#find the whole video if you feel like crying today
edgecallskating · 2 years
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Feeling classic today. What a perfect reminder that a simple element expressed beautifully is just as interesting a novel or difficult one. Mirai Nagasu On Golden Pond EX, US Nationals 2014
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seungfl0wer · 1 month
Bangchan As Your Boyfriend
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Bangchan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin | Han | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
Contains Smut 🩵
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•He’s such a cute, giggly, bushy mess. He’s so giddy about everything.
•Finds everything you do just so damn cute.
•One of his favorite things is when you get to talking about something you love.
•The way you’re so excited about it just makes him smile while listing.
•The sparkle in your eyes just makes his heart do flips.
•Another thing he absolutely just melts at is you in his clothes.
•He finds it so cute and attractive just seeing you in his shirts/hoodies.
•The day he finds you all curled up in bed in his hoodie snuggling up to his pillow.
•Ugh man feels like his heart is on fire.
•He’s such a sweet Clingy man.
•Wants to always be touching you in some way.
•Is he slightly possessive or is he just doing loving boyfriend things?
•The answer is yes. Yes to both.
•He always has a hand on you. Either on your thigh, holding your hand, touching your arms. Anything.
•He’s very thoughtful.
•Remembers all the things you tell him.
•So when he’s traveling and sees your favorite animal, snack or favorite character in that one show you guys binge watched.
•He’s buying it for you.
•Speaking of buying things.
•Loves buying you both matching clothes.
•Finds it so adorable.
•He’s getting you both a whole wardrobe of couple outfits.
•Just loves showing you off.
•Talks non-stop about you.
•”y/n loves those!” “Omg those are y/ns faves!”
•“Y/n and I come here all the time” “y/n did this funny thing today”
•Plans out time for his schedule to make sure he has time to spend with you.
•Does in fact cry when he’s away from you for too long.
•He gets you to wear one of his hoodies for a while before leaving so he can snuggle it.
•Also cries into that.
•He’s just so head over heels for you it hurts being away for so long.
•When he does eventually come home.
•He’s all over you.
•You’re not leaving his sight for at least a week straight.
•He’s gonna be glued to you.
•Arms wrapped around you.
•Telling you how much he missed you. How much he wants to take you to the places he was.
•Giving you all the things he found for you.
•Also apologizing for leaving you for so long.
•Which you always playfully smack him telling him
•“I don’t mind, I knew when we started dating this would happen. At least at the end of everything you come back to me.”
•Your words always bringing tears to his eyes.
•Mans has a whole folder of songs he’s made for you.
•There’s some he’s shown you but a lot are special.
•For special occasions like birthdays/anniversaries.
•He also has a whole folder of pictures/videos of you.
•A lot. A LOT. Of unflattering ones.
•Has those saved in a special folder so you can’t delete them.
•He thinks they’re cute but you think they’d be perfect blackmail material.
•He really enjoys your input on things.
•Music, style, life. He really likes to hear what you have to say.
•Always checks up on you, just simple “did you eat today?” Or “Did you drink water?”
•Sends the sweetest good morning texts
•And you know something?
•The spark yall have never dies.
•The longer you date, the more he knows he’s gonna marry you.
•He falls more and more in love with you every day.
•Truly heart eyes for you constantly.
•Chan is really just the best, he’s so caring, compassionate and just.. the man you want forever with.
•And nothing would make you happier than to spend that forever with him.
︵‿︵‿୨Smut Below୧‿︵‿︵
•As loving as he is normally that transfers to love making.
•And that’s what it is.
•Love making.
•He’s so sensational, and passionate.
•You both definitely sit down and talk about what you both like.
•Chan always wants to make sure you’re comfortable.
•But god does he just lose control sometimes.
•His mind goes as he’s fucking you.
•He looks like a dog with his tongue basically hanging out.
•The noises he makes are so hot-
•This man’s vocal on a daily you think he’s not in bed?
•If he’s not making noises he’s talking.
•Big into talking.
•”Baby, you feel so good” “ah you’re taking me so good”
•”My love your milking my cock-“ “you’re so good for me baby”
•Definitely loves interlocking hands.
•He can get a little rough sometimes.
•Spanking, Choking, hair pulling, probably has a daddy kink.
•I said what I said.
•We all know he does-
•He’s such a softy though.
•Soft dom for sure
•Always. Always makes sure you cum.
•You could have been an absolute brat.
•And yeah he’s gonna punish you but honestly.
•He’s gonna let you cum.
•Even if he says he won’t.
•He will.
•He always does.
•Also listen-
•This man’s going down on you often.
•So often.
•He just can’t get over how you sound.
•Can’t get over how you look when his tongue is lapping at your hole.
•Really just drives him crazy.
•So much aftercare. Ugh dude-
•Cleans you up, cuddles you, gets you a snack and a drink.
•”You did so well baby” “it’s ok baby I’m here I’m not going anywhere ever. I love you”
💙 If you’d like to read more of my stuff you can find it Here: Master List . Thank you for reading and if requests are open or you just wanna talk feel free to send me something🩵
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calisturniolo · 9 days
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summary. . . matt feels like you aren’t considering his feelings and not putting as much effort into your relationship as he is, so he brings it up to you which results in conflict but was quick to be resolved
pairing. . . matt sturniolo x fem!reader
warnings. . . angst. crying, resolved angst, arguing
a/n. . . this is really long so for my angst lovers, enjoy <3
word count. . .
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you and matt had never had an argument as big as this. yous had had small disagreements and quarrels, which were solved in minutes. never huge fights. never the way it is going on right now.
you both had been trying to juggle your lives also while trying to maintain a happy, healthy relationship. which isn’t easy. with that, you were both on the brink of breaking down any moment now. but instead of that, your emotions turned into a big fight. not a good one.
today, you weren’t working in the office and matt wasnt out filming with his brothers. he wasn’t in the best of moods right now, you were too in your head. the perfect cause of a disaster. throughout the whole day, small things kept on building and building until everything went down hill after dinner.
you had been washing you and matt’s dishes, he cleaning up all the other little things. when he had made a snarky comment about how good of a sight it was seeing you finally cleaning up, had made you snap.
you had been moaning about it for a good hour, screaming at one another in the kitchen attempting to get your feelings out some sort of way.
“i just don’t fucking get it sometimes,” matt spat at you, “it’s like all you care and think about is yourself.”
“what?! what the fuck are you even saying?!” you yelled, the anger that had slightly died down was rising straight back up.
“you are the most narcissistic, self-centred, most selfish person i have ever met,” matt said through gritted teeth, “you never think about me. you don’t care about anyone but yourself.”
he took a step closer to you as you slammed the dish you were cleaning down, “you’re the one that’s inconsiderate, not me” he says.
“are you fucking kidding me? don’t talk to me like that ever again, asshole!” you said squinting your eyes at him.
a bitter laugh left matt’s lips, walking right up to you and looking down at you, “i’ll say whatever i want, sweetheart. because for once i’ve reached a fucking breaking point.”
“leave then. fucking leave then, if this is such a problem!” you yell in his face.
you were telling him to leave but this was his house that he shared with his two brothers. nick and chris.
“this is my fucking house. but i will leave!” matt yelled back, “maybe i will just leave and you can spend the rest of your life being the most inconsiderate, selfish jackass on the planet! maybe ill just go find someone who actually values me!”
“are you kidding me right now? are you implying that you’ve been fucking cheating on me?!” you raise your voice in disbelief.
matt hadn’t cheated on you. you just took his words the wrong way.
“no! it was hypothetical! if you’d let me finish, you’d know that!” matt snapped back, “i wouldn’t cheat on you, i love you!”
you were taken aback by his statement, “well, the things you’re fucking saying to me right now don’t scream ‘i love you’ very much!”
“i do love you!” matt snapped, “but god! why are you so selfish, so egotistical, and so inconsiderate! how many times do i have to say it for it to go through your thick, stubborn skull?!”
you scoff, “i’m egotistical? you’re the one that thinks you’re better than everyone else because you make a bag off making shit youtube videos! you constantly think you’re one better than everyone else, matt!”
“i don’t think im better than everyone else! im proud of my work, what the fuck is wrong with that?! i’m proud that i was able to take my passion and make myself a career out of it! i get to play my favourite games and do what i love for a living and have it supported me all while i provide for you too? how is many of that wrong?!”
you furrow your brows at the last part of his sentence, “you provide for me? i’ve got my own job, that i got by myself! i don’t need your fucking money.”
“you live in my house! i pay the bills. you can’t even provide for yourself when you make chump change in a month!” matt was absolutely fuming at this point, taking another step towards you.
you felt hurt at what he said, but you didn’t let it affect the way you presented yourself, “what?! are you fucking kidding me right now? you’re the biggest shit talker and dick head i’ve ever met!”
“no, the biggest dick head you’ve ever met is you! you, with you’re self-righteous ego and narcissistic thought process! i’ve met so many assholes in my life, but no one has even come close to how much of a jerk you are!” matt spat, “i’ve put so many hours into this relationship. i’ve given you everything just for you to come back and act like i don’t care about you, and call me the dickhead?”
you sigh as you think about how much stuff you have to have done by tomorrow, “matt, i don’t have time for this right now!”
“oh, no! i think we have plenty of time for this!” matt said as he slammed his palms on the counter, “we aren’t leaving this kitchen until you can look at me and tell me you truly love me, and that you’re sorry for all the bullshit you’ve been saying!”
you stared in disbelief at what was coming out of his mouth right now, “bullshit i’ve been saying?! you’ve said so much worse than i have, so if it’s anyone that needs an apology it’s me! but i’m not fucking pathetic enough to beg someone for some half-assed apology!”
“bullshit? i’ve been telling the truth this whole entire time!” matt said, you are selfish, you are inconsiderate, you are narcissistic. everything i’ve said is true! and don’t worry, sweetheart. you wouldn’t have to beg me for an apology from me, i’d refuse to give you one, just as you’ve been doing to me this entire time!”
you felt sick to your stomach from what matt was letting fall off his tongue like venom, “why are you with me then?! and done even say ‘it’s because i love you’ because that’s bullshit, because you don’t. if you did you wouldn’t say this whether it’s true or not!”
“i do love you! i love you so fucking much, you don’t even know!” the anger on matt’s face soon gave way to sadness, “i’m just sick of your disregarding my feelings. i’m sick of you being so careless about how i feel or what i want. i’m sick of feeling like the only one that’s pouring my all into this relationship. i’m just tired… it hurts… it hurts me that you never even give me a second thought, even though i have you on my mind at all times.”
“that’s not true at all matt! i do put my all into this relationship and i will give it my last no matter what. i love you more than i can even describe so don’t even fucking doubt that! and give me two times i disregarded your feelings, because i dont!”
“every time i ask you to make dinner so i can do some planning when i come home from filming, you don’t do it! you just brush me off and say you’re too busy or tired! or what about the times i have to beg you to give me some time alone, that i haven’t gotten any privacy in forever. yet you still barge right in when i shut the door and you just start yapping to me!”
“matt you’re not the only one with problems, you know! and i do make us dinner and when i do barge in there’s always a good reason, so don’t even start that!” you spit.
“yes i know that! and i try to help you with your problems when you talk to me about them! but when i come to you with how i feel, you just say you’re too busy to listen to me and that we’ll talk later. but we never do!” matt speaks.
“because when later comes, i always find out that you’re at parties posting up with a bunch of girls. or you’re sitting in a car with nick and chris!” you let roll off your tongue.
“i’d have time for you if you weren’t such a cold, detached person!” matt fires back, “and i’m not ‘sitting in a car’ with nick and chris! we’re working!”
“don’t you ever just think, oh i’m actually in a really good work position compared to other people. because i don’t know if you’ve realised but you don’t need to deal with people constantly blaming you for everything in work because you’re the youngest and easiest to blame and degrade! that is why im always so busy and tired, im constantly cleaning up the shit that you leaving lying about while also juggling my paperwork that i have to do at home!”
“yeah, well you have no idea what it’s like to be a full-time youtuber!” matt said, “i have to keep my fans happy, make videos, do collabs with other creators, all while having my own life! and whenever i come home after being out all day, what do i come home to every time? you sitting on the sofa, on your phone, and not even thinking about what i might want or need after i’ve been busting my ass all day!”
your jaw drops slightly with a puzzled expression on your face, “are you fucking with me? you’re not a child matt, you can do things on your own. just because i’m home before you sometimes does not mean i will be your slave! and if you do, fucking think again!”
“i don’t want a slave! i want my girlfriend! i want someone who cares about me! i want the one i love to put me before anything else!” matt was getting agitated, his eyes starting to water.
“i do matt! i do put you before everything, i try my hardest! i ruin my own mental health for you!” you say with tears running down your face.
“it doesn’t feel like you do!” matt said, “you’re always so distant! you’re always so cold and you never show me any affection! and i’m not asking for much! a kiss every now and again would be nice! you don’t even say you love me unless i say to first!”
you let out a sad sigh, “what do you mean? i kiss you every day! i say i love you all the fucking time!”
“you never do it first though! i’m the only one that ever initiates anything! im the one that is always showing affection! the other day i just wanted a hug after filming and you gave me a one-armed side-hug!”
you rub your eyes out of exhaustion, “matt, i’m tired!”
“i’m tired too!” matt snapped, his voice getting louder now, “im exhausted! im working my ass off to make us money and to make you happy and i get nothing but complaints and coldness in return!”
you whined before huffing out words, “i’m not complaining, you’re the only one complaining right now!”
“yes because you never listen to me!” matt nearly yelled, “im trying to tell you how i actually feel! im opening up and being completely vulnerable with you, you just shoot down every single thing i say! all i want is for you to care!”
“matt i do! i care so fucking much it hurts. i love you more than anything! i left my life in florida to come and stay with you full-time because i knew you didn’t want a long-distance relationship. so if that’s not me considering your feelings then i don’t know what is!”
“i never asked you to move here.” matt said through clenched teeth, “yes, i asked you to move in for the summer, and i get you had a shitty family, but you never had to transfer your job and move your entire life here! you never had to put yourself in a stressful and expressive situation, you did that yourself!”
“no i didn’t! don’t get me wrong i love being here with you, nick and chris. i fucking love it! but it’s really hard sometimes! and i get you’re going through hard times too with your family being in boston but you have open arms everywhere around LA, i don’t, that’s the difference! that is why im so cold and defensive sometimes! im scared to trust!”
“why can’t you trust me?!” matt yelled, “you’ve lived here for a year now! i’ve given you everything just for you to say that you don’t trust me! after all i’ve done for you, after all i’ve given up to make you happy, i still get this kind of bullshit from you!”
you panicked since matt had took what you said the wrong way, “i didn’t say that, baby! i said it’s hard for me to trust anyone other than you!”
“so what does that mean?” matt asked, “i don’t deserve your trust? you don’t trust me when i tell you i love you?”
“it means that i’m bottling everything up inside of me because i don’t trust anyone else other than you because i don’t want to put the stress onto you! i feel like you don’t understand what im going through, which is totally fine, but you don’t ever keep that in mind! yes, you’re going through a hard time too but i am too and you need to think about that when you say things to me. you’re not the only person fucking struggling!”
“no, i get that!” matt argued back, “we’re both going through stuff, but the difference is i make time for you! i make sure that your needs are still met when i have time! you on the other hand disregard my feelings and my wants! you never even try to understand my side, while im constantly trying to get you to understand! and now that i’ve finally gotten you to listen, you’re still saying im wrong!”
“i’m sorry matt! i don’t know what else you want from me, im falling apart over here!”
“i want you! i just want you to love me the way you say you do!” matt said, “i want you to show me, physically, that you care about me! i want you to show me that im a priority in your life, just like you’re a priority in mine!”
“i do care about you! i just go through rough patches where i don’t realise that im not showing you how much i care and love you!”
“why not tell me when you’re going through rough patches? if you’re struggling, then why don’t you tell me so i can be there for you! i’d never think of you any differently, i’d never think to call you selfish or inconsiderate! all you have to do is let me in!” matt exclaims with frustration.
“and that’s one of the hardest things for me to do! it takes time to let people in when you grow up the way i did, when you were constantly told your feelings didn’t matter and if you told people that you were struggling they would think differently of you! and i’m not saying all this for you to feel sorry for me, i’m saying this so you can try and understand it from my perspective.” you explain with tears rolling down your cheeks.
“i do understand! i do understand that you’ve had a hard life and it’s hard to trust and open up, but im not asking you to tell me every single thing that’s ever happened to you and that you’ve ever felt! im asking you to just tell me you miss me, or that you’re upset, or that you’re feeling angry or sad or frustrated! i’m asking you to open up just a little bit so i can do my best and try to show you that i love you!”
you tilt your head back and place your hands over your face before whimpering and tilting your head forward again, “and i’m trying matt!”
“i know you are!” matt said, his voice losing the edge as he looked at your tear stained face with empathy. he took a step closer to you and laid his hands gingerly on your shoulders, “i know you’re trying, i do, and it’s not fair for me to expect you to just completely open up overnight, but you’re tearing me apart too! i’m so worn out and tired from trying to get you to show me that my feelings matter to you!”
you hiccup just before you begin to talk, “i’m really trying to be better matt, i am! and i know what you want from me but it takes time. a lot of time. so please, just give me time and and you’ll get what you want in this relationship. and i’ll give you it whether it wipes me out or not!”
“how much time do i have to give you?” matt sighed, “i’ve given you nearly a year of time. i’ve been trying so hard this entire time to break through whatever wall you have up, and after a year you’re still telling me to wait? i can’t keep waiting forever!”
“i know and it’s not fair on you but it also isn’t fair on me to give you something im not ready for!” you whimper before sighing sadly.
“then what am i supposed to do?” matt exclaimed, stepping backwards and running his fingers through his hair, “if you’re not at a place that you can give me what i need in a relationship, when do you foresee yourself being there? another year? two? never?!”
“i don’t know! that is what i need to figure out and you to trust me on, but it’s hard!” you cry out.
“i’m doing my best to make this easy, but you still keep pushing back when i try to get anything out of you!” matt was frowning frustrated again, taking his hands to his face and massaging his eyes, “im just so tired of trying! i’m at my wits end!”
“matt, im sorry!”
“sorry isn’t good enough anymore!” matt almost shouted, “i don’t want another half-assed apology! that’s all you’ve given me our entire relationship, and it isn’t good enough!”
you internally groan, “matt, it’s not half-assed! i’m being considerate.”
“considerate of who? me? yourself?” matt spat, the anger in his voice returning, “because it seems like you’re trying to avoid having to do any work in our relationship and just want me to accept that you’re not ready!”
“well i don’t know what else you want me to do! because im seriously trying but you’re not giving me the time i need and that just takes us back to square one, baby!” you whine, wiping the tears that is running down your chin.
“but you’re not giving me anything to go off of!” matt’s voice was reaching high octive, the anger and exhaustion on his face evident, “i’ve been trying this entire time and every single time i tell you how i’m feeling you push my away. you ask me to give you time, and what exactly am i supposed to do while i wait other than be miserable?!”
your heart drops, “matt, baby… please. don’t give up on me.” you say your voice and heart breaking all at once.
“i don’t want to give up on you… i don’t!” matt said, the anger leaving his body as he watched your own sadness. he took a step towards you before suddenly wrapping his arms tight around you and pulling you into his chest, “i’m just so tired…” he whispered into your hair.
you sniffle before replying, “me too…”
matt didn’t say anything else, he just held onto you tight and buried his face in your hair. he squeezed you as tight as he closed his eyes and tried to get himself back under control.
there was a long heavy moment of silence that fell over the kitchen before matt finally spoke again, voice low.
“i’m sorry. im sorry im putting so much pressure on you, and you’re not ready. im sorry im losing my patience. i love you so much, but i just want to feel loved too… i want to hear you say it…”
“i love you, so fucking much.” whisper into his chest as you close your eyes, tears spilling out.
matt squeezed you tighter at your words, one of his hands reaching around to touch the back of your head in a protective hold. he rested his chin on top of your head, burying his face in the top of it as he closed his eyes again and inhaled the familiar scent of your shampoo. you could feel his body relax as you spoke, the tension leaving his tired and wear muscles.
“i love you too… i love you so much, even when you drive me crazy…”
“i’m really sorry for making you feel like this… i don’t mean it. i swear. it’s just… i just fuck up everything i do.”
“shhh…” matt hushed you, his hand massaging the back of your head in a soothing manner, “you don’t have to apologise for how you feel. i’m sorry for getting angry at you, i just want you to love me the same way i love you and i got frustrated and impatient.”
“but i fucked up our relationship…” you insecurely whispered into his chest.
“you may have said or done things that weren’t the best, but you haven’t completely ruined this relationship, sweetheart.” matt said quietly, pulling back now so he can look down at your tear stained face.
one of his hands came up to your cheek, his thumb gently swiping away one of the droplets.
“but i have or else we wouldn’t be having this argument…” you whispered.
“arguments are apart of every relationship, baby. this is natural, especially for us.” matt said, his tone gentle as he spoke, “this doesn’t mean you’ve completely ruined us. i still love you, and im sure you still love me.”
“of course i do, and don’t ever doubt it” you say shaking your head and looking down to the ground in embarrassment and shame that you caused this huge argument.
“hey,” matt spoke quietly as he took one of his fingers and placed it under your chin so he could lift it up, forcing you to look at him, “look at me baby,”
“hm?” you hum as you look up at him with a saddened look on your face.
his expression was so much softer than before, the exhaustion and the anger now replaced with love and concern. matt’s eyes searched your face as he kept his hand under you chin to hold you head up.
“i want you to listen to me and really hear me, okay?” he said in a soft and calm voice.
“okay” you whisper groggily due to the waterworks from before, and licking your dry lips.
“i love you. no matter how many times i get angry, or frustrated, or exhausted, i love you more than you will ever truly know. you haven’t ruined this. i haven’t lost my love or trust for you.” matt began to say, keeping his eyes fixed on yours, “i don’t ever want you to think that i don’t love you because i do. all i want is for you to try and meet me where i am, okay?”
“i love you. and im sorry for not doing what you expected from me. thank you for giving me a second chance, i don’t deserve you.” you say as another few tears spill out of your eyes.
“i don’t expect you to be perfect, sweetheart. i know you’ve gone through things and that’s what makes you human, but i know you still love me.” he whispered calmly.
matt dropped his hand from your chin to wrap around your waist again, and he gently pulled you forward to press you against his chest once more, his chin resting on top of your head and his arms wrapped around you in a firm hold.
“i love you” you whisper into his chest for the tenth time today, before leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips, matt returned the kiss with gentle fervour, before burying his head in the crook of your neck and shoulder.
he held you tight, his body relaxing and conforming to your form as he held you close to him, enjoying the feeling of your body against his.
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starillusion13 · 7 months
Hi! Your fics are so good! specially the ot8xreader fic 💖💖💖
Can i also request ot8xreader, you suddenly disappeared and they thought you ran away (with their money and jewelries) and betrayef them but in reality one of their female employees leads you to nowhere and tried to kill you (because she is jealous and wants the boys for herself) she make it looks like you ran away to make the boys mad at you but you are laying in hospital bed comatose for months. one of boys/or member of the mafia saw you in hospital when they tried to smuggle medical equipments and report it to ateez.
I hope it make sense 😅 Thank you
You are our Home
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Pairing: Mafia! Ateez x f!reader
Genre: Angst, Mafia, Fluff
W.C: 8.2k
Warnings: arguments, regret, trust issues, cheating(?), hints of torture, mention of cuts and wounds(just the pain not detailed), mention of hospital and mafia business and deals, traumas and betrayals, comatose, stroke, nausea, scared, crying, lies. A lot shit is going on in the fic.
Networks: @cultofdionysusnet @k-vanity
Note: Thanks for reading and reblogging. I appreciate all of your reviews and feel free to text me if you want. Spread love to others, not hate. I don’t know what’s up to with the requests coz all are Angst at this point. But I have included fluff here. Clap your hands👏.
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“Are you sure she is not home?”
“Seonghwa, I have gone there myself to check the whole place. Even few of her things are missing. Something is not setting right here.” Hongjoong’s impatient voice echoed through the speaker in the room. The members round the table were all attentive to the conversation between the two older ones. “Yeosang is tracking her id but he couldn’t find anything important. And what about San? Did he come back?”
Hearing the question, Seonghwa looked towards Wooyoung who shook his head and the older one sighed before delivering the message to their leader on call. Before hanging up the call, he informed the three members to come back to their office for further discussion about you. They last heard your voice yesterday evening when you were asking them if they would return yesterday or the next day. They didn’t know that the next day, instead of finding you waiting for them at the parking lot, they will be greeted to an empty cabin.
Usually, whenever they go to overseas missions, you pass on it because you intend to maintain all the procedures in the office and home. They respect your thoughts and opinions a lot so they never said anything on those way of thinking. Just like other trips, they bid goodbye to you and they went off to the designated country. When they reached there, you had a video call with them and they assured you that they would return soon—one month would pass in a blink. But maybe something went wrong. With the passing of days, you became distant with them, not picking up their calls or maybe just leaving a short text message ‘I’m busy’ and your close employee friend, Amy supported your side, telling them that the company had some issues ongoing with money and she also sent them all the details where it was always your duty to do it. Generally, they didn’t mind but they were worried for you overworking yourself so they told Amy to look after you. She assured them that she would be always by your side and would manage to do the most of the works.
Today, it was their day of return and last evening hearing your voice over the call made them impatient to come back home soon. They wanted to talk to you a lot but somehow you were not in a mood to hold a long conversation with them and so they didn’t ask you anything much. It was okay because they knew very next moment you will be in their arms and then they will keep you away from workloads for a while. But who knew, you won’t be anywhere in their surroundings.
San slammed the door open and glared at the ones present inside the room. The one who was sitting near the door rolled his eyes, knowing his over-dramatic acts like usual but when he caught his gaze, he could see the fire in his eyes.
Seonghwa raised his brow from the end of the table, “What happened, San?” Wooyoung and Mingi close to him were also watching San shuffling his hairs in anger and threw the glass from the table beside Jongho, who was already annoyed with him from earlier.
“Where is Hongjoong?”
Wooyoung was quick to reply, “He was on a call with us almost an hour back. They went to our home and then they will stop by the store to pick up some packages. They will be back soon.” Mingi nodded and went back to check some important news, displaying on his phone screen.
“Who else has the access to the shared account?”
“What do you mean by that, San? You know we don’t use that account and it’s only get handled by y/n. after she returns, you can ask her about it if it has any problem.” Seonghwa said it calmly but he could see the impatient and a flick of rage in the man’s eyes. San again picked up a glass but got stopped by Jongho, “don’t throw it again.”
They glared at each other before gulping down the water and he turned towards the oldest one.
“did she tell anything about transacting large amount of money? You know the account is empty as well as the spare account doesn’t have any money. The locker with the expensive jewels in her cabin is also empty. Why does she need so much of money all of a sudden?”
Everyone was shocked on hearing him. You needed money and for what? Nobody had any sort of hint that maybe you were going through some rough days, they would have consulted things with you. They would have tried to make you relax but no—you kept everything to yourself and didn’t tell anything to them. You were in some trouble and the thought itching their mind to ask you about it.
“her phone is still switched off.” Jongho sighed and sat on the couch beside Mingi who glanced at the clock.
San sat beside Wooyoung, “What’s even going on? There is no news of her whereabouts. She is not picking up her calls and now all these moneys and jewelleries are missing. I want her to explain me everything right now.”
“San, calm down. I am sure she has her own reasons for this.”
“And when do you think will she return, Mingi? Are you sure we are just going to sit and wait for her?”
Before the other could say anything, the door slammed open and Hongjoong entered furiously with Yeosang and Yunho trailing behind him. Neither of them appeared any less frustrated than the leader. Wooyoung was still staring at the door until it got closed by Yunho. He sighed and looked away—he thought you might enter the room with them and then would surprise them with a silly joke and the rest of the day will end up with you getting scolded but in the end you knew it was because they care for you.
Where are you?
“What’s the news, Yeosang?”
Hongjoong sat on his chair and ruffled his hairs, Seonghwa patted his back and looked towards the hacker who was being asked a question by the youngest.
“Nothing Jongho. We can’t find her anywhere. It’s still showing her last location was at the A.T.M and we checked the C.C.T.V but she was pretty normal when entering it and exiting the stall. I don’t why was she there-“
“to withdraw all the moneys from her shared account and the private one.”
Hongjoong raised his brows at San, “why do you think so?”
“Amy showed me all the past transactions from her side. She might not have withdraw all the money in person but has transferred to some other accounts.” He signalled Yeosang to open his laptop and the one was quick in action, “Can you search the accounts that are connected with hers where the money got transferred?”
Yunho scanned the room, “but why did she need such large amount of money? I am pretty sure she would have told one of us if she was in trouble.”
Seonghwa nodded and walked towards the wide large glass window and stared at the city. He was trying to find your location in the chaos of the city, his eyes were roaming everywhere as if he could get a glimpse of you. He was behaving like a lost boy desperate for you to hug him. Maybe he was a the second in command after the most feared mafia leader, Hongjooong--- in the end it’s you with whom they are the real persons, they can be themselves. Tears flowed down his eyes and he didn’t notice that Wooyoung was standing behind him and suddenly patted his back. He himself was fighting the urge not to break down.
Hongjoong glanced at them across the room and sighed.
Mingi put down his phone and the typing of the keyboard was heard along with some frustrated groans. Jongho spoke up, “San told us that the jewelleries are also missing from her lockers.”
“What? Even her expensive items from her room were also missing.” Hongjoong was surprised that you were missing for so many hours and then all those money and other expensive items were missing too.
Yeosang shut his laptop with a groan and glared at the device. San beside him asked what happened but the news they got was not what they were expecting.
“She has been transferring money for last 6 months and for the last one month, she has spent money on some expensive trips and buying properties. The two accounts where the moneys are being transferred are highly protected with firewalls. I can’t access to it. It only seems like it’s been handled and protected by hackers from other mafia groups.”
Mingi furrowed his brows, “mafia groups? Why will she be transferring money to other mafias?”
Hongjoong pocked his cheek with the tongue, “she doesn’t usually spend such amount of money at once. And according to her schedule, she was pretty much busy with her work-loads.”
“yeah, Amy was always the one asking us if we needed any kind of help and giving us updates on her because she was busy with some events outdoor. Can you give me her schedule for once?”
Yeosang nodded and searched for the schedules Amy sent him and delivered it to Yunho who was quick to open it and read the routines. His creased eyebrows got noticed by Hongjoong, “what happened, Yunho?”
The man shook his head before turning the laptop from Yeosang towards him from across the table and quickly typed something. Everyone was watching his actions and Jongho was peeking at the screen from beside him, “why are you searching these companies?”
Hongjoong raised his hand to let him do his work. After a couple of minutes, Yunho clenched his jaw and shut the screen before turning towards the leader, “I was right.”
“these companies: first FACT CHECK enterprise didn’t have any events because they were overseas with us, next ORANGE FATE didn’t held any events for last few weeks and SEVENTEEN has no updates. This only means she didn’t have anything according to her schedules and some same schedules are repeated again and again. Without getting anything solved, everything is appearing to be more puzzled.”
Jongho patted Yunho’s back and turned towards the leader, “we should call Amy and ask her.” The leader nodded and Mingi quickly dialled her number to ask her come to their room. Seonghwa and Wooyoung also returned to their places and waited for her.
As soon as Amy got the call, she skipped towards the room and entered the door with a worried expression. The boys looked at her and noticed her worriedness but Hongjoong asked her not to panic and let her sit on the chair beside Yeosang where you were supposed to sit in other times.
She sat on your chair.
She smirked to herself. Second step achieved, including her in the meetings. First step was already going pretty well when they were calling from overseas to know the daily updates of their place from her---apparently you were busy.
Sitting down slowly, she clasped her hands and Yunho noticed her heavy breaths. They all turned towards the leader when he spoke up, “where were you all these days?”
She bit her lips and tugged her hair behind her ear. She nervously glanced at everyone when Jongho offered her a glass of water. She thanked him and quickly gulped it down, taking few breaths she proceeded, “I-I was working here in the office and then keeping you all updated.”
“where was she? You were not with her?”
“y-yeah I was with her but only when she was inside the building. She was always busy outside.”
“where did she go?”
“the events. I don’t know anything in details because everyday she was late to office, complaining that how tired she is and then going out frustrated. Trust me, I thought you all should know about it because why she will tell me anything.”
“do you know why she needed money? Was she in trouble?”
She paused before glancing at them and then looked down, “n-no. I don’t know. If this was known by me. I would have told you all about it.” She started sobbing and looked up, “I am worried for her. I hope you all find her soon and I will get my friend back.”
Yeosang patted her back and everyone felt bad seeing her cry because she was really close with you and you enjoyed her company so much that they could feel her loneliness and concern when you were missing. She excused herself and Jongho went with her because they didn’t want others to know about the situation yet and she needed someone by her side because of her being oversensitive.
