#fixed departure trek
Annapurna Circuit Trek Fixed Departure
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worldcatlas · 25 days
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (part 2)
We’re back to the big screen to finish up Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and discover even more exciting shades of beige.
In part one, I skipped over a brief appearance by the Klingons because you can barely see them, but with a bit of photo editing, we can take a closer look.
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Why are their bridges so dark? Do targs have sensitive eyes?
Interestingly, they wear a style of uniform we would later see in TNG and beyond – all grey leather and metal studs – rather than the “sparkly sweater vest” uniforms Klingons usually wore in the original series. Although it’s a significant and unexplained departure from their small-screen appearance, I have to say, it’s a lot easier to take these Klingons seriously.
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Remember these guys? Star Trek wants you to forget.
I also skipped over a brief appearance by a lil’ guy in a space suit, but we’ll get back to this costume later.
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You just float there for now.
Picking up where we left off, Kirk steps off a shuttle sporting a handsome new uniform in slimming charcoal grey and white. It maintains the gold rank braids on the cuffs from the original series uniforms, but adds a futuristic belt, military-style shoulder marks, and a solid metal Starfleet badge. A stiff, quilted collar adds a touch of “space suit,” as well. All in all, a very sleek space-age outfit that feels like a solid upgrade to the brightly-coloured sweaters of TOS.
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I can’t wait to see how everyone else looks in this cool new uniform! 
We also get a momentary, blurry glimpse of some excellent-looking Vulcan robes in black and gold, but once again, this beautiful costume barely gets a moment of screentime before being whisked away.
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He had to hurry off to fix his eyebrows, I get it.
So… as it turns out, only admirals get the cool new penguin uniform, and everyone else is stuck with space scrubs. They don’t even get a metal badge (not even hard-working Scotty!), just an embroidered patch with a silver Starfleet delta against a coloured circle indicating the wearer’s department.
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At least he gets the cool belt.
Up on the bridge of the Enterprise, It’s a full-on Situation Beige. Crewmen buzz around the bridge in every imaginable shade of white, off-white, tan, taupe, and ecru, blending in nicely with the bulkheads.
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Fashion crimes notwithstanding, I think there’s also an OSHA violation or two going on here…
Not even Uhura is immune to unflattering shades of khaki, although she does give us a quick glimpse at the Apple Watch-like wrist communicator worn throughout the film. It’s a great accessory that would unfortunately be rendered obsolete by the comm badge as the franchise moved on.
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This woman deserves fashion, dammit!
Chekov, Sulu, and other crewmen model a few interesting variations on the theme, including a tight-fitting polo, a standard crew neck, and an awkwardly-tailored sport coat that can’t possibly be regulation.
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You know, for uniforms, they’re not very… uniform.
While others, like Commander Decker, enjoy tight-fitting jumpsuits in the beige-est possible shade of blue. Somehow, I just don’t get a sense of authority from a man who looks like he’s been vacuum-sealed inside his footie pajamas.
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Oh boy, you can see Commander Decker’s whole entire Commander Decker.
Next, we are treated to a great crowd shot that really shows off the scope of the costume department’s efforts, with dozens of varied uniforms packed into the scene. It makes me feel a little bad for going after the colour palette so hard, considering the difficulty of coordinating so many pieces.
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Then again, it really is giving “thermal underwear in space.”
There are a few noteworthy variations in the crowd, including the guy with an uncovered electrical socket in the front row, but my favourite is probably this Native American officer with cool beaded accessories.
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Chakotay could learn a thing or two.
The next character to make their big screen debut is the ship’s doctor, Leisure Suit Larry Dr. McCoy, in a fly as hell, disco-ready outfit, complete with gold chain, oversized belt buckle, and a frankly criminal amount of chest hair. And let’s not even talk about the beard. Thankfully, the good doctor soon cleans up and changes into uniform.
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Still too much chest hair.
Next, we pay a visit to engineering to see Scotty, who has gotten a significant costume upgrade. Along with his fellow warp core enthusiasts, Mr. Scott sports a heavy-duty, protective-looking white suit with a strange socket (or antennae?) on the chest, surrounded by concentric circles of padded fabric that really make you wanna plug something in there. Oddly, the costumes also feature black rubber collars that presumably attach to their matching helmets, but do not appear at all sealed to the body of the suit.
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They’re air-tight…ish.
Fortunately, the suits also include a handy, built-in to-do list.
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Memory aids can be helpful for a… mature crew.
Last but not least, the old gang is finally back together as Spock joins the crew, feeling absolutely no emotion about how slick he looks in these long-sleeved Vulcan robes. I love the matching grey tones between the high-collared shirt underneath and the embroidered Vulcan script on the outer garment (though I’m sure this was a purely logical choice).
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It says “zip up here.”
Sadly, Spock is quick to follow protocol and changes into a Starfleet uniform as well. However, he does keep the collared undershirt, creating an ensemble that – in a nice nod to TOS – closely resembles his old uniform.
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Spock appreciates consistency.
Uhura has also gotten a costume change, and although they still won’t let her out of Beige Hell, she has at least gotten a smart two-piece pant suit that looks a little more comfortable. In addition to being more flattering, this uniform also includes the gold rank braids at the wrists.
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Maybe the replicators in the 2270s only have one colour of ink.
Some plot happens, and the ship’s navigator, Ilia, gets hijacked by an alien entity. After briefly experimenting with no costume, she manifests this wild sci-fi bath robe with a huge Dracula collar. The asymmetrical hemline is super cute, but the belt at the waist could be a bit higher and more fitted. I do like how the pink lining inside the collar complements the robo-transmitter implanted in her collarbone.
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The bad news: an alien has taken over your body. The good news: they put on a cute fit~
The back of the collar is a nice touch as well, tapering into a heart shape that flatters the actress’ perfectly-shaped head.
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So smooth.
On the other hand, I cannot agree with V’ger’s choice of psychically-manifested footwear for this outfit. Clear plastic high heels might look futuristic, but they’re completely impractical for walking through a ship with perforated deck plating, running through sandy-floored caves, or standing near a warp core without melting.
At the other end of practicality, we are introduced to some members of the ship’s security team, who are inexplicably dressed like old-timey football players. They sport shiny helmets, phaser holsters, and crotch-protecting armour in a lovely chocolate brown. While it does break up the beige, it feels a bit silly to see combat guys ready to rumble on a Starfleet vessel.
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I think they saw what the Klingons were wearing and got jealous.
Deciding to accessorize, V’ger tries on a headband belonging to her host. It’s a lovely beaded and sequined piece, with a gold charm dangling at one side, and very nearly reminds the navigator who she used to be.
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Does this accessory clash with my parasitic control of another sentient being?
Things are getting intense story-wise, and Spock suits up in a shiny red “thruster suit” to take care of business – that is, an EV suit painted safety orange and strapped onto a rocket that looks like it was built with spare kitchen utensils. The whole ensemble is incredibly bulky, but believably looks like a rocket-belt-type contraption that might’ve existed in the 1970s.
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Do what you have to do, Spock, but I’ll need my colander back before dinner.
We’re treated to a close-up on the suit’s gloves as Spock pilots the contraption, revealing plenty of details, including more structural quilting. I like the raised details along each finger on the gloves, implying some kind of built-in system, perhaps heating or robotic assistance. The frame of the thruster suit (painted beige) contains a control panel, with buttons on every surface. This segment detaches from the suit itself, so there are also buttons built into the left sleeve.
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One for lemonade, one for ice, and one for diet Romulan ale.
We also get a good look at the back of the suit without the rocket attachment when Spock mind melds with V’ger, revealing more quilted details, including some hilarious concentric squares on the butt. From this angle, the suit is mostly the work of the prop department, who have done an excellent job making the hardware look both hi-tech and capable of playing Betamax tapes.
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I think my Grandma had one of those on top the TV.
Kirk comes thrusting to the rescue in his own suit, and soon Spock is whisked away to Sick Bay for another costume change. I think this is meant to be a futuristic hospital gown, but it really looks like they’ve just wrapped the sheets around his legs and pinned them in place with binder clips.
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In case the doctors need quick access to his thighs.
On the other hand, the sleeveless top is a whole look, and I love the hood with contrasting orange lining.
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Not gonna lie, I’d wear it.
As a bonus, Doctors McCoy and Chapel have evolved into their final form: an all-white medical uniform with an oddly rounded collar, shoulder marks, and – notably – a rod of Asclepius embroidered on the left breast, in lieu of a Starfleet delta.
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Missing a couple buttons there, Doc?
In the climactic finale, our brave crew suits up for one last away mission in suede jackets, taking advantage of the material’s natural beige hue. Unusual for Trek, they appear to have several large, prominent pockets – but any unease is quickly dispelled by the reassuring presence of decorative quilting along the arms. Speaking of which, the left arm of each jacket bears a reflective stripe that, curiously, does not seem to indicate rank or department, as Spock alone has a red armband.
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With little to differentiate their outfits, Decker decides to accessorize with dramatic lighting and sparkles. Lots of sparkles. Met-Gala-rolled-in-a-Michaels level of sparkles, a.k.a. the correct amount for any outfit. And with that, the Earth is saved.
