askvariance · 1 year
cosmos for octave
cosmos— what's the best compliment you've ever received? who was it from?
(Octave's expression flickers. They seem a little off guard.)
STYX: Who, Octave? Our very own bite-your-head-off goblin? As if they'd ever.
ACEL: Kind of insulting even to imply it.
STYX: Honestly. You come in here and just talk shit right to our mechanic. It's like you don't know them at all.
ACEL: You know, they have to shove those compliments back down your throat by hand.
(Octave manages to keep themself from snorting, covering it instead with a roll of the eyes and a smirk.)
STYX: All the work they put in!
ACEL: No respect for laborers these days.
OCTAVE: You two can give me compliments when you've earned it.
(They both crack up laughing.)
ACEL: Goddamn.
STYX: Is that how it works?
ACEL: Turning it around on 'em. Love it.
(Octave shrugs dismissively, but they seem smug nonetheless at the positive reception.)
OCTAVE: I don't want praise from people who half-ass things. They don't have any idea what should count.
STYX: Hey, we whole-ass things!
ACEL: Three quarters at least.
OCTAVE: I don't need to know the fractions to know you're a pain in mine.
(They both hoot with laughter and whap Octave on the back. They roll their eyes again, but don't threaten them.)
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fmarkets · 7 months
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Solid numbers by at the ACEL during the fourth quarter of 2023 https://csimarket.com/stocks/news.php?code=ACEL&date=2024-02-29153606&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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aemasca · 3 months
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Pixelart of Ivy from Lackadaisy !
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placeboelysium · 15 days
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Girls and girls and girls and
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nonbinoclard · 11 days
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YOU: Think about the PLUR lifestyle. [Pursue thought.]
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rupsttus · 2 months
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frodo-a-gogo · 6 months
One Time
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thegrimreaperisanerd · 10 months
Imagine you're on a comedown, dragging a microphone across a sheet of ice listening to the sounds within and deciding whether they'd be good for music.
You hear two people approaching you and look up. They're militia officers, they're plain clothes militia officers which means they're detectives and have likely been at their jobs for as long as you've been alive.
The bigger one asks if you're cold and offers you his hat, when you say no he proceeds to have a screaming, crying meltdown about it and breaks down in sobs. His partner leads him to the side to have, I don't know, a pep talk and then they return.
The smaller officer then proceeds to *really badly* pretend to be addicted to amphetamines and tries to buy drugs off you. You tell him the drugs (that he used the full chemical name of, like a cop) he's asking after are old-fashioned and he seems perturbed when you tell him the sort of drugs kids take these days.
The bigger one then tells you he might be a homosexual.
The smaller one is wearing a revolutionary pilot's uniform for some reason.
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fawntastic · 3 months
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Miss oranje disco dancer warmup
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ph-cutie · 1 year
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my transparent spinning tpose collection. mon dieu.
harry and kim r here
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cupboardgods · 5 months
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Make some noise for my Insulindian posse!!!!!
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askvariance · 2 years
octave 🎶 (What’s a song they really like?)
OCTAVE: It's been a while since I've listened to music.
STYX: Hey! We sing down here!
ACEL: And you call yourself a union member. No respect for your roots.
OCTAVE: Cram it. And I'm not counting your fucking singalongs.
STYX: You don't like our labor songs? After all we've been through? Di's gonna give you a speech.
ACEL: So much for solidarity forever.
OCTAVE: You fucking clowns had better get your fingers out of my damn question before I chop them into salad.
STYX: You hear this? You hear this noise?
ACEL: I didn't learn to play the banjo for this noise.
OCTAVE: I'll give you to three to pick your funeral songs. You lose a finger on one.
ACEL: Yeah, yeah. We're going.
STYX: I'm shouting you out at the next campfire!
OCTAVE: Try it. I dare you.
OCTAVE: ...Alright. They'd better be fucking gone.
OCTAVE: I found some interesting stuff out in the scrapyard, back in the day. Old music tapes. I managed to get some of them to play. Most of it was just old copies of the censored garbage that was always playing in the facility, but some was definitely not. Must have been from outside.
OCTAVE: I don't know how much of the distortion was originally in the music and how much was just damaged. But there was one set I liked. Some guy who made this stuff with heavy fast drums and electric guitar.
OCTAVE: I never knew their name, obviously. Don't even know what the song was called. Half the point was that I was the only one who had it.
OCTAVE: ...Nickle liked a song called "Cats For Days". It was okay.
OCTAVE: I haven't heard that one in a while.
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kaijukebox · 2 months
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Sapphic Disco Week: Day 3 - F/F Pairing Outfit Swap
I wish I’d picked a more original pair (sorry I’m copying everyone) I just quietly really like these two. Plus they both get to stay cozy with an outfit swap!
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wyrmwright · 7 months
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do you see the vision
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placeboelysium · 2 months
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The most relatable girls
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starstrike · 1 year
I'm obsessed with how Shivers will outright tell you that the anodic music kids will fail. I think this implies that, even if you build up the club, nobody will ever visit it.
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I think this was one of the times in Disco Elysium that I really... got it. After reading this, I decided to tell the kids to scram. They wouldn't succeed anyways. It felt terrible. I reloaded my save; I couldn't stand to do anything else. Just because hope, beauty, or love are temporary, does that make them any less valuable? Just because you know something will be snuffed out doesn't mean you shouldn't try. That hope and love is valuable for its own sake.
At the time, I was going through a severe depressive episode. I was moving out in six months before moving cross country, so why should I bother investing into my environment? I had this old fish tank I'd poured effort into, once. Got some new fancy aquasoil that would be great for my plants, but it needed time sitting underwater. I left it like that for… oh, months. This damaged, empty, sad little thing that I had once loved immensely.
But building that nightclub with those kids made me change my behavior. I got myself a $6 betta fish, shoplifted some plants from petco, and built my tank up again. Even knowing I'd need to break it apart. So what if it ends? So what if the dance club never becomes popular? You build something and dance with your community, even if your dream fails. Even if it ends. There was love there.
And I think that's one of the things Disco Elysium is about. The kids and their nightclub is a microcosm of the knowledge that the pale is enroaching on Insulinde and the rest of the world. There is a literal, tiny, hole in the world inside of that church. The hole is another reminder of entropy, of the End. And all of this takes place in an edifice of a centuries-old regime and a religion of maintaining the status quo. A religion of broken glass and broken promises. But you take those shards and build on top of them, transforming their meaning. You grow, you build, instead of apathetically letting things remain the same. You find hope and beauty and love even though you know it's unsustainable.
Because the 'now' is valuable in itself. And I love that about this game.
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