#financial model excel example
lindwurmkai · 11 months
hey, have you heard that pillowfort has ✨ drafts ✨ now? (as in, the ability to save your posts as drafts.) they're still working on the queue feature (update: it's done!), but drafts are a big step forward!
in case you missed it so far, pillowfort is like a cross between tumblr and dreamwidth/livejournal, with a simplified dashboard reminiscent of old school tumblr and some classic livejournal features such as communities, threaded comments, and the ability to make individual posts followers-only or mutuals-only.
what are communities? basically, central hubs for posts about any subject you want that, unlike hashtags, can be moderated. they may have rules, such as "[subject matter] must be tagged" for example. you can post directly to a community or reblog existing posts to it!
since the site is currently experiencing some financial trouble, i thought i'd help out by spreading the word once again.
edit: the fundraiser was a success! crisis averted! i knew we could do it :D
why you should give pillowfort a chance:
no ads
no venture capitalist funding
no spying on the users
completely free to use except for optional premium features
nsfw is allowed except for sexual depictions of minors. if you're unsure what exactly that means, their tos may help
communities and the privacy controls mentioned above are excellent features
great community, low drama compared to other websites (so far)
the site's features themselves encourage genuine connection and good-faith conversation over endless "discourse"
every blog can automatically be filtered by original posts only or reblogs only
reasons not to join:
if you enjoy algorithmic social media. there is no algorithm at all
if you want to post or look at machine-generated art. they're still finalising the wording and personally i hope some exception will be made for models trained on ethically sourced images, but basically an anti-AI rule is in the works (update: finished!)
if you cannot live without reblog additions (reblogging with comment). all discussions on a pillowfort post take place in the comments section, and only your own followers see your tags. this has its pros and cons for sure! a similar feature to scratch that itch may be implemented in the future, but it will never be exactly like on tumblr.
if you need everything to be an app. the website works fine in a mobile browser and a progressive web app will hopefully be released soon (basically it's like an app in your browser and on mobile these can be added to the homescreen like real apps i think? they have push notifications!), but there's not going to be a native app available through official app stores due to the restrictions of those stores.
other factors to consider:
yes, the userbase is still small. depending on your interests, activity may be very slow. but we can change that! and on the plus side, reblogging your post to a community is a good way to easily get more eyes on it; way more effective than simply adding tags imo
the site culture is a bit different than on tumblr. many people read everything that's been posted since the last time they were online and don't follow more users/communities than they can keep up with. it's still somewhat lacking in shitposts and heavy on "essays" but don't be afraid to post whatever 😅
there are no blog themes like we have them on tumblr as yet, but you can customise your blog's colours and use html/insert links and images in your blog description
likes literally do nothing except to let OP know you enjoyed their post. you can't look at a list of all your likes. beware!
the staff is small and development is slow. some highly anticipated planned features other than the aforementioned queue include: - multi-account management - dashboard filters/reading lists - post bookmarking (since likes don't work that way) but we don't know how soon any of those will be implemented.
there is a user-developed browser extension (well, a userscript) called tassel available that adds additional features much like tumblr's beloved xkit :)
✨ okay, so how do i sign up? ✨
if you're interested but confused by the sign-up process or still under the impression that you need to pay to sign up (false), i'll put some clarifications and invite codes under the read more below. plus a note on donating, premium features, the paypal issue etc.
in a nutshell:
it's free
signing up without an invite code is possible, but you may have to wait a short while - supposedly less than an hour atm. just submit your email to the waitlist
if you don't feel like waiting, you can either use an invite code from an existing user or pay $5 to sign up instantly
every user gets plenty of invite codes and we're all willing to hand them out at the drop of a hat. they're really not hard to come by
some invites to get you started (just click the link):
invite 1 ▪ invite 2 ▪ invite 3 ▪ invite 4 ▪ invite 5
invite 6 ▪ invite 7 ▪ invite 8 ▪ invite 9 ▪ invite 10
invite 11 ▪ invite 12 ▪ invite 13 ▪ invite 14 ▪ invite 15
invite 16 ▪ invite 17 ▪ invite 18 ▪ invite 19 ▪ invite 20
i'll try to periodically check if any have been used and cross those out.
...paypal issue?
ok so paypal doesn't like working with sites that allow nsfw. as a result, you need a credit card in order to donate to pillowfort, buy one of those insta-registration keys, or subscribe to premium features*. i personally happen to have a credit card and would be willing to help out anyone who trusts me enough to send the money to me via paypal, but i realise chances are only my friends will do this.
some users are currently organising various activities for the purpose of letting people who only have paypal contribute to the site's survival. it's not super relevant for new users and won't get you access to premium features, but i thought i'd mention it anyway in case someone loves the concept of the site so much they want to support it immediately. a fundraising community has been created to collect posts of that nature!
*premium features are strictly limited to two categories of things:
fun little extras that no one truly needs
higher image upload limits, because obviously big images take up bandwidth and are therefore a reason for increased costs
you will never need to pay for vital accessibility features or anything of the sort. :)
250 notes · View notes
The seductive, science fictional power of spreadsheets
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Tomorrow (Apr 30) at 2PM, I’ll be at the San Francisco Public Library with my new book, Red Team Blues, hosted by Annalee Newitz.
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This week, John Scalzi was kind enough to let me write a guest-editorial for his Whatever blog about the themes in my new crime technothriller, Red Team Blues; specifically, about the ways that spreadsheets embody the power and the pitfalls of science fiction at its best and worst:
If you’d like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here’s a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
Yes, spreadsheets. Marty Hench (the protagonist of Red Team Blues) is a 67-year-old forensic accountant who specializes in unwinding Silicon Valley financial frauds, a field he basically invented 40 years ago, when, as a PC-struck MIT dropout, he moved from Cambridge to San Francisco to recover the stolen millions hidden in spreadsheets.
Working through this book — and its two sequels, which travel back in time to the 1980s and Marty’s first encounters with VisiCalc and Lotus 1–2–3 — I was struck by the similarities between spreadsheets and science fiction.
While many people use spreadsheets as an overgrown calculator, adding up long columns of numbers, the rise and rise of spreadsheets comes from their use in modeling. Using a spreadsheet, a complex process can be expressed as a series of mathematical operations: we put these inputs into the factory and we get these finished goods. Once the model is built, we can easily test out contrafactuals: what if I add a third shift? What if I bargain harder for discounts on a key component? If I give my workers a productivity-increasing raise, will the profits make up for the costs?
These are the questions that anyone managing a complex system asks themselves all the time. Historically, the answers have sprung from intuition, from fingerspitzengefühl — the “fingertip feeling” of how a system’s components work and what their potential and limitations are. But intuition can calcify, become a rigid set of rules that increasingly diverge from the best strategy.
By contrast, spreadsheets yield a set of crisp, instantly tallied answers to any question you put to them. Change the input and watch as that change ripples through the whole system in an eyeblink. If you’re adding three more people to your camping trip, will the amount of additional water require renting another vehicle? No need to guess: just check and see.
This has a lot in common with science fiction, a genre full of thought experiments that ask Heinlein’s famous three questions:
What if?
