justmekittt · 11 months
i hate my doctor.
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nimihu · 1 year
5 Helpful Things to Do to Start Your Personal Fitness Program
The most common challenge that people I talk to face is how to incorporate fitness into their lives. They know they have to do something to get in shape but they really don’t know how. It can be discouraging because of the abundance of information out there. So much that you may not know where to begin. Our society has so many food choices that it is easy to pack on the extra pounds. Also our day to day jobs are less physical as they where 100 years ago so we have more sedentary life styles. We know there are benefits involved when we exercise and cleaning up or diet. However, most of us know don’t know how or where to start. So where do we begin? Or is the question: How do we begin? The very first thing you need do is go to your doctor and get the approval to start exercising. Your doctor may also provide some helpful tips as well. After you get the “OK” from your doctor, try these 5 things to help you get started:
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politik-starnberg · 2 years
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Es fehlt nur noch das Geld?
(Quelle: Stadt Starnberg, Niederschrift, Stadtratssitzung vom 14.12.2020, https://www.starnberg.sitzung-online.de/public/wicket/resource/org.apache.wicket.Application/doc159428.pdf)
Wenn ich den Beschluss unter TOP 8 von 12/2020 noch einmal nachlese, fehlt es offensichtlich bei der Outdoorfitnessanlage für Senioren im Bucentaurpark nur noch am Geld - den damals beschlossenen 66.000 EUR. 
Auch wenn sich vielleicht die zuständige Abteilung über die Weniger-Arbeit freut und ihre Energie in die anderen vorhandenen Projekte stecken kann, möchte ich an dieser Stelle doch noch einmal erwähnen, dass zweckgebundene Spenden an die Stadt Starnberg durchaus jederzeit möglich sind.
Vielleicht geht da ja doch noch etwas in Richtung Outdoorfitnessanlage für Senioren mit ein bisschen privater (in diesem Fall finanzieller) Unterstützung. Die formalen Weichen sind zumindest gestellt. 
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danifitnessinfo · 2 years
Five Habits You Can Avoid to Reduce Your
Growing Belly.
Weight lossFive Habits You Can Avoid to Reduce Your Growing Belly...
Read mor
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diary-daydreams · 10 months
fitspo • motivation • nature
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shyhighbunny · 9 hours
What sort of fit are you thinkin??
Fittn Deez nuts in your mouth
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cheetahpaw-reg · 2 months
i wanna friends and mayb evn a cg maybe !! pls do my lil survey !! or just dm n lets talk (i can be kinda awkwRd smtimes so sorey ^)
chrck out my pinned b4 pls cus if ur not like fittn my dni ur gna fill out the form for nothin 😦
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oneleggirls · 6 months
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The hopping twin-sisters Together they still have two legs...
Petra and Monika are twin-sisters. They always do things together and dress the same.
When Petra lost her leg, in a motorcycle-accident, Monika immediately decided, that she must still be exactly like her sister.
So she insisted to get an amputation by choice. But she decided to give her left leg, instead of her sister who lost her right leg.
So as a pair of sisters they look somehow simmetrical on their two legs together.
And of course they always can share ONE pair of shoes!
For their fittnes they love to hop through the park on their sole legs.
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thestyleb · 9 months
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My Diet a strong fittnes
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Watch it be some fittnes journey With misha, jensen,Jim and mark That follows them around training and getting ”fit” ( misha has realy buffed up fore gk) and That trainer who looked like a bodyguard is With them becuse they film them eververe even at cons. [ also would be Hilarious if jarki wasnt in it and they did it without him 💀] just wished mp 🤢wasnt one of them.
I don't know whether they were just hanging out or this means they are working in a new project. If Misha and Jensen are working together again that would me amazing, but for god's sake, I hope Mark P is NOT involved
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confissoesborder · 2 years
Mais uma crise...
