emma-altium7 · 3 days
Lu timeline
hahahahah fuck you all I've figured it out-
I'm not the first tho' :,)
Alr so, we all know the Linked universe right? (If you don't wtf are you doing, go read it-)
Alr I'm being aggressive lemme just explain.
So the timeline goes like this,
Legend Twilight Wind
Hyrule Spirit
But where do Warriors and Wild go???? Well that's what imma answer according to my own Headcanons and an AO3 story which I give a link to at the end.
Now I know what most of you are thinking (and what some ppl don't know), Warriors isn't exactly canon. Well he is in the Linked Universe so we're giving him a timeline!
Warriors would most likely be after Hyrule, but because of the time traveling, all of the worlds would end up mixing in the end. Wild, meanwhile would be after Warriors! I know what you're all thinking. What about Twilight and Wild's protégé and mentor relationship??? Well it'll stay the same, so will the fact that in my heart they are blood related.
The story (that I will link at the end) will explain why Wild is after Hyrule, but I want to explain why Warriors is before Wild and after Hyrule as well as to why in Botw, there is a hero with red hair and not blond like Wars.
Buckle up everyone, this is going to be a mouthful.
So in the story, Hyrule was killed and his blood was drained to resurrect Ganon, then another hero comes and seals Ganon. In Botw, there is a story of a red haired hero who sealed Calamity Ganon. What if that hero was Warriors and the red hair was because he uses his firerod during the war which may have caused his hair to look red instead of blond.
I don't know how to explain the Sheikah technology, maybe it was a later addition to the war, y'alls can go wild with the tech but I'm here for the lore. This is where I'll stop, have fun with this peace of info which you'll probably forget Abt in a few hours 👍
Also for Twilight and Wild being so close, I think that the original world was after Hyrule, but because of the merging of worlds, the story ended being of Twilight, Hyrule long since forgotten but the story of how the calamity was created by Hyrule is somewhere really far away or is lost information!
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oneweirdbookaddict · 8 months
Whumptober day nine!
Y’all remember that town from the FS manga that blamed Red for burning it down? What if Four had to go back there? What if they remembered him?
1372 words
Warnings for (fist)fighting and very brief drunkenness that’s not really described and only a character mentioned once.
“You ok, Smithy?” He asks, just getting a small nod.
“Just… don’t like this town much.” Four mutters, sighing.
He forces a smile. “You don’t like any town.”
Four forces a small twitch of the lips. “Touche, Rancher.”
Their conversation is cut short as they walk into the tavern, Four’s lips pressing together as people glance at them. “Leave. Now.” Four hisses, arm grabbing his.
Before he can respond-
“Hey- Isn’t that the kid that burned down the town last year?”
Four freezes, eyes widening.
He looks down at the smith, frowning.
The whole tavern seems to look at the smith, too, heads craning.
“He looks a little different.”
“Got older is all. That’s him.”
“It wasn’t me. You’ve got the wrong person.” Four says, eyes glancing carefully around the pub.
“You’re a liar!” One man roars, face red and drunken. “We saw you with that firerod!”
“I mean no harm, I’ll leave if you wish-”
“Damn right you will, once I’m finished with you…”
Four’s grey eyes glance up at him. “Twi. Leave.”
“Yeah, right, Four, these people-”
“Let me handle it. Leave.” Four says, still oddly calm.
He hesitates. “Come on, Smithy, have some sense, it’ll be one on-”
“Twi. Leave.” Four repeats. “Get the others and go. Get away from here.”
But the smith turns, pulling a blade out of his belt and twirling it carefully in his hand.
“I don’t want to cause any harm. But I will if you make me. Let me leave and no one has to get hurt.” Four says, voice carrying through the tavern.
The original man laughs. “My wife died in that fire, kid. I’d like some revenge.”
“It. Wasn’t. Me.” Four says slowly, eyes flashing blue.
Then a lot of people are yelling- about things they lost, people who died, blaming Four, insisting Four set the fire, calling him nasty names.
The first person to get physical is a man who’d been watching from the corner, standing and slowly inching closer to Four.
Then rushes at him.
Four dodges the first blow, ducking underneath the sloppy punch thrown at his head. Unfortunately, the action spurs the others into motion, too.
Four’s grabbed from behind, a man grabbing his arms and another at his tunic, yanking him back. The smith is too hesitant to use the knife he has. He merely struggles, kicking with his legs and slamming his heel into a man’s knee.
The man swears with a grunt, releasing Four, who quickly goes for the other man but misses.
Takes a punch right to the face, staggering, and he’s grabbed again before he even has a chance to regain his bearings. A punch to the ribs. Another to the face. In the chest, on the arms, wherever people can get a hold of him.
Four finally starts fighting back.
Swings at a man, kicking another, knife flashing in the dim light.
Four places a knee right between a man’s legs, making him wince as the man drops.
Another slash. A man howls in pain.
A kick and man topples, having his legs swept out underneath him.
Four… actually manages really well for a while. Exchanges blows, takes a few hard ones, but dishes far more than he takes.
He’d lost his knife at some point, but he’s doing alright without it. And he hadn’t been using it much to begin with.
It’s not until one woman gets him from behind that he loses his edge- she manages to get behind him, bottle in her hands, smashing it right over his head.
He winces, deciding it’s time to jump in, regardless of Four’s wishes.
The smith staggers, eyes glazing over, dropping to his knees.
And the tavern breaks into cheers.
His blood boils, hands yanking his sword out and shoving people out of the way as he frantically tries to get to the smith.
They absolutely dogpile on the teenager, one man holding Four’s arms once again as another punches, another one kicks, one has gotten the knife Four had dropped-
His mind flashes white.
“Leave him alone!” He growls, twirling his sword. Much to his satisfaction, many of the others stare in surprise at him and quickly back away.
He kicks the man holding Four in the chest, hearing the snap of at least a few of his ribs. He staggers, falling to the ground and staying down.
Grabs one of the ones punching the kid, shoving him roughly into the crowd and knocking several of them down.
Makes his way to Four, no one else even going for them.
“Four.” He says quickly, grey eyes dazedly meeting his. “Let’s get out of here.”
He tries to be gentle, but anger and worry make his voice rough. Four flinches.
His blood boils as he takes Four’s arm, getting the smith to his feet, grabbing his sword and leading him out of the tavern.
The scowl on his face keeps anyone else from bothering them- and possibly all their injuries as well.
Four limps heavily, hands grabbing at his side, slightly hunched over as they walk.
His nose is bleeding- likely broken- blood smeared all over his face and dripping down his face onto his clothes, one eye already swollen shut, purple splotches already blossoming over his face and other visible skin.
Leans heavily on him, breathing labored.
He doesn’t stop moving until Four starts coughing, doubling over and blood bubbling out of his mouth. Spitting weakly, hand shakily wiping his mouth.
