#finn fan fic
againstacecilia · 2 years
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Pairing: Poe Dameron x Finn
Word Count: 1.6k
Rating: Teen and up. Nothing explicit (BUT MY BLOG IS 18+)
Warnings: Mention that Poe has nightmares/bad dreams, implied burnout, other than that pretty fluffy. 🥰
Summary: The war is over, but the cleanup will take years. What's the next adventure for Finn and Poe?
A/N: This is the first time I've tried writing a non-reader-insert fic, but after a suggestion from the wonderful @arandomnerdsblog578 I just had to give this a try. I hope you like it, friend, since all the credit for this should absolutely go to you! 💖 Asks are always open for suggestions and whenever folks wanna drop in! 💖🥰
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After years of war and conditioning for the fight, the still of peace made Poe antsy. He was constantly waking up in the middle of the night, covered in sweat and chest heaving from nightmares and dreams of battles that were long over. In those moments, Finn would gently soothe Poe’s fears with muted words and gentle kisses. It was always the reminder Poe needed that he was here, now, with someone who not only sympathized but understood what it was like in his head. It was hard to let the ghosts linger when Finn’s strong hands were there to shoo them away. 
They weren’t the only ones scarred by the war that had ravaged the Galaxy. Everywhere they went, helping Rey rebuild cities and towns and return balance where they could, the signs of loss were strong. Elegant buildings reduced to rubble, holes in star maps where entire planets used to be, and children with empty eyes staring up at them under the protection of older siblings and cousins and other kids with no families of their own; the world resting on their small shoulders far too early. None of them could stomach the sight of these horrors, but they used the churning in their stomachs as motivation to help as many as they could. 
One morning on whatever planet they were all on this week (they all run together after a while), Poe comes from the cockpit on the Falcon and leans against the back of the couch where Finn sits, staring at the Dejarik board. “Scootch,” the pilot says after a moment, rousing Finn from his thoughts.
“Sorry,” Finn mutters, sliding down the seat and making room for Poe. 
“Got something on your mind?”
Finn shakes his head, “Always, but nothing new.” He looks up at Poe, exhaustion etched across his normally stoic face. “Are we really making a difference?”
“Of course we are.” Poe rests a hand on Finn’s shoulder before slowly grazing his touch down his arm. His eyes soften as he interlaces his fingers with Finn’s. “It may not seem like it now with all the moving and jumping from place to place, but you’ve seen the look on peoples’ faces when we show up!” He smiles and winks roguishly, “We’re heroes.”
Finn laughs softly and squeezes Poe’s hand before letting go and running a hand over his face with a sigh. “I guess you’re right. We just always have to leave before we can see how things play out.”
“We’ll start seeing it,” Poe leans over and kisses Finn on the cheek before climbing out of the booth, “You just gotta keep holding out hope.”
- - -
A decision is made along the tour of the Outer Rim to make a stop on Yavin-4, Poe’s homeworld. The excitement is palpable as Poe tells Finn and Rey stories about his childhood. 
“It was wild,” he says to the crew, everyone gathered in the cockpit as he prepares to drop out of hyperspace, “Until you’ve had to run from a pack of Stentaril while swinging from tree to tree in the jungle, you haven’t fully experienced Yavin-4.”
“I think I’ll be fine with the tourist experience,” Rey laughs from the co-pilot’s chair, Finn joining along behind them. 
“Fine, your loss!” Poe grins, flipping a couple of switches. “Alright, dropping out of hyperspace in 3, 2, 1…”
The streaks of white and blue slam into place as stars and Yavin-4 materialize in front of them. Huge swaths of green cover the planet, deep blue oceans surrounding continents covered in lush jungles. Poe navigates the Falcon into the designated landing pad and the crew prepares themselves for the greeting party that accompanies every new town. 
- - -
Rooms are allocated for everyone after a day of helping rebuild, clearing space for new facilities, and general spirit-lifiting. Finn falls into bed almost immediately before Poe gently encourages him to actually get into his pyjamas and drink at least one glass of water after the strains of the day. 
“I know, I know,” Poe urges the sleepy general, “We can get in bed right after but you gotta take care of yourself.”
With a reluctant goan, Finn takes the glass and drains it, handing it back and flopping onto the bed. “There, you happy?”
“Very,” Poe smiles and changes into his own sleep clothes before climbing in after Finn. Wrapping him in his arms, Poe rubs delicate circles into the knot that seems to be ever present in Finn’s shoulder. “You did great today.”
“Thanks…” Finn’s voice trails off. “Poe, did you see that little girl at the school? The one with the braids?”
Poe nods, “She was a sweetheart.”
“Both her parents died in the last First Order raid here.”
Sad silence washes over both of them, BB-8 chirping quietly across the room.
“Yeah, buddy,” Poe mutters, “She’s alone.”
After a heartbeat, Finn whispers, “She doesn’t have to be…”
“What do you mean?” Poe pulls away just far enough to look down into Finn’s deep eyes. 
“What if… What if we took her in? She has no family, and there’s something about her… I think she might be Force Sensitive like me.”
Poe pulls Finn closer, placing a kiss or two to the top of his head. “Kids need stability, Finn, we don’t really have that right now.”
“But neither does she. Not really. She told me this is the 6th family she’s been placed with this year. She settles down for long enough to be pulled away or rehomed, we could give her that family.” Finn pulls away and sits up, looking down at Poe laid out beside him. “I didn’t know what family was until you and Rey came along. I can’t imagine denying someone who is as lost as I was this kind of love.”
Finn cups Poe’s jaw and Poe’s eyes drift shut, savoring the contact. He opens his eyes again and meets Finn’s gaze. “This is what you want?” “Yes,” Finn replies immediately. Poe can see the fire lighting in Finn’s eyes and the sight lifts something Poe didn’t realize was weighing on him. It had been months since he’d seen that look of determination on the face of the man he loves so much. 
“Really?” Finn’s voice has an edge of surprise. “I thought I’d have to do more convincing.”
“I mean, if you had something specific in mind,” Poe teases, eyebrows wiggling up at Finn. 
Finn laughs, pinching Poe’s chin before pulling his hand away. “Calm down, flyboy.”
Nipping at Finn’s fingers as they leave his skin, Poe says, “We’ll have to talk to Rey and Chewy first-” 
BB-8 pipes up, rolling over to the edge of the bed and beeping wildly. Both the men laugh heartily. “You didn’t let me finish, BB-8, I had to save the best for last. What do you think, buddy? Should we add another misfit to our group?”
Wiggling and beeping excitedly, the droid spins around the room. “Looks like we’ve got at least one yes,” Finn laughs. Joy radiates off of him in a way that lights something warm in Poe’s chest. 
“Let’s talk to the others in the morning and then we’ll go talk to the person coordinating the girl’s care. What was her name, again?”
