#finished ep4 today
il3x · 10 months
Mike Walters' adamant insistence that he's Not A Good Person, his chewing out of Dexter for being a bad portrayal of a "psychopath", his quick decision to become The Sort Of Person that wins woe.begone (with little thought for the existing Mike he'd be replacing), Cannonball calling him a "real sociopath"... there's Something there. I get the sense that this isn't the first time Mike's been called a sociopath/psychopath/[insert derogatory term for various personality disorders here]. I also think he'd disagree with those assessments (and back up his disagreement with reasoning), but not necessarily with the sentiment behind them.
Mike's readiness to give an impromptu logic/evidence breakdown of any moral conviction he holds (e.g. criticism of police) might tie into this as well - guy who makes an effort to choose his morals consciously rather than subconsciously, because he doesn't trust his subconscious? - but that might also just be "the writers wanted to say that".
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scarefox · 10 months
Happy and scary Playboyy day for those who celebrate 🙌
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vaultlink · 2 months
So I've finally gotten around to start watching things consistently again (if y'all havn't seen the bump in new stuff I've been reblogging recently that isn't just UT/DR, KH, & ISaT. There is soo much more coming threw the que over the next week for y'all to see the extent of the brainworms)
Yesterday I picked up Mayokana Punch expecting Unhinged Vampire Canceled YouTube Yuri and the new episode today sure was something I'm having to sit and think about.
Edit 2: moved the break to fully cut out Spoilers EP4 Spoilers under cut
I JUST finished Frieren Season 1 a little over a week ago, I wasn't expecting to run into another unaging being having to grapple with the concept of Human Mortality so soon
Edit 1: had to go back and double check something and I'm not ok
I needed to try and gauge the timeframe of the flashbacks by seeing what cassette player she's holding only to realize we get a fully fucking legible song list written on the cover of a mixtap with analogs to bands like Eagles and Queen. Someone on reddit already managed to track (almost)all the songs down and every single one is from '76 and '77
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The mixtape is described as "Yesterday's Best Western Hits" so I still had to go back and double check the style of the Walkman and it seems to match closest with the WM-22 from 1984
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The style of the CRT TV with wood paneling seems to match the era too (no I am not tracking down a tv model, that's too much work)
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isekai-crow · 8 months
Delicious in Dungeon / Dungeon Meshi Episode 1
WOW the pacing on this is great. That was my first major impression of this entire episode.
Overall Score so far: 8/10
Dungeon Meshi hits several sweet spots for things I like in a manga/anime - cooking and well drawn food, and fantasy and dungeons. But I never took the time to try out the manga. Maybe the art didn't stick out for me? I tried reading it before the anime came out, just to get a feel for it, but it couldn't keep my attention.
The anime however.
Episode 1 handled all of what I could get through in the manga, and ITS. SO. CUTE.
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The food is gorgeously drawn, the characters are adorable, the D&D vibes are immaculate, and the monsters and the food they become are fascinating!
I've only given it an 8/10 because it remains to be seen just how many hooks this might snag in my heart if what I've overheard about the manga being 'soul healing' is true.
The first think I can tell is that this is from a slightly older manga, with Marcille being a very classic/traditional tsundere (and/or possibly tsukomi character?). She is the tsundere type that future tsunderes were based off, and so TO ME she's both somewhat annoying and also more bearable than today's tsunderes.
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Sorry Marcille.
I actually didn't like her all that much in the parts I read of the manga, and while her reactions are realistic and serve a purpose to counter balance Laios' nonchalant ability to eat the monsters that try to kill them, her reactions also annoyed me. The 1st anime episode made them much more bearable, and I grew to like her! I hope future episodes do her justice and that she's not delegated solely to being the one to dig in her heels when they eat something new.
Laios is adorable and just really really really wants to share his special interest with his friends, and I love him. He is a cinnamon roll that most be protected but can probably protect himself. I love that he has a cookbook and has just been WAITING to try out some of these recipes.
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Chilchuk is Liam O'Brien from Critical Role and you can't tell me otherwise. Specifically his halfling character, Orym of the Air Ashari, with a bit of Vax'ildan thrown in for good measure. I'm excited to explore his story.
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Senshi is goals. I wanna but a tough old dwarf roaming a dungeon for food.
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I know it will likely get compared with what Capybara and I jokingly call "The Amazon Anime" -- Campfire Cooking in Another World -- and that will always hold a special place in my heart because I stumbled across the light novel when the manga only had about 2 or 3 chapters scanlated online, and never in a million years thought it would get an anime. Where as this is a big name manga that's been running since 2014 and finished last year in September 2023.
