#fish Pokemon
darksilvania · 2 years
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PARALOUSE (Bug/Water), SQUAKER (Water) & PARASCYLLA (Bug/Ghost) PARALOUSE (Parasite/Louse/Perilous) is a small bug type pokemon that lives among the corals, it awaits for a fish pokemon with a mout big enough to jump in, where it will eat and replace that pokemon's tongue. Once it has gained enough strenght by weakening its host it will evolve
PARASCYLLA (Parasite/Scylla) the "Mermaid" pokemon. It emerges from its host's mouth, the one it completely fills. At this point its host is competely taken over, becoming PARASCYLLA's new tail. To further keep its "tail" in place, it will stick its lower legs through the fish's gills, securing it in place.
SQUAKER (Squawk/Cracker) is a parrot fish pokemon that inhabits the same coral reef where PARALOUSE can be found, they love to feed on coral using their strong beaks to cut and swallow large chunks of it, which sadly makes it the perfect victim for PARALOUSE. How ever if SQUAKER manages to avoid becoming infected by PARALOUSE it can evolve into the dangerous PARROTEER (Parrot/Privateer)
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PARROTEER (Water/Dark) is PARASCYLLA's natural predator, it preys upon PARASCYLLA with extreme prejudice, using its massive size and hard-as-rock head to knock them out, it then uses its bolt cutter-like beak to cut them in half by the waist, feeding only on the upper bug half and leaving the tails to sink to the bottom
PARALOUSE is based on the cymothoa exigua, a type of parasitic isopod that attached to fishes mouths replacing their tongues
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PARASCYLLA is based on a twisted version of a mermaid with some inspiration is the Greek monster Scylla, a creature with the upper torso of a woman, but a lower body made out of heads and tails
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SQUAKER is based on the Steephead parrotfish and its colors are based on the Scarlet Macaw
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PARROTEER is based on the Humphead parrotfish and its colors are based on the Dracula Parrot, as well as being based on a Pirate
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PARROTEER hunting and feeding only on PARASCYLLA is a reference to Pirates hunting mermaids as represented in some myths and popular media, like Peter Pan or Pirates of the Caribbean
At the moment, SQUAKER is the only suitable pokemon available in PARALOUSE's habitat for it to attach, but, if more pokemon were avaible it could attach to them as long as they met certain criteria: -Being a Fish (No mammals, reptiles of crustaceans) -Having a big enoug mouth Here are some examples of PARASCYLLA using other fish pokemons as its tail
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The only exception to this rule being Gygantamax PARASCYLLA
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cryborgmechs · 1 month
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luvdisc is one of my faves <3
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toast24 · 8 months
Alomomola and luvdisc!
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Tried something with no lines again. It's actually really fun to do and comes out looking interesting. Also I really wanted to draw these Pokemon because I think they don't get enough love from the fans.
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crypticcr0w · 3 months
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Im thinking abt putting some "simpler" pokemon commissions like that on my Ko-fi, depends on how many ppl would be interested😔
I‘d work on more examples in the next few days, drawing pokemon is fun i figured!
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pompompinkdandelions · 2 months
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You never know what you’ll find under the sea 🪸
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doodlebugdraws · 5 months
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Some starter fakemon designs based on top owned pets in America.
Murrine - the Cold Paws Pokemon. Fluffy and buoyant, this feline enjoys chilly solitude. It’s very sensitive to sound and temperature, and can predict changing weather conditions. No one knows where or how it got the floating device around its neck, but it doesn’t like it getting touched.
Barksprout - the Verdant Pokemon. A crossbreed of Leafeon and Lycanroc, this canine is hyper and has trouble sitting still, and is sometimes in a different world in its mind. Its filled to the brim with energy from sun rays.
Glofish - The Sparking Pokémon. A curious little fellow. Surprisingly far from water, it prefers it that way. It’s so curious about light it needs to be watched so it doesn’t blind itself.
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hypnosleepe · 4 months
Underrated Pokémon… maybe Lumineon?
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lumineon has a special place in my heart, her cry is so beautiful and calming. I always hear about how she is very forgettable, but she can't be forgettable if you keep bashing her.
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mariopokemonuniverse · 7 months
Pokémon Personality Profiles: #370 Luvdisc (Valentine’s Day Special)
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Luvdisc are incredibly friendly and social creatures that mate for life and always stay in schools. They are a symbol of love between couples, who enjoy seeing them around boats and honeymoon hotels, and believe they can keep partners together forever. Luvdisc also get along well with some other Water type Pokémon such as Corsola, Finneon, Lumineon, and Alomomola. Luvdisc are weak in battle and easy prey for countless more Pokémon if they are alone, so they seek protection in numbers with their own kind and with friends.
Luvdisc’s attractiveness has also been their undoing, as they were once overfished as love charms in the epitome of human stupidity. What Luvdisc deserve is respect in their own right, and Trainers who help them feel secure and gain confidence in a family of Pokémon. Luvdisc quickly make friends with kind people, and they are also easy for beginning Trainers to raise, which has added to their popularity in recent years and helped their numbers rebound.