Confesso que isso me pegou de surpresa, eu realmente acreditava que estava executando bem meu trabalho, mas ser deligada da empresa assim repentinamente me fez perceber que apenas fazer seu trabalho com amor não é o suficiente. A sociedade não está preparada para pessoas sinceras. O cinismo e falsidade estão em alta e mais uma vez fui prejudicada pela minha impulsividade e transparência. No momento que soube que seria demitida, sofri muito, parecia que um buraco havia aberto aos meus pés. Chorei e fui embora sem rumo, após alguns minutos decidi ligar pro meu marido que como em todas as vezes veio até mim, me refez e me apoiou . Ele simplesmente é o melhor em momentos ruins, ele sabe ser tudo que eu preciso naquele momento. Pensei em tomar alguns medicamentos e dormir ao chegar em casa, mas ao invés disso saímos para comprar um armarinho novo para a nossa cozinha, arrumamos algumas tomadas, minha filha pintou as paredes onde estavam manchadas e eu limpei todo meu apê. No fim do dia eu estava me sentindo melhor, estou triste confesso mas acredito que algo deixei passar, e que tenho que me adequar ao mundo, pois ele não vai se moldar a mim, independente das crises o mundo não vai parar pra mim me recuperar, e talvez isso tenha acontecido para que eu foque na minha empresa de marmitas fittnes, já que andava empurrando com a barriga devido aos dois empregos. Deixei de ir para a academia e com a rotina de antes eu mal tinha tempo pra minha família, tudo acontece por um porque, resolvi resinificar. Ter dois empregos me fez bem no momento que perdi minha avó, mas talvez chegou a hora de me voltar pra mim, cuidar de mim e focar em novas coisas, as crises vão existir sempre mas tenho que fazer o mínimo, desistir não é uma opção. As crises vão embora e no fim serei mais uma ferrada e arrependida por ter jogado tudo fora, se for pra sofrer que seja formada e no mínimo orgulhosa de mim. não tenho mais idade de jogar tudo fora . Será que realmente estou aprendendo? Bem isso é o que vamos ver nos próximos episódios.
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aladay · 1 year
The Benefits of Garlic in Your Diet
Since the Gilroy Garlic Festival is just around the corner and it is harvest time for garlic it only fittning we talk about how garlic can help your health. Garlic is a popular spice that has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties. Garlic contains a number of nutrients that are beneficial to health, including vitamins C, B6, and selenium. Garlic is also a good source of…
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rohit7657 · 1 year
Health and fittnes
Maintaining good health and fitness is a top priority for many people today. However, with so much conflicting information out there, it can be challenging to know where to start or what to do. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to health and fitness, including the benefits of exercise, healthy eating habits, and other lifestyle changes you can make to achieve your fitness goals.
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Benefits of ExerciseExercise is one of the most crucial components of good health and fitness. Regular physical activity can help you maintain a healthy weight, lower your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, and improve your mental health and wellbeing. There are many different types of exercise you can do, including cardio, strength training, and flexibility exercises, and it's essential to find a routine that works for you and your lifestyle.Healthy Eating HabitsAnother critical aspect of good health and fitness is healthy eating habits. A balanced diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can provide your body with the nutrients it needs to function at its best. Eating a balanced diet can also help you maintain a healthy weight and reduce your risk of chronic diseases.Other Lifestyle ChangesIn addition to exercise and healthy eating habits, there are other lifestyle changes you can make to achieve your fitness goals. These may include getting enough sleep, managing stress, and avoiding unhealthy habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. It's also essential to stay hydrated and to make sure you're getting enough vitamins and minerals through your diet or supplements.Finding the Right Fitness Plan for YouWhen it comes to fitness, there's no one-size-fits-all approach. It's crucial to find a fitness plan that works for you and your lifestyle. You may want to work with a personal trainer or fitness coach to create a customized plan that takes into account your goals, fitness level, and any medical conditions you may have. You may also want to try different types of exercise and find what you enjoy most, whether it's running, yoga, or weight lifting.Tracking Your ProgressTracking your progress is also an essential part of achieving your fitness goals. You may want to keep a journal or use a fitness app to track your exercise routine, food intake, and other healthy habits. This can help you stay accountable and motivated and can also help you identify areas where you may need to make changes.In conclusion, maintaining good health and fitness is crucial for overall wellbeing. By incorporating regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and other lifestyle changes, you can improve your physical and mental health and reduce your risk of chronic diseases. Remember to find a fitness plan that works for you, track your progress, and stay motivated on your journey to a healthier you.
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diary-daydreams · 10 months
fitspo • motivation • nature
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"Szeretném újra élni százszor,
Tartson örökké a láng,
Együtt újra élni százszor
Minden őrült pillanatát.
Mert veled egy perc égig emel,
Hova nem kísér el más.
Ez az álom túli álom
Talán, ez a Mennyország."
~ Anti Fittnes Club: Mennyország
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almurabit · 3 years
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Fitness Food
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