- - -
One year later, Poe sits in the cockpit of the Millenium Flacon. A little girl with braids sits on his lap. “Alright, so this switch right here is to start up the electrical portions of the ship. These two right here,” he points to another set of twin switches, “they prime the engines. We can’t start her up cold, learned that one the hard way.”
Tala giggles and points to a glowing button on the far side of the console, “What’s this one do, Papa?”
“That one is for the auto pilot, for when Papa need a break and Daddy doesn’t feel like flying.”
“So the ship can fly itself?”
“Yeah, good job! Although we don’t use it much, it’s a little buggy since my stint at lightspeed skipping.”
On silent feet, Finn pads up the hall and hovers just outside the open door to the cockpit. A smile tugs at his lips as he listens to Poe teach Tala about the ship.
“How do you know all of this stuff?” Tala asks, voice full of awe.
“I’ve been flying since I was younger than you, little one.” Poe kisses the top of Tala’s head. “My mom taught me.”
“What was she like?” Tala asks. Finn’s heart breaks at the innocent question and he leans around the corner to see how Poe responds.
“She was so cool,” Poe says. “She was a pilot like me, and fought for the Republic a long time ago. She was brave, and smart, and very witty. She died when I was young.”
“I’m sorry, Papa,” Tala turns and hugs him tight. He returns the embrace and they sit like that for a moment before Tala pulls away. “Can I be a pilot like you and your mommy?”
“You’d be an amazing pilot, baby.” Finn reveals himself and sits next to his family in the co-pilot chair. “You might have to get a little bigger first, though.”
“Hey, I’m big enough!” Tala pouts, crossing her arms across her little chest. “I can reach all the buttons and the controls and…” She turns back to Poe and whispers something in his ear.
“Levers, baby.”
“And I can reach the levers,” she finishes proudly. 
Poe and Finn laugh and Poe tickles Tala with the end of one of her braids. “That’s true, but you have a lot to learn, first.”
“And we’ve got time to teach it all to you,” Finn adds, standing and leaning over to kiss the top of Tala’s head.
Poe locks eyes with Finn as he does, “Yeah, we do.”
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enweasley · 2 months
Restricted Section ; Finn Weasley x Sallow!Reader
AN: HII! So I haven't seen this being done much (or even at all but I barely looked) where people would write fanfics of their own characters in Hogwarts Legacy, so I decided to do so! Quick introduction to the character:
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This is Finn Weasley; He's in Gryffindor and has a very loyal but mischievous personality. He's also pansexual! He LOVES herbology but he loves solving mysteries and exploring secrets even more - even if it's super dangerous. However, he will go to any extent to keep others out of danger (ironically). Finn can be really harsh to people if someone hurts him or the people he cares about. He's not perfect, though, he has some flaws. He does have a short temper and can say pretty horrible things without meaning to. He can also be quite reckless and finds it hard to accept other people's love and care, leading him to forget to keep himself from getting hurt.
That's all for now, but I'll probably add more to his story as time goes by!
(Please excuse any grammar mistakes, I'm trilingual and grammar from 3 languages can mix me up a lot C:)
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Summary: The new student needs your help sneaking into the restricted section for something 'very important'. However, he doesn't expect you to cover for him when you get caught.
Warnings: Swearing, small panic attack, gets a little heated at the end. Kinda cheesy but we love that :)
Reader's gender is never specified!
"Excuse me! Y/n Sallow, right?" Interrupted from your game of wizard's chess alone, you turn around to be met with a pretty tall red-head. You couldn't help but think about how gorgeous he is, but you swallow your excitement.
"Yeah, that's me. You're the new kid aren't you?" You disenchant your chess game and give him your full attention. "I watched your duel with Sebastian in the Clock Tower, you're really good!"
Finn seems to flush at your compliment. During his short time starting in 5th year here in Hogwarts he's gotten plenty compliments on how he's been able to learn and execute spells so quickly, but for some reason your compliment had a special affect on him.
He chuckles lightly. "Thank you, I'm just trying to catch up quickly." He couldn't seem to keep his eyes from wandering over your features. "It's Finn, by the way. Finn Weasley."
"Oh, another Weasley! Well it's lovely to meet you! Did you need anything?" You ask politely.
Finn almost forgot why he was talking to you in the first place, but managed to remember before already humiliating himself in front of you. "Right, yes. This may sound quite forward, but Sebastian told me you're really good at sneaking around. Is there a chance you can help me sneak into the restricted section of the library tonight? I can't say why, but it's very important."
You were a bit surprised at his request, but kind of prideful that you were the first person he was led to for it. You smiled widely. "Of course! I'm surprised my brother didn't take you himself. Meet me at the grand staircase at 9. Don't be late!"
"Wait- Don't you wanna know more about why I need to sneak in?" He asked perplexed.
"Nope. I'll take any opportunity for sneaking around. Either way, you don't seem the type to burn down the castle or anything. Plus, you said you can't say why you need to sneak in."
He mentally facepalmed himself. How could he forget he just said that? Maybe he just wanted to talk to you longer. "I'll see you at 9!" You smile at him and walk away.
You take a long breath after turning away from him. Holy shit he's cute.
You're both crouched at the railing of the stairs looking down onto the central hall at exactly 9pm, analysing the prefects walking around and guarding the doors of the library.
"Okay," you whisper. "First of all, we need to go invisible. Have you learnt the disillusionment spell?"
Finn looks at you like a lost puppy, his head slightly titled. You almost had to tell him how cute he looked, but held back.
You pull your wand out and whisp it over your head and body. The wand leaves a blue trail of light before all there was left was your aura.
You continue whispering to the lost boy in front of you. "This is the disillusionment spell. It doesn't turn you completely invisible but it's better than being completely exposed."
You point to his hand holding his wand. "May I?" He nods hesitantly.
You slowly hold his fist clenching onto his wand and do the same movement you did on yourself over him. Finn could barely focus, the feeling of your soft hand on his summoning an army of butterflies in his stomach. You couldn't help but feel the same tingle in your stomach too.
Clearing your throat, you speak. "That's the movement for the spell. Just think of it and do the movement."
He did as you said, and suddenly you were both just two ghosts staring at each other's remains.
Finn chuckles enthusiastically. "This is awesome!" He whisper yells.
You laugh at his excitement, wishing you could see his freckled face through the spell.
"Okay, let's go. Stick close to me." You begin to sneak down the stairs, through the hall, and quickly side past the prefect turned away from the library door. You can feel Finn following closely behind.
After you both get into a safer corner of the library away from Madam Agnes's sights, you remove the spell off you.
"Here's the plan," you start. "You go get the key from Madam Agnes's desk draw over there, I'll distract her."
Finn nods. As you start to turn away, Finn grabs your arm gently and looks at you with his adorable puppy eyes.
"What if you get caught?" He sounds worried. You can't tell why he'd be worried about you, though.
