#fire emblem three houses angst
pearbosc · 23 days
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Ladislava for day 5!!
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frickingnerd · 1 month
clinging to a promise
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pairing: dimitri alexandre blaiddyd x gn!reader
summary: when the war broke out, you got kidnapped and locked away in fhirdiad. for years you clung to the hope that dimitri would one day save you. and that day finally came…
tags: kidnapped!reader (by cornelia), brief mention of torture/experiments on reader, angst to wholesome fluff, all blue lions are here, dimitri & reader are childhood friends, set during azure moon
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“i promise, i'll keep you safe. always.”
for years, those were the words you clung to. that promise between two childhood friends, that you hoped hasn't been forgotten. the promise dimitri made to you all those years ago. the only hope you had, while captured and experimented on. the only thing to keep you going, even in your darkest hour.
it's been years now that you had spent in the captivity of cornelia, locked away in a prison in fhirdiad. rumors of dimitri's death had spread even within the prison, yet you still held onto the hope that dimitri had managed to escape his execution. and that one day, the two of you would reunite again.
and that day was rapidly approaching.
“what's going on–!?”
“they infiltrated the capitol–!”
“surrender! there's no use fighting them”
most of your mornings were quiet and lonesome, but when you woke up with people screaming and panicking outside, you knew something was different. whether fhirdiad was being invaded by outsiders or your savior didn't quite matter to you at that moment. things couldn't really get worse for you either way.
“everyone, step away from the bars–!”
a familiar voice suddenly echoed through the halls of the underground prison. a voice of your former classmate and vassal to dimitri. and if he was here, then surely…
“are you in here? please, answer me–!”
your heart skipped a beat when you heard dimitri's voice. footsteps soon echoed through the halls of the prison, as people started running around, looking for a certain cell.
“i found them–!”
it was felix who got to your cell first, rattling on the bars that kept you separated from everyone else. soon, the rest of the blue lions followed, with dimitri pushing his way to the front, busting open the cell door, as if it was nothing.
“dimi–” before you could finish his name, dimitri had swept you off your feet and pulled you into a tight hug that made the other blue lions panic.
“not so rough–!”
“you'll squeeze them to death, boar–!”
“careful, your highness…”
dimitri's grip on you loosened a little, enough to allow you to stand on your own two feet again. but aside from that, he paid no mind to the others and still held onto you, worrying that if he let go of you, you'd slip away from him once more.
“after all these years… i finally found you” dimitri's face was nuzzled into the crook of your neck, his words coming out as mumbles that only you could hear. “i promised i'd keep you safe, always. but i couldn't do anything, all those years. can you… ever forgive me…?”
you held on tight to dimitri for another moment, not wanting this warm embrace to be cut short. when you finally did slip away, your hands had cupped his cheeks gently and you made the taller man look down at you, gently caressing his cheek.
“there's nothing to forgive you for, dimitri. you saved me, just like i knew you would. all those years, i've waited for you, knowing that, one day, you'd find me. and now that you're here, i harbor no ill feelings towards you. all i feel is delight, that we are once again reunited…”
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maslosstuff · 8 months
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Don't touch him!
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apropername · 3 months
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snackcraving · 2 years
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Be my mirror, my sword and shield
@itsmoonpeaches made a fic based on this so check it out :)
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charlikesalmon · 2 years
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“you remind me of someone i once knew”
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malsfefanfics · 6 days
Again? Okay, but it's some hurt. and no comfort.
Sand. Metal. Bile. As his body swayed over the floor, Hubert felt the blistering dryness of his tongue swollen in his throat. The cuffs around his wrists burned into his skin any time he attempted a spell. After the first three days, he'd given up trying to focus on his surroundings. They were the same. Mold growing on rotting vines curling around and up the stone walls. The metal grate of the cell was rusted, but still thick and study. You would need to be rather bulky to rip them off the hinges. Or just know a decent incantation to cause an explosion.
But such an explosion wasn't possible. Not with the guards around him. Not with these damned cuffs. He looked over at the guards, one of them showing off the blood stained dagger in his hand. It was the one from Hubert's boot. The very same one that had given him a lovely souvenir on his side just moments ago.
He'd been there for weeks, not long after a failed mission where his target somehow managed to get the better of him. And he'd come to the conclusion not long after, that he would probably die in here.
Still, better he than her Majesty, he figured. Better he than....
Closing his eyes, he imagined warm, honey gold eyes watching him from across the table. A vibrant smile as they laughed over tea. The shine of the sunset on those long, silken locks. As his mind faded to slumber, all he could hear the final words they'd said to each other.
"Return home swiftly and safely, Hubert. Promise me."
"I will certainly try."
"No. You must promise. Otherwise, you may not step out of this room. Or warp away. Promise me you will return home."
"....Very well. I promise."
He'd lost count of how many days he'd been locked away. He should have been home already. No doubt they were beginning to worry. He was probably sick with it. Knowing him, Ferdinand would be trying to rally a search party by now. A fruitless endeavor, to be sure.