If only, and
If this goes on…
These contrafactuals are incredibly useful and important. As critical tools, science fiction’s parables about the future are the best chance we have for resisting the inevitabilism that insists that technology must be used in a certain way, or must exist at all. Science fiction doesn’t just interrogate what the gadget does, but who it does it for and who it does it to:
One of science fiction’s key methods comes from sf grandmaster Theodore Sturgeon: “ask the next question.” Ask a question, then ask “what happens next?” Do it again, and again, and again:
This technique produces excellent, critical ways of interrogating technological narratives — check out this delightful example of the possible pipeline from self-driving cars to ransomware gangs to mutual aid societies to the reinvention of the train:
The commonalities between sf and spreadsheets don’t stop there — sf and spreadsheets share pitfalls, too. A spreadsheet is a model and a model is not the thing it models. The map is not the territory. Every time a messy, real-world process is converted to a crisp, mathematical operation, some important qualitative element is lost.
Modeling is an intrinsically lossy operation. That’s why “all models are wrong, but some models are useful.” There is no process so simple that it can be losslessly converted to a model. Even the actions of the nanoscale transistors in a microchip, which toggle between “0” and “1,” are rarely in a state of “no voltage” and “voltage.” That clean, square-wave line that’s used to describe what happens in a chip is a lie — that is to say, it is a model.
The wave isn’t square, it’s a squiggly line that hovers around zero and around one. Under normal circumstances, “zero” and “zero-ish” is a distinction without a difference. But when computers go wrong, it’s sometimes because a sufficiently ambiguous “zero-ish” acts like a “one.” That’s true all the way up the stack. On engineering diagrams, the nanoscale lines that electrons travel along inside a chip are represented as sharp paths, the kind of thing a Tron-cycle would lay down. But in the real world, we get all kinds of weird effects at that scale — electrons sometimes tunnel through those lines, performing a spooky quantum trick that reminds us that Newtononian physics are also just a model.
Every real-world phenomenon contains qualitative and quantitative elements, but computers can only do math on the quantitative parts. This creates a powerful temptation to incinerate the qualitative and perform operations on whatever dubious quantitative residue is left in the crucible, often with disastrous results.
Remember during lockdown, when a pair of University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign physicists produced a model of covid spread that predicted that the campus could safely reopen, predicting no more than 500 cases over the entire semester and no more than 100 cases at any one time? The physicists were openly contemptuous of their epidemiologist peers, saying that this kind of model making lacked the “intellectual thrill” of real science.
UI was so swayed by the crisp, precise model that they invited students back to campus — only to shut down again in a matter of weeks, with 780 active cases on campus and more rolling in every day.
The model reduced qualitative factors — like the propensity of undergrads to get drunk, take off their masks, and lick each others’ eyeballs — to a quantitative probability, using the highly precise, scientific technique of taking a wild-ass guess. That guess was wrong. The campus reopening was a super-spreader event.
Any model runs the risk of hiding the irreducible complexity of qualitative factors behind a formula, turning uncertainty into certainty and humility into arrogance.
Think of how we replaced contact tracing with exposure notification. Contact tracing has a qualitative foundation: public health workers establish rapport with infected people, win their trust, and get them to fully enumerate the places they’ve been and the activities they participated in.
By contrast, exposure notification measures whether two Bluetooth radios were within range of each other for a predetermined interval. It substitutes signal strength for a person’s own understanding of their experience. Now, people can be wrong about their own experience — we lose track of time, we misremember emotionally charged events, and so on — but that doesn’t mean we can substitute Bluetooth measurements for personal experience.
That’s why, despite all the clever privacy-preserving math and interesting analysis, exposure notification was a bust, something between a distraction and a false-confidence-generating disaster. Contact tracing ended the 2014 ebola outbreak. Exposure notification just wasted a lot of time:
It’s just too easy to forget which parts of a model are based on guesses and which parts are based on ground truth. And even if you can keep track of those differences, it’s even harder to re-check the model’s ground truth to determine whether the underlying factors have changed. That’s how we got into so much trouble with collateralized debt obligations, which were supposed to be “risk-free” mortgage derivatives that could be safely insured and invested in.
The formulas behind CDO hedging were designed by some of the world’s smartest mathematicians and physicists, who simply assumed that market actors — from loan-originating bank officers to insurance underwriters — would act in reliable, predictable ways. They were so very wrong that they brought the world economy to the brink of ruin:
This is also science fiction’s failure-mode: any science fictional “ask-the-next-question” exercise represents a series of guesses or speculations or maybe possibilities — but when you combine that guesswork with the deceptive certainty that comes from inhabiting a cracking story, it’s easy to mistake “guessing” for “prediction.”
Prediction is hard, especially about the future. The assumptions that go into a prediction are always incomplete, not least because human beings have free will and agency and can change the circumstances that go into the assumptions. The very best science fiction embodies this principle. I’m thinking here of the likes of Ada Palmer, an historian and sf writer whose deep historical knowledge informs her sf and her pedagogy at the University of Chicago:
Palmer is famous — even notorious — for her annual four-week undergraduate LARP in which students re-enact the election of the Medicis’ Pope. It’s four weeks of alliances, betrayal and skullduggery by the students, each of whom is enacting the agenda of a real-world Cardinal or other power-broker.
The final investiture is done in full costume at the university’s massive faux-gothic cathedral, and going into that climax, of the four candidates, two are always the same, because the great forces of history are bearing down on that moment to ensure that the champions of the two dominant power-blocs are in the running. But the other two? They’re never the same — because the agency of the actors jockeying for power change the outcome, every single time, in absolutely unpredictable ways.
Like any other model, sf is wrong, but sometimes useful. Thinking about jetpacks and flying cars is “useful” insofar as it gets us to interrogate how we think about cities, about mobility, about privilege and geography. But it’s not a prediction. Worse, the endless tales in which flying cars are presented a fait accompli is a gift to grifters raising money for the objectively stupid idea of flying cars. After all, we all know flying cars are inevitable, so it’s basically a risk-free investment, right? With flying cars just around the corner, wouldn’t it be irresponsible to build a city with mass-transit instead of helipads?
There’s a whole range of thought-experiments that got transformed into predictions and then certainties: self-driving cars, “general artificial intelligence,” infinite life-extension, space colonization, faster-than-light travel, cryptocurrency, etc etc.
Spreadsheets don’t just lead their users astray — they also trick their creators. The very same people who transform wild-assed guesses about hairy, unknowable outcomes into neat mathematical relationships are perfectly capable of acting as if those relationships are based on fact, rather than supposition. The Great Financial Crisis wasn’t just about people who didn’t understand the uncertainty in the hedging algorithm going all-in — the people who made those models were also fooled by them.
It’s very easy to get high on your own supply. I’ll never forget the sf convention panel I was on with Robert Silverberg about sf’s supposed predictive value, where the subject of Robert A Heinlein came up, and Silverberg sniffed, and, in that trademark bone-dry way of his, said, “Ah yes, ‘Robert A Timeline.’”
Sf isn’t just full of writers who mistake their suppositions for predictions — the canon is full of tales in which brilliant people can and do predict the future, with near-perfection. Think of Hari Seldon, the hero of Asimov’s Foundation series, who is able to forecast the future several millennia out. Or Heinlein’s first-ever story, “Life-Line,” in which a genius inventor destroys the insurance industry by creating a computer that can predict your exact date of death using statistical methods.
