#five hargreeves writing
One of the worst things about s4 is how Five saw his wife Dolores, the love of his life, and had no reaction. She was clearly on screen. He didn’t even acknowledge her existence. A Five that doesn’t adore Dolores isn’t a Five I want to know
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the-original-skipps · 2 months
|| Leave Me Dead To The World. || Five Hargreeves x Reader || The Umbrella Academy ||
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don’t even get me started on tua season 4 cuz i hated it especially the you know what with Five.
CW: Spoilers for TUA season 4 epsiode 6. Instead of Lila, (Y/N) is the who goes with him to get stuck for 7 years.
bold italics are song lyrics from dead to the world by noel gallagher listen to it while you read to up the reading experience haha
After spending 7 years in a another timeline with Five, you’ve come back to be reunited with everyone in the present. Only to find out that the world’s on a fast track to ending again, but this time there’s no running away from the inevitable.
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“P-Please Five, don’t do this…!”
You cry out as your shaky hands cup his face, your forehead pressed against his as his solemn eyes stare deeply into yours. Both of you standing on a familiar platform, while Lila’s family and Claire watch with melancholy. You could see his eyes pooling with his tears at your desperation. You have no idea how much Five wanted to abandon everything, the world, his family and leave everything behind to jump back on the train with you. To a house in the middle of the woods, where you’d grow strawberries and to spend the rest of your lives together. Live the life he always imagined with you by side until he draws his final breath but he couldn’t.
It’s time to let go, I’m bent over backwards.
He knew if he did, everything would start over again-the end of the world is always going to be inevitable as long as he and his family lived. He tried over and over again and just when he thought he could finally live-when he finally stopped it, does the cruel reminder that it’ll never end, come back. He couldn’t do this to you again, you deserved to live a full life even though he won’t ever be a part of it. That is why, with a heavy heart does Five slowly shake his head at your plea. His heart sinks even further at the look on your face at his rejection. “I’m sorry (Y/N), I wish it didn’t have to be this way but there’s no other options left. I wish there was, I r-really do…” Five croaks out as he tries to wipe the tears that continuously fall from your eyes. As the trains signal its doors closing, Five knew his time was up.
If love ain’t enough to make it alright. Leave me dead to the world.
“I love you...”
With a final press of his lips to your forehead, Fives pushes you harshly into the train. Surprised, you fall backwards, only for Claire to try and catch you as you land on the floor of the train. Horror filled your eyes as the train doors closes on you, separating you and Five forever.
You quickly scramble to stand up, yelling and pounding on the door that separates you both. Five smiles sadly at you, as he places a hand on the glass then bringing it up to a wave as the train signals its departure. Your shouts get louder as the train starts to move, pounding harder as you call out your lover’s name. As the speed picks up, you see Five’s figure growing smaller and smaller until it completely disappears. Only then do you fall to your knees with a dreadful wail as your heart shatters into a million pieces.
Five's hand falls back down to his side lifelessly as the train disappears into darkness. The tears that welled up in his eyes, finally cascading down his cheeks. The Five who never showed any weakness, nonetheless cried - his walls now completely broken down. He had to remain strong in front of you or else he would have wavered in his decision. With a shaky breath, he turns around preparing to blink back to the mansion - back to his family who waited for him. He promises that if he was ever given another chance at life again that he'll find you again, and love you like he always wanted to. No matter how long it takes, he'll find you again even if you won’t remember him. When he meets you, will you fall in love with him again? It’s wishing thinking but he hopes that even if it’s a tiny bit, that you'd still remember him. With all of his heart he hopes that you do but until then.
"Take care, my love."
I can lend you a dream, till we meet again. I’m dead to the world.
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hopelessfandomfreak · 1 month
it’s out of character for diego to not like being a father when he spent like all of season 3 proving to himself he could do it and showing what a good dad he would be and just unconditionally loving stanley and his unborn child. it’s out of character for lila to fall for five when she loves diego more than she’s ever loved anyone in her life, and she’s so devoted and loyal to her husband who she has children with and who has supported her and proved to her that she is a good person and she is worth loving.
it’s out of character for five to fall for his brother’s wife when he has never expressed interest in her in any way and is endlessly loyal to his family no matter what. he wouldn’t break that trust, even if he did develop feelings for lila, which is completely unexpected and out of character for someone who has not really shown any attraction to another human, least of all lila.
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mandukkul · 2 months
My sister: i cannot give you good criticism on your writing because my writing is not on the same level as yours
Me: this is fanfiction
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clownwritesfanfic · 16 days
Drift Away - Five Hargreeves x Fem! Reader
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Summary: When Five gets stuck in the subway station all alone, he decides to stay in a comfortable timeline while he tries to figure out how to get back to his family, however, he didn’t plan on falling in love with the lonely woman who lives there.
Genre: Fluff/Angst
Word count: 7,984
Warnings: death, slightly canon compliant but not really, implied sex, slight nudity, author pretends to know wtf they’re talking about when it comes to cottagecore living
Disclaimers: Can you tell I love the subway concept but hate how it was executed? I refuse to believe Five would ever stop trying to go home. Also no Fivela in this because that whole mess is one I don’t want to clean up. Reader dresses feminine. Plus size, poc, and trans fem friendly. If you see something that goes against that, please feel free to say something. Five’s body is 24.
It had been a little over six years now. Six years of being stuck in a confusing maze of timelines and once again, Five was all alone.
At least in the first apocalypse, he found comfort in Delores. But down here, his only company was the rats.
Five was desperate. He wanted to go home, to see his family again, try and stop yet another apocalypse. He wasn’t going to give up, that wasn’t the kind of person he was.
But this place was driving him crazy. He could focus in here. He wanted a shower, clean clothes, a regular source of clean water and good food. He remembered a timeline he visited that looked peaceful, a place he could relax and feel safe to figure out a way back.
He picked himself up off the ground. His body aching and joints creaking. He may have a twenty-four year old’s body, but it sure felt like his body finally caught up to his age.
Five groaned as he stretched, feeling his sore muscles pull and his vertebrae clicking into place. Damn that felt good.
When the train came to a stop at his station and the doors slowly opened, he stepped on board and collapsed on the nearest seat. He was so hungry and dehydrated that he barely had any energy. He hoped it wouldn’t be long before he could get to the timeline he wanted.
It took about twenty minutes for Five to get to the right timeline, and another seven to exit the station. He was so exhausted that the stairs nearly made him pass out. He knew exactly where he was headed and he couldn’t wait to get there.
When he saw the little cottage far in the distance, he felt a burst of energy. He had been dragging himself along for thirty minutes and the knowledge of having good food and fresh water helped him find the strength to continue.
The gate to the property was open, its latch broken. Five made his way to the greenhouse as it was the closest thing and he knew there were strawberries inside from his last visit.
He opened the door, a burst of warm humid air hit him immediately as he stepped inside leaving the door ajar. He made a beeline for the plants and started picking and eating as many ripe strawberries as he could. They were so sweet and the juice ran down his chin.
He was busy stuffing his face when he heard the familiar cock of a gun causing him to freeze in place.
He slowly turned around, one hand frozen in place holding a strawberry near his face, his mouth full of the fruit. The first thing he noticed was the twin barrels of a shotgun a few feet away pointed directly at his head.
Then his eyes moved down to see whoever was holding the gun, was wearing a beautiful dress that stopped right above the person’s knees.
“What are you doing here?” A stern voice spoke out. The gun was obscuring their face but he could make out the long hair that framed it.
“I’m not going to ask again.” They readjusted the gun as a warning when he took too long to answer.
Five dropped the strawberries he was holding and held his hands up. He roughly swallowed what was in his mouth and tried to speak.
“I’m sorry. I don’t mean any harm. I’ve been lost for a long time and I’m starving. I didn’t know anyone lived here.” He explained in a soft voice, trying not to startle the owner.
The gun faltered slightly before it was lowered slightly. A pair of eyes stared back at him with an unreadable look.
The person sighed and finally lowered the gun fully, the click of the safety being turned on being heard through the quiet greenhouse.
Five was able to see them fully now, a woman was stood blocking the entrance, and she looked beautiful.
“Come on, you look rough. I got some proper food inside and some clean clothes.” You gestured for him to follow you as you stepped out of the greenhouse.
Five eagerly followed you out, excited to finally eat something proper and get clean. You closed the door behind him and started towards the cottage a few feet away.
A few chickens roamed around the property, most running out of the way as you two walked but there was one or two you had to nudge out of the way with the barrel of the shotgun. You did it with such care and gentleness that you must’ve had to do it many times before.
You opened the wooden door to the cottage and held it open, gesturing for him to go in first. He thanked you as he passed you and took in his surroundings.
The inside was cute. It was small but not cramped, more…cozy. Plenty of room for two people to be comfortable.
