#finally back in my honkai phase
genshin-obsessed · 1 year
Confessions | Honkai Star Rail
So i've been super into hsr recently and I thought I'd get back to doing longer hcs because those are always fun! This time I left out Welt and Sampo and I'm not sure how I feel about it lol ✧ Includes: Dan Heng, Gepard, Jing Yuan, Luocha, Blade ✧ Extra: Something a little weird has happened to my Blade lol, he's just a confused man who really likes the reader. It may be ooc- i have no clue
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Dan Heng
For Dan Heng, he doesn’t know how long he’s liked you. He just realized it one day when you said something- a compliment towards him- and he just couldn’t stop thinking about it.
Dan Heng’s not the most outward person, so wanting to confess wasn’t something easy for him. He actually needed to prepare, give himself a pep talk and all. His method is invite you to his room and then just tell you- no beating around the bush.
You’re shocked to say the least- I mean it’s DAN HENG. He liked you?! HE CONFESSED?! You sat there for a good minute just staring at him. He looked calm but kinda started panicking on the inside.
“I-I like you too!” You say before he can speak. You were so loud, he jumped a little. Safe to say, he’s extremely happy you accepted because then it would’ve been awkward afterwards.
“Oh good… good.”
Gepard Landau
Everyone knows Gepard likes you before himself. He can say it’s just been a few months but others know it’s been like a year. It’s just the way he acts and stuff.
Gepard has a VERY hard time confessing. He’ll keep trying to do it, but then backs out at the last minute. He’ll keep saying he wants to talk to you about something important then just doesn’t tell you. Finally, one day… it slips out. You two are alone and he barely realizes it until he sees your face.
You’re happy but also shocked. The guy you’ve liked for like ever finally likes you back! Do you go through the statue phase of freezing up and staring? Yes. Did he start panicking because of it? Yes. Your reaction right after was to throw yourself at him and give him a tight hug.
He doesn’t say anything right then and just hugs you back. You not running away, horrified, probably meant you felt the same. That made him happy- so happy he didn’t even know what to do.
“Thank you… for not running away- oh and liking me back.”
Jing Yuan
His feelings had been around for a few months now, he knew pretty much instantly when he was attracted to you. It didn’t take him long to figure out he was in love with you either. It was obvious, his heart pounded when you were around, he couldn’t stop thinking about you, and he was always worried you’d find someone else.
Jing Yuan confesses fancy style. He’ll invite you out to like dinner or something or maybe just to take a late night walk with him. As you’re walking, he’ll coyly bring up the topic of dating and whatnot. You two chat for a bit, then he just admits it. He makes sure to add the “it’s alright if you don’t feel the same way, I won’t be upset.”
Of course, you do feel the same way! Your eyes widen and you gasp as the reality sets in. The General of the Cloud Knights liked YOU! It took a moment to just process his words, and Jing Yuan stood there patiently, giving you time to think. If you were going to say no, that’s fine, he just needed a clear answer. You found it hard to speak but forced the words out, “I-I feel the same.”
Jing Yuan’s over the moon with this newfound knowledge. He’s so happy, he could shout it out from over the rooftops. Honestly! All he can do is give you a tight hug, not wanting to do anything else if you weren’t ready for it- say a kiss.
“I’m glad. We should go on a date then- a proper one.”
Luocha is very good at keeping his feelings to himself. At first, he thought it was just a little crush and it would pass. But it didn’t. It just… kept developing. He tried to manage it, feeling that maybe a relationship right now wasn’t the best option for him. But when his heart would start pounding every time you smiled at him, or his mind went back to you and what you might’ve been doing when you two were apart told me he… maybe didn’t wanna wait.
Luocha’s confession wasn’t exactly grand. I mean, what was there to be super grand about? Especially if you were going to reject him. So he just took you out on a little walk and slyly brought up the topic of relationships. Once you mentioned you didn’t mind being in one, he just said, “will you be in one with me?”
You kinda froze. Deer in headlights situation. You needed a moment to process what he’d just said. He… wanted to date you? WELL GOOD! YOU WANTED TO DATE HIM! You happily nodded, a big giant smile spreading on your face.
There was this emotion he felt when you said you liked him too. Pure, unadulterated happiness. He felt so good about himself, about life, about everything. That emotion spoke volumes and all he could do was hug you. Tightly. 
"I'm glad... because I was really, really nervous you'd say no."
Ok… hear me out. Blade knows he likes you… when he doesn’t hate you. When you ask him for a favor and he says yes. When you hug him and he doesn’t strangle you- honestly, it wasn’t hard for him to know. Kafka teases him and he just ignores her.
Blade… doesn’t know how to confess. He’s not crazy about relationships or… people. So his entire confession was just confusing. You followed absolutely nothing except: “I like you.” You thought he was just admitting he didn’t hate you. That was good news! But you didn’t realize how good it was. “That’s great! I like you too!” You replied to which he crossed his arms, nodded, and said… “we’re dating now.”
Mhm. Yeah. That’s how smooth he is :’) you- you poor soul- didn’t know what he meant at first. So you were beyond shocked when he said what he did. Blade- BLADE- liked you- Y O U- romantically? You liked him too but you never ever expected this. Not in a million years.
You could only manage a dazed nod for a few seconds before a giant smile spread on your face and you practically threw yourself at him. Blade’s usual reaction would be to shove the person away but this was his special person. So… he hugged back.
“That was… rude, I think? Will you go on a date with me?”
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hulhudhonado · 1 year
Synopsis: Jing Yuan is a bird magnet. As harmless as it sounds, it seems to lead to misunderstandings.
CW: Nothing
HC: Reader works under Yukong. Reader is gender-neutral.
Characters: Jing Yuan, Yukong, Fu Xuan, Mentions of Tingyun and Yanqing
Note: Genshin to Honkai pipeline is real omg. Honestly I am not that interested in Honkai Star Rail or any of the Honkai games but I do play it and let me tell you I love this man. The characters in this game do not miss. Already making drafts for a Sampo fic. My one goal is to max them out. Also anyone interested in Aeons fanfic? Just asking. Anyway, please make sure to like, comment or reblog. Interactions with the post lets it reach a wider audience. Requests are also open! Enjoy.
Jing Yuan was used to the attention given to him, it wasn’t shocking to him. An individual of his status always would draw attention amongst the crowds. However, most people tend to divert their eyes or at least make an effort to pretend they weren’t staring, especially when they weren’t supposed to. It was considered a decent thing to do. However you on the other hand clearly did not understand this concept.
The first time he had caught your eyes, he waited for you to shyly look away like most people did, however to his surprise you kept a stern gaze towards him, refusing to move. It did phase him a bit, how strange that you had no shame to look away knowing that you had been caught. He chuckled to himself, that time he gave you the benefit of the doubt. Maybe you felt it was more awkward to look away.
However, the staring continued. You stared at him whenever you had the chance. He could feel your gaze burning from the back of his head. How were you so confident? Does he not scare you? Do you not understand authority? Maybe you just didn’t have the shame to hide the fact that you adored looking at him. He tried not to crack a smile every time he did catch you staring. He didn’t want others to know why he was laughing at himself.
It wasn’t a surprise to him, having people fall for him. Tingyun was already making sales from his looks, so it was clear that many people were head over heels for him. Maybe you were just like them, an admirer who was terrible at keeping a secret. He didn’t mind, he was already used to the attention.