There’s something wild about this phenomenon, in which writers make stuff up and then assume that anything that cool must also be accurate. One tantalizing explanation for this comes from EL Doctorow’s (no relation) essay “Genesis,” from his 2007 collection “The Creationists”:
Doctorow tells the history of the Genesis story, which the Hebrews plagiarized from the Babylonians. In Doctorow’s telling, the Babylonian mystics who made up the Genesis story assumed that it had to be true, because they considered themselves to be nowhere near imaginative enough to have come up with something as great as Genesis. An idea that amazing had to be divinely inspired.
I like this because it’s a story of being led astray by humility, rather than hubris.
Imaginative exercises — whether or not they are assisted by mathematical models and self-updating digital spreadsheets — are powerful tools for thinking about the future we want, and to guide our attempts to make that future come true. All models are wrong but some models are useful, of course!
I’m on tour with Red Team Blues right now — I’m writing this post while waiting for my flight to San Francisco, where I’m appearing at the public library with Annalee Newitz tomorrow (4/30) at 2PM:
One especially fun stop on this tour will be on May 5, at the Books, Inc in Mountain View, where I’ll be talking about the book with Mitch Kapor, the creator of Lotus 1–2–3, who knows a thing or two about spreadsheets:
The tour is bringing me to Berkeley, Vancouver, Calgary, DC, Gaithersburg, Toronto, PDX, Nottingham, Hay, London, Manchester, Edinburgh and Berlin — I hope to see you!
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Catch me on tour with Red Team Blues in Mountain View, Berkeley, San Francisco, Portland, Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto, DC, Gaithersburg, Oxford, Hay, Manchester, Nottingham, London, and Berlin!
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[Image ID: A Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet with green-on-black, low-res type; its center has an irregular vignette revealing a space station.]
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runwayrunway · 1 year
No. 8 - Flair Airlines
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I’m pleased to announce that this post is my first second ever request! (Sorry about the bumping back in the queue. Blame jetBlue, not me.) @fungaloids​ has requested that I cover Canada’s most complained-about airline, so let’s see if the self-proclaimed only ultra-low-cost carrier in Canada can add my opinion of their livery to their 15.3 complaints per 100 flights!
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Being a relatively new carrier, you might not expect me to have anything to say about the history and evolution of Flair’s livery, but I really feel like I need to talk about the utter whiplash this airline has inflicted on me. My familiarity with Flair was only in passing beforehand, so I don’t know if Canadians have had to experience this in real time, but this company has existed since 2005 under two names and has had three liveries, none of which remotely look like they belong to the same airline. 
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This cannot possibly be the same airline, right? This fully-servicable-yet-entirely-generic livery with what looks like a hotel logo badly centered on the tail is Flair? No, seriously, that tail looks like it’s photoshopped on badly but this is allegedly a candid photo. 
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(image source: johnnyw3)
In 2017 they rebranded to this very...different look. I’m not here to talk about this but I must say it while I’m here - I enjoy the belly-centric livery and the blocking of contrasting colors here but I cannot get over how bad the wordmark is. This is a wonderful example of a livery being somewhat interesting but not very good. 
Just a year later, Flair, formerly a charter operator, decided to begin scheduled service as an ultra-low-cost carrier. Clearly this set their financially minded brains churning, and what they churned up was toxic sludge. 
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It only took them two years of the blue and purple to decide that wasn’t the move and rebrand again to a color scheme of black and what they themselves describe as “acid green”. And I...
Oh. I’m angry at myself for this. I like it? 
Let me explain myself. 
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I think this design is delightfully tacky in the best of ways. I like it when low-cost carriers lean into the fact that they don’t need to take themselves seriously. I think billboard-style liveries are excellent on carriers like this. We've gone from that utterly generic wordmark to this huge bold easily recognizable affair that spans the height of the fuselage, with the ascenders and big circular dot on the 'i' as a nice little pop-art-looking touch. It's a tiny detail but I also love how they lined up the crossbar on the f to be just above the windows. The huge and legible airline name keeps the white bits of the airplane from being too unbroken and boring, and the bright color scheme pops vividly.
I don’t think any other airline uses these colors, at least not that I’ve seen. The tiny bit of purple is a very classy touch, and I love the way the green is used to accentuate the black. They’re basically separate blocks, not mingling - one on the body and one on the nacelles and winglets - except for the big spotlight of bright searing green right on the horizontal stabilizer, like it’s going “look! You use this to pitch the plane up and down!”. The black section of the belly is visible from the side and helps keep the front of the plane from looking empty without creating clutter or taking away from the primary design on the tail. The entire design has a delightful pop art vibe to it, and like I said, it suits Flair’s business model to not brand itself in too self-respecting of a way. I even like the website on the belly. You can even advertise to people on the ground when you fly over them! Now that’s hustling. 
This livery gets a B+. 
But wait...what’s this? Well, as it turns out, Flair might have an all-737 fleet (very typical for this business model), but they operate two types of 737, and each has its own livery. What I just showed you is the livery they use for their 737MAX 8 aircraft. But what about the 737-800 NG which make up the rest of its fleet? 
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Well, she sure did sit in a pile of green. That said, this....is worse. 
It maintains the pop art look, which is good, because I’d be furious if it didn’t, but aside from the painted radome (always a good feature due to how it makes airplanes look sort of like a little dog) this is a downgrade in every way. (To be clear, I think a painted radome would look weird on the MAX livery so I’m not mad they removed it; I just like it on the NG livery.)
It just feels like a bunch of unrelated bits merged together. It has that thing I hate where the tailfin is a different color from the main fuselage with no transition. The main thing here, of separating the plane into three vertical blocks, would be solid if there was anything which transitioned the fin to the main body (Uzbekistan Airways does a solid job of this, but it could literally be a teeny stripe and it would work), but it just feels like the black gets overpowered by the white and green and the reduced contrast honestly robs the green of its punch. 
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Also, they removed the text on the belly. Come on, Flair. 
Overall, this livery just feels a lot less dynamic than the MAX one. I’m finding myself relieved that they seem to be phasing it out for an all-MAX fleet, with only two left in service. The phase-out was assisted, presumably, by the fact that Flair just had four of their leased aircraft repossessed by the lessor for defaulting on payments. Whoops!
The 737NG livery gets a C.
That gives Flair an overall GPA of B-, according to my calculations. It feels right, although I do feel pretty disappointed that I ended up more or less liking it. I feel like getting yet another complaint would be on brand for them. Does that count as a complaint? I don’t know. The livery’s good. 
Thank you again for the request! I greatly enjoyed reviewing this very green plane. 
