#first of all yes i cheated with that bottom middle picture
doctapuella · 1 year
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the past 2 years i've done a post to list my top 9 celeb favs and so this is it for summer 2023 because i love overanalyzing myself and the way i experience attraction and how it changes and whatnot. i'm in a very different brain space this year (wrestle instead of music) but it's still very interesting looking at it in one space like this. weird, but interesting.
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vanwritesfan-fiction · 4 months
This Was A Mistake
Warnings: language, references to cheating
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Jack's phone danced on the nightstand as it vibrated, the screen illuminated with a picture he and Veronica took on the first day of their honeymoon, their private bungalow in the Maldives in the background. They looked happy, but Jack knew the capture of that moment in time was deceptive because they argued the entire time about the stupidest things. The trip was over two months ago, but Jack vividly remembered only making it 24 hours before he tried to call you. You didn't answer, out of principle, and he didn't dare try to call you again until he was back in Louisville.
The backlight flooded the otherwise pitchback bedroom, blinding Jack in the face as he slept. He scrunched his eyes closed as he halfheartedly knocked the phone to the ground, letting the call go to voicemail. He got a second of reprieve as the room went silent, and he retreated back to the warmth next to him, his breaths quickly becoming shallow as he went back to sleep.
The vibrations against the hardwood were even louder as his phone rung for a second time. He let a sharp breath out of his nostrils before he opened his eyes slowly. His jaw flexed and his body stiffened as he sat up, gingerly moving to sit at the edge of the bed. It took a few seconds for his vision to adjust as he looked at his phone on the floor. He didn't want to answer it, he didn't want to hear her voice, he didn't even want to think about her right now, but his karma was unrelenting.
"Hello." He cleared his voice, groggy and deep from sleep.
"Hi, baby! Did I wake you up?". He could hear the smile in her voice, and that pissed him off. He made out the sound of voices in the background. "Yeah, but its okay. How's London?" It was the middle of the day there, she'd be at one of her work conferences now.
"Oh Jack, it couldn't be going better. The only thing that could make it perfect is if you were here with me. I miss you." His stomach turned as she spoke, his breath hitching in his chest. He opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out, surely divine intervention.
"You still there, J?" Jack raked a hand through his mess curls, scratching at the back of his neck. "Yeah, yeah, sorry. Just tired." That was the truth. He learned a while back that it was better not to say anything at all, then to pile up the lies he told her.
"Okay, well," he could hear the disappointment in her voice, but all he wanted to do was to hang up this call and go back to bed, "I'll let you get some sleep. Call me when you wake up?"
He hesitated to commit to even the smallest task. "I've gotta meet Urban at the studio in a couple hours, I don't know if I'll get a chance to call you. The label's pressing me to get this song done." That was a lie, but he knew she wouldn't question his work.
"I understand. Maybe tonight then, I'll stay up late for you." Jack balled up his fist, biting at his bottom lip to stifle a curse. "I just said that I've gotta work. What don't you understand about that?" He could feel his neck grow hot, anger striking every nerve ending in his body simultaneously.
"I wasn't trying to-", she was on the verge of tears, her voice tight and quiet.
"I'll call you when I get the chance." His words like venom; he was always so quick to strike with her and he didn't know why.
"Yes", she responded at a whisper. Jack let the silence settle between them as he composed himself, letting out a deep sigh. He wiped at his eyes frantically, hoping he'd wake up from this nightmare. "I love you Jack."
"I-", he didn't want to end the call with another lie. "Be safe, okay?" He hung up the phone before he heard another word, turning it off before he tossed it on the nightstand. He hung his head in his hands as he tried to catch his breath, his heart beating out of his chest.
A shiver traveled down his spine as he felt your touch on his back.
"Was that her?"
He didn't bother answering; you both knew the answer. You snuck your hand underneath his tank, your fingers traveling to wrap around his side, feeling each defined oblique muscle. "We're not doing anything wrong." He let out a humorless breath, shaking off your touch. "We both know that's not true", he threw over his shoulder, catching a glance at your naked form peaking from underneath the sheets.
You knew he was right and you didn't care one fucking bit. You knew that the two of you were meant to be together.
"Come back to bed, Jack. Come back to me."
Jack used his thumb to swipe at his wedding band. He let Veronica pick whatever she wanted; he couldn't be bothered to spend any more time thinking about his commitment to her then he had to. The metal began to feel hot to the touch, and he started to panic as he felt a burning sensation against his skin.
He slipped the ring off of his finger, and tucked it under a book in his nightstand. Out of sight, out of mind, right?
"Everything okay, Jack?" Your voice was just above a whisper but it still startled him.
"Yeah, everything's fine." He answered as he laid back down in his spot, pulling you in tightly to his chest.
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silenzahra · 2 months
hey bestie!!
for the ask game: 🎲🌎📺
Referring to this game ✨
Hey bestie!! 😁 Thank you soooo much for sending me a few questions!!! Here are my answers:
🎲 It has to be Trivia! 🤩 I just LOVE it!!! 😁 I used to play Trivial Pursuit a LOT in the Wii, even with my mom who totally dislikes videogames 😂 And when it's focused on a specific matter, like The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Super Mario... I love it even MORE 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
🌎 Okay, I'm affraid I'm gonna cheat in this one 🤭 First I'm gonna say Ireland, for it was my very first trip aboard. I was 18 and I went the summer after I finished high school with a bunch of classmates (we had all been given a scholarship so that we could practice English in an English-speaking environment). And it was so GREAT. I spent two weeks in Dublin and they also took us to many other places like Belfast (where Titanic was built!!!) and Glendalough. I fell HARD for the Emerald Isle and I've been meaning to go back since then, but life has gotten so expensive that it's been impossible 😅 I just hope I can finally do it at some point in a few years 🤞🤞🤞
Fancy a few pics of a 18-year-old me? 😁
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Yes, I took a picture with Oscar Wilde... and I don't look too happy about it 😂😂😂 And of course I had to fool around at one of those souvenir stores full of typical Irish stuff 😂😂😂 I wanted to buy it all 🤭😁 The others were at some of the places we visited: a beach north of Dublin, a riff and Glendalough's graveyard, with those beautiful crosses that I've always liked 🥰
And the second place I'm gonna say is within my own country, and I'm sorry but I just had to 🤭 I LOVE Madrid 🤩 I live far from it (I'm a Southern girl), but I went for the first time in 2017 and, like with Ireland, I fell HARD. Madrid is a very cosmopolitan city and it offers absolutely EVERYTHING that you may ask for (except for a beach 😂). It has great buildings, TONS of museums, lots of lovely places to visit... I especially LOVE the Retiro Park. So HUGE and beautiful! 😍 I even got lost more than once because I'm not used to nature, I'm a city girl 😂 But I love it!!! And it's more or less easy to go everywhere thanks to the subway, though I must admit, at first I had trouble trying to understand how it worked because there's no subway where I live, only train and bus 😂
And also, many events of all kinds take place during the whole year: musical, sporting, artistic... And literary! I've been managing to go there every single year since 2018 for the Book Fair in June, and, my God, for a bookworm like me, that book fair is simply a DREAM come true. This year sadly I won't be able to attend (life too expensive again), but I treasure every single time I've been in Madrid for the past few years and I look forward to going back next year (and, perhaps, someday I'll be able to live in Madrid since it's my freaking dream 🤞🤞🤞).
And again, here are a few pics! 🥰
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Don't know if you've raced through Madrid Drive in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, but if you have... some of these places may sound familiar 🤭 From top left to bottom right: Gran Vía, Puerta del Sol, the Arbutus Bear, and Atocha, the biggest station I've seen in my entire life 😂
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That statue on the left is the Fallen Angel Statue and it's in the Retiro Park. I don't know why, but that statue speaks to me, so I always take TONS of pics every time I visit Madrid. And the one on the right is in the middle of the Book Fair, in one of those stands they put so people can take pics in them. Man, I'm gonna miss so much not visiting the Book Fair this year 🥲
Also! Look what I ran into when I entered FNAC, one of the biggest malls in Madrid! 😁
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I was already totally obsessed with Mario, since this was in June, so suddenly seeing this almost at the beginning of my trip made me SO HAPPY!!! 😁😁😁 It's always Mario time for me!!! ❤️❤️❤️
📺 Ooohh you and @vulpixfairy1985 have asked me the same thing! 🤭 Since I already mentioned Lost in her ask, I'm gonna say another show that I watched while growing up and that had an impact on me as a reader and as a writer: Charmed. It's a show from the 90s-early 2000s about three four witch sisters, the Halliwell sisters, and they all had different magical powers and had to fight against demons and such, and it was so GREAT 🤩 I take it that the special effects weren't as good since it was the 90s, but to me back them they actually were, and I unconsciously included some of them in my writing when I was a teen 🤭 And of course, I LOVED the relationship between the sisters 🥹 I've always loved stories that revolve about two or more siblings, and this show truly fed me back then 🤭
This got longer than expected lol, and I took forever finding those pics, but I hope that you like my answers, bestie! 🥰 Thanks again for asking! 🫂💖💖
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maylegacy-sims4 · 1 year
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Marilyn had another successful acting gig! She also maxed the actress aspiration, so I picked the painting aspiration for her next. 
She gave Caleb Vatore an autograph!
I wanted her to get a new romantic partner and that was more complicated than it should have been. I have already forgotten this guy’s name, but they’ve had a successful date and he asked her to be his girlfriend and she said yes and I have fully forgotten his name. 
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Dragon peed himself... 
We met a nice girl and then...
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Romance=Men, WooHoo=Women? Sims did this woman dirty. I figured I could do the romance part and then science baby? 
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During this date Dragon’s baby mama showed up and she was heartbroken which I feel like is a little unfair because she’s the married one... 
The date didn’t go super well... but for some reason when Dragon went home Etsuko followed him home and first she asked if they could be best friends and I said sure. I was pretty sure Dragon was going to be alone forever so I figured she’d be a good best friend. I even redid his bedroom so it was suitable for an adult since I hadn’t remodeled since he was a teenager.
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Then I asked Etsuko to join household... and then I worked on their romance, and Etsuko...
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He said yes! I had them elope immediately... and then I moved them out to the house I built for him to move into. I had them do Science Baby and they had twins! Harley & Braxton Takeuchi-May. I aged them up to infants immediately and then I left them to their own devices, I went back to the legacy house and Marilyn will visit them at some point and I’ll get some pictures of her holding them. 
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Here’s their house, it’s in Oasis Springs. If it wouldn’t be fully leaving the legacy people to their own devices while I was gone, I’d go in and I’d cheat their open love life settings and see if I could get them each someone compatible with their woohoo interests. 
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Nothing major going on with Naomi, she’s still working through her degree, Wednesday is over and she aced the middle week so well and all As and one B the first week, I kind of want to half ass the last couple of days? It just takes so long to do the homework... she’s going to be an Entertainer. 
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Marilyn had another gig and she rocked it again
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And now she keeps doing this dumb thing... I’ll look down at the bottom and I’ll see her color is that yellow-orange color and she’s tense and I’m like why? It’s because she hates dancing... and she won’t just stop herself. She has the power to end this!
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She keeps doing this! Just stop! I also dislike dancing and you know what the best way to avoid getting tense from dancing? Not dancing. Not feeling it? Then stop. I literally have to tell her to stop. JUST STOP. I turned off all the music and if she keeps doing it, I might have to put the music players into the household inventory. It just started today but I’ve reset her and it keeps happening. We’ll see!
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Something Casual ~ HHJ [Request]
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GENRE: Non!Idol Au, friends to lovers, angst, fluffy ending attempt at humour,
PAIRING: Hyunjin x reader
A/N: I didn’t make it smut, I hope that thats okay
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There was a reason everyone said that friends with benefits or casual sex with friends were a bad idea. It always ended in disaster, there was never a single good thing to come out of having fun sex with friends. But that was the thing, you and Hyunjin were different. When you began sleeping together last year the two of you decided then and there that it was never going to amount to anything else. You just needed sex in a casual manner, Hyunjin needed stress relief and you needed sex. Everyone had their needs and not everyone you came across in life could meet them.
The one thing you both had in common was that neither of you wanted a serious relationship. You didn't have the best track record with relationships and just needed something to satisfy you for a while and that was nice...While it lasted.
As time passed and a year went by you began to realize sex wasn't just what you wanted from Hyunjin anymore or anyone for that matter. You wanted something more meaningful, for someone to want to be with you for something other than sex. You wanted to be the first thing someone thought about when they woke up and right before they slept. That person for you was Hyunjin but you knew he didn't want you that way and you were going to have to end things sooner or later but you fooled yourself. Believing that if you kept sleeping with him that he would somehow grow attached to you and want something more. That never happened. 
Hyunjin believed that you still wanted nothing more than sex from him so that was all he was ever willing to do with you. Even if, deep inside, he needed more from you, sex was the one thing keeping you around. 
"I'm literally around the corner, chill." Hyunjin breathed down the phone to his roommate Jisung who had been begged for food for the last four hours. 
"Did you get stuck at Y/n's place? What took you so long?!" Hyunjin knew why Jisung was snapping so much, he was hungover and in desperate need of his favourite fast food. 
"There was a line, no I wasn't with Y/n she's busy," He laughed walking down the street towards their shared apartment when he thought he saw you inside of a restaurant.
"Busy doing what?" Jisung questioned but Hyunjin didn't say anything as he looked at you. Head thrown back as you laughed at something someone was saying to you. Hyunjin moved so he could see who you were sitting with at the table, you never laughed like that at something anyone else that he knew of. 
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"Hey! That's so not fair, I didn't fall...I-I stumbled a little," You whined at your date who shook his head at you, 
"You stumbled a little...Into a bush?" Hiding your face in your hands you couldn't believe he was bringing it up. Only that morning you had gone for a walk with one another around the Han River and you had tripped into one of the bushes, scraping yourself up pretty badly.
"It's not my fault, I trip over my own feet." You reminded him as you shook your head. Chan was a great guy, you'd met him when you were out looking for a Birthday present for Hyunjin and he just asked you out. You figured there was no harm in going out on one date, if it did or didn't work out it wouldn't matter. 
The moment Hyunjin saw you with another man his dropped to his stomach. Sitting there with someone that wasn't him and you looked as though you were genuinely having a nice time. 
Before he could even register what was happening Hyunjin was storming into the restaurant and over to your table. 
"Hyunjin?" You stood up suddenly, feeling as though you'd been caught doing something your parents would disapprove of. 
"What are you doing here?" You whispered looking at him and forgetting that Chan was even sitting there in front of you. Confused as to who the man was interrupting you both. 
"What are You doing here? Who is this?!" The anger dripped from his words as he looked Chan up and down and then back to looking at you. 
"Chan, he's my date...Hyunjin-"
"Date?! I thought you didn't date?" Heads were beginning to turn around and look at your table, even though it was still quite early in the day there were enough people to make you feel embarrassed. 
"Hyunjin can we talk about this later?" You begged as Chan got up to introduce himself to Hyunjin, he said nothing as he stared at your date. Wondering what he had that Hyunjin seemed to lack.
"Later? You were going to go out with him and then come to me later?" He scoffed as he shook his head, finally losing the ability to keep his cool about everything.
"You told me you didn't date? Or is that just because it's me?" Chan looked at you and you sighed, dropping some money next to him and apologising over and over again.
"Who is this?" Chan asked as he looked at you, putting your hands on Hyunjin's arm to try and guide him out of the restaurant, 
"The guy she's sleeping with, who are you!?" The moment the words left Hyunjin's mouth Chan backed down, his face running pale as he realised you were seeing someone else. 
"You're cheating on him?" Chan questioned now making this all feel like some kind of interrogation.
"No, because we're not a couple." You hissed at Hyunjin who was beginning to cause a scene. 
"So you just fuck each other?" Chan raised his eyebrow and you could already tell by his tone of voice that there wasn't going to be a second date between the two of you. 
"Yes." He nodded his head before looking at Hyunjin and back at you. 
"Maybe you should speak things out before you go on any dates with anyone else." Sighing you nodded your head and began to walk out of the restaurant with Hyunjin, ignoring the stares that you were gaining from those around you.
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"Do you have any idea how awful that was?! Having all of those people stare at me?!" Standing by the Han River you stared at the back of Hyunjin's head, it was as if he didn't have a care in the world that he had just done all of that. That he'd just stormed over to you in the middle of a date and ruined everything. 
"I thought you didn't date! I thought we were just going to fuck and I catch you out with another guy?!" Staring at him you could hear the hurt in his voice as he turned to look at you. Hyunjin was still imagining you with Chan all night, picture the things that you and he did together with someone else.
"Why do you care if I'm with another guy?! You just want to fuck me, that's all we ever fucking do!" You snapped back at him, following him down the small path beside the Han River, watching him as he shook his head. 
"Because that's all you want! You don't even know this Chan guy! He could be a murderer!" Rolling your eyes you couldn't believe that he was going to start bashing someone else just to make himself seem like the good guy in all of this,
"Hyunjin stop it,"
"No! He could be some total creep who will use you for sex. I was defending you." There was a point in your life when you would have loved Hyunjin to come and defend your honour but not now. Not when he was just doing it because he was going to lose someone to fuck, you wanted him to do it because he cared.
"I'm not yours to defend Hyunjin! We're not a couple! We're not together!" Hyunjin scoffed at you as he shook his head, if you were a couple he never would have done this. There was a part of him that wanted to stop yelling and talk calmly about everything but he was far too angry to even try.
"Do you know how long I waited for you to finally want me? Then you just wanted sex...So I did that...I tortured myself and agreed to it thinking that I could do it and I can't. I'm in love with you." Your voice broke as you said it out loud for the first time ever. Not that you wanted to but you knew that there was no coming back from this fight. If he was going to act like this when you went on a date you needed to end things sooner than later. It wasn't worth risking anymore fights over anything when you were in the bedroom. You both needed a clean break if you were ever going to be friends at the end of all of this.
"Y/n..." Hyunjin breathed as he attempted to tell you the truth but you shook your head. Standing at the fence that separated the River and the walkway. 
"No! Now you decide that you only want me if someone else wants me?" Finally having enough of being painted as the bad guy in all of this Hyunjin lost it. 
"I'm not the relationship type! You said that to me, Not the other way around! Don't you dare try and pin this on me!" You stared at him, his face red as he began to let tears run down his face. 
"You never made an attempt to want me either," You mumbled as Hyunjin took a step back and laughed. 
A small and awkward laugh, shaking his head as he thought back on everything you were both fighting about.
"Are we really fighting because we didn't say we wanted each other? That we're in love with one another..."
"I think so." You moaned looking at him as you began to laugh a little, it had to seem like one of the dumbest fights to everyone on the outside.
Taking your hand in his Hyunjin looked at you, the two of you had moved to go and sit on the grass and talk but neither of you said anything. You just sat there letting him hold your hand as you stared back up at him. You'd began eating the food that was originally for Jisung and just stared at one another or the sky until you dared to talk.
"I only went out with him to get my mind off you...I thought I could just do one date and realise that it wasn't what I wanted." Frowning Hyunjin looked up at you, 
"You don't want to date?" He questioned but you nodded your head, 
"I do...I just don't want to date anyone that isn't you." Humming at you Hyunjin pulled your face closer to his, running his thumb along your bottom lip. 
"I think I can make that work." He breathed out as he kissed your lips softly, your arms wrapping around him as you began to melt against his body.
Everything was perfect until his phone began buzzing in his pocket over and over again. 
"It's Jisung," He mumbled putting his phone to the side of him as he pulled you to sit on his lap. Looking up at you and smiling as he held your face in his hand.
"You're the last thing I think about before I sleep and the first thought I have when I wake up." Your body shivered as you looked down at him, almost melting at the words he used. There was no one on the planet that knew that was what you wanted in life. 
"I love you...I'll say it every second of every day if I have to," You whispered bending down to kiss him again as he chuckled softly. 
"Just enough so I don't go crazy and make a scene?" Nodding at him you fed him some more of the bagel from Jisung's food bag and smiled happily. This was one moment you were never going to forget, hangover food in the middle of a park with your boyfriend.
"Are you eating my food!?" Jisung's voice rang through the air and Hyunjin spun around to look for somewhere Jisung could be watching from. There he was sitting in his car by the side of the road with a bare of binoculars watching you.
"Are you creeping on us?!" You screamed back at him as he got out of the car and began storming over to you both. Grumbling something as he got closer to you and sat down beside Hyunjin.
"I don't want to hear about how you're in love, I want my hangover food." He grumbled as he began to eat the, now cold, food he had been waiting for all morning long.
"You don't wanna hear that we're not just having sex? That we're in a relationship?" You teased as Jisung stared at you and then at Hyunjin. 
"The same rules apply, no funny business while in the apartment...It creeps me out," Giggling softly you hide your face in Hyunjin's neck as he agreed to Jisung's terms and conditions.
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Tagline: @minholuvs​ @taestannie​ @sw33tnight​ @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @taeechwitaa​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​
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kpop---scenarios · 3 years
Torn Apart (2 Final)
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Pairing: Surprise! x Reader
Warning: Smut, Sadness, Angst Maybe? Mean People
Word Count: 5.4k
It had been weeks. 
Weeks of sobbing into your pillow, weeks of feeling like things were going to get better, until you found the most insignificant thing that belonged to Chanyeol and you broke down all over again. You missed him. You missed his touch, his warmth, his smile, the way he made you laugh when you were sad. You missed it all. You were broken, and it was all Chanyeol's fault. 
Until you scrolled through Instagram, and saw pictures of him with Maya, that bitch. You had never hated anyone in your life until you had met her. You couldn't even begin to fathom what even slightly redeeming qualities Chanyeol saw in her, but apparently there was something to that wench.
You were curled on your couch in the fetal position as you cried at the ending of Strong Girl Bong Soon. You wished you had a love like that. The way An Minhyuk loved Bong Soon was the relationship you wanted, the one you would strive for. He loved her so much and you just wanted to be loved by someone like that. 
You groan loudly as your doorbell rings, and then whoever pounds on your door. You didn't want visitors, you didn't care who it was, you wanted to hermit. 
"What?" You yelled from the other side of the door. 
"Y/N, let me in." You hear from the other side. You recognized the voice immediately. 
"Baekhyun, I look like a troll. Kindly leave." You sigh. 
"Y/N, if your trolly ass doesn't let me in, I will break down your door." He threatens, which makes you laugh for the first time in days. You both knew he would never be able to do that, and he would likely end up hurting himself. 