You give him a cheeky smile. "Me? Get caught? You should worry about yourself, Weasley." He chuckles, shooing away the blush creeping into his cheeks after hearing you call him by his surname. "C'mon, let's go."
As you throw a book across the room, Finn conceals himself and scurries to grab the key. You quickly do the same and meet him at the entrance of the restricted section.
Exposing yourselves from the spell, you watch him unlock the gate before you walk in.
"YES!" Finn cheers, surprising you both with a tight hug. There's a pause before he realises what he's doing and slowly pulls away, taking his warmth away with him. "Sorry... Got excited."
You laugh sweetly at him. "I don't mind." He continues walking down the stairs of the forbidden room, but not before shooting you a relieved smirk.
"Lumos." You cast, making the eery room brighter and less intimidating.
As you squeeze between abandoned bookshelves and over piles of junk, you reach a collapsed set of armour. "Repai-" Finn begins to cast before a loud screech interrupts him.
Almost out of thin air, Peeves flies through the wall in front of you. He almost knocks you down, but Finn's quick reflexes catch you before you hit the ground. You find yourself wrapped in his arms, yours tightly around his neck.
"Shit, are you okay?" Finn asks you breathlessly, his worried eyes glaring into yours.
"Yeah yeah, I'm fine-" But once again you were interrupted by the same squeaky, loud voice of the poltergeist.
"I'M TELLING, I'M TELLING," Peeves squeals mockingly before flying straight upwards towards the main floor of the library.
Your heart squeezes into itself. You've never been caught before, why now? Your uncle is going to kill you if he finds out you were sneaking around the castle, and in the restricted section of all places.
You didn't realise your breath was quickening until you felt arms lowering you onto the floor and rough but warm hands palming each side of your neck.
"Hey, hey. You're alright, sweetheart. Take a breath." You hear Finn's soft voice whisper in your ear. A little voice was in your head screaming How do you expect me to breathe when you're making my heart beat even faster??
You breathe deeply before letting out a small chuckle. "I'm okay. I'm fine. Just go get whatever you need to get. I need to deal with Peeves before he gets us both in trouble."
Finn looks at you as if asking you if you're sure. You just nod and sprint after Peeves, the last thing you hear is a distant "Repairo" before making it back to the library.
"PEEVES YOU STUPID POLTERGEIST." You try catching him, forgetting he's a literal ghost as your arms flail right through him.
"Y/n Sallow." You jump at the voice of Madam Agnes behind you. You slowly turn around while Peeves chuckles menacingly at your head hung low in shame. "And to think I'd get a break from the Sallow siblings, you come running along. Wait until your uncle hears about this."
"No. No no no-" You get interrupted by her. "That's enough. You're a bright student, you should know better than to go sneaking around the restricted section especially after curfew."
"But Madam Agnes-"
"And Peeves here tells me you were with someone else." Peeves twirls and rolls around mid-air, celebrating your punishment. "Please tell me you were forced to come here by someone's hand instead of it being your own choice."
There's a pause. You could never snitch on Finn like that. You only just met him but you know better than to put his record at risk on his first week of school here. This was your own choice anyway, you weren't forced. Finn helped you down there, so you're gonna help him.
"No. I came here all alone." You said in a low but stern voice.
Madam Agnes sighs at your lie, but she knew how stubborn you and your brother were, so she let it slide.
"Detention after classes tomorrow. You're going to sort the books to their respective places until they're all done. It doesn't matter if it takes you all night." Your shoulders slump. "Peeves, escort her to her common room, please."
With a sigh from you and an evil chuckle from the poltergeist, you begin your walk to your common room. At least Finn's in the clear now.
Little did you know, Finn saw the whole thing from behind one of the shelves. He couldn't help but let a grateful smile reach his lips.
The next day, Finn runs to the library to find you after his classes. It's already dark out by the time he finishes his extra tasks and from talking to Professor Fig. He doesn't know why he's in such a hurry, but he won't let his confidence escape him just yet.
Once he's in, he find the library to be completely empty, not even Madam Agnes in sight. He hears distant curses and shuffling coming from the second floor and he can only assume the source being your complaining.
As he follows the sounds of frustrated mumbles, he finally finds you at the end of the second floor in a dark corner holding a bunch of books to shelf up. He smiles at the sight of you awkwardly balancing everything in your one hand and walks over to you, taking a pile of books from you.
"Need help there?" He looks at you with a teasing smirk.
You look at him with a grumpy face. "Oh haha, Weasley. I can handle this on my own, thank you very much." You snatch back the books he took from you, instant regret flooding your features as you immediately struggle to balance them.
Finn immediately takes them back from you and effortlessly holds them over his head, extending his arm upwards far from your reach.
"Hey- Hand those back, Weasley." You try hopping to reach the books he so graciously stole from you.
He chuckles at your efforts while you claw up his chest and shoulders, trying to tug down his arm. After a harsh tug, Finn loses balance of the books he's holding and he tries catching them but ends up stumbling forwards.
The books fall to the side as Finn catches himself on the bookshelf, trapping you between it and himself.
You lock eyes with him, your hands clutched tightly onto the thin material of his shirt over his chest. You're both breathing heavily, chests almost touching with every breath.
You can feel Finn hesitate as his hands slowly reach to cup the back of your neck, his thumb over your cheek. No matter how much you willed yourself to, your simply could not take your eyes off him.
"Thank you." He whispers. Your eyebrows furrow.
"For what?"
"For covering for me." His stare snapping between your eyes and lips. "I heard you in the library after we got caught."
"You mean after I caught got?" You tease.
Finn smirks at your remark, his hold on your neck squeezing for a second. "Whatever you say, sweetheart." The nickname melts into your ears and into the rushed beats of your heart.
"Hey, Finn?" The use of his first name makes the blood rush to his cheeks, his breath hitches.
"You dropped my books."
"Shut up." Finn lets out in a desperate breath before pulling you into him, his lips roughly but passionately meeting yours.
His other hand shifts from the side of your head to tangle into your hair, tugging it lightly. You let out a little whimper, but that's all it took for Finn to deepen the kiss even more, his tongue slightly grazing yours. Breaths were escaping through your noses, desperate for air but never desperate enough to separate from each other.
Your fingers weave through his long, soft ginger locks. Your other hand clutches desperately onto the collar of his shirt.
You both finally pull away from each other, your hands gliding down to rest on his chest.
"Fuck." Finn leans his forehead on yours, leaning in for another quick peck. His hazel eyes are glazed over, looking into yours like they hold the world. He slowly brushes a strand of your hair behind your hair, memorising your face as you memorise his.
"I was hoping you'd do that." You chuckle breathlessly. Finn laughs with you, his eyes holding nothing but love as they stare into yours. "Oh yeah?" You nod, your nose lightly touching his.
"Now help me with these books, Weasley. You're still responsible for my detention." You playfully push him away and start picking up the books he previously dropped.