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They're both cooking animes that deal with fantasy food, but Campfire Cooking is an isekai and all the animation budget went into making the food look D E L I C I O U S, and Dungeon Meshi is going to be far more well rounded story even while being a gag anime.
It's also got some fun Voice Actors!!
Laios, our hungry knight is voiced by Kumagai, Kentarou, who mostly plays supporting roles in a few popular anime and lots of smaller animes, but has spent most of his career voicing BL Drama CDs >o>
Marcille, our elven mage and tsundere, is voiced by Senbongi, Sayaka - Shuna from TenSura, Mumei from Kabaneri, and Haru from Beastars!
Chilcuk, our cute little halfling rogue, is voiced by Tomari, Asuna who, I IMMEDIATELY HEARD GOBUTA FROM TENSURA. She also play Kyou Souma from Fruits Basket. She has a very cute voice.
Senshi, our fearless dwarf, is voiced by Naka, Hiroshi who is best know as Garp from One Piece, Luffy's Grandpa, as well as Gamabunta, Naruto's giant frog.
Anyways, I'm excited for the next episode! Episode 1 was a good introductory episode, with cooking, hunting, and laying out their goals for the coming journey.
ep2 ep3 ep4 ep5 ep6 <- these will eventually become links, I hope.
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mofffun · 1 year
23/7 Kingohger Summer Stage REPO
11:00 Hero show
11:30 Cast Talk
11:40 Waking the King + OP live
~shake hands with heroes for purchase >2000~
Full cast.
I got here at 10:40am so the queue was already rather long. the paying tickes is numbered up to 1000 but you can watch the event for free as well since it's outdoors. Naturally I was standing further back (even though I didn't queue up yesterday.) Kinda feels like there's more people? but that'd be weird because there were geats-only fans yesterday too. maybe it's the sunday.
Hero show
part 1:
So the first part is Hero Show, but it's more just an interactive session. Act 1 has Red Yellow Blue fighting two foot soliders. Gira got a solo fight and then it's the Yan Hime combo fight. Shipper lens ON. Himeno did a cart wheel holding onto Yanma and Yanma princess carried Himeno for a spin attack while she ojousana-laugh! Yanma complimented on Himeno ("Yarujanika" "arigatou")
part 2:
Then the MOTW aka Bug Host shows up and makes small talk with the audience. He's a lot of fun, questioned if we really like Kingohgers so much and hate the Bugnaroks so bad, then asks again and says bugnarok fans can get presents. He also keeps reminding the crowd to beware of heat stroke and drink water. Even commented that "looks like there're a lot of idling adults at the back" haha.
A boy and a girl, both 4 years old are invtied to play musical chair on stage. The girl cried at the first round when the foot soldier took her seat. So the host pulled the boy aside and give him the "men should be kind to girls talk" while the foot soldier plays peekaboo to cheer her up. But they both sat on the seat in second round anyway. However the gift bag they won is 01 and Kiramei cutlery and stationery 😂 According to host, those are for "leftover stock for adult reasons"
Part 3:
Dango Mushi Jim is the MOTW.
the whole team appears on the stage and did the Kingohger Spell from ep10. Maybe it's just that line but Himeno's audio here sounds like it's cut from the ep. Rita also did the "taskforce" speech so it connects to Gira calling "Ohsama Sentai" and the others responding "Kingohger". Kaguragi gets a solo fight with his ep4 speech.
What I love about Papillon's suit action is they can't always wait for the enemy to come at them in order to fit the "immovable" image. they don't rotate in himeno's sense but they rotate to always face the enemy (himeno's earth versus rita's moon if you will) and always keeps the enemy at sword's length. Both today and G-Rosso's Rita-sama is good at fighting with just one hand and they'd put their other hand holding the cape at the back of their waist and that is so good. love that move where they hit the MOTW in the face with the pommel of the sword.
Blue and Yellow reappears and THE FIRST THING, Himeno runs to ask if Rita is ok. <3 They brought Rita offstage so it's Gira's solo.
the team gathers again and INFERNO plays. Gira ask everyone to do the finisher together but Yanma kicks him. Then they do the finisher together.
This Yanma is the tallest and has the most movement during the dance. Rita's steps the bottom limit of what is consider a step and their legs would not move fro the arm shakes.
Gira in suit is so cute he saw a kid dressed as Gira and excitedly waved and pointed to himself with Rita. who simply nodded. this went on three times.
Rita's wave is your old-man-government-leader wave. 90 degrees elbows/shoulder, palm 90 degrees turn between facing themself and their left.
