robustlaser · 6 months
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The universe is ending! The law for the new universe is you can reuse your characters but you have to change their species. Phi, a fairy/didaskaloi hybrid is basically my self insert and what am i not gonna have a self insert for the next one??
Anyways a friend who has a species of bugs who build bodies out of fruits was telling me about some of the unlikely things that are technically fruits and that means this is his fault.
The flower is magically infused so like. Be careful if you smoke it.
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kaijubrainsart · 2 years
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Frux (Commission)- Design commission for @dear-maggotboy, who wanted me to design one of their species! This one is prickly pear and cowboy themed
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chunks-apologist · 2 years
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more frux art, bit of roughed up fellows in here
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sourdeer · 9 months
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Frux but a sCARE bear >:)
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the-haunted-office · 10 months
“So that book can… end anyone?” Frux asked, his normal shaking becoming more subtle as he finally saw a means of revenge. He stared at Doom with hope twinkling in his eyes.
Doomsday grins at the human who picked up her notebook.
"Ehehehe, oh yes, it can. You read the rules, didn't you? All you need to do is write down their name while picturing their face and ding dong, the witch is dead! Well, it'll work even if they aren't a witch, ehehehehe. Go on, give it a try. Write down their name, make a wish, and count to forty," she says, opening up her satchel, taking out a pen, and offering it to him.
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Del cuaderno... (II)
En rigurosa modalidad de «ahorro estricto». Draconiano, de hecho. Y se abre todo un mundo: una especie de vivir «a cámara lenta», semejante al ensimismamiento budista que en estos tiempos ha sido llamado, a efectos de comercialización psicológica, mindfulness.
Toda mi vida he practicado la ética —forzosa— del ahorro; lo que hoy llaman «huella de carbono» ha sido, a lo largo de los años, verdaderamente risible en mi caso, si me comparo con la media de mi entorno. También en materia de gasto «adelanté todas mis cosechas», derrochando tales sumas en parranda y cachondeo —alcohol, psicotrópicos, jarana— que no quedaba apenas para pagar el alquiler y poner los garbanzos en la mesa. ¡Ríete de tener coche, o hacer uso de calefacción o aire acondicionado, o irse de vacaciones! Esas cosas eran impensables palabras mayores.
Los ingleses —se ha dicho siempre— tenemos una inmisericorde vena espartana. El escritor norteamericano Bill Bryson, afincado durante décadas en Inglaterra y autor de varios best-sellers dedicados a los curiosos usos y costumbres de los británicos, decía siempre que el experimento soviético se llevó a cabo en el país equivocado; que no tendría que haberse puesto en práctica en Rusia, sino en el Reino Unido, nación temperamentalmente diseñada para negarse, con terca abnegación, los «pecaminosos» placeres de la vida. Qué razón tenía Bryson, ¡y cuánto no me habré reído yo leyendo sus atinadas páginas, cuajadas de humor perplejo, sobre mis compatriotas!
Mis días parecen haberse ralentizado. La frugalidad extrema engendra un estado de ataraxia cuasi monacal que resulta tremendamente balsámico. Recuerdo una frase de mi amigo Papi (apócope del mote Papapoulos), compañero de colegio y de la infancia (que probablemente repitiera palabras de su madre al emitir, con su característica solemnidad, ese dictum suyo tan querido): «El dinero, bien administrado, da mucho de sí».
A la vida y al tiempo les pasa algo parecido: bien administrados, son de una insospechada —y enormemente terapéutica— fertilidad. Es el gozo, inextinguible, de la lentitud provechosa.
He vuelto a oír cantar, brevemente, al mirlo; en las inmediaciones de la facultad de medicina de la Autónoma (en los terrenos cubiertos de árboles y maleza asilvestrada del campus universitario). Ha sido una pequeña gran alegría, que por un instante ha llenado de júbilo mi paseo de esta tarde por el parque Norte y sus alrededores. Aunque no ha durado mucho el canto; estaba el mirlo en cuestión nervioso, agitándose invisible en la rala y desangelada copa de un plátano, en la distancia; y se ha callado en seguida, tras unos cuantos gorjeos tentativos e inquietos.
Pero no sé cuántos meses hacía que no se oían esos gorjeos; se hubiera dicho que siglos. Me he quedado parado en la verja que rodea el campus, dejándome acariciar por un fugaz rayo de sol mientras miraba un par de colirrojos que revoloteaban de rama en rama en la espesura.
Sumar instantes felices: tarea del mestiere di poeta.
