#finnish DNA
avovaimoke · 6 months
Otetaan siitä dnd-näyte
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Wait why are you blonde and blue eyed 😭 Why did I think you were like a brunette
I’m swedish with finnish heritage, the blonde and blue eyed gene was pretty strong from the get go lol
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fushigurro · 6 months
sorry i know i keep talking on dash but omg. thinking about how the DNA results i got back from 23andme and few weeks ago said i'm like 1.1% western asian & north african. i mean it's not that significant i'm still the whitest european descended bitch alive but i'm just like. one of these things is not like the others
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baku-usagi · 7 months
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Baked my family's Finnish pulla bread and now spending time with the lap cats.
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highwaydiamonds · 2 years
i did 23 and me - and everything was basically as expected except for one tiny bit. Turns out my DNA is .2% Finnish!!
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hellsitegenetics · 2 days
Hi! So related to the ask that someone made where they classified the bugs. It's not that we speak like moths: it's that the English language uses letters in sequences due to our linguistics that ties to the sequences used by Lepidoptera! If you sequence posts in other languages that still use the Roman alphabet, including ones that aren't Romantic languages, you SHOULD start to see a bit more diversity in what DNA you're sequencing :) I'm very curious to see what you'd sequence out of a Finnish or Estonian post, for example, as they're not related to other European languages and are neither Germanic OR Romantic.
how lucky we are, then, that our language happens to line up with the genomes of moths
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hairy-jeff · 2 years
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My @23andme results came in, they are V different (I think more accurate) then the Cri one #dna #23andme #results #genetics #irish #british #french #german #finnish #european #nigerian #spanish #portugese #subsaharanafrica #angolan #congolese #neanderthal #ginger #redhead #greeneyes #freckles #cleftchin https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg9casNO1rcM8wmECVP2qfMUD5XKT8dB7X2oSA0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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afeelgoodblog · 1 year
1. New Jersey Governor Declares State a 'Safe Haven' for Gender-Affirming Care
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New Jersey’s Democratic governor has a message for the LGBTQ+ community. He issued an executive order on Tuesday indicating that, unlike in some Republican-controlled states, New Jersey is open and welcoming to everybody regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. In addition, he says New Jersey is a “safe haven” for those seeking gender-affirming care.
2. Watch Ocean Cleanup remove the 200,000th kilogram of plastic from the Pacific Ocean
3. Finland becomes 31st member of NATO, doubling the alliance's border with Russia
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Finland has become the 31st member of the Nato security alliance, doubling the length of member states' borders with Russia.The Finnish foreign minister handed the accession document to the US secretary of state who declared Finland a member.
Then in bright sunshine in front of Nato's gleaming new headquarters, Finland's white-and-blue flag joined a circle of 30 other flags.Finland's accession is a setback for Russia's Vladimir Putin. He had repeatedly complained of Nato's expansion before his full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
4. Captive orca Lolita set for release into 'home waters' after 50 years at Miami Seaquarium
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The killer whale known as Lolita appears one step closer to returning to its natural habitat of the Pacific Northwest, after performing at a Miami tourist attraction for decades. It was taken from the ocean in 1970. But after a long-running dispute over where Lolita belongs, officials from various parties announced Thursday a "binding agreement" to take Lolita -- also known as Tokitae or Toki -- to its "home waters."
"Lolita will receive the highest quality care as the team works to make relocation possible in the next 18 to 24 months," Miami Seaquarium said in a statement Thursday.
5. Nature prescriptions shown to reduce blood pressure, depression, anxiety, and loneliness
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A new study published in The Lancet Planetary Health suggests that nature prescriptions, which recommend spending time in nature, can provide both physical and mental health benefits. Patients who followed these prescriptions had reduced blood pressure, lower depression and anxiety scores, and a higher daily step count.
Research shows that contact with nature reduces harms, including those from poor air quality, heatwaves, and chronic stress, while encouraging healthy behaviours such as socialising and physical activity. This can help to prevent issues including loneliness, depression and cardiovascular disease.
6. Library Receives Flood Of Donations For Beloved Cat
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The Ashville Free Library recently began a fundraiser to help pay for the aging cat’s veterinary care. After a story on Libby was published, donations to the library poured in. Director Kristina Benson called the community response overwhelming. As of Thursday, more than $2,900 had been raised.
Benson reported that Libby, the cat — who has recently been suffering from a cold — is now doing much better now that she has her medicine. Benson expects to keep the GoFundMe up until sometime next week.