Cast Talk
matsumoto hiroya hosting.
to be called "Sukapon Tanuki" to my face... shiawase!
声小さい! *crowd cheers* *Yanma turns his back to the crowd but gives thumbs up high in the air*
Kaku introduced himself in Jeramie's voice "Kaguragi Dybowski, lordly king of this country Toufu... tosa."
Jeramie has to repeat now (name/a storytellier behind the times tosa.) so he follows up with the opening narration, than Kagu immediately interrupts him with a "too long!" to which Masahi: "Otto"
Part 1: Movie
Q1: memories about filming
Gira: performing with Sakurai-san (Debonica). the cast knew her from reputation and especially Himeno is jealous-in-a-good-sense about Taisei getting to work with her a lot.
Q2: with Hinagata Akiko (Iroki)
Kaku: (pretty much the same answer as yesterday) She is an approchable person so it seems she's quite different from the character setting before filming starts, but once on the job, there's an evil ruler aura about her.
Q3: RBP with Nakamura Shido (Rainoir)
Taisei said "Aoto and Yuzuyan"
something about his professionalism
one thing that made Aoto very happy is Nakamura's son's fave is Tonbo Ohger.
Erica was great at fanservice! She's always looking off stage and waved and made finger hearts at the crowd. I think as a model she's just really good at locating where the camera is.
Erica spoke of the assets and CG specifically made for the movie that impressed her, then asked the audience to raise their hands if they'll see it in theaters. She interacted with the audience like this again towards the end.
Yuzuki talked about seeing a new side of Rita again (pretty much same as bandai ad). It was fresh for her to film something different than TV's Rita. (I wonder if one'd use 'fresh' to describe it if they're just being their usual self but in front of the camera?)
Yuzuki is not very good at answering questions on the spot so sometimes either she says a lot of filler words or her greeting and answers to promotional questions that have been asked a thousand times sound rehearsed.
Yzy and So are truly close friends. they'd chat off-mic and at one point So pointed at Rita fans in the crowd for Yuzuki.
Part 2: Questions from cast members
Q1: "これからも一緒に頑張ろう 碧斗❤" (Let's keep on working hard together. from Aoto❤) Host reads out the heart too.
Kagu tsukkomi said hey that's not a question, let's hear some questions
Q2: To Kaguragi, why muscles? from Jeramie.
Masahi: 気になる I really want to know that
So: (Jeramie voice) Do you want to come to the world of muscles too? Muscles are good for you ;D 筋肉はいいよ
Q3: みんなへ 好きな季節は? りたっち To everyone, what is your favourite season? Rittachi
(Yuzuki's last ig/cl live mentioned nicknames people called her. Yuzuchi was on the list but at the very last because only close friends from home would call her that. new people she met after entering the proffesion don't usually use it. those that called her Yuzuchi called her that day one they met. IIRC)
So: Summer. Though it's hot, what a nice time to hear sounds of life like cicada.
Host: suddenly became a serious/adult-like conversation?
Yzy:(host made fun of Rittachi) for Rittachi of course it's winter.
Taisei: Girachi is winter
Erica: [Moffun voice] Himechi is spring.
crowd/host doesn't really get moffun at first but yuzuki pointed it out.
[Host asks how to chi-ify Aoto's name] Aochi is summer. Because I get to meet everyone みんなと会いえる + *walks backstage index finger & arm raised*
Q4: 好きなセリフものまね immitate your favourite lines (of another character)
So: Ah I wrote that? Yzy: (tsukkomi) Did you forget?
host: (sth like) you want to do it so bad you did just that haha
So: well then I'll do Gira. "一草一木" line. eh what's next? Taisei follows up to "jakku no ou Gira!"
Erica: Kono Sukapon Tanuki! (i rmb she did the same thing in an interview but i forgot whcih. literally SO adorable my health bar is out)
Aoto repeast the tanuki line
Aoto: O~RE~WA~ JER~RA~MIE.... (make every syllable long like a skipping kindergardtener, got complained doesn't sound like jeramie at all)
Yzy: (in her own voice) ただわがままに 我が道を行く (himeno's catchphrase) (ah... so this is the world where yuzuki's got himeno's role...)
Masahi: (full kabuki face + gestures) Kaguragi Dybowski!
So and Yzy tsukkomi with the usual So Tsukkomi Pose.
