#first time I wrote a geoff pov i think
aevus-blogging · 4 years
The LS Police Commissioner walks into the interrogation room and drops a Manila folder on the table, inside the folder is a myriad of photos of the Fakes all dead in various ways; Trevor on a beach, a large shark bite taken out of his side, crimson blood staining the white sand; Jeremy with at least a dozen bullet holes in his chest; Gavin with his throat slit from a joke mugging gone horribly wrong; (1/?)
(Sorry the second part of this took a bit, my train of thought derailed on me) ...Michael surrounded by a pool of blood, a crashed Oppressor nearby in flames; and many, many more. "You and your crew have been shot, stabbed, poisoned, run over, fallen from planes and just in general *died* more times than anyone in this city can count, yet somehow you *Cockroaches won't. stay. down.*" The commissioner seethed (2/?) (Stuff between ** are emphasized since I can't really do that in an ask)
"But now, there's nowhere for you to run," he continued "and no way the rest of the Fakes can bust you out of here, so, Kingpin, *Geoff* you and I are going to sit down and have a nice long chat about *how* exactly you bastards have cheated death itself." (The fic can start before this prompt and explain how Geoff ended up in such a mess, and use the prompt in the story itself or after and Geoff tries to explain why/how the FAHCs are immortal) -😼
Quick Warning that the second paragraph has descriptions of death/dead bodies
The commissioner, a highly praised and decorated police officer, walked into the small interrogation room. He kept his head held high as he looked at the man before him. This was one of the most dangerous men in the city, one of the most elusive as well. Of course it had only been a matter of time before he was caught, people like him always got caught in the end. The man before him was shackled to the table, unable to leave. The Commissioner couldn’t help the smug grin that danced on his lips for the briefest of seconds as he looked at the criminal before him before returning to a sneer. He still had things to
The Commissioner tossed a manilla envelope onto the table as he sat down across from the fake, a few of the pictures inside spilling out. All were gruesome deaths of the other’s crewmates. Collins sprawled on a pristine beach, minus the red dyed sand surrounding him from the torn off leg. Rimmy Tim riddled with bullets lying on the cold hard concrete after a heist gone wrong. The Golden Boy slumped against a wall, throat torn out from a mugging gone wrong, blood coating his much too expensive clothes. Mogar surrounded by the twisted wreckage of an oppressor. Patillo shot clean through the head at the controls of a falling helicopter. The Sauce with a jagged piece of metal going straight through his chest, surrounded by the red that once was his blood. The Phoenix, a charred mess after getting too close to one of Mogar’s explosions. The Vagabond a crumpled mess on the roof of a car, parachute failed to deploy after jumping from some sort of air vehicle. And finally the Kingpin himself, slumped at a card table, mouth frothing after drinking some sort of poisonous liquid.
“These are only a sliver of the recorded deaths of your crew. Yet somehow each and every time one of you die you don’t. The next day you pop back up with some new brand of mischief. Time and time again this city has watched you all die, yet like the cockroaches you are you just don’t say down.” The man sneered angrily at the Fake in front of him who seemed no more interested in any of this then if he were reading the dictionary.
“But right now we have you locked up here, no chance for the rest of these cockroaches to get you out. So you’re going to tell me Ramsey how exactly you’ve cheated death so many times.” He growled out.
Geoff looked up from his finger nails to stare impassively at the man before him. Commissioner Hyerty, a man who had been obsessed with capturing the fakes at all costs. He was a father of two with an estranged marriage, his wife cheating on him with a member of the Vegas, the man possibly being the true father of the Commissioner’s youngest. Geoff was no more afraid of him than one was afraid of a moth. If Geoff was honest the Commissioner was more of an annoyance than anything else.
“Hm. Would you believe me if I said I sucked off Thanatos?” Geoff asked, tone casual as he watched the man’s face turn into a brilliant red shade.
“This isn’t a fucking game Ramsey! You will be going to prison! Your crew will fall and one way or another your death defying secret will be revealed.” He said, Geoff just outright laughed at that. His family wouldn’t fall apart as easily as this man thought.
“This is no laughing matter!”
“Oh but it really is. You think you’re the one with the power here, I’m only still here because I haven’t actually cared to try and escape.” Geoff said, tone cocky as he smirked at the Commissioner. This just infuriated the man even more.
“I’ve been alive longer than your family has been in America. You don’t scare me more than a kitten scares me. I’ll be here long after you die. You are nothing to me.” The Immortal said, leaning back in his seat. If this pitiful man thought Geoff would spill his secrets then he was dead wrong. Not that Geoff himself even knew how immortality works. The just died and then woke up back in a relatively safe spot in a brand new body.
“Listen here you piece of shit. Right now I’m-“ Hyerty’s speech was cut off by a knock at the door. He let out a string of curses as he turned to the door.
“Who the fuck is it.” He shouted, the door opening up to reveal a demure light skinned african american. She was staring at the floor, her short hair hanging to the side of her head.
“Commissioner Hyerty, you’re needed at the front desk.” The woman said, keeping her voice low.
“Tell them I’m busy.” The commissioner huffed out.
“They said to tell you it had to deal with the Vagabond’s whereabouts.” The woman said. The man lit up at that, immediately standing up, chair abruptly falling behind him
“You should have led off with that!” He snarled at her, turning back to Ramsey
“We aren’t done here. Though if we have your lapdog you might be more willing to speak.” The man said, hurriedly leaving, not paying attention as he left, practically running over the woman. Or that she stayed behind with Ramsey, arms now crossed.
“You owe me a fucking suped up Deluxo Ramsey.” The woman huffed, the meek demeanor gone.
“If you can manage to get me out of here Nova it’s all yours.” Geoff agreed, a wide grin stretched across his face as Novaheld up a key ring, pucked off the commissioner as he oh so rudely bumped into her.
