#final thoughts: while i grew to love apollo and klavier quickly it was a little hard to adjust to the game
jesterwaves · 1 year
i finished apollo justice. i understand now
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moonchopsticks-old · 4 years
just finished aa4 and really liked it! quick thoughts:
-apollo has quickly become one of my favorite characters in aa! he really struck that sweet spot between admirable and endearing for me--a hardworking, quick-thinking young man, who grew up as an orphan and clawed his way up to success and a new family in the wrights, and who’s also unrelentingly snarky, can’t whisper for his life, is terrified of heights, and cries over people that he hardly knows. what a dork, i love him. i think they leaned a little heavily on the ‘greenhorn’ aspect of his personality-- quite a few moments where there were things i had figured out but wasn’t allowed to do anything with until another character jumped in and was like “apollo u sweet summer child THIS is the answer”. also i spoiled myself a little and i know that the next two games have “traumatize apollo” as a running theme so a little apprehensive and hoping they at least develop his character well or smth
-mixed feelings about the ‘perceive’ mechanic bc narratively it’s cool as hell but  it was frustrating to crawl through the text looking around for a very slight change in the zoomed-in sprite, especially if it wasn’t clear what they’re fibbing about which is very often. had to use a guide on those parts pretty often. also it’s just like “hey you were twitching! you’re obviously hiding something!” “oh gee you caught me i’ll spill the beans” like i feel like it could’ve been a little more subtle or gradual, idk.
- love apollo and trucy’s relationship so much!! their banter is so cute and funny and they pull off the straight man/funny man routine really well. ik nick and maya have a similar thing but the vibes were just different, for some reason. they had very strong sibling vibes (even before the reveal), which i loved. them being half-siblings was pretty contrived (like a lot of things in this game and this series lmao) but i dont really mind too much
-on a related note, why can’t they know that they’re siblings. when’s the “right time” to tell them. why can’t they just reunite with their mother who has her memories back and loves them. phoenix wh
-on another related note i can understand how jaded and disillusioned phoenix got after he got disbarred but i honestly didn’t like the whole “mysterious cryptic mentor playing 4d chess” schtick that the game pulled. it feels ooc, especially considering you briefly play as present-day him in the final case and his internal monologue doesn’t seem too different from original trilogy phoenix, or at least the phoenix you see before disbarment in the final case (although i was rly invested in finishing up the case and wasn’t paying that much attention to phoenix’s characterization specifically, so i might’ve missed stuff). phoenix’s arc of growth was great and complete in t&t and it feels like they just...gave him a whole new personality. also phoenix goes back to being a lawyer in the next two games...does he just revert back to being regular ol phoenix? idk, maybe i’m missing some stuff right after my first playthrough but it just felt weird.
-plot was really convoluted and contrived even for ace attorney (havent played aa5 or 6 yet, so idk if it gets worse). lamiroir just happened to be apollo and trucy’s mom, if zak had just been frank with phoenix and given the original diary page to him OR valant hadn’t tampered with the crime scene this whole thing could’ve been avoided. why did zak want to take down phoenix in poker to the extent of planting cards on him to make it look like he cheated when phoenix was the one who defended him in court and he’s the one taking care of his daughter??
-way too many flashbacks to things that happened 5 real life minutes ago
-g u i t a r ‘ s  s e r e n a d e
-kind of wish they had done more with trucy. i liked her but i feel like there was potential, especially since the game implies that she’s putting on a brave front for apollo, and i wish they had expanded on that a little more. like....her birth father who had been presumed dead for years ends up being alive right up until mere months before the reveal. she’s the one that ends up delivering the forged evidence into phoenix’s hands as a child, even though she was completely unaware of it at the time. she and phoenix latch onto each other pretty quickly, which was very cute, but we get little insight to how she thinks of her biological father, who we can tell she loved and misses but not much else. maybe i’m just digging for angst, idk, but it still felt like there could’ve been more. (also i really wanted more phoenix-being-a-dad content!! be a dad to ur daughter sir!!)
-klavier was pretty good! it was refreshing to have a prosecutor that wasn’t after ‘perfection’ or had a vendetta against defense attorneys/the protag, but he still managed to come off as a competent opponent. his whole rockstar persona was very cheesy but i liked it lol. (also really hilarious to me that the third case starts with him giving discounted tickets to trucy and apollo, his opponents in actual legal court) also i knew people shipped him and apollo but i wasn’t expected the game to be so forthright with it. like how else are you supposed to interpret klavier saying “i’m used to being inspected by the ladies but this is the first time ive felt like this with a man”????