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crippleprophet · 2 years
hi, i was wondering if you had any resources on antidepressants, in general or from an antipsych perspective? i’m starting on medication soon and i’m hoping to get informed. no rush/feel free to delete, and thank you! <3
yeah absolutely!! there are obviously tons of differing perspectives in antipsych conversations, so a bit of background on mine:
i’m not unilaterally anti-medication (even ones with significant risks such as antipsychotics); i’m pro-informed consent.
assuming physically disabling side effects should be an automatic deterrent from psychotropic medications has a multitude of ableist pitfalls - for example, as someone who’s started experiencing involuntary movements that are probably dystonia due to chronic illness, if anyone said antipsychotics shouldn’t be prescribed because of the possibility of dystonia, i’d let them get within smacking range.
rather, people should not be pressured to start certain medications (including to receive housing, employment, financial support, accommodations, other medical treatment, social support, etc etc), should be given thorough information about other options, and should be given an accurate description of risks.
i’m on an antidepressant myself (duloxetine - generic of cymbalta) for mood and nerve pain, which has helped me significantly, although neither of those experiences are fully managed by it and i know plenty of people whom it hasn’t helped at all.
the number one thing to know is that the serotonin model of depression is total bullshit, and this has been widely known and accepted by the majority of scientists for a long time. there is “no consistent evidence of there being an association between serotonin and depression, and no support for the hypothesis that depression is caused by lowered serotonin activity or concentrations” (source).
if a doctor tells you this antidepressant will improve your mood by inhibiting serotonin reuptake, they are lying to you, probably knowingly. SSRIs inhibit serotonin reuptake, and they improve some people’s moods, but there is no evidence that this is a cause-effect relationship. basically, sometimes they work, but we don’t know why they work - or why they don’t act as intended on other people.
Mad in America has a wealth of resources in terms of scientific research and community experience - a good starting place is this drug info page on antidepressants in adults. they also have pages about antipsychotics, antidepressants in children, withdrawal, and much more.
my anti-psychiatry tag focuses mostly on the social construction of diagnostic labels and deinstitutionalization; this excerpt about selfhood is an excellent unpacking of how society frames antidepressant use.
you’d probably notice me reblogging from these folks a lot anyway lol but some of my favorite tumblrs who post a lot of antipsych content are @librarycards @bioethicists @bananapeppers @noncompliance @illnessfaker @psychiatricsurvivorpositivity @fuckpsychiatry
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3rdeyeblaque · 1 year
Today we venerate Ancestor "Phillis Wheatley" on her 270th birthday 🎉
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Her masterful talent & revolutionary use of words in poetry, spawned her storied success in becoming the first Afrikan descendant poet to be published in U.S. History.
I place quotations "Phillis Wheatley", because that was NOT her name. "Phillis" was the name of the slave ship that robbed her of her home, dignity, & identity. "Wheatley " was the name of the European slaver who "owned" her. Both names are a lie (as are many of ours today) forced upon her as a reflection of her circumstances. I feel compelled to emphasize this as the dark truth of our history & how it presently affects us generations later, is consistently ignored. Sadly, we will never know her true name. Yet she remains a shining example of how Black excellence always perseveres despite circumstance or any interruption to our history.
Born in Senegal/Gambia, "Phillis Wheatley" was just 8 years old when she was kidnapped and sold into Slavery. She was taken to Boston, MA where she was purchased by the Wheatleys as a hand servant. Even at such a tender age, "Phillis Wheatley" showed exceptional intellectual promise. At the Wheatley's instruction, she learned to read Greek & Latin. At age 12, she discovered Alexander Pope, who she'd begin to model her own literary work after. She was first published at age 13 when her work was featured in a Rhode Island newspaper.
As her prominence grew, the Wheatleys sought a publisher to release an anthology of her work. They pursued her publication in England. There, she garnered the interest of many & the support of a Countess, who was a pro-abolitionist. A publisher approached the Wheatleys with interest, but demanded proof that it was indeed "Phillis'" work. Shortly thereafter, a literary trial unsued. A young "Phillis Wheatley" endured 18 White male arbiters in Boston who were tasked with validating her work; none in the U.S. believed that an enslaved young Afrikan woman was capable of articulating her thoughts into such impeccable work. Of course, she proved them all very wrong. 11 months later, "Phillis Wheatley's" 1773 anthology was published.
Her work was deeply attuned to the societal issues of her time; from Slavery to the Abolition Movement, to the warped irony of the European transplants writhing to escape their British dominants in the wake of the Revolutionary War. Though her classical eurocentric literary training emanated from her work, it never diminishing her voice. Her masterful use of allegories - drawn particularly from Greek mythology- affirmed her perspective as an enslaved Afrikan Woman. Due to her growing popularity & growing wealthy patrons, John Wheatley caved into the pressure to emancipate her. With her life as her own for the first time in her life, "Phillis Wheatley" sought to pursue a career in writing poetry. However, the Revolutionary War quickly redirected the financial resources of her wealthy patrons on both sides of the Atlantic.
"In every human Breast, God has implanted a Principle, which we call Love of Freedom; it is impatient of Oppression, and pants for Deliverance." - "Phillis Wheatley"  
We pour libations & give her💐 today as we celebrate her for her perseverance & revolutionary words, and elevate her in healing. May be remembered for her truth spoken through the power of words & the truth in her identity.
Offering suggestions: libations of water, read/share her poetry, & foods/music from Gambia/Senegal
*Note: offering suggestions are just that & strictly for veneration purposes only. Never attempt to conjure up any spirit or entity without proper divination/Mediumship counsel.
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vbeyound · 2 months
Maximizing Business Insights with Power BI: A Comprehensive Guide for Small Businesses
Maximizing Business Insights Small businesses often face the challenge of making data-driven decisions without the resources of larger enterprises. Power BI, Microsoft's powerful analytics tool, can transform how small businesses use data, turning raw numbers into actionable insights. Here's a comprehensive guide to maximizing business insights with Power BI.
Introduction to Power BI
Power BI is a business analytics service by Microsoft that provides interactive visualizations and business intelligence capabilities. With an interface simple enough for end users to create their own reports and dashboards, it connects to a wide range of data sources.
Benefits for Small Businesses
1. User-Friendly Interface: Power BI's drag-and-drop functionality makes it accessible for users without technical expertise.
2. Cost-Effective: Power BI offers a free version with substantial features and a scalable pricing model for additional needs.
3. Real-Time Data: Businesses can monitor their operations with real-time data, enabling quicker and more informed decision-making.
Setting Up Power BI
1. Data Sources: Power BI can connect to various data sources such as Excel, SQL databases, and cloud services like Azure.
2. Data Modeling: Use Power BI to clean and transform data, creating a cohesive data model that forms the foundation of your reports.
3. Visualizations: Choose from a wide array of visualizations to represent your data. Customize these visuals to highlight the most critical insights.
Customizing Dashboards
1. Tailor to Needs: Customize dashboards to reflect the unique needs of your business, focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to your goals.
2. Interactive Reports:Create interactive reports that allow users to explore data more deeply, providing a clearer understanding of underlying trends.
Real-World Examples
Several small businesses have successfully implemented Power BI to gain a competitive edge:
1. Retail: A small retail store used Power BI to track sales trends, optimize inventory, and identify peak shopping times.
2. Finance:A small financial advisory firm employed Power BI to analyze client portfolios, improving investment strategies and client satisfaction.
Integration with Existing Tools
Power BI seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products such as Excel and Azure, as well as third-party applications, ensuring a smooth workflow and enhanced productivity.
Best Practices
1. Data Accuracy: Ensure data accuracy by regularly updating your data sources.
2. Training: Invest in training your team to use Power BI effectively.
3. Security: Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive data.
Future Trends
Power BI continues to evolve, with future updates likely to include more advanced AI features and enhanced data processing capabilities, keeping businesses at the forefront of technology.
