#fishpaws time
the-exiled-comic · 2 years
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descendantswcocs · 4 months
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original meme (in Ukrainian): https://x.com/Out_of_zhk/status/1796650899986620868
So yes, first time introducing a character through meme, not an art
Fishswim is a ThunderClan healer. He was born in RiverClan and became a healer apprentice here. But old ThunderClan healer was in such bad condition, that StarClan had to send a sign to Fishpaw's mentor and young cat had to move to another clan. He wasn't very happy with it
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maplewood126 · 10 months
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Fishpaw is like an alderpaw but he stands up for himself alot more. Fishpaw is anxious and always worried (mind you i had made him up before reading the 5th arch) he later becomes fishscale. Brackenstar had assigned him by random as a medicine cat because they needed more medics to treat wounds during the war. He had resented his new job at first but by the time Brackenstar had been killed be had learned to love his job.
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yarnclan · 1 year
8th Newleaf
The chill of Leafbare set in late and was slow to break. Braveblaze leaves camp to go on a walk and comes back with frostbite.
Ridgetalon announced that he and Racoonsnout are expecting their second litter.
Stonewhisker comes out as a translady.
Velvetclaw is made a warrior, he takes after Roachfoot quite a lot. And has come to regard her as a parental figure.
Midnight Goddess dies of greencough :<
Web goes missing and many in the clan are greatly worried. Via, who's still on her way to recovery mentions casually to Orange that she'd seen Web in her dream last night, all sparkly and walking away to join a crowd of other starry looking cats. Orange tells the other medicine cats, but doesn't say Via was the one who'd seen it. They are very shocked and saddened at the news, and Goldcreek is later able to confirm that Web had fallen into a hole and died.
Orange starts talking to Via a lot, as she's had visions and been able to sense "ghosts" for most of her life. As she recovers she decides that she might hang around a little longer, if she could get some answers to the nature of her "abilities".
Lowpaw comes out as nonbinary.
Tulipnose and Martenshine have become mates, Martenshine is happy to have a companion. And a moon later they announce they are having kits.
8th Greenleaf
Rosypelt invites Thornstar on a hunt, and the two of them end up relaxing in the sun. They talk happily about their kits and time in the clan together and all of the adventures they've had together. Thornstar would like to have another adventure with her. She purrs happily, and says she'd have to think about it. She's very proud of what they've helped build. But she's getting older. Thornstar picks up on what she's suggesting. It breaks his heart, but he knows he can't possibly deny her her very well earned retirement. Its a few days before they formally make the announcement, and Thornstar selects Shineclaw as the new deputy. She's not the cat Rosypelt would have picked, but she'll be a good deputy. Racoonsnout feels a little passed over, as he has a much more even temperament.
But he has something to be happy about as he and Ridgetalon welcome Raggedkit, Russetkit, and Badgerkit into the world.
Multiple eagle attacks happen? Cricketspeck is attacked and survives. Marbletail is actually picked up and dropped, but manages to survive. It's found on a patrol that a new large eagle nest has been constructed at the top of a very tall tree. There isn't much that can be done, Shineclaw, wanting to show off their worth tries to climb up to wreck the nest, but it's too high up to reach.
Lowfeather is made a warrior and honored for her devotion. She's always going out of her way to help her clan mates, but she has developed a bit of a self-focused aditude about it, that she's the only one who can do certain things the right way, so she must do them.
Via has another vision from StarClan, and tells Orange about it. Following this vision, Orange finds a kittypet named Saffron and convinces her to join the clan. On her first boarder patrol she attacks a twoleg kit, partly to show her devotion to clan life, and partly cause she wanted to.
Tulipnose and Martenshine happily welcome Lightkit, Cloudkit, and Cranekit into the world. The clan is happy to have such a bustling nursery.
Fishpaw proves to be a strong cat, and many are proud of her for overcoming so much tragedy. She's honored for her dignity when given the name Fishfalcon. She feels a little lost at this, and wanders away in hopes of perhaps learning more about her mother, or finding her father. But returns having found nothing.