I'm sorry, Hubert thought. I'm sorry for lying to you.
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claudvain · 2 years
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Do you remember the promise we made when we were kids? About sticking together until we die together?
I remember.
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iusedtohavesixtoes · 9 months
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Work in Progress (Saturday?), from my very last story for the Year of the OTP. Ethereal Moon edition.
A sneak peek under the cut. I’m almost done, just a little more then edit edit edit.
Some time later, as she shook from the cold, but unable to get herself to move back inside, she heard softly in the night, “Byleth?”
She couldn’t even turn to face Seteth. “It’s dreadfully cold out here, and are you only wearing a cloak? Where is your coat? What are—?” He paused when Byleth could only whimper in response, then suddenly he was touching her, enfolding his own heavy cloak over her own.
Warm hands smoothed over her tears nearly frozen on her cheeks. As if she were a child, he pulled out a handkerchief and wiped at her nose.
And she let him do it, feeling somewhat relieved at having someone show her any kindness, something she was ready to withhold from herself.
“My apologies for the lecture,” he murmured, pressing his lips against her forehead.
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fe-fictions · 1 year
Can you maybe write/repost the dimileth pregnapping? It was my favorite :3 all of those byleth gets kidnapped while pregnant prompts were all rlly good but obvi the ones that had my best boys dimi, felix, and claude were my faves
(Aaah thank you!! Yes, please enjoy the reposting of the dimileth pregnapping! U V U )
One week.
‘Save me, Dimitri.’
‘Save us, Dimitri.’
‘How can you not keep your own wife safe?’
Four weeks.
‘Your own child?’
One month. Then two. 
‘We needed you, Dimitri. You weren’t here.’
Two months and two weeks.
‘We needed you and now we’re going to die because you weren’t strong enough. You killed your family, Dimitri. You killed the last people who loved you.’
Three months.
The king, whom all had thought returned to his senses, was slowly, slowly…devolving into madness, once more. 
He was becoming a nightmare, a pale, trembling, unkempt, feral shell of a man. Every day that passed and he hadn’t brought you home…it was taking a serious toll on his body.
He couldn’t eat. He couldn’t sleep.
His wife had been kidnapped, right from under his nose. 
The day had been a blur. 
You had only just told him of your pregnancy, that you were two months along and everything was good. That Mercedes suspected it would be a boy. A son.
Dimitri would be the father of your son.
He was over the moon; nothing could have made him happier in that moment. 
Then it all was shattered. You were returning to the monastery, and you hadn’t even made it half-way. A bloodied soldier had crawled back to the capital, wailing that the queen had been captured, her caravan massacred.
He and a few others were the only ones who survived.
It hadn’t even been a day. Dimitri had lost you in the span of a few hours.
And now, months had crawled past, and they still hadn’t found you.
He was an absolute wreck, and it showed. Dedue, who stood faithfully by his side, eyed the king warily as he stood over the maps of Fodlan, his hands clawed into the table as he stared at them madly, searching frantically for some place they hadn’t yet searched.
“What do I have to do…? What must I sacrifice before I find her? What more can I do?!” 
“Milord, you have done everything you can. All we have is the scouts, now. We must wait for their return, and then-”
“I can’t wait any longer!!” Dimitri bellowed, his hands raked through his hair as the panic overwhelmed him once again. “She’s out there- she’s out there, dead, for all we know, because I sent her off! I should never have let her leave. I should have kept her here, where she’s safe! I condemned her to death! I condemned our child!!”
“You couldn’t have known, milord-”
“I should have!!” His fists slammed against the table, and he crumbled. He broke down, again. “I…should have been the one to…”
“It couldn’t have been you, boar.”
Felix’s voice came from the doorway, a few other comrades watching with concern as Dimitri fell apart, once again.
“It’s those mages. They don’t care about you- they want Byleth’s blood. They did what they had to in order to get it. So for the love of gods, stop blaming yourself.”
“Felix…you know not of what you speak. I am the king- my power is absolute. Yet even that wasn’t enough to protect my own wife from certain death!!”
“You can’t know that she’s dead, Dimitri!” Annette argued, “Y-you can’t take that on yourself, not until you see it. But you won’t!! She’s not gone!!”
“And how…how could you possibly know that?” He hissed, looking to her with a glare that seemed to practically dare her to answer with anything but the correct words.
She stepped forward, producing one of your headpieces. A small, humble circlet, one that Dimitri had given her in the throws of war. One that you treasured and wore constantly, a sweet reminder of how dear his gifts were, to you.
One that now glowed with a strange aura, of a spell that Annette had cast.
“It’s a long shot, but…Mercedes and I found a spell in one of the library’s older tomes. A tracking spell. If we use this, we’ll be able to trace Byleth’s essence and find out exactly where they’re keeping her!”
