#flicker fanfic preparations
cringelordofchaos · 11 months
Adora from flicker!! (bad art + coloring I know but I don't care <3)
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(ID: a digital illustration of the fictional character Adora who comes from the Roblox game Flicker. She is an alien with a blue tongue, pointy fangs, pink eyes, blue skin and blue hair fading into pink. End ID)
I didn't draw her uhh jacket? Or whatever it is but it's fine
I already made a post with many of my headcanons on it however I have gained some new ones since then and I want them somewhere written in words so
On planet Azulian it's (a bit?) uncommon for people native to it to have pink hair/pinkish tint to it and even rarer to have pink eyes, adora has both because wow she's so special and unique 😐😐😐😐😐
She at times while she still lived in Azulian was ashamed of her pinker traits and felt like the odd 1 out, sometimes like there was something wrong with her or her body. She when she was much younger would wear contacts and dye her hair before she learned to get over it and embrace herself
She among many more Azulian people has freckles that resemble stars
She LOVES stickers and has an enormous collection of them
She is open to fashion designing though her design options are seen as too colorful and childish to others
Barely got a drivers license
Loves cotton candy (or any food, really)
roles: twin + muffin man(?) - manipulated into being the witch later on - spectator (dead)
She has rsd
Even though she learned with a ton of time that it matters most to simply be herself, she still has a hard time with rejection and disapproval from others and at times people pleases, what can I say she ain't perfect
I kind of hate the fact that I made her fit the Disney's "adorkable" trope too easily but I still love her
She dies by trying to prove herself (to Rosalie)(oh lord does this entail Rosalie angst and character development)
She HATES water and the way it feels on her skin or tongue or inside her (EndermanCore)
Uses tons of emojis and emoticons in text
I know my image description of my drawing is horrible I need to improve it, I don't know how to though
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dcxdpdabbles · 2 days
DCxDP Fanfic Idea: Petal to the Metal.
It's starts off simple enough.
Tucker realizes that, with the map from the Far Frozen, there was a chance they could find an earth similar to their own within the Infinite Realms. The only difference? It would be a few years ahead of their timeline.
If they happen to pop over there and gather "helpful" tips, like "What were the lottery winning numbers in 2008?" or "What companies were the best to invest in the early 2000s?" then who would be the wiser? It's not like they were stealing anything.
They just put one foot in front of the others at the starting line. Some may say cheating (Sam) but Tucker prefered to be prepared. It didn't take too long for Danny to agree.
A way to guarantee wealth? Sucess? Heck, they may even be able to "discover" cures for deadly illnesses. It would be rather selfish of them not to use the map for the greater good.
Sam chose to stay behind, stating she was already rich and didn't need to cheat into more gold. Tucker personally thought she didn't understand the common folk like the two boys.
The plan was simple. They had already located the suitable earth; they would go in, spend a weekend sightseeing (and gathering info), and then return home. As far as their parents knew, they were going to a concert in another state, having bought fake tickets and hotel rooms to sell them. It took a lot of begging on both sixteen year olds part but eventually neither parent had denied them the trp and off they went.
Danny had even attacked a miniature portal ray to their beat-up car, having taken inspiration from the time Jonny 13 had modified his bike back in the day. He had blown it up after helping the biker win back Kitty, but he hadn't forgotten about it.
They hoped that a car like their own wouldn't stand out too badly in 2020, praying that people would just assume them to bepoor. How different could cars be in such a short time anyway?
The bags were packed, the car was filled, Danny had set the miniature portal, and the two drove out of the city limits to fire it up. It required a lot of speed, since Tucker's plain toyota wasn't a space ship design to travel the death diminsion.
Danny had offered to drive, seeing as Tucker hated being behind the wheel on long road trips, and once his parents could see them- Mr. Foley didn't like his son lending his car to his friends. One never knows what could happen with teenagers- he had switch seat with Danny.
Danny, who has Fenton blood, had him put the petals to the metal and had no problems raising their speed to the one hundred needed for the miniature portal to work. The plan was perfect.
The plan fell apart when the portal opened in front of a clown about to put on a show for a large crowd. They ran him over with their car.
"Omg! You hit a clown!" Tucker screams watching the body roll off the windsheild.
Danny's grip on the stirring wheel was knuckle white but his eyes were narrowed in satisfication. "Good"
"No not good! This isn't Freakshow! That was a random clown doing a show and we killed him!" Tucker screams as Danny puts the car in reverse and runs him over again.
Outside the vechile people were screaming, lots of them pointing and one clear voice ran above the rest.
"They killed Joker!"
Danny reached down and flickered on his favoritedriving song as various people started to climb on the stage. Poeple dressed in strange clothing.
Was that a Bat?
"Hold on Tuck!" is his own warning before Tokyo Drift started blaring through the speakers as he slammed his foot on the petal again. They blew through some barrels of green liquid and drifted off the stage onto the road with Danny sining at the top of his lungs.
Tucker could barely hear himself scream as people jumped out fo the way unprepare for a Driving Fenton like Amity Park was.
Maybe Sam was right. This was a terrible idea.