"And I'd do it again as long as it ends like this every time." He smiles at you cheekily.
"Do it again and I'm telling Sebastian you used a love potion on me."
And with that he got to work helping you sort the books out.
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sadslay · 2 years
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- IN MY ROOM ⋆☆ 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦 𝐨𝐜
warnings - fluff? nsfw content
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the sun was beginning to set beyond the horizon, casting dark shadows throughout the manor. you were waiting for miles, waiting just outside it window. you lived at the property next door and you had known each other since you were kids.
you breathed in a thick cloud of smoke before removing the cigarette from between your lips. the smoke burned your throat a little as you exhaled a cloud of smoke. when the windows beside you burst open, your whole body tensed as you thought you were caught.
“how many times have i told you that you can wait for me in my room?” miles asked, taking the cigarette from your fingers before placing it between his lips.
“and how many times have i told you that i don’t want flora finding me.” you smiled, resting your elbows on the window ledge.
“she’s in bed.” he groaned, exhaling a small cloud of smoke.
he extended his hand, allowing you to hold onto his hand as you climbed through his bedroom window.
“oh is that so.” you laughed as you stumbled into his room.
miles nodded as he let out a breathy laugh, a bit of smoke puffing out his lips while doing so. he took the cigarette out from between his lips before passing it back to you as he fell down onto his bed. as you finished up the last bit of your cigarette, throwing the butt onto the pavement outside.
you plopped yourself on the red and white egg chair beside his bed, putting your feet up on a random box as you turned your attention back to miles.
“i didn’t think you were home for another week or two.” you mumbled, looking over to miles.
“comere.” he mumbled, choosing to ignore your comment.
you stood up before kneeing down onto his mattress, crawling over to his side. he held out his arm, as you began to get comfortable before finally resting around your shoulder. you laid your head on his shoulder, carefully listening to his breathing. you could feel his thumb gently rubbing back and forth on your clothed shoulder. whenever you were apart from each other time felt slow in the worst way possible, a few months feeling like a life time. but when you were together, everything melted together. hours could feel like minutes.
“i missed you.” he mumbled quietly, turning his head to look down at you.
“i miss you too.” you smiled sweetly, your hand connecting to his cheek.
he let out a soft breath, having missed your touch as he began to lower himself, connecting his lips with yours. almost instantly your lips began to meld together perfectly. you were like ecstasy to each other. as the kiss grew with lust and desire, miles had moved himself to tower over you, his hand gently holding onto your neck.
as his hand moved across your neck, you squirmed under his touch causing miles to smile into the kiss. miles used his free hand to comb a piece of hair from your forehead. your hands moved down his torso, gently tugging on the hem of his sweater. you began to pull up his sweater, miles temporarily pulling away to pulling the sweater over his head. as he flung the sweater into the corner of his room, he quickly reconnected your lips. your hands reconnected to his torso, your fingernails leaving small indents in his skin. miles’ lips moved from your lips, slowly working his way down to your neck where he still had a firm grip.
“you’re all mine.” he mumbled huskily into your skin.
“all yours.” you moaned softly, one of your hands moved to the back of his head, entangling your fingers in his curls.
“good girl.” he hummed.
your slightest movement drove him absolutely insane. the way your fingers clung to his hair or the way you’d moan out his name. he infatuated with you and every square inch of your body. in one swift movement, miles had taken off your shirt, throwing it to a random corner in his room before he continued to leave a trail of marks down your neck. you let out a quite moan sending chills up miles’ spine.
“miles.” you moaned.
miles looked up at you, reconnecting your lips as his hand gently grasped onto your neck, applying just the right amount of pressure. with his free hand, miles began to wander down your stomach lining your skin with goosebumps. his hand began to unbuckle your jeans causing you to let out an unexpected whimper.
lying on miles’ chest, listening to his breathing gradually slow, while his finger traced up and down your spine. it was beginning to come into the early hours of the morning, both of you getting tired. your eyes felt heavy, all you wanted to do was fall asleep in his arms.
“the sun’s gonna be up soon.” you whispered, gently readjusting your head to look up at him.
his dark eyes looked sad, you knew he hated seeing you leave and it was usually to most difficult part every-time you saw each other.
“can’t you stay?” he asked quietly, gently brushing a piece of hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear.
you flashed him a weak smile, admittedly also wanting you say, you let out a breathy laugh. “you know i won’t be allowed back if mrs grose catches us.” you smiled, your hand beginning to tenderly draw circles on his chest. “do i need to remind you of the time that kate caught us?” you giggled.
you were sitting on miles’ bathroom sink, your skirt dropped to the floor. miles’ head was between your thighs, his hands gripping onto your doughy skin while your hand was entangled his his hair. you let out almost pornographic moans as miles continued to work his magic. your was mind completely scrambled as you flung your head back, your deep breaths filling the confined space.
as you came close to your high, miles pulled away before standing up to connect his lips with yours. miles pulled you closer to the edge of the counter, allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist. your arms wrapped around his neck while his hands dugs into the bare skin of your thigh. you were sure it was going to leave a mark but you didn’t mind, in fact you liked it. the way he left small marks over your body claiming you as his own.
miles looked away for a moment, causing your lips to attach to his jaw line, leaving a soft kisses. not bothering to look at why miles had turned away, you moved your arms away from his necks before cupping his cheeks. your head snapped in the direction of miles’ bedroom door as something shattered on the floor. you let out a breathy laugh as kate quickly grew flustered as she tried to clean up the broken bits of glass.
“don’t you know how to knock?” miles grunted as his hands began to run up and down your thighs.
“well- i uh. i did but uh…” kate stuttered causing you to both let out a breathy laugh.
“get the fuck out of my room.” miles laughed.
kate quickly picked up the last few pieces of glass before scurrying out of miles’ room, pulling his bedroom door shut.
“now.” he cooed. “where were we?” he asked rhetorically before reconnecting your lips.
pulling your one of miles’ sweaters over your head, you looked at the small analog clock on his bedside table. as you both stood up from his bed, miles’ grabbed onto your wrist causing you to spin back around to face him.
“you’re sure you don’t need me to walk you back?” he asked. “it can be dangerous out there at this time of night.” he shrugged.
“i’m sure i’ll be fine.” you giggled, planting one last kiss on his cheek before walking over to his bedroom window.
you pushed open the window before beginning to climb through the window. as you finally planted your feet onto the muddy concrete, you turned around to find miles leaning on the window ledge with his elbows.
“see you tomorrow?” he asked, carefully tracing your body up and down before meeting your eyes.
“i’ll be here at 10.” you smiled, giving him yet another kiss on the cheek.
before you could pull away, miles’ quickly connected your lips, this time his movements were slow and tender.
he slowly pulled away, undeniably leaving him hungry for more. you smirked as his attempts to get you to stay before beginning to wander in the general direction of your property.
“see ya later lover boy!”