Many of the older members of the clan mourn, as Duskspot succumbs to an infection that had taken hold of his mangled leg, but none more than Braveblaze, even though he'd only come to know him recently. It had seemed like the two had always been meant to meet, and fall in love, and it was a great misfortune that it had happened so late in both of their lives.
October also dies of heat exhaustion.
8th Leaf-fall
Roachfoot retires to the elder's den, where kits are sure to bother her to tell them stories of her time as a leader in the twoleg place, and she's happy to oblige.
Forestpool and Gustclaw officially become mates at last. They've been each other's rocks through all the drama and tragedy surrounding both of their respective sets of siblings. They aren't the type to be openly lovey dovey with each other, so it took a while for either of them to realize, but now that it's out in the open they certainly are. Hazelholly is quite moody about the whole thing.
As leaf-fall starts to turn to leaf-bare whitecough spreads through the camp, progressing to greencough for some. Unfortunatly effecting both Goldcreek and Tamale. Oh no, we only have... 4 able bodied medicine cats. But Spottedmint does help out in the den, going on a nostalgic herb gathering patrol with Goosetooth, and Shineclaw tagging along as well.
Tawnybird and Sunfox become mates, good for them.
A former kittypet named Fishleg joins the clan. Objectively hilarious name, changed it to Carpleg because look at her:
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Dusktooth seems to take to her pretty quickly, inviting her around the territory, and fighting off a fox with her.
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The somewhat aggressive herb gathering of late, especially by Orange and his warrior buddies, Via and Saffron have triggered some of the old disputes with ShineClan. Egretwing travels to try to resolve them, but fails.
Stan and Bigtail die of greencough...
Shadedapple dies saving Badgerkit from a hawk. She'd snuck out of camp, and he'd happened to be on patrol. She feels really terrible about the whole thing.
9th Leafbare
It doesn't feel real, Hazelholly heads into camp after another one of his long walks, that he takes for no particular reason, and thinks he must have passed out somewhere in the snow and is dreaming. Berrylight is standing in the center of camp, surrounded by cats. Thornstar looking happier than he has in moons. When she sees Hazelholly, her tail shoots straight up, and she runs to him. The moment she touches her nose to his, he knows its real, she really is home. She tells everyone that Chasingcloud guided her home, and Hazelholly feels overwhelmed with emotion. Berrylight's sister, and a cat that he'd come to love and trust, had reunited them both.
Gustclaw also announces that she and Forestpool are expecting kits.
Raggedpaw is apprenticed to Glowberry, whome is hopped to be able to get through to the very reserved and awkward cat. Russetpaw is apprenticed to Forestpool, and is excited to learn about the ins and outs of everywhere in the territory from the wise and observant warrior. Her experience with the hawk and Shadedapple has cause Badgerpaw to become rather fearful and careful, A patient cat like Carpleg can hopefully help her regain her confidence.
Wiggity Wacks fell into a sinkhole and vanished forever :<
Goosetooth, lead by a prophetic dream, finds Prancekit and Shrewkit, still holding on to their father's body. Peachheart, the dead cat, and the kits, had been members of a far away clan, that perhaps lived by the sea. Prancekit and Shrewkit have only vague memories. But they were captured by some very cruel twolegs, only barely managing to escape. Peachheart died of injuries he sustained while they were escaping. Prancekit is quite standoffish, understandable for someone with so much turmoil in her early life. Shrewkit is a little more friendly than her sister, but is still a bit too adventurous for her own good.
Jadeleaf freezes to death in a snow storm :< :< :< Glowberry is inconsolable. She's lost two of the cats she was closest to in the world. And isn't sure what to do. Marbletail is also distraught to have lost their daughter, who was their pride and joy. Glowberry does her best to keep up with training Raggedpaw, but she finds it very difficult to focus and manage with the younger cat's emotions. Cricketspeck sees her younger sister's trouble and tries her best to help out.
A queen named Rippleshine comes to join the clan, bringing her only surviving kit, Budkit. She'd actually come a long way, from another distant clan that was entirely taken over by a gang of rouges.
The only kit in Gustclaw and Forestpool's first litter is born and they name him Leafkit. He catches yellowcough very soon after he's born. Worrying his parents quite a bit.