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kicxvu · 3 months
NOT ALLOWED ! izumi miyamura x reader
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summary : bumping into the boyfriend of a really really jealous girlfriend would make your life hell
warnings : bullying, emotional distress, loneliness, confrontation, negative self-perception, crying/tears, conflict, physical anger.
word count : 3.4k
a/n : first fanfic of my bby ! luv him, and sorry it’s quite hate on Hori… if you don’t like it leave kindly pls !!
-> pt1 -> pt2 -> pt3
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The final minutes of lunch break ticked away as you made your way back to the classroom. Your stomach felt hollow, not just from lack of food, but from the emotional toll of the day. The bento box in your bag was now empty, its contents disposed of in a moment of quiet desperation.
As you approached the classroom door, you took a deep breath, steeling yourself for the inevitable discomfort of returning to a room full of people who either ignored or misunderstood you. But nothing could have prepared you for the sight that greeted you as you stepped inside.
There, perched on your desk as if it were a casual meeting spot, sat Hori and two of her friends. Their laughter rang out, echoing in your ears like a taunt. Your eyes widened as you noticed their careless postures, their bodies sprawled across your carefully organized notebooks and textbooks.
For a moment, rage flared within you, hot and bright. Your father's voice echoed in your mind, reminding you of the self-defense moves he'd taught you "just in case." Your hands clenched into fists at your sides, fingernails digging into your palms.
But you caught yourself, forcing a slow, deep breath. 'No,' you thought. 'That's not who I am. That's not who I want to be.'
With deliberate calm, you approached your desk. The girls' chatter died down as they noticed your approach, but they made no move to vacate your space.
"Excuse me," you said, your voice quiet but firm. "I need to get to my desk."
Hori looked at you, a flicker of recognition crossing her face. "Oh, it's you," she said, her tone dismissive. "We're kind of in the middle of something here."
You felt your jaw clench, but you maintained your composure. "Please," you said, "my things are there. I need to prepare for class."
Reluctantly, the girls slid off your desk, moving aside with exaggerated sighs. You approached, your eyes taking in the disarray of your usually neat workspace. Pencils rolled to the floor as you set your bag down, and you noticed with a sinking heart that the corner of your math notebook was bent, the pages crumpled.
With quick, efficient movements, you began to straighten your belongings. Your hands trembled slightly as you smoothed out the creased pages, a lump forming in your throat.
As you worked, you were unaware of the pair of eyes watching you intently from across the room.
Miyamura sat at his desk, his gaze fixed on your every movement. He noted the tension in your shoulders, the careful control in your actions that spoke of suppressed emotion.
'She's upset,' he thought, watching as you meticulously reorganized your desk. 'But she's trying so hard not to show it.'
He observed the way you gently caressed the bent corner of your notebook, as if apologizing to it. The care you took with your possessions struck a chord with him, reminding him of how he treasured the few things that were truly his own.
Your movements became more agitated as you searched through your bag, eventually pulling out the now empty bento box. Miyamura's brow furrowed as he watched you tuck it away with sharp, angry motions.
'She didn't eat,' he realized with a pang of concern. He remembered seeing you sitting alone during lunch, but he'd assumed… what? That you preferred solitude? That you were okay?
As the final bell rang and other students began filing back to their seats, Miyamura found his gaze still drawn to you. He watched as you took a deep, steadying breath, squaring your shoulders as if preparing for battle.
In that moment, Miyamura felt a strong urge to reach out, to say something, anything that might ease the obvious pain you were trying so hard to hide. But before he could act on the impulse, the teacher entered, calling the class to order.
As you sat down, your eyes briefly met Miyamura's. Then you looked away, your face resuming its carefully neutral expression.
Miyamura turned to face the front of the class, but his mind remained on you. He couldn't shake the feeling that something significant had just happened, though he couldn't quite put his finger on what it was.
As the lesson began, the classroom settled into its usual rhythm. But for Miyamura, and unknown to him, for you as well, something had shifted. The air seemed charged with unspoken words and unrealized possibilities.
The final bell of the day rang, signaling the end of classes. You gathered your belongings slowly, watching as your classmates rushed out, eager to start their after-school activities or head home. You took your time, preferring to leave once the hallways had cleared a bit.
As you made your way through the now-quiet corridors, your mind wandered, replaying the events of the day. The confrontation with Hori, the loneliness of lunch, the frustration of finding your desk occupied - it all swirled in your thoughts, leaving you feeling drained and hollow.
You were so lost in your musings that you almost missed the voices coming from a classroom you were passing. The door was slightly ajar, and as you approached, snippets of conversation drifted out.
"Did you see that weird girl today? The one who bumped into Miyamura?"
Your steps faltered as you recognized your own description. Against your better judgment, you paused, listening.
"Oh yeah, what a freak. Who does she think she is?"
"I know, right? Always so quiet and creepy. No wonder she doesn't have any friends."
"Bet she did it on purpose just to touch Miyamura. As if he'd ever look twice at someone like her!"
The words hit you like physical blows, each one cutting deeper than the last. You stood there, frozen, as tears welled up in your eyes and began to silently roll down your cheeks. Your expression remained oddly blank, shock overriding your ability to react outwardly to the pain you felt inside.