-ema skye!!! loved her and glad to see her in a spotlight role but it was just kind of sad seeing her perpetually grumpy. ik people didn’t like that there were so many forensic touchpad/mic minigames but i didn’t really mind it, they were kinda fun if sometimes a little tedious
-i for sure thought that valant had been directly involved with the murder in turnabout serenade (my initial theory was that valant was masquerading as daryan during set 3 while daryan shot letouse, which was why 2nd guitar was off during the recording). also i hated daryan’s hair, why does he have a military grade skunk torpedo on his head,
-wright anything agency adopt vera challenge
-this has already gone on long enough so tl;dr solid 7.5/10 would play again once i forget what happens a little bit
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||Name: Simon Blackquill
Is this your first time using our service? No
Do you have a photo or DNA of the preferred “father” of your child? Yes
Write it here: lock of blond hair
Father ID: Klavier Gavin
Will the father be present? No
No. of children desired? 2
On a scale of one to ten how long would you prefer your contractions? 2
On a scale on one to ten how long would you prefer your labor? Write several scales if more than one child. 2 / 1
Would you like assistance during delivery? No
Would you like to customise your delivery? If so, circle what you want to experience.
Pain / pleasure / joy / peace / add your own excitement
Would you like to keep the child after the birth? Yes
Please submit your form in our submission box, and we will get to you as soon as we can. ||
  Saturday, 14 June 2031
Two and a half years had passed since he had his beautiful Metis and his life felt worth living again. Somehow everything had gotten better, and he had managed to get his life back on track, even made friends with several of his colleagues.
Especially with Klavier he had gotten closer and the man was always happy to help him look after his beautiful darling. Not that they were dating, the blond was still far too much hung up on Apollo, but they were good friends at this point.
And two years after his first pregnancy Simon had decided that he didn’t want Metis to grow up as an only child. He never had planned to only have one child after all, but it didn’t seem right to use Fulbright again for this. So, he had asked Klavier if it would be alright with him when he would use his picture for his next children.
The man had agreed and also had been willing to go to the facility with him, but this still was something Simon wanted to do on his own.
And so, he stood here again in a comfy sweater and sweatpants. His daughter was with Aura until tomorrow and he had again told everybody, except Klavier and his sister, he would go on vacation with his little one for the next month. He just didn’t want to be disturbed during his first time with the kids.
He entered the facility and went straight to the reception to hand in his form and Klav’s hair. A nurse came and led him to the plain white room.
“I understand you have done this before?” the nurse asked, and Simon nodded peacefully.
The nurse then smiled and told him: “I’m glad you were happy with our services. I’ll leave you to it then. Or do you have any questions?”
“Actually, will the loading take longer with twins? I had the impression my first one took quite some time so I wonder if it will take even longer with two”, Simon confessed and scratched the back of his neck.
The man understandingly nodded and told him: “It is different with every baby and patient we have. Especially with multiples the loading time is hard to predict. To give you more insight in your children’s growth you have a t-shirt with a loading bar for each child. So, you will see how fast both of them grow. Does this answer your question?”
Simon nodded and thanked the nurse, who then disappeared. Determined he walked over to the table and looked at the shirt. The first one had been blue. This was pastel green with two loading bars on it. Clever. Different colours for different multiples.
Quickly he removed his sweater and pulled the t-shirt over. Next, he took the pill and was hit with a wave of euphoria.
Instantly he threw himself on the chair and looked down to this already swelling stomach.
11%, 19%, 26%
13%, 26%, 31%
Well, apparently baby one didn’t want to be as fast as baby two and still Simon almost had the feeling as if he was already filled out with these two even though he hadn’t even reached the half point.
Carefully he laid his hand on his belly and hummed something as his abdomen grew under it.
35%, 41%, 49%
46%, 54%, 67%
He giggled as two on the left wiggled and mumbled to them to be more patient and then quietly cheered on one on his right.
53%, 58%, 61%...
72%, 84%, 92%
Simon’s stomach was huge and the bump he had had with Metis felt laughably small in comparison. Almost he worried how he would be able to stand up again but fixated then on the slow growth of baby one. It didn’t stand still it just had slowed down visibly and for a moment Simon felt a wave of exhaustion run through him.
63%... 64%... 65%...