"Baek, you would break your leg." You say, pulling the door open. On the other side was a sympathetic Baekhyun, who had tissues, ice cream, chocolate and a bag full of movies. You smile at his kindness. "You know I have Netflix right?" 
"Shut the fuck up and move, this shit is cold." He barks, moving past you and into your kitchen. "Look, I have all the necessities. We will get you through this. Because I for one, cannot stand the sight of Mayeol and I want to gouge my eyes out, and I need someone to do it with." 
"I don't understand how that has anything to do with me." You say, grabbing two spoons.
"Sehun is gone, he's so in love with those two, hes bordering being a psychopath, Jongdae and his wife are just tolerating, Suho, Kai and Kyungsoo are avoiding them like the plague and Minseok and Lay have been MIA, so you're my last hope, Y/N." 
"I really don't want to talk about him, Baek." You admit, the hole in your heart somehow feels larger than before. 
"That's fine, I'll stop, let's start a movie." He suggests, grabbing a random one out of his bag. 
And for the next few hours, that's all you guys did. You watched movies, making comments, laughing and you genuinely had a good time with him. It had been so long since you actually felt happy and you were grateful to Baekhyun for bringing at least a little joy back into your life. 
Until he left, and you were alone again. All the feelings came rushing back, except they hurt a little less this time. You didn't miss him quite as much. 
The next day, at the same time, your doorbell rang again. You open the door, your eyes puffy and bloodshot and you see Baekhyun standing there again, a new flavor of ice cream in hand, a new kind of chocolate, and a new bag of movies. This time he said nothing to you, instead pushed his way past you and through the door, setting everything down on your living room table as he popped in the movie. You smiled to yourself before turning around to join him, it felt nice to be cared about, and the fact that he was going out of his way to do this for you, and make you feel better. You truly appreciated Baekhyun. 
As he sat there and watched the movie, you watched him. The way his eyes lit up at a part of the movie he enjoyed, the face he made when he took a bite of his ice cream, the wrinkle he had in his nose when there was a cheesy scene. You never truly noticed how handsome Baekhyun was until now. His distinct jawline, his large hands, his toned body, you briefly.. very briefly began to wonder how large his..
"No Y/N, no. Do not go there with your existing bestfriend." 
You quickly shake off the thought, moving your eyes to the TV screen, trying to focus. 
"How are you feeling today?" Baekhyun asks, sliding his phone back into his pants pocket. 
"A bit better, I guess." You answer. Before Baekhyun could say anything there was another knock at the door. "That's good." He smiles, standing up. "There are some people who wanna see you." He says, opening the door. 
Minseok, Suho and Kyungsoo file through the door, looking at you with pity as they all sit, surrounding you.  
"Hiiiii." Suho pouts, protruding his bottom lip. "How are we feeling today?" 
"Um, hi." You laugh. "I'm fine." 
"Oh good, so we can go." Kyungsoo pipes up, standing up and walking towards the door. 
"Sit." Minseok sighs, pointing back at the seat. Kyungsoo rolls his eyes, shuffling back to his spot and flopping down. 
"She's fine, Chanyeol is fine, so why are we here? Everyone is fine." He groans. 
"Have you seen him? Is he fine?" You hesitantly ask. You weren't even sure if you wanted to know. 
"Oh he's more than fine." Kyungsoo groans. "He and Maya are all over each other all the time. It's honestly nauseating. Like I want to be able to eat my sandwich without hearing your girlfriend moan when you kiss her." He gags. 
You bite your bottom lip as you slowly nod your head, tears welling in your eyes. These were most definitely details you did not need to hear about your ex and the girl he cheated on you with. All the men whip their heads to look at you, who now had your head hanging low as your shoulders shaked. They all look back at Kyungsoo, with only one speaking up.  
"That's it." Baekhyun growls. "Kyungsoo, get out." He spits, pointing to the door. 
"What did I do?" Kyungsoo asks, innocently. Baekhyun rolls his eyes, looking at you, softly whimpering into the sleeves of your sweater. 
"Out. Now." Baekhyun says, giving him the middle finger before flinching as Kyungsoo stands up, whispering "Don't hurt me."
"Don't listen to him." Minseok sighs. "Kyungsoo has zero social cues, he also could not read a room if his life depended on it." 
As Kyungsoo opened the door to leave, in rushed Lay, who looked at the man leaving and just nodded his head, realizing he had probably said something rude and was asked to leave. It wasn't the first time and would not be the last either. 
"Y/N." Lay breathes. "How do you feel about tall, muscular men who sing?" He asks. 
"I do enjoy them. Why?" You ask. 
"I have a friend from the hospital.. I think you two would get along really well. He's in his third year of surgery residency and is looking to date. I may have shown him your picture and he instantly said yes." He tells you. 
You look around the room, Suho and Minseok are nodding enthusiastically, while Baekhyun sits with his arms crossed against his chest, and a pouty look on his face. 
"What do you think?" You ask Baekhyun. He looks up at you, his face softening immediately. 
"I uhh, it's up to you. Yanno, if you're into muscular, tall men.." he mumbles.
"You know what? Sure, yes, I will. Chanyeol and Maya are out there living their best lives while I'm sitting here sulking, mourning a love that clearly didn't mean as much to him. So yes I will go out with him." You announce, perking up already. "When?" 
"Tonight." Lay says. "More specifically, an hour." 
"I need to get ready." You smile, jumping from your seat to rush to your room. You slowly peak your head around the corner, softly smiling at your friends. "Thank you, you guys. You've all really helped me these last weeks. I greatly appreciate you all." You finish, heading back into your room to quickly throw yourself together. 
By the time you were done, you had 15 minutes to spare, and you were damn proud of what you accomplished in the last 45 minutes. You showered and shaved to become a hairless human from the eyelashes down, you managed to get the knots out of your hair and it looked in decent shape, as well as hide the semi-permanent redness of your eyes with a lot of makeup. You almost didn't recognize yourself in the mirror when you looked. You didn't see the heartbroken girl anymore, you saw someone confident, hot and worthy of a great love. 
Stepping out into the living room you blush at all the 'oohs and ahhs' from your friends. 
Except for Baekhyun. 
When you looked at him, his eyes shined and for some reason it made your heartbeat a little faster. You watched his eyes trail up and down your body, seemingly taking in every curve, every inch of you. When he notices you staring, he clears his throat and looks away. "You look prettyish." He mumbles as he walks away, there's a knock at the door. Baekhyun is the one to answer and looks up at the tall man. 
"You must be.." he begins, moving out of the way, letting the man walk in. 
"Hi." He smiles at you. "I'm Matthew." He says, holding out his hand. 
"Hi Matthew." You grin. "Y/N." You finish, introducing yourself. 
"It's really nice to meet you. You look phenomenal." He says, holding your hand up to spin you around. You can't help but let out a loud laugh as a blush spreads across your cheeks. 
"Thank you." You whisper. "Shall we?" 
He waves to Lay and everyone else before taking your arm in his and leading you out the door. You left three excited men behind you and one who felt annoyed but didn't quite know why. 
You hadn't laughed so hard until tears rolled down your cheeks and you held your stomach for a very long time. You honestly were surprised at how much you and Matthew had in common. You both enjoyed the same type of music, food, and pastimes. You had yet to meet someone who loved the same authors as you, who enjoyed doing your favorite activities and who genuinely seemed like a great person but here he was, sitting right in front of you at this nice restaurant. 
"I have to admit something." Matthew begins. Your stomach drops as you feel like he's going to tell you he's married or has a girlfriend, something that's going to make you lose trust in men, again. 
"Go on." You say, forcing a smile before taking a sip of your drink. 
"I really like you." He grins. "It's insane, I have never met someone I had so much in common with until tonight." 
"I was just thinking the same thing." You laugh, feeling relieved at his confession. You liked Matthew, he seemed as though he would be good for you and treat you right, although you thought that Chanyeol would do the same and look how that turned out. 
Matthew's pager beeps incessantly. He takes it from the waistband of his pants, checking the page and stands up abruptly. "I'm so sorry." He sighs. "I have to go, there was an accident and I'm needed in the OR." He explains. 
"Go." You say, waving your hands to emphasize. 
"I had a wonderful time Y/N, and I hope I get to see you again." He grins. He places down a few hundred bills on the table before kissing your hand, and with a wink he was off and your heart was pumping fast as red spreads across your cheeks. 
Oh boy. 
Your blush is still present as you walk through the door of your apartment. You see Baekhyun sitting on your couch with his arms crossed as he watches a show, not even acknowledging your presence. 
"Why are you still here?" You ask, tossing your purse on the chair. 
"I wanna hear all about Matthew." He mimics, rolling his eyes. "How was your date?" 
"It was really nice. We have a lot in common, which is strange. He seems really nice and we get along amazingly. He was paged into surgery so it ended early." You tell him. "So cool." 
"Oh wow, surgery huh?" Baekhyun says, nodding his head. "Did I tell you I'm auditioning for a band?" He smiles. 
"Are you really?" You ask, a little shocked. 
"Maybe." He says, clearing his throat, turning back to the show. 
You sit beside him, you dress riding up just a little to expose your thigh. You're focused on the show, barely realizing that Baekhyun has now rested his hand on your bare thigh, his thumb lightly rubbing the same spot. 
Why did you feel butterflies? Why was your pussy throbbing? It's probably just friendly, there's no way Baekhyun has feelings for you. 
As the show played on, your eyes became increasingly droopy, feeling the exhaustion and excitement of today finally catching up with you. Your eyes slowly close as you lean your head back onto the couch. 
You weren't sure when it happened, but you woke up, what you're assuming is a few hours later with your head on Baekhyun's lap while he gently rubbed your head, running his fingers through your hair. Your body shivered at the gentle sensation and you closed your eyes once again, feeling safe and happy as you dozed off. 
When you woke up the next morning, you were laying on the couch, alone with a blanket draped over you. Your eyes searched your apartment and there was no sign of Baekhyun.  You had no idea when he had left but a part of you felt a little hurt that he left without saying goodbye to you. You rolled yourself off the couch and shuffled into your room, changing your clothes to something more comfortable. 
When you were done you made your way to the kitchen to find food when your front door opened. In walked Baekhyun with a large bag from your favorite food place. 
"You didn't." You grin. "It's so far away." 
"I did, and it was worth it to see the look on your face." He laughs, setting the bag down on the table. 
The two of you sit down, and have breakfast together and chat. You hadn't realized that Baekhyun actually had a lot in common with you as well. You didn't know why the two of you had never talked about these things but you felt like it was a crazy coincidence that two men match with you so well. Although you knew Baekhyun's feelings were strictly platonic, there was no way that he felt anything romantically for you. 
"I gotta go to work, but we'll hang out later, if you're up for it?" He asks, throwing his garbage away. 
"Of course." You smile. You look in his eyes, his beautiful brown eyes and you just want to melt. You liked Baekhyun, alot. Maybe it was just from how good he's been treating you lately, or maybe the feelings were real, you would never know because you were going to focus on changing your feelings for Baekhyun to feelings for Matthew, someone you knew you actually had a chance with. 
Later that day you were doing some work on your computer for the company you work for, luckily you're able to do your work from home, giving you plenty of time to be free during the day for activities. You're brought out of your zone by a text from Matthew, asking you if you wanted to grab a late lunch around 2pm, and immediately your mood changed, and you happily replied that you would love to. 
At 1:50pm, you sat at the restaurant, a drink in front of you while you waited for Matthew. Seeing him walk through the door, your heart did a mini dance as he smiled at you, heading towards the table you had already gotten. 
"Hey there beautiful." He grins, sitting across from you. 
"Hi." You giggle. "How has your day been?" 
"Busy and stressful, but that's all been forgotten now that I have you in front of me." He says. You smile widely, burying your head in your hands. He was so sweet, and you didn't know how to react to it. After the two of you order, you're in the middle of a conversation about a movie you had each recently watched, when out of the corner of your eye, you notice someone familiar. You look over and at a table that was too close for your liking sat Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Maya. Your attitude, demeanour and mood completely changed when you noticed them. You could feel the tears welling in your eyes as you looked away. You look at Matthew who instantly looks concerned. 
"What's wrong? Did I say something?" He asks, leaning in closely to whisper to you. 
"T-that's my ex.. and the girl he chose over me, and his best friend who I'm still friends with." You whisper, nodding your head towards them.
Matthew discreetly looks over and notices the blonde man looking in your direction, pain in his eyes from the moment he saw you. 
"Look at me." Matthew whispers. You look up at him, trying to control the tears. "That boy is an idiot for giving you up. You are one in a million. You're smart, funny, beautiful, caring and an all around amazing person to be around. Don't give them anymore of your tears, princess. They don't deserve them, and you don't deserve to cry over them." He smiles. 
You sit up, taking a deep breath, smiling at the man across from you, staring at his beautiful smile. You glance over to the table and see Chanyeol staring at you, sadness in his eyes while Maya glares at you and Baekhyun, he stares at you with what seems like a look of anger. He glares in your direction, his face like stone and you had no idea what you did to make him so mad at you. 
"Would you like to go somewhere else?" Matthew asks. 
You nod your head, knowing you didn't want to be in the same restaurant as Mayeol, it was bad enough to have to be in the same city as them. Matthew grabs the check, escorting you out, his hand hovering over your backside as you walk out, the feeling of eyes watching you burning into your back as you exit the restaurant.  You and Matthew stand outside your door, and he smiles at you. "I'm sorry about the date." He sighs. 
"It wasn't your fault. If anything I should be sorry." You say. 
"You did nothing wrong." He tells you. "I have to get back to the hospital now, but I'll call you." He says, leaning down he presses his lips to yours quickly before pulling away and saying goodbye. 
You walk into your apartment, feeling a little confused. That didn't go how you imagined it at all. As you're trying to get out of your sundress, there's a knock at the door before someone walks in. You turn around and see Baekhyun standing there, watching you. 
"You looked pretty comfortable and intimate with what's his name." He blurts out, walking towards you. He stands closely behind you, you can feel his breath on your neck as he pulls down the zipper of your dress. 
"Yeah well you looked pretty comfortable with fucking Maya and Chanyeol." You retort, trying to storm away from him. Your dress slips off your body, landing on the floor. Baekhyun follows you, reaching out to grab your wrist. He spins you around to face him. He pulls your body closer to his. 
"What do you want?" He asks. You don't answer, your lips parted as you try to form a sentence. Baekhyun's eyes drop down to your lips. He licks his lips and sighs. You can feel his breath, so close to you, almost kissing you. "What do you want from me, Y/N?" He asks. 
Your heart is practically beating out of your chest. You look into his eyes, one word on the tip of your tongue. 
You. Just say it. You want him. Tell him. 
But you say nothing. 
Baekhyun sighs. "That's what I thought." He says,  moving away from you and picking up your dress from the floor. He hands it to you, leaning in to press his lips against your temple. "Call me when you know what you want." He says, walking away from you and out the door. 
What did that mean? Did he want you like you wanted him? Why couldn't you have just told him right then and there? 
You were scared. You were scared of rejection, you were scared he didn't mean it, maybe his feelings towards you weren't real. But then again, you would never know unless you talked to him. 
Later that night you laid in your bed, thinking about Baekhyun. You couldn't sleep, so you grabbed your purse and your keys, drive aimlessly around town. A little while later, you glance at the clock that reads 2am, you park your car and you pull out your phone and call him. You felt like you were going to vomit as the phone rang. 
"Hello?" A groggy voice answered. 
"You." You whisper through the speaker. "I want you."  
"Y/N." He breathes. 
"Open the door, Baekhyun." You whisper. 
You can hear him get out of bed and stomp towards the front door. He pulls it open and there you are, your phone pressed against your ear, wearing a nightshirt and shorts. 
"I want you." You say again, pulling the phone away from your ear. 
Baekhyun pulls you inside, slamming the door behind you before pinning you against the front door. 
"Fuck it." He groans, crashing his lips against yours, pulling your body in closer to his. His hands roaming your body as he slides his tongue into your mouth. His hands move under your shirt and up your torso, cupping a bare breast. He groans into the kiss as he pinches your hard nipple, rolling it between his fingers. He presses his crotch into your leg, allowing you to feel his hard cock pushing against his boxers. 
You reach your hand down, sliding it into his waistband, grabbing his cock and slowly pumping, making his knees buckle. 
"Fuck." He murmurs, breaking the kiss. He leans his head into your neck, placing small kisses as you stroke his cock. 
Suddenly he stands up straight, pulling your hand from inside his boxers. He grabs your hand and leads you to his bedroom. 
"Take off your clothes." He growls. 
You maintain eye contact as you slip your shirt off your body, dropping it to the floor and the shimmy off your shorts, letting them pool around your ankles. You stand there naked in front of Baekhyun who takes in every curve and crevasse of your body. 
"Get on the bed." He whispers. You move to the bed, slowly climbing on and laying on your back. 
"So fucking beautiful." He moans, crawling on top of you. "I just wanna be inside you." He whispers. You nod your head, giving him all the consent he needs. 
Baekhyun spits on his hand, pumping his cock. He lifts your legs over his shoulder before lining him up with your entrance. He pushes himself into you, stretching your pussy out, making you cry out loudly. 
It had been so long for you, you forgot what it felt like to be fucked. Your hands grip the bed sheets as Baekhyun slides his cock in and out of you slowly. 
"How do you want it, baby?" He asks, moving slowly still. 
"Faster." You moan. "Fuck me Baekhyun." 
His eyes become dark after hearing your words. His hands wrap around your ankles as he starts thrusting harder into you, the sound of skin slapping fills the room.
"Oh god." You cry out, your hands cupping your breasts, pinching your nipples as he pumps his cock into you. 
Baekhyun releases one of your legs, placing his thumb between your lips to rub your clit. He rubs in circles, making you clench around him. 
"Just like that." You cry out as you buck your hips. You knew you were going to cum soon, you hadn't had an orgasm since Chanyeol left. 
"Fuck." Baekhyun groans. 
"I'm gonna cum." You scream as he fucks you harder, and continues to rub you. 
Your orgasm hits you, making you scream out in pleasure, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you tighten around Baekhyun once again. 
He groans loudly, suddenly cumming, shooting his load inside of you, breathing heavily as he works through his orgasm. 
"Holy fuck." He sighs, pulling out of you. He lays next to you, and you snuggle into him, not caring about the mess, just being completely and utterly happy in the moment.
"So.." Baekhyun starts off the next morning, as you lay in his bed, tangled in his sheets. You have one leg and one arm sprawled across him as you snuggle in closer to him. "What about Matthew?" He asks.  
"I called him yesterday after you left, and I told him I didn't think things were going to work out, but I would like to remain friends." You explain. 
"And he was fine with that?" He asks. 
"He asked if there was someone else." You sigh. "I told him I wasn't sure, but I hoped and he wished me luck." 
"I didn't like you seeing him." Baekhyun admits. "It hurt but I felt like I couldn't do anything." He says. 
"Why?" You ask. 
"Because.. Chanyeol is my best friend and you were his." He tells you. 
"Chanyeol made his decision, and he chose Maya. I'm free to date whoever I want, and I want you." You whisper. 
"Oh baby girl." Baekhyun growls. "You have no idea what you do to me." He whispers, rolling over on top of you, pressing his lips to yours. You wrap your arms around him, pulling him in closer to you, never having felt so wanted or loved. 
It has been a few months of you and Baekhyun dating, and you've kept it under wraps for the most part, wanting to stay in your little bubble of happiness. But now your friends were getting suspicious and you felt like it was time to tell them. And what other perfect time to tell them then at a dinner party that everyone is attending. 
That night you and Baekhyun had brought a spinach and artichoke dip that you made together and it was the best thing ever. You told Jongdae and his wife the news first, and they were both extremely happy for the both of you. 
Next, Minseok, Suho, Kyungsoo, Kai and Lay were told and they were all happy for you two, except Lay who was disappointed that things didn't work with Matthew, but he was happy that you were happy. 
You all sat around the dinner table when Chanyeol, Sehun and Maya walked in. Things instantly got tense and quiet the minute they entered the room. They hadn't noticed you yet and you could feel the knots forming in your stomach. 
"Hey guys." Chanyeol smiled, looking around the room and then his eyes landed on you and his smile dropped. 
"Hi friends." Maya chirps up, not realizing you were there until Sehun pointed it out, quite loudly and rudely. 
"Why is she here?" He asks, nodding his head towards you. 
"Because she's our friend." Jongdae pipes up, glare at Sehun.
"It's just weird." Maya comments, sitting down at the table. You ball your hands into fists under the table. Baekhyun reaches under the table, grabbing your hand to calm you down, showing you he's there and has your back. 
"It's not weird, actually." Baekhyun pipes up. "What's weird is coming to a gathering when you know no one here likes you. That's weird." He says, looking at Maya. 
"Baek." Chanyeol sighs. "She's my girlfriend." He says, as if that's a good enough reason. 
"Okay." Baekhyun says. "And she's mine." He says, nodding towards you. "So tell your girl to show some respect." 
"You're what?" Chanyeol asks, staring at you and Baekhyun, not even acknowledging the fact that Maya is sitting there with her mouth open and offended. "You're dating my ex-girlfriend?" 
"I am." Baekhyun says, not caring about Chanyeol's reaction anymore. 
"You.. you can't do that." He says. 
"And why not?" Baekhyun wonders. "You left her. You chose that over this amazing woman. You have no right to be angry here. You broke her, tore her apart and I'm putting the pieces back together." 
"I don't want her here." Maya pouts. 
"And no one wants you here." You chime in. You were tired of her and she had only been here for a few minutes. 
"Chanyeol." She whines, nudging him but he's still not paying attention to her, only looking at you and Baekhyun. 
"So.. what did you guys bring?" Lay asks, nodding towards their dish.
"Buffalo chicken dip." Maya says, with a smile.
You burst out laughing, rolling your eyes. "You mean you're still making the recipe that Chanyeol and I made together?" You ask with a smile on your face. 
Maya's smile instantly drops, looking at you with disgust. "Chanyeol." She yells. 
"What?" He snaps, turning to look at her. 
"Do something." She whines. 
"You don't have to do anything, man. We're gonna go. Thanks for having us, Jongdae. It's been interesting." Baekhyun says. He looks at you and holds out his hand. "Ready?" He asks you. You smile at him, taking his hand and walking out, hand in hand with the man who made you the happiest you've been. 
A few days later you're in your apartment, singing and dancing as you clean up the place. You no longer missed Chanyeol, his name no longer brought pain to your heart, seeing things that reminded you of him no longer made you cry. You had Baekhyun now, and he treated you like a queen. 
