#final boss spoilers
odd-critter · 1 year
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I love them all indescribable amounts i think?
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switch347 · 2 months
So... about Princess Peach: Showtime's Finale... (Major Spoilers)
Just got back from finishing Princess Peach: Showtime not too long ago. I say this as someone who knows this isn't the first time Peach had to go on her own adventure; with said adventure being about her actually having to rescue Mario from Bowser, but...
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Are we sure this is the same Princess Peach that Mario has to rescue from Bowser?! 'Cuz in final boss, (Super) Radiant Peach was just...: "*pew* Wow! Incredible!"
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timetodiverge · 3 months
The Bad Batch Season 3 Episode 4 summary:
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Memes: The Bad Batch | Ahsoka
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crescentfool · 4 months
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judgement day 🌕
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a2zillustration · 1 month
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[[ All Croissant Adventures (chronological, desktop) ]]
[[ All Croissant Adventures (app) ]]
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xcrust · 4 months
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{His Regret}
Alastor X Reader
Important note!!
There is spoilers to the latest episode!!
also another note to have is that this is a little drabble with heavy angst. Like I may not be the best writer when it comes to emotions but trust on this.
This doesn't apply to my main story
at this point alastor just escaped adam so he doesn’t know that lucifer fought him.
Anyways To the Story!!
The rubble danced from the fight that was playing out. Well maybe it is more present tense. Hundreds dying for the sake of redemption? So beautiful but not if this is putting me back
“My power is fucking reduced to nothing, this just will not do”
The acrid stench of burning debris hangs thick in the air, assaulting the senses with a noxious cocktail of smoke, charred structures, and the metallic tang of spent ammunition. The once-vibrant cityscape now lies in ruins, the hotel reduced to skeletal frames adorned with tattered remnants of what were once homes and businesses.
Alastor strode through the corridors of his lair, What once was the powerhouse of his mayhem just dirt and disgust. A predatory smile that once adorned his face had transformed into a snarl of frustration.
His mind, a sanctuary of sadistic amusement, now simmered with a tempest of indignation. The audacity of this Adam, had struck a chord deep. If it weren't for this deal then he wouldnt of had to retreat from that poor excuse of a man. How could someone nearly unravel the intricacies of his power? It was an affront to his very essence, a challenge that gnawed at the edges of his sanity.
In his chamber, Alastor paced with a fevered intensity. His crimson eyes, usually filled with mirthful malice, now harbored a storm of malevolence. He replayed the confrontation in his mind, dissecting every move, every smirk, and every flicker of defiance that emanated from Adam.
"The nerve of that wretched creature," Alastor hissed to the shadows that clung to the corners of his lair.
His fingers drummed against the armrest of his grandiose throne, a rhythmic manifestation of the disarray within. The very thought of being challenged, of being outsmarted, clawed at the fragile veil of his composed madness.
The intruder slipped through the shattered remnants of buildings and overturned vehicles. The ground beneath their feet crunched softly with each step, the echoes a mere whisper against the eerie stillness of the war-torn ruins.
In an instant, Alastor closed the distance, pinning the intruder against the cold stone wall with a speed that defied the laws of the mundane. His hand wrapped around their throat, a deadly smile etched across his face.
He looked up and saw you. You, the one he's known the longest from the underground. The one he brought to become as powerful as you were. "Who would have thought it would come to this? Fate has a peculiar way of orchestrating its grand finale."
You, not only were the shackles that he was under but one that you held him in. He grew soft. Weak. You. Just an inconvenience. To get back his power. You needed to be gone.
The fear spread across your face met Alastor's gaze with a mix of confusion and dread. The demonic smile on the Radio Demon's face seemed to deepen as he traced a finger along the edge of your face.
"He almost had me," Alastor muttered, the words tasting bitter on his tongue. The realization, the admission of vulnerability, hung heavily in the air. It was an unfamiliar sensation, an unwelcome intrusion into the sanctum of his pride.
A mirror stood nearby, a relic that once reflected the sheer delight he took in others' suffering. Now, he stared into it, searching for the elusive answers to his newfound discontent. The image that met his gaze was one of a demon on the brink, grappling with an unsettling truth—he was not invincible.
"Ah, the memories we've shared," Alastor continued, almost wistfully. "You, stumbling into my narrative like a lamb to the slaughter. Do you remember all the hell we raised together?"
As Alastor spoke, he seemed to drift into a reverie, his mind retracing the twisted paths of their interactions. The reader, still struggling against their restraints, watched with a sense of surreal horror as the demon reminisced about the moments leading to this ominous juncture.
Laughter started to echo the room. Grainy insane laughter. “Great Alastor died for his friends?” he choked out.
“Alastor? What are talking about” you try to push out. All you got was him glimpsing at you with pure disdain.
“I work best when unencumbered by the weight of sentimentality." Alastor's fingers tapped a rhythmic beat on the wall behind your neck, the subtle cadence underscoring his words.
"Baggage," he scoffed, the disdain evident in his voice.
In a moment the body of his oldest friend was on the floor.
"Do you not sense it, my dear reader? The freedom that comes with unburdened malevolence," he mused, circling you laid out on the ground.
"To be truly free, one must shed the baggage of morality, of attachments, of all that ties the soul to the mundane," Alastor whispered, his voice shaking with mania, a haunting melody that lingered in the air.
The laughter that usually echoed through the corridors was replaced by a guttural growl. Alastor's shoulders tensed as he unleashed a surge of dark energy, shattering nearby objects scattered across the room. Well at least the ones that still held up.
"Adam," he seethed, the name a curse on his lips. "You will regret toying with me."
Dark energy crackled around Alastor, a volatile aura that mirrored the storm within. His manic laughter echoed off the walls, bouncing like malevolent whispers in the confined space.
"I will not allow it!" Alastor roared, the once-charming smile contorting into a snarl of madness. "My power is mine alone to wield, to savor, and no interloper, no matter how curious or audacious, shall stand in the way!"
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sinlizards · 1 year
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[ID: A digital painting of Kaname Date from AI: The Somnium Files. He is drawn from the chest up at a side view. Boss’ arm extends downwards from the upper left corner of the canvas to cradle Date’s chin. Blood drips down from his eye, onto her hand and then down to the bottom of the canvas. The background is separated into two sections by Date and Boss’ arm; the left side is a cream color while the right side is black. They both have a red synapse pattern with the right side’s being a bolder shade than the left’s. End ID]
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balleater · 11 months
you know what i don't think enough people are talking about bi king chetney pock o'pea full on propositioning ashton this episode. absolutely iconic behavior.
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hyakunana · 8 months
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"Son, please— we're having a moment here."
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phantomrose96 · 10 months
wow I love finishing games at an extremely reasonable hour
>3:27am >filled with regret >but also get fucked Louie
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ohprcr · 1 year
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[octopath traveler 2 spoilers]
if the gods are ever so merciful, then why did they take everything from me?
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silvadour · 10 months
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asskylosaurus · 1 year
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I finished pasta power man, it's really good. I like the bosses a lot.
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thehappiestgolucky · 3 months
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Side Order doodles the fact I've not managed more is entirely because I'm too busy playing it (grindy games my beloved)
Shove Agent 4 in situations or SO HELP ME
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frostninja007 · 1 year
The new Helluva Boss episode was amazing!!!!!!!!
They gave me her 🤩🤩🤩
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No wonder I got 'Die Young' vibes. A wonderful call out to Vivziepop's Animated Video of Die Young
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sophfandoms53 · 1 year
Nothing else matters except seeing Loona starting to embrace Blitz as a her dad🥹
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