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What was the point of the film again?
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nahoney22 · 8 months
Hello my love 💚
I am back once again to send in another request for your 4000 followers celebration!
Congrats again 🥰
This time, I'm choosing my sweet little baby boy Tup 🥺 (x fem!reader)
This one is gonna be super fluffy. The fluffiest fluff to have ever fluffed. So much fluff that it makes you want to vomit out of pure sugary sweetness 💙
We're going with a Hallmark Christmas vibe. Deck the halls, baby! I'm talking about Christmas trees, glass ornaments, and colorful lights, kissing under the mistletoe, snow-covered streets, crackling fireplaces, hot cocoa, warm sweaters, sleigh rides, and lots of holiday cheer. No scrooges in this winter wonderland!
Here are a couple of prompts I found that went with the vibe: "Your hands are cold, let me warm them up," "I'll walk you home," "Take my coat, it's cold outside," and "Can I have this dance?"
As always, feel free to ignore my request! If it suits your fancy, then I can't wait to see what you come up with 🥰 (take your time, of course)
Please and thank you, with love 💚
4000 Follower Prompt List Celebration
Tup X F!Reader
“I’ll walk you home.”
“Your hands are cold, let me warm them up.”
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warnings: None, lots of fluff. Kisses. Love at first sight, meet cute. Female reader.
authors note: grrrr I wish I saw this in December when it was Christmassy BUT instead of waiting for 12 months let’s do it now 😆 idk what hallmark Christmas is thought ngl tho - thanks for the request @the-bad-batch-baroness ☀️
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In the midst of Coruscant's bustling streets, a wintry ambiance enveloped the evening, with the air dense and chilly. Despite the approach of nightfall, the atmosphere remained aglow with the infectious spirit of the recent festive season.
And among the gleaming lights and shimmering tinsel adorning the street lamps, you navigated through the dusting of snow at your boots, determined yet cautious to evade any slips. Embracing yourself against the cold, you embarked on your homeward journey.
Grateful after being granted an early departure by your employer, you however found yourself thwarted by the weather-induced delay of your usual means of transport. So, opting to keep going on foot, you soon find yourself groaning as you fumble through your bag in search of your scarf and gloves. However, you quick to realise you had abandoned your gear at your workplace—a trek you were not planning to go back on.
Focused on avoiding a slip, your gaze remained fixed on the ground as you navigated through the snow and street. However, your brisk pace came to an abrupt halt when you collided with an unexpected figure, sending you to the ground.
“Kriff, sorry ma’am. Are you alright?” The voice sounded familiar, belonging to a Clone Trooper who had then extended a hand down to you.
As your eyes followed up past his hand and up his arm, the discomfort of the fall seemed to have dissipated as you grew captivated by the gaze of a remarkably handsome man.
Concerned, he inquired about your well-being, “Ma’am? Are you alright?” To which prompted a flush of embarrassment as you found yourself on the ground, staring up at him gormlessly.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” You assure him of your condition and swiftly accepted his offered hand. But as he hauls you up with ease, you think you’re grounded only to then encounter a second stumble.
Grasping onto the Clone for support, his protective arms encircled you, preventing another nasty fall as your feet slip from under you. "Easy there, I've got you," he chuckled warmly, his gaze softening as your eyes met.
You hadn't been one to believe in love at first sight, yet an undeniable connection sparked within you towards this man. Perhaps it was the enchanting ambiance of the twinkling lights and falling snow, or maybe it was the combination of his helpfulness after you both bumped into each other accidentally.
"Th-thanks," you stammered, a blend of the wintry air and nervousness affecting your speech. His gentle smile and reassuring gaze, however, calmed your racing thoughts.
Concerned for your well-being, he asked softly, releasing his hold on you but remaining ready to assist if needed. "Didn't hurt yourself, did you?"
"No," you replied, shaking your head, "as long as my head is still firmly attached, I'm good."
His chuckle resonated warmly and you don’t know why, but you felt like you could read this man. To which, you had hoped he wanted to get to know you more. And he did.
"The name's Tup," he introduced, extending his hand once more. You gladly slipped your hand back into his, reciprocating with your name. "It's nice to meet you."
"And you, though it would've been better under different circumstances," he remarked subtly, gesturing toward your snow-dusted attire, prompting a sheepish smile from you.
Before you could respond, he swiftly and apologetically interrupted, asking, "Don't suppose you would like to go for a drink with me?" Your eyes widened in surprise, mirroring his apparent astonishment at his own impromptu invitation.
"Sorry, that was forward. We've only just met," he acknowledged.
"Yeah," you replied simply, accompanied by a toothy grin.
"Yeah?" His face lifted, his eyes lighting up in response.
"I could really do with a warm drink.”
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As you both hurriedly sought refuge from the cold, the tempting aroma of rich hot chocolate filled the air. Smiling at the satisfying hum that escaped your throat, Tup guided you to a pop-up market stall, where he procured steaming mugs of the comforting beverage before finding a place to sit.
"I have to admit," you began, gently blowing the steam off your mug, "I certainly didn't expect something like this to happen anytime soon. It's basically a cliche."
He looked at you with confusion, cradling his mug in his hands. "I don't quite catch on?"
You chuckled softly. "Well, in most cheesy romantic holomovies I've seen, this is basically a 'meet cute.' We collided, you, fortunately, happen to be handsome and offer a helping hand, and instead of parting ways, you asked me for a drink." Your eyes sparkled mischievously. "Or I could be totally wrong."
"N-No, no," he replied quickly, a hint of warmth coloring his neck. "I suppose when you put it like that, it is a cliche. But... I'll take it you like that kind of thing?" He gestured to the two of you enjoying a drink, sitting up a little straight to exude confidence.
"I really do," you replied softly, savoring a sip of your drink. "Mmm, this is lovely. Thank you, Tup."
The way you said his name made Tup feel as if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "You're welcome."
Engaged in a quiet yet pleasant conversation, you both delved into each other's lives and aspirations. Classic questions about favourite colours, the stories behind tattoos, and alternate career paths flowed naturally.
From your time with Tup, you gathered that he was kind and had a penchant for playful yet rather terrible flirting. You observed him attempting to find a relaxed posture—arms shifting on and off the table, legs crossing and uncrossing, fingers nervously tapping against the mug. Even his compliments emerged more as questions than statements. Regardless, you found joy in his company.
Feeling Tup's nervous energy, you decided to discreetly guide him into a more comfortable interaction. Despite the cold, you feigned a fake shiver, cupping your hands over your mouth and blowing on your fingers. "Is it me, or did it get colder?" you remarked inconspicuously. Tup wasted no time reaching across the table, gently taking your hands in his.
"Your hands are cold," he observed with a frown, expressing a wish for spare gloves, "let me warm them up." His charming smile resonated, making your heart skip a beat. He closed his hand over yours, gently rubbing them to provide warmth. You felt bashful that your subtle hint worked, relieved that he didn't seem to mind holding your hands.
Engaged in a wholesome conversation, both of you seemingly oblivious to the unspoken connection formed through the idle caress of each other's hands, the impending departure lingered as the unspoken Bantha in the room.
Hours passed without notice, Tup surpassing his designated time to be back at the barracks. When you mentioned it was time for you to head back due to an early start, he stood up, taking your hand in his. "I'll walk you home," he declared, a genuine warmth in his eyes that mirrored the connection you both shared throughout the evening.
As Tup walked you home through the now quiet and serene streets of Coruscant, a comfortable silence settled between you. The city's festive lights cast a gentle glow, creating a magical atmosphere that mirrored the odd but welcome enchantment you felt in each other's company.
As you reached your destination, the realisation that the night was coming to an end tugged at both of you. Tup hesitated before speaking, "I had a wonderful time tonight."
You smiled, expressing your agreement. "Me too. It was unexpected but definitely a highlight."
He chuckled softly. "Fate has a way of bringing people together in the most surprising moments."
Standing at your doorstep, you found yourself reluctant to say goodbye. Tup, sensing the unspoken sentiment, reached for your hand once more. "I hope we can do this again."
You nodded, feeling a spark of warmth between you. "I'd like that."
Tup leaned in, his lips brushing against your cheek in a tender goodbye. As you entered your home, you couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation for what the future might hold, grateful for the unexpected magic of that cold, festive night on Coruscant.
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Prompt Masterlist
Tags: @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @jambolska-grozdova a @arctrooper69 @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter @erellenora @zippingstars87 @ezras-left-thumb @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @seriowan @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @raevulsix @mssbridgerton @cw80831 @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @id-rather-be-a-druid @the-bad-batch-baroness
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exhaustedpirate · 5 months
the fruit of my labors
for anyone who doesn't know, I made a post about Baelfire's drawings on his cave and how Killian didn't react enough to it, so I decided to fix that a bit! beta'd by the wonderfully helpful @jonesfandomfanatic !
rated G | 1360 words also on ao3
The path through the dense, hot forest was one Killian was acquainted with. A right turn at the twisted tree, a sharp left turn at the rock lion, straight ahead through the berry patch. If you run into the rock that looks like the crescent moon you’ve gone too far.
