#fish husbandry
mangotarot · 3 months
I've had Yonderly for 1 month!! And in just one month he's turned COMPLETELY BLUE!!!!! I'm so proud of him! He's happy, healthy, and thriving! Good job fish son 🤍🩵💙
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should-be-sleeping · 1 year
It's my Fishaversary!
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orcinus-veterinarius · 2 months
Thank you so much for your informative posts and links to resources about the actual reality of cetaceans and other animals in captivity. I don't think I've ever been happier to find out I was wrong about something.
Awww, this absolutely made my day!!!
I won’t pretend aquariums are perfect, or that there won’t always be a lot of room for improvement, but the idea that all whales and dolphins in human care lead lives of misery and suffering just isn’t true. I’m currently completing my third internship at an aquarium with cetaceans (with another planned before I start my rotating year), and I wouldn’t be doing this if I saw evidence of mistreatment or poor welfare.
So happy I could help!
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mod2amaryllis · 4 months
i was gonna wait to post because too much betta death was making me pessimistic but this dude is already so silly
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i got him yesterday, this time from lfs instead of petsmart thank you very much. he's the perfect blend of active happy healthy and yet! ugly ❤️
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sleepyfan-blog · 23 days
Author’s Note:this is mer-nadesir’s debut! I hope you enjoy the fic :D
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel 
Warnings: injuries, blood mention, poor fishing practices
Summary: You find an astartes caught up in a hooked fishing net, and help him get free.
You hear a low, warning hiss from the tangled mass of netting and hooks that washed up on your favorite beach. Something large and upset struggled within the taut metal cording and was bleeding red blood, the hissing intensifying as the wickedly sharp hooks bit into midnight blue flesh. Was it smart for you to approach this frantic, injured creature as it struggled? Probably not, but there was something very human sounding in the pained sounds that left the being.
“Woah… Hey… Just stay still and I'll get you out of this.” You call out to the being, hoping that your soothing tone of voice would help convey your intentions, if whatever this is didn't understand English.
A large eye the color of a moonless and starless night glares at you suspiciously from a gap in the netting as dagger-sharp teeth gnawed at of the entangling knots as his large head whipped sharply from one side to the other, desperately trying to get himself free “Why help? Strangers.” the astartes growled out.
“Because you need help and are in pain. Will you let me come closer to help you out of the net? Or is there someone I can contact who you do trust to get you out of this?” You asked, keeping your voice even and calm, making sure not to make any sudden movements, so as to not further distress the trapped astartes.
The large mer struggled in the net as a low and pained growl rumbled in his chest. “... My shiver is far from here. I am… Was scouting when this happened.” He stares hard at you, midnight black eyes trying to pierce through your soul. “... If you deliberately hurt me, I will come for you. There is nowhere in this world, or in any other, that I won't be able to track you down and bring you to swift and bloody vengeance.”
This was far from the first time you’d been threatened by an injured and likely anxious astartes, and it was unlikely to be the last, considering the fact that you worked in emergency medicine. “I will do my best not to hurt you on purpose without warning. If I am moving something that is likely to cause you pain, like removing the hooks imbedded into your skin and muscle, I will warn you beforehand. Deal?” You knew better than to say so that he could brace for pain - nor did you have any pain reliever on hand that would work fast enough that wouldn’t be flushed from the Astartes’ system before it could hope to have any effect on him. You’d intended on going for a moonlit stroll down your favorite beach and hadn’t anticipated meeting an astartes in physical and medical distress.
The large, midnight blue astartes stared at you for several long moments before accepting with a rough “Reasonable. I agree.”
You nod, making careful and deliberate movements toward him, telegraphing what you were doing, so as to reduce the likelihood of accidentally startling the mer. Once you reach his side you look up at him, knife in hand, waiting for his agreement for you to start cutting through the netting.
“... Begin.” He huffed after several seconds, though there was a tiny smile lifting the corners of his lips. He seemed to be grateful that you were being so careful of his potential boundaries.
You nod and carefully begin to cut away at the netting binding him in place. Every so often you give him a moment or two of warning before carefully unhooking and pulling out the metal hooks imbedded into his flesh.Once you have his arms free, you offer the knife to him hilt first, silently offering to let him continue to free himself. 