“You seem to be distracted these days. Is your age finally catching up to you?” Fu Xuan jabbed. Jing Yuan let out a chuckle “ I don’t know what you mean.” He answered, unphased. Documents were piling up and Yanqing still didn’t have a decent partner to train with, he had too many unnecessary things piling up on his head. Fu Xuan was clearly here to mess with him for letting things go on for this long.
“Don’t try to hide, you have been laughing to yourself or cracking smiles out of the blue! Have you finally lost it?” She asked once more. Honestly not what he had expected her to say. He thought she was here to clown him for not finishing his work on time, he didn’t realise he had got caught. She continued. “If so, I’m willing to take your place any day for your ‘early’ retirement.”
Jing Yuan rolled his eyes, looking back at the screen in front of him. “If you don’t have anything better to do you’re free to leave. My mental state is perfectly fine.” Fu Xuan let out a smirk. “It won’t be for long.” 
Jing Yuan turned to her, he didn’t want to give her attention especially when he was this busy, but Fu Xuan was not going to stop fishing for answers.  Raising an eyebrow he decided to take the bait.“And what makes you say that?” Fu Xuan let out an almost sinister laugh. Jing Yuan could only frown, he didn’t like the sound of that. 
“I recently foresaw a future of yours.” The room felt cold in an instant. Jing Yuan was now fully focused on Fu Xuan, who continued to smirk victoriously. It didn’t seem to be serious but it didn’t seem to be a good thing either. “What did you see?” He asked nervously, he tried his best to hide it, he didn’t need to give Fu Xuan any more openings.
Fu Xuan pretended to think, withholding the information rather than stating it at once. Jing Yuan sighed, of course, Fu Xuan would want to have the high ground. “I’ll repeat, what did you see?” He stated once more, a more serious tone plaguing his words.
Fu Xuan scoffed. “You’re no fun.”
“If it involves me then it involves Xianzhou Luofu and its people. I would rather not be left in the dark about this.” Fu Xuan shrugged. “It isn’t something serious. If it was, I would have told you about it instantly. You know I am not one to take my time.”
“Then why hide it from me?” “Because it’s funny.” Jing Yuan sighed. “Just tell me.”
“Don’t feel like it.” And with that Fu Xuan's hologram disappeared. Jing Yuan huffed, how annoying. It seemed that people around him were forgetting what respect meant.
Yukong never made physical trips to meet with Jing Yuan regarding any issues on the Xianzhou Luofu. It was a big ship, and it was a waste of time to constantly travel back and forth when they could communicate via holograms.
However it was always safe to bring confidential documents face to face, a third party might cause leaks. To his surprise, you tagged alongside her during one of their rare trips. However, for once, you didn’t look up to look at him. He tried his best to focus on what Yukong kept saying but his eyes kept wandering back to you. Why were you not looking up? Was it because this was the first time you had seen him face to face? However he didn’t like this, he wished you would just look up like usual.
“Tingyuan couldn’t make it?” He asked, trying to focus the shift on you. You jolted up, now nervously looking at Yukong who also was caught off guard. Yukong looked back at you, before turning back to Jing Yuan trying to seem unphased. “Yeah, she was assigned a task alongside the trailblazers. You had assigned her to them.” She asked.
“Hmm, I did? “ Jing Yuan asked in a playful tone. You still didn’t turn to look at him, now just looking down at the floor to not draw any more attention. He couldn’t hold a smile on his face anymore, he was getting annoyed. Why today of all days you decide not to look at him? 
He wanted to see your face properly, not in his hologram form. As advanced as things were in Xianzhou Luofu, when he is in his hologram form he can’t see everyone clearly. It was like being stuck behind a screen. Now that he was finally face-to-face with his ‘staring partner’ he wanted to see what you looked like.
“Well, since things in the Xianzhou Luofu are not settled yet, I would prefer if you could hand me documents face to face from now.” Yukong blinked, before realising what he had stated. “But sir, that would take some time, and I can’t always make trips here when I need to take care of my team.” Jing Yuan tilted his head, pretending to be oblivious to his schemes. “You can just ask Tingyuan, or your companion right next to you. If you trust them to accompany you then I’m certain they can help you bring me these documents. Am I wrong?”
His statement finally made you look up. He believed he was ready to face your gaze, but he was being too cocky it seemed. When he had locked eyes with you he almost looked away with how sudden it was. Your gaze was sharp and strong, just as the times you had looked at him before. You had a poker face, attentive to your work since Jing Yuan had personally entrusted you to do Yukong’s work. It seemed the hologram way of communicating had dulled down the intensity of your gaze full of determination. Jing Yuan didn’t expect to get such a whiplash.
He held his ground, he didn’t need any reason to feel shy now. Fu Xuan’s words started to replay in his head, he wasn’t sure why. You couldn’t be the reason for his downfall, could you? There was no way. 
Yukong sighed, interrupting the spiral Jing Yuan had going inside his mind. “Of course. We won’t disappoint you. “ She answered. “I’m glad to hear that.” Jing Yuan smiled, his gaze never leaving you as you did the same. 
It wasn’t surprising that you made most of the trips. He found out that you were new to the job, at least to Yukong’s sector. Since Tingyuan was busy with the trailblazers and Yukong had her duties to attend to, you ended up being the special courier for any confidential documents. Most of the documents were digitised so your trips weren’t common, but Jing Yuan made it his mission to make sure you somehow ended up in his office.
Was this corruption from the higher-ups? Probably, if anyone knew what he was doing they would think he was bullying you but he didn’t mean any harm. He just likes the mini-staring matches you both have. Not many people look at him with such confidence. 
It also didn’t seem to be an issue as it seemed that you liked the job. No matter how many times you were told to bring in documents, you always followed through without complaining. Tingyuan tended to ask for bargains while Yukong would straight up avoid making rounds. You on the other hand would be ready to make a delivery in an instant. It was probably due to the fact you were still new to the job, but he liked to pretend it was because you wanted to see him often.
He smiled to himself thinking about it. He didn’t like how much of a narcissist he was. He knew people loved him but having his delusions of someone liking him more than just the ruler of the Xianzhou Luofu must be his breaking point. Fu Xuan was on to something, you must be his downfall.
It was like any other day, you made the delivery and you were going to head back to your station. However, Jing Yuan was getting tired of this. It was any day now that the trailblazers would be done with the Stellaron attacks and he would finally have to step in to fix what was left. This means everything would return to normal and your trips wouldn’t be necessary anymore. All these trips didn’t make you both any closer either, you were keeping a distance between the two of you.
He also noticed how you reduced staring, it seems you had caught on the fact that he knew you were staring. He honestly was surprised you didn’t realise it sooner, it wasn’t like you were hiding it. But now whenever he would catch your eyes you would jolt up as if he caught you doing something horrible. If it was in the past he wouldn’t have minded, but now whenever you looked away he felt frustrated.
As the day was going to end as it usually did, Jing Yuan finally snapped. He needed to change this routine you both had created. “May I ask you a question?” He asked. He caught you so off guard you dropped the documents on the ground. Scattering them all over the floor. In an instant you dropped down, to collect the papers off the ground. He followed suit, trying to help.
“Oh, you don’t need to do that sir!” You try not to stutter. You didn’t expect him to ask you anything. You guys never spoke anymore than anything related to work, so the sudden question caught you off guard. “ Don’t mind me, I just wanted to ask a question. I didn’t think it was that shocking.” He chuckled.