Killian had followed him through the woods many times after their separation, no, Baelfire’s abandonment. Had wanted to make sure Bae was safe, that he was alive. He didn’t approach, memorized the way to Bae's little cave and kept it in his heart but never broached the gaping abyss he’d created between them. First out of bitterness, then out of shame. 
Baelfire wouldn’t welcome his presence anyway.
He found out about Bae’s departure from Neverland from Pan himself; the demon’s anger leaving a bitter taste. And, after Baelfire was gone, Killian would make his way to his hovel many times, standing in front of the large rock and the dangling vine for hours at times. He had only entered once, had found the torch on the wall and lit it with an easy flick of the flint in his hook. 
But it had been too much. Killian had seen the spartan home the boy had created for himself, had seen his small bed and, at the sight of the marks near it, counting his days on the island, left. He'd not made the trek again, as he couldn't bare setting foot in that cave again.
Now Baelfire was gone. Dead. And Killian’s back on the blasted island he had wanted to escape from more than anything.
There were differences now, of course. Baelfire had been Neal. He'd grown into a man, a man that had a darker path than Killian had hoped for - than Milah had hoped for. And Killian had joined the heroes, hopefully on his way to becoming one, or at least a version of himself that Liam would be proud of. That Baelfire would be proud of.
So, despite his wishes, Killian was going into Baelfire’s home for the first time in a century.
He still remembered the path - right turn at the twisted tree, sharp left turn at the rock lion and straight ahead through the berry patch. He didn’t see the crescent moon rock.
There was another difference. He wasn’t alone this time. He couldn’t turn around and go back to camp because there were people who needed to go into the cave, find out how Bae escaped Neverland so they could too. He had to go in.
Despite his smirk and his uncontrollable need to share personal space with the Savior, Killian was pleased to not walk into the cave first. Was glad to hide behind the need for light, behind explanations, and to focus on Emma instead of the scratched on drawings on the wall.
“He got it from his mother,” he found himself saying. 
He couldn’t focus on the way Milah’s hair would fall unacknowledged on her face whenever she was focused on a drawing, or the way Baelfire’s did the same. Couldn’t focus on the many times he’d had to clean charcoal from Milah’s face when she fell asleep over a piece of parchment, or the way he had teared up when the same had happened to Bae. Couldn’t focus on the shame and regret he felt after when their drawings had turned to ash in a fit of tearful rage. Couldn’t focus on the fact that he had fooled himself into thinking he’d purged them from his heart by burning their art. Couldn’t focus on the several more drawings he had locked away in his safe to keep himself from burning them too. 
As he looks up at the moving stars from Emma’s less than static grip, Killian forces himself to remain in the present. Urges himself not to remember the enthusiastic way Baelfire had stood next to him by the wheel while he told him about the constellations in Neverland’s permanent night sky. Tries not to remember Baelfire’s beaming smile, so much like Milah’s, when Killian praised him for naming all the constellations correctly. 
“Which means the only person who can read it is dead.” He’s almost grateful for Emma’s quick exit with the way he is barely able to control his tears. 
Baelfire, Neal, whatever he wanted to be called, is dead. Milah’s child is gone.
Still, Killian is painfully aware of the Queen’s presence in the room. Her annoyed energy unable to be ignored, giving him no space to mourn, giving him no space to remember the boy that had thrived on his ship, that had become more than just a means for his revenge.
There are memories on the wall, the port and starboard under a perfect replica of the Jolly Roger’s bow. A lesson in navigation comes unbidden to his brain, the feel of Baelfire’s hair in his hand and the proud smile on the boy’s face. He wanted to stay in that memory forever.
“Seems like you left an impression, Hook.” Regina’s lips curved in a cruel smirk as she tapped the wall he had been looking at, her pointer finger on the depiction of his hook in what he assumed was his area of the wall. He didn’t bite the bait.
Killian remembered instead how the boy had been mystified by it, the way it worked, how he used it - he had been too scared to tell him the truth of how he got it, unwilling to shatter the perfect life they were living. But shatter it still did.
He sees the Darlings over a drawing of what Bae told him was the Great Ben - he still wasn’t sure what was Great about this Ben but he still remembered the loud giggles the boy let out when he got the name wrong. Killian knew of the parents who had accepted a boy into their family as if he was their own. Bae talked fondly of them and the boys, Michael and John, and affectionately of Wendy, talked about how he had felt part of a family before the Shadow tore them apart. His heart had ached for the boy who had wanted a family and his shame worsened when he realized he had done the same as Pan’s evil entity.
Killian’s almost thankful for Emma’s reentrance, her shoulders set and determined frown on her face. She looks magnificent like that and he welcomes the distraction. But then she gets that look again, the same one he saw when they were climbing the beanstalk and he remembers seeing it on Baelfire, knows that he sees it in the mirror too. 
“I too know what it feels like to lose hope,” Killian starts to say to Emma. 
And he reads it plainly in her face that she doesn’t want to believe him, that she is looking for a reason to distrust him. That she’s not ready to open up about this. He wants to turn away, leave it at that, leave it up to her but he never knew how to give up.
“I too know what it feels like to lose,” he continues and she lets out a sigh, a deep sigh expelling her anger and frustration, her shoulders slumping down. And then she nods and he gives her a smile, not a smirk, not a grin, just a smile and, while hers might be even smaller than his, it’s still a smile and he considers himself lucky. He tries not to wonder if he’s worthy of that luck. 
“We need to go.”
It’s easy to put on his bravado, his cocky smirk for David’s comments, no matter how likely they are, deflect the way Emma already means more than he thought she ever would.
What isn’t easy is saying goodbye to the memory infested walls of the cave, Baelfire’s last mark on the world. It isn’t easy to say goodbye to the memory of the boy who could have been his family, who could have loved him back, who he could have not betrayed.
But he does.
There is another boy who needs to be saved. And this time, he will.
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mylittleredgirl · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers
thanks @annerbhp for the tag! i really enjoyed reading her answers too!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
646,705 (average of 3k per fic, which sounds about right)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
stargate atlantis most often, followed by sg-1, various star treks, and the x-files (with other miscellaneous fandoms on demand for exchanges and gifts).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
No Sooner Met (voyager, janeway/chakotay)
Career Day (sg-1, mini!otp)
Next Chapter (the good place, chidi/eleanor)
First Date (voyager, janeway/chakotay) editor's note: man my title game was weak in my voyager era
Occupational Hazards (the good place, chidi/eleanor)
it's so funny to spend my online time in small or inactive fandoms and look at statistics because i'm like yeah... i'm kind of a big deal... people know me... i have many leather-bound volumes... and not a single one of my fics crack 300 kudos (& very few over 100). the person i reblogged from topped out over 9,000! what's it like to write long fics for popular fandoms? is it cool?
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i do now! and it's awesome! for a long time i was intimidated by praise and had a hard time responding, but my brain works now and i really enjoy exchanging comments that turn into long threads of headcanon back-and-forth and sometimes new friends.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh god PLEASE let me unburden my soul about Twilight (sga, john/elizabeth). it's so uncharacteristically hopeless for me -- far future fic, complicated family dynamics, elizabeth has dementia and john is estranged from their son... really no one is having a good time. i think it's interesting and a cool departure from my usual writing style, but it's also a big sad mess.
i still feel sooooo guilty about these two thousand words of misery that i REGULARLY think about writing a sequel where john and his son fix it with time travel and mend fences. like i lie awake at night worrying about these characters because one time in 2007 i didn't give them a happy ending and suggested john might not break the bad father generational cycle. normal fic writer behavior.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Weaving Loose Ends (sg-1, sam/jack)! i love happy and hopeful endings but i think of all of them, this one is the most resolved and least complicated.
8. Do you get hate on fic?
nope. oh!!!! there was the one time when i caused Big Drama in a corner of the Dancing With The Stars fandom by turning people's headcanons into rpf, which everyone liked until one included porn. people got so heated with each other over this one smut fic (doxing! splinter factions! a fandom schism!) but somehow no one was ever actually mean to me. i didn't even get blocked or banned for my rpf transgressions, i was just standing there at the eye of the storm. so... i guess the answer is still no??
9. Do you write smut?
yes! i should probably write more, though. it has been all slow and gauzy the past few years, somebody should really get railed pretty soon.
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i don't think so. happily toiling in obscurity.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
back in the x-files days i think someone translated some of my doggett/reyes fics for a spanish archive, so those might still be out there.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no i haven't!! i am really not doing well collecting my fic writer girl scout badges here!!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
john sheppard/elizabeth weir my beloved.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
i have 10k of an sg-1 episode-by-episode soulmate fic that started really strong and i would love to share someday, but i lack staying power so it will surely just go to seed in my dropbox forever!!