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claymorexpunisher · 6 months
Okay! I’ve decided to start up a fic taglist again! I’ve noticed that my work doesn’t really appear in tags or on people’s dash sometimes so I think starting a taglist again is a must.
Like or reply to this post if you’d like to be added. My updates are quite irregular, so there might be radio silence and then all of a sudden you might get bombarded. But I’ll t r y to not spam y’all. 😂😂
If you’re on the list, you’ll be tagged in every single one of my works. So, feel free to read or skip any fics you’d like. If at any point you wanna be taken off the list, just message me! Thank youuu! 🥰😊
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gwaineandmerlin · 9 months
I do not vibe w/ modern era Merlin au because it strips away so much of what makes the characters canonical relationships interesting
some fan fic tries to emulate the dynamic by making Arthur Merlin's boss or Arthur a rich prep school boy and Gwen poor . . . but it doesn't quite replace the King/Servant dynamic
I NEED rank to be part of the conflict in stories or else what makes almost any ship (merthur, arwen, mergana, morgwen, even merwen in later seasons) compelling is lost for me
like is it even Arthur and Merlin if they are not Loyal King and Devoted Servant?
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a1m3v · 10 months
imagine ice king freezes finn and jake and he’s like “do u ever wish you could be women” and like idk it comes out of no where
and Jake is like “we are not dressing up as ur weirdo fanfiction”
and Ice King is like “no no u dont get it. tho if u could dress up id appreciate it”
and thats like simon’s subconscious dysphoria surfacing, and at the end of the rant finn and jake are like “buddy we need to tell you something”
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topguncortez · 2 years
hello friend! can i get pinterest nsfw prompts by lilithmemes "youre so cute i could just eat you out" with finnegan please? ❤️
side note: this prompt definitely reminds me of when finn says he majors in cunnilingus and he sometimes feels like hes just buried in work 💀
pairing: Walt "Finn" Finnegan x Female!Reader warnings: suggestive language, Finn is a cocky mf and needs to be put in his place, smutty. Note: based kinda on a thread between me and @sebsxphia Master prompts list!
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"You've been avoiding me."
The voice made you roll your eyes as you felt his arm go around your shoulders. You didn't even need to look to see who it was, but you did anyway and were met with the ridiculous porn stache on his upper lip. His blonde hair was styled to perfection, knowing Finnegan, he probably went and got a Farrah Faucet blow-out earlier this morning.
"I know I have," You said back and pushed his arm off of you.
You and Finn had a love hate relationship, stronger on the hate side of things. You couldn't stand the cocky third baseman. Maybe it was the larger than life Texas attitude or the cocksure smile and wink that he gave every girl that walked through the door to the baseball house. But for some reason, the sight of Walt Finnegan made your skin crawl.
"Oh don't be like that," Finn said, giving you a faux pout, "You wound me, babygirl."
You rolled your eyes again, "What do you want?"
"What makes you think I want something from you? I was just standing over there with my lovely friends Jake and Dale," Finn pointed to the two baseball players on the other side of the kitchen, who waved at you, "and could see that you are carrying this tension in your shoulders, which is not good. It can lead to back problems, and ugh, I'd hate to see a pretty girl like you have a hunchback."
"FINN!" You yelled and slapped his arm.
"I'm sorry, baby, I'm just trying to help you. You know, I'm majoring in cunnilingus, and I am very dedicated to my work. Many studies show that there is a direct link between orgasms and tension relief,"
You sighed and crossed your arms over your chest as you listened to Finn rattle off some statistic (which was partially made up). You and Finn had hooked up regularly, and you'd never admit it out loud, but it was some of the best sex you'd had in your life. Finn knew what he was doing, which added to the hate that you had for him.
"You done?" You said, interrupting him, having zoned out halfway through his speech on how he studies the Art of the Female Orgasm.
Finn smiled, giving you that megawatt beautiful smile, "You're so cute, I could just eat you out." A shiver went through your body and heat pooled between your legs. You looked around the kitchen, seeing his teammates busy with their own conversations. You grabbed the red solo cup that was in front of you and downed it. Finn smirked, knowing how this works and grabbed a bottle of vodka, taking a swig for himself.
"Come on," You grab his hand and pull him towards the DTF room.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 months
Generally envy the bitches on twitter right now trying to insist Mace Windu and Martha Jones and Finn won't victims of racist hatred in fandoms, because what fucking reality are they in and how can I get in.
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strangernation10 · 27 days
My AO3 Account
Hi everyone! Stranger Nation is a sub-blog of @hawkins-batman. It's mostly to promote my fan fictions and repost fan art and writing shit. Anyways, find my AO3 linked below! I'll try to update this post with my fics as they get written!
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wrestlersownmyheart · 2 months
“Chances Are” Ch. 16 (Book 2 In the “Chances” Series) Finn Bálor X OC
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Pairing: Finn Bálor X Female OC Summary: After a traumatic childhood and a murder attempt that left her with a heart condition, Miracle Seanoa wants nothing more than to find some peace and fulfillment in her life. Working as a writer for WWE, she's shocked when Stephanie McMahon takes a gamble on her skills and assigns her to a new RAW roster member. None other than Finn Bálor—the man who'd long ago saved her life and captured her heart.
Finn Bálor left his career as a police officer behind in order to chase his true dream of becoming a professional wrestler. Working incredibly hard within NXT, he soon finds himself drafted to Monday Night RAW. He's shocked to see Miracle again, but even more shocked is he to see what a stunning woman she's become.
However, someone else has had his eye on Miracle for a long while. With his infatuation turning to a deep, dark obsession, he's not going to give up on her easily. Finn will have to resort to his past skills as a cop, to protect the woman he loves.
Because if her weakening heart doesn't kill her, her stalker just might... Disclaimers: I own nothing or anyone associated or affiliated with WWE. I own only the original characters. This is just a fictional story that came from my imagination.
Chapter Content & Trigger Warnings: I hate to spoil my story, but I don't want to cause anyone any unnecessary pain either. There will be an attempt at a forced miscarriage in this chapter. If that is a trigger for you, you might want to skip over this chapter.
Also, this is a short chapter folks, I didn't want it to be, but I had to do it this way so I could keep the outline organized right.
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Chapter 16
Finn was not far from turning off the country road onto the freeway when his phone rang. Upon seeing that it was Miracle, he answered the call.
"Hello, love," He said in way of greeting, grinning from ear to ear. "Miss me already?"
"Fi-Finn… Finn…" Her weak voice cried out to him. "I love you… Should have listened… to y-you…"
His smile faded, and instantly he knew…
The attacker had found her.
Already pulling a drastic U-turn in the road, Finn spoke frantically into the phone.
"Baby, what's happened? Is he there?"
"So sorry…"
The line rustled and then a male voice spoke.
"Because of you she's gone."
The line clicked and the call ended.