The next two weeks they had done everything possible to reach your location but you were nowhere as if your presence was vanished from the universe. There were no sign of kidnapping because there was no call from any mafia groups, no threats from any rivals and everything was normal and in place without you. It seemed like you never existed but yeah, the employees started asking about your absence and that led to them getting hold of the reality. The news was quick to spread everywhere, to every corner of the city.
Amy became closer to them and she was handling all your works. Them consulting few things with her, of course it was a great achievement for her. At some point, some members were losing hope to find you and becoming reckless. The leader was having a hard time in controlling them but he knew the emotions and conditions of his family because he was on the same boat.
With the passing of days, the chances of getting you back was disappearing and one more thing they were noticing, the strange behaviour of Amy. She was often seen zoning out and flinching to sudden people. They realised she was very traumatized with your disappearance. But a sudden parcel flipped everything upside-down.
Amy was sitting down with the parcel in front of her on the table and them scattered all around the room. Some were in disbelief and some were furious. She was crying and with shaky hands holding and looking at the things which they found out from the parcel.
The leader was hovering on her from the side and glaring, “Amy, What are you hiding from us? Tell me now before I lose my patience.”
She kept quiet and staring at the pictures. You were laughing with a boy, receiving gifts from him, partying at a club with him and kissing and also, you were on a trip for a week with him. It was definitely you, there was no editing and the details were pointing out that you were really not present at home or at office on those days and it only made it clear that there was lot going on behind their back.
“Amy! Speak up!”
She flinched and wiped the tears.
“she was meeting this boy everyday.”
The boy was familiar to them, Lee Heesung from Orange Fate Limited. They often had meetings and events with them. They were not on a term of rivals but were on an agreement of allies because of their head departments.
Seonghwa said darkly, “Continue.” San clenched his fist with every words coming from her mouth.
“she told me not to say you all anything that she was……she was cheating behind you all. She was with you because you all are too naïve that you trust her so much. She threatened me that she would kill me if I go against her. I couldn’t do anything because you all would have never trusted me but I tried to tell you so many times. I am only explaining everything today because its been a month that she has gone missing. But actually, she was planning to run away for a while.” She started weeping and Mingi comforted her. He was hesitant to be so close to her but why he should feel guilty when you didn’t think twice before doing such a thing to them.
They were sick worried for you only to get a parcel, maybe from their ally base that you were with their leader all these times. Yunho scoffed hearing the explanation and Jongho glanced at him before sighing and switched on his lock screen where he was hugging you from behind and both smiling at Yeosang who was behind the camera clicking the picture. A tear drop fell on the screen, just above your face.
He hated himself for missing you.
Mingi took her outside because she was scared and blabbering nonsense and was convincing them that she would bring you back and make you apologize. She explained everything how you were not busy due to workload but because you were going out with your boyfriend. The rage was building inside them with the thought that what more you had done with him other than kissing behind their back. All these past months when you were intimated with them, actually you were just using them as a stress reliever and maybe you were complaining about them to Heesung when you were making love with him.
Yeosang curled his fingers, nails scratching the leather of the chair’s armrest.
Woooyung asked his leader, “Are we going to bring her back? We going to-“
“We are going nowhere. She is not our concern anymore. If she chose to go away, to find love in someone else then let it be.” San growled.
Wooyoung shook his head and with pleading eyes he stared at the leader. He wanted to hear his thoughts and he was sure he won’t agree with San but he was wrong.
“No more discussion on y/n. she was not missing but enjoying her life.” He scoffed, “I wanted to believe that these all are wrong but no. it had to be true. Why had it to be true? She betrayed us. She played with out trust. There is nothing to keep up with this conversation.”
He leaned back into his chair and ordered everyone to leave. They were hesitant to leave because each one of them were sure that if they went off to their individual ways, they would end up doing something worse. But why should they harm themselves? It was you who betrayed them and then ended up breaking their hearts.
If someone had to regret, IT’s You.
Seonghwa halted at the door and looked back towards the leader who was glaring at your picture on the wall, “are you sure we are not going to get her?”
“Never. We are not going to trust her again. Let’s pretend we never met her. And Leave.”
Days went on and turned into months and they all were emotionless as if they only knew their missions and going back home, commanding others and then going back to their own life. No extra conversation with anyone. They even became distant among themselves and Amy was enjoying this a lot because afterall she was the who was spending most of the times with them, delivering the messages and information to them and their individual opinions to each other via her.
Jongho knocked at the leader’s bedroom door. It was noon and none of them went to office building, only Seonghwa went for an hour to check the updates and returned early. Everybody was at home but in their individual room, Jongho glanced at the door between Yunho and Wooyoung’s room. It was locked. In other times, he would often find music blasting from your room and then finding you dancing like a maniac.
“what do you need?”
“the medical kit is empty and I need to treat Yeosang’s wound from yesterday.”
“the ones in the cabinets in the upper rack?”
Hongjoong sighed and pull off a jacket before exiting his room and signalled him to follow.
“where are we going?”
He stopped and glared, “of course to the base hospital. I definitely know other hospitals will freak out seeing us.” Jongho nodded to his statement and followed him.
Arriving to the hospital, they straight way went to the cabin where its pretty usual for them to appear often.
"Hongjoong?" The said man stopped in his track on hearing someone called him.
It was their rival gang NCT’s member standing in front of him. They never had anything against each other but they were allies with someone who was apparently their enemy.
"Mark. What are you doing here?" Jongho asked in a monotone voice to which the boy before him licked his lips.
"Dude don't think I'm here for any sort of mission. I work here as a part time worker like my leader forced us to keep a normal citizen profile as well, might help us in some ways."
"Why are you saying all these to us? I'm sure your leader won't be happy to see you being friendly with us." Hongjoong smirked.
Mark nodded and glanced at his surroundings expression turning towards them, "I didn't know y/n was in relationship with you all."
"What are you trying to say?"Jongho inquired him and he sighed.
"Hongjoong I heard that you guys were searching y/n but I didn't know how to reach to you guys because my leader strictly told me not to contact any one of you."
"What are you upto?"
"Do you know what happened to her?"
Hongjoong scoffed and glared at him, "don't interfere in our matters. It's all over between us and her so I would like you to get the fuck out of my way."
"So you trusted some bitch?" now it's Mark who was glaring.
"What do you mean?"
Mark held his wrist and dragged him towards a room. "what are you doing?"
"Please come with me. It's for your own sake."
Both of them hesitantly followed him and when he opened the door, they were greeted by the worst view. Their breathing stopped for a moment, they froze with the time. It felt like they were dreaming and oblivious to himself, Jongho stepped forward towards the bed.
IT’s You.
You were sleeping peacefully on the bed.
"What happened to her?" Hongjoong was holding back his tears and clenched his fist. Tears welped in his eyes. He was shocked to see you lying in front of him on a hospital bed with a white sheet covering your body and you were connected to the machines beside you. His eyes followed the bandages wrapped in different places which were visible to his eyes. He didn’t want to think anymore about it. He was clenching his fist that all these months he blamed you and thought that you betrayed them was just to find you in the hospital.
Did Heesung hurt you?
“She is comatose for last few months.” Mark stated, eyes fixed on you.
Hongjoong was glaring at you. Atleast at this moment he thought had it better if you were somewhere enjoying your life rather than being in coma.
Jongho who was kneeling beside your bed caressed your hand, “Why? Why is she in this condition?”
“That day when I was returning from the mission, she stumbled in front of my car. Dude she is not here because of that, I was not driving. Me and my friend were just chatting by the side of the road when she came to us running frantically. She was so scared and covered in blood.” Mark licked his lips and shook his head when he remembered the day.
“who are you? Why did you help her?” the leader asked the question but didn’t glance to his direction.
“I know it’s weird but we are childhood friends. After I joined the mafia gang and for the sake of my leader, I had to keep distance with her so that she might not get in trouble with this dark life but somehow she ended up with you all.” He sadly chuckled.
He continued, “I searched about her when I brought her to the hospital. I found out that she was related to you all and the first thought that came to my mind was that you did this to her. But then when I found that you all are searching for her, I was confused for a while but then gradually came to know the truth. Somebody has tortured her and her body was lacking nutrients and due to the deficiency of iron, she got a stroke.”
“torture? Who did this?” the leader was losing his patient with each word coming out his mouth.
“when I brought her here, she was conscious for few days. Yeah, I strictly told others that they should not let anyone to know about her and Johnny is her doctor. She was repeating some things like ‘Amy please don’t do this’  ‘I want to go home’  ‘help me’  ‘I will go away but please don’t hurt me’. according to the reports she is in vegetative state right now, she got a stroke when one day she was thrashing around things.”
A ring interrupted their conversation. Hongjoong was lost with your view and the words from Mark were sinking inside him. He was still processing that you were in front of him and on top of that, you were in a miserable state.
Somebody tortured you? Amy?
Mark broke his trance and urged him to pick up the call.
“where are you? We need to treat the wound and there is nothing in here.”
“Seonghwa, come to the base hospital and bring others too.”
“What’s going on?”
“Just do what I said. You will know when you reach here.”
“I think hearing some familiar voices or maybe something that can trigger the stimuli can bring her back to senses so I hope for the best. She is attentive to some responses and you all are my last hope.”
Mark patted his back and excused himself. He ordered some guards outside the door not to allow anyone inside the room except few members whom he will be sending soon.
Hongjoong stepped forward and with slow steps, he sat beside your bed. His shaky hands caressed your head, tears fell on you when he planted a kiss on your forehead. Jongho was still holding your hand on the other side and was watching your slow breathings.
“y/n……please wake up.” Hongjoong’s voice cracked and he didn’t know what to say anymore. He was angry, upset, hurt and moreover, he was dying inside. He couldn’t afford to see you in that condition.
They waited for a while. They were whispering so many things and tears flowing down their eyes continuously. They were lost after seeing your condition. The leader was confused that why someone had to treat you in this way when you did nothing in the first place. He was feeling to rip off the machines from you so that he could hug you and shield you from all the negativities that might be lingering around you.
The door slammed open and several footsteps could be heard entering the room when suddenly all the sounds paused.
“y/n?” Wooyoung was quick to run towards your sleeping figure, he pushed aside his leader and hugged your body, resting himself on top of you. He was excited but also confused after seeing you in that condition.
 You were laying pale and fragile upon a sterile hospital bed. Concern etched deep lines of worry upon their faces as they gathered around you, their hearts heavy with fear and uncertainty.
Seonghwa glanced at you and then towards Hongjoong who was not even taking off his eyes from you. “what is this Hongjoong? Why is she here?”
He didn’t reply and when he turned towards Jongho, he stood up to give space to Mingi so that he could stand beside your bed. The youngest was not willing to leave your hand but still others needed to see you as well so he stepped towards Seonghwa, “she is in coma for last few months. Somebody had kept her locked up and tortured her.”
“what?” San glared at him. “what are you saying, Jongho? Who?”
“I don’t know-“
“Amy.” Hongjoong stated the name blankly and stared at Seonghwa. “Are you sure?”
“she was scared of her before she went into coma so that only proves she has something to do with her.”
Wooyoung’s grip tightened around you. Yeosang was beside him who was trying to comfort him but also wishing for you to wake up. He couldn’t believe his eyes that you were in front of him. He could feel your skin against his fingertips. Your faint breathing could be heard and it was the only hope, the only belief that you were with him, with them.
Yeosang caressed your hand and pressed a soft kiss, “y/n, look we are here. Wake up. We all are here to protect you. No one can hurt you. Please look at me, y/n .” he started sobbing and buried his face into the hold where your fingers were getting wet with his tears.
Mingi caressed your head, “y/n… we are here to take you home, doll. Please open your eyes. Try to hear my voice I am here.”
Wooyoung traced his fingers over the bandages and the healing cuts on your face. The beautiful face, the soft skin which always felt amazing against his and he never missed a place to kiss every inch of it. Now its all covered with cuts and bandages. “baby please wake up. Please look at me, talk to me.”
Three of them were crying surrounding you and the rest of them closely behind them were hoping to see your eyes fluttering open and to tell them what you went through. They were cursing themselves for once believing that you left and betrayed them.
They were hating themselves for believing that.
Yeosang pulled back Wooyoung and both of them sat on the couch to the side, the younger one was sobbing in his hold. Hongjoong nodded towards Seonghwa and the older one sat on the stool beside your head and held your hand, the leader stood behind him.
“y/n…can you hear me? Love we are all here for you. Look we found you.” Seonghwa gulped the lump, smiled sadly and continued, “We will get through this together. You need to wake up for me.” Hongjoong placed a hand on his shoulder to encourage him to keep going.
San moved forward, he was observing things from a distance and was silently praying all the Almighty to wake you up, to do a miracle so that he could see your eyes and smile again. Mingi stepped back to give him space and he kneeled beside you and took your hand in his trembling ones, the needles from the iv-drip and other machines piercing your skin and he was holding back the urge to rip that off because it might be hurting you. “Y/n……”
“I can't bear to see you like this. Please, wake up...please…I love you so much" he mumbled and planted a kiss on the knuckles.
“you need to see yourself. You are strong enough to come all these ways alone. You can fight more. You are no more alone, we are here for you.” Seonghwa pronounced every word distinctly so that you could hear them, understand him and atleast process slowly that you were not alone but surrounded by your loved ones. Your family.
Jongho slowly said to them, “Mark told us if we trigger a memory then she might wake up. She is responsive to some stimuli earlier. I don’t know what to do but please do something and wake her up. If not then she will be under more risk.”
“No! she won’t.” Wooyoung shouted and again stood beside you, “y/n, don’t give up on us like this. You cant leave us. I wont be able to live if I lose you. Wake up please.”
Yeosang stood beside him, voice cracking “ you are our heart y/n. just tell me what you need, I will do anything for you but don’t leave me please.”
Hongjoong gulped, “Y/n…remember the day we met, those happy moments which we cherish. I still think about them everyday even after the day you were missing. Please we have so much to do in our life. We love you.”
Mingi’s voice wavered, “We'll be here for you every step of the way, I'll fight this battle with you, y/n. Together, as one...nine makes one family.”
Your index finger moved a little in San’s hold. He was surprised, his breath hitched. He looked towards everyone but others gave him a confused look. he was smiling and holding your hand tightly and glancing between you and them.
“guys she can hear us. Her finger is moving.” His gaze landed on the last one who haven’t said anything after they had arrived. He was fuming but crying and San knew that he could do anything if he was quiet. “Yunho…”
The sterile white walls of the hospital room surrounded him, the heavy air which he breathing was filled with different emotions. But the only emotion that was tugging in every corner was the faint ray of hope.
Hope for you to wake up.
Hearing his name, slow and heavy steps took him to your side. Seonghwa who was still whispering some old happy memories paused and moved back a bit. Yunho stared at your face. The memory of you smiling at him and laughing at his jokes. You acting like a baby and always promising that he would protect you like your big saviour. But he didn’t. he broke his promise. He left you alone to fight and then you were fighting with your death.
He will kill every person who did this with you.
“Y/n, You're my reason to keep going. I…we won't let you go. Stay with me. I love you, Pearl.”
The familiar voices echoing inside your head.
Their voices.
Your family.
Nine makes one family.
You clutched San’s hand but quickly loosened the grip. You repeated the action. Their eyes not leaving a second of your form. Your dry lips parted slightly to seep through some air. The oxygen mask felt like suffocating the air.
Slowly, like tendrils of fog dissipating under the morning sun, consciousness began to seep back into your mind.
Your eyelids fluttered, heavy with the weight of slumber, as you struggled to orient yourself to the surroundings. The rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor echoed in their ears, a steady cadence that anchored all to the present moment.
With a groan, you attempted to shift your body, the sensation of stiffness and lethargy weighing you down like an anchor. Your limbs felt foreign, disconnected from the mind, as if you were a marionette being manipulated by invisible strings. Few deep cuts and wounds stinged, you whimpered at the pain.
As your vision cleared, you became aware of the figures standing by your bedside, silhouettes bathed in the soft glow of the overhead lights. their faces had masks of concern as they observed your awakening. You couldn’t place the names with the faces.
Who are they? Do you know them? Why are you here? Wait…where are you?
You twisted your neck to every direction, an air of suffocation engulfing you and the memory of being locked up, bloods, wounds, cut and crying flashed in front of your eyes.
“baby…” Seonghwa’s voice made you look at him. Your eyes were filled with horror. They will hurt you again. An adrenaline hit you which made you feel to run away and save yourself. You were trapped and you needed to get out. You got rid of the oxygen mask.
“no…no…please don’t kill me…I..” you pushed yourself up, groaning because you felt your lethargic body was heavy with tons of weight, you wanted to move but still couldn’t. you started crying and retreated your hand back when you felt someone was holding it. San left your hand when he saw fear in your eyes. You were confused, scared and tired but still attempted to make a run.
Wooyoung’s voice choked with emotion, “baby you are awake…”  you shook your head and  twisted your body but Yunho was quick to make you still and you groaned when the wound in your waist sent a wave of pain throughout your body.
“please…leave me…I want to go home please…” you were crying and wiggling weakly under his hold.
Yunho was standind straight and engulfing your upper body tightly in his hold to let you cry and shout but he couldn’t let you go away when surprisingly he got you back from the edge of death, “shh shhh…Y/n, don’t cry please. I am here. No one is going to hurt you.”
Seonghwa patted your head, “we are going to take you home.”
“no…no…they  they are waiting for me. Joong…I want to go to him…Hwa…Woo…please please.”
“baby, I am Woo. I’m right here.” You glanced at him. a memory of you fooling around and laughing with him flashed in front of him.
You shook your head and Yunho pushed your head against his chest and placed a kiss on top, “it’s me, Yunho. Love calm down.”
When you didn’t stop shaking, he held your face and made you look into his eyes, he was holding back his tears and still smiled at you, “I am here. Right in front of you. You are safe with me. Your Yuyu is with you.”
You stared at him and your actions slowed down. He shifted and sat on the edge and pulled you closer. “Yunho…” hearing his name from your mouth, he pulled you closer and caressed your sides, lulling you to calm down.
“yes, it’s me. we all are here.”
San placed himself on the other side edge of the bed to caress your back. Even though, they were sad seeing you vulnerable but somehow a relief settled inside them that you were awake. You were with them.
“Calm down for me. will you?”
Hearing his soothing voice, you clutched his shirt. Your tears were soaking it but he didn’t care about that, he just wanted you to not feel scared of them.
They knew it was a burden for you to take in your surrounding after waking up from coma after months. You took deep breaths and he could feel your trembling body calming down.
“Y/n. How are you feeling?” Hongjoong’s concerned voice echoed in the air, reaching your ears. Several nights you spent calling out his name, hoping for him to save you but you were alone. Your mind slowly and slowly settling down and you got a grip of your current situation.
You looked down to see yourself wrapped in a hospital gown.
You were in hospital.
“paining. It’s paining everywhere.” You mumbled and stared at Hongjoong. He stepped forward and softly cupped your face, giving you a warm smile.
“it will go away. You will be fine soon.” He kissed your forehead. Seonghwa stood beside him with a bright smile, his presence itself was giving you a blanket of comfort adding to the warmth from Yunho was hugging you.
Hwa nodded and removed the strand of hairs from your face and tugged them neatly behind your ears, “my pretty baby. Do you need something?”
You moved your head up and down slowly, he urged you to speak, “I..I want water.” He didn’t waste a second, quickly turning on his heel, walked towards the table to get a glass of water. You felt your throat was burning dry and you coughed.
San patted your back, “its okay. Take it slow. You are fine.”
Hongjoong wiped your eyes, “don’t cry, baby. We are here for you. Always.”
Wooyoung sat beside your legs and ran his hands up and down above the blanket. Even though he couldn’t feel your skin against his but he knew you were fine and with him.
You stared at him when Seonghwa gave you the glass, you gulped the water hastily. You coughed when you choked. Yunho and Seonghwa softly scolded you not to rush. Your gaze returned towards Wooyoung, you extended your hand and he intertwined his fingers with yours. Tears fell from your eyes. “you are really here...”
“Yes I am. For you.”
Seonghwa and Hongjoong moved aside to let Mingi and Yeosang in front of your view. They were trying their best to appear happy but they knew with just a blink, you would see them all breaking down. Mingi kissed your nose and gave you a tight hug, “do you want to eat?”
“I don’t know. I want to…go home.” You turned towards Yunho, “please take me home. I don’t want to stay here.” He nodded and wiped your eyes, “shh…we will go okay. We are waiting for the doctor to allow the discharge for you.”
Yeosang cupped your face to bring your attention on him, “we are going to watch movies and we will play tag game. How about that?”
You smiled and their heart melted seeing the small curled up lips, “yes. I would love that but I’m feeling so weak.”
Wooyoung chimed in, “You have to eat a lot to become strong and then we will watch movies and discuss your favorite things. You have to show us your favorite stories.”
Hongjoong chuckled, “You cant make her do that even now. She will still run after you because she always do her best to hide the things she read. But I’m curious too.”
Mingi raised his brows and nodded, “those are in English so even if I get a hold of it. I don’t know how to read them.”
Jongho laughed lightly, “deliver them to me. I will let you know about it.”
Seonghwa shook his head and laughed. The atmosphere was becoming lighter than before and they were glad that you were smiling with them. Jongho kissed your nose, “you need to walk more or you will feel more weak. But you should rest until the wounds are getting better.”
You nodded.
You were always an independent and hardworking woman and that’s how they got attracted to you. Every on the point decisions and single handedly and actively managing lots of works was never a small deal for anyone but they saw you doing it and they were impressed. When you got the offer to join the company, you didn’t know it belonged to a mafia base but what to do, when they told you about it, you were already in love with them. They were always honest with you and respected and even treated you like a queen. Their queen.
 But today, seeing you so weak and vulnerable like a baby was breaking their heart into million pieces. You were hurt, you were scared and traumatized.
A groan escaped your lips when you shifted in your place and Yeosang made you still and Yunho helping you to sit properly, leaning your back to his chest. You turned towards San who was quite all these moments. He was still sitting on the bed close to you and rubbing his hands up and down your body. He wanted to feel you, to make himself belief that he was not dreaming but it’s the reality.
Yeosang with concerned eyes looked towards you and asked, “Are you okay? Where is it hurting?”
San urged you to speak, “tell us baby. Where does it hurt?”
Yeosang, the medic of the group knew he had to take care of you more after returning back home. Yunho massaged your side and it did wonder to relieve some tensions.
Your gaze fell on San’s hand, it was bandaged. Your eyes went wide and you looked towards others to scan them. Why are they hurt? You couldn’t find anything visible on Wooyoung, not even on Jongho but when you watched Yeosang fishing his hand inside the jacket’s pocket. You quickly grabbed it and caressed the bandaged palm. You didn’t notice it earlier.
“Why are you hurt? What happened?”
He shook his head, “nothing major.”
Your other hand grabbed San’s wounded one, “does it hurt?”
“no baby. Calm down. Getting hurt during missions is pretty normal.”
“don’t normalize these things. I don’t want you all to get hurt.” San hugged your side. “I’m sorry…”
“why?” his whisper fanned your ears, tickling you lightly.
Hongjoong frowned, “why are you sorry? You did nothing wrong, y/n.”
“but I am here…”
Wooyoung placed a finger on your lips, “don’t speak. That’s not your fault. You are safe and talking with us. That’s what we want right now.”
Seonghwa patted your head before announcing, “I am going to talk with her doctor…what was the name again?”
Jongho stated, “Johnny.”
“ah yes him. so Mingi and Jongho come along with me, we need to take some medical equipment as well.”
The two nodded and followed behind him before them sending smiles towards you. Your eyes followed them until they closed the door behind them.
“hmm… tell me.”
“I don’t want to go to that office building. And you did got some pictures, right?”
Before he could reply Hongjoong interrupted, “no we are not going there anytime soon.” You nodded.
San furrowed his brows, “what pictures?”
“me and Heesung…”
Yunho pulled you closer if its even possible, “why? Why are you asking?”
“do you all trust that? I mean the pictures are real but…”
“but?” Hongjoong just needed some truth and the plannings he already made inside his head would be in action. “tell me y/n.”
“I was drugged and didn’t know what he did. Amy…she used me to get to get you all. She forced me to transfer money, to meet him, and so on. But trust me I didn’t want to do anything. I wanted you all. I wanted to go home. I still want to go far away with you all.”
“calm down, Y/n. we are not speaking about those things right now.” Yeosang shushed you and  Hongjoong clenched his jaw.
He is going to kill her. He is going to torture her till the day she dies of blood loss. He wants to rip her heart out. Does she even have one? He mentally scoffed. He caught Yunho and San staring at him. they both smirked when they saw the leader was fuming.
The leader showed his dirty smirk towards them. They knew the hell was going to break loose for someone.
Seonghwa called Yeosang and asked him to tell others to take you to the car because they got the permission to take you home as Yeosang could manage the rest. He removed the needles and you winced but he was quick to tape the wounds. Wooyoung held your side when you tried to stand up. You felt your head spinning and nauseous hit you. Hongjoong quickly brought a mug in front of your face to let you vomit and Yunho held your hairs in a ponytail and patting your back, encouraging you to take it easy and you will be okay. Yeosang wiped your mouth with wet tissues and San swept you off the ground.
“you are not walking anymore. You need to rest and your limbs are still too weak to make you stand strong even for a second.”
You didn’t argue because you yourself were aware of your condition. As soon as you all left the room, people moved aside seeing the mafia group carrying a girl in their arms. Some had sympathetic look and some with curiosity whispering to each other. You felt awkward under the gazes and you buried your face in his chest. His laugh vibrated in your face and you could hear others chuckled.
Wooyoung ruffled your hairs, “silly.”
Reaching the parking lot, the others were already there. The fresh air hit your face, feeling lively and Seonghwa came in front, “are you okay?”
“I want to stay outside. Please.” You were whining like a baby in san’s arms.
One by one they all entered the car and you were laying with your head resting on Seonghwa’s lap and legs placed over San’s thigh. You pout when they didn’t acknowledge your request. Jongho stared at you, “what happened?”
“I said I wanted to stay outside.”
“didn’t you want to go home?”
You sighed and closed your eyes. Yes, you wanted to return home.
Hongjoong laughed from the passenger seat and Yunho spoke up, “we are going to the beach in front of our house. We will have our lunch there and spend the evening there as well.”
Your eyes fluttered open, “really?”
“yes.” Mingi assured you and joked to make you laugh.
San stroked your legs, “you are our home, y/n. I love you.”
Even if you wanted to go to the house, your home.  It’s fine. Wherever they are, its your home.
They are your home.
“you guys are my home too. My world.”
[thanks for loving the ot8 fics anon <3. I hope you liked this one.]
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Taglist: @mymoodwriting @justhere4kpop @anyamaris @yeoobin @icchyi @jwnghyuns @piratequeen-queenofgames @dinonuguaegi @oreharuuu @hwanring @sanwifesstuff @kiwiisnthereoops @kiwiraccoon @hyuukah @kazscara @aceofspadesbiofalltrades @nvdhrzn [open!]
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sturniolo-simp4life · 4 months
I hope they look like you- Matt Sturniolo 
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Description- Matt and y/n find out something shocking about their future. 
Warnings- Crying and comforting, a little suggestive during a flashback. Another short and sweet.
Y/n’s morning wasn’t exactly a great start. Her head was pounding and she felt nauseous and sick. Matt was peacefully sleeping beside her. 
Suddenly, she had the urge to puke. She got up and ran to the bathroom, letting out whatever was making her feel this way. 
A few seconds later, matt walked in, holding her hair like a ponytail and rubbing her back softly. “It’s okay pretty girl. Let it out.” 
When she was done, she lifted her head softly, tears threatening to fall. 
“You’re alright,” matt whispered to you. You grabbed your toothbrush and started brushing your teeth.
Usually you didn’t mind the taste of mint, but today it made you sick. 
“Do you need anything?” matt asked. “I’m fine,” you snapped. 
Your mood had been swinging like crazy today. You got mad because the TV wasn’t working, but then you started crying because you couldn’t reach a plate from a cabinet. 
Matt had been worried about you, but you kept saying you were fine. 
“I don’t know why but I've been craving pickles with chocolate frosting recently,” you announced to no one in particular. 
Chris gave you a weird look and nick just looked confused. “Y/n you don’t even like pickles,” nick said.
“I know, but i just want to eat them for some reason,” you said with a shrug. 
You got up and went to the kitchen, hoping to find pickles in the fridge. Matt was sitting on the island table. 
Randomly you started crying. Matt looked up at you and got up, surprised. “Baby what wrong? Why are you crying?”  
“There’s no more pickles,” you sobbed. Matt hugged you, clearly confused. You didn’t even like them, and now you were crying over them? 
“Y/n are you on your period?” You sniffed and pulled out your phone, checking your cycle tracker.
Your eyes widened. You had missed your period by a whole week. 
“I think it’s late by a little.” Matt didn’t think much of it. It was probably just before period symptoms.  
You did not think that. Your eyes widened as it finally clicked. Where you pregnant? 
Matt and his brothers had gone out to film a Wednesday video, leaving you at home.
You decided to walk to the pharmacy that was near your house, picking up 3 pregnancy tests. 
When you got back you were pretty nervous about taking the test. What if you were pregnant? What would matt say? Would he be mad? How did this even happen- 
Wait. Your eyes widen as you remembered.  
You were at an influencer party and passed tipsy. You went up to matt, smashing your lips on his. 
“Matty I need you,” you slurred. Matt just chuckled and looked at you. “Baby you’re wayyy too drunk. And this isn’t even our house.” 
“Pleaseee,” you whined. “It won’t be long I promise,” you whispered seductively into his ear. You felt him stiffen as you started kissing and sucking his neck. 
He grabbed your arm and dragged you towards nick and chris, who were currently talking to some people.  
“Hey y/n isn’t feeling that good. We are just gonna wait in the car until you guys are done.” Nick nodded. “we should be out in about an hour.” 
Matt walked you to the car, pushing both of you into the back seat. “You look so pretty in this dress, but i think you’d look even better without it.” 
He kissed you roughly, biting at your bottom lip. “Wait baby i don’t have protection with me.” 
“It fine just don’t cum inside me.” 
Well it’s safe to say that he didn’t remember. 
Your breathing quickened as you slowly realized- you might be pregnant. Your hands shook as you opened the pregnancy test.  
You nervously waited for the results, biting your nails. After a few minutes, you checked it. Positive.
You let out a shaky breath as feelings overwhelmed you. 2 left to go. 
Pregnant. Pregnant. Pregnant. Your eyes filled with tears as you read all 3 results. You were too young to be a mother. Hell- you were only 20! 
You sank to the floor and started crying. No no no no no. This can’t be happening. The bathroom door opened and matt walked inside. 
“Hey baby- y/n? What’s wrong?” he sat on the floor and wrapped his arms around you, kissing the top of your head. 
“I-Im sorry matt. I swear this was never meant to happen i-” “What are you talking about?” he cut you off. 
You pointed to the counter where the pregnancy tests sat. His eyes widened as he looked at them. “Im so sorry this wasn’t meant to happen.” you sobbed 
He looked at you with a big grin on his face. “Im gonna be a dad!” he picked you up and hugged you, shocking you. 
“Your not mad?” you asked. He looked at you. “Of course im not mad. Im so excited. You're going to be such a good mom.” 
“You really think so?” you asked. He smiled and kissed you on the cheek. “I know so.” 
You giggled. “I hope the baby looks like you,” you said and kissed him. 
tags- l34n theyluvme-2315 tillies33ssss maya555sblog alorsxsturn blahbel668 @nyktoxs-lover strnilolo hearteyesformatt
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personasintro · 1 year
Mutual Help | #48
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language, mature content
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 15.5k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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The asphalt smells earthy from the April rain showers you've luckily avoided just in the right time. By the time you've walked out of the donut shop, the very short rain that came in quick bursts has stopped and you've had a good chance to get into your car without your clothes getting wet.
During the day, Jungkook has messaged you Jimin and Taehyung will be joining you tonight – just a casual movie night – so you've decided to buy donuts for all of you. Luckily, you ended your work just in time and surprisingly, you aren't as tired as you usually are after working and you kind of can't wait to hang out with your other two friends.
When you come home, they're already there playing a video game and that's when you can hear the shouting as soon as you open the front door. Jungkook and Taehyung are the ones who barely spare you a glance as you join them in the living room, still wanting to change to more comfortable clothes but at least they quickly greet you before the shouting continues.
Jimin who's standing beside the end of the couch, a bowl of snacks in his hands as he chuckles at your grimace you make once you hear the loud noises coming from those two. He has been watching the game, enjoying the extra curses they spill out so effortlessly while you stand there shaking your head at them.
You and Jimin greet each other, immediately going for a hug as you can't help but notice Jimin's visible muscles and toned chest thanks to the thin and tight long sleeve shirt he's wearing.
"Wow, Jimin," you gasp, grinning as you look at him, finding him giving you a grin as if he already knew what you're about to say. Well, it's not that hard considering your eyes are on his chest as your hands squeeze his biceps. "Have you been working out? Look at you!"