You were about to hear more when suddenly, everything went muffled. Warm hands gently covered your ears, blocking out the cruel words. Startled, you gasped and jumped slightly, turning around quickly to face whoever had approached you so silently.
Your eyes widened as you found yourself face to face with Izumi Miyamura. He stood there, hands still raised from where they had been covering your ears, a look of surprise and concern etched across his features. His eyes locked onto yours, and then widened as he noticed the tears streaking your cheeks.
"I… I'm sorry," he said softly, lowering his hands. "I didn't mean to startle you. I just… I didn't want you to hear that."
You stared at him, unable to form words. Your mind raced, trying to process this unexpected turn of events. Why was he here? Why did he care?
Miyamura shifted uncomfortably under your gaze, clearly unsure of what to do next. He glanced at the classroom door, then back at you, his expression a mix of anger and sympathy.
"Those girls… they don't know what they're talking about," he said, his voice low but firm. "You shouldn't listen to people like that."
You blinked, more tears escaping as you did. You opened your mouth to speak, but no words came out. Instead, a small, choked sob escaped your lips.
Miyamura's face softened. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handkerchief, offering it to you hesitantly. "Here," he said. "Um… do you want to go somewhere and talk? Or… or I could walk you home if you'd prefer?"
You stood there, frozen in indecision, the handkerchief clutched in your trembling hand. Miyamura waited patiently, his presence a stark contrast to the loneliness you'd felt all day.
In that moment, standing in the quiet hallway with Miyamura, you felt something shift. It was small, barely perceptible, but it was there - a tiny spark of hope in the darkness that had surrounded you for so long.
You looked at the handkerchief in your hand, then back at Miyamura. His kind gesture had caught you off guard, leaving you feeling both grateful and uncomfortable. You took a shaky breath, trying to regain your composure.
"Thank you," you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper. You dabbed at your eyes with the handkerchief, the soft fabric absorbing your tears. "But… where's Hori? Shouldn't you be with her?"
Miyamura's expression shifted, a mix of surprise and something else - was it sadness? - crossing his features. "Hori had a student council meeting," he explained. "I was just heading home when I…" He trailed off, gesturing vaguely towards the classroom where the girls were still talking.
You nodded, understanding. A moment of silence stretched between you, filled with unspoken words and uncertainties.
Finally, you mustered up the courage to speak again. "That's very kind of you, Miyamura-kun, but I… I should go home." You held out the handkerchief, intending to return it.
Miyamura's brow furrowed. "Are you sure? I really don't mind walking with you. After what those girls said…"
You shook your head, cutting him off gently. "No, it's okay. Really. I wouldn't want you to be seen with someone like me. And if Hori saw us…" You let the implication hang in the air, remembering the morning's confrontation all too vividly.
Miyamura fell silent, his eyes fixed on you with an intensity that made you want to look away. But there was something in his gaze that held you there - a deep understanding that you couldn't quite fathom.
In his mind, Miyamura was transported back to his own past. Your words echoed his own thoughts from not so long ago: "Don't be seen with someone like me." "You shouldn't hang out with me." He remembered the fear of dragging others down, of being a burden. The pain of isolation and the belief that he wasn't worthy of friendship or kindness.
As he looked at you, Miyamura saw a reflection of his former self - the quiet, withdrawn person he used to be, always trying to fade into the background. He felt a strong urge to reach out, to tell you that you were wrong, that you were worth so much more than you believed. But the words stuck in his throat, held back by the memory of how hard it had been for him to accept such truths about himself.
Instead, he took a deep breath, his gaze softening. "I understand," he said quietly, the weight of unspoken experiences heavy in his voice. "But… are you sure you don't want company on your way home? Just… just as far as you're comfortable with?"
He didn't reach out, didn't push, but something in his stance conveyed an openness, an offer of companionship without pressure or judgment.
You stood there, caught off guard by the unexpected kindness in Miyamura's eyes. Part of you wanted to retreat, to stick to the familiar safety of solitude. But another part, a part that had been quiet for so long, whispered that maybe this was a chance worth taking.
As you looked at Miyamura, you found yourself at a crossroads. Whatever choice you made next would change things, for better or worse. The question was, were you brave enough to find out which?
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself. "Okay," you said softly, your voice barely audible. "Maybe just… just to the school gate?"
A small smile touched Miyamura's lips, a mix of relief and something warmer. "Sure," he nodded. "To the school gate."
As you both were about to take a step, a loud voice suddenly echoed through the corridor.
You froze, recognizing Hori's voice immediately. Your heart rate spiked, panic setting in as you heard quick footsteps approaching from behind.
Miyamura tensed beside you, his eyes widening slightly as he glanced over his shoulder. He turned back to you, conflict clear in his expression.
"I…" he started, but you were already shaking your head.
"It's okay," you whispered, taking a small step back. "You should go."
Miyamura opened his mouth as if to protest, but Hori's voice called out again, closer this time.
"Miyamura, there you are! Who were you talking to?"