You're walking past your front door when you hear a faint knock. You open it slightly and see an exhausted looking Chanyeol standing on the other side. 
"Can we talk?" He asks. 
You didn't want to hear what he had to say, but you decided to be nice and let him in. 
"What?" You ask, sitting on your couch as he stands in front of you. 
"I fucked up." He blurts out. "I should have never chosen Maya over you. I didn't realize what I was doing at the time, Y/N, please forgive me. I miss you. I miss us. We were great together." He breathes. 
You're shocked. You had spent weeks crying over him, wishing for him to come to you and say these words to you but now it was too late. 
"You're a little too late now." You say to him.
"I know you're with Baekhyun, but I had you first." He says. 
You scoff at him. "How dare you? How could you come here months after you left me for Maya and beg for me back when I'm finally happy again? It took a long time for me to be okay. Baekhyun has been there for me, he was the one who helped put me back together. You chose Maya. You made your bed." You yell. "Get out Chanyeol." 
"Y/N please." He begs. 
"No, you need to leave. I don't want you. I don't love you anymore." You tell him.
Chanyeol walks out the door, looking back at you with tears in his eyes. You felt no remorse for him. You had felt the way he was feeling, it was his own fault and you refused to be torn apart by him  again. Chanyeol was now your past, and Baekhyun was your future and you couldn't be happier about it. 
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Note: This is for @afriendlyblackhottie​​ Brat and Birthday challenge. Happy Bday Month 🎉🎈🎊🎂🍰! I chose Cupid by 112. Chris art work by @nix-akimbo​ she is amazing here is the original.
Summery: Ransom likes a bridesmaid.
Warning: Daddy Kink, gag, oral (reader receives), sex
Groomsman Band member Ransom x Black Reader, Knives out Alternative Universe
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Leaning in the archway of the reception hall you sighed watching the newlyweds dance their first dance. You didn't want to be here. Not after all the shit he put Courtney, the bride, through.
But your bestie was the kind of girl that could not function without a man in her life. He had cheated on her five times, that you knew of. You were sure there was more, but she as well as you were tired of the berating.
It was always the same. He cheated, she cried, you picked up the pieces and then when he was ready she would go back. Pathetic.
"Aw don't pout princess your day will come" your eyes rolled at the sound of his voice. You had the misfortune to be linked with Ransom, the cousin of the groom. All the other bridesmaids drooled over him, but you weren't impressed. This rich boy was looking to add to his body count so you only interacted with him only when you needed to.
Their family had paid for this whole affair. You nearly punched one of the grooms relatives when she made a remark on Courtney's color choices. They were all on your shit list.
Just ignore him. Its almost over and you will never have to see him again.
As the song ended everyone applauded while you made your way over to the open bar. Your wrist was snagged as you crossed his path. Snatching it back you looked at him as if he grew another head.
"Look you don't want to be here I don't want to be here. Let's be miserable together." He held up his hands in surrender. You were stuck on this island and you were smart enough not to fall for dumb shit so you gave yourself permission to relax.
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You both took over an empty table in the back of the massive hall. Ransom disappeared for a bit, then returned with two bottles of champagne and two glasses. The bar was an open bar, but you were sure they weren't handing out bottles left and right.
"OK let's play a game to pass the time." Ransom proposed as he approached.
"Game? What kind of game?" You waited curiously. Sitting the glasses and bottles down Ransom proceeded to pop the cork on one of the bottles of Champaign.
"We both take turns pointing out people we think the other would fuck."your mouth fell open with his boldness as he spoke. "If you guess wrong you have to take a sip. Yatta yatta you get it."
"Are you just trying to get me drunk?" You squint at him playfully suspicious.
"Nah, just bored. So come on let's play."
You watched as he poured the glasses to the brim, when he handed you the bubbling glass you thanked him. Ransom moved his chair next to you, sitting shoulder to shoulder so you both were sure to have the same view of the people on the floor.
"Ladies first" he held his glass high. You clinked your glass with his signaling ‘good game’.
"What about her?" You pointed to Courtney's great aunt. The lovely woman was at least eighty-seven, you knew this would be a 'no', but why not start off with a softball.
He gave you a look that made you snort.
"Wow was that a laugh? I seriously didn't think the ice queen was capable. You didn't even smile for the wedding photos. Achievement unlocked." Ransom was full of himself.
"No one is gonna believe I got the frost queen to crack a smile." Ransom boasted.
You took a sip from your glass so you didn't have to reply. There was nothing to smile about. You didn't approve of this wedding so you weren't going to act like you were. Courtney was lucky you even agreed to be a bridesmaid.
"OK my turn." He observed the crowded floor, before finding his mark. "Glasses two o'clock."
You searched out 'Glasses' and scoped him out. Tall, put together nicely. "Yep."
"Really?" He gave you a look, that made it hard to fight back the curl of your lip.
"Yep..I have particular taste." You say casually with a shrug.
"Well all right to each his own I guess."
"My turn" you stopped for a beat then found her. " Oh what about her?" you pointed to a tall slender blonde.
"Ugh no...That's my aunt."
"Oooops....My bad... let me see who else, umm" you looked around the room, but he only looked at you.
"Oh! Oh! Her" you pointed to Stephani, a younger cousin of Courtney's. Thick thighed, uber fit college student.
"You can't go twice. Take your sip."
"What that was your aunt that cant count" you argued back.
"A no is a no" he tutted.
"Fine" you gulped from your glass and waited your turn.
"OK my turn. Hmm...What about him" he pointed to an older man that was chatting up a bridesmaid that was way to young for him.
"Eww nah not my type, but he might have gotten a yes back in the day." You tilted your head with a smirk.
"Oh thank gawd. That's my dad."
"What the fuck? Dude gross" you slapped at his shoulder and laughed. Ransom rubbed it fanning pain.
"Hey you picked my aunt" he chuckled with you.
"Yeah but I didn't know she was your aunt!"
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After finishing the first bottle you started to feel loose. Ransom's arm stretched out along the back of your chair, slyly rubbing circles on your bare arm, while you leaned snuggled into his side as you both continue to people watch.
"So what do you do?" You asked him.
Ransom was silent for a moment. Taking a long swig from the glass before looking over at you and sighing.
"I'm in a band."
"Oh really, is that your little hobby you do before you take over the board seat at your grand-papa's company?" you bit back a laugh. Ransom frowned at you, but you didn't care.
You knew of the older Thrombey, the famous author and owner of a publishing house. Through rehearsal you watched the interactions between the two and you knew that Ransom was the favorite of the acclaimed writer's brood.
"I don't want anything to do with that company believe it or not. I love music always have."
"Must be nice to play in a band bankrolled by a publishing house. What are y'all called 'Blood and Rock'" you laughed at the ridiculousness of it.
"Ha wrong again. We're called 'Coffee and Roses'. And I've been cut of financially ever since I got these bad boys" Ransom shimmed out of his blazer and rolled up his sleeves. His well toned arms were completely covered in ink. When he pulled down his collar you were able to see the massive art work that encompassed his neck, you bit into your bottom lip as he allowed you to ogle him. "This art work was not board approved " he joked. The booze mixed with Ransom's rocker bod was starting to lower your inhibitions and you needed to put a stop to it.
"Your cousin is a piece of shit." You changed the subject before taking a pull from your glass.
"Yeah well he gets that from his dad, he's always been an asshole."
"Apples don't fall far do they?" You snipped. When Ransom didn't respond you looked over, he was looking at his father who had now moved on to another pretty young thing.
"He made a mistake and he is fixing it." Ransom replied, suddenly in defense of his cousin.
The mistake in question was a child, by another woman. That baby you thought would be the final straw to break the camels back.
"Diamonds don't fix problems." You didn't come from money, but you knew that this wedding was a band-aid. And once it got wet you wondered what would be the gift for the next 'mistake'.
The groom had always bought his way out of his binds. The more he fucked up the more money he poured on it. This wedding you couldn't even fathom the cost. The wedding ring alone looked like it could choke a horse. And this destination wedding on his dime made you think on what happened in the interim leading up to this event.
"You're a really good friend. She's lucky that she has someone that cares so much." You both stared into the distance at the couple. They danced and smiled at each other so happy, but you felt sick. Ransom's sweet words made you immediately suspicious of his intent, his cousin had a habit of talking sweet, but he was a fucking snake. You weren't going to end up like Courtney.
"Look don't think that just because we got all chummy that all of a sudden I am gonna want to bang one out." You hit your glass on the table harder than you meant to, it tipped over and spilled out the rest of your drink.
When a little bit of the liquid trickled off the table and hit your dress you pushed away from the table. Just a tiny bit, nothing major to fuss about, but you had hit your limit. You'd done the wedding, you took the pictures and you stuck around for the reception. It was time to go.
You weren't about to be some random rich kids one night stand. So you stormed off. Thankfully the ball room was not far from the adjoining hotel. Marching you fumed and you cursed your friend for being this dumb, yourself for not doing more to stop this and almost falling for Ransom's charm. Mashing the buttons you thought of changing your number, wiping your hands from this friendship and looking into an overnight flight back home.
How much worse would it be now that she was legally married to that douche bag. The thought of them having kids only served to further irked you.
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Before the elevator door could close a hand sliced down the middle, halting the closure.
You stood stunned as Ransom appeared out of breath and in-between the open doors.
**"Baby, I'm so tired of the way you turn my words into deception and lies"**
Ransom consumed the space between you two. Your ass hit the hand rail as the doors closed.
"I am not my father, I am not my cousin. I liked you." His confession made your heart flutter.
Don't be stupid. He is the same as the rest of his family. Don't fall for his game.
His hands rested on the bar on either side of your hips as he stood toe to toe with you. You rolled your eyes and scoffed turning away from him, unable to keep staring into those eyes.
**Don't misunderstand me when I try to speak my mind I'm only saying what's in my heart**
With one finger he brought your focus back to him. You frowned at him, you weren't weak. You weren't falling for him no matter how much your body wanted to throw in the towel.
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**Cupid doesn't lie** He leaned in close and you held your breath as your heart raced.
**But you won't know unless you give it a try** Ransom whispered over your lips before kissing you gently. You broke down allowing him to invade your mouth. His lips felt soft and his firm arms a welcome feeling as they wrapped around you.
The elevator dinged loudly and you pulled back. Your lipstick smeared on his mouth made for a funny sight. Looking at the number it was your floor then back at him.
**Give it a try** Ransom pleaded.
A switch flipped inside you. Angry at yourself you pushed past him and marched to your hotel room.
He is just a spoiled rich kid trying to have fun. Don't fall for it. You try and convince yourself.
He shouted as the doors closed and you tried to ignore him.
**Cupid doesn't lie**
He shouted again. You halted, but refused to look.
"All men lie" You stopped as you replied back at him. There wasn't a woman in your life that wasn't hurt and you didn't want to join that club. You wanted to protect yourself at all cost. You heard the elevator doors close so you let out a sigh of relief.
What if you were wrong. What if he was right? A nagging thought bubbled in your mind. He was fun, you felt at easy around him. Some part of you yearned for him to come back.
You were so lost in your own head that you hadn't heard him rush up behind you. Ransom quickly spun you around, his eyes boring into your soul. The sight of which made it hard to stay angry.
**"Oh baby, true love won't lie...But we won't know unless we give it a try"**
He kissed you again. This time more hungry than before, so much so it took your breath away as he pulled back.
**"Give it a try"** he pleaded yet again.
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It was hard to get the door open with Ransom latched onto your face. Fumbling with the key you tried blindly several times to get the card in the slot with your back pressed hard against the door.
Frustrated Ransom snatched the card and opened the door for you.
"Thanks Daddy" you teased, looking up through your lashes at him.
"Daddy huh?" The grin that grew on his face was devilish indeed. "So that's it...You act all bratty to get Daddy to react. Huh?"
Scooping you off your feet he carried you across the threshold. You were so surprised that he was able to handle your weight with ease, as he walked you over to the bed, before tossing you.
"Keep the dress on and pull your tits out" he command as he furiously unbuttoned his shirt.
You marveled at the fit rocker. He revealed more tats as he opened his shirt. Pushing down your off the shoulder strap you yanked your top down. Your half bra going down with it, allowing your breast to bounce free.
"Stand up."
Without a word you rose to your feet.
"Turn around."
Again you followed his orders. The way he commanded you made your need soak through your panties.
"Gonna come deep in that pretty pussy, show you who you belong to" Ransom taunted into the shell of your ear. "Say ahh."
The neck tie that had long since come undone was now being wrapped around your open mouth, wrapping it  quickly then knotting the fabric.  
Once secure Ransom proceeded to massage your breast from behind. As he tweaked your nipples you felt his cock, hard and stiff pressed into your ass.
You pushed and rubbed against it toying with him, the hum that buzzed from his lips almost sounded primal. "Nothing but a big tease huh? Daddy's going to show you what he thinks about teases."
Pushing you over on the bed you yelped through your gag. Looking over your shoulder you watched as Ransom bunched up the fabric of your dress, tossing it over your hips to expose your ass.
Feeling cocky you twerked your ass before him, the look in his eye showed that he approved of the sight. Ransom palmed your cheeks with both his hands, kneading the soft tissue as he rubbed his erection on you.
One hand moved around your hips and on the outer-lining of your panties.
"Fuck baby girl is that all for me?" Ransom's finger pulled at the elastic that touched your bud. He felt the drenched panties and pulled them back until they snapped back in place.
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"Fuck baby girl" he purred.
Ransom lowered himself onto his hunches, pulling your panties down with them. You felt his tongue lapping gently at your folds. The sensation sending shivers throughout your body.
His tongue separated your lips, you knees wanted to cave at the tantalizing feel of him. Through your gag you moaned, the slow torture of his feasting was bringing you close to the finish line.
Ransom sucked hard on your bare mound adding a finger as he rose to his feet. "You taste so sweet baby." He praised as he curled his fingers inside of you.
"Do you want to come on my cock or my fingers?" He asked as your cunt tensed around his digits. Ransom knew you were getting close and you hoped he would choose the former.
"I cant hear you" he added another digit as you begged through your gag. You wanted to feel him all of him, but there was no way to make your answer clear through the fabric.
"Well, if you are not going to answer I will pick for you."
Ransom knew what you wanted, even with your desperate mumbling. Kicking your legs father apart he then removed his fingers. You whimpered at the lack of touch, but you were also thrilled to finally get what you really wanted.
The sound of his zipper going down made you antsy. You danced on the heels of your feet with anticipation of his next move.
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Ransom took his cock in one hand while he spread one of your cheeks with the other. He rubbed his cock against the deep pink within your folds.
Toying with you as you mumbled through the tie. His pre-cum mixed with your juices as he pressed his tip hard against your opening.
"Are you gonna be a good girl from me?" He teased. You furiously nodded 'yes'.
You felt the pressure of him entering you as drool seeped past your gag. "Do you belong to me?" He halted, the sudden stop drove you crazy. Again you nod and shouted 'yes' through your restraint.
"Good girl."
Ransom filled you to your core, only stopping when you sheathed him completely. You gripped the fabric of the hotel duvet, you hadn't expected him to be so big.
The slapping of flesh on flesh filled the room. His moans mixed with the sounds of your sloppy sex were enough to send you over the edge.
Ransom controlled the pace, his length undeterred by your lack of space to take him in. You cried through your gag as he sent jolts through your body. "You were made for me" he proclaimed as he snapped his hips into you.
Your mewls were muffled by the tie, but you were sure whoever was in the room next to you could still make out what was happening here.
"Fuck" he growled as he fucked you into the bed. "I'm gonna fill you up."
"Gonna make you nice and round" he slapped your ass as he thrusted. You felt your core tighten.
"Fuck Daddy I want to come on your cock!" You finally shouted as the gag finally slipped from your lips.
"Come in me Daddy!" You felt him twitch inside you at your desperate pleading.
"Oh baby girl your tempting me."
"Please!" You panted.
"Fuck" Ransom shouted as he shot his load inside you. You felt him coat you as you milked him dry.
Ransom fell on-top of you and your knees buckled, causing you both to fall forward onto the bed. Ransom moved off you, sweaty and exhausted. "Don't think that I'm done with you yet."
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stovetuna · 3 years
Oh! Oh! Your Tony-finally-accepts-Steve-Loves-him fic was so lovely. A+ 🥺
And the reverse-ish! The first time Steve realizes Tony doesn’t actually believe him when he says I love you and how Steve both reacts and comes to term with the situation (does he plan on talking about it? Love offensive with super romantic dates? Figure out that the solution to this problem a marathon not a sprint?)
aaaaaahhh I am gonna EXPIRE
can you imagine?? the moment I think about it my heart absolutely BREAKS in the best, most bittersweet way, because oh, Steve. you really thought the moment you kissed Tony the first time—you were sitting next to him on the living room sofa, a whole empty seat on either side of you because you were so unnecessarily close together, but then you were struck by the thought not close enough, and you were in the middle of listening to and watching Tony watch the Lost in Space reboot (so many science critiques you didn't understand a lick of but you are more than happy to play audience to the things Tony cares about, loudly) when you leaned forward and placed a lingering kiss on the corner of Tony's motormouth, which apparently was all the invitation Tony needed to crawl into your lap and press his warm, warm, warm lips to yours and kiss the breath out of you—he understood.
because it was so easy to go from best friends to romantic partners, and you had years of friendship between you to hearken back to. Plenty of moments when you thought you'd made it clear to Tony that you loved him, that you cared about him, that you admired and respected and yes, deep down (not that deep, really) were very much attracted to him.
you thought.
so when you kiss the first time, you think he knows. when you go on your first real date and play footsie all night under the table and hold hands the whole walk home, you think he knows. when, a few days later, he slides inside you, deep and hard and wet, and butterfly-kisses the tears from your eyes and tells you how beautiful you are as he fucks you, wailing, into the mattress, you know, down to your soul, to the basest atoms of your existence, that Tony loves you as much as you love him.
but something isn't right, because even as weeks, months go by, and you move into Tony's suite and fall asleep wrapped around him almost every night (except those when he's in another country, and the bed is almost as cold as the ice, or when he's consumed by some project in the workshop and loses track of time), and you tell each other "I love you" out loud multiple times, and say it without words in a million other ways, you get the feeling that Tony. doesn't. believe you?
you're baffled. genuinely, it doesn't make sense. you've loved each other for years. even when you fought, bloody and fierce and deeply, horrifically wrong, you loved each other. it wouldn't have hurt nearly as much—felt like a piece of you being ripped away, phantom pain aging you inwardly until every step in any direction that wasn't toward Tony was agony—if you didn't.
but even though Tony says it back, and he does, every time, even when you're yelling at each other after a battle goes "tits-up," thank you, Logan, he has this look in his eyes, and the only word you've been able to put to it is doubt.
at first you think it means Tony doubts you—your feelings, your intentions, yourself and all the baggage that entails—but that thought quickly passes. because you know he doesn't. you know, from experience, that Tony's worst thoughts and feelings very rarely have anything to do with anyone other than himself. which means Tony doubts himself. maybe even reality. not in a "you might be a Skrull" kind of way, but in a "this is too good to be true" kind of way.
and doesn't that just break your fucking heart.
for months you watch this doubt flicker like a guttering little flame in Tony's bright blue eyes, every time you say "I love you, Tony" with your voice. it's never there when you're brushing your teeth next to other in the morning, bumping hips and giggling like the children you never got to be; it's not there when you silently hand him his coffee and kiss him on the temple on his way out the door to a morning meeting, grousing on the phone even as he blows a kiss to you before the elevator doors close; it's not there when you sit down next to him after a battle, on the steps of some middle-of-nowhere courthouse that just got blown up by some no-name villain, taking unspeakable comfort in the radiating heat coming off the armor that kept Tony safe in combat, and without having to ask or say anything at all Tony takes the helmet off and you lean your foreheads together and just breathe each other's air, too relieved and too exhausted to kiss; it's not there when you make love to him, slowly, excruciatingly sweet, your hips rolling in a steady, undulating wave between Tony's long, golden thighs, his arms loose around your neck, his gorgeous voice gone raspy and quiet from screaming through two orgasms already, and you tell him to look at you as you come together one last time.
it's only when you say it. put words to it. make it real. that's when that banked ember of doubt flickers to life, and it feels like you have to start all over again. which isn't a hardship, per se. not at all, really. it's an honor and a privilege and an absolute pleasure to be a part of Tony's life like this. it's also frustrating, and infuriating, and dangerous, but that was always the case. the only difference is now, you can have make-up sex.
you fight about it first. it starts out in earnest, a forthright—if frighteningly vulnerable—conversation over dinner that turns into a shouting match to rival anything from the war that of course gets cut short by the Avengers alarm going off and having to Assemble before you can clear the air. he almost dies in the battle, short-circuited by an exceptionally advanced EMP that takes out the RT (and whoo, boy does that make you spiral, thinking back, to the moment you did that to Tony, almost killed him, and thinking those thoughts while you keep vigil at his bedside for days makes you wish harder than you ever have before in your life that you could drink yourself to death), and you're too relieved when he opens his eyes and the first word out of his mouth is your name, like he's the one who should be relieved, to bring it up again.
you love him. he loves you. it works. better than that, it's good. and eventually—quickly, even—you learn. you learn tell him in every which way you can think of, without words, how much you love him, and why. you text him pictures from your runs through Central Park (he makes the photo you sent him that spring, of the adolescent raccoon emerging from a hollowed-out tree, his lock screen for a week before he changes it back to a picture of you in bed drooling onto your pillow). you help him take off the armor when he's dead on his feet. you feed him. you train with him. you listen to him ramble on about bad movie science and cheer when Matt Damon mentions him in that Mars movie. (You literally cry laughing when Tony picks up the phone at the end of the movie and calls Matt Damon and tells him to text him next time, "I'll come pick you up, just stop getting lost in fucking space, asshole!")
you kiss his scarred fingers, with their fresh cuts and scrapes and bruises from working in the shop, with a reverence. you draw baths for him and don't join, even though it's one of your favorite things to do in the world, because you can just tell Tony is going through something and he needs the space to work it out for himself. you're always there to fish him out when the water gets cold, and by that time Tony's ready to tell you about whatever's eating him.
you call him every foul, dirty name in the book when you fuck him loudly against the wall and sob yourself hoarse when he makes love to you for what feels like hours, so slow and deep and steady you honestly lose track of how many times you come. you clean him up after and tuck him in. you kiss him on the forehead before you go on your morning run, every morning without fail (except for those when you're apart, and you still, even after almost two years, catch yourself mid-motion sometimes, about to kiss empty air—you text Tony about it and he laughs every time).
you learn to be patient. you learn to show more than you tell. because you realize that Tony was lied to his entire life, about so many things. Lied to his face about who he was, who he was going to be, who he never would be allowed to be. Told over and over again by liars and cheats and villains and friends and lovers and family that he wasn't worth the effort of loving. that he would never be loved for anything other than the black credit card in his wallet, the cars in his garage, the houses and the private jets and the clothes and the money and the things he invented—the things he made—that were supposed to help people but only ever ended up killing them.
money, and blood.
it's no wonder he doubts.
so you set yourself to the long and genuinely joyous (if at times frustrating) task of convincing Tony that not only do you love him, more than you've loved anything else in your life, ever will, but he is lovable. not worthy of love, not deserving, and he is those things, but inherently—he is a sweet, caring, kind, fierce, sexy, strong, dangerous, incredible, dorky, suave, fumbling genius of a man and he is loved for those things.
it takes time. good things always do.
you've had a little velvet box hidden away in your bottom bedside drawer for four months when Tony wakes up and sees you in bed with him, realizes you've been watching him sleep—so peacefully, the furrow between his brows erased, as you play with his slightly overgrown hair (you wish he'd keep it, but it's a hazard, in your line of work). you kiss him on the forehead and say good morning, sweetheart, because it is, even if it is pouring down rain outside.
maybe especially because it's raining outside. because here you are, high up among thick grey clouds that smother every inch of the city, so it's just you two, in this bed, together in your own little world, and you're watching that stubborn ember of doubt in Tony's eyes finally get washed away.
read part one
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ri-ahhh · 3 years
hi can you write about spending a valentine’s day with gray pls?
valentine’s day smut w/ gray? + more haha sorry couldn’t put them all in
A/N: I’m sorry this is a day late. It was supposed to be 90% smut but somehow it took on a mind of its own and turned into this monster.
warnings: smut, extremely cheesy, way too long
It should be a given understanding that Valentine’s Day is the dumbest, most antiquated, overrated holiday that’s ever existed. That had always been your take on it, even as a little kid — the worry of spelling your classmates’ names correctly on cards imprinted with cheesy Scooby Doo and Spongebob puns; the expectation to dress up nice in the hopes you would get asked to be someone’s Valentine in the hallways of middle school; the potential embarrassment of being the only person in class who didn’t get bought one of those stupid roses from a ‘secret admirer’ in high school.
