tomatoscribbles · 4 years
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jus scrollin
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tomatos-ocs · 4 years
Who is your fav/main Skyrim OC?
oohhh, well i guess that might be a little obvious :’D Naelin is my MAIN one technically, being my dovahkiin, but she and Drelas tie as my faves. Filgan comes in second i think, which i feel bad about since Mull was one of my original two sdfjfsdf
i just love Naelin and Drelas’s dynamic, and theyre a couple later too so theres THAT, but i should put more effort and thought into Mull’s part in the group. Fil is just lovely so no excuses there lol
if we were including Morrowind ocs too however, it would be hard to judge. i love Razei VERY much
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faitomato · 5 years
Elder Scrolls
in beta stages Drelas was originally called Dreval or Draylin. i had to change it cause it sounded too much like Naelin and Dreval didnt fit :U
HOWEVER, there is actually an NPC in Skyrim who is ALSO named Drelas, and i had no idea when i was naming him. so i guess i might have named him the dunmer equivalent of John  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mull was originally a Nord in the concept stages
technically Mull’s voiceclaim is Kilowog from GLTAS, but its very similar to the orcs in-game so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Naelin was less morally upstanding at first (not that shes perfect now lol) because she was based much more around how i actually played the game (with reckless abandon and no morals)
Naelin was also the oc that triggered my Oc Renaissance TM, with my second skyrim playthrough and my sister encouraging me to actually put thought into her name and character. thank u Nat i owe u my life 
An-Ra has a big ol thirsty crush on Mull and he doesnt quite know how to deal with that lol
An-Ra’s voiceclaim is Nina Blackwood! (originally it was Amethyst from Steven/Universe but it sounded too young)
Filgan was only made story important because i needed someone to fill in the Dawnguard quests since they are canon and i love them but Naelin is way too busy, and im glad i did because i Lov Him
Razei started out purely as a joke that came from a funny voice i put on while playing Morrowind with my sisters, but she quickly developed into my sister’s Nerevarine companion!
Razei’s name was originally Am-Razei, but i changed it to Pu-Razei because it had the same A-R rhythm as An-Ra
i still dont have anyone to do the College quests but i want to someday!
Talba’s name came out of nowhere for me and wouldnt leave me alone, but it works because i was basing her features on East Indian ones and a tabla is a kind of Indian drum
Rhode’s voiceclaim is Ryuko Matoi! (spoilers for KLK)
Shinkou’s voicelaim is Veronica from Heathers!
despite popular conception, Archer’s faceclaim is not Chris Pratt! he doesnt have one and i dont know how he ended up looking like him! i did this to myself!
Archer was also a semi-joke at first and he only ended up getting a name (which was ALSO a joke) a month or two in lol
Ryujin was also a joke in the beginning but about 10 seconds in we were already in hot water
in that short lived joke stage, he was literally Raiden’s opposite in every way, with even his organic-to-machine ratio being reversed. so 90% flesh and bone and %10 machine, which was almost entirely concentrated in his SKULL and SPINE. once we got a little more serious we had to scrap that for obvious reasons lol
Kurt is lowkey named after Kurt Russel, who played Snake Plisskin in the “Escape From” movies who Solid Snake, Kurt’s “brother” was based on lol
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                           QUASI STELLAR OBJECTS #3
⟶ JOHANA BEAUSSART présente Filgans Molwake
Filgans Molwake est une performance parlée qui désoriente l'auditeur et tord les perceptions grâce à un dispositif dont la simplicité n'a d'égale que l'efficacité. Quand le sens des mots s'enfuit, seule reste la valeur sonore de la phonation.Fascinée très tôt par l’univers du doublage et par les possibilités du langage, Johana Beaussart choisit de faire de sa voix son principal instrument en s’intéressant à l’apparence, l’imitation ou l’illusion. Sous divers modes de présentation - radiophonie, installation, performance - elle précise son intérêt pour les langues subtiles, complexes, mystérieuses ou imaginaires.
>> https://soundcloud.com/johana-beaussart
Gaëlle Rouard est une cinéaste versée en chimie sur pellicule qui a mis au point plusieurs procédés de traitement. Ses techniques de développement transforment les images figuratives en formes oniriques et vivantes. Lors de ses improvisations, elle utilise ses projecteurs 16 comme des instruments à part entière, intervenant directement sur les films. Diplomée de l’École Supérieure d’Art Visuel de Genève, en 1996, elle a fait ses classes au 102 rue d’Alembert (lieu dédié à la diffusion de musique et de film expérimentaux) et à l’atelier MTK (laboratoire artisanal de cinéma).
>> https://vimeo.com/user4463496
Oï les OX est le projet musical d'Aude Van Wyller, co-fondatrice du collectif d'artistes Outreglot, qui se consacre aux arts visuels et sonores hybrides. Sa pop mutante très contemporaine dresse des ponts entre la synthpop minimale des années 1980, le cloud RnB, la noise d'ordinateur et l'ambient, pour un collage sonore à travers le temps et l'espace dont seul internet a le secret. Sa musique est aussi ambitieuse que déroutante.
>> https://soundcloud.com/oilesox
⟶ FLORENT TEXIER présente Phone Transition
Florent Texier est artiste vidéo et graphiste. Ses vidéos Phone Transition utilisent comme matériel visuel le flot incessant des images qui défilent sur son téléphone et dans sa tête, transformant une scène porno ou des contenus de réseaux sociaux en images fantasmagoriques obsédantes. Le motion design smooth caractéristique des smartphone se transforme alors en collage fébrile et angoissé. (Présence de quelques images pornographiques.)
>> https://vimeo.com/164391361
Samedi 16 mars 2019
au 100 ECS, 100 rue de Charenton, Paris 12e
Métro : Ledru-Rollin, Gare de Lyon
De 20h à 23h - début des lives à 20h50
Entrée 10 euros - Espèces et CB
Bar à prix raisonnable
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tomatoscribbles · 4 years
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various skyrims! commission warmups, sketchbook doodles, etc.
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tomatoscribbles · 5 years
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more skyrims!
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tomatoscribbles · 5 years
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i miss Fil, i need to draw my skyrim characters more. whats with most of my male characters having long beautiful hair??
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tomatoscribbles · 5 years
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been playing the Dawnguard quests again, thinkin abt Him
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tomatoscribbles · 6 years
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“precious” had me a little stumped, but i ended up with prolly my favorite inktober so far! the flowers are gladiouses and anemones, which represent strength of character and feeling forsaken, respectively
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tomatoscribbles · 6 years
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some warmup TES sketches i did before some inktobers, plus an old concept for a dunmer girl! it was interesting learning how to sketch with ink, i obviously dont have much of a handle on it still lol
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faitomato · 6 years
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............. should i ship Serena and Filgan.....
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tomatoscribbles · 6 years
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skyrim doots! man ive missed these kids
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faitomato · 6 years
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in....... in case anybody was wondering
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faitomato · 7 years
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oc aesthetics 2.0: Filgan Dornmire
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tomatoscribbles · 7 years
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Dawnguard squaaaad (even tho Gelebor isnt part of it usually because Chantry Duties. they still best bruhs tho)
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tomatoscribbles · 7 years
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its about time i formally introduce you… meet Filgan Dornmire! i think ive mentioned him a few times and hes mentioned on Naelin’s profile, but hes her older brother and now a Dawnguard! he completes the DG questline and is bffs with Gelebor
hes also been added to the main cast oc page!
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