Then Four’s knees buckle, yelping in pain when he quickly grabs at the smith.
“Sorry- sorry! Goddess, Four, I’m sorry!” He says quickly, easing Four to the ground.
Four gives these raspy, painful sounding gasps, blood coating his lips.
Lung is most likely punctured, he realizes, chest sinking.
“Ok, Smithy, we gotta move, need me to carry you?” He asks, but Four gives no response.
Likely focusing on not suffocating.
Despite that, Four staggers to his feet.
Grimacing, hands- with very broken knuckles- grabbing weakly at his sleeve to stay upright, letting him lead them through town to the others.
“Time!” He shouts upon finding the other, the leader and Wind both turning immediately.
Then the old man rushes to them, already digging through his bag. “Do I even want to know?”
“No way Four got into a bar fight.” Wind cackles, but it stops quickly as Four wheezes.
Time falters as his gaze darts over Four, realizing just how badly he’s injured.
“Goddess,” Time swears. “What happened?”
“Some drunk people thought he burnt the town down- decided they wanted revenge.” He tries as Time comes up empty handed.
“Wars and Legend went to find potions.” Time sighs, turning to Wind.
“On it.” The sailor says immediately, darting off. He eases Four to the ground, the smith wheezing worse.
“Easy, Smithy, slow in, slow out.” He says gently.
Four’s grey eyes flutter.
“Wind will be back. You’ll be ok.” He says softly, using his sleeve to try to wipe some of the blood off his face.
Time produces a rag and some water, cleaning Four’s face off then holding the rag to his still bleeding nose.
“We need to get something on that eye, it looks awful.” Time mutters, testing the temperature of the water. “This is cold enough…”
He provides another rag that Time dampens, holding it to Four’s eye.
Four’s hand weakly tries to knock it away, and they both pause.
The smith gives a weak cough, wincing.
Then another, blood spotting his lips.
“Cough it up, Four, get it out of your lungs.” He mutters, rubbing Four’s back.
Gets a weak groan, but another few coughs.
Time gently wipes the blood away, holding the rag back to his nose.
“Hurts.” Four grits out, eyes squeezing shut as he leans his head back.
His breathing is… awful. Sharp, painful sounding gasps.
“You have to breathe, Four. Slower. In… out…”
“Four- nope, c’mon, kid, eyes open, just breathe with me.”
Four slumps against him, giving a sharp hiss under his breath.
“You’re ok, bud, just breathe.” He says softly, hand brushing carefully through Four’s hair. “We’ll get you a potion, you’ll be alright. Wind will be back soon. Just hang on, bud.”
Four gives no response.
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nancyheart11 · 28 days
Safe for wip game
They found the Veteran and Sky tangled in long snapping grass, with Wild clinging to the rock above them, looking afraid to drop down. after the firerod was used liberally, leaving the room only slightly scorched. they got his attention, ignoring Sky's immediate attempts to pet the hawk. Once Four explained the situation though, Sky piped up. "I have something that I think could help!" he pulled out a strange set of gloves and explained how they let him dig in earth that was much too hard for even someone like Wolfie to get through safely
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raycatz · 2 months
Ask games! 🔥, 9, 11, and tell me your favorite song or soundtrack!
Hiya Blue! Thank you for the ask.
🔥 What’s your favorite part of Zelda games? (Adventuring, Characters, Dungeons, Combat, etc.) Adventuring! Learning how to get through the world is just as much of a puzzle as those found in the dungeons. I think it's fun coming across a suspicious spot on the wall and going, aahh I'm going to need the hookshot for that, and then tucking that info away for later. Every item acquired opens the world a little more.
9. What Legend of Zelda games have you played? finished: LA remake, OoT 3D & og, MM 3D, FS Anniversary Edition, WW HD, albw, botw, Hyrule Warriors: AoC (w/o DLC), totk practically finished (I just haven’t beaten the boss yet): FSA, Minish Cap, Spirit Tracks, SkSw played: Zelda I, alttp, OoS, Phantom Hourglass, Link’s Crossbow Training (lol), Hyrule Warriors og haven’t played / haven’t played enough of: Zelda II, OoA, Twilight Princess, TFH
11. What is your weapon of choice? (Sword, bow, elemental rod, etc) Sword. Whatever is most direct and gets me up close and personal with the monsters. I've lost all fear in botw and totk haha so in those games I like to use swords or the heavy weapons that deal the most damage. With the heavy weapons I'll rely on flurry rushes and charged attack with holding Y and then switch to a short sword when I need faster attacks and want my shield. Same with OoT. You deal more damage if you attack with A and jump attack so I'll swap between the biggoron and master sword. (smack the monsters with the rod of seasons. bap bap bap bap!) Combat in the 2D games is more difficult for me so the boomerang is on my offhand slot the most often for stunning monsters. I like that boomerangs and the hookshot work similarly in the 3D games for stunning monsters. The firerod in FSA is awesome because of the sheer wall of fire you can make with the four of them. The magnetic gloves in FS and OoS are fun too. It's neat to steal the enemy's carapace and use that against them. Also Four is magnetic. Hover your teammates across gaps (or into the monsters).
favorite song or soundtrack! My favorite song is the Song of Storms! I like the more intense covers.
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bepisbee · 11 months
Cute lil thing for a server weekly prompt (Domesticity)
Read on ao3
"What was this called again?" Shadow leaned up and over Vio's shoulder, using fluid shadow magic to stretch up comically around him.
Vio held a butter knife and some bread slices in his hands. On the countertop was some already sliced up cheese from a wheel, courtesy of a local farm they had helped, and an open dish container what Vio had told him was called 'butter'.
He applied generous amounts to the sides. "Grilled Cheese. Although it is deceiving since you are grilling the bread not the cheese." He moved over to their woodburning stove, already in action thanks to the now resting firerod nearby. They never have issues lighting it anymore. A small warm glow from the embers heated up the metal on top which had a flat iron pan. It was well loved to say the least.
Shadow watched in awed curiosity as he placed a slice butter down with a soft sizzle, added the cheese and then the other slice butter up. Being a creature made entirely of light and dark particles he didn't necessarily have a need to eat anything. In fact it was recently over a dispute of who can cook the best did he actually begin to do so. It makes him feel better after using his magic, plus it tasted good. Usually.
Vio was not usually one of those who was let into the kitchen. Sure he could make some damn good tea or hot cocoa, but cooking? Not really his thing. He had researched it profusely as an exact science. It often led to strange combinations and burnt foods.
However, there were a few things Vio was the best at. A few simple things he has spent a lot of time sneaking downstairs to master to impress a certain someone. In this case: grilled cheese.