There’s simply too much pressure surrounding the idea of professing your love or even your mere fondness for anyone and everyone in your life. The fear of rejection if you do, and the judgement if you don’t. It had always made you anxious, whether you had someone to share the day with or not.
But this Valentine’s Day, as a young twenty-something, you were actually (secretly) looking forward to it. Conner was your first adult relationship, with the title of ‘boyfriend’ and ‘girlfriend’ and labels and commitment. He’s cute and smart and charming and yours. So, sue you if you were quietly anticipating wearing that SavageXFenty set beneath a brand new dress while you went to dinner after being greeted at the door with roses and a box of chocolates.
And yet here you are, on February 14th, hood of your sweater drawn over your head as you rummage through your freezer with a clear target in your mind. Your eyes are blurry and swollen, but you find the pint of birthday cake Nada Moo with ease, and you slam the freezer door closed a little harder than you really mean to as soon as it’s in your grasp.
You’ve just popped the lid off when your phone buzzes on the kitchen counter where you’ve plopped down to eat your depression snack in a more acceptable place than your bed or the couch.
You see Grayson’s name accompanied by a goofy, up-close picture of him smiling filling the screen, and hesitate. He’s one of your best friends, and clearly done nothing wrong, but you’re not sure you’re capable of handling anyone of the male species right now after...everything.
At the end of the day, though, it’s Grayson. He knows heartbreak almost better than anyone, and you’ve coached him through it on more than one occasion. Maybe he can spew back some of your own advice if it comes to that.
You swipe the bar at the bottom of the screen, and your ceiling suddenly replaces the image of his silly, handsome face. “Sup?”
“Yo. Am I interrupting anything? Sorry, just remembered what day it is.”
You swallow. “Uh no, you’re not.”
“What’s wrong?”
You bite your lip hard, digging your spoon into the softened ice cream. Was it that obvious just from your voice that you had been upset? Or does he just know you that well?
“You sound like you’ve been crying.”
“I’m fine.”
“Don’t lie. Let me see your face.”
There’s a beat of silence, and you concede. “No. I’ve been crying.”
He’s quiet, and you can’t bring yourself to look at his own face in the corner of the screen. You shove the chunk of ice cream past your lips, and after a moment he says with a softer tone, “Crying on Valentine’s Day is never a good sign.”
You’re glad that you’ve gotten so much of your tears out already, because you feel the inevitable prickle behind your eyes that would have been full-blown waterworks a few hours ago. You scoop another bite. “Conner cheated on me — has been, cheating on me. I found out last night.”
Grayson sighs your name, and something about the genuine sympathy in his voice makes you even more emotional. “Fuck. I’m so sorry. What a piece of shit.”
You shrug even though he can’t see, and sniffle past the lump in your throat. “It’s whatever. I’m still in shock more than anything. Hurts like hell, though, still. I let him have it when I saw the texts and he hasn’t tried to call me once. No texts. Nothing.”
He’s silent, but it’s that raging silence you know oh so well from him. It doesn’t happen often, but anyone who knows Grayson Dolan knows that when his volume comes down, he means business. A loud and obnoxious Grayson is a happy one, but a brooding and quiet one means serious business.
“Do you want me to go beat his ass? I’ll do it.”
A smile cracks your scowl before you know it, and you shake your head. “No thanks, Gray. As much as I’d love to see that happen, I like your face the way it is. And not on a mugshot.”
He chuckles a little, and you feel your chest lift some just hearing the familiar depth of it. “Well, do you at least want me to come over later? I totally get if you need to be alone, but I know from experience sometimes what helps the most is having good friends around.”
You’re a little surprised. “You don’t have a date?”
“No one from the roster hitting you up?”
“I don’t have a roster,” he argues playfully, but you both know that’s a lie, if not at least a stretch of the truth. “And even if I did, you’re more important. Always.”
You sigh and take another bite. His words make your neck tingle and your toes wiggle, but you ignore it; your brain is full of confusion as it is. “That makes one man in my life who thinks so, I guess.”
You finally prop your phone up against the fruit basket sitting in the middle of your bar so he can see you. Grayson takes in your image, which admittedly must look kind of pathetic, and you watch his jaw clench and release in a way that you can’t deny is utterly sexy.
“Is an hour okay? Tell Vanessa to come, too.”
“Benito took her to Tulum for the weekend,” you say, referring to your best friend and her boyfriend. “She did threaten to get on a plane and come home early for me, though.”
Grayson grins crookedly, but his jaw is still tight. “Well, tell her you’re in good hands. See you in an hour?”
You give it one last quick consideration; you already feel this much better just talking to him on the phone. Nothing bad could come from him being in your apartment, and you trust him. “Yeah, that’s fine. But just so you know, I’m already at the stage of eating ice cream at 10:30 AM.”
“Did you forget you’re talking to the emotional ice cream eating champion? No judgement here.”
You finally let out a giggle, your spirits officially lifted. “I’ll see you soon.”
True to his word, Grayson arrives at your door about an hour later, his arms laden with milkshakes from Monty’s, a gift bag decorated all over with sparkly hearts, and a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.
You’re stunned. The only thing you’d managed to do in the time it took him to get here was take a quick shower in attempts to rid your face of some of the puffiness, throw on some shorts this time with a fresh hoodie, and toss the used tissues scattered around your place into the garbage.
Before you can say anything, he holds out the flowers. “They were out of roses. But I know you like pink.”
You reach out for them slowly, eyes wide, your fingers brushing his when you grasp the plastic wrapping. His cheeks are a similar color to the petals, and it makes both your heart and your lips smile.
“Peonies are my favorite,” you say truthfully. “And yes, especially pink ones. Thank you, Gray.”
“You’re welcome,” he says, sounding relieved.
As he crosses the threshold of your door, he leans down to kiss your cheek, and you can’t help but hum quietly and pull him in for a hug. “That gift better not be for me, either,” you mumble into his chest.
Grayson pulls back, his eyes sparkling, but keeps you close with an arm wrapped loosely around your shoulders. “Oh, this? No, this is for my other best friend I’m trying to cheer up on Valentine’s Day.”
You slap his arm playfully, and lead him into your kitchen, pulling out a vase from the cabinet beneath your sink for the flowers.
The bag has a few gifts in it: a new Comfy (“I remembered you ruined yours when that ketchup bottle exploded all over you the other day”); a huge bag of watermelon sour patch kids (“I know they’re your favorite. Also ice cream gives you brain freeze after the first pint or so, trust me”); and a heart shaped box of your favorite chocolates (“you can eat them or burn them, I wasn’t sure which you’d appreciate more but either is fine with me.”)
You appreciated all of it, more than he would ever understand. All you can do is fling yourself at him weakly, completely overwhelmed. “Fuck you, you’re gonna make me cry all over again.”
Grayson envelops you in those huge, muscular arms, cooing behind that laugh you love so much. “Is that a really backwards way of saying thank you?”
You grunt in affirmation, and with you still wrapped up in his arms, he starts waddling the two of you back the short distance into your living room.
“Here,” he says, coaxing you down into the blanket nest you had created on the couch. “You chill and find a movie. I’ll make popcorn.”
You do, and he does, and the next few hours are spent lounging about in your apartment. Having him here with you is doing wonders from keeping your mind from going down the paths you’d been spiraling towards ever since you saw the messages between Conner and no less than four other girls on Snapchat. You don’t believe in snooping, but finding the first one had been an accident when he received the snap while you had his phone, and your finger happened to press the icon at just the right moment. 
In your eyes, though, the image of one pair of tits that weren’t your own was enough justification to see what else you could find. 
“I hate to admit it, but I’m kind of relieved,” you told Grayson a while later, Shrek playing on the TV quietly. He’s sitting next to you, far enough apart for there to be couch space between the two of you, but close enough to share the oversized blanket thrown over your laps. “Obviously what he did is so fucking shitty and I’m not justifying it in any way, but I can be honest with myself now and realize I wasn’t in that relationship for the right reasons. There wasn’t anything there emotionally at the end of the day.”
“You still have every right to feel hurt by what he did, though. It’s a huge violation of trust,” Grayson assures, reaching out and squeezing your hand gently.  
You squeeze back and grimace at him. “Yeah.” You let out a little mirthless laugh and shake your head, heat flooding your cheeks. “It’s so embarrassing, too. And finding out the day before Valentine’s, no less. Like, I just wanted to look cute, have a nice dinner, have some nice sex, and just... I don’t know. Have an actual Valentine’s day for once. No pressure or anxiety or anything.”
Grayson stares at you in that way he does — so intense and almost intimidating if there wasn’t a genuine warmth behind it. You’re suddenly aware of his thumb brushing the back of your hand slowly. He squeezes your fingers again. 
“So, let’s do it, then. You and me.”
You arch a brow at him, smiling at the rosiness in his cheeks when he realizes what he might have implied. “The dinner part, I mean. And the dressing up. Even though I think you look plenty cute right now.”
You roll your eyes, but for the countless time that day, your heart flutters happily. Looking back, you can’t remember the last time Conner had complimented your appearance, let alone after hours of crying and lazing around in sweats, sugar crystals stuck to the corner of your lip. 
“That would be great, except there’s no way we’re getting into any restaurant at this point,” you remind him. “Probably no delivery, either.”
“I’ll cook for you,” he counters, throwing the blanket off his legs and standing up with a groan. He stops to stretch, and the way his arms go over his head makes his shirt ride up at the bottom, exposing a chunk of hard muscles and golden skin. 
You swallow, eyes trailing up the rest of his torso appreciatively. “I don’t have much.”
He’s already rummaging through your pantry, though, and pulls out a half-full box of pasta, a jar of marinara sauce, and a leftover chunk of sourdough bread. “You got salad stuff?”
You nod, and he opens the fridge to find some lettuce, peppers, and other salad fixings before setting them with the pasta ingredients on the counter. “Go get dressed, look as cute or not cute as you want. I’ll take care of this.”
He’s absolutely unreal. “Gray-”
Grayson holds up his hand. “Ah, no, I’m doing this. You deserve it. Also, I’m hungry. It’s a win-win.”
Your stomach growls as well, and that’s all the convincing you need. While he gets busy in the kitchen, you tidy up the living area some before heading to your room. You feel a little silly, making your third outfit change of the day, but you also like the giddiness in the pit of your belly at the thought of Grayson doing all of this for you. You might as well take advantage of having someone like him in your life. Show him some Valentine’s appreciation of your own.
You forgo the slinky red number you had planned to wear to the restaurant with Conner, and opt instead for a rather unsuspecting blouse-jeans combo, which happen to both respectively frame your tits and ass perfectly.
The lacy, bright pink set in the back of your closet might have made it beneath your clothes, though. The prettiness of it made you feel that much better, even if no one else was going to see it.
Padding back into your kitchen after running a flat iron through your hair and throwing on some concealer, mascara, and lip gloss, you find Grayson draining the pasta into a colander in the sink. 
Grayson does a double-take when he sees you standing there admiring the flex of his bicep as he holds the pot. “Hey! You look amazing.”
“If you say so,” you joke, bumping his hip with yours as. You pass him to pull plates and bowls out of the cabinet.
“I do,” he insists quietly.
Arm outstretched mid-reach, you look over at him, locking eyes with his hazel ones. He looks a little surprised by the words that left his mouth, like he meant for them to stay inside his head. There must be some kind of challenge in your gaze, daring him to elaborate.
He busies himself with the pasta again hastily, his voice low. “Conner is a fucking idiot. To do that to you. To let you go. You don’t deserve that. Especially not today.”
Plates in hand, you rest them gently on the counter with your lower lip caught between your teeth, and peer over at this handsome man you’re so proud and lucky to call your best friend. He’s everything you thought Conner was — cute and smart and charming — but so much more — beautiful and good and kind.
And he’s been right here in front of you the whole time.
You reach out and touch his elbow softly. The hairs on his forearm are crisp but soft, and you follow them down to that gleaming watch on his wrist.
“You know,” you start quietly, fingers tracing the links of the band before flipping his hand over to trace the lines of his palm, “you keep talking about what I deserve today. But you deserve all that and more. You deserve someone’s love that matches your own.”
He watches your delicate fingers on his large, calloused palm, then trails his eyes up to yours when he feels their attention on his face. A piece of hair flops into his eyes, and you reach up without thinking or any hesitation to push it away again with a little smile playing on your glossy lips.
You look down and lay your palm flat against his, admiring the difference in size between your hands for a moment before interlocking your fingers with his.
“I love you.”
Your eyes flit up to his in surprise; he beat you to the words.
“In case that wasn’t obvious,” Grayson continues, turning towards you. “And I hope that’s not too much for you to handle, with everything you’ve had hap-”
“I love you too, Gray,” you interrupt, stepping that much closer to him so you’re nearly chest-to-chest with him.
“Yeah?” He sounds almost boyish in his astonishment, and it makes you want to hold him tight and never let go.
“Yeah,” you giggle. “A lot. I’m sorry it took me getting dumped to realize it.”
He shakes his head, his hand resting on your cheek gently. “Can I kiss you?”
You nod once before he’s swiftly ducking down to claim your lips with his. They’re soft and pliable, and you feel their effects from the nerves in your scalp all the way down to your bare toes.
“Grayson,” you breathe, lashes fluttering open as he pulls back just enough to look at you concernedly.
You smile, bigger and brighter than you have all day, and cup his stubbled cheeks with your hands, scratching your nails gently against his jaw. “I just wanted to say your name.”
Grayson grins now, too. He kisses you more insistently now that he’s got the taste of you on his tongue, which he flicks against the underside of your top lip as he breaks the kiss. “Say it again.”
“Make me,” you challenege, voice breathy and excited, eyes closed as you savor his sweet breath against your lips. “In my room.” You feel him tense up a bit, and you open your eyes to meet his questioning gaze, biting back a smile at the inevitable hope also shining there. “I’m sure.”
With that, Grayson hauls you up into his arms, and you wrap your legs around his waist with a squeal as he buries his face into your neck. He starts making the way to your bedroom, cooked food left long forgotten in the kitchen behind you.
“Are you wearing my signature scent?” he asks, inhaling your skin deeply.
“Mmhm,” you hum, threading your fingers through the back of his thick hair. It’s so long again, and you give the dark strands a sharp tug that makes him grunt. “Part one of my gift to you. Since you got so many for me today.”
“Part one, huh?” he says, crossing the threshold of your room. “What’s part two?”
“What I’m wearing underneath this,” you whisper in his ear, giggling loudly when he lies you down on the bed with more of a toss than he might have intended. “If you want it, that is.”
He looks at you like you’ve lost your mind at the mere suggestion that he wouldn’t, and you take that as enough encouragement to tug at the bow tying your forest green silk wrap blouse together.
The folds part open and expose your chest, clad in that pink lace demi-cup bra with the cage detailing over the tops of your breasts. Grayson moans and dips down to nuzzle your cleavage, breathing in the scent of your warm skin. His hands trail up your sides, from your hips to your rib cage, until they settle in the dips of your waist. His touch ignites you, makes your back arch and your hips grind up against his thigh between your legs, just from the sensation of his hands on these new parts of your body.
“Grayson,” you sigh, and he smirks up at you with his chin on your tits when he realizes that’s all it took for you to say his name again.
You grab his cheeks and kiss that smugness away, shifting your legs so they’re wrapped around his waist once again, pushing down on the small of his back to get your centers to meet.
Both of you gasp into each other’s mouths when his erection rubs against your pussy, even through all the layers of clothing still on your bodies. You reach down blindly, still attacking his mouth with yours, and feel around for his belt.
His pants come off, followed by yours, and he sits you up enough to push your blouse off your shoulders rather gently considering the intensity of everything. Once the garment is tossed over his shoulder, you’re down to nothing but that pretty lingerie and he in his boxer briefs.
There’s a moment of pause and clarity for the two of you, staring into one another’s eyes as the reality hits of what you’re about to do. What it means to both of you. Grayson stares down at you, and places a hand over your rapidly thumping heart.
“Beautiful,” he says quietly, dragging his hand up your chest, over your throat, until he’s cupping you’re cheek and stroking your lip with his thumb.
You smile in return, then part your lips with your eyes locked on his, encouraging him silently to slip that digit in your mouth.
Grayson’s eyes darken, and he offers you his pointer finger instead, swallowing hard when you suck and swirl your soft, wet tongue around it.
Suddenly, he’s rolling the two of you over, switching positions so he’s on his back and you straddle him. You smile happily, taking your turn to duck down and attach your lips to the pulse point his neck, grinding down on his cock with a slow, steady rhythm.
“You’re so amazing, Gray,” you tell him, nipping at the lobe of his ear before kissing the underside of his chin. “Can’t believe you’re all mine now.”
“Can’t believe you’re mine,” he growls back, cursing when you trail your kisses down the center of his body, giving each one of those moon’s their own special attention before continuing down.
When you get to the waistband of his underwear, you trail your tongue on the edge of the elastic and watch his abs contract with each shaky breath he takes. One little move of your hands, and you’ll finally get to see what he’s really packing.
But before you can even hook your fingers there to pull down, he’s tugging on your hair. “Fuck, fuck, c’mere. Please.”
You pout, but follow his lead, licking back up his muscular torso until he’s able to drag you to him for a deep, wet kiss.
“Sit on my face,” he demands, shuffling down on the pillow to make more room for you.
That takes you off guard. “But—”
“Do it. Please. I fucking have to taste you.”
Your body must be working ahead of your brain, because before you know it, you’re straddling Grayson’s face, his tongue is sweeping through the wetness in your slit, and his dark eyes are peering up at you from between your thighs.
“Oh... oh!” you cry out when his tongue starts flicking against your clit. He goes back to swiping up all your arousal, then suctions his lips around your clit. He’s using one hand to hold the lace of your thong aside, and the other dips first one finger, then two inside of you. “Oh, fuck, that’s so good...”
Grayson moans, the vibrations erupting around your clit and sending you right to the edge already. You reach back and palm his cock, rock hard in his underwear still, and squeeze as he makes you cum all over his mouth.
He gets his fill of your cum as he groans and keeps up the motion of his fingers, the pressure of his lips, the softness of his tongue as your pussy pulses with each contraction of your orgasm. You wait for him to start letting up, but something about the way he’s working you just makes those waves stay steady rather than die down again. Maybe that’s his intention, because when you drop your head down to look at him with your mouth wet and agape, there’s a sparkling mischief in his eyes has he eats you out like his last meal.
Your hips grind against his face of their own accord, and you delve one hand in his hair while the other supports you on the headboard. You gasp out a quivering, breathless laugh as it all becomes just too much, and you try to lift off his mouth.
Grayson isn’t having it, though. He wraps his arms around your thighs and holds you down, reveling in the moans and whimpers and squeals as he makes you cum again.
“Oh my god — enough, enough, I can’t...” you whine, shoving on his forehead until he releases you and drops his head to the pillow. You could already see it by the crinkles in the corners of his eyes, but he’s smirking wide, chest heaving as you slink your way down his body.
You collapse next to him in a daze, and he rolls on top of you smoothly, peppering little kisses to your cheeks, your jaw, your nose. When you’re back in your right mind, you nudge blindly at his face so his lips find yours. He tastes like your pussy, and you sigh happily as you lift your heavy arms to wrap around his neck while his scoop beneath you, holding you close.
You continue to indulge in each other for a while, in the kisses you hadn’t been allowed to share until now. There’s something exciting about his familiarity and yet also this strange newness that has you absolutely desperate for him in every way.
“This is crazy,” you say when you pull back for air, studying his face hovering right above yours. You push back that stubborn chunk of hair that keeps falling into his eyes with a soft smile. “How did we end up here?”
Grayson turns his head to press his lips to your palm. “I don’t know. Is it too much? Should we stop?”
You shake your head vehemently, and he grins. “No, please. I think I just have to grasp that you’re really... mine now.”
He chuckles. “How do you think I felt watching you with that loser for five months?”
The mention of Conner makes you feel nothing — nothing other than gratitude for Grayson, that is. You slide your hands down his back, over his ribs, across his abs until your hand cups his dick.
His hips thrust into your touch, and you grin up at him demurely as you finally delve your hand past his waistband until you’ve got his length completely in your grasp.
He’s hot and hard and thick, and you start stroking him just to gauge the reaction in his face. He doesn’t disappoint, his jaw gaping open slightly, his breaths picking up, a flush rising to the apples of his cheeks.