16. What are your writing strengths?
hopefully character complexity and dialogue. dialogue is interesting in fanfic, because the dialogue on many TV shows is really different than how real humans speak (it's scripted to be clearer, more concise and direct, uninterrupted, etc), so it's a fun challenge to balance that and get something that sounds both in-character and realistic.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
long fics!
the big related weakness is that i find it incredibly difficult to keep writing on a fic after i show it to anyone (as a sneak peek, or because i want feedback / encouragement / brainstorming help). i lose steam on my own, but posting or inviting other people into the process is like pouring sugar in the gas tank. why is that!! how do i fix this!!!
and i don't know if this is a "writing weakness" or an "egregious personal character flaw" but i sure did finish an exchange fic this year literally forty seconds before reveals, so that's... pretty bad.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
SO SCARY aughhhh my fear of Being Wrong really nukes me here. it doesn't even have to be a real language. it's like the ghost of JRR Tolkein himself is standing over my shoulder telling me that if i don't backwards engineer an entire proto-latinate space language instead of just chucking words into google translate and calling it Ancient i'm committing unpardonable sins.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
star trek! first internet-published fics were x-files, but first limited-print-edition fics were xeroxed hand-bound voyager stories my sister and i would give as "gifts" to family friends (and then stand there staring at them while they read the first few pages and told us how clever and creative we were and promised to "read the rest later").
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
new answer! i have always answered this before with ain't no sunshine (sga, john/elizabeth) or career day (sg-1, mini!otp), but i think i really stuck the landing this year on pieces (sga, john/elizabeth). which, incidentally, is the one i finished forty seconds before reveals so i'm definitely not going to learn anything from that narrow escape.
tagging @ussjellyfish if you haven't already done this one, @coraclavia, @havocthecat, @lonesomehighways, and anyone else who made it through this long post and would like to do it!
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felinefrenzies · 3 months
Three Spirits || Syd & Nicole
TIMING: current. LOCATION: two pines campsite. PARTIES: @nicsalazar & @felinefrenzies SUMMARY: syd calls nicole over for a treepy problem. CONTENT WARNINGS: none!
Shoulders hunched, eyes fixed on the forest ground, Nicole made the trek along the beat-down dirt trail leading to ‘3 pines’. To outsiders, it looked like she wasn’t paying attention ahead of her, and Nicole preferred it that way. No need to look up, when her ears would alert her, should anything come near, when her nose would pick up scents from nearby wildlife. None of that was the case. The earthy smell reached her nostrils, and the birds chirping accompanied her walk along outgrown foliage. Normal, unlike what waited ahead.
Reaching her destination, she gazed up at the canopy surrounding the campsite, the twitch of a nostalgic smile pulling at the corner of her mouth when the wooden sign welcomed her. The memories were fragments, buried under layers of grief, but her body remembered cooling down in the shadow of one of those trees. It remembered the sense of safety the walls of those cabins provided almost a decade ago. Her jaw visibly relaxed, the grip of the axes she carried loosened.   
It was no catch-up visit, however. An issue was reported on-site according to Syd’s message. Something going on with the trees. Nicole had experienced a fair share of those unexplainable incidents since becoming a park ranger to know something wrong fell into the category of supernatural more often than not.
Nicole spotted Syd by the chairs near the metal stairs to her RV. Her gait slowed, an uncomfortable sensation fluttering in her stomach the second she was noticed. Nicole bowed her head in acknowledgment, a friendlier greeting dying in her throat, hijacked by second-guessing. Hijacked by a mind and a mouth in a constant struggle for connection. But the sun was warm above them, and Nicole prayed it would disguise her involuntary coldness. 
“Moving trees, you said. That right?” She showed the pair of axes she grabbed from the ranger station. If her hunch was correct, it wouldn’t be too hard to get rid of the nuisance, but it would take them significant time depending on the extension of the forest.
It wasn’t an instant thing, but maybe it would’ve been better had it been. Or maybe it didn’t matter. Maybe Syd was just mad at themselves, watching their parent’s hard work crumble only a month into their departure. 
Catastrophizing would do no good and they knew it, so after watching the tree edge closer to where the ones that’d been removed due to rot, they reached out to somebody. That somebody would surely come equipped with an axe. Nicole was somebody that Syd trusted, especially now, after things had begun to for lack of a better word, disintegrate around them. 
They waited outside, just on the other side of their winnebago. They could hear the shuffling of the tree-creature on the other side, roots dragging slowly closer to the campsite. It didn’t take Nicole very long to arrive, and for that Syd was grateful. Once the set of footsteps reached their ears, they popped up from their place on the stairs.
“Only one, thank fuck.” They jutted a thumb behind them. “We had some rot, so I had to call in some people to take it down. They did it, then this thing started making its way here overnight.” Syd wasn’t happy about the fact that she’d disturbed something, even without properly knowing what it was. “If I knew it’d do that, I would’ve just left it there. But it was about to take out another tree right next to it, and what would happen then?” Clearing their throat, they motioned NIcole to follow them as they rounded the corner of the winnebago. 
The tree that was edging its way towards the campsite was only half a foot taller than her winnebago, but that was large enough to incite a level of panic– enough to make Syd call on somebody else. “It’s slow moving, but it’s– I mean, you see that, right? The fucking face?” 
“Should get done sorted. Before it bothers— it, the— you got people staying here, no?” It didn’t appear to be bustling with life, but Nicole knew “3 Pines” kept busy year-round with visitors who favored a more authentic stay in the woods. Nicole was certain she’d encountered a similar tree to the one messing with the campsite. In the past. As always, some vague memory tried its way into the forefront of her mind, but it was soon clear that they belonged to a time before the jaguar was put in the zoo. After returning to civilization, the memories were trickling down slowly, but surely. And sometimes, accidental incidents triggering something helped the cause. 
Fire training. 
She recalled fire training, as most rangers required a certain level of knowledge to handle emergencies. A creature had dragged its roots into the area where luckily, the firefighters kept the tools needed for fuel reduction. She helped contain the crisis at the time. She couldn’t have been older than 21 at the time. Comforted by the fact that she would know what to do, her eyes snapped from the ground back to Syd, albeit briefly. Anything longer than a second felt too personal. “You did good. Better take care of it now,” she nodded her approval, following Syd behind the Winnebago toward the tree line. “Yeah, I dealt with one of these before,” she confirmed the closer the pair got to the abnormal growth. The green glow coming out of its cracked bark sealed the deal. It was no regular tree. “Problem isn’t so much the speed,” as Syd pointed out how slowly it crept along the forest floor. “Thing will start swiping at you when it realizes…” she stopped, handing one of the axes to Syd, hand raised to denote caution.  
“Go around it, I’ll— take the…face. It’s gonna lose its shit, careful—” Again she didn’t finish her sentence, the tree deciding to demonstrate exactly how vicious it could be, as one of the thick branches swung at them, missing due to the distance they kept. It lifted some dirt and dried twigs with its force, making Nicole’s eyes prickle. Fuck. Should’ve brought some protective eyewear too, it dawned on her. She didn’t want Syd to get hurt.     
“Last guest checked out a few hours ago. Have a few coming in tomorrow. Empty right now, though.” Syd figured it was pure luck that had been the case. The busy season had just begun, and they had reservations throughout the summer, but by some divine intervention, she had lucked out by not having to explain a walking tree in their backyard. 
“You did? For real?” Syd let out an impressed whistle before placing their hands on their hips, watching as the tree sluggishly moved around the other trees in its way. It was slow, as Nicole said, but the idea of it swiping its arms through the air and knocking her off her feet was… less than exciting. Fucked up, actually. Kinda pissed her off, but she kept the comment to herself and blew air through her nose as she took the ax from Nicole. She had wielded them before, knew how to split wood in a way that shot straight through the center. Would it be like that in response to the tree ahead? 
“Uh, okay.” Syd watched the tree apprehensively, shooting a quick glance to Nicole before following the instructions given to her. “If you fuck me up, I fuck you up,” Syd warned, with no real way to back it up. The jaguar probably wouldn’t devour the wood, and instead it would want to run. She couldn’t blame her. “Alright, now–” The tree kicked up some dust from the forest floor, and Syd backed away, blinking the way it made her eyes sting. “Man, what the fuck, can you just fuck off and go the other way?” She held the ax tightly, readying herself for Nicole’s plan. “What now?!” 
“Great.” They could count themselves lucky that nobody was around to run into the tree. Didn’t always work out like that in the park. More often than not, it was due to casualties that rangers found out about dangerous activity in the area. But having managed the campsite for some time, it dawned on Nicole why Syd waited to message her. Smart. How she remembered them.  
Heat rushed to her ears when she heard the whistle. It sounded far more impressive than it was, Nicole was merely a sidekick to the brave firefighters who handled the emergency at the time. “Ah. Yes— before. Too long ago,” it felt like a lifetime at least. In a way it was. Her life too splintered to be considered one whole thing. “Should be quick, you’re better with the ax than I was then,” she returned what she perceived as a compliment, motioning Syd to get in position.  
She winced as another gust of wind hurt Syd’s vision. Fuck, how long had Nicole been doing her job not to think about safety measures? She was stupid for forgetting. She didn’t feel any good about doing this with their eyes exposed, but Syd’s fiery reaction to getting dust kicked into their eyes might be what they needed to get the job done. Nicole blinked curiously as they aired out their frustration. “You know— never thought of speaking to it.” Though, when would her first idea for anything be to speak? 