“You dare doubt me Geoff? Maybe I should just leave you here.” She said, going to leave.
“Fionaaaaaa. You can’t leave your boss in here to rot.” Geoff whined out causing Fiona to huff.
“I mean you could spend a day or two in here.” She ribbed as she turned around, walking over to Geoff to free him.
“But then I’d be out of a Deluxo.” She said as she freed his wrists. Geoff rubbed his wrists as Fiona undid his leg shackles.
“What you said about Ry?” He asked.
“Well, the boys are getting ready to give the station a gift or two.” She drawled out with a smirk on her face. Geoff laughed at that as he stood up. Leave it to his family to bring the fight to the station.
“We’ll be going out the back. Should be less guarded as most focus will be on the front.” She said, giving him an ear piece. Immediately he slipped it on. He saw Fiona pull out two semi auto pistols from god knows where exactly, one finding its way to Geoff’s hand.
“Geoffrey! You’re alive!” Came the voice of one Gavin Free.
“Of course he’s alive idiot. We’re immortal.” Michael bit out and Geoff could just imagine Gavin’s pouting face.
“You know what I meant boi.” Gavin whined.
“Of course Gavin,” Geoff said with a huff of amusement, “status of that Gift Fiona mentioned?”
“Arrived and waiting for the signal.” Michael answered.
“Well then, why don’t we get this show on the road?” The moment the word’s left Geoff’s lips an explosion rocked the building. The chaos was instant, the people in the building flooding to either leave the building or rush to the sound of the explosion. The duo slipped out of the interrogation room to make their grand escape. With the room already being towards the back, they managed to get to the back door without much fuss. Of course there were men guarding the back exit, but they never stood a chance between the two fakes. From their it was a quick jaunt to where Jack was waiting in the getaway car.
“So about that Deluxo.” Fiona said as soon as they were speeding off to safety, causing Geoff to laugh.
“What color?” He asked her.
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loove-persevering · 5 years
First Appearances Part 5! (Shawn Mendes Imagine)
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Description: It’s time for Shawn’s album launch!!! How will it feel seeing him after month apart? I also took some inspiration from the song All These Years- Camila Cabello.
Word Count: 2.7k Yipeeeee!!!
CATCH UP! Part 1 Part 2  Pt. 3 Pt. 4
Your dress to the party here
  Today was Shawn’s launch party for his new album, you of course had to attend with your song being on the album. You were excited and nervous to say the least, it would be the first time you had seen him since before he left, your relationship was so different now. You had taken time to reflect on your relationship, maybe you fell too quick? You shake your head at the thought, you couldn’t help how you felt about him not when you had gained such a sense of the Shawn nobody else got to know. 
  You wanted to look your best tonight, You had dyed your blue hair to blonde having it styled by your team your makeup done as well. You wore a pant suit the tight was fitted was nude with black lace and the pants were baggy and sequined. You wanted to make a statement at this party, that the heartbreak you had endured had made you come out on the other side. Which is did Shawn and you were never a couple and you had to accept that, you had to move on and be happy for him but most importantly for yourself.
 ‘’You look hot not gonna lie,’’ Mel says leaning against the door behind you. 
 You laugh at her, ‘’Thanks,’’ you say. ‘’What time are we leaving?’’ You ask her she takes a glance at her watch. 
‘’Now if you’re ready!’’ She says and you nod taking one last glance at yourself in the mirror before heading downstairs. You took a few pictures with fans who were waiting outside before Mel ushered you to leave. You make your way into the car and head to the party. 
    It was album release day. All of the months of hard work finally paying off, the long nights at the studio. The songs I had worked so hard on were finally going to be put out in the universe for everyone to hear, everyone and her. 
   I knew she would be coming tonight our song was on the album, I was looking forward to seeing her after so long. We had grown so close over the months, so close that I trusted her more than anyone I felt as if I could share my most private thoughts and they would be safe which was hard to find. 
  I make my way down the carpet trying to subtly look for her, I felt like I had been waiting to see her for months to explain myself. The night those pictures got out they were not what they looked like, I had known the woman I was pictured with from friends, we were out celebrating when I saw her and she was in no state to be out in the condition she was in. We decided to take her back to my hotel that night and let her stay there. That was it, she took my bedroom I took the couch and nothing had happened. When I opened Twitter the next morning I was blowing up with pictures of us leaving the club, I immediately felt the anxiety in my chest rise up knowing exactly how this looked. 
   I scrolled through twitter seeing people talking about Y/N and how heartbroken she had to be, how I had done her the exact same as the man who had broken her heart the year prior. I knew it had been on the Twitter too long for Y/N to not have seen the pictures. I debated on calling her straight away and it has become one of the biggest regrets not deciding to explain to her that night. I figured the damage had been done and she would already not want to speak to me, and from that night she hadn’t. I didn’t blame her, I was too much of a coward to call her and Brian and Geoff reminded me every night of how dumb it was and they didn’t understand why I couldn’t just pick up the phone and explain myself.
  ‘’Y/N! Over here!’’ I hear one of the reporters scream from the other end of the carpet. I look down the carpet and there she was, beautiful as ever. She had dyed her hair, and was wearing an outfit that definitely made a statement, I’m over you, is what it screamed at me. I make my way down the carpet completely ignoring the paparazzi screaming for my attention. When I reach her she looks shocked as if I had just done the one thing that she didn’t want. I see it in her eyes while her face said another expression, she forced a smile I could tell it wasn’t genuine because I had made her smile that way before and this wasn’t it. 
   ‘’You look amazing,’’ I say to her, she smiles but the smile didn’t reach her eyes. When Y/N smiled it was like her entire face did too, her eyes crinkled and it would almost look like her eyes were closed if you made her laugh hard enough. The last time I had seen that smile was on the phone call we had just before the club, and I couldn’t believe how much had changed since then. How being apart from her for so long could only make me miss her that much more. ‘’You dyed your hair,’’ I say pointing out the obvious. 