95%, 97% - Ding!
Baby two was apparently ready as the second bar started to flash, and Simon calmingly tapped the littler one’s side. Then he continued talking with baby one and told them about their great home and awesome older sister. Slowly their bar took up pace and Simon could not stop himself from thinking that this one might have gotten Klavier’s sense for drama.
73%, 81%, 89%
“There we go. You’re doing great, love”, Simon praised and petted his huge stomach with a wide smile.
94%, 96%, 99% - Ding!
A light went off and the male nurse from before came in to help him change out of his clothes and into the gown. He looked at his big stomach, while doing so and then shot a glance to Simon.
Exhausted he gave him a smirk back and asked if he could be supported while walking as he was not sure how well he could keep his balance at this point. The nurse did as he asked and then led him to the delivery wing.
He looked around and drew circles over his stomach. The gown lay uncomfortably close on his huge bump and even the cloth on his chest felt a bit too tight as his chest had grown a bit as well, due to the milk in it. Yet he still looked around in the halls and got glimpses into different wards with different patients, few of them he actually recognized. Silently he looked down to his babies and thought of all the birthdays they would share with other children. Hopefully they wouldn’t mind that too much.
Finally, they got to an empty ward and his nurse clipped on his wristband and was already about to go, as Simon stopped him and asked shyly: “I know I asked for no assistance, but I didn’t participate how big I’d get and – could you just help me into the tub?”
The man swallowed down a laugh and rushed to help Simon into the bathtub. With a wave the man was gone and immediately the contractions set in.
Simon cursed and pressed his hands again his filled stomach. The bump hardened steadily in shorter periods and he started sweating and panting more and more.
The pain was stronger and more way more vicious than last time and several moments he felt like the couldn’t properly breath anymore, until suddenly all rapidly eased and baby two started pressing down the birth canal. Again, his water hadn’t broken but he did not care much as two harshly forced themselves down.
“Ahh.. ahh… hhhh… dear”, he mumbled and glanced to the countdown on his wrist which had switched to the labouring time. Two hours baby two would take. With such an impatient baby that might hurt quite a bit, Simon thought and pushed with a loud huff.
It didn’t take long until two had made its way down, but as they crowned Simon had difficulties to push them further and had to start shaking his hips to get things moving a bit. After a seemingly endless procedure, which actually wasn’t as long as Simon believed it to be, they finally came out and Simon fished out his baby and cleared their face.
This one cried and blinked with soft, grey eyes into the world’s light. Admiringly, Simon laid the baby on his chest, patted their back and started pressing his legs against the bathtub’s sides. Baby one needed to get out as well and somehow Simon had the feeling that they needed more motivation than their sibling.
And he was right. It took them more than half an hour to get into the birth canal. But as he finally was in there Simon did not need to do a lot to get them out. Only several pushes later and his second one was out as well, and he gently cleaned them. They had the same eyes and also few black hairs on their head. Maternal twins then. Both boys, and big boys to say the least.
Tiredly he huffed and sat up a bit. Two, who had ironically come first, whined and intuitively Simon held him to his breast, and he started drinking.
Simon laughed and gently drew circles over one’s leg. He looked at him and quietly whispered: “Your brother is a true go-getter. A Katsu I believe. That’s fitting for him, isn’t it?”
He blinked and whined somewhat approvingly, and Simon put him on his other chest. Hesitantly he started drinking and Simon heard the door open.
Without gifting the entering person any attention, he mumbled to his other son: “And you’re my Jun. My big, shy Jun.”
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andyfrills · 8 years
Andy’s FanFic Log 21/03/2017
I’ve been a bit out of it this week, so it was a bit of a mission to get up to a consistent number for this log. And I’ve also been replaying some Ace Attorney games (5 & 6 - 6 being my fave), so that’s taken some time off of reading. But I somehow managed it!
Fic count: 23 Fandoms this Log: Voltron, Nancy Drew, Ace Attorney, Yuri!!! on Ice
※ I end up reading a lot of random shit. Until I’m a bit more comfortable I might censor a few things out, but there will be explicit fics, darker themes, crazy plots, and insane ships amongst all the sugar and fluff I find around the place. So the really important thing is to carefully read the warnings that I occasionally give & that are on the fic itself, and back away if it’s not for you.