Indeed illness continues to plague the clan. Petya, Stoatplume, and Spikeheart all die of greencough.
Apprentices! More! The apprentice den is quite a bustling place now!
Lightpaw is apprenticed to Leopardleap, and pretty excitable and somewhat immature combo. The two of them very quickly start having lots of fun running around, and doing cat parkour and stuff.
Lighpelt is very excited to be given Cloudpaw as her first apprentice. She's been waiting for the oportunity to train another cat and she knows she can get the very quite Cloudpaw to open up.
Cranepaw is chosen by Thornstar to be his apprentice. She tries very hard to to let this psych her out. She focuses on putting her clanmates first, and making sure everyone is fed and well cared for.
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beowarriors · 1 year
Taking the role of The Geats, Riverclan is located in the southwestern corner of Clan Territory. They are separated from Windclan to their north and Thunderclan to their east by The River. The Windclan border is known as “The Rapids”, where the water runs fast through rocky terrain, ending in The Falls, which is arguably the most dangerous part of the territories as a whole, and has claimed the lives of many cats. The river to the east, where the camp is situated, is much calmer, with shallow spots breaking up different, surprisingly deep areas. To their southwest is a farm, known to the Twolegs as Morgan’s Farm, which is connected to a tourist location known as Morgan’s Campsite. During Greenleaf, this has been known to cause issues with Twolegs and Dogs wandering into Clan Territory, and, very rarely, the camp itself.
Cats of Riverclan descent can be identified by their thick, sleek pelts and large, flat paws to help them swim. Cats with long Riverclan lineages are known to be able to hold their breath for longer than most other cats. They are known to favor silver, blue, or white pelts, and have an affinity for tabbies.
Compared to the other Clans, Riverclan is a very laidback group, though their kindness should not be mistaken for weakness. This is a lesson Thunderclan has had to learn time and again throughout their generations old feud over Sunning Rocks, which Riverclan currently holds ownership of.
Allegiances Under Cut!
Heronstar - Heavyset long-haired silver tabby tom with bright blue eyes
Rosetuft - Pretty tufted pale pink she-cat with soft green eyes and sharp dark markings
Hollystem - Fluffy long-haired cream tom with brown tabby points & bright green eyes
Ducktooth - Sleek short-haired dark brown tabby tom with deep blue eyes
Wildflower - Scrawny short-haired bluish-gray she-cat with pale grey eyes
Apprentice: Fishpaw
Tumblerapid - Tiny short-haired white she-cat with black van markings & bright yellow eyes
Stonepetal - Heavyset long-haired dark grey tom with soft green eyes
Flutteringhawk - Skinny short-haired russet & black she-cat with one missing ear & bright orange eyes
Apprentice: Rainpaw
Blackwolf - Large, long-haired black tom with cold amber eyes and long foreclaws
Apprentice: Wavepaw
Fishpaw - Sleek short-haired silver laced tom with bright blue eyes
Rainpaw - Fluffy long-haired black tom with white speckles & sleepy orange eyes
Wavepaw - Small blue-grey tabby tom with wide green eyes & white spotting
Lichencall - Tiny long-haired greyish-blue she-cat with dull green eyes
Spiderkit - Short-haired black and brown tom
Blossomkit - Long-haired orange tabby tom
Goldencloud - Massive long-haired golden tabby she-cat with soft green eyes
Shadedwillow - Wiry short-haired dark grey tabby tom with dull blue eyes
Honeyblaze - Plump long-haired golden she-cat with soft blue eyes
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nightleaf001 · 2 years
Starting a new ClanGen game. I have decided to make posts out of it with my new series:
CLANGEN: Tales of AspenClan
AspenClan founded. We chose the forest gully for this game. 
ALLIGENCES: LEADER: Poolstar Tom, 115 moons, shameless, great fighter, experience: average
DEPUTY: Pounceback Molly, 108, empathetic, great fighter, experience: average
MEDIC: Shortheart Molly, 56 moons, cold, strong connection to StarClan, experience: average
Chaffinchleg, strict tom Boughbrook, lonesome molly Starlingblink, calm tom Fishpaw, altruistic molly, Chaffinchleg’s apprentice Sneezepaw, sneaky tom, Starlingblink’s apprentice Frozenkit, daydreaming tom Greenkit, bouncy tom
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As time goes on we will watch their story unfold. I kind of gave up with the last bunch of cats. 