You nervously laugh, continuing to gather all the materials before he could get any more. To your horror, he had already collected most of it. However, the piles of paper were now in a mess, completely unorganised from how it was originally arranged.
“You can sit with me and chat while we organise these.” He stood up smiling, mockingly shaking the documents towards you while you tried not to get embarrassed. “My apologies sir.” You mumble, standing up with the little amount you were able to get. “I’ll forgive you if you answer my questions.” The way he spoke was so calm. He was a ruler for a reason, his voice was loud in battle and comforting to his citizens. You instantly felt at ease when he didn’t seem to mind.
“I’ll take you up on that offer, sir.”
When he said questions, he meant a lot of questions. He asked why you chose the job, what you liked, your interests, and your hobbies. He was ticking off everything at this point. You of course answered. The way he articulated the questions and the calm sound of his voice seemed to have entranced you. You were certain if he was a lawyer he would have gotten the answers right out of you in an instant. It was no wonder he was in such a high position.
“You seem to stare a lot don’t you?” A question that you didn’t expect. He smiled, eyes closed ready for an answer. Did he catch you off guard? He hoped so, he wanted to tease you a bit, making you realise that your silly little crush on him was already discovered. Maybe it was sudden but with how truthfully you were answering his questions he didn’t expect you to lie your way out of this.
You could feel the rush of blood on your face. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to stare! It’s just…” you cut yourself off. He patiently waited for your answer. What could it be? Did you like his face? Many people did, it was the reason Tingyuan was making a fortune for so many years. Or perhaps you would be bolder and say you liked his body? His clothes and armour enhanced its appeal. Or maybe his hair? It reminded of a lion’s mane to most and Yanqing would always mention how elegant it looked, even after he had spared the entire day. He wasn’t even sure how it stayed in such luscious conditions.
He tried not to tap the table, eager for your answer. He could hear his heartbeat increase its speed, he didn’t realise how nervous he was. What was it about him that you just couldn’t help but look? He needed to know now.
“ The bird.” It was almost a whisper when you spoke. He wasn’t even sure he heard you properly. “The bird?” He repeated, a bit dumbfounded. You nodded, guilt leaving your body but suddenly feeling sheepish. You can’t believe you were going to admit this.
“ You always have a bird in your hair. It’s so unphased I always wondered whether it was tamed.” You continue to say. You watched Jing Yuan stare at you, unable to speak. You took this as a sign to continue. “Well you see, I love looking at birds. Especially since in Xianzhou Luofu, they are quite rare. But you have one always on your shoulder! So when I first saw it I was so shocked. If you don’t mind me asking, could you tell me what type it is? Is it a Zebra finch? A Waxbill? The red beak makes it a bit prominent but I couldn’t see its feather pattern so I couldn’t tell what type it was.”
As you continued to go on and on about the bird, Jing Yuan was trying his best not to show any signs of embarrassment. He couldn’t believe this. He had thought this entire time you had looked at him due to admiration. Honestly, it was his fault for making up delusions on his own but he didn’t expect this. You were staring at the birds that usually landed on his shoulder and hid around his hair. He was so used to it he completely forgot they even stuck next to him while he worked.
A sudden notification came to your phone which made you stop your little bird talk. You read it and immediately stood up an instance. “Oh no! The time!” You almost shout, your worried gaze not looking away from the phone. You look at Jing Yuan sadly, and he could feel his heart was close to bursting. Not only from his embarrassment but also how unhappy you looked knowing that you would have to depart from him.
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t organise all the documents in time. I’ll make it up to you next time sir!” You begin to gather your things and head out. As you near the door you turn back to him shouting. “I apologise if this is inappropriate, but I hope to talk to you again!” You say. You take a bow before turning back and running out the door.
All Jing Yuan could do was stare as you left. Suddenly he could feel all the emotions he had held back to save face flowing out. He slumped on the desk, hands on his face trying to cover his face which was completely red. He could not believe this had happened to him. 
He heard a little chirp near his ear. He looked to the side, to see his little bird friend peeping at him in glee. “You did this to me.” He grumbled, glaring at the bird who continued to chirp, almost as if it was laughing at him. Sighing, he slumped back on his chair, trying not to think about what just had happened.
He couldn’t help it though. It made sense now, you probably were curious about the bird, trying to figure out what kind it was. He was the one overthinking it, making up stories in his head where you profess your love to him. No wonder Fu Xuan said what she did. She knew this was going to happen.
He sighed, picking up his little friend off his shoulder onto his hand. After making a mental note on finding a way to get back at Fu Xuan, he began to think about you again. He was already too deep into this, he was going to make you like him back. He stroked the bird’s head as it peeped in delight. He looked down at it as it playfully nipped at his finger.
Another idea popped into his head. The last words you said played in his head again as he stared at the bird who danced around in the palm of his hands. He felt a smile creep on his face.
“Well, at least I can figure out what we are going to be talking about next time we meet.” He chuckled to himself, humming a tune alongside the bird. He was already too deep into this, and he was not going to let you go that easily. 
He was going to make you look at him the same way he looked at you, one way or another. Who would have thought a love of birds would lead to this?
Good luck!
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rainbowchibbit · 4 days
I wanted to say hi for one too. I also wanted to say I love your soulfell comic. Sorry if that’s not the right way to spell it also, is there any more of it by any chance? The reason why I’m asking is because I don’t know when the last panel that I just read came out in
Hi there!! You spelled it right :) nooo worries. So it HAS been a while since I posted Soulfell. I got a couple asks like this so hopefully this addresses all of them!
I burnt out on art and I was going through a really rough time in real life trying to move and sell my place and it was just not a great time all around.
I’m FINALLY settled now and I am hoping to work on it again soon because I put a lot of time effort and heart into Soulfell!
Currently I’m in the middle of the honeymoon phase of a new hyperfixation (Honkai Star Rail, specifically Jing Yuan) so I’m knocking some of those ideas out of my head for now but I have NOT given up on Soulfell and I refuse to call it discontinued.
It’s just been on.. a very long hiatus. As I get back into regular arting I hope you enjoy what I put out there and if not I hope you can wait just a bit more until Soulfell comes back. 💖
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arialityy · 3 months
Honkai pt.2 first impressions (as of completing pt.2 ch.1 phase 1) (don't come at me)
I'm gonna be focusing mostly on the characters in this post, but I'll briefly go over the ui and open world
So... I really miss the old ui already lmao. Even if it did look old and outdated, I think it was pretty unique for a sci-fi game and personally easier on my eyes (I think I just need to get used to it, but everything looks to similar in the new ui and I can't focus as easily on it 😭 That's probably just me though) I also think it looks kind of out of place if you go back to play older chapters, but it's not horrible. Personally, I feel like I'll always prefer the old ui. However, it looks great in the new open world chapter! Usually, I don't really like the ow chapters, but this one actually runs well, and I've been enjoying it quite a lot, even the side missions. (Also, it's just really nice to look at) It definitely reminds me of hsr and apho, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
As for the new gameplay, it's... ok. The new battlesuits don't feel much funner or nicer than the old battlesuits. If anything, I like them less. With Helia and Coralie, the effects are fine since they're A-ranks, and the gameplay is also nice for an A-rank. Senadina's actual gameplay is fine. But her animations are so boring 😭 I like that it lights up the area around her but that's about it. I get that sometimes the animations could get too flashy, but Senadina's are just boring for what's presumably meant to be the fancy new S-rank. I'll cut her some slack, though, since it's still the beginning of pt.2.