“What…?” Dimitri stared at her, at a loss for words. He wanted so badly to scream at her. “Why…w-why didn’t you tell me this before? Why did you wait four damned months to show me-”
“Enough!!” Felix snapped at him, “You’re out of your  mind!! You think she was keeping that from you?! That she didn’t want you to know about it?! You think she wants to lose Byleth?! Find your head, you damn brute! She’s trying to save your wife!! She’s done more to help you than your constant abuse ever did!!”
“…How dare you say that to-”
“Can it.” He growled, “We’re going to find your wife. If you don’t calm down and find your sense, then you can stay here and pout like the brat you are.”
“Felix, he’s not a brat.” Mercedes chided him weakly, “He’s worried about her.”
“He’s taking it out on us, again. Just like before. I’m not going to stand for it. Either you find your head, or you stay here and wait.”
Felix knew he should’ve been beheaded, at this point. No one should talk to the king like that, and yet…someone had to do it.
Dimitri could only stare in awe, at a loss for words at the brash, cold confidence of his friend. Someone who had the guts to tell him to suck it up.
To silence the voices in his head.
He didn’t have to listen to them.
He wouldn’t.
He had let himself be distracted by them long enough. All he could think about was their words, the demons berating him for losing his beloved. But what good did it do?
Dimitri exhaled shakily, giving a solemn nod. “No, he’s…right.”
“He’s right. Callous and cruel…but he’s right.” Dimitri swallowed, “I want to go. I must. Byleth needs me. Pouring over maps and sending out scouts, praying for an answer…I’ve done this for too long. If that spell brings me straight to Byleth, then…I’ll take it.”
Felix scoffed, motioning for Dimitri to join them.
“Then let’s get moving.”
Annette had everything ready to go within moments. Lysithea had come to lend a hand with her magic skill, Mercedes and Marianne, everyone who knew anything about the darker arts (even if it was just a pinch or even less), pouring all their power into tracking you down.
Another day couldn’t pass. It wouldn’t.
Dimitri watched as they worked, having found his lance and holding it tightly, his silent gaze boring holes into their backs as he waited.
One hour. 
‘It won’t work.’
‘You won’t find us in time. You’ve wasted so much, already.’
Three hours, four.
‘Our blood is on your hands, beloved. Our blood is-’
“There she is!!!”
He rocketed up from his seat, striding to the soothsayer’s bowl they had been slaving over. There, in the mist that emanated from your circlet…a base.
Small, underground, and undoubtedly in the former Empire’s territory.
But you were there.
His hand came to his mouth, finding your image in the smoke.
You were huddled in a corner, your hands held against your middle. You had grown. The baby was growing. You were both alive.
Oh gods, you were still alive.
“She’s there…!” He breathed, brow furrowed as he tried to keep his composure. “Oh, goddess…w-we must go.”
“We don’t have a precise location…not yet. Give us a few minutes more.”
“That’s enough time to rally the troops.” Felix pointed out, and Dedue was turning on his heel, heading for the courtyards to gather the soldiers. 
“Everyone, find your strongest armor.  Your sharpest weapons! We will move forward the instant the queen is found! We wait no longer- we save her, today!!”
The Blue Lions had never been more proud of their king. That fire in his eyes, that of a king, of a husband…of a father…he was ready to put everything he had into bringing you home, no matter the cost. He wasn’t giving up.
He wasn’t going to let himself fall into the darkness.
He was bringing you home.
The remains of the Adrestian Empire were little more than a shadow of its former greatness. Dimitri, however, was ready to turn it all to ash.
The base they had found was located deep below the earth, under what was once the royal family’s castle.
They moved quietly, and quickly down the steps, deep into the belly of the castle. They remained on high alert, silent until they found the first unfortunate Snake.
He was cut down just as the alarm was sounded.
Dimitri wasted no time forcing the Lions forward, barreling through the corridors and flooding the once grand creation with a mob of soldiers that wanted nothing than to destroy its remains.
You were here. Locked in a cell, cold and alone and afraid and hurt.
The mother of his child. 
There wouldn’t be enough blood in the world to atone the crimes they committed against the king’s dearest love.
No, he cursed, tearing apart the prison once they found it.
No, he promised, ripping each cell door open as the others frantically tried to find the one you were in.
Not anymore.
Your name was a gasp on his lips, and he rushed to the cell in the furthest corner, concealed in a darkness not even he could see through. Sylvain’s torch illuminated the place a moment later, and there you were.
In the flash and flicker of the flames, he saw you. 
Oh, his poor wife.
He tore the door from its hinges with an inhuman sound, flinging it away. You could only stare at him, mouth falling open as he rushed to your side. 
Tentatively, he reached out, his fingers brushing your cheek. Was it a dream?
Once,  you called his name.
“Byleth…you’re…y-you’re here.”
His brow furrowed, the cloak falling around you both as he took you in, pulling you into his chest as he cradled you for the first time in months. Months.
“I’m here. We’re all here…we’re…here.”
Three times.
He clung to you as you cried, tears of relief dripping down your cheeks. He held you as closely as possible, determined never to let you from his sight again.