Taisei: Then I'll do Onii-chaan! (He said Onii-chan yesterday too [CRY]) Shugoddom's King, Racules Husty. I am the nation. (same as relay interview)
the ep10 cockpit roll call! with jera! (evil king, wise king, queen of beatuy, bounty lord, immovable sovereign, king of the in-betweens)
Music live
original singer of Waking the King. I know he's experienced but he seemef to be quite popular? suddenly a rush of cheers from behind me when he appeared on stage. But his pitch and control was so good though. I like this insert a lot too and the first verse is just his vocals over piano and instantly gave me goosebumps.
he also sang the OP that he described as "a challenge". The cast reappeared after the singer asked us to "called for Kingohgers from your heart!"
The cast came holding their plushies and promote them.
They danced up to before the chorus then walked off-stage to greet the audience. They pretty much went around the whole paid area. Aoto was especially eager to wave at the audience. (It's between his blue hair and Kagu's head that I can spot from the back)
the dance was the energetic version from new op. The suit actors did the in-character dance before them.
When they came back onto stage after greeting, Taisei said something/bumped into Yuzuki and she did her 'clap knees laugh' thing.
Then it's the closing words (your usual "thank you for coming in the heat", "please support us and the film") and a group photo + countdown tiktok with the audience.
Aoto waved back during to the crowd during the photo and Yuzuyan said thank you after taking the tiktok.
there's a kid with a pillbug taxi prop in the front and a kid dressed as Shiokara with his baby brother as Gira. + girls in yellow princess dresses.
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biscu1ts · 18 days
My older brother listened to my murder drones rambles and agreed to finish watching murder drones with me today:]
(He stopped at ep4 so we will be continuing to ep5 and etc)
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aemiron-main · 2 years
the music in this show makes me insane AGAIN
staring DIRECTLY at ‘dream a little dream of me’ by ella fitzgerald being used in s4 surrounding the creels and that sort of music being associated with them and then also staring DIRECTLY at ‘we’ll meet again’ by vera lynn being used in s3 ep4 in relation to flayed billy. henry’s been behind the mindflayer the whole time and even the soundtrack backs it up. They WANTED us to pay attention to that song too, because it’s the ONLY non ost song used in that ep, whereas other s3 eps have loads of them. 
and this is a STRETCH but will  has a pink floyd song song from ‘the wall’ album on his playlist (’another brick in the wall part 2′) + pink floyd’s album ‘the wall’ has a song called Vera that’s literally about Vera Lynn and the song ‘we’ll meet again’ specifically. the song choices and playlists even tie henry and will together. “we’ll meet again” wasn’t just about billy coming back and meeting the party/el/max again. it was about will and henry meeting again too.  And i’ve talked about this in another post but can’t find the post, but: “california dreaming’ that plays in relation to Will in s4 was originally written by the mamas and the papas/that’s the most famous version, but ST uses the beach boys coverinstead of the original, and ‘dream a little dream of me’ had a famous cover sung by the mamas and the papas, but ST uses the Ella Fitzgerald version instead.  Even the soundtrack is showing us that Henry and Will are paralleled, but not the same, that they’re foils. Like ‘california dreaming’ vs ‘dream a little dream of me’? Not only are they tied together via the mamas and the papas cover connection, but the ‘dream’ imagery too. And it’s VERY interesting to me that ‘california dreaming’ is a mamas and papas original song but will has a cover of it play, whereas “dream a little dream of me” is a song that the mamas and the papas covered but a more original version plays in relation to henry.  And tying this back to what I said in the beginning about ‘we’ll meet again’ being tied to ‘dream a little dream of me’- how are these songs tied together besides being from the same sort of vibe/era? Well, the episode that ‘dream a little dream of me’ plays in is DEAR BILLY, and ‘we’ll meet again’ in s3 plays as Billy runs away from the sauna after crashing through the wall.  I also need to look at the songs written on the chalkboard at pennhurst because I remember at least one of them and I have some thoughts about it. I need to make a full analysis on this i need to finish my music analysis LMAO. This is just one thought about will-henry music parallels that i had today. i KNOW there’s more. 
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innitmarvellous · 1 year
I...actually wanted to start the S1-S10 shirts poll today, before I realised I can't do that because the S10 poll still isn't finished, lol. But I can't imagine a Tuesday or Friday without a new poll anymore, so today we'll try something new and choose our favourite from Ian's ties of S1. (Or general look, idk. ^^)
Let's see how this goes/how much interest there'll be. :)
Ep1 / Ep2
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Ep3 / Ep4
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Ep5 / Ep6
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Ep7 / Ep8
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aprillikesthings · 8 months
lol I spent a portion of last night/today reading someone else's live-blogs of season 5 and I'm kinda glad just bc I'd forgotten that in the LAST SCENE of the LAST EPISODE they were like "yay let's go to space and bring magic back to other planets :D FRIENDS ROAD TRIP"
(also I reread an old interview with ND Stevenson where he was like "wooo I bet they visit a bunch of planets")
Anyway it's forced me to re-imagine the first chapter and change of my fic but it's fine, better now than later
okay lets get another episode down while laundry is in the dryer
s1 ep4!
