#fireflies by owl city maybe.
the only real frutiger aero song is unwritten by natasha beddingfield
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bombshelllblonde · 3 months
to the man that started it all:
thank you for being there for me in the rough times. thank you for always being my shoulder to cry on, the music to get me through the late nights, for being sometimes the only reason to make it through into the next day.
i don’t think Adam Young really has any idea how much he’s done for me - thank you for keeping the whimsy alive in this harsh world. thank you for the inspirational lyrics to keep me going. thank you fo helping me process emotions like grief, anger, sadness, anxiety…
12/13 year old keri lu really had no idea what was in store.
16-19 year old keri lu thought it was the end for a while.
26 year old keri lu is thankful that there was a light in the darkest of times.
thank you, adam. you mean the world to me.
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lobster-tales · 9 months
Alright in celebration of Mr. City's Coco Moon Tour officially starting, I put together my (subjective) ranking of my favorite 15 Owl City songs -- this was a slideshow I made for a powerpoint party which is why there's time stamps and YouTube videos embedded in the original slides. This list also excludes any side projects like Sky Sailing as well as cover songs.
This is not perfect and I might have gotten my research mixed up so I am open to constructive criticism ✨
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15. Designer Skyline 15. Bombshell Blonde 13. Rainbow Veins 12. Lonely Lullaby 11. On the Wing 10. Cave In 9. Learn How to Surf 8. Dinosaur Park 7. June 28th, 1986 + Galaxies 6. Paper Tigers 5. Fireflies 4. Plant Life 3. If My Heart was a House 2. When Can I See You Again 1. Wolf Bite
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Little ghost Ev telling Mikey he wants to show him something cool and using his ghost powers to turn on all the cool flashing and multicolored lights and make the speakers play music
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headaching · 2 years
im no doctor but i think a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs would fix me
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thetabbybadger · 1 year
More Nomera fakemon concepts/concept arts!
So I had a fun idea one of the bug types. It will of course be a 3-stager like many of many early bugs. This one does have a final evo variance, so the first two stages are the same no matter what but the third stage can be one of two. Unlike cascoon/silcoon which is random, these evos are location based!
So first up, we’ve got…. Well I’m still debating which version of the name I like best. And I actually have two very different visual designs too…. But meet (either) the pure bug type Spritelight! Or Lightsprite!
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The more glow-worm/inchworm design is the one I think I personally like better (it’s cuter imo xD). The one on the left is closer to an actual glow bug larva but this is pokemon so we can have fun with what we want.
Glocoon is the middle stage that I don’t have a visual design concept for yet! Still a pure bug type
And then for the final stage you have two choices!
If you evolve your glocoon on the eastern half of the region, you get the electric-bug Lightbulg!
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If you evolve your glocoon on the western half of the region, you get the fire-bug fryerfly! (No visual concept yet)
I thought it was a fun play on the irl regional differences with calling the cute little summer glow bugs either lighting bugs or fireflies!
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wewontbesleeping · 1 year
booked plane tickets to Seattle and my first thought was Hello Seattle by Owl City, who I was obsessed with for a very short period of time around 2008, and it’s just. Amazing what things stick around in that noggin
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valdin-zone · 1 year
currently listening to pop music from the 2000's and 2010's and like omg i forget how good these songs can be
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barry-j-blupjeans · 10 months
Arcade Carpet and Totally Chill, Nothing Can Prove Otherwise with Dealer's Choice :3
object + emotion prompt list here! send some in!
18. Arcade carpet
4. Totally Chill, Nothing Can Prove Otherwise
"Sir," said the tiny fancy boy at the prize counter, "are you using wizardly magicks to make the funky fresh carpet pattern into penises?"
The air was rich with the smell of sweat and obtrusively smelling cleaning products. Taako had been on shift for exactly four hours so far and it was not getting any better. It wasn't getting any worse, either, but who could say what would come next? The lights were just as flashy and headache-y as usual. Taako had snuck to the sound booth (read: the computer that controlled all the music that had a neon label that said SOUND BOOTH) and lowered the music to a reasonable level, but some godly power had turned it right back up.
Honestly, who could blame him for having a little fun? The worst day at a children's arcade was better than the best day at a court-ordered anger management class. Or however that saying went. He usually wouldn't revert to messing with the decor until about five hours into his shift, but he was feeling a little spicy today.
