#fintan has long hair
the-way-astray · 1 year
so you know how book authors, when they write the newest book, always include a description of the characters when we first meet them in the newest book, even though we already know what they look like? like, an example is sophie's incredibly gay description of biana in every book. we already know what biana looks like because we've read the first book, so this is redundant, but it's just convention to re-describe the characters' physical appearance with every book. this is obviously not exclusive to just kotlc, it's just a thing that book authors do.
this means that in the marella short story, we will most likely get a description of fintan.
guys. we could get a confirmation of fintan's hair length. it's not likely, but we could. yes, fintan's been in six books and has had no mention of his hair length. but didn't shannon finally address the fintan hair-length discourse with her statement that she pictures fintan with both long and short hair? maybe . . . just maybe . . . we might get canon fintan hair length? maybe? i know this is too much to ask, but i can't help but hold out hope. i know i'm probably wrong, but hey. you never know.
although if she does confirm it but says that it's short i will simply be rejecting that information and pretending it doesn't exist. although i don't see how that's possible. he's locked in a block of ice with nothing to cut his hair with. so even if it was short at first, it should have grown. and honestly, that strengthens my argument that long-haired fintan might be confirmed in marella's short story. because there had really been no reason to mention fintan's hair length in previous books, but now, shannon could insert a quick line like "his hair had grown even longer since the start of his imprisonment." something quick like that would be relevant to showing how much time has passed, as well as confirming what we all already know in our hearts and souls: that fintan has long hair.
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castleofravens · 18 days
i want keeper adult official art so bad i am so normal about the keeper adults (lie)
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gay-otlc · 2 years
No fears -> what if Stellarlune includes a more detailed description of Fintan's hair and it turns out Shannon believes he has short hair -> One fear
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crescentpaws · 9 months
why did everyone except me decide that fintan has long hair . i feel so out of place posting my fanart here LMAOO (i mean not rlly but it’s still funny)
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isolde-illustrates · 2 months
Fintan and Bronte Headcannons
He needs glasses ever since the ever blaze incident. Fintan is neither nearsighted nor farsighted; his vision was mutually messed up in both ways. Incidentally, his hearing has gotten sharper because of how much he focuses on using it.
He refuses to wear his glasses despite having damage due to the bright burning light.
He also cannot smell anything except smoke faintly whenever he is near a fire. All of his nose hair has literally burnt off, so he gets a lot of sinus infections, too. The ice prison does not help at all, and he constantly has a runny nose (which he cannot stand).
Fintan sometimes walks into walls and somehow manages to pull it off so no one except the doctor who took care of him right after the incident knows how bad his vision is (the doctor was too afraid of fintan).
Everyone in the neverseen is waiting for him to admit that he can't see, but then Fintan does crazy stuff that makes them think that he actually has perfect vision and is just faking it.
Fintan does not wear shirts under his hoodies or vests because he can't stand the extra heat. (tw: scar) Fintan also hates whenever his chest is exposed because of a scar he has from the accident, so he always laces up whatever he is wearing really tight, or adds more buttons to his shirts and vests so that there are not any gaps that could show his scar if he bent forward.
His scar could have been healed, but he wanted to keep one of the scars from that day as a reminder of what happened. It's close to his heart, although the worst part is near his stomach. Bronte knows about this scar because he overheard Fintan yelling at the doctor for trying to heal that scar when Bronte was on his way to talk with Fintan about the Council.
He loves elegant clothing. That was the third thing he hated most about being kicked off the Council. Not only did he lose his ability and power, Fintan was no longer allowed to buy certain degrees of fancy clothes. As a result, he now knows how to sew very well. He still insisted on making someone else do the patchwork in the Neverseen while he was there. Alvar and Ruy normally ended up stuck with the work.
Fintan is killer in heels. He can wear those bright red kinky boots and run in them (unless there is a tree root that he does not see). Still, if the ground is visible to him, or if it is fairly level, then he will sprint in those boots. He would also kill song 6 of Kinky Boots. There is no denying it.
He and Vespera were besties and he started out borrowing Vespera's dresses, but then just went ahead and made his own. They are both fragil and frail creatures, so it definitely would have worked.
Fintan used to have hair down to his waist, but after it got burnt in the accident, he swore that he would never let it touch his shoulders again because that was the version of himself that died in the fire, the young pyrokinetic who thought that he had nothing to lose in a dangerous lesson. The only times his hair has gotten long again have been when he has been in prison, both in Exile and now ib the ice prison. In Exile, it was just past his shoulders. Fintan had cut it again, but his time in the ice prison has gotten his hair almost to his bicep.
Fintan has a thing for chickens. Besides tasting good (he can't help that he tried it when Atlantis had humans), chickens seem so trusting of him and recognize him. He had a couple at his house, and they helped with his gardening (fertilizer).
He has perfect vision, which annoys Fintan to the extreme, especially because Fintan sometimes has to listen to the voice before knowing who is nearby.
Bronte learned how to speak multiple human languages, which is how he was able to speak with Amy (I don't care what Shannon says about the languages being the same, why should English be the one that is exactly like the elven language and not Latin, Persian, etc).
He knows all of the human curse words that Sophie switches into when things are bad and does not call her out on it unless she forgets to switch and stays in Elvish (because he thinks it's funny when she apologies and immediately says a string of human curse words, mainly English and Spanish, but whatever she heard in a high school with the ability to hear human thoughts). She was fluent in those words before becoming a polyglot, and sometimes Bronte lets a word slip, forgetting that Sophie is there. It has become an inside joke for them.
Bronte loves layers. He will bundle himself up in longer capes and procede to almost trip on them.
He would not be caught dead in heels. (Bronte would have, however, been caught alive in heels if it was just around Fintan. Not anymore though, because he no longer trust him after the whole Neverseen thing. Bronte was the Charlie of the two, and Fintan was the Lola.)
Bronte started cutting his hair short because Fintan teased him. Originally, he and Finran both rocked the long hair. Bronte had a mullet that went to his shoulders. His cropped hair and short height reminds Fintan of a little chick (which makes sense as Fintan doesn't know if he wants to kill Bronte or keep him forever).
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ilikebookssomuch · 22 days
Random KotLC fic WIP because why not
let me know if I should continue with this crackpot idea :D
Biana screams, her face twisting in pain as she reaches a hand out of the flames, grasping for my hand. I grab onto her and pull, sparks flying in my hair and catching my cape on fire. I shriek as the flames eat at my back, but I keep pulling. After a moment, the smoke chokes me and I let go of Biana’s hand. 
She screams, a long, wordless shriek of agony. Blisters erupt along her bare arm and the side of her neck. I nearly vomit, but there is too much smoke and ash in my throat. I blink rapidly, and when I open my eyes again I have lost sight of Biana. 
