#finished this wip to start the new year
mlkinis · 9 months
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Epoque x Texas || Willpower
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vani-ash · 4 days
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Have this Jeff Rain God WIP I'm probably never going to finish <3
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buckera · 3 months
WIP Tag Game 🎡
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
okay, so as some of you may know I tend to have anywhere between 10-25 wips at any given time, but I'm just gonna drop a few here and see if anyone wants to hear about some of them:
• when things go south (and then souther) 🩹 [bucktommy] • no hands 💦 [bucktommy] • a love like dirty dishes 🫧 [bucktommy] • alt meeting au 🩺 [bucktommy] • insta eddie 📸 [buddie] • our house 🕯️ [buddie] • crutches 🩼 [buddie] • screaming universe 🌟 [buddie]
✨I have been tagged by and am totally no pressure tagging the ever so lovely @queerdiazs @spagheddiediaz @jeeyuns @likegoldintheair @exhuastedpigeon @bidisasterevankinard @diazsdimples @honestlydarkprincess @watchyourbuck and anyone else who feels like sharing mwah 💛
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 11 months
SO funny story... I've got some technical difficulties (i.e my entire computer is getting so hot you could cook an egg on it if i use it for more than an hour :'D) which sadly means I'm not able to do any digital drawing SO RIP ME IG
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rebrandedbard · 9 months
Ooh for the most memorable thing, I think the moment in your Rumplestiltskin AU when he finds his name! I loved that twist
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Oh man, I love that part! Here's a sketched visual of the scene for you. This is how I imagined the border (roughly) between the human world and the faerie world, with the buttercup right on the edge of the two.
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eirelis · 8 months
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a little belated but happy 3rd season!!
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revvethasmythh · 9 months
can we get “oh, my heart is longing to be close to yours again” from the wip meme?
Incredible ability to suss out the one widobrave fic that was on that list 😂 And a chunky snippet because because I don't believe in short excerpts:
“I have to be honest,” Yeza said, getting the cute furrow in his brow he always did when he was about to say something truthful and a little bit embarrassing. “I hate big parties like this, Veth. I’m much happier at home with Luc than I would be out there. But you’ve got the whole gang in town and that doesn’t happen very often. So go. I want you to. Have enough fun for all three of us, okay?”
Veth was the one sighing now, like she had a thousand times in the past year since the two of them had started to settle back into married life. It was a little rough at times, she wasn’t going to lie. Two years apart and the whole mess of nasty shit that had happened since they’d been separated was kind of a lot to work through. Or, it would be if they’d actually taken the time to work through it, instead of spending all their time fawning over Luc. Not that Veth regretted any of that. Kiddo deserved all the fawning he could get. But they really hadn’t talked much since everything had happened, not really, not about the big things. But it was better not to pick at scabs, right? They’d never heal right if you just kept doing that.
“Okay,” she said. “I’ll light up the dance floor for you, baby.”
He smiled, with an edge of relief that the decision had finally been made. “Can’t wait to hear the recap from Jester tomorrow.” “She’ll talk your ear off all morning long.”
His smile turned brittle and just a little bit of fear entered his eyes. “Okay, maybe I can wait.”
Veth smiled and gave him a hug, squeezing tight, breathing in that familiar scent of chemicals and powder and something kind of acidic that she couldn’t name but always made her think of him. He was a good hugger, and he held her back like she was something delicate, treasured, precious. No one else had ever held her quite like that.
They were still mid-hug when a knock sounded at the door, three sharp, precise raps on the wood that were as distinctive and recognizable to her as Yeza’s scent. She felt a sudden burst of excitement as she pulled away from Yeza’s embrace, followed by an immediate rush of guilt at how excited she was. She ignored that, though. She was getting pretty good at that. After all, her guilt had basically become a third person in their marriage at this point, and the last thing she wanted to do was have to look at it.
“Nice of him to knock, at least,” Yeza said good-naturedly. He knew it was Caleb, too, but only because if it had been anybody else at their door, they would have just walked right in like they lived there. Fjord had walked in on them one time in a…compromising position, and ever since he made Jester go in first. Veth had, of course, commissioned Jester to draw a dramatic re-imagining of the moment, and boy had she delivered. Veth had it hung in the entryway and for about a week Fjord flatly refused to so much as enter her home. She thought it was worth it, though.
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helloliriels · 1 year
This Year as a WiP ...
I hadn't been posting much in the past year, and frankly, was dealing with some personal issues.
So, trying to hold myself accountable to getting back into the swing of things! I'm putting it out here as to what I am working on next:
FTH Art for 2023
2022 Year of the Crack Fic winner(s) gifts
(I Love You) Infinitely fic wrap up (3-5 chapters to go)
Sleepless in London fic wrap up (23-30 chapters to go), outline reworked on flash cards and ready to be drafted.
Audio recording (short fic/poem) to test setup for Juxtaposition continuation.
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As for the rest of my 150+ plot bunnies and WiPs ... I realised that even if I only post 1 thing per week, that's 52 posts per year! And I think that's not too shabby.
As of this post, I'm officially disregarding calendars and my year begins today.
Happy new year to anyone else who wants to celebrate a fresh start with me. 😏😉✌️✨️
(Note: fluff took this picture upon our arrival in London, and yes ... I was THAT excited to see a red post box!!! Bahaha! The lady in the shop behind us was laughing and i waved)
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thelegendofmrrager · 8 months
Let YOURSELF cook. Don't rush the process. Let that WIP simmer like the 45 year old soup. Come back every once in awhile, add some ingredients, skim the top, let it simmer some more. That shit will be chef's kiss when it's ready I prommy you
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the-lonelybarricade · 7 months
That Nutcracker AU was so cute! Shame you didn’t continue it this past Christmas, but I assume you’re busy with a shit ton of other WIPs, lol.
Oh anon 😅 i'll admit I completely forgot about that fic until I saw this ask. I wrote that back in 2022 for Feysand month, but it ended up getting sidelined by Darling, Let's Run and As the River Flows. I think it was a good trade off all in all!
But I went back to read it and I'm wondering what kind of crack I was on in December 2022 because I was churning out so many fascinating AU ideas??? 😂 I've forgotten everything I had planned for that story (besides that Feyre eventually fucks a nutcracker) but I'd be open to one day finishing it! First I need to finish all the other WIPs that 2023 LB started
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seafoam-taide · 2 months
One day . animation will be real. One day
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akacatkat · 9 months
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Snippets of Luxiem illustrations that I'm either in the process of finishing up or will be posting an alt version of soon. I intended to have these ready by their anniversary, but you know how life is!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 9 months
the end is near yuta lovers…pomegranate ink is almost finished
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red-dyed-sarumane · 1 month
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chat is 17 chibis in 12 days too ambitious an endeavor
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littlespoonevan · 11 months
the problem with not having written fic properly in months is now that i want to my brain is having a panic response to the empty word doc like if you start it you'll have to finish it and what if u lose ur motivation again so u can't???? but if u don't write anything then it doesn't count as a wip so maybe u should just stare at the word doc some more and x out of it in defeat in half an hour instead of writing anything
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tea-of-destiny · 2 months
hrrgh everything ouchie and sleepy but i wanna draw too
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