Plus, it's not like anyone could prove it was him.
"Nah," Taako said, leaning against the counter. "It's always been like that."
"It— it hasn't," the fancy boy says. He's got a light-up wand that he got from Taako's counter earlier. He'd been in here for an hour or so already, methodically going around the building and figuring out how to get the most tickets. He'd already come up to Taako four times to ask about game mechanics. "It was triangles and circles before."
"Mmmmh, nope," Taako said. "It's always been dicks."
The fancy boy frowned, looking at the carpet again. He took a few steps back towards the gaming area and then stopped.
"No, sir, it stops here," he said. "It's— it's very clearly not penises from this point onward— oh, well, now this is just rude, sir."
The floor magicked back to normal, except for about a two-foot circle around the fancy boy. When he took a step, the far superior, expertly crafted pattern followed him like a shadow. He scurried back up to the prize counter, a scrutinizing look on his face. He then glanced over his shoulder, as if someone might be watching their interaction. Honestly, Taako figured that if someone was spying and able to hear over the suddenly deep chorus of Fireflies by Fantasy Owl City, they deserved to hear every word.
But the fancy boy seemed to think the coast was clear. He leaned over the counter and said, in a low voice,
"Is magic not banned in here?"
"Read the sign, kid," Taako said, pointing the the sign above his head that read "NO MAGICKS ALLOWED IN THE ADVENTURE ZONE©." In smaller text, below it, it read, "for full Adventure Zone© magic related rules and services, please see one of our friendly PARTY MEMBERS for details."
"Yeah, but you just did magic," the fancy boy said. "So there's no like, barrier or runes to stop magic use inside the building."
Taako liked the turn this was taking. He raised his eyebrows at the fancy boy.
"You could say," he said. "And why, pray tell, are you asking?"
"Well," the fancy boy said. "If I pay the games the normal, non-magical way, it'll take me approximately nine hours to get enough tickets for the detective kit you have on the wall."
The fancy boy pointed at the wall of prizes. Near the very top, above the long plush snakes and the bin of Hot Wheels, a shiny play-pretend detectives kit was sitting, priced at 14,000 tickets, which was truly absurd.
"Only, I don't have nine hours, sir," the fancy boy said. "And frankly, I don't have the pocket money for five hours. So if, maybe, we could turn a blind eye to the rule— which seems very important and I respect that— then I could be out of here in about, uhm! Thirty minutes, tops. And then you don't have to deal with me and the birthday party that's about to start."
Both of them looked at the mom trying to wrangle her excited child through the doorway. The child had a pin on that said "BIRTHDAY GIRL". She looked like a feral cat.
"That's a tempting offer, little man," Taako said. He glanced around. No one was gonna come up to the prize counter any time soon. These kids were too sugar-powered to care about anything more than beating each other in stupid arcade games for babies. "You get me one of those fucked up bears—" Taako pointed at the wall behind him once more. Slightly below the detective kit was a poor attempt at a teddy bear, which looked more like a failed demon exorcism. "And we've got a deal."
"Deal," the fancy boy said, holding out his hand. "It's nice doing business with you Mr…" he squinted at Taako's name tag. "Tay-co?"
"You never pronounce my name like that again and we're good to go, kid."
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zannolin · 3 months
i don't want to be a teenager again. i don't want to go back to high school. intellectually i know things were worse than maybe they'll ever be again.
but also i want to go to blockbuster again. i want to eat in my favorite restaurant. have one last bagel at my favorite bakery. i want to have chocolate coke with all my siblings in the car at sonic, hoping "fireflies" by owl city will come on the radio while we're there. i want to not be working two and a half jobs. i want the hastings down the street to be open again, and my favorite knickknack store to be waiting when i drive to that side of town. i want the street lights to be orange again. i want my favorite thrift store back, the one with the best fabric selection in town. i want vhs tapes and cassette tapes and cd players in laptops and cars. i want to write more letters. be less angry. not spend $300 on church camp that i mostly hated anyway. i want to play three's a crowd one last time. i want to climb up the wall to the roof on the grad school campus. i want the concrete books back behind the library. i want to go back to house phones and no social media. to before they redid the movie theatre. to when the best feeling in the world was wearing a white shirt when they turned the blacklights on in the bowling alley. to stretching my fingers out as far as i could go to touch the nose of the zebra statue behind the railing at putt putt golf and whispering i love you to it. because i did.
you know.