Fitz is nearby, attempting to rescue Dex from the boulder he’s caught under. His pant leg is on fire. Dex’s face is bloody and there is a gash on his shoulder, the sleeve ripped. Dex’s leg is caught under the boulder and the fire is creeping closer.
Fitz! I transmit.
He looks up, snapping his head around to meet my eyes.
Use telekinesis!! Fitz nods and turns back to Dex. My bare feet pound on the gry grass beneath me splinters embedding themselves in my toes as I run.
Tam is battling with a figure in a black cloak. Linh is trapped under a force field, and I can see her trying to draw water outside of the glowing dome. Five ogres surround Sandor and Grizel so I turn towards them, flinging goblin-throwing stars from my cape pockets. I knock down two of the ogres, and now I can see Sandor and Grizel back to back with their swords raised. They seem like they can handle it, so I keep running. The fire is at my back now, red-hot and towering over me. 
Nearby, Wylie is battling Gethen, but he seems to be losing. I pull Hope from her sheath and charge into the battle. Wylie is flashing a beam of bright purple light into Gethen’s eyes, so I take advantage of the momentary distraction and stab Gethen’s arm. I wince a little when I see the blood, but I am used to violence by now. 
It’s always there, hiding in the shadows. We’ve been at war with the Neverseen for almost two years, and this is one of our most deadly skirmishes. Fintan sparked the Everblaze while we were all assembled in the Black Swan’s newest hideout. So much for that. 
The hideout is surely burned to the ground by now, and Fintan seems to have escaped. Gethen, Vespera, Trix, Umber, Brnt, Lady Gisella, and dozens of other black-cloaked figures are fighting against the collective and a few other elves I haven’t met yet, about twenty gnomes, fifteen goblins, four trolls, and thirty dwarves are all here fighting with my friends and me. I haven’t seen Mr. Forkle yet, so I decide to look for him. 
I close my eyes, the sounds of screams and shouts and metal against metal clanging together and the fire popping and sparking in the distance. I tune all of that out, concentrating on the sounds of thoughts instead. 
This is it. That’s Tam. I keep searching. 
Where is Dex?! Juline’s panicked thoughts are so clear. Sharp and piercing my brain.
GRIZEL!! Sandor is distraught, the image of Grizle with a deep gash in her side blaring into my mind. I hold back tears, but I can’t give up. Mr. Forkle is so important, he can’t be dead. 
What about Keefe? I shove the thought back. I don’t have time to think about his betrayal right now. Finally, I catch a whisper: I wish my brother was here.
Mr. Forkle had a twin brother, but he died in the collapse of Lumenaria a few years ago. Months later, Keefe disappeared; and the only sign of him was the note I found next to Iggy’s cage. The memory of That Day resurfaces and I am thrown into the past.
* * *
I have just gotten home from a particularly awkward meeting with the Black Swan. I burned down the Neverseen’s storehouse, but basically no one was pleased with that. I shove my frustrations aside and grab a ripplefluff before heading upstairs.
When I enter my room, I tense. There are footprints on my flowery rug, and Iggy is a different color. He has stripes of teal and blue and purple and pink now, and –I rush closer to his cage– there is a note held under the corner of the cage. I read it, my worry increasing with every word. 
* * *
To the Mysterious Miss F,
Ugh, I’m already regretting saying this. But this is serious.
 I know that a lot has been happening lately, with your abilities, and my crazy mother. And I’m sorry. But I figured out a way to control myself. I hope you won’t hate me for it. 
This is for the best. 
P.S. I love you, Sophie. Always have. Always will.
Tears start to blur my eyes, but I still catch the words “I love you.” 
Does this mean what I think it means? Is Keefe…. I can’t think about this. He’s just getting used to his ability. He’ll come back. 
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slozhnos · 2 years
shannon said she imagines fintan having both long and short hair. he has a mullet confirmed
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“I don’t know where to go” IF you have time
Fun fact, this is the ask that sparked the entire Ancillary series. I was sitting down to finish some undone prompts, including this one, and I had the idea 'oh, what if this was Tiergan at Bronte's door? Well, why would Tiergan be at Bronte's door? What if Sophie's mind was broken and they were trying to figure out how to fix it?'. By the time I'd gotten the 7k words of that oneshot out of my brain, it didn't actually fit the prompt anymore, so I just posted it separately.
Anyways, thank you, anon. Have some Pyren Bros angst for your troubles. (Fic under the cut- this got long!)
Bronte expects many things from his life as a Councillor. The world’s crises are unpredictable, and though he does not like it, he’s long since accepted that he cannot expect things to remain exactly the same. Over the many years of his reign, he’s developed a routine that largely remains consistent no matter the crisis; there is a rhythm to his days, which allows him to function through most things.
At the moment, he’s proceeding through his evening routine. The Council has finished all their planned events for the day; he and Emery, when doing the Council’s weekly schedule, make a point to not schedule anything to end later than 10 pm if possible. The only reasons for them all to be called up after that is an unexpected crisis, which he and Emery can’t exactly plan around. Today has been a late day, so the clock over the mantel of his living room fireplace reads 10:45 as he settles down with a cup of coffee.
It’s also a Tuesday, hence why he’s alone in his castle. Friday evenings are for baking or going out with Oralie, and on Thursdays, he and Terik have a regularly scheduled discussion (and debate) on the finer points of dwarven literature. But today is Tuesday, so Bronte retrieves his book from the bookshelf on one wall. It’s a thick, ancient tome- he acquired it sometime during the late Gold Era, as he recalls. The history of the elves it presents is riddled with inaccuracies, of course, but it’s an interesting perspective on how historians approached their studies in the Gold Era.
He cracks open the book and settles in for a peaceful evening of reading.
The universe, of course, has other plans. About twenty pages into his tome, he’s interrupted by the plink of something hitting his window. Irritating, but not unusual. Perhaps it will be a rainy night in Eternalia.
Bronte turns the page and determinedly ignores the second plink that follows, and the third after that.
What he can’t ignore is the clunk of something much heavier hitting the window.
He sighs and stands up, fetching his emergency dagger from the drawer of the side table next to his chair. Whatever this is, it is going to regret interrupting his peaceful evening.
Dagger in one hand, he pulls aside the curtains and opens the window, faced with a sight so unexpected that for a moment, he thinks he must be hallucinating.
Because crouched outside his window is his errant younger brother, blond hair matted to his head with a dark fluid that Bronte truly hopes is not blood.
