air, you won’t be the center of attention right out the gate.
[FAIR PLAY] It’s an unspoken rule among Power Users that an opponent in their lost form is out of the fight. Similarly, when reduced to a seemingly powerless state, enemies will refuse to finish you off until proven otherwise. Though they may still detain you until your power returns, and you are just as vulnerable to indiscriminate attacks.
[LIFE MUSCLES] Powers are much like muscles. You are able to enhance your reserves of vitality, empowering any abilities fueled by them in the process. This is accomplished by repeatedly exhausting your reserves, similar to hyperextension of muscles. The gains will be substantial, but the effort will push your body and will to the brink.
[WARMTH OF THE LIVING] You have an eye for people, and immense resolve. When you call attention to others hypocrisy, even the abnormally stubborn struggle to refute. The more boldness and consistency you show to prove your points, the deeper they cut. With time, you can thaw the most frigid hearts, or plunge beacons of hope into the depths of despair.
[HUMANITY’S SPECIALTY] No matter what incidents or crimes you or those following your orders cause, you can always count on the media to have your back and cover it all up. Witnesses will keep their mouths shut with even the flimsiest justification, though they may still inform their immediate allies and take independent action against you.
[POWERFUL MIND] For agents like you, education is a convenience at best, and a distraction at worst. You have the intelligence to breeze through college and high-school level education with ease. One of your senses are similarly enhanced, like hearing comparable to a dog’s, or the vision to let you match a master sniper with just a pistol.
[SIDESTEPPING GOD] History clearly shows that the Rare Kind’s Divine Shield is not as invincible as it seems. You are a natural counter to abilities that nullify or drain other powers. You can’t ignore them outright, but you can find any loopholes to exploit, or overpower them with raw force, even if no such weaknesses appeared to exist beforehand.
[SAMURAI SOUL] A simple katana, but unmistakably one made by a true master. This katana is all but indestructible, able to be swung with enough force to cleave through several trees and even concrete, without so much as dulling the blade. Though this won’t let you go toe-to-toe against powers without the skill to utilize the blade’s full potential. Even in the hands of an amateur, it is still quite a deadly weapon to humans.
[HOLY BLOOD] A power that allows you to control your own blood outside your body. By Exposing your blood to fresh air, you may control it with your will, and shape it into any form you desire, such as a sword, a whip, a bow and arrow, etc. This power also protects you from the blood loss or anemia it should cause, even with your neck slit open.
[MOVE:ON] There is no rest for sinners like us. Your business in this world is done, now you must move to the next. Do you feel regret? Pride? Longing? Do you simply wish that you never have to see such decay again. No matter the world or universe, the evil in humanity is a constant, though perhaps the same can be said for their kindness?
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nrc-experiments · 2 years
Sir, its not just Malleus either-Lilia, Silver, and Sebek seemed to be into gift giving as well? I've gotten these adorable earrings from Lilia, this woodland animal set from Silver, and this book from Sebek. These are all wonderful but..should I really be excepting something from them? is this apart of the experiment?
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...Crowley stares wide-eyed at the items you show him. He looks almost lost...before he breaks out into the widest grin. Not like you can see it anyway, with a mask covering his lower face, but his eyes curve as he jumps.
..."Such an incredible use of magic! What detailed work! Apologies, dear Observer, but I must go talk to Sam and Crewel at once!" He rushes out of his office toward the lab floor.
...Trein sighs as he looks over to you. Though, if you pay attention, you can tell his eyes are bright with excitement just like Crowley's. "It does no harm to the experiment if you do accept these gifts. Rather, I encourage you to keep accepting any gifts the experiments give you. It would certainly boost their self-esteem."
..."Truly, what delicate pieces of earth magic."
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missvifdor · 3 years
At the request of @chimamire-no-sakura, MC OC YUU's reaction if she is constantly ill due to the overload of her work Crowley:
Dorm leaders:
Riddle : He would be very concerned. Let the principal ask for help a few times, that's okay. But pass everything on to MC without worrying about the fact that she has to manage school work and that she had to face several Overblots without Crowley pointing the tip of his nose to come and help them and abuse his kindness, that our red head will not be able to take it! Would be able to threaten Crowley to put a collar on him or find a rule that says this kind of behavior is seen as abuse and that he would report it if he didn't stop there!