Finally, I'll be talking about the characters themselves! Remember, these opinions are very subject to change, as it's only the beginning of pt.2's story. (I'll ommit my opinions on the designs for today)
Starting with the Dreamseeker!
I really appreciate how they didn't make them just another self insert who barely talks. Though I don't see why they didn't fully commit and give them a name. They could even keep the genderswapping thing by giving them an androgynous name. (Speaking of that, I didn't think I'd like that, but y'know what, it's cool that it's actual genderfluid rep!) However, the DS's personality so far has been kind of boring in my opinion. I think they're a very intriguing character. I mean, they were born out of the Sea of Quanta and hilariously chill over dreaming about dancing with a goddess who tells them they're gonna save the world, waking up in the SoQ with an amnesiac version of that goddess, and being thrust into a whole new bubble universe. I know they want to get home, but damn, I feel like I would freak out more. I really hope we get to learn more about them, and their personality shines through more!
Senadina- Ok. I'm pretty sure this is a controversial opinion already, but I don't really like Senadina. I want to because her selective memories and connection to a goddess are interesting, and she has cute moments, but she kind of just... annoys me. I mean, we've seen this kind of amnesiac but bubbly character before (*cough cough* March 7th *cough cough*), and something about her personality just annoys me. I can't pinpoint what it is about her, but like... I just don't really like her. She starts growing on me, and then she'll say something that annoys me. Right now, she feels like a character just designed to sell toys to me. I'm sure that will change, as she's one of the main main characters, but right now, she just isn't it for me. I hope she gets more interesting, and I grow to like her more.
Coralie- She's very much the Bronya of the group, but she's not just a Bronya clone, and I can appreciate her for that. I don't think I like her as much as I liked Bronya right off the bat, but of the main four, she has the most personality to me so far. She's also just kind of weird, which I like lmao. I have less to say about her and Helia, so just know that while I do like her, she's far from being an instant favorite.
Helia- She exists. That's almost all I have to say. Her bridge voicelines did make me like her a bit more, though. I think she's kind of cute, but nothing about her interests me. I also don't really like that she's yet another Durandal fan. I get that we only have like - 2 Dudu fans other than her, but it's not really an original character trait. Why couldn't she have been a Kiana fan or something? Even a Theresa fan would be cool. Teri needs more fans. I think she's fine, but boring.
Songque- She's definitely my favorite so far! There's definitely enough intrigue surrounding her for me to want to know more about her. What was that "dream" sequence with the DS before they actually met about? She's a shu, but what does she really know? I also like her personality. It's not like my favorite personality or anything, but she definitely has one, and it adds to the intrigue surrounding her. I hope she doesn't just go away after this story arc is finished.
So, that's most of my opinions about pt.2 so far! I left out some stuff, but this is really all you need to know about how I feel about the characters, gameplay, and ui so far.
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manidk1273 · 2 months
🎀 • Genius
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My current favourite game is Honkai Starrail and my current hyperfixation is Marvel, I've always wanted a fanfic or maybe even one shot of Tony meeting one of the genius society members and I couldn't find one so I'll take matters into my own hand.
This is Tony Stark x Ruan Mei!Reader
He's used to him being the smartest in the room, he really is. Being arguably the smartest man to currently be alive really fed this man's ego. But one day, whilst on a mission in space the avengers met you, You had your own name yet people call you as Ruan Mei. Genius Society member #81. Nick Fury and Stephen Strange knew so little about the Genius Society but they knew it was real. So they were just.. amazed when they met you. Every Avenger was. Except for Tony. He was pissed. He wasn't used to being below someone. He wasn't used to having someone being the smarter one.
You weren't an official Avenger but you did come to earth every now and then to visit, and sometimes even helping them with their missions. Needless to say, whenever you helped the mission never lasted more than a day. One thing that was also strange about you is that you NEVER showed emotion. No one knew why and no one dared to ask. It took Tony a few months to actually even 20% accept you were the smarter one.
Though, what made him realize he was in love with you is the day you tried your favorite food on earth. The Avengers decided to have a dinner out and you were on time with your visit. You never tasted anything like it and for the first time ever, you smiled. Giggled and blushed even. You were so amazed, it tastes so good. Tony hated himself for feeling his stomach flip when he saw you smile. He hated the feeling of his cheeks heating up at your precious smile.
Even though he hated himself for it.. he found himself buying your favourite food whenever you visited earth. He didn't stop at food, no, He even set up a movie marathon with the Avengers and you to know your favourite movie. When you did find your favourite movie you once again smiled and giggled at the funny scenes and showed emotion. God, he was falling. And he was falling hard. It was so obvious he was, but you were oblivious since you never felt love before. It didn't matter if you were there or no, Tony was constantly teased.(By Natasha and Thor mostly.) He was so relieved when you didn't understand the situation because he didn't want to be embarrassed.
You started to visit Earth more. You never got tired of Tony's methods of flirting with you, though you couldn't physically show it. Tony was the only thing (excluding your favorite movie and food) that could make you laugh, smile, giggle.. moan.
When you tried your first time with him, you were nervous but your body refused to show it. He was gentle with you.. so gentle. He made sure to ask you every now and then, when you two finally got used to it you fell in love with the pleasure.. the feeling of him thrusting into you. The feeling of his big, fat, long cock filling you up.
It actually took Tony more than 2 months into the relationship to admit his biggest regret with you; you don't show emotions that well. He didn't know if you were angry, happy, sad, annoyed.. you found out when he was drinking with Rogers and some other Avengers. You didn't know what came over you. You just returned back to your shared room and started sobbing. It was a new feeling to you. Once F.R.I.D.A.Y notified Tony that something was happening with you Tony immediately sent the Avengers home and went to the room to see you sobbing. His heart dropped. He never saw you sad before, so seeing you straight up sobbing broke his heart into millions, if not trillions of little pieces.
Before he could say anything you immediately apologize in-between tears. You didn't do anything, and he was confused but he knew you were upset and he wanted to comfort you. Once you calm down, you explain everything to him and his heart breaks more. He apologizes for not telling your directly and hugs you. (Cuddles and kisses for you to fall asleep<3.)
No tragedy happened, thanks to you. When Tony explained the situation with Thanos and the infinity stones though it wasn't exactly her business she agreed to help. Being the genius she is, you outsmarted Thanos and you created a realm where the stones were placed. No one could enter unless they were someone who knew you since you were the only one that can open a portal to the realm.
(Ruan Mei created her very own planet, so don't tell me she can't create her own realm 😭)
Life was great, really. After Tony proposed and you found out you were pregnant, you backed down from the genius society. To your family. They didn't mind you were mostly emotionless because they already know you aren't. Your body just has a hard time showing emotions. When you have birth to your child, you hold the tiny life in your hands. You cried. But you didn't cry of tears of sadness, yet happiness. You made this masterpiece with Tony. You're official parents now.
Out of all the creations you and Tony ever made, your guys child was the best of all. Out of all the titles you guys held.. your proudest ever title is husband and wife, and parents.
I wasn't exactly posting this but I figured I'd try to post daily (if I have the time) I hope you enjoyed this one, I'm not the best at writing or slow burn but I'll try to write more so I can improve my writing skills. English isn't my first language so forgive me if there are any grammatical mistakes.