7. Mother and baby reunited in Turkey nearly two months after earthquake
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A mother has been reunited with her baby in southern Turkey after a DNA test confirmed it was her daughter, almost two months after the devastating earthquake, the country's family ministry said.
The three-and-a-half-month old "miracle baby", called Vetin, was pulled out of the rubble of a building in the province of Hatay more than five days after the Feb. 6 quake with no health problems.
That's it for this week :)
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dresshistorynerd · 4 months
European history is not white
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Someone commented this to a post I reblogged, which message is basically "we shouldn't venerate the Dead White Man HistoryTM and we should elevate other history too, but we still need to learn Dead White Man HistoryTM to understand the world today". It's basically a response to the attitude you sometimes come across in the internet that sees learning about those Dead White MenTM as not worth our time. And this person, who seems to be following this blog because they responded to my reblog, takes it as a personal attack against all white Europeans. For some reason. Well I take these comments as a personal attack against historical understanding.
Firstly, the post clearly didn't say you shouldn't venerate any European history, because not all European history is Dead White Man HistoryTM. Obviously this person thinks European history is white, which is not true, but surely, surely, they know it's not all men? Secondly, what is "west culture"? When did it start? There is not one western culture, not one European culture. The first concept of some shared Europeanness was the Christendom in Middle Ages, but it was not exactly the same as we think of Europe today, because it did not include the pagan areas, but it included a lot of Levant and parts of Central Asia, where there were large Christian areas. And Europe was not "very white" nor was the Christendom. The more modern concept of West was cooked in tandem with race and whiteness during colonial era and Enlightenment, around 17th to 18th centuries. And Europe was certainly not very white then. The western world also includes a lot of colonized areas, so that's obviously not white history. Thirdly, implying that asking white people to apologize for European history (which no one did ask) is as ridiculous as asking black people for African history is... a choice. Black people do exist in a lot of other places than Africa, which white people should be the ones apologizing for, and really white people also have a lot to answer for about African history. Lastly, if you think the quote "anyone who thinks those dead white guys are aspirational is a white supremacist" means you as an European are demanded to apologize for your existence, maybe - as we say in Finland - that dog yelps, which the stick clanks. (I'm sorry I think I'm the funniest person in the world when I poorly translate Finnish sayings into English.)
The thing is, there is no point in European history, when Europe was white, for three reasons. 1) Whiteness was invented in 17th century and is an arbitrary concept that has changed it's meaning through time. 2) Whichever standard you use, historical or current, Europe still has never been all or overwhelmingly white, because whiteness is defined as the in-group of colonialists, and there has always been the internal Other too. In fact the racial hierarchy requires an internal Other. 3) People have always moved around a lot. The Eurasian steppe and the Mediterranean Sea have always been very important routes of migration and trade. I've been meaning to make a post proving exactly that to people like this, since as I've gathered my collection of primary images of clothing, I've also gathered quite a lot of European primary images showing non-white people, so I will use this opportunity to write that post.
So let's start from the beginning. Were the original inhabitants of Europe white? Of course not. The original humans had dark skin so obviously first Europeans had dark skin. Whenever new DNA evidence of dark skinned early Europeans come out (like this study), the inevitable right-wing backlash that follows is so interesting to me. Like what did you think? Do you still believe the racist 17th century theories that white people and people of colour are literally different species? I'm sure these people will implode when they learn that studies (e.g. this) suggest in fact only 10 000 years ago Europeans had dark skin, and even just 5 000 years ago, when Egypt (an many others) was already doing it's civilization thing, Europeans had brown skin (another source). According to the widely accepted theory, around that time 5 000 years ago the Proto-Indo-European language developed in the Pontic-Caspian steppe, which extends from Eastern Europe to Central Asia. These Proto-Indo-Europeans first migrated to Anatolia and then to Europe and Asia. Were they white? Well, they were probably not light skinned (probably had brown skin like the other people living in Europe around that time), the Asian branch of Indo-European peoples (Persians, most Afghans, Bengalis, most Indians, etc.) are certainly not considered white today and a lot of the people today living in that area are Turkic and Mongolic people, who are also not considered white. I think this highlights how nonsensical the concept of race is, but I don't think Proto-Indo-Europeans would have been considered white with any standard.