To your surprise the midnight blue astartes shakes his head and says “Continue. Your hands smaller. Better able to get hooks and knots… Doing well.”
You smile a little at his praise and continue to work on freeing the trapped astartes. All told it took you a couple of hours to ensure that every bit of rope and hook was out. You’re grateful for your medical training, which allows you to switch off the part of your brain that is absolutely delighted at the thought of being able to touch an astartes this much. Many of them large, well-muscled and handsome, and this midnight blue and dark red astartes is strikingly handsome, even bloodied and clearly exhausted. “Do you feel any lingering pain anywhere?” You ask as you resist the temptation to run your hands along his chest and tail - for purely professional reasons - some of the hooks were small. 
“Some, but I am healing… Thank you, for helping me.” The Night lord rumbled, cupping you chin with one of his large hands, pitch black eyes shining with mischief. He tilts your chin up and kisses you, his lips chapped but warm.
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Isn’t she just the cutest? Had this clown OC I made in 2020. Then I asked a friend(@minisqwish-draws-things ) if they wanted to make clown OCs together. That’s when I remembered I had my little clown fish.
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fuglyhorses · 8 months
fuglyhorses is back and into cat genetics now LETS GOOOOOO
Did you know that older Lykois develop devastating cystic acne all over their bodies and Scottish Folds are condemned to chronic joint pain??
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averagealienfriend · 2 months
I had a dream..
that sardine was on the top most paranormal, like, possessed dolls?? Sardine Is my son below, It was like a Wikipedia page??? Not real unfortunately but yknow.
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thornheartfelt · 29 days
Save me f/os, save me (<- has an animal welfare and ethics exam that is 3 hours long tomorrow)
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sockerart · 1 year
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happy belated mermay 🧜‍♀️
this was inspired by a mix of mermaid performers IRL and the clown husbandry phenomenon here on Tumblr. a fish clown if you will 🐠🤡
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kedreeva · 2 years
Hello there! I’ve loved seeing your blog over the years and I have a random fish question if that’s okay. We have a beta fish at work (when I leave I’ll be taking him with me since I bought him and they never reimbursed me but that’s besides the point) and I’ve been noticing some weird things with his fins. His tail and his top fin looks like they’ve been shredded or eaten away and I only noticed it recently. On his little side fins it looks the color is fading away with little black dots on the tips. There’s also little black dots over the rest of his fins. Does this look/sound like anything I should be worried about? I’m just concerned and felt like you’d be a good place to ask. Sorry if the pictures aren’t great, he was trying to fight my phone haha His name is Grumplestilskin because he’s very grumpy and feisty.
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Yep, he's in a completely unsuitable environment, so he's experiencing fin loss.
I don't say this to be mean, and I hope others can behave themselves because I respect you are asking for help, that's a good move! But, bettas should never be kept in unheated, unfiltered vases/bowls. The "Bettas live in vases/bowls" thing is a super bad housing standard perpetuated by the capitalism of pet stores, and many many many people and their unlucky fish have fallen prey to this, so I don't blame you for not knowing, but I also hope you'll be able to fix it for him.
Minimum tank size for Bettas is 5 gallons (and really a 10g is better), and just like any other fish they should have a filter to keep their water clean. While they're capable of surviving room temp, they hail from a tropical climate and should have a heater as well. Additionally, fake plants are often sharp edged, and in such a small space it's likely his fins are brushing up against it and that's not helping. You can get him a much softer moss ball or anubias at most pet stores, which will also help with water quality. Bettas love planted tanks!
Anyway I hope you're able to get him fixed up, best of luck!
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geckosquid · 8 months
Alright well I'm not writing the full prompt right now with the letter jumping into your hand as you reach for it and the text writing itself across the page in front of you, but the option of returning to university includes an additional option this year.
Would you rather continue your studies at a magical university or return to normal mortal school?
Magical university would be dope, but it would still present the same problems as a normal university would. ie, the stress from exams and grades and stuff. Also, another point, would the magical school offer accommodations for the neurodiverse? But those two things aside, it would damn interesting and exciting to go to magical graduate school to learn about magical ocean creatures.