"Oh, shut up," Jimin chuckles as he sees your eyes sparkle with teasing, your hands letting him go. "Yeah, I've been joining Jungkook for a few sessions."
You knew Jungkook was hanging out with Jimin, among his other friends during different days like Namjoon today, but he didn't mention them hanging out at the gym. But knowing Jungkook, it does make sense.
"And how has that been?" you ask, laughing when Jimin dramatically rolls his eyes and sighs.
That catches Jungkook's attention and you notice their game round ended, as he gives Jimin a pointed look which makes you snort. However, it's very short-lived because your expression freezes as you finally notice the change on Jungkook you've failed to notice at first.
Your mouth opens, eyes glued to Jungkook who glances at you and notices your more than clear shock which makes him grin. His raven black hair is gone, trimmed to a short cut with a fresh undercut that shows his side profile perfectly, along with his sharp jawline.
Jimin doesn't notice your current state, continuing with your conversation with a whiny tone.
"He's crazy, he wants to kill me," Jimin complains right away, Taehyung snorting loudly as he takes a big gulp of a coke burping loudly right after which none of you pay attention to – you all are used to it by now. "Seriously, he's a maniac. He just doesn't know when to stop. His work out is so intense, I barely went home and I couldn't feel my legs, no fuck that, my whole body for the next few days."
You laugh, finally averting your eyes to Jungkook frowning but there is an amused smile on his lips.
"That's true, Jimin was close to crying on the phone the other day. I'm not even kidding." Taehyung reveals, Jimin nodding to prove his point as you grin at your friends.
"Well, it looks like it paid out. A few more times and maybe you'll be bigger than Jungkook." you say, teasing as you put the donuts down on the table as Taehyung praises you, jumping at the sight of food.
"Ha!" Jungkook scoffs right away, causing Taehyung to snort once again as you do the same while Jimin just watches amusingly. "He has to have a better work out ethic if he wants to get anywhere as good as me."
You roll your eyes at Jungkook, "Full of himself as usual, Jeon,"
If Jungkook hates anything, it is when you tease him about stuff like this. He takes working out seriously and even though everyone can hear the amusement in his tone, he actually gasps at your words.
"Where's your hair?" you ask, pointing towards his hair with a slight pout. It's been a while since Jungkook had his hair this short. It suddenly brings you to the Jungkook from two years ago – the only difference is he has more tattoos and a piercing decorating his body and face right now.
"Got it trimmed, it started to get annoying," Jungkook shrugs, while Jimin joins them on the couch and sits next to Taehyung. "You don't like it?"
A little perplexed by his question, especially when you notice his smirk and sparkling eyes as his question is set with an amused and challenging tone. Your friends remain unbothered though, Taehyung scolding Jimin for not sharing the snacks with him while you stare at Jungkook with a suspicious gaze.
"I do," you tell him slowly. "It looks great." you hum, aiming your gaze at Jimin instead as he turns around.
"I went with him after our work out, you should've seen the ladies staring at him," Jimin teases, wiggling his eyebrows at Jungkook who rolls his eyes. "There was this one grandma particularly that took interest in our Jungkookie."
Jungkook grabs one of the cushions, throwing it at Jimin while Taehyung bursts in laughter, most likely already hearing the story of the mentioned old lady while you roll your eyes at them, but not without a grin curving on your lips as you excuse yourself to change your clothes.
They barely acknowledge you anyway, bickering and laughing with each other as they tease the hell out of Jungkook who seems to be both amused and annoyed.
You seriously doubt they're older than you sometimes.
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"...I'm telling, she's freaky in bed, kinky as hell. Not that I complain." Taehyung rasps out, gulping more of the beer Jungkook so kindly offered them and Taehyung didn't hesitate to accept him on that offer.
To Jimin's luck, he drove Taehyung here today so he refrained from drinking tonight, not letting his mouth on the loose as much as Taehyung is. But then, Taehyung doesn't need alcohol for that. He's not even drunk or anything, it's his second can of beer and tonight isn't about all of you partying and getting drunk. Just a nice hangout with a couple of beers.
"Didn't you say she freaked out when you touched her neck?" Jimin interjects, a little confused frown framing his face.
"Oh god," you whisper under your breath, taking a gulp of your beer to get through this conversation.
"Oh no, that's a different one," Taehyung waves his hand off at Jimin. "This one told me to slap her on her face."
Jungkook sits there, eyes widening at Taehyung's reveal as he stares with doe eyes at his older friend, listening to the conversation while you sit on the opposite side of them in a single chair, legs up and tucked under your butt in a comfortable position. That's probably the only comfortable thing about this conversation.
You've no idea how the topic of sex and Taehyung's sex partners even started. The next minute you know, they're already talking about sex and different things they tried in it.
"Did you do it?" Jungkook asks, tilting his head back as he drinks the rest of the beer, his throat bobbing at the motion as he swallows.
You can't help but stare a little, admiring his still styled and fresh cut hair from the distance. His hair is parted like it usually is, showing off his forehead along with the eyebrow piercing that's now even more eye-catching than before.
"Uhh, I kinda hesitated. Don't get me wrong, I'm into hard stuff but slapping a woman in the face–nah, I don't think it's my thing." Taehyung admits, pursing his bottom lip in thought.
"I don't think I would be able to do it, not even if she wanted me badly to." Jungkook admits this time, deep in thought as if he tries to picture the situation but ends up shaking his head slightly.
"What about you, Y/N?" Taehyung suddenly brings all the attention to you, your presence barely known until now because you stayed out of their conversation, simply listening to them while sipping beer in the meantime.
"What about me?" you shrug, "Has anyone ever asked me to slap their face?" you joke, causing Taehyung to roll eyes at you while Jimin snorts and Jungkook joins him.
"No, you idiot," Taehyung says, causing you to grab one of your slippers and immediately throw it at him. He dodges it with a cackle, grinning at you. "Are you into it?"
"Taehyung, please," Jimin shakes his head and just when you think he's about to tell him to shut up, he actually says; "Can you imagine Y/N wanting somebody to slap her face while having sex? She'd probably cut off the guy's dick if he ever tried to do it."
All of them laugh and you chuckle, shaking your head at them but Jimin is not far away from the truth.
It's no secret to you (and Jungkook) you like spanking but slapping your face? No, you don't think so. That sounds a little bit too much for you.
"True," Taehyung purses his lips, "Or maybe you're the one doing the slapping?" He obviously teases you right now, grinning at you while you stare at him dumbfounded.
"Yes, I'm ten seconds from slapping that grin off your face."
His grin drops, mouth opening in a dramatic gasp while Jimin bursts out laughing and Jungkook covers his mouth with his hand as he silently laughs.
Taehyung's expression doesn't last long though, his lips curving into another grin and you know he's just about to say something stupid.
"Not my cup of tea but we could try it. Didn't know you see me that way, honey."
You widen your eyes, Taehyung laughing at your caught off stare as he got you, clapping his hands.
"Yah," Jungkook interjects, sending a glare to Taehyung who is clearly just making fun and it's not the first time he teases you this way however, it's pretty rare for him. You're like his little sister, so he barely does that.
"Fuck off," you scoff at Taehyung, "You wish." you bite back, his mouth widening for a dramatic act as he grins.
"I mean, you'd have to get in line but–"
"You're disgusting Tae." Jimin muses teasingly, pursuing his lips as Jungkook agrees with a nod.
"What line? Please, I'd rather celibate for the rest of my life."
Taehyung and Jimin start laughing as soon as you say it, your own triumphal grin making it onto your lips while Jungkook amusingly smirks.
Luckily, the timer on your phone that you've set starts to ring, the reminder of a frozen pizza in the oven causing you to stand up as you tap onto your phone screen to turn it off.
"Thankfully, the timer has saved me from this disgusting conversation you guys have going on," you tell him, grinning as you see their scandalized faces while Jungkook just grins behind the can of the beer.
He knows Taehyung can get a little bit too detailed and open most of the time, Jimin following right after but surprisingly, Jimin hasn't been as open as Taehyung tonight even though he jumped into the conversation to talk about stuff you've refrained yourself from.
"I'm looking at you Kim Taehyung." you look at him sternly, trying to hide your smile and the response you get in return is Taehyung sending you flying kisses as you flick him off.
As soon as you're out of the living room, Jimin shoves Taehyung in the shoulder as he laughs.
"What was that?"
"I was just teasing her," Taehyung laughs, "She was quiet most of the time."
"Yeah, she is probably terrified by your gracious sex experiences you graced us with." Jimin snorts, glancing at Jungkook who listens to the two of them while tracing his finger against the rim of the can.
"She never talks about that stuff." Taehyung comments.
"Yeah, not everyone is so open to talk about it like you." Jungkook chirps in, giving Taehyung a pointed look as he shrugs because it's true.
Suddenly, Taehyung's face drops as he thinks of something and a worried look makes it onto his face. This time, it's not him making fun or anything, he looks honest as Jimin raises his brows in question as Jungkook does the same.
"Do you guys think I made her uncomfortable?" He sounds genuinely worried.
"Nah, she handled you pretty well," Jimin assures him, "She joked with you too. Don't worry."
"Jungkook-ah, what do you think?" Jungkook raises his eyebrows in surprise, pointing at himself as Taehyung nods. "Yes, you. You know her the most. Do you think I crossed a line?"
Does Jungkook think he crossed a line? It's Taehyung, he knows he makes inappropriate jokes sometimes and sometimes takes it too far away but all of you know him. You know him and if you genuinely felt as if he crossed a line, you'd tell him.
Was it necessary to joke about implying things? He's not sure. He's protective of you and even if it's Taehyung and his own way of joking, he would tell him off if he took it any further. He's your friend after all. Taehyung is harmless and cares about you too.
"Taehyungie, I think if you crossed a line you'd know it, trust me." Jungkook assures him, placing the can on the table as Taehyung sighs in relief while Jimin teases him, trying to lighten up the mood.
Jungkook stands up, excusing himself to help you with the pizza knowing you hate to cut the frozen pizza that tends to have hard crusts which makes it harder to cut it.
He finds you in the kitchen and just like he assumed, you're already struggling with cutting it while the tip of your tongue pokes out of your mouth and a deep frown adores your glowy skin. He chuckles, your eyes falling onto him for a split second as you return to your own task until Jungkook is next to you and he slightly bumps his side to yours.
"Here, let me do it." he tells you and you don't object, immediately handing him the knife as you move away.
"Fuck, it smells so good. I'm so hungry."
You've eaten some of the leftovers from last night but three hours already passed by. Thank god you remembered the frozen pizza you and Jungkook bought – the emergency food – like you called it.
Jungkook chuckles, still cutting the pizza into small triangles while you stand next to him, salivating at the sight of pizza. If he knew you were that hungry, he'd just order a fresh one. Frozen pizza isn't exactly the healthiest and tastiest food out of all options you have.
"Taehyung is worried he crossed a line with you in there." Jungkook tells you, voice quiet and soft as you look at him, brows lifted up as your mouth opens.
"Really?" you wonder, "He hasn't."
"I think it's the beer, whenever he drinks it he makes different kinds of jokes."
At that you both laugh as you agree with him. "He's an idiot. I know he's just joking. It's Tae, come on, I'm more surprised he is actually worried."
"I think he's getting drunk," Jungkook shrugs and you nod, leaving it at that. "Done." Jungkook sings out, putting away the knife as you pull out the plates for all of you.
"Thanks," you smile, watching Jungkook as he starts serving the pizza.
That's until he glances at you, laughing a little at the attention you suddenly give him. Before he can ask what are you staring at, you're already on your tip-toes patting the top of his head as you feel his short hair. It's still soft and bouncy, despite it's shorter than it has ever been. You run your fingers through his hair, smelling the expensive shampoo they use in the hair salons as you can see there's a slight amount of gel in his hair, holding it back from his face.
One can of beer is just enough to let your mouth on the loose and you spill your first thoughts shamelessly to Jungkook. "I love it, but what am I gonna tug you onto?"
Jungkook almost chokes on his spit, staring at you with big eyes as he sucks his bottom lip in. "Shit, don't say stuff like that."
"It's true," you giggle, adjusting a few strands of his hair that is parted in the middle. "Maybe I'll think about the whole face slapping thing." you joke, causing Jungkook to scoff as he slaps your hand away.
"Guess you'll have to find something else then." he hums and you hum in return, nodding.
"Maybe, or we will make it work." you tease, biting onto your lower lip as Jungkook stares at you with an unreadable gaze, muttering a curse under his breath.
"Don't tempt me, guys are here."
"Oh," you gasp, teasing him. "Now that I think of it, Taehyung might enjoy the show."
Jungkook immediately scrunches his nose and mouth, making you giggle at his grimace.
"I will give you a show," Jungkook mutters, slapping your ass as you jump, not even surprised such a simple act makes your skin and insides tingle. "I don't like the audience."
"Oh, you don't?" you continue teasing him, feeling excitement bubbling in your stomach. "Didn't you want to have sex in the forest?"
Jungkook snorts, "Who would be the audience? Squirrels and owls?"
You laugh, slapping your forehead in the process as your eyes are on him once again.
"Unless you're into that. Would you like to have an audience?" Jungkook asks you, cocking his brow at you as your grin freezes a little but that's until you let out a soft chuckle.
"No," you assure him, "You're enough." you tease, slowly inching towards him.
"Yeah?" he hums, looking down with you with a satisfied smirk as your eyes fall onto his lips. They glisten as he licks them, slowly biting on his lower lip before he lets it curl back into his typical, but never boring, smirk.
God, how much you want to kiss him. The last time you had sex was when Jungkook had decided to torture you by sitting on his cock while you made yourself cum. It didn't turn out bad at all, it was actually very fun and you have to admit, you caught yourself randomly getting flashbacks of it in the most inconvenient times.
It might not have been full on sex, but you enjoyed every second of it. Clearly, you can't have sex right now – not with Taehyung and Jimin in the next room. Just one kiss is all you can do, even though it's risky. It's not going to quench the thirst he sparked inside you but at least it's something. Do you want him to bend you over this counter and fuck you? Probably. No, not probably. Yes, absolutely yes.
"What are you thinking about?" Jungkook asks, although the smirk tells you he probably knows.
"How it's such a shame the guys are in the next room," you reply shamelessly, heart jumping against your ribcage at your own words.
Jungkook's eyes darken and he traces his fingers over your cheek, the softest touch causing you to sigh in content and shiver at the same time.
Even though what you did the last time was something completely new to you and quite adventurous, it still wasn't full on sex. And you miss cumming around his cock, him hitting you from the back while he spanks your ass while he is at it. Fuck, you've got to calm down.
Gulping, you can't look into his eyes and avert your gaze back to his lips.
"I kinda want to at least kiss you but it's risky." you admit, facepalming mentally as soon as you say it.
But Jungkook takes it lightly and you've surely boosted his ego.
You hear the music from the game playing in the distance and you wonder if you could at least steal one kiss, in a desperate hope it will satisfy you enough for now. You know it won't. Kissing with Jungkook barely ends with that – something you have done only during sex this time. That's how it should be. Maybe you could think of this as a foreplay?
"That's a tough decision," Jungkook ponders and you know he is doing this on purpose, making you do the first move as he just stands there and even leans against the counter as if you're having a casual conversation.
And you wish you could find him annoying to the point you would drop it but here you are, salivating at him wearing one of his short-sleeved tight shirts that shows how buff he is.
Nibbling on your bottom lip, you wonder if it's worth it or not but before you can decide, Taehyung's voice and footsteps booms from the living room as he approaches the kitchen. You barely have any time to step back and put some distance between you and Jungkook, so it's not suspicious.
Still, Taehyung eyes you suspiciously as soon as he faces you, glancing between you two.
"Where the hell are you guys? Are you cutting it into different shapes?"
"Yes, to the shape of your small dick so it's taking a while." you reply, Jungkook coughing back a laugh before he bursts into laughter while Taehyung laughs at your joke, placing a hand on his chest as he gapes at you.
"You liar, you've seen it and you know it's not small at all!" Taehyung argues, reminding you of that one night two years ago when you both got drunk (actually all of you) but Taehyung was the worst.
The night was wild and you had to spend it at Taehyung's apartment, the two of you shared a bed which Taehyung completely forgot when he started taking off his clothes, accidentally tugging onto his boxers as well as you caught a sight of his penis. It's truly horrifying that you've seen it and you forgot about it, until now.
Everyone had a blast when you told everyone what happened the next morning, poor Taehyung clueless about that happening because he just couldn't remember but he has been smug about it ever since.
"Trust me, I've seen a big dick before and it's not yours." you tease him, using the opportunity to when Taehyung throws his head back as he groans and laughs at the same time, embarrassed by your teasing, you glance at Jungkook as you send him a look with a raise of your brow.
He grins, biting into his lip as he stops himself from reacting any further but you know he loves it.
"Yah! You can be really cruel sometimes!" Taehyung's voice follows behind you as you quickly take some of the plates, Jungkook doing the same as Taehyung doesn't shut up about the size of his dick for a good five minutes.
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"Jin wanted us to go in June actually," Jimin informs as you're in the middle of conversation about a camping trip this summer.
Last year's camping trip was definitely interesting. You know this year is going to be different but you're still just as excited. You know everyone was more than down to repeat a good old camping trip the next year. You can't believe months have passed so quickly and it's spring already. Yeah, it's April and it's too soon to be organizing it, but it simply appeared in one of your conversations about everyone's plans for the summer and whether you'll go for a friend's trip. Also, there are more of you than just the four of you, so it's probably safe to ask everyone so they can clear their schedules for a long weekend in the forest.
"Jia will be close to giving birth at that time, so Jin wants to be there with her and June is actually the only summer month he can go."
Ah, you totally forgot Jia is pregnant.
Suddenly, you get flashbacks of the NYE trip where she and Seokjin announced they're expecting a baby. Long before things went downhill for Jungkook. You remember how happy Kiko was for her best friend. You wonder if she felt sad knowing a very similar path was ready for her as well. It had to take a lot of strength for her to be there and share her joy with Jia.
"Won't it be too cold in June?" you interject, shaking off the sad thoughts.
"Yeah, I'm not freezing my ass because of pregnant Jia."
You snort, rolling your eyes at Taehyung who simply just shrugs his shoulders.
"I don't know, June is a warm month. Maybe if we go at the end of it? I mean summer nights in a forest are cold anyway, so you have to pack blankets, sleeping bags and warm clothes for sure." Jungkook says, Jimin nodding along with him.
"Yeah, I think it's possible to sleep in the tents. Maybe we could try to find something with an accommodation nearby? Just in case it's too cold, so we could stay the night or nights there."
"Yeah, I think that could work," Jungkook nods, "In worst scenarios, we'll just sleep in cars."
Which is pretty inconvenient in Jungkook's opinion because you still need to turn on the heating and engine, so the engine can warm up. And even if the car gets heated, the heat won't probably last the whole night. But like he said, in the worst scenarios that can be an option too. Nobody won't let themselves freeze to death.
"Are we going to the same location or did you guys have in mind something different?" Taehyung wonders and you join, looking at Jungkook and Jimin since they're the ones who were organizing it with others last year.
"We don't know yet," Jungkook shrugs, "I think where we were last year was a good spot. We know shops around there and the way as well. But I don't think it would be a problem if we found something else."
"Yeah, I agree," Jimin says with a nod, "Do you guys wanna do something else in the summer?"
"Me and Y/N actually talked about going on a vacation. I think I talked about it with you guys too, right?" Jungkook asks in thought, trying to remember.
"Ah, yes!" Taehyung jumps in, showing obvious excitement at the word of vacation. It definitely sounds bigger than just a trip.
"Do you have any suggestions? I suppose we all want to go overseas." Jimin asks, looking at all of you as you shrug.
"Personally, I'd love to go somewhere where it's warm and there's a beach." you tell them.
"Yes, I'm joining Y/N." Taehyung immediately agrees.
"Yeah, that's what I had in mind too," Jungkook joins and Jimin does too. "But I think it's better to go to such destinations during the end of summer or during fall. The prices are better for everything."
Vacation surely costs a lot of money, especially if you're planning to go overseas and visit a nice country. You're kind of worried because sure, you have some money saved and you can still set some money aside for it, but you know flight tickets are going to be expensive either way. But you tell yourself you deserve to go on a vacation. It's also something all of you have never done together and it's going to be a new experience. Just the thought of it makes you excited because there is no one else you would want to travel with other than your friends.
"That's true," Taehyung nods, "I think fall sounds good. There won't be as many tourists, prices will be cheaper..." Taehyung names it while pointing with his fingers.
"Do you guys prefer a hotel or something different?"
"I think it'd be nice to rent a small house or apartment. You know, somewhere where we can cook for ourselves, I think that's more domestic and comfortable. Plus, hotels are sometimes way more expensives." you tell them while they listen attentively.
It's actually one way to save at least some money – to cook for yourselves a few times instead of eating in the restaurants. Sure, you will do that too for sure but if you cook for yourselves a few nights, you can still save up some money.
"Honestly, I don't care. Both sound good." Taehyung shrugs.
"Renting something sounds nice. Like you said, it's more domestic and homey."
"Yeah, I like that too," Jungkook says, giving you a smile and you return it. "Maybe we should start planning it soon while the prices aren't too high up."
"Agreed, we should probably think of the destination and then start planning it."
All of you agree. You're the first one to get to bed, the constant yawning making you realize you stayed up for too long. So you bid goodbye to Jimin and Taehyung, two of them staying for a little bit longer but once they leave, you're already sleeping. You're slightly awakened when Jungkook joins you in the bed at an hour that's uncertain to you, but you quickly fall back asleep.
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It's the next day and Jungkook has been busy doing some work in the afternoon while you tidied his apartment and sorting out the laundry, even though there hasn't been that much to do to begin with. Jungkook cleans after himself, barely leaving any mess and the only sort of mess (that could be considered as one) was the full laundry basket.
Around lunchtime, Jungkook informs you he'll work on your bed tonight and you can't lie when you're a little perplexed because Oh, you actually should have your own bed. It's not a big deal and you tend to sprawl out in bed, something Jungkook likes to point out when you wake up and you're glued to Jungkook's side. It wouldn't be that bad, however Jungkook sleeps on the edge, close to falling off the bed. It happens only sometimes, not all the time and mostly you move to the middle but that's it.
Lost for words, you just nod and offer him help even though you've no idea how to assemble it. Jungkook was the one who did it when you first moved into your previous apartment – where you successfully moved out and gave keys to the owner's daughter. She was sweet, almost looking sorry that you had to move out.
You're not much help, Jungkook does the whole work as he tries to figure out how he assembled it since you threw out the manual, something Jungkook scolded you for. You don't remember the bed name and when you offered to look at it online, Jungkook just waved you off and told you he thinks he knows how to do it.
He does the whole thing in his sport shorts and a shirt, so you enjoy the view of focused and hot looking Jungkook with his brows furrowed.
Now that your bed starts to look like a bed, you realize how much you miss it while Jungkook fastens screws on one side.
It's actually better that you will have your own bed back. As much as you never cared about sharing a bed with Jungkook, you never thought of it that much because there were many occasions when you had to stay over and you were literally just sleeping next to each other, both cool with it, you know things feel different. Different in terms that you're not just sleeping next to one another sometimes.
It's good for you to have your own room, not to share a bedroom with Jungkook which seems much more intimate than when you were sleeping over in the past. A boundary is what you need.
"Are you going to just gwak?" Jungkook asks without even looking at you, focusing on the task in front of him before he finishes the screw, glancing at you across his shoulder with a smirk.
"I just might," you shrug, "Come on, take a break. I made lemonade."
Jungkook tends to fully immerse himself in whatever he's doing, wanting to finish everything in one go which is both ambitious and annoying sometimes. He listens to you though, standing up in the middle of your unfinished bed frame that's tilted on one side.
Joining you in the kitchen, you both enjoy the taste of fresh squeezed lemons and mint, Jungkook downed the whole glass in one go.
Looking at the clock, you have your dinner which Jungkook assists you with after you fill your stomachs with roasted chicken and rice. Stomachs full, you both sprawl on the couch while watching television for a good hour or so. When Jungkook insists on finishing your bed tonight, you tell him to do it tomorrow because he looks already tired as it is. He was waking up early, despite today being Saturday, so he could go to the gym in the morning and do some work after.
One more night sleeping in the same bed won't kill anyone and he has no plans for tomorrow.
At the end, he agrees and continues to watch television.
You go to the bathroom early today, wanting to pamper yourself with a good bathtub and some bubbles. You spend a good hour there, borrowing Jungkook's bluetooth speaker as you sing along to your playlist while shaving your body.
Once you make it out of there, Jungkook doesn't miss the opportunity to tease you how long you were in there saying "I thought you drowned". Flicking him off, he follows shortly after and takes a quick shower.
Not wanting to think of tonight too much, you did shave mostly for Jungkook, wanting your exposed legs to be as smooth as possible (even though you don't show them unless they aren't freshly shaved). Finally abandoning your usual fluffy socks you wear to bed (which Jungkook often teases you about), you wear one of your pretty nightgowns that is in soft blue color, satin with lacy edges. It's definitely one of those sexier ones but not one of those that screams "Let's have sex".
Your feet do get cold slightly, hating that as soon as you'll sleep in your own bed, you'll have to wear socks once again. You mostly went to bed without them, which usually ended up with your legs pressed against Jungkook's warm ones, since the man is a walking heater.
Thoughts interrupted with Jungkook coming to the bedroom, your whole mouth salivates when he walks in just in a towel that hangs so lowly on his hips that you fear it's going to drop any second. He notices your stare, looking down for a moment before his eyes are back on you.
"Sorry, forgot my boxers." he mutters, walking to his closet as he pulls them out from a drawer while you keep your eyes on him. He's turned to you with his back anyway, so it's not like he sees you eyeing him like a prey.
"All good," you hum, breath hitching in your throat when Jungkook suddenly drops the towel, exposing you with his perky butt and fine thighs. If you looked closely, you'd be able to see his dick hanging slightly between the gap of his thighs.
Unfortunately, he puts his boxers on, shielding his butt from your hungry eyes while being completely clueless to your stare. Once he turns back and walks out of the bedroom to hang his towel in the bathroom, you lay in the bed with your back leaning against the headboard staring at the spot where he has disappeared.
A minute later he joins you, not even bothering to wear a shirt which makes your skin hot. He grabs his phone, browsing through his social media while you do the same. That's until he puts his phone away once you do, staring at the ceiling.
Making yourself comfortable and laying your head on the soft pillow, you turn your body sideways facing Jungkook. Thanks to the night lamp still turned on on his side, you see his side profile perfectly.
"You know how we spoke about the camping trip yesterday?" He suddenly speaks up, filling up the silence with his soft velvety voice as you hum. "Jimin asked me if he should invite Hoseok as well."
"Oh," You let out, causing Jungkook to nod as he scoffs a little.
"Yeah," he sighs, "I mean... it's not just about me, or about the four of us. Jin and Namjoon are on it too. They most likely will want him there. I don't think it'd be fair of me to say I don't."
"So you don't want him there?" you ask silently, watching as his brows furrow slightly as he shrugs.
"If he doesn't go, I'm fine. If he does, I will try to be fine." he answers simply, your features softening even more.
"What did you tell Jimin?"
"Just that I haven't talked to him ever since he came to pick up... her things," Jungkook sighs once again, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Jimin and Tae told me I should probably talk to him. Apparently Hoseok is giving me space, so he doesn't want to reach out to me unless he knows I'm ready to talk to him."
"And are you? Ready to talk to him?"
He's quiet for a moment, shrugging. "Will I ever be ready?"
"I don't know, Kook," you mumble, "I think you need to ask yourself if you want him to be your friend or you're okay with him not being it."
"That's the thing. He is, was, my friend and he totally betrayed me. I trusted him, I, it was like a slap to my face when I found out he knew this whole time. He laughed with me while we hung out, we had deep conversations like none of that has ever happened,"
You stare at Jungkook, thinking that he's nowhere near over this and it's pretty understanding. Nothing has ever hurt him like this whole thing.
He feels the biggest sort of betrayal from Hoseok. His older friend that he has known for years. There were times when he was so grateful he introduced him to Kiko. He swore he will be thankful to him for the rest of his life. He knew he looked out for both of them, he was truly their number one fan ever since they started dating.
"Do you think I should talk to him?"
"I think," you take a deep breath, "you should do whatever feels comfortable. If you genuinely think you can't have a friendship with him, maybe that's how it's supposed to be. Or just wait and see how you feel about him in the couple of months. It's still very fresh, there's no need to deal with it if you're not ready."
Jungkook knows but he so desperately searches for an answer, for the right choice so he doesn't have to think about this so much that he gets a headache.
"Well, it's either I face him at some point because I kinda have to or talk to him before that can happen."
"I don't think Hoseok is bad," you confess, Jungkook's eyes fully on you as a slight frown frames his face but he listens to you attentively. "I understand why and how you feel about him. He has hurt you no matter what and you have every right to feel sad, mad and betrayed. But think about it this way... he did it for his best friend. I'm not saying it was right but,"
You give him a look.
"Imagine it's us. Kook, you would do the same thing for me like Hoseok did for her. This doesn't justify what he did, but he clearly wasn't too happy about her decision. But it was her decision and he had her back because he is her best friend. Yes, you guys are close friends but Kiko is his best friend. I just know that if something similar happened to us, we both would have each other's backs. Even if we didn't agree with one another,"
Jungkook looks straight ahead, letting your words ponder in his mind.
He knows you're right. He tried to think about it because it's something similar Hoseok told him too. If Hoseok had decided not to make Kiko tell him the truth, he would probably not know now. And it's like you think the same thing because you say;
"He messed up badly but at least he tried to do the right thing. Even if it meant losing you as his friend."
And it's exactly what a small part of Jungkook's good and empathic heart tries to tell him.
"I just can't see him without being reminded of it all. Reminded of her."
"You're still hurting, Kook. I really think you should talk to someone," He gives you a look. "Someone who isn't your friend."
"I'm fine," he insists and you sigh at his stubbornness, knowing pressuring him will do no good.
He's old enough to ask for help if he truly needs it.
"I think I will talk to him. Not now... but soon." he mutters more to himself, almost as if he makes a promise out loud so he really keeps it.
"Whatever you decide, I'm on your side, Kook." you remind him softly and that's when Jungkook once again realizes.
What an incredible person you are.
And he doesn't know if it's intentional, but it feels as if your words could be taken to Hoseok's situation.
He can imagine Hoseok saying that to Kiko.
Seeing how deep in thoughts Jungkook is (mostly noticing the hurt on his face) you break his thoughts off by tugging off the duvet off your legs. Scooting closer to him, you suddenly show up your leg in the air, fingers brushing against it.
"Try my legs, they're soft."
Jungkook blinks at you, a huge grin suddenly breaking on his lips.
"I trust you." he says with the same grin.
"No, touch them." you insist, Jungkook playfully rolling his eyes at your perseverance as he lets his hand brush along your leg.
You expectedly stare at him, raising your brow sternly as he snorts.
"Hmm, they're super soft," he feigns astonishment as you click your tongue at him and poke your foot into his legs. "What do you want me to say?" he laughs, "They're always this soft."
"Not always," you argue, "I just shave them every day but usually when I'm on my period I don't." you point out, definitely sharing some of the unnecessary information but you don't really find it embarrassing or anything. Quite the opposite. You're comfortable with Jungkook and he doesn't look phased at all either.
"Why do you do it every day?"
"My hair grows super fast and I don't know when we're about to have sex because it's not like we plan it. So I always want to be prepared." you admit, pursing your lips as Jungkook amusingly watches you the entire time.
"You don't have to do that for me or because of me." Jungkook reminds you softly, but your immediate scoff ruins the soft moment.
"You crazy? You want me to have a bush down there?"
Jungkook raises his hand with his palm up, shrugging. "I don't really mind."
You blink at him, wondering whether it's hot of him to not care about that kind of stuff or... what is the other option anyway?
So you raise your brow at him, as if you don't believe him which makes him chuckle.
"I really don't," he emphasizes, "I don't mind hair. If you want to grow a whole bush down there, feel free."
You gasp, cheeks growing hot as you swat his shoulders. "I don't want that. I prefer to be neat down there." you grumble under your breath, kind of hoping Jungkook mishears it but he doesn't.
One of the things you find hot about Jungkook is his pubic hair. He is a man, so it's not like men are judged for it but it's nice to know Junkgook doesn't care about that stuff. It makes you adore him even more and you can't bring yourself to think about whoever will be able to snatch him.
"Whatever you prefer," he hums, sitting up straight as he grabs you gently by your ankle and lifts your leg up to his lips.
He kisses the soft and moisturized skin, giving it a light but long smooch as you swoon over him, heart already picking its pace from the excitement.
He doesn't stop there though, he continues his way up as he tugs onto your leg, bringing you closer to him and angling your body just at the right angle. When his lips stay pressed on your skin, he looks up to check on you and he finds you giving him a light smirk. He chuckles under his breath, the sound silent but deep as he continues. Once he's near the hem of your nightgown, his fingers play with the lacy hem.
