#first wot edit
amemoryofwot · 1 year
The asylum specifically mentions patients of Logain’s calibre have either richer families or a special patron. Logain is a noble in his own right but is his special patron the Tower?
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emylilas · 5 months
Fandom: Wheel of Time Prompt: Aging (from HalfAMoon2024 on Dreamwidth) Characters: Liandrin Guirale, Moiraine Damodred, Anvaere Damodred Content warning: character's death, some flashing, Wot show S2 spoilers Summary: Through the characters of Liandrin and Moiraine, The Wheel of Time has explored the curse of seeing your loved ones age faster than you'll ever will. Watch in HD if you can!
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phantasieandmirare · 1 year
Okay but if anyone’s heard ‘A Girl Like You’ from Paradise City, that song SCREAMS Moghedien’s intro sequence
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Would we like to see more writing... honestly im offended you even have to ask /silly
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prany · 1 year
i’m gonna actually....start making stuff again and i hope just at some point i can. post some writing. bcs i have so many ideas. but brain no working.......... :(
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tanpopomugishu · 7 months
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EDIT: I'm not feeling Aziraphale's tattoo & backstory anymore, so I'm removing it from the story. But I still love this art, so I'll leave it here 😁
C : Angel, I've been wondering. What's the story behind your tattoo? You always look so prim and proper, never would have guessed you have those massive tattoos hidden behind all those layers. Not that they don't suit you, mind you!!
A : Oh, I know, these tattoos are very cliché, right? Not much thoughts went into these, except that they look cool. I had these made when I was very young and stupid, not even 20 years old if I remembered right.
My parents and brother have hated me since they learned that I am gay, so staying at home for a long time was not a choice. I was constantly angry, hung out with the wrong crowd, and frequently got into big fights. The next thing I know, a youth gang has taken me in. As a form of initiation, they paid to have these tattoos done.
C : You were in a WOT!!
A : In a gang Crowley, do catch up with the story, my dear... They said I was one of the best fighters they had ever met, so I got special treatment.
They even gave me a moniker! A very embarrassing one too, now that I think about it..
C : What moniker ?
A : Uhhhh... promise you won't laugh?
C : Fingers crossed
A : It was "The Fallen Angel of Whickber Street."  Back then, I was lithe and feminine-looking, and combined with the angel wings tattoo, they said I looked like a crazed angel while fighting.
C : WAIT, THAT WAS YOU??? I saw the article that was written about you in the local paper!! The photo there kicked ass!! Even now, you are still pretty by the way..
A : Oh, you silver-tongued, wiley tempter!!
I think I still have the original photo used in that article, they sent it to me as a keepsake.
C : Oooooh!! Show me!!!
I promised @midnights-dragon that I would draw Crowley's tattoo with more details, and somehow ended up expanding this first responders AU even further!!
It's hilarious to imagine young Aziraphale as a gang member, fighting the opposition while looking like Miles Maitland. I'll definitely try to draw that scene 😂😂😂.
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avelera · 1 year
Ugh, popped on Twitter to geek out about the Wheel of Time S2 and immediately find a bunch of WoT dudebro fans complaining that a 15 book series of 800+ pages each isn’t getting the exact word for word adaption that exists inside their heads when they read the books. And let me remind you all, these books were my life, my first fandom, and basically my personality pretty much from when I first read them in 1999 until Robert Jordan died (alas, I read to the end but Brandon Sanderson never quite captured the magic of RJ’s writing for me again, even if I think he did the best job anyone possibly could.)
So let me just say from a place of deep respect and obsession with these books that any hate for the show based on it not being a page for page adaptation is patently insane. Much of Wheel of Time relies on the strengths of prose which are untranslatable to a visual medium. Stuff like how magic (or the One Power) feels to cast makes up a huge proportion of the book. You can externally portray a feeling, sure, but there are still limits.
They forget that Book 1 was written to be standalone and has a ton of inconsistencies with later books that need to be shored up. That means logistical changes which cause necessary alterations almost all of which have actually been massive improvements in my mind. For all my love of Wheel of Time, its pacing is atrocious and I think even RJ would agree that if he could go back with the whole story in mind and edit it to be more streamlined, he absolutely would have. The show HAS to do that or we’d still be in the goddamn Two Rivers with the book pacing.
Centering the first season on the White Tower and Moiraine’s POV makes sense. The book relied on Moiraine being a Gandalf figure that gave information away at the pace of reader reveals, in tiny drips meant to tantalize a slow-paced book’s reader. That would be immensely frustrating for a tv show viewer of a story set in a sprawling fantasy world that needs tons of explanation and world building up front to have any idea what’s going on. Focusing on Moiraine, who has the answers, instead of sticking to the ignorance of the kids isn’t just a good choice it’s very nearly the only choice you can make. The White Tower is one of the most complex and interesting parts of that world. Centering it and introducing it earlier was an incredibly wise choice.
Other smaller choices make sense too if people thought about it for two seconds. Aging up the kids makes sense. They’re teens in the books and it would be incredibly awkward on screen. But once you age them up, it makes sense that at least ONE of them has been married before. Perrin makes SENSE to have been married if he left Two Rivers later. He’s a responsible guy with a good trade and a level head on his shoulders. He’s sweet and caring and mature. Of course he got married, he’s from a small farming community in a medieval-esque world with shorter life expectancies. Furthermore, I love Perrin to death but his obsessive fear of hurting Faile later is frankly ungrounded in anything that isn’t benign misogyny on some level. It doesn’t update and translate well on its own. Giving him Laila, giving him the manner of Laila’s death grounds his later attitudes towards Faile so well I literally gasped when I put it all together.
