#flicker webseries preparations
cringelordofchaos · 11 months
Adora from flicker!! (bad art + coloring I know but I don't care <3)
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(ID: a digital illustration of the fictional character Adora who comes from the Roblox game Flicker. She is an alien with a blue tongue, pointy fangs, pink eyes, blue skin and blue hair fading into pink. End ID)
I didn't draw her uhh jacket? Or whatever it is but it's fine
I already made a post with many of my headcanons on it however I have gained some new ones since then and I want them somewhere written in words so
On planet Azulian it's (a bit?) uncommon for people native to it to have pink hair/pinkish tint to it and even rarer to have pink eyes, adora has both because wow she's so special and unique 😐😐😐😐😐
She at times while she still lived in Azulian was ashamed of her pinker traits and felt like the odd 1 out, sometimes like there was something wrong with her or her body. She when she was much younger would wear contacts and dye her hair before she learned to get over it and embrace herself
She among many more Azulian people has freckles that resemble stars
She LOVES stickers and has an enormous collection of them
She is open to fashion designing though her design options are seen as too colorful and childish to others
Barely got a drivers license
Loves cotton candy (or any food, really)
roles: twin + muffin man(?) - manipulated into being the witch later on - spectator (dead)
She has rsd
Even though she learned with a ton of time that it matters most to simply be herself, she still has a hard time with rejection and disapproval from others and at times people pleases, what can I say she ain't perfect
I kind of hate the fact that I made her fit the Disney's "adorkable" trope too easily but I still love her
She dies by trying to prove herself (to Rosalie)(oh lord does this entail Rosalie angst and character development)
She HATES water and the way it feels on her skin or tongue or inside her (EndermanCore)
Uses tons of emojis and emoticons in text
I know my image description of my drawing is horrible I need to improve it, I don't know how to though
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dragons-of-dracaren · 7 years
any advise for someone writing for the very first time? I just started writing short stories and I have a novel planned. I feel like my writing is too descriptive, and my dialog to scripted....
My best advice is to keep writing and keep reading. (This got long, so I’m breaking it up with pictures)
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You’ll learn an immense amount from reading other works–both published books and other fanfiction. It’ll teach you what you enjoy in a story, what you’d like to be able to do, what tropes you love and the ones you hate.
Even fiction you don’t enjoy much can still teach you a lot. If you’re still in school and are being assigned books, don’t worry so much about liking the story. Just notice how the author does things. How do they describe the room? How do they describe the characters? Does their dialog sound real? If so, what are they doing? Are their characters interrupting each other naturally? Does the conversation wander and return? Is it large blocks of text with only one character speaking for a long time? If so, does that sound right to you if you read it aloud?
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For description, notice how well you can picture something based on what the author gives you. If they say the characters enter a restaurant, how much do you need to picture it? Has my saying restaurant already given you a mental image? If I add the word “fancy” in front of it, does your mental image change? Would you need more than “a high class Italian restaurant with attentive servers, each table lit more by flickering candles than the dim fixtures above” to set the mood for you?
You might, if you were planning to throw a character into the fountain in the middle of the room by the end of the scene. Knowing that fountain was there would prepare the reader for the eventual dramatic break-up scene. In which case, you can add something about “the soothing sound of falling water from the fountain drowning out the conversation of the table opposite their own” or similar, once they’ve been seated.
Each piece of description should in some way serve the story. Either to set a mood, evoke a certain emotion or impression, or to highlight something that will be referenced or used later.
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Now for dialog. It can be difficult, especially because characters in books and on film don’t speak like they do in real life. Real conversation includes many more filler words–um, er, uh, like, hmm, well–than dialog, as well as more interruptions, talking over each other, changing directions in the middle of a sentence, or repeating words and stuttering. If you take down exact transcripts of real life conversations, they don’t flow well as dialog, and can make your characters seem less intelligent than you want them to. Read actual transcripts of say, US Senate hearings, and you’ll find very intelligent, educated, well-spoken people sounding less so because of the filler words and natural pauses and redirections we all use.