Other posts in this little series can be found under the read fanfiction tag on my page~
Black's Choice by Chloe_Hallow_Eve Words: 2.7k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Klance (Keith/Lance) Shiro's gone, and the team needs a new Black Paladin, and quick. But Black is a lot pickier about who she wants her paladin to be than first thought. Alternatively titled: No one wants to be the new black paladin but someone is forced to be anyways. ~ Thumbs up for black paladin lance!
Blue's Acceptance by Chloe_Hallow_Eve Words: 1.9k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): None After Lance becomes the black paladin, Allura becomes the blue paladin. Blue is quick to accept the princess. Alternatively titled: Blue would be anyone's Lion but she would pick Lance over anyone. ~ Really enjoyed this one! It's nice to read more about Allura.
The Blue In The Black by Chloe_Hallow_Eve Words: 2k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): None Black looks back at how Lance and her started out, and is ever so proud of where they are now. Alternatively titled: Black Reminiscences At What Just Might Be The Worst Time ~ More black paladin lance! <33
Make Me Your Home by Reader115 Words: 38k, Rating: Mature, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Klance “Space cadet,” Keith mumbled. He repeated the words again although his eyes had zeroed in on Lance’s hands and Lance offered no resistance when Keith picked one of them up and pulled it possessively towards his lap. He began to gently trace over Lance’s fingers, sending shivers up Lance’s arm and down his spine. “You have looong fingers,” Keith murmured after a few moments. “I bet you could reach all kinds of things, Lance.” ~ So good! Really enjoyed this one, left me feeling super contented.
Teamwork Not Included by Chloe_Hallow_Eve Words: 3.4k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Klance (Eventual) Lance struggles with his new position. He's not entirely sure this is where he should be, but he's trying his best anyways. Alternately Titled: What Would Shiro Do ~ Nice installment in the series!
The Tide by Zurela Words: 4.1k, Rating: G, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Klance Lance doesn't know whether or not he can trust Keith to have his back. But now that he's stuck under a tree, with broken bones, and on the verge of drowning, it seems he might not have a choice. ~ Good fic! I think I vaguely remember the show this is based off…
And We Go Where The Stars Take Us by thebestworstthing Words: 5.3k, Rating: Mature, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Klance (Eventual) On the ninth day, Lance shuts his eyes in his own personal hell, and when he opens them he’s in his home back on earth surrounded by his family and the warmth and light is so bright his eyes burn with it. ~ Omg Lance, I'm so worried about him in regards to this fic… I have a feeling things are going to get way worse for him before they get better. But I also have a feeling this will be a good fic! The author said they'll update every few days, so we'll know soon enough!
It's Hard to be Diplomatic by Chloe_Hallow_Eve Words: 2.6k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Klance (Eventual), Shallura (Shiro/Allura) Team Voltron, now that they have Shiro back, go to Lotor to plan the final fight. Full title: It's hard to be diplomatic when you and the person you're supposed to be planning with keep flirting  ~ Nice fic! I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of the series plays out.
Nancy Drew
starships were meant to fly. by rushie Words: 1.1k, Rating: G, Status: Complete Relationship(s): None The first time the boys met Sonny Joon, he had green hair. ~ I really enjoy reading this one! Although I might be just a bit biased since I love Sonny Joon and there isn't a huge amount of content for him…
Ace Attorney
A Bizarre, Beautiful Thing by Geodude96 Words: 1.5k, Rating: G, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Athena/Apollo (I have no clue of any ship names, so I’m just gonna stick with this version) Athena chooses a beautiful way to remind Apollo about the important things in life. ~ A rare hetro pairing has appeared! Ww in all seriousness, this is a sweet fic.
Before & After by shinigami_yumi Words: 1.6k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Apollo/Nahyuta Three months after SoJ, Nahyuta and Apollo finally catch up and figure out where they stand now that the little girl Apollo grew up with is prince and regent. ~ Bit of a different pairing, not that I don't love Apollo and Nahyuta themselves, I just don't usually ship them. But it's a good fic!
Last Goodbye by DaisyDogOx Words: 1.4k, Rating: G, Status: Complete Relationship(s): None Apollo has one last chance to say goodbye to his father. He just never could've imagined it would hurt this much. ~ This is kinda short but it still made me cry a bit since it reminded me what happens in AA6… Major spoiler alert btw…
Discovery by thawrecka Words: 12k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): NaruMitsu (Miles Edgeworth/Phoenix Wright ~ i.e. the only ship in this fandom that I know the actual name of www) At 35, and very confused, Phoenix reconsiders his sexuality and his feelings for Edgeworth. ~ Disregarding the very accurate portrayal of biphobia, this is very cute. Good pining and angst vs fluff ratio.