In their younger days, Fintan’s appearance outside his window was not too unusual; Fintan always did have a knack for getting in trouble, coupled with a desire to be as large a pain in Bronte’s backside as possible. He would appear outside Bronte’s window often- running away from a scorned lover (or lover’s fiancé), with some new (and often idiotic) plot, or just to bother Bronte. Bronte would sigh and let him inside, never able to resist those pleading eyes.
But they are no longer young or carefree, and Fintan is a criminal and Bronte a Councillor.
“What are you doing on my roof?” It’s déjà vu in the worst way- Bronte can remember uttering those words so many times in more lighthearted days, back before the chasm of the pyrokinesis ban lay between them.
Fintan smiles, mouth curling up with no true amusement behind it. “Not even a hello for your beloved younger brother?”
“Do I need to list your wrongs against me?”
“What wrongs?” Fintan is doing the same faux-innocent voice that he always did when he tried to convince Bronte to get him out of trouble in their youth.
“Killing one of my friends, for one,” Bronte answers. The handle of the dagger digs into his palm.
Fintan’s smile falls. “I don’t- look, Bronte, I don’t know where else to go.” He holds out his hands; his arms are covered in dark slashes, some just barely scabbed over and others bleeding freely. Bronte can see dark patches seeping across the ragged grey tunic he’s wearing, and bruises mar his pale face.
Surprisingly, Bronte believes him. After everything that has come between them, Fintan wouldn’t be here if he had anywhere else to go.
“How did you even get on my roof in this state?”
“Sheer determination. Can I come inside? It’s cold out here.”
Against his better judgement, Bronte steps aside to let Fintan crawl through the open window. There is a kind of practicality to it; Fintan will be easier to capture if Bronte knows where he is. Perhaps he should think better of putting himself alone in a room with the elf who burnt down Eternalia- but this is his brother. Bronte knows how to handle Fintan better than any other elf living.
He looks over Fintan’s injuries and concludes that yes, they do need immediate treatment.
“Follow me,” Bronte orders.
Fintan, for once in his life, does as he’s told.
Bronte takes Fintan into the bathroom where he keeps the most extensive of his medical kits- almost every bathroom in the castle has one, but this one is the most well-stocked.
Fintan does.
Bronte retrieves some disinfectant and a cloth.
This, too, is familiar. Out of the corner his eye, Fintan is a battered teenager again, whining and shifting in his seat as Bronte gathers the few supplies he has to treat his injuries.
He turns, and the illusion is broken. This Fintan is long-haired and wild, bright blue eyes sharp with the edges of his cracked mind. It’s a far cry from the bruised, short-haired teenager Bronte had known, though the burning defiance remains the same.
Bronte banishes the memory to the far corners of his mind and focuses on ensuring Fintan won’t die. Whatever he might deserve, he is more valuable alive than dead.
Fintan is largely silent as Bronte methodically cleans and bandages each wound on his arms, only wincing slightly in discomfort.
“Am I to assume there are more under your tunic?” Bronte asks at last.
Fintan shrugs.
Bronte picks the dagger back up, not missing Fintan’s flinch. “I’d rather cut it off than risk reopening the arm wounds.”
“Not gonna kill me? Not gonna finish what you and the Council started?” Fintan’s smile is a white slash of teeth.
“Why would I kill you when I’ve just spent this much time healing you? Hold still.” Surprisingly, Fintan sits still and lets Bronte slice neatly through the seams of his tunic, panels of bloodied fabric falling to the floor. The wounds on his torso are equally severe as the ones on his arms, and Bronte reaches for the disinfectant again.
The bandages are all tied in place before Bronte breaks the silence between them. “How did this happen?”
“Ogres aren’t kind to the allies who fail them.”
No. No, they aren’t. Bronte’s scars itch. “Had you considered not allying with them to begin with?”
“It’s not like the Council left me a lot of other options.”
“The Council didn’t know you were alive.” I didn’t know you were alive.
Fintan actually rolls his eyes. Honestly, the immaturity. “If I had revealed that I was alive, I would have been immediately arrested, since you all have your knickers in a twist about the arson.”  
“You burned down Eternalia and killed my friend.”
“Oh, come on. You didn’t even like Kenric.”
It’s half the truth. Bronte and Kenric were never as close as either of them was with Oralie. Bronte also had his own suspicions about some of Kenric’s activities. Still, Bronte is not afraid to admit- if only to himself- that he had harbored some protectiveness over the younger Councillor. His death had still been a blow.
“Oralie loved him,” Bronte says, rather than admit that to Fintan.
Fintan looks away. In the sharper light of Bronte’s bathroom, the blood matting his hair is fresh and scarlet. “I didn’t mean to kill him. He was just…collateral.”
It might make him a fool, but Bronte believes him. He’s known Fintan for too many years for Fintan to lie to him without him knowing. “Work with the Council. Help us stop the Neverseen.”
“And what then? Should I step away and continue to play that perfect part, the humbled former Councillor? Should I deny myself the flame that is my savior?”
“You know that I never believed in the ban.” Banning an ability had always been foolish. Bronte had gone along with it, in the end, because of Fintan. He had hoped it would soothe the other’s guilt. What a fool he’s been proven.
“What about the rest of the Council?” Fintan demands.
“I cannot promise anything from them, but I will try to make them see sense.”
“I’ll think about it.” It’s a tenuous agreement that Bronte knows better than to try and push further.
“Good. Now come here. Your hair is a mess.”
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First off, the outline of everything we will be using in our creation of book 10, or Elysian (Endgame is a great name, but Marvel), as I call it.
Next, everything I'm using in Elysian.
I am also tagging everyone who has helped me come up with ideas, as well as edited, since we share one braincell, and have a lot of similar things.
Sorry for cut it's LONG
Council gets overthrown
Sophie gets to kill Mr Forkle
Alvar dies in Fitz’s arms
Sophie starts an human outreach program
Jensi remains Talentless and helps other Talentless
Exillium gets to be relevant
Tiertice adopt Tam and Linh and Rayni
Ruy appears and does something idk
Trix joins up with the gang
Biana, Stina, and Dex team up
Biana has a sword
Sophie teaches the rest of the keeper gang about lgbtq+ people
Crazy fights
Gethen and Ruy show up to do stuff
They/them Elysian
All the mysteries are finally revealed
Lady Gisela to die
Amy to have a bigger role
Lord Cassius to either formally apologize to Keefe or else shove a stick in it
T h e r a p y
Ships to finally sail
Elysian’s big naturals
frognate rings
explicit language
vertina pagetime
more void lore
Sophie strikes out on her own and forms her own group
we learn about Keefe’s human friends
Details on some of the parents top secret missions (mentioned in their unlocked files)
Embarrassing middle name for keefe
foot power
Sophie channels someone’s heart/skull, or uses telekinesis on someone’s neck (it’s them or her friends. And she’s already lost enough.)