The spirit wrapped cooly around her ribcage, giving Nicole a pause. Was that meant to imply anything? Was Syd onto something? Would the tree hear reason if they asked it to go? Was that glow in the bark similar to them in any way? Glow usually meant ghosts, didn’t it? Or— No, she could see it without jaguar eyes. Had to be something else. Regardless, whatever resided inside was responsible for keeping the tree alive. She learned as much the first time. And unfortunately, neither spoke in a language they could understand. So— axes. 
Lowering her center of gravity, Nicole inched closer, ready to duck should the tree retaliate. On the other side, she sensed Syd mimicking her. “You hit with power not— don’t worry about aim,” was the last instruction before Nicole found herself in a close position to strike the tree right in its green glow. It didn’t make much of a dent, but the enemy shook and grew bigger, angling itself to unleash its wrath upon her. Nicole bent lower, avoiding the branches swinging in defense. The roots lined up to move forward, leaving a flank open for Syd.
A woman of so few words– something that Syd didn’t necessarily mind. What more was there to really say when there was a giant tree monster coming towards the campsite? The last thing Syd needed to have happened was for it to destroy everything the Herrera’s had worked for. Like hell, and over their dead fucking body, they thought as they looked at it from the corner of their eye. A grin split across their features at Nicole’s compliment, and they raised the ax in response, as if some kind of trophy. 
But it was time to get serious, and so they followed Nicole’s instructions carefully. 
Syd followed the speed at which Nicole moved closer, listening intently to the words she spoke. She could do that– power, position, all of it. “Right, okay!” They watched as Nicole moved forward, ax at the ready, hitting the tree creature square in the glowing face. It did little to deter its movement, but it seemed to think that Nicole was annoying enough that it began to swipe at her, giving Syd the opportunity to– 
They lunged forward, quick to meet the exposed part of the tree’s edge with the ax. It sunk into the bark, and Syd mirrored Nicole’s movements as they crouched close to the ground, feeling the edges of the branches scratch over their back. They shivered in response, the jaguar coiling in the center of their chest. They willed it to calm down, as they believed they were in the right hands. Nicole wouldn’t let anything bad happen, right? 
“Nicole, the leg!” Or, what looked like a leg– one piece of the trunk split from the other.
Nicole spotted Syd’s silhouette lunging without hesitation, holding off from exclamations that could distract them. The giant tree prevented her from seeing where the other hit landed, but the glowing crack opened further, as if— pain, possibly? Whatever was inside that tree didn’t appreciate being hacked. She blew a tense breath, willing thoughts of sympathy for the tree away. Next time — it wasn’t out of the question— she would try a different approach. In that moment, though, she had to see the tree for what it was, a huge fucking problem for the visitors and for Syd’s livelihood. 
The tree shook when another strike came from behind, and Nicole joined Syd in the attempts to bring it down. She heard the warning, looking down at the ground in time to notice its wide trunk splitting. Similar to how it dragged itself along the forest floor to this very spot. It was of moving, logically, either to attack or perhaps escape. A ghost would have enough intelligence to realize when it was being bested, surely. The trunk ruptured the ground Nicole stood on, her balance lost before she could retreat. Falling backward, she scrambled into a defensive position, dodging the branches swiping at her with inconsistent luck. Her shirt was ripped at the back, she was almost certain, judging by the cool breeze suddenly hitting her. 
But her grip on the axe remained strong, and she struck the root this time, separating it from the rest of the tree. It meant the intention to move stopped abruptly. It also meant, its standing wasn’t quite the same. Fuck. Nicole saw the way it tilted, not quite ready to fall over yet, luckily, or else she would’ve been right underneath. Out of sight, Syd continued to strike with what Nicole assumed were a fair amount of problems too. Nicole stood, wiping the mess on her pants, and swung at the middle again and again until a severe crack split the bark. The green glow became intermittent, and its branches swiped with less precision. They could retreat, couldn’t they? Let— gravity do the rest. She tried to find Syd behind the tree, forgetting she had a voice she could use. “Syd!” she shouted hoarsely, “think that should be enough—” the creature trembled, leaves spilling from its branches, and another gust of wind floating dirt into their eyes. The branch smacked violently, desperately, but Nicole retreated in time. 
She rounded the tree, finding herself face-to-face with Syd. Equally messy, triumph not yet readable on their face. “Unless you wanna do the honors?” She breathed out. “Maybe you should— fucker trying to destroy your place and shit”.
Syd couldn’t see Nicole, but by the sounds of it, it seemed as though she had her hands full. She could hear the scraping of branches against skin, but she smelt no blood in the air. That was a better sign than she had hoped for. 
She brought the ax down hard, palms vibrating from the way the energy slithered up the handle. It split into the bark, pinkish flesh exposed. There was a certain level of guilt that she felt in that moment, even if the tree wasn’t alive in way that most people thought of things as alive, it was moving towards a purpose, and both Nicole and Syd were standing in the way of it. 
But Syd couldn’t risk losing the campground, not even to a tree that was hellbent on destroying the grounds. “Agh, fuck!” They let out a hiss as a branch swiped over the back of her already exposed shoulders. If her favorite tank top got fucked up because of this, she was going to be pissed. Suddenly, the tree teetered on one side, and Syd scrambled out of the way, holding their breath until they heard the crash behind them. 
When they didn’t, they slowly turned around. Its branches swiped through the air, fighting invisible enemies. Its glowing mouth was ajar, a silent scream pulling from its throat. Did it have one of those? Maybe not. Probably not. 
The guilt that Syd felt subsided quickly as they were brought back to the present of Nicole’s question. Their gaze snapped from the pathetic tree, labored movement causing more and more dust to upheave from the ground, before lifting the ax upward. “Sorry, dude. You fucked up, and you totally ruined her shirt. You gotta go. Uh, rest in peace, or whatever.” Syd grit their teeth as they took a careful step forward, bringing the ax. down to finish the job. They quickly took a step back, watching as the tree began to quiver, before it fell onto its side. 
They blinked once, twice, before looking back over to Nicole. “This town is so fucking weird.” 
Reading facial expressions wasn’t a skill Nicole considered herself adept at, but Syd’s determination was unmistakable in their features, even before they answered her question. They lifted the axe; they wanted that final hit. Nicole had no reason to oppose it. She shuffled backward, leaving Syd to finish the task, making sure to stay alert if other setbacks appeared. The trees lethargic movement were no rival for Syd’s deft strike, and before they knew it, the green glow died and the tree tipped foward, spectral life already drained from it. The boom as it thudded on the ground sent wildlife scurrying away.   
Morbid curiosity took hold of her briefly, pondering on what the loss of the spirit would do to her. To Syd. Was being drained from that kind of force so terrible? How fucking weird, to find parallels between balam and possessed trees. She silently thanked Syd for their interruption, a fleeting comment that pulled Nicole out of thoughts that were of no service to her perpetually busy mind. She bobbed her head curtly, breathing out a laugh of sorts. “You got that right.”  Spirits with trees were strange, it was true, though were they forgetting about the humans with spirits? The jaguar entwined with it? As far as fucked up things lurking around in town, she would take a slow moving tree over a savage jaguar any day. “Good job,” she swung her arm with the intention of offering a small pat on the shoulder, but opted against it. It resulted in a movement that Nicole would overthink about for days. 
“Should be interesting to explain this,” she turned around, pawing at the back of her shirt. She couldn’t see how badly it’d been torn. She looked back at Syd, knowing they had their own scratches to tend to. Nicole had left her first aid kit back at the station. “Could pass it as a bear fight, hm?” She deadpanned, cheeks burning a moment later. She should clarify it was a joke, no? Her inflection wasn’t always optimal. And though athletic, no fucking way she could wrestle a bear. She shook her head, allowing the moment to pass before it could turn become a mountain out of a molehill in her head. “Don’t think it got me, other than the ripped shirt. Small cuts, at best. You good? Noticed something on your shoulder.” She held out her hand to retrieve the axe Syd borrowed. She should probably get going. Before someone radioed her to take care of something else. Though a lingering fondness kept her rooted in place. It had quite some time since she’d caught up with Syd. Only a few instances after she broke out of the zoo, if she recalled correctly. Wasn’t alway a given, with her memory. “You mind if uh—” she raised her right hand, showing off the dirtied forearms. “Soap and water would be nice.
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daewontknow · 1 year
just came to mind, also feels way too short but it’ll do
david x f!reader
slight poly!lost boys x reader
WARNINGS - suggestive dark themes, alcohol, mentions of drugs, angst, david gets a little physical, possibly some cheating
david turning you was possibly the best thing to ever happen in your chaos driven life. having a family who moves on without you, friends who would trade you for their fix, and your only escape is drowning it out with alcohol and whatever else you can find in the town of santa carla.
the night you met they boys, was a night where you decided to make an escape, and never return.
a rather calming night at the boardwalk, stumbling and swaying around with your brown paper bag, containing the strongest vodka you could find. you stumbled into the railing, separating you and your departure. swaying, leaning on the wooden post you bump into something. you open your eyes to see a man with short platinum blonde hair. he has a sour look on his face, which slightly falters when he sees your state. exchanging a look for a few seconds, you slightly fall, grabbing his shoulder to regain your balance.