Without warning, he reaches down and grasps your wrist. You pout, but he asks hastily. “Are we gonna have sex?”
You smirk. “Hell yeah.”
Grayson grins and shakes his head. “Alright, then you gotta stop.”
“Already?” you tease, letting him sit back and hook his fingers in the tiny string of your thong at your hips.
He gives you a look as he pulls the scrap of lace down your legs, then stands to push down his own underwear. Your mouth waters at the sight of him, and you wish he’d let you blow him some before you hit the main event, but he says, “I’ve wanted you for too long to take any chances about screwing up the first time.”
You melt a little, reaching for him as he climbs back on the bed. “There should be some condoms in the drawer there. Just to be safe after... you know.”
He nods and dips down to kiss you before leaning over to riffle through the top drawer of your nightstand. He comes back with a purple square, which you take from him.
“Gotta practice an activity safely,” you wink, tearing open the condom and rolling it down his shaft quickly.
“Shut up.” Grayson rolls his eyes, but smiles softly as he settles between your legs just right. “I love you.”
“I love you,” you whisper, gasping as he starts to sink inside you.
“Oh, fuck,” he whimpers as your walls suck him in and grip him tight.
He goes slow for a couple of minutes, allowing both of you time to adjust to each other. He stretches you out so much better than anyone you’ve ever been with, and you can’t help but clench around him when you see those tattoos and smell his cologne and hear his voice — all things that remind you that this is Grayson fucking you.
He growls the first time you do it, then sits up hastily, pulling his face out of your neck when you do it again. He tucks his knees beneath him, sits on his heels, and hauls your hips into his lap as the speed of his thrusts picks up incrementally. Until he’s fucking you for real, and your tits bounce in your bra with every upstroke.
You shove an arm beneath your pillow, enunciating the curves of your body, and watch his expressions as he fights to hold back. His hair is disheveled, lip caught tight between his teeth and muffling his deep, satisfied sounds that mingle with your open higher-pitched ones. He catches your eye and his hands on your hips grip you so tight for a moment that you’re sure little bruises will be there in the morning — not that you mind.
“Fuck,” he whispers harshly before slowing his hips and shifting down to give you a deep, sloppy kiss. “Turn over.”
You moan into his mouth, then follow his order, rolling onto your front as soon as he pulls out. You expect him to haul your hips up into the air, but he moves your hair off your neck and trails sweet kisses from shoulder to shoulder, his hand sweeping down the subtle curve of your back until he’s gripping your ass.
Grayson’s hand moves down your thigh and pushes it up and out once he’s cupping the back of your knee. The angle encourages you to twist your upper half until you have sight of him once again in all his angled, sweaty, muscular glory.
“Fuck me, baby,” you beg him, already anticipating the fullness inside you again. Needing it.
“Want me to fuck you?” he asks needlessly, pushing into your pussy once again. You moan loudly, either in confirmation or from pure pleasure, it doesn’t matter. The angle is tighter, the tip of his dick hitting a spot so perfectly accurate inside of you that you can’t concentrate on anything other than how good he’s making you feel. “Yeah. So fucking sexy. So beautiful...”
“Gray.. oh fuck yes, right there,” you whimper, catching onto his arm as he leans over you and gives you those hard, steady strokes.
“Open your eyes, baby, lemme see them when you cum,” he growls out.
You open them as much as you can, your vision blurry, but you can still make out those handsome features soaking in the pleasure on your face. Watching and waiting for you to get yours so he can get his.
As soon as you’re clenching like a vice around him, Grayson is letting go into the condom. You can vaguely feel the throb of him as he cums in spurts, the sound of his masculine, drawn-out groans making you shiver and tense up even more on his dick. If it’s possible for anyone to sound as sexy as they look, Grayson achieves that in spades.
He collapses on the bed next to you, and you have just enough strength to roll over until he’s got you gathered in his arms. You nuzzle into his chest and try to process everything. You had been hoping for nice sex today, and instead you got the best sex of your life.
After a few minutes of comfortable silence while you both catch your breath, after he pulls and ties off the condom, you smile into his cooling skin with a satisfied sigh.
“Thank you for making this the best Valentine’s Day of my life. Especially after it was starting to look like the worst.”
“You made this the best day of my life, period,” he says, kissing your forehead. “Happy Valentine’s Day, sweetheart.”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Gray.”
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escapewithbts · 3 years
Reassurance - Taehyung
Author’s note/warnings(?): insecure y/n, so much angst, tbh Tae is kind of a moody dick(sorry), they still have things to work out at the end let’s be real
You returned home from the grocery store and opened the apartment door to find Taehyung sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. His long black hair was tousled messily upon his head, the curls of his bangs falling into his eyes. He was wearing brown cardigan over a plain white t shirt that was tucked into a pair of olive colored trousers.
   “Hey Tae? Will you please help me put the groceries away?” you called to him as you set the bags on the kitchen counters.
You received no response so you walked into the living room where he was still looking at his phone.
He hadn’t said one word to you.
   “Taehyung,” you said.
His dark eyes looked up at you, his expression blank.
Oh how you missed his smile.
   “Will you please help me?” you asked again calmly.
He sighed and rose up from the couch,
“Yeah, but I gotta go in a few minutes.”
You cocked your head.
   “Where are you going?”
He brushed passed you and replied with a simple, “Out.”
This was how most of your conversations had been lately and you hated it. So short. So empty. You didn’t even remember how it was before. Now he made it seem like talking to you was a chore.
You followed him into the kitchen.
   “Out? Where out?” you questioned gently.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes.
   “Why do you have to know everything, (y/n)?”
You winced. His words stung.
Your mouth went dry and you could feel tears welling up.
   “I just would like to know where my boyfriend is going… People tell each other those kind of things when they’re in a relationship,” you muttered.
He started rummaging through the bags and putting things in the refrigerator.
   “Are you hanging out with Seoyeon?” you asked quietly, looking down at your hands.
He turned to you and sighed.
   “If you must know, yes.”
Those words stung even more and you felt your heart ache.
Seoyeon was an actress who Taehyung had met through a mutual friend. She was beautiful; thick black hair, big eyes, plump lips, long legs, pale skin and a thin waist… basically everything you weren’t. You didn’t mind Taehyung having friends that were female, you trusted him, but with the way things had been between you two lately you couldn’t help but feel insecure. They often got photographed together and you had to admit she brought out Taehyung’s handsomeness even more. Two beautiful people who belonged together.
Your hands started shaking and your throat felt tight.
   “You hang out with her more than your actual girlfriend,” you said, your voice slightly raised.
He stopped putting the cucumbers in the vegetable drawer and turned to face you.
   “We’re friends, (y/n). And you know why I hang out with her. It’s for publicity. This way I stay relevant and- you know what, no, I don’t have to explain this to you every goddamn day,” he slammed the drawer shut.
You winced again at his outburst. You hated seeing Taehyung mad more than anything. But it was almost getting to be too much. You didn’t like hanging around in the shadows. You didn’t like the rumors of them being romantically linked all over the tabloids. You were worried all the time; and you wished the world could know you were his.
   “Tae, I’m sorry, I just want to be able to have a normal relationship with you. I want to go out on dates and hold hands in public. I don’t care about the media or paparazzi. I just don’t want the world thinking you’re with someone else…” you trailed off as the tears slowly started to fall.
  Your whole body was shaking and you felt small. Nothing made you feel worse than conflict with Taehyung.
He ran his hands through his hair and sighed. then covered his face as he shook his head.
   “I’m not going to have this conversation with you again, (y/n),” he responded, grabbing his keys from the counter.
He walked out of the kitchen to the front door. You followed.
   “Tae, please,” you croaked wiping the tears from your face, “you can’t just walk away all the time. Can’t we fix this?”
He opened the door and turned back to you.
“You don’t understand or listen when I tell you why I do this and that there’s nothing going on between me and her. I don’t know what to do anymore, I’m tired of it, (y/n).”
More tears fell.
   “Are you tired of me? Do you want me to go?”
He looked down at his keys and fiddled with them.
His silence was all the answer you needed.
Your heart sank and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. The tears came down even harder.
You turned to walk away from him. You couldn’t look at him and you couldn’t keep this conversation going anymore.
   “(y/n)…” he called softly after you.
The word carried more sympathetic emotion in his voice than any had in weeks.
   “Jesus Tae, just go,” you sobbed, “Please.”
He sighed and didn’t move for what felt like eternity but must have only been a few seconds.
Finally you heard his footsteps get farther away and the front door close behind him.
You opened your eyes to a completely dark apartment, the only light coming from the floor to ceiling windows that looked over the city of Seoul.
You searched for you phone that had fallen between the couch cushions.
No missed calls.
No texts.
You sat up and rubbed you aching eyes.
It had been 5 hours since Taehyung left and you hadn’t heard from him since.
You got up from the sofa and walked over to the window, looking out into the beautiful early Summer night.
Were Taehyung and you breaking up for good? Where would you go if you had to leave?
The questions made your heart ache as you looked out at the city that you never hesitated to call your home. You had been here for 8 months now, when Taehyung and you decided to move in together. It had all been perfect, until 2 months ago when Taehyung was introduced to Seoyeon. It didn’t bother you at first, but when he actually started to hang out with her all the time you despised it. It was like he was living this whole other life and you weren’t in it.
All of a sudden your phone started buzzing, and for a split second you hoped it was him.
“Kookie” was the name on the screen, with a picture of Jungkook making a silly face underneath.
Was he calling because he had talked to Taehyung? Did you really want to talk to Jungkook right now? He was definitely the member of the band other than Taehyung you were closest to. And him being one of Taehyung’s best friend, too, many times he was the middle ground in your relationship.
You touched the green accept button and held the phone to your ear.
   “Kook?” you said in a raspy tone.
You forgot it had been hours since you last spoke.
   “(y/n)? You there?” You could hear the concern in his voice.
   “I’m here,” you croaked.
   “I heard what happened.”
You stayed quiet.
“I’m going to give the same speech to you that I did to Taehyungie, okay?”
You sighed, slightly annoyed that this was suddenly everyone else’s business.
Jungkook continued.
   “Look, I don’t know what has been going on these past few weeks but I DO know that you and Taehyung-ah are perfect for each other. I have never seen such a better couple. All of us want what you guys have. (y/n), we all love you, and hyung loves you. We don’t want you to go anywhere… Okay?”
Tears started falling from your eyes as you cried softly into the phone.
   “Oh no, I didn’t mean to make you cry. I’m sorry, I am just trying to help,” Jungkook said, “I don’t want either of you to do something stupid.”
   “I’m s-scared, Kook,” you finally choked out between sobs, “I think he wants me to leave.”
You could almost hear Jungkook rolling his eyes on the other end.
   “He does not, (y/n), come on. You’re the best thing he’s ever had, and he knows that.”
You inhaled a deep breath.
   “I think it’s different this time,” you replied quietly.
Suddenly you heard the front door open and footsteps coming towards you. You turned on the light next to the couch and was met with Taehyung standing at the opposite end of the living room.
   “Hey, Kook, I have to go, Taehyung is home.”
   “Do whatever you can to fix this! I’m serious!” you hear Jungkook say as you end the call.
Taehyung and you just stared at each other. His face was puffy and you noticed his eyes were bloodshot.
He ran a hand through his messy hair and took a deep breath.
Your heart pounded as you waited for him to speak.
   “I was so afraid you had left,” he finally said gently, looking you directly in the eyes.
You shook your head and bit your bottom lip, trying not to cry again.
   “I didn’t hang out with her today. I couldn’t. All I did was drive around for hours and hours thinking. I wasted almost a whole tank of gas…” he trailed off, looking down at the floor.
He placed his hand on his forehead and pushed his bangs back, trying to think of what to say. He sighed and stepped toward you.
  “I’m just so sorry, (y/n). I’ve been so horrible to you lately. I see that now. There’s no excuse, but please know I’m sorry.”
   “Tae..” you squeaked out through falling tears.
   He stepped closer to you and you noticed fresh tears welling up in his eyes,
“Truly, I am. For everything. For being such a shit boyfriend recently. For being a complete ass to you. I don’t know how you have put up with it but I’m so glad you have. All of this tore you away from me, the most important person in my life, and I hate myself for doing this to you. I would never hurt you, never cheat on you, but it wasn’t fair of me to not give you the reassurances you needed. You deserve someone so much better than me and-“
You cut him off by wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close. He immediately put his arms around your waist and held you tight. You inhaled with your face in his neck, where the smell of his familiar cologne was always strongest.
   “My (y/n)…” he whispered in your ear as he ran his hand through your hair.
You looked up at his smiling face, tears gently streaming down his cheeks.
   “I missed you so much. I missed us so much,” you said to him softly while tangling your fingers in his thick curls.
He didn’t waste a second more. His lips met yours in a passionate kiss. It felt so overdue yet so familiar. You had forgotten how addicting his  taste was, how in sync your mouths always seemed to be.
He pulled away briefly to utter the words you always longed to hear,
   “I love you, (y/n),” he kissed you again, “I’ll always love you.”
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prettyboybarzal · 4 years
Dancing With Our Hands Tied (7)
Tumblr media
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Phone sex, daddy kink, masturbation
A/N: Let me know what y’all thank! :) ILY
Previous Chapter // Masterlist
You were on a date.
And Pierre was all the way across the country, in a hotel bed, next to Josh Anderson.
He wouldn’t have even known you were getting wined and dined by his next door neighbor if Josh hadn’t opened your Snapchat while he was sitting right beside him. Charlie was sitting across the table from you, smiling like a nerd over his filet mignon. 
The scoff that came out of Pierre’s mouth as a reaction piqued Josh’s attention.
“Oh, we’re fighting again?”
“We never stopped,” he grumbled, standing from the bed.
“No? You’ve been sort of civil lately.”
“That’s because I haven’t been around her, so I haven’t had to deal with her attitude.”
“Smile.” Pierre turned on a dime and flipped off Josh’s camera as soon as the flash lit up the room. Josh smiled down at the photo and murmured, “YN will love that picture.”
It was Josh’s damn Snapchat that did you in.
It was Pierre’s long middle finger and his unamused expression, the sweats that hung low on his hips that did nothing to hide the bulge hidden beneath the waistband. You were glad that you opened it after Charlie ran to the bathroom because you were 100% sure that you were blushing.
It’d only been a week since you last saw Pierre, but the time apart had you feeling needy. You’d never admit it out loud, but you needed him. 
You needed Pierre. 
“I was thinking,” Charlie spoke as he arrived back at the table. You stood, gathering your phone and your purse as his hand slid along your lower back. “Let’s grab a bottle of wine from the liquor store down the block and then finish it off at my place.”
“Um,” you hesitated, lifting your phone to check the time. It wasn’t even late, but you didn’t want to go home with him. “Charlie, I think I should get home.
“We can totally go back to your place.”
“No! I mean, I need to be alone,” you corrected. He looked at you, dumbfounded. “I’m just feeling super bloated and exhausted.”
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No! No, come on, you know that,” you urged, fake smile on your lips as you slid your hand in his to lead him out to the car. “Dinner was amazing and this restaurant is beautiful. I wish I was feeling better, I really do. I’ll make it up to you.”
Pierre knew he was in trouble when your name flashed across his phone screen just before he went to bed. He sat up against the headboard and picked up immediately, desperate to know how your date went.
“Hi, Luc,” you spoke as soon as he accepted the call. He felt a chill run down his spine at the sound of your voice, at the name falling from your lips. “I miss you,” you whispered like it was a secret. He smiled at your words, feeling his heart skip a beat, and then you moaned, “My pussy misses you.” 
And just like that, all his qualms about you being out with Charlie disappeared, if only temporarily.
He sucked in a deep breath and dropped his head back against the headboard, a groan ripping through his chest as he spoke, “YN, don’t do this to me right now.”
“Why not, baby?”
“You’re not being fair.”
“Would you rather I touch myself without you on the phone?”
“Fuck no!” he exclaimed. “No, no, that would--fuck--that would be torture.” 
“Then, talk to me.”
He loved the sound of your voice, low and sultry. You could read him the phone book and he’d probably still get off. 
“Are you touching yourself?” he asked, voice deepening to meet your level. You hummed affirmatively, a bit whiny as your fingers slid along your folds. “Good girl.” His fingers slipped beneath the waistband of his sweats. “What are you wearing, angel?”
“Do you want to see?”
“Of course I do.”
You smiled happily to yourself, pulling your fingers from your folds to kneel on the bed and take a photo in the mirror you’d set up in front. The first was posed with your knees apart on the bed, hand on your breast, and the next, you slipped those fingers into your lace panties and inserted them into your cunt. Pierre could hear you moan and sat up impatiently.
“Don’t tease me.”
You scrambled back up to the pillows and sent him the photos, listening in for the reaction you desperately needed. 
“Fuck, you’re so fucking sexy. I wish I could fuck you right now,” he spoke. You whimpered, fingers massaging your folds. “That mirror doesn’t belong there,” he pointed out. “You moved it?”
“Yes, daddy,” you responded, tugging your bottom lip between your teeth. Pierre cursed beneath his breath at the name, fingers curling around the base of his cock. “Wanted to watch when I fuck myself to your voice.”
“Fuuuuck,” he sighed. “I want you naked.”
You slipped your thong down your legs and unclasped your bra to toss it on the floor. He rid himself of his sweats as well
“And then what?”
“Spread your legs for me.”
“Are you touching yourself, too?” you asked, voice soft and sweet in contrast to the filth that was coming from both your mouths. Pierre chuckled.
“‘Course I am,” he spoke. “I’ve been touching myself since you sent me those photos.”
“You’re cheating!”
“Am not,” he responded with another laugh. “I’m waiting for you, just a little impatiently.” And then he heard a loud moan fall from your lips. “What are you doing, baby? Talk to me.”
“I’m catching up to you,” you answered breathlessly. You had a finger in your cunt, curling to hit your g-spot slowly. Each time, another whimper graced his ears. “Do you know why I really put this mirror here?”
“Because I can’t stop thinking about the night you fucked me in the bar bathroom,” you moaned, adding a second finger to your pussy. His breath faltered on the other end of the call. “I think about the way you watched me come undone in the mirror, the look in your eyes, every time I touch myself.”
“You’re so fucking sexy when you cum,” he whispered. “It’s like a dream. I love the way your pussy throbs around me, the way you sigh my name and close your eyes and arch your back.” He paused. “Circle your clit with your thumb, baby, the way I do.”
As soon as you added the pressure to your clit, you sucked in a breath, legs bending at the knee to grant you better access and a clearer view of what you were doing.
“I wish you were watching me right now, knowing you can’t touch me.”
“C’mon, YN, you know that you can’t stop me from touching you.”
“But I sort of am right now,” you reminded him. A loud moan ripped through your chest, somewhat performative to get a rise out of him. “Maybe I don’t need you after all.”
“You need me enough to call me after going out to dinner with Charlie,” he grunted. “Isn’t that right? You couldn’t go home with him because you were too busy thinking about me? Thinking about the way I make you feel?” 
Without even really working for it, you got the energy you wanted out of him. Pierre’s jealousy always did it for you and you could feel the subtle shake of your legs as he asked you, “Did you buy that set for him? You wanted him to take that off tonight?”
“No, I only want you to touch me. Only want you to undress me. Only want you to fuck me.”
“Fuck,” he grunted, head thrown back against his headboard. His hand was moving quicker now and he was finding it hard to speak through the moans that threatened to fill the air. “Tell me what you want me to do to you when I get home, angel. Whatever you want.”
“I want you to fuck me against every surface in our apartments,” you told him, picking up the pace of your fingers to match the sound of his hand on his member. “I want you to fuck me against the walls and the windows, and I want you to fuck me in the bathroom mirror like the slut I am for you, like the night at the bar.”
“You gonna scream my name? Make sure Charlie knows who fucks you this good?”
“Yes, Pierre, yes, yes,” you moaned, fingers hitting the right spot as he speaks to you. Every circle of your clit had you convulsing. “I-I’m so close.”
“Hold on a few more seconds,” he requested. “You’re gonna cum with me, okay, baby?”
You released a string of moans and whimpers in place of words as you continued coaxing your orgasm, and you listened to Pierre’s praises and quickened breath as he got close to his own high. 
“Give it to me, daddy, please, fuck!”
Your back arched off the bed, fingers working furiously on your cunt as he breathed in your ear, whispering praises, “So good for me. You wanna cum?” You whimpered, nodding as if he could see it. “Go ahead, baby, cum.”
You finally found your release, shouting his name into the speaker as your legs shook and your body squirmed. Your pussy fluttered as you fucked yourself through the orgasm, catching sight of yourself in the mirror to see what Pierre said he loved to see and you listened to him come undone, the sweet sound of your name on his tongue.
The morning after dinner with Charlie and phone sex with Pierre, you felt hungover. You weren’t even drunk the night before, but you still woke up in discomfort with a mix of guilt and anxiety and a dash of regret. So, after pulling yourself from bed, you opened the blinds in hopes that the vitamin D would do you some good.
Saturdays, in your opinion, always felt like your most productive day of the week. And, since last Saturday was commandeered by your parents and Pierre, you were dedicating this one completely to yourself. Your breakfast was slamming, your speakers were playing some feel good tunes, and you were going to spend the day tidying up and spend the night watching Netflix.
But all your self-indulgent plans came to a screeching halt when your phone started ringing and Sadie’s name flashed across the screen.
You didn’t speak to Sadie after Pierre spent your birthday with your parents because you knew she’d blow it out of proportion. She managed to do so through text, typing in all caps to let you know that mom told her Pierre was shirtless in your kitchen.
“I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to get you on the phone,” she barked as you as soon as you accepted the call. Her voice rang through the speaker, shattering the comfortable silence you’d once had. “You’re avoiding me.”
“I am not.”
“Yeah, you are,” she argued. “And I know why.”
“Oh, yeah? Why?”
“You’re in love with him.”
You dropped a plate in the sink, suds splashing up into your face as you scrambled to turn the faucet off and dry your hands. You were going to get into it with her.
“I’m not in love with you him! Where would you even get that idea? He was shirtless in my kitchen because we slept together the night before and I was in the process of kicking him out.”
“Mom swore there was no way you were just sleeping together,” she grunted. “What does that make him? Your enemy with benefits?”
“That makes him a booty call.”
“He spent the day with mom and dad,” she pointed out. “That’s more than just a booty call.”
“He did it to taunt me. Have you forgotten the whole basis of our drama?”
“And did it work?” she asked. “Did he taunt you? Or did you enjoy his presence?”