Biana and Sophie commit arson again (Neverseen)
the triplets
Elwin officially adopting Keefe
Biana kills somebody (can we just bring Vespra back so she can kill her)
Tam gets hurt and Linh goes batshit
Bronte with curly hair
Sophie eats sweet and sour chicken to everyone’s horror
Alina redemption arc (literally wouldn’t suggest this but Ciara is the one running it and they’re part of the Alina deserves redemption club)
Dex losing an arm (his name means right handed it’s ironic oaky!)
Tiergan punches Quan song when he tries to say something to the twins
Sandor and Giselle scenes
Juline and Edaline being sisters
Keefe and Grady bonding
Alvar isn’t dead and gets redemption
Caprice is relevant other than just being the crazy lady
Sophie loses it during a battle to fulfill the whole "the moonlark could tear this whole place down" thing
Sandor finally has to dance in sparkly pants
Someone punches Alden
Or Cassius
Or both. At the same time.
More of Grady's mesmerizing please and thank you
Gradaline moments
Sophie's dad reveal (maybe do a poll on who people think that should be? I'm hoping for Fintan)
Oralie actually fights in a battle
Someone finds out about Oralie and there's a bunch of drama with all the people
more jensi, dex and rayni
jensi not manifesting an ability yet playing more roles in the story (eg. fighting the neverseen with a weapon or something)
keefe and fitz friendship moments/actually being best friends again
more backstories? tinkers maybe?
blur or wraith or tinkers identities
the return of the amazing amy foster
keefe’s human friends (hoping at least one is a celebrity) and human world adventures
Next, breaking this up. Anyone can join, I just need people to help organize this, and the plan is we sort it up by character/group, and eventually break it down into chapters, ordered by what would make sense in a basic plot structure. Then we will start figuring out technical things such as who is writing what.
Simply send me an ask or message if you're interested in helping me organize this!
And, if you have any and all suggestions, feel free to tell me!
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the-way-astray · 26 days
“ask box is finally open” ok write an essay on fintan. go.
no, thanks. i think you got that covered. how about i give you random, assorted fintan thoughts, fanfic ideas, and headcanons instead:
thinking about that moment in everblaze during the healing scene where he says "his identity dies with me" about the pyrokinetic he's protecting right before the entire building goes up in flames. was he planning on killing himself to protect brant? everblaze harms pyrokinetics, so he knew that it would harm him. the other option, of course, is that he was willing to take the risk of everblaze to try to kill someone else so that he could escape. everyone was canonically wearing fire-resistant clothing, so he couldn't have done any damage to them with regular fire.
how did he even actually escape oblivimyre? he couldn't have had a leaping crystal on him, or someone would've found it. did the neverseen hide a crystal in eternalia somewhere for emergency scenarios?
this post by quil inspired an au idea where bronte is a telepath, and is responsible for shattering fintan's sanity instead of alden, and fintan is just horny for him the whole time he's doing it and it makes bronte super uncomfortable.
HIS CIRCLET COLOR WAS BLUE. THE SAME BLUE AS HIS EYES, WHICH IS SKY BLUE. also fintan loves cool colors. he dresses in them frequently.
there's a very good chance that he's one of the councillors that threw vespera in the dungeon, since he knows about her existence, and he also knows all the secrets in his cache. so there's some tension between the two of them, even though it was his plan that ultimately set her free. it's kind of like him supporting the pyrokinesis ban, but also being the one that'll likely get it unbanned (indirectly through marella). he's all about breaking cycles that he himself started. something about guilt and admitting you're wrong to yourself, but being too proud to admit it to everyone else.
he served at the same time as fallon vacker, and was present during the story bronte told in neverseen about meeting king gowg. this means he was councillor while bronte was emissary. i think this is how they met, and how their "long history" started.
he was messing with keefe the entire time he was with the neverseen, like pretending to be drunk to mislead him. there were easier, better, safer ways to lead keefe down the wrong path than pretending to be drunk, but this is fintan, and he's dramatic.
alden had a celebrity crush on him. i don't make the rules here.
he wears lots and lots of jewelry. all the time. he's so extra like that. also all the jewelry is blue/green/purple because he's a cool colors guy.
fintan seems to regret his time as a councillor, not just what he did to get pyrokinesis banned. in neverseen, he says that when he was a councillor, all he did was sit back and do nothing. so there's a possibility that he might've written off important things as nothing or something along those lines. people might've come to him with appeals to reform exillium or exile, or fix the separation between the talentless and the talented, and he might've refused. either way, there's something else he regrets. it might be in his cache.
what's your beef with ruy, man? there's something there canonically. i need to know. it's so juicy. gethen also hired ruy to the neverseen, so i imagine he's more partial to ruy, which means fintan may or may not also have beef with gethen.
he talks to himself in the mirror. shut up. i know he does.
when he faked his death, he wanted to immediately reveal himself as alive again, and it was only the collective cooperation of the other neverseen members that stopped him for so long.
he wears heels to make himself feel taller, because even though he's tall (6'2"), he wants to be towering.
he probably found vespera's journals somehow. but how? did lady gisela show them to him? is that how she got her acceptance into the neverseen? vespera's main philosophy is ruthlessness, which fintan would agree with, but in a less intense way than vespera, i feel.
he probably heard brant gush about jolie a lot. i bet that was funny, since he was probably utterly disinterested. "so, it's about time you learned to summon bigger balls of everblaze. here's how t-" "FINTAN. JOLIE CALLED ME PRETTY TODAY" "wow. i would've never known . . . "
how did brant even reach out to him about manifesting? probably he hailed him or something. but remember, fintan's an ancient. so i doubt brant would've been able to properly get ahold of him (like how fallon wouldn't open the door for alden in nightfall). so did brant like burn down his door and scream ALRIGHT BITCH I NEED SOME LESSONS to get fintan's attention or something?
or was it the opposite? did fintan somehow know that brant was a pyrokinetic and reach out to him? if so, how? maybe he keeps tabs on everyone who's considered "talentless" and checks up on them to make sure they aren't exhibiting signs of being a pyrokinetic or something? if so, that's kind of sweet, not gonna lie.
it isn't an essay, but i hope i satisfied your greedy little fintan heart
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Roisin’s Reading Rumble: Round 1 @camelspit @arson-anarchy-death
(note: I used ebooks, not all of them exactly legal, so i don’t have exact page numbers for some of these quotes. You can have the books instead)
Final wordcount: 3k (out of a total 5.5k on the google doc, the rest of them being my outline and notes)
As Fitz considers this, he decides that it is unacceptable, and Alvar must be faking. By accepting that Alvar’s violence comes in any part from his environment, he is acknowledging that he might be blamed—and be capable of the same.