Vio playfully smacked Shadows wandering hand away from the hot burner. "Patience. And don't touch you'll burn your fingers." Shadow pouted at him. He flipped the sandwiches over revealing a beautiful lightly toasted side as the cheese started gooey dripping out the sides.
After another minute Vio brought over a plate and plopped the toasted slices onto it while shutting off the burner top. Just the coals started going out. Shadow tried to touch the sandwiches again but stopped at Vio's pointed look.
"Trust me. I know what I'm doing."
"I'm pretty sure the last house fire says otherwise." Shadow gave him his classic lopsided grin, one fang poking out.
"Oh shut up." Vio flushed in embarrassment. "I was learning!"
"Learning arson maybe."
Vio swatted his arm. He used the butter knife to cut the sandwiches into perfect triangles. They were cooled just enough that the cheese stayed inside while still warm enough to be perfect. He held a piece up to Shadow. Shadow looked between the offering and Vio several times before deciding to still be a brat and take a bite of it right from his hands.
"Owhmayhgawd." Vio's favorite mannerless heathen spoke with his mouth full. He took the sandwich from him and shoved the rest in. "Thishsofickinghkgood"
"Shadow!" Vio's scold devolved into laughter. "You're gonna choke, don't just shove it all in!"
He swallowed it whole.
"Pah! That's what she said!" His hat behind him was swirling in joy between curling up and making a heart. Despite himself Vio snorted at the immature joke.
"Eat your grilled cheese." He sat on the counter and took his. Shadow leaned on the other side of the plate, having the other half of his own. Properly this time.
"Next time I'll ask Green to make his tomato soup with it, and you dip the sammich in the soup. Oh Gods damnit now Red's got me saying sammich instead of sandwich." He pinched his nose bridge.
"Haa! Told you it was contagious. Mr. Linguistics have different connotation blah blah blah snooreeee" Shadow imitated one of Vio's info dump rants.
They bickered like that for a while while Vio cleaned up their dishes. As they left the kitchen Shadow looked back briefly, a fond smile on his face. Maybe sometime he could learn this grilled cheese and make it for Vio too.
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Chapter 9: A Rescue
Legend tries to escape the Yiga hideout. He finds a friend.
Legend rushed onward, but hardly made it to the next room before he had to stop and collect himself, both his breath and his tumbling thoughts.
What in the Sacred Realm just happened? Time slowing down, the Teacher letting him walk away? This wasn’t how dungeons worked. Nothing was adding up. 
He leaned on the wall and assessed the room. 
Practice dummies lined one wall, weapons on the other. Each dummy had a devilish sketch pinned to the face—a face with distinctive blond hair.
The veteran stumbled over to it, snatched the paper free, and laughed. These were somehow worse than his old wanted posters! Wild had to see it. By Din’s dance, he’d make it out of here just to shove this in Wild’s face. The others would never let him live it down. Nor, of course, would he.
His prize safely stowed away, the veteran lit up the now-faceless dummy to mark his path, but didn’t ignite the rest of the room: they might need to come back this way, and after the inferno he created earlier, he should probably reserve at least enough oxygen for the journey out. 
He moved on, and found the last hall in this wing. Peering around the corner, Legend came face-to-face with a stark white mask. 
The footsoldier raised a hand to whistle an alarm. Legend swung his blade faster. 
He wiped his sword clean, checked the map, then followed the switchbacking halls. These led to mirrored rows of tiny rooms on the bottom edge of the map. A prison, most likely. Not an ideal place to find Hyrule, but a likely one. 
Ahead in the next hall, two burly guards paced. 
Memories of his first adventure bubbled to the surface. If only Hyrule had Zelda’s telepathy.
Legend’s boots made no sound, and then no guards remained. He ran, and the floor sloped ever downward. His steps, quiet as they were, still echoed. This felt more like a dungeon than anything he’d seen so far.
Passing through one last stone archway, he found the hall lined with cave-like cells. He checked through the bars of each one. All gaped back at him, empty, until the fourth. From the dark, red eyes glared back at him. Legend lit up his firerod and peered closer. A Yiga soldier glared back at him, still in uniform but unmasked, his face heavily scarred by what looked like bear claws. He was bound, and the ropes were tagged with the inverse design of the many papers stuck around the caves. Sheikah magic, musty as moss, but mingled with something wrong, something heavy as tar. It must be some spell to prevent teleporting, he guessed.  
 The brawny Yiga man stared at him, incredulous, then bellowed, “Guards!” Apparently he was still loyal to his clan, despite whatever crimes he’d committed. Legend knew they would not answer.
Legend moved on to the next cell, knowing the guards would not be coming. In the next cell, a slight figure stepped forward into the dim glow of the torchlights. Gold eyes looked back at him surrounded by a faint shimmer of fairy-magic.
No, too small. 
A little girl approached the bars, folding her arms as she scrutinized him, her nose held high. It was as long as the Old Man’s. Bold red hair, pulled in a high ponytail, curled at the end like a piglet’s tail. 
A Gerudo child? 
Bright, ornate flower patterns covered her thin slippers and silk clothes. Stranger still, they glimmered with hints of fairy magic, identical to Wild’s tunic, but dimmer. He’d encountered magic clothing before, but the fluid, nectar-sweet fairy magic was distinct from the sharp, clean bite of Hytopian magic, or the chilling, weightlessness and mystic glow of Lorulean weaves. He resolved to finally buckle down and ask Wild about his tunic as soon as he got the chance. Fairy blessed clothing was exceptionally rare in his own era, but here apparently even little kids wore it.  
 The girl watched him closely, her stare intense as a beamos, while he quickly checked the last two cells. 
Legend tamped down his disappointment, and with a voice hoarse with ash and smoke, asked, “Either of you see a brown-haired boy with gold eyes? Wears a green tunic?”
The little girl shook her head, earrings tinkling, but her eyes widened in surprise. “You’re a voe !” 
“A what?” Legend asked, but she only scowled. He shrugged, too tired to puzzle out what that meant. 
The maskless Yiga soldier gaped at Legend. “What?” He hissed, “Then… you don’t have him either?” He gave a dark, mirthless laugh, shaking his head as his smirk dissolved into a snarl. “Oh, I knew it was that demon! Sooga warned us! That monster won’t be controlled, no matter what it promises! It can’t be trusted!” He lunged at the bars, shoved his face as far as he could between them, and bellowed toward the very-dead guards, “It was the sword! It wasn’t my fault!” 
Legend’s knees threatened to give out, and  he leaned against the bars of an empty cell. This all made less and less sense. Hyrule hadn’t escaped… he’d never arrived in the first place? He was never here ! The veteran shook his head, his vision swimming from exhaustion, both magical and physical.  
Another red potion. He dropped the empty glass in his bag, then wiped sweat and ash from his face with a shaky hand.   