Power BI offers small businesses a powerful tool to transform their data into meaningful insights. By adopting Power BI, businesses can improve decision-making, enhance operational efficiency, and gain a competitive advantage. Partnering with Vbeyond Digital ensures a smooth and successful implementation, maximizing the benefits of Power BI for your business. with Power BI: A Comprehensive Guide for Small Businesses
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lodeemmanuelpalle · 1 year
What are the 5 types of computer applications? - Lode Emmanuel Pale
Computer applications, also known as software or programs, serve various purposes and can be categorized into different types based on their functions and usage. Here are five common types of computer applications explained by Lode Emmanuel Pale:
Word Processing Software: Word processors are used for creating, editing, and formatting text documents. They include features for text formatting, spell checking, and sometimes even collaborative editing. Microsoft Word and Google Docs are popular examples.
Spreadsheet Software: Spreadsheet applications are used for managing and analyzing data in tabular form. They are commonly used for tasks like budgeting, financial analysis, and data visualization. Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets are well-known spreadsheet programs.
Presentation Software: Presentation software is used to create and deliver slideshows or presentations. These applications allow users to design visually appealing slides, add multimedia elements, and deliver presentations effectively. Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides are widely used for this purpose.
Database Software: Database applications are designed for storing, managing, and retrieving data efficiently. They are commonly used in businesses and organizations to store and manipulate large volumes of structured data. Examples include Microsoft Access, MySQL, and Oracle Database.
Graphics and Design Software: Graphics and design applications are used for creating visual content, such as images, illustrations, and multimedia presentations. These tools are essential for graphic designers, artists, and multimedia professionals. Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and CorelDRAW are popular graphic design software options.
These are just five broad categories of computer applications, and there are many more specialized software programs available for various purposes, such as video editing, 3D modeling, web development, and more. The choice of software depends on the specific needs and tasks of the user or organization.
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alectoperdita · 1 year
What creative hobbies does your interpretation of Joey and Kaiba (in general) have or do? Like for example, drawing, creative writing, 3D modelling, sculpting, woodworking, etc
I do remember reading one of your chapters from the gundam crossover series where joey did sketches lol
I don't think I really have a consistent view of creative hobbies for these two. In fact I don't seem to write a lot about them having creative hobbies unless it's directly plot relevant. Ironic, given 90% of my life outside of work revolves around my creative hobby.
Canonically in the manga, Jounouchi is mentioned as enjoying plamos. Which makes a lot of sense to me that he likes making stuff with your hand. It's also hard to have a lot of creative hobbies when growing up poor. So I can see Jounouchi wanting to make a lot of stuff like plamos and kits, but that shit gets expensive fast if you do the whole painting bit too. One of the pleasures of growing up and making your own money for Jounouchi will be getting to explore those hobbies he might have always wanted to but couldn't because of financial reason. That opens the door to related hobbies like painting/sculpting/woodworking.
(Related, I love making Jounouchi a carpenter. I think it's an excellent trade for him to pick up, giving him both room to grow and decent financial security).
Conversely, traditional sketch art/doodling is relatively inexpensive and a much lower barrier to entry re: tools. So that's why I think drawing/sketching is a nice hobby that Jounouchi could pick up and enjoy earlier on. In the Gundam crossover, that combination of a love for plamo and sketching definitely informed his career choice.
I think Jounouchi enjoys singing too, but he probably thinks of it less as a hobby than as a way to goof around. He's pretty good too when we take into account his Japanese VA's singing career.
Kaiba, on the other hand, lived a life of (relative) financial security. However, given how strict his education was, I dunno if he was ever given much of the mental space to explore creative hobbies. Art might have been seen a frivolous waste of time within his home schooled education. The one exception to that might be music. I can see Gozaburo insisting on Kaiba learning an instrument or two. But at that point it's more about developing a skill set to show off (and maybe me projecting the Asian experience of your parent forcing you to pick up an instrument because that's classically considered part of a well-rounded education in many East Asian cultures). Violin or piano are the most likely candidates here. Kaiba is good at them, because he has to be. He can't not learn it well if Gozaburo is invested in that part of his education.
How much he personally enjoys it is up for debate.
Definitely one of those things that I imagine falls quickly to the wayside once he's out from under Gozaburo's control. But that also offers opportunities for him to maybe rediscover it later in life, after his skill set had rusted a bit from lack of practice, and learn to enjoy the hobby for itself while relearning the ropes.
A lot of the creative hobbies I've written for Kaiba follow the same development model, including tea ceremony and calligraphy.
I guess that makes them both kinda comparable, because they've each lived a life of scarcity in their youths (more financial for Jounouchi, and emotional deprivation for Kaiba) that robbed them of opportunities to explore their creative sides. As they heal and grow, they can begin to explore those possibilities for themselves.
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maaarine · 1 year
Helplessness: On Depression, Development, and Death (Martin Seligman, 1975)
"Learned helplessness is caused by learning that responding is independent of reinforcement; so the model suggests that the cause of depression is the belief that action is futile.
What kind of events set off reactive depressions?
Failure at work and school, death of a loved one, rejection or separation from friends and loved ones, physical disease, financial difficulty, being faced with insoluble problems, and growing old.
There are many others, but this list captures the flavor.
I believe that what links these experiences and lies at the heart of depression is unitary: the depressed patient believes or has learned that he cannot control those elements of his life that relieve suffering, bring gratification, or provide nurture— in short, he believes that he is helpless.
Consider a few of the precipitating events: What is the meaning of job failure or incompetence at school?
Often it means that all of a person’s efforts have been in vain, that his responses have failed to achieve his desires.
When an individual is rejected by someone he loves, he can no longer control this significant source of gratification and support.
When a parent or lover dies, the bereaved is powerless to elicit love from the dead person.
Physical disease and growing old are helpless conditions par excellence; the person finds his own responses ineffective and is thrown upon the care of others.
Endogenous depressions, while not set off by an explicit helplessness-inducing event, also may involve the belief in helplessness.
I suspect that a continuum of susceptibility to this belief may underlie the endogenous-reactive continuum.
At the extreme endogenous end, the slightest obstacle will trigger in the depressive a vicious circle of beliefs in how ineffective he is.
At the extreme reactive end, a sequence of disastrous events in which a person is actually helpless is necessary to force the belief that responding is useless.
Consider, for example, premenstrual susceptibility to feelings of helplessness.
Right before her period, a woman may find that just breaking a dish sets off a full-blown depression, along with feelings of helplessness.
Breaking a dish wouldn’t disturb her at other times of the month; it would take several successive major traumas for depression to set in.
Is depression a cognitive or an emotional disorder? Neither and both.
Clearly, cognitions of helplessness lower mood, and a lowered mood, which may be brought about physiologically, increases susceptibility to cognitions of helplessness; indeed, this is the most insidious vicious circle in depression.
In the end, I believe that the cognition-emotion distinction in depression will be untenable.
Cognition and emotion need not be separable entities in nature simply because our language separates them.
When depression is observed close up, the exquisite interdependence of feelings and thought is undeniable: one does not feel depressed without depressing thoughts, nor does one have depressing thoughts without feeling depressed."