Childhood Dynamic
Alvar turned to the group and whispered, “Fitz is a cuddler.” (Neverseen 576)
Fitz and Alvar have around a fifteen year age gap, with Fitz being around 16 during the books while Alvar is in his early 30s. They were never that close, but still act and joke like siblings.
They mention shared interests in sports, experiences such as Alvar’s pet raptor peeing on Fitz’s hand, and constant family dinners that keep them in close contact. The Vackers place strong emphasis on family love and loyalty, and it shows in the way Fitz looks up to his brother. This makes what comes later all the more heartbreaking.
The Importance of Appearances
Same wavy hair, same square jaw—but he had Della’s pale eyes. He was also ridiculously good looking, but he clearly worked hard to look good. (KOTlC)
“The more you look like you belong, the more likely someone will believe you if they spot you.” (Neverseen 588)
The typical Vacker appearance (as in, the five Vackers we are more acquainted with) fits Fitz like a glove. Features such as dark brown hair, pale or tan skin, American-beauty-standard thin, and the iconic teal eyes fit the Vacker narrative, with the caveat that all of it has to be effortless. A Vacker is naturally perfect, uniquely beautiful, and genetically powerful.
Alvar, despite having pale skin and dark hair, doesn’t fit into the Vacker image for two reasons: his cobalt eyes inherited from his mother, and the effort he puts into his appearance. Sophie consistently notes that he pays special effort into working out at the gym to maintain muscle, gelling his hair, and tailoring his clothes to perfection.
Probably, Alvar doesn’t feel like he fits in. He has to work to catch up to what Fitz naturally has. He’s an outsider in his own family, watching someone else take his place as the best without even trying.
Success (Alden)
Alvar wins the Radiant award, the highest achievement one can reach from Foxfire. He has Della place it on the mantle to encourage Biana and Fitz to succeed. Fitz, who has always reached for the best grades and scores, always winning every splotching match, no doubt expected to earn it. Alvar’s pride in himself at receiving the Radiant shows his arrogance and his need for success, as well as his willingness to brag about his achievements to his siblings.
Fitz manifests as the youngest Telepath ever, and certainly one of the most powerful. Alvar, on the other hand, is a fairly average Vanisher—when Biana manifests, Della comments that “Alvar took days until he could vanish completely, and he was a year older than you when he manifested." (Everblaze). Biana’s natural talent at Vanishing reinforces the Vacker talent, which seems to skip over Alvar. As Fitz continues to grow in his talent, Alvar continues to remain average, continuously working to reach what Fitz naturally has.
It seems that Alvar went to live with the ogres for a long time—perhaps to get away from home, but more likely as a diplomatic mission on the behalf of Fintan to get Dimitar on their side. Still, he was involved with the Council and was allowed to know classified information, which he often discusses with Alden along with the Black Swan information. Fitz, though, was close to Alden without being a diplomat, without being involved with the Council. Being such a powerful Telepath meant that he automatically had an “in” with their father that Alvar resented. Despite looking up to Alvar the most, Fitz expected it to be his father he looked to; he places weight in his father's opinion, and Alvar must have too.
Looking for Sophie
Alvar was the first one to look for Sophie, but Fitz soon took over. Alvar’s failure led to two waves of disappointment: one from the Neverseen, and the other from Alden. Imagine his resentment when Fitz did find Sophie! He succeeded, he failed. This remains a trend.
Alvar’s Intro
“Halfway through the feast of epic proportions, a dark-haired guy rushed into the room and sank into an empty chair. He was a Vanisher, blinking in and out of sight with every step.” (KOTLC, 199)
At a dinner to celebrate the end of midterms, Alvar shows up late. Sophie mentions that she didn’t know there was another brother, and he comments sarcastically that his family must talk about him a lot. To be fair, at this point, she barely speaks to Fitz, and this was one of the first times with Biana—but no one has mentioned Alvar. And he seems to expect it.
Fitz and Alvar never speak at this dinner. We don’t see them actually interact on page until Exile, when Alden’s mind breaks.
Did you know that Alvar went to your planting in the Wanderling Woods? After he’d drugged you and tied you up and staged the cave to make everyone think you’d drowned? Then he stood there with his hand on my shoulder and offered to let me borrow his stupid handkerchief. (Lodestar 66)
Alvar aids in the kidnapping of Sophie and Dex. He goes home in between torture sessions and comforts Fitz, Biana, and his parents. Fitz welcomes the comfort—his typically absent brother is here for once, here to make things better. It doesn’t matter that he’s not grieving like the rest of them because he didn’t know Sophie like that, anyway. 
All the comfort, all the handkerchiefs and hands-on-shoulders and sorries make it all worse, later. When Fitz has to look back and realize that none of what Alvar said was real, and he was actively lying and hurting them. Perhaps if he had been a little smarter, Fitz thinks, he would have discovered the lies before putting Sophie and Dex through all that.
Alden’s Break (not in a vacation kinda way)
“I think that’s enough, little brother,” Alvar said, appearing in the room. (Exile, 717)
When Alden’s mind breaks, Fitz loses it at the world. But he doesn’t lose it at his family: Biana, Della, and Alvar are the only people exempt from his anger. The sides become Fitz against Sophie, and everyone is forced on either one. Notably, Alvar chooses Sophie, and Biana chooses Fitz. 
During the initial break, when they need to know what happens, Alvar tries to prevent Fitz from searching Alden’s mind, and instead urges Sophie to. Alvar, as Fitz’s hero, doesn’t believe in his capabilities over this new girl. Fitz wants to be the strongest, and to save his father—Alvar does not believe in him. The worst part is that he’s right: Fitz’s mind is lost, and Sophie needs to save him. When she realizes Alden’s mind is broken, she steadies herself on Alvar’s arm, not Fitz.
It’s Fitz versus Sophie, but Alvar’s fighting more than she is. Alvar continuously bridges the gap between Sophie and Fitz. Later, he will BE that gap. On the other side is Biana: she chooses Fitz over Sophie, but also Fitz over Alvar. Alvar is the one to tell her Alden’s mind breaks, and Fitz reminds her to hate Sophie. Biana as the tug-of-war rope remains a constant in Fitz and Alvar’s relationship (more on this later).
When Fitz eventually apologizes to Sophie, he is confused as to why she isn’t mad at him. Throughout the upcoming books, he doesn’t believe her when she says he’s forgiven. He knows how to hold grudges, and he doesn’t understand why someone wouldn’t hold them.