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ninadove · 1 year
Miraculous Masterpost
Because I did not expect to write about this series as much as I did, so now my Random Ramblings Masterpost looks like a never-ending shopping list, and we can’t have that.
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Generic 🦋
Miraculous’ philosophy of consent: all’s fair in love and plot [S5 E19]
A word on show-don’t-tell (Get it? A word? On show-don’t-tell? I’ll see myself out —) [S5 E18]
London Callin’ (Maybe) (We’re not sure) [S5 E24]
The Shadow Weaver-ification of Gabriel Agreste — Part 1 [S5 E26]
The Shadow Weaver-ification of Gabriel Agreste — Part 2 [S5 E26]
The Shadow Weaver-ification of Gabriel Agreste — Part 3 [S5 E26]
I love the Sentimonster Theory Canon and you can pry out of my cold, dead hands [S5 E26]
Felix Graham de Vanily / Argos 🦚
"Duusu, spread my feathers!" — A queer reading of the Sentimonster theory [S4 E26]
Felix is a little b*tch (affectionate) [S4 E26]
Taking risks in Strikeback (Get it? Risk? Strikeback?) [S4 E26]
On the beef between Felix and Chloé [S5 E18]
Felix’s masterplan was brilliant, actually [S5 E18]
Leave my fucking child alone — Part I: "There’s only one thing worse than Gabriel —" [S5 E18]
Leave my fucking child alone — Part II: A very chill rant about Adrien’s amok [S5 E18]
Reminder that yes, Colt SUCKS, but he’s not the only one [S5 E24]
On cracked rings and broken chains [S5 E24]
Surviving child abuse through humour [S5 E24]
Badass in the arena [S5 E24]
Plushie Parallels [S5 E24]
On Felix’s wish [S5 E26]
Kagami Tsurugi / Ryuko 🐉
To wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve [S5 E18]
Cutting off contact(s) [S5 E19]
Thinking about Kagami Tsurugi ❤️ [S5 E24]
On Kagami and the cousins’ silly antics [S5 E26]
Feligami 🦚🐉
On Feligami and the (absence of) masks [S5 E18]
Beware of first impressions [S5 E18]
Transmasc Felix Propaganda [S5 E18]
Feligami Fastburn my beloved [S5 E19]
Feligami Flexes [S5 E19]
It’s the way they hold hands, your honour [S5 E19]
Some Ship Bingo Ramblings [S5 E19]
Incoherent screaming over Kagami’s amok [S5 E19]
Feligami / Gabemilie parallels [S5 E19]
The quickest prison break ever [S5 E24]
You come to MY post, you disrespect MY blorbos — [S5 E24]
A word on jealousy [S5 E24]
Finding beauty in the monstruous [S5 E24]
Feligami’s couple cosplays [S5 E24]
A word on monsters [S5 E24]
Feligami Writing Guide [S5 E24]
From queer neurodivergent child abuse survivors to lovers [S5 E24]
Draw me like one of your British boys [S5 E26]
Felix doesn’t get the monopoly of the heart eyes [S5 E26]
On defying the narrative [S5 E24]
*Fireflies from Owl City starts playing* [S5 E26]
Beauty and the Beast AU
Felix’s fanfictions
Adrien Agreste / Chat Noir 🐈‍⬛
Remember kids: necromancy bad — [S5 E26]
On the S6 Redesigns Dread™ [S5 E26]
Graham de Family 💍
Flairmidable’s formidable costume [S4 E26]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part I: NEWSFLASH, ASSHOLES!!!!! Felix has cared about Adrien the entire goddamn time [S5 E24]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part II: The Path to Isolation [S5 E24]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part III: L’Enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions [S5 E24]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part IV: Sun and rain [S5 E24]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part V: Sun and moon [S5 E24]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part VI: Mirror, mirror [S5 E24]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part V: First draft [S5 E24]
The Senticousins Agenda — Part VI: Everything I did… [S5 E24]
#LetAmelieStabABitch2023 [S5 E24]
On Felix, Emilie and Solitude [S5 E24]
On Felix, Emilie and loneliness [S5 E24]
All I’m saying is, Emilie should have been a lesbian [S5 E24]
Some thoughts on Sentisouls [S5 E24]
Adrien is a disappointment to his entire lineage (and we love him for it) [S5 E24]
Let’s play Animal Crossing: Happy Home Paradise! [S5 E26]
A word on accents and guillotines (with a title like that how can you NOT want to click)
Aroace Adrien and Demiromantic Felix propaganda
Marinette Dupain Cheng / Ladybug 🐞
Do NOT talk shit about Marinette [S5 E26]
In defense of Ladybug’s suit [Miraculous World: Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir]
Chloé Bourgeois / Queen Bee 🐝
Can a bee change her stripes? [S5 E18]
That one time I accidentally made myself a Chlolila shipper [S5 E22]
Master Fu 🗝️
Ah yes, the good old cycle of abuse and neglect
Lukadrien 🐈‍⬛🐍
A word on… Swear words
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bombshelllblonde · 1 year
everyone don’t forget to leave out some lemonade and onitsuka tigers for adam young tonight.