Around Bronze Age light skin became common among the people in Europe, while in East Asia it had become wide spread earlier. This does not however mark the point when "Europe became white". During the Bronze Age there was a lot of migration back and forth in the Eurasian steppe, and the early civilizations around Mediterranean did a lot of trade between Europe, Africa and Asia, which always means also people settling in different places to establish trading posts and intermarrying. There were several imperial powers that also stretched to multiple continents, like the briefly lived Macedonian Empire that stretched from Greece to Himalayas and Phoenicians from Levant, who didn't built an empire but settled in North Africa, Sicily and Iberia. In Iron Age the Carthaginian Empire, descendants of Phoenician settlers in current Tunisia, build an Empire that spanned most of the western Mediterranean coast. Their army occupying that area included among others Italic people, Gauls, Britons, Greeks and Amazigh people.
Iron Age also of course saw the rise of the Roman Republic, and later empire, but it was preceded by Etruscans, who populated Tuscan, and possibly preceded the Indo-European presence. However, weather through trade and migration with other Mediterraneans or the continuing presence of darker skin tones of the early Europeans, their art quite often depicts darker skin tones too, like seen below in first two images. Roman Empire at it's height spanned from Babylonia to the British Isles. They recruited soldiers from all provinces and intentionally used stationed them in different areas so they wouldn't be too sympathetic to possible rebels or neighboring enemies. Historical sources mention black Nubian soldiers in British Isles for example. They also built a lot of infrastructure around the empire to ensure protection and easy transportation through trade routes inside the empire. During this time Jewish groups also migrated from Levant to both North-Africa and Europe. Rome even had non-European emperors, like Septimius Severus who originated from Levant and was Punic (descendants of Phoenicians) from his father's side, and who was depicted with darker skin (third picture below). Various ethnicities with differing skin tones are represented all over Roman art, like in the fourth picture below from hunting lodge in Sicily.
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Eurasian steppe continued to be important source of migration and trade between Europe and Asia. Scythians, Iranic nomadic people, were important for facilitating the trade between East Asia and Europe through the silk road during the Iron Age. They controlled large parts of Eastern Europe ruling over Slavic people and later assimilating to the various Slavic groups after loosing their political standing. Other Iranic steppe nomads, connected to Scythian culture also populated the Eurasian steppe during and after Scythia. During the Migration Period, which happened around and after the time of Western Rome, even more different groups migrated to Europe through the steppe. Huns arrived from east to the Volga region by mid-4th century, and they likely came from the eastern parts of the steppe from Mongolian area. Their origins are unclear and they were either Mongolic, Turkic or Iranic origin, possibly some mix of them. Primary descriptions of them suggests facial features common in East Asia. They were possibly the nomadic steppe people known as Xiongnu in China, which was significant in East and Central Asia from 3rd century BCE to 2nd century CE until they moved towards west. Between 4th and 6th centuries they dominated Eastern and Central Europe and raided Roman Empire contributing to the fall of Western Rome.
After disintegration of the Hun Empire, the Huns assimilated likely to the Turkic arrivals of the second wave of the Migration Period. Turkic people originate likely in southern Siberia and in later Migration period they controlled much of the Eurasian steppe and migrated to Eastern Europe too. A Turkic Avar Khagenate (nation led by a khan) controlled much of Eastern Europe from 6th to 8th century until they were assimilated to the conquering Franks and Bulgars (another Turkic people). The Bulgars established the Bulgarian Empire, which lasted from 7th to 11th in the Balkans. The Bulgars eventually adopted the language and culture of the local Southern Slavic people. The second wave of Migration Period also saw the Moor conquest of Iberia and Sicily. Moors were not a single ethnic group but Arab and various Amazigh Muslims. Their presence in the Iberian peninsula lasted from 8th to 15th century and they controlled Sicily from 9th to 11th century until the Norman conquest. During the Norman rule though, the various religious and ethnic groups (which also included Greeks and Italic people) continued to live in relative harmony and the North-African Muslim presence continued till 13th century. Let's be clear that the Northern Europe was also not white. Vikings also got their hands into the second wave migration action and traveled widely to east and west. Viking crews were not exclusively Scandinavians, but recruited along their travels various other people, as DNA evidence proves. They also traded with Byzantium (when they weren't raiding it) and Turkic people, intermarried and bought slaves, some of which were not white or European. A Muslim traveler even wrote one of the most important accounts of Vikings when encountering them in Volga.