Escribir apoyándose uno en el regazo: así lo hacía mi abuela materna. Así lo hacen las sufridas y entrañables figuras estelares femeninas en las novelas del XIX que tanto amo.
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444names · 2 years
french names (from wikibooks)
Aliche Alis Amanck Ande Andrett Apralles Archente Archerron Archeur Armette Arnert Auble Augeault Augo Augénient Aurie Auve Auvillinette Auvine Avreau Aïdais Babeault Badin Bado Badone Bailiannie Bant Bapin Bard Bardurt Barines Bart Bean-Fre Beant Bellette Belline Bellon Bene Benierry Berchelle Bere Besnoien Bill Blue Bodette Bodistain Boisset Bomenée Bommé Bondre Bonique Bonne Bons Borcotte Borenamp Boude Boulachay Boupin Bour Bouris Boutz Boux Bovalonfaël Brac Brane Branette Brayet Bret Brudet Buquin Buro Béanite Béathinaucy Cadin Cadine Cairmot Calle Capdeaux Capie Card Cardue Carpin Cart Castronieres Cavette Cazabe Cedin Cezie Chair Chal Chamon Chamour Chand Chatoite Chaux Chaw Chaëllade Chie Chonne Chuste Claillene Clarte Clon Colloquelle Comais Comard Comme Commermillis Cord Cort Couche Coucioles Couineauto Counget Cour Couse Covean Covelle Crossearthir Crowdreaux Cussettie Dagnonne Dambersène Damoirardeau Dan-Pier Dance Dand Davaroux Debuquine DeClachette Declan Dejeu Delaïs Delin Deliouisse Demb Deme Denaronne Denc Derichard Derson Dese Desie Dessel Dest Destenne Devain Devale Devallee Devarrieres Dordin Douarapong Douinver Douist Dubau Dubaurboil Dubrange Dubuce Duche Dugeer Dugette Duhenrinette Duheux Dulk Dumble Dupeyne Dupiergo Dupley Dupreme Durandry Durd Dérion Elaroi Eliervainey Erne Este Estient Evaii Eyriere Fabossett Faildette Fancarcheur Fant Favarger Favierlin Favrionaber Fireanuette Flaine Flott Floute Ford Forelexant Fres Frux Fuquart Fusette Fustiamblant Gachert Gais Gard Gerrebel Gette Girahau Girochagnau Gisse Gisser Gouge Gouger Gouka Gour Groite Grothis Guette Guil Guillipher Guilme Guin Guisel Haine Hamonvildeau Harin Hent Hiliernau Hillet Hubrine Hugueterez Hure Huyeure Héodin Isierte Isis Ismuiselampy Jangettelle Jeau Jeaude Jeaudre Jeault Jest Jobe Joffooffaye Joliastain Jolse Jonnicost Jossettean Joste Joyne Jucion Jucloitols Julac Jult LaBeaulin Labic Labos Labraix Labrien LaBruchaw Lace LaChairry Lacieroupre LaCord LaCorgers LaDucrefrein LaFlane LaForabeau Lagatte LaHacne Laherguetté Lamellya Lammesro Land Lant Lanton LaPlond LaRocane Late Latin Laude Laudiere Lavin Lawte Lebot LeDartierge Lefe Lefer LeFors Lefoule Lehoand Lemance Lemourd Lepy Lere LeSury Loirienaux Lont Lontin Lorgay Lorgo Loule Lout Luchand Lucur Lyot Légérisser Mabe Macil Madinece Madur Magnette Magnevilley Mailier Maiste Malle Maravillette Mard Mardels Mardinet Marginaux Marry Mart Marégoison Mashee Matragerge Maxen Maximée Mecett Mica Mignete Mine Mirassabry Mireandrée Molladelle Molle Moran Morine Mouce Moujacolène Muille Mylvalon Nasurger Naze Nazier Newchladin Nichau Octeauvide Orlee Ouetteau Over Pare Parosse Pathoise Paufarégard Pere Pergette Perierophnée Pernalcaline Pert Petier Phin Pichar Picharrisont Pichou Plan Plansont Plar Pochesne Pois Pomblan Pophourdont Pore Pormarmi Pranichot Prave Preaux Presne Prin Proin Prose Prout Proy Racard Reillaux Renchent Renri Rent Reynac Riondridry Rivrierre Rochel Roge Role Rosierrestin Ross Rost Roud Rouiserne Roult Rour Routot Rouzonsettee Ruen Ruet Sablode Sairmiendel Sallettearne Saux Sava Scherto Schy Sechel Sent Simé Steaudon Sureau Surien Surnie Tarmey Tesrostourc Thexillard Tieu Toffe Tour Tourte Tousse Toyerrenau Trophiance Trux Tultien Usellier Valouree Vane Vanienard Veillaissee Vereauvin Vergerd Veriasier Verieux Vershort Vicéalcon Viopere Wille Yancard Éléniaque Élénin Émidier
same thing but greater order