So the trick is to write dialog that sounds good, feels like it could be real, but isn’t actually a recreation of real speech. The best way to learn to do this is to again, read a lot, but also listen.. Listen to audiobooks, listen as you watch movies, tv, webseries, anything where the dialog was written first. Listen to how it sounds, what you like about it, what you don’t. If you’re writing fanfic for a medium where you can hear the characters speak, so much the better! Listen to their word choice, their inflection, everything about how they talk. If it’s a movie or something like the SanderSides, listen without watching–or just read the subtitles if you’re HoH or deaf–and pay attention only to the words, not to the action on the screen.
Eventually you may find you can hear the characters’ unique way of speaking as you write their dialog. For myself, I often “hear” a line or piece of dialog before I know anything else. That bit will be my starting point for writing. (For LJ, my writing partner for the last decade, that starting point is usually a visual image, which can be more complicated, as there are no words already associated. But you can use movies made from novels to help with that. See how the book describes the Shire, for example, and then watch how Peter Jackson gave that same impression in The Lord of the Rings)
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So after you’ve done all that reading, all that listening, all that paying attention to the how, after you know what you want to be able to produce…how do you do it?
You write. You keep writing. You write a lot of shitty stories you’ll be first ashamed of, then years later charmed by. You write cliches, you write bad dialog, you write too much description, you write worlds and characters that seem flat and boring and wrong compared to what’s in you head. You write things you hate–and you occasionally manage to write things you love so much it hurts. You pour yourself onto the page, over and over and over, and you don’t stop. You tell yourself stories, because you can’t stop. You share your stories, because they’re too big to keep to yourself.
And, eventually, you look around and realize that while what you’re producing may seem flat, boring, nothing like the glory in your mind, nothing like the rich world and people you want SO BADLY to share–you’re being asked for writing advice by someone who’s struggling with the same demons that’ve plagued you for years.
So you give them some of the weapons you’ve found to beat back the doubt, the self-recrimination, the fear. And you tell them to write.
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cringelordofchaos · 1 year
I would actually love to help with your flicker web series!
Yippee!! If I ever decide to do it (the chances of it are rising) I'm contacting you then!!
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cringelordofchaos · 11 months
I made a music playlist for my imaginary flicker fanfic!! It makes zero sense without context but uh yeah (the playlist is full of headcanons for all the flicker characters in there, for some characters there are multiple songs (cough cough Tamia). I might update the playlist as the time goes on, so yea
I know most people don't care but for the ones that do, here
Also regarding the subject of the flicker webseries I mentioned multiple times on here; I'm not sure if I could make an actual series soon (sorry!). If i were to ever to it I think I'll write a fanfiction of it before making a webseries because it's just easier. If i ever make a webseries I might use SOME of the music in the playlist I made for it.
The tag "flicker webseries preparations" might be changed into, or used alongside the tag "flicker fanfic preparations". But yea
Again, I still want to make a webseries but I've literally never even published a single chapter of a written work so I'm far too inexperienced+ I don't have enough time and skill to do it anytime soon
If you have any questions about my headcanons or the fanfiction, feel free to ask!!!
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cringelordofchaos · 11 months
flicker adora headcanons!!
Lesbian, 2000 y/o, from planet called "Azulia" or sumth like that, alien, she/her, name means "beloved one", Adam is her older brother (only thing canon here)
Absolutely precious, pure, innocent
Likes to draw n doodle
Dyslexic + auDHD
Really energetic and extroverted
Smiles a lot, is generally very positive optimistic and bright
Very naive and socially oblivious (this leads to her being manipulated)
Doesn't know when people are being mean to her
Extremely curious to her own detriment
Has no hate in her heart
Rosalie is kinda jealous of how "perfect" she may seem and how much everyone loves her
Kinda stupid tbh but it's ok 🩷🩷 (hOLY CRAP THERES A NORMAL PINK HEART EMOJI NOW?)
Not a dog person, not a cat person, can't choose for the life of her
Although shes horrible at getting sarcasm and social cues she still managed to make a lot of friends during the game of flicker (before she dies) bc most of them were weirdos anyway and wouldn't judge her for her differences
Full of love
Bit reckless, impulsive and irresponsible
Loves stickers
Had a much easier time getting used to planet earth after their migration than adam
Adam is a bit overprotective of her (Im kinda starting to hate the "overprotective older brother" trope only because it's just so so common but. Er)
Adam was always more anxious cautious regarding danger
She loves to dance although she's horrible at it
She loves trying out new things though she might give up easily
Horrible memory
Feels kind of insecure over how reckless at times she is because it often leads her friends into danger, not just her
People pleaser?