By this point it should already be clear that Medieval Europe was neither white, but there's more. Romani people, who originate from India and speak Indo-Aryan language, arrived around 12th century to Balkans. They continued to migrate through Europe, by 14th century they were in Italy, by 15th century in Germany and by 16h century in Britain and Sweden. Another wave of Romani migration from Persia through North-Africa, arrived in Europe around 15th century. Then there's the Mongol Empire. In 13th century they ruled very briefly a massive portion of the whole Eurasian continent, including the Eastern Europe. After reaching it's largest extent, it quickly disintegrated. The Eurasian Steppe became the Golden Horde, but lost most of the Eastern-Europe, except Pontic-Caspian Steppe. They ruled over Slavs, Circissians, Turkic groups and Finno-Ugric groups till early 15th century. The Mongolian rulers assimilated to the Turkic people, who had been the previous rulers in most of the steppe. These Turkic people of the Golden Horde came to be known as Tatars. Golden Horde eventually split into several Tatar khagenates in 15th century, when the khagenates, except the Crimean Khagenate, were conquered by the Tsardom of Moscovy. Crimean Khagenate was annexed by the Russian Empire in 1783. Crusades were a movement from Europe to Levant, but they also meant intermarriage in the the Crusader kingdoms especially between the European and Levant Christians, and some movement back and froth between these kingdoms and Europe, trade and a lot of movement back after the Crusader kingdoms were defeated in 13th century. Generally too trade across the Mediterranean sea was extensive and led to migration and intermarriage.
And here's some example of people of colour in Medieval European art, shown as part of the majority white European societies. First is from a 15th century French manuscript depicting Burgundy court with dark skin courtier and lady in waiting. Second one is from a Flemish manuscript from 15th century of courtiers, including a black courtier, going for a hunt. Third is a 15th century Venetian gondolier with dark skin.
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In Renaissance Era Europe was only increasing it's trade and therefore had even more connections outside Europe. The first picture below is Lisbon, which had strong trade relationship with Africa, depicted in late 16th century. People with darker skin tones were part all classes. Second image is an Italian portrait of probably a seamstress from 16th century. Third one is a portrait of one of the personal guards of the Holy Roman Emperor. Fourth image is a portrait of Alessandro de' Medici, duke of Florence, who was noted for his brown complexion, and the modern scholarly theory is that his mother was a (likely brown) Italian peasant woman.
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Colonialism begun in the Renaissance Era, but the wide spread colonial extraction and slavery really got going in the 17th century. Racial hierarchy was developed initially to justify the trans-Atlantic slave trade specifically. That's why the early racial essentialism was mostly focused on establishing differences between white Europeans and black Africans. Whiteness was the default, many theories believed humans were originally white and non-whites "degenerated" either through their lives (some believed dark skin was basically a tan or a desease and that everyone was born white) or through history. Originally white people included West-Asians, some Central-Asians, some North-Africans and even sometimes Indigenous Americans in addition to Europeans. The category of white inevitably shrank as more justifications for atrocities of the ever expanding colonial exploitation were required. The colonial exploitation facilitated development of capitalism and the industrial revolution, which led to extreme class inequality and worsening poverty in the European colonial powers. This eventually became an issue for the beneficiaries of colonialism as worker movements and socialism were suddenly very appealing to the working class.
So what did the ruling classes do? Shrink whiteness and give white working classes and middle classes justifications to oppress others. Jews and Roma people had long been common scapegoats and targets of oppression. Their oppression was updated to the modern era and racial categories were built for that purpose. The colonial powers had practiced in their own neighborhoods before starting their colonial projects in earnest and many of those European proto-colonies were developed to the modern colonial model and justified the same way. In 19th century, when racial pseudoscience was reaching it's peak, Slavs, others in Balkan, the Irish (more broadly Celts), Sámi (who had lost their white card very early), Finns, Southern Italians, the Spanish, the Southern French and Greeks all were considered at least not fully white. The Southern Europeans and many Slavs were not even colonized (at least in the modern sense, though with some cases like Greeks it's more complicated than that), but they looked too much and were culturally too similar to other non-white Mediterraneans, and they were generally quite poor. In many of these cases, like Italians, the French and Slavs, it was primarily others belonging in the same group, who were making them into second class citizens. All this is to highlight how very malleable the concept of race is and that it's not at all easy to define the race of historical people.