Finn cursed and pressed down on the accelerator even harder, speeding for the cabin. Hoping a cop wouldn't see him driving like a bat out of hell and pull him over-because at this point the cop would just have to follow him all the way to the cabin-he flew over the graveled road and prayed the whole way that he wasn't too late.
He brought the phone up so he could see it clearly and redialed MIracle's number.
"No!" He tried again.
Pocketing the phone with one hand and driving with the other, he sped even faster down the road.
Finally. Finally, he could see the yard and instantly made out Miracle lying in a small heap. He didn't even bother with parking in the driveway. He came to a rough stop in the grass and had barely shut off the engine before he was getting out of the vehicle.
"MIRACLE!" He shouted, running to the small bundle on the ground. "MIR-" He cut off as he made it to her and instantly saw all the blood. "No…" he uttered. "No. Not her blood. It can't be her blood. It's too much…"
Coming out of his shocked stupor, he crouched down next to her and took in the state of her.
She was unconscious or dead, he didn't know which, and was covered in blood.
"No, No, No, No , NO!"
His words turned to a shout as he checked her pulse, desperate to see if she was alive. A slow, thready thump met his fingers. He took a closer look at her injuries. Saw the numerous stab wounds.
He frantically reached for her neck, checking her pulse. A slow, thready thump met his fingers. "Miracle, baby…" He reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone and instantly dialed 9-1-1.
"9-1-1… What is your emergency?"
"I need an ambulance. My girlfriend has been stabbed multiple times. In the chest and stomach." He forced himself to not think about what that could mean for the baby. He quickly gave the address and started to hang up, when he heard the 9-1-1 operator speak up.
"Sir, we already have an ambulance heading for that location."
He was thoroughly confused, but grateful to hear help was on the way. "Good. Thank you." With that, he hung up. He instantly heard a siren in the vicinity. And wanting to get Miracle treated as soon as possible he lifted her into his arms and began carrying her limp frame toward the siren.
If you want on my tag list, just ask! 🙂
@oreillystolemyheart @lookalivesunshine-x @shortyiceheart @vebner37 @claymorexpunisher
@kalliravenne @swamptrashwithasideofsass @beardedbarba @emisrose @sassymox
@pikapuff-316 @heavymetalgirl420 @bigpsychicbagelauthor @darktammy @waywardwrestlewritingwaif
@sultryfandoms @blondekel77 @demonqueen29 @amariemoore @letsgivethisonemoreshot
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@swthrt890 @librathepheonix13 @ironshamelessyouth @moonwolfdemonprincess21 @moxkindagirl
@jstarr86 @oliviasinematic @southerngirl41 @claymoresofinfamy23 @faythewilsonnn
@donttellnoliebabygirl @keisha-knell
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arriathedragon · 8 months
Ok. Fine. I see you Adventure Time fandom. So its gonna be like that huh? There's more LEMONGRAB fics than FINN fics.
I must fix this injusice. (And if you have an good Finn-cenric fics I will take anything at this point I cant even find 1 that isn't.... gross.
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thlayli-ra · 3 months
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: AJ Lee/CM Punk/LA Knight/Finn Balor, Samoa Joe/CM Punk, CM Punk/Raven, CM Punk/Triple H Characters: AJ Lee (Professional Wrestling), CM Punk, LA Knight | Eli Drake, Finn Balor | Prince Devitt, Scarlett Bordeaux, Rhea Ripley, Vince McMahon Jr., Shawn Michaels, William Regal, Triple H (Professional Wrestling), Samoa Joe (Professional Wrestling), Raven (Professional Wrestling) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Vampire, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Smut, Porn With Plot, Biting, Minor Violence, Smut, Vaginal Sex, Blood Drinking, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Foursome - F/M/M/M, Face-Fucking, Rimming, Spitroasting, Pegging, Strap-Ons, Past Abuse, Masochism Summary:
The Dark Queen has arrived in the kingdom and demands three virile young men to satiate her desire for blood - and for flesh! Seeing an opportunity to secure his political position, the King selects three rivals who pose the most threat to his throne.
Which is how a self-proclaimed messiah desperate for glorious sacrifice, a cut-throat mercenary intent on discovering the secret to immortality and a 'noble' knight looking to rekindle his favour by slaying the monster find themselves at the sacrificial altar.
But when they come face-to-face with the beautiful creature herself, will they prevail in their missions or succumb to their inner-most desires?
^^^^ The final chapter of Red Moon has been posted! Enjoy!
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reiser-f · 1 year
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Can’t stop thinking about Sometimes we all get just what we wanted by @hackedbyawriter
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claymorexpunisher · 6 months
Brats Have More Fun (Ch.4/?) (18+ Fic)
Disclaimer: This is NSFW. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag my work appropriately, so if you choose to click on my work regardless, use your own discretion. Thank you for the love always and enjoy this cheesy porno! 🥂
Pairing(s): Finn Balor/Fem. Reader
Summary: Bratty Reader has a tough day at work and takes it out on Finn. Sometimes punishments aren't what a bratty sub needs, and luckily Finn knows that...
Tag(s): 18+, bratting, Dom/sub dynamic, oral sex (f receiving), a bit of angst, fluff.
Chapter Word Count: 1,090
Prev. Part
I tried not to think about the incredibly shitty day I had at work today.
I really did.
But the second I got home to my boyfriend and Dom, Finn who had a couple of days off from his own job, I knew it was hopeless.
I was irritated with my now former boss and with the rest of the world, and Finn was unfortunately going to have to deal with it.
Still, I greeted my boyfriend when I walked into our home, kissing him on the lips and answering vaguely when he asked how work was.
Finn could tell that something was off. It was written all over our faces and Finn wasn’t having my attitude.
I didn’t wanna talk about it. I didn’t even wanna think about it.
But my brain and my mouth had other plans and Finn was going to get to the bottom of it.
“Grab me a water while you’re in there, babe.” He said as I walked towards our kitchen.
That… that set me off.
I usually took orders at work.
From customers, from my boss, etc.
So, for me, putting up a bit of a fight at home with my boyfriend/Dom felt like the most natural thing in the world.
But Finn would quickly realize that today was different.
I was looking for some release that I knew I should ask Finn for, but I just didn’t know how.
“Why don’t you get up and get it yourself?” I scoffed, immediately feeling terrible.
Yet secretly a spark of excitement erupted in my chest as I heard Finn’s footsteps immediately following me into the kitchen.
“What?” I heard him ask.
“You heard me, Sir. Get it your damned self. I’m not your maid.” I responded, shrugging as my defiant gaze met his stormy features.
“Who said anything about you being my ma-…” Finn trailed off, suddenly grabbing my wrists.
He practically dragged me to our room, quite literally kicking and screaming, before he picked up my wriggling body and carried me the rest of the way.
I let out a soft ‘oof’ as Finn deposited me unceremoniously onto the bed, both of us starting to pant as we struggled for control until he straddled my torso.