   ‘’Yeah, I did.’’ She huffs, seemingly annoyed that it was the first thing I said. ‘’We should probably take some photos instead of you just standing here,’’ she says gesturing with her eyes the chaos behind us. 
    I turn around completely dazed by her, I realize now I had been away far too long. I put my hand on her back and I can feel her body go rigid, I hated that she felt the need to tense up at my touch. I remember how comfortable we were before I left for tour how she would lean against me as I would strum different melodies on the guitar. How she would be laughing so hard that would fall back into me, leaning on me for support. 
   ‘’Can you act like you like me,’’ I ask her whispering into her hair which smelt like strawberries. 
   She takes a deep breath before turning to me poking me in my side something that had always made me laugh and she used to her advantage. For a second I saw a flash of the Y/N that I missed and loved. I wished more than anything that this was our relationship again, but I knew right now it was to show everyone that after everything we were still friends. It seemed funny because that was the last thing I wanted to be. 
   You hated to admit how good Shawn looked, his hair was longer than the last time you saw him. He looked much more toned than before, tour did him well you thought. His face showed a sorrowed expression on it, you tried to keep up your facade but it was so hard because the second he came up to you you were in shock. That no matter how long it had been since you had seen him, and no matter how bad it hurt to see him with someone else that in that split second every feeling you had for him came back. 
  You didn’t know that feeling before not that you had seen your ex since before you left for tour the previous year but you didn’t think the connection you had with him was the same you had with Shawn. 
  You felt as if you had enough pictures with Shawn so you glanced up at him putting your hand on his abdomen letting him know you were leaving, he looked at you right in your eyes and you saw just from that he wanted to say so much, but so did you. You head down the carpet trying to stay confident as you walked down the carpet but it was hard when the person that made you feel most vulnerable was only a few feet away. 
 ‘’Y/N! Are you and Shawn still a thing?’’
‘’Y/N! Over here!’’
‘’Y/N are you and Shawn on speaking terms now?’’
  You didn’t let your smile fade even through the questions because that’s exactly what they wanted from you. You pose for a little bit longer before heading inside, you quickly take your seat which thankfully wasn’t at the same table as Shawn, you wonder if he was the one who had made the seating arrangements. 
   Mel comes in sitting next to you, ‘’You did good on the carpet,’’ She says to you, ‘’They loved you and Shawn,’’ She says and you look at her when she says his name. ‘’I’m excited to hear the song you wrote together,’’ She said. 
  ‘‘I hope they don’t play it,’‘ You say wishfully. 
 She looks at you an annoyed expression on her face, ‘’Sometimes your seriously a pain in the ass,’’ She says to you. You look at her your eyes widening. ‘’Well you are, your really stubborn,’’ She says taking a sip of her margarita giving you a side glare. 
 You get up from the table too annoyed with Mel to sit with her, you walk around greeting some of the other people who were in attendance. You talk with Niall Horan for a few moments which was pretty cool considering it was the first time you had met him. You walk around the party for a while socializing with everyone but you hadn’t seen Shawn since you took photos together outside, you also hated to admit it but you couldn’t help but search for him in the crowd of people. 
  ‘’Y/N?’’ You turn around at the unfamiliar voice. 
 You turn around recognizing the person who just said your name as Shawn’s little sister Aaliyah. You had talked to her once on face time when Shawn had made a visit home before he left, ‘’Hi?’’ You say surprised she had come to talk to you. ‘’Sorry I just didn’t expect you to come talk to me!’’ You say realizing how rude you had sounded. 
  ‘’It’s cool,’’ She says taking a seat next to you. ‘’Shawn played me your song, it’s really good!’’ You were surprised Shawn had shown her but knowing how close Shawn was to his family it wasn’t really that much of a shock. 
‘‘Thanks! Means a lot coming from you,’‘ you say smiling at her. 
‘‘My brother really likes you,’‘ She blurts out, you glance at her shocked. ‘’You’re all he talks about, seriously it’s annoying sometimes.’’ She explains. 
‘‘I-’‘ You start to say but she cuts you off. 
‘‘It’s pretty obvious your both into each other so why are you all acting like your in middle school?’‘ She says and you look at her in admiration. 
‘‘Shawn’s lucky to have you as a sister,’‘ You say to her and she looks at you giving you a smirk. 
‘‘I know, I tell him that all the time but I don’t think he listens,’‘ She laughs and you join in with her. ‘‘Shawn’s talking to Brian over there,’‘ She says pointing in his direction. You spot him across the room and you look at her thankfully and she smiles at you encouragingly. 
  You get up from your seat feeling your whole body tingling with nerves and excitement,  you had waited far too long to share your feelings with Shawn and now it built up to this. You walk up behind him reaching your hand out to touch him but your interrupted by the sound of his voice, ‘’I just love her so much man,’’ He confesses. You take your hand back quickly and you quickly turn around making your way back to your seat. 
  ‘‘Y/N’‘ You hear Brian’s voice call out your name as you make your way through the crowd. You glance back quickly seeing he had stepped out in front of Shawn obviously he had seen you before you could disappear quick enough, Shawn had a unreadable look on his face as he searched the crowd. Maybe this was the sign; the one thing you didn’t want to be true, that it just wasn’t meant to be. 
  You had sat back down in your seat still not speaking to Mel who kept giving you a side glare and muttering thing to other people that shared your table. Everyone quickly got quiet which made you look up on the stage and there stood Shawn holding a microphone probably about to make his speech for the night. ‘’I just wanted to get up here and say thank you from the bottom of my heart,’’ He says taking his hand clutching his chest. 