“m’ sorry sir- jus need t’ stand” you mumble, slurring horribly over your words. he emits a chuckle, helping you steady yourself. “why don’t you come back to my place? me and my boys would love to get to know you.”
stumbling into the run down cave of who you have learned to be david, and his boys, you see three men sitting around. with david by your side guiding you, you take a fall seat next to a blond headed man. his wavy locks are longer than your own hair. your attention snaps back to david, when he calls your name. “are you hungry?” he asks, already planning. you nod your head, david smiling. “marko, food.” david orders. the curly headed one pops up, letting go of a bird. he returns moments later, with a box full of chinese food. david hands you a box, you taking a big spoonful of rice. the hunger you were experiencing was caused by your ingestion of an entire bottle of vodka. “how about something to wash that down with?” david motions marko over to him, whispering something in his ear. marko hurries off, returning with a bejeweled bottle. “be one of us”.
ever since that night you’ve been staying in the cave, and grown close with the boys. it’s been almost a year since you drank david’s blood. you and david have a rather special bond, hence having met first. but ever since a few weeks ago, david has been a little distant from you, and you are now determined to find out why.
“david, why won’t you talk to me?” you ask softly, as david sits on his motorcycle just outside of the boardwalk. david scoffs and stands up to try and leave. “david if it’s something i did, please just tell me i can help-” your cut off by a sudden outburst. “god, just stop! okay? just stop.” david yells, pushing your shoulders back and walking away. you stand there for a moment, taken aback. confused with what just happened, you venture out to the boardwalk to find the boys flirting with a brunette girl. staring, marko looks over to see you. his face drops and he stares back at your sad form. you sniffle lightly, deciding to walk back to the cave. almost back to the cave, an excruciating pain in your stomach stops you. you feel, hungry. but not for food, for blood. a little ways along the beach, you see two surf nazis. forgetting your morals and promise to never kill, you pounce on the two guys, completely draining them.
sitting in the sand, covered in blood you remember you were trekking to the cave. you decide to cut it short and fly. once stepping in, you immediately find alcohol.
“well i think- woah holy shit.” paul stops in his tracks walking in the cave. the boys have brought home the girl from the boardwalk. they all look around at the trashed cave. you stumble into the main area from your nest like area. you’re still covered in blood, and clutching a bottle in your hand. your hair is crazed, your knees wobbly, and you’re still pumping adrenaline. “what the fuck is wrong with you?” david yells, coming at you fast. “what’re you talking about davy?” you stumble back when david pushes you for the second time. “why the hell would you trash the cave?? and why are you all bloody?” he fumed. “i had dinner” you reply shrugging. the boys stare as you head over to the couch, dropping down onto the floor and leaning your head back on the couch. taking a swig, you look up to david. “i’m gonna need you to leave.” david finally breaks the silence. “what..?” you quickly stand to your feet, regretting it when your head spins. “get out.” david replies. “but-“
“NOW!” david yells at you. your eyes widen. you grab your bottle and stumble towards the exit. the boys watch as you leave, not saying a word. with no idea where to go, you walk down to where you believe the boardwalk is, eventually finding it. stumbling back to the place david found you, exactly a year ago today. swiveling back and fourth you continue drinking. looking out at the water, you think how nice david was this night so long ago. feeling a wave of exhaustion come over you, you decide to try and find a place to sleep.
deciding on the forest as a solid place to sleep, you doze off. sleeping all day, you wake to the appetizing sounds of the boardwalk. flying down to pick up dinner, you spot the boys and the brunette. scoffing you land near the entrance. walking in, right past the boys. they all look at you as you pass. searching around for a suitable meal, you finally find a younger looking man. you follow him out to the parking lot, and right before he gets in his car, you swoop him up.
after finishing up, you decide to go back to the cave to collect some of your things. as you appear outside, you spot all of your things that were in your nest, sitting outside against the cave. you let down your facade for a moment, before walking into the cave. you know the boys are still at the boardwalk, so you walk freely. you step into what was your room, which is now the brunette girls room. you decide not to linger any longer and you go back to collect your things. as you’re dusting off your blankets, david shows up. you stare at him as he walks towards you. “listen.. i’m sorry and-” you cut him off. “no you’re not.”
“yes i am baby, please.” he pleads. “you just want to forget. to forget me, finding me, turning me, loving me and replacing me. but i hate to break it to you, davy. everything happens for a reason.”
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stoplookingup · 2 years
Thoughts on the Picard S3 premiere
I'm amused/annoyed at the way they retcon Picard & Riker as rule-breaking, risk-taking mavericks. The TNG I watched was the spawn of corporate mission statements and team-building exercises. Half of every other ep took place in an actual conference room, where senior staff were briefed out the wazoo before coming to careful, decidedly not gut-feeling decisions. TNG's reflection of 80s & 90s corporate culture is one of the things that makes it one of my least favorite Treks.
I suppose maybe the change reflects recognition that TNG storytelling, especially in early seasons, was often dull and uninspired. It was the primary reason for all the monologuing that went on -- made it hard to craft stories that embody ideas rather than just talk about them. So maybe Picard will be the fix TNG always needed (and often got by the end of its run).
Still, I will have a very hard time ever forgiving Picard (the series) for dangling interesting new characters in front of us and then throwing them away in favor of nostalgia. Raffi's B-plot, completely divorced from the other characters (figuratively and, in the case of Seven, literally), just serves to remind us who's missing. Way back in S1, I expected to get invested in a whole new cast of characters that would, I hoped, go on after Patrick Stewart's inevitable departure. Nope.
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S01E04 Spung at Heart
Ok, back at it again!
In this episode, we get introduced to the big bads: the slaving, misogynistic, war mongering, Spung. Cardassians with tails. But first, we fall in love with their rebellious, fortune-telling princess, Elmira.
Trivia and behind the scenes info can be found at spacecasetv.com.
Link to the ep and my thoughts while rewatching below the cut!
We start with Radu and Harlan alone on the bridge (love it), getting a distress call from a ship with a lone passenger, and bickering (LOVE IT). The voice is female, so of course we get them fighting over a girl without knowing much about her (A TREND).
What an introduction shot, though. Elmira, you have my whole heart.
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So Radu is pissed, and we learn that the Spung enslaved his people and started the Spung-Andromedan war. The tension! And Radu and Harlan are fighting over Harlan's prejudices towards Andromedans. It's such a good scene!
And Catalina remains the Eye Roll Queen every time Elmira calls Harlan "captain."
I do like that Elmira is an oracle, what a unique character trait. I like to headcanon that her mother was one as well, but she died during the war. Without her mother's protection, this left her more vulnerable to having her gifts abused by her father, Warlord Shank.
Elmira to Catalina: No one can see who's coming here, but Catalina disappears.
At this point in the series, the creators were already suspicious that they were going to lose Jewel Staite to the Disney channel and so this was a bit of foreshadowing to Catalina's eventual departure.
Goddard is always fixing something, does the Christa need you poking around in her all the time SIR?
Elmira to Goddard: Not many Stardogs live to say, they've seen what you will see today.
I'm really intrigued by the fact that the Spung Killcruisers were so deadly, everyone on the UPP side who ever encountered one was killed. And the Spung still lost the war!
I'm not even going to comment on Davenport, she is so goofy.
Radu's fortune is, of course, the best. And hints at a storyline they never got to tell:
Elmira to Radu: Fire and darkness you will tame. Hero added to your name. Noble Radu, worthy and brave. Those who scorn you, you will save.
And I couldn't quote this episode without including more fawning over my OTP:
Elmira: Harlan Band doesn't hate you Radu, he's afraid of you. Radu: Afraid? Elmira: Yes. Every time he looks at you, he's afraid that everything he knows is wrong. And so are you, every time you look at me.
Ok, listen, I know that's very much meant to be a Radu/Elmira moment - a ship which was almost certainly going to be endgame - but hear me out. Harlan having feelings for Radu, someone he considers an enemy, the same way Radu has feelings for his enemy in the Spung princess. An awful lot of angst in this love triangle all around. It feeds into my headcanon that Harlan is positively TORTURED by his eventual romantic feelings for Radu for multiple reasons. Maybe I'll get more into my shipping headcanons some day BUT MOVING ON.
Ok, and it's also just a great scene and a great message about prejudice in a kids' show.
I really want to know more about the Spung ruling structure. Is Shank the only Warlord or are there others? Is he the leader of a nation, of the whole empire, or just the military? If he's just a high ranking commander, like the wiki says, why is Elmira considered a princess (which is something we learn in Season 2, I believe).
Also, George Takei, phenomenal get. And the Star Trek reference, *chef's kiss*.
In the end, Elmira returns to her ship and distracts Shank and the killcruiser long enough for the Christa to escape through the White Circle and back where they began - 7 years, 4 months, and 22 days from home.
Great episode! Can't wait until we get to see Elmira again!