Never to let such harm befall you.
For a few moments, all you could do was hang onto your husband, letting him gingerly turn you so that you leaned against his chest, so that the others could come to you and tend to your wounds.
Mercedes and Marianne tended you through tears of their own, thanking the Goddess that you were all right.
You were underweight considering how far along you were in the pregnancy, they had told you. But you weren’t too worried. 
You knew Dedue would take care of you and fix that in no time. 
Once you were cleared to walk, Dimitri had you draped in his cloak, its warmth a welcome comfort from the cold hell you had suffered through for so long.
Despite Flayn’s assurance that you would be fine, Dimitri still carried you from the dungeon, back into the light of the world.
He had let you go once, he explained bluntly, pressing on much to the exasperation and unamusement of some of his friends (Felix…Seteth…).
You pressed your face against his neck, clinging to the fabrics even as he mounted his steed, and began the journey home.
He had let you go, once, he murmured, his lips in your hair. He would never let it happen again. Not to either of you.
The promise was whispered, his hand against your baby bump, the other holding you close to his heart. 
There would never be any fear of the Archbishop being stolen. Now that Dimitri was permanently posted by your side, and especially once your dearest son was born. 
Nothing could pry him from you, come hell or high water.
Your guardian angel.
Your most precious lion.
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mochipicchu776 · 4 months
Rare one-shot I wrote for the FE Art Scuffle:>
Plenty of juicy Dimileth angst, sweeted with comfort and a little bit of spice, as a treat ✨️
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lulady030 · 1 year
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Currently going through many trials and errors with watercolor, but here’s a Monica that I think turned out okay 🌹
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frickingnerd · 2 months
edelgard finding her s/o's suicide note
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pairing: edelgard von hresvelg x gn!reader
tags: angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, reader survives/doesn't hurt themselves, mentions of hubert, crying (edelgard)
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luckily, edelgard found your letter before it was too late!
the moment she stumbled upon the strange piece of paper and realized what it was, she ran to your room, in hopes to still make it
she gave hubert a heart attack when she was there one moment and gone the next, disappearing so quickly that her vassal couldn't even follow her
when edelgard arrived at your room, she found you there, well and unharmed. while she was completely distraught, you seemed rather confused why she was even here
edelgard panted for a few moments, trying to catch her breath and letting the situation sink in, before tears of relief streamed down her cheeks
“i thought… that you were… that you had…” she tried to find the right words, before wrapping you into a hug and quietly sobbing in your arms
you were still confused, but when you suddenly noticed the piece of paper in her hands and recognized it, everything began to sink in
“i-i'm okay…! see? i'm still here!” you assured her, forcing a smile onto your lips. “i didn't mean to scare you. i just…” you sighed. “you were never meant to find this”
your words calmed edelgard enough for her to stop crying. but now that she had calmed down a little, she was ready for a little scolding
“you should've told me. if you're not well, then you should've come to me. don't wait until it's too late, alright? please, promise me that you'll come to me the next time you feel like this…”
you lowered your head and nodded quietly, feeling guilty and ashamed. but edelgard quickly noticed that you were getting defensive and pulling away from her
“how about… you start telling me all about it?” she carefully suggested. “why you wrote that letter, what caused you to feel this way and all i can do to make you feel better…”
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acethatlovesdinos · 10 months
I made a post way early in my blog about how certain fe3h characters would be better if they weren't so dedicated to a single other person or ideal.
for example; Seteth and Flayn are wonderful people, with unique personalities and a well-developed design and backstory.
At several points in the story, regardless of route, you can even see Seteth question some of Rhea's actions and decisions....and it left me longing for a story in which I could fight alongside the Empire but maintain a bond with my beloved saints. (I'm sorry I really just don't like the archbishop leave me be lmao). Plus she kinda loses her mind during CF too, and I'm positive they'd catch on and be concerned.
Anyway so this story is gonna take place at some point along Crimson Flower, and Reader is meant to be the former professor of the Black Eagles. Whether it's Byleth or a self-insert, that's for you to decide, anyway enough rambling let's goooo
1.6k words, angst galore
first person SetethxReader(Byleth?) Alois also makes an appearance
warnings: Literal warzone in the beginning. Reader is shot (with arrows). not sure if it counts as a warning but I used the term "saints" and "goddess" in the context where we usually would say "god" since it seemed fitting lol
I sent off the last messenger hawk, watching it fly over the horizon and out of sight.
Communication and negotiations have gone surprisingly well so far, and the Church has agreed to meet up and talk. Edelgard and I agreed that talking it out would be a good first step to avoid more bloodshed, but just in case they had other plans, we would be bringing an army with us.
The day we set for negotiating finally arrived, and we rode up to Magdred in droves. Seemed they had the same idea, as an entire army stood behind Seteth, sat nobly on his wyvern's back.