Thank you for reaching the end, Have a wonderful day<3
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mxthtea · 3 months
something something i want 3 anime boys more than i want to go to college
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total pulls: 191
school's kicking my ass. i'm entering the phase of school where i don't want to do work because it's almost summer break. just a few more weeks,,,, just a few more months,,,, then i can finally be doooone
buying my lolita outfit tomorrow, maybe !!!!!! i'm excited, but bank account isn't though. that's the way the cookie crumbles i guess.
i got lunar vow on honkai today !!!! i'm so happy. i only got her in 30 pulls too :3!!! i skipped over the animation of getting her on accident though,,,, whoops. but i'm glad i have her !! i love her so much. i have not played through all of the captainverse events though lmao. wonder if they'll ever rerun them,, please,,,, maybe not though TT
finally getting through character quests. i refuse to do jingliu's before luocha can come back to the express. no idea how long that'll take. maybe i'll get impatient idk
i did bailu's today! i love my daughter sosososo much ;u; i also love how you can beat the guy's ass at the end. peace and love on the xianzhou luofu (ignore the blood)
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cutechickdgaming · 1 year
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Permafrost brain rot strikes again. I’ve had this idea for this for several months, maybe since me playing around the Plane of Vigrid chapter for Honkai Impact 3rd. Largely based around Herrscher of Reason and Twilight Paladin.
Finally putting it on paper, though I need to shorten the arms and i’d be welcome to suggestions for change.
The idea is that Perma helps Youmu beat Yharon a second time, guy falls to near death just on Yharon getting to phase 2, Permafrost is big brain so he uses an altered version of his concoction, becomes an ice cocoon, breaks out of it and beats Yharon in his new drip. Something like that.
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Ooh and some ideas were taken from Winx Club when I watched it in Florida this summer. Enchantix was very cool, and just gave the funny implement to Powderwing Papilio. The bottle is kinda attached to somewhere on his chest, like Herrscher of Reason’s core thingy.
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And finally the wings concept. Permafrost got 2 sets of wings, the first being like a solid frame that floats from his back, and 6 icicle blades that he can control to make him fly or be like weapons, like swords or shooties.
The second is kinda part of his clothing, allowing him to still fly when the icicle blades are busy fighting it out. Located lower down than the first wing set. And he’ll get a bit of a flight boost when the blades come back and complete the first wing set, so that’s cool.
anyways gotta do my physics homework in the morning bai
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knightofpisces · 2 years
let me tell you about my journey with cater
See, now I wasn't always the huge cater fan you see before you.
In fact, it was a long road to get here. a very long, stupid road.
I first downloaded TWST when it first came out, I'd been anticipating it forever, even though I had no clue what it was about. In fact, all I knew was that it was this thing with Disney villains and dorms. So, clearly not very much.
Upon downloading this silly little mobile game, I went through the little intro, blah blah blah, until I got to the character selection screen. To say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement. So many pretty people in one place? So many gorgeous character designs? How was I to choose?
Of course, I had to make a decision, and can you guess who I chose the first time around?
Cater Diamond.
Cater was my first love in TWST, he was the one I chose in the beginning. See, I know the choices have little effect on the game, but it always felt like a very big choice for me.
Unfortunately, I didn't know what I was doing in the beginning, and quickly deleted the game before I could even engage myself. Mainly so I could free up space. Naturally, this was before I had any notion of games with the gacha function and how they worked.
Thus started an addiction.
I went through various phases, admittedly starting with Obey Me, Genshin Impact, and AFK Arena. Then I went on to Cookie Run, Honkai, Alchemy Stars, Mobile Legends, Bandori, you name it. I quite literally tried almost everything.
Then, I got deeply into my own Tiktok fyp and rediscovered TWST. I decided, "hey, let's download it again." So, that's what I did. I downloaded TWST and it had reset, I got to the character selection screen, and you know who I picked? ...Leona Kingscholar.
Yeah, you heard it here folks. I chose Leona over Cater my second time around. Biggest mistake of my life, because instantly after I chose him, Jack quickly became my favorite. Yeah, yeah I know what you're thinking.
Jack? Jack Howl? Really? What's so special about him? Isn't he like, one of the most irrelevant side characters?
First of all, shut up, no one likes you, and you're a tasteless buffoon. Second of all, he's cute, sweet, giant, literally everything you could ever want in a loveable character. He still holds a huge place in my heart to this day.
Next, I fell victim to Ace and Deuce's silly little charms. I was obsessed with them until this May, actually, so I haven't had much of a chance to genuinely explore new favorites until that mellowed out. Proud to say I never went through a Riddle phase as everyone else did.
For the past two or three months, here's where my character obsessions have gone:
And finally, again. We come back to Cater. Of course, he's very tied and close with Ruggie and Jade, as you could probably see. Though, I've stuck with Cater for more than a day now, so I think I can commit to him on this Tumblr blog for a while. Merry first post!
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maxlovesbeans · 6 months
I thought I was done with the toxic doomed yaoi (and yuri if i can find it helpp) but it’s actually like i never left. like.
I think klance was just a break but after them I was back on the toxic doomed yaoi grind. like damn idk if 18 is some magical number because suddenly I have the urge to like play persona 5 again for shuake and then rewatch death note a monstrous amount for lawlight and then BSD WAS GONNA BE TOXIC AND DOOMED WITH THE SCARE I GOT FROM CHAPTER 109. but no soukoku still lives on!!! and i gotta rewatch bsd sometime pls!
honestly it’s just the toxic gays i love. I’ll never let them go. let’s just hope my eddsworld phase doesn’t come back though HELP.
also i’m finally continuing my code geass watch after years omg IVE BEEN DYING TO WATCH THAT SHOW AGAIN FOR YEARS and im finally getting to it!! yahoo!!!
i do have the strong urge to go back to genshin and honkai star rail (it’s only been a few months but there’s already so much going in both games omgggg) JUST FOR GAYS YK. like ive been seeing so much fanart im like. raving in my seat thinking about it. Also cause I miss my childe and dan heng SO SO MUCH. BUT MY FRIENDS KEEP TELLING ME TO PLAY BOTH GAMES WHICH IS. BAD DECISION. LIKE ADHD SQUAD. WE’RE PART OF THE SAME TEAM. YOU KNOW I WON’T PLAY IF YOU MAKE ME HELP.
anyway i was also rewatching hannibal like a two months ago so yeah. I’m back on the grind fr lol.