"Cute," he comments, suddenly pressing his face between your thighs as he delivers another kiss to the furthest spot the material allows him.
He hikes up your nightgown, expecting to see another barrier but he's completely shocked and welcomed by a sight of your bare pussy. And he looks up, letting you see his sparkling big eyes while you sheepishly grin in return.
"You little minx," he tells you, diving right in as he presses a kiss to your clit. "Were you planning to get fucked?"
You shouldn't be surprised by his language by now, but his words still light up another spark inside your stomach as you can't help but moan once he presses his tongue flat against your clit.
"No, but I hoped to be." you reply breathlessly and honestly, gasping when Jungkook latches his mouth over your soft and wet mound, moving his lips slowly while you clench around nothing.
He pulls away, hovering over you with his big palms spread on each side of your head, holding himself up. You welcome the closeness and trace your fingers over his forearms as you stare at him.
"I actually wanted to talk to you about something," he says, voice low and raspy as you tilt your head slightly, still slightly dazed at the sight of him shirtless hovering over you.
"Right now?" you ask, emphasizing while you sound impatient which only makes the corner of his lips lift up.
"Mhm," he hums, inching his face closer as his nose suddenly pokes you in your cheek, hot minty breath hovering over you and you're ready to shudder with excitement and impatience.
"A-are you sure right now?" you breathe out, feeling a soft puff leaving his mouth as he chuckles but he doesn't move as he hums against the side of your face.
"I can multitask,"
He sure can because as soon as he says it, he leans himself on his elbow while the other hand sneaks between your thighs and cups you shamelessly, long digits working their way up and down as you gasp once again, holding onto his forearm for a dear life.
"You know how we first talked about our conditions? About me helping you explore more stuff in your sex life while you help me with my part of the deal?"
Eyes prying open at the mention of your sex life, Jungkook keeps moving his fingers up and down your slit while you're trying to focus what he's even saying. You certainly can't multitask while his hands are on you.
But Jungkook makes sure he doesn't go any further, wanting you to be in your full senses.
"You mean the mutual help?" you ask, breathing out a chuckle as you recall him naming it.
He mimics your reaction, a soft chuckle escaping past his lips like a sweet melody.
"What about it?" you ask, voice getting breathless once again as he starts circling your entrance with his middle finger which makes you automatically let out a rushed but quiet curse.
However, he retracts his hand because he wants you to fully pay attention to him and you do, because your frown is immediately decorating your face which makes him fight off a good laugh.
"You told me you wanted to explore more things, right?" You nod. "Our conversation with Jimin and Taehyung made me think... you never actually told me what you like?"
You can't believe he's asking you this at this moment and for some reason, you shift on your spot beneath him as your frown relaxes slightly but it's still present on your face. It's different to actually openly talk about it, which shouldn't be an issue but – why the hell do you suddenly feel shy in front of him?
"You want me to tell you what I want to try?" you ask quietly, meanwhile Jungkook leans on his other elbow as well, his mouth immediately on your jaw as you close your eyes at the sensation those two pillows bring you.
"Mhm," he hums, "I mean I know you enjoy spanking," he says with the same hum as you gulp, feeling the lust bubbling in your stomach while you shift on your spot, desperate to feel some friction.
And just like that, he gives the side of your ass a light spank which makes you bite your lower lip immediately.
He really is multitasking because his lips stay glued to your jaw as he slowly moves it down your neck. Unfortunately, if he knew how hot you look right now with a bottom lip tucked between your teeth, he would surely look.
"I know you like when I wrapped my hand around your neck,"
And then his fingers trace against your skin on your neck, your whole body shuddering as your body naturally spreads your legs. Fuck, can he get his lower body closer? 
But he's not done yet, his hand caressing your neck before it's wrapped around it. But it just lays there, he doesn't put any pressure on it and his whole touch electrifies you. He's still gentle with his touch, showing you he isn't going into his full mode. He's just giving you a demonstration, a little sneak-peek you've experienced in the mentioned full mode.
"You like many things," he continues, dragging his hand off your neck moving it down until it disappears once it touches the top of your collarbones. "But you never told me. So, I'm asking you. Is there a secret desire you want to do?"
And then his face is above you, staring down at you with attentive eyes and for a moment, you have a trouble realizing he's talking about such a topic.
"I–I don't know,"
Liar, you tell yourself.
Everything Jungkook has done with you intimately, you've enjoyed very much and you actually let him lead your own desires while he tried to figure out what you like. That's what you kind of decided to do when you first had a similar conversation about it at the very beginning of your sex life together. Not even once you felt the need to tell him what to do or what to try – not that it would be a problem at all.
It certainly wouldn't. You preferred Jungkook taking the lead while you just enjoyed whatever he had prepared for you – the things you haven't tried before such as spanking, choking and different things you only heard about. Until he changed that.
"I like everything you do."
"Come on, there has to be something." Jungkook says with a little smile.
You're being delusional because in no way he knows there actually is something you've always been curious about but it was never the right time.
With everything that happened to him, you can't possibly confess that you wanted to know what a raw sex feels like. What it feels like when someone cums inside you. Do you feel it? Do you not feel it at all while it's happening? You actually realize it's stupid to ask that of someone who you're not dating with. Surely, there are risks. Lower with your birth control but it's never a hundred percent.
So it's stupid to even risk such a thing with someone who you're not dating and having a relationship with. There is still a big 'what if', a rational thought occurring in your mind and that's why you never actually voiced your interest in that.
Sure, a lot of people who aren't dating have unprotected sex. But you're responsible and never trusted anyone enough to do that. You want to slap yourself when you remind yourself of having that thought of what it would feel like with Jungkook.
It obviously has a lot to do with trust and you trust Jungkook with your whole life. But can Jungkook affect the risks a hundred percent? He can't.
"There isn't." you assure him, but it tastes weird on your tongue and the way Jungkook tilts his head while he studies you with his dark and big orbs, you know he definitely can tell you're not hundred percent honest.
"I don't believe you," he says simply, "You can be honest with me, you know that, right?" he asks, leaning closer to you as he places a soft kiss against your neck once again and you sigh desperately.
"I know," you murmur, "It's just not possible."
He lifts his head up, frowning in a confusion as he suddenly sits up and you can see wheels turning in his head. You slowly sit up, hair volumized from your previous position and even though it's disheveled, you kind of look like an angel – Jungkook would think if he wasn't trying to figure out why you're suddenly so secretive.
Do you think he's going to shame you for anything you have on your mind?
"Why?" he asks confusingly and god, he looks so soft while asking you with the most innocent and confused tone.
"I will explain later." you tell him, shifting on your spot as you're reminded of the wet spot between your thighs.
"Okay," he nods, not before he studies your face some more.
Wanting to get to the action, you move first as you lock your lips together. Arms around his neck, you bring him closer to you as Jungkook lets you, putting a pressure to make you lay back. He hovers over you again, spreading your legs as he makes himself fit there. Once again, he's hovering over you like he did minutes ago, not wasting any time as he slowly starts to grind against you.
The moment you feel his hardening cock, your juices wetting his boxers right away, you gasp and start grinding your own hips.
"Fuck, that feels good," you moan when he thrusts into you, something about the single barrier of his piece of clothing making it even hotter.
"Yeah?" Jungkook breathes out, rolling his hips into yours as you feel your skin getting hotter and hotter, making it burn up all while your hands slip under Jungkook's arms and you let your fingers graze his hot skin on his back. "Think you can cum like this?"
You give Jungkook a look and he laughs at your expression.
"Don't worry, I will still fuck you if you want."
He knows you want that. But Jungkook is perfect at spicing things up and you wonder, where the hell will you find someone equal to his perfect skills and stamina? You can't worry about that right now because it just brings unnecessary thoughts you know you will have to face later anyway. But you just want to enjoy this while it lasts.
Whether it's a matter of days, weeks or months.
Until one of you decides that's enough.
With a perfect roll of his hips, you're too in your own world to even think about the embarrassment of his boxers being soaked by your wetness that gushes out of you each time you clench around nothing, wishing it was Jungkook's cock.
Jungkook can tell you're already close, not close enough to come in a few seconds but you're getting there. Your eyes closed, bottom lip tucked between your teeth and a frown that shows pure ecstasy. He swears you'd be cumming within the next minute if it weren't for the ringbell that makes both of you break from the pleasure.
"You're expecting someone?" you ask breathlessly, Jungkook sitting back on his knees as he runs his fingers through his short hair.
He shakes his head, "Are you?"
You raise your brow at him. As if you would invite to his place – even though it's a knowledge Jungkook wouldn't mind you inviting someone.
"Let me check who it is," Jungkook sighs, glancing around for his sweatpants while you stand up to grab an underwear. "What are you doing? I'm not done with you." He glances at you as he's putting on his sweatpants, standing up at the edge of the bed.
"What if it's someone we know?" you point out, "Look what I'm wearing."
Jungkook doesn't protest, not having enough time with you to argue as he walks out of the bedroom to get to the front door.
You slip your panties on, scrunching your nose because of the discomfort your wetness brings you. Looking for your robe, the thin silky one since you already put away your fluffy pink one for the colder months, you put it on once you find it in the closet.
Peeking out of the door, you hear voices and it takes you five seconds to realize the deep voice that gets closer is actually Taehyung. Just as you realize it, Taehyung comes to the view with Jungkook trailing behind him still shirtless which makes you panic slightly. What if Taehyung suspects something?
"Can you believe it?" Taehyung's deep voice booms again, he sounds frustrated and annoyed which makes you walk out of the bedroom with a concerned face.
"What's wrong?" you ask, earning the attention from the two men as Jungkook sighs behind Taehyung.
"I don't know, I'm still trying to figure it out." Jungkook mutters, obviously confused at the sudden presence of Taehyung at this hour but most importantly, his behavior as he barged in.
"Jimin," Taehyung scoffs, "That idiot has a girlfriend!" he exclaims, and you swear you almost choke on your spit.
Whatever you would think he's about to say, this is definitely not one of those things.
Did you hear him right?
Jimin? The man that loves to hook-up and never showed interest to be in a relationship? Years of knowing him and his choice of life-style, very similar to Taehyung's if not the same, you can't help but be shocked by Taehyung's reveal.
Jungkook looks as equally surprised, widening his eyes as he scratches his chest in thought.
"And... that is a problem because?" Jungkook speaks, filling the silence as Taehyung turns around and scoffs.
"The times he bailed on us was because he had a girlfriend this whole time. He kept it a secret!"
You stand there dumbfounded, sharing a look with Jungkook as you're trying to grasp why it is such a problem.
"Are you mad at him because he chose not to tell us?" you ask slowly, still trying to figure it out as Taehyung frowns and thinks it through.
He stays quiet, his shoulders suddenly dropping as he sighs in defeat. "No, I just can't believe he betrayed me like that."
You stifle a laugh, covering your mouth as Taehyung glares at you. "I'm sorry but... what were you? Were you in a secret relationship we don't know about?"
It's Jungkook's turn to stifle a laugh as he leans against the back of the couch with his front.
"Like you are the one to joke about secret relationships," Taehyung mutters and your face drops, giving him a glare.
For a moment you're worried as if he knows about you and Jungkook, but then you remember he actually talks about you and Jungkook hiding your deal the first time.
"Anyway, he just never told me he likes someone. Or he even thinks about dating someone. Plus he was so secretive and ew, I think he really likes her."
You and Jungkook snort.
"I'm sure you will find someone you will like too, Taehyung-ah." you assure him, coming closer to him as you pat his shoulder.
He scoffs, visibly repulsed by the idea. "I don't want to find someone I like!"
"You're not gonna be single for the rest of your life, Tae." you tell him. Not that it would be something wrong if he ended up single.
Not everyone wants to have a relationship and have a lover in that sense. Taehyung is enjoying this lifestyle but you do believe there will come a time when someone walks into his life and he will like that person. Like them more than someone he just wants to have sex with.
"Nah, I'm gonna be a sugar daddy when I'm old or something." He waves you off and you laugh, shaking your head at him.
"You actually have to be loaded to be a sugar daddy." Jungkook reminds him cheekily.
"There is always a time, Jeon Jungkook," Taehyung narrows his eyes at Jungkook. "Anyway, I'm feeling sick from how in love he sounded so I'm staying over, okay? Hope you lovebirds don't mind having another roommate for the night,"
You stutter over your words, Jungkook equally surprised by Taehyung's own invitation to his home but most importantly – you two have unfinished business and a part of it is in Jungkook's boxers right now, which is hidden from Taehyung's eyes. Oh my god, did he lean against the couch to cover his bulge? 
"I can take the couch, it's fucking comfy anyway," Taehyung turns around and walks to the couch as he makes himself comfortable there.
"Uh, okay?" Jungkook says unsurely, the two of you sharing a look, fully realizing Taehyung just totally cockblocked you.
"Or I can share a bed with you, I can keep you warm. I love to cuddle with something anyway." Taehyung shamelessly says to you, wiggling his brows teasingly as you widen your eyes, not knowing whether you're lost for words or you want to laugh with him. You can't believe he just compared you to something.
"I, uh, I actually don't have my own bed yet."
Taehyung suddenly stares at you, a grin freezing as he slowly looks between you and Jungkook, your heart picking up its pace as you feel you're about to go full in panic mode for some reason.
"Oh," He lets out, "I mean it's not like you both haven't shared a bed anyway. More than that actually." he says, teasing both of you as you feel the heat rushing back to your cheeks while Jungkook straightens and clears his throat.
"It's almost done. I'm planning to finish it tomorrow," Jungkook informs him, but it's not like Taehyung actually cares because he already starts putting some of the extra cushions to the floor.
You realize he's already wearing pajamas which could be mistaken by a pair of grey sweatpants and a matching shirt.
"I will bring you a blanket and a pillow." Jungkook tells him, watching him as Taehyung looks at him.
"Actually make those two, two pillows. No, three if you've got any."
Jungkook purses his lips, "Sure." You see him rolling his eyes in annoyance at Taehyung who doesn't see it because Jungkook is already walking to his bedroom with his back turned to Taehyung.
Standing there for a moment, Taehyung smacks his lips and closes his eyes as if you weren't there, completely ignoring your presence as you snort and follow Jungkook into his bedroom. You find him pulling an extra blanket and actually finding some extra pillows for Taehyung.
"Can you bring it to him?" he asks you, a huge pile of the blanket and pillows on the floor as you stand there dumbfounded.
"Look at me for fucks sake." Jungkook exclaims, whispering loudly at you as he points towards the visible hard bulge in his boxers. Well, at least it's not in its fully hard state because in that way Taehyung would notice for sure.
"Alright, alright, calm down your balls." you mutter, picking up the things which you struggle with but manage to hold it all in your arms.
Jungkook delivers a slap to your ass, the sound echoing in the room as you both freeze, looking at each other. You glare at him but Jungkook just grins at you.
"Calm down your tits, he probably didn't hear."
Groaning, you wish your hands would be free so you could show him your middle finger.
Bringing it to Taehyung, he thanks you and makes himself comfortable, ordering you to turn off the lights which you do with a grumble. He sends you a flying kiss with his eyes already closed and arms crossed over his chest.
What a turn of events for tonight.
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It's twenty minutes after and you both just lay on your backs, hands on your own stomachs as you stare at the dark ceiling. It's more than clear Jungkook is awake too, the last time you glanced at him which was approximately around a minute ago, his eyes were wide open. Thanks to the unclosed blinds, there is at least some kind of moonlight present in the room.
The entire apartment is silent, no sounds heard.
"Do you think he's asleep?" Jungkook mutters, quietly with his deep voice which sounds even deeper as he tries to keep quiet.
"He's a fast sleeper, so... probably." you answer with a whisper.
A rustling sound of the sheets comes from Jungkook's side as he turns to you, leaning on his elbow as you see him staring at you. It's too dark to make out his features but you just know he's looking at you because it's quite obvious.
"You still wanna fuck?" he asks, a shocking jolt of excitement and lust filling your body as the thought of having sex with someone in the other room makes you both anxious and excited.
"What if he hears us?" you ask back, voice still coming out as a whisper but you're intrigued, leaning on your elbows too.
"You're gonna have to be quiet then." Jungkook proposes as if you always make every sound.
"It's not just about me, Jeon," you mutter kind of loudly, silencing your voice. "Sex isn't soundless."
And by that you mean, if Jungkook plans to fuck you there's no way the very familiar sounds of your bodies meeting and your wetness around his length every time he thrusts will come out as soundless.
"There's always a way around it. I told you I'm not done with you."
You cock your brow at him, nibbling in your bottom lip as you press your thighs together under the sheets, knowing you know your answer before you even say it.
You're risking a lot actually. It's not like you desperately want to keep the relationship you currently have with Jungkook away from Taehyung. And that includes Jimin too. But you're just not ready to tell them and first of all, it's not any of their business. What would you say anyway? Just come up to them and announce to them you and Jungkook are hooking up whenever you want to?
You know Taehyung would never judge you, maybe tease the hell out of you and Jungkook. Jimin might not completely judge you but he surely would voice his concerns of your stupid decision based on your hormones, lust and selfishness.
Either way, maybe you will bring it up once you and Jungkook feel comfortable or just won't tell them. Whatever feels right for you and him.
Jungkook scoots closer to you, his body pressed to your right side as he slips his arm under the sheets and finds his place between your thighs once again. You allow him the space, spreading your legs slightly.
"Fuck, you're still wet," he mutters, "I never found Taehyung annoying as much as he just cockblocked me tonight."
You giggle, especially at the annoyance he portrays toward Taehyung, but it dies down as soon as Jungkook starts rubbing you. A moan threatening to escape past your lips, you quickly bite it back and let Jungkook tease you while you shift on your spot impatiently.
"Jungkook," you whine by a whisper, still reminding yourself to keep it quiet. "I need you."
"I'm right here." he teases you and you groan, squeezing his biceps in return as you glare at him in the darkness.
And then he slips a finger inside you, pumping it slowly as you welcome the penetration but it's still not what you're yearning for the most. As much as you feel excited to be doing this, the thrill of someone else in the bedroom, you wouldn't be able to live it up if Taehyung walked on you having sex. He wouldn't let you live. You're also impatient, nervous you'll break and make any louder sounds if Jungkook is going to play with you.
"Jeon," you scold him, but still embarrassingly grinding against his finger as he adds another that makes you gasp silently, mouth falling open. "I'm serious, please just fuck me."
Jungkook sighs in disappointment, or at least that's what you think it is, but allows his fingers to glide out of you. Your body protests immediately, needing his touch but you're momentarily distracted when Jungkook suddenly brings his fingers to your lips. He brushes them against your bottom lip, your wetness smearing across it making it glisten which could be seen if there was any extra lightning. Before you know it, he's putting a slight pressure on them and you know what he wants, so you fulfil his wishes by welcoming his two long digits into your mouth.
Your own taste is present on your taste buds as you wrap your mouth around his fingers, letting your tongue twirl around them as you suck. Cleaning your own juices off his fingers, he pulls them out slowly with a light pop.
"Good girl," he says with a deep, hushed and raspy voice that makes you want to whine in even more impatience.
Luckily, Jungkook turns his upper body towards his nightstand, not even bothering to close it as he pulls out a condom. Ripping the foil package, you can make out him tossing it onto the floor as he kicks off the sheets off his body and pulls down his boxers. Wishing you could see a clear image of him putting the latex down his hard length, you have to settle for the outlines of his body.
Jungkook is quick and expert at this, rolling on the condom perfectly as you clearly see himself giving a few test pumps before he fully disregards his boxers. You already grasp the sheets and pull them off your body, inviting Jungkook which he welcomes naturally and settles between your spreaded legs, just for him. The sheets cover Jungkook's lower body once he takes it from you, draping it over your and his bodies.
"Ready?" he asks quietly, leaning closer to you as you feel his tip brushing against your thigh.
"Yeah," you breathe out, eagerly anticipating the feeling of him entering you which comes in a second.
He props up with his arm by your head while the other is on his length, guiding himself to your entrance which he finds naturally and quickly. You immediately curse at the sudden stretch of his cockhead pushing past your folds, slowly inching deeper and deeper. Nails digging into Jungkook's back, you try to keep your mouth shut but it's hard when the intense stretch makes your eyes tear up.
"Shhh," Jungkook reminds you, face above you as you notice a faint sight of his brows pinched together.
"I'm trying." you tell him through clenched teeth, Jungkook still pushing his hard and thick length into you.
"You're clenching around me, you're not making it any easier," Jungkook scolds you by a whisper and you scoff, grunting right away when he finally slips entirely inside of you.
You both sigh in content, your body relaxing as Jungkook starts to pull out, just to softly push back in. He builds up the pace of his thrusts, which is also based on your body's reaction to him while he attentively watches you (or tries to in the dark to tell apart your reaction). Your soft moans and the way you try to control them, imprisoning them in your mouth by biting harshly into your lower lip, tells him enough to know you're enjoying this as much as being quiet suddenly feels like the hardest task in the world.
You still have to keep quiet, no matter how many meters and a wall separates you from your sleeping – (hopefully) – friend. Jungkook thrusts are slower than usual but deep and sharp which knocks the breath out of you every time he does it.
It feels so good, it's definitely different compared to the usual rough and wild sex you have. Having to be quiet and careful plays a role in it too, since usually you don't have to be too careful of another person being in the same place as you. It all has its own spark and new feelings to it.
Rolling your hips into Jungkook, your thrusts meet as his pelvis bone presses into yours every time. Bodies on fire, you can't keep your eyes open as you dive into the pure ecstasy of Jungkook's skillful thrusts as you feel your stomach tightening.
It's not hard for Jungkook to tell you're close. Your walls tightening around him would be enough to tell him that. However, Jungkook grows frustrated at the lack of feeling of you. Sure, he feels your walls wrapped around his length but it's so faint he barely feels it, all he feels is a slight pressure that's just not good enough. He still needs to control himself, reminding himself he can't pound into you like there's no tomorrow just because of his desperate need to make himself feel something more.
"Fuck, Kook," you moan, totally oblivious to his inner furstration as he focuses on your moans, face burying into the crook of your neck as he thrusts harder.
His moves are sharper, the sheets covering your bodies barely muting the sounds of your skin meeting. With your hands on his back, nails scratching the skin there, you allow your back to arch as you finally let the knot snap inside you that makes you cum. You cum in a record time, Jungook fucking you through it with the same sharp and deep thrusts.
Growing sensitive and overstimulated, you try to coax Jungkook to cum by rolling your hips into his but that comes in return is Jungkook's frustrated growl which is muffled by your neck and pillow luckily.
"What's wrong?" you ask, knowing Jungkook isn't one to take too long to cum.
Sure, his stamina is great but you can tell there's something wrong.
Jungkook stops, hovering over you as he stays inside you. "Fuck, I think it's the condom."
"What?" you ask in alert, Jungkook quickly shaking his head as if to soothe down your worries.
"I can barely feel you," Jungkook says through clenched teeth, frustrated as he pulls out of you.
Leaning towards his nightstand, you lean on your elbows just to be met with a light of his night lamp being turned on. You squint your eyes at the sudden brightness while Jungkook is looking for the box of condoms, rummaging it with an unnecessary noise but as you're about to scold him, he already finds it and picks it up. Brows furrowed, you watch him read the box as he scoffs.
"Extra thick and extra safe," he reads out loud, scoffing and frustratedly tossing the box of condoms away. "Makes sense."
"You're the one who bought it." you chirp in, annoyingly reminding Jungkook which doesn't make him feel any better and you get a slight glare in return.
"It was the only one they had," he points out, stating matter of factly as you roll your eyes at him. "Fuck, I'm not buying them next time."
"What are we gonna do?" you ask, staring at Jungkook's hard cock that's wrapped in a condom and the sight suddenly makes you giggle, finding his frustration and this situation funny.
It brings only more annoyance and frustration on Jungkook's face as he frustratedly takes the condom off and goes to bin it. He joins you on the bed, hand running through his disheveled hair.
"Fucking extra thick and safe," he mutters and you giggle, trying to keep your voice down. "I'm not buying this brand again."
You sit down, silently giggling to yourself as you scoot closer to him, placing your hands on his tensed shoulders. "Come on, lay down." you urge him, leaning to turn the lights off.
Jungkook obeys, laying back to bed while the bedroom is swallowed in the darkness once again. You hover over him, tossing a leg over his body as you sit back on his thighs. You cringe at the wetness meeting his skin immediately, cursing at yourself for forgetting about your own mess between your thighs.
"Sorry." you whisper, Jungkook's hands coming to your sides.
"No, don't apologize," he tells you as you lean down and place a kiss to his mouth.
You start kissing his neck, your right hand already finding his cock slapped against his stomach as you start pumping it. Jungkook sighs pleasantly, making himself comfortable as he wiggles on his spot, clearly finally getting enough friction and attention. You want to snort but fight against it, continuing to work on his neck with your mouth while you squeeze his shaft, tracing your thumb on top of it.
"Yeah, that feels good," he sighs, voice tight and breathy while his hands make it to your ass.
He pulls your cheeks apart, massaging the flesh as you gasp against his skin. Focus, Y/N, you remind yourself not wanting to feel aroused again and risking the chance of a round two with Taehyung in the next room. But Jungkook makes it hard with his needy and touchy hands.
Suddenly, Jungkook presses onto your ass and you grind against him, a surprised gasp leaving your mouth as your hand leaves his length for a moment.
"Sorry," Jungkook apologizes sheepishly, growing impatient with you just pumping his cock.
You glare at him, gasping when your hips are inched forward and you suddenly feel it. The hard and hot flesh you're currently sitting on, your chest flushed against Jungkook's while you feel your wetness coating Jungkook's cock. Naked, with no barrier.
It feels like your head is about to spin, not believing you feel him like this against you. Quickly bracing yourself, you sit back and get off his length as you choose to sit next to him instead.
Glancing at Jungkook, you find him propped on his elbow, body slightly tensed as you feel his eyes on you even in the darkness. Once you wrap your hand around him, he relaxes and another apology croaks out of his mouth as he lays back and lets you pump his solid length.
"It's fine." you assure him, leaning down to his length as you take him into your mouth.
The rest of the few minutes go with you sucking him off, ignoring the way you clench around nothing when Jungkook lets out even the slightest breathy sound as he's enjoying the warmth of your mouth around him. Your previous plan of not wanting to get all hot and needy failed, Jungkook not helping you at all when his arm stretches to your ass and starts to rub your pussy while you try to make him cum.
You whine, torn between slapping his hand away or letting him rub you. It feels too good to tell him to stop and with you being focused (trying to be) on sucking him off, you just let him feel your wetness. It's in the middle of you drooling all over his cock, both mouth and hand busy, when Jungkook finally cums into your mouth.
You swallow the liquid, not letting it linger in your mouth any longer than it's necessary, the panic of Taehuyng being awake is the main priority at the moment, now that all of your and Jungkook's needs have been dealt with.
As soon as you don't feel his hand on you, you persuade yourself it's for the better because apparently, the condoms aren't good and you don't want to risk doing anything more.
"What are you doing?" you whisper, glancing at Jungkook when you grab your robe and quickly tie it around your frame, seeing him pulling some random sweatpants on.
"I gotta clean up myself." he shrugs as you sigh.
"Wait here, I'm going first."
"What, why?" he whines.
"Because Taehyung might be awake, you idiot." you scold him, pointing out the obvious as Jungkook huffs.
"He is not, or else he would barge in here. But fine, but be quick I can feel your cum drying on my thighs."
He slouches back on the bed, ushering you to move as you roll your eyes.
Luckily, Taehyung is still asleep and not even a sound comes out from the living room as you walk by to the bathroom. You're as fast as possible, finding Jungkook slowly falling asleep in the same position you left him when you come back. You kick him in the shin to wake him up, he stands up with a grumble.
"Suddenly not minding to fall asleep with my dried cum on you?" you sarcastically ask, teasing him a little as you see him showing you his middle finger. You don't see it clearly, just the outline of it is enough to make you bite back a laugh.
"Fuck off," he grumbles under his breath, "You wanted to clean first."
And he is out of the door before you can think of a comeback, sighing because it has no point to do that in the middle of the night.
Hating to admit it, you still wait for Jungkook to come back until you fully allow yourself to fall asleep but in your defense, he doesn't take too long and joins you in a few minutes before your eyes can even flutter shut.
Your last night while sharing a bed with Jungkook is peaceful, just like the previous ones always had been. And it certainly has nothing to do with Jungkook's warm and soft breath hitting the back of your neck.
The morning comes too quickly in your opinion. Maybe it's the sunlight peeking through unclosed blinds you forgot to close last night that makes you painfully squint your barely open eyes. Looking at the clock, it's not as early as you expect it to be and the whole apartment seems to be swallowed in silence, which makes you question where everyone is.
Suddenly being reminded of Taehyung's presence, it's weird that it's still quiet at ten o'clock.
Still wearing your nightgown, it's better to change before Taehyung sees your extremely exposed skin – not that he would care – but you're not in the mood for any early jokes and teasing on your account which would surely involve Jungkook as well.
Changing to your usual morning lazy outfit – a pair of beige sweatpants and a large white shirt – you make it into the bathroom to take care of your appearance and morning hygiene. It doesn't take you long, just enough to open the door and smell the delicious smell of bacon and eggs.
On your way following the smell, you notice Taehyung still cuddled to the pillow and blanket, his butt peeking off the couch as you chuckle but silently make it to the kitchen.
You're not surprised to see Jungkook completely awake, dressed in sport shorts and an oversized black shirt, looking fresh and wide awake as if he has been up for hours now.
"Don't you ever sleep?" you mumble behind him, joining him in the kitchen as he glances over his shoulder with a corner of his lips tilted upwards.
"Do you ever wake up before nine?" he asks in return, cackling when you smack his back when you walk past him.
"Yeah, if i have to," you say dumbfounded, earning another chuckle at the obviousness in your tone. "This smells good. You need help with anything?" you ask, looking around to see if there is anything you could do but you already find everything prepared.
Plates, glasses, sliced bread and a bowl of fruit... Jungkook has already taken care of everything.
"No, just sit down your pretty ass. Breakfast will be served soon,"
You raise your brow at him, earning another grin from him as he turns off the stove, serving the fried bacon on a plate. But you stand there, ignoring the way Jungkook cocks his brow at you and smirks when you haven't listened to him.
Once Jungkook puts away the pan, letting it cool down he turns to you, giving you a look which you return with a cheeky smile, raising your brow at him.
"You never listen, do you?" he chuckles.
"Of course not, you should know that by now Jeon." you tease him, wetting your lips with the tip of your tongue as he playfully rolls his eyes at you.
"You're provoking me." he states matter-of-factly, staring into your eyes as you can't help but smirk. He knows.
"Am I?" you cock your head to the side, Jungkook inching closer as you slowly take a step back, playfully smirking at him.
"Was last night not enough for you?"
And the profound confidence and cockiness makes you eye him from head to toe, staring back at his eyes through your eyelashes before you say; "Wasn't it enough for you?"
Jungkook growls, bumping into you as your bodies clash together as his hand makes it to your ass, delivering a slap to it as you laugh, hands on his chest while his both hands squeezes your asscheeks.
"What. The. Fuck."
It's like you've been electrified, both jumped away from each other as you stare at freshly awoken Taehyung with his eyes wide despite the evident sleepiness in them. His hair is disheveled, face puffy as he stares dumbfoundedly at the two of you.
You're screwed. One part of you tries to tell you that it's not a big deal but looking at Taehyung, you feel like your heart is in your throat and you're about to get scolded for some reason.
You're both so stupid. Getting touchy when he could've walked in any time. Which happened. You both were just stupid to let yourself get carried away.
"Taehyung, you are awake?" you manage to ask as if what he saw was nothing, voice too high and light which makes him stare at you even more, blinking slowly.
"Clearly I wasn't supposed to be!" he exclaims, throwing his arms suddenly as he eyes you both suspiciously but you know he knows. He's not stupid to let this go and think of this as nothing happened.
"Tae, this doesn't have to be a drama, okay?" Jungkook speaks up softly, watching his older friend starting to both catch a breath as he lets out a humorous laugh.
"You just were all over Y/N's ass!" he points at Jungkook as if he accused him of something.
Jungkook shrugs, there's no point in denying it when he clearly saw it.
"Hold the fuck on," Taehyung pinches the bridge of his nose, breathing in and out before he walks to the dining table and seats himself.
He stares at you with a firm gaze, the situation kind of wants to make you laugh but you hold yourself back. Somehow, Jungkook's presence and his obvious pose makes you more comfortable because you know he will take care of this.
"You guys are dating too?"
"No." you and Jungkook answer at the same time, both of you looking at each other without turning your heads, giving yourselves a side look.
"No, it's not that." Jungkook adds, cringing at himself since he says it awkwardly and slowly.