It remains worth mentioning that Fitz only forgives Sophie when what he blamed her for will be fixed. He apologizes before Alden is healed, but most likely if she’d failed he would have held a grudge, if a small one. Additionally, if the possibility of Alden’s healing had never been brought up, quite possibly he would not have snapped out of it until it was too late to salvage their relationship. Alvar’s betrayal is something that can never be fixed— even when Alvar loses his memory, getting a “redo” isn’t possible when Fitz can never forgive him, because time cannot be turned back.
Fitz’s Hero
Person you look up to? she asked him. / Alvar’s face popped up in his mind. (Neverseen, 154)
Fitz says that he would have thought the person he looked up to the most would be his father. But that wasn’t the case. It’s a little ironic: Fitz thinks Alvar is just the coolest thing since sliced bread, and meanwhile Alvar is in fact actively working towards his downfall.
Alvar’s Betrayal
“You really wouldn’t understand,” Alvar snapped. “You’re the Golden Son. I had to find people who appreciate my talents.” (Neverseen 620)
What more is there to say? Alvar is forced by Fintan into the reveal that he’s been working for the Neverseen this whole time. Brant’s comment that he overestimated Alvar’s abilities since he allowed Sophie to get away as The Boy Who Disappeared is answered with defensiveness by Alvar. Even when all is out in the open, he still has things to prove. “You want to compare mistakes?” Alvar asks, and Fitz and Biana back away.
This is the moment of the breaking. Fitz’s trust fractures, to be shattered fully later (see: Fitz vs Keefe vs Alvar). He is damaged beyond repair. Betrayal becomes second nature. His loyalty is proven misplaced: the man he looked up to most, the brother who teased him, the family he’d leaned on and asked for favors and trusted with his tears and heart, hated him the whole time.
Alvar’s motivation was based around Fitz. The Golden Son.
This is the Snap.
“No,” Della whispered. “He wouldn’t…” / “Oh, he would.” Fitz’s voice was black ice.” (Neverseen)
Alvar’s mind was not broken by the violence he committed. Unlike Brant, Fintan, Umber, or even Gisela, he was perfectly capable of maintaining a life full of who he’d been before joining. Confirmation that he was aware and possibly present for the kidnappings, aided in the attempted genocide of the gnomes, burned human cities, and committed many other atrocities just raises questions about how guilt affects elves in the first place.
Or, one could draw the conclusion that he just didn’t care.
Fitz now knows that all of Alvar’s absences, comforting shoulder pats, and jokes were made while fighting against the Black Swan, and specifically Sophie. He also knows that his, Biana, and Della’s joining of the Black Swan would not have made any difference. Alvar was perfectly prepared to continue being a double agent against his family, even when it could catch them in the crossfire.
Alvar’s Amnesia
Fitz leaned closer, getting right in his face. “If you were actually sorry, you’d volunteer to spend the rest of your life in that horrible cell. Same goes for if you really wanted to make sure you never hurt anyone again. But you don’t care. All you care about is yourself. And that’s how I know that even if you don’t recover your memories, someday you’ll go back to being that same creepy murderer.” (Flashback)
As Alvar is remade into a version of himself that never was weighted with expectations or resentments, he brings in the ancient debate of nature vs nurture.
The natural, reborn version of Alvar is kind, polite, respectful, and entirely not evil. He possesses no ulterior motive, no instinct to cruelty, and no interest in violence. He is, in essence, proof that his environment is the reason he turned out the way he did.
Whether it was the influence of his parent’s expectations, Fitz’s overachievement, Alvar’s isolation, the discovery of the troll hive (or whatever else could be the “Vacker Legacy”) or the Neverseen’s persuasive abilities, Alvar was not “fated” to be a part of the villains.
As Fitz considers this, he decides that it is unacceptable, and Alvar must be faking. By accepting that Alvar’s violence comes in any part from his environment, he is acknowledging that he might be blamed—and be capable of the same.
Fitz’s Violence
“Nothing!” Alvar promised, and the red streaming from his nose glinted in the moonlight as he lifted his head and his wild eyes met Sophie’s. “Please—I don’t know what you’re talking about!” / Fitz punched him again, hitting Alvar in the mouth with a horrible crunch. (Flashback)
Speaking of being capable of the same—Fitz absolutely is. He could have—would have—killed Alvar. 
Alvar’s missing memory doesn’t change Fitz’s anger towards his brother—in fact, it serves to intensify some of that fury with the knowledge that even after everything Alvar has done, he will still be trusted and loved over Fitz. Their tug of war, their endless push to be the best and most perfect Vacker breaks everything between them—and it breaks them. In his terror that Alvar has infected him, Fitz loses himself in punishing his brother.
He layers all that has happened to ruin his life (since he can’t exactly blame Sophie) onto his brother’s shoulders and attacks that. Guilt doesn’t factor into it—it plays into the idea that Fitz and Alvar are different from all the others, since guilt doesn’t affect them. Alden’s mind broke from something that was his fault but long-passed, while Fitz and Alvar can physically hurt and bleed each other with no mental effects (that we see—personally, exploring the possibility of either of their broken minds that just doesn’t show externally is fascinating).
If Alvar’s betrayal was the fracture, and Keefe’s betrayal was the break, then this is a demolition. Fitz will destroy himself to destroy Alvar—he slices his knuckles and doesn’t notice in the violence. Their blood blends together, and it’s the same.
Alvar’s “Death”
Fitz swallowed hard, blinking several times before he turned to Sophie, his eyes absolutely unreadable. “Is it wrong that I’m not sorry?” (Flashback)
He stops pushing buttons. He’s not sorry about it. His mind doesn’t break. He doesn’t lose sleep. 
“Life is a series of hard choices.” is what Sophie tells him. It’s the only way she knows how to comfort him, but the truth is, it was never a hard choice. He always knew that it would end that way, because an end by any other hand was unacceptable. He would believe it was done right if he hadn’t been the one to do it. That’s the point: that it’s the two of them who can’t live with each other. They crowd out each other’s space, steal each other’s air.
Part Four: EXTRA
What makes Biana Different?
“You want to talk about my family?” he snapped, his features angling into hard lines. “And I don’t mean the brother who would’ve been happy to murder me about ten minutes ago—though that was eye-opening. And I don’t mean the sister who would’ve stood by and let him do it while shedding a few pretty tears, either. I don’t even mean the parents who’ve only been so supportive recently because they know they all but phased me out of their lives the moment they chose to have more children. (Flashback)
So, the question: why does Alvar hate Fitz, but his “eyes soften” when looking at Biana?
When Alvar betrays them, Biana is much more sympathetic than Fitz—but that’s a low bar. She does not actively hurt him, and believes his lost memory. Biana reacts to Alvar’s loss with just as much betrayal as Fitz, commenting that she had seen Alvar sneaking away in the past and never thought to wonder where he was going. She keeps herself from missing him by reminding herself how often she’s caught her parents crying in the weeks since he’s left. She seems more open to a fresh start (seen as an utter betrayal by Fitz, of course). But at the same time… she would have watched Fitz kill Alvar with that knife. 