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everestluklaflight · 1 month
Kathmandu to Lukla Flight: Your Gateway to Everest Adventure
Embarking on a journey to the majestic Everest region begins with an exhilarating Kathmandu to Lukla flight. This short yet thrilling air travel experience serves as the gateway to some of the world's most breathtaking landscapes and challenging treks. At Himalayan Wonders, we specialize in providing seamless travel arrangements for adventurers seeking to explore the awe-inspiring Everest region. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into everything you need to know about the Kathmandu Lukla flight, ensuring you're well-prepared for this crucial leg of your Himalayan adventure.
The Importance of the Kathmandu to Lukla Flight
The Kathmandu Lukla Flight is not just a means of transportation; it's an integral part of the Everest experience. This 35-minute journey takes you from the bustling capital of Nepal to the heart of the Himalayas, covering a distance that would otherwise require days of arduous travel by road and foot. The flight's significance lies in its ability to save time and energy, allowing trekkers and mountaineers to begin their adventures with fresh legs and high spirits.
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Tenzing-Hillary Airport: The World's Most Exciting Landing Strip
Lukla's airport, officially known as Tenzing-Hillary Airport, is renowned for its short, sloping runway and challenging approach. Named after the first climbers to summit Mount Everest, Tenzing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary, this airport is often dubbed the world's most dangerous due to its unique characteristics:
• A runway length of just 527 meters (1,729 feet)
• A 12% gradient, sloping uphill to assist landing aircraft in slowing down
• High-altitude location at 2,845 meters (9,334 feet) above sea level
• Surrounding mountains creating challenging wind conditions
Despite these factors, with experienced pilots and strict safety protocols, the Kathmandu to Lukla flight boasts an impressive safety record.
Preparing for Your Kathmandu Lukla Flight
Booking Your Flight
We recommend booking your Kathmandu Lukla flight well in advance, especially during peak trekking seasons (March-May and September-November). At Himalayan Wonders, we handle all flight arrangements as part of our comprehensive trekking packages, ensuring you secure a spot on this crucial flight.
What to Expect
• Flight Duration: Approximately 35 minutes
• Aircraft Type: Twin Otter or Dornier, small fixed-wing aircraft designed for short takeoffs and landings
• Baggage Allowance: Typically 15 kg (33 lbs) including hand luggage
• Check-in Time: At least 2 hours before scheduled departure due to potential weather-related changes
Weather Considerations
The Kathmandu to Lukla Flight is highly dependent on weather conditions. Clear mornings typically offer the best flying conditions, which is why most flights are scheduled early in the day. Be prepared for potential delays or cancellations due to adverse weather, especially during monsoon season (June-August).
The Flight Experience
Departure from Kathmandu
Your adventure begins at Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu. After check-in and security procedures, you'll board your small aircraft, usually seating 16-20 passengers. The anticipation builds as you taxi to the runway, knowing you're about to embark on a journey few get to experience.
In-Flight Views
As you soar above the Nepalese landscape, you'll be treated to breathtaking views of:
• Lush green valleys and terraced fields
• Winding rivers cutting through deep gorges
• Snow-capped Himalayan peaks, including glimpses of Everest on clear days
We recommend securing a seat on the left side of the aircraft for the best mountain views during the flight to Lukla.
The Thrilling Lukla Landing
As you approach Lukla, the true excitement begins. The pilot skillfully navigates the aircraft towards the short, uphill runway. The surrounding mountains seem to close in as you make your final approach. The landing, while thrilling, is expertly executed by pilots who specialize in this unique route.After Landing in Lukla
Once you've landed safely in Lukla, you'll immediately feel the change in altitude and atmosphere. The crisp mountain air and stunning views of the surrounding peaks signal the start of your Himalayan adventure. From here, you'll meet your trekking team and begin your journey into the Everest region.
Safety Measures and Considerations
At Himalayan Wonders, safety is our top priority. We work exclusively with reputable airlines that maintain strict safety standards for the Kathmandu Lukla flight. Some key safety measures include:
• Regular aircraft maintenance and inspections
• Highly experienced pilots trained specifically for mountain flights
• Strict weather monitoring and flight cancellation protocols when conditions are unsuitable
• Modern navigation and communication equipment
Alternatives to FlyingWhile the Kathmandu to Lukla flight is the most popular and time-efficient option, we understand that some travelers may prefer alternative routes. For those seeking a different experience or in case of extended flight cancellations, we offer the following options:
1. Jeep to Phaplu: A long but scenic drive followed by a 3-day trek to Lukla
2. Helicopter Services: More expensive but less weather-dependent than fixed-wing flights
3. Jiri to Lukla Trek: The classic approach route, taking 6-8 days of trekking through beautiful lower-altitude regions
The Kathmandu Lukla flight is more than just a means of transportation; it's an integral part of the Everest region experience. This short but spectacular journey sets the stage for the adventures that await in the world's highest mountains. At Himalayan Wonders, we're committed to making this crucial part of your trip as smooth and enjoyable as possible, ensuring you start your Everest adventure on the right foot.
Whether you're a seasoned trekker or embarking on your first Himalayan journey, the flight from Kathmandu to Lukla promises to be an unforgettable experience. As you soar above the Nepalese landscape and touch down on one of the world's most exciting runways, you'll know that your great adventure has truly begun.
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somethingelseishere · 1 month
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A stabbing pain across his side rouses Crawford from a dead sleep. It’s later than his usual start, half past eleven, pushing his activities further into early afternoon. He rolls to a sitting position on the edge of his flattened mattress, inhales deeply and drags to his feet.
The trek into town was lacking - the atmosphere bland, abated. The magic of the morning had been lost to the humdrum of mid-day.
He finds his regular bench already in use, the suspect - quite the fetching lass - tall, slim, blonde and presently immersed in a hefty volume of literature. Crawford leers at her from thirty feet away, she turns a page taking no account of his presence.
He strides to a vacant accommodation - a bench made of concrete, foregoing his old standby of wooden slats. Opening his bag, no cigarettes - still on the counter at home - so it’s camera check and down to business - but then a searing pain hits directly over his right rib cage.
“Urgh!” he grunts through gritted teeth.
Ever self-conscious in public, he scans the surroundings for any attention he may have attracted. No eyes upon him.
He rubs the spot with his left hand, pressing gently inward. His stomach churns as a result of skipping breakfast. Perhaps a quick stop at a local eatery would bring relief. A club sandwich and iced tea sounds grand. His feet are in motion.
The small, empty diner allowed seating of his choice - near a window with excellent view of passers-by as well as anyone entering. The waitress arrives, sets his plate and beverage on the table, smiles and beats a path back to the kitchen.
Crawford shoves a corner of the toasted sandwich into his mouth just as she walks by. Her eyes fixed forward, sloping down, minding the cracks and ruts of the uneven sidewalk.
Crawford’s attention is glued to the young lady, her gaze ahead unbroken. He takes another bite and experiences his worst pain yet - ripping through him like a gunshot. He expels his food onto the plate, grabs his side with both hands and moans loudly. His thoughts spiral, breath quickens - he hastily drops a twenty onto the table and hurries from the establishment.
The walk home was punishing. He spills through the front door and onto the couch. Eyes squinting shut, in through the nose and out through the mouth. One more shot of blistering pain.
A few seconds drift and his biology finds equilibrium. His eyes crack slightly, falling onto the door in the hall. A door that was shut tightly at his departure that was now minutely ajar. Panic swells. He thrusts upward and jolts to his feet. Each slowly measured step across the ancient wooden floor creaks a warning to whatever may await him beyond the threshold. A breach is made.
Eerie silence pervades as Crawford descends into the black obscurity of his basement. The timeworn steps were curiously mute with every advance. At the bottom - all was swallowed by darkness - until a flicking noise births the dim glow of the safe light.
His head jerks involuntarily to the right. First, a silhouette, then an image more clear - one of vague familiarity - it was her. Standing beside his work space - the blonde girl from the park.
“Hey, I’ve been watching you.” she admits with a devil’s grin. “What are you doing here?” he probes in a fissured voice.
The girl takes to hand one of Crawford’s many cameras.
“Such a tiny little hole - but with enough light, it has the power to keep you forever.”
She returns the piece of equipment to the table and moves towards him.
“Stop!” he demands.
The young lady halts abruptly, locking eyes with her besieged host.
“Who are you?” he stammers.
She takes a few more steps.
“Oh, I think you know.” she offers flirtatiously.
Before he could challenge, a final burst of pain spears through Crawford’s midsection, collapsing his knees to the floor.
“Argh!” he cries in certain agony.
A clap of thunder bleeds through from above, he trembles in the fetal position with her looming over. She kneels and speaks softly -
“I can make it all go away.”
He grapples desperately for words.
“What do you want?”
The girl holds up her left hand and blows a fine powder into his face. He fights the intrusion - coughing, retching - then loses himself to a state of calm, slowly fading. She crosses the room to the work station and disrobes.
Crawford revives in the old wooden chair, fastened securely to its timbers with nylon rope, several layers of duct tape over his mouth. He watches the young woman perform a ritual similar to the one he had the day previous.
She removes the photos of the unsuspecting women from the wall and methodically tears them in halves, then quarters before setting them to flame.
“No!” Crawford screams from behind the tape.
The girl turns and snarls.
“Such a filthy habit, taking things that do not belong to you.” she scolds.