‘‘To everyone who has been apart of this album, to everyone who has made this album so special.’‘ He says his eyes wandering over the crowd. His eyes finally find yours after a few seconds, you look away trying to find anything in the room to distract yourself with. ‘‘This album is so special to me. Every song is a story that’s been apart of my life and I’m so happy to be able to share it tonight and with the world.’‘ He says. ‘‘I am living my dream everyday and I couldn’t thank anyone enough for allowing me to do that especially my family,’’ he says glancing to them.
 ‘’Now before the party continues I want to play this song, It’s one very personal to me and it might be my favorite one I’ve ever written.’’ He says and he moves over taking his place at the piano on the stage. The lyrics begin rolling of his lips and you listen carefully every word hitting you like a brick. 
What if I told you a story? 
All about someone who loved you
What if I told you he’s sorry 
He made you wait
What if I told you he’s dying? 
Cause he change history
What if I told you that someone..
Was me,
  Every word he said he seemed more engrossed in the song, you hadn’t realized how long it had been since you heard him sing in person. You recall it easily, like it was one of the things you’d carry with you forever. 
  You were sitting on the couch your head leaning against Shawn’s arm as he had his legs laid out on the coffee table and you had your legs taking up the rest of the couch. Brian and Geoff were both sitting in the room with you playing on their phones, you had grown close with all of them in the past few weeks. You had your eyes closed listening to Shawn hum to a new tune the words almost slipping off his lips. ‘’Sing,’’ You mutter your voice groggy from being so tired. 
 ‘‘Huh?’‘ He stops strumming. 
 ‘‘Sing,’‘ You mutter again to him softly. 
  You hear him pick back up the melody he was just strumming. ‘‘Yeah you, its just the truth, the truth. And I’d be lying if I said it, it’s a lighter state of mind stuck on you,’‘ He sings perfectly. 
 A tired smile breaks out on your lips hearing his voice which seemed like the perfect way to fall asleep. ‘’That’s all I have so far,’’ He says chuckling. You hum in satisfaction as you lean further into him making yourself comfortable happy to be falling asleep to the soothing sound of Shawn’s voice. 
  You blink back tears at the memory and you can see Mel giving you a worried look, you look back up at Shawn accidentally making eye contact with him. You look at him your mouth agape, you quickly look away getting up excusing yourself from the table. You make your way through the crowd quickly trying not to bump into anyone, Shawn’s voice filled your ears still singing for the crowd. 
  You were doing what you did best, letting your emotions getting the best of you and walking away. You had been completely aware that in the past few months you had become the girl you never wanted to be the one that cared too much. You made your way out the back wanting to avoid paparazzi, you walk to the end of the street hailing a cab down successfully after a few minutes. 
 You take your seat in the cab,  giving the man your address ready to go home and be cuddled up in the safety of your own home. You buckle your seatbelt and before the cab takes off you hear a harsh knock at the window, when you look up you see a panicked Shawn standing at the window looking down at you. 
 ‘’Can we talk?’’
TAGLIST: @softboycal , @fan-of-many-bands , @starksflyy,@emmiejames , @yourwonderbelle , @xoxohannahlee , @ilsolee,@melli-studies , @sweetheartmendes , @peruvian-bae , @fallinallinyou-xox , (Let me know if you wanna be added or removed which I hope you dont;))
Pt. 6
Link to the songs I used in the chapter Here (What If I Told You A Story) and Here  (Stuck On You)
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emilemiblem · 5 years
Beginning (Traitor Ryan AU)
Now that Traitor Ryan is in Jeremy’s POV only, I figured I could post this scene that I wrote a while back when I had the intention of writing in dual POV. Ryan’s POV of meeting the Fakes in person for the first time, hope you enjoy!! 
The taxi drops him off in the more concerning parts of Los Santos, where the street lights are half out, and the buildings fall on the verge of demolition. Until tonight, Ryan had falsely believed each of the buildings was abandoned, mostly an eyesore to drive past as you enter the glamorous and corrupt city. He double checks the coordinates that had been sent to his phone one last time before he steps out of the taxi, bidding the driver farewell with his payment and stepping towards one of the more boarded-up buildings.
He can see light through one of the boarded-up windows as he approaches, a faint sound of billiards being played inside. If he didn’t know better, he’d assume that he was about to enter a seedy bar rather than the hideout of an infamous crew. Voices inside are muffled by the boards and steel door, locked from the inside and an electronic lock on the outside. He’s unarmed, something his partner would say was stupid in terms of who he was about to encounter inside. Always be prepared, Jeremy’s voice rang in his head. Better a bullet in them than a bullet in you.
Now wasn’t the best time to be thinking of his partner. Jeremy doesn’t even know that he’s here, about to meet with the infamous Fake AH Crew in the outskirts of Los Santos. As far as Jeremy was aware, Ryan had plans with friends of the agency tonight, work things that needed to be discussed that didn’t include the other half of the agency’s greatest pairing. He promised he would be home before midnight and left his partner with a soft kiss and a lie that he hoped wouldn’t haunt him too much later that night. Jeremy didn’t need to know what he was doing. His omission was intentional, to protect him. The last thing Ryan wanted was to get his partner involved with any of this.
He approaches the electronic lock and presses his index finger into the call button, stepping back as a loud chime sounds. He takes a quick glance behind him, sure that no one has followed him out here before turning back to the door and offering a welcoming smile as the door swings open.
A younger man stands before him, a golden necklace hanging around his neck and an equally welcoming smile greeting him. “Haywood?” He asks, eyes tracing Ryan up and down. Off Ryan’s nod, the man steps aside. “Right, in you go. Ramsey has been waiting for you.”
The inside of the warehouse feels like the outside, in terms of there not being much to looks at. He guesses that was the point of it all; Discreet, something the Rooster Corp or even the LSPD would least likely investigate given the fact it looked so ordinary. Everything the Rooster Corp have gathered regarding the Fakes has shown full-blown theatrics and flashing neon signs of ‘Look at how much money we have!’ However, it’s rather empty aside from some crates off to the side, a card table set up near the entrance with various cans of beer scattered about and what appeared the be the entire crew resting in chairs, one of the tipping back a long drink.