Leona: Leona is the first to exploit people (* cough * Ruggie * cough *) to do his chores for Him. But unlike, he would never allow himself to make Ruggie work to the point of making him sick, so when you go after his herbivore the lion will roar! Would be able to go find Crowley in his office and threaten to make him disappear with his One Magic. He'll even convince Crowley to let MC have preset schedules so that she can rest and make up for missed hours of sleep with him.
Azul: Poor Crowley, our Octoman already has it in the palm of his hand. So when he sees how much the NRC Principal is exploiting our dear MC, he makes sure the birdman understands his pain. Will have no problem blackmailing him and threatening him to reveal his darkest secrets without forgetting the fact that he is left a student without magic to face Overblots in his place and to make her live in conditions of deplorable life. It would be a shame if the local press learned of these unfortunate events, wouldn't it? He'll make sure Jade and Floyd keep an eye on this birdman. In the meantime, he's going to give MC well-deserved days off and offer her some sweets to "try out what's new on the menu".
Kalim: He's worried to death! It's not right of the Principal to give so much work when MC is completely exhausted and sick! Would ask Jamil for advice and in the meantime take care of MC giving her rest and good food!
Vil: Vil is for hard work, but this is too much! Watch how that pretty face is now covered in dark circles, stressful pimples, those dry cracked lips and sickly complexion! It's absolutely shameful (Not for MC of course. It is for Crowley)! Vil would use his notoriety to manipulate Crowley, threaten to use his popularity to get him fired on the spot (and the Birdman knows full well that a dedicated Fanbase is very effective with petitions and mass reporting). Our Roi des Poisons will then take care of giving MC revitalizing potions and healing so that she can relax and rest, Vil will pamper her like a queen.
Idia: Would be very concerned about the situation! His favorite Waifu is not well and it breaks his heart! Then he remembers that he is a genius and that digging up secrets well hide in the interest and one of his many talents! Idia will certainly start digging up shameful photos of our dear bird man and posting them all over social media. He will also hack teachers' private files and threaten to sink the school if Crowley does not calm down, it would be a shame if the end of year exam papers were revealed to everyone for so little. is this not ? He would then certainly invite MC to come and rest in his room and they would eat lots of junk food while watching animated films.
Malleus: So there ... If the NRC doesn't end up in little ash heaps, Crowley will be lucky! Angry Malleus Draconia is not a pretty scene. Crowley still has enough savvy not to be in the bad graces of one of the most powerful wizards of Twisted Wonderland and what is more, a future king! Our Principal will certainly try to be forgiven from Malleus and MC by offering more pocket money to buy food, some small repairs to Ramshackle here and there and beg MC for mercy. After all, isn't she so nice? Meanwhile, while Crowley renovates Ramshackle and takes care of his own work, Malleus takes care of MC by letting her sleep in Diasomnia's prettiest room, passionately chatting about gargoyles, and improvising a little picnic in a corner of the forest that Malleus particularly appreciates because you can observe the stars perfectly.
The Vice-leaders:
Trey: He activates his "mother hen" mode! MC is no longer allowed to get out of bed until she is perfectly rested and regained her strength! Trey certainly wouldn't see himself threatened by the Principal, but he would take care of MC's work in addition to his own and enlist the help of our duo Adeuce so that MC can recover as soon as possible! He will cook good little meals full of vitamins and maybe soups too. No one is allowed to come and disturb MC while she is asleep and would certainly bring out his authoritarian side if he hears too much noise likely to disturb the young woman's rest.
Ruggie: Ruggie can understand what it's like to be exploited, but he gets something out of it. He's already very busy with Leona and her schoolwork, so he can't help her with that, but he's trying to cheer her up. An example, he shares with her her donuts (which is a great gesture of affection from her) and making her laugh. Sometimes he would drop one of his tasks to make one of MC's in its place and that she could rest. And maybe even let her stroke his hyena ears, it's a win-win combo, isn't it?