"Phew, thank fuck," Taehyung breathes out a sigh of relief, "I mean, don't get me wrong... it's just the situation with Jimin, imagine if y'all dated someone. I would be a fucking outcast!" he exclaims dramatically as you roll your eyes at him and join him at the table, not before taking the bacon with you.
"Calm down, weirdo. We are not dating," you assure him, "With your lifestyle, you're gonna be the only single one at some point."
"Oh, fuck off." Taehyung grumbles and mockingly grimaces at you.
"Oh, fuck off." you mumble back childishly, doing the same grimace.
Sighing, you reach for the glass of orange juice Jungkook has so kindly poured everyone before you even came here.
"So you just casually let your friends slap your ass?" Taehyung suddenly asks, causing you to almost choke but luckily, you haven't taken a sip yet.
You glare at him, Jungkook clearing his throat as a silence follows.
"What? Here I was talking about face slapping the other day and you're–"
"Okay, that's enough." Jungkook butts in, placing a bottle of ketchup on the table.
"I'm just fucking confused right now, I feel like I'm hangover," Taehyung says, clutching the side of his head. "So what is this then? Don't tell me you have another fake dating deal going on. Who are you trying to get back? Don't tell me it's that adolescent douche."
You snort, shaking your head. "Relax, we are not trying to get anyone back."
"We are just hooking up."
"What?" he exclaims back, "He already saw us. What's the point of not going straight to the point?"
"Wait, wait, wait," Taehyung says quickly, digging into the scrambled eggs as he puts it into his mouth, munching on it. "You guys are hooking up?"
"That's what I just said, didn't I?" Jungkook sighs, sitting on the opposite side of you and Taehyung.
"You guys are fucking crazy," Taehyung mutters, "But hey, good for you. At least you have sex again." he tells you, causing Jungkook to hold back a laughter as you nudge your shoulder into Taehyung's.
"Shut up," you grumble, "What do you even know about my sex life?"
"Practically nothing, I thought it was non-existent." Taehyung mutters causing you to glare at him.
"Not everyone fucks everyone with a pair of tits."
"Hey, it's not everyone. Just everyone who's willing to share that pair of tits with me."
All three of you burst into laughter at that, a silence following once you calm down as Taehyung keeps eyeing you while he sips on his juice.
"What is it, Taehyung?" you ask finally, not standing the prying eyes on you for more than a second.
"Nothing, nothing," Taehyung whistles but then he breaks, "Oh my god, I can't believe you two are actually fucking! I knew you just wouldn't go back to being friends!"
"We are friends," you argue immediately, meanwhile Jungkook is stuffing his face with food as if this conversation doesn't involve him. Honestly, it just makes you mentally shake your head at him for not saying anything further, leaving you to handle annoying and teasing Taehyung by yourself. "We went back to just being friends!" you exclaim as you see Taehyung's raised brow, obviously not believing you.
Your frustration rises as Taehyung purses his lips.
"No, really! It just happened... Anyway, we are both single so..." you mumble, not even knowing how to get out of this conversation but with Taehyung, it's impossible.
"Yeah, for how long..." Taehyung mutters quietly under his breath but gives you a teasing grin once your eyes meet. "I'm happy for you, though. I really am."
Jungkook snorts, leaning against the stool as he chews the food while you give Taehyung a weird look.
"Happy for us?" you ask dumbfounded as Taehyung nods.
"Yeah," he nods, shrugging. "Happy you have sex, enjoying your youthful life... with Jungkook out of all people."
"Okay, what is that supposed to mean?" you exclaim, Taehyung almost choking on his food as he bursts into another fit of laughter.
"Okay, I think that's enough," Jungkook says, "Please, Tae. Let us live, okay?"
"Fine, fine, fine." Taehyung waves him off, keeping his mouth shut.
Finally you're about to eat in a peaceful quiet until another topic comes up and you couldn't be happier.
Still, Taehyung keeps amusingly smirking at his plate but you choose to ignore it. Both of you do.
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flowershines · 8 months
Closer Party Pooper
Summary: Being the 8th member of Enhypen means that you get to spend time with people that actually make you feel special but little does everyone know that during most of those times your on your knees in front of them as you pleasuring them everyday.
Warnings: Smut, drinking, arguing, nicknames, parties, drunk man groping Y/n, dirty talk, (lmk if i missed any)
<previous masterlist next>
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Sounds of people talking and music filled the area around you as you felt compressed between fifty to maybe a hundred bodies around you, one foot after the other you led yourself to a hallway that contained a line of people heading towards the bathroom on the opposite side of the door there was a bucket. Two options filled your mind knowing the reason why that bucket is there while both reasons wanted to make you puke causing you to make a disgusted face as you turn around to face a guy with a cup in his hand, “sorry” you told the man as you swiftly moved passed him as you started to walk around the house trying to find your friends. Drunken bodies filled every room you walked into as you inspecting each room carefully you found multiple people tongue tied with one another as couples makeout on the couches, the smell of beer flowed through your body turning around a tall figure who had a crowd of girls swooning at his every move was playing beer pong behind you the whole time you stood there.
“Y/n, come take my spot gonna get another drink.” Walking towards the man you knew from the voice it was Heeseung, usually wherever he went the crowd of girls followed him so seeing the pile of girls surrounding just this one man only meant there was no other man but him. “Is the beer not in front of you not enough?” You asked him sarcastically he fake laughed as he gave you the ping pong ball “Don’t make me lose.” were the last words he said before turning around and heading towards the kitchen as half of the girls followed him while the others waited for him to come back as they finally backed away and took a seat on the furthest couch.
“How does he manage with all these girls up his ass 24/7? I would cry, or punch them either one.” The man across the table laughs at your comment while the guy standing next to him says, “One, you're just sensitive Y/n and two I don't think he minds it.” baffled by the words the man just said you scoffed at his remark “Of course you would say that Jake, you're the most sensitive guy i’ve ever known.” “Can both of you shut up, you're making me lose my focus.” Sunghoon interrupts the both of you as he was looking directly at the cups “I’m sure they are the problem.” The guys at the other end of the table sarcastically comment, making you giggle, “Oh shut up Jay, you're worse at this game than me.” the man put his hand over his chest as he scoffed while whispering the word ‘rude’ to Jake. “When are we going back to the dorms? This party is so boring.” You whined to the men at the table as you bend your knees to drag out your boredom, “Soon, just get a few drinks in you and then you won’t want to leave. That’s what Sunoo did, see.” the man across from you said as he pointed at the man on the couch, sprawled and passed out with a drink in his hand. “Yup, he looks like he’s having a blast.” Sarcasm wasn’t leaving your presence today, “Where’s Won?” Jay looked up at you as he pointed behind you to show the man you were looking for to be playing video games with other people as the whole room was filled with men.
Your mouth formed an ‘o’ shape as your gaze was turned back to the game just to have your attention be taken away from the game to feel someone's hand sneak around your waist “Thanks I can take it from here.” Heeseung said as he went to take your stance you interrupted his actions “Can you actually get me a drink or two, they just said they don’t know how long it is till we leave. I can’t go through this whole night sober if we are staying here longer.” a small laugh left his lips while his head nodded to you as his hand left its previous stance on your waist. “Your drinking?” The man next to you askes as he hands you the ping pong ball, you back up one step and lean forward to look at the cups from a certain angle as you toss the ball it lands in one of the cups displayed the closest to you. The man straight ahead of you cursed under his breath as he picked up the ball out of the cup and started to chug the liquid in it, “This party is honestly so boring, I don’t even know if I want to remember this.” a hand appeared next to you with a drink in it.
“Just let me know when you want a refill.” You nodded as you stepped out of your previous spot and headed towards Jake, “Now you're routing for the opposite team, not cool Y/nie.” Heesung says as he fake pouts the feeling of an arm being wrapped around your shoulder startled you. “Yes she is, it’s just because I'm the best.” The disgusted face returns to your face once again but thankfully it was for a different reason than before, “I wasn’t even here for the whole conversation and I still know Jake is lying, get your disgusting arms off her.” Jungwon says as he walks over to you lifting up Jake’s arm from his long sleeve with his pointer finger and thumb. “Hee where did your entourage go?” Jungwon asked as he walked behind you, hugging your waist as he rested his head on your shoulder giving you a kiss on the neck then returning his gaze to Heeseung.
“Gone.” “Not even the one who never leaves your side.” “Fine I told them to leave me alone, plus that one girl always smells like potato chips anyways.” Shock lit up your face at Heeseungs rude comment about the girl, sure she was just another one of his followers but you never thought he viewed some of them in those certain ways. “Heeseung, that's rude.” You commented, “But it’s true.” Sunghoon says as he dabs up Heeseung. Picking up the cup you slowly take small sips as you continue to watch your friends compete against one another, sip after sip the drink in your hand felt lighter as you looked down into the cup there was nothing left in it. “I’m gonna go get a refill, you stay here.” You tell the man that was just resting his head on you as you walked towards the kitchen with an empty cup in your hand, stopping in front of the drinks about to pick up the drink Heeseung had gotten you before a hand stopped you and pulled your trance towards the figure. It was a tall man who had a bottle of whisky in one arm as the other picked up the drink you were about to grab, “Sorry, were you about to grab that?” he asked as he extended the bottle towards your body.
“Thanks.” You say as you placed your cup on the table and started to fill your cup up to the brim “Geez save some for me.” he remarks as you giggled in response handing him back the bottle as he filled the cup he had as well. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing out here getting yourself a drink all alone?” The bottle that was in his arm was no longer there but was now being replaced as his hand sneaked around to your ass while the other went to wrap around your waist, “I’m not-” your stuttering easily showed just how scared and nervous you were around this mysterious man. “Baby, don't be shy. Why don’t you come upstairs with me and I can give you a good time?” Disgust started to fill every inch of your body as you tried your hardest to get the drunken man away from you yet your build just wasn’t strong enough to take his, suddenly the presence of his body was soon gone. A hand wrapped around your wrist while the other hand took the cup away from your grasp, it was Heeseung.
“What did I tell you?..” Before you could even think to respond more words started to fall from his lips “I would refill your drink, not you. Me.” he led you back to the table where all the boys were playing the game yet none of them were there “Where did they go?” He picked up the rest of his and the members' things then started walking to the door still holding onto you. “We were about to leave, you were gone so I went out to find you.” Picking your head up you were faced with the car the guys drove you here in, Heeseung opened the door as he let go of your hand and walked to the other side of his car getting into his seat.
“Where were you?” Sunghoon asks as you sit down starting to buckle your seatbelt, before a word can fall out of your mouth Heeseung answers the question for you “She was letting some guy touch up on her, as the guy was basically dry humping her.” his words pissed you off because not even did he lie but he got the whole thing twisted, “No, I went to get a drink. Like I told Jungwon, anyways this guy started touching me and I tried to get him off of me while he was saying some ��baby let me show you a good time’ type shit. So no, I did not let him willingly touch me, thank you very much.” you say breathless as you finally lean back into the seat. The whole car went singlet for a minute, “Why didn’t you tell me that he was touching you like that and you didn’t consent to anything.” you rolled your eyes “Does holding my wrist and pulling me away saying ‘what did I say about the refill’ ring any bells?” you commented, mimicking him in the worst voice impression ever. “I don’t sound like that and all I was getting across was that you should’ve listened to me about the refills so that way this wouldn't happen.” “Oh yeah my apologies I forgot that Lee Heeseung knows when and where every man is going to be every second, how could i forget? Not to mention he knows when a man is trying to get his dick in my pants as well.”
“Would it kill you to not give me sarcasm just for a minute? I'm trying to have a serious conversation with you.” He bluntly remarks “Yes.” “Yes what?” you looked directly into his eyes “Yes it would kill me.” his breathing started to become more heavy causing him to huff his air out while his body started to fill with anger he usually wasn’t easily triggered like this but he is tipsy not to mention he saw another man on you causing him to be a little jealous as well, you didn’t know that though. Tension filled every corner of the car while the only two voices heard was yours and Heeseung, occasionally the angered words that would fall from one of your lips would stutter or slur from the lack of soberness from the both of you. Not to mention almost all of the guys in the car passed out from being drunk or they are just listening to you both bitch and moan about why he was right or why you were right, “God you guys are annoying, you're giving me a headache.” Sunoo says as he rubs his temple “Yeah, cut it out.” Jake said as he turned from his previous sleeping state you listened to them and shut up, normally if it was Jake just saying it alone then you wouldn’t but hearing Sunoo say it just shut you up immediately, you have a soft spot for him.
Feeling the car come to a stop as the driver put it in park you immediately opened your door and headed straight towards your room knowing that Heeseung wasn’t done with the conversation yet, footsteps trailed behind you as you walked into the dorms. You could hear him calling your name but you ignored him not wanting to annoy the members more than you already have with both of your bickering, opening your bedroom door you shut it behind you walking straight towards your bed as you hear the sound of your door open. “Why are you such a brat?” Flopping down on your bed you lay deeper into your pillow as your face is being engulfed by the softness of it, “Leave me alone.” you muffled into the pillow but surprisingly he heard you. “No, not till we finish this.” Picking your head up from the pillow you looked at his figure as he stood in front of your bed, “Finish what? This isn’t a game, there is nothing to finish. Go to bed Heeseung.” the feeling of a dent in your bed made you realize that he sat down while you sat up facing him.
Great now he’s never gonna leave. “Y/n I'm being serious I-” You cut him off as you placed your lips on his, bringing him into a quick kiss as seconds reality hit you causing your lips to slowly start to leave his, silence was heard for a moment “See silent, good talk. Goodnight.” you tell him as you lay on your stomach enjoying the soft warmth of your pillow once more till his words brought you out of your trance. “You can’t just do that.” “Well I did, goodnight.” you muffled into your pillow “Can you hand me my blanket?” asking him as he was sitting on the edge of it resulting in him shaking his head “Why did you do that?” a groan left your lips.
You thought the kiss would help him shut up but what is it going to take for this man to go to bed “You talk too much.” he rolled his eyes “And you don’t talk enough.” picking your head up from the pillow you spun your head to the side “What is it going to take for you to shut up and go to bed?” His eyes met yours as he studied them just before he leaned in, placing his lips on yours once more but this time it wasn’t just a half assed kiss to get him to shut up, there was something more behind the kiss. His hands ran to the back of your head as his fingers tangled into your hair as desperation started to fill every inch of his body, the only thing he was questioning in the moment was if this was happening because you both had something to drink or if he really felt a certain way towards you. Your arms wrapped around his shoulders as you hopelessly needed to feel more of him, he was the only thing that was running through your mind the moment he wrapped his hand around your waist at the party.
Hunger started to fill the air as the kiss deepened into his hands running along every inch of your body, his hands rested on your inner thighs slightly rubbing them just before he brought both of his hands to your hips and pulled you onto his lap while his hands gripped your hips like his life depended on it. “You done acting like a brat?” He mumbled against your lip as he immediately returned back to your lips giving you no time to answer his question, but little did he know it wasn't going to be as easy as he thinks. Trying to pull away from the kiss you were only met by him pulling you even more closer till your hips started to move causing his reaction time to be delayed, pulling away from the kiss you finally replied to his question “What if I said I wasn't done acting like one?” a smirk crawled from one side of his face to the other. “Guess I’d have to make you behave then, right?”
“Good Luck.” His smirk faded as his bottom lip landed in between his teeth “Don’t need your luck.” he pushed your shoulders into the mattress below you as he filled the empty space between you two, placing his lips immediately back onto yours his hands traveled around your body while your fingers went to his shirt pulling it off of his body as he still was fixated on your body. You knew that the more his skin was showing the more vulnerable he would become giving you the hand in dominance, which would allow you to be a brat to him and leave him high and dry. You weren’t planning on doing that because genuinely you wanted him to fuck the pettiness out of you, like he has always said he would. Pulling yourself out of your thoughts the feeling of a hard piece of fabric rubbing up against your clothed cunt resulted in you looking up at the man above you then trailing your eyes down his body as his cock was threatening to be freed from his pants.
Bringing your eyes back to meet his “You gonna continue being a brat or are you gonna help?” his words started to fill with lust the moment his dick rubbed up against you, “You know being a brat sound really nice, but I just wanna get myself off so do me a favor and get off of me so I can ride you since you are clearly not going to do anything.” your words took him aback. “Being a bit selfish don’t you think?” you shook your head “I get myself off and you...” you grabbed his hand and showed it to him “…have something to help you later how nice is that.” “You suggesting that you ride me, make yourself cum while I jerk off.” you pushed him up and off of you while sitting up straight next to him “Seems pretty crystal clear to me.” his head slightly shook as his eyes rolled “I have an idea.” your gaze met his as he continues to talk. “You ride me and the first one to cum had to watch the other fuck someone who can make them cum.”
Your eyes as he didn’t even know how much excitement was running through your body while adrenaline was pumping through your veins, “Let’s go I don’t got all day.” you say getting up from your position holding onto his holders as he scooted to the pillows for elevation when you ride him. Your hands started to take off your shirt off while your attention turned to him as he sat there looking at you blankly, “Need me to undress you too? or do you got it?” you asked in a baby voice he gave you a disgusted look from your sarcasm as he started to unbuckle his belt. “Are you still gonna be bratty after i we fuck?” “Depends how good we fuck.” you shrugged while he finished taking off his pants along with you taking off yours. You got on top of his lap leaning forward getting closer to him as you placed a kiss on his lips just before you started to grind down onto his hardened cock causing a groan to fall from his lips, “I barely did anything and your already moaning.” he sighed “Just wait you will be cumming on my cock in less than 10 minutes.” you rolled your eyes and scoffed as you brought your hand down towards his boxers as you toyed with the waistband, waiting till he was desperate enough to continue.
It was fun to tease Heeseung and he always made it so easy, his cock was twitching against his boxers as pre cum started to leak out of them. It was almost too easy. You pulled his boxers down past his knees as you took his aching cock and placed it in your hand as you slowly started to stroke it causing multiple noises to be heard from the man under you, bringing your hand to your mouth you let spit fall from your mouth and onto your hand while you placed the hand back on his cock giving it more lube making it easier for him to slide in. Pulling your panties to one side you brought his tip closer and closer to your aching heat, the air in your room was filled with tension and warmth. Slowly starting to sink down onto his cock you just realized how hard this little challenge he gave you was going to be, but that wasn’t going to stop you from winning.
Groans and whines left his lips as you bottomed out on him his hips were about to thrust up into you multiple times but he stopped himself as he didn’t want to give in to his desperate needs, your hips gained the strength to start moving as you started to find a steady pace to keep. His cock would twitch inside of you which would have you feeling like cummjng each time he did it because it would hit the perfect spots when you did, you started to wonder if he started to do it on purpose. It gave you the idea to start clenching around him. “Fuck.. Y/n don’t do that.” He said breathlessly “Why?” he remained silent not wanting to tell you ‘it felt to good’ or ‘because i’m gonna cum if you don’t stop’ you knew he was going to cave in before you. Clenching around him more resulted on his hands on your waist as he thrusted up into you as he kept your hips in the air he pulled out and came onto his stomach. “Fuck fuck fuck.”
Swears consistently left his lips with every stroke “What happened to you being confident?” finishing his last stroke he looks back up at you “Y/n pleas-” “Wait what about the thing you get to watch me fuck someone else.” his expression changed from relaxed to tense and jealous “No, it was a jok-” “You said Heeseung, i’ll be back.” he got up from his previous spit laying down as pulled his sweatpants on as he watched you put on one of your robes. “Where are you going?” you turned towards him “Going to find Jay, so he can fuck me while you watch.”
tags list:
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if your tag is in white i couldn’t find ur blog
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mixsethaddams · 1 year
Steve was having a really bad day.
He forgot to pass on a message to a co-worker which, ok, wasn’t the end of the world exactly, but it made his insides squirm.
He forgot to write a list for his boss which, again, nothing that couldn’t be rectified, but it made his palms itch.
A customer yelled at him over something out of his control and he had to stand there and take it because what is retail if not the first circle of hell.
Steve sat in the break room and wished his coffee was hotter while he ran his hands through his hair.
“It’s just one of those days,” he told himself over and over. “It’ll be over soon,”
He wasn’t working the next day so he was counting down the very seconds until he could dart out the front door and not have to come back for a whole forty hours.
Things didn’t improve after he swallowed his lukewarm coffee and went back to his duties. Everything he said seemed to land wrong. Everything he did seemed to need redoing. It felt like his co-workers were annoyed with him even though he knew that realistically they had no reason to be. Steve’s jaw was sore from clenching it shut, trying not to burst into tears right there in the store and hold it together at least until he got to his car.
Even staying an extra fifteen minutes after he should have left to help someone finish a task they were struggling ended up being the wrong thing to do. Why did he stay? Had he clocked out? He should have. Did he not know that overtime needed to be approved a day in advance?
Steve let the feeling of the latest failure of the day wash over him as he grabbed his things and left after his shift.
Eddie wasn’t even going to be home when he got back. He was running a campaign for his D&D group which was being hosted in Gareth’s place a full fucking two hour’s drive away. Eddie was just going to be staying the night there and coming back tomorrow, instead of driving home when they finished. It made sense. It was going to be a ten-hour session and they didn’t even start until almost noon. It was just something that happened every other week and Steve usually enjoyed having a few hours to himself but today he would have killed to have his boyfriend waiting for him.
Steve’s lip wobbled while he drove. His eyes were misty and he was blinking rapidly to keep them clear. He was determined to get home before fully breaking down. He just wanted to order dinner, wrap himself up in every blanket he could find, and watch the latest episode of Married At First Sight. When he finally got back to their apartment, his phone pinged with a text from Eddie.
“Hope work was ok! I’ll call you before I go to sleep later? We’ve got about four hours left”
Steve sighed at the screen. Eddie always called him to say goodnight when he stayed at Gareth’s. Usually Steve loved it because Eddie would be a little bit drunk after having some post-session beers with his friend and they’d giggle together on a video call until Eddie’s eyelids drooped. Tonight though Steve wasn’t sure he could handle the reminder that he was alone when he wanted so badly to be held.
“Long day. Probably just crash soon as I’m home”
“You good?”
“Just tired. Hope you’re having fun :) “
Steve regretted the food he ordered for dinner. He wanted the orange chicken but for some reason he ordered sweet and sour pork. It wasn’t bad, it was fine, but the chicken was his favourite and it almost felt like a form of punishment for his bad day. So now Steve was crying uncontrollably over a container of rice. He felt so stupid but it was just one more thing that had gone wrong for him today. Crying at this point didn’t even feel cathartic. It just gave him a headache and made his throat dry.
He didn’t finish his food, and he didn’t watch TV. Steve dragged himself to his bedroom, leaving his clothes in a pile in front of the dresser he grabbed his sweatpants from, before he took a pill for his headache and fell, unshowered, into bed. It was still bright outside.
Steve felt the bed dip next to him. For the briefest moment a kind of raw panic gripped his chest and he was too scared to open his eyes. It wasn’t until he felt a familiar brush of fingertips over his temple, sweeping strands of hair out of his face, that he calmed down.
Eddie whispered it softly and Steve opened his eyes. The room was dark, but there was a navy blue hue, like the sun was only barely below the horizon, that meant Steve could still see Eddie’s outline.
“What time is it?” mumbled Steve.
“Almost nine,” said Eddie gently, still rubbing his hand through Steve’s hair.
Steve scrunched his nose. Nine? That wasn’t right? It wasn’t bright enough to be morning. He peered up at his alarm clock, still flashing the same date it had been when he closed his eyes before fitful sleep.
Steve sat up quickly.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, panicked again. “Why are you here, what happened?”
Steve knew Eddie’s D&D sessions never cut short for anything less than a national emergency so he was instantly on high alert. Eddie driving all the way home was even more concerning. Steve gripped Eddie’s arms, he was still wearing his leather jacket. It was cold from being outside. He lifted the edges of the jacket as if he was checking to make sure Eddie was all in one piece.
“Nothing happened,” soothed Eddie. “We just finished up early,”
Steve was still looking over Eddie’s body like he was expecting to find a missing limb or something.
“What?” asked Steve, confused. “Why?”
Eddie shrugged.
“Wasn’t feeling the vibe,” he said easily. “I plugged the plug and said I needed to get home,”
“You never finish early,” said Steve. “And you never drive home. What happened?”
Eddie sighed.
“Why don’t you tell me?” asked Eddie gently, reaching up to cup Steve’s cheek.
Steve gulped.
“I don’t…” stuttered Steve. “Nothing, what do you mean?”
“Baby,” said Eddie firmly.
Steve chewed his lip to stop it trembling.
“I just had a bad day,” said Steve quietly. “You didn’t need… You could have stayed out there,”
Eddie gently pulled Steve forward, so he could rest his head in the crook of Eddie’s neck. Steve breathed in the well-known smell of cologne and cigarettes smoked outside. He practically melted into it.
“Thought this might be where I was needed more,” murmured Eddie, twisting around on the edge of the bed to allow Steve to relax more comfortably into his hiding place. “Looks like I was right, hmm?”
“Ruined your game though,” said Steve, muffled against the leather of Eddie’s jacket. “I just had a bad day,”
“It’s not ruined,” assured Eddie as Steve’s arms wrapped around his shoulders. “Knowing I left you here by yourself after a bad day is what would have ruined it,”
“I didn’t even say anything,” sighed Steve. Eddie was running a comforting hand over his back.
“You didn’t need to,” said Eddie. “Soon as you didn’t ask for a more solid time to expect me to call you, that’s when I knew,”
Steve sniffed back a tear.
“So dumb…” said Steve, frustrated almost more than ever with himself now. “I’m sorry, this is so fucking dumb,”
Eddie shushed him gently.
“No it’s not,” said Eddie, nuzzling into Steve’s hair. “Sometimes things creep up on you like this. It happens,”
“I wish it didn’t,” admitted Steve, pulling back to look at Eddie.
Eddie rested their foreheads together.
“I’m always here for when it does, though,” said Eddie softly.
Steve closed his eyes and let Eddie take him into another embrace, holding him tight for what could have been seconds or hours.
Steve didn’t remember when Eddie finally slipped his jacket off. He didn’t remember feeling him sliding into bed next to him, gathering him up and holding him as close as he could. Steve just remembered the feeling of Eddie heartbeat against his own chest, the sound of his breathing, his fingertips scratching gently against Steve’s scalp.
All Steve knew was feeling safe. Protected. Like one bad day was no longer drowning him because now, he remembered how to keep his head above water.
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Head empty.....sub brat kafka and sub good girl himeko
Kafka is the brat in the relationship who always shows off for you and always finds new ways to push your buttons
"What if i don't?"
"Was i not supposed to wear this today.....my bad~"
"Then why don't you come and make me"
So its no surprise when she goes from brat to whining puppy when you have her pinned under you and getting fucked stupid with a vibrator up her ass and your hands around her throat you'd think she'd learn her lesson only to do it again the next day
"is that ah~ all you've got AGH! FUCK ME DADDY/MOMMY I'LL BE GOOD JUST GO HARDER!!!"
"That's right spank me nice and rough AH~ put me in my fucking place AH~ make my ass red~ AH~ I just came from being spanked~ waves her ass teasingly I'm such a bad girl~
"i-im sorry daddy/mommy~ Ah~ i can't cum anymore~"
Meanwhile himeko is an absolute sweetheart and good girl always follows orders, wears what you tell her too wear (even goes commando if you tell her to but she demands cuddles as payment)
"Can i wear this today, i bought it for you in mind"
"Do you want me to give you a massage baby? you look tense"
"This skirt is a little short....okay but only for you"
She's so cute when you fuck her, letting out gasps and small whines at every kiss along her neck, teasing her nipples with your tounge and teeth just to make her squirm, the way she cutely begs you to eat her out everytime before you fuck her because she loves being overstimulated by your cock/strap, whimpering and moaning while calling you daddy/mommy the whole time and saying how good you make her feel desperate to be praised by you~
"Ah~ yes like thaaah~ Daddy/Mommy"
"Your tounge is so deep~ mmmm~ please put your cock/strap in Ah~ fuck me till i cry"
"Does daddy/mommy like when i ride your fat cock/strap Ah~ i take it nice and deep cause I'm a good girl, please call me a good girl again~"
And when you have both of them in bed it's unreal these two beautiful women begging you to fuck them till they break while you plow Kafka's insides and punish her himeko is right there riding your fingers while kissing your neck and encouraging you as she watches the bratty stellaron hunter get pounded by their shared lover
"Oh yeah daddy/mommy fuck her nice and hard mmmmm~ kisses your neck before slapping Kafka's breasts making her moan break that little brat then break me~
"Watching you pound himeko from behind oooh what's wrong himeko didn't you want daddy/mommy to break you like they did me~ leans back opens her legs now be a good girl and put that mouth to use daddy/mommy loves watching you work AH~ good girl~"
You don't know how you got these beautiful women to love you but your definitely not complaining
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Im....speechless, LIKE WOW. I love this though.
Another scenario; Kafka being a brat once again, but this time, she drags good girl himeko into her troubles! Himeko wants to be your good girl so badly but you haven't fucked her for a whole month :(.
While you were in your office, doing some papers and reports until you got a notification. Seems it's from Kafka. Wonder what she sended you? You see a video of Himeko slightly shivering, slightly sobbing onto Kafka shoulders as they both ride a dilido.
Hearing Himeko saying light sorry's as Kafka said; "see you at home darling~♡"
And when you finally get home, as your jacket slightly slipping off, hair ruffled and panting when you opened the door. You put the jacket down, locking the door as you went to the bedroom. Hearing moans, and some whining.
A sight greets you of himeko begging for forgiveness, as Kafka shudders in excitement of what you'll do. (Oops. Got a little too far but love this and the art!)
I might use your art, so can I? I
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ja3yun · 10 months
The Sun That Always Burns | S.JY pt.3
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sim jaeyun x afab!reader
warnings: suggestive (smut-ish flashback), angst, lost love, pet names, not many warnings tbf, and not proofread. anything I missed please lmk!
wc: 10.3k+ (honestly, i need to make these shorter)
synopsis: you and jake's high school relationship blossomed into a romance filled with hope and promise. however, as time went on, jake's long-term expectations began to weigh heavily on you, who struggled to meet them. your paths eventually lead you in separate directions, each experiencing different aspects of life and ultimately moving on from your past love. unexpectedly, fate intervened and you both reunite after years apart. the reunion allows you to rediscover your feelings for each other but also forces you to navigate the complexities of your past and present.
part 1 | part 2 | part 4
a/n: hi! I'm giving you this chapter kinda quickly. heavy appearances from my wjsn ults because they are now integral to the story &lt;3 will update the next part during the week
4 years have passed since you left. No contact with your family, sometimes opting to send them a Christmas card with no return address just to let them know you’re alive. You missed them like crazy, more than any words could explain. It had been so long sometimes you wonder if you should go back, even for your mum’s birthday but it would be too awkward. The dramatic teen you left behind is who they knew you as, not the woman you’ve grown up to be. 
College changed you dramatically, for the better you like to hope. Your roommate Eunseo quickly became your other half, showing you the ropes of Avanti, Being a year older than you she was accustomed to the college, she picked you up when you needed it the most and she didn’t even have to. You thought she took pity on you at first, just taking you under her wing because you were a crying dismantled mess. But she was simply just the loveliest person in the whole world. You wouldn’t have made it to today without her. She left college last year and got a job close by so you saw her often and you were thankful for her every day. 
Throughout your college experience you did the typical; study, party, make questionable life choices at said parties. But one thing you couldn’t do was get into a relationship. 
You started hooking up with guys in your second year, just flings and one-night stands. Eunseo supported your habits, “I will always support women's rights and also their wrongs” she used to say every time you pre-gamed and she never asked why you didn’t get into a relationship. 
Jaeyun’s name hadn’t left your lips in 1460 days. A choice that you made as soon as you stepped off the bus in Pyeongchang. Jaeyun’s name also hadn't left your mind in 1460 days. Every touch from another felt wrong, every chat up line, every unwarranted dick pic. It wasn’t him so it didn’t matter to you. 
You started to enjoy yourself more as time went on, creating a new friend group and new memories. By the final year of college, you were content with your life, finding a degree in film was a fluke but you ended up loving every bit of it, an internship was on the horizon at HYBE Media to shadow a music video producer, your hair routine finally working out. Everything was coming up Y/N. This was the right choice. 
Yet you still thought about Jaeyun every day. What was he up to? Did he like living in Busan? Was he with someone else? Granted you don’t like to think about that last one too often or else you get a tightness in your chest. You wanted him to be happy but selfishly you didn’t want to know if that happiness was because of someone else. 
“Helloooo, Y/N, are you even listening?” Eunseo’s hand waves across your face as you come back from your zoned-out state, “Tell me what I just said.” She huffs and crosses her legs and arms, sitting back knowingly. Eunseo had invited you to a coffee date in a quaint little shop outside of your university. She originally introduced it to you on your second day here and it became your favourite spot. Laughing, crying, and hungover, you both occupied this little shop as if it were your second home.
You smile guilty and laugh, “You were talking about how much you love me and that we should get married,” you shrug and tilt your head jokingly.