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seelestia · 1 year
OH NO WHY IS IT ACTUALLY WORKING.. (where’s kazuha i wanna give him a lil smooch 😽 /hj)
omg thank you!! i worked super hard on it and i just love how it turned out (i am not changing it anytime soon, if i do - you’re free to call me out for it 🏃‍♀️💨 /lh) HONKAI STAR RAIL WAITING PARTY LEZZGO 🧚💕
hm, no not really.. but out of topic, yanqing looks so squishable <3 and he’s being voiced by amber may?? SHEESH.
omg yay!! super proud of you for getting through it all <3 i have to suffer next tuesday, not prepared in the slightest because of my recent trip to the doctor - got diagnosed with anxiety disorder and i’m being sent to a psychologist soon 😞 though, i am getting academic help starting may 1st - my grades aren’t the best rn /srs. wanderer my skrunkly pookie honeybun sugarplum lovie dovie baby love 🥺🥺🥺
tighnari <333 i mean what,, but yes he found me 🥰 (now let me touch.. the.. ears.. hehe. /hj)
lia enabler era, i shall continue to alert my friends every second of the day - to show my love and appreciation for our dearest genshin men 😇
i still remember your kazuha phase from when we first became moots... BRING IT BACK!! (/lh) and the roblox memes too!! here, i got some for you 🤭
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and suddenly, i'm reminded of winnie. hehe, i hope winnie is doing well <3
HSR FINALLY GOT RELEASED WOOO WEEEE 🎉 i've been playing it daily these days but i'm still at lvl 20. i got bronya as my first 5-star btw (sometimes, my jaw drops when i realize she boosts ATK and Crit DMG like are you fr /j), i hope you get the 5-star you want!! or yanqing because he looks cool and we should be friends with him <3
best of luck!! :( we're not made to be good at multitasking at the same times especially when it comes to serious things like mental health or grades. and of course, we should prioritize your mental health first because i believe that is the foundation of how you go about your life. so don't ever feel guilty abt prioritizing your health first. for now, heal and pick up where you left off when you're ready <3 chin up, yona!! 🫂
btw, speaking of tighnari, i hope you'll have some time to play genshin because the new event is SO FUN. like almost everyone is there, so i'm having fun watching the interactions and following them (wanderer specifically ofc /j) around, hehe. i think you'll love it!! <3
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vilunae · 2 years
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╔═════ ೋღ 🌺 ღೋ ═════╗
𖥸 The MANTIS 𖥸
╚═════ ೋღ 🌺 ღೋ ═════╝
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nightkarmaqueen · 2 years
It Was Love
----- It Was Love || Nokto Klein x M. Adam (OC) (ft. Licht Klein)
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Summary : His war with destiny finally see the end, but at the same time, his love story must reach its end as well. Being cautious when making physical contact. And recognizing the person you love in a glance. They will be reunited, at the promised land where they can love each other to no end.
WC : 2314 words.
Warning : Grammar errors, pure angst w/o comfort, major character spoiler, major death, mention of cigarettes, using form of Original Character, Honkai Impact references, Genshin Impact references, Your Throne references, etc.
A/N : How shameless am I, dissapearing then came back with something. Nah, I missed this couple so much, really. I wrote this in the middle of my chaotic college schedule. I wrote this as my THR for @devonares​. I wrote this before I read your post a couple days ago, so I’m sorry. But please ENJOY~!
     TWINS. A symbol of bad luck. They say it was the sign of devil and an evil omen itself. A symbol of the first and final phase of human; life and death.
     If that was indeed the case, then Nokto Klein would happily take himself on as the symbol of the last phase of human; death. And he wasn't joking about his choice.
     “Message from the front-lines. Lord Kain made it! The enemy troops retreated from the southwest border!”
     Sariel nodded as he took the report paper from the messanger. “Lord Kain just sent us the report. He will be returning to the capital in 8 hours after he settle everything down at the border and his tribe. He—”
     Seven pairs of eyes stared at the Sixth Prince of Rhodolite who suddenly stood up from his seat. "Licht, what's wrong?" Yves asked.
     Licht glanced at the empty seat beside him. “I need to go. I need—”
     "Licht, you need to calm down." Leon reminded his brother. “You must want to tell him about this news yourself.”
     Licht was silent for a moment. But without holding him back, they let him go to see his brother. The sound of his footsteps echoed through the hall, making the his ears ring painfully.
     “Nokto!” Licht almost slammed the door of his twin room. “Adam made it! You'll get to see him again once he gets back to the capital!”
     Nokto Klein sat weakly on his bed. The color and light in his crimson eyes began to fade. His breath was shaking and sounded so heavy.
     "Good. He kept himself alive … But I'm afraid, Licht, mother seems to have missed me a lot.” Nokto stared at Licht blankly. He chuckled in a hoarse voice. "Well, I think mother will get what she wanted now."
     Nokto's hand rose, searching for Licht who was kneeling beside his bed. Licht automatically grabbed his brother's hand. Nokto whispered, weak smile on his face, "I'm afraid I won't be here to see him again."
     Licht’s blood-colored eyes widened, not expecting what Nokto had just said. He frowned, actually trying to shook his fear away. "What are you saying?! Let me get the court phy—”
     But before Licht could stand up, Nokto grabbed his hand, holding the sixth prince back. "You don't have to. That won't work to me anymore."
     “Nokto… The illness…” Now Licht realized why Nokto's gaze wasn't straight on him. He also realized why Nokto's hand seemed to be searching for him earlier.
     “Licht, I'm… dying.” Still with a weak smile, Nokto tried to reach Licht's face and rub it gently. “My eyes are already failing me. I can't even see your face…”
     They found a chronic illness in Nokto's body which was most likely passed down from his mother. Unlike Licht, the epigenome in Nokto's DNA has very low tolerance for an illness like this. This makes Nokto have to suffer from the deadly pain.
     Licht's grip on Nokto's hand grew tighter. Nokto noticed how Licht was clenched his jaw as if he was holding something back. "Don't blame yourself, Licht. Although, I should also say that to Adam. He will smoke more cigarettes and destroy his lungs faster.”
     “I left three letters along with my will in Sariel's hands. One for you, one for Adam, and the other one is for King Highness," Nokto continued.
     “Why did you write to Chevalier too?” Licht asked, his hand still stroking Nokto's hand.
     And Nokto whispered with a weak smile, “I had to make sure Cainhorus remained a part of Rhodolite. I wanted to make sure Rhodolite could become a home for Adam and his family, and his tribe.”
     “At the letter I sent him these past few days, I told him that I was getting better, but I lied. He will now be all alone, Licht. I wanted to be reunited with him in the place he always believed in after someone died,” he continued.
     Tears fell from Nokto's beautiful eyes. The seventh prince took a deep breath. “Promise me this, Licht. You must always make sure he doesn't regret a single thing about my death. He still has a lot of people to take care of before he can destroy himself.”
     Realizing Nokto's hand were getting stiff and heavy, Licht immediately strengthened his grip. "You don't have to worry about that. Adam is a friend of mine as well. I promise to always look out for him.”
     Hearing that, a pained smile touched Nokto’s lips. “Thank you, Licht, for being a brother of mine, for everything.” Nokto took a deep breath and closed his ruby-colored eyes, hiding those beautiful gems eyes from the rest of the world. The world didn’t know that those crimson eyes will never be found again.
     “For Rhodolite, secure Cainhorus, and… Adam.”
     Nokto’s hand fell from Licht’s face. For a moment Licht felt his breath stop, so do his heart’s beating. His telepathy and intuition as Nokto's twin are very strong. Instantly his chest felt so tight, Licht was having a hard time breathing.
     Noticing the silence that answered him, Licht stood up from his kneeling position. He laid Nokto down on his bed. His hands trembled and tears silently trickled down his face. But in a calm and steady voice, Licht announced, “Spread the words, that His Highness the Seventh Prince of Rhodolite, Nokto Klein, has passed away.”
∘◦ ✂ ————–✂ ◦∘
Cainhorus, Southwest Border of Rhodolite…
     Adam sat cross-legged in front of an elder of Yasph. After stopping the conflict at the border, Adam had to make sure his tribe was okay. An old woman served Adam a cup of tea. The Marquis of Cainhorus thanked the woman.