You could hear the curiosity and slight edge in her tone. Without waiting for Miyamura's response, you turned and began to walk away, your steps measured and deliberate despite the urge to run.
"Oh, no one," you heard Miyamura say behind you, his voice casual but with an undercurrent of something you couldn't quite identify. "Just thought I saw someone I knew, but I was mistaken."
You felt a pang in your chest at his words. 'No one.' That's what you were, weren't you? No one of consequence, no one worth mentioning. Even though you knew Miyamura was trying to protect you, the words still stung.
As you rounded the corner, you heard Hori's skeptical reply fading behind you. "Really? I could've sworn I saw you talking to someone."
You didn't stay to hear Miyamura's response. Instead, you continued walking, your pace quickening slightly as you made your way down the stairs and out of the school building.
The cool afternoon air hit your face as you stepped outside, a stark contrast to the warmth that had briefly blossomed inside you during your conversation with Miyamura. You clutched your bag tighter, realizing you still held his handkerchief in your hand.
As you approached the school gate, you paused, looking down at the small piece of fabric. It was a tangible reminder of the brief moment of kindness in an otherwise difficult day. Part of you wanted to run back and return it, to see if that spark of connection could be rekindled. But the memory of Hori's voice, the fear of another confrontation, held you back.
With a deep sigh, you tucked the handkerchief into your pocket and pushed yourself through the gate, starting your solitary walk home. The weight of the day's events pressed down on you, but somewhere, buried deep beneath the hurt and loneliness, was a tiny spark. A spark of something that felt dangerously like hope.
As you walked away from the school, you couldn't help but wonder what might have been if Hori hadn't appeared. Would you and Miyamura have talked more? Would you have found a friend in him? Or was it all just a fleeting moment of kindness, never meant to last?
These thoughts swirled in your mind as you made your way home, the school and Miyamura fading into the distance behind you.
The walk to Hori's house was filled with her cheerful chatter, but Miyamura found his mind wandering. He nodded and hummed in response at appropriate intervals, but his thoughts kept drifting back to the girl he'd encountered in the hallway - her tear-stained face, her quiet resignation, the way she'd walked away without looking back.
As they entered the Hori household, the familiar routine began. They called out their arrival, slipped off their shoes, and made their way to Hori's room. The house was quiet; Hori's younger brother was still at his after-school activities, and her parents were at work.
"Make yourself comfortable," Hori said, gesturing to her bed as she set her bag down. "I'll go grab us some snacks."
Miyamura nodded, settling onto the edge of the bed. He looked around the room, taking in the familiar posters, the neatly arranged desk, the photos of Hori with her friends. Everything was as it always was, and yet…
Hori returned with a plate of cookies and two glasses of iced tea. "Here we go," she said brightly, setting them down on the small table. "So, what should we do? Study? Watch a movie?"
Miyamura shrugged, forcing a small smile. "Whatever you'd like," he replied.
Hori tilted her head, studying him. "Is everything okay? You've been quiet since we left school."
For a moment, Miyamura considered telling her about the girl, about the cruel words he'd overheard, about the way it had stirred up memories of his own past. But something held him back. Instead, he shook his head. "Just tired, I guess. It's been a long day."
Hori nodded sympathetically. "I know what you mean. That student council meeting dragged on forever." She launched into a detailed account of the meeting, peppered with complaints about certain members and jokes about others.
As she spoke, Miyamura found himself watching her, really looking at her. He took in her animated expressions, the way her hands moved as she talked, the passion in her voice as she described her ideas for upcoming school events. She was beautiful, vibrant, full of life. Everything he'd always admired about her.
And yet, for the first time, he felt a disconnect. A small voice in the back of his mind whispered, 'Would she understand? If I told her about the girl, about my past, would she really get it?'
The thought startled him. Of course, Hori knew about his past, about the bullying and the loneliness. But did she truly understand? The memory of her angry outburst that morning, the way she'd pushed the girl, flashed through his mind.
"Miyamura? Are you listening?" Hori's voice cut through his thoughts.
He blinked, realizing he'd completely lost track of what she was saying. "Sorry," he mumbled. "What were you saying?"
Hori sighed, a hint of frustration in her voice. "I was asking if you wanted to help with the cultural festival planning. The committee could use some extra hands."
"Oh," Miyamura said, trying to refocus. "Sure, I guess. If you think I'd be helpful."
Hori beamed at him, leaning in to plant a quick kiss on his cheek. "Great! You're the best, Miyamura."
As she pulled away, Miyamura felt a twinge in his chest. It wasn't the usual flutter of happiness he associated with Hori's affection. Instead, it felt almost… hollow.
The rest of the afternoon passed in a blur of homework, idle chat, and shared snacks. But through it all, Miyamura couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted. His responses felt mechanical, his smiles a bit forced. And all the while, his mind kept drifting back to the quiet girl in the hallway, wondering if she'd made it home okay, if she was as alone as she seemed.
As the sun began to set, Miyamura gathered his things to leave. Hori walked him to the door, wrapping him in a tight hug before he left.
"See you tomorrow," she said, smiling up at him.