You closed the door behind you and propped the shot gun against the wall. You startled Five, causing him to jump a bit when you accidentally clapped your hands together when brushing them off against each other.
“I’m sure you’d like to take a bath quickly. But everything’s pretty old school around here so it will take me a while to get enough water and warm it up. But I’ve got some soup simmering right now.” You put your hands on your hips as you looked him up and down.
“Thank you. Anything is perfect.” Five knew he looked (and smelled) bad. He hasn’t been able to do anything properly for six years and he was grateful for whatever you could provide.
You nodded, feeling weird having a man around after being alone for so long. You gestured for him to take a seat at the dining table as you walked to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl, ladling some of the soup into it. You placed the bowl down in front of him and grabbed some slices of sourdough bread you had made fresh that day and placed it in front of him as well as a spoon.
Five was nearly drooling at the steaming bowl of soup in front of him along with the fresh bread. You chuckled silently to yourself when you noticed his expression.
“It’s potato and leek and the bread is sourdough, made it today. I’m going to go get a bath ready for you, help yourself to seconds if you’d like, there’s plenty left.” You patted his shoulder before you left towards the bathroom.
“Thank you.” He called as you left and dug in. He moaned as the creamy and smooth soup slid down his throat so easily and warmed him up from the inside. He was quick to dip a piece of the bread into the soup and scarfing it down. He hasn’t had a proper meal in years so he couldn’t control himself.
It was about twenty five minutes later when he wandered into the bathroom. He had helped himself to seconds like you said and he also washed his dishes. He didn’t want to be any more of a burden than he already felt.
The bathroom was small. There was a big long metal tub sat on the side of the room, a wooden shelving unit with potted plants on the top few shelves and some different soaps on the lower shelves with in reach of the tub. On the opposite side of the small room was a metal basin full of charcoal that was glowing orange.
There was a window a few feet above the tub that was slightly open for ventilation, there was a door that lead to the outside that was wide open. As Five was busy observing his surroundings, you walked in from the open door. A pole was over your shoulders, two big metal buckets full of water on either side.
“Oh…hello…” You were startled at the sight of him but you couldn’t let it stop you cause the buckets were starting to feel heavier by the minute. You bent down at the knees and slid the pole off your shoulders, causing the buckets to hit the ground with a thump making some water splash out onto the concrete floor.
“I..uh…the soup was really good, thank you.” Five shuffled awkwardly and scratched the back of his neck. He was impressed by your strength, and watching you do it in a dress was just the cherry on top. He was used to seeing strong women due to his time in the Commission, but none of them looked as soft and feminine as you did. It was clear you were a tough individual and he liked it.
“No problem.” You lifted the buckets up and set them in the pile of lit charcoal and used a stick to move the charcoal around so it surrounded the buckets. “Sorry, I don’t have running water. I’ve gotten used taking cold baths, usually only heating it in the winter but I thought you’d appreciate a warm bath more.” You brushed your hands off and placed them on your hips.
“You don’t have to go through all this trouble for me.” Five felt awkward, he’d never had anyone care about him this much and he was slowly starting to realize how much he craved a simple life like this.
You waved him off with a scoff. “Just gaining some good karma points.” You joked. You reached in the cabinet that the container of charcoal was sat on top of and grabbed some big fluffy towels out and set them on the middle shelf near the tub.
As you checked on the temperature of the water, you explained to Five that all the soap and shampoo was homemade. Despite living in the middle of no where near a forest, you had a neighbour that you regularly trade with. She was an older lady that grew Beehive Ginger, a plant that produced a natural liquid shampoo. You were able to make your own bars of soap pretty easily with the lye you also made. You mostly had everything you needed out here but it didn’t help to build connections with those near by.
As you picked up one of the buckets, holding the bottom with a cloth you picked up earlier and poured it into the bath, Five was thinking to himself how much he wanted a life like this, he hoped he could when he got back to his family and figured out how to stop the Cleanse, but it was tempting to stay here with you.
You poured the second bucket into the tub, it didn’t fill it completely but it was full enough, it would’ve cooled down by the time she was able to grab more water and heat it up anyway and Five was grateful for any amount of water. You scooped up some of the smouldering coals with the bucket and dumped them into the water.
Five gave you a weird look and you let out a breathy laugh. “It will keep the water warm longer. The water put it out and cooled it enough where it won’t burn you, plus, charcoal ash is good for your skin. Helps bring out toxins and such.”
Five nodded and thanked you again. You left to go grab him some extra clothes you said you had lying around and he finally took the opportunity to strip out of his dirty clothing. He wasn’t sure where to put the clothes so he left them in a pile on the floor. When he was fully nude he climbed into the tub and sat down. He groaned when the warm water raised around him. It reached just above his belly button and he took a moment to just sit there and enjoy the warmth. Not wanting the water to get cold, he grabbed a small pitcher that was on one of the shelves next to the various soaps. He scooped up some water and poured it over his head, relishing in the warmth and how it felt as some of the dirt washed right off.
You walked into the bathroom, a folded up shirt, jeans, and a pair of briefs in your arms. You paused when you realized he was in the tub already, you couldn’t blame him, you’d want to clean off as soon as possible if you looked as bad as he did. The tub was high enough where you couldn’t see anything below his shoulders from where you stood.
“Sorry.” You laughed awkwardly. “I’m used to not having to knock. Here, got you some clean clothes. They should fit.” You placed them down on a stool nearby and noticed you hadn’t closed the door to the outside and walked over and latched it shut. “Sorry to get rid of the view but sometimes the goats get too curious and sneak their way in and that usually brings in the chickens.” You laughed.
Five smiled with a huff. “Thank you, again.”
“Stop it. No more of that.” You huffed. “I’ll be around. Just shout if you need something.” You smiled and gathered up his dirty clothing and left.
An hour or so later, you had his original clothes all washed and hung up outside to dry in the sun.
You were sat at the dining room table, drinking some tea thinking about everything that’s happened so far.
Five entered the dining room and smiled. He opened his mouth to say something before you cut him off. “If you try and thank me one more time I’m going to kick you out.” You semi joked.
He silently laughed and shook his head. “Noted.” He pulled out a chair and sat adjacent to you. “I was actually going to say, I didn’t know how to empty the bath so I just left it.”
You waved your hand. “Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it later. Tea?” You gestured to the kettle sitting on the stove.
“I’m more of a coffee guy.” He sheepishly admitted.
“Oh, I’ve got some of that.” You stood up and grabbed the container of instant coffee and poured some into a mug and poured the hot water from the kettle into it and stirred it around. You placed the mug in front of him and sat back in your seat. You made it so quickly it was as if you’ve done it many times before. “Sorry it’s only instant. Coffee is kinda hard to get out here so we’d have to go to the nearest town for it which is about two hours away.”
“I’m grateful to be having any coffee at all. I haven’t had any for twelve years.” He picked up his mug and took a sip. It was the perfect strength, slightly bitter but it wasn’t the worst he’s ever had.
“Oh! I forgot to ask if you want cream or sugar with that.” You sounded concerned but didn’t really make a move to get up.
“Oh no, that’s alright. I take it black. This is great.” Five reassured.
“How are the clothes? They comfortable?” You asked as you sipped your tea.
“Great, yeah. They fit perfectly.” A little too perfectly to be honest.
“That’s good. I cleaned your other clothes, they’re outside right now hanging up.”
You both let a comfortable silence go through for a few minutes before you gasped. “Oh my god…I just realized I never asked for your name.” You laughed.
He smiled after taking a sip of his coffee. “It’s…Five.” He hesitated, not sure on if he should tell you his real name but deciding it was the least he could do.
“Five? Like the number?” You questioned.
“It’s…a long story.” He sheepishly replied.
“I got nothing but time…but I won’t make you talk about something you don’t want to.” He was grateful for that. “I’m Y/N by the way.”
He repeated your name. He liked the sound of it. “Do you live alone? I find it odd that a woman who I’ve only seen wear a dress so far has men’s clothes.”
“I….I had a husband.” You looked away.
“Oh..I’m sorry. I didn’t see a ring so I just assumed…” he trailed off when you grabbed the thin chain around your neck and pulled it out from the top of your dress. A simple metal ring hanging off the edge.
“Hard to do any work around here when you’re worrying about keeping a ring on your finger. Plus I’ve never been one for wearing rings. He made it himself out of some scrap metal he had lying around.” You explained as you played with the ring. “We got married officially down at the courthouse. No wedding though. We were never much for big events like that and we didn’t really have anyone to invite anyway.” Tears pricked at your eyes as you thought back to it all.
“If I may ask, what happened?” Five straightened up in his chair, feeling sorry for you.