     Just as Adam about to lift the cup, a cracking sound was heard. The voice was small, but to his ears, it sounded very clear and deafening. Cracks appeared to damage the beautiful marble glass.
     "Truly, we belong to the God," said the elder as he took a sip of his tea. "You have to repent more, young lad."
     Adam's heart was already filled with a bad feeling. He became so restless for no reason. “God, I ask for Your forgiveness,” Adam whispered as he clenched the front of his clothes.
     Adam turned towards the door, to find the youngest Lord of Kain standing at the door. Adam couldn't read his brother's expression, but the frown on his face made Adam even more worried. Adam noticed how his youngest brother had a hard time getting what he wanted to say—something very important it seemed.
     "Elijah, What's wrong?" Adam took the initiative to ask.
     Elijah narrowed at Adam straight in the eye. “Words from palace.”
     Realizing what the elder meant before, Adam's eyes opened wide. Without a second thought, Adam immediately stood up and rushed out, shouldering Elijah who was stand still at the door.
     “Truly, we belong to the God,” Elijah sighed, knowing exactly what will happen to his brother after that.
∘◦ ✂ ————–✂ ◦∘
     If he had more time, Adam would have told him everything that even if Nokto had changed bodies and souls, he was still the only one Adam would sacrifice his life to protect. Adam thought he was away for a little while. Now he regrets it that he didn’t keep his eyes on Nokto during his painful days.
     All white. Everything he saw before him was all white. White roses, pale white skin, and suddenly everything around Adam was an infinite white. Everything was colorless, as if it was the reflection of his heart. Empty.
     "Oh." Adam noticed a child with his back to him. The boy wore an all-white outfit and his hands seemed to be playing with the roses in Nokto's casket.
     Once again Adam stopped. He felt there was something familiar about the young lad. The boy just had to turn around and Adam would have all the answers he needed.
     "It can't be him. He's far too short and young to be Prince Nokto." The boy seemed very close, but Adam had difficulty reaching him. “Even if that child's hair matches Prince Nokto's…”
     Seeing the boy pulling a rose from the coffin, Adam tried to stop him. "Wait, you can't—"
     But before Adam could reach the boy, a woman stopped him. The woman seemed to be protecting the boy who was still playing with roses around Nokto's body.
     The woman was clad in pure white cloth. Her skin was very pale compared to other women Adam had met. Her dusty-blond hair looked very distinctive and her ruby-colored eyes shone like gems.
     "You are..." Adam widened his eyes when he realized who the woman in front of him was. “Lady Anita…” As if struck by a déja vu, Adam's gaze immediately turned to the boy behind Lady Anita's back. “Then, that young lad must be… Prince Nokto…?”
     The boy finally turned around, showing his face to Adam. The curiosity that kept swirling in Adam's mind was finally answered. However, Adam was even more confused with himself. What kind of situation is he in right now?
     “Being cautious when making physical contact. And recognizing the person you love in a glance.” Lady Anita murmured softly. “Do you love Prince Nokto, Lord Kain?”
     Seeing little Nokto playing with the white rose he pulled from the casket, Adam sighed. A painful smile appeared on his face. "Strange, is it?" he murmured. “I don't even know what kind of feelings I had for His Highness all this time.”
     Adam never thought he would feel such a warm and disgusting feeling. All just because a prince he met, suddenly came to test his loyalty, then disappeared when he had got all the loyalty he wanted. Not only for Rhodolite, Adam set aside a place in his heart for that man.
     “What you asked me, Lady Anita, was indeed a vague question.” Adam looked away. "I don't even know what this feeling is all about."
     Because of that, Adam didn't notice the movements of the boy who had previously played with the rose in Nokto's coffin. The boy put down the rose he was playing with and walked over to Adam.
     The boy's steps seemed to float above the void until he leveled his height with Adam's gaze. The boy smiled. "It was love."
     Hearing that, Adam snapped and turned his eyes to the young lad. Adam found the boy smiling very familiarly. Once again he muttered in a surprisingly soft tone, "It was love, Adam."
     It was then that Adam noticed the warmth on his forehead. The boy kissed Adam's forehead, causing him to freeze on the spot. “It was… love?” Adam questioned himself.
     The boy pulled himself up and cupped Adam's cheeks with his tiny hands. His crimson eyes looked at Adam with tenderness. He nodded, confirming the answer Adam had just found from him.
     Not long after, the boy released his contact with Adam and returned to his feet on the colorless ground. The boy grabbed Lady Anita's hand with his tiny ones. He smiled at her as if he was asking her to go somewhere.
     But before that, the boy stopped like he had just remembered something. He looked back at Adam and smiled. "Let us meet again in the promised land, Adam."
     Before Adam knew it, his hand was trying to reach the boy again. “Please, wait a second! I—”
     Adam flinched. He was thrown back to reality. The entire white room around him faded, bringing back the sadness atmosphere around. Adam stared at the man lying in the casket quietly, as if he were asleep.
     “Brother, what’s wrong with you?!”
     Adam turned his head to find his youngest sister with a worried expression. Behind his sister, the Sixth Prince of Rhodolite stood in clothes that were quite darker than the outfit he usually wore. Licht looked at the youngest Lady of Kain with an equally worried look. “What are you thinking? Your sister has repeatedly called you."
     Adam's dark eyes stared at the young woman before him. "I'm sorry," he whispered, fixing the black brocade veil that covered his sister’s head. “It seems I was too absorbed into my own world.”
     After finishing the business with his sister, Adam and Licht found themselves standing in front of Nokto's casket again. In his hands, Adam held several pieces of paper along with the envelope. A comfortable silence enveloped the two of them.
     “You were there with him when he uttered his last words. What did he say to you?” Adam took the initiative to break the silence.
     For a moment Licht was silent, not trying to remember what Nokto said at the end of his life, but trying to get rid of all the pain he felt at that time. If Licht had to admit it, all the horrors from that day still haunted him.
     Licht looked up at the stained glass panels rising high above. "He said something about securing Cainhorus for Rhodolite's sake, and you." Once again Licht was silent before he continued, “I asked your sister about this earlier, and I was met with an understanding. He wants to be reunited with you in the afterlife or something.”
     Adam could only chuckle weakly and painfully. "How persistent," he muttered. The marquis turned on his heels and walked away. “One day, I think I can make those words come true.”
     “Where do you think you’re going?” Licht asked the man.
     Adam reached into his pocket and lifted the cigarette case and lighter, showing those items to Licht without turning to him. “I need to smoke away my pain. Don't bother yourself by searching for me.”
     Licht stared at the man until he disappeared around the corner of the hall. The seventh prince sighed before he looked back at Nokto. "Look at that lover of yours, Nokto. How could that even possibly to stop him?”
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See you at the next works! Have a nice day/night!
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neonriser · 3 years
The latest chapters in Honkai Impact's story mode are probably the most hype thing in the whole story mode, possibly more than the last batch of chapters! There is so much to unpack here: the creepy-ass puppets who use people unsatisfied with their lives as hosts, the character development of Seele's dark side, the time the crew had to use their own ship to crash a puppet theatre, and the protagonist finding out that her team didn't really win the battle, it's just that the puppets deceived them. But I think that is little to what I'm going to talk about today (big spoilers ahead).