I stepped off my horse, leaving my sword with it. The only movement in the field was between the high priest and myself, slowly walking toward one another. It was eerily silent, the wind whistling through the trees hushing every other sound.
We finally met in the center of the field, and I parted my lips to speak. "Seteth. I-"
I froze, my ears perking up just in time to pick up an all-too-familiar sound. I knew what it was, but I couldn't react fast enough.
All at once, before I could even move, three arrows found their place deep within my chest.
My heart pounded in my ears. I stared at Seteth, shock, fear, and betrayal rampant in my expression. I was unarmed. I was there to talk. Why did they...? But his eyes seemed to share the same feelings. It...didn't make sense.
Everything was silent, all sides too taken aback to even realize what happened.
My stance swayed, I staggered for a second, then I fell, the metal pieces of my armor clanking as they met the dirt.
Hell broke loose once my head hit the ground. I heard roars from both sides as each army advanced, enveloping the field in violent noise that had been silent mere moments ago.
Someone grabbed me. I...I couldn't tell who. My eyes wouldn't focus, my body felt cold. I was pulled into a protected embrace, and a distant voice echoed in my ears as the warmth of rushed, desperate healing spells washed over me.
"Y/N! Y/N, listen to me! Keep your eyes open! I need you to stay awake, please! Hold on!"
Saints above, everything ached when my eyes opened again. My pained groan alerted the guardian at my side, Alois, who looked like he hadn't slept in days. A shaken gasp made way for a relieved sigh and a tired smile, and I could tell it took a lot of internal force for him not to hug me.
A proper look around made me realize I was in the infirmary back at Garreg Mach, and three bloodied patches of bandage stretched across my torso. Ouch. Manuela knelt by a different cot, no doubt tending to another casualty from the fight.
"I...I don't remember much. I walked up to talk, and I heard the arrows...then...?"
Alois sighed. "Yeah. We had to retreat afterward, but so did they. We're...still trying to figure things out." As if he sensed the rising panic in my mind, he immediately followed, "your class is fine. Edelgard took the lead after you fell." I nodded, relief overtaking the stabbing pain in my chest. They weren't my students anymore, but I still call them 'my kids' now and again. He smiled weakly. "...just like you to be worried about your allies despite your own injuries."
I chuckled, but the moment was brief, and I clutched my chest. The rumble of laughter just shot the pain through me. With a sigh and a stretch, I pulled myself to sit up, getting a better look at the room. As expected, there wasn't a single empty cot in the room, and my heart ached for the wounded. My eyes scanned the room then froze as my gaze set on a guest, sitting in a chair near the door. His emerald eyes locked with mine, and a sneer pulled at my lips. His name fell from my mouth like acid, as if I spat a curse between the syllables.
He almost flinched at my voice, looking away with so many emotions behind his eyes. Alois put a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Ease up, kid... he's the reason you're still breathing..." I paused. The...reason? No, that couldn't be right. "...he shielded your body with his own back, Y/N. Didn't dare leave your side til the battle ended, and after the fact, he carried you here himself."
So the arms I felt before I passed out...the relief of my injuries on the field...that was...him? I scoffed. "That can't be right..."
I looked back at the holy man, who had stood up and begun to approach. Now that I got a better look at him, he was completely different than how he once held himself. Tired circles lined his eyes, and his usually perfectly styled hair lay askew. His gilded headband was gone, and after a moment's realization, so too were his priestly robes, replaced by one of Hanneman's suits. Unable to help myself, I grinned. "Oh Saints, you look terrible. You a hostage now or something? Did we capture you?" I knew it was petty and childish, but Goddess, it felt good to get back at him in some way. Watching his cheeks redden at the comment made it even better.
He sighed, familiar frustration returning to his tone. "Y/N, the answer to this predicament is simple, you need only to listen." He took a breath, crossing his arms. "I have elected to resign from my position as Rhea's right hand."
He took a deep breath. "After careful consideration, I determined it would be safer for Flayn and me to make some...adjustments." he sighed. "If you truly are the goddess incarnate as Rhea said, then I have not yet abandoned my faith, but even if you are not, then I will not stray. I...I fear Rhea has...lost herself, in her efforts to overcome this. She is not who she once was, and I feel strongly that she no longer possesses the same values she once held."
I could only laugh, if only at the irony of the situation. "You've suddenly switched sides, and ever so conveniently now that we've got the upper hand. Siding with the victors, I see....can't say I blame you."
He frowned. "Beyond that, the battle that unfolded those days ago was the last time I was going to tolerate her going behind my back." At my confusion, he continued. "I questioned the archers after the fight, specifically the three who fired at you. I had given them explicit instruction not to make a move unless the Empire struck first. We had arranged that meeting out of mutual trust, and I had full intent of respecting that."
That made me frown more. "So then, why did they-?"
He sighed. "Rhea apparently pulled them aside before we left. She told them that you would be conniving and that you would attack me when my guard was down. She told them that once you were in range, they were to fire. Those directions were not known to me until I had practically interrogated them after the battle."