Abadine Agrosia Agrospelle Alin Allair Ameder Amyotte Anat Angelissault Annedin Annet Anse Antois Arelle Arle Arme Arpine Arsene Ashfore Aubre Aucot Aude Auras Auron Aurorel Auvine Auzeillesse Bade Ballot Baran Bard Barie Barrives Barte Bazer Bazier Beaucheu Beaux Bechy Bedardine Belain Belier Beline Bellegree Bellette Belly Beloque Beray Berchesnie Bernaderion Bernoy Berrebelle Bert Besse Bevant Biensbourte Bigo Bille Bine Bissar Blandeau Blanson Blanvilles Blon Boucette Bougeon Bouilladis Boulouturine Bour Boure Bourvil Bouthiau Boyselle Bras Breau Bregre Breoux Brigues Brillevienne Bristeriot Brodie Brost Brulett Brune Burette Burgoine Béatre Béthuriot Caillone Calle Calmatendray Campiot Caoulx Carbon Carolice Carreaules Cassier Cedotte Celette Cerien Cerisson Chac Chafiton Chagnac Chaies Chalie Chambert Champeau Champs Chapiens Chapier Chard Charensoneau Charlin Charr Chavantin Chemier Chenaudel Cheneaux Chosseigne Chossette Chreaudin Chrise Clain Clainguet Clairmille Clais Clotta Clouais Cloux Colombard Colomé Compte Constard Corais Cord Cordion Coriam Coteau Cotte Couille Courg Couteaux Covenu Covere Crotte Cyrillandure Célis Dageon Danier Danson Dauphier Debard Debor DeCuire DeFordeau Degre DeJarbonne Delahaies Delant Deleand Delise Delochers Demet Demone DeMonifay Deron Derone DeRoss DeRosse Desline Desse Devalle Dorair Doraise Dorot Dostin Dron Drougeroux Dubault Dubut Dukes Dulaineaud Dumanueleaux Duples Duquet Durette Dutin Edelois Emon Enger Entre Etier Eulac Exnick Fabrier Fabrumes Facter Falcours Falgousque Fauche Ferre Flavassette Font Foucheaudice Foucheux Frand Frecier Fremblant Freouffe Gabrin Gagnat Gaillianne Galliphaël Gaudion Gautinell Gazaire Gazard Geneault Geneaux Gener Ghislin Gibeaux Giguerry Giroix Gladier Glanoux Glaunie Gobert Gouberge Goutee Grantin Gravoy Grisson Grum Guchamble Guche Guere Guil Guillier Gustellvil Havid Hebelle Hell Heron Honorenard Hugust Humber Hyppolige Hyppontagnac Jacque Jacquette Jalle Jamie Jaquin Jard Jean-Claud Jean-Sébast Jeanier Jeanson Jette Julhiot Justel LaBord LaChappe LaChard LaCrot LaFartoineau Lafeves LaGrosse Laichaneau Lalard Lamon Lamorent Land Lange Langlair Lanos LaPerice LaPerry Lapointenoye Laret Laurigner Lease Leave LeBerzas Lecluet LeFranier LeMothé LeMotte Lerolette Leron Lerouilmet Letart Levelle Lilier Linvillot Longue Louais Louilbeau Louin Louinteau Luard Lupin Lusselle Léophe Madotte Magassette Maillond Maloisle Marais Marcot Margoile Margoon Margue Mathier Maurine Mauron Mayer Mazine Melante Menaulniell Mesesnel Mest Metite Migo Millot Minas Minvillot Mishaw Mois Moisle Monce Monde Monne-Sophe Monte Mornhine Myrianne Nazardin Neaux Negros Nicéphan Nomdedeaux Oftenaillee Ogie Oliveau Ollien Ombe Oncal Ouel Ozelette Paque Parfaitreux Pascardin Patnoderive Pecou Pecourt Peray Perive Perree Perry Pette Philianette Pier Pine Plattoon Pochot Pomine Prejean-René Prierry Primeault Prudel Quitte Racide Rafatenarde Reaseur Reason Renoisan Rent Reppolivier Reyne Riopellette Ritchoff Rivier Robarre Robideau Robitaine Rodrier Romandreau Romas Rosse Rouin Roulette Roussaine Roustaramin Salle Salot Sant Saraillon Sartois Sauneau Sejoin Servat Servey Shazo Simanuelin Simarron Simont Simott Sinaudreault Steph Sublettiers Suzat Séraphile Talbec Tard Tayacideau Telle Tetron Theray Therrier Thivier Timorence Tiphane Tiphaël Tond Tour Tregree Trospelleau Trudet Turcharbe Vall Valles-Andry Verdiou Verre Victot Vigne Villiere Vivieillard Withot Withoux Yountain Yvonnice Élizanne
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bishishound98 · 8 months
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Frux finally breaks the barrier of fear he had towards you… And finally tries to make you his friend…
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lumiheartart · 1 year
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Frux for Sourdeer
Really cool design I wish I had more time to do properly. Had lots of fun with this one ^^
Their character's page: Art Fight - Character : Frux
The artist's profile: Art Fight - Sourdeer's Profile
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faitomato · 6 years
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in....... in case anybody was wondering
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tomatoscribbles · 7 years
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some doots from recently
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red-coone · 7 years