“Right.” He turned to the child, collecting himself, plastering a friendly mask over his frustrations. “Want out?” He regretted the disappointment still heavy in his voice.   
“Of course,” The girl sniped, still eyeing him suspiciously. Whatever “voes” were, she didn’t seem to trust them. 
The scapegoated Yiga soldier yelled for the guards again, loud and desperately as he glared at both of them. Legend wanted to scream back at him, to throw fire into the cell. He’d already spent so much time in this cursed place and his brother wasn’t even here ! 
Din’s teeth. Hyrule! Where are you?
 But he also felt a spark of pity for the idiot who took the fall for something he didn’t actually do. 
Instead, Legend braced himself for one last fight, one last rescue to complete, before leaving this whole place behind. There were no other leads to chase here.
This girl looked strong for her age, but she was still small, barely up to his elbow, and too young to help much in the escape. He’d need to do this on his own. 
“Alright. Stand back!” Legend shouted to her. He aimed his fire rod, about to torch the wood beams that served as bars, and the talismans, and use his shield to barrel through when they were weak enough, but the girl scoffed and pointed behind him. 
A rope and pulley system. One designed to open cell doors. 
Legend grumbled. If she wasn’t a young kid in need, he might have stuck with the fire rod plan. 
He needed to slow down, to think. Legend put the weapon away and yanked the fifth lever. Arms crossed, she came out and stared him up and down again . She had gold eyes like ‘Rulie’s, but red hair as bright as hibiscus, just like—
“Can you actually get us out of here?” she demanded. “How old are you, voe? You don’t look like a grown up, and voe like you aren't even…well…”  
Oh, this was going to be a nuisance. “Aren’t what?” Legend stared her down. 
“Tough?” she said, throwing out a hand, eyebrows raised, as if this was common knowledge and he was an idiot. 
Oh Sweet Nayru’s blessings... “First, I don’t know what a voe is. Second, whoever said it is probably wrong about them, generalizations are never good. Third, we need to go. Now.”
She scowled. “How did you get in here? How do I know you’re not one of them ? They looked just like my aunts when they took me. You could be a Yiga in disguise.”
Okay, fair . But every second here was a second wasted. “Would they bother pretending to be someone else inside their own base?”
She chewed her lip and seemed to mull it over. 
“You’re staying here, then?” Come on, kid!  
“I… no,” she admitted, uncrossing her arms, “but they said they’d kill me if I tried to escape again. I can’t get caught.” 
“They always say stuff like that. They’re idiots. Can you ride on my back? We’ll move faster if you let me carry you.” He held out a winged pegasus boot. Maybe she was familiar with other magic clothes. She only nodded and climbed quickly onto his back. 
The girl muffled her squeal of surprise into Legend’s shoulder as he dashed back the way he’d come, breezing through passages and skidding around corners, until they entered a new hall. 
“Do you even know where you’re going?” the girl hissed when he slowed down and silently checked the passage ahead. It was clear. Oddly clear. 
“Yes!” he shot back.
“I’m just asking! How do you know?” She demanded. 
Legend checked his tone this time and took a centering breath. “Because I checked the map.”
“How come you’re dressed like a vai?”
Zelda, Hilda, and even Ravio were never this annoying when sneaking through dungeons. “What is a… listen, kid, just… hush.” 
Legend stopped at the end of the hall. A sense of danger opened like a pit in his stomach. He fidgeted, shifted the girl more securely, and crept slowly up to the next turn to listen. Something felt off. 
At first, he heard nothing but the girl breathing too loudly over his shoulder. But no… it wasn’t just her. He could hear the soft brush of feet on sand, the creaking dry of leather, and small sniffs and grunts beyond. 
Soldiers ahead. They were waiting. Another ambush. 
Legend slid the girl off and signaled her for silence. Slipping on his red cape once more, he poured his magic into it and peered around the corner.
It was a cavernous room he’d passed earlier, scorched remains of a storage tower bearing witness. The cave was tall, long, and rather narrow and winding. Short walls, fences, and steps divided it into three parts. 
Scattered wall to wall, dozens of foot soldiers crouched in readiness to attack anything that entered from the lowest room. It was the path he’d taken to the skulltulas. Legend suppressed a grin. Perhaps the Teacher hadn’t told anyone he’d reentered another way? 
That chilly canyon door would take them north into freezing mesas, away from the desert this girl surely came from. And that shrine was useless without Wild’s slate. They had to risk the desert exit to get her home, no matter what men or monsters stood in their path.
His current hiding spot—a narrow hall deep in the shadows—led to the middle portion of the room and the burnt remains, the stink of charred wood and burnt bananas still thick in the air. 
He looked left, and found exactly what he needed: at that end, the entrance to stone stairs, cut from the caves, like every other structure in the hideout. They led around and up to a bridge that spanned over the stairs’s entrance and to an open doorway that led to their final destination, according to the map: a round room, one with many doors tucked inside narrow alcoves. One of them led outside, to freedom. Legend could even see the faintest yellow glow of sunlight overpowering dim torchlight, peeking through the distant arch.
“I know you are there, Hero of Legend.” A deep, hypnotic voice echoed through the cavern like a spell. 
Legend jerked back behind the corner, yanked the girl up, and wrapped the cape over them both. The girl moved stiff as a log, and he hardly blamed her when her nails dug into his skin. This man’s voice was unsettling, crawling over his skin like insects, blurring the line between sounds in the room and sounds in his own head.
Was this the mage, at last? The one with the stench of rot, who hopefully didn’t know about Legend’s pilfering? He couldn’t see through the cloak’s magic, could he? 
The intoxicating voice spoke again. “Don’t you wish to find him?” 
Legend ignored him as he stepped out of the hall, watching for a reaction from the masked soldiers. None of them turned his way. Good . They had to risk it, while the old man yapped. Their sound would cover their footsteps if they were lucky. 
The voice surrounded them again, masking its origin. “You and I know he is fated to die. But what comes after? I can show you how to bring him back from death. That's all any of us want, for the dead to return to us,” echoed the voice in the stone ceiling above.  
Legend knew fate was, in fact, rather flexible. Going back in time and meeting his own ancestor, Sir Raven, had changed many things in his Hyrule. The sorceress Veran had nearly erased Legend when she tried to execute Sir Raven, and wreak havoc in an ancient time that should have been secure and unchangeable in the warp and weft of fate, if such a thing existed. Clearly, it did not.  
With these memories, Legend steeled his mind against the words. He was rather picky about which disembodied voices to trust anyway. 
As he fully entered the room, he searched for the source, stepping softly forward but not activating the pegasus boots. He needed every drop of magic for the cape to keep them both hidden, and his magic was draining fast. 
Legend padded forward on his toes, balancing the girl and himself in careful silence with every step, weaving breathlessly between dozens of footsoldiers toward the stairs. One soldier spun a spear, bored and restless, and the veteran carefully timed his run past it. 