He shook his head. "My negligence caused you grave injury, and I felt...fully responsible for that. At this point I can only beg your forgiveness."
I was quiet for a long while, trying to process his words. "...You and I have stood as enemies for the last five years. Why weren't you just grateful for my downfall?"
"....because...we didn't...I..." he paused, trying to find the words. "I never wanted to be your enemy. But...I was blinded by my obedience to the Archbishop, and my dedication to Seiros. I never wanted this to happen. Flayn has been more at risk in these last five years than she ever was in years past, and the sooner we can conclude this war, the better it will be for us.
I sighed. Of course it was about her. Its always her when it comes to his concerns.
"But...more than that..."
I paused. There's more?
"I am well aware that there are no excuses...but I'd like to explain why I acted how I did." He sighed. "I've seen you fight for years now, watching you lead hundreds of battles to victory. Each and every time, you looked...ethereal, almost divine....untouchable. Somehow, in your incredible strength, your elegant visage, it left my mind that you could get hurt." He frowned. "I'm sure it sounds ridiculous now, but...that was it. And...the moment I saw the arrows pierce your flesh, it felt like the rest of the world disappeared. The realization, that...you could get hurt...that...that you could...die? I just...I don't know. I couldn't....I didn't want to face the possibility of a world without you in it."
He took a deep breath.
"Y/N. That scare made me realize something I should have seen long ago...and that I wish I could have pursued at a better time. But...the truth is...it is that I love you, Y/N."
I sat silent, shocked at every word as I stared up at the fallen priest. What? After everything that unfolded, after all that happened...so much going on...this is what he has to say? I didn't even know where to begin.
My face shifted, void of any feelings, any possible thought. A cold scowl hid my confusion and frustration.
"Get out."
He paused, opening his mouth to speak, but I held up a hand to interject.
"This...really isn't a good time for something like this. Please...just go."
Seteth stared at me, so many thoughts behind his now glossy eyes, so many words under a bitten tongue, but he nodded wordlessly and excused himself from the infirmary. Alois gently put a hand on my arm, but I brushed him away and laid back down. "Not now...please." i let out a shaky breath that I didn't realize I had been holding, and hugged myself as I tried to still my racing mind and heart.
Aaaaaaaa that went so much longer than I expected but I hope you guys liked it! Let me know if a part 2 interests anyone! Aaaaa i love writing :]
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xxblissfullxx · 1 year
The Garden (Dimitri Blaiddyd x Reader)
Okay I'm going to warn you all this is STRAIGHT ANGST. So I'm going to put some trigger warnings here so if you are uncomfortable with it you can scroll past this :)
TW: DEATH, Childbirth Complications
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It was late one summer evening when Dimitri went out to the castle gardens, the garden his Beloved used to visit quite often. Even when she was heavily pregnant with their child, she would always try to make time to visit the garden that she spent so much time on. As she progressed in her pregnancy, moving around was significantly harder so she had some servants keep up with the garden while she was on bed rest. That was..
‘A long time ago.. Too long..’, Dimitri thought to himself before bringing a hand up to a lily, gently holding it in his hand. Dimitri stared for what seemed like an eternity before dropping the lily back down and continuing through the garden. The moon shone overhead as he observed all the flowers, running his hands lightly through them. The wind lightly blew as the bushes rustled, Dimitri closed his eye, enjoying the silence of just the wind and the last fragment of his beloved.
“Your Highness… I am afraid she did not make it”. Dimitri stared back at the Doctor as he held their child. Everything at that moment goes dark, everything in Dimitri dies with you. His body goes numb, his heart stops beating for a moment. He feels his own soul escaping from his body as his world around him starts to face around him. He’s lost the light of his life... His Beloved... His mourning is quickly interrupted by the sound of a sharp cry, he brings the babe closer to his chest. “May I.. May we see her?” The doctor quickly shakes his head as he leads Dimitri into their bedroom, and there you lay. He slowly makes his way towards the bed with your child, holding them in one hand as he strokes your hair. “My beloved... You did so good… now rest…” His voice cracks on the last syllable as he leans down to give you a kiss on your forehead, lingering for a moment before leaning back up.  He stays by your side for a few more moments before turning around and leaving the room. It is not until later that night when the babe is asleep in the nursery when the reality of the situation hits him... You are gone… and at that moment... He breaks.
Memories of that day are still vivid, he still hears the nurses telling him to quickly leave the room as they scrambled around the room. However, the days following are blurry, it was as if the days blended together, night and day became one. As time went on, he spent more time in his office than with his child, leaving them with the countless nannies in the castle. It pains him to look at their child, as they look so much like… Another calming breeze blows through the garden as he takes a deep breath before quietly collecting himself. He turns to leave the garden, as it is late and he has important business to take care of in the morning. As he walks, he hears a soft laugh  ‘Oh Dimi… it has been too long since you came here’. 