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gnh5blog · 1 year
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The business world is changing, and so are the opportunities within it. If you've finished your studies in Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) or Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), you might be wondering how to switch into the field of data analysis. Data analysts play an important role these days, finding useful information in data to help with decisions. In this blog post, we'll look at the steps you can take to smoothly change from a B.Com or BBA background to the exciting world of data analysis.
What You Already Know:
Even though it might feel like a big change, your studies in B.Com or BBA have given you useful skills. Your understanding of how businesses work, finances, and how organisations operate is a great base to start from.
Step 1: Building Strong Data Skills:
To make this change, you need to build a strong foundation in data skills. Begin by getting to know basic statistics, tools to show data visually, and programs to work with spreadsheets. These basic skills are like building blocks for learning about data.
I would like to suggest the best online platform where you can learn these skills. Lejhro bootcamp has courses that are easy to follow and won't cost too much.
Step 2: Learning Important Tools:
Data analysts use different tools to work with data. Learning how to use tools like Excel, SQL, and Python is really important. Excel is good for simple stuff, SQL helps you talk to databases, and Python is like a super tool that can do lots of things.
You can learn how to use these tools online too. Online bootcamp courses can help you get good at using them.
Step 3: Exploring Data Tricks:
Understanding how to work with data is the core of being a data analyst. Things like looking closely at data, testing ideas, figuring out relationships, and making models are all part of it. Don't worry, these sound fancy, but they're just different ways to use data.
Step 4: Making a Strong Collection:
A collection of things you've done, like projects, is called a portfolio. You can show this to others to prove what you can do. As you move from B.Com or BBA to data analysis, use your business knowledge to pick projects. For example, you could study how sales change, what customers do, or financial data.
Write down everything you do for these projects, like the problem, the steps you took, what tools you used, and what you found out. This collection will show others what you're capable of.
Step 5: Meeting People and Learning More:
Join online groups and communities where people talk about data analysis. This is a great way to meet other learners, professionals, and experts in the field. You can ask questions and talk about what you're learning.
LinkedIn is also a good place to meet people. Make a strong profile that shows your journey and what you can do. Follow data analysts and companies related to what you're interested in to stay up to date.
Step 6: Gaining Experience:
While you learn, it's also good to get some real experience. Look for internships, small jobs, or freelance work that lets you use your skills with real data. Even if the job isn't all about data, any experience with data is helpful.
Step 7: Updating Your Resume:
When you're ready to apply for data jobs, change your resume to show your journey. Talk about your B.Com or BBA studies, the skills you learned, the courses you took, your projects, and any experience you got. Explain how all of this makes you a great fit for a data job.
Using Lejhro Bootcamp:
When you're thinking about becoming a data analyst, think about using Lejhro Bootcamp. They have a special course just for people like you, who are switching from different fields. The Bootcamp teaches you practical things, has teachers who know what they're talking about, and helps you find a job later.
Moving from B.Com or BBA to a data analyst might seem big, but it's totally doable. With practice, learning, and real work, you can make the switch. Your knowledge about business mixed with data skills makes you a special candidate. So, get ready to learn, practice, and show the world what you can do in the world of data analysis!
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yisabray · 1 year
Yisa Bray Gwinnett County - The Keys To Becoming A Successful Pharmacy Entrepreneur.
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Yisa Bray Gwinnett County: To be a successful entrepreneur in the pharmacy field, there are several key things to keep in mind. Firstly, it's essential to have a strong knowledge of the industry, including regulatory requirements and market trends. This can be gained through education and experience, as well as staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.
Secondly, it's important to have a clear business plan that outlines your goals, target market, financial projections, and marketing strategies. This will help you to stay focused and make informed decisions about how to grow your business.
Thirdly, building strong relationships with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders is crucial. This can be achieved through effective communication, networking, and providing excellent customer service.
Fourthly, embracing new technologies and innovations can give you a competitive edge in the industry. For example, incorporating digital tools into your business model can help you to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance the customer experience.
Finally, persistence and perseverance are essential qualities for any entrepreneur. Building a successful business takes time, effort, and patience, and there will inevitably be setbacks along the way. Like any startup, there are risks involved in starting a pharmacy business. Some of the main risks to consider include:
Regulatory compliance: The pharmacy industry is highly regulated, and there are many laws and regulations that pharmacies must comply with. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines, legal action, or even the loss of your pharmacy license.
Financial risks: Starting a pharmacy can be expensive, and there is always the risk that you may not be able to secure the funding you need to get your business off the ground.
Competition: The pharmacy industry is highly competitive, with many established players in the market. New pharmacies may struggle to attract customers and compete on price with larger, more established businesses.
Technological risks: Technology plays an important role in the pharmacy industry, and there is a risk that new pharmacies may struggle to keep up with the latest developments.
Operational risks: Running a pharmacy requires careful management of inventory, staff, and customer interactions. There is a risk that operational issues could arise, such as supply chain disruptions, staff turnover, or customer complaints, which could negatively impact your business.
Yisa Bray- Overall, starting a pharmacy requires careful planning, research, and risk management to minimize the chances of failure. It's important to have a clear understanding of the risks involved and to take steps to mitigate them where possible.
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supernova5321 · 11 months
Bright future for Taurus
Venus infuses beauty into your chart. You must shine. Literally. Swarovski stones and all sorts of glitter on clothes, bags and hats. All sorts of cool rings. Through all this, the most important energy seeps into your life.
When you spend money on beautiful things, you stimulate the work of Venus, and she, in turn, attracts new resources. Cash can circulate easily and quickly in your pockets. To get good luck in love and work, you need to pump up Venus. Dress up (specifically). Go to master classes in drawing or clay modeling, for example... Draw. Venus will really like slow, unhurried and pleasant actions aimed at achieving an excellent result.
Secondly, she loves to enjoy the tastes. Go to a nice restaurant or cook dinner with your favorite dishes. Try to feel the full depth of taste of food. Another Venusian principle is relaxation and unhurriedness. Think about how you can revise your schedule to leave more time for ordinary idleness.
Choose clothes, think over your own image. Make your workplace beautiful By nature, you can manifest yourself as a practitioner. You have every opportunity to avoid poverty even in the most difficult times. Learn to appreciate and enjoy everyday comfort, coziness and luxury - strive for exquisite furniture, expensive accessories, beautiful interiors. Only in such conditions will you feel calm and stable. You have simple financial prudence, don't let it turn into greed. You have many opportunities and ways to get money, and just as many temptations to waste it.
And of course you need to be able to communicate with the highest strata of society, because you understand their motives. Success awaits you in public affairs. Improve your surroundings. Make influential friends. Try to benefit from everywhere: useful contacts, patrons, commercial transactions... Studying art, marketing, financial investments, dancing, clothing and jewelry design is useful. Innate sales skills can be the key to developing the sphere of love. Namely, to bring acquaintances and meetings with potentially wonderful partners, and then it’s up to you: whether you accept the gift of fate or not...
Never allow anyone to impose someone else’s way of behavior and thinking on you; it will never correspond to your own views. Do everything your own way and to the fullest. You have every right to do this. At the moment of your birth, a “warm place” was prepared for you. But you, like all of us, will have to go through the school of life and learn self-control before the fanfare sounds in your honor. You will certainly be accompanied by material and social success, and possibly a very high position.