I will only draw events I feel are important, writing everything else down.
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Tanglekit > Tanglepaw > N/A* > Tanglestar Kit > Apprentice > Warrior > Deputy > Leader SkyClan - Non-binary tom (they/them) Mates: Mumblefoot, Mothstorm *Warrior name unknown
Tanglestar is a fairly chill and humorous cat, who knows when to be serious. They don't mind a little rulebreaking, and often search for solutions 'outside the box,' so to speak. They are in a loving poly relationship with their deputy, Mumblefoot, and medicine cat, Mothstorm, which the clan is aware of and mostly supports. Cats outside SkyClan generally only know Tanglestar and Mumblefoot are mates, since medicine cats are still viewed not to be able to have mates.
They were good friends with the ShadowClan leader before Echostar, and continue to be allies towards ShadowClan during the ShadowClan-RiverClan war. They are sympathetic towards Echostar, sensing the young ShadowClan leader is hiding many secrets.
Tanglestar does not like Sorrelstar of WindClan when she rises to leadership, and believes she should 'chill out.' They get along excellently with Branchstar of ThunderClan as they share similar senses of humor, and are wary towards Berrystar of RiverClan, since they are allied with RiverClan's enemy.
“Light brown tabby cat.”
Fun Fact: They are a non-binary tom, born male at birth, and uses they/them pronouns, as well as polyamorous panromantic/sexual.
Wiki Link.
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Well, here's that last bit of currently-completed art I was hinting at.  It's fanart for a certain awesome comic by @the-exiled-comic, The Exiled, featuring my absolute favorite character from the comic, OceanClan's medicine cat Whisperleaf!
I'm always a sucker for the snarky characters, and "snarky medicine cat" is one of my favorite character types in Warriors (there's a reason Jayfeather and Yellowfang are two of my alltime favorite Warriors characters), so I was already predisposed to like Whisperleaf. But oh, did this guy turn out to be so much more than just that snarky character. He has honestly brought so much compassion and clear-headed perception into the true anxiety and pain underlying much of Fishpaw's earlier behavior, and a clear understanding of how badly other characters have been treating her and why it was wrong, to the story and to Fishpaw's life.
I don't think Fishpaw has had anyone (in a positive of authority) this truly supportive, understanding, and comforting in her life up until this point - her mom is completely overbearing and controlling and awful, Coralclaw was awful, Crowstar publicly humiliated her by refusing to make her a warrior even though she caught prey during her assessment like she was supposed to and refused to even let her ask why she was being denied and refused to offer an explanation (why no, I'm not still salty about that, why do you ask? XD)... Firespots is a good dude, but he's a rogue without much power to really help her other than letting her vent to him, and Cloverfall was good and tried to help her, but was a bit too busy to really be there for her the way that Whisperleaf has been.
You can just see such a change in Fishpaw since she started training with him. With Coralclaw, she was defensive and yeah, maybe a bit bratty, but the more we see of how Coralclaw treated her as her mentor, the clearer it becomes how much that was a defense mechanism against the treatment she was getting. But now that she's training with a mentor who actually respects her and is supportive and kind, she respects him in turn and is an attentive apprentice to him, even trusting him enough to tell him about her sneaking around, something she was absolutely terrified about telling Cloverfall about. Even if she isn't meant to be a medicine cat in the end (not sure whether she is or not), whether she eventually returns to warrior training or not, honestly, I think this time of training with Whisperleaf was sorely needed and is doing a hell of a lot to boost her confidence and make her feel more secure and more loved and supported, not just by Whisperleaf, but by the Clan as a whole, because Whisperleaf is helping her see that a lot of her insecurities about how her Clan perceives her come from her anxiety rather than reality (though Coral, Sandy, and Crow being awful to her wasn't just her anxiety fooling her, sadly...)