“He went out one day to check the traps we have out in the woods…never came back. I went looking for him for months but I never found him. He wasn’t the kind of man to just leave. He loved it here. So I assumed something got him.” You sniffed and wiped your eyes. “Sorry…”
“No no it’s alright. That sounds awful. I’m sorry that happened.” He reached out and laid a hand on yours that was on the table. It was out of character for him, usually he wasn’t good at comforting others, but he felt like he needed to. Something drew him to you.
You smiled weakly. “It’s been three years. You learn to cope and move on quickly. Especially with this kind of life. You don’t get to mope around, there’s always stuff to do here so you have to work through it.”
“It must’ve been hard, having to do everything yourself after having someone else to split the chores with.”
“It was. But you get used to it. You sorta look like him too. The long hair and eyes, they’re just like his.” You smiled. “Anyway…enough about me. You can stay as long as you’d like. I’ve only got one bedroom but the couch is surprisingly comfortable. I’ve taken many naps on it. Sorry I can’t offer you something better.”
Five smiled. “Anything is better than what I’ve been sleeping on for the past six years.”
Five originally planned on staying for a few days. But a few days turned into a few weeks, which then turned into a few months.
He hadn’t given up on finding a way home but he got a little…distracted. He helped you out around the house and small farm you had. You taught him how to do a lot of the more labour intensive tasks and over time you two grew closer.
You were in the greenhouse, collecting some of the strawberries to make jam later when Five appeared in the doorway, a watering can in his hand. He was wearing a green knitted sweater that used to be your husband’s favourite. He paused for a second to admire you and smiled to himself and busied himself with watering the plants.
You glanced over and smirked to yourself and picked one of the smaller strawberries and threw it at him. He tried to hold back a smile at your antics when he got hit with another strawberry, and then another, and another. Finally, he turned to you.
“You’re not going to have enough to make jam if you keep throwing them at me.” He smiled gently at you.
“Ah, they’re just the shitty ones I would’ve fed to the chickens. I think I have enough now anyway.” You took a few steps towards him before you stepped on the handle of a trowel that was left on the ground. It caused you to slip and you dropped the basket of strawberries in shock, you prepared to catch yourself when Five caught you just in time.
You both made eye contact. You felt a shiver go down your spine at seeing eyes that looked so similar to your late husbands. You felt yourself get lost in them the longer you looked and Five felt the same.
The last person he ever loved was Delores, and she wasn’t even real but he loved her all the same. But you made him feel the same way, only a thousand times more. He had started to fall for you over the months of being alone together.
He glanced down at your parted lips, silently asking for permission. You sucked in a small breath and looked down at his. He slowly leaned in, tilting his head slightly before closing his eyes and softly kissing you. When you parted you looked at each other again before Five whispered.
“Was that weird?”
“No…but that’s what makes it weird.” You replied.
At that, Five cupped the back of your neck and pulled you closer, bringing your lips back to his. This time the kiss was more passionate and loving. You held onto his shoulders, gripping his sweater.
You slowly dragged your kisses down his jaw right to a specific spot on his neck and harshly sucked. Five threw his head back and moaned lightly. He hadn’t been given a hickey before but it felt so good. After a few seconds you pulled away and admired the bruise starting to form.
You pulled away from him and walked towards the greenhouse door. He looked at you in confusion, wondering if he did something wrong or if you were just toying with him when you turned around to look at him and leaned against the doorframe.
“You coming?” You smirked with a look in your eyes.
He grinned and stalked towards you with a predatory look on his face. You giggled and took off towards the house with him chasing behind you.
Five had been with you for six months now. He has since graduated from sleeping on the couch to sharing your bed.
He has been everything you could ask for. Attentive, loving, patient, caring, hard working, etc. He was perfect in your eyes.
You were once again in the greenhouse. It was your favourite place after all. You were sat on a crate, using some shears to tidy up some flowers for the small bouquet you were putting together.
Five walked in carrying two rabbits. “Oh wow look at that. Two this time.” You smiled.
“All because of your traps.” He winked and kneeled in front of you.
“Such a flatterer.” You smirked as you put down the shears and placed the last flower with the rest. “What are you hiding?” You inquired with a raised eyebrow.
“What do you mean?” He asked, trying hard to hide his smile.
“I know you. You got that look.”
“What look?”
“That guilty ‘I have a secret’ look!” You laughed.
“I have no such look.” He bit his lip holding back his smile.
“Whatever.” You rolled your eyes with a grin.
“Ok ok you’re twisting my arm.” He reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls something out. “Here.” He holds it out to you.
You gently take it from him and notice it’s a bracelet made of metal. It’s beautifully twisted together making a unique piece of art. “Oh…Five, this is beautiful. Where did you get this?”
“I made it. Used the scrap metal I found lying around.” He looked up at you.
“I love it.” You looked up from admiring the bracelet into his eyes.
“I aim to please.” He looked at you full of love and smiled.
You grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in for a kiss. He placed a hand on your waist and leaned in to the kiss. He was always such a good kisser. It was passionate and full of love and want and always left you breathless.
You both slowly pulled away, leaning your foreheads together as you caught your breath.
“I love you, Five.” you whispered as you softly scratched his scalp.
“I love you too. So much.” He replied, his thumb rubbing your waist.
As much as you’d love to keep the moment going, he slowly pulled away and stood up. “I’m going to go look for more scrap metal, we’re getting low and one of the traps needs to be fixed. I’ll be back in time for dinner.”
“Oh, okay. Be careful.” You smiled at him as he stood in the doorway.
“I will, love.” He replied softly before turning around and leaving.
Your smile fell as soon as he was gone. Now was as good a time as any.
Despite finding peace and happiness with you, Five never stopped trying to find a way back home. His family was important to him and even though you were apart of it now, he still wanted to get back to his siblings.
He told you all about his family, his powers, how he got trapped in the future, his true age, everything that lead him to that point in time with you. The only thing he left out, was the subway. It was quite a distance away from your little piece of heaven and he didn’t want you to get stuck by accident like he did.
It was the one secret he kept from you, but what he didn’t know was that you had one of your own.
You had been feeling suspicious for a while about where he was getting all the metal. It was woods and foliage for miles so you had no clue where he was getting it all.
You weren’t stupid, you knew how much his family meant to him and you saw how it effected him being away from them for so long yet again. There would be days where he wasn’t himself, he was visibly depressed and his mind was occupied with the thoughts of his family. He would reassure you that he loved his life with you and didn’t regret a single thing, but being apart from them was hard.
But you were selfish. As much as you would love to meet his family, you refused to lose the one man that made you happy, again.
You waited for Five to get a head start before you went after him. You had to be careful, you knew he was a trained assassin and a former CIA agent, one little mistake and he’d catch you and you didn’t have an excuse thought up if he did. Luckily, you had some training yourself. Not at the level of Five’s but good enough where you were able to sneak up on him a few times before.
You followed a few yards behind him, staying close by but far enough behind where you won’t lose sight of him.
After about twenty minutes of walking, Five reached the entrance to the subway station. He looked around as a precaution before descending the stairs. Luckily, you had ducked down before he could spot you, you rose from your spot as you watched him go down the stairs.
You walked over and looked down from the top of the stairs and sighed heavily.
A few months later, you were outside feeding the chickens when Five walked outside, he had the messenger bag he always used when going out slung around him.
He hadn’t needed to go to the subway station since the time you secretly followed him but a lot of things needed repairs recently so he had to find some more metal soon.
He walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around you and kissed your cheek. “I’m going out now. Be back soon, okay?” He said softly as he rested his head on your shoulder.
Five has become more touchy and cuddly recently and you’re not too sure why but you’re not exactly complaining.
“I can come with you. I don’t have much else to do right now that’s urgent. Just lemme finish up here.” You replied, throwing the rest of the seed to the birds.
“No no, it’s okay, love. You stay here. It’s safer here than out there.” He tried persuade you.
You huffed and turned around in his arms. “Five, I’ve survived out here on my own for three years before you showed up. I think I can handle it.”
“I know, but please? Just stay here. It gives me peace of mind knowing you’re here safe.” He looked down at you with pleading eyes.
You sighed exasperatedly. “Fine. But don’t be too long or I’m coming after you.”
“I won’t, love. See you soon.” He kissed you before taking off.
Five felt guilty. He had found a notebook that had the answers to find his way back home. He had held on to it for so long but he had no clue how to bring it up to you. He loved you, and he loved his life with you so much. But he also wanted to save his family, and as much as he’d love to bring them here, he knew most of them would refuse to drop their new lives to start over completely. Plus your cottage and garden kept both of you living comfortably and he had no idea what this timelines world was like outside of the small bubble you stayed in.
He was going to scavenge for metal but he was also hoping to study the notebook a little more. He had covered the subway walls in equations while he tried to think of all the possibilities of getting his family safe while also being able to stay with you. He knew you wouldn’t want to leave your timeline, especially since the one he was trying to get back to was turning to shit quite quickly.