Dimitri quickly turns around to see his beloved before saying “No.. you’re not real… First father.. Mother.. Glenn… Now you are haunting me.. Just leave me be..”. The apparition of his beloved quietly comes forward, looking lovingly toward him, while he steps backward, creating space between the two. “Please… do not look at me with love in your eyes, I let you die… My beloved…” The phantom slowly brings a hand up his face, while not touching him, Dimitri can feel her warmth as if she was truly there. He reaches up to grab her hand but he is met with nothing as he felt his heart breaking into pieces all over again. “How could I hope to go on without you… how can I let you go?” The apparition quickly fires back with “How could I ever know? My dear, I never planned to leave you.” Dimitri looks up to her, and she smiles at him, “I do not blame you for anything my Dimitri, I spent my last moments with the child made from our love… and I watch over him every day..” Dimitri reaches out to her but his hand goes right through her.
“My beloved… how can you stand to look at me, I failed you. I made a vow to protect you and I failed.” She looks at him sadly as she shakes her head, ‘You cannot protect me from fate my Dimitri. I knew carrying your child could come with complications, but I took the risk.’ Dimitri shakes his head, “No… no this is all my fault… I will apologize for the rest of my days as you are not by my side in this world.” She looks at him before saying, ‘My sweet.. My love.. I want you to spend the rest of your days happy, with our child,  care for the child of our love…” She starts to slowly fade away, Dimitri quickly reaches a hand out to her, “NO! Do not leave me… not again..” She reaches out to try and grab his hand, “Know that as long as you breathe, I am beside you.. Forgive me for leaving so soon…”. Dimitri tries to grab her but is left with nothing but the cold air of the night in his arms. It was like his heart was broken all over again, and there are no words to describe the anguish that washed over him. For a brief moment, his eye goes blank, his face void of emotion, his body a lifeless shell. To this day, his mind still refuses to accept what happened. But once the shock starts to hit him, the tears start to flow, as he begins to openly cry in the garden of his long-lost beloved.
He has lost you, and nothing will ever fill that hole left in his heart.
(A bonus)
Days go by until one day Dimitri walks into the nursery and sees his child playing with the nanny, he tells the nanny that she can leave. Confused, but not wanting to question orders, she quickly gets up and bows her head before leaving. The child looks up at their father giving them a toothless grin before reaching their arms up to him. Dimitri smiles as he reaches down to pick them up. Resting the little one's head against his chest, he feels a gust of wind, looking out to the window, watching the curtains blow sightly. He smiles.
Maybe there was someone that could mend his broken heart.
Hi! It's been a while since I posted anything here! I've been into Fire Emblem: Three Houses and decided to write this! It's a different turn from my last one but I hope you all enjoy it just like the last one! :)
Blissfull <3
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theruseandthecaper · 1 year
you asked for a felix plot!
what about felix overworking himself? reader tries to get him to take a break and he ends up passing out from training? maybe a lil argument but reader dotes on him and takes care of him ❣️ normal snarky felix fluff hehe
THIS IS SO CUTE. i am crying screaming throwing up i love felix sm. This gets a little angstier than i initially thought but it clears up in the end cuz felix is a bitch but he’s a bitch who’s soft for the reader. I hope he’s in character??? Ahhhh 
Btw go to the end for a little list of songs i listened to while writing this! I wanna give more music recommendations to people so hopefully u guys enjoy those too :) 
You were worried about Felix. Again. Honestly, at this point, when were you not?
He was consistently overworking himself. Which was normal, you had to admit, but he’d been in a bad way recently. His red eyes being brought out by prominent eye bags, his bed left empty and door left ajar late at night when you’d go to visit him. Nights spent tirelessly training and training, the sword never leaving his hand. He had to improve. Every hour spent sleeping, eating, even spent with you, was a waste in his mind. Only if he was swinging a sword at a training dummy or a real partner was an hour worth living. It wasn’t healthy, for him or you. 
And it hurt you. With every swing of his sword, it was as though he was chopping up your heart, breaking it into billions of pieces, smaller with every hit.
It hurt you seeing him exhausted, hardly eating, hardly sleeping. It hurt you seeing him look like a walking corpse. It stung seeing the fresh calluses on his hands from gripping the sword. It stung how he seemed to enjoy his time training more than spending time with you.
This had to stop, you realized. You had to put an end to this, for not only your sake, but mostly for his. You were worried sick. You knew Felix better than anybody, and you could read him cover to cover like a little kid could read a picture book. You knew he wouldn’t stop until he was physically unable to continue, and even then, he’d still try. Stubborn as a mule, that boy was. Obstinate bitch. But he was your obstinate bitch, and you loved him. 
These thoughts led you to the training grounds at 2 in the morning, knowing that’s where you’d find him. Sure enough, there he was, black hair tied up and slicked with sweat, sword buried deep within a training dummy as nobody else was awake to spar with you. As you entered, Felix looked up, his crimson eyes lighting up with recognition.