“Sadie, it’s just sex,” you sighed, exhausted by her line of questioning. “We hardly even know each other. We’ve never even had a real conversation without hurling insults at each other and we’ve never voluntarily seen each other without the promise of sex.” You paused. “Besides, I went out to dinner with Charlie last night.”
“Oh, fuck, you’re still entertaining him?” she asked. You hummed affirmatively, preparing for her onslaught of words about how mismatched the two of you really are. “I don’t get it. Can you explain it to me like I’m five?”
“You wouldn’t understand, Sadie,” you sighed. “I know he might be a little boring sometimes, but he’s a nice guy with a stable job and a stable life. And he always goes the extra mile when he’s trying to impress me. Last night, he took me out to this expensive restaurant I’ve been dying to go to.”
“And you had fun on your little date?” she asked, condescending tone to her voice. You rolled your eyes.
“Yeah, it was good.”
“Did he make you laugh?”
“He paid?”
“Of course.”
“And you went home with him after?” she finally asked. You didn’t want to tell her that you left him to call Pierre. That would be the final nail in your coffin. So, your answer was a long pause. “You had this man take you to dinner and you didn’t even put out after?” She scoffed. “And you say you like him!”
“I wasn’t in the mood.”
“Why?” she pried. “Because he isn’t Pierre Luc Dubois?”
Your stomach dropped.
“Would you stop saying his name like that?”
“I think you’re in denial,” Sadie declared. “And I know that you’re going to be like ‘what does my little sister even know about love?’ To that I answer, almost nothing. But, I do know quite a lot about you. You don’t want boring, YN. You haven’t been boring a day in your life, so why would you settle for someone who doesn’t drive you absolutely crazy, you know?”
“The type of crazy Pierre makes me isn’t a cute crazy. It’s a should-be-admitted type of crazy.”
“More like a ‘I’ll kiss you to shut you up’ kind of crazy.”
You couldn’t argue that.
“Whatever, Sadie, I don’t know what else to say,” you goaned. “Can we change the subject now?”
She agreed to let it go, though you knew it wouldn’t be long until she was bugging you about him again, and conversation to whatever was going on in Sadie’s life. But, as much as you’d wanted to change the subject, suddenly not even a different conversation could get your mind off Pierre.
When Pierre got back to Ohio, he was itching to get to your apartment and make all the things you said over the phone come true, but you weren’t even answering his texts. It’s not like you texted all that much to begin with, but when you didn’t ask him to come over after his flight landed, he knew something was up. Now, he had four unanswered texts in your messages from the past two days and he was yearning for your attention. 
Needless to say, he was off, and the entire team could tell.
Especially Josh. He noticed almost as soon as he saw Pierre, but he waited until practice was over to begin prying.
“Where’s your head at?” he asked.
“You look like your head is somewhere else.”
“It is.”
His answer was simple as he left for the showers, and Josh wasn’t straggling far behind, determined to get the answers he was searching for. After showering, they headed out to their cars and said goodbye, but Josh watched Pierre pull out of the lot and turn in the opposite direction of his apartment. So, he made the decision to tail him.
Imagine his surprise when Pierre traveled deeper into the city towards your apartment. He followed him the whole way, stopping at the corner of your block to avoid being seen while Pierre parked. And then, with his jaw practically on the floor, Josh watched him jog right into your building.
“What’s your problem?” Pierre barked the second you opened the door. His tone of voice was harsh, not soft like it’d been in recent weeks, and it immediately threw you off. “Are you on your period or something? Because it’s alright if you are. I’d be down for period sex.”
You slammed the door in his face.
He was joking. Well, he was trying to joke, like an idiot, and obviously not succeeding. So, he took a step back to gather his thoughts and tried again.
“That was an awful joke. Let me start over,” he spoke as soon as you opened the door again. You cocked your hip against the doorframe with your arms crossed over your chest. “Did I do something wrong? Is that why you’re not talking to me?”
“No, other than your usual annoying shit, you’ve been fine.”
“So, what’s going on? Why haven’t you been answering my texts?”
You rolled your neck with a groan and answered, “It’s just been a crazy week, Pierre,” you paused, glaring at him. “And, yes, I’m also on my period, not that it concerns you.”
“I hate when you call me Pierre,” he grunted and although you rolled your eyes, those words stirred something inside of you. “Can I come in?”
To his surprise, you stepped aside without contest and continued into the apartment leaving him to kick his shoes off and drop his jacket on the hook at the door. He found you curled up beneath a chunky blanket with the remainders of some fast food meal on the coffee table. He dropped onto the other end, kicked his socked feet up on the table, and smiled at you.
“Seriously, why are you here?” you asked. “I’m not having period sex with you.”
“I said that was a joke.”
“Okay, then why are you here if not for sex?” you asked, face twisted in frustration. 
His face mirrored yours as he responded, “Is it such a crime to just want to see you?”
“Yes,” you answered simply.
“Does it have to be?”
Although the question was loud enough for you to hear, it was soft enough to ignore if you felt it necessary. So, you ignored it, because you didn’t do this. You didn’t just hang out to see each other. He huffed as you began sifting through the collection of romantic comedies on Netflix. 
“I’m watching a movie, so either you stay and watch, or you leave.”
Pierre grabbed a pillow and dropped it onto the middle cushion of the couch before laying back, his feet elevated over the arm at the end of the couch. You followed his direction, dropping a pillow in front of his and throwing your feet over the other arm so that you’d be lying head-to-head. Before laying down, you gave him a blanket and wrapped another around your own body.
The movie began and the opening credits rolled, but you couldn’t focus.
How could you when Pierre was in your apartment and not tearing your clothes off? How could you focus when you’d so easily enabled the domestic scene laid out in front of you?
His hand hung limply off the edge of the couch and just looking at it made you feel all types of things. You could practically feel his skin on your skin and your mind began to wander, daydreaming about what it might be like to lace your fingers with his. And, before you could stop yourself, you were placing your palm against his palm to do just that.
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kaalamarii · 4 years
Kinktober Day 1
Obviously NSFW!!! 18+ only
Voyeurism && Phone Sex 🖤
My Masterlist
Bored out of her mind, MC wandered around the apartment, and out in the hallways as well. She knew that there were cameras around the place that Seven had access to. At first she wasn’t sure how often he’d look at it, knowing how busy he usually was, she figured he didn’t pay much attention.
MC decided to test it, waving at or making faces to the cameras she walked past them, occasionally getting emojis sent to her phone through the messenger from Seven. Sometimes he’d call her after noticing she was watching something on tv and they’d have conversations about the characters and make fun of the cheesy storylines.
They had even started playing games together. MC found a couple of board games Rika had had and she’d lay them out where the camera could see. Seven would call and tell her where to move his piece. “Don’t cheat,” he’d tease, “I can see everything, you know.”
And that gave her an idea.
Seven’s eyes flicked over to the monitor that was connected to Rika’s apartment once he saw movement. MC came out in an oversized sweater, knee high socks, and short shorts, her hair beautifully messy tied up in a bun. Seven smiled, thinking of how cute and cozy she looked. Also it was funny to him that it looked like she wasn’t wearing pants. He watched her for a moment as she headed to the kitchen to make coffee. While waiting, MC leaned against the counter to play around on her phone.
Seven choked a bit on his PhD Pepper as she bent over the counter, noticing that she actually wasn’t wearing shorts at all, but was just in her underwear. Her ass cheeks poked out from the bottom of her sweater, the view of her round ass perfectly in view of the camera.
Seven scolded himself for not only looking, but imagining himself behind her, hands gripping her hips, thrusting…
NO, he quickly shut himself down. You’re supposed to be protecting her and figuring out what brought her to the messenger, not daydreaming about fucking her.
He turned to one of his other many monitors, trying to focus on his job instead, but it proved to be impossible as all he could think about was MC. Even as she got her coffee and went to sit on the couch, he couldn’t tear his eyes away. She turned on the tv, and laid back on the couch, legs spreading slightly as she lounged. Seven looked at her legs, gaze traveling up to her thighs and to the small bit of fabric he could see between them.
Seven licked his lips as she yawned and stretched, bringing the sweater up more and allowing him a better view of her panties. His jeans tightened and his hands seemed to have a mind of their own, traveling down to palm himself.
She put one of her legs up on the couch as she scrolled through her phone and sipped her coffee. Some spilled on her sweater and she rolled her eyes. “I’m such a klutz,” she mumbled to herself before pulling the sweater off, revealing the spaghetti strapped, low cut tank top underneath.
Seven’s already hardening cock jumped to full mast as he ogled the woman’s body, beautiful and curvy, hard nipples poking through the shirt. Ugh, you are disgusting, he scolded himself some more, but still didn’t stop himself as he undid his pants and shoved his hand down into them.
He stroked himself slowly as he pictured being there with her, sliding those cute panties down her legs and pushing his cock into her. At the thought of her writhing underneath him, crying out his name, he wiggled out of his pants, pushing them down to his ankles and leaning back into his chair to give himself a better grip. He continued where he left off, eyes glued to the monitor, hand around his dick, pumping steadily.
Seven watched as MC dialed a number on her phone and put it to her ear, and as his phone rang, he jumped. Immediately he was back in reality, ashamed for what he had been doing.
“Hey, MC,” he stuttered a bit as he answered.
She grinned. “You okay, Seven?”
“Of course I am! I’m god 707, what could possibly be wrong right now?”
He put on his silly persona but from the look she gave the camera, he knew that she saw through it.
“Well, what are you up to?” she asked.
Seven looked down at his hard dick in his hand. Shit. “Um...nothing. Just working.”
“Hmm, just working? You sound like you’re breathing heavily.”
“Oh. Uh...haha, yeah, I just came back from a jog.”
Seven slapped his hand against his forehead, cursing himself. Stupid! You are stupid!
“Sure,” MC replied. “Wanna know what I’m doing?”
“I can see what you’re doing, remember? Right now you’re watching tv and drinking coffee.”
“So you are watching me right now.”
“Yeah...I mean, no! I mean...I just looked at the monitor now…”
Her grin let him know she wasn’t falling for it, but she didn’t press it. “It’s okay, I don’t mind if you watch me…”
MC’s spread her legs a bit more and her hand rested on her stomach. “In fact, if you don’t mind, I’d like to put on a little show for you. I mean, more than I already have today.”
“Wh-what do you mean?”
He watched as MC pulled her tank top down to let her breasts free. She ran a hand over one of them, rolling her nipple between her fingers and pinching and pulling before doing the same to the other one.
Seven’s jaw dropped. “MC…?”
“I gotta admit,” she started, her voice low and breathless as she continued to play with her breasts, “I love the thought of you watching me.”
Seven didn’t know what to say, but he started stroking his cock again.
“I know it’s dirty, but knowing that you can see me gets me...excited. It gets me so wet.” She reached down between her legs and brushed her fingers against the cotton of her panties. “Do you like watching me, Luciel?”
“Yes,” Seven whispered, voice shaky as he continued jerking himself off. “You look so good, MC.”
MC smiled. “Does it get your cock hard?”
“Fuuuck, yes.” Seven moaned. She had never heard him say such words, and it was a beautiful sound to MC. She felt herself throbbing between her legs, arousal pooling in her underwear and soaking through. Seven felt thankful that V and Rika had invested in high quality cameras as he noticed the wet spot on her panties growing.
“Tell me what you want to see, Luciel.”
“Take off your panties.” He spoke breathlessly, quickly. “I want to see all of you.”
MC laced her thumbs into the straps of her thong and pulled it down, stepping out of them. She spread her legs again to let Seven see. She was so wet that she glistened, and Seven wished more than anything that he could feel her.
“Are you touching yourself?” MC asked.
For a brief moment, Seven felt ashamed again.. He had a high enough sex drive but was usually too busy to be horny, and he had definitely never done anything like this before. Though she was obviously into what they were doing, he felt a bit nervous to tell her the truth.
“Seven?” she interrupted his thoughts. “It’s okay if you are.”
“I am…” He watched her face to see her reaction and was happy and relieved when she grinned and pressed her middle and pointer fingers to her clit and rubbed circles.
His breath hitched, and he squeezed his dick harder.
“That’s so sexy, Luciel.” MC said as she rubbed herself, fingers stroking the inner lips of her cunt.
“Mmmph,” Seven moaned as he watched her. “MC?”
“I wish I could taste you.”
“Me too.”
“Will you...taste yourself for me?”
MC nodded. She pushed her two fingers inside herself, pumping in and out a few times before taking them out and bringing them to her mouth. She moaned as she sucked on her pussy soaked fingers and her mouth made a popping sound as she pulled them out. She reached down and inserted herself again.
Luciel moaned. “You’re so naughty, MC.”
“Mmhmm,” MC said, hand coming up to stroke her tits and play with her nipples again before going back to rubbing herself. “I do this every night.”
“What do you think about when you fuck yourself?”
“I think of you, Seven.”
Seven was grateful she couldn’t see him blush at her words. He let out another moan, pumping himself at top speed now. “That’s so fucking hot.”
“I think of you on top of me, fucking me. I think of your cock in my mouth.”
Seven moaned again. “Add another finger?”
“Yes, Luciel,” she obeyed, pumping her fingers in and out again before adding a third.
“I’m getting close…”
“I want to make you cum, Luciel. Tell me what to do.”
“Turn over,” he commanded, “Bend over so I can see your ass again.”
MC giggled. “I take it you liked my little sneak peek this morning.”
“Yes, hell yes. You looked so sexy, MC.”
MC turned, sticking her ass up in the air toward the camera. She reached behind, pushing her fingers into her cunt again. Seven didn’t dare look away.
“I’m close too,” MC admitted. “Cum with me?”
“Yes,” he said. “Yes, MC, cum for me, please.”
MC continued pumping her fingers in and out, feeling the familiar warmth in her stomach as she prepared to climax. Seven enjoyed the way her legs shook, vibrating the rest of her body, and how her pussy contracted as she pulled her fingers out to rub her clit, as if it was desperate to have a cock inside it. Her moans were loud and messy, screaming his name out over and over.
The sight of her coming undone brought his own orgasm out, spilling out onto his hand and onto his jeans.
As he cleaned up, the realization of what they had just done hit him. He turned as red as hair, and looked up at the monitor to make sure MC seemed okay. She was cleaning herself up as well and got back into her clothes.
“Um, Seven? Are you still there?”
“Yeah, I’m still here...MC, I don’t know what came over me. I’m sorry if I went too far.”
He watched as she laid back, a satisfied smile on herself. “Don’t be sorry, that was amazing. Didn’t you enjoy yourself?”
“Yes. Oh my God, yes.”
“We should do it again some time.”
Seven grinned. “I’ll probably have some free time tomorrow.”
“It’s a date.”
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horansqueen · 3 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 26
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Chapter 26: Naked
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4  🡪chapter 5  🡪chapter 6   🡪chapter 7  🡪chapter 8  🡪chapter 9  🡪chapter 10  🡪chapter 11 🡪chapter 12 🡪chapter 13 🡪chapter 14 🡪chapter 15 🡪chapter 16 🡪chapter 17 🡪chapter 18 🡪chapter 19 🡪chapter 20 🡪chapter 21 🡪chapter 22 🡪chapter 23 🡪chapter 24 🡪chapter 25
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board
I wake up in the morning Put on my face The one that's gonna get me Through another day Doesn't really matter How I feel inside 'Cause life is like a game sometimes
But then you came around me The walls just disappeared Nothing to surround me And keep me from my fears I'm unprotected See how I've opened up Oh, you've made me trust
Because I've never felt like this before I'm naked Around you Does it show? You see right through me And I can't hide I'm naked Around you And it feels so right
I'm trying to remember Why I was afraid To be myself and let the Covers fall away I guess I never had someone like you To help me, to help me fit In my skin
click here to be on the update list
                                     I woke up and rubbed my eyes before a small snore came to my ears, making my lips curl immediately. I turned slowly to look at Devon, sleeping on her side facing me, her mouth half opened, and I brought my hand to pull a lock of her hair away from her face. I remembered what had happened the night before and licked my lips. It seemed like the taste of her pussy still lingered on them and it made my heart jump in my chest as I felt my cock swell slightly more. It reminded me that I hadn't cummed and that I would really need to take care of that soon, or it was going to become a problem.
I got out of my thoughts when she moaned slightly and shivered, squirming a bit next to me. I brought the covers over her shoulders and sighed low as my eyes roamed on her face. I had no idea what we were doing, and I knew she had mentioned us being only friends but I could have sworn she felt something more for me, too. Perhaps I was delusional. Perhaps I wanted her to have feelings for me so bad that I was imagining things, and I couldn't help the fear living inside me... I couldn't stop that little voice that kept repeating me that I was going to have my heart broken, no matter what her feelings for me were. It was scary and I had no idea what to do. Deep down, I knew it was too late. She would either tell me she didn't love me, or she'd end up hurting me by cheating on me or breaking up with me for someone else.
I nibbled on my bottom lip and brought my hand to her face, running my fingertips on her cheek gently.
"Please, Devie." I whispered before letting my hand fall on the mattress.
I don't know how long I stayed there just watching her sleep and snore but I eventually got up, dressed up and left to get some food. The grocery store was almost empty and I knew it was early but I didn't care. I started walking down the aisles, trying to think of what I could cook during our few escape days and didn't even have to wait in line to pay. I sat back behind my wheel and grabbed my phone just to check if she had sent me a message but she hadn't and I was not really surprised since she was a late sleeper. I thought about how it would feel to go grocery shopping with her if we were together and it reminded me of the times I did that with my ex girlfriend. It was painful to remember and at the same time, it made me angry. Why was I once again letting a woman get the best of me? Why was I letting someone have so much impact on my heart? Why did I end up falling so fast for a woman I barely knew?
I was slightly pissed when I got back inside but I realized she was not awake yet and I walked in the room, sitting next to her on the bed. When I looked at her, all my anger disappeared and all that was left was a sensation of lightness. I knew my pain and fear were still there, buried somewhere under that well-being feeling but for now, I didn't want to look for them.
I grabbed my phone and snapped a picture of her with her lips parted and deeply asleep, if only to always remember the feeling invading my insides at this exact moment, and let her sleep to prepare our breakfast. I put fruits, yogurt and oatmeal on the table and when she appeared, I was almost done with the eggs and toasts. My heart jumped in my chest when I saw the shirt she was wearing  but I didn't know what to say.
"What is all this?" she asked, half a smile on her lips as her eyes roamed on the table.
"Three healthy meals a day." I explained with a smile. "This is the first one. You can sit down."
"I mostly thrive on coffee. Iced or warm." she admitted with a chuckle, glancing up at me.
"I know, I noticed." I pointed out. "It needs to change."
"I just hate cooking and I tend to just forget to eat."
"I noticed that too."
She leaned against the counter, pouring herself a cup of coffee and then a second one for me as I put the eggs and toasts in a plate. She stared at me working until I raised my eyebrows and pointed out one of the chairs with my hand. Her lips curled a bit more and she sat in front of me, sliding towards me the cup of coffee she prepared for me.
"You notice a lot of things about me." she pointed out after a while.
"Perhaps, yes." I admitted with a shrug as if it meant nothing. "Like when you walked in, I noticed you were wearing my shirt."
She pressed her lips together and I could swear she was blushing but it took her a few seconds to look up in my eyes.
"It's a bit too small for me but, I don't know. It was there, and I wanted to try it on." she explained with a shrug but avoiding my eyes. "Do you want me to take it off?"
Slowly, a smirk appeared on my face and when she finally looked up at me, she let out a chuckle and rolled her eyes. "That's not what I meant."
I chuckled too and started eating as she took a sip of coffee. "I know." I let out, still smiling. "I just thought it was an interesting choice of words." She remained silent but my smile fell and I became more serious. "Do you regret what happened last night?"
She sighed and stared at her place for a few seconds before finally looking up in my eyes. "I feel like I should, but I don't."
"D'you want to do it again?" I asked in a low and soft tone, raising my eyebrows. Her lips parted and I just shook my head. "Hey, no rush or anything, I was just asking."
I could feel my heart thump in my chest as her eyes traveled on me and I cleared my throat, taking a quick sip of my coffee, almost burning my lips.
"What's your plan for today?" I tried to changed the subject, not wanting to make her uncomfortable, and she blinked a few times before licking her lips.
"Uhm, I've felt the urge to paint, would you mind?"
"No, of course not. I wanted to work out anyway, I didn't have time this morning because I needed to buy some food." I nodded, grabbing the dishes and bringing everything to the sink. "I'll prepare the guest room and you can paint there?"
I turned around to lean my butt against the counter and she got up too, walking slowly to me. She stopped only when she was very close and tilted her chin up to look at me as my hands gripped the side of the counter tight, making an annoying squeaky sound.
"You really made me feel better last night, Niall." she whispered, licking her lips. "Thank you."
I looked down at her and brought one of my hands up to place a lock of her hair behind her ear. "T'was my pleasure."
Her lips curled and she chuckled. "No, it was definitely mine."
I worked out for an hour and a half and Devon was still locked in the guest room to paint. I decided to take a quick shower but I couldn't stop thinking about the way my shirt molded her chest and stomach when it was on her, and the face she made when she came the night before. I wanted to feel myself inside her so bad it was making me slightly dizzy and when I walked back in my room in sweatpants and a t-shirt, I could still feel my cock throb. I sat on my bed, leaning my elbows on my knees and sighed, closing my eyes. I knew I wouldn't be able to think about something else before I finally reached an orgasm but I was also aware that it was dangerous to do anything while I was not alone in the apartment. The truth was, I hadn't touched myself properly in so long, and quick shower masturbation sessions in the morning didn't really satisfy me. It made me realize that even when Devon was living with Lewis, I didn't do it and It surprised me.
I sat back, leaning myself with my hands a bit farther on the mattress and gripped the sheets with both hands. I really needed to do it but even more than that, I wanted to do it. I looked around my room and finally pushed myself further on the bed, laying down right in the middle. I let my hand run on my cock over my sweatpants and hissed through my teeth at the sensation before gripping myself harder. There was something exciting about the fact that Devon was not far and that I was actually thinking about her to get off but I couldn't help but wish I would do all of this with her instead. I took my cock and my balls out, wrapping my hand tight around my dick and squeezing it a bit before letting out a low 'fuck'.
I started thinking about Devon and how wet she had been the night before... how she squirmed and shook, and how she tasted. I could remember the way her pussy throbbed around my tongue and suddenly regretted not using my fingers or even better, my dick. If I had time, I would jerk off for a while but I was in a hurry since I had no idea when Devon would be done painting. I let my hand move up and down on my cock quickly, reaching for my balls with my other hand and I let out a low groan. My whole body was impatiently throbbing and I was extremely excited. That's why it took me a while to understand the noise I had heard.