merry coco moon eve!!!
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mad-c1oud · 5 months
Starcicle Playlist for it's making me insane
Hi!! I saw someone mention starcicle playlists on twitter and a while back someone asked what songs they should listen to when reading immi and well here i am to share the songs that inspired the fic and the ship in general for me!
Since I can't share playlists, i'll have to link the songs individually, whomp whomp, but anyone is welcome to add them to their own playlist or throw them into a separate one if they'd like! maybe just give me or the fic a shout if you do the latter haha
No spoilers for the fic! I just use music for the beats and sometimes general vibes
enjoy ☆–-
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Without You- Francis Aud Warmth- Bastille Downward- Ripe Nervous- Origami Button Life was easier when I only cared about me(robotaki remix!!)- Bad Suns Apogee- Tycho (and if I like that then i have to share the remix) Round and Round- Imagine Dragons You’ve Got Me Flush- Future Generations The entire album by Olen called who’s gonna love me( when I’m not young)- a very Charlie sounding album in general but Human Touch is ☆—- Glue- Daulton Hopkins Adecentcupofcoffee- Bilmuri Turn- the Wombats All Over- CRUISR Fireflies- Owl City Room for You- Sub Radio Repaint My Mind Blood Orange- The Wlflfe (2 songs, once cross fades into the other- charlie-centric) You've Got Something- The Jungle Giants 2 Rocking Chairs- Jon Bellion I Wear Glasses- Mating Ritual Waste a moment- Kings of Leon Show Me What I'm Looking For- Carolina Liar Evergreen- Richy Mitch & The Coal Miners Simpsonwave1995-FrankJavCee The Fighter- The Fray Burnt Out- Imagine Dragons Tree House by Cinders This version of Sweden by C418 this criminally short video is just the inside of Étoiles’ head whenever Charlie is just- Charlie Having a Party by Sam Cooke ( both this and this version) Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes)- Edison Lighthouse creature- half.alive Fish Tank- HARBOUR Opening Up- CRUISR Hard to Love- The Mowgli's
Note- now my word isn't gospel for starcicle music, this is just personal music I listen to that reminds me of them or directly inspireds my fics. it's always growing lmao
also some of the lyrics may not match them, but the musical aspects are what got me, for example: without you which is what inspired the title of the fic but it doesn't necessarily fit them lyrically since it's a breakup song but instrumentally it's a bop. Same with Apogee - it's a dancing in the kitchen late at light kind of song and the remix is a tense/hopeful tango or something. That or I'll fixate on a line
I'll let you know if I ever add more- also feel free to ask questions if you want!! I love talking about music and fics <3
cheers :D
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 2 months
Bungou Stray Dogs Osamu Dazai Animatic Idea.
Song: Fireflies
Artist: Owl City
Basically this is an idea dump for an animatic I know I'll never make. If anyone gets inspired from this pls tag me.
So you probably know, how I CANNOT draw to save my life, and have very little experience in animation. Yeah, well I still have ideas for animatics so reluctantly, (but also eager for all the artist on here to see it) I'm going to share this really crusty animatic plan I made for a Dazai animatic with the song fire flies by owl city.