Five had walked this path so many times that he was walking on auto pilot while looking down at the notebook and thinking. He had made it to the station and was about to take the first step down when he bumped into something solid.
He looked up and saw a bunch of wooden planks and chains blocking the entrance.
“What the hell?” He muttered to himself.
“I knew you’d come here.” He turned around when he heard your voice. You were stood a few feet away looking disappointed.
“Y/N? What are you doing here? I told you to stay back.”
“I know. But I wasn’t going to let you go down there again.” You crossed your arms.
“You did this?” He gestured to the shoddily put together barrier. “How do you even know about this place?”
“I followed you last time. I knew you were hiding something. Plus I was curious as to where all the metal was coming from. So…what’s that?” You nodded towards the notebook he was still holding.
“You have no right to keep me out of there.” He ignored the question and walked towards you.
“I can do whatever the fuck I want. You’re not going down there again.” You stood your ground.
“Oh yeah? And where else would I get the materials we need?” He was starting to get pissed off.
“Fuck all that! I don’t give a shit about that! What are you doing down there that’s so fucking important?” You yelled, getting frustrated with him diving the question.
“Trying to find a way back home! To my family!” He raised his voice back, throwing his arms up.
“This is your home now, Five. You’re happy here. We both are.”
“This is NOT my home. Without my siblings here, it will NEVER be home. With or without you here.”
That hit you hard. You felt a pang in your chest at hearing that.
“So that’s it? You’re just going to leave as soon as you can? You just can’t WAIT to get away from me huh?”
“Don’t be stupid.” He huffed.
“Stupid?! You won’t even tell me what the fuck is in that notebook or where you go it!” You waved your arms around.
“It’s the answer I’ve been looking for on how to get back to my timeline. Now, take this shit down so I can finish my equations.” He sighed.
“Excuse me?”
“I said no. You’re staying here.” You stared at him while he glared at you.
Five got close to you, getting up in your face. “What the fuck is your problem? What makes you think I won’t just blink down there and leave right n-“
“BECAUSE I DON’T WANT TO LOSE YOU AGAIN!” You screamed as tears finally started falling down your face.
This startled Five, causing him to back up. It took him a second before he spoke up again.
“What do you mean ‘again’?” He questioned.
You squeezed your eyes shut and shook your head, hugging yourself.
“Y/N…” Five warned as he took a step towards you.
You hung your head as your tears kept falling. “I knew about timelines long before you showed up.” You sniffed and lifted your head, looking off to the side. “My husband…he…he found this place years ago. He went on the subway and came back telling me all about it. He was so captivated by it that he kept coming back, taking it to different timelines. I went with him once but we ended up somewhere awful. I never wanted him to go down there again. I didn’t trust it. But of course he was too stubborn and didn’t listen. He went out one day and…never came back. I waited for years. I came out here every day for about two of those years, just waiting for him to walk back up. I wanted to close it off but kept it open just incase he came back. Then you showed up…and I…I thought that you…were him. You looked and sounded the exact same. Even had the same name. But I knew you couldn’t have been him from the way you acted when we first met. But when I gave you his clothes to wear…all I saw was him.” You wiped your tears away.
Five was silent for a while. Trying to process everything you just dumped on him. “So…I was a replacement, for the version that you lost.” He clenched his jaw.
“No!” You looked at him with surprise. “No I swear you weren’t a replacement. Even if he was a version of you and you had a lot in common, you’re also different. There are things you do, things you say, that are so different from him. I never saw you as a replacement. I never saw you as him. I just saw someone so familiar that I felt so comfortable with. You made me fall in love all over again with a whole new person.” You tried to explain quickly.
Five sighed and looked away, scratching the back of his neck. “I need to get home.”
You sucked in a breath. “Five, please. Please don’t leave me alone out here again. I’ll…I’ll do better! I will do whatever you want as long as you just stay here. Please.” You felt tears stinging your eyes again as you reached out and held onto him.
“Y/N…” He sighed. He brought his arms around you and held you close. “I love you. I really do. But I don’t belong here. I’d love to stay with you. I really do. But your Five is out there somewhere. Stuck just like I was. He belongs here with you. I need to be with my family. I’m sorry.”
You sobbed into his chest as you tightened your grip on him.
“I’ll find your Five. I promise. I’ll find him and I’ll bring him back to you. You’re strong, you can take care of yourself while I look for him.” He reassured as he nuzzled into your hair.
“How do you know he’s even still alive?” You whimpered into his chest.
“He’s a Five. We’re stubborn, and if he loved you as much as I do then I know he’s fighting to get back to you.”
You both stood there, the air cold as you held each other. Your sobs mixing in with the sound of the wind. After a couple of minutes, your tears died down and you slowly pulled away from Five. He looked down at you, evidence of his own silent tears on his face.
You reached up and wiped the tears off his face. “I love you, Five. Just as much as I loved mine.”
He caught one of your wrists. “I know.” He whispered before kissing your palm. You both looked into each others watery eyes before stealing one last kiss.
When you pulled away, you leaned your forehead against his, one last time. “Do you promise you’ll find him?”
“I promise.”
With that, you backed away from him and held your hands close to your chest, one of them playing with the bracelet he made you all that time ago. You watched him look at you one more time, smiling, before suddenly he was gone in a flash.
You felt yourself fall to your knees as your curled in on yourself as you sobbed.
Five had managed to arrive safely in his timeline. He was going to keep his promise to you, but first he needed to see his family.
His heart was still heavy at the thought of leaving you behind but he tried not to let it show. He didn’t want his siblings to pry too much when the wound was still open.
He walked up to the familiar house and sighed before knocking on the door. It opened to reveal Lila.
“Hey there you are. Finally.” She looked him up and down. “What the hell are you wearing?” She questioned.
“I can’t be comfortable?” He countered.
“Alright, don’t get your knickers in a twist. I’ve only ever seen you in suits or a school boy uniform. It’s weird seeing you in casual clothes.” He rolled his eyes at her statement. He certainly didn’t miss her quips. Lila stepped back and opened the door more to let Five in.
As soon as he stepped inside he saw Diego with Grace on his hip. “Heyyyy you made it, Cinco! Come on in, take your shoes off first though.”
Five softly smiled at the sight of his family safe and sound.
Five found himself back in the subway station pretty quickly. The Cleanse had yet to be stopped and everything was escalating so fast but he knew he had a promise to keep. He hated leaving his family again with no explanation but he refused to let you down.
He was prepared to spend another six years down there all alone just for you. Luckily, he had only spent a few hours searching different timelines when he came across a deli.
He had followed what he swore was an another version of him down there. He hoped it was the one he was looking for.
However, he was shocked to find the entire place was full of doppelgängers. “Hey! Over here.” The Five in the suit that he followed called him over to a booth.
“What is this place?” He sat down across from himself.
“It’s a gas station. What the hell’s it look like? It’s a deli.” His counterpart replied sarcastically, sipping some coffee.
Another Five chuckled in the booth behind him while yet another copy of himself placed down a mug of coffee and two pastrami sandwiches on the table.
“Little light on the sauerkraut don’t you think?” Five joked.
“Yeah, it says it on the menu and I keep telling him but…he never listens.” He shook his head.
“It’s not your fault.”
“Theoretically it is.” He picks up the mug of coffee.
“Oh, you’re not gonna like that.” The other Five points out.
He looks down at the coffee with a frown.
“So! I take it your figured out the subway system by now.” The Five takes a bite of his sandwich.
“Alternate versions of the same moment in time?”
“That is correct. You’d be surprised how long it took some of the Five’s to figure that out.” Five mumbles with a mouth full. It made him think back to you and how you always scolded him if he talked with his mouth full. He hoped you were alright.
Five swallowed and continued. “We’re all you. From alternate timelines, most of us have given up trying to fix the problem.”
He looked at his counterpart, confused. “What problem?”
“The broken timeline, man. There’s only supposed to be one.” Five sipped his coffee.
He thought for a moment. “I don’t get it.”
“Look around, Five.” He sighed. “Does this seem right to you?”
He looked to the side. “Well, no-“
“You think Einstein was thinking of this when he was figuring out relativity? Not a chance. This shit would’ve made his head explode.” He took another sip of his coffee.
“Ok so, what shattered the original timeline?” Five questions.
“Not what…who. And I’ll give you three guesses to figure it out.” A ding is heard through the deli.
“We did!” Another Five from behind the counter shouts.
The Five across from him looks exasperated. “Why you always gotta wreck shit, Brisket Five? Why?”
“By we he means…the family, my siblings?”
“The morons, yeah.”
“I’m familiar with them, yeah.”
“One perfect timeline and the moment we come into existence; boom! Shattered. Into an infinite number of alternate timelines in an infinite loop of time. As we try and save the world- how many times…was it again?” Five leaned over and asked the Five in the booth behind him.