I frowned and my pace slowled but when I opened my eyes, I saw Devon near the door, staring at me. I sat up quickly, my cock still in my hand, and my lips parted slowly.
"Wow, I just got caught." I chuckled while scratching the back of my head, slightly embarrassed as my heartbeats echoed all over my body.
"I'm... I'm sorry." she replied quickly, clearing her throat. "I just got here, I didn't.. I just..."
"No, Devie, it's alright." I replied, shaking my head and tugging my cock back in my pants. "I shouldn't have I mean you're here and-"
"You can keep going." she quickly let out, cutting me. "If you... If you want to."
My eyes opened wider in shock and my lips parted. I hadn't expected those words to come out of her lips but she started nibbling on her bottom lip with her head slightly tilted and I knew there was no way I would let go of this erection.
"You sure?" I breathed out as she nodded.
"Can I stay?"
I closed my eyes as my lips curled and I chuckled before looking back at her again. She had taken a few steps closer and glanced down at my pants.
"You're really something else, you know that, right?"
"Can I?" she repeated, raising her eyebrows and ignoring my comment.
My mind was racing when she sat next to me on the bed and I sighed, reaching for my cock in my pants and taking it out. I had no idea why it made me so nervous but lust overtook the stress and I leaned my back on the pillows before stroking myself slowly, my head falling back on my shoulder slightly. My eyes fluttered close and after a while, all that was left was the lust I felt for her. I kept touching myself slowly, not wanting this to be over too soon, but my heart jumped in my chest when I felt something on my legs. I opened my eyes quickly and my dick twitched in my hand when I saw her straddle me and sit on my legs. Slowly, she licked her lips and grabbed my hard cock in her hand, squeezing it and making me whimper low. I took my hand off and she started touching me, bringing inside me a feeling I couldn't describe. I didn't know how long I would last, but when she started nibbling on her bottom lip, staring down at the way her both her hands ran on my cock, one of my legs twitched and I cursed again.
"Come here, come closer."
She got back on her knees, getting closer to me and quickly, I slipped one of my hands in her pants, reaching between her legs. Her lips parted and her legs tensed as two of my fingers ran on her slit, brushing on her clit. I felt her drip, her wetness sticking to my fingers, and I looked up at her, panting low.
"You're so fucking wet, Devie." I pointed out uselessly, shaking my head. "Fuck."
I breathed out as I felt her thumb rub on the tip of my cock and slip between it and my skin. It made me stop moving for a second and I finally reached her breasts with my free hand. My fingertips slipped on her shirt, running on her nipples as they got hard under my touch. I knew I'd never have time to push myself inside her before cumming and from the moans she let out as I rubbed her swollen clit, I knew it was the same for her.
"Devie, fuck, talk to me." I whispered, sliding my hand under her shirt and grabbing one of her tits firmly. "How does that feel?" I ran my hand to the other one and she closed her eyes.
"It feels so fucking good Niall, please don't stop." she breathed out, opening her eyes to look into mine again. "Keep touching me."
I knew she liked it because from time to time, her hands stopped stroking my cock to focus on what I was doing to her but every time she'd start jerking me off again, it felt even better. She bent slightly to reach for my balls with her other hand and I groaned at how close she was. I could kiss her if I wanted, but I preferred to look at her while she stared right back at me. I didn't know why it turned me on so much, but watching her facial expression as I touched her brought me even closer to an orgasm.
"I'm so close Niall, so fucking close."
"Yea?" I asked, a small smirk appearing on my lips. "You're gonna cum for me, little one?"
Her grip around my cock tightened at the nickname I gave her and she nodded, her lips parting. I glanced at them and looked back in her eyes, my smirk getting bigger.
"Why don't you grind on my fingers?" i added low. "Show me how bad you want it."
She started doing what I wanted immediately and it made me feel dizzy to know she was so obedient. Her pussy rubbed on some of my fingers, coating them quickly, and I bit my bottom lip as I slipped two fingers inside her. She whimpered louder and I pressed my thumb on her clit as she let go of my cock to grab my arm tight, her finger sinking in my skin. She started shaking uncontrollably over me, her eyes shutting tight, and I moved my upper body closer.
"I want to hear my name." I breathed out near her ear, making her hold my arm even tighter.
"Niall, fuck." she let out low before moaning louder. "Niall!"
My cock twitched when I heard my name coming out of her lips and she came hard on my hand again. Her grip loosened and when I was sure her orgasm had passed, I took my hand off her pants and brought it back on my cock, spreading her wetness on it. She was panting as she looked down at my cock again and my heart jumped in my chest. Quickly, she reached for it and started jerking me off again, her hands traveling up and down from the base to the tip and sometimes caressing my balls and making me moan as I kept looking at her. Once again, her thumb reached between my skin and my tip and my hips jerked up at her touch.
"Darling you're gonna make me cum."
She moved her face closer and pressed her lips gently against mine as she kept stroking my dick faster. "I love your cock so much." she admitted in a whisper. "I've been trying to imagine it so often, and now I can't wait to feel it inside me."
It sent a rush to my brain and without thinking, I brought one of my hands in her hair and gripped it tightly. I heard her moan as I felt an orgasm coming. She kept jerking me off as I thrusted up despite myself, pulling on her hair a bit too hard. A groan escaped my lips again and my eyes closed as I reached my peak, my cum spurting on her hands and shirt.
"Jesus fucking Christ." I whispered as spasms made my body quiver. "I haven't cummed so hard in so long."
I remained sitting as I tried to catch my breath and let my hand in her hair fall on my thigh. She sat on my lap, cupping my face with both her hands and allowed her lips to gently brush against mine. It felt so good to feel her kiss me post-orgasm that I closed my eyes and made sure I remained motionless.
"Devie..." I breathed in-between two gentle kisses.
"Devie, I-"
"Shh, no." she quickly cut me, kissing my lips softly again. "Don't talk."
"But I need to tell you-"
"No." she repeated a bit louder. "Please, Niall, don't ruin this."
I shut my eyes tighter as my heart broke. Sadness and happiness fought inside me to find out which one was stronger but it was a useless fight and I knew it. If telling her my feelings was a way to ruin this moment for her, I had no reason to tell her. There was no hope.
"I loved this so much." she admitted so low I barely heard it.
I swallowed hard and breathed in, trying to stop myself from tearing up. "Me too."
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lillywillow · 3 years
Sinners ‘n Saints
Summary: When private detective Steve Rogers is hired to investigate the wife of a client who claims she is having an affair, he discovers some things are not quite adding up.
 Word Count: 2208
 Square Filled: 1940’s AU
 Pairings: Helmut Zemo x Female Reader/ Steve x Female Reader (later)
 Warnings: Infidelity, smoking, drinking, mild language, 40’s slang
Written for @star-spangled-bingo
New York City. The Big Apple. The city where dreams were made. For all her glitz and glamour, Lady New York held some dark secrets. Steve Rogers knew this well from his years of working as a private investigator, covering everything from missing persons to ransom cases.
 One quite afternoon, Steve was pounding away at the keys of his typewriter, taking some time to document some of his toughest cases when a man entered his office. The gentleman’s hair was nicely combed; he was well dressed in a finely tailored suit, expensive Italian shoes and obnoxiously overpowering cologne. He walked over to Steve’s desk and sat in the vacant chair. He lit a cigarette and took a drag before addressing the detective.
 “You are Detective Steve Rogers of ‘Rogers Private Eye Agency’, yes?” He spoke with an accent that Steve couldn’t quite place.
 “I am. How can I help you?” he asked, pouring the man a glass of bourbon from the decanter on his desk. He thanked him and took a sip before introducing himself.
 “My name is Helmut Zemo. I suspect my wife is having an affair...”
 “I see... and what brought on this suspicion?” Steve always hated this part of the job. When spouses came to him with accusations of being unfaithful.
 “It is just a hunch... for now. I would like you to find evidence soon.” Helmut placed an envelope full of cash on Steve’s desk. “Here is half of what I am willing to pay. You will receive the other half when you complete the job.”
 Steve took the envelope and was shocked to see how much was in there. Helmut finished the drink, cringing as the amber liquid burned his throat and stood up.
 “You may start this Friday. My wife will be singing at my club The Baron.” With that, he left.
 The name suddenly clicked in Steve’s head. Helmut Zemo was a wealthy socialite who owned many nightclubs and made it into the gossip rags. There was something that didn’t sit right with Steve about the man; however, he would take jobs where he could.
That Friday, Steve went to The Baron for his night of surveillance. He took a table somewhere in the middle; close enough to see the action for himself but far enough back not to be noticeable. Steve looked around the joint, taking notice of his surroundings.
 The place was classy. The furniture was polished with the highest sheen and drinks were served in the finest crystal. The large stage in front was obscured by a velvet red curtain which would no doubt be drawn when the entertainment would begin. As he scanned, he noticed a lot of high powered men who were rumoured to be part of a crime syndicate. Steve’s attention was broken when the announcer spoke.
 “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage our very own nightingale Ms Y/N!”
 As the curtain went up, the band began to play. Lying on top of the piano was the most stunning women Steve had ever seen. Her hair was done up in curls, pinned back with a diamond hairclip. Her lips were painted sinfully red and the second she opened her mouth, her honeyed, velvet voice poured out. Her black dress sparkled under the spotlight. As she sat up and crossed her legs, the split in her dress moved up, showing off her supple thigh. Men called and whistled at the sight.
 Y/N gracefully jumped off the piano, her dress smoothing down her sides, the bottom pooling at her feet. He could now see the way how nicely it framed her curves; curves that would put Mae West to shame. Y/N made her way into the audience, her hips swaying seductively as she walked. She would place her gloved hand on the shoulder of one of the patrons, fingers running over the length of it before moving onto the next person. As she moved a little closer, Steve could see more of her diamond and pearl jewellery and smell her expensive perfume. A dame like this would certainly have no trouble attracting any man she wanted. When the song ended, she made her way back to the stage and finished up. The crowd burst into raucous applause and gave a standing ovation.
 After the show, Y/N made her way over to the bar. Steve followed, placing himself far enough away not to be noticed. She ordered a drink and while waiting, a gentleman approached her.
 “Hey, doll. Can I buy you a drink?” he smirked.
 “No, sir,” she cooed, giving him a playful tap on the nose before taking her ready drink and heading backstage. The man was about to try further to coax her when his friend grabbed him.
 “Are you crazy?! That’s Zemo’s missus. You want to be found on the bottom of the Hudson with cement shoes?!” The man’s eyes widened and headed off.
 Steve pretended he didn’t hear the conversation and ordered a whisky neat.
 “What’s the deal with the singer?” he casually asked the bartender.
 “Oh, I wouldn’t waste your time with her. She’s only got eyes for her husband. A husband I might add with a mean jealous streak in him,” he said, pouring the drink and giving it to Steve.
 This information made him think. If this information was true, why would Zemo contact him to find evidence of infidelity? Was Y/N the type of woman who liked to play dangerous games? From what he saw on stage, he wouldn’t put it past her. However if this were the case, why would she turn down the gentleman’s offer? Perhaps some things would be clearer in the light of day.
 Throughout the week, Steve followed Y/N wherever she went at a distance. She filled her days with perfectly mundane tasks such as shopping, cleaning the house or the occasional trip to the salon. Every interaction she had with men was normal and innocent enough, all conversations at appropriate length. There were no signs of the captivating temptress Steve had observed at the club that night.
 Her evenings were just as ordinary. The most exciting thing to happen was when she hosted a card game with her lady friends. Y/N spent most of her nights alone and when her husband did finally come home, she was greeted by a cold kiss on the cheek. Steve found this rather odd.
 One night, Y/N was sitting at the table with dinner freshly made, patiently waiting for Helmut to come home. The phone rang and she happily ran to answer it. Her expression went from smiling to looking sad as she spoke to the person on the other end. When she hung up the phone, she returned to the table and held her face in her hands crying. Steve assumed that was her husband telling her he would not be home for dinner.
  The following Friday, Steve went to the club once more and watched Y/N’s performance with fresh eyes. Yes, she was just as enticing but she was also professional. Steve suspected that this was the act of a strong woman who was trying to keep her marriage from falling apart while doing her job as the sultry nightclub singer. After the show, he noticed someone heading backstage with a large bouquet of flowers, presumably for Y/N. He quickly intercepted them and went to deliver them himself. Steve knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter before going in. Y/N was dressed in a silky robe and taking her hair out of its style. There was a red haired woman helping her that Steve saw around the club.
 “Delivery for ma’am,” he said, holding out the flowers to her.
 “Oh, thank you,” she smiled, taking them from him. “They’re beautiful.”
 “Probably more guilt flowers,” Nat said bitterly.
 “Nat, please...”
 “Oh, wake up and smell the coffee, Y/N! Helmut is cheating on you!”
 “Enough! He gives me flowers because he loves me! I’m one of the luckiest gals in the whole city! My husband showers me with jewellery and imported perfumes and-and expensive clothing because he loves me! Helmut loves me Natasha...” her voice became reverent and Steve wasn’t sure if she was trying to convince her friend or herself. How could he be so wrong about her? This was not a woman having an affair. This was a woman who was trying so desperately to believe that her husband was still faithful to her.
 “Are you still here? Get out!” Nat barked at Steve, going to hug Y/N. He took this as his cue to leave. Maybe he should take a closer look at his employer.
 Sure enough, as soon as Steve began to follow Helmut around, the evidence was as plain as the nose on your face. He saw the man with multiple women who were not his wife. He took pictures of them kissing and/or locked in a passionate embrace. Steve felt bad for Y/N and decided to go to her with the photographs.
 Steve arrived on the Zemo’s doorstep, taking care to come over at a time he knew Helmut would not be home. Y/N was understandably surprised to see him but invited him in nonetheless.
 “Mrs Zemo, my name is Steve Rogers and I’m a private detective. I... I’m afraid I have some bad news about your husband,” he said, handing her the envelope with the pictures. As Y/N looked through them so many emotions flashed across her face.
 “Did Nat put you up to this?”
 “No... Your husband did.”
 “He hired me to investigate the infidelity on your end but...”
 “That bastard! First he disrespects the confines of our marriage bed and then he hurts me further by treating me like a common whore?!” Y/N threw a nearby vase against a wall in anger. Tears started flowing down her face
 “Why would he do such a thing?”
 “The fidelity clause... I come from a rich family and owning so many businesses, Helmut was rich too. Our lawyers though it was a good idea to protect our respective assets. If one of us was proven to be unfaithful, they would be able to take the other for everything.” Y/N dropped to her knees.
 “I knew for a long for a long time I just... I thought if I told myself it wasn’t true, wished it hard enough that it wouldn’t come to light...” Steve carefully hugged her. She allowed him to, leaning into his warm touch. “He never used to be like this. I know he loved me once but I don’t know what happened.” Steve gave it some thought.
 “I... I know someone in the paper. If you will allow me, I could give the story to him. He’d approach it tastefully...” Y/N was quiet for a few moments.
 “Do it. I want him to feel as humiliated as I do. I want his name dragged through the mud as he has done with our wedding vows...” Y/N softly removed herself from Steve’s embrace and stood up, wiping her eyes and sniffling.
 “I apologise for making a scene...”
 “It’s alright. I’m sorry for dropping this information on you. My job is to fund the truth not fabricate stories.” Y/N offered him a small smile.
 “Thank you. Steve was it?”
 “Yes, ma’am.”
 “You’ve got a kind heart. I appreciate what you’ve done for me. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a few arrangements to take care of.” Steve nodded and headed off, hoping that he would see her again one day.
 It was the biggest scandals of the year. In the months that followed, it was discovered that not only Helmut was cheating on Y/N but he was also involved in illegal activities; often involving crime syndicates. That was how he earned his fortune. As far as Steve knew, Y/N got everything in the divorce.
 One afternoon, Steve had a surprise visitor.
 “Detective Rogers?” Steve looked up to see Y/N knocking on his door, already having entered the room.
 “Y/N? What are you doing here?” As she crossed the room, he could see how much more confident she looked, like the woman she portrayed herself to be on stage.
 “Helmut owed you a debt and I intend to pay it,” she said, placing the envelope full of money on his desk.
 “I... I can’t accept this...”
 “Please. He hired you to find proof of unfaithfulness and as far as I’m concerned, you found it. You have done your job, sir.” Steve looked at the pay-packet on his desk.
 “I know this is a little forward but... may I take you out to dinner?”
 “I would like that very much. Pick me up at seven,” Y/N warmly smiled.
 Steve couldn’t wait until then. After all that she had been through, a lady like Y/N deserved to be out with a true gentleman.
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ill-skillsgard · 4 years
Would you ever write about Faust making Faith squirt for the first time cause that would be the hottest thing ever.
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Warning: 18+ SMUT. Anal play, sex toys, size kink, possessive sex, strong anti-Christian themes, squirting, angst, feelings.
Note: I really hope you guys enjoy this one! Please let me know your thoughts and reblog/like if you can! I’d appreciate it. 
Faust x Faith Masterpost [x]
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"You didn't wear the outfit," Faust murmured against Faith's lips. 
"Sorry. I forgot. You got here so quick."
He took hold of the metal loop dangling at her neck and smirked. "But you wore this for me."
"I thought you'd like it," Faith giggled. 
"You think you're some kind of naughty girl? Do you think this collar makes you bad?"
Faith shrugged. 
"Do you know what happens to girls who wear things like this?" 
She grabbed his hands and placed them on her chest. "Why don't you show me?" 
"You couldn't handle it," he chuckled. 
Faith wasn't in the mood to convince Faust to do what he wanted with her. He'd gotten it lodged in his head that she was too delicate, but she wanted him to overpower her and make her hurt in that viciously pleasurable way she dreamt of. 
"Come on, Faust, you were the one who said you wanted to wreck this pussy. You won't take advantage of our last couple of nights together by making me never forget them?"
"You say that like I'm never coming back."
Faust nipped her bottom lip, palms sliding down her ribs to the back of her skirt. He pulled it up and squeezed her ass in both hands, watching her face change shapes any time he compressed her skin.
"You're going away for weeks. Who knows what will happen? Maybe you'll find a new girl and forget all about me."
Faust loosened his and shook his hair out of his face. "Don't say that."
"Im just kidding," she chuckled, leaning in for a kiss and meeting the crest of his cheekbone instead. 
"What?" Faith asked. 
"I'm serious. Why do you think that way?"
She pulled away to focus on the solemnity of his face. "I don't know, it's just something girls say."
"I don't think so."
"Relax, baby. It's okay. Let's just do it right here in the car. Please? I'm going to miss you so much when you go away. I need all I can get."
"I don't care," Faust said, framing his long fingers into a C-shaped hold on her neck. He didn't squeeze, but held her in place and drilled into her eyes with his. "Are you saying you might find another guy while I'm gone?"
"No! Of course not!"
"Then why do you think I'd cheat on you?"
"I don't think that," she whispered.
Faust released her throat and tightened his arms around her, pinning her in his firm embrace as she straddled his lap. "I'm not looking for groupies and shit. I just want to play. That's all I care about. That, and you."
"I know, Faust. Why do you always have to take everything I say so seriously? You know I'd never think about that. I'm a good girl, remember?"
Faust's throat rolled out a soft growl. "Good girls don't wear slutty little collars. Or sneak out of their dorms to fuck their boyfriends in the backseat of a car."
"Don't you want to corrupt me? Christian girl, taken by some heathen devil-worshiper... Destroying her purity."
He curled his hips up, the thick seam of his jeans rubbing against her flimsy panties, brushing over her sheathed clit. The pressure grew with the next carve. Faust filled with blood and clamped her frame against him as his hand snuck around to the back of her skirt again. 
"Faust, please. I want it. I'll let you do anything to me."
"I know. You've waited long enough. Now I know what you can and can't handle. But not here."
Faith whimpered when he stopped feeding her strokes of his groin. She'd been wriggling against him, trying to fret hard enough that his buried erection pressed against her folds. Though his tilting stopped, the hands at her behind explored the soft mounds of flesh and the sensitive spots that lied between them.
"You're gonna give me everything. That mouth and those pretty lips. Your cunt. Mm-hmm, and this one right here too. Yeah, I'm gonna fill that asshole with all kinds of things. My fingers... my tongue? Maybe a special surprise I have waiting at home?"
Faith never felt such a violent shiver ripple across her skin. It was like the window cracked open on its own and let in the bitter night air, sweet with the seasonal decay. He pressed his index finger against the promised hole, rotating and varying pressure over the cotton.
"All right, I'm serious now. Let's get going. Climb into your seat and buckle up."
On the ride back to Faust's apartment, his arm stretched over to toy with her clit, still never breaching the protection of her underwear. He only ghosted his fingertips over them, refusing to nudge them aside to give her the full strokes she craved. Even when Faith tried to pull them down, he stopped her hand, clicking his tongue and berating her for being too eager.
"Control yourself. Just enjoy what I give you."
"Please, I want more."
"You'll get more when I decide you deserve more. Tonight, you're mine. My pussy. My tits and ass and mouth. Whatever I say goes. Understand?"
"Yes, Faust."
"Good... Now I want you to lean back and finger your pussy. Then I want you to smear that pussy juice on the windshield. Draw my roommate a little picture."
Faith scoffed, cowering against the backrest, clutching her seatbelt. "What? Are you serious?"
He swung his eyes away from the road for as long as it took for the windshield wipers to clip twice. 
"Do it." 
She obeyed, and parted her legs to insert her middle finger as far as the second knuckle, curling to find the spot inside Faust helped her discover. Faust looked back at the road as she worked herself up, nodding and smirking when she brought her glistening fingertip to the glass to create the shape of a heart. 
"Aw, isn't that sweet? Leave 'em a little message."
Faust held the hand she'd used to finger herself the entire elevator ride up. He led Faith straight into his room after dropping the keys at the door. This behaviour was normal, as Faust never had much to say to his roommate besides agreeing on times to use the car. Faith skipped along with his formidable steps to the bedroom.
Faust's bed welcomed her instantly. Giddy and nearly delirious from the excitement of not sleeping in her own bunk at school, Faith sat down and smoothed out her skirt while he went to the closet to rummage around. 
Even the gory posters and beer bottles gave her a sense of comfort. She'd miss his room, and the nights they spent entangled in each other, his massive limbs always draped over hers while they cuddled or talked or slept or fucked. It keyed into her head then that she wouldn't see his plaid bedsheets or nap under the comforter that smelled like his shampoo and deodorant for a long, long time. She tried not to think about that, but the realization overcame her by the time Faust retrieved the item for which he searched. 