Other changes like in S2 having Min and Mat meet the way they do in Tar Valon was genius. It matters more that Mat and Min have rapport than that they meet in the same circumstances as the book (and Mat wouldn’t even remember that meeting anyway lol). The rapport set up and the way it showed Mat’s genius and con artistry was brilliant. Showing these characters LIKE each other was incredibly engaging and endearing which is so important because the adaptation has to be enjoyable to non book readers too, especially since the 15, 800+ page books of meandering pacing are pretty much impenetrable to new readers. Book readers simply can’t make up the majority of the audience, there’s not enough of them to sustain a show with any kind of budget which WOT requires. Thus, it needs to be an enjoyable show in its own right, not just a meandering exact adaptation ffs.
I can literally point to any show change and say it was either logical, practical, thematic, or simply genius. Wheel of Time desperately needs an edit to be accessible to modern audiences. What an adaptation prioritizes is always a risk that’s going to be run for a fan of the original material but so far I’ve been wildly impressed by every choice made in how logical or thoughtful and most of all loving it was to the actual important emotions and themes of the book. Any complainers are seriously missing the point of what an adaptation even is.
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It started as it will end, with a garden with this post -> link
"Stuntman / Stuntwoman / Stuntperson: a person employed to take an actor's place in performing dangerous stunts on purpose"
Day 12 : “Funnier my way” - Good Omens, Gymnast/StuntPerson AU
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Aziraphale *angry*: You're being silly! Hurting yourself like this...
Crowley *pouty*: Naaah. Stunt person, that's what I am!
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Aziraphale: Well, Dear, it is dangerous. *sigh*
Crowley: *sigh loudly* It's not if you're doing it professionaly. And I am. Very professional. Me.
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Aziraphale: ...
Crowley: ...
Aziraphale *kindly*: Does it still hurt?
Crowley *softly*: ...Yeah. Still hurts. But doing it my way is funnier, Angel.
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[Previous] [Next Day] [First Day]
Don't forget to 💕/ reblog ;-)
Personal challenge: a simple sketch each day
Goal: forcing me to keep things simple - inking, shading, just a few sashes of colour
Improvement pursued: to get the movement, the emotion, finding how to add depth, learning how to leave things barely finished
Max time allowed: 2 hours instead of 8-20 on my previous projects - well, 2 hours for the complete sketch, then 1 more hour for editing their lovely quotes - AND drawing the Minisnake!Crowley.
Today's theme chosen by me: Well, this time it definitely feels like it's the theme that HAS CHOSEN me. I was scrolling on Tumblr and found this old "Gymnast Vs Stuntwoman" video I have already seen on YouTube months ago. But my GO-rotten brain made me think "WOAAA this is splendid AziraCrow Arrangement's vibes, doesn't it'". Aaaand... Voilà.
Trivia: when I started this Challenge, I wasn't very comfortable with Aziraphale soft curves - partly because I always tried to draw unrealistic bodies and "healthy" (whatever that means) silhouettes, and partly because it reminds me of my own bigger roundnesses and I can't stop feeling ashamed about it. But now I like to draw realistic Aziraphale more and more, sometimes plushy, sometimes a little bit more muscular (you'll see it in my future Ice Skating Tribute). It is a long road for me, but I like it a little more each day .
Trivia2: I love so much their wings tattoos. And I am particularly proud of the winged-sword because when I imagined it, it only took 10 minutes doing it. I am having so much fun in this Challenge, because I don't have time to think or hesitate. It's very refreshing for an indecisive and perfectionist artist like me.
How did it start? I reblogged here but my brain didn't want to stop...
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"Hey, Good Omens Fam, listen, listen.
Is it just my Good-Omens-rotting brain speaking, or there is some Aziraphale/Crowley's Arrangement vibes here?
Feels like a kind of funny Fem!AU to me...
Aziraphale: If I may? *performs their gymnastic routine with a perfect sense of timing, beautiful and powerful, everything is neat, calculated, an rightful Angel in disguise with their sculptural body and their lovely blond curls*
Crowley: My turn. *performs the exact same gymnastic routine with an almost-perfect sense of timing, failling clumsy and weirdly sensual, everything seems chaotic but it IS (?) calculated, an bloody Demon in disguise with their messy gestures and their red disheveled long hair*
Aziraphale: ...
Crowley: WOT? Job done!
Aziraphale, *sincerely concerned* : Mate, didn't you just hurt yourself on this last jump?
Crowley, *blushing*: Ha! No way. I am a professional. Very professional, me.
Aziraphale: ... ... .... *raise eyebrows*
Crowley, *blushing A LOT*: ...Yeah. Still hurts. But my way is funnier, Angel.
Aziraphale: Oh dear. 🥺🙄😌"
And YES, the stuntwoman dit it ON PURPOSE - almost of it. See for yourself, they are so lovely, having so much fun together.
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butterflydm · 1 year
wot rewatch (book spoilers edition): 2x2
Additional thoughts that had too many spoilers to go into my earlier post will be found here. Spoilers for all the teasers and trailers, plus through book 13: A Memory of Light.
So one of the big questions that I have is: how much is Lanfear acting with Ishamael's knowledge and how much is she going her own way? Ishamael said in the Darkfriend social scene that he is still looking for Rand. If he's being truthful there (and he's talking to his minions, so there's really no point in lying), then Lanfear has not told him that she located Lews Therin.