Jade: Well, well. The poor little thing here, does she need a little help? Jade would love to be his serving knight. While he distracts her from her extra work to show her her terrariums and slip a few drops of the sleeping potion into her drink to go to bed on the sofa in Azul's office, Jade thinks it would be very beneficial to go visit dear Crowley, it's been a long time since Octavinelle has done business with him. Our dear moray eel is quite up for bringing his dear twin with him, after all the crazier we are the more we laugh, right? Jade can assure you that after this charming, perfectly friendly visit, MC will be relieved of many obligations. Let our dear human rest and when she is well, let's celebrate with a long and exciting hike during which a lovely picnic awaits them at the end of the path. Jade has made her favorite chocolate fondant, it would be silly to waste such a great treat if she isn't fit enough to enjoy it.
Jamil: He's very worried even if he doesn't show it. Due to his own obligations, he cannot help MC but he can convince Kalim to describe a letter to his father to stop the donations that the Al-Asim family makes to the school. Kalim will not notice the "manipulation" and will think that the idea came from him and Jamil will not be in trouble. Once Crowley is bold enough to come to Scarabia to talk about the letter and the gifts, it's Jamil who takes control of the conversation without giving the impression. He convinces the Principal to stop giving unjustified and excess work to MC, in exchange the donations will come back. But this birdman must stop treating MC like his servant. Once the deal is done, Jamil cooks MC's favorite meals and makes sure she gets a good rest. When she gets better, a banquet will be organized to celebrate her recovery.
Rook: Oh Oh! But what happened to that graceful face? It has its charm, of course, but it lacks life and joy! Hmm? Oh, this is the job Crowley is supposed to do but has MC to do it for him? These are not manners, they are sorely lacking in elegance. Well ... The bird hunt is on. Rook is going to chase Crowley so hard and so viciously that our dear Principal will develop paranoia. Birdman nearly had a heart attack when an arrow brushed too close by when he was in the hallway giving MC even more work! And every time Crowley wants to give more work or blackmail him for money and essentials Ramshackle, a new arrow appears. Always closer, always more threatening. Our dear hunter said to himself that it would be nice to take MC to take his mind off things, why not have a barbecue? He will personally take care of the meat. Everyone loves chicken.
Ortho: Has already offered to destroy the school with his self-integrating weapons and threatened to reduce Crowley to ashes with his subatomic cannons. No one destroys the health of their Big Sister without impunity! From the day Wheat Robot Boy stormed into his office, the Principal has avoided the flaming haired child and MC like the plague.
Lilia: He will act like the responsible adult that he is and his fatherly side will immediately come out! Lilia would be able to walk into the Principal's office with the biggest and brightest smile in Twisted Wonderland. He would obviously be accompanied by a few agents from the Child Protection and Aid Service, these people would be delighted to have a little conversation with the bird man and he cannot flee because he is trapped. in his own office. While all these beautiful people are having this lovely conversation, Lilia is going to take MC to Diasomnia and he will make his special recipe for oyster and tomato pancakes, it will surely cheer her up! And surely taking a restorative nap in the company of Silver, that would be a charming picture to watch!
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kuroyoru06 · 6 years
Game night AU
This idea has been in my head for a couple of days and I just wanted to share it with you. They are just random things that I hope I can make something from these someday.
Basically it is an AU where Aqours and μs exist at the same time, but the work of idol is left aside. Also, this have some os N-girls from SIF.
Yoshiko and her friends get together to play board games or video games every two weeks in Tokyo. The method is simple, each time, one of the girls must create a map, a story and put traps and enemies; The rest of the girls must overcome this quest using their characters and abilities, which change each game session.