“One hundred and forty five thousand four hundred and twelve.” The Five lowered his newspaper to look at the other two.
“That’s a lot. He’s like Rain Man, that one. He loves num- oh by the way. Look at the artwork.”
He turned and looked at all the framed photos littering the walls.
“All the different ways we made our universe go kaboom. Gold star for consistency, am I right?” He joked.
“We need to fix this.”
“Oh trust me, we tried. That’s why one of us created the commission. By the way that’s why there’s no paradox psychosis here. Uses the same technology that Five did for the panic room. He wanted to undo all the broken timelines, get back to the one and only. But that always fails because…?” He prompted.
“The family is the problem. We’re doomed to save or destroy the world over and over again and infinitum.” He sighed.
“Bingo.” A Five sat at a table holding a coffee chimed in.
“Bingo.” The Five across from him repeated with his mouth full.
“I need to get back to my family. Stop this from ever happening.” He stood up.
“Well…good luck with that. Guess you don’t want your brisket to-go?” The Five reached for his plate and slid it towards him.
He was about halfway to the door when he remembered his promise and turned around. “One last thing. I spent a year in a different timeline with a woman. Her name is Y/N, she said she lost her husband because of the subway and that he’s another Five.”
“Y/N, huh? Only a few of us have met someone with that name, but chances are you’re looking for that one over there.” He pointed to another Five who looked the worst out of all of them. He was hunched over a table in the far corner, head in his arms. “Used to talk non stop about his wife named Y/N and how he had to get home to her. Poor bastard got stuck and went crazy trying to find his way back.”
That’s all Five needed to hear. He walked over to the Five and shook his shoulder. The Five grumbled but lifted his head.
“Hey, I know how to get you back to your timeline. Your wife misses you a lot. She’s waiting for you right now.”
“Y/N?!” He straightened up.
“Yeah. C’mon. She needs you.” He helped the Five stand and lead him out of the deli.
On the subway ride back to your timeline, your Five was pacing back and forth.
“Sit down. You’re gonna fall on your ass when the train stops.” Five tried to calm him down.
“I haven’t seen her in years. She told me to stop coming down here but I just couldn’t fucking listen and I ended up leaving her all alone.” He brushed his hand through his messy and dirty hair.
“Hey. She’s strong. She was doing just fine by herself when I met her. I promise she’s okay. She’ll be happy to see you again.” He sighed. He really wishes it could be him, but now that he knew his family was destined to destroy the world no matter how hard they try to stop it, he had to go back and be with them.
When the train stopped in the right timeline, he guided the other Five out. “Ah shit.” He muttered when he got to the stairs and saw it was still blocked off. “Forgot she did that.” He grabbed the other Five and blinked them to the surface. He shivered at the cold air. It must have been a few months since he left considering there was now snow on the ground.
“This way. I’m not sure how long it’s been for her so let’s not keep the lady waiting.” The disheveled Five followed close behind him, growing anxious at the familiar scenery. His heart started beating hard in his chest when he saw the cottage in the distance.
As they got closer, they could both see you exiting the greenhouse, a basket in your hands.
“Oh my god…” The Five whispered. He stood still in shock at seeing you again. You looked just as beautiful as he remembered. “Y/N!” He called out.
You looked around at the sound of your name being called. You had been hallucinating hearing your name in Five’s voice since he left so you were in complete shock when you looked over and saw your original Five a few yards away.
You dropped the basket, its contents spilling onto the snowy ground, and beelined for your husband, jumping right over the fence.
He ran towards you, quickly closing the distance before colliding in a desperate hug. Tears were pouring down both of your faces as you squeezed each other right. Scared that either one of you might disappear.
You looked up from his shoulder and through blurry vision you could see the Five you spent a year with standing in the distance. You smiled at him and mouth a “thank you” to him.
He smiled sadly back at you and nodded. You closed your eyes and nuzzled deep into your husbands neck. When you opened them again, Five had disappeared from view. You frowned, a part of you will always love and miss him, but you had your true Five back now. You could only hope he found someone that made him happy.
You pulled back from the hug and looked your Five in the eyes and smiled through the tears. “Welcome home, honey.”
As Five stood hand in hand with his family as the Durango slowly consumed him, he thought back to you.
He had no idea what timeline was the right one, but he could only hope, that even if it was a slim chance, that your timeline was the correct one.
As you laid in bed, cuddled up to your husband, you didn’t feel a thing as your timeline disappeared.
On the twelfth hour, of the eighth day of August, 2024, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary occurred.
Y/N would say, it was just a normal day as she watered the marigolds in her garden.
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pixiescoffeeshop · 13 days
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ੈ♡‧₊˚ you got blood on your shoes.
a five hargreeves long fic . . 🚇♠️
context : five had been looking for an escape from the timeline subway for over a year, and upon finding a girl in one of the other timelines, he realizes — maybe he didn’t want to find his way back home anymore? ᡣ𐭩
warnings : just some cursing .ᐟ
author’s note : THANK UUUU FOR THE LOVE ON THE FIRST ONE 🙈 you guys r so sweet <3
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6 months. it had been 6 months since five saw his family. he scavenged through the depths of the subway trash can for any source of food. anything to keep his going for the next week. he sighed, then jotted down some writing on his notepad. it helped him keep sane.
he hopped on the next train again, the heavy messenger bag hanging from his shoulder. he sat, and waited for the next stop, anxiously tapping his foot on the ground as he watched the window. not like it really showed anything.
he felt his eyes grow heavy, and he fell asleep just minutes later.
— 𐙚₊˚⊹ 🚇
the brunette felt the train stop, causing him to wake up. he raised his head up to look at wherever he had arrived to. he walked out of the subway train, and it looked, much more cleaner. cleaner than any of the stations he’d been in.
he looked around the dark station a little more as he wrote in his notepad, surprised that the pen he had brought from his own timeline was still working. as he looked around, he halted at a lit-up vending machine. real food, finally. he tried to look in his messenger bag for any coins he’d picked up before, lucky enough to find a few crumpled dollar bills.
he slipped the paper money in a picked out a peanut-butter chocolate bar — and he waited. but after a few minutes passed by, he realized it wasn’t going to come down. out of annoyance, he kicked the machine, punched the side, and practically bullied the candy filled mechanic.
“you know that’s not going to work.”
he moved his head to the direction of where the voice came from. there stood a girl, she looked young. around eighteen or twenty. she had a dead-panned and bored look on her face, her right hand embraced the handle of a worn out axe.
five stared at her, before flickering his eyes at her weapon. panic rushed over his body, he stepped a few feet away. he could easily beat her in a punching match, but he didn’t have that kind of energy to win. “relax,” she rest the axe on her shoulder and took out a few dollar bills of her own.
she put them in the machine and picked out the same chocolate bar. to her luck, it had fallen down the slot. she picked it up and extended her hand with the chocolate bar in it. five only stared at it. “what? don’t you want it? you look like you need it.” and she flashed him a devilish smile.
he stared at the ground, her shoes. the black converse was covered in red liquid — blood. who was this girl? why was she holding an axe? why was there blood on her shoes and face? how did she get here?
“if you don’t want it, i’ll eat it.”
“ — you have blood on your shoes.”
she stared back at him, then down to her chucks. “i’m aware.” she replied with the same smile. five took the candy bar from her and returned the smile faintly. “thank you.” her smiled deepened, “of course.” she turned to walk away, but he stopped her.
“uh wait,” she stopped her tracks, and turned her head to him. “yes?” he licked his lips, “how did you get here?” he asked her. she parted her lips, in attempts to respond but she swallowed back. “um.. i don’t know if i can answer that.” she gave another grin, but it was sadder.
then he noticed the symbol on the top corner her short black dress. it was the commission’s. “you’re from the commission.” he locked eyes with her. her eyes grew wide, her lips parted again in a sense of wanting to say something back. “and you’re five hargreeves.”
his name slipped out of her mouth like honey. “i’m (name). (name) (last name). i was recruited a year after you left.” she flexed her fingers on the axe handle. “i was sent here to um.. assassinate someone.” he licked his lips again nervously.
“you don’t like it, do you?” he asked her. she broke eye contact — flexing her hand on the axe handle again. “i don’t like the smell of blood. i don’t like the taste. i don’t like seeing it on my shoes. on my hair. on my clothes.” she continued. he started to feel sorry for her, he watched her sit on the steps, putting the weapon down beside her.
he walked closer to her and kicked the axe away. five sat beside (name) and handed her a half he’d broken off for her. “eat. you look like you need it.”