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On the one hand I get why they have Angella be like this
On the other hand I'm like, do people here not know what "child soldier" means? Yes, Adora's old enough to make decisions for herself, but that's. Why she left.
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I feel like this is loosely inspired by really big pretty churches, but in a fairly neutral kind of way
Or maybe it's just that everything reminds me of Her
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(The cathedral in Leòn, Spain; aka one of my fave places on earth, I'm always surprised this pic turned out as well as it did because when I took it I was crying, anyway)
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*squints* I forget if they ever explain which defeat they're referencing here, I'm positive they do but I'm blanking
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Is that Castaspella on the mural
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Catra's little "prrp!" here was almost definitely involuntary, and I love that they had her do a "surprised kitty" sound
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Okay so Shadow Weaver is like NO I KNOW YOU NO MORE ABOUT ADORA AND YOU'RE NOT TELLING ME and is visibly threatening Catra, but then her crystal thing starts to hurt her, and as she backs away Catra reaches for her before Shadow Weaver slaps her hand away, have I mentioned how well they portray child abuse survivors
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BAHAHAH that's gay
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the village hoes just be throwing themselves at her amiright
(I don't mean the baby obviously)
Note to self for later, writing reasons: the Princesses all have literal physical objects that are the source of their powers
Man I can never get over the degree to which Perfuma reminds me of a friend I had in the late '00's, a tall thin blond sorta-hippie with long hair who REALLY tries to think positive and loves trees and flowers
Hordak: why are u still so obsessed with blondie Shadow Weaver: i'm not Hordak: you are so full of shit. give it up or no more magic for u
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Poor Adora had NO idea she had to fill shoes this big or old
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Bow will make such a great dad at some future point
Wait I gotta include that in my fic *runs off to write notes*
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accidentally took the worst screenshot lol plz enjoy
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This Ken lives in Plumeria!
Perfuma: we believe karma will come for the Horde someday :) Glimmer: or you could just fight them yourself Perfuma: mmmmmno
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You're gonna have to tell her this like fifty more times
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where did you get those
Boy it took like nothing for Perfuma to convince her people "actually let's go murder those sumbitches, call me KARMA AHAHAH"
Adora's actual magical ability: hiding that huge-ass sword no matter what she's wearing
All the green growing things taking over reminds me of scenes in Princess Mononoke, which was almost definitely on purpose
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Perfuma has tasted blood and she's not going back
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The parallels with "she's not really gay, it's a phase, she's confused, I'll get her to come to church" like I'm sorry but there's no way they didn't use that phrasing on purpose
Glimmer: if you were perfect you'd be HELLA ANNOYING
(she's not wrong)
ANYWAY my laundry was done like fifteen minutes ago but I wanted to finish the episode out :D
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jeanmoreaux · 2 years
LYS I PROMISE I'LL ANNOY YOU IN THE DMS GDHSDSDJKJKSD i finished episode 3 earlier today and my ambivalent feelings are still very much a thing. here are some of my thought i had while watching the first three episodes to give you a taste of some (hastily scribbled down) thoughts i had so far.
i'd die for inej 🥰 she can do no wrong in my eyes
the editing of the fight scenes is.......weird??? i hate the slow mo stuff. like pls just don't.
the editing between scenes is a little disjointed but PARTICULARLY the editing when returning from one storyline to an ongoing one is often a little jarring. the feeling of the continuity is a little wonky imo.
having people go "CRIMINALS!" not once but TWICE when dealing with kaz and jesper 🥴 very much made me cringe in context. who thought that was good dialogue??? why have these people say that as if they have no idea who they're dealing with????? it's just bad, i'm so sorry.
the dialogue in general is a little stiff and inorganic at times.... the chemistry between characters truly is doing some heavy lifting, saving some scenes. the cast is doing A LOT (all of them, especially the crows—though i have to admit the scenes with the darkling and crew are a little 'meh' at times).