"Yeah," he replied, managing a small smile in return. "See you tomorrow."
As he walked home in the fading light, Miyamura found himself grappling with unfamiliar emotions. The warmth and comfort he usually felt after spending time with Hori was muted, overshadowed by a growing sense of unease. For the first time since they'd started dating, he wondered if there was a part of himself - a part of his past - that Hori could never truly understand.
And with that thought came another, more troubling one: was the love he thought he felt for Hori as deep and unconditional as he'd believed? Or was it possible that, like the fading sunlight, it too was beginning to dim?
now you suck
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Ⓡ kicxvu all rights reserved. please to not plagiarize, repost, or translate !
taglist :
@ilovecandys2010 @zhvakinnn
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novaursa · 3 days
The Fire That Was Promised
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- Summary: You burn down King’s Landing in an act of revenge before flying to Shadowlands.
- Paring: sister!reader/Aegon I Targaryen (one-sided)
- Note: This short story is one of the possible endings to The Broken Crown series, where Y/N takes revenge against her brother.
- Rating: Mature 16+
- Tag(s): @sachaa-ff @alyssa-dayne @oxymakestheworldgoround @fiction-fanfic-reader @fireandblood-mharmie @poisonedsultana @sunset18rose
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The wind tears at your hair as Tesaerix’s powerful wings slice through the air, carrying you higher and farther from the place that no longer feels like home. The dark expanse of the Narrow Sea stretches below you, a boundless void that mirrors the one gnawing at your heart. You should be bound for Winterfell, not Essos, wrapped in the furs of the North and preparing to wed Torrhen Stark. Instead, you’re flying away from everything you thought you’d ever wanted. Everything that should have been yours.
Your thoughts twist and turn, darker than the night sky around you. Aegon had taken everything from you. He had called off your betrothal with a cold, ruthless command, casting aside the promise of a life and family that had been within your grasp. Your role as his sister-wife, his conquest, had been his choice, not yours. You were the youngest, the last to be claimed by his insatiable hunger for power—and perhaps something more.
Anger thrums through you, a living thing, and you feel it course through Tesaerix as well. Your bond is deep, your emotions shared. The mighty dragon's blood-red eyes flicker with the same rage that seethes in your veins. You grit your teeth, clutching the reins tighter. The sky blurs as hot tears sting your eyes. Tears of frustration, of loss, of betrayal. You’re fleeing, yes, but there’s no solace to be found in running.
You’ve flown long enough.
Without a word, you guide Tesaerix in a sharp, spiraling turn, your heart hammering as you abandon your course to Essos. The golden dragon roars in response, a sound of confusion, anger—and something else. As if she, too, senses the burning desire that has ignited within you. Revenge.
King’s Landing looms on the horizon, a sprawling city bathed in the eerie glow of the moon. The sight of it fuels your wrath. The seat of your brother’s power, the very heart of his kingdom—and your prison. The memory of Aegon’s face, impassive and unyielding as he broke your betrothal, flashes before you. He had not cared for your happiness, for your wishes. He had seen only what was his to take, to control.
“Dracarys,” you whisper, your voice trembling with fury and resolve.
Tesaerix responds instantly, diving down toward the city like an arrow loosed from a bow. Her massive form eclipses the moon as she descends, her wings unfurling in a terrifying display of strength. You can feel the heat building in her chest, the deep rumble that precedes a dragon’s breath of fire.
The first burst of flame hits the Flea Bottom, a rush of golden fire that spreads like a wave over the ramshackle buildings. Screams rise up from below, a cacophony of panic and pain. You feel no remorse, no hesitation. Aegon took your future; now you’ll take his city.
The Great Sept crumbles beneath the onslaught of dragonfire, the stained glass windows shattering in a shower of molten shards. The bells ring out, a desperate, mournful sound that echoes through the dying city. Tesaerix roars, her own fury mingling with yours, and you feel the bond between you surge, unbreakable, forged in this moment of wrath and ruin.
You leave only the Aegonfort untouched, a twisted gift to your brother, the conqueror who took and took until there was nothing left of you but a vessel for his ambitions. Let him rule over the ashes of his realm, let him see what his greed has wrought.
As the city burns, you turn Tesaerix’s head towards the east. You cast one last glance at the inferno below, the flames painting the sky with a hellish glow. It is done. You have nothing left here but ghosts and memories, and you refuse to be haunted any longer.
With a sharp command, you urge Tesaerix onward, her powerful wings carrying you away from the smoking ruin of King’s Landing. The air is heavy with the scent of destruction, the cries of the dying fading into the distance as you climb higher, breaking through the veil of smoke and cloud.
You imagine Aegon, Rhaenys, and Visenya scrambling in confusion, rushing to their dragons. But you are already beyond their reach, the skies your domain, your dragon faster and fiercer than they could ever hope to match. By the time they take to the air, King’s Landing is a smoldering ruin, the night sky painted with the orange glow of the burning city.
And you do not look back again. You set your sights on the Shadowlands, on the mysteries and dangers that await you beyond the known world. You are no longer Aegon’s sister, no longer the bride denied. You are the dragon unleashed, and the world will remember this night as the first of many that you will carve your own fate into the very bones of history.