Start with self-discipline. You may really miss her sometimes. You shouldn't be lazy and lower your goals. It can suck you in and make your goals impossible. Of course, this can be said to every person. But you have a real weak point, because of which everything will go down the drain. This means that, in principle, it’s generally impossible for you to do anything, despite the fact that you are always able to. Always be sure that the world will appreciate you what you deserve. This will allow you to save your personal energy and not waste it. If you truly love what you do, you will become an expert at your craft. And an excellent professional.
You must have many well-deserved awards. And you will always have something to be proud of.
*The article was published based on an individual natal chart.
💌 order a natal chart: [email protected]
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ferntreegullyauto · 11 months
Why Toyota Used Cars Are a Smart Investment
Welcome to our blog post! Today, we are going to discuss why Toyota used cars are a smart investment. We understand that purchasing a used car can be a major decision, and we want to highlight the benefits and advantages of choosing a Toyota.
From quality and reliability to affordability and fuel efficiency, Ferntree Gully Toyota used cars offer a range of features that make them an excellent choice for any buyer. So, let's dive in and explore why Toyota used cars should be at the top of your list!
Quality and Reliability:
When it comes to quality and reliability, Toyota has built a reputation that is hard to beat. For years, Toyota has consistently produced vehicles that are known for their durability and long-lasting performance. Whether it's a brand-new model or a used car, Toyota's commitment to quality remains unwavering.
One of the reasons behind Toyota's reputation for reliability is their meticulous manufacturing process. Every Toyota vehicle undergoes rigorous testing and inspection to ensure that it meets the highest standards of quality. From the materials used to the engineering techniques employed, every aspect of a Toyota car is designed to withstand the test of time.
Don't just take our word for it - the numbers speak for themselves. According to various reliability studies, Toyota consistently ranks among the top automakers for reliability. Additionally, customer testimonials and reviews abound, with many Toyota owners sharing stories of their vehicles surpassing the 200,000-mile mark without major issues. These real-life experiences serve as a testament to the long-lasting nature of Toyota used cars.
Resale Value:
One of the key advantages of investing in a Toyota used car is its strong resale value. Toyota vehicles hold their value exceptionally well, often outperforming other brands in the used car market. This is largely due to Toyota's reputation for quality and reliability.
When it comes time to sell or trade-in your Toyota, you can expect to receive a higher resale value compared to other vehicles. This means that you can recoup a significant portion of your initial investment, making a Toyota used car a smart financial decision.
Certain Toyota models or features hold their value exceptionally well. For example, the Toyota Tacoma, known for its durability and off-road capabilities, retains its value better than many other trucks in its class. Similarly, Toyota's hybrid models, such as the Prius, offer excellent fuel efficiency and retain their value due to their eco-friendly features.
In addition to quality and resale value, affordability is another major advantage of choosing a Toyota used car. Buying a used Toyota can be a more cost-effective option compared to purchasing a brand-new vehicle.
One of the main reasons for this affordability is depreciation. New cars tend to lose a significant portion of their value in the first few years. By opting for a used Toyota, you can avoid the steep depreciation curve and enjoy a more budget-friendly purchase.
Toyota offers a range of popular models that are known for their affordability without compromising on quality. For instance, the Toyota Corolla has long been a favorite among budget-conscious buyers, offering a reliable and fuel-efficient option at an affordable price point. Similarly, the Toyota Camry provides a comfortable and spacious sedan with a reputation for longevity.
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Fuel Efficiency:
Toyota is known for its commitment to producing fuel-efficient vehicles, and this extends to their used cars as well. Opting for a used Toyota can help you save money on fuel costs in the long run.
Toyota has been a pioneer in hybrid technology, with models like the Prius leading the way in fuel efficiency. These hybrid options combine a conventional gasoline engine with an electric motor, resulting in impressive fuel economy and reduced emissions. By choosing a used Toyota hybrid, not only will you save money at the pump, but you'll also contribute to a greener future.
Safety Features:
When it comes to safety, Toyota is committed to providing advanced features in their vehicles. Many used Toyota models come equipped with a range of safety technologies that enhance driver and passenger protection.
Toyota's dedication to safety is evident through features such as collision mitigation systems, adaptive cruise control, lane departure warning, and blind-spot monitoring. These technologies help prevent accidents and reduce the severity of collisions, ensuring the well-being of everyone on board.
Furthermore, Toyota has received numerous safety awards and accolades over the years. These accolades validate Toyota's commitment to safety and provide added peace of mind when choosing a used Toyota.
Warranty and Certification Programs:
To further enhance the buying experience, Toyota offers warranty programs and certified pre-owned options for their used cars. These programs provide additional peace of mind and protect buyers from unexpected expenses.
Toyota's warranty programs may vary depending on the age and mileage of the used car. However, they typically offer coverage for major components, providing reassurance against potential mechanical issues. Additionally, Toyota's certified pre-owned program ensures that used cars meet strict quality standards. These vehicles undergo a comprehensive inspection and come with an extended warranty, giving buyers added confidence in their purchase.
When you choose Ferntree Gully Toyota used cars, you can be confident in its long-lasting performance and dependability. Whether you're looking for a fuel-efficient hybrid or a budget-friendly sedan, Toyota offers a range of options to suit your needs.
So, why wait? Consider a Toyota used car for your next vehicle purchase and experience the benefits firsthand. Thank you for joining us on this journey, and we hope you found this blog post helpful. If you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts, please feel free to leave a comment below.
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ifmfincoachinfo · 2 years
The Future of Mutual Funds - All that you need to know
India is rapidly seeing an escalating digital revolution. Whether it is internet penetration, data uptake or even the latest technology trends, India is applauded worldwide. All this started back in 2015 when the government of India initiated the Digital India Programme.
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Later in 2016, demonetization was a big step in the digital era. All these events resulted in the growth of opportunities in the field of the mutual fund industry. Investors have also started to adopt mutual funds as their means of investment. 
Mutual Fund Industry - How it got evolve?
Initially, many investors believed that investing in mutual funds was not suitable for them. However, a series of events changed the opinion of the people.
The announcement of demonetization by Narendra Modi, Donald Trump's win, an increase in oil prices and an asset base of 17 lakh were seen in 2016; all these events led to awareness in the mutual fund field in our country.
Also, the CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate) was 18% which was a huge step in the evolvement of the mutual fund industry. 
SIP- A  facility offered by mutual funds to the investors 
SIP is a big factor leading to rapid growth in the industry. Today, more than one crore of customers have active SIP, i.e. Systematic Investment Plans.
If mutual funds industry growth is to be considered, the Indian market is already booming. The most significant indication is the number of foreign-based management companies progressing into the Indian market.
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If the latest data is to be considered, the MF industry's total AUM had risen 20 per cent to Rs 37.6 trillion in 2021-22. The industry added 31.6 million net new folios, taking the count to 129.5 million.
The systematic investment plan expanded to Rs 12,328 crore in FY22, with new SIP registrations at 26.6 million. Apparently, mutual funds in India are more likely to penetrate urban, semi-urban and rural areas. For this, some financial planners make the process easy by financial planning. 
Opportunities in the mutual fund industry 
Be it any industry, improvement is one rule that leads to positive change. In the mutual fund industry field, large-scale changes have been taking place, leading to evolution and innovation.