The participants of these meetings are:
Tsushima Yoshiko
She was just looking for friends, but because of Yohane she has not been able to get a single one in her middle school or neighborhood. To relieve her frustration, she started streaming online and maybe looking for a possible friend among her fans. One day while searching an internet forum (a chuuni forum) she met some interesting girls and after several hours of talk, they agreed to meet at the next comiket. From that day, they began to meet regularly to play board role-playing games or simple video games.
Usually, Yoshiko creates stories of angels and demons with magical battles in search of conquering heaven and hell.
Tanaka Sachiko
A lonely girl with chuunibyou who resides in Tokyo. She adores Yoshiko and sees her as a famous super internet star due to her web show, reaching the point of creating a Yohane fan club in Tokyo before meeting her in person. The day of their meeting, she almost fainted from the excitement and jumped at her telling her how much she admires her and if it was possible to get an autograph and shake her hand (which Yoshiko did not care to comply with and even suggested taking a picture together when she wanted to). Her identity as chuuni is "The wizard of the abyss" and can be equal or more theatrical than Yohane, especially their rituals and elaboration of potions, which causes Yoshiko to ask for advice from time to time.
Her stories involve magical lands full of mystical creatures and dark arts, always looking for ingredients for some ritual or looking for some sacred object that was stolen or lost.
Kurobane Sakuya
The older sister of the Kurobane. Of sinister appearance and mysterious attitude, although somewhat paranoid at times due to the "agency" against which she fights. While searching for recruits for her cause on the internet she came across a post about Yohane and her army of Little demons. After a long talk between the two trying to recruit each other, they decided to work together to defeat the "agency" and claim the throne in the heaven from which Yohane was expelled. Despite her differences, she loves her sister very much, although she also borrows clothes and dresses from her without asking permission.
Her stories involve a lot of espionage, infiltration and recovery of objects and secret files of powerful organizations. Among all the Game masters, she is the one who peculiarly puts the most traps on the board, as well as hidden enemies and unexpected twists in the original plans. Likewise, their games involve more technology and science fiction than magic or fantasy.
Kurobane Sakura
The younger sister of the Kurobane. Completely serious, stoic and inexpressive. Unlike her sister, she does not have any chuuni attitude, but because of her seriousness, her gothic style of dress and her hobby of collecting dolls (which she carries with her on some occasions) cause almost the entire schoo avoid her, or even they fear her as much as her sister. For all the above, she is also anxious to make friends with whom to spend time, even if it is in things in which she is not very experienced. She has a good relationship with her sister, defending her whenever she can and occasionally going along with her fantasies of the "agency", although she also gets upset with her every time she takes her clothes without her permission. 
Her stories have a survival game style, usually leaving girls with nothing more than basic talents in situations similar to famous horror movies. Despite being a rookie in the world of board games, she has shown talent for them, and even enjoys planning them, even if she does not show it.
Yuuki Setsuna
A pretty cheerful girl who dreams of being a famous idol. Although her passion is school idols, she also has interests in anime, light novels and some video games. After attending the comiket, she found herself by chance with the first meeting of Yoshiko and her friends. Seeing them dressed like that, she confused them with cosplayers from his favorite light novel “ Kono chimamire no sora no shita de futatabi au to“ and decides to go and ask for some photos. However, the girls tell her that they are not cosplayers but they still agree to take pictures. After this they decide to converse with her and discover that they have similar interests, so they decide to join Setsuna to her group.
Her stories are quite varied and may be fantasy to science fiction, through magical girls and vampires.
Sonoda Umi
The unexpected member of this group. Yoshiko's cousin looking for a place to hide from the constant and aggressive Anju flirting in recent days. After looking for a place to hide, she saw her cousin and her friends, decided to follow them, since no normal person would go where they go, which would completely mislead Anju. However, after entering the cafe where they were, Yoshiko finds her and asks her to play with her. After refusing to play, Yoshiko extorts her saying that if she does not play, she will reveal her location on twitter and attach a picture with Umi so that Anju can find her. At the beginning she was unsure of playing these games, but over time she found them fascinating.
Her stories take place in feudal Japan, usually with the mission of protecting the shogun or assassinating him, as well as the extermination of Youkais in the city.