“Ah, [Y/N],” He began, pulling the sword out of the dummy. You could see how exhausted he was just from studying his face. His eyes were glossy with exhaustion. When was the last time he slept? “Spar with me.”
“What? No. Felix. How long have you been at this?” You asked, furrowing your eyebrows as you came closer. “Do you have any idea what time it is? When was the last time you’ve eaten? Slept? Bathed? Took care of yourself?” The fact that he even had to pause to think about it broke your heart. It was as though you were the training dummy, ripped through the chest by his sword, stuffing spilling out of the gaping hole that was left where your heart was. He was neglecting himself. You weren’t surprised, but still torn all the same.
​​”Those things won’t help me get better.” He said with a scoff, turning away from you to start thrusting his sword at the training dummy once more. You could feel the tears begin to gather in your eyes. Stubborn. Stubborn, stubborn boy. 
“Felix, they will. You can’t get stronger if you keep neglecting yourself. Everybody needs rest, Felix. Even the strongest of swordsmen still take days off to make sure they’re in top condition.” You were right, and he knew that. He just refused to admit it. Too prideful to ever admit he was wrong. He looked up at you, and you could see just how exhausted he was. He opened his mouth to say something, but no words came out. He just swayed back and forth for a few seconds before his eyes snapped shut and he went toppling to the floor, sword clattering to the ground. 
You rushed forwards, grabbing him before he could hit his head. You were crying now, gently propping his head up in your lap. You vowed to yourself at that moment. The next day, you’d force him to stay in bed. You’d cook for him, run him a nice warm bath, wash his clothes, and you’d keep him 10 feet away from a sword at all times. 
So, lit only by the light of the moon, you carried him back to his room. You laid him in his bed after you’d changed the sheets, tucked him in, closed the blinds and let him sleep for as long as he needed to. You cleaned up his room a bit, washed the pile of dirty clothes that had accumulated on his floor, and then you just waited. 
And wait you did, never once leaving his side even though he was out for hours upon hours upon hours, only leaving to make him some breakfast and use the bathroom. You slept by his side, ate by his side, cried by his side. And once he did finally begin to stir, he had a plate of healthy food beside him and a tall glass of water. He glanced up at you, then back down at the food, then back at you before his eyes narrowed. You were both silent, but the look in his eyes spoke what his mouth would not. Finally, he swung his legs out of bed and got up, reaching for the sword he had hanging on the back of his door. You roughly grabbed his arm and forced him back down into bed, shocking him by your strength. “Felix Hugo Fraldarius. You’re not leaving this damn bed.” Your eyes met his, and as soon as he saw the fire ripping through your eyes, he closed his mouth and sat back. He’d never seen you this intense before, and he could also see the tears brimming in your eyes. 
“(Y/N), I have to train. You know this.” He objected. Stubborn. Stubborn asshole!
“You also need to take care of yourself. Felix, please. You just slept for, like, 12 hours straight. You’ve lost so much weight, you need to bathe, you need to rest. Please. Just for today.” You took his hand, squeezing it ever so softly in your hand, feeling around the calluses on his palm. He opened his mouth to object, but seeing the broken look on your face and the tears streaming down your cheeks, he couldn’t just brush you off and get up. He loved you more than that, even if he hadn’t been acting like it for a while, so wrapped up in his training. You were his soft spot. He let out a sigh, picked up some food, and was able to choke it down. 
Relief flooded through you at that. He was going to eat. Going to rest. Going to recharge and stop taking everything so seriously. You excused yourself to the bathroom under the guise of running him a warm bath to take the ache off his muscles, but the whole time you got the water ready, you were sobbing to yourself. You were still so worried about him. So afraid that he would continue down this path of self destruction. What if something happened to you on the battlefield, and he was left on his own? What would he do? Would he work himself to death like he’d been doing the past few weeks? Felix took his bath as you washed his clothes and when he came out and got dressed, you couldn’t help but wrap him in a tight hug and tackle him down on the bed. 
“Promise me you’ll start taking care of yourself. Please.” You whispered. He closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest. He smelled like himself again, a mix of lavender and spice. Felix sighed, burying his face in your hair. If it hurt you this badly, how could he just continue down this path? 
“I promise. I… I’m sorry.” He whispered. How you brought this prideful, mulish man to apologize to you is beyond me, but you were definitely his soft spot. He cared for you so much he was willing to put down the pride and agree with you for once.
You two laid there for quite a while until you both fell asleep, wrapped in each other’s arms and the comfort of each other’s company. He’d forgotten how nice it felt to have a full belly, a warm bed, and the arms of his lover wrapped around him, keeping him safer than he’d ever felt.
songs i listened to while writing this:
ill be waiting for you by destery smith
cheer up baby by inhaler
the ruse and the caper by coyote theory (haha that’s what my username is. are they called usernames on tumblr. im stupid)
the secret life of me by waterparks
hippo in the water by mom jeans
welcome to my planet by pomplamoose
white trash millionaire by mom jeans
nervous young inhumans by car seat headrest
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