“Weirdly you are close!” Her pointer finger is now in front of your face as she leans forward quickly in a flash. 
“I was?” You gave an incredulous look with one eyebrow raised.
“Yes! It has to do with marriage.” Her hands gesture an arch that can only remind you of the one SpongeBob imagination meme and you giggle. 
“Please don’t tell me you’re marrying Serim after like 2 dates.” You half joke and half panic, it wouldn’t be unlike her to do something like that and you both know it. Eunseo takes in your expression and slaps the table loudly and laughs. If there was one thing your best friend wasn’t good at it’s being quiet, and you love her so much for it.
“I like him a lot, but no. Actually, it's about my sister. You know she’s getting married?” You nod, sipping your coffee, “Well of course I’m the maid of honor,” she lifts the back of her hands and twinkles them under her chin and you chuckle, “Someone dropped out and there is a spare seat. Yeoreum is a freak and needs it filled for everything ‘to go as planned’”
You had never met any of Eunseo’s family, they lived a few hours away and despite the effort Eunseo made to invite you to every family gathering, even Christmas, you declined not wishing to be a burden. “I want you to come. I checked your schedule and you’re free, I have a dress, I’m driving us up,” she keeps rhyming off every reason you have ever given her to bail on traveling with her, “and you owe me one.”
Furrowing your eyebrows and tilting your head you encourage her to continue, owe her for what? “Well you don’t owe me yet but I heard the best man is single, older than you, and has these gorgeous big eyes. I’ll set you both up.”
“So I owe you for something that hasn’t even happened yet? And you don’t even know if he is interested? Or single?”
“Details, details.” Eunseo’s hand waves dismissively, “Please just come. I want you to meet my family since you don’t have any of your own. Think of my family as yours.” 
Eunseo doesn’t know what happened back home. You never told her you didn’t have a family but that you were just estranged from them, never disclosing details, particularly that the reason you don’t go home is your own fault, she didn’t have to know. Eunseo didn’t know anything, not about Jaeyun, nothing at all and yet she didn’t pry into your past. You were so thankful for her.
“Eunseo,” rejection is on the tip of your lips but she’s pouting, her eyes big as she does her best to look cute, and to your dismay it works, “I’d love to come.” The sun suddenly started to shine and burn your skin as its light lay on you through the window.
“Amazing!” clapping her hands rapidly she giggles, “We’re leaving tomorrow.” 
Your eyes expand and she stands up not letting you protest at how soon the wedding is. “I thought she wasn’t getting married until Saturday?” You query and check your phone which reads Monday. 
Walking out she explains, “Yeah but I need to be there early for final fittings, yadda yadda, boring wedding stuff. So I’m taking you with me. Either that or you drive up yourself.” The glint in her eyes as she turns to you makes your face deadpan.
“Fuck you, you know I can’t drive.” She laughs and grabs your hand. 
“And I still don’t understand how you’re 23 and can’t even ride a go-kart without crashing.” Playfully you hit her arm and laughed, a memory of you and her go-karting painted your brain. After that, you never got behind another wheel. 
You arrive at Eunseo’s parents' house and your jaw slacks open. It’s bigger than any house you’ve ever seen. Your best friend joked a lot about being rich but you didn’t know she was rich rich. There are stairs leading to a giant white door that compliments the ash-coloured stones that surround it. Moss is growing up on each side of the home with intentionally placed pink flowers decorating throughout. Those rich bitch houses are so ugly, I want as small a house as possible so I’m always close to you no matter what room I’m in. His voice plays in your head but you shake him out.
Her parents are graciously letting you and her stay in the spare bedrooms, you don’t dare ask how many rooms are actually in this castle. Something about the air feels strangely familiar. You shrug it off and head inside with your blue suitcase and steamed dress. You curse rich people for having so many stairs.
“My baby!” Eunseo’s dad shouts from the door, “How is my sweet angel?” He greets her at the top of the stairs and hugs her tightly. You miss your dad a lot. His comforting words, his piggyback rides, his weird cinnamon body wash that made you despise the spice, you missed it all. “This must be Y/N! It only took 4 years to meet you.” His chest lets out a deep laugh as he hugs you just as tightly as his own daughter. A smile plasters on your face as you hug him with one arm, the other outstretched to protect the dress. 
“Thank you for having me. It’s an honour to be part of your daughter’s big day.” Eunseo’s dad’s eyes turn to crescent moons as he smiles and steps aside to usher you into the big house. 
“The party is in a few hours. The happy couple aren’t here, running last-minute chores but you’ll meet them tonight.” He turns to you and points up the stairs, “Eunseo will show you where to get changed. If you need anything, me and the wife will be hovering around.” You side-eye Eunseo quickly and she smiles widely. She didn’t tell you about a party. 
Bowing slightly you thank him and follow Eunseo who is squealing, shouting about how excited she is for you to meet everyone. Sometimes you wonder if she is the relationship you’ve been seeking after Jaeyun, platonic or not, you love her all the same. 
A few hours later you hear bustling from the crowd gathered down the stairs, the party in full swing as Eunseo finishes curling a wispy strand of your hair. Glancing up at her you notice how beautiful she truly is; her bangs falling effortlessly to frame her face, her lips plump and naturally pouty, she was flawless. 
“If you keep staring I’ll literally take you on the bed.” She smiles and you laugh. Pouting her lips near your face she pretends to kiss you and you play into it. Life is so easy with her. “Go get changed, I need to see my masterpiece completed.” Walking away she picks up the dress and thrusts it into your chest, “You’re gonna look amazing. That babe of a best man is gonna fall at your feet.  Now go.” she shoos you into the ensuite bathroom.
Staring in the mirror you analyse her work on your face and hair. Never in your life have you ever looked so beautiful and you can’t help but stare. You shed your old life behind you yet this is the first time you really felt like you were reborn. The immature you left behind, the 23-year-old staring in the mirror coming up from the ashes.
Unzipping the garment bag you see the dress Eunseo picked for you and you gasp. Its a silky deep red dress. Far too sexy for something like this.
“Um, Eunseo? This dress is…” You hold it against you and observe what it would look like on you. Hot. That’s exactly how it would look and considering this was the first time meeting a whole family of someone dear to you, you’d rather be more covered up than this.
“Shut up it’s hot. My cousins will be wearing something way sluttier so it’s all good.” Her nonchalant tone doesn’t ease you but it’s either this or the dress she got you for the actual wedding. 
As you adorn the dress you notice how it fits you perfectly and hugs you in at the waist flatteringly. It’s been months since you’ve put something on this beautiful. Your cleavage is out just enough, the material stops at your mid-thighs, and you feel like a beauty queen. As you take yourself in your hand goes up to your necklace. That necklace. The gold of the sun complimented the dress perfectly. You never did bring yourself to take it off.
Opening the door you see Eunseo changed into a pastel blue dress, covering her arms and neck but cut out to leave her chest exposed just enough, a slit runs up her thigh. Your jaw is on the floor as she walks over and eyes you up and down. “Look at you! A literal goddess.” she smiles as she takes your hands. “You ready to upstage my sister at her own engagement party?”
“Eunseo…you did not pick these outfits to stand out on purpose did you?” Suddenly your heart is beating quickly and the urge to change is more than ever. 
“Of course not! We’re just hotter than anyone here, including her.” She laughs and hands you the pair of gold heels you eyed up as she unpacked her bags earlier. They were exactly your style. “Take these and put them on. Literally take them off whenever but for the grand entrance you need to be complete” She used her right hand to motion over your body. 
Putting the shoes on you grew about 4 inches taller and were on Eunseo’s eye level now. “Ready to rock this bitch?” You nod and she grabs your arm, dragging you down the stairs.
There are eyes on you everywhere and you can’t lie, it is a little uncomfortable considering the age range of the men staring are in their late 50s. It's a party like you’ve only seen in movies; waiters walk around with Hors D’oeurves and flutes of expensive champagne. You start to wonder how much all this cost and if you could convince someone at this party to pay off your student loan. 
“Hey Eunseo?” You grab her attention as she hands you a glass of bubbly happily, “I just realised I don’t know Yeoreum’s fiance’s name.” 
“Oh,” She laughs loudly and slaps your arm, “It’s Jaeyun.” Your heart stops for a moment, there are lots of Jaeyun’s in Korea. Jaeyun from TO1 could walk through that door for all you knew. “Jake is what he goes by though.” Your heart drops rapidly. There might be a lot of Jaeyuns but none that also go by Jake. Part of you wishes it was the biggest coincidence in the world but as voices fill the archway into the living room where you and your best friend reside you see Yeoreum, more beautiful than any picture Eunseo showed you could capture, and Jaeyun. Your Jaeyun.
Static is all you hear as you watch him greet guests and thank them for coming, and each footstep closer to you has your mouth going moist, ready to vomit. He hasn’t noticed you and if you had control of your body you would be bolting out the door instantly, but your mind has glued your feet to the floor. You take him, his face more defined than his previous squishy state, he’s wearing a fitted black suit blazer with no shirt underneath and matching wide-leg black trousers, and his hair is slicked back with stray pieces falling around his face. He looks expensive. He looks like the home you once knew.
You see Eunseo talking to you but as your eyes meet his, that static you once heard turns into rapid heartbeats. Your body is flushing with heat as you notice how his eyes widen for a second, his body turns to you instinctively.
“Eunseo!” Yeoreum squeals and shuffles quickly to give her sister an all-consuming hug, just like you want to do to Jaeyun right now. “Jakey come here” she beacons her fiance towards the both of you and without blinking or taking his eyes off you he walks cautiously forward. “You must be Y/N? Eunseo talks about you all the time.” 
She’s lovely. Gorgeous, clearly kind, she’s perfect just like her sister and it makes you want to cry. She’s perfect for him.
Plastering a smile on your face you fake glee as you hug her lightly, stealing another glance at Jaeyun while she can’t see you. He might have gotten older but those eyes still looked the same. “It’s so nice to finally meet you,” you pull away and step back, sole focus on his bride, “Congratulations.” It's bitter and you say it quickly.
“Aw thank you!” She beams and you feel like being sick again. 
“Excuse me, I’m going to go to the restroom, I’ll be right back.” You excuse yourself and rush past the couple and Eunseo leaving a gust of air behind you. Clutching your chest you run upstairs for an escape. Out of all the best friend’s sister’s fiances, how was he the one you were faced with? Pushing the guest room door open you scuttle in and take a few deep breaths reliving the moments just before.
“Y/N?” The Australian accent hits you hard as you turn around and meet his eyes. It takes only seconds before his hands have cupped your face and his body dangerously presses against yours, so close you can feel his heart, a heart that used to beat only for you.
“Baby,” he pauses as his eyes search your face trying to convince himself that you aren’t a dream, “where did you go?” Jaeyun desperately whines, his voice cracking in sadness as his forehead touches yours. There is love laced within the melancholic question. Instinctively your hands grab his wrists as you close your eyes. “Princess, please talk to me. '' He's pleading, begging for any explanation. Jaeyun’s hands go from your cheeks and trace down your shoulders, his eyes scanning every inch of your face in desperation. He doesn’t believe you’re real and in front of him, your face is more mature yet still the same girl he loves even after all these years. 4 years he’s waited for you to come back to him.
Your silence and shallow breathing urge him to ask more questions, his thumbs stroking the area between the base of your neck and collarbone. “What happened?”
“You’re engaged.”  The first words out of your mouth take him aback. His mouth stays open, his hands leaving your body leaving you cold, and shivering. “She seems nice-”
“Don’t do that,” His bottom jaw slowly clenching as he speaks, “Please don’t act fine like this. Don’t make it seem like I’m the only one that’s hurting for us right now.” You sob without tears as you see him vulnerable and eyes beseeching. Jaeyun’s hands point to you before coming together in a praying motion, “I looked for you everywhere. I spent months trying to find you.” Deep down you knew he would have looked for you, but not for months, maybe for a couple of weeks before he left for Busan, but never months, “What did I do?”
Without a beat, you respond, “Nothing. You could never do anything.” 
“You don’t just abandon people you love, Y/N. Not us. There had to be something I did to make you fall out of lov-”
“Jake!” You hear a familiar voice shout and your head falls down to stare at your shoes. 
“Baby please,” Jaeyun wants to hold you, kiss you, understand what happened but he can’t. Not right now. 
“You should go, I’ll leave in the morning-”
“Don’t leave me again, baby, please.” His voice is quiet, despair etched within his tone. His eyes fall on your necklace, the necklace that he gifted you. His eyes trail down to properly take you in and if he wasn’t astounded before by your mere presence he was now, “You look so beautiful, just like always.”
“Jake your dad is gonna make a speech-” Heeseung's voice bellows throughout the room and yet you and Jaeyun don’t take your eyes off each other. As Heeseung walks in he freezes at the sight of you. Over the years Heeseung silently forgave you, seeing his best friend move on with Yeoreum brought him some solace when he thought about what you did to Jaeyun, but now the anger that was dissipated through time is bubbling up again, “Y/N? What the fuck are you doing here?” His tone is surprised more than angry, but you can tell he’s fuming.
You don’t dare look at him. 
“You should get back to your engagement party." Nothing but a whisper as it comes out. You’ve lost him as quickly as you got him back. You did this, and now you need to deal with the consequences. Brushing past him and Heeseung you make your way back to Eunseo ignoring his hand that grazed your wrist in an attempt to stop you.
His family was here, his friends, people from your past that you wanted to forget. The pressure was starting to become too much as you rushed down the stairs before colliding with someone, “I’m sorry.” You bow quickly.
“Y/N?” Mr. Sim’s voice quips in astonishment, “What are you doing here?” His head comes down so his eyes are level with yours, “What-” He has no words, looking at the girl he thought was going to marry his son. 
“Mr. Sim, It’s nice to see you again” You bow but still avoid eye contact. “I’m sure you’re proud of Jaeyun.” 
“Darling, we thought something awful happened to you.” The sincerity in his voice made you look up at him, heartache carved in your features “Your mum and dad haven’t stopped worrying about you.” A hand is placed on your shoulder and as you look down you see Eunseo.
“Girl there you are! You took one long bathroom break.” She laughs and bows to Mr. Sim, “Ready for your speech, Sir?” Mr. Sim looks at you inquisitively before returning Eunseo’s bow.
“I’ve been preparing this speech for years, only some minor tweaks.” His eyes find yours and you start to think maybe he’s hinting towards the speech he would have given at Jaeyun and your engagement party. “Better head.” Lips forming a tight smile he descends the stairs. 
His words circle your brain. You understood your parents would worry but all of these years you never had to face it, not until your past was being pushed onto you. Eunseo takes your hand and pulls you to the dining area where people are gathered to make speeches and say their congratulations. 
Jaeyun strolls in behind Heeseung, his hands in his pockets before he notices his soon-to-be wife and wraps one arm around her. Tears threaten to spill as you watch the loving action. That should have been you. You should be marrying him, taking his second name, being his everything.
A fork clinks with a wine glass as Mr. Sim starts his speech. “Thank you everyone for coming. I will make this short considering I’m sure you’re all sick of us talking, especially when there is a free bar.” the people occupying the room laugh loudly and you see Yeoreum smile up at Jaeyun. It killed you but like always you put a smile on your face, “My son, he’s always been someone to wear his heart on his sleeve, always giving one hundred percent of himself to the person he loves,” Mr. Sims eyes fall on you and you feel like the speech is somehow directed to you, “Jaeyun deserves to have someone who loves him unconditionally, without prejudice, without pride, and always with his best interest in mind. I believe he’s found that.” 
Crushed. Your heart can’t take the rest of the speech as you walk out of the room and bolt for the entrance of the house. Heaving your chest to gasp for air you feel yourself clutching at your chest, if you hadn’t had a panic attack before in your life you would have thought you were having a heart attack. You breathe out harshly, gasping for air as you lean on the banister. Someone comes up behind you and places a hand on your shoulder gently. 
You hear muffled words but don’t take anything in as the figure guides you to sit on the steps, their hands rubbing your arms to keep you warm.
“Breathe for me, Y/N. He He Hoo or whatever.” You follow the words and inhale two breaths sharply and exhale extendedly. “That’s it.”
Your vision starts to come into focus as you see Heeseung in front of you, his Bambi eyes soft as his thumbs rub circles into your upper arms, “Keep doing that for me, okay?” He’s always been so kind to you, that you want to cry and he notices, “Hey, look at me, Y/N. Tell me about that band you used to like way back when.” Heeseung is trying to distract you but your brain is fuzzy and tears are rolling down your face, “The one with that rapper Jaeyun was always jealous of because you had him as your lock screen?"
“Monsta X?” you breathe out and he smiles lightly.
“Yeah, tell me about them. Are they still together?” His hands leave your arms as he discards his jacket from his body and wraps it around you.
Nodding you start to answer his question, “Yeah, they’re still together.” You sniffle and feel your heart start to slow down and breathe at ease, “Most of them are in the military now.” Your lips naturally form into a pout as you think about your favourite band being separated, not being whole until 2027.
“Sucks doesn’t it? I felt the same about ONF.” He laughs and so do you, letting out a singular sob as you do so.
“I didn’t mean to come here, Hee. Her sister is my best friend.” His eyes go wide and then looks down, his hands finding their way to your knees. 
“Y/N, you can’t be here. He finally moved on.” There is a pleading intertwined with sorrow in his voice and you slowly nod. “He’s happy.”
“Heeseung?” Jaeyun’s voice pierces through you, the warmth from Heeseung’s jacket becoming null as goosebumps prickle your skin. “Can I talk with her?” 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, man.” They’re talking like you aren’t even there and a part of this too yet your voice is too weak to speak up and share your thoughts. Tension is looming in the air as Heeseung gives the man you love a stern stare, but Jaeyun has always been stubborn when it comes to you. If he can’t talk to you now he will find a way. However, for now, at least, Jaeyun listens to his best man, and with one more glace to your fragile body he heads back to his party. It hurts him to see you like this, he wants nothing more than to swoop you up and take you in his arms like he used to all those years ago.
The party continues as you head back in making your way to the guest bedroom, giving excuses to those asking simply saying you’re tired from travelling. You miss him being yours. That was the real exhaustion.
The party ended a couple of hours ago, the once loud and busy foyer now dark as you tip-toe down the stairs, heedful to not wake anyone up. It’s 5 am when you awake dying of thirst and decide to leave the comfy double bed of the guest bedroom and get a glass of water. Looking around you see empty wine glasses, a few smashed ones lined up on the long table just beside the stair banister. It truly was a magnificent party and in any other circumstance, you would have had a great time. Yeoreum’s family is lovely and welcoming it’s no wonder they have so many friends, and no wonder Jaeyun fell in love with her and fit so perfectly as her soon-to-be husband. 
A leak of light bleeds from the kitchen and you presume an under-unit lamp is still on but as your feet scuffle into the kitchen you see a broad back staring at you. Taking in the figure you notice their blue and yellow checked pajama bottoms and casual black t shirt evidently not intended to be worn together but clearly the first thing they could find. 
A creak sounds from under you alerting them of your presence causing them to whip around. Jaeyun. One of his eyes was shut indicating he was not long up himself, his dark hair fluffy and tussled but still slightly in place due to the remnants of styling wax. He takes your breath away every time.
“Hi.” You whisper and make your way to the fridge. Heeseung was right, it wasn’t a good idea to speak to each other. When you saw Jaeyun again after all these years you thought he would be mad, scream at you to get out, seething in hate, but that was never who Jaeyun was. Instead, you felt his love shooting through you and that was the dangerous part.
“It’s late.” His eyes never leave you as he watches you pour a glass of filtered water. 
“Or early.” You shrug and lean against the unit not daring to look at him. “I guess it depends on whether you went to sleep or not.” you mumble, small talk never being your thing. 
Jaeyun still feels like he’s in a dream. Your presence is haunting yet he hasn’t felt more at home. Just the simplicity of you being in this kitchen is enough for him to experience contentment he hasn’t felt in years. Not since then. 
“When did you get engaged?” The question punches him slap-bang in the middle of his chest, the wind escaping his body. 
With his head hanging low and his middle finger tracing his coffee mug he muttered, “ A few months ago.” to which you nodded and pursed your lips. “What about you?” he questions back, “you seeing anyone?”
“No.” It’s sharp and direct but you don’t want to touch on the subject any further, you didn’t want to accidentally divulge that you couldn’t get over him, not when he was sitting afore you an engaged man. It’s embarrassing.
Jaeyun sucks in a breath and holds it as if he was going to say something but in his hesitance, you speak up again. “Eunseo, she’s my best friend.” giving the information as a way to explain why you’re here. “I didn’t know it was you getting married to Yeoreum, I promise.” Your eyes are begging for him to look at you so he can see the sincerity in your words but he never does, opting to just nod slowly. “I’ll make up an excuse to get out of here before the wedding.”
“Why did you leave, Y/N?” Jaeyun’s voice is soft but laced with hurt, “Tell me why because for 4 fucking years I still haven’t been able to figure it out.” 
No words come out of your mouth, instead, you bite your lip trying to pluck up courage, suddenly the idea of him looking at you made you uncomfortable but of course, now his eyes are on you. “You owe me that much.”
“I-,” You place the glass of water down and grip the counter behind you tightly, “I…I didn’t get into any colleges that I applied for, none near Busan. Only one accepted me but it was a few hours away.” His eyebrows are crossed in confusion as he asks, “What do you mean? I thought you only applied for ones near Apollo. We had planned-”
“My grades weren’t good enough to get into any colleges in Busan.” There is a slight venom in your tone but it’s not directed at him but rather yourself. “If I had told you I wasn’t going with you, I was scared you would give up your dream school and just fuck it all off to be with me.” You finally look at him and the confusion is dispelling from his face as you continue, “You said it yourself, you would have gone anywhere if it meant being with me. I couldn’t ask you to do that. I would live with the guilt every day, watching you attend a subpar college all because of me. I loved you Jaeyun I couldn’t do that to you.” 
Jaeyun doesn’t miss the past tense usage of ‘love’ but he rewinds, “So you left our relationship because…it would be long distance?” 
“Jaeyun it wasn’t just that, I did think about long distance but I knew you would grow at college without me, i kept thinking about what you said. The whole slowly breaking away from each other because we become different people stuff got in my head and I couldn’t bear to slowly lose you, so I-”
“So you thought leaving me without a word was the right way to go? Y/N we could have worked it out, we would have figured out a solution.” Jaeyun stands up and walks over to you, “I didn’t mean to pressure you into moving, or applying for the same college, or fuck even making you doubt our chances at long distance.” His hand naturally caresses your cheek as you let a tear slip.
Shaking your head you look up at him, “I was stupid and I didn’t want you to worry about me, you already had so much going on between work and school. But look, you went to college and you grew up, look at what you have.” Your hands gesture upstairs to where Yeoreum sleeps peacefully unaware of what is transpiring in her parent’s kitchen.
“We could have had this Y/N. You could be the one I’m marrying if you just let me look after you like a boyfriend is supposed to if you trusted me enough.”
“I did trust you.”
“Not enough to tell me what was going on when I gave you that ring. Y/N-” He huffs out loudly and drags a hand through his hair. “That should have been your opening to talk to me about all this. I love you so much I would have made long-distance work.” His deep eyes are searching into yours. All these questions he has and you can’t answer or retaliate to any of them. “When I gave you that ring and made that promise to be yours forever I wasn’t fucking around okay? I meant it.” He lets out a dry laugh and takes your hands in his. “Baby, I love you.”
You stand too stunned to speak. Here Jaeyun was after all these years still hopelessly yours. An engaged Jaeyun was still in love with you. You want to let out a laugh of disbelief but you’re frozen. The room is silent except for the annoyingly loud hum of the refrigerator. 
Jaeyun notices how your eyes fall to his lips as he licks them wet, taking the opportunity to lean forward just enough that his breath hits yours. If your lips touch you no doubt know you won’t ever let him go. 
Footsteps are heard behind you both and you push Jaeyun away forcefully but despite the other presence making themselves known, his eyes never leave your tear-glassed ones. “Baby,” he whispers just loud enough for you to hear but you shake your head and barge past him, head down so the other person doesn’t see you. “Y/N?” Jaeyun calls out, reckless abandonment is telling him to chase after you but as he feels an arm stopping him to a halt he looks up and sees Heeseung. 
“Jake, don’t.”
Stirring in your sleep you groan as you hear a plethora of laughing coming from downstairs causing you to take the pillow from under you and suffocate your ears with it. After last night’s tragic events you just wanted to go home. Nothing would make you happier than to catch the first bus back to your flat and rewatch every episode of Fleabag to take your mind off of everything. Jaeyun was still in love with you and selfishly you hoped he hated you after what you did, that way your heart wouldn’t leap at every word he said. 
Baby, I love you
You shake the thought away and give in, sitting up and looking around the room. Eunseo is gone, probably downstairs being the reason for everyone’s laughter you think to yourself. With a huff, you pull the covers off your body and immediately feel the cold breeze causing you to shiver. You don’t know if it's a coincidence or not but as goosebumps rise on your legs and arms, Jaeyun’s laugh is heard over everyone else. You missed his laugh so much, your heart had a shot of pain pierce come on so suddenly. There was a glimmer of sun outside that made your necklace sparkle as you proceeded for the door.
It was as if your ears could only hear Jaeyun as you walked quietly down the stairs. “If it’s Yeoreum making him laugh I might kill myself.” you mutter, pulling your hair up in a pony. It’s dramatic but right now you can’t face to see them in love, it hurts. You’re hurting.
“Y/N! You’re awake!” Euneo stands up and scurries to the kitchen, grabbing a plate for you, “Mum just made breakfast.” 
“Hey! I helped.” Yeoreum faked offence which Eunseo simply rolled her eyes in response. She handed you the plate before you could tell her you weren’t hungry. “Sit down, Y/N, please.” Eunseo’s mum points to the empty chair at the comically large table, you suppose she does have a large family. 
Luckily for you, the seat was situated far enough away from Jaeyun that you could avoid him, unfortunately, you couldn’t avoid his eyes burning holes into the side of your face. You ignore him and scan the feast of food before you and you wonder if this is what it was like for Annie in Parent Trap when Chessy made a buffet of all her favourites. “Eat up, Y/N, there is plenty here.” Yeoreum and Eunseo’s mum says.
“Thanks, Mrs. Son.”  You pick up a few hash browns and start to eat one. That’s when you become aware of the enemy of all condiments, black pepper. It was a great tool in the kitchen, adding a little flavour and spice. Not for you though, the black powdered devil always makes your tongue itch. Who the fuck puts black pepper on hash browns? You think to yourself, face scrunching and teeth running along your tongue as you pour yourself a glass of water and take a huge swig. It does nothing at all so you go to excuse yourself to get a glass of juice or anything with taste but before you can there is a glass of apple juice placed beside you. Glancing up you see Jaeyun placing the cup with a knowing look on his face.
Of course, he knew. He knew everything about you and with the face you were pulling it was one he had seen too many times at restaurants.
“Why the fuck would they season their food with this, like, isn’t that what these are for?” You grabbed a pepper shaker and started waving it in his face. You had both gotten back from a day-turned-overnight trip to the beach and stopped off at a service station in the middle of nowhere, the diner was quaint with an American feel to it, undoubtedly your favourite kind.
“Princess I think your weird tongue is the only one that would complain.” Jaeyun laughed and swapped your eggs for his bacon. “There, now there is no pepper in sight.” He also passed over his apple juice with a bright smile.
“Take this.” His deep voice pulled you back to reality. Thanking him you take the cup and chug it quietly, but everyone's eyes are on you.
“You don’t like the food, Y/N?” Mrs. Son says not offended but certainly not pleased. Waving your hand quickly you swallow the liquid and explain, “No, it's lovely Mrs Son, me and pepper just don’t go well together.” 
Yeoreum looks at Jaeyun with furrowed brows but doesn’t question it. There is a massive part of him that knows he should have left you to deal with it yourself so as to not raise suspicion but his instincts kicked in. He takes Yeoreum’s hand and kisses the back of it tenderly. It stings your heart.
“So,” Mr Son claps his hands diverting the attention to him, “I thought since the whole wedding party is here we should get to know each other. We will be family once Saturday passes after all.” A groan comes softly from your right and you turn to see Heeseung with his eyes shut. 
“If he makes us play charades I’m passing my best man duties to literally anyone else.” He whispers to you which causes you to snort laugh and bite your mouth shut. You miss Heeseung’s smile as he watches you. He always did love you like a sister despite everything. He knew this situation wasn’t just hurting Jaeyun and after last night he was sure you were just as heartbroken as he was.
“We’re going to have a friendly game of football!”
“Dad, I can’t get bruised before my big day!” Yeoreum exclaims, her arms wrapped around her body to protect her from an imaginary ball flying at her. Jaeyun laughs and rubs her arms, “Reumie I don’t think your dad means you guys.” 
Heeseung’s hand lands on your shoulder as you watch the loving act. They did look good together you couldn’t lie about that. Their energy matched, they would make the most beautiful children to ever walk this earth, and even their sense of style was similar - casual but fashionable. 
“I was going to say 5 v 5, there are enough men here right?” Mr Son starts counting around the table as Heeseung slowly slides down the chair, his eyes hidden behind this hand as he pretends to rub his forehead. 
“I thought you liked football, Hee?” You whisper but he shakes his head violently. 
“Used to. I have since grown a great distaste for it, especially with Yeoreum’s cousins. They’re brutal and leave me bruised.” he mutters the last few words and you laugh leaning close.
“Aw is Hee scared of a little bruise.” He doesn’t appreciate your taunting yet he smiles and rolls his eyes. “You’re almost as good as Jaeyun, you can handle yourself I mean look.” You sneakily point to one of the cousins who is on his 3rd plate of food, “He’s going to be so full he can’t move, stick by him and you’ll look like Messi or something.”
Heeseung laughs out loud, “Oh! Heeseung I almost didn’t count you.” Mr Son claps, “That makes 10!”
Heeseung’s tongue pokes the side of his face as his rage-filled eyes look right into yours. You mouth a half-hearted ‘sorry’ and hold in a giggle. “I’ll kick the ball in your face.” He warns but you’re too busy chuckling to notice. 
Eunseo’s eyes meet yours with her eyebrows raised. Giving her a confused look you knit your eyebrows together to ask her what that look on her face is for but she simply smirks and looks at Heeseung. Fuck. You forgot that was her favour to you, to set you up with the dishy best man. Oh if only she knew. You and Heeseung were so out of this world impossible that you had to fight to hold in your laughter. 
“What’s so funny?” Heeseung whispers and his lips graze the shell of your ear. You quickly turn around and his face is incredibly close to yours. Eunseo must be loving this.
“Eunseo promised to set me up with the hot best man. That was my bribe to get me here.” A shallow laugh leaves his throat and he sits up, hands pointed to his chest.
“I am hot to be fair.” He jokingly smirks causing you to hit his chest playfully. “What? Do you not think so?” 
“I know so. It’s just how cocky you are about it all,” Heeseung’s lips part to say something but you stop him, “If you’re going to make a joke about your dick I don’t want to hear it, Hee.” he shuts his mouth instantly. You missed this just as much as you missed Jaeyun. The banter between you and your friends is what kept you from losing your mind most of your high school days, and right now it’s taking your mind off this ridiculous situation. 
“Eunseo tried it on with me once,” Heeseung says while eyeing her up and giving her a wave. 
“But she acted like she didn’t know you? When she brought you up it was as if she had never met you.” He scoffs as you recall the conversation in the cafe.
“I rejected her, she’s not my type. Plus, she wanted double dates all the time, and don’t get me wrong I love Jake and Yeoreum but they’re insufferable. Kinda like you and hi-” He halts himself mid-sentence and looks at you apologetically. “Sorry.” You wave it off and pretend it doesn’t hurt you to hear before he continues, “I probably shouldn’t say this but if it’s any consolation, he isn’t half as infatuated with her as he was you.” It does bring some solace but you try not to let it sit in your mind too long. 
“I’m not having a great time with it but at least he’s happy.” You mumble playing with your fingers and picking at the skin. Heeseung’s big hands encase your smaller ones as he squeezes them discreetly.
“You’ll always be his first love, just remember that. And who knows,” He leans back in his chair with that smug look on his face once again, “Your next love might be the hot best man.” 
Pinching the bridge of your nose you can’t help but laugh again. “Heeseung please shut up.”
While you and Heeseung were talking, none of you noticed Jaeyun staring purposefully as if his eyes could pry you two apart. He wasn’t jealous, no, he was just wishing he was with you both like old times, laughing with you as if no time had passed. Yeoreum strokes his arm lightly and looks up at him. “Jakey, you okay?” to which Jaeyun hums and turns to her, kissing her forehead lightly. “Never better, Reumie.” Lies but as his lips touch her head he remembers last night and how his lips felt like they had found their way home.
“Okay! Let’s go and get ready for a full day ahead. The game starts in an hour.” Mr Son’s voice bellowed throughout the dining area.