The domineering femme saunters over in a confidence that disquiets the tenebrous room.
“I’ve got something you are going to love.” she quips, tapping the tip of his nose with her index finger.
Her svelte, nude figure ambles back to the table. She removes a photo from the wash tray, hanging it to dry. He strains to focus, not close enough to fix the blur.
“Would you like to see?” she teases.
He mumbles obscenities through the mouth covering.
She faces him - smirking, then delivers the freshly developed photo, holding it just inches away. His composure immediately dissolves. Muffled screams and lunging as the young man’s body fights violently against his restraints.
“You don’t like it?” she taunts.
The temptress returns the picture to the table.
“I tried to get your good side.” she says, squirming in delight.
Crawford perseveres as his uninvited guest concludes her obligations. Moments later, the dank and dirty basement falls absent of sound. The once occupied chair - now empty with nothing but bindings and a ring of wrinkled duct tape. She casts her eyes upon the stealthily taken photo lying helplessly on the table.
“Goodbye Crawford.” she utters scantly above a whisper.
"The Aperture" - Final in the three-part series 'Darkroom' Mixed media on plywood. My 157th painting.
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xprojectrpg · 2 months
This Day in X-Project - July 26
Sooraya Qadir's birthday.
2015: Laurie texts Kyle that he needs to come to Clint's room with more alcohol. Different Breed: Jean-Paul meets the contact Raymonde Belmonde reached through his various associates and agrees to go the “sanctuary” Angelo promises. Scott, Matt and Warren discuss the trio's vigilantism, Miles being underage and how they could have handled everything better, with mixed results.
2016: Nina posts a poll about seeing the new Star Trek movie and which crew member is the real McCoy for Bones-ing. Lorna texts Alex about needing to get supplies. Tabitha makes a journal entry asking for help with changing a phone number.
2017: Laurie texts Doug, Marie-Ange, and Wade seeking company while she recovers from her recent injuries. Marie-Ange goes to talk to Angelo, having found out about his engagement to her cousin from outside sources.
2018: Sins of the Father: Angelo emails Wanda to tell her it was Adam Destine who hurt Amanda; sleep doesn’t fix all problems, and, in Amanda’s case, sleep might have made everything worse; Marie-Ange posts to all teams minus Gen-X inquiring about Topaz’s disappearance; It's been all of five-ish hours since the news of Topaz' departure before Amanda tries to get up, and Cecilia isn't having any of it; Topaz barely has time to start adjusting before rescue comes, only to discover it's an illusion; still reeling from the encounter with “Amanda”, Topaz isn’t particularly prepared for what the Destines have in store for her next; the torture and isolation continue, until Jasmine comes to heal her.
2019: Hope A. talks to Warren about her plan for rebuilding his reputation and how it continues even when he leaves for Switzerland.
2023: Madin, still largely avoiding everyone, runs into Haller. Gabe sends Warren a card, noting he hasn’t called in the favor for saving his life. Terry emails Hope A. about Warren donating money to District X’s community centre programs. Hope A. messages Warren about not making promises he can’t immediately keep. Alani messages Sooraya a happy birthday.
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shinykittenland · 2 months
Important Temples and Places to Visit in Chardham
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Badrinath Temple
Badrinath Temple in Uttarakhand is dedicated to Lord Vishnu and is part of the Char Dham pilgrimage. It is surrounded by stunning mountain ranges and offers a spiritually enriching experience.
Kedarnath Temple
Kedarnath Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva, It is located in the Garhwal Himalayas and is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas. It requires a challenging trek, enhancing the spiritual journey for devotees.
Gangotri Temple
Gangotri Temple in Uttarkashi marks the origin of the sacred River Ganges. Dedicated to Goddess Ganga, it attracts pilgrims seeking purification and spiritual upliftment.
Yamunotri Temple
Yamunotri Temple, the source of the Yamuna River, is dedicated to Goddess Yamuna. Nestled in the Garhwal Himalayas, it is accessible after a picturesque trek and is known for its thermal springs.
Rameshwaram in Tamil Nadu is famous for the Ramanathaswamy Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva. It is one of the twelve Jyotirlingas and features one of the longest temple corridors in India.
Dwarka in Gujarat is home to the Dwarkadhish Temple, dedicated to Lord Krishna. It is part of the Char Dham pilgrimage and is believed to be the ancient kingdom of Krishna, attracting devotees worldwide.
Travel to India offers the latest Char Dham Yatra Tour Packages, tailored to suit your needs and available for advance booking. Contact us for details on tour costs, fixed departures, and custom requirements.
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chardhamyatratrip · 2 months
Embark on a Spiritual Journey: Char Dham Yatra Tour Package from Haridwar with Fixed Departure Dates
Experience the divine pilgrimage of Char Dham with a convenient Char Dham Yatra tour package from Haridwar with fixed departure dates. This hassle-free option ensures a well-organized and spiritually enriching experience, allowing you to focus on the sanctity of the journey. Imagine visiting the four sacred Hindu shrines – Yamunotri, Gangotri, Kedarnath, and Badrinath – without the stress of planning logistics. A Char Dham Yatra tour package from Haridwar with fixed departure dates takes care of everything, from transportation and accommodation to permits and guide services.
The Convenience of Fixed Departures
A Char Dham Yatra tour package from Haridwar with fixed departure dates offers several advantages. Unlike customized tours, you don't have to worry about scheduling conflicts or waiting for a group to form. Fixed departure dates allow you to plan your trip well in advance and ensure a pilgrimage experience alongside a group of fellow devotees. This can be especially helpful for solo travelers or those unfamiliar with the region.
A Structured Itinerary for a Seamless Experience
Char Dham Yatra tour packages from Haridwar with fixed departure dates come with a pre-defined itinerary, ensuring you visit all the holy sites without missing anything important. Experienced tour operators curate these itineraries, ensuring a smooth flow and efficient travel between destinations. The package typically includes comfortable transportation in a shared vehicle, with experienced drivers who navigate the challenging Himalayan terrain.
Focus on the Spiritual Journey
A Char Dham Yatra tour package from Haridwar with fixed departure dates allows you to fully immerse yourself in the spiritual significance of the pilgrimage. With transportation, accommodation, and permits handled, you can focus on prayer ceremonies, temple visits, and experiencing the sanctity of each Dham. Many packages might also include the services of a knowledgeable guide who can share the history, mythology, and rituals associated with each shrine, deepening your understanding of the pilgrimage.
Tailored Packages for Diverse Needs
While offering a set itinerary and departure dates, Char Dham Yatra tour packages from Haridwar can still cater to diverse needs. Some packages might offer budget-friendly options with shared accommodation, while others focus on a more luxurious experience with private rooms. Depending on your fitness level, some packages might include trekking options for a more adventurous experience, while others prioritize comfortable transportation for a more relaxed journey.
Experience the Divine with Fixed Departures
A Char Dham Yatra tour package from Haridwar with fixed departure dates offers a convenient and enriching way to embark on this sacred pilgrimage. Numerous tour operators curate these packages, so choose one that aligns with your budget, preferred travel style, and desired level of comfort. With everything taken care of, you can simply focus on the spiritual journey and the divine experience that awaits you in the Himalayas.
So, embark on a pilgrimage of a lifetime! Book your Char Dham Yatra tour package from Haridwar with fixed departure dates today and experience the magic of the Char Dham at your own pace.
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mountainrocktrek-blog · 3 months
Group Join Manaslu Circuit Trek with Guaranteed Departure 2024-2025
The Group Join Manaslu Circuit Trek with Guaranteed Departure 2024-2025 offers an exceptional opportunity to join on an adventurous journey through the remote and breathtaking landscapes of the Manaslu region. With guaranteed departures, trekkers can experience the thrill of conquering challenging trails, immerse themselves in the rich Tibetan culture, and witness stunning vistas of towering peaks, including the majestic Manaslu (8,163m).
Here is more detailed information on Group Join Manaslu Circuit Trek with Guaranteed Departure 2024-2025:
Address- Z Street - Thamel, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone- +977 1 4701233
Mobile, WhatsApp & Viber- +977 9849023179 (Dipak Pande)
Website- www.mountainrocktreks.com
#ManasluCircuitTrek #GuaranteedDeparture #TrekNepal #Manaslu8163m #RemoteHimalayas #TibetanCulture #AdventureTrekking #NepalTrekking #Himalayanhiking #GroupTrekking #Outdoor Adventure #MountainScenery #TrekkingExpedition #NepalTourism #MRT2024 #paknajol #dipak  #mountainguide #Thamel #Thamel #paknajol #Zstreet  #mountainrocktreks
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bontravelindia · 3 months
Manimahesh Kailash Trek
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🌄 Explore Manimahesh Kailash Yatra by Trekking with Bon Travel India
📅 Duration: 4 Nights / 5 Days 💰 Price: Rs. 15,000 per person
🚩 Fixed Departure Dates from Pathankot:
June: 25 July: 5, 17, 26 August: 10, 20, 28 September: 6, 12, 20, 28
📞 For booking, call or WhatsApp: +91-9310109466
🌐 Visit us at: www.BonTravelIndia.com
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