2. I hadn't thought about this on my first watch, but @ladyofpembroke noted that Lanfear is probably in Rand's final dream in the next episode, so it seems possible that she actually has a hand in all his dreams. Constantly reminding him that he could kill his friends if he sees them again is a good way to make him want to stay where he is (with her) and not try to reconnect with his past life. Like any effective manipulator, she's keeping him isolated from his friends and family as much as she can.
3. otoh, we know from the books that being able to locate someone's dreams doesn't mean that you know where they are in the physical world, so this might be an Ishamael-influenced dream (I note that while Rand's visions of his friends has them wearing their S1 outfits, Ishamael is wearing his s2 outfit, which Rand hasn't seen), so this might be an Ishamael-influenced dream since he figures he might as well torment Rand in the dream if he can't find him irl.
4. Given that Rand is already hearing whispers, I wonder when the show plans to re-introduce Lews Therin to us in his own form. It might even be this season, if they wanted to make sure to keep a lock on the actor (or we might get another Age of Legends cold open -- though I note that we only had one cold open in this set of three episodes, though that might be because Rafe & co were aware that they would likely all air the same night so that might have affected their choices there - I'd love an AoL cold open where we get to see Lanfear and Lews Therin together).
5. So, did Rand find his way to Cairhien first and then Lanfear set up an inn in the Foregate to entice him to her, or did she set up her inn before he arrived and she figured out a way to lure him in? Either way, she's doing a much better job than the Lanfear in the books. She's much less suspicious than "random noblewoman who managed to appear in an unpopulated parallel world so that Rand could save her" and she's more subtle too. While the cringefail Forsaken in the books can be amusing, the threat level of the villains also helps tell you how seriously to take your protagonists, so I'm glad that they beefed up her threat level by actually making her effective. Right now, Lanfear is #winning on every possible level.
6. I love Errol because he serves several story purposes -- he's reminding us that Rand looks "like an Aiel"; he's serving Hurin's purpose in the story of giving Rand someone to look after and be protective of; he's teaching Rand sword forms because he was a blademaster; and he's giving us a bit of history about "the Aiel war". And the actor is quite charming. Plus he's used to show us both Rand's compassion and his need/desire to find mentors to help teach him the skills he needs. At this point in time, Rand does believe that he's defeated the Dark One and his nightmares are just nightmares but he does still want to learn how to protect himself and how to control himself.
7. We mostly hear indistinct whispers until Rand is walking down the hallway (it's the shot from the trailer) and it resolves into "Do you hear me? You are mine, Rand al'Thor." Which is very interesting. Our first inkling of Lews Therin? If so, it shows a greater awareness of Rand as a person than LTT's voice showed in the earlier books when it appeared in his head. I've speculated that this might happen, so I wonder if we're going to get more genuine back-and-forth between Rand and LTT than we really got in the books as a way of letting us into Rand's internal narration without him needing to pour out his heart to any of the characters around him.
8. I am actually loving Perrin getting Rand's plotline here -- it's working really well for him, being used to show us how Perrin can smell what happened in places so vividly that he's re-experiencing the past. I feel like if I didn't know this was Rand's original plotline, I wouldn't have guessed. It suits how they're exploring Perrin's character so well. I do wonder... Elyas speaks of Perrin experiencing a 'vision' -- I wonder if they're going to make the mystical side of being a Wolfbrother more distinct from what Dreamers do in this show version. Because it really was kinda... weird in the books how Perrin and Egwene are doing all this training in the same dreamworld but Perrin never runs across her or any of the Aiel Dreamwalkers, even once they're spending more time in the wetlands side of things.
9. The nailed-up Fade is used in the books to mark when Fain 'takes control' of the Darkfriends & Trollocs. I wonder here if it's meant to mark the moment when the dagger owns him more strongly than the Dark One does. Because the people of Shadar Logoth were not darkfriends -- and they focused on this in s1, too, because dagger!Mat is not a fan of the Fade that he meets in the farmhouse.
10. Love foreshadowing of Errol talking about "Aielman among us and no one bats an eyelash in the entire place" -- Rand is going to be bringing a lot of Aiel to the wetlands. I bet we're going to get to see some of these sword forms in the finale!
11. Liandrin does seem like she's becoming genuinely invested in Nynaeve. I like that (almost) everyone gets their own personal Darkfriend -- Nynaeve has Liandrin, Mat also has Liandrin (she's a hard worker!), Rand has Lanfear, Perrin has (remorseful) Ingtar, Moiraine has (double agent) Verin, Lan has (repentant) Tomas, and even Egwene gets a scene with Sheriam (who will get to be Her Darkfriend Among Us later on, if we're able to follow the books that closely when we get there), though she's not really the focus of Sheriam's attention. Everyone gets a little personal attention from the Shadow!
I like that Nynaeve gets rushed forward to the test for Accepted due to Liandrin wanting to teach her so badly. It seems more realistic reasoning than we get in the books.
12. Another big lie from Liandrin here about how Mat is here because they are "only observing" that the effects of the dagger are out of his system, which Mat immediately calls bullshit on. He's locked in a cell and only Liandrin is around -- that is not an official observation by any means. That's a prison. It's been six months. So I would put Liandrin's official lie count at two. Notably, she's only lying to Mat so far, who is both kept well away from other people and also doesn't really know as much about Aes Sedai (we know from Egwene and Moiraine's conversation in the woods in s1 that the people of the Two Rivers do not have the Aes Sedai oaths memorized).