Also, the fact that this guy is straight-up willing to chew StarClan out for harassing Fishpaw with frightening prophecy dreams when she's already dealing with enough anxious and guilt over Cloverfall's death... I swear, every new page that comes out just makes me love Whisperleaf more. He is just such a solid, kind guy, as well as being delightfully snarky and 100% done with StarClan and Crowstar's nonsense. XD
Anyway, I'm not 100% happy with how this turned out, but I'm still pretty pleased.  I was trying to draw a sand dune with grass as the background since OceanClan lives near the beach, not sure how well I actually got that across... ah well. I'm really happy with how Whisperleaf himself turned out, though I feel like I went a bit far with the texture and with trying to get sort of a dappled lighting effect due to the nearby foliage... again, ah well.  This guy was super fun to draw. He's got this droopy cheek fluff in the comic, and looks like he might be on the skinny side, so I leaned into that here, hopefully I had the right idea when drawing his build, apologies if I didn't. It was a lot of fun drawing him in my style, getting that trademark serious/exasperated expression of his down, peppering those leaves throughout his coat, and all of that. I hope you like it, @the-exiled-comic!
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sotcwcrp · 3 years
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What’s New in the Roleplay:
Gosh, lots has happened, hasn't it? Let's catch up!
Rank Changes:
★ — Four new Thuderclan apprentices are named - Buzzardpaw, Owlpaw and Raptorpaw train as hearthbourns, and Merlipaw trains as a timbered.
★ —  Three new Thunderclan warriors named - Dartflight, Hornetwing join the ranks of warriors while Skipperbee a campminder.
★ —  The elderly Scorpiontwist passed away in their sleep.
★ —  Stagheart of Thunderclan has gone missing, presumably taken by the wolfdogs. Spidershadow and Pinechirp are found dead at the border.
★ — Riverclan welcomes many new sets of little paws into its camp! Batkit, Maplekit, and Pumpkinkit are born to Yarrowthroat and an unknown sire; Spiderkit to Breamface and Cosmicdawn. All four kits are growing to be healthy and strong.
★ —  Mudstar's kits are apprenticed! Dapplepaw and Horizonpaw begin training to become warriors.
★ —  Smewheart and Wrenwhistle complete their trainings and now join the ranks of Riverclan's warriors! Their brother Gracklesnapple graduates as well, joining Copperdawn as a full healer.
★ —  Saturnsight steps down as a healer and joins Riverclan's Campminders.
★ — Owltrill of Windclan has given birth to two tomcats, Dawnkit and Duskkit.
★ —  Twitchpaw, Pumpkinpaw, Violetpaw, Petalpaw, Cloverpaw, Goldenpaw, Nettlepaw, and Weevilpaw of Windclan have bee made apprentices!
★ —  Roosterflight, Cowbell, and Lamb[?] Have been made warriors!
★ —  Hades, Jackdaw, and Cloverpaw have taken on the rank of Healer apprentice.
★ — Many new kits in Shadowclan! Fisherkit, Stoatkit, Candesiakit, Lunarkit, and Nocturnkit have all been found/ or born inside the clan.
★ —  Two new apprentices: Ravenpaw and Mimicpaw.
★ —  Saberflame pervious leader have passed, along with Violetdust, Wisppaw, and Beartalon.
★ —  The Outsiders welcome Sweets to the Graveyard family!
Other News:
★ —  Fishleap, now Fishpaw, is stripped of his warrior name and title following a violent altercation with a Thunderclan warrior. Chrysanthemumstare condemns his behavior, stating that all cats should be working together rather than shedding blood during such a tumultuous time — regardless of borders or personal quarrels.
★ —  Adderstrike and Echoheart are attacked by a wolf at the Windclan border the night before the Gathering. Though they make it out with their lives, they are not unscathed — both sustain minor injuries in their efforts against the beast.
★ —  Hawkfall speaks of tensions running high within Thunderclan. he urges cats to stay peaceful and keep their loved ones close.