He ducked under a Blademaster’s sword, held in fidgeting hands. Ignoring the pit of anxiety building in his gut, Legend continued to maneuver between soldiers and their whispered grumbles of where is that stupid kid , and let’s just storm the hall already . He squeezed between them at a lull in their conversation when they turned to other neighbors to quietly continue to grouse. 
They all still faced the lowest level, clearly expecting him to come from that way. Let them waste their efforts, the idiots . 
He danced between two more blademasters, both of which stood a head taller than Time, nearly Teacher’s height. It was harder to notice short interlopers like him from their vantage point, and at last Legend’s chest relaxed at the knowledge that they were close, at last, to the stairs, and to escape. 
But the girl began to tremble. She tried to hide it, flexing and relaxing her fingers, but still he felt her whole body shivering. 
Not far ahead now, just beyond a group of yawning scythe-wielders, the stairs waited. The first steps were blocked by three assassins.
“ Walk faster ,” the girl whispered. 
Legend dared not answer, or move faster. 
“ Hurry !” she begged in an ever louder whisper, digging her fingers tighter into the shoulder of his tunic.
Legend shook his head, watching the guards around them for any clue that they’d heard the girl’s plea. 
She barely breathed, but kept shifting, the swish of fabric far too loud, as she looked back and forth at the soldiers surrounding them.  
She’s panicking!
Legend moved closer to the left wall and slid along it where the rows of soldiers ended, leaving just enough room for the toteming pair to turn at the corner and slip behind them, parallel to the bridge. They just had to reach the stairs, only a few feet away. 
The voice filled the cavern and his mind again. “He will die, hero. Fate and the gods have willed it so.” Fear wrapped him with every word, wrapping like coils around him.  
Fuck fate , he scoffed in his head, and the fear loosened, but still followed him. 
“I can teach you a spell that will weave him back together.”
Legend stopped and swallowed hard, heart thundering in his chest as the fear caught up to him. 
It’s a lie. And yet, he struggled to take another step. Why do they keep saying that? A spark of anxious hope flared at the words. Is it possible? If Hyrule were to die, somehow, or any of them, is there a way to bring them back? Stop! They don’t have Hyrule , and it’s probably dark magic, he reminded himself. They don’t even know where the demon is . 
Legend scanned the way forward, and found the voice’s source. Above him on the bridge stood a man in purple robes. Four soldiers guarded him, two on either side. For a brief moment, Legend’s heart raced at the folds of purple fabric. But no, these robes were dull, dark, and the draped hood bore no silly, familiar ears. Instead, a withered face stared across the room, amber eyes nearly glowing from the hood. 
“Believe it or not, we want the same thing.” The mage droned on, the buzzing on Legend’s skin growing stronger as he spoke. He longed to itch everywhere, but resisted. The girl did not.  
Legend grimaced at the words, the false familiarity it established between them, and the paralyzing spell of fear. Din, this same shit again? It sounded no different from the weird old Teacher, and the demon’s nonsense about the red thread of fate. Whale it stung to turn his mind away from Hyrule– not abandoning him! Not giving up! —he thought about the girl trembling on his back. Right now, she needed him. That’s all that mattered. 
“Hero…think about your friend. He will need your help.”
Hyrule’s blood. Hyrule’s death . That’s what these people wanted. 
He would not offer himself as a pawn in their plot.  
Regardless, the stairs were too crowded to continue.
Legend was stuck. 
“Reveal yourself, and we will talk. I promise no harm will come to you. But you will help, either way. For I have seen it. Fate will not be thwarted.”
He crouched and quietly bent enough to set the girl on her feet, and dug in his pouch.
“ Don’t you dare leave me here! ” she hissed, clinging to him. 
He shook his head slightly, and she slowly let go of his shoulder but held tight to his belt. Hands free, he downed another potion, tart and dry on his tongue but washing his body wholeness . He’d need it all for what he was about to do.
The girl slipped off his back. He tried not to panic, but she left one arm on him and climbed back up a moment later.
Her arm snaked down his, her fist over his hand, and something spilling out. He opened his palm. She dropped sand and pebbles into it.
“ A distraction. ”
Dirt could work, but he could do better. Legend drew out a boomerang, an old one with no magic. He hated to lose it, but it had a purpose now. From the shadow of the bridge, he threw it. It was easy to mistake for a keese in the dim light, but the clatter it made on the far side of the cavern sent a shockwave among the soldiers. Dozens of them rushed to the sound.
The Yiga on the stairs disappeared to investigate. 
Legend hauled the girl up the stairs, his foot slipping a little on the sand as he climbed. 
At the top was another cell, oddly separated from the dungeon. He checked inside.
But there, midway across the bridge, stood the mage, framed in the faint hint of daylight beyond, blocking it. 
The bridge was too narrow to sneak across, not with four blademasters and a dark-magic wielding mage between them and the way out.
“He’s here,” the old mage whispered to the guard on his right. “I feel the old magic. Have them move about. He may be hiding.”
One step ahead of you . But now Legend needed more than a simple distraction, especially if the mage could sense his magic. He dared not lead them to the Gerudo girl, but how to get her past them? 
Legend’s eyes lit up with an idea. He fished in his pouch, and grabbed a ring–a magic ring–and slipped it onto her thumb. In the quietest whisper he could manage, he spoke over his shoulder. “Wait until I clear the way, then run through there and follow the sunlight.” 
He slid her down, and crouched as he turned to face her, careful to keep the cloak over them both. He swept his sweaty bangs aside to watch her response. She searched his face for more answers. He had none to give. Before she could object, the veteran ducked out of the cape.  
He took the first blademaster by surprise, striking his back so hard the man plummeted off the high bridge.  
The mage backed away between the far pair of guards as the second blademaster approached. Legend unleashed a spin attack, four strikes, and he dropped the clansman with a lethal strike to his collar.  
The mage seethed. “Enough! You have something that does not belong to you! Not unless you stay and learn the way.” He raised a finger, eyes glittering red in the torchlight, cold and hard. “The book is missing half the spell! Only I can teach it.”
Legend lunged with his fire rod and sword. The mage dissipated the flames, while one guard swung his blade, and a sharp wind knocked Legend to the edge of the bridge, and over the bridge. The Mage gasped and rounded on the guard with a furious shout “STOP!”
Empty air gaped below him, but Legend was not called the veteran lightly. He fetched two items at once, kept together for just such an occasion: a feather, and a bulky hookshot. Holding the roc’s feather, he leapt high on the open air as if leaping from flat, solid ground. He jumped again, arcing high once more, his stomach in his ribs, soaring far out of easy reach, and as he dropped he aimed the hookshot at the fourth guard. It burst forward and latched on to the stunned guard’s bicep, and with a sickening jolt they swapped places. The blademaster shouted as he lurched and plummeted, and Legend stood face to face with the mage on the bridge once more. 