13. My dearest, my darling, my deepest love is finally here! At the end of my reread, when I was ranking my favorite characters, Elayne was my number one favorite. Ceara is doing such a good job with her and the writing is also excellent. I love how many different sides of her we get to see in just these two episodes -- sheltered noble, awkward girl who grew up with no friends, someone familiar with the Tower but not familiar being a novice in the Tower, but a tinkerer (!!! so excited that they put this in so early) at heart and incredibly loyal and compassionate. I just adored her so much in these two episodes and I am looking forward to seeing more of her. I do really hope that, in the midst of all the chaos, that the show does manage to give her something of a meet-cute with Rand, even if it's less obviously romantic than the one in the books. But I'm really looking forward to more of her interacting with Egwene and Nynaeve, and hopefully meeting Aviendha and/or Min and/or Mat in the finale or before it.
14. I have zero issue with Sheriam not being a redhead. I think it's a good idea for the show to cut down on the number of redheads, given that Jordan says it's rare but then keeps giving us random redheads. Limiting the on-screen ones to the Aiel and the royal house of Andor seems like a good idea to me.
15. So first we got Perrin's letters last episode. Now, in this episode, Elyas tells Perrin that the soldiers he's with right now "are not your pack". While he could be talking about the wolves, of course, I feel like, as a viewer, that makes me think of the EF5 and how that's who Perrin belongs with right now. Especially after Perrin's letter talking about how he feels 'exposed' without the others around. Again, it gives me the hope that we'll get more moments of reconnection between the EF5 over the course of the show.
16. This moment with Verin is such a great one to look at knowing the truth of her situation. "Even oaths have loopholes one can exploit". She's the expert at it. Oaths are a bit of a minor theme in this episode and the next -- the loopholes and also, next episode, we're introduced to the Seanchan oaths where Perrin is, I assume, going to take the very reasonable position that a forced oath is not binding (which is the same position that Mat had in Winter's Heart but inexplicably abandoned in Crossroads of Twilight when he decided his accidental wedding vows were binding).
Oh! I knew I remembered hearing the words "Toman Head" in these three episodes but hadn't remembered it was Verin mentioning it! I thought it was noted as part of the Dark Prophecies but it's mentioned here as mainline prophecy. But the name is out there now. And this conversation also confirms "sword of flame" and "battle in the sky" for the finale, most likely, and a mention of a "branded hand" which feels like it confirms the herons. I wonder if Rand is going to use the same weave on his dad's sword that we saw Verin using at the end of the last episode for Tomas's sword. This may also mean that it's using that weave that burns the herons into Rand's palms?
17. The Rand and Lanfear scenes. Wow! But, yeah, I wonder how much her non-reaction to his bloody knuckles struck show-onlys. She doesn't ask him what happened, who he beat up. She just kisses his bloody knuckles and sweet-talks him into bed.
18. So far, we've heard/seen three separate form of violent teaching in the White Tower -- the unnamed woman who beat Moiraine to make her channel (likely Elaida); Liandrin's behavior with Nynaeve; and Sheriam telling Elayne that she'll be switched. Both Liandrin and Sheriam, of course, are Black Ajah. But from Egwene's reaction here, it doesn't seem like being ordered to be switched is anything close to the common punishment that it seemed to be in the books. But we'll see!
19. It does occur to me that Gawyn (maybe Galad too) might already have been in training with the Warders even if Elayne wasn't a novice yet -- Elayne has been spending her summers in the Tower and it's entirely possible that Gawyn's training to protect her meant he was sent off early to start learning from the best. We don't get any hints in this episode or the next about her brothers, but we're pretty focused on her developing friendship with Egwene.
20. "Min is in Tar Valon" and "Min and Mat share a plotline" were my two most hoped-for options for Min's storyline for this season, so I'm happy about that. I do wish that Min had been given a chance to bond with Elayne or Egwene but, hopefully, there will be time for that later. But I really love the set-up we've been given where we are going to explore Elayne with Egwene and Nynaeve; Min being more fully-explored with Mat; and then Aviendha when she enters Perrin's storyline. All of them are getting fleshed out as individual characters before any of them get romantically involved with Rand. I am feeling pretty hopeful that we're going to get our polycule (and a genuine polycule, not a harem) in the upcoming seasons. They've been putting in a lot of "poly relationships are valid and complex" groundwork in and it looks like they are going to be making sure that all of the characters involved get to be full characters who have their own agendas and their own arcs.
Some people on reddit are still pretty disappointed that Min isn't the male-gaze fantasy that she is in the later books but I have been thrilled with the changes that the show has done so far with her. We also maybe get a hint here that Min is going to be canonically bisexual by the way she jokes about Liandrin, so I will cross my fingers on that.
20. Min's viewing! I do love that they're massively cutting down on the number of Min's viewings to focus on ones that are interesting and relevant. This one is particularly interesting because there's nothing like it in the books. Mat stabbing Rand, then cradling him as he falls.
Theory #1: this is a flicker-flicker world (maybe we only get one big one?) and it's not Our Mat stabbing Our Rand but an alternate one.
Theory #2: Rand asks Mat to fulfill his promise to keep Rand from going mad and that's why Mat stabs him.
Theory #3: Rand loses control of himself (like Lady Amalisa in 1x8) and Mat stabs him to try to get him to lose his hold on the One Power.
Theory #4: Mat gets placed under compulsion (which would be another reason for him to want protection from Aes Sedai and channeling).
Theory #5: Mat gets The Dagger again and he's the one who gives Rand the wound in his side, while under its influence.
Theory #6: It's metaphorical and Mat takes the place of Alivia and helps Rand 'die' at the end of the series (seems unlikely but I'll throw it out there).
And probably lots of other things I haven't thought of. But it definitely shakes Min to see it.