★ —  Whisperstar urges all the clans to scout their lands to find the perfect places for battle to defeat the wolfdogs. He tells the gathered cats he will be leading a patrol to scout the farmlands, as well to send one to two of their fastest cats to the border of Riverclan to help lure the wolves from their resting places the day of battle.
★ —  Crowley, Morpheus, Nadria, Percy, Shelley, and Tamerlane are said to be old enough to hunt and train with the adult cats!
★ —  Fluffernutter mentions in increase in howling and barking on the outskirts of the Outsider's territory!
What’s New on the Server:
★ — We’ve finally come to the decision of renaming the “Medicine Cat” rank as “Healer” and “Healer apprentice” 
★ — Jude has been welcomed as Thunderclan’s Lead Staff member. 
★ — Shadowclan has two new Staff members! Myst and Radio. 
★ — We’ve reworked our OTM system and there’s now a new section for them on our website listed underneath “Our Forest”
★ — Riverclan has taken on three new SITS! Storm, Varm & Gwen!
Opening News:
★ — Our next big clan opening is This April on the 13th! We hope to see you all there and are very excited to be welcoming in new members after the long wait <3 ! 
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the-exiled-comic · 2 years
fishpaw is such a little bumblebee next to her gramma.. jus so smoll.. fluff..
fishpaw is very shrimp sized :3 just a wee lil thing
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Tribe Cats Join The Clans AU
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I imagine this would take place during Outcast [or close enough to it] during the rogue situation. 
The Tribe fully rejects learning Clan ways and would rather deal with the rogues their own way. Some cats argue and end up being banished, much like Stormfur and Brook.
The cats who end up going to the Clans include Stormfur, Brook Where Small Fish Swim, Pebble That Rolls Down Mountain, Night Of No Stars, Sheer Path Beside Waterfall [with a lot of convincing from Night], Talon Of Swooping Eagle as well as Swoop Of Chestnut Hawk and Flight Of Startled Heron. The two kit-mothers are only convinced to leave when the travelling cats assure they’d help safely move the kits out of harm’s way.
Stormfur, Brook, and Talon all join ThunderClan. Pebble, Night, and Sheer move to WindClan as they are reminded of the open territory of the mountain and the wind helps them adjust Swoop and Flight start in ThunderClan, but eventually move to RiverClan. 
Not even a moon later, Scree and Splash end up stumbling down the mountain - the only two survivors who made it to the Clans. If there were any others, they were separated. Scree joins his sister in WindClan while Splash is drawn to ShadowClan.
Brook, Talon, Swoop, and Flight get to keep their names [the the kits of the last two are requested to be given Clan names]. Pebble becomes Pebblepaw, Night becomes Nightsky, Sheer becomes Sharpfall, Scree becomes Owlpaw, and Splash becomes Splashpaw. None of them are content with changing their names, but their Clans compromise to make their names close to what they were.
A moon before Dovekit and Ivykit are born, Brook gives birth to Larkkit and Pinekit. She adjusts well to Clan life, though Talon struggles with it constantly.  Pebblepaw becomes Pebblestep and Owlpaw becomes Owlscreech, though the latter ends up going back to the name Scree and leaves the Clans as he decides he’d rather be a loner than a Clan cat. Pebble almost joins him, but cannot bring herself to abandon her new life, especially as she makes friends with Heathertail and Sunstrike. Nightsky adjusts eventually, though her mate, Sharpfall, takes much longer. Eventually he leaves after Nightsky dies in The Great Battle. As soon as Flight’s kits are old enough, she leaves with two of them. The third one, who goes by the name Flashpaw, ends up staying in RiverClan, eventually being known as Flashfang. Swoop stays her entire life in RiverClan, though has been seen vanishing for long periods of time to visit Flight. Splashpaw becomes Splashstone and she becomes a proud warrior of ShadowClan. She’s one of the casualties of Darktail as she stands up against him and challenges him. She’s survived by her kits - which she has with Rippletail - Stonepaw, Frostpaw, and Fishpaw.
Not a long one, but still a fun one!