He had much more muscle than I did, and honestly, the day at work left me too exhausted to really put up a fight.
Another red flag for him.
“Are you ready to talk, love?” Finn asked softly, in a sweet tone I wasn’t really prepared for.
I could feel a knot in my throat, and I immediately cleared it away, willing my eyes not to water and Finn’s eyes softened even more, making me even angrier. But I knew it wasn’t gonna last.  
“Talk about what, Finn?” I snapped but it was as half hearted as the warning Finn replied with.
“Enough… I know something’s wrong, darlin’. Was it your boss? Did he do something?” He asked and that opened up the floodgates.
Tears poured and poured from my eyes and onto the pillowcase at an alarming rate no matter how much I wiped my eyes once Finn let my wrists go.
He carefully lifted himself off my torso and pulled me closer to his chest and I felt myself melt almost immediately.
“…I quit. I couldn’t take his shit anymore, so I quit.” I finally confessed. “Now what the fuck am I gonna do? I hated that job- he was a raging dickhead but-“ I sobbed but Finn gently shushed me and kissed the crown of my head several times.
“Now, we’re gonna calm down, and you’re gonna relax-“ Finn said, his tone and gaze now playful as I shot up from his chest to look at him.
He never did take life all that seriously and that was partly why I was head over heels for him.
In this moment I needed the reminder that things would be fine. And that I did the right thing in quitting.
He chuckled, rubbing my arms and my back.
“Lay back, love.”
For once I did what I was told, though I was still slightly perturbed by the fact that I wasn’t being punished.
I let Finn peel off the pj’s I had changed into upon returning home early from work and I softly bit my lip as he slowly spread my legs, trailing soft kisses along my inner thighs and along my abdomen.
His beard grazed over my ticklish stomach, making it visibly flutter and causing him to smile.
I matched his smile as I looked down at him and I grasped one of his hands in mine, gasping softly as his mouth began to trail over my waiting pussy.
My eyes fluttered shut and my back arched as Finn’s tongue teased along the outside of my pussy before he brought his tongue up toward my clit and back again, chuckling as I let out a soft whine.
But I didn’t urge him forward.
No, I wanted to bask in this for once.
The slower pace felt like a nice change of pace despite my impatience, and I secretly loved the way Finn was taking care of me, making my accelerated thoughts settle and focus on something much, much better, and sweeter.
I sighed deeply, sinking into our bed as his mouth finally closed over my clit, sucking lightly even as his tongue began circling that little, tiny switch that made my toes curl.
“Fuck…” I whined, clutching Finn’s hand firmly with one hand and holding the back of his head with the other and he slowly and with all the patience in the world, tasted me.
“There we go… I know you need to destress, love, and I’m happy to do that for you.” he said, pulling his mouth away from between my legs momentarily and replacing it with his fingers.
I could feel his eyes on me without even looking and when I opened my eyes for all of a second and locked them with his.
My thighs trembled at the sight of Finn’s quirked lips as his fingers slowly pumped in out of my inviting pussy.
“I’m such a good Dom- such a good boyfriend. Aren’t I, baby?” Finn chuckled as my body began to writhe even more.
“The best...!” I moaned.
As I finally reached my peak with a choked off scream, a kaleidoscope of colors exploded behind my eyelids as Finn mouth slowly toyed with my clit once again, intensifying the onslaught of sensations coursing through my body…
Next Part
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madorosenpai · 4 months
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Summary: Naquele instante, parecia que suas almas haviam enfim se aquietado ao terem encontrado alguém que as compreendia, mesmo que palavras não estivessem sendo proferidas.
Notes: Estou muito animada com o fato de que Mashle tem ganhado mais atenção ultimamente. Por conta disso, estou inspirada a escrever ainda mais histórias sobre esse universo encantador!
Então, sem mais delongas, boa leitura!
Era mais um dia como qualquer outro na Easton e um certo moreno de óculos escuros encontrava-se sentado à mesa da biblioteca com uma pilha de livros ao seu lado. A semana de provas estava para começar e ele não poderia se dar o direito de afrouxar. Especialmente porque após um reencontro caloroso com seu irmão, reerguera-se das cinzas e seguia empenhado em seu sonho de superá-lo numa determinação inabalável.
Após terminar outra bateria de exercícios de história da magia, Wirth levantou-se para buscar mais livros da matéria, pois poderia se dizer que era seu calcanhar de Aquiles. Nunca fora muito fã do assunto, já que este o despertava também um punhado de memórias ruins com seu pai, que o forçava a se dedicar através de punições físicas.
Suspirou em desagrado enquanto vasculhava as estantes. Tudo o que não queria era ter de se recordar do motivo dos seus traumas atuais. De repente, um estrondo vindo do outro lado da estante interrompeu seus pensamentos. Direcionou-se ao local de onde o ruído foi produzido e pôde ver de relance o motivo da algazarra: dois estudantes do terceiro ano da Lang acuavam um primeiranista que, a julgar pelas vestes azuis escuras, aparentava ser da Adler, a casa rival.
- Por favor, parem com isso! – Exclamava o rapaz numa tentativa falha de se defender das agressões dos valentões que agora pisoteavam em seus livros. - Calado, escória! Você é amigo de um sem magia! Você sabe qual o destino daqueles que protegem uma aberração como essa? – Questionou um dos valentões enquanto ria com escárnio.
- Tortura lenta e agonizante. A ponto de você desejar jamais ter nascido. – Complementou o outro em tom de desgosto. – Até mesmo a morte seria algo piedoso demais para você! – Nisso os dois tornaram a chutar incessantemente o mais novo, que tentava a todo custo proteger seu rosto com os braços.
Wirth ao presenciar essa cena simplesmente não conseguia ficar parado assistindo o aluno ser cruelmente agredido daquela forma. Quando os valentões estavam prestes a desferir mais golpes na vítima, o chão ao redor deles havia se tornado um completo lamaçal.
- Mas o quê... – Antes que pudesse proferir o restante da frase, os lábios de um dos valentões foram calados por um braço de lama que havia emergido do piso o imobilizando por completo em seguida. Enquanto o outro, confuso com tudo o que estava acontecendo ali, tentou fugir em vão, já que em um piscar de olhos seu corpo se encontrava afundando em uma espécie de areia movediça com aspecto de lodoso. - A única escória aqui são lixos como vocês que mancham a reputação da nossa casa! – Bradou enfurecido Wirth surgindo de dentro da lama, o que fez com que ambos os agressores se amedrontassem perante a presença do terceiro canino e sua aura sobrepujante tendo perfeita consciência de que desafiá-lo não era uma decisão sábia a se tomar. - Se mexerem com ele de novo, eu ficarei sabendo e só posso garantir que não verão mais a luz do dia. Entenderam o recado?! – Interrogou o Mádl, que ao ver os outros dois quase que instantaneamente assentirem em um estalar de dedos os liberta. Estes então não tardaram em se retirar da biblioteca no segundo seguinte.