I wonder if she only agreed to help Liandrin after this moment or if she'd already agreed and this is just additional incentive. I don't think she's told Liandrin anything about Rand. She was able to keep that secret from Moiraine even under blackmail so I think she kept it from Liandrin too.
But I do love that we get a viewing that connects Mat and Rand together, even if it's through a traumatic encounter. I am a simple soul who finds messiness intriguing.
21. Lanfear! Talking about her broken heart to the man who broke it and who she is, even now, doing her best to groom back into the man that she wants. The layers in this conversation are exquisite. When she tells him that he can't hurt her, she also can say that because she has a strong grasp of what she can do with the Power while he's still stumbling in the dark. Ooof, but Rand was (unknowingly) on risky ground when he confirmed that he does sometimes think of his past when he's with her.
Also, talking about how "no one else" could ever have power over her heart now that her previous lover is gone... when she's literally talking to his reincarnation. The conversation is just so rich and so sharp and there's so much of it that is going over Rand's head because he doesn't have the necessary information to even begin to put the pieces together. "What's left to hurt if he still has my whole heart?" she says, to the guy in question. "When I'm with you, I can pretend you're him." YEAH. I BET YOU CAN.
22. So I wonder if Moiraine's threat here to Lan, that she would let Alanna take his bond if he didn't let her leave on her own, is going to be the extent of the "Myrelle" plot point that Alanna absorbs and it won't actually happen in fact. But now it's out there as an idea that Warders can be forcibly bonded so that when Alanna forcibly bonds someone else down the road, the idea isn't coming out of nowhere.
23. I was so shocked when the Seanchan attacked in episode two. I was thinking this would happen in episode five. But once I sat down and thought about it, I realizes that Perrin has already hit all the main points of the Hunt for the Horn storyline on his side of things (and even partly on what Rand would have been doing). We've found the traitor and had Ingtar reveal his sympathy towards said traitor; we've found the Fade and the moment when Fain started playing by his own rules; and we've even been exploring Perrin and his senses. This does mean that we're going to have a lot of potential time to explore the Seanchan invasion and culture.
24. I don't have any issues with Ishamael openly being Suroth's advisor vs someone covertly giving Suroth her marching orders. High Lady Suroth is a Darkfriend and always was. We're just taking it out of the shadows and showing it openly to the viewers (and Perrin).
I do wonder if Perrin specifically seeing the Shadow and the Seanchan so entwined will have an impact on his later storylines. That I wonder about. But the later books were, tbh, really weird about how low-impact the Falme encounter ended up being in the long run for pretty much everyone except Egwene. Min basically forgets she knows anything about the Seanchan even when that information could help Rand, everyone forgets about the environment of paranoia and fear that the Seanchan created in Falme, etc. There's a lot of weird forgetfulness going around, especially in CoT & KoD, when Jordan wanted to sell us on his slaver romance.
(the way that the show has been improving characters like Min and relationships like Rand/Lanfear does give me a lot of hope in how they will handle Tuon and the Mat & Tuon 'romance' and that they'll make it better than the poorly-written dumpster fire that it is in CoT & KoD)
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asexual-spongebob · 3 months
Wail Of The Siren - Master Post:
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(Last edited: September 2nd , 2024) Basic info:
Wail Of The Siren is an AU where Dib and Gaz are sirens, it’s kinda an h2o like thing but instead of turning into sirens whenever they encounter water, they only turn into sirens when specifically in salt water.
Their transformation is much like that of Freeform’s Siren, which I haven’t watched but have seen some clips of.
Is post IZ: Enter The Florpus, does not line up with the comics (Other then issue 7) though because I haven’t read many of them.
Tak and Mimi are back, Skoodge and Tenn are also there after crashing on Earth.
Is ZaDr + TaGr centric, with some minor GaMf (could also be interpreted as GaMqp) KaZf, DaKf, KaSf, ZaSf, and TaSf (tenn and skoodge friendship). And also Gaz, Dib and Membrane.
Clembrane is there too :)
AU Summary:
Dib accidentally gets a chemical spilt on him and Gaz after accidentally dropping it while in Membrane’s personal lab. At first, the two don’t think much of it, other then Dib strangely eating raw fish at night a week after, until Dib and Gaz go to the beach.
Dib dives into the water, everything is fine and dandy at first. But then, he feels a strange sensation come over him, as if his legs are fusing together. They glance down at their hands in horror. They’re webbed, scaly and green.
He wonders what the hell is happening to him, but he then remembers the incident in the lab that occurred two weeks ago, putting two and two together.
The chemical had turned them into a siren. They go find Gaz to show her, Gaz is absolutely horrified, wondering what the hell happened to her sibling.
She asks what happened, Dib says he thinks it was the chemical. Gaz has an oh shit moment and wonders if that also means she’s a siren too. Dib figures that she probably is, and it is confirmed shortly after Gaz gets into the water. She’s a siren to.
After that, the story basically follows Dib and Gaz after they became sirens, with some ZaDr, TaGr and GaMf (or GaMqp depending on how you interpret it) and also Tenn, Skoodge and Keef as well.
AO3 Link
Wattpad Link
Links the chapters on Tumblr:
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Chapter 1: The Stolen Salmon
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Chapter 2: An Invader’s Return
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Chapter 3: The Offer
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Chapter 4: Chopsticks
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Chapter 5: Song Of The Siren
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Chapter 6: Hyacinth
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Chapter 7: That’s What You Get When You Let Your Heart Win
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Chapter 8: Calm Before the Storm
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Chapter 9: Bullet With Butterfly Wings
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Chapter 10: Spaceboy, I’ve Missed You
Ask and Answer:
When is Zim going to discover that Dib is a siren?