After finding out that the Herrisher of Domination is some little girl Kiana saved during her Arc City days, the puppets and the Herrisher of Void accuse her of killing her own teacher, the very same person who saved her from HoV's control. This would lead to a confrontation between the Void Herrisher and Kiana. The plot twist is that they represent contradicting wishes of a girl who was captured and experimented on by humans. After much philosophical and ethical discussion (not to mention an exploration to Kiana's past), they then fight each other to see who is more worthy. Benares, who was Sirin's best friend at some point, joins the battle. But HoV was pissed that the dragon sided with Kiana, but she defended her, saying Benares gets to chose who is the Sirin she knows. So HoV had put down Benares and took the power crystals from her, making the battle more difficult. But Kiana did not give up despite the intense struggle, which triggered the Flamescion crystal and giving her a higher edge in battle.
I could go on, but I would end up summarizing the whole chapter, which I'm not here for. I'm here to express my own opinions of the chapter.
After winning against the HoV, Kiana meets Himeko one last time, which was a very touching moment. She later wakes up to find Fu Hua and Bronya, who just resolved a hostage situation by sacrificing HoS to cut the connection between puppets and their unfortunate hosts. It's nice to acknowledge the aftermath of a big event that brought Fu Hua and her HoS side to Kiana's team, but to be utilized for an scene like this certainly proves this continuity.
And as of the very day I type this all out, I am currently in the part where I believe is the most hype thing to ever come to date, one which is as hype as that time Mei fought against the Gear Sword thing and regained her HoT power in the process. It is the battle between Kiana and the Herrisher of Dominance herself, with her HoD Minion hands dueling against her in one last grand finale show before the theater all breaks down. The amount of detail in the battle is as grandiose as the themes being brought to the forefront through dialog throughout the chapters: Despite her allies' best efforts to protect you from incoming death and Bronya being able to get back her HoR core, they both get taken away by the minion hands, which increased the battle's stakes. The battle later on reaches to the next phase after Kiana slides through the pieces of floors and falling rubble, which I haven't felt something this intense since that time Kiana had to run on a long chain while deflecting the HoS's projectile attacks. This phase involves battling against not only puppets and the minion itself, but also puppet imitations of her friends there for HoD to torment Kiana for the futility of her actions. Despite all this, Kiana did not give in. With her newfound inability to get a headache from excessively sword swooshing, she finally finishes of the minon for good, and that is where I am now.
I am thirsty for the grand finale of finales, one that contains a high-quality cutscene where she unleashes her HoF power and commits the grand finale to the show.
The latest chapter so far is so complex with its themes and respect to the series' continuity, I'm basically scratching the surface at this point. If you read this in its entirety and still don't know what I'm talking about, then I understand your pain.
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ryujitatsuya · 7 years
After the 4th episode, I took a break from the series for some days. Honestly, it seemed to get wilder and wilder and I had to be somewhat sane to write an acceptable review. But yeah, the 5th episode wasn’t that wild. NOTE: I’m saying this in a comparative sense.
The episode starts with a back story of the relationship between Hanabi and Kanai. Back in her childhood, Hanabi once fled from her home and luckily Kanai found her in the park. From their conversation, we get to know that Hanabi lived only with her dad and on the other hand, Kanai lived only with his dad. Of course, it was hard for both of them; at one hand, Kanai has passed that phase while Hanabi was passing that stage. Kanai says that we know each other’s pain and that’s why we will never leave each other; Hanabi cries while hugging him. As this story was progressing, I have to admit that this scene was a really cute one. But then, we are thrown back to present and I am once again reminded what Hanabi did. It’s morning and Hanabi, sleeping next to Ecchan, looks at her, only to visualise Akane in her position. Obviously, that split second visual proves that she already thinks she did something awful, just like Akane.
The story then focuses on Mugi and we get to know that he actually knows everything about Akane and her true nature. Back when he had the sexual relationship with his senpai, he was led onto the bitter truth by her, who showed him Akane going to a love hotel with an old guy (“Hmm…  Must be a college professor” – Mugi’s senpai, 2017. Well said!). After that, Mugi claims to have seen through her each and every move, but the problem was that, he still wasn’t able to help himself from falling for her deeper and deeper.
Now back to present, he keeps thinking about Akane and her senpai and then suddenly, BAM! He calls his senpai (Any guesses why?). Mugi’s senpai doesn’t wastes any time and does it with him as soon as possible and leaves. Mugi had now successfully cheated on his pretend gf J. The next day, Mugi and Hanabi meet at school and hang out at their usual place, the terrace. Hanabi was thinking that if she has someone to take care of her carnal desires, then there’s actually no reason for her to be with Mugi and thus, she takes control of this like a mature girl; she kisses him (WHAT DA FUUUUUUUUUU). Mugi and Hanabi keep kissing each other and slowly, they find out that both of them cheated on each other but somehow that pain they are feeling, feels good (Masochists); so they decide to continue this feeling and today finally have sex with each other (Maturity level: Over 9000).
As the second part comes under focus, we also follow up the story of Akane and Kanai. Akane says she doesn’t know much about Kanai so before she gives her answer, she wants to hang out more; thus, she calls him out for a drink that night (We all know that it’s not drinks she is interested in). Akane was actually pissed off by the fact that everything is the same as usual and drinks a lot, so much in fact that she was barely able to walk. Akane comes out of the bar and tries to walk but trips and was about to fall when Kanai catches her and says, “Are you ok………….. Hana?” (Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sheeeeeeeeeeeeyt). Just like me, Akane also found this little mistake interesting and thought that if she manages to remove even this little memory of her from his mind, she will be able to hurt Hanabi more. So, she makes a move on Kanai and within some scenes she was in a motel with him. Of course, Kanai still wasn’t sure about all this (Coz he’s innocent af) but gradually they do it.
On the other hand, Mugi takes Hanabi to his house. They make out and almost reach to the point where they will ‘Become one’ but Hanabi wasn’t able to deal with the pain of losing her virginity and gives up. She then asks him, why they can’t complete this and Mugi gives the obvious answer, “Because we don’t love each other”. Hanabi tries to push himself a little more but unfortunately she doesn’t gets a much positive answer; hurt with that fact, she leaves. Mugi asks her two questions before she leaves, first, if she wants to date for real (Dude, why didn’t you say that before) and is she a virgin (READ THE SITUATION), both the questions got ignored and she leaves the room. In the end of the episode, we see Akane and Hanabi passing each other in the corridor where Akane whispers, “Last night, I did it with Kanai” (Damn, that must hurt like hell).
As I said before, this episode was wild but wasn’t as wild as the other episodes have been. It really irritates me how both of the main character just go and have sex as if it’s nothing, it sometimes seems as if the creator thinks it’s really normal where in fact, it’s not. When Hanabi and Mugi both knew that the other cheated, it kinda made me feel good, however, that good feeling was only for some moments as after a while they decide to do it, which makes no sense at all. The Akane X Kanai story seems to have gotten a little interesting now and even if it’s as clear as day as to what’s gonna happen with them, it kinda makes me anxious to watch. I’m waiting to see the next episode only to see how Hanabi reacts to what Akane said and what will be her reaction to Mugi’s suggestion.
Kuzu no Honkai (Episode 5 Review) After the 4th episode, I took a break from the series for some days. Honestly, it seemed to get wilder and wilder and I had to be somewhat sane to write an acceptable review.
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