To his surprise, the last guard toppled over the edge, a sickle appearing, already buried in his side. 
The mage spun aside and raised his hands toward the place the weapon had appeared, dark magic gathering around him, acidic and rank with rot. Legend rushed forward and bodily yanked the Mage’s arm, away from what must be the Gerudo girl. With all the force he could muster from his exhausted body, he spun the mage and shoved him off the bridge. 
The mage fell, but coils of dark power slowed his descent. Red flashed in his eyes as he glared up at Legend. 
Smoke choked the air around him, but Legend reached into the fog to where the girl must have been. Shaking, invisible fingers grasped his. The unseen girl climbed onto his back. Both her and the cape settled over the veteran as he rushed in the direction of the narrow hall as the smoke cleared, bowling over soldiers as they appeared, chasing the faint glow of sunlight. 
They streaked into a round room like he’d seen, but instead of doors he saw statues, except one bright alcove. He passed through it in a blur. 
Sunlight! Legend chased it outside into the hot desert air, heavy with grit. The sky blinded him, but ran forwards all the same. Soon, shapes appeared through the white haze: reddish canyon cliffs, sparkling sand sloping downward, and a ribbon of pale blue sky. 
And those damned puffs of spoke. They appeared atop the cliffs and scattered on the path ahead. Dozens of bows aimed their way, their bodies invisible but their footprints in the sand were not . 
The girl screamed as she clawed his shoulders, “Your shield! Surf!” 
Oh! Wild had shown them shield surfing before. He’d thought it a waste, seeing how much it damaged Wild’s already flimsy shields, but right now he saw the appeal. The cape gave them cover, powered by the ring, as Legend fumbled in his pouch, rifling through rings and canes and empty glass bottles until at last he felt the smooth, long curve of uncle’s soldier's shield. But their footprints must have given them away, as arrows rained down. He tossed the shield ahead, and with a leap hooked one foot into the strap. The other foot he planted on the back edge, and with the momentum of his run they sped off, rushing down the hot sand, gaining momentum, exhilarating and fresh.
The girl on his back laughed. 
 They surfed for half a minute before the ring’s magic petered out. Legend stuffed the cape away. He’d have to rely on himself now, on his ability to dodge and weave.
A skill he excelled at. 
He quickly found how to move his feet just so to aim his descent, and he charted a breakneck, unpredictable course downward, sometimes lurching left or right, or kicking on the back of the shield to leap over boulders instead of swerving around them, arrows chasing them. The girl clung on and tried to shrink against him, and he mentally apologized for the seasickness she must be feeling. 
Red bodysuits and white smoke littered with paper still appeared all around, though Legend dodged them with ease. A squeeze and shout from the child made him worry she’d lost her grip as he took a particularly sharp right curve, but she clawed him tighter than ever and held firmly, and they sped onward. 
A dozen pops of white flashed in a cluster less than a hundred yards ahead. Barreling at  such a speed, Legend could barely hear the girl’s shout of alarm, but he’d already seen them and  angled for one gap before quickly shifting to pass through another while the Yiga scrambled toward the first. 
Lithe soldiers appeared once again, much further ahead than the first group and forming a tighter line. Their sickles flashed in the sun.  Perhaps they wanted to give him time to slow to a stop, to surrender. Legend smirked and eyed a sloped ridge nearby. It was perfect. He swerved sharply left. It was difficult balancing two people on the shield as he steered, but he’d seen it done once before in a small, snowy canyon. Thanks again, Wild, he thought as he aimed for the stone ramp, grated over the edge, and soared high above the heads of the Yiga. The white masks tracked him as he soared overhead. 
Legend’s stomach twisted as he dropped, but he clutched the roc’s feather and gave a shout of triumph as they bounced once in the air halfway down, then again closer to the ground, and finally hit the sand in a spray, mercifully staying upright at the impact and hurtling forwards. They left a cloud of dust in their wake big enough to obscure the assassins. The girl shrieked, and Legend couldn’t tell if it was fear or the thrill. 
At last, at long last, The canyon ahead stayed clear. They rode it in tense silence, Legend no longer dodging and weaving, simply feeling the rush of air cool the sweat completely coating him. His rabbit-quick heart finally began to slow down. 
They soared onward, riding the solid wave of glittering sand as the canyon curved left and opened onto the vast, sea-like desert.
Legend slowed as it spilled over the flat expanse and leveled out. He stopped just before reaching a path through ruins. A town shimmered into sight through the desert haze, only a few miles away.
Legend jumped off the shield and bent to let the girl down. She slid slowly, and he felt her wobble but seemed to catch her feet. He stared at the distant town and drank. The relatively cool stamina potion felt like heaven in his throat, the heat sapping his strength even as he stood still. 
“Is that your home?” he asked between gulps, searching the ruins for signs of monsters or places to rest safely all the while. 
“Ye-yes,” the girl whispered. Legend turned as the girl dropped to one knee, her face pale as paper. 
Legend cursed. Two arrow fletches peeked over her shoulder, rising and falling with her labored breaths: one in the back of her upper arm and one in her shoulder. Droplets fell and shone like rubies in the sand behind her, swiftly swallowed by the earth. 
Din dammit! He should have stopped to give her an extra shield for her back! Or anything to protect herself! He was used to treating wounds on himself, but removing arrowheads on a child? One that already barely trusted him? This was Warrior's area of expertise. He needed help.
“Hey, kid, I’m going to get you some help. You’re going to be okay. Just… just stay awake, okay? You need to tell me if I’m going the right way. Got it?” Goddesses what am I doing? What am I supposed to say?
Legend stowed his shield, downed another magic potion, chiding himself to conserve them better, and carefully lifted her onto his back again. 
She cried out, and her arms lay limp now, but he tied the cape around her back, kicked his heels, and ran. 
They’d certainly have all she needed in that town ahead, beyond the ruins.
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luimagines · 1 year
(( dark truth imagine))
The chain and monster reader are portal in to reader hyrule again but instead of the normal outdoor woods or roads, they end up at the castle and greeted with weapons aimed at them and a few knights rush over to tackle the chain and reader down to arrest them and if they struggled more knights are added. But they all get dragged to the throne room and of course infront of hyrule king (which is the same king that order reader to be killed).
King: hmm, heros of the Triforce of courage?.. but no matter they bring in the traitor and murder of hero-
Reader glare and jump on her two foot very angry to being accused of this man lies.
A knight came to reader from behind sword drawn out and Warrior noticed try to tell reader but a sound of a sword stab through reader from the back and the room is slient yet the chain are watching in horror.
Once the sword is pull out reader wound bleed and they fell to her knees and are in pain and break her arms out of her restraints to try stop the bleeding.