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dog-teeth · 4 years
your assigned warrior cat name is now bogworm. he’s shadowclan med cat who was a warrior before and still enjoys hunting/patrolling in his free time, getting him some backlash from the other medicine cats. he has an apprentice named fishpaw. thank u & goodbye
GOD i love this & desperately wish i could accept my kin but i would never ever be a medicine cat or any type of healer in any fantasy situation i live for bloodshed but thank you i love you
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brivikya · 4 years
Portrait of my character Fishpaw. It's her first time going out of camp at training. I just wanted to draw her, becouse I really like my baby Fishy so much.
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shegananigans · 4 years
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More OC art time 🎉
This time we have resident Shadowclan goth Spiderlily being, uh, gently coaxed by her new apprentice Fishpaw to talk to the girl she totally isn't crushing on
Maybe in 20 years they will hold hands
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fourthofages · 5 years
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A white tom with an orange back and forehead. A straightforward and hotheaded warrior of SmokeClan, Fishleap is born to ride. He’s not sure what “born to ride” means but it sounds like something he would do. Reckless, rambunctious, and just about everything his sister isn’t, it’s no small feat to believe that he and Mothflame came from the same litter. Besides their pelts and their temper, all bets are off. Growing up, Fishleap was nearly unrecognizable from the cat he is today: timid and indecisive, and always tagging along on his sister’s adventures. He looked up to her, to the point that he wanted to become a medicine cat alongside her until his apprenticeship, when he started hanging around the other tom-kits and training under Toadpool, who forced him out of his shell with her rigorous teaching methods. From leaving him by the border to find his way back by himself to sparring him to exhaustion, Toadpool was a merciless mentor, to the point that he considered running away from the clan. Thankfully, Wolfstar stepped in before he did. Seeing promise in the young apprentice, and noticing Toadpool’s harsh... techniques, she would often encourage him through the worst of Toadpool’s training, and even mentored him personally every now and then when she got the chance. Thanks to her support, Fishpaw started to form a new perspective on his training. While Toadpool was busy using him to compete with the other mentors, he was learning to think for himself, to push through the failure of the hunt for the thrill of the kill, to keep fighting when his body thought it was impossible. Although he might not be the sharpest twig in the jungle, easily distracted and slow to pick up on things, he’s proud of how far he’s come with Wolfstar’s help, even if it’s taken a lot of scrapes and sprained legs to get here, to be a fully-fledged warrior commended for his brute strength and fighting ability. He hasn’t quite gotten over the need to prove himself to others, still quick to jump at any possibility to defend himself or his clanmates, easy to lash out and making him pretty well-known for his impulsive behavior; he’s lost count of how many times he’s been scolded for his antics, but he doesn’t regret anything for long. Wolfstar likes him too much to banish him, anyway. On any usual day, he can be found hunting or scouting with his fellow warriors, and squeezing in a good spar or two with his two best friends: Ratscar and Beetlestorm.
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dinafbrownil · 5 years
Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Portion Of Obamacare
A federal appeals court panel in New Orleans dealt another blow to the Affordable Care Act Wednesday, agreeing with a lower-court judge that the portion of the health law requiring most people to have coverage is unconstitutional now that Congress has eliminated the tax penalty that was intended to enforce it.
But it is sending the case back to the lower court to decide how much of the rest of the law can stand in light of that ruling.
That most likely means the fate of the law will not be settled before the 2020 election.
The stakes could not be higher. The case is widely expected to end up at the Supreme Court. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who is leading a coalition of states defending the health law, announced Wednesday night that he would appeal to the high court immediately. And if the high court — which has upheld the ACA twice since its original passage in 2010 — agrees with the appeals court, the decision could upend the nation’s entire health care system.
“It’s time to get rid of the uncertainty,” Becerra told reporters at a news conference. “Americans don’t need to be jerked around when it comes to their health care.”
Hanging in the balance is not only health coverage for the roughly 20 million Americans directly served by the ACA, but also hundreds of millions more whose health care and coverage have been affected by the thousands of changes enacted in the law. Those include provisions as wide-ranging as changes in Medicare drug copayments, requirements for calorie counts on menus, a pathway for approval of generic copies of expensive biologic drugs and, perhaps most important politically, protections for people with preexisting conditions.