talking about cast, freddy is very enjoyable to watch. i am also beyond ready for kaz to enter his deranged bastard era 🫶 patrick's nikolai is really working for me too so far. i think he strikes the right balance. archie's performances have been great as well! that scene between alina and mal after nikolai proposes marriage in ep3???? SO GOOD OMGGGG <33333
not sure how i feel about a lot of soc plot points playing out already. i honestly don't want stuff from that storyline happening NOW. i thought this season was gonna be more buildup, but like even in these first couple of episodes they already went strong with the wesper & kanej stuff for example so idk i can see them going there this season already (not with kanej, but maybe with wesper) even though internally i beg them to NOT. it would be enough to create some tension imo. having these characters prematurely stuck in these soc/ck dynamics will inevitable change the ice court storyline and everything beyond that.
the scene with the crows on the roof watching the crow club go up in flames???? love it. peak cinema.
also i really can't tell what route they'll go with wylan (ultimately). but if they’re gonna go the uwu innocent little baby boy with no badassery behind it i’m gonna throw fists. he has a moral compass he mostly adheres to and is generally a kind guy, sure, but he's also a little cunning shit at times and i hope they'll lean in to that over time.
always love seeing the darkling doing horribly. love that we get to see him being his fucked up guy. i hope people can stop romanticising him now that they saw him cut off his mother's finger. if not i hope they'll get well soon <3
there is something bugging me about the pacing but i can't yet put my finger on what exactly isn't working for me. maybe because after 3 episodes it still feels like we're in the "set up" stage of the story. REALLY hoping ep4 will pick up a little.
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purplecritter · 2 years
Finished Dragon Age Absolution here's my thoughts as I was watching this (under the cut because it CONTAINS SPOILERS)
"I will kill everyone here before I let you touch her" AYO????
Miriam is so cool. she can shoot a bow AND use the daggers AND use the wire thingy... IN LOVE
"THE HERO OF ANDRASTE KILLED CORYPHEUS. THEY SEALED THE BREACH" INQUISITORS WHO USE THEY/THEM WE WON TODAY!!! inquisitors who don't like to be called heralds we lost today but hey you can't win em all!
"If you don't take him, I will ;)" GO QWYDION GOOO
ohhhhh they built the divine's palace ATOP A TEMPLE TO THE OLD GODS??? delicious
another Blight hinted...... HoF baby you'll never catch a break
if we can't punch Solas at least we can PUNCH THAT OTHER BALD MAN WOHOOOOO
Fairbanks has a wife!!!!! Good for them!!!
oh so Miriam's mark is not random and it's special Like That huh 👀👀
magister Amelia PAVUS??? HELLO?? MA'M. WHO ARE YOUUUU
"Rezaren, you look like every bad rumor about us combined" yeah tell him Tassia!!
Neb… 👀👀 pssst tell me your secrets
“You sky-sucking idiot!” Lacklon ily
did Miriam grow up with Rezaren?? And the other elf with them was usen to restore Rezaren’s life force or smt?
not roland seducing lachlan into continuing the heist SDFGHJK
NEB…….. they have the same mark on Miriam’s face!! but on their clothes!!!!!! huhu. they're the other one in her flashbacks aren't they
Lacklon: “Show-off.” Roland: “It’s pronounced thank you.” YOU’RE NOT SUBTLE
to Kirkwal????????? TO THE HANGED MAN???? TO WHOMMMM
did thet get mercer to voice every side character in this? not complaining it's just funny hbfdnsjkxcnvjf love that
so magister families get their own slave marking each. interesting. i hate it. i wonder if fenris’ marks were at all "customized" by danarius
Lacklon said FUCK MAGES try natural medicine idiots!!!
oh oh no. it was his arrowing. oh. OH THAT MOTHER MOTHERFUCKER FUCKED IT UP. oh miriam……..
rezaren getting his mansplain manipulate malewife evil magister meow meow allure. he's too far gone and there's no fixing him but i can watch him as he gets worse :)
OOOOOH I WOUL LOVE TO SEE DIVINE AMMOSINE IN DA4 so i have a reason to hate the imperial divine specifically! fuck you in particolar!!
so Hira found Miriam as she fled? Still in Tevinter? Is she a Magister too??her necklace does kinda look like Dorian’s except less snake-y and more geometric. it mmight be just a "tevinter likes their rhombuses" thing tho
rezaren is sooo slimy qwydion was right, “he’s hot but yikes”
“There’s a reason the Tevinter flag has a damn snake on it” YOU TELL HEM ROLAND!!
Qwydion worked with Fairbanks for years. she was in the inquisition too? COOL if they said it before i missed it somehow
OHHHHHHH HIRA IS FROM TEVINTER!! AND HER NECKLACE IS A BIRTHRIGHT!!!! WYEAHHH oh AND her family was/is anti-slavery?? I wonder if Dorian and Mae already know her!!!
prediction for da4: we’ll have to choose if we want a “burn all of Tevinter to the ground” or a “save what’s left and rebuild Tevinter” route. 