Very accepting and loyal
Never breaks a promise (Erm... Not on purpose anyway)
Very indecisive
She feels like Adam babies her sometimes which is another insecurity of hers. Which leads her to try and be independent later on which kind of gets her killed
Role: muffin man? Saviour? Twin? Medic? All of those? Nah she's probably muffin man
Loves tree climbing
Insanely clumsy
Horrible spelling
Insanely kind
Insanely insecure
She literally doesn't and can't hate anyone or anyone's traits. She's far too forgiving to the point of her own detriment.
She also believes in people always deserving a second chance. And third chance. And fourth. Fifth. And so on and so forth
She would be such a girlblogger (I don't have a single clue as to what "girlblogging" is I just know she would do it)
Likes space
Separation anxiety?
She and her brother were forcibly torn apart with their past lives, families and friends due to... Complications to say the least. They feel completely alone in this new planet earth and they cope with it in entirely different ways
Bit of an escapist
Extremely blunt
Uses so many emojis
Sticks out her tongue while trying to focus a lot
Sucks at focusing
Stims a lot (pterodactyl noises, flapping hands, etc)
Due to her bluntness people at times perceive her as rude although it's never her intention to be mean
Likes colorfulness
Likes dinosaurs
If someone were to ask her who's her best friend, she wouldn't be able to answer because she likes all her friends equally. But realistically she's closest to her brother
She/her (she supposes) but she doesn't really *care* about other pronouns being used for her
Has a mischievous and sneaky charm to her at times
Has pranked others with Halona before
I'm sorry about random characters like Rosalie and halona being thrown in there I swear I just have way too many headcanons
Kind of like tangle the Lemur, Amy Rose, pinkie pie, TMF and other generally bubbly characters
As much as she doesn't hate anyone, if someone's very very obviously bullying her loved ones, she will stand up to them
Shes kind of insecure over people not taking her seriously at times even when they should
Her MBTI type is ESFP !!
She has so many friendship bracelets with all of the flicker crew
Very creative
Loves all animals like I said earlier, even the "ugly" "scary" or generally undesirable ones. She wants to hug them all
Her love language is: all. All of them. She collected them like pokemon
On that note she would definitely like pokemon and collect plushies
Easily startled?
Very messy and rAnDoM (god I feel kinda cringe typing some of these. Bjt screw it screw cringe culture)
Cringefail /pos
Outgoing, playful, emotional
Anyway that's all for today. Sorry
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cringelordofchaos · 1 year
HELLO FLICKBLR or whatever its called
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cringelordofchaos · 11 months
I made a playlist for my hypothetical imaginary flicker fanfic :DD out of context it literally makes zero sense but. Uh. Yeah if anyone's interested<33 (probably no one is but oh well). I will probably update it as time goes on though so yea it might not make full sense
(this playlist covers all the characters and how I imagined them personally, which ones fit which songs? I might reveal that later though if I ever even manage to create the goshdarn fanfic in the first place I wouldn't really wanna spoil it)
Also important note regarding the hypothetical flicker webseries I talked about before! I think if I ever make it, I'll have to make it in a form of a written fanfic first, before making it into an actual webseries (again if I ever do it). Because writing it would be easier than having to animate all the hypothetical episodes I imagined in my head. So yeah now I'm gonna call the flicker "webseries" preparations fanfic preparations instead (I know not many people care, but this is for the ones that do)
If you are interested in the fanfic, or my headcanons, feel free to ask!
( I haven't even started writing the fanfic yet but I really wanna)
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cringelordofchaos · 1 year
Fyi i voted ‘yes and would help make it’ for ur flickr webseries thingy
Even tho timezones r a bit goofy for me I’d still love to help if you do decide to do it :))
honestly I have no idea if I'm gonna be making it, but if it ever comes down to it it would be awesome to have more people to bond with and create this project with, though I'm very embarrassed about my headcanons with some of them and I'm not sure how the process would go, but again, if I ever decide to start anything, we'll see how it goes!
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