What got you into the whole mermaid/siren thing?
What are Dib and Gaz’s favorite fish?
If your fics had theme songs, what would they be?
How Would Gaz react if I gave her a bucket of Fish?
Does Dib ever tell the Swollen Eyeballs he’s a siren?
Videos/Shit posts regarding the AU + WOTS: The Animatics.
these are videos or shit posts I’ve made about the AU, some of which are apart of a series I’ve called “WOTS: The Animatics” where I take a scene from the fic series and turn it into a animatic type thing.
Wail Of The Siren as Vines
The Teabag Incident
Incorrect Quotes
WOTS: The Animatics:
Part 1: Introduction
Character Designs:
Tenn and Skoodge
Dib and Gaz
Zim, Tak, Gir and Mimi
Dib, Zim, Gaz and Tak as adults!
Tenn, Skoodge and Keef as adults!
Siren Lore
Part 1: Fun Facts
What Lurks Beneath the Surface:
What Lurks Beneath the Surface is a sequel to Wail Of The Siren. It takes place a year after its predecessor and is a bit more darker (while still having the humor of the original) than its predecessor. Taking place directly on Dib’s 13th birthday. Everyone knows the superstition behind 13 being an unlucky number, and that couldn’t be more true here.
Dib and his family get kidnapped by a former friend of Professor Membrane, Devon Walters. On Dib’s 13th birthday.
Unlike its predecessor, It will dives into the depths known as Professor Membrane’s past, instead of what lurks on the surface.
Installment Summary:
It’s been a year since the chemical spill Professor Membrane’s lab, a year since Dib and Gaz became sirens.
It’s now Dib’s 13th birthday, nothing could go wrong right? Yeah right.
Zim and Tak, an unlikely duo now must save their partners Dib and Gaz, and their father, Professor Membrane from the clutches a ghost of Membrane’s past.
AO3 Link
Chapter 1: Unlucky 13
Road Trippin:
Road Trippin is the third and final installment of the series, taking place not long after What Lurks Beneath the Surface.
In it, Zim accidentally creates a smeet while on a strange planet and brings them home. Him and Dib and their friends then go on a crazy road trip, and chaos ensues, Zim feeling nervous about being a parent, though.
It also includes the AU’s ending, where Zim and Dib become ghosts. Same w/ the others.
Installment Summary:
Not long after the “Dib, Gaz and Membrane got kidnapped” incident Zim, Dib, Gaz, Tak and the others go on a road trip for the summer. With the addition of Zim’s and Dib’s new, accidentally created smeet, Seven. Chaos ensues, the good, bad and ugly.
Alt Title: a group of stupid kids go on a krazy road trip 2gether with a baby.
AO3 Link
Side Stories:
basically side stories for the au that I’m planning on making or have written.
Late Night Swim.
Spooky Scary Sirens, Sending Shivers Down my Spine. (Halloween special)
A Very Siren X-Mas. (W.i.P title)
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liesmyth · 5 months
4 + 43
4. Favorite science fiction book(s): SHARDS OF HONOR pls talk to me about Cordelia Naismith Vorkosigan
43. Title of a book you own that's in the worst physical condition you have. Explain what happened to it. Post a picture if you want.
Ok unfortunately I'm out and I don't have it on hand but: The Shadow Rising by Robert Jordan, the fourth Wheel of Time book. It's my favourite out of the first half of the series and there were a couple of summers when I was a teenager when I'd reread it obsessively. Once I brought it along to the beach and my friends and I decides to rent a tiny boat (those small ones you steer with pedals, absolutely universal on italian beaches). As you can imagine. The boat filled with water. I spent that day painstakingly drying most of the 1000+ pages of that book with a hairdryer. Happily enough I could still read it after and that's all I cared about.
Years later I actually bought a different edition of that same book, NOT because of the water damage but because I wanted all my 14 italian edition WOT books to be in the same edition, and The Shadow Rising was actually the odd one out. By then both my waterlogged book and the hardcover I was looking for were way out of print, but I tracked down the format I wanted on ebay so now I have a perfectly coordinated Wheel of Time shelf. The water damaged book is just an extra I have somewhere
/books asks
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lilareviewsbooks · 3 months
25% Update On The Eye Of The World
Hey guys! I'm 25% of the way through The Eye Of The World, the first of book in the Wheel of Time Series, so I thought I'd do a little check up? Since the book is long I thought updates throughout might be fun :)
Also, I've made a tag, if anyone wants to see some of my other WOT posts/updates. It's #lila's wheel of time adventure, and it's linked below!
Spoilers ahead.
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So far, I'm having fun, but I do feel like it moves a little slowly in the beginning?
My edition has the "Earlier: Ravens" prologue and the original prologue, which I thought was a lot to preface the story with. I also wasn't that invested in the first prologue, especially, since nothing really happens. The second one was pretty cool, I really can't complain!
But it was lovely to meet Egwene and all the "kids"! It's a very cute prologue! And I definitely understand why it was done - it did make it hit harder when Two Rivers was destroyed by the Trollocs. Also, it introduces Egwene pretty up front, which makes it more exciting when she decides to go with Moiraine and the rest of the party.
But I'm still kind of confused over why the prologue follows Egwene and not Rand. We're in Rand's POV most of the time, so far, so I feel like it would've created a better relationship between the audience and him if we had known him as a kid? I don't know... As much as I enjoy Egwene and her prologue, I feel like Rand is very bland and could have used a little spice. I think framing the prologue through his POV might have done that!