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i might be seeing what i want to see but doesn’t the golden door resemble the depictions of what we’ve seen of the golden city so far?
i’m curious. Tassia speaks to Neb a lot, but is it because she doesn't know that he's (un)dead or does she think that he’s still conscious somehow?
Ohhhhh Lacklon calling Roland “Rolls” again… He’s really in it now!!
OH MIRIAM’S STOCKED!!! must be one hell of a heavy cloak but THAT’S SO COOL OF HER
th e intro fucks so hard btw it’s great
UHHHH he’s doing real blood magic now!! slay
besties i really wanted the betrayer to not be the mage this time… on the brightside fairbanks is a good boy. OH NO OH NOOOOOOOOOOO I JUST REMMEBERED HIS WIFE OH NONOOOOOOOOOOO
skyhold!!!! she’s so pretty i miss her wahhhhh
ngl if my inquisitor heard Hira call him Herald so many times he might have become a little hostile oops
curious about Hira's brooch! i wonder if her family was a known one or nah
“The Inquisition was never going to stand up to Tevinter” NJHBGVFCDXR HIRA DEAR THE LEADER OF THE INQUISITION IS SMOOCHING THE MAGISTER THAT WANTS TO STAND UP TO TEVINTER. give them TIME to deal with one catastrophe at a time!! (i know this is not everyone's canon but it's mine and it's very funny to me heh)
th. the crimson. the crimson knight……….. in kirkwall? uh oh someone check on meredith’s statue i have a bad feeling about this
WE LOVE LACKLON’S CHAARACTER DEVELOPMENT. from not trusting miriam to trusting her slightly!! go king!!!
“you can’t come back not in that thing not in this life” WHOEVER WROTE THIS ILY BUT YOU BROKE MY HEART
YSSS MIRIAM STAB THE BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THE DRAGON LIVES!!! THANK YOU QWYDION!!!! i was going to be upset if she died. BIOWARE STOP GIVING US MISSIONS TO KILL THE DRAGONS i can never do them :( if i see her in da4 i might cry a little ngl On that ^ note, here's accurate footage of me during the actual show: It’s a fucking bear dragon! NOOOOOOOO—Oh shit it’s right there :D
GFDHK JZANLZZZZ -> “I wish I could” = “I wish it could, vhenan” SCREAMING CRYING THROWING UP!!!!!!!!!!!! (/pos)
the scarf T^T i REALLY wanted it to not be a mage this time.... i was once again blindsided by the Lovers to Enemies tag 😔 Me: "So basically, what I was thinking of is--" (the mage in a Bioware media was the traitor all along) "--Ah fuck, I can't believe you've done this."
fuck meredith’s statue really did corrupt everything in the city huh OH. OH FUCK SHE’S IN THERE STILL!!???? smh no wonder kirkwall's still not operational years after IT'S BECOME RED TEMPLARS PLAYGROUND. varric bestie are you seeing this??
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danifart · 1 year
i got less shitty sleep today so maybe ill finish replaying LIS. as in Both ep4 and ep5 because i would only ever wanna finish those episodes in one sitting. just feels right To Me
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Currently watching (june 2023)
(only thai dramas right now)
Be my favorite (ep5)
I started getting interested in this series when they announced the cast change, mostly for the drama. Then when the actual trailer aired I was like uhhh this could go very badly or turn out quite good, and at episode 5 I think we're going to get the second option. But I loved Vice Versa's first episodes and then it stopped making sense so I'm not 100% confident yet. This being said, I'm enjoying it a lot, both Gawin and Krist are doing an excellent job so far, all the characters have unique personalities and development, it has beautiful reflections about life and personal relationships. I can't wait for fridays so I can watch the next episode and that's the real test to know I'm loving it so far. Next week we'll get the "why do you like me?" and hair touch scene and I'm obsessed since I saw it in the trailer, I literally can not wait to watch it
Loneliness society (ep4)
I haven’t seen anyone mention this but this is an adaptation of a Sandra Bullock movie, which I like a lot so I decided to give it a try. So far so good, the mains are nice, have chemistry and it’s entertaining so far
Step by Step (ep9)
The problem I have with this series is that I was never able to connect with Pat, maybe because he’s so openly emotional and I’m not? But I can’t, I tried but no. I’m sorry but in my eyes he’s quite self centered and self important, I don’t understand why everybody, especially Jeng (who is his boss), has to change but not Pat. Like, at the start of the series he had been working there a month, I think? I don’t hate him, at all, but I don’t understand his character, I was waiting for him to get better, to have development, and it didn’t happen.