Secondary characters
Hoshizora Rin
Umi fellow idol. Energy like no other. After the suspicions of the girls about where Umi goes every two weeks and the fact that Anju has not been able to find her, Rin decides to investigate what keeps her partner so busy. After following her, discover that Umi meets with other chuuni girls to play. At the beginning Rin misunderstands her, believing that Umi is a chuuni in secret, but after a long explanation, she manages to understand it, and even decides to join some games, since they look interesting (and that Hanayo is busy some days with her homework).
Being a non-regular member, she does not have the task of being Game master, but sometimes she gives ideas to Umi with her maps and missions.
Sakurauchi Riko
Little demon No.1 of Yohane and right hand of her army. Also known as Lilly (Riri). Despite not having chuuni, she gets along pretty well with Yoshiko and her friends when the latter takes her with her to the game meetings. She seems to be quite attracted to Yoshiko, which does not go unnoticed by the rest of the girls, except for Yoshiko and Umi (a pair of dense ones), which causes the girls to encourage her to get closer to her through the games and doing that Yoshiko ends up with her in every game they play.
Like Rin, her irregular participation means she can not take on the role of Game Master. But when Yoshiko is the Game master, Yoshiko seems to be softer with her in the attacks and traps.
Tennoji Rina
Friend of Setsuna, which always has her face covered with a notebook or a kind of virtual mask. Despite appearing shy, she is quite friendly, she just does not want to show her face, and the rest of the girls respect the decision. It is quite skillful to build objects, which is almost always reflected in the avatars used in the game, or in the explanations given in the mechanics of the objects of the game.
Like Rin and Riko, she does not have the game master title for the same conditions, but help with all she can in Sci-fi games
I guess that's it, more than a love story, it's more like a girl's story looking for friends, getting together and having a good time. And I guess it would be something of Yohariko and UmiAnju somewhere, but nothing focused on it completely.
I hope someone like this, but if this is unclear, you can ask me whatever you want
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learnjapanesebod · 8 years
「Learn Japanese」 Need-to-Know Vocabulary to Watch One Piece #753 without Subtitles!
Welcome to Anime Vocabulary, our #WatchAnimeWithoutSubtitlesChallenge series! Each of these videos covers an individual episode of an anime series and presents a list of the stand-out vocabulary terms used in the episode that you need to know in order to understand the dialogue (in terms of vocabulary, at least, knowing grammar of course is another substantial part of the equation). So, take some time to study the vocabulary list presented at the beginning of the video and then continue onto the flash-card-style video quiz for a preliminary memory practice before you dive into the true test of watching the actual episode for the first time (or re-watch it) and try to recognize the words as they are spoken at a natural conversational pace! Follow along as we cover various anime series on an episode-by-episode basis, and even sometimes top off our entire coverage with two additional segments: the ten most common words used in an entire series of anime and all vocabulary terms used in an entire series of anime! Last but not least, leave a comment below or on any of our other social channels and let us know which one of your favorite anime series you’d like us to cover next!
Vocabulary List: 忍者 (にんじゃ/ninja) - 'ninja (persons in feudal Japan who used ninjutsu for the purposes of espionage, assassination, sabotage, etc.)' 忍法 (にんぽう/ninpou) - 'ninja arts' 根性 (こんじょう/konjou) - 'will-power, guts, temper, nature, spirit' 動物 (どうぶつ/doubutsu) - 'animal' 適当 (てきとう/tekitou) - 'suitable, proper, appropriate, adequate, fit, noncommittal, vague, equivocal, unserious, irresponsible' 目隠し (めかくし/mekakushi) - 'something used to cover the eyes, blindfold, blinder, blinker, eye bandage, concealing one's home such that the interior cannot be seen from outside' 包丁 (ほうちょう/houchou) - 'kitchen knife, carving knife, cooking, food' 血まみれ (ちまみれ/chimamire) - 'bloodstained, bloody' 任務 (にんむ/ninmu) - 'duty, function, office, mission, task' 承知 (しょうち/shouchi) - 'knowledge, awareness, consent, acceptance, assent, admitting, compliance, agreement, acknowledgment, acknowledgement, forgiving, pardoning, excusing' 入国 (にゅうこく/nyuukoku) - 'entry to a country' 手裏剣 (しゅりけん/shuriken) - 'shuriken, small throwing blade, small edged weapon often used for throwing, throwing star' 同心 (どうしん/doushin) - 'concentricity, same mind, unanimity, policeman, constable in the Edo period' 茶番 (ちゃばん/chaban) - 'farce, charade, person who serves tea, short and humorous improvised sketch (originating from Edo-era kabuki)' 文明 (ぶんめい/bunmei) - 'civilization, civilisation, culture
*The vocabulary list provided above is likely a shortened version. You can download the full-length vocabulary list file (with example sentences from the episode) that can also be imported into flash-card, studying applications such as Anki on our official website here!