But yeah, my confusion with the prologues aside: it's a good time, but I feel like I'm only now settling into the writing style. It moves slower than I thought it would - there are barely any time skips, not even tiny ones. We're with Rand every second of every day, it feels like, and that took some getting used to. But now it feels... cozy? I'm starting chapter 15, and last chapter they were settling into the inn and I felt myself relaxing with them lmao
Also, Moiraine and Egwene are SO cool!! And even though I'd heard from people before that the treatment of women in the series isn't ideal, I'm finding it... fine, so far? Like, nothing revolutionary, but it is kinda cool that the Aes Sedai and the Women's Circle exist!! And I think Moiraine and Egwene are both complex characters, so far. They're definitely my favorites, though I'm biased towards women lmao
Any way: I do kinda wish there were POV changes - 200 pages in and I'm craving one!! - and some more events? But I understand that this is the very, very beginning, and I'm excited to see where it goes :)
I'll keep you guys posted!!
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lesbianralzarek · 6 months
ral's depiction in otj was soooo 6/10. pros: it made clear hes an artificer first and foremost and not just a guy with lightning powers, he wore a poncho and spurs (excellent mental image), him yelling at a guy for nearly dying was 10/10, and it wasnt the wots novels. cons: i took psychic damage from him saying they should lock away whatevers in the vault because its powerful and "nobody here understands" it. what is the izzet league coming to?
ral in otj was 20% "he would not fucking say that", 50% "i... guess? he would say that? but so would nearly anyone else here :/", and 30% "okay yeah thats him". 6 chapters isnt enough to introduce a new plane, much less correct the chill and morally-simplistic reputation one of the storys secondary characters got pinned with five years ago. its insane to be pessimistic about a story we know nothing about, and im definitely looking forward to bloomburrow, but unless wotc randomly decides that new plane=more story, i cant imagine it wont be cramped too
EDIT: if youre seeing this post from the tag, check the notes for an important addition
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cainfortea · 1 year
WoT absolutely wild predictions
Book knowledge from here on.
Edit: Also I don't know how to make spoilers happen on a post so sorry. These are my off the wall theories about the future of the show. A) The coup kicks off this season. Rand is going to get out (I really hope with Mat's help), and Siuan is going to get deposed by the 14 sisters with her. Here's my reasons. Logain is in Cairhein. So is Leanne. So is Moiraine. And with the shakeup they're doing with her I can absolutely see them all coming up with the plan together. 2) Callandor is in Rhuidean. I know, it's weird not having The Sword in the Stone (of tear), but, I have logic. Narratively, Falme and Tear are almost identical. They exist to announce the Dragon has been Reborn to the world. The Stone also is the first clue for the car'a'carn, but there's a *lot* of overlap between the two. The Illian campaign is the first time Rand is coming into his power as the Dragon and playing on the field of kings and queens. But if Callandor is in Rhuidean, Rand can go from Falme to Rhuidean, do the car'a'carn stuff (since Aviendha is probably going to meet up with him in Falme), and find Callandor in the pile of all the objects of power the Jen Aiel carried around. We know the Aes Sedai at the breaking had it. So then he can be taking Tear as the story of him coming into his power, with the Aiel behind him. This avoids the narrative doubling up, which is important in a show adaptation going from 15 books to 8 seasons.
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markantonys · 2 years
wheel of time books rated by cauthor content
the eye of the world: The Great Cauthor Roadtrip in all its glory. there’s bedsharing, there’s handholding, there’s cuddling for warmth, there’s comforting after nightmares, there’s caretaking while sick, there’s everything you could ask for. if i even tried to start listing specific moments we’d be here all day, but i will note that “i won’t leave you. i won’t leave you no matter what.” and “you’re rand al’thor, that’s who you are. with the ugliest face and the thickest head in the two rivers.” are two of my top most romantic WOT lines of all time. 10/10
the great hunt: they spend a good chunk of the book separated, but there’s still plenty of content to go around. rand’s main motivation throughout the book is to find the dagger to save mat’s life. mat finds out rand can channel and angst ensues. “i thought we were.............however you want it, al’thor” drives me insane to this day. 7/10
the dragon reborn: they don’t see each other all book, but they do think about each other. the first thing out of rand’s mouth in this book is “do you think mat is all right?” mat spends a lot of time angstily thinking about rand being the dragon reborn, reflecting on their friendship, and clearly missing him despite his insistences that rand is dangerous now and mat doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore. still, no actual interactions to sustain us. 4/10
the shadow rising: The Great Cauthor Roadtrip Part 2: Desert Edition. boy does this book feed us. mat feeling such a strong ta’veren pull to rand that he can’t even SAY he’s going to leave him, let alone actually leave. rand saving mat’s life in rhuidean by giving him mouth-to-mouth, and then the two of them having a solid Battle Couple moment. mat sitting quietly alone with rand all day after rand finds out about his birth parents, setting aside his uneasiness about rand’s channeling to be there for him when he needs him. and so many other wonderful moments, too many to list. 10/10
the fires of heaven: i think of this book as having cauthor bookends. the whole middle is devoid of cauthor, but their moments at the beginning and end are godtier. rand starts and ends the book by using balefire to save mat’s life. there is a whole chapter dedicated to mat telling rand he’s finally leaving (after which he does not actually leave, of course) and every second of it is iconic. mat lingers shaking rand’s hand thinking about how different his hand feels now than it used to before all the trauma started, and after mat leaves for what rand thinks is the last time, rand tells asmodean to play the saddest song he knows. they are both such angsty melodramatic bisexuals about each other in this book. 9/10