There’s a man at the center of the table, with a thick mustache and a rather slick suit. His hair is disheveled, most likely have been through a bit for the day and just wanting to relax for an hour or so. Meeting with Ryan was probably the last thing he wanted to do at such a late hour, and Ryan certainly did not blame him.
The man greets Ryan with a welcoming smile, getting up from his seat and holding a hand out for Ryan. “Nice of you to join us, Haywood. The name is Geoff Ramsey, but you already know that. Take a seat.” He reaches over towards one of his crew members, slapping the side of their shoe before pointing towards a mini fridge nearby. “Get the man a drink, we might be a while.”
The member, who wears a dark brown leather jacket with a wolf looking ferocious on the back, gives the man a scowl before setting his own bottle down on the table, pushing back and heading towards the fridge. The crew’s explosives expert, if Ryan remembers correctly. Infamous temper too, best not to get on his bad side.
As he takes a seat, Ryan takes in the crew members around him, attempting to place names to the faces that surround him. He knows the woman beside Ramsey as Jack Pattillo, Ramsey’s right-hand woman and rumored to be is secret wife. Disgraced Air Force pilot dishonorably discharged after an accident that left her training officer dead. She could easily fly circles around anyone no matter what aircraft she is given. Motherly, protective, another member Ryan knew better than to piss off.  
Michael Jones is the one bringing him a drink, though Ryan can’t help but raise an eyebrow at the man as he sets a can of Diet Coke down in front of him instead of something a little stronger. “Heard you weren’t much of a drinker,” Michael explains, taking back his seat and reaching for his cell phone, scrolling through it and ignoring any response Ryan could give. There’s a sticker on the back of his phone, a smiling face on top of a piece of dynamite. Explosives expert, it made sense.
Gavin Free was the one who welcomed him in if the accent was anything to go by. Golden Boy they called him, his luck never seems to run out. He was handsome too, which must be the reason why the Fakes turned to him for honeypots when necessary. His hacking skills were incredible as well, strong enough to rival those back at Rooster Corp.
There are others scattered about, keeping to themselves. Ryan assumes they must be the support team for the Fakes, the ones who cover their tracks and ensure that the missions go smoothly. All extremely talented, all masters at their skills. Ryan found himself anticipating work with them if things went over smoothly tonight.
“It seems you want to accept my offer?” Ramsey questions, crossing his arms with a small smirk. He looks mighty pleased with himself, and Ryan doesn’t exactly want to burst his bubble. Ramsey certainly was a factor in Ryan’s decision to show up tonight, but he wasn’t the ultimate reason why he was there. However, it was most likely best to play along with him if Ryan were to let this meeting go off without a hitch. “I must say I’m surprised. Rooster Corp would certainly have your head if they ever knew you showed up here.”
“Tell me something I don’t already know,” Ryan responds, taking a drink of the Diet Coke. It’s ice cold, refreshing on his tongue. “I’m sure you already know my reasons for even bothering to show up, too. I promise it isn’t because you’ve supposedly enticed me to come here.” He reaches into his jeans pocket, pulling out a small USB and tossing it onto the table. “Basic stuff on there, the larger stuff comes later on if you prove to me that I can trust you.”
Ramsey releases a loud chuckle, a smile sliding onto his lips as he reaches for the USB and looks at it before handing it off to Pattillo. “I like your bite, Haywood. I feel this is the start of a beautiful partnership.” He leans forward, a genuine smile on his face as he looks at Ryan. “I’m curious: If it wasn’t my excellent skills in the persuasion that brought you here, what exactly did? I’m a bit at a loss trying to piece together why a loyal and true agent such as yourself would bother with getting tangled up with a crew.”
“He works for Rooster Corp,” Michael says with disdain dripping from every word. “What explanation do you need? That place is more corrupt than the majority of Los Santos.” He downs what remains of his beer, tossing the bottle in a random direction. Ryan winces as the glass shatters.
“They kill innocents daily, don’t they?” Gavin chimes in with a laugh. “No better than us it appears.” He faces Ryan with a gleeful smile. “What’s your kill count?”
That wasn’t something Ryan thought he’d need to keep track of. He’s always considered the people he’s killed as targets that were a threat to the world’s safety, himself doing a favor and riding the world of scum. They were not worth a number in his mind. Innocents, however, he wasn’t sure who they were and if he had a hand in their deaths.
Ramsey must detect how uncomfortable he’s become, scowling at Gavin. “Our guest is not here for us to interrogate. He’s here simply because we are looking for a partnership.” He turns back to Ryan with an apologetic smile. “My apologies for them. They were present as Jack and I analyzed your file from the agency. While you don’t seem all too eager to discuss your, well, expertise, I do want to say that it is what drew you here to this meeting. While a permanent member of this crew is an option for the future, I will say you make an excellent candidate.”
That wasn’t something Ryan had considered on his way to this meeting, becoming a member of the Fakes, though he won’t say he’s surprised that the option is set on the table. Earlier discussions with Ramsey pointed towards that becoming his future, but despite the choice, Ryan has made to bother with aiding them doesn’t exactly mean he’s willing to accept the offer. The Fakes were still a gang, were a danger to society and overall a danger to innocent lives all in the means of keeping themselves wealthy and in power. No one in such a crew cared for the lives of innocent people if they got what they wanted in the end, and Ryan wasn’t exactly rushing for a chance to be a part of something such as that.
However, given recent events throughout the agency, Ryan was almost positive that the Fakes were far better people than he has been led to believe. Hence why the option of being a part of their crew was somewhat enticing, especially with the intel Ryan has provided them with. It was enough to really push a positive decision regarding his future, despite knowing the sacrifices.