However, even if we would go with the racial categories of today, Europe was still far from being all white in this period. You had Roma, who certainly are not included in whiteness today, and European Jews, whose whiteness is very conditional, descendants of Moors in Southern Europe and Tatars and Turks in Eastern Europe and Turkey, which today is often not thought of as part of Europe, but historically certainly was. And then colonialism brought even more people into Europe forcibly, in search of work because their home was destroyed or for diplomatic and business reasons. There were then even more people of colour, but they were more segregated from the white society. Black slaves and servants are very much represented in European art from 17th century onward, but these were not the only roles non-white people in Europe were in, which I will use these examples to show. First is a Flemish portrait of Congo's Emissary, Dom Miguel de Castro, 1643. Second is a 1650 portrait of a Moorish Spanish man Juan de Pareja, who was enslaved by the artist as artisanal assistant, but was freed and became a successful artist himself. Third is a 1768 portrait of Ignatius Sancho, a British-African writer and abolitionist, who had escaped slavery as a 20-year-old. Fourth painting is from 1778 of Dido Elizabeth Belle, a British gentlewoman born to a slave mother who was recognized as a legitimate daughter by her father, and her cousin. The fifth portrait is of an unknown woman by (probably) a Swiss painter from late 18th century. Sixth is a 1760s Italian portrait of a young black man.
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In late 18th century England abolished slavery in British Isles first, then in early 19th century in the whole British Empire, thanks to the continuous campaign of free Black people and some white allies, notably Quakers. Around the same time slavery was abolished in France (briefly till Napoleon got to power) after the French revolution. This meant there were a lot more free black people in Europe after that. In 18th century the Europeans, British especially, were colonizing Asia as much they could, which meant that in 19th century there started to also be a lot more Asian, especially Indian people in Europe. First picture below is of Thomas Alexander Dumas, who was son of a black slave woman and a white noble French man and became a general in the French revolutionary army. His son was one of the most well-known French authors, Alexander Dumas, who wrote The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers. Second portrait is of Jean-Baptiste Belley, a Senegalese former slave, who became French revolutionary politician. Third portrait is from 1810 of Dean Mahomed, an Indian-British entrepreneur, who established the first Indian restaurant in London. Forth is Arab-Javanese Romantic painter Saleh Syarif Bustaman, who spend years in Europe. Fifth is a 1862 photo of Sara Forbes Bonnetta, originally named Aina, princess of Edbago clan of Yoruba, who was captured into slavery as a child, but later freed and made Queen Victoria's ward and goddaughter. She married a Nigerian businessman, naval officer and statesman, James Pinson Labulo Davies (sixth picture).
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So any guesses on at what point was that "very white Europe" when the "west culture" begun? It kinda seems to me that it never actually existed.
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teal-skull · 6 months
Truly, Käärijä is one of a kind finnish celeb.
I keep thinking about the fact that Käärijä is the face of a telephone company's christmas add campaign, and in the public eye he is this eurovision star of Finland who rose to massive fame among adults and kids and getting four Emma nominations, and now you can see his face every time you walk past a DNA shop or open television....
And while all of this is going on the man is posting homemade christmassy horny images and videos with his doppelganger into their onlyfans.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 7 months
You must water yourself and feed the tissues in your body with the light from your thoughts, perceptions, nutrition, to the things you watch, listen to, and read. This doesn't mean that you try to escape the tragedies of the external world. It does mean that you understand that your body responds to your own love and care more than anything else. Daily care and aftercare are essential during times of war and peace. As we sit with the paradox and nuance of being human and our predatory animal nature to take, pillage, and harm, we must show up for it all, including caring for our bodies. Your body responds to your daydreams, thoughts, and touch. When you touch your body, let your heart be as light as a feather...as much as possible. The light in your hands sculpt, shape, and heal your body. I told my friend the other day that my breasts sit up the way that they at 47 years old because of how much love I have given them over the last 15 years, how much I take time and care with my body, how often I lay back and just listen. So many of us with breasts carry burdens in our bodies year after year. God needs us to transmute all the shame, tension, anger, repression, embarrassment, and fear so that we can access more of our divine nature to help evolve this world by channeling raw and uncommon solutions.
Because if the voting and marching were working, we would be not be where we are in the world today. I still bow to my sisters and brothers who are on the front lines. But what I also know to be true is that we must take time to detox in order to recalibrate the hate, repression, shame, and war living in our epigenetic line that continue to create war in our bodies--the diabetes, cancer, chronic jealousy, womb aches, breasts ache, lack of sensation, and lack of full-body orgasms, and also the molestation and scarcity in the family line. These entities. We can't continue to "take in" and not let out.