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I messed up sides of their hair colour on the last two sketches. ;-; But anyway, those are my OCs; From the first to last: Spero Letum Novissime (he’s shapeshifter), Vesania Frux Sortis (two different versions of attire, only ‘cuz I wanted to see her in yellow) and Luctus Igitur Sortis (Vesania’s twin brother). They all belong to me, they even have their own story, but I’m too lazy to write it down.
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otelurunleri · 4 years
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Fruxe Ürünlerimiz
Toptan ve perakende satışlarımız için sitemizi ziyaret ediniz. Fiyat bilgi için lütfen bizimle sitemizden iletişime geçiniz.
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chunks-apologist · 2 years
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The Frux/Fruxians are a race of sapient insects that have life cycles similar to Fig Wasps. The majority of their lives are spent as grubs living within a fruit, which they build a body out of (full of pseudo bones and organs that are made of mostly just plant matter and organic material made by the Frux).
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They can inhabit anything that constitutes as a fruit, even highly acidic or toxic fruits- literally anything that is technically a fruit (you'd be surprised what counts)
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blueninjadino · 4 years
HOAN Report Log 2
Here’s the speculative biology report that is mentioned in one of @starr-fall-knight-rise ‘s recent stories on the beloved alien-snake-thing named Jeffery.
HOAN Report: Log 2
Greetings Admiral Vir,
We were delighted to study Specimen 1-462, or as you know him, Jeffery (which is a lovely name I might add), and attached is a rough and unpublished report on our findings. Since this report will likely remain unpublished for some time, we have included explanations of terms and procedures for members of your crew who are not familiar with the jargon of xenobiology. Due to the fact that you obtained this specimen by technically breaking protocol, we were not able to travel to Jeffery’s planet-of-origin as doing so would require us to entail our motives, which are to help you learn about the organism you illegally obtained. However, we were able to obtain the data collected by the research team you accompanied to the planet-of-origin. I would also like to add that the aforementioned research team was hesitant to share their data with our human research team, so I feel you owe our team the story behind how exactly you obtained Jeffery. Since our information only consists of the observations on one specimen and the general data report on the planet-of-origin, the contents of our report may lack information or be inaccurate. I assure you however that we tried our best on collecting as much and as accurate information as possible. Hopefully in the future our team can get clearance to travel to the planet-of-origin or to obtain more specimens of Jeffery’s species and can provide you with a more comprehensive report.
Head Researcher,
Dr. A. H. Torrada
Analysis and Classification of New Species: Fruxiserpere jeffereyi
Like other xenobiology organizations whose emphasis is not on phylogeny, The Human Organisation of Alien Sciences (HOAN) uses a trinomial name system of planet-class-species. However, the planet segment of the name is more of a formality and used for compilation, so like most scientific reports only the class-species component will be used throughout the paper. DuaniaR3 Fruxiserpere jeffereyi originates from planet Duania Ridge 3. Since other animal-class organisms on Duania Ridge 3 have yet to be named, F. jeffereyi is the only member of its class, Fruxiserpere. The class name is derived from the Latin words frux and serpere and translates to fruit snake, and this was chosen due to the frugivore lifestyle and snake-like appearance. The species name jeffereyi was chosen to pay homage to the specimen studied, who was named Jeffery, and to a salamander species discovered by a researcher who a member of our team looks up to. F. jeffereyi has been given the common name dracoltl as a combination of ‘dragon’ and ‘axolotl’ due to its axolotl-like frills and the research staff calling specimen 1-462 ‘little dragon’.