— 𐙚₊˚⊹ 🚇
it was impulsive, but (name) had decided to follow five right then and there. they shared the same trauma and experiences working in the commission, and they were like two puzzle pieces together.
she wanted to have a normal life. a normal life like the way five described it. she learned he started working for the government, and his favorite thing was espresso in the morning. she learned about his family, and how a family actually works. he taught her alot, and she was extremely grateful for him.
they could’ve used the briefcase she carried with her sure, but it only sent her back to the commission. not anywhere else. she helped him search for a way back to his original timeline. and just like how he’d taught her many things, she’d taught him things too.
(name) was bright. she was a joy, despite everything she’d gone through and the things she’s seen. she’d taught him the greatest thing of all. being love in a world of cruelty. she’d chosen to be sweet, to be kind. when the world wasn’t to her.
and seven years later, they found a greenhouse to stay in and a cute little cottage.
“sunshine? where’s the hose?” five called from the greenhouse, inspecting the strawberries. “under the white table, fives.” she responded. she followed him out with his cup of coffee, “i finally mastered your recipe!” she smiled in victory. “oh, that’s great hon.” he took the warm drink.
upon seeing her walk away, he made a sour face and giggled at her attempt and the thought. “i saw that!” she cried. he chuckled louder, walking towards her spin her around slowly. “maybe you’ll get it next time.” she slightly pouted at him. she cupped the side of his face and pressed their lip together for a short kiss.
“i think you’re just too picky with your coffee, sweetie.” she commented. “it’s not that hard to get my coffee preference.” he shrugged, his hands embraced her waist. “oh whatever.” she sassed with a bright grin and a hearty laugh. he looked down at the ground to look for the hose, his eyes wide at her clean chucks.
“you cleaned them?” he asked her. (name) nodded pleasingly. “they could use it. i missed them.” she winked at him, he laughed. “dunno. kinda liked the blood. had edge.” she rolled her eyes. “edge my ass.”
he gasped, “woah! language!” he shared a laugh with her as she lightly nudged him on the shoulder. “weirdo.”
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thehargreevesfam · 2 months
One defense I’ve seen for the Five Lila thing from Blackman and the few people I’ve seen online ship it is ‘they’ve been together for 7 years. What did you expect? This was a natural outcome’
Aside from the obvious answer that Five has been stuck in an apocalypse for 45 years before, and still did everything in his power to get back to his family, that reasoning makes absolutely no sense because Blackman could’ve just not written that entire plot line altogether. He says it as if his hands are tied, as if HE is not the head writer on the show. If a plot point makes you write another plot point that completely assassinates your characters, then maybe don’t…write that plot point to begin with?
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youlooklikedead · 7 days
Today I bring to you what the Hargreeves siblings lives would've been like had they never been adopted and grew up in their respective countries and communities. Courtesy of The Commission Handbook: A Complete Commission Guide to Temporal Anomalies.
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nosherbetlemons · 2 months
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as far as I'm concerned, s4 ended here
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moonyswoony · 1 month
Lost and found
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Pairing: Five hargreeves x reader
Summary: You an Five discover more than just plants and strawberries in the greenhouse
Warning(s): kissing, fluff, nothing really
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“What the hell is this place?” Five muttered, his voice tinged with suspicion.
“Beats me,” you replied, stepping further inside. “But it’s not like we’ve stumbled upon a better place than this one so far.”
The two of you had been on the run for what felt like an eternity. Your attempt to figure out the subway had gone sideways—again—and now you were stuck in this strange, green timeline with no clear path back.
Five stayed close as you ventured deeper into the greenhouse, his sharp eyes scanning every inch. “This doesn’t make sense. None of this should be here.”
You brushed your fingers against a nearby vine, feeling the life pulsing through it. “Maybe this is just a small piece of the world that refused to die.”
Five huffed, the ghost of a smile on his lips. “That, or we’ve stumbled into some kind of twisted fairytale.”
“Great. Does that make you the grumpy old troll under the bridge?” you teased.
“If I’m the troll, that makes you the annoying adventurer who won’t stop asking questions,” he shot back, though his tone was more fond than bitter.
As you explored, you found yourself drawn to a patch of strawberries growing along the far wall. They were perfectly ripe, a vibrant red that stood out against the greens and browns around them. Without thinking, you plucked one and popped it into your mouth, savoring the sweetness.
Five watched with raised eyebrows. “You sure that’s safe?”
“If it’s not, at least I’ll go out with a decent meal,” you replied, plucking another and offering it to him.
He hesitated, then took it, biting into the fruit with a thoughtful expression. “Not bad.”
“High praise from you,” you quipped.
There was a brief, comfortable silence as you both absorbed the strange beauty of this place. The tension that had been winding tighter and tighter over the past few days—or even years—slowly began to ease, the peacefulness of this place working its way into your entire being.
As you wandered deeper, you came across a patch of wildflowers bathed in golden sunlight. You knelt to touch them, their delicate petals soft under your fingers. “This feels like a dream,” you murmured.
“Or a trap,” Five countered, though his voice lacked its usual edge.
You looked up at him, catching an unguarded expression in his eyes,something softer, more vulnerable than you were used to seeing. “Five?”
He stepped closer, the sunlight casting a warm glow across his features. “You’ve always been fearless,” he chuckled,though his voice was quieter than usual.
You blinked in surprise. “What are you talking about? I’m not fearless, I’m—”
“You are,” he insisted. “And I should have told you sooner.”
“I’ve spent so much time trying to fix everything, trying to keep us all alive, that I forgot there are things I want, too,” he said, his gaze pined on you.
His words hit you like a punch to the gut as you realised what he was implying—not in a painful way, but in a way that left you breathless. You had always known there was something between you, a connection that went deeper than partnership or friendship, but his words still had that affect on you.
Without giving yourself time to overthink it, you reached up and pulled him into a kiss. It wasn’t rushed or frantic, but slow and deliberate, a promise in every brush of your lips against his. Five responded in kind, one hand slipping around your waist while the other cupped the back of your neck, holding you close.
The kiss deepened, his tongue teasing your lower lip before slipping into your mouth. You felt your knees weaken as a wave of heat washed over you, your fingers gripping the front of his shirt as if to support yourself. His hand slid down your back, pulling you flush against him as the kiss grew more intense, more desperate.
It was a kiss that spoke of everything you had both been holding back,years of unspoken feelings, of missed opportunities, all coming to the surface in this one, perfect moment.
When you finally broke apart, both of you were breathing hard, your foreheads resting against each other as you tried to catch your breath.
“I love you,” he said, his voice rough but certain.
You smiled, your thumb brushing against his jaw. “I love you too.”
For a moment, you both stood there in silence, the reality of what you had just confessed settling over you like a warm blanket. The world around you didn’t feel as interesting anymore, not when he was in front of you.
Five glanced around at the greenery, his expression contemplative. “You know, we don’t have to leave right away.”
You raised an eyebrow. “You want to stay?”
“Just for a little while,” he admitted, surprising you with the softness in his voice. “It’s been a long time since we’ve had a moment of peace. We could use the rest and some proper food.”
You looked around at the lush greenery, the golden sunlight filtering through the broken skylight, and felt a sense of calm settle over you. “Yeah,” you agreed, smiling up at him. “Let’s stay.”
With that decision made, the tension that had been a constant companion began to melt away. You found a spot to sit, leaning against a wall covered in ivy, and Five joined you, his hand finding yours and holding it tightly.
For the first time in what felt like forever, you let yourself relax. No missions, no timelines, no disasters—just the two of you, in a place that felt almost unreal.
Five squeezed your hand, drawing your attention back to him. “You know,” he said, his voice low and teasing, “if we’re staying here, we might as well make the most of it.”
You grinned, leaning in to kiss him again, this time slower, savoring every second. “I couldn’t agree more.”
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loki-hargreeves · 1 month
I agree that the Umbrella Academy should've ended with them killing Reggie.
In addition, they should've gone to the academy together and there should've been a montage of them destroying the furniture and stuff they don't like while having fun and dancing for all that I care. Then it should've faded into a scene of the newly renovated academy, a family dinner where everyone's around the table together. Happily. All the siblings, and their loved ones. Everyone.
Five would finally get a decent cup of coffee. Klaus and Dave would be together. Diego and Lila would be happy and their kids would be there, as should Ray and Claire be with Allison. Luther should be with Sloane. Ben would accept both the Sparrow and Umbrella Academy (maybe he saw the original Ben's memories somehow), and Viktor would be happy and be the cool uncle he deserves to be... they should all be happy.
Hell they could've brought original Ben back as a ghost because Klaus would finally control his powers (I could accept ghost Ben visiting them from time to time despite what happened to him in season 2)
✨Bonus points✨ if the song that plays when they kill their dad and destroy the house is Welcome to the Black Parade.
Can you imagine the irony of them killing Reggie while this plays in the background?