Learning Japanese is a YouTube video series with the single purpose of providing anyone at any level who wants to learn the Japanese language a way to do so 100% free. Find 200+ videos of various topics ranging from grammar, vocabulary, kanji, hougen, anime, and other resources through the link below! https://www.youtube.com/user/learnjapanesebod
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This video series is presented by becauseofdreams http://becauseofdreams.com/
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corporativoarcanos · 5 years
El manga Chimamire Sukeban Chainsaw reflesh finalizará en noviembre #Manga #ChimamireSukebanChainsaw #CorporativoArcanos #SutaArcanos #Masukomi #Noticias
El manga Chimamire Sukeban Chainsaw reflesh finalizará en noviembre #Manga #ChimamireSukebanChainsaw #CorporativoArcanos #SutaArcanos #Masukomi #Noticias
La edición de noviembre de la revista Monthly Comic Beam de la editorial Kadokawa reveló que el manga de Rei Mikamoto, Chimamire Sukeban Chainsaw reflesh finalizará en la próxima edición, el 12 de noviembre.
El manga Chimamire Sukeban Chainsaw reflesh finalizará en noviembre
Mikamoto comenzó la publicación del manga en la mencionada reivtsa en septiembre de 2018. Kadokawa publicó el primer…
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nrc-experiments · 2 years
Mister Crowley! Hello Sir! uh I have a question regarding the Fairy ring? Malleus gave me this pretty ring and said that I'm his "well-kept gem of the pile",...should I be concerned?
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...Crowley squawks--almost like a real bird--when he notices the ring on your finger. "That damned experiment!" is all he cries.
...Trein raises an eyebrow at you from where he stands next to Crowley. He gestures for you to bring our hand closer to him for him to examine it. "I was aware Sam and Crewel were already looking into exposing that lot to other elements and magic to see what would happen, but to have such quick results..." He swiftly turns back to his desk, sighing as he opens the folder on the FAIRY Ring experiment.
..."In any case," Trein says as he sits, "do keep your calm around the experiments. There is nothing to be concerned about here. In fact, we can use this to our advantage and continue with the psychological aspect of the experiment."
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corporativoarcanos · 5 years
El manga Sōkyū no Fafner – Dead Aggressor entrará en una pausa indefinida #Manga #SōkyūNoFafnerDeadAggressor #CorporativoArcanos #SutaArcanos #Masukomi #Noticias
El manga Sōkyū no Fafner – Dead Aggressor entrará en una pausa indefinida #Manga #SōkyūNoFafnerDeadAggressor #CorporativoArcanos #SutaArcanos #Masukomi #Noticias
El capítulo 81 del manga de Tomomi Matsushita, Sōkyū no Fafner – Dead Aggressor reveló que el manga entrará en pausa por “un corto tiempo”. El capítulo no reveló la fecha en la que terminará esta pausa.
El manga Chimamire Sukeban Chainsaw reflesh finalizará en noviembre
Tomomi Matsushita comenzó la publicación del manga en la revista Shonen Sirius de la editorial Kodansha desde el mes de…
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