  Ramsey doesn’t bother waiting for an answer before he’s tossing Ryan an old flip phone. “You can contact us from that phone and that phone only. I’ll contact you when I find something that might interest you, and you contact me if you come across anything beneficial to us.” He gets up from the table and heads towards the exit of the warehouse, Ryan following close behind and doing his best to ignore the burning eyes of the Fakes behind him.
“I didn’t want to bring this up with them inside,” Ramsey begins as they stand outside, Ryan already calling for a taxi to pick him up. “We need some new muscle in our ranks, a guy with a possible skewed moral compass when it comes to killing.” He pulls a lighter from the pocket of his slacks, lighting the cigarette in his other hand and taking a drag. “I’ve seen the footage of you out in the field with that partner of yours. Two of you are quite lethal.”
The mention of Jeremy, though offhanded, has Ryan tensing. “I don’t want him involved,” Ryan answers quickly, his tone a warning. “If you want me to help you, you keep him out of this.”
Ramsey grins at his response, and part of it makes Ryan feel uneasy. “Emotional compromise, eh? Never would have guessed the two of you were together like that.” He offers up his cigarette to Ryan, who holds a hand up to refuse. Ramsey simply shrugs, taking another drag.
Ryan doesn’t bother with denying exactly what Jeremy means to him. He knows any argument he could come up with would fall on deaf ears. Ramsey doesn’t give a shit what they are exactly or what they are doing behind closed doors. In the end, Ramsey was a crime lord who wanted nothing but results and money. The last thing Ryan needed to do was have Jeremy even slightly involved with this business, most of all keeping Ramsey out of their business. He was willing to hand over anything Ramsey and his crew needed in terms of the agency, but that certainly omitted any and all information regarding the agency’s Battle Buddies partnership. If all of this ended up being a disaster, Ryan would rather he fall on the sword than him and Jeremy.
The taxi pulls up not long after their conversation comes to an end, Ramsey bidding him farewell with an unspoken ‘see you soon’ between them. Ryan leaves the warehouse, burner phone in his hand, wondering just what he’s getting himself into if everything he was risking was going to be worth it in the end. Hell, would the people who deserved to get hurt in this even get hurt, or was Ryan simply hurting those who didn’t deserve it?
The thought stays with him as he arrives home that night, sliding into bed where Jeremy is already fast asleep. It keeps him up as he looks over at his partner, the one person he hopes doesn’t get caught in the crossfire, and he wonders if this will affect them.
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I (don’t) Hate You: Part 1
Hey there! So i’ve been MIA for a fAT MINUTE but I’ve decided to MAKE MY COMEBACK AND HERE WE GO!!! this is literally just an idea i wrote at 2 am so it could be COMPLETE shit or something great, but we’ll see how it goes! If you like it, don’t forget to reblog and like, and shoot me an ask if you’re curious about what else I should start writing!!
TW: Blood, description of a car accident and injuries because of that, cursing, and i think that’s it...? If there’s anything else, don’t hesitate to ask!  :)
Word count: 1.2K
Shawn’s POV
There are lots of ways I wish that this night had gone. I’d love to be sitting in bed while watching some movie on Netflix instead of in an uncomfortable hospital waiting room where the nightly news reports the same stories every thirty minutes. I wouldn’t mind being with Geoff and Andrew for some down time in my apartment, drinking a few beers and unwinding after my interview instead of drinking a hot caramel macchiato with three extra shots of espresso next to my ex’s best friend. At this point, I would take screaming crowds of teen girls with no bodyguards around me instead of the silent waiting room that I’d been in for the past four hours.
It’s been a year since I had seen her, and after imagining hundreds of scenarios that would bring us back together, an almost fatal car crash was one I hadn’t entertained before. I’d always imagine both of us being a bit broken when we’d meet again, with hearts that were still healing from the misunderstanding that had separated us in the first place. It shouldn’t be while she’s knocking on death’s door, with scars covering her perfect skin. I didn’t want to see her in the hospital gown they all wore, tucked into a bed with bandages covering wounds that made her face scrunch up in pain. Nothing was supposed to hurt the girl that had been made so impossibly imperfect for this world, but the world had a funny way of saying ‘fuck you’ in ways you’d never think to see.
“Dude, you need to chill the fuck out,” Mitchell McKing says in a gruff voice that you wouldn’t want to hear in a dark alley. “You’re being annoying.”
Mitchell had been friends with Y/N since high school, and knew almost every inch of her life better than she did. When I first met her, Mitch was trying to hit on this man that had played the pianos like he invented them. She had been sitting at the edge of the bar in a new jazz club that had opened up in Toronto earlier that month, and in the darkness of the evening, I figured she looked like someone safe enough to hang out near. One question led to another, and after we’d bought each other a drink once or twice, we’d found our way out to the chilly November air and spent an hour walking about the entire neighborhood, aimlessly talking about ourselves. Only a month or two into dating would we both realize that he’d seen me across the bar, and left her alone so I’d make a move on her, since I was ‘obviously her type’.
Few things had changed since I’d last seen him. There was still his perfectly styled quiff of brunette hair that he spent at least fourty five minutes each day trying to style correctly. He even wore the same jeans and boots that I saw him in almost every second of the day, and there was still his unmistakable stare of death that made anyone’s neck hair rise with only a quick glance. It was a look that hadn’t strayed from me since arriving at the hospital in the first place.
“Sorry.” I muttered, setting down the half empty coffee as I tugged my phone out of my pocket. Geoff and Andrew were texting me nonstop ever since I left my interview with James Corden in a flurry, and I’d only sent back quick replies, ones that were as uninformed as I was about Y/N at the moment.
Only Andrew knew where I was headed once I got the call from the hospital that Y/N had been admitted. She never changed her emergency contacts, apparently, and I was at the top of the list for her. There was few words exchanged on the phone, mostly since I’d hopped in my Jeep and flew down the highway to the hospital she’d been admitted at and not given it a second thought ever since.