“Come on,” Heeseung takes your hand and leads you to the kitchen, “You’re eating something before you’re tormented by the whole aunt brigade.” Heeseung’s always been so sweet. Whoever ties him down is going to be the luckiest girl in the world.
The game had been on for 20 minutes and you can’t escape the daggers coming from Mrs. Sim across the table. Of course she’s mad, you hurt her precious baby boy, you completely understand but that doesn’t make it any less uncomfortable. She liked you a lot before everything went down, always treating you like her own but now it’s like her heart turned cold towards you, a contrast to her husband who seems to actually tolerate you enough to be civil. Meeting the Sim family again was beyond awkward but you were thankful none of them let on to the others about you and Jaeyun’s history. 
“My Jakey is so good at football. He said he used to play in high school.” Yeoreum gushes, her hands clasped beside her cheeks as she watches her fiance on the garden lawn.
“Yeah, he was the captain in high school. Almost got a scholarship but he didn't want to do that professionally.” You say and sip at your white wine and lemonade top. 
“How do you know he was captain?” The question comes from Eunseo and you nearly choke on the sweet wine. Shit 
“Yes Y/N, how do you know?” Mrs. Sim quips and you want to die. You look over at the men on the field and panic trying to find any rhyme or reason you would know that information. Maybe I should put on a strip and join them, a ball to the face would be less painful. 
“Oh, um, me and Jae- Jake spoke about it at the party. Getting to know him and all that.” your words are rushed and your hand reaches for the bottle to pour more wine. Admittedly, this is probably the last thing you should be doing, getting drunk and not running your mouth was never something that came easily. The party of girls nod and accept your answer. You need to be more careful. You don’t dare look at Mrs Sim with the fear of being obliterated on the spot. 
“You got this, baby!” Yeoreum shouts loudly and gains the attention of Jaeyun, his smile bright as he waves, his eyes never leaving yours. You smile back and give him two thumbs up. He starts to wipe his face with the bottom of his t-shirt to gather the sweat. It gives you a peak of his lower abdomen and you feel like a Victorian man seeing an ankle for the first time. 
The mind is a powerful tool and also your greatest enemy at the moment as you recollect every time you kissed down his stomach, sometimes leaving hickeys to mark him as yours. You remember how his jaw would slack open the lower you got, the moans that would fall from his lips as your tongue trailed from his belly button to the top of his boxer waistband. When his dick was pressed against that very stomach you would trace your fingers touching everything but his cock. You swallow hard, thighs clenching together, you can’t think these thoughts but fuck it was so easy.
Jaeyun notices your face change and smirks, biting his lip and ogling at your thighs rubbing against each other just like you used to when you were turned on by him. His eyes dart to his fiances but she seems unbothered by his act. Heeseung comes up behind him and wraps an arm over his shoulder. “Dude this is rough-” he pauses and follows Jaeyun’s eyes, “What you looking at? Yeoreum? Y/N?” he whispers only your name and it makes Jaeyun sigh.
“Let’s just get back to the game yeah? Sooner we beat these old men the sooner I can have a beer.” Heeseung laughs and claps his best friend’s back.
While you're zoning out, your best friend speaks up. “Heeseung looks good, huh Y/N?” Eunseo giggles and nudges your shoulder with hers. “I thought I saw him flirting with you earlier.” You laugh and shake your head dismissively. 
“Nah he was just engaging in conversation.” Everyone is looking at you waiting for you to elaborate, “Oh, it was just usual chit-chat. Weather, work, small talk stuff.” 
Eunseo doesn’t buy your chatter, she’s convinced after seeing you both this morning that you two will be the next wedding she attends. “Y/N, he was all over you at the table!” Eunseo chimes and tries to recreate the scene for the other girls at the table, “He was all like touchy, and your faces were like here!” Her nose brushes yours to which you laugh it off and push her lightly, shaking your head.
“Well I think you should try to speak to him more, he seems interested.” Yeoreum says and you try not to laugh in her face.
Mrs Sim snorts and sets her wine glass down. “Yeoreum, honey, Y/N isn’t his type. He likes classy girls, loyal girls with a good sense of worth.” Ouch. It was probably deserved but shit did that prick your heart. Eunseo looks at you confused but you shrug and don’t pay attention to it.
“Heeseung isn’t my type either.” you mutter. Yeoreum leans her elbow on the table and places her face in her palm as she asks, “What is your type then, Y/N?”
“Eh, I like guys who are sweet, um, they laugh at stupid jokes,” You start to look at Jaeyun as you continue, “I like when guys are attentive and know things about you that you don’t even really know yourself because they listen to every little thing you say.”
The girls around the table are gawking at you, “Y/N? Have you ever been in love? You must have been!” One of the bridesmaids asks excitedly. You shrug your head to the side and laugh.
“Once upon a time but that was forever ago.” You slyly look at Mrs. Sim and it was astronomically the worst decision. Her face was overcome with disgust.
Ironically, it’s Yeoreum asking the question now, “Tell us about it. Wasn’t he the ‘one’”. How do you say to her that your love, the one you want to spend forever with, is hers? 
“I think he was but I was an idiot, too young to understand that we should have fought through our challenges rather than me running away from them.” The honesty in your voice is raw and you’re holding down the tears. One of the bridesmaids asks, “How do you know someone is the one?” 
“J-” You almost say his name but smoothly continue without anyone noticing, “You know because there is an easiness in loving someone you know you're going to spend your life with. It comes naturally like breathing. There’s no trying to impress, no hiding parts of you. You both love each other like it’s the only thing you know how to do right. Even if you're apart, when you eventually come back together you slide right back into where you left off. Your love is infinite." 
Yeoreum starts to cry "That’s like me and Jake." The crowd of girls hurry to her side and hug her as she sobs, encouragements from her party saying how they are ‘meant to be’ flood your ears. While they are distracted you wipe a tear, that’s when you feel a hand hold yours. Mrs Sim has a mournful look on her face, her thumb swiping over the back of your hand now seated next to you. Its unexpected but this is a step up from the hateful glares and you’re more than thankful.
Her eyes hold a love for you just like those years ago, maybe it took you explaining your feelings for her to truly understand how sorry you were about the whole situation, opening her up to forgive you even a little bit.
Yeoreum composes herself, fanning her face with her hands as everyone proceeds back to their seats, everyone except Mrs Sim who stays by your side, forcing Eunseo to move to the opposite end. “Thanks, girls. Ugh I just love him so much.” 
Don’t ask it. Don’t ask it. Your brain is screaming to ask her the question that you know would set you off, “How did you two meet?” The words fall from your lips before you can catch them with your teeth.
A smile spreads widely across her face as her whole body turns to you. This is the first time you have properly examined her features and you wish you didn’t. Easily she is one of the most beautiful girls to ever exist, her small face but big features making her look otherworldly, her body is naturally slender, her black hair is long and sleek straight, her bangs fit around her face perfectly, her eyes gleamed with life and love. She was truly perfection. “We met at Apollo! You know the college in Busan?” Her eyes twinkle and you become jealous because in the past 4 years, your eyes have become dull and empty, “He was walking to class in the East block and I just thought he was the hottest guy I had ever seen.” 
Mrs. Sim delicately squeezes your hand but doesn’t spare a glance. Despite her feelings for you, she knows this isn’t easy for you and she doesn’t envy you in this situation at all. “I just walked up to him and asked him out. He was so reluctant at first, saying he was still getting over his ex,” she smiles at the memory, “and let me tell you, after that night he probably didn’t think about her again.” Yeoreum smirked as the girls squealed.
“Yeoreum, as his mother I don’t need to hear this.” Mrs. Sim scoffs, her face slightly disgusted. The bride-to-be mouthed a quick sorry and continued, “We went totally casual for a while, but you know how things escalate, he was in love with me by like the third time I met him.”
You nodded at her as she continued to tell you about her romance with the love of your life and you feel your heart slide its way into the pit of your stomach. It's nauseating how he found a love and you couldn’t even face dating anyone. But you couldn’t be mad, of course not, because you did this.
“Y/N?” You look up to see Heeseung and Jaeyun, both of them with their eyes on you purposefully. Yeoreum grabs Jaeyun’s hands yet his eyes don’t leave your face. Heeseung’s voice continues, “Can I grab you for a minute? I got a-” he pauses to think of an excuse, “I need a second pair of hands to bring out more drinks, yeah?” His eyebrow raises at you to follow along to which you nod and stand up. Noticing Eunseo’s stares you shake your head and give her a small smile. 
Heeseung’s fingers interlock with yours as he leads you away into the house and suddenly you feel like you can breathe again. “Y/N you okay? You looked like you were gonna throw up.” You look up at him, his 6”0 frame towering over you. 
“I’m fine, just asking questions I know I shouldn’t.” You let out a half-hearted laugh and smile sheepishly at him, “It’s okay. How was the game?” Proceeding to the kitchen you open the fridge to pick up the jug of margarita Yeoreum and Eunseo had lovingly made with way too much spirit and minimal mixers. 
“I still hate you for getting me caught, but we beat them so,” He shrugs and reaches from behind you to grab a six-pack of Peroni, “Wasn’t as eventful as your time at the interrogation table. I saw them all grilling you.” You snicker and disagree.
“Nah, they were just asking about my life, the usual.” It wasn’t the full truth but it wasn’t a lie either. 
Heeseung moves from behind you and leans against the kitchen island, one foot propped up on the base of the counter, swinging the beers between his legs. “How was Mrs. Sim? That must have been hard, I could feel her ice-cold stare from the other end of the garden.” He opens up the packet of 6 and hands you one, “Open this for me?” You nod and take it from him, setting the jug down to pop open the lid with the edge of the unit before giving it back to him. 
“I thought I was going to die I can’t lie, but then she was okay, I think?” You question the interaction in your head, “She was nicer to me as the afternoon went on, but I think it was pity.” Heeseung brings the bottle to his lips and sips the cold beer and his eyebrows lifted.
“I don’t think It would be pity, you know she loved you more than Jake, at least that’s what he always thought." He pauses and takes a sip from his bottle before dramatically pulling it from his lips and pointing towards you, "Fuck, didn’t she have your wedding dress practically paid for?” 
This was news to you and Heeseung guessed as much by the look on your face, “You didn’t know? She always went about how she had a separate savings account for you and Jake’s wedding. I think she still has it.”
You look at him quizically, “Wait, why would she still have it? Surely she would have put it to this wedding.” You search for a glass to pour the margarita into and wait for Heeseung to respond.
“Nah, they didn’t pay a penny for this. They don’t want him to marry her.”
“WHAT?!” You exclaim and turn around bug-eyed and mouth open, “What do you mean? His dad was saying all that nice stuff at the toast, and his mum looked like she was bursting with pride when Yeoreum was talking about Jake.” 
There was a silence in the air as Heeseung stepped forward and grabbed your shoulders, “They like her, but babe she isn’t you. Mr. and Mrs. Sim know Jake doesn-, you know what I shouldn’t be saying anything.” You plead with him to continue, gripping his hands that are placed on you, “Hee, please, Jake doesn’t what?”  
Just as Heeseung is about to divulge very useful information, Eunseo walks in with her hands up, “Ignore me, love birds, just came to get the jug of fun,” she spots it behind you and points, “Can you grab me that please?” 
Stepping back, Heeseung grabs the jug and hands it to Eunseo, “We were just coming out anyway, right angel.” 
Oh, you were going to murder him. His face smug and Eunseo’s mouth breaking into a large smile, you grab your glass and head out with them, Heeseung’s hands on your hips and lips to your ear, “Let me give her what she wants.” You turn around, eyes scolding him.
“Don’t even think about it, and don’t think I’ll let our little conversation go either.” As you walk and warn Heeseung, you’re already outside, a pair of usually wide, bright eyes, now thin as they watch you and his best friend joke around.
Jaeyun is seething.
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dangerliesbeforeyou · 27 days
ok so ive been rewatching psychoville and saw on the wikipedia that there were a bunch of websites made for the series (they were all written by reece and steve btw) which i've been looking through cos they are genuinely SO fucking funny & also just amazingly creative lol!
anyway i know people in the fandom probs already know about this (since the show came out literally 15 years ago pfft) but i thought i'd share some of my fav bits (but honestly would just recommend just checking them out if you haven't i have been crying with laughter for literally hours lol)
i will say that a lot of the media (videos, games, etc) no longer work on the archived sites rip but i'm sure people have uploaded some of the stuff (vids especially) to yt or other places lol
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so a) i love that we get some background stuff on jelly and 2) 'captain CRACKERS' bernie clifton's dressing room reference question mark ??????? (ofc bcdr was AFTER this but i know love the idea that mr jelly trained under len pfft)
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what that red raw stump do though 👀 (sorry pfffft)
mr jolly's website wasn't that interesting soz tho i did like him comparing being a doctor to being a clown lol
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the comment about fag bears did make me wheeze i'm afraid lol i also loved the blurry photos of lomax's commodities lol (kinda reminded me of the bit in tlog w/ that terrible old photographer guy lol)
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when i tell you i DIED with laughter at the 'now known as hull' bit like u just know reece wrote that bit pfft
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not really a funny thing but this poem written by david honestly kinda breaks my heart lol... i think it also a lot of additional context to david's guilt when he thought he'd killed his father(faver) because perhaps he felt guilty about NOT feeling guilty you get me? like, it felt to me that when maureen told david it was SHE who killed her husband, it didn't feel like he was mad at her for doing it, but more that she kept the fact from him. it's about... the mutual oedipus-coded obsession with one another that couldn't even be destroyed in death and in this essay i will....
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ghoul_lass23 is just like me but about tumblr lol fr
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nothing feels more cursed than the phrases 'the river minge has burst its banks', 'crying creamy tears' and 'fleshy rapunzel' (which i've just noticed they misspelt lol... don't think that was intentional lol?) so if i had to read this so do you <3
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the way that i kinda wish this actually existed tho pfft... also, it does kinda remind me of that video where jenny nicholson talked about that insane reality show 'opposite worlds' lol
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'cross between seven and glee' is honestly sending me pfft
also on this part there was a script from stinkfinger (which is a show mentioned on the show) which sounded suspiciously like a reference to tlc lol
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the less said about swastknickers the better
(will say i did nearly piss myself laughing at the nazi section of the hoity toity website lol which wasn't a sentence i thought i'd type today lol)
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i just love these kinds of jokes pfft
also the whole biography sections of each of the pantomime cast are fab lol tho i AM kinda pissed they made debbie from yeovil and yet didn't give her a west country accent lol!!! (i guess they thought it'd be a bit much w/ joy being bristolian but i'm still mad about it lol)
also i know people have probably already pointed this out but i do find it funny that brian in the in9 episode last night of the proms is a closeted gay guy who likes watching drag was probably a reference to brian in this show that was a drag queen like... is anything these guys do NOT a reference??? u know those gaylor fans who obsessively look for clues in her songs about her apparent secret sexuality? all i'm saying is that i think they'd really like the extended reece shearsmith & steve pemberton universe pfft
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all three of these made me cry with laughter lol
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ohh this is interesting lol so obviously they suspected that some people might be all 'um why didn't the sprinklers go off during the fire at ravenhill? plot hole much!' so they wrote this into one of the websites so they could be like SEE! WE'RE ONE STEP AHEAD OF YOU DUMBASSES lol
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both the jeremy kyle reference (remember when that was a thing? yikes... my mum used to watch his show CONSTANTLY...) and nurse kenshington's thoughts on david and maureen are interesting lol.. also there's a reference to the serial killer top trumps in this bit lol! (do people still play top trumps?? man i LOVED top trumps lol...)
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the entire sunnyvale care home section is so fucking funny (both the website AND in the show lol mrs wren/mrs ladybird face is unironically probably my favourite character on the entire show) these were just some of my fav gags lol...
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ok but why is this the SECOND reference to a guy punching a child who was apparently looking at his dick lol!??!! did this happen to one of you ??!!?!? reece did you punch a child ??!???!?!??
&&&& that's it lol
there were a few websites i didn't spend long on or generally weren't that interesting (coughmidgetgemscough) but honestly? i was really captivated with just how funny and well put together all these sites were! you can tell they had a lot of fun making it and i'm sure fans at the time LOVED being able to have this semi-interactive element of the show lol
there was just something so wonderfully late 00's about these websites lol i genuinely don't think i've laughed this much at anything in literal months and all of this is just solidifies that psychoville is a criminally under-appreciated masterpiece lol
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writeforfandoms · 11 months
Listening In 4
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Well, here we are. The end of this little series. This took me a lot longer to finish than I originally planned, and I apologize for that. I hope the tooth rotting fluff makes up for it.
Warnings: Fluff, cavity inducing sweetness, Feels, idiots in love, piv sex, dirty talk, and they lived happily ever after.
Word count: 4.6k
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Soap and Ghost made it back to the 141 safely, and Price congratulated them on a job well done. 
Life moved on. There was always another op. 
But Soap kept thinking back to that op. To their little waitress. 
And she most certainly was theirs, now. Just thinking about the way she'd whimpered under him was enough to get Soap riled up. 
Soap texted her as often as he could, which was almost daily. Ghost, he knew, didn't text nearly as much. 
But when he did… well. When Ghost wanted to, he was a right bastard. 
Like the time he sent their waitress an audio recording of the two of them. That was well worth it. 
Of course, it wasn't just audio recordings and the occasional video call. 
Soap managed to detour to see their waitress for half a day on the way back from an op. Ghost, lucky bastard, had an entirely accidental two day layover, most of which was spent in her bed. And that wasn't all of it - the two found themselves stopping by to see her as often as possible. 
It wasn't until Soap and Ghost had leave together and arranged to go see her again for a whole week that either of them thought more of it. 
"Hey, Si?" 
Simon grunted, cracking open one eye above his plain medical mask. That was the more plane-friendly look. 
"Think we're a bit looney." 
Simon barked a laugh, closing his eyes again. "Just now figuring that out?" He drawled, amused. 
Johnny huffed with quiet laughter. "Maybe," he admitted. Simon's lack of distress helped put him at ease, though. 
Soon, they'd be off the plane. And then they could surprise their pretty little waitress. 
They had a lot of ideas they wanted to try out, after all. 
You'd had an awful day. An opening shift rife with assholes and a few too many pinches. You were tired, achey, aggravated. 
Honestly, you wanted to go home and cry and ignore the rest of the world for a while.
So when your phone rang, you almost ignored it without even checking it. Almost. 
“Johnny?” you scrambled to answer it as soon as you saw who was calling. “What’s up?” 
“Got a bit of a surprise for ye, gorgeous.” Johnny sounded far too pleased. 
“Yeah?” You dodged an idiot who wasn’t watching where he was going, huffing softly. “And what’s that?” 
“You at home?”
You didn’t quite startle at the question, but you did pause. “Not yet,” you said slowly. “Heading there, though. What did you do?” 
Johnny laughed. “So little faith! It’s a good thing, promise.”
You shook your head. “Alright, if you say so. Do I need to check my mailbox or something?”
“Not exactly,” he hedged. “Ye’ll see soon, promise.”
You sighed but gave up. “Alright, sure. I need to go, it’s crowded out here today.”
“Okay. Get home safe.” Johnny paused there for a moment, like he wanted to say more, but he didn’t. 
“Will do,” you agreed and hung up. A little abrupt, maybe, but you were tired. You didn’t have your normal energy for his silliness.
The walk home was too loud and too crowded, with people jostling into you. You were so tired and so done you wanted to cry by the time you finally got into the elevator. 
The elevator opened onto your floor and you got three trudging steps off before you halted. 
Johnny and Simon stood outside your door, facing you. Johnny was grinning, bright and a little mischievous. 
You didn't let them say anything. You just walked straight into Johnny, winding your arms around him and hiding your face against his chest. 
"Hey, gorgeous," Johnny cooed, one big hand rubbing your back soothingly. "Happy to see us?" 
"Yeah," you agreed softly. "Also fucking tired." 
"Long day?" His voice softened with sympathy. 
Your laugh was dry and a little too close to tears. "Could say that." 
Johnny hummed in wordless concern, holding you closer and pressing his cheek to the top of your head. "Poor gorgeous," he murmured. "C'mon, let's head inside, aye?" 
You breathed in deep and let go of him, grabbing your keys. Simon plucked them from you, and you blinked. But moments later you were all inside. 
Simon guided you to the couch and pushed you down to sit. You blinked at him, startled. He just motioned you to wait while he brought water. 
"What's goin' on?" Johnny dropped down next to you, pulling you into his side with an arm around your shoulders. 
You blew out a breath, shoulders dropping. "Just life stuff," you dismissed, or tried to. "Nothing like your shit." They'd told you some, a little, mostly that they were military and had unpredictable schedules. You didn't blame them, not at all, and it explained the odd absences. 
"Tell us anyway." Johnny gave you a gentle little shake, eyes warm and focused on you. 
Simon dropped down on your other side, setting water on the table in front of you, leaving you nowhere to run. Of course. These two were practiced, moving in an easy tandem in and out of the bedroom. Which they often used against you. Like right now. 
You huffed, half exasperated and half amused. "Just. Work sucked today. Few too many shitty people." 
"And?" Simon drawled, knowing that wasn't the end of it. You'd ranted to him about work and handsy guys before. 
"And my rent is going up," you finally admitted on a sigh. "It's just enough that I'm thinking of moving or downgrading." 
Johnny hummed soft sympathy, pulling you closer. "Job hunt hasn't turned up anything?" 
"Not yet." You made a face. "It's just frustrating, that's all. I'll get through it."
"We'll come back to that." Johnny pressed a kiss to the side of your head, easy and affectionate as ever. "What's yer schedule, gorgeous?" 
You blinked, thrown off a bit by the question. "Tomorrow I'm off, the next two days I have closing shifts, then two mid shifts, then two more days off," you said after a moment of thought. "Not sure beyond that. Why?"
"Well, we've got a week," Johnny said, grinning at you. "Was hopin' to spend a good bit of that with ye." 
"You… are far too sweet." You smiled, relaxing between the two of them. "Next you're gonna say you've got a better idea about my job and apartment situation."
Silence. Damning silence. You turned slowly to look at Johnny, who was busy looking anywhere but you. Simon scoffed softly. 
"You'd think he'd have learned to lie by now," Simon added conversationally, one big hand landing on your thigh. 
"Ah can lie!" Johnny immediately defended himself. "Just. Not to. Well. The two o' ye."
Your heart swelled at being so blatantly lumped in with Simon, your shock plain to see. Oh, sure, you knew these two liked you - they kept visiting you, after all. 
But this was something totally different. 
"Nope," you decided. "We are tabling that because I cannot be a rational person right now." 
Simon leaned closer to your back, his bulk bleeding warmth into the scant space between you. "Don't be rational, then," he murmured. "What're you thinking, dove?"
"Very non-feminist thoughts," you drawled, shivering briefly as Simon pressed even closer. 
"Tell us." Simon scooted forward, slowly but inexorably pressing you closer to Johnny, who looked more than willing. 
You groaned softly. Simon had a way of getting you to admit to things you wouldn't otherwise, something you both loved and hated. "Really?"
"Be a good girl for me." He was so close now you could feel his mask just brush the shell of your ear. 
"Not fair," you complained weakly, swallowing hard. But Simon squeezed your thigh and you folded. "I was thinking I'd let you both whisk me away anywhere you wanted." You ducked your head to hide in Johnny's chest, flustered. 
"There's our sweet girl," Johnny cooed, immediately pulling you closer, until you were sort of situated on his lap. 
"We'll discuss that tomorrow," Simon murmured, pressing in against your back again until you were sandwiched in warmth. "We have time." 
You huffed but didn't object, just relaxing between them. You were warm, you were tired, and they were very comforting. Honestly, you were tempted to just sleep between them. 
"Have you eaten yet?" Simon asked, thumb rubbing your thigh slowly. 
"No," you admitted, grumpy because you knew that meant he'd move. 
Simon huffed a little laugh. At your attitude, undoubtedly. "We'll take care of dinner," he assured you. "You want anything in particular?"
"Don't really care," you admitted, covering his hand with yours to link your fingers through his. 
"Don't fall asleep on us yet, gorgeous," Johnny huffed with amusement. 
"Shut up," you grumbled, nestling in closer and relaxing. "Comfortable." 
They both laughed quietly, but neither of them moved, letting you soak in the comfort you so needed. 
If they kept this up, you'd do anything for them. 
Finally, you released them both and squirmed away, because otherwise you really would fall asleep. And that would be bad. 
Simon took charge of dinner, as promised, and you didn't have to do a thing. Johnny "helped" you change into more comfortable clothes (here meaning he shamelessly ogled you and got a little hands-on but you didn't let him totally derail you). 
Simon even folded his mask up just over his nose to eat with you and Johnny, which was still new enough to be thrilling, even though it wasn't the first time. 
It was very comfortable, being so domestic with them. It really was strange - you hadn't known them long, not in the overall scheme of things, but you were so comfortable with them. 
Sometimes you wondered about impossible things. Dinners at dining tables and breakfasts in bed and exhausting yourself with the two of them. 
"Gorgeous?" Johnny touched your hand, frowning a little. 
You blinked rapidly and looked at him. "Hm?"
"Where'd ye go?" He gently closed his fingers over your hand, ducking his head a little to hold your gaze. 
You smiled and shook your head. "Just thinking. Sorry. Been a long day." 
The two exchanged a quick look, a world of communication in that one look. It almost made you ache to think about how long they'd been together, to have such wordless communication. 
"Do ye want us here tonight?" Johnny asked, squeezing your hand gently. "Or should we go back to our hotel?"
"Stay." Your heart lurched. You'd blurted that out too fast, too earnest. Revealed too much. 
But Johnny just grinned, like he'd been hoping for that. Even Simon quirked a half smile. 
"Good!" Johnny leaned close to smack an intentionally loud kiss to your cheek, just to make you laugh. "Wanna watch a movie?"
And back you settled into the simple domestic bliss, letting them squish you between them on your couch, laughing at their antics, comforted by their warmth. Neither one made a move for more, both accepting easy kisses from you. 
It didn't occur to you until you were settled in bed between them, Johnny already clinging to your front while Simon curled like a shield between your back and the rest of the world, that you'd do anything to keep this. 
Simon was already up when you woke, Johnny taking a well-deserved lie-in with you. Breakfast was easy, relaxed. 
But you remembered the promise to talk about your current situation today. Honestly, you'd rather get it over with sooner than later, or your anxiety would be out of control. 
"So," you started as you washed the dishes. Johnny was drying while Simon put everything away. (And the fact that he knew without having to ask inspired feelings that you tucked away to be examined later.) "Sounded like you two had a plan for dealing with my woes." 
Johnny snorted. "Something like that," he agreed. 
"Had an idea," Simon corrected without looking at either of you. 
"Alright, let's hear it." You glanced at them both, undeniably curious. 
Johnny breathed in slowly. "Well," he started slowly. "Was thinkin' we could help ye find a place. Closer to us. If ye wanted." 
"Closer to you?" You looked between the two, the dish in your hands all but forgotten. "Like, England?" 
"If you want." Simon spoke quietly, finally looking at you, gaze assessing. 
You nodded slowly, letting the idea sit as you scrubbed at a pan. That would be a big move for you. Very different. You didn't even know if you'd be able to find a job there, or how you'd find a job. How expensive would it be to move? 
Although, really, considering how you felt about these two… maybe it was time to have another talk, too. 
"I have questions first." 
"'Course," Johnny murmured, his foot nudging into yours as he looked at you earnestly. 
You licked your lips, debating how to proceed. Because, really, you were pretty sure you could figure out the rest of it, depending on one factor. 
"Why?" You handed off the pan to Johnny and grabbed an extra towel to dry your hands. "Is this just, like, a convenience thing for you two? Or is this something more?" 
Johnny blew out a breath. "Cut right to the heart of things," he muttered, a little wry. "It's not for convenience." 
You didn't move, still watching him, towel held tightly in your hands, all but forgotten. "Johnny, please." 
Johnny dropped his head for a moment before glancing at Simon. Simon shook his head a little, just once. Johnny swallowed, Adam's apple bobbing, and then nodded. 
"Truth is, gorgeous, we wanna see ye more. All the time, if we could. We like ye. More'n we should, prob'ly. And…"
You breathed in slowly, leaning closer to him. "Johnny."
He blinked at you, setting the pan down.
"You're absolutely daft if you think I'd have let you both keep coming back if I didn't care for you deeply already." You quirked a little smile, the words coming easier now that you'd seen him near fumbling his own words. 
Johnny blinked and slowly lit up, stepping right into your space. "Yeah?"
"Yes," you confirmed, amused. "Honestly. Simon knew, didn't you?" 
But when you looked at him, Simon simply looked away. 
You blinked, flabbergasted, jaw dropping. And then you started laughing, completely unable to stop yourself. At the near-twin disgruntled looks, you flapped a hand, trying to stifle your laughter long enough to explain. 
"I've been completely gone on you two for months," you managed. "And none of us was smart enough to know it." You promptly devolved again, hand over your mouth. 
They both froze completely, going quite still. Then Johnny grabbed you with a laugh, yanking your hands away from your face to kiss you thoroughly. No sooner had he released you than Simon grabbed you, mask pulled up so he could kiss the breath out of you. 
Panting, you finally pulled away from him too, looking at the both of them as the enormity of what you'd said and how they'd reacted hit you. 
Clearly you weren't the only one attached here. 
You curled a hand into Simon's shirt, your free hand taking Johnny's wrist as you towed them both to the couch. (Only because they let you but you'd take it.) 
"Tell me more about your idea." You pushed Simon down to sit on the couch and settled yourself in his lap, knees on either side of his hips. Johnny pressed up against your back, hands at your hips. 
"We'd help ye find a job," Johnny murmured into your ear, squeezing your hips. "Get ye all settled." 
"Doesn't have to be a flat," Simon rumbled, hands big and warm on your sides, thumbs rubbing the skin just under your breasts. 
"Could do a house," Johnny agreed immediately, nipping the shell of your ear. "Big enough for the three of us." 
You sucked in a breath, biting your lip. Oh now that was temptation. "Somewhere to stay during your time off?" You rolled your hips down into Simon's lap and grinned when his grip immediately tightened on you. 
"And someone to come home to." Johnny bit your neck gently, humming in satisfaction at your little noise. 
"Fuck." You rolled your hips again, biting your lip. "If you're not serious about this–"
"We are." Simon bumped his hips up into yours, letting you feel the growing hardness there. "Very serious." 
"Give us the word, and we'll do it." Johnny nipped down your neck to your shoulder, hands still on your hips moving you to a slow, steady rhythm against Simon. 
You shuddered, grinding down harder. "Let's do it," you agreed, a little breathless. "Please." 
Johnny groaned softly and pressed you down harder into Simon, biting down gently on the back of your shoulder. Simon rucked your sleep shirt up and quickly pulled it off, his hands settling against your skin. 
Any other time, you might tease them about how fast clothes vanished, but right now? You didn’t say a word. Partially because Johnny had tipped your head back to kiss you while Simon took over guiding your hips against his, the feeling more intense now without barriers between you two. 
“Johnny,” Simon grunted, fingers tightening. 
Johnny hummed into the kiss before he pulled back, eyes already gone dark with desire. “Mm?” 
“Duffel bag,” was all Simon said, but Johnny seemed to understand, because he disentangled himself and stepped away. 
“Really?” you half-whined, pouting at Simon. You’d been enjoying being between the two of them, dammit. 
Simon had the gall to chuckle at you, one hand cupping your cheek and bringing you closer. “Just getting some supplies,” he murmured, soft and soothing. “Won’t take him a minute, dove.” 
He was proven right by Johnny coming up behind you again, pressing his front to your back and dropping a condom into Simon’s hand. You warmed and ducked your head, a little embarrassed you’d forgotten about that. 
“C’mere, gorgeous,” Johnny cooed in your ear, arms wrapping tight around your waist and pulling you back into his warmth. And subsequently giving Simon the space he needed to put on the condom. “Gonna let me fuck ye after, gorgeous?”
“You want to?” You didn’t look away from Simon, though, watching his hands settle on your thighs. 
“Oh, aye,” Johnny agreed, low and rough. “Very much.” 
You hummed softly, running your fingers over his arm still around your waist. “After, then.” 
Johnny nipped the back of your shoulder and moved the two of you forward, guiding your hips up. Simon simply watched, one big hand on your thigh. 
“Ready for me, dove?” Simon watched you closely, fingers rubbing against your skin. 
“More than.” You started to sink down slowly, only for Johnny to tsk and guide you, controlling the pace. You swallowed hard, not entirely sure why that was so exciting… but it very much was. 
“Look at you, gorgeous,” Johnny murmured once you were settled fully against Simon’s lap, hands clenched on his shoulders. “So pretty for us.” 
You huffed softly at him, wiggling a little, getting used to the stretch of Simon in you. His hands smoothed up your sides to your breasts, thumbs rubbing back and forth over your nipples. 