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iconicanemone · 4 months
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darksilvania · 10 months
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The 5 Underground Lake pokemon
HAGABABA [Hag + Baba Yaga + Baba (Slime in spanish)] Poison/Dark The Slimey Pokemon Abilities: Gooey/Liquid Ooze - Corrosion (HA) Dex: "It can only be found inside an underground lake where the water has become acidic. Its body is naturally covered by a layer of slime that protects it from the corrosivness. It can alter the properties of the slime all over its body, making it slipery or sticky at will. It can even make it acidic and use it to attack its foes.” Moveset: -Slimeball: >Poison type / pwr 110 / acc 85 / pp 5 “The user spits a large glob of acidic slime to its opponent” >This move its also considered dark type >This move leaves the field covered in slime that causes entry hazard, if the move is used a second time, any entering pokemon will become poisoned -Sludge Wave -Nasty Plot -Acid Armor
THINKERFISK [Thinker + Inketfisk (Octopus in french)] Psychic The Starry-Eyed Pokemon Abilities: Clear Body - Misty Surge (HA) Dex: "It can only be found inside an underground lake where the water has become psychoactive due to the presence of special fungi. This has altered and greatly expanded this pokemons mind.” Its brain is said to be in a constant altered state, thanks to this it has achieved the ability to see through time and space, past and future, and even achieve enlightment.” Moveset: -Psychedelia: >Psychic type / pwr 110 / acc 85 / pp 5 “The user bombards its foe with a terrifying mental blast of changing colors and sounds.” >This move confuses the target. >This move reduces the target speed -Expanding Force -Power Gem -Cosmic Power
SPOOKIMERA [Spooky + Chimaera] Ghost/Flying The Long Nose Pokemon Abilities: Cursed Body - Perish Body (HA) Dex: "It can only be found inside an underground lake where the water has lost all oxygen, making it impossible for anything to live in it. This pokemon are the spirits of the fishes that used to live inside the lake before it became inhospitable, now they remain trapped in it, wearing their old skins as cloaks” Moveset: -Breathtaker: >Ghost type / pwr 110 / acc 85 / pp 5 “The user sucks the air from the field, making breathing harder” >This move its also considered flying type >fire type moves can’t be used after this move. >fog, mist, haze or gas are removed -Hurricane -Ominous Wind -Mean Look
TERRORICE [Terrorize + Ice] Ice/Steel The Terrible Claw Pokemon Abilities: Ice Body - Bulletproof (HA) Dex: "It can only be found inside an underground lake where the water reaches subzero temperatures without freezing. To withstand the cold, it covers itself with a thick ice armor, stronger than steel. Its giant claw works just like a chainsaw, using it to cut through ice and rock when looking for food.” Moveset: -Chilling Chainsaw: >Steel Type/Pwr 110/Acc 85/PP 5 “The user slashes at its opponent using its ice cold chainsaw-like claw” >This move its also considered ice type >If the opponent is frozen, this move deals double damage and removes the frozen condition. -Ice Hammer -Metal Claw -Sword Dance
SCALDORM [Scald + Ormr (Dragon in old norse) Fire/Dragon The Intense Heat Pokemon Abilities: Water Absorb - Storm Drain (HA) Dex: "It can only be found inside an underground lake where the water reaches temperatures above the boiling point without evaporating. It withstands the immense heat thanks to its unique oily skin. It produces an oily substance that protects its skin from the water’s heat, this same oil can be used as fuel, and will keep fire burning even underwater.” Moveset: -Liquid Fire* >Fire type / pwr 110 / acc 85 / pp 5 “The user attacks with a stream of burning oil that remains on the field afterwards” >This move may cause burning >This move leaves a fire entry hazard on the field >This move is super effective against water type pokemon -Scald -Dragon Breath -Fire Spin
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crownofhearts · 2 years
Fish pokemon have won the evolutionary jackpot
They breathe well in both water and regular air.
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In both the games and the anime, we see fish like pokemon with their heads out of the water, not swimming forward. And yet they breathe fine. Obviously they are meant to be in water, as their form of mobility is using their fins to swim, but if they could only breathe in water, they would have to keep swimming forward to get the water to pass over their gills.
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Fish pokemon are built to survive no matter the circumstances, man.
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toast24 · 9 months
Chinchou and lanturn.
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I love these little guys🫧💡⚡
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shingetsu-online · 1 year
lanturn sketch, part of something bigger
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theoldgateauofart · 2 years
Chi-yu, beads that wield fire and swim in the lava its flames create
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madmilotic · 2 years
Hopefully this doesnt put a target on my back but....I am really loving the new pokemon game!!!!! It definitely needs some patches to fix stability issues that I won't deny, but there is so much good and fun stuff in it! So many of the new mons are GREAT!!! I adore Klawf and Veluza!
I just really genuinely wish people would stop ragging on Bruxish. It's one of my favorite mons and it looks AMAZING in game, but I can't ever look at tags for it all being "worst pokemon, ugliest mon, etc." It isn't fun to constantly see. Same goes for other people's favorite pokemon. Just leave the negativity out.
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Pet Magikarp 🐠
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