"Son, when you grow up Would you be the savior of the broken The beaten and the damned?" He said, "Will you defeat them? Your demons, and all the non-believers The plans that they have made?"
and actually, this is so fitting too for a scene of them kicking Reggie's abusive ass
"Do or die, you'll never make me Because the world will never take my heart Go and try, you'll never break me We want it all, we wanna play this part
Just a man, I'm not a hero Just a boy, who had to sing this song"
because the answer to saving everything is for them to kill Reggie together and heal, not to die and disappear from existence forever.
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laurrelise · 1 month
okay all i want right now is an umbrella academy spinoff of just the deli fives working in the kitchen like in the bear
ok ok picture this:
deli owner five: i swear to fucking god five, if five has to wait any longer for the brisket, you’re fired.
brisket five: it’s not my fault! five still hasn’t finished the goddamn fries! (clearly at his breaking point)
fryer five: that’s because someone left his station dirty when he left after his morning shift. (also at his breaking point)
clocked-out fryer five: (sprinting out the back door) alright see you assholes tomorrow
server five: alright, i try not to get on you guys about ticket times… but five looks like he’s about ready to walk out.
deli owner five: fuck, give him a free dessert.
server five: okay, but can we hurry this shit up? i’d like a tip if that’s alright with you dickheads.
brisket five: get the hell out of my kitchen.
busser five: (bursting in with a full bin of dirty dishes) drunk five is demanding a fluffernutter and making a scene again.
deli owner five: (shuffling through countless tickets and slamming his fist on the counter) i have zero goddamn time for this five, we’re slammed with this lunch rush and im down two cooks today. help a guy out and get him to leave.
busser five: you pay me minimum wage and i could not give less of a shit. i’m not dealing with him again.
drunk five, bursting into the kitchen: i knew i smelled peanut butter in here (pointing at brisket five who’s currently on grill preparing a burger)
brisket five: this is literally a beef patty
deli owner five: alright man, we’ve tried to play nice, but you’re out of here. let’s go, don’t make a scene. (pulling drunk five out by his collar and dusting off his hands) fuckin’ hell, none of you make it easy, do you?
brisket five:
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booth five watching from the dining room: jesus christ
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slasherscream · 4 months
i would love to know which of the crazy ass boys gang would indulge a partner who watches reality tv? whose getting just as invested and angry and who is standing to the side saying it’s dumb and fake? (i know it’s kevin)
❥ who grins and bares it so they can bond with you ❥
Billy Loomis - This is just a bonding activity for Billy. It’s not awful. Nor is it the most fun thing in the world. It’s just one of those tiny moments that relationships are built off. The small bids for connection that build intimacy. You don’t bitch when he wants to watch Psycho for the sixth time in two months. He doesn’t bitch when you turn on trashy TV. He pulls you close, so that you’re sitting in his lap, or laid up against him, and pays enough attention to ask you the odd question or two to clarify what’s going on if he gets lost. What do you mean they switch couples?? When did they start doing that? Last week… oh I bet Luca was pissed. 
David Mccall - David is obnoxious because he pretends to be the type who is upset when you watch without him. He’ll come home, glance at the TV and gasp dramatically: Baby! Why are you watching our show without me?! How far along are you? You watched an entire episode? You know better than that, baby! You gotta rewind it, hold on, I’ll order us some pizza. Can’t believe you’d watch behind my back! This is a ridiculous pantomime that you may or may not pick up on. Mileage varies as always. David couldn’t care less about the reality TV shows you watch. But he likes the way you giggle as you rewind it for him. Or the way you light up when you’re discussing it with him. You used to spend way too much time talking with your friends about this stupid crap. Now you talk to him. Who gives a shit about whatever mindless little thing you’re watching. What David enjoys is your undivided attention. 
Jason Dean/JD - JD also sees this as a bonding activity and bid for connection… However, JD is a born hater. He bonds by talking shit. He’s not necessarily trying to be a bummer about the things you enjoy. He’s just a certified yapper when it comes to shit-talking. If he thinks something is stupid he just can’t sit in silence. This is his most underdeveloped life skill. He’s got ten minutes of quiet in him max. If he does manage to bite his tongue his face gives him away anyways. So what was the point? Will say something pretentious like: “Why are we watching people play out a badly scripted version of their lives through a screen when we could be out living ours, right now? Let’s hop on my bike and just ride, darling! Live a little!” Sir, I just worked an eight hour shift. I need to see someone who doesn’t deserve a rose get sent home in tears. Read the room. Get a grip. 
❥ who is pissed off/devastated when you watch it without them ❥
Sebastian Valmont - What can he say? Sebastian likes to watch people experience psychological torment. He’s trying to turn on the first seasons of “America’s Next Top Model" and watch a girl get sent home in tears after the judges convinced her to shave her head bald to look more fierce.This is the type of quality reality TV that makes Sebastian laugh. Watching people go through their darkest moments in front of a camera that highlights the creases in their cheap makeup is how he likes to spend the occasional date night. You had to put him onto reality tv shows, but now he’s hooked. He probably watches more reality TV than you do. If we’re being honest. You think this might be how he gets to still live out his glory days of being an unrepentant asshole. Sometimes he sighs a little too wistfully when someone is being a monster. 
Jordan Li - Jordan enjoys anything you do together. Even if they hate a particular activity, at least they’re spending time with you. Still, there are reality TV shows that Jordan really likes, such as: home improvement shows, “Say Yes to the Dress'', “Face Off”, “American Ninja Warrior”, and “RuPaul's Drag Race”. And then there are shows that Jordan puts on a brave face about. Things like “Love Island” and “Jersey Shore”. Jordan gets queasy just scrolling past them. There was a time before they became one of Brink’s favorites that their parents kept pushing them to try and be an entertainment Supe. No one is taking you that seriously, anyways! Maybe you’ll do better in the reality TV circuit. It’s unlikely Jordan will ever get stuck in projects like that now. They’ve proven they can be a heavy hitter. Proven that they’re strong enough to not need to sell themselves as cheap, easily-digestible, entertainment. Still, they don’t like thinking of the alternate world where they’re having to sit in front of a camera and do twenty retakes of “authentic” confessional room venting.
Stu Macher - He likes reality TV and doesn’t care who knows. Hooray! A shared interest… except watching these shows with him will piss you the fuck off. He has dog-shit opinions about everything. You will never be rooting for the same people. You will never agree on who handled a situation better. He’s always rooting for the asshole, it seems. You don’t even think he’s doing it to be contrary or to make you mad. He’s genuinely on their side (most of the time… he does enjoy making you mad.) Watching reality TV with Stu makes you want to kill him. It also makes you look at him funny. Why are you always siding with the bastards? You don’t think Ekin-Su needed to apologize? Stu, are you out of your fucking mind?
Josh Washington - You’re gonna try to tell me that the twins weren’t making him paint toenails while they pulled all nighters of “The Bachelor”? Sure, okay, if you’d like to believe that. And his inner circle consists of Emily and Jess? Please. He’s been watching trashy TV for years. He’s watched a little of everything. He is so well acquainted with the dark underbelly of reality TV that it would roll over for a tummy rub from him. It knows his scent. He can easily keep track of the names, faces, and plots. Who’s fucking who. Who hates who. Who’s forming secret alliances. You’ll probably be more lost than Josh ever gets. He’s a day one. He’s an OG. 
❥ who is pissed off to even be hearing about it second-hand ❥
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves - He has better shit to do than watch reality TV show crap all day, and so do you. These are the kinds of harsh words that will be waiting for you if you try and get him to watch anything fun with you. Ask him one too many times and, like a parent who is annoyed that you are bothering him, he will begin to fill up any moment of free time the two of you have with activities. No, babe, we can’t watch “90 Day Fiance.” Why? Because we’ve got to run the marathon for kids with cancer and then we’ve got dinner with the mayor after that. You two are gonna be booked and busy. You were obviously bored. Now you won’t have time to even think!
Kevin Khatchadourian - Please don’t remind him so blatantly of his own intellectual superiority over you (he’s an asshole.) He gets the ick of the century when you try and tell him what happened during one of your little…programs. If you have the audacity to take it a step further and ask him to watch with you? He’s rendered speechless. Since when is this relationship a safe space? He doesn’t enjoy well-written, heart-stopping, incredible genre-defining movies and television. And yet, somehow, you’re so delusional you think he’s gonna sit through reality television with you? Don’t piss him off. He doesn’t even bother responding. Enjoy the view of his back as he walks away!
❥ secret fourth worse thing ❥
Nathan Prescott - Nathan is once again in a category of his own, which you might call: too nosy to not get into it, but doesn't want you to know he enjoys it. He made fun of you when you first started to watch reality TV. He can’t go back on his word now. If you were cuddling on the couch he’d have his face turned into your stomach and dramatically roll his eyes at your absentminded head rubbing. Could we focus on what’s important please? But then the plots started thickening and the heated exchanges started to pique his interest. He knew he was cooked when he started recognizing names, who was booed up with who… wait that disloyal prick hooked up with who this week?! He tells you to just replay the episode because you’re explaining it shitty and you obviously want him to watch it and talk to you about it. It isn’t for his benefit at all. Turn the subtitles on, god dammit.