He knelt on the carpet, noticing a single tear on her cheek and wiping it away. 
"Don't do this, babe. Don't cry."
Faith brushed the next droplet away herself and breathed in deeply. 
"I'm so sorry. I'll try not to. It's just hard because... I'll miss you."
"I know. It'll be tough, but when I get home, maybe I'll be able to get out of here... Get a car. Move closer to your school. I won't have to keep borrowing fuckface's shit-wagon to come see you. Things will be better after I get back."
"I just can't imagine sleeping without you for that long."
"It's part of the gig, Faith. It always will be. I'll have to do this at least once a year. Probably more if things go well."
She looked down at her toes and nodded, avoiding the large green eyes imploring her to accept reality. Faust stood up and raked his hand through her hair, pressing her face against his thigh. 
"Don't get soft on me now. We have a big night, remember? Unless you don't feel like fucking no more?" 
Faith would never pass up the opportunity to please him. It always meant if she did a good job, he'd pleasure her right back, tenfold. But tonight made a heavier promise Faith craved since the moment she passed him by in the diner; for Faust to show her the dark side of life, where her elders and superiors had always promised demons lurked, waiting to undo her and lead her away from the righteous path. 
He handled her jaw firmly, raising her to her knees on the bed. He bent at the hips and captured her lips along with the silver ring hanging from her neck. A length of chain slid through his grip as he stood up, and he wound it up in his fist, raising her another inch. The leather pressed into her skin and she surrendered instantly. 
"That's what I thought."
"What're you gonna do to me?" 
"Don't speak. You'll answer me and that's it. Now get off the bed. On your knees." 
They switched spots, Faust sitting on the edge of the bed and Faith kneeling between his legs. He pulled the leash short and worked open the button and zipper of his pants, nodding for Faith to pull them down. 
"You wanna be a bad girl?" 
Faith nodded, a warm, fluttering sensation filling her chest. 
"Yeah. You want to do all the sinful things they taught you not to do in school. Like giving your precious little pussy away. There's no way a slut like you can wait until marriage and you don't care how it looks in your God's eyes. The only one you want is to serve me, even if it means going back on the vows you made to stay pure and chaste," Faust chuckled." Well, it's way too late now. I've already soiled you and taken your virginity. But don't you think it's inherently perverse how those supposed men of God put so much importance on what's between your gorgeous legs? Almost like that's all they think about. And who can really blame them? You can do bad in school, cheat on your work, hurt others, lie, steal, disobey your parents and still earn forgiveness, but the moment you let a man's cock inside you, you’ve got no worth. Funny, isn't it? The ultimate sin is what you crave the most. All those white men policing your pussy. Your pastor... Your father... Your God."
A sliver of her past self shuddered to hear the unabated truth pouring from Faust's lips. There was always a shameful breath lingering inside her whenever they had sex, but she always suppressed it by looking into his eyes to find the love living deep in those green pools. Tonight, Faust didn't let an ounce of affection shine through, determined to bring her shame to the forefront of her mind to exploit it. 
"What? Am I wrong? That's what they taught you, isn't it? That your urges make you sinful. That your natural human instincts put you off the path to heaven. Even though, mm, when I stuff all your little holes, you swear you're already there. Why does it feel so good to fuck me when it's so wrong?"
The residual polyps of her religious upbringing quivered and stung, echoing past lessons drilled into her from birth. Faith was always aware of existence on the other side of the fence where the criminals and harlots and sinners lived, and as a child, thought herself too good to wander into those dim pastures. As she matured, new world realities filtered through the pinpricks her parents overlooked—other children whispering of PG-13 movies, sex-charged billboards and unsupervised access to the internet—leaving behind the silt of the depraved for her to examine with hungry eyes. Nothing excited her more than the thought of finding a used porn magazine at the park, or staying up later than the rest of her girlfriends to catch flashes of soft-core skin on cable television. Now she was neck-deep in the sin they'd worked so hard to keep her from, ready to dive in with but a nostalgic glance back at her old, virtuous life.
It still bothered her whenever Faust referred to God, as they fashioned Him before her as divinity, unchallengeable. The unabashed way Faust spit upon His image made her cringe, yet his gall carved out a spot in her head above her pastor, above her father. Faust was the only man to defy her doctrine, and that made him more courageous than anyone she'd ever known. Even her daddy cowered in fear of God's wrath. Faust... he pissed on the cross and the bible, made a mockery of the gospel and showed her how delicious the grapes of temptation tasted on her contaminated tongue.
Faust pushed the elastic band of his boxers down so it bunched under his balls, helping his shaft stand upright. If left without support, he'd loll to the side, the girth too much for his blood to circumvent.
"Open your pretty mouth and suck this fat fucking cock, right now."
Faith displayed her tongue, waiting for him to trace a line from tip to tonsils. The warm pre-cum coated her tastebuds, and she wrapped her lips around the head, swallowing the fluid and moaning.
"Oh, Christ, baby, that looks so good. How does it taste?"
Faith hummed in agreement, unable to form a word with the mass wedging her jaws apart. He bucked his hips up once, hitting the back of her throat, then settled on the bed and let her go to work while he used the chain leash to angle her head. Bubbles formed around the ridge, dripping down in all directions to lubricate the way. Soon, Faust shivered from the warm froth gliding downward and pulled her off by the chain, anchoring his shaft against his belly.
"Suck that spit off my balls," he barked.
Faith did as she was told, keeping her eyes on his slackened face as she trailed her tongue up and down, collecting the saliva and swallowing.
"Good. That's good. Now, get up on the bed. On your hands and knees," he yanked the chain.
Propelled by the force around her neck, Faith crawled onto the bed and awaited his next move. She didn't notice the shiny object in his hand until he placed it on the bed next to her. A shiny metal plug with a jewelled end awaited, puckering the bedspread under its weight.
Before Faith mustered the courage to ask, Faust pulled her panties down to her knees and lapped her entrance with the same sloppy ardency she'd shown him but a minute before. He nipped her folds and continued upward, two hands now spreading her cheeks apart to reveal the next destination of his travelling tongue.
"Did you get all nice and clean for me?" He snickered.
"Mm-hmm," Faith said with a nod.
"Yeah, 'cause you knew I was gonna play with that ass."
Faust teased her with circles of varying pressure, switching his middle finger out for his tongue the first time he dipped inside. She wiggled and let curious noises escape her before clamping her hand over her mouth.
"How does that feel?"
"It feels... good," Faith replied.
"Yeah? You like it? Like it when I sodomize you?"
She whimpered. Faust took her mewling as a sign to continue. Slowly, he inserted his fingertip, reading her body and how it contorted from the new intrusion. When he was certain she wouldn't refuse, he worked the digit in and out, anointing the site with a fresh wad of spit.
"What do you think about the toy I bought for you?"
Faith craned her head to regard the little silver toy. "I like it."
"Really? You're not just saying that are you? It's not just something girls say, is it?"
"No, I want it. I'll do it if you like that."
"Anyone ever tell you how sweet you are? You’re always thinking of others. Perfect little cock-slave. It's really too bad your holes are so tiny. I'd really love to fuck your ass, but we wouldn't want anyone getting injured tonight," Faust said.
Faith simpered and wiggled her hips. There was a brief loss of contact as Faust went for a bottle of lube he always had stashed under the bed for nights Faith needed it. He coated the toy and rubbed the rest around and inside her tightness. With his fingertip eclipsing her hole, he dipped in one last time before replacing the digit with the tapered end of the plug.
Faith couldn't tell what it looked like when her body accepted the weighty piece of decoration, but when Faust had it in place, he breathed heavily.
"Fuck, Faith... That's adorable. How's that feel?"
She tilted her hips from side to side, grimacing from the flare pressing into her cheeks. "It's... Different."
"Spread your legs a bit more. Yeah, that's good. Open up and show me that pussy and your cute plug."
Faust overestimated his reserve of patience. Once affixed with the pink jewel, he lost sight of everything else except filling her other holes too. But he had to control himself if he wanted to achieve what he set out to achieve, and that required endurance. He had to tease her with a little more tongue-fucking before slipping his cock in from behind. She gasped and clenched hard, flinching away. The added fullness only intensified the stretch from his width and the imposing length. Faust seethed a moment before teasing her pussy with the tip.
"All right, work it however you like, babe. Get comfortable. It's a lot."
Left to her own efforts, she sat back on him and let the stretch course through her. Faust watched most of his length disappear, mouth dropped in awe. She continued jamming him back inside after every withdrawal, hoping to impress with her resilience. 
"You're doing good, baby. Keep going. Fuck, that feels amazing."
When Faust grew bored with the position, he flipped her on her back so he could watch her wince in mixed pain and pleasure. Her struggle urged him on, her panting, encouragement. Over the months, Faith got used to the breadth of him inside and didn't tremble as much or wilt from trying to keep up. It was time to move onto the next part of his plan, which was to introduce yet another form of stimulation. 
Faust had her sit on him, his chest to her back, fully enveloped in her wetness with the plug angling just right. Once she perched in his lap comfortably, he reached around to rub her clit with one hand while the other anchored her collared neck back so her head rested on his shoulder. 
"You're gonna come all over me, understand? I won't stop until I feel your pussy spasming around my dick." 
Faith squealed from the frantic fingers dancing over her clit, the shaft pumping her in a violent clashing of rhythms. Even his brutal whispers in her ear fell into time, playing her like an instrument with expertise. By her arching back and sharp breaths, Faust knew he was close to his goal. He just had to restrain himself from succumbing to the tightening pressure around him, the feast that was her body contorting on top of his. 
"Are you gonna come? Gonna fucking squirt for me?" 
Faith nuzzled into his neck and whimpered, "I... Can't. I don't know how." 
"Yes, you do. Feel that spot right there? Remember? Remember what I told you."
"Faust," she gasped. 
"You're right there. I can feel it. Right there, Faith."
He coiled his thick arm around her chest, pressing her as he shot his groin up and up. Each thrust landed harder while his fingers coddled her most sensitive spot. 
Amid the barrage of sensations, a peculiar warmth bourgeoned in her groin. For a second she thought her bladder was about to release, but it was too gradual... Too intentional to be a regular function. The undulating pulse sent red hot waves of pleasure through her body, shooting to her fingertips and crackling in her ears like a sudden ascent up a steep mountain. She closed her eyes and let out one continuous groan that spiralled upward, squealing from between her teeth as the volcanic frequencies shut down all other modes of operation. 
Faith didn't notice the first spurt. Only when Faust laughed did she unscrew her eyes to see between her legs. Faust lifted her quickly, sidling them both to the edge of the bed where the mirror reflected the clear fluid dripping down his cock and spreading between their thighs. He'd fucked her hard enough to collect fizz along the underside of his length. She gasped when a contraction forced another small emission from a place inside her she never knew existed. 
"Oh, my goodness... Am I?" 
"Squirting? Damn fucking right, babe. I knew I could get ya to gush all over my dick."
The fervent racks of orgasm subsided after a while, and she giggled. Faust laid back on the bed, feet planted on the floor as he slipped out of her and let her roll to the side. Faith huddled up under his arm and placed her little hand on his heaving chest, his heartbeat kicking up the limb. 
"You didn't come," Faith said.
Faust grabbed her hand and tightened his arm around her shoulders. "Yeah. That's 'cause I'm not done with you."
On the day of Faust's departure, he drove Faith to her campus and got out of the car to give her a hug. She produced a rickety smile as she buried her face in his hair and the first sniffle racked her throat. She imagined they looked novel to most; Faust spreading his feet and crouching to use his entire body, clam-shelling her in leather-bound arms and ripped black jeans, and Faith in a school kilt and his largest and softest hoodie. 
Faust kissed her once softly, then again slowly. She savoured his breath and sent her tongue after his. They parted, joined once more and parted again for their first attempt at goodbye.
Faith shivered from the effort of holding back her tears. She knew crying would only make it harder to part ways. If she could hold on, then she could cry in her plain, two-sided cubicle in a building of people that weren't Faust. She already felt sorry for her roommate who would suffer her grovelling.
To her surprise, she reared in the heat behind her eyes, remembering the times in the Summer when Faust would talk about touring. The glint in his eye and the smile he let slip only in her presence was Faust at his purest. How could she let her emotions taint his goals? Faith smiled, driven by her unexpected surge of self-control. 
It was Faust who bit his lip and blinked rapidly, trying to smother a tear before it oozed out. Faith gasped at the glimmer he smeared with the leather cuff of his jacket. Then, she broke.
Faust wrapped her up in his arms again and squeezed her tight, Faith jostling with sobs.
"I love you. I love you so much," she cried into his chest.
"Yeah, babe. I love you too. I fucking wish you could just come with me. I don't trust this town either. You better not ever walk alone at night anywhere. Even if it's from your dorm to the parking lot. You always walk with someone."
"I will."
"I'm serious, Faith. And don't fucking hang out with Anika and that crowd."
"Why not? I mean, I won't, but... Why?"
Faust pressed his lips together, squeezing his fist. She cocked her head, and he released his frustration in one deep breath. "All those guys will rip you apart. Because of your... Upbringing. Christians just... Fuck. I can't put this nicely."
"Do you really think I still care about my religion? It was something I just did as a kid. I don't really... I don't know. I know what you guys sing about and I don't care."
"It doesn't matter. To some of them, Christians are the enemy and they'll do terrible shit you'd never think of. Please, just fucking promise me you'll make some other friends. Some smart girls. Have like a girl's club thing in your dorm."
"Girl's club?" Faith taunted.
"You know what I mean."
"No smart boy friends?"
Faust went deadpan, then stooped to grab her ass and pull her closer. "Don't make a murderer out of me. If I hear of any guy—"
"Or girl!"
"Or girl... If anyone tries anything with you..."
"You'll go to prison for me. I know. I'll do everything to make sure you don't end up in prison."
"And you better not worry about me and what I'm up to. My life will be nothing but sleeping on the way to shows, sound check, pre-set, set, post-set shower, then beer in the bus."
"I trust you. But will you say goodnight, every night?"
"I'll try."
She hopped up to kiss him again. "Thanks, beetle."
"One more thing before I go," Faust said, stepping toward the car. He circled to the driver's side and ducked in to grab something he'd tucked under the seat while Faith wasn't around. She already had her mouth covered by the time he returned to the sidewalk. "That collar you supposedly had lying around... You gotta get rid of it."
Faith touched her throat as though the leather strap was still there. "How come?"
"Because I got you a better one," he said, handing her the parcel. The box had a weight Faith didn't expect.
She unravelled the black plastic, a lacquered wooden box beneath the makeshift wrapping paper. The collar inside was thin, with a metal buckle and a thick D-ring hosting a thicker chrome loop.
"My friend made it. It's not some Hot Topic shit. This collar means you belong with me."
"Is this like your version of a promise ring?"
Faust scoffed. "It's not a ring. It's a collar. Hand-forged metal. Leather cut with skill. Not some tiny, overpriced rock. But if you want me to make you a promise, I will."
"Promise me what?"
"That I belong to you, too."
Faith melted, rolling her eyes and leaning into him. "Ugh, oh my gosh, if you keep being so cute I'm not gonna let you leave! First you cried and now you're giving me something you asked your friend to make for me? That's sooo cute!"
"Shut up. Come on, this is serious."
"I know! Which is why it's so cute, because you're a big, tough, serious man, aren't you?"
Faust's indifference broke, and he chuckled with her as she poked him and hung off his arm. He helped her put on the collar, then slipped the box into her backpack.
They settled back into a melancholic silence, neither one of them wanting to start the next round of goodbyes. Faust eventually stepped into the tight hug, proceeded more kissing and a few deep breaths to wane the sorrow.
"I hope you have fun, Faust. You don't have to worry about me. I promise I'll be safe."
"Say goodnight, every night."
"I will."
"All right... Well, I should go."
"Please do, so I can go to my room and cry some more."
Faust pressed his thumb into the corner of his eye. "Fuck, I know."
"I love you, beetle."
"Love you too, babe. I'll talk to you soon as I'm on the road."
Faust let her go and drove away. An immovable lump formed in his throat as he drowned out his inner-mourning with a cacophony of feral guitars, erratic drumbeats and screeching.
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
Can you write a celebrity au for Sobbe?? Sander being this famous singer but robbe never listens to his music because it isn’t the genre that he likes, they meet by accident and start going on dates, and when Robbe’s friends find out they’re like ‘YOURE DATING SANDER DREISEN?!!’ (Sander might have forgotten to tell that part to robbe) can you write about robbe being already out w the broers and he meets sander somewhere and they start seeing each other and when he tells the others they’re shocked that he’s a college boy and when they all meet they can’t believe robbe rlly scored sander
“Here.” The three boys come closer while Jens shows him his phone, earthlingoddity displayed right in front of him. Robbe has to keep himself together not to laugh or smile, “This is Sander Driesen. He’s like this stupidly famous artist.” Jens says like he’s stating the obvious, frowning so hard, looking at Robbe in disbelief.
“How don’t you know him?” Moyo asks right after, “You, of all people, being this wannabe photographer.”
Robbe snorts and Aaron slaps the back of Moyo’s neck and they start arguing if Robbe is a photographer or not. He doesn’t know how to tell them. Noor knows Sander.
Noor, Robbe’s ex, now Moyo’s little secret. It’s not a secret between him and Noor, but Robbe pretends it is to his friend. Noor seems excited and he’s letting her figure out by herself with Moyo.
Sander was an accident. At least for him. One day he saw the odd Instagram name watching his stories. Maybe he stalked him a little bit. Sander, whoever he was, was so handsome with his white-blond hair, thick dark eyebrows. He was clearly into arts too. And maybe music. And he had over 60.000 people following him.
Robbe daydreamed about meeting Sander in person, about him turning out to be a nice, interesting guy. Not just some insta-famous, cocky influencer or something. Robbe fell asleep thinking about the boy. His scenarios were so good he struggled to fall asleep, enjoying too much his alternative universe to let himself stop and rest.
So it felt like a second when he woke up with his alarm the next morning. He groped for his nightstand, looking for his phone to make it stop. The loud, obnoxious sound, dragging him away from soft lips, dark eyebrows, and bright hair. He couldn’t find the right place to press, the light was suddenly hitting his eyes harshly and somehow Robbe managed to connect all the dots and unlock his phone. Neither the light, his alarm, or the bright light woke him up, but Robbe was wide away the second he managed to see and read the letters.
earthlingoddity liked one of your pictures.
earthlingoddity liked one of your pictures.
earthlingoddity liked one of your pictures.
earthlingoddity liked one of your pictures.
earthlingoddity liked one of your pictures.
He sat on his bed and checked every notification. Sander liked every picture of Robbe alone, some of him with Jens or Moyo.
Robbe couldn’t help but ask Noor about Sander, since they both followed each other, trying not to sound suspicious or too interested. It turns out they have a lot of friends in common. Sander is Britt’s ex. Britt, the girl who Jens dated, who made a whole drama around the entire school because Jens cheated on her.
So they know each other, Robbe and Sander. They’ve talked through Instagram messages for over a month now. Sander asked for Robbe’s phone three weeks ago. Robbe is not sure because they’re both too busy with school, college, and Sander with...being Instagram famous or whatever, but he thinks they like each other.
Sander calls him every night before bed. Doesn’t matter if it’s late, if they were at different parties and are too drunk to talk for long, but they always call before bed. This is a first to Robbe, but they flirt a little bit every time.
Last night, Sander was probably tipsy when he called. Robbe was already in bed for over an hour, checking his phone every few seconds to make sure he didn’t miss a message. Sander called very late, with a raspy voice, panting a little bit. He was biking home and didn’t want to keep Robbe waiting for long since he had class this morning.
They talked until Sander got home. He said he was walking around in circles in the middle of an empty street, postponing having to get inside and end their call to not wake up his parents. There was a very long silence where Robbe could only hear Sander’s quick breathing on the other side, but he waited. It felt like Sander had something to say and Robbe didn’t want to scare him by starting another random conversation.
“Fuck, Robbe…”
“What...?” He whispered back, feeling his heart beating so fast, no hints of ever calming down to fall asleep once they hung up the phone.
“This is stupid. Can we meet? In person...like, tomorrow?”
Robbe sat on his bed, in the complete dark, but feeling so exposed all of a sudden.
“Yes, tomorrow. We live in the same city, we know so many of the same people. You can ask Noor, Britt, probably any of their friends if I’m real. I already asked Noor that and she told yes, you’re as fucking handsome as I think you are. There’s no point in not seeing each other.” Robbe covered his face with his hand, thinking about the possibility of meeting the guy he had a crush on for months. He wasn’t ready. It was late when they talked, he would probably be a mess this morning, no real time to make himself look good before school, “Right?”
Sander asked and Robbe assumed he was quiet for too long.
“I don’t know...you had a few beers tonight...Maybe you don’t mean it.”
“I do. I promise you I mean it. I want to see you. To ask you in person to...go on a date with me.” It sounded like he was asking, not stating, but they both laughed because it was clear that Sander was nervous. And Robbe understood the feeling because he was no different.
Robbe laughs and all his friends finally notice him still there, completely out of their conversation. He walks in between them again, scrolling down, stopping, and clicking on a drawing Sander posted a few days ago. Two boys almost kissing. Could be girls too, but Sander had sent him the drawing when he made it. He made a joke about being random people that looked a lot like them.
“I’m pretty sure this is me.”
“Not you’re out of your mind.” Jens snorts.
“You’re not that handsome, bro,” Moyo added and they both laughed, and Robbe laughed too.
“I think you look nice.” Aaron was the last one and Robbe looked at him.
“Thank you, man.”
“No problem!” Aaron smiled proudly and Robbe grabbed his phone, calling Sander, clicking on the loudspeaker icon at the bottom of his screen so the boys could hear him.
“Hello, cutie!” Robbe could see how wide Jens opened his mouth, slapping Moyo’s chest so hard.
“Hey…” Robbe looked down, hating how aware he was of how much he was blushing, “Hm, where are you?”
Moyo and Aaron looked around anxiously and Robbe tried not to do the same, trying to postpone seeing Sander in person and panicking.
“Right around the corner. I’ll see you in a second.” Robbe smiled because he could hear in Sander’s voice how he was smiling too. “Robbe?”
“Can I kiss you when I see you?”
Robbe ended the call right away, Jens, Moyo and Aaron screaming, freaking out around him while he opened their conversation, his hands shaking while he texted.
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