Really, no one talks about how Biana also stopped pushing buttons.
In fact, most likely Biana and Alvar were not as close as Fitz and Alvar. Alvar left for the Elite Levels only a few years (two or three) after Biana was born, and Fitz mentioned that he’s lucky to see him twice a year. Biana manifested as a Vanisher (common ground) only recently.
During the first betrayal, Alvar looks at Biana, and that is when he brings up the Vacker Legacy. Clearly, she is an acceptable part of it. Clearly, Fitz is not. For some reason, even though Biana manifested before them both AND manifested as a Vanisher, is very powerful and also friends with Sophie, she is not the threat. SHE did not take anything. SHE is not a copy of him.
Alvar's grudge only extends to Biana after she chooses Fitz. But Fitz was plenty mad at her for choosing Alvar in his mind; they present a spectrum that is "with them" or "against them" and they can't find a grey area. If Sophie accidentally lets Alvar go—she's chosen her side. If Biana is sympathetic—she's lost too.
Remember Biana as a rope in tug of war. In Nightfall, they find Biana in a pool of her own blood, cut up by shards of mirrors. She is invisible in them, and they scar her with what can never disappear. Soon after, they find Alvar, also scarred by who he has become. Fitz, now, is an outlier from his siblings: his physical scars are more internal, with his heart controlling the pain in his leg.
Fitz vs Keefe vs Alvar
Are you angry? she asked. I know you are at Alvar—and I’m with you on that. But are you sure that’s what you’re feeling toward Keefe? (...) That was Alvar. You can’t keep lumping him together with Keefe. Your brother is… I don’t even know. I don’t understand why he would turn his back on his family, or do such unimaginably awful things. (Lodestar 64)
Let’s talk about how Fitz’s emotions aren’t allowed to be complex about Alvar. He betrayed them and that’s that. But Keefe did too. Why can’t he be angry at both? Why can’t he love and miss both, too?
Alvar was Keefe’s hero. He was rebellious, wild, but also loved. He had a family and then threw it all away, and this is something Keefe could never understand. But despite not understanding it, he still copies him and joins the Neverseen. Alvar says that he always liked Keefe more than his actual little brother, and Keefe consistently reminds himself that Alvar likes him, would never hurt him, actively roots for him.
But Fitz knew both of them in other ways. He knows the loving and the breaking. He forgave Keefe. He said he forgave Keefe. But really, he would never be able to—because he has pushed the two of them together in his head until Keefe is a reminder of Alvar all the time. As long as he is a reminder, Fitz can never forgive him, and they can never go back—Fitz is the bridge between the two of them, but Keefe is also a bridge. He is a fractured one, one that Fitz resists crossing as best he can.
Basically: they hate each other because they ARE each other. Constant expectation and pressure from childhood have molded them into who they are today. Mirror symbolism works so perfectly for a reason.
They treat those around them like they're in a war and need to choose sides or be marked as deserters. Sophie, Biana, Keefe, Alden, Della, and all their other friends are forced into this war unwillingly. They don't even know what they're fighting.
Fitz and Alvar, truly, don't know what they're fighting anymore. They just keep on punching.
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KotLC OC tournament info post - 24/24
Joy Callie Foster-Ruewen
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Name: Joy Callie Foster-Ruewen
Species: Elf
Gender/Pronouns: Fem, she/her
Creator: Sheryl/Bia @sparklenarniawizard (she/her)
Picrew credit: [ EIR ] Character Maker 2.0 
Short desc: Sophie and Keefe had a daughter and then they got attacked so they moved to the Forbidden Cities. 
Backstory: She was born to Sophie and Keefe. She liked reading at 2 & singing at 3. She learned her mom's powers history. She went to the Zoo and talked to animals. She was bullied and transmitted to her mom. Joy picked out mostly pink clothes. She wanted to DIY Barbie dolls. She then unboxed presents. She had to lift up many objects. She went to the Level 1 Ceremony & met her mom's friends. She ditched boring lessons & did her Midterms. She got her parents photographic memories. Joy gets woken up then goes to her classes. She has a crush on Blaze Vacker. She did Elvin History (long lecture). She stares at her crush. She did homework at Study Hall after Telepathy. She practiced Teleporting, Inflicting, Enhancing, Mesmerizing & conjuring with her mom & grandparents. She practiced her last two abilities with her father then did art. She argues with her parents then stares at Blaze. (Random AI thing) They went on vacation to Hawaii until September doing things including surfing, swimming & building sandcastles. Joy meets Fintan who uses his flames;Gisela says hello to her granddaughter after snapping her fingers while being creepy & pulling her up;Ruy put a force field around them so Inflicting couldn't be done;She heard about Alvar being part of them;Gethen got killed in the og battle;Trix defected after they got defeated & revealed himself;She knew about "Uncle" Tam & adopted Aunt Jolie being forced to be a part of them (hasn't been revealed that her dad was);She then gets kidnapped & badly hurt until Sophie inflicts on the others & Keefe uses a Melder because they were looking through a Spyball at Elwin H's office. They checked if Joy was hurt. Ruy put a force field around them until Sophie inflicted & Keefe said "LET US GO" with his command ability. Keefe was worried so he moved them to San Diego to a beachcomber called Mistover. She went to her corresponding grades and kept her abilities hidden. [TO BE CONTINUED] She has her mom's golden blonde hair, very faint freckles, her father's eyes, mixture facial features and tan skin. She has a twin brother named Elwin Kenrick Foster-Ruewen.
If you would like me to edit anything on this post, let me know!
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crescentpaws · 4 months
you know the drill: kotlc sims updates
- made bronte switch his career to a detective since i have the get to work pack now and i wanted a detective i could play as other than alden LMAO
- added elwin & livvy! they’re doctors 🤞 which is also fun to play as
- added amy’s dog watson so she has two pets now
- gonna make her move in with livvy also just because it’s so sad having her live alone LOL (adding quinlin too)
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looooookk i added a little animal area in her room it’s so cute :>
- i made quinlin and livvy get divorced LMAO
- will probably give keefe a pet fox later 🤞
- when bronte was investigating one of his assigned crime scenes i was confused because i saw fintan there as a witness but noooo guess what. it was nelson pyren his evil clone
- so obviously he’s still around so i had to go on a mission to get rid of him after that
- had fintan summon him to an uninhabited lot, use a spell to make him fall asleep, and then set fire to the bench he was sleeping on (i almost felt bad doing that LMAO)
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- it took him so long to die for some reason though i felt like he was just standing there freaking out forever…. but it finally happened 😔🙏
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- why does the grim reaper have an ipad???????