You leave the Aegonfort standing alone, a silent monument in a city of the dead, for him to find in the cold light of dawn. Let him see the ruin you have wrought, the empire of ash he has earned.
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sleepykye · 3 months
I love your writings so much! Could I please request a Tamaki x Reader fanfic where Tamaki sees you always clinging to Nejire and gets jealous?
Bridging the Distance
Tamaki x Reader
Of course, my dear. I accept every single request, so please don't be shy to ask ! 🫶🏼
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U.A. High School was always a whirlwind of activity, with students buzzing around, training, and preparing for their future as pro heroes. Amidst the organized chaos, Tamaki Amajiki found solace in his close-knit group of friends, the Big Three: himself, Mirio Togata, and Nejire Hado. Tamaki was used to Nejire's cheerful and energetic presence, which often served as a comforting contrast to his own shy and reserved nature.
However, recently, Tamaki noticed a new addition to their little circle: you. You were a first-year student with an infectious smile and boundless energy that rivaled even Nejire’s. From the moment you met Nejire, you two had become inseparable, constantly chatting, laughing, and clinging to each other in the hallways.
Tamaki, usually content to observe from the sidelines, found himself feeling something unfamiliar—jealousy. He wasn't used to feeling this way, especially not about someone as kind and vibrant as you. But every time he saw you with Nejire, a pang of longing and envy twisted in his chest.
One afternoon, after a particularly grueling training session, Tamaki walked into the common area to find you and Nejire sitting on the couch, your head resting on Nejire's shoulder as you both giggled over something on Nejire's phone. Mirio was nearby, grinning at the scene.
"Hey, Tamaki!" Mirio called out, waving him over. "Come join us!"
Tamaki hesitated, his eyes darting to you and Nejire. He gave a small nod and walked over, sitting down awkwardly on the edge of the couch.
"Hi, Tamaki!" you greeted him with your usual enthusiasm, your eyes bright. "Nejire was just showing me some hilarious memes."
"Y-yeah, I see," Tamaki replied, forcing a small smile. "Sounds fun."
Nejire, always perceptive, noticed the tension in Tamaki's posture. "Tamaki, are you okay? You seem a little off."
He shook his head quickly. "I'm fine, really."
But Nejire wasn't convinced. "You know, (Y/N) and I were just about to go get some snacks from the cafeteria. Want to join us?"
You jumped up, grabbing Tamaki's hand. "Yeah, come with us! It'll be fun!"
Tamaki's heart skipped a beat at your touch, but he nodded, allowing you to pull him to his feet. As the three of you made your way to the cafeteria, Nejire walked ahead, chatting animatedly. You stayed close to Tamaki, your hand brushing against his every now and then.
When you arrived at the cafeteria, Nejire excused herself to grab some drinks, leaving you and Tamaki alone. You turned to him, a concerned look on your face. "Tamaki, is something bothering you? You seem... distant."
He looked down, struggling to find the right words. "It's just... I feel like I'm losing Nejire. You two are so close, and I... I don't know."
You blinked in surprise, then your expression softened. "Oh, Tamaki, I'm sorry if it seemed like that. Nejire is amazing, but that doesn't mean there's no room for you. You're important to me too."
Tamaki glanced up, hope flickering in his eyes. "Really?"
You nodded, smiling gently. "Of course. I admire you a lot, Tamaki. You're kind, strong, and always there for your friends. I want to be closer to you too, if you'll let me."
Tamaki's heart swelled at your words, and he found himself smiling genuinely for the first time that day. "I'd like that."
Just then, Nejire returned, balancing a tray of drinks. "Here we go! I got your favorites. Everything okay?"
You and Tamaki exchanged a glance, then you both nodded. "Yeah, everything's great," you said, squeezing Tamaki's hand reassuringly.
As you all sat down to enjoy your snacks, Tamaki felt the jealousy melt away, replaced by a warm sense of belonging. He realized that there was no need to be envious. With you by his side, he knew he had found something special—something worth cherishing.
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princessleechan · 2 months
"You're the man!" Chapter 39 Written Chapter
⚽Chapter tags: MDNI, she’s the man au, revenge au???, cross dressing!reader, reader identifies anything but male, sports au, queer themes, university au, love-whatever the fuck kind of shape, 2.9k w.c., game day, mentions of tits and dick lol, a bit of hurt and angst, the closest things to a sports fic
⚽Tag list: @90s-belladonna @the-boy-meets-evil @lirtha97 @hipsdofangirl @justineasian @kwanisms @multi-kpop-fanfics @pantumin @wooahaeproductions @mayashu @shuasdraftsalt @lone-lone-ranger @headlockimnida @horanghaezone @haolistic @porridgesblog @jeonjungkaka @luchiet @ujimatchaaa @skzdesi @cheoliehansolie @vlbii @myghobi @sisterofsomeone @joonsytip @gyublues @alltheshineofthestars-blog @randomworker @isabellah29 @savgogh @too-many-kpop-hubands @kamabokogonpachro @skittlez-area512 @seccdlurv @chisskaa @mochiteez @theyluvfrankocean @lllucere @thomawifey @middle-of-the-earth @okiedokrie-main @itsokaytobedumb00 @humankimbap @zezedoesshit @teenyfinds @jeonghansshitester @aaa-sia @heyitz00 @silvsie
When you finally get to be in the field all you feel is relief until it comes to trying to convince Seungcheol to put you back in after that awful performance courtesy of your brother.