- Você está bem? – Questionou o moreno ao estudante atacado estendendo-o a sua mão para ajudá-lo a se levantar, gesto esse que foi prontamente aceito pelo mais novo. - E-estou sim... – Respondeu o primeiranista ainda um tanto receoso e foi neste momento que Wirth notou uma mecha amarelada nos cabelos escuros do menor imediatamente o reconhecendo. - Ei, você é o amigo do cabeça de cogumelo! Finn, não é? - Isso mesmo... – Disse o menor analisando a expressão facial do rapaz à sua frente. Iria questioná-lo algo, mas foi interrompido por uma dor lancinante na região do abdômen fazendo com que gemesse amargamente com a dor e cambaleasse em meio à vertigem quase indo de encontro ao chão, não fosse o terceiro canino a segurá-lo.
- Nesse estado você pode vir a ter alguma complicação logo mais... – Proferiu em genuína preocupação e em seguida, colocou um dos braços do menor sobre suas costas servindo de apoio ao mesmo. – Vou te levar à enfermaria.
- Mas... - Sem protestos, você vem!
Na enfermaria, Finn repousava sobre seu leito estando coberto por algumas bandagens e esparadrapos em seu abdômen e em suas pernas também. Apesar dos hematomas evidentes, felizmente seus ferimentos não haviam sido nada fatais. Ele sobrevivera a mais um dia naquela bendita escola graças à pena de outrem.
”Parece que precisei ser salvo de novo...” – Essas simples palavras martelavam constantemente em sua cabeça, quase como um pesadelo o atormentando e do qual ele não conseguia acordar por mais árduo que tentasse.
Sinceramente, sentia-se um fardo aos seus amigos, duvidando até mesmo de como pudera ter sido capaz de ser aprovado no processo de admissão da escola de magia. Era desprovido de força bruta como Mash, carecia de habilidades e conhecimentos que Lance possuía, nem mesmo detinha a determinação inabalável de Dot ou o ânimo de Lemon. No entanto, todos pareciam estar se esforçando bastante. Tudo o que queria era poder retribuir seus esforços, por tudo o que fazem e já fizeram por ele, mas parecia que não importava o quanto tentasse, nunca seria o suficiente.
Todavia, o que mais o angustiava, sobretudo, era dar a Rayne o desprazer de tê-lo como irmão. Ele bem sabia do quanto o mais velho precisou abrir mão de si mesmo para que Finn pudesse chegar aonde se encontrava hoje. Se estava vivo agora era graças a ele, que abdicara sua infância e hoje desistia de sua juventude ao se tornar visionário divino. Tudo para que pudesse garantir um próspero futuro ao mais novo.
Todos esses anos de vida que seu irmão perdera foram sua culpa e, por mais desafiador que fosse, Finn almejava, ao menos, poder trazer um pouco de tranquilidade ao coração de Rayne, provar que era forte o suficiente para lidar com as coisas sozinho, que o mais velho poderia enfim descansar e aproveitar o restante dos anos da forma que bem entendesse, mas infelizmente, por mais que odiasse admitir, seu poder estava muito aquém do que poderia ser considerado aceitável. O destino parecia gostar de o preencher de esperanças, apenas para destruí-las em seguida e rir cruelmente de seu infortúnio.
“Perdoe-me, irmão, não consigo ser forte como você...”
De súbito, suas reflexões foram interrompidas por uma figura que adentrara a enfermaria e se dirigia ao seu leito. Finn reconhecera o moreno de óculos escuros trajando o capuz da casa Lang, fora ele o seu salvador na biblioteca.
- Como está se sentindo? – Questionou em perceptível preocupação.
- Bem, eu acho. Aliás, desculpe, não consegui te agradecer antes, mas obrigado! – Respondera o menor sem jeito.
- Não por isso! Mas eu ainda não entendi uma coisa...por que você não se impôs a aqueles idiotas? – Indagou o terceiro canino, enquanto puxava uma cadeira ao lado para sentar-se rente à cama.
Para ele não fazia sentido algum que alguém como Finn, com toda a resistência que demonstrara no torneio destinado a selecionar os futuros visionários divinos fosse incapaz de se defender. Era um dos poucos que acreditava no potencial do menor. Porém, a reação que obteve pela sua pergunta o pegou desprevenido. Os olhos verdes do mais novo estavam repletos de lágrimas, enquanto seu corpo estremecia em ansiedade. Parecia que estava a carregar um peso insustentável em suas costas.
- Desculpe por todo o trabalho que sempre dou! – Clamou em desesperança, enquanto as lágrimas desciam pelas maçãs do seu rosto.
A visão do rapaz em prantos à sua frente o fez compreender a conjuntura do cenário. O grande problema jazia na ausência de autoconfiança, funcionando como uma engrenagem que, ao se mover, trazia à tona todo o caos que estava a mente de Finn.
Essa sensação de impotência e desesperança em si mesmo lhe eram tão familiares, que seu corpo parecia se recordar com clareza de cada marca das agressões que já sofrera do seu pai, a razão de todos os seus traumas. Não fazia a menor ideia de qual teria sido o passado de Finn, mas tinha a certeza de que eram mais parecidos do que poderia imaginar.
No instante seguinte, Finn sentiu-se envolvido pelo moreno que o puxara para um abraço calmo e terno. Cerrou seus olhos aproveitando cada segundo desse momento precioso, que nenhum dos dois desejava encerrar. Naquele instante, parecia que as duas almas haviam enfim se aquietado ao terem encontrado alguém que as compreendia, mesmo que palavras não estivessem sendo proferidas.
“Eu te entendo porque eu e você somos iguais...” – Era o que se passava na cabeça do moreno até este ser interrompido pelos questionamentos de Finn a seguir.
- Você é um dos integrantes da Magia Lupus, não é? Desculpe, mas como você se chama? – Perguntou enquanto secava as lágrimas e abrindo um sorriso meigo.
O terceiro canino fez uma pequena pausa antes de responder, recordando-se brevemente de sua luta com Lance e sobre o conselho que o azulado o havia fornecido. Sorriu em genuína felicidade sentindo que aquele seria o início de uma bela e verdadeira amizade.
- Wirth, Wirth Mádl. Muito prazer!
Notes: De certa forma, essa história também é uma continuação de "Reflexo", apesar de ambas as histórias não estarem diretamente conectadas.
Eu sei que é difícil imaginar Wirth e Finn tão próximos assim, mas gosto de pensar também que o fato de serem ambos irmãos mais novos de 2 figuras importantes no mundo mágico gere uma certa identidade entre eles e isso possa dar origem a uma bela amizade.
Enfim, isso é tudo por enquanto. Até a próxima!
Edit: Credits to おちゅ一げん for the fan art!
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bai-yu · 1 year
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