- fintan gained the fear of death from witnessing that which is funny because buddy you’re the one that killed him in the first place 💀
- also he accidentally got caught on fire when i made him put it out so now he has. a fear of fire????? fintan?? fintan pyren??? that guy has a fear of fire??????? ok??????????
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- went to check on the solreef household next (which now includes maruca & marella) & added rayni
- wylie’s new job is a sports mascot apparently….
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- the flower bunny just waltzed in and gave tiergan a rose?? ok…. it’s not even easter…… (the other pic i posted was actually from a couple days ago)
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it’s such a cute little costume though
apparently almost everyone in the household is good friends with him now
- also here he is meeting princess purryfins!! literally the cutest sims moment ever
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- also have been periodically adding my sims to the gallery if anyone wants to download them/just check them out :> username is the same as it is here (a lot of them use ccs for hair & outfits tho so if you want the specific links i can try to find them for you)
ok bye
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isolde-illustrates · 3 months
Fintan at the 5 Pyrokinetics' Plantings
(mentions of things from Flashback or Legacy, tw: death)
@crescentpaws's you're going to have to learn to live with this fanfiction is literally stuck in my brain, so now I have started thinking about how Fintan would cope with the plantings he would have to attend.
Considering how he would already be despised by a lot of people, Fintan probably would try to stay out of everyone's view, being physically there, but not wanting the others to see. He would probably also just ditch the idea of wearing a circlet since Fintan was basically already off the Council, so besides the fact that people would be avoiding standing near him, Fintan would probably look enough like a normal person that he would just avoid everyone else.
If short haired Fintan is in the beginning books, this would probably be when he cuts his hair (going off the idea from the fanfiction crescentpaws's fanfiction that his hair would have gotten burned). The long hair would probably serve as a constant reminder, and he would keep it cut short throughout most of the series, until he no longer has access to something sharp to cut his hair. Probably, the time that his mind was broken was the first time in a thousand years since his hair was short, causing him to resemble the reckless elf who first ruined the lives of pyrokinetics. Then, he would have it cut for a few years until he ended up in the ice prison and would be forced to grow his hair out super long again. Shannon really misses a lot of really good chances to add symbolism with Fintan's hair, which is regretful because there could be so many great scenes where he is shown losing his sanity as his hair gets longer and longer (kind of like how Gisela's façade starts cracking, and her hairdos falling down symbolize her lack of sanity).
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The gloves, long sleeves, and short hair are derived from the fanfiction (short hair because he cut off all the burnt hair).
I think that whenever Fintan was at the plantings for his friends, the only people who would come over to him besides other members of the Council—not including all of the people who just came to yell at him—would be the kids of some of his friends. I don't think that he would ever be really good with kids, at least not his own, but probably before the accident, he was tolerable. At least one of his friends had to have a kid who saw Fintan enough that they just went ahead and started calling him "Uncle Fin." In my sketch, one of the pyrokinetics' kids was told to plant the seed for her father, and she felt the pressure of everyone looking at her and her other parent just being mad at the world. So, she went over to Uncle Fin to get help, despite him trying to shoo her away so that he would not bring any more attention to himself, but she refused and made him plant the seed with her. I feel like that would be a really beautiful way for him to learn how to heal from the pain of losing his friend, but also hint at just how wrecked pyrokinetics were going to be because of what happened.
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Everyone in the Neverseen has hair that is at most shoulder-length, except for Fintan and Trix, since they could easily use their abilities to dry their hair quickly. They were either too lazy to take care of longer hair now that they are in the Neverseen, or just find long hair annoying when fighting the Black Swan. Or there are people like Vespera who HAS to cut her hair from it getting really brittle after being locked up in Lumenaria for millennia. In conclusion, everyone in the Neverseen BUT Fintan and Trix have shorter hair.
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exvelovly · 4 months
for the character ask game:
councillor bronte!
aw freak yeah
-sexuality ummmm ace. lowkey. and maybe this is just me being unable to imagine him having sexy thoughts…. but not aro he gets crushes like a schoolgirl (but not often)
-gender he’s in denial don’t ask me anything
-ships ough i keep thinking abt those drawings with fintan by crescentpaws pls stoppppp it chronic fintanposter
-brotps secret dad society with grady and edaline also he’s beefing with actual teenagers he is so funny
-notp councilor alina whenever i think of bronte and shipping the only no i can think of on the spot is with her and maybe that’s a me thing idk
-hc: i want him to have like 7 cats or something which isnt a head canon but its a need
-general opinion i don’t think about him very often and he pissed me off at first but i’ve warmed up to him
-i think he’s a flaming homo pun intended but like closeted (either voluntarily or forced)
-bro i think he just goes with the vibes i can’t imagine him caring abt gender shit when he has pyrokinesjs and manic flower tangents to worry abt
-ships do not ask me abt ships with this freak therapy first u cannot fix him (but i can trust) i think he’s the type to have lowkey one sided obsessions with certain unnamed councilors and chooses to bother them whenever possible. there will inevitable be sexual tension
-brotps his future therapist
-notps for him are just anyone who wants to stay relatively sane idk (jk)
-hc: listen i’m very conflicted bc there are two ways u can go with fintan and they’re opposite directions. ex: the ass debacle, the long vs short hair, etc. i think he’s greasy personally but crescentpaws’ art is fr converting me i have to stay strong… im convinced he’s chaotic neutral and just does what he wants for the fuck of it.
-general opinion he is fan service for gay people bc they knew we’d be into whatever is going on with him
-sexuality girlkisser
-gender cis girl tbhh but also i don’t think she cares that much. like she’d go guy mode to get some gossip and doesn’t mind being misgendered at all. probably comfy being perceived as both but she’s fine w how she is so she doesn’t think too hard abt it (might be projecting a tiny bit)
-ships marellinh awooga but she’s good with sophie and biana too
-brotps marella and keefe combo ahhhh, but i also love her with sophie and dex and biana idk pretty much everyone
-notps i don’t think too much abt notps just bc it doesn’t come up ummm maybe her and keefe just bc them being platonic shittalkers is so important to meee
-hc: probably smokes/vapes sorryyy it just fits when i think of people i’ve met with her personality like she’s so teenage girl. anyway fav vaper lmaoao potentially switched to smoking weed, i don’t think she’d do any other drugs tho she’s just a girl. i have lots of thoughts abt her can u tell. also she’s probably smoked with linh at some point to help her chill with her water idk i think elementals would be more tempted to smoke and stuff just bc of how their powers work.
-general opinion love her omg she is soososoo
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