“For Y/N L/N?”
A doctor walks into the waiting room with baby blue scrubs as both Mitch and I stand. She holds a clipboard and has a small smile on her face, but the rest of her expression is unreadable. It’s a poker face she’s perfected since working with patients, and it’s one of the best I’ve ever seen in my life.
“Mr. Mendes, I presume?” She asks, pointing to me, and I nod with a lip tucked between my teeth. I don’t miss the searing glare Mitch sends me as she flips a page on the clipboard and jots down a quick note.
“Well, you both should be quite thankful.” The doctor says. “She’s stable as of right now, but shrapnel had been embedded into her legs and stomach from the crash. She’s lost a lot of blood since then, but things were much better than it could have been. She has extensive brusing and cuts across her, but there’s not much to be done about that. Bottom line, she’s awake and she’s going to be just fine. We’ll be releasing her within the next few days, if no further complications come up.”
Part of me wants to reach up and kiss the doctor for giving me another shot to fix what happened between us, and the other part wants to slip away from the situation entirely. Y/N hated me after what happened, and I don’t blame her for wanting to never see me again for the rest of her life. She didn’t deserve to hurt twice over me.
“Currently, we’re only allowing one visitor at a time to see her,” The doctor continues. “And since Mr. Mendes is the main emergency contact, he is the first one allowed in. However, during normal visitng hours, we can allow more in at once.”
The amount of anger that rolls off of Mitch is enough to choke someone as the doctor makes a few short remarks and leaves the waiting room without a second thought. My chest aches with the thought that she’s so close to me, and still, so hurt from what I did, but the thought soon leaves my mind as Mitch steps in front of me, scowling with arms crossed.
“You are a complete and utter asshole, Shawn.” He spits, shaking his head. The green eyes that are usually light look back at me like two black holes, intense and unsettling. “You don’t deserve to see her again. You don’t deserve anything from her, as far as I’m concerned, but I’m giving you one shot to go talk to her, and then I want to see you out of this hospital, and back to whatever girl you’re supposed to be fucking tonight.”
If only I could tell him the truth of what happened, and this would all be resolved. If only he’d believe me that what Y/N saw was a mistake, and I’ve spent months trying to resolve the mess I made. It might as well be a pipe dream by now, since any word that comes out of my mouth is one that’s automatically a lie in his mind.
A nod is all it takes for him to storm away and start tapping away at his cell phone again. I don’t care enough to look back and check if he’s watching as I walk away as I walk straight through the hall and towards the nurses station, letting her name fall off my lips as easily as water off of a blade of grass.
“Y/N L/N’s room, please?”
Don’t forget to like and reblog if you like it! If you wanna see more, ask me about uploading a second part!  :)
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shawnskeds · 7 years
in my blood // s.m
non-requested// imagine based off of ‘in my blood’ aka the best fucking song in the world
author’s note// this song is ? perfect? shawn’s pov whoop
She was in my veins. It felt like every breath I took was for her, like every cell that was in my brain was for her. Every song I wrote, every time my fingers touched those guitar strings I imagined they were her. I looked into the crowd, and I did everything I could to see her face. But no matter how hard, I tried, all I saw were empty faces, empty hearts, including mine. Ever since she left me, ever since she disappeared, it feels like there’s a part of me that was ripped out all at once. It feels like my body is simply shutting down until she comes back. Until she finds her way back to me. Until her heart feels the yearning mine does for her. Until everything gets better. 
Everyone says it will get better. Everyone says if I go to another club, or hook up with another girl, it’ll simply get better. They think that I can just erase her with another mindless hook up, or another night where i’m simply too drunk to even think about her. Where I’m too drunk to even know my first name, much less the girl whose neck my lips are attached to. But the thing is, no matter my blood alcohol level, her name is on repeat in my head over and over again. 
And as I sit on the bathroom floor of a hotel room in Japan, a half drunken bottle of whiskey in my hand, my ringtone becoming just background noise, as her name gets played on repeat in my head yet again. My heart thuds, over and over again, and it felt like a melody to a song I once wrote about her, thinking of the time that we had sneaked out of some award show I didn’t want to go to, and got in my truck to go off who knows where. I don’t really even remember what city, probably Los Angeles or New York City, maybe even San Francisco. It didn’t matter, all that mattered is I was with her. And as I looked at her, looking at the stars in the sky who could only pale in comparison to her, I almost felt like crying. I probably would have if I had known she was going to up and leave in only a week and a half. I would have told her he loved her that night, instead of shying away, thinking it would freak her out or make her leave. Even if it had, it would have only meant she had left one week sooner anyways. At least she would have known. 
I felt numb. For three months, three whole months, she was the center of my whole entire world, she was all I thought about night and day. Now all I think about is how in the hell I was going to get over her. I even tried going to a fucking psychiatrist, who told me I had depression, and the pills didn’t help. It didn’t matter if I took two or four and once even five, nothing helped. The numbness was just dulled slightly. My fingers always ached to be touching her skin, like a string was attached to me, pulling me towards her, but I couldn’t do a thing about it. 
All I could do right now, is sit here, on this damned bathroom floor, listening to the sound of my phone ringing for what is now the twentieth time, not having any will to get up, or move, or honestly even breathe. I didn’t want to be here. I wanted to be wherever the hell she was. Anywhere. I didn’t care where it was, as long as she was there. It’s been almost four and a half months without her, and absolutely nothing from her. Not a text, not a call, nothing. I gave her everything, for three months, and one night she disappears in the middle of the night without even a note. Just a text to Geoff saying “Tell Shawn i’m so sorry.”