King: tsk, you should've been in you home that day. I almost gotten rid of you disgusting monsters from my land. Kill her now, that's a order.
Reader stop to hear the king words so......he the king order the murder of her family.... the chain heard and now try to get out of their restrains but hear shift of bones and muscles and look to see reader in their monstrous beast body but the look she gives off senda cold shiver down their backs as reader attack the knights not given them a chance to fight the king isn't so lucky. He was grab by reader claw hand and throw him hard to the wall break the king leg and arm as wild break free and free the others but he see reader shift back to her human body tho the wound is still open and bleeding.
Reader: I'll make sure, you died a painful, slow death. She say to the king and took twilight, warrior, hyrule and wild to hold reader back from murder the king as the other are up but sky step in to use the knock out dust to put reader to sleep so she'll won't bleed out and time glare to the king.
Hyrule frowns, rubbing his wrists where rhe restraints rubbed the skin raw. "....We'll be going now. Zelda will hear about this."
The king starts to laugh hysterically. "Do you..hehehe... do you really think you have power here?! HahahahaHA! FOOLS!"
"Shut him up." Time tells the group. He doesn't care who does it.
Wind is the one who takes his a knife and throws it. With precise aim- or boiling rage, you decide- he cuts off the tongue of the king. "We'll be back."
The knights all dive to restrain the chain but Wolfie makes an appearance, aided by Wild and Legend's firerod to lower their numbers.
Hyrule ups his spell to help Reader in the process as they make their way out. Reader is being carried by Time and Warrior with the help of Sky. Progress is slow but the knights very quickly fall back to help each other instead of focusing on the chain.
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maiden-after-dark · 7 months
For Doctor Seira: Armorless, Originium Zone - Libido, Originium Zone - Overburdened, and Environment - Predator (Talulah), and Emergency - Loss!
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The first to happen was her arousal state going to the max, followed by her massive tits only to grow EVEN MUCH MORE. Ripping her shirt, tearing it until it snaps off showing it being waist big causing her to have a movement speed plenty of 90%, the rest of her clothing vanishes into nothing as her squishy thicc stupidy fat tits were in full view with her nips completely harden leaking milk.
She was breathing heavily and then it hit her. "Wait. . . when you mean Talulah as a foe do you mean-" Before she could even say anything she was pinned against the wall a hand hot as molten flames was over her shoulder. This wasn't normal Talulah, no, it was Talulah The Deathless Black Snake.
Fear came to her knowing what this may mean as between her thighs a scorching heat from the hardened tip pressed against her softness as her body already seemed at a loss. intensely heated hands soon grope both breasts, kneading them with ease while spreading heat to the whoredoc's body. Suddenly! With an immense squeeze together she climaxes as milk squirts out of her nips. All she could do was pant like an utter bitch with those cow tits being played with. Then with another squeeze, 'Talulah' lets go and grabs her plump cheeks, pushing her closer onto that hot body colored in red-like flames. "P-please, have mercy-" yet none was found as the huge firerod thrust between her thighs, using them to please it and get it to start spewing it's gooey lava~.
While her body continues to fall father down to needing this, her massive jugs pressed and rubbed against the other as her ass was firmly squeezed! It was so hot and firm that it was branding her as she was lifted up with ease, forced to be made out with the same immense warmth invading her mouth as the tongue ordered her around. Juices leaked out as she came from all of this and once again as that huge cock thrust into her with ease getting all wet while starting to pump into her. All the doc could do is moan like an utter slut! She was a slave to this heat- this- she couldn't even think about anything but being fucked! Each thrust claps her fat cheeks, with each time heating her womb's entrance. Hearts appeared in her ears as her body felt like it was being corrupted and marked! Keeping her body like this and soon their kiss broke as she moans loudly, cumming as she yells out her submission~!
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
Ravio drops a bunch of products he’s carrying including a firerod that misfires and sparks his sleeve. His sleeve catches fire and gives him third degree burns on his arm before he’s able to put it out by running outside and throwing himself into the snow. Because of the heat, his blood vessels are cauterized (meaning there’s no bleeding), but it also fused the fabric of his clothes to the burnt skin. He needs medical attention immediately because he’s going into shock. Link comes home from the village to find him curled up on the ground shivering. What’s going on? It doesn’t seem like he’s in pain. (The burn was bad enough to cause temporary nerve damage and numbness) Link takes him inside to get him warmed up, assuming maybe he’s upset about something. The house is in disarray. What in the world happened? He notices that Ravio is cradling his arm. Are those burn marks on the fabric??? He goes to roll up Ravio’s sleeve. Oh goddess…. It’s stuck…. This is bad…..
Link tugs Ravio into his lap, trying to get a better look, and feels just how bad the shivering is. He can't get the sleeve to roll properly, its only pulling, so he ends up cutting part of the sleeve away so he can see properly. Keeps asking Ravio to talk to him, and not getting anything but mumbling in response.
But at least it is a response.
Link's natural belief is that someone must have attacked Ravio while in the house. This is beyond his medical skills and he doesn't have a fairy, but he's trying to convince Ravio to take a potion. He needs Ravio to take the potion. Ravio's too out of it to understand.
And Link doesn't quite realise that the potion would heal the fabric into the skin. It may or may not stabalise him enough to get him to a doctor, but it means the fabric and any other dirt or debries is going to need to be cut out of him, and while it may save his life for now the infection risk gets a lot higher....
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doodlesbf · 1 year
(Nooo! Imagine)
**warning is in hangtag below**
Sia panting, she had to transform in her full on monstrous body to keep the chain from that mummified Ganondorf's flame or magic and look to the chain to seeing them all panting hard and nearly all of their equipments are broke or are broken. Wild left arm is burned completely and his master sword is full on broken as twilight is holding him up and protectively a almost mummified Ganondorf look to the group displeased seeing such worthless heros.
Ganondorf: Rarur put all faith in you, link.
Ganondorf see the monstrous beast and raise his hand to use the same flame or magic to full on spear sia body all that burning sia as she roar in pain but refused to move to protect the chain from this.
Wild struggles against twilight to see sia taken the hit in order to protect them all. Sia blood dripping on the ground making big puddles but she growl to this mummified Ganondorf but he stop to use that same ability to push the center making the whole place collapsing and the debris fallen down some almost land on a few chain members if sia tail didn't hit the debris away but when sia felt the ground shaking, she turn and grab the chain to pull them to her body as the ground cave in and they all fallen down but the mystery arm touch sia making all dissapeared from this cave in.
Twilight, wild and hyrule wake up together and are quickly to get up to see their not were they should be but wild arm now looks like that arm they all found but the others are gone til a man voice speaks to link well wild and the two hear what the man quick explain but they continued on.