“Captain!” you call out, your voice tinged with urgency.
Seungcheol glances at you from the corner of his eye, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. The stern set of his jaw and the way he shifts his weight suggest he’s not in the mood for pleasantries. “Maybe next game,” he replies coolly. “Can’t risk another fluke like the one you had out there.”
“I was nervous,” you protest, trying to keep your tone steady. “It was my first game with a new team. I panicked. Please, just give me another chance.”
Seungcheol shakes his head, a look of skepticism in his eyes. “How am I supposed to trust that this time will be any different?”
“Put me in and I’ll show you,” you insist, your voice brimming with determination.
Seungcheol exhales sharply, clearly agitated, and turns his attention back to his clipboard. His gaze flickers briefly in your direction before he starts writing something down. The seconds tick by as he weighs his decision, and you hold your breath. 
Finally, he looks up, a reluctant glimmer of hope in his eyes. “Since you look like yourself again,” he says, his tone softening just a touch, “I’ll give you 15 minutes. Use the time to reflect on what happened. Then we’ll see if you’re ready.”
“Got it, Coach—I mean, Cap,” you respond, a mixture of relief and resolve in your voice as you prepare to prove yourself.
You take the spot previous occupied by Yeonam next to Jeonghan who holds a smile of mischief like he always does. He gently nudges you, playfully greeting you. “Welcome back to the bench, Yeonam.”
“Thanks,” you grumble, your gaze lingering enviously on your teammates out on the field. A few catch your eye, especially one who you happened to share a bed with just last night. You sigh deeply. “I don’t know what to do, Jeonghan.”
Jeonghan picks up on the fact that your frustration likely stems from more than just soccer. He senses that there’s an underlying issue he might not fully grasp without knowing the whole story. Still, he recognizes the delicate nature of your situation, understanding that when it comes to your personal life—especially something as precarious as your recent entanglements—he needs to tread carefully.
“Soccer, buddy,” Jeonghan says with a wry smile, “We’re playing soccer.”
You roll your eyes, a mix of exasperation and frustration. “You know what I mean.”
The match is evenly balanced halfway through. Seokmin manages a few solid shots, proving himself a key player for his team, but he struggles to keep up with his opposite, Mingyu, who is emerging as the true star on the field. Invisible to the naked eye, he lets his mind on body run on the one thing he could focus on: his rage, allowing it to fuel his movements. It doesn’t take him long to dominate the pitch, and before you know it, it’s your time to rejoin the game, with Seungcheol’s approval and a pat on the back from Jeonghan.
You jog excitedly back to your team, eager to hear the game plan and be involved. However, you’re distracted by compulsive lingering glances at Soonyoung, who never even bothers to look your way. You decide to shift your focus to Mingyu, who noticeably avoids your gaze. Before you can offer your input, the team huddles and breaks, and everyone returns to their positions on the field.
You chase after the ball, skillfully dodging defenders and making yourself available. “I’m open! I’m open!” you shout, hoping to get Mingyu's attention.
Mingyu, controlling the ball, ignores your calls and attempts to maneuver around you, ultimately missing the goal. Your frustration is palpable as you furrow your eyebrows at your roommate, pointing out your presence on the field. Once again, you receive no response from him, and instead, Seungkwan gives you a reassuring pat on the back, “You ok?”
You nod at him in tired confirmation, and quickly, the game is back on with the soccer ball at centerfield once again.
This time, you're trailing Mingyu closely, trying to keep up with his swift footwork. "Pass it to me! I got it!" you shout, waving your arm to get his attention.
But he doesn’t acknowledge you. His focus is solely on the goal ahead. He takes the shot, but it goes wide. No goal. Nothing but air.
Frustration bubbles up inside you. “Mingyu, come on!” you shout, your voice tinged with a mix of disappointment and urgency. 
“Stop following me,” he finally says before running off.
This goes on for a period of until you’re at your tipping point, confronting him after yet another missed goal. “What the hell, Mingyu! Why are you being like this?”
“Don’t worry about it,” He dismisses.
“You know what? No.” Before he can storm off again, you stand your ground in front of him, ready to duke it out in front of teh entire team if you need to. “I am gonna worry about it. We were good for the last weeks working together, getting along even. Texting a decent amount, then you block me, and now your blocking my plays.”
Mingyu tightens in on your confrontation, a silent anger in his eyes. He drops is voice low enough for only you to hear, clipped tone that makes it clear there’s more at stake than just the soccer game. “Well, maybe if you didn’t be a dick instead of being my friend, I wouldn’t have to.”
“Bro, are you kidding me? All I’ve ever been is your friend. What is this even about?” you demand, your voice trembling with frustration.