The Diplomatic Turnabout by Lumelle Words: 8.4k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Klavier/Apollo, Ema/Nahyuta The worst thing about being sorta-related to royalty, Apollo finds, is that sometimes he is the most diplomatic person around. Which really should never be the case, honestly, he is loud and abrasive while Rayfa has been raised to be a princess and Nahyuta is a holy monk, yet Rayfa is also spoiled and impatient while Nahyuta is developing a quite worrying penchant for practical jokes. Really, Apollo has his hands full trying to keep the country from slipping into war because his brother finds it quite amusing to aggravate various foreign politicians. And just what does Klavier Gavin have to do with all this? ~ It's nice to see them going about their business and being all domestic in Khura’in~ Would have been nice to see some of Rayfa instead of just hearing about her in passing. But a good fic!
Colors by shinigami_yumi Words: 6.3k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Apollo/Nahyuta In a reality where Nahyuta is born blind, Apollo becomes much more than his eyes. ~ An interesting fic! I enjoyed reading it~ :)
Backup Vocals by SummerMermaid Words: 77k, Rating: Mature, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Klavier/Apollo Klavier Gavin is a prodigy prosecutor holding auditions for his band. Apollo Justice is the son of an accomplished guitarist who he can't get out of his head after he tries out. ~ Good fic! Quite a bit of drama, but it's well written and things seem to be panning out alright.
Yuri!!! on Ice
turntables by Vitali (exocara) Words: 4.3k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Victuuri (Victor Nikiforov/Katsuki Yuuri) Prompt: “you’re a celebrity who just broke up and i tweeted you a selfie with the caption “date me” as a joke but you thought i was serious?” au ~ Felt a little rushed, but a good fic nevertheless.
Masks off by emulikule Words: 27k, Rating: Teen, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Victuuri And so the story goes that a playboy comes to a town, makes it fall in love with him and then proceeds to get himself enticed by the most mysterious person there. Wait... did it really go like that? ~ Awesome fic! Good plot, good length, good ending, and really nice execution! What else could you ask for?
Showing Results for 'Katsuki Yuuri' by Ferrero13 Words: 3.9k, Rating: G, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Victuuri Victor makes it his goal to get Katsuki Yuuri, figure skater, to the first page of Google results. There is no way he could let such a brilliant skater be overshadowed by Katsuki Yuuri, winner of some stuffy academic medal, who is probably 50 and balding. Or: Yuuri has made a name for himself outside of figure skating, and athletes are slow on the uptake. ~ Omg Victor… This is hilarious, it's brilliant~
Twenty-Five Hours by 0lizzybennet0 Words: 14k, Rating: Mature, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Victuuri In which Yuuri spends a 25 hour flight next to Victor Nikiforov, skating legend, and feels it might simultaneously be the best and worst thing that has ever happened to him. ~ This is great! It's really sweet, slightly angsty atm, but it's going to get sweet again soon! I just know it!
Rock, Paper, Scissors by nerdlife4eva Words: 3.3k, Rating: Mature, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Victuuri Victor and Yuuri discover the only chore they both dislike is vacuuming and decide to rock, paper, scissors (RPS) each time the chore needs to be completed. Yuuri is an ace at RPS and Chris sends them personalized charts to track their successes. All adorable Victuuri hell breaks loose! (These two have no chill, in basically anything!) ~ Omg this fic~! Great for a laugh!
cover story by fan_nerd Words: 8.2k, Rating: Explicit, Status: Complete Relationship(s): Victuuri Yuuri stares down at the person standing in the doorway. The stranger hisses, "Who do you think you are, anyways?" Quickly, before he can really think about it, Yuuri responds, "I'm Victor's boyfriend." It's a lie, but the words feel good in his mouth, and for some reason, he doesn't want to take them back. ~ I loved this fic! It's really good! <3
The Return of the Little Piggy by SASS_QUEEN Words: 4.4k, Rating: Mature, Status: Wip Relationship(s): Victuuri Everybody had their regrets in college. For the students, it was making fun of Katsuki Yuuri. For Yuuri, it was letting himself become too stupid. For Viktor, it was not doing anything. ~ This is a bit of a different fic, quite metaphorical in places, I'm not really sure what I think about it yet. Hopefully it'll be interesting. :)
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