I had heard a couple of rumors, someone told me that she was a dancer at some club in Indianapolis, but I was more than sure it was a lie to make me feel better. I heard she got a job at the MET in New York City, which I liked the thought of since she had loved it when we went. I even heard she was living her dream, working as a movie director for small indie films for festivals, which is what she wanted. I didn’t really care, all that mattered was that she wasn’t with me. I couldn’t even bring myself to wish she was happy. I was selfish, I just wanted her back. 
I wanted someone to make me feel better. I wanted to find someone like her. I needed…. I needed to find someone like her. Anyone like her. But the thing is, if I were to do that, if I were to go out tonight and fall in love with some girl, that would mean I had given up. I had given up on her, given up on finding her, given up on the idea of us being together ever again. What was scary, was that I needed someone. 
But it simply wasn’t in my blood. 
After the twenty second ring, I staggered up, my body still feeling some affects of intoxication, but I didn’t drink quite as much as I usually do, at least not yet. Without even reading who was calling me, I clicked the little green icon and put it up to my ear. 
“Hello?” I didn’t slur that much, I wasn’t quite as drunk as I thought I was. 
“Shawn, she’s here.” It was Geoff on the other end, and I knew exactly what he was talking about. His voice was…. low as if he was worried that someone would hear him.
“Where are you?” I asked before I could even think, all I could think about was seeing her again. Japan, of all fucking places, Japan?
“Me and the guys from the band are at the club down the street from the hotel. I’ll tell the bouncer at the front you’ll be here, but Shawn please, you may not wanna come sh-” I had already hung up and was starting to get out of the room. 
I was gonna see her again. I was already starting to feel whole again. I could already feel it in my blood. 
author’s note// i had to change this author’s note cause the boy whose name i mentioned found my blog LOL YEEHAW
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canadailluminate · 7 years
Chapter 5
Shawn's POV
After I finish singing Castle Of The Hill and Life Of The Party, it’s time to sing my favorite song, which is Roses. I walk around the stage touching some fan hands until I’m in front of Bailey. I look into her eyes, while I’m now sitting right in front of her. I want to hold her hand, but other girls are grabbing my hand instead and so I can’t hold Bailey’s hand.
I want to know more about her, she seems to be a nice person to have good conversations with which I need in my life, a person I can tell everything. Yeah, I have my friends Matt, Ian, Brian or Geoff and Andrew, but I can’t talk with them about everything. I need a woman's opinion to some things in my life, which I can’t even ask my mom.
Maybe I will see her after the concert backstage because Jake is flirting with her mom the whole time since she got Matt’s all-access pass.
Bailey's POV
After Shawn performed on the B stage he went back to the main stage and I made my way to Matt, who’s already waiting for me.
“How was it?”, he asks me. I just give him a smile. “Let's watch the rest of the concert from here”, he says, while he puts his arm around my waist. I do the same, while I’m leaning against him.
That’s how we watch the rest of the concert, just watching Shawn performing on stage and not singing. That’s fine with me because I will attend the concert tomorrow too.
“Thank you, Toronto for this incredible concert. Love you all so much”, Shawn screams before he’s leaving the stage.
Matt and I decided that we will wait until most of the girls leave the arena before we are heading backstage.
Andrew's POV
Since the Meet&Greet Shawn is non-stop talking about a girl named Bails. I have no idea who she is but I know her mom since Jake is flirting with her the whole time.
“Bails, did you liked the show?” I hear Shawn screaming when a girl with light brown hair is entering the room together with Matt.
“You killed it with your band. Dave, Zubin, Eddy and Mike good job”, she says with a smile which shows her white teeth.
“Thanks, Bails. We heard a lot of you and not only from Shawn”, Eddy laughs.
“I'm Andrew and you must be the famous Bails everyone is talking about?”, I ask her politely.
“Yep Annabell Bailey Sydney Miller short Bails”, she says with a smile on her face. Will she ever stop smiling ?! I don't think so.
“Syd here are the keys to the car. Don't be too late home”, Mrs. Davis says before she's leaving with Jake the room.
“Your mom makes Jake weak. Love at the first sight”, laughs Brian.
“Oh yes they can't get enough of each other”, Bailey grins.
“Bailey, what you are doing? College? Job? Tattoos? Piercings?” Ian is asking her all the questions without breathing.
“Bro chill”, laughs Geoff's at his younger brother.
“I'm going to Ontario College of Art and Design University since I graduated high school. I work at Starbucks near the college to earn some extra money because I get money for designing people's merchandise, shirts, and tattoos. Yeah, I have three tattoos, a rose on my wrist, a dream catcher on my ribs and an underboob tattoo. Yeah, I have a belly button piercing and a nose one. Oh and I'm 19”, she says while she's showing her tattoos even her underboob tattoo on a picture on her phone.
“Cool Bails”, Shawn says with a grin on his face. Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with this kid.
Bailey's POV
“Sorry guys but I will be going because I still have to finish a song for a friend”, I say while I'm hugging Shawn and Matt.
“Wait, Miller. You write songs too ?”, Geoff ask me confused.
“Yeah because it's one of my classes and I love writing songs since I'm young. I actually wrote my first one when I was ten. Oh and I can play the guitar too same as drums”, I explain it to the group.
“Come early to the arena tomorrow and we will play the drums together. It will be so much fun”, Mike almost screams while he's jumping up and down like a little boy. Sometimes I wonder if he's really 30 or not.
“Sure let's do it. I haven't played in a while. See you tomorrow guys”, I say before I walk out of the room trying to find a way out of the arena.
Matt's POV
“She's such a cool girl. Now I understand why you wanted to hang out with her at the show”, Geoff laughs. I just smile at him.
“Crap I don't know her Instagram or her number so I can't tell her where she should be tomorrow at the arena”, is coming from Shawn while he's packing his guitar in the case.
“Don't worry bro. I bet Matt will text with his new best friend later”, Tom laughs because he knows that I exchanged numbers with Baileybell earlier.
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