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The requirement for coverage, often referred to as an individual mandate, was inserted in the law to give insurers a wide pool of customers since they were now required to cover people with medical conditions. Concerns about losing that guaranteed coverage for preexisting conditions was a potent argument of the Democrats when they made big gains in the 2018 midterm elections.
President Trump heralded the court’s decision, saying that he has long asserted “that the individual mandate, by far the worst element of Obamacare, is unconstitutional.” He said overturning the mandate “will not alter the current health care system” and said his administration will work to protect guarantees of coverage for people with medical problems. But he didn’t give any specifics of how that would work.
Meanwhile, Democrats point out that the law has been working fine without the tax penalty – which was officially eliminated at the beginning of this year. They say that means, by definition, that the mandate is not necessary for the function of the rest of the law.
In the court’s decision, two of the three judges on the panel agreed with the plaintiffs in the case who wanted the law struck down. Judge Jennifer Walker Elrod wrote that “the individual mandate is unconstitutional because it can no longer be read as a tax, and there is no other constitutional provision that justifies this exercise of congressional power.”
But at the same time, the appeals court majority declined to say how much else of the law can remain. Instead, it ordered the lower court “to employ a finer-toothed comb … and conduct a more searching inquiry into which provisions of the ACA Congress intended to be inseverable from the individual mandate.”
The third judge on the panel, Carolyn Dineen King, disagreed with both the lower court and the other two judges. In her dissent, she wrote that sending the case back to the lower court “will unnecessarily prolong this litigation and the concomitant uncertainty over the future of the healthcare sector.”
Reaction to the appeals court decision mostly broke along ideological lines.
Democrats were angry. “Tonight’s ruling is a sharp reminder to Americans that a heartless lawsuit supported by Congressional Republicans and President Trump is why vital health care protection, especially protections for people with pre-existing conditions, are in grave danger,” said a statement from Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.
Conservatives were pleased. “Today’s decision reminds us that Obamacare has been on shaky ground since its creation,” said Marie Fishpaw of the conservative Heritage Foundation. “Patients deserve better than the high costs, limited choices, and narrow provider networks that Obamacare brought to the health care system.”
But many Republicans also know that if the law is struck down, it could cause major repercussions to the health system. Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) said in a statement that while he was satisfied that the individual mandate itself might be unconstitutional, “I am not aware of a single senator who said they were voting to repeal Obamacare when they voted to eliminate the individual mandate penalty.”
A group of Republican state attorneys general and governors filed the case, Texas v. United States, in early 2018. They charged that when Congress eliminated the financial penalty for not having insurance as part of its 2017 tax bill, it rendered the rest of the health law moot. That is because the 2012 Supreme Court decision upholding the law said it was the tax that made the law constitutional, since the ACA relied on appropriate taxing powers given to Congress through the Constitution.
Legal scholars on both sides say that logic is flawed, but in December 2018, U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor, of the Northern District of Texas, ruled the entire law unconstitutional.
The Trump administration, meanwhile, has taken several positions on the case. Last year, it told the lower court it did not believe eliminating the tax required the entire law to be declared void.
But Justice Department officials said they supported striking down the provisions of the law most closely tied to the tax penalty: the ones requiring insurance companies to sell coverage to people with preexisting health conditions and not charge them more. Those are among the most popular provisions of the law. Democrats’ success in taking back the House in last year’s midterm elections was largely credited to consumers’ fears of losing that provision when Republicans threatened to repeal the health law in 2017.
After the lower-court ruling, however, the administration decided to support the GOP plaintiffs. In March, a Justice Department spokeswoman said officials had “determined that the district court’s comprehensive opinion came to the correct conclusion and will support it on appeal.”
That left a group of Democratic state attorneys general to defend the law, led by Becerra, along with the U.S. House of Representatives, which voted in January, after Democrats formally took over the majority, to join the lawsuit.
But in July, the administration’s position shifted again. In a filing with the court, its attorneys argued that perhaps the health law should be invalidated only in the GOP states that are suing, rather than in all states. It is unclear how that would work.
from Updates By Dina https://khn.org/news/federal-appeals-court-strikes-down-portion-of-obamacare/
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