Time,warrior, wind,sky,legend and four wake up on something warm and breath in pain and get up to remember what happened only to see they all been on top of the monstrous beast body of sia and they all get off her and fell on their butts to slip on her blood puddle but quick to get up to check sia injuries and bad burns.
Legend: sia?! Sia!!!
Time: wait we're missing twilight, wild and hyrule?! Damnit.
Time put pressure on the injury he found on sia as legend,four are the ones dragging in everyone bags for healing potions as sky,warrior look for sia injuries with time but those injuries look bad.
Sia slowly start to wake up as legend have to use his firerob to close the injuries that needed to be close making sia roar out in pain and her blood land on the chain there but shiver knowing that it likely hurts but they have to close her injuries or she'll died from bloodlost. Once everything is done sia make whimpering noises like any animal does when badly injured as time can do is petting sia as he look to the little chain to see their uneasy being out in the open on this strange place but they look to sia who's still in her monstrous beast body clearly can't return back to their hyrulian body.
Four: hope she's okay....those injuries-
Four reach his hands out to lightly and as gentle as he can touch the burn close injury but four frown ans sit down right next to sia monstrous beast body and lean on her to try clam himself and his pounding headache of the colors.
Legend put his firerod away and walk to sia and gently petting her while he hide his own face in sia fur to shed tears and bite his lip to not let out a pathetic crys since he or the chain couldn't stop this version of Ganondorf and worse they all seen sia take that hit for them.
Legend whispered out quietly apologizes to sia and only her as the other have no choice to sit and wait for the three missing members to come for them since moving is out of the question.
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quirkle2 · 1 year
jay talk about locke
locke has a lot of Stuff on him that's magic ! his staff has a purple cloth wrapped around the base of it w glowing patterns — that's enchanted w a warding spell, to help drive away enemies
the hibiscus on his cute lil hat is enchanted w a protection spell against mind control (gotta be cautious ! dont wanna end up like the soldiers)
his bag has bottomless/infinite kinda enchantments on it so that anything that can fit through the opening can be held in there. weight reducer enchantments r an obvious partner to that; no use havin infinite storage if he can't carry it
his boots have flarey, feathery patterns on their sides instead of actual feathers, and the edges of them pulse in pretty colors whenever he shoots magic through them to run
this isn't sm abt his design in particular, but i do wanna say that he loves to tinker w stuff ,,,, stims sm he Collects element rods and disassembles them, usually keeping the crystal that powers it for some later project and turning the body/shaft into something else. he made like ? little containers for long trips that he keeps food in, and there's a slot in all of them where u can insert a crystal. put a fire crystal in to heat da food, put one from an ice rod in if u wanna keep it cold ! he has a telescope that is made from a firerod shaft :) he Loves to tinker and repurpose shit he adores it
he also just looks ??? so fuckign cool when he uses magic. his freckles glow gold and his eyes glow and his staff's crystal glows and he's just a Glowy Bitch okay he'sso cool. goddamn
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suwamulasuki · 2 years
Ip 266 handbuch fire
           F4T Bedienungsanleitung: Installation und Störungsbehebung, 59, 4.59 MB. FIREROD Produktanleitung, 8, 380.24 KB. FLUENT Produktleitfaden, 8, 525.58 KB. Handbuch beschriebenen Serverkomponenten finden Sie im Sun Fire V445 Server zugewiesen werden, die von der IP-Adresse des Sun Fire V445 Servers getrennt Siemens Simatic S5 Ip 266 Online-Anleitung: Auswechsel Des Weggebers. Aufbaurichtlinien 3.4 Auswechseln Des Weggebers Fâr Wartungszwecke Oder Wßhrend Der 1 2 1 308 2801 21 1 55 76 9 28 3 38 19 6 258 140 1 183 183 180 1 266 40 2 236 1 G. ** ) mehr als 1000 Personen : 5 ) 1 B. 1.608 P. 2.800 IP , 6 ) 1 B. Einrichtung mittels der Assistenten ist im Handbuch "Bedienungsanleitung" Die Digitalisierungsbox Smart wird an einem reinen IP-Anschluss betrieben.In diesem Handbuch wird die Client-Software iVMS-4200 erläutert. Geräte über IP-Adresse oder Domänennamen hinzufügen . Fire Source Information. Kacheladressierung (Vervielfachen Des Q>Bereichs) - Siemens SIMATIC S5 308-3UA12 Handbuch Controller Siemens SIMATIC S5 IP 266 Handbuch.
https://ruvesujitu.tumblr.com/post/692247410597052416/rev-ritter-25300-bedienungsanleitung-v-tech, https://ruvesujitu.tumblr.com/post/692246833093885952/sommer-duo-vision-500-bedienungsanleitung-target, https://suwamulasuki.tumblr.com/post/692246645622063104/eltako-s12-100-bedienungsanleitung-yamaha, https://pibelebekosa.tumblr.com/post/692247036493496320/sony-kdl-32-w-655-bedienungsanleitung-philips, https://bufecaqej.tumblr.com/post/692247005043523584/netgear-jgs524-bedienungsanleitung.
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oskydex · 3 years
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Chris Reeve Pacific Kydex Sheath with Maxpedition Single Sheath, Exotac fire steel and Fallkniven DC3 sharpening stone #chrisreeve #chrisreeveknives #chrisreevepacific #exotac #firesteel #firerod #fallkniven #fällkniven #survivor #survival #bushcraft #outdoors #outdoor #survivalknife #kydex #kydexsheath #kydexporn #knife #knifeporn #knifelife #knivesofig #knivesofinstagram🔪 #kydexporn #oskydex #fixedknife #bushcraftgear https://www.instagram.com/p/CMsGAQRjmVk/?igshid=1ejrr66dg1i0b
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lemonlurkrr · 3 years
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Hey hey @moore-nocturnal I saw your sketch page and thought he looked very cool :))
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urbansurvival3 · 5 years
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Ready for a weekend adventure! De beste outdoor- en survivalproducten bij www.urbansurvival.nl #olights2rbaton2 #olight #tasmaniantiger #ttadminpouch #ganzoknives #ganzo #edckit #edc #powertraveller #powerbank #khswatch #khsxtac #exotac #firerod @urbansurvivalnl https://www.instagram.com/p/B1OM5XBo1D1/?igshid=y9r276h42i50
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shadysanity · 3 years
Sableye NO!
LU chain and sableye is a great combo. I mean, after I kept thinking about it it HAD to happen. Enjoy a sableye I slapped together with the firerod. Cruddy couple min background and a backgroundless one. Honestly, spent too long on this since I’m majorly out of practice with drawing. I’ve never good with drawings lol. By the time I started coloring I was like nope I’m done and it just started dropping in quality quickly. Anyway LU Links should probably take that thing away. Various brushes used from Clip Studio assets online.
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