Like I said, I can't draw, so I made this using google slides (my trusty compainion) and horrid clip art so pls exuse it. It's just for general lay out and some notes about motion. Also when making it, I didn't intend to have lyrics displayed on screen, but I did put them for reference.
Because I can't draw but I wanted to make an animatic, I give you this really specifc break down of one instead. I just really thought that the somg fireflies was perfect for Dazai so I made this crappy thing. Here you go!
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Don't quetsion the flowers. I just put them tehre because I fiund them while searching for other stock iamges/clipart and though that they were pretty. The title slide is prettyu much just for funsies and not part of the mian animatic.
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So the basic idea of this one is the bed is in greater focus. He's laying awake, his arm handing off the side, with a bottle of pills spilt out onto the floor (from a failed Dazai typcial su!c!de attempt) Some fireflies flutter up in the top right corner of the room, maybe by a small high up window. There's a nightsand on the right side. The gardient has nothing to do with colour pallet, I just wanted to amke a gradient. Lol
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The door stock image is a little fancy, but I couldn't find a regualr door fpr some reason, idk. Pretty mush he's wlaking to the door, maybe Dazai's hand is reaching for the knob.
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This one is arugaubly the most complicated. Yes, I know the detail is going crazy with this clipart(sarcastic). Here's the note I put, inse it's too small. (He’s walking outside from inside. Going onto the lawn. Show him walking through the door. Show side of house with window w/ curtains to indicate, maybe wood siding. Def show grass and fireflies hovering outside of door. He’s crying a little bit.)
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He's standing in the middle of a field surrounded by many fireflies, looking around in awe, still teary.
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Farily simple. Somehow or another he's in space (hey, it's artistic license) He's standing on top of Earth and Earth is spinning underneath him. Starts blink/twinkle.
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He's lying on his bed looking up at the ceiling. The fireflies have folowed him inside somehow. They give the mostly dark room a soft glow.
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Fireflies surrounding Dazai and some lading on his shoulders and maybe hair. (The arms on the clipart manare so messed up because the fireflies are on a white not transparent background but it's hard to tell because the slide is also white.)
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He’s dancing kind of, no specific moves needed, just enough to give the impression. Maybe twirling, idk. Fireflies follow his movements, drifting up and down and side to side with him. They move a little before he does, appearing to guide him.
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A kitsune jumping over Dazai's bed. I imagined it looking like the full fox form of him in that one Kitsune Mayoi card. (https://images.app.goo.gl/atvjvAELR2ec1eBv9)
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He's laying under his bed staring upwards. Idk thsi scene is weird, I know.
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He's on his tippy toes recahing up twoards a disco ball suspended from the ceiling by a noose.
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This scene again
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This one again
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Yay a new scene after the repeats! It's the front door again from the inside veiw. It's cracked open and there's light comming from within the house, fireflies fly out and back into the night.
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This scene to me is about his guilt. He's now sititng up in bed and there's a thought bubble with the logo of the sheep.
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Ofc it wouldn't be a true Dazai animatic without his bestie! Oda cameo, yay! Here he's standing over Oda's grave, not crying but looking very sad.
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I don't think i need to explain this one very much lol. I couldn't find a way to show this with images so I jsut wrote it out. Reminescent of this scene (https://www.reddit.com/r/BungouStrayDogs/comments/u57xqv/what_does_this_scene_in_the_opening_symbolize/) But with Dazia and Oda instead of Dazai and Chuuya.
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He's getting dreams of the dead apple dragon and vampire chuuya.
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Zooms into his nightsand to show a jar glwoing and full of 7 fireflies
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Yup, this one is back again.
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And this one
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and this one again
TWNTY THREE (last one)
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The differne between this one and the otehr's liek it are that in this last scene he finnaly falls asleep. Slowly the fireflies fade out.
Thanks you so much for reading this far down the post of just my nonsense. Pls have an amazing day!
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catalogercas · 7 months
Tagged by @abubblingcandle ❤️
rules: list your ten favorite albums of all time and tag ten people to list theirs!