When you moved, Johnny quickly took control again, hands moving you to a rhythm he liked. Simon seemed content to let Johnny move you, head tilted back against the couch as he watched you with dark eyes, still gently teasing you. Heat built between the three of you, and you tipped your head back onto Johnny’s shoulder. 
“Johnny…” You whined, just a little, trying to move faster. Johnny didn’t allow you.
“Hm? Somethin’ ye want, gorgeous?” he teased, teeth grazing the shell of your ear. 
“More? Please?” Your breath caught in your throat when he bit down gently, hands tightening on you.
“What d’ye think, Si?” Johnny asked, low and teasing. “Think she’s earned it?”
“Johnny,” Simon growled, hips finally stuttering up into yours, “if you don’t, I will. And I’ll keep her.”
Johnny laughed quietly but moved you faster, until you were gasping and shivering between the two. Your hands roamed restlessly over Simon, trying to make him feel as good as you felt. Your thighs trembled, back arching. 
A second set of hands joined Johnny’s at your hips, their fingers intertwining, before Simon tightened his grip and held you still. You lifted your head, confused, only for him to lift his hips up into you instead. Your lips parted, jaw dropping, eyes going hazy with pleasure. 
“C’mon, gorgeous,” Johnny goaded softly in your ear. “Make a mess of him for me.” 
A few more hard thrusts from Simon and you did just that, whimpering through the rolling pleasure of your orgasm. 
Simon didn’t even slow down, fingers tight on your hips, chasing his own pleasure now. Your overstimulated whines only spurred him on until you leaned forward, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. 
And bit down. 
He swore as he came, hips stuttering, grip almost punishingly tight. He finally stilled against you, grip slowly relaxing. 
“Fuckin’ beautiful,” Johnny murmured, carefully moving one hand to rub a hand up and down your back. “Both of ye.” 
You huffed against Simon’s neck, an action he mirrored. You grinned, amused, and relaxed between the two for the moment. 
“Still alright, gorgeous?” Johnny asked after a few moments, hand lingering at the nape of your neck.
“Haven’t forgotten you,” you assured him, sitting up again, despite the way your legs shook. “How do you…?” 
Simon hummed softly, moving slowly to give you time to move with him. He situated himself longways on the couch, your knees on either side of him, one of his legs on the floor to make more room. 
“I’ve got you, dove,” he murmured, taking hold of your hands and linking your fingers together. The couch dipped behind you as Johnny moved too, giving your back one more soothing stroke before there was a rip of foil. 
“Could get used to this,” Johnny murmured, only half-teasing, pressing against your back. “Quite a view from here.” 
“I’m sure you’ll get to see more like it,” you agreed. “After we figure out the move.” 
Johnny groaned softly at the reminder. “Fuckin’ temptress, you are,” he muttered, one hand on your hip holding you steady as he slid into you. He wasn’t quite the same stretch as Simon, but he still felt divine. 
He didn’t give you slow, though. He started moving hard, startling a little yelp out of you. 
“Easy, dove,” Simon murmured, sweet in contrast to Johnny. “Hold on to me, yeah?” 
You could do nothing but obey, holding tight to Simon’s hands even as Johnny slid one hand up to your back to the nape of your neck, gently pushing you down until your chest pressed to Simon’s. 
“Doin’ so well, dove,” Simon rumbled, squeezing your hands gently. “He feel good?” 
“Yes,” you managed on a gasp, as Johnny drove harder into you, hitting somehow deeper. “Fuck!” 
Johnny groaned, hand squeezing your nape. “Beautiful,” he muttered again, almost worshipful. “What d’ye need, gorgeous?” 
You nearly choked when Johnny did something that hit a spot that sent sparks all through you. And then he hit it again. And again. Until you needed Simon’s support, moving as best you could with Johnny, making too many noises. Johnny was little better behind you, swearing softly but vehemently. 
“Close, dove?” Simon asked, eyes bright as he watched you. “Need a little more, hm?” He released one hand, sliding it down between the two of you. Two gentle fingers circled your clit and you whined, shaking. “Good fucking girl.” 
You were gone. That was all it took. You shook apart between the two of them, briefly unaware of anything beyond the burning, rolling pleasure. 
You slumped fully against Simon, panting, shivering still. Johnny followed close behind you, muffling his whines against the back of your shoulder, hips pressed flush to yours. He didn’t back off when he was done, staying pressed against you so the three of you were a sweaty heap. 
“Up, Johnny,” Simon finally ordered, both hands now soothing up and down your sides. 
Johnny groaned theatrically but got up, pressing one last kiss to the nape of your neck. 
“Think you can get up?” Simon asked softly. “Or do you need a minute longer?” 
You puffed out your cheeks. “Let’s find out.” You stood carefully, letting him hold one of your hands to help keep you steady. Your knees wobbled but held, at least long enough to get you to the bathroom. 
Simon herded you back to bed, where water waited for all three of you, a laptop already set up with a movie. You smiled, both touched and amused at his thoughtfulness. 
“I vote we do nothing the rest of the day,” you muttered, crawling into bed. 
“Nothing?” Johnny asked, moving over you to box you between himself and Simon. “At all?” He pouted at you, over the top. 
“Well, maybe a little something,” you gave in with an easy grin, cuddling between the two of them. “After we’ve rehydrated a bit.”
“Smart woman.” Simon settled against you, relaxed. “We’ve still got days, dove.” 
The reminder made you smile, an entirely different kind of warmth bubbling away in your chest. “Yes, we do.” 
Johnny stood at the end of the terminal, anxiously shifting his weight from foot to foot. Next to him, Simon was still as stone, gaze fixed on the steady flow of people coming out of the terminal. 
Johnny checked his phone again, unable to help himself. It had been two whole minutes since he'd last checked. Still no new update from you. 
Not that he was entirely surprised. You'd had a long flight, had to gather your things. 
Well. Some of your things. The rest were being shipped, something Simon had arranged and paid for over your half-hearted protests. 
Finally, finally, he spotted you walking towards them. You were clearly tired, dressed down, looking a little limp. 
And you were still one of the lost gorgeous things he'd ever seen. 
Johnny pounced as soon as you were past the last gate, picking you up in his arms and swinging you around in a hug. You yelped and laughed, clinging to him just as hard. 
"Hi," you said, a little breathless, grinning up at him. 
"Hi yerself." Johnny finally set you back on your feet, though he didn't release you yet. 
"Flight alright?" Simon asked, putting a gentle hand against your back. 
"Long and boring." You shrugged, poking Johnny until he released you so you could turn to hug Simon instead. Johnny's heart melted at the sight of you wrapped up in Simon's arms.
"You're home now," Simon murmured, almost too quiet for even Johnny to catch. 
Johnny did melt at that, throwing himself into the hug and making you laugh, a little watery. 
"Almost," you murmured, squeezing both of them. "Come on, I'm eager to get out of here. I didn't sleep a wink." 
That was all it took for Johnny to take your backpack, Simon taking charge of your luggage, both ignoring your spluttering protests with aplomb. They loaded up the car (Simon's) and Johnny let you have the front seat. 
The house they'd chosen was out of the way, at the end of a quiet neighborhood, with plenty of garden space. 
And a huge master bedroom. 
Simon parked, and you blinked awake again. Johnny had to resist the urge to cook at how cute you looked. He hopped out first and opened your door for you, eager to bring you inside. Simon brought your things in, letting Johnny unlock the door and usher you in. 
Johnny watched with an overfull heart as you turned a slow circle, eyes huge as you looked around. 
"Welcome home, sweetheart." Simon and Johnny squished you between them, trading off kissing you. 
They had all the time in the world now.
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kakiastro · 1 year
Your Mars Sign + Type of Fighter you Are
Hey y’all! You Good? Today, we’re going to talk about the type of fighter you are based on your Mars sign. The house it falls in is the area in life you tend to fight, defend or argue the most in
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-these people are on the battlefield field actual fighting. Front line and center. These are your Generals, Sargents and Lieutenants lol. These are the type of people who gives you prep talks and battle plans, “so this is what we’re going to do”
-headbutts, face punches, black-eyes are fighting injury types that they either give or have gotten themselves
-people think since Taurus is a Venus sign, they act all prissy. Wrong! Taurus is a chill sign most of the time but don’t get it twisted y’all, these people will fuck y’all up. Taurus symbol is the bull! Have you ever been to a rodeo, if not, YouTube one. Bulls be messing these cowboys up😅these are the type of people will fight you then go out to get something to eat afterwards lol these are the soldiers who will sing a song before the battle begins
-neck bruises, choking, broken neck are common injuries
-these people will cuss you out and make it mf rhyme you hear me! I’ll tell you this though, that cussing out only last for a few moments before they start throwing hands. They don’t need a weapon cause these hands will do baby 😅these people will insult your intelligence “are you smarter than a 5th grader bish?”
-broken fingers/fingernails/hand, punched in the chest causing breathing problems are common injuries
- Listen, I know Cancers mostly give this energy 🥺 and they are most times but make no mistake, they have no problems giving you this energy 😤. These people really don’t like fighting at all but let it be one of their loved ones, it don’t have to be blood family either. If a cancer see you as family no matter what, they become protective asf over you. Bears, Elephants and Wolves are ruled by the Moon. Them animals don’t play when it comes to family. They travel in packs and groups
-stomac kicks, breast punches and emotional trauma(these people know where to hit it where it hurts) are common injuries + fighting techniques
-come on now, the lions of the zodiac. They’re similar to Cancer in protecting their pride(home) I tell you one thing, these people will hurt your ego and public image, they will have you standing there looking stupid. These people will literally pounce on you with claws out . Leo will come out for blood, don’t mess with Leo’s.
-like I said they coming for that ego and inner child wound. These are the fighting techniques and injuries (not all wounds are physical)
-oh hunny, virgos are about to read you your whole entire life. Virgoes pay attention to every little detail about you and your surroundings. I hope you have a clean house because if not because their bringing that up too “you want to start something with me but your house look like waste management headquarters?” 😂 remember Virgo are also Mercurial so they will cuss you out in a more chilled tone Lol Virgo’s really don’t like fighting and honestly their words will make you cry lol you better hope they don’t stick their dog on you lol
-gut punches, pets, and words are fighting techniques and injuries
-these people are the social justice warriors! These people really don’t like confrontation and try to avoid it at all cost! However, they don’t mind being about that action. These are the people who stick up for the underdogs, people who feel like they don’t have a voice. These people are the mediators and peace negotiations. This is who you call when you need someone to find balance and a solution to the problem
-they’re not really physical fighters but when they do, the lower back, the groin are common
- these are the assassins of the zodiac Lol. If you’re familiar with the video game Assassins Creed then this is the type of energy Mars Scorpios display. They’re not the type to fight you one on one Sparta combat style. No, they’re going to come up with a plan that will hurt long term. The revenge plots running through their head is in insane 😭it takes a whole lot of time for scorpios to trust so when you hurt/betray them, it’s soul crushing and it feels them with deep anger. They’re ruled by Pluto, planet of the underworld. Don’t try them.
-kicking your crotch, I know a few Scorpios that involved 💩 in their revenge plans lolol
-sags are a lot like their sister sign Gemini when it comes to fighting. The difference is they like to attack your ideals, beliefs and make you feel stupid lol. Sags mouths has no filter, everyone catching strays, you, your mama, your goldfish. These are the archers hunny, they shooting those arrows covered in fire at you. After the fight, baby they going on vacay to the islands and you won’t even exist in their world anymore Lol
-legs and thigh injuries
-honestly, capricorns dont really have to fight because they’re ruled the planet of karma😅Saturn may be hard on his children but he don’t play when it comes to them okay! If they want to do something, they coming to destroy your image and career. Capricorns tend to know all the important people that can do harm to you! Similar to Scorpio, their fighting style is a long term thought out revenge plot Lol. I personally think caps should just let the universe do its thing cause it got your back.
-broken bones, teeth knocked out, hair pulled
-they turning into Casper because they’re just going ghost ya ass😅 because “why even be bothered?” Is their motto. Aquarius ain’t got time for that! There’s only so much disrespect and insult they can handle before they just disappear on you. Similar to capricorns, they’re also Co-ruled by the planet of Karma, Saturn. The difference is they have a coldness to them like sub zero lol. If they don’t ghost, they’ll just start to become emotionally detached from you which is sad because it takes them a lot to open up like Scorpios . Also be careful because aqua have a large network of people who can mess you up. They know a guy who knows a guy lol
-the nervous system and twisted or broken ankle
-Ok Pisces don’t come for me cause I do love y’all but y’all are amazing at manipulating your emotions and putting on the victim card suit hunny! These people are not about to fight you if they don’t have too. instead, they’re going to cry and make themselves look like a lost puppy which angers their friends who will do the fighting for them. I’ve seen it with my own eye balls, Cancer placements does this too but Pisces know how to make it believable because they’re ruled by Neptune. The planet of illusions . In the words of Tupac “I ain’t mad at cha”
-drugs, broken feet and your mental health
So what kind of fighter are you?
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justasecretflower · 19 days
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🤍- ouran host club with a Pregnant! S/o
Characters are all older.
Ouran! High school host club
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Honey Senpai🍰
- He’s so sweet with you!
- you guys eat cake with each other 24/7
- offers to carry you everywhere if your feet hurt, he’s insanely strong and can lift you up easily.
- gets you all of your cravings.
- lets you hold his bunny when you have mood swings💕
- gets the baby their own bunny before they’re born with the name you picked embroidered on the ear.
- when you cry, he cries.
- you’re crying because you can’t have a craving? So is he, you’re crying because you just saw a video of a baby seal? So is he, you’re crying because you love the baby you haven’t even met yet? So is he, also he’s holding onto the ultrasound with a death grip
- speaks to your belly alllll the time like atp if people are around him they’d think an actual, real adult was speaking to him he’s so engaged in the little conversations with your belly.
“Hmm should we have strawberry or coconut cake first baby…let’s choose both!”
“You know I’ve been so excited to meet you, me and your momma. Look! Here’s a picture of you!” As he shows your belly and ultrasound
“Good morning baby, how are we feeling today?”
“Goodnight baby! Dont give your mommy a hard time this night alright?” He would whisper, kissing your belly goodnight with a bright smile.
- if someone makes you cry or feel insecure about having a big belly he just gives them a look and they run away.
-cries when he sees the tiny baby clothes.
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Tamaki Suoh 🌹
- he’s so dramatic 🙄ughhh
- “are your feet tired my love?! You’ve walked 20 minutes already today! Your feet must hurt my baby must be kicking in there ready to rest!”
“Someone get my darling a foot massage and a back massage spa day booked right now please! She must be hurting all over!”
- he’s making sure you don’t move an inch.
- knows more about what you should and should not do pregnant more than you do?
- gets all of your cravings x10. Like, you want some corn? Suddenly, there’s fried corn, corn on the cob, corn off the cob, creamed corn, popcorn, corn and beans, corn on some mashed potatoes. Everywhere, and you best bet they’re the best corn that they could possibly get.
- he finds your bump so cute, you have new maternity pictures every month with a new theme he puts on the wall blown up in size.
- girl dad. Just saying…
- sometimes he just randomly stops his whole charming prince act, gets on his knees and hugs your bump, sighing in contentment.
- spoils the baby rotten before they’re even here.
Kyoya Ootori
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-now..you’re not gonna like this but he’s a little disconnected to the child until he meets them irl.
- like, he just finds the kid a tiny bump on his wife’s belly.
-sometimes, you’ll catch him staring at the ultrasound, tracing the outline of the baby carefully.
- he hates getting woken up, but if you’re sick in the middle of the night he’s immediately at your side rubbing your back and asking for some staff to help.
- researches about all of your symptoms, cravings, mood swings, what happens to the body during pregnancy and during the after math in postpartum.
- already has a therapist and a calm down room for you if you get ppd or ppr so that you can simply feel at peace.
-he cares more about you ngl.
“My dear no- you can’t deli meat like that it’s highly risky for salmonella. Put it back now.”
Kaoru Hitachiin
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- cries so hard when you found out. Just fell to his knees and started crying.
- he’s more open about his feelings, much softer than his brother, so he’ll talk to the bump and tell you everything he’s feeling, asking in turn how you’re feeling as well and if you need anything.
- very very understanding of your pain.
“I know, I know, you’ll be okay, I understand that it hurts right now though”
“Hey we’ll get through this, what do you need right now?”
When you throw up or are having severe back and feet pains.
- doesn’t let anybody comment or joke about your belly if it makes you insecure. He kisses it and tells you how much he loves you and your belly.
Hikaru Hitachiin
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- you’ve never seen him so serious in your entire life.
-it’s like he’s a different person?,.
- he’s extra careful, makes sure you’re protected and feel safe.
-he jokes with you when you feel like you’re in pain or when you’re throwing up to make you feel better.
- finds you absolutely radient when pregnant lemme say..
“It’s so small!” When holding up baby clothes.
- puts his headphones on your belly to have your baby listen to music.
- when you try to do anything that you used to do like play fight or pillow fights he’ll barely even use strength.
“Come on Hikaru you seriously can’t even aim for me anymore?”
“I was! It just went the other way!”
“Hikaru it’s in the bathroom toilet.”
- keeps the ultrasound in his wallet.
Takashi Morinozuka
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- 100% your #1 protector
- you’re not lifting a finger near anything that’s easily breakable or that can hurt you.
- one of the times you saw him break the non chalent act is when you first saw the ultrasound. He took a breath in and his eyes lightly lit up
- you’re never on the ground. Like, he’s always carrying you everywhere..
“Mori i can walk you know.”
Mori- “😒…���
- loves to feel the baby kick! He will literally sprint over to you if you say that the baby is kicking
“Mori do you think I’m fat?”
“You😭definitely 😭 do😭”
Cuddles, cuddles, cuddles, he cannot get OFF OF YOU!!
- spooning you, he’s big spoon ofc, hugging you from behind, having your legs wrapped around his waist, carrying you bridal style.
Ritsu Kasanoda
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-sobbed when he found out you were pregnant
-he’s such a softie like
- he crotchets the baby plushies
- gets the baby blankets, pillows, stuff for their wall, so much stuff, so many toys…
- when he smiles the biggest is when he’s leaning his head on your belly and stroking it gently, talking to the little one inside.
- constantly worried about what’s good or bad for you.
- “hi honey, how’re you feeling today?”
“My precious baby inside of this belly.”
“I’d burn the world for you and I haven’t even met you yet precious baby.”
-his staff is terrified, if they make even the slightest comment about your belly negatively.
-if someone does certainly they’re a rookie because nobody from his syndicate would say that.
- sobs when he goes to ultrasounds with you.
- reads parenting books. Tries to. He can’t focus for that long but when he can he’s reading parenting books.
need requests so bad
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Famous y/n!! Harry going to her opening night of tour 🥺
masterlist || ask me anything &lt;3
authors note - the second i saw those photos and videos i just knew that i needed to do something and so this is what ive come up with. thanks to the beautiful anon that reccomended jade thirlwall for the face claim because she is an actual beaut 💞 all songs used in this are not owned by me and go to there rightful owner !! and i know harry was spotted in New York but for the purpose of this ive changed it up a bit 💗
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liked by harrystyles, taylorswift and 1,463,187 others
yourinstagram, The Daydreamer’s Tour. UK & Europe, 2024.
view all comments.
username, no fucking way.
username, screaming crying throwing up rn
username, new album alert 👀
taylorswift, oh im so excited for you girly!!
yourinstagram, 😘😘
username, whys there only ten dates?
username, two london shows??
username, so does this mean she’s gonna release a new album??
username, oh my god i feel like i might cry.
yourinstagram, no because same
username, omg what a queen!
OCTOBER, 2023.
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liked by annetwist, zayn and 2,479,471 others
yourinstagram, can’t believe im saying this but my new album ‘daydreamers’ is going to be released november 1st, it is available to pre-save right now. 💗
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username, AHHHHHH
username, i knew it
harrystyles, so proud x
yourinstagram, ❤️❤️
username, queen
username, i have no words
username, Harry being a supportive boyfriend right there
username, this isn’t about Harry this is about (Y/N)
username, let’s give her her moment pls and thx
username, I didn’t expect this ngl
louist91, proud of you girl x
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liked by username, username and 4,389 others
view all comments.
username, oh this is just the cutest
username, baby girl right there
username, HS4 at midnight
username, we wish
username, he’s so boyfriend
yourinstagram, pookie 🥺
username, nah tf??
username, she knows who harryflorals is??
username, for (y/n)??
username, is it weird that we can spot him even when he’s covering his face?
username, fr fr
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JANUARY, 2024.
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liked by niallhoran, leighannepinnock and 846,190 others
yourinstagram, tomorrow couldn’t come sooner .
view all comments.
username, umm excuse me ma’am
username, what the hell is this
harrystyles, 👀👀
username, nah tf?
username, never knew you standing on some stairs could be so attractive
username, what’s tomorrow??
annetwist, so excited darling
username, nahhhh im scared
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liked by harrystyles, madisonbeer and 1,643,901 others
yourinstagram, STYLE is out now people, go stream it, go enjoy it and I’ll be seeing you all very very soon 💞
view all comments.
username, she’s evil for this 😭
username, couple goals fr
username, this is the best thing that’s happened to me this year
harrystyles, am i the drama?
yourinstagram, 🫖🫖
username, i love these two together ngl
username, ahfjenahfjrhw
username, listened and loved it already hun
username, this video was everything and more baby girl
harry via instagram stories !!
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liked by harrystyles, perrieedwards and 743,718 others
yourinstagram, hi huns! you can read my brand new interview now with @mfasrmag and can find out all my juicy goss ! it was such a pleasure to meet all these kind people, love you bubbas 💗💞
view all comments.
username, read and loved!
username, when she mentioned harry it was the cutest thing ever
gemmastyles, adored everything about this
username, 🥺
username, you were so real and raw for this
username, when you said that you were getting emotional speaking about your tour it made me want to cry with you
username, your gorgeous!
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liked by username, username and 2,179 others
ynupdates, excerpt from (y/n)s interview with mfasrmag 🥹
view all comments.
username, okay this was absolutely adorable
username, ‘he’s my bestfriend’ like why am i sobbing??
username, this whole interview was heart wrenching
username, so your telling me you were his inspiration behind watermelon sugar?
username, LOLLLLL
username, im so glad she did this interview
username, girly you shouldn’t care what other people think about you!
MARCH, 2024.
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liked by perrieedwards, gigihadid and 931,743 others
yourinstagram, excuse perrie staring me down for drinking a cuppa mid rehearsal, but it’s the last one before tour starts 👀 can’t wait to see your lovely faces 😘
tagged, perrieedwards
view all comments.
username, im seeing you in oslo im so excited!
username, your couldn’t come sooner enough
perrieedwards, was simply just wondering where mine was
yourinstagram, uh huh sure you were
username, i swear i only got the tickets yesterday
username, your your fits are gonna rock i can just tell
gemmastyles, so excited !!
yourinstagram, 🥹😘
username, there relationship is so cute
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liked by harrystyles, kaiagerber and 2,319,385 others
yourinstagram, ‘larger than life’ a song just for you written with a very special someone. enjoy lovelie, as this is for you and everything you have done for me and continue to do for me 💞💞
tagged, harrystyles
view all comments.
username, nahhh tf is this??
username, the day of tour???
harrystyles, it was a pleasure x
yourinstagram, ❤️
username, okay now im a sobbing mess
username, power couple right there
username, her and harry are dating?
username, they have been for the past four years
username, you and harry producing a song together??
username, y’all just know this song is going to be a masterpiece
username, this is legit ultimate couple goals ngl
taylorswift, ahhh girly this is so exciting!!
yourinstagram, 🥹😘
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liked by username, username and 6,381 others
view all comments.
username, STOP IM DYING
username, she’s legit gorgeous!
username, greens her colour
username, like the colour of Harry’s eyes
username, imagines that’s why she chose to wear it 😭
username, she looks so happy
username, i think im in love
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liked by username, username and 9,371 others
view all comments.
username, oh he’s so boyfriend
username, the pink phone case 😭
username, making me go feral
username, he’s like a proud mom
username, he’s her biggest supporter
username, he better be at all of her shows 🙏🙏
harry via instagram stories !!
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liked by username, username and 5,371 others
ynupdates, part of yns speech during London night one !
view all comments.
username, okay this is making me cry
username, she’s always have our support !
username, sobbing
username, WE??
username, i take it she means harry?
username, do they live together?
username, there so in love
username, our day one girly
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liked by username, username and 4,371 others
ynupdates, harry and yn leaving the venue tonight after London night one!
view all comments.
username, one of the best nights of my life
username, leave the two of them alone ffs
username, she’s trying to hide her face give the two of them a break!
username, this night was better then my wedding day
username, im seeing her in five days
username, lucky
yn via instagram stories !!
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liked by harrystyles, perrieedwards and 2,381,904 others
yourinstagram, wow….last night was everything and more, thank you so much to every single person that turned up and supported me, you simply don’t understand how much it means, my heart is consisting simply trying to put it into words.
first of all, i’d like to say a massive thank you to @perrieedwards for agreeing to support me through this leg of your, you were amazing and will continue to be amazing,
and to my day one, my h. my world thank you so much for every single thing that you do and please continue to inspire me say in and day out. there’s no way i would have been able to do this without you by my side. 🥹❤️
tagged, perrieedwards, harrystyles
view all comments.
perrieedwards, 🥹
username, perrie was actually phenomenal last night !
username, I love her relationship with harry so badly it actually hurts my heart
username, if they ever break up my life will officially be over
username, I cried when she came on stage
username, best night of my life
harrystyles, we’ll always be each other’s inspiration x
yourinstagram, forever and ever x
username, Paris couldn’t come any sooner
147 notes · View notes
alsktudy · 10 months
— warmth
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paring. soonyoung x reader genre. angst, exes to lovers, fluff at the end wc. 1.5k warning. mention of skipping meals and swearing
synopsis. you thought breaking up with soonyoung would make you more focused at your job. you couldn't be more wrong.
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his sharp, angular eyes were filling with tears, you hate seeing him cry, you hate it even more that it was you making him cry.
“what?” his voice shaky and struggling to produce a coherent sound, “i- i don’t understand.”
“let’s break up.”
he shakes his head in disbelief, the tears which had been collecting over the past few moments finally beginning to trickle down his cheeks.
“you don’t actually mean it, you aren’t being serious.”
“i wouldn’t joke around about something like this soonyoung.”
soonyoung furrows his eyebrows at his full name being spoken, his ears had gotten used to you calling him ‘soonie’.
you swallow the thick lump forming in your throat, “i really mean it, let’s break up.”
you convinced yourself were fine.
the attention which he constantly bathed you in ultimately made you unproductive at work. your supervisor got annoyed at you for entering the wrong numbers and decided to force your whole section have to work over time to fix your mistake.
you wanted focus on your work, that was the whole reason why you broke up with him in the first place, so why you can’t you focus on entering any of the data into the stupid glowing screen in front of you?
it’s a simple task, punch a few numbers into the computer and you’re done. you’ve done this for 7 months already that it feels like muscle memory, yet your hands are unable to move, currently occupied with the task of holding tightly onto the thoughts of your past relationship.
your eyes gaze shift to the phone resting on the table.
a part of you wishes soonyoung would call you or even send a message. he didn’t block you on social media, heck, he didn’t even unfollow you. that means he wants to keep in touch… right? you think it’s safe to assume he didn’t have the heart to press the unfollow button and honestly, you’re secretly glad he didn’t becuase you didn’t have the heart to unfollow him either.
but a part of you also wishes that you could shelf your pride away and text him first. ask him how work’s going, if he’s found any good music lately, after all, thats what friends on facebook do, right? or possibly the monstrous task of apologising.
with a sigh you reach for your phone and search up his instagram for what seems like 17th time today. all the posts which contained you disappeared 2 weeks ago – you really hope he archived them and didn’t delete them.
your thumb shifts to click on his most recent post: a video of him dancing. the shadow from his black adidas cap obscuring most of his face, making it hard to make out his eyes.
maybe it was for the best that you couldn’t see his eyes. they’d probably remind you of how desperate his sharp, glossy eyes yearned to find a single glimpse of remorse in your gaze that night.
you analyse the way his body effortlessly moves to the rhythm of the song until a loud thud on your desk snaps you out of your trance.
“didn’t you break up with that kid?” nayeon asks as she looks over your shoulder, her eyes gazing at the replaying video.
“yeah,” slightly embarassed that nayeon had caught you looking at his profile, “why?”
“then why do you keep watching him dance?” you gulp audibly and reach for your phone and turn it off, “you’ve checked that thing,” she points at your phone, “countless times over the past hour. i keep hearing the same song over and over again.”
rolling your eyes you shove your phone into a drawer, “i was just checking up on him.” you retort, crossing your arms.
“checking up on him every 7 minutes?” she scoffs.
“well…” you exhale shakily, “i haven’t seen him in a while, i was just curious…”
“wait! lemme check your screentime real quick.” she exclaims.
“just… pass me the damn phone.”
you comply, opening the drawer, handing her the phone after unlocking it.
shit, you didn’t realise that you checked up on him that much.
“9 hours… 9 hours!?” nayeon’s eyes go wide as she reads your average daily screentime. “do i have to confiscate your phone?!” she jokes with a light slap on your shoulder.
“well.. i like watching youtube.”
“most used app… instagram.”
well shit. thanks apple.
“what the hell is wrong with you!?”
“could you keep it down?!” you say in a whisper-shout, lightly slapping her arm.
“you gotta fix that.”
“are you my mum or something?”
“no, i’m a good friend.” her thumbs rapidly tap at the glowing screen.
“what the hell are you doing?”
“setting you a damn limit since you obviously can’t control yourself.” she says grinning at the screen, “gave you one minute allowed on insta, you’re welcome.” she places the phone back into your hands and walks away chuckling.
“i can just disable it when i get home!”
and disable it you did.
it had been 2 months since you last saw him in person and fuck, you were missing him like crazy.
your life became a grey scene devoid of all colour, but you can’t really blame anyone but yourself. you pushed away the man who brought a range of beautiful colours that you couldn’t even imagine before you met him.
yeah sure, you slowly regained your focus on work and even got a promotion, but did it really mean anything if soonyoung didn’t attempt to make a congratulations cake and somehow burn it? or pepper your face with a multitude of kisses saying that your his smart, pretty girl until you beg him to stop with a shy giggle? you didn’t fucking think so.
“soonyoung?” you say smiling, “what a coincidence to see you here! it’s so nice to see you again.”
you couldn’t help it, you had to see him. soonyoung taught lessons at a dance studio nearby, you were bound to run into him sooner or later if you continued to lurk around the area.
he flashes you a feign smile, “oh! oh- uh it’s nice to see you too.” well that sounded like a lie. he looks down and hesitates before looking up to meet your eyes once more, “how have you been?”
“im just living life, i guess.” you say, fiddling with the hem of your t-shirt, the confidence (and the adrenaline) which pumped throughout your body moments ago disolving in a instant after hearing his voice, “how have you been, soonie?”
soonyoung breath hitches at the old nickname but continues to keep his composure.
“well, i’ve been...” he takes a breath, “living my life too.”
you look up to meet his gaze, his cold gaze. no warmth behind those pupils, the glimmer of passion which once used to call his eyes home had disappeared.
an uncomfortable silence fell between you two as you stared at each other feeling an obvious tension blanketing the atmosphere.
“i guess… i guess i should go.” you say, knowing that this interaction wouldn’t lead to anything other than more tension, “see you around.” you give him wave accompanied by a small smile.
as you awkwardly turn around and begin to walk away, soonyoung shaky voice rings through out your ears, “are you taking care of yourself? you’ve been eating well right? i hope you have, i always told you not to skip your meals.”
you spin around to meet his glossy eyes staring at you, “what?” you ask breathlessly.
“you’ve skipped meals right? you always do that when you-”
you run into him, wrapping your arms around his waist, in response he cloaks with his own warmth with an embrace. “soonyoung,” you sob into his shirt.
he exhales, “i know, i missed you too.”
you peel your face off his chest and look at him – his gaze full of love as he looks down at you with his tears threatening to fall with one simple blink.
your heart shatters as the thought of all of the emotions he probably went through the past 2 months rapidly fly throughout your mind. all you can say is a pathetic ‘i’m so sorry.’ repeatedly into his chest.
all he does is slowly caress your hair and press kisses onto the top of your head as you continue to sob your apologises.
you hate that your the one who’s crying the most out of the two of you, shouldn’t he be crying more? you’re the one who broke up with him. but it’s like soonyoung can basically read your mind, after all, you were together for 1.5 years. he immediately comforts you and all of your worrying thoughts, “it’s okay, let it all out, i forgive you.”
it takes a while before theres silence bewteen you two. his scent is comforting, his soft whispers into your hair make you giggle and tighten your arms around him and his warm, loving gaze makes you never want to leave him again.
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thank you for reading until the end!!
a/n. requested by @kwonshiho, heres the ask! its loosely based on screentime by epik high ft soonyoung and a tad inspired by our beloved summer. i used this to practice for my english exam LOL. also this took long to write LOL
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