For example, new opportunities have evolved in asset management, which requires investments in different assets, including securities, stocks, bonds, and real estate, managed by a manager.
It also requires proper management firms, including front, middle and back office functions. The significant roles within the investment team include economists, research analysts, fund managers, dealers and traders.
Economists - Economists ensure the latest trends, future and its influence on international and domestic markets. The roles and responsibilities include preparing reports and market presentations on macroeconomic developments and sectoral shifts. As an Economist, you must prepare the team for the risks in the market. At the same time, macro and policy analysis, forecasting, modelling macro variables, and providing investment insights are the management team's responsibilities. 
Analysts - This is another excellent opportunity in the field of the mutual fund industry. The analysts track your investment recommendations by observing the prices of assets from the day of purchase to how they perform over time. You can also opt for the profile of equity research analysts who carry out telephone calls with all the dealers and intermediates. These calls usually comprise suggestions for the customers while speaking with the organization's administration, retail deals, constraints and so on. Plus, visiting the organizations and carrying out meetings, gathering data, surveying monetary explanations, and evaluating the income and benefits of the organization. 
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Fund Managers - Another opportunity you can use in the mutual fund field is fund managers. As a fund manager, you must choose the best stocks, bonds, and financial market instruments and give the result to the investors by fulfilling the fund's objective. Later, fund managers search for the financials of publicly and privately traded companies. This is quite an interesting profile as it involves researching, collecting information, reading financial briefings and knowledge about global economic events. 
If you are somebody who loves conducting research or has financial modelling skills, reporting skills, and mathematical proficiency, you can opt for fund managers as your career. Based on your research, a list of companies falls under the investment objective. Fund managers also prepare a portfolio and accompany sales and marketing professionals to various events for promotions. Other than this, all the decisions related to portfolio composition are made by fund managers. 
Dealers/Traders- Dealers place the orders according to the instructions. Then there are sales and client relation teams that market the organization and promote their products and services. You also have the chance to be a part of the infrastructure team that keeps the entire organization moving. From IT to HR, the infrastructure team is vital for the motion of any company. 
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We all know that algorithms are one factor that is gaining popularity in earnings and economic news. This directly opens the door to short-term trading.
On top of that, several asset managers are using machine learning methods to process the data. This is the future of asset management. If talking about the critical roles at investment firms in future, there will be a need of 
Investment decision maker
Investment Researcher
Private wealth manager
The technology firm will need 
 Data Scientist 
 Application Engineer 
 Investment Banker
 Investment Officer
 Investment researcher
 Private Wealth Manager
The innovation team will need 
Investment thinking and process innovator
Knowledge Engineer
Innovation Facilitator 
A few factors may challenge growth, but change is guaranteed. 
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identifyvehicle · 2 years
The Importance of Getting A PPSR Certificate
The PPSR (Personal Property Security Registration) system was launched by the Government of Australia on 30th January 2012. It is the official register of the Government, combining several state-based registers into one single-window entity. Some of the existing registers that were merged included the REVS and the ASIC Register of Company Charges. Anybody can access the online register round the clock and get PPSR Certificate.  
The PPSR certificate is a document of a security interest in personal property that is mainly related to debts and other obligations whenever there is a lien on it. By definition for PPSR, personal property is limited to cars, company assets, boats, cars, used goods, and intellectual property. Land and fixtures fall outside the purview of this personal property. 
Now, why should you get PPSR Certificate after registering a security interest on personal property? It is to let everybody know that you are the rightful owner of the personal property and that you have a security interest in it. Any transactions on that property without your knowledge are therefore illegal. This system is so popular today that on the PPSR, millions of searches take place every year in Australia.
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What safeguards are you ensuring for your business or any form of personal property if you get PPSR Certificate? It becomes especially beneficial for those who are buying property or lending money against a lien on personal property. When you get PPSR Certificate, you get full particulars of the property, its ownership, lien, and in the case of movable property, whether it is genuine and not stolen. With these details and insights, you will at once know if you will be getting good returns on your investment.
It is very important to know whether the property you want to buy is free from debt and does not have any lien on it by a financial institution. Without a clear title, you cannot transfer the ownership to your name and there will always be a fear of repossession even if you have made full and final payment for it.
Take the example of buying a used car. Before selling it, the owner will ensure that it apparently looks in excellent condition but the true history of the vehicle will only be revealed if you get PPSR a Certificate after verification of the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). Some of the particulars that you will get about your intended purchase are where the vehicle was built, the manufacturer, brand, engine size, and type of vehicle, the security code that denotes that it has been authorized by the manufacturer, the model, the year of the vehicle, and which plant manufactured the car. With a VIN check and a Certificate, you will at once know that you are getting value for your money.     
The Registrar of Personal Properties Securities, appointed by the Attorney General’s Department, manages and controls the functioning of the PPSR.
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perthsoftware · 16 hours
Why Perth’s Excel Courses Are the Best for Learning Advanced Excel Features
Excel is a powerful tool, and mastering its advanced features can significantly enhance productivity. Excel Courses in Perth, offered by Perth Software, focus on these advanced features, providing learners with a comprehensive understanding of Excel’s capabilities.
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Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts
One of the most powerful features taught in advanced Excel courses is the ability to create Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts. Pivot Tables allow you to organize and summarize large datasets into easy-to-read tables. This is particularly useful for analyzing data trends, which can be critical for business decision-making.
For example, a sales manager might use a Pivot Table to summarize sales data by region and product type, helping to visualize which regions are performing best. Pivot Charts then provide a graphical representation of this data, making trends even clearer.
Macros and Automation
Automation is a key skill you’ll gain from Excel courses in Perth. By learning to create Excel Macros, you can automate repetitive tasks, saving both time and effort. Macros allow you to record a series of actions and then execute them with a single command. This can range from simple formatting to complex data processing tasks.
For instance, if you frequently run a report that involves multiple steps—filtering data, formatting tables, and generating a graph—a Macro can complete all of this with one click. The courses at Perth Software focus on teaching you how to build efficient macros, a valuable skill for professionals.
Data Analysis with Power Query and Power Pivot
Excel’s Power Query and Power Pivot are advanced tools used for handling large amounts of data. Power Query allows you to clean, transform, and load data from multiple sources, while Power Pivot enables you to create sophisticated data models. These tools are essential for financial analysts, accountants, and data professionals.
For example, a financial analyst might use Power Pivot to merge financial data from various departments, allowing them to see an organization’s full financial health. These skills, once learned through advanced Excel courses, enable you to work more efficiently with complex datasets.
Advanced Formulas and Functions
Excel is well known for its formulas, but in advanced courses, you’ll learn to use more complex functions like VLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH, and IFERROR. These formulas enable you to search for specific data points, handle errors, and perform detailed calculations with ease.
For example, you can use the VLOOKUP function to cross-reference data between different sheets, saving time that would otherwise be spent manually finding information. The INDEX/MATCH combination provides even more flexibility for retrieving data from large datasets.
Perth Software offers tailored Excel Courses in Perth that focus on these advanced features, helping professionals gain practical skills that they can immediately apply in the workplace. Whether you’re a business owner, a financial analyst, or an office manager, advanced Excel training equips you with tools to work more efficiently, automate tasks, and make data-driven decisions.
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