lord of chaos: we have only two cauthor interactions in this book, both brief and one just a flashback. both times rand displays trust in mat despite his growing suspicion of most other people, and both times mat worries about rand’s wellbeing in his narration and it’s clear he still cares for rand despite his uneasiness about who he’s becoming. good scenes, but scraps compared to the wealth of content we enjoyed in previous books. 5/10
a crown of swords: no cauthor interactions, but mat spends the whole book hanging out with rand’s girlfriends and proving himself a natural fit for the polycule. and the line “he had promised to keep [elayne] safe for rand. he had promised.” is so godtier that it singlehandedly gives this book a cauthor rating of 2/10
the path of daggers: mat isn’t even in this book and rand has almost no thoughts about him, but “‘mat’s alive,’ rand snarled. ‘i’d know if he was dead.’” is husband behavior for sure. 0.1/10
winter’s heart: “for some odd reason, [mat] felt sure he would know if rand died” more husband behavior! mat sees rainbows every time he thinks about rand and goes “okay i’m just gonna stop thinking about him” but literally Cannot. on rand’s end, he gets 1 point for wanting to see mat when he gets to caemlyn but loses that point for not being worried that mat never arrived in caemlyn or asking elayne and nynaeve what happened to him. 1/10
crossroads of twilight: mat and rand continue to see rainbows when they think about each other and also progress to having visions of what the other person is doing at the current moment, but this only happens once each and otherwise they do not think about each other. 0/10
knife of dreams: mat repeatedly has magical visions of rand having sex and is shook about it. he has such trouble Not Thinking About Rand that he has to institute a rule that no one is allowed to talk to him about rand. talmanes says with full confidence that mat can pay the band when rand gives him titles and estates, because he clearly believes that mat is rand’s sugar baby. no significant thoughts about mat on rand’s end. 1.5/10
the gathering storm: mat is worried about rand when he sees via magic vision that he’s lost a hand and looking kinda mad, and when he learns that verin has seen rand recently, his first question is whether rand is doing okay. rand learns that mat kidnapped the seanchan empress and says “well IF that’s true then he had a good reason because mat has done nothing wrong ever in his life” and proceeds to declare that mat is a good man and as solid a friend as anyone could ask for. and there are several other excellent crumbs on both sides. 3/10
towers of midnight: mat continues to struggle with Not Thinking About Rand, at one point so obviously that moiraine gives him a weird look and he blushes and gets flustered. rand includes mat in the list of loved ones who have helped him turn out well. 0.5/10
a memory of light: REUNITED AND IT FEELS SO GOOD except it actually doesn’t because their one scene together was so lackluster compared to all rand’s goodbye scenes with his other loved ones. however, mat saying “you can trust rand al’thor with the world itself” is the most romantic thing i’ve ever read in my entire life, and mat proudly flying rand’s banner and rushing to shayol ghul to protect him is also peak romance. also “your life is a gift from the dragon reborn, gambler” took me out, even the heroes of the horn ship cauthor. 4/10
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exhausted-archivist · 2 years
Cut Content: Plants
I'm slowly making my way through my Herbalist's Handbook project and through the process I've been yanking out references of all fauna in dai, cut or final. So, I thought I'd share some of the cut plants/fungi I've found. They fall into three categories: Cut but Canon through other sources, Cut but Canon - different design, or Cut Entirely.
Personally, I enjoy finding the remnants of such assets in the game files, there is a bittersweet joy in it. Knowing that BioWare did consider adding in the elements and variety I craved but also knowing they likely got cut due to time, scope, or mechanic limitations. I really hope they continue to add new flora for us, and I hope to discover even more in the next game. I'll be interested to see if any of these make an appearance later and if they'll have any of the uses I'm outlining in my herb project.
For more plant posts see: Flora of Thedas Real Plants in Thedas
**Edit - changed the language because tumblr decided to post the image arrangement differently than I had it.**
Cut, but Canon Plants
These first two are actually the same plant- or rather fungus. On the left is a weird one that technically falls into the cut but canon - different design but wanted them side by side.
This is spongeroot. A little surface mushroom that we only know by name thanks to the World of Thedas (WoT) vol. 2 book and by the file names. The left is the cut design, the right is the final design (sans colouration) that we actually see in WoT. It's found in the Trespasser DLC files.
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The second is called ghoul's mushroom. This is a deep mushroom codex. It is one of the most commonly used mushroom by herbalists. [source] Other then that we don't know much about them, but they're found in the base game Inquisition files. Given that they have garden cards, we can presume they were at the very least harvestable at one point.
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Cut, but Canon - Different Design
From top to bottom we have the cut designs of Ghoul's Beard - Short, Blightcap, and Spindleweed - Landform.
Ghoul's Beard Short This has no real difference from the final game version other than it is stockier and bushier than what we see in-game. Personally, I enjoy the exploration into such a simple variation as it would be rather common to have differences in length.
Blighcap This is another common deep mushroom used by herbalists in Thedas. We also see mention of blightcap in WoT vol. 2: "Flat-capped and gray that grows in clay: Blightcap, the hunter's bane." Given the image is stylized, I can't tell accurately the colours, but it isn't flat-capped and thus why it's placed here.
Spindleweed - Landform Interestingly, DA2 had a similar model for when it introduced spindleweed. Though the leaves here are only a single lobe instead of three lobes on the DA2 spindleweed. This is an interesting variation to me because it would lend more variety in the spindleweed family but it would also explain how people could grow spindleweed in their garden away from water.
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Cut Entirely
From top to bottom we have blade lotus, desert bloom, and desert rose. There is no information on either as they seem to be completely new plants that were intended to be introduced into Inquisition's base game.
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