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mod2amaryllis · 9 months
every time i watch serpadesign i really think i'll cry. this guy was offered an abandoned beardy at petsmart along w/ the barren 20g he'd always lived in and proceeded to make him a 300+ gallon active enclosure that replicated his natural habitat as closely as possible? and named him Big tony? and hung out with him and loved him? wait is this the same guy who keeps reptiles and amphibians with the knowledge that they are long lived and throughout their lives keeps updating their enclosures to the best of his knowledge and knows their individual personalities and respects them and loves them for the animals they are? WAIT is this the same guy who raises gorgeous feeder goldfish and advocates for their care? WAIT, WAIT, DID THIS GUY SERIOUSLY JUST BUILD A MASSIVE SWIM POND FOR THOSE FEEDER GOLDFISH AND PLANS TO LET THEM SHOWCASE IT INSTEAD OF A FLASHIER FISH LIKE KOI BECAUSE HE JUST LOVES THEM SO MUCH AND IS ALWAYS STRIVING TO MAKE THEIR PREVIOUSLY DEEMED "WORTHLESS" LIVES LONG AND FULFILLING? SAME GUY????????????
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sleepyfan-blog · 23 days
Author’s Note: This is Mer-Darsas’ debut! I hope that you enjoy the fic! :D Next
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @the-pure-angel @the-pure-angel @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts  
Warnings: fish illness, death guard shenanigans
Summary: Darsas spreads Grandfather’s Blessings to a reef full of life.
Darsas hummed as he slowly made his way through the Reef in the shallow waters of this world. The underwater plants and animals were a riot of color and movement. He knew that the aquatic-adapted nurglings would love to play with all of the fishes, dart through the kelp forests and giggle at the many plants that lived there, waiting, no begging for the blessings that Grandfather would be happy to grant.
It was much more difficult to get the warp to do anything in this world, but patience was one of the virtues that Grandfather taught them. 
Darsas hummed happily to himself as he reached out a hand to the base of the bright green coral, concentrating as he began to sing “I bring you the gifts of rot and decay. They will bring you under grandfather's sway. Do not fret or frown or cry in dismay. With grandfather, death is kept away.” The bright green slowly began to fade and turn into one of Grandfather's favorite colors.
The larger invertebrates with many tiny tendrils waving in the ocean currents began to change color as well… Some of the little tendrils started to wilt handsomely. The bright orange and white fish that lived among them began to lose some of their obnoxious luster and color, as lovely slimy spots began to appear in patches over the bodies. 
Darsas continued to sing the hymn of rot and decay, encouraging the local parasites to grow and multiply, watching with eager delight as they latched onto more of the local fish, who slowed down to a more agreeable pace. The large death guard finished his psalm, burbling happily as he reached out with one of his large hands and gently cupped one of the many tiny fishes. He brought it up to the grill of his helmet, giving the gently struggling fish a kiss of benediction.
A sore slowly began to form where he had kissed the fish, and several tiny parasites began to grow and feed upon it, causing Darsas to purr in pleasure at his work.
Darsas blinked as exhaustion hit him hard, causing the death guard to slump over, leaning heavily into the coral reef. For such a small blessing he'd given, he sure was tired. He allowed himself time to rest before heading out of sight. There was an underwater sewer dump that was a delightful filthy nest for him to recover strength from several hours’ swim away. Some of his brothers had taken to spending time with the baseline humans whonfrolicked near the waters’ edge. Others went to seek out this… Great Pacific Garbage Patch Darsas had heard rumors of making a proper fortress of filth out of.
Darsas, however, was entirely content to spread Little blessings wherever the currents pushed him. For now, he planned to return every couple of days to further spread grandfather's blessings. The baseline humans would notice the spread of Grandfather's blessings and with luck, he would be able to spread those blessings to them as well.
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answrs · 1 year
*sobs in responsible fishkeeper*
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"education tank"
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betta-beta · 1 year
I’ll genuinely never be able to understand how sorority people can post pictures of the most raggedy, pale, alarmingly obese bettas in existence and not see absolutely anything wrong with them.
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