I was starting to get bored, and then we started getting Jeng’s perspective and I fell in love, so now I’m enjoying the series and I have a character I can root for. I don’t fully understand him falling in love with Pat but I want his happy ending so I still want them to get together
3 will be free (ep7)
This is one of The Series you’re supposed to watch and everybody says is so good, and in this case I agree so far. I was not expecting such quality and to get hooked so easily, I started it two days ago and I’ll probably finish it today or tomorrow, and I’m supposed to be busy right now. I love that there’s a bisexual character and obviously the relationship between the three of them but I can’t say anything else until I know how it ends. I’m very scared it’s not going to be a happy ending and I could accept that even if I’m going to suffer, but please I don’t want any of them to regret what happened or treat it like an adventure and not a real romance. That being said, if something happens to Shin I will kill everybody in this room and then myself
Our Sky 2
I don’t feel like writing a separate review for each series but in general I’d say it was kinda underwhelming. I knew it wasn’t going to be a masterpiece but I did expect it to be a bit better, especially the Aof ones. I wish they just showed the pairs being cute in their normal lives instead of creating plots that made no sense. MSP and NLMG are the only ones I can honestly say I liked, the others had great moments but it wasn’t enough. In order of enjoyment:
My school president
Never let me go
A tale of a thousand stars
Bad Buddy
Star in my mind
The eclipse
(I haven’t watched the ABAAB and VV ones)
This was a wild and silly ride from start to finish (especially finish). I did enjoy it, like reading a crack fic, sometimes what I need is bad watches with no expectations. Until the end, that was way too much for me, what in the world were they thinking I’d never know. One thing I have to say is the chemistry between the main characters was quite decent
Plan to watch
Hidden agenda (july 9th)
I didn’t hate Star in my mind but it was a bit of a waste of JoongDunk’s chemistry, they had a good connection in it and it was what saved the series, but it’s nothing compared to how comfortable they are doing fanservice in real life. I need whoever is directing this to please get that and carry it to the series intact. The first trailer showed more of the plot and the second one was basically them being cute together and even if I liked it, I hope that plot points still somewhat exist in the series
Wedding Plan (july 19th)
Another Mame series, I didn’t hate Love in the air so I think this could be good. The part I was more excited about was the supposed gl pairing but they didn’t appear at all in the trailer so I’m a bit worried about that
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lgcmilan · 2 years
milan wouldn't say the trainees are unimportant, but receiving rieon on her show is certainly different than receiving a trainee. the numbers are guaranteed to be different and an existing fanbase is also likely to watch with expectations. no, trainees aren't unimportant, but the stakes are certainly different today.
as the set grows silent and she waits for her cue, milan takes one deep breath and centers herself. this is her show, she's done this a couple of times now and she can do it again. as soon as her cue comes, she starts unrolling the red carpet at her feet, all the way to the middle of the set, right in front of the low table. her efforts prompt the show producer to ask her: "milan, what are you doing?" she huffs and puffs a few times, finishing to unroll the carpet. she then straightens up and inspects her work proudly before answering: "today, we are receiving a real celebrity! so i dressed up nicely and prepared the red carpet for him!" she gestures towards said dress and carpet. "by the way, wait until you see his smile, you're 100% going to be under his teddy bear charm! if you're a legacy fan, you might have already seen him on LGC Babysitting services, or during this year's summer tour. and from november to january 2023, you can catch him in the musical 'newises'! shall we call him?" she asks while leaning towards the camera, as if listening to the answer from the viewers. "alright! our star customer, please come out!"
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parakeetpark · 5 days
I'm so obsessed with Midnight Mass, somehow we've only been watching an episode a day, and today finished ep3. But I cannot stop thinking about it so I'm just rewatching the first episode right now, it's so much fun
It's great when you find a new fiction hyperfixation to sink your teeth into, I haven't had this in a while!
Usually I don't get into tv shows, I'll rewatch things but probably the last new series I watched was one of Mike Flanagan's earlier things like 3 years ago. Something about his stuff just works well for me. I've not found another horror series maker I've enjoyed (would love recommendations btw bc I'm so hesitant to start series, it's a commitment y'know)
But for now I'm gonna rewatch the first three eps probably, or as much as I can until we watch ep4 tomorrow >:)
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darlingshane · 2 years
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Jon Bernthal as Ethan Sawyer THOSE WHO WISH ME DEAD (2021)
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