Bringing More Love to Your body Changes the World Around You and Opens Up More Pathways to Love and Loving
When you live "spirituality" as a lifestyle, more of your DNA unlocks open. When there is high emotion in the collective, I transfer that energy into self-care--bathing, skin care, making good food, listening to good music, resting and caring for who and what is around me. I made a bone broth chicken soup and brought some to my massage therapist. I know what's happening in the world but I'm not constantly attuned to it in the 3D, meme after meme, news story after news story. I'm living life that around me and praying for those who are fighting for their actual lives. I do not take for granted what it means to have more freedom.
Shifting my focus in various ways over the years has kept my body more nourished and youthful than what it would have been otherwise. I priortise sweating often, lik in a dry Finnish sauna, wet sauna, or sweating while working out in high intensity classes. I have no goal to stay younger-looking. I love being grown AF. It is merely what naturally happens when we take care ourselves (our cells) and release, release, release. When we release, our tissues let go and bodies respond favorably. Our care creates the conditions that allow our bodies to flourish in ways in which we beautifully and radiantly age, but we don't age as quickly. -India Ame'ye, Author
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Keep high level - Do not back down - Have Black babies and be for black kings only
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All girls should have black kings babies. ALL OF EM.
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If you got pregnant by a whiteboi - You made a mistake. You should get rid of it. The baby will be weak and racist. It will have a lot of physical problems and mental health issues. - I know that Mental health is a very big issue and not funny. In a lot of cases white babies have higher rate of mental health and physical health problems.
The main mental health issue that might develop with black men is called Depression and Anxiety and it is due to whitebois being racist and spiteful. - Thankfully Depression is growing less due to beautiful white girls going black choosing to stay black. Choosing to breed black. Because even with Depression and Anxiety Black children will strive harder, will accelerate quicker and be physically and mentally stronger because of it.
Black is stronger and black is better.
Black is beautiful.
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Use your womb. Keep it as full as possible with black kings babies. You'll send the right message to whitebois that you are not for their weak DNA. You are for Love and Justice. Teach your Girl Friends to do exactly that. To have Black kings babies. Even Group breed. It's fine, it will be fun, with your group of 25 girls and 50 black kings all having good time. It is what is needed. No whitebois allowed. Though all women are allowed with Black Men - All girls they allowed. Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian, German, American, Polish, Finnish, Russian, Dutch, Italian, Hungarian. Black African woman. South American Woman. Ya all for Black king ngs. Ya all beautiful, all white girls, all Dual Heritage Girls. All Darker Skin Girls. All Light Brown Girl.
You're all for Black man. You girls no matter where you come from, what you like, get with black man, they treat ya right. All European, Middle Eastern, Canadian. The Dark Skinned Black Man Love all of you babes. You all for the good future.
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outlying-hyppocrate · 3 months
dna is so silly,,,,, what do you mean i'm half finnish a quarter nigerian and another quarter other things
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discolesbo · 2 months
Alright, time to language post
Usually in languages, certain words don't tend to get replaced with loanwords. There words include words indicating familial connections, such as mother and father. Because of this, it is quite weird that a loan word, äiti, replaced the original Finnish word for mother, emä. (Emä is still used but only in relation to animals.) The word äiti is loaned from Germanic aiþį̄, also meaning "mother". But Finnish is in no way related to Germanic languages, so what happened here?
First, I'll say this loan word theory is a theory, we can't know for 100% certainty. There is also the theory that äiti is only a nursery word with no loan origin.
The reason why I keep thinking about this theory is DNA research. It shows that while the paternal DNA of Finns is very eastern, going all the way to Siberia and Northern China if you go far back enough, this is not the case for maternal DNA. The maternal DNA of Finns is very similar to other European populations.
I keep imagining a scenario in which there are parents of two different cultures and languages. Their children know both languages and speak to the mother in hers, including the word for mother. Over centuries and even millennia, the mother's language disappears from the memory of the people. But the word mother itself, lives on as a loan word.
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hotcat37 · 6 months
Pink bolero smut for @feral4kaarijasquat 🗣🗣🗣 The Bojere is Bojereing 
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fidgetspringer · 5 months
Have you ever considered getting a dna test for Togo? Because if that boy is 100% staffie, I’ll eat my hat.
Oh he's not! We mostly know what's in him.
(American bully, Staffie, Finnish Spitz, Husky, Black Norwegian Elkhound)
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