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A/N: this was really fun! how did you know i've been watching reality TV shows lately?? if you enjoyed these headcanons consider reblogging, leaving a reply, or an anon! a writers fuel is engagement. xoxoxo
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jhopezwrld · 20 days
can you do some nsfw five headcanons? thanksss
aw hell yea man. i want aidan gallagher so bad it’s criminal i need to be locked up in horny jail !! (surprise surprise i like another white man)
five hargreeves nsfw headcanons
tw: smut !! mdni plz xoxo 💋
ngl it took him a WHILE to stop cumming so quick after the two of u had sex for the first time. dude was alone for like 50 years with nothing but a mannequin and his left hand ok cut him some slack
but trust me when i say he always made up for it. if he’s cumming after 5 minutes he’s making u cum at LEAST two times that night (more for himself than for you bc busting so quick damaged his ego a bit)
had never eaten pussy before you so he was super hesitant going into it at first, even though he didn’t act like it
probably spent a few minutes exploring what you had down there before rlly going to town on you
picks up on things very quickly bc he’s so smart so it was easy for him to figure out what you liked and didn’t like
is able to make you cum the first time he goes down on you and will never forget it (huge ego boost)
blowjobs are one of his favorite things in the world, second only to actual sex with you
he’s heard his brothers talk about sex in passing but brushed it off as some stupid superficial thing they were obsessed with
but oh man after the first time you two do it he wants it all the time
for the first few months he’s practically insatiable, which is so far from his normally calm and collected persona
after a while, he’s able to control himself more. it becomes less of an addiction and more of a luxury to him
but don’t get me wrong, just because he doesn’t need it every day doesn’t mean he doesn’t need it often
he considers it the perfect way to unwind from a long and stressful day
or the best way to apologize after upsetting you
prefers using his fingers over his mouth on you because he gets a better view of your face and how good he’s making you feel
he gets super possessive sometimes (especially when he’s drunk) so he will occasionally leave dark bruises on your neck, just below your collar. easy enough to cover up but easy to show off as well
doesn’t like hickies on himself but appreciates scratches on his back from time to time
doesnt talk about your sex life with his siblings, but it’s clear by the way he relaxes around them more after the two of you get together that he’s getting that ‘good good’ (direct quote from diego said to a disgusted allison)
keeps his hair long because he likes when you tug it
favorite position is missionary bc he’s a classic man what can i say. he loves that he can see your entire body and your face all at the same time
however you on top is something he’ll never refuse
pls just top him every once and a while he’s so tired from saving the world thrice and taking care of his siblings and murdering people… he needs a break !
is always so hesitant to relinquish control to you but he knows he always enjoys himself in the end
doesn’t usually get into ‘roles’ during sex but he prefers being the one to call the shots
if ur able to get him to sub be prepared bc he’s a mouthy little brat
probably likes being slapped around a lil bit i can’t lie
is a secret sucker for soft romantic sex (but he saves that for special occasions like anniversaries and birthdays)
he’ll cradle your face and whisper how pretty you are and press gentle kisses to your cheeks. he’ll even hold ur hand the whole time!!
ok last addition but i feel like when he gets super drunk he’ll accidentally spill the beans about your sex life to klaus and ben and now ben can’t look at him or you the same without remembering that five told him you swallow LMAO
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motherrpearl · 1 month
the possibilities of a new beginning
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pairing; five hagreeves x fem!reader (replacing dolores btw sorry)
summary; that was a shitshow of a final season. im going to fix that and you're coming with me! many references to earlier seasons!
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the feeling of boiling skin overlapping his own was haunting, making his brain toss and turn like a sleepless man.
‘it's to save the world’ the thought kept repeating in his mind, ‘we must cease to exist’. closing his eyes, five was ready to embrace death, to fix the world that had been doomed to fail the moment the marigold entered their mother's wombs.
‘this isn't fair.’
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beep beep beep beep. went the digital alarm clock, screaming at the sleeping man to arise for the morning. five jolted up. frantically looking around in hopes of finding his siblings.
instead, walls of creamy white, a brown dresser, comfy bed, carpeted floors — an average bedroom... where was he...?
he stared off into space for a moment, recollecting his thoughts, before he heard the whir of an electric toothbrush. “who's there?”
“ah! sleepin' beauty woke up!” a voice called back, like an echo. a familiar yet, also unfamiliar voice coming from the other room. “you've slept in, we're going to be late if you don't start moving.”
five furrowed his brows, before he looked down at his hands. they weren't scarred like they used to be, they were... oddly normal. and his umbrella tattoo — wait, what umbrella tattoo?
footsteps approached the bedroom, a woman with a white towel wrapped around her body, and another wrapping her hair up to dry. “you okay there, five?”
the electric toothbrush whirred, a bit of toothpaste stuck to the side of the lady's mouth, as she gripped the towel to keep it from falling.
five snapped out of it once the whir glitched for a second then continued. “what day is it?”
“8th of August, 2024.” she replied, knitting her brows together in concern. “did you have a bad dream?”
a dream? was it a dream? was it reality? did we fix it? is this heaven? a domestic life with the woman, who strangely looked like a mannequin he swore he saw in a shop once?
“five?” the lady snapped her finger's, attempting to get his attention. five whipped his head up to look at the woman.
“[___]?” he said, saying her name, but almost questioning. like he forgot who she was. she laughed.
“yes, [___] hargreeves, your lawfully wedded wife and love of your life.” she teased back, smiling at five when she moved over to the dresser, pulling out clothes.
their wedding... as if memories of a whole life were coming back to him, he remembers. their wedding day, how beautiful she looked in her dress.
he remembers luther and his wife, sloane, there as well.
raymond almost spilling his wine on allison's dress, which made her laugh.
klaus and his lover, dave, keeping claire and the other kids occupied while diego and lila mingled off somewhere else — just to get a breather away from the kids.
five also remembers ben, showing off his new partner, jennifer, at the wedding like she was the greatest thing in the world. while jennifer just laughed and smiled sweetly.
“how... long have we been married now?” he asks.
“2 years.” [___] says, humming herself a time as she picked out a shirt to go with her jeans. “which jeans, black or blue... oh! speakin' of jeans. the neighbours dropped off your mail this morning, mailman got mixed up.”
jeans? neighbours? — “who?”
“the neighbours? jeanette and gene? jean and gene?” [___] said back, trying to jog his memory. “your memory isn't the best today, love.”
ah! his neighbours, of course. “tell them i said thank you.” five replied, shifting hsi legs and attempting to get out of bed.
once his bare heels hit the carpet, memories came racing back to him.
raymond and allison's wedding, claire's first birthday, luther and sloane getting together, lila and diego announcing their pregnancy, opening up a diner, where ben met jennifer — meeting [___]... in the department store, setting up the mannequins in their dresses...
what was he thinking about earlier? umbrella? did he need a new one? huh? what was he thinking again?
it was like his mind was erased in just a millisecond. a lively spark in his eyes appeared. “what are we doing today?”
“grace's birthday. remember?”
grace, grace, grace. diego and lila's little girl. it was her birthday, yeah. five nodded, “yes, i do.”
“i got that coffee you like yesterday. it's on the counter, near the spice rack, also — can you make sure to grab gracie's present from the cupboard??” [___] asked before five could leave the room.
he looked over at his wife, realising this was his life. he had a good life. a life many versions of himself many people would kill to have. a domestic, and family oriented lifestyle.
the sides of five's mouth twitched up in a smile. ”of course.” he answered her, before he put on a pair of navy blue slippers and walked down the hall, checking out the decor.
cabinets and glass doors cupboards filled with souvenirs and memories. paintings and family pictures on the walls. a retro styled house phone painted in a sunset for the aesthetics.
something crunched under his feet as he walked along. looking down, he lifted up his foot. a domino mask. a fake one, it had the dc robin logo on the back, probably from on of his nieces or nephew's, they probably left it here by accident.
something about the mask made him pause. dragging his finger across the black edgings, and white eye covers. “hm...” he mused, before placing it on a shelf in hesitation and slight dazed confusion.
that mask reminded him of something he felt wasn't even real. but the thing is, he couldn't remember? maybe an alternate version of himself knew what this was about.
he smiled at the mask, and scoffed at the idea. multiple timelines? how silly.
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On the twelfth hour of the eighth day of August 2024, absolutely nothing out of the ordinary occurred. You might say, it was just a normal day.
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clownwritesfanfic · 30 days
“Old” Five is hot and I’m tired of people pretending he’s not
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He didn’t even grow that much 😭
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Short king fr
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