Terrene-based classifications
HOAN’s philosophy is to research alien species and compile the information in a format that is familiar to and understandable by Earth-based scientists and humans, and the classification of non-sentient organisms follows that philosophy.  
F. jefferyi is ectothermic, but is skilled enough at controlling its internal temperature to be considered a homeotherm. If F. jeffereyi was an Earth organism, it's phylogeny would proceed as follows: Animalia, Chordata, Reptilia, Squamata, Colubridae, Fruxiserpere, jeffereyi. It is a frugivore and most likely a prey species, however more research on Duana Ridge 3's ecology is needed to confirm. They also likely inhabit temperate forests.
Sensory systems
F. jefferyi relies on chemoreception rather than other senses. The interior of each mouth lobe contains chemoreceptive filaments that are receptive to particles in the air as well as soilds (i.e. fruit). However these filaments are only effective at sensing what is in front of F. jefferyi. The base of these filaments also secrete digestive enzymes The frills on the of the head are similar in appearance to Ambystoma mexicanum’s (axolotl) gills, although they are used for chemoreception rather than respiration. At the end of the frill’s tendrils there are chemoreceptors that appear to be more powerful than a human’s. On the interior of the frills are small openings surrounded by tendrils without chemoreceptors. These tendrils occasionally move to touch the small openings. The small openings and receptor-less tendrils appear to be analogous to Jackobson’s organs and tongues in Earth snakes. 
F. jefferyi has a singular, large eye in-between two mouth lobes. The eye contains five types of cones and can see wavelengths between 10-780 nm. The eye contains a small amount of rods compared to cones and therefore has poor night vision. 
Along then back of the neck, F. jefferyi possesses a single row of sensitive spines. The spines are very receptive to tactile stimuli and can even detect small air currents. The spines are also hard and likely help to protect against predation.
In front of each of the breathing is an external ear drum. Further testing is needed to determine F. jefferyi's hearing range, but it appears to be smaller than humans'.
There are two breathing holes covered by scales on each side of the neck. The atmospheric composition of Duania Ridge 3 is similar to Earth except that there is more atmospheric oxygen than nitrogen. F. jefferyi converts glucose and oxygen into useable energy using aerobic respiration, similar to Earth species. However, F. jefferyi is incapable of performing anaerobic respiration, and is therefore much more susceptible to asphyxiation.
F. jefferyi is a frugivore and will eat all types of fruit indiscriminately. They are even able and willing to consume Earth fruit including Ananas comosus (pineapple). 
Specimen 1-462 behaves friendly and has been non-discriminate towards who the friendly behavior is directed at. 1-462 has even developed a bond with a Canis lupus familiaris (domestic dog). However, 1-462 was hostile towards a lab technician without provocation, and the reasoning behind the hostility is currently unknown. Due to this friendly behavior it is speculated that Fruxiserpere jeffereyi is a social species or may form symbiotic relationships with other species, however more research is needed. 
When threatened, F. jeffereyi opens its mouth, flattens its frills against its body, and produces a hissing noise. The mouth-opening and and hissing is a common threat display observed in many other species, however the flattening of the frills seems counterintuitive. Displaying the frills would be a good method to threaten opponents by appearing larger, but we speculate that the frills are sensitive and fragile and are protected by flattening against the body. The lab technician who 1-462 behaved hostile towards was bitten. Nearby staff struggled to get 1-462 off the technician. 1-462’s teeth caused minor piercing damage and the digestive enzymes in the mouth caused skin irritation. If F. jeffereyi releases more digestive enzymes while biting, which it is capable of doing, then it could lead to chemical burns.
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sunghoonied · 4 years
tagged by @sunghoons-violet
list 13 songs you've listened to the most lately :
1. The love - Hoppipolla
2. Never let you go - Alexa
3. Homerun - The stumps
4. Final Boss III - Thaehan
5. Polaris - Dreamcatcher
6. Eric Colson - Totorro
7. Rumor - PD48
8. I Can't Take It Back - SEA, yaeow
9. Ayayaya - IZ*ONE
10. Kazino - Bibi
11. other woman - serin oh
12. empty crown - YAS
13. You're my favorite color - Frux
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