Can I even think of 10? 🤣
I'm prefacing this with the fact that my album/CD taste is "whatever I imprinted on at age 10-14 from 1997-2001" and after that, I mostly just listen to songs individually and not as part of an album. Also these are in the order I thought of them, not necessarily ranked).
1. ABBA Generation - A*Teens - (favorite song - literally all of them, except maybe Our Last Summer which is my least favorite, but I still like it)
2. Soundtrack to The Parent Trap (favorite song - Do You Believe in Magic? - The Lovin' Spoonful)
3. Soundtrack to Shrek 2 - (Favorite song - Holding Out for a Hero - Jennifer Saunders - (this version isn't on Spotify, and it enrages me) & Ever Fallen in Love by Pete Yorn)
4. Aquarium - Aqua - (favorite songs Dr. Jones & My Oh My (Barbie Girl is not their only song)
5. Aquarius - Aqua (favorite song - Freaky Friday)
6. Hamilton Soundtrack (favorite songs - Satisfied, Helpless, Election of 1800, and In the Room Where It Happened)
7. 1989 - Taylor Swift (favorite songs - Blank Space, Clean, Say Don't Go, Out of the Woods)
8. Ocean Eyes - Owl City (favorite songs - Fireflies, Cave In, Dental Care, The Bird & the Worm)
9. The Lion King soundtrack (favorite song - I Just Can't Wait to be King, Can You Feel the Love Tonight)
10. Shatter Me - Lindsey Stirling (favorite song - Roundtable Rival)
No pressure tagging @goodmorninglovelies42 @brbsoulnomming @meatmensch @mmleadinglady @killatartt @mydoctor @walnutmistjamie @keeloca @bismoaking @summer-goes
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01turnkill · 5 months
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Some of my CDs.
Owl City, Ocean Eyes losing the quality battle since there's no lyric booklet. The booklet only has credits inside. The CD case was also damaged by me (oops). This album is known for Fireflies of course but I'm way partial to Dental Care, Hello Seattle, The Bird and the Worm, and basically anything else. The Saltwater Room is on this album too but I won't lie I prefer the "Maybe I'm Dreaming" album version of it.
Kaizers Orchestra, Maestro has a 360p video of the song Maestro's video in it that you can watch on PC. The CD also has an installer for an audio player which unfortunately doesn't work anymore since it's meant to be verified from a page on the website, still brilliant though. For the rest of these I haven't played them on a PC so I don't know if there's anything but music on them.
Buck-Tick, Darker Than Darkness -Style 93-, I could go on about it, it's such an amazing album, and I'm not just talking about the songs! The booklet's pages are mostly gold with a few that are black, and there's photos of the band members inside as well as the song lyrics. I have mentioned this elsewhere but there's beauty in the actual experience of putting the CD in a CD player and watching it count up after track 10 (Die) plays. 11, 12, 13, ... Until 93 where D.T.D plays. Genuine hidden track, which I hadn't experienced before!
Buck-Tick, Kurutta Taiyou, another brilliant album. This CD is the 2002 remaster version and the booklet just has lyrics inside. It's another great album but the CD is just normal. As far as I'm concerned, Taiyou Ni Korosareta is one of the greatest songs of all time.
When it comes to Enstars I really won't lie it was a phase but having these in my collection is still cool so I don't regret it. I never let myself regret purchases. The CD is very pretty especially the Album Series one with all the signatures on the disc. In the end it's capitalism 1000 though so I can never trust too hard.
Eve, Official Number CD is pretty typical as well, though it came with a sticker which I put on my laptop. To me it isn't as strong but I was obsessed with Demon Dance Tokyo and there's some other cool tracks that I like.
La Roux CD, is also pretty typical. I grew up with this album and I found this at the charity shop so that's why I have it. I'm pretty fond of almost every one of the tracks and that's what makes it worthwhile to me. The booklet has a cool spread page picture of her, very retro looking.
I don't tend to buy CDs that often, it's only when I get obsessed with an album which means fondness for 9/10 songs and an urge to listen to them on repeat for a long time. I'm also music first with artists. I'm not usually so concerned about the members (Enstars was the exception of course and I've become a different man from that time).
I do a fair bit of streaming and I also don't bring the CD player out that often, you know? So these albums are cool functional collectibles to me that represent a time in my life. Next on the list is going to be The Cure, if I could actually choose a favourite album!
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