“I know,” he retorts, taking a sharp breath. “I know what you and Chae did behind my back.”
“You—you actually—wow, dude,” you stammer, utterly stunned by his accusation.
He scoffs, crossing his arms. “Can’t say shit, can you?”
“What the hell is interrupting the game right now? Boys?” the Captain intrudes, his voice cutting through the tension.
Your hands start trembling, and you feel the weight of your bottled-up emotions about to explode. “You know what? Fuck. I can’t do this. You know what, Mingyu? I didn’t kiss your crush, my brother did.”
“Brother?” Mingyu stares, his anger only intensifying with your supposed lie. “You don’t have a brother.”
You nod, your voice steadying. “Yes, I do. Yeonam—Yeonam is my brother.”
Mingyu’s face twists in disbelief. “Have you gone mental?” he asks, his tone a mix of anger and bewilderment.
“Goddamnit, look,” you say, reaching for the back of your head. You pull against the elastic band holding your hair tightly in place, finally releasing it from its death grip.
As your hair falls against your shoulders, everyone’s eyes widen in surprise, shocked to see you shed your disguise.
“What the fuck,” Mingyu begins to grumble, his voice tinged with disbelief.
You peel back the fake eyebrows, sideburns, and anything else that was part of your disguise. Each piece removed leaves you feeling more vulnerable, fully exposed to scrutiny as you reveal your true self. 
“Yeonam is my brother because… I’m his twin,” you say, standing tall despite the nervous flutter in your chest.
The corner of your eye can’t help flicker towards Soonyoung quietly started before he turns away from you, something being told in his body language and your heart sinks realizing what. The revelation hangs heavy in the air, Mingyu's expression shifting from confusion to a mix of shock and realization. The team around you murmurs, trying to process what they've just witnessed.
“Are you kidding me right now?” Mingyu exclaims, his voice full of disbelief.
“Y/n?” Seokmin steps forward, recognition dawning on his face. “What is this? What are you doing playing for this team, dressed like one of them?”
You scoff, locking eyes with your ex. “Making a point, asshole.” You turn back to Mingyu, who is still in shock.
“And no, I didn’t kiss Chae. I mean, how could I when I don’t see her that way and knowing you have feelings for her?”
“You—I—“ Mingyu stammers, struggling to find his words.
You take a deep breath, addressing the team. “I’m sorry, guys. I joined this team because mine was terminated to prioritize the boys' team at my university. I joined this team because you guys were the best, along with my school. And my brother” you clear your throat, “ he was going to be out of town. That’s him over there.”
The team follows your gaze to the stands, where your brother Yeonam is watching. Noticing the attention, he makes his way down, joining the group with a soft smile. “Hi.”
“He was the one playing in the first half of the game,” you add, feeling defeated. “That’s who was kissing Chae that night.”
“No wonder he sucked,” Jihoon blurts out, unable to hold back his observation.
“Hey,” Yeonam retorts, clearly offended.
You sigh, running a hand through your hair. “Soccer is my entire life. I wanted to prove to everyone here, and maybe to myself, that we didn’t need to be boys to play. To prove ourselves worthy of the school funding. I didn’t think I’d end up liking being on this team so much. Liking the people on this team so much.”
You glance at Soonyoung, and for a brief moment, your eyes meet before he looks away again, avoiding your gaze. The moment hangs in the air, thick with unspoken emotions and the weight of your confession.
It hurt. More than you’d like to admit.
You realign your gaze. “I wanted to play so badly, and I can’t do that with what’s happened between us. We had a good thing going, our friendship. We’re better together, stronger when we work as a team.” You pause, taking a deep breath to steady yourself. “What do you say, Mingyu?”
Mingyu hesitates, then asks, “Wait, wait. If you’re not a guy, then what are you?”
You roll your eyes in exasperation. “Do I have to whip my tits out to prove something?”
Joshua chimes in with a grin, “Is that an option?”
“Please don’t,” Yeonam interjects, looking horrified. “I’d rather not see my twin’s tits. Sounds like it would require expensive therapy.”
“Yeah ditto, stickdick.”
“Okay. I believe you,” Mingyu says, his voice tinged with defeat as he looks down, shoulders slumping.
“So, can I play?” you ask, hope creeping into your voice. “I want to show that it’s not just boys who can be good, and that I, representing my team, can be just as skilled.”
Mingyu contemplates for a moment, his brow furrowing in thought. He glances at Seungcheol before speaking again. “It’s not the matter of the player but what they bring to the field. Skill is nurtured, not born. Right, Seungcheol?”
Seungcheol, who had been observing the exchange closely, lets out a humorless laugh. “Yeah, I guess that’s true,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck with a frustrated sigh. “We’ve all seen players improve through hard work and dedication, regardless of who they are.”
“Hold on,” one of Seokmin’s teammates pipes up, his voice dripping with skepticism. “You guys can’t be serious about this.”
“Why the hell not?” Seungcheol retorts, his voice rising in frustration as he points directly at you with a commanding gesture. “That’s my kid. My player out there. You think I’m going to just let go of someone that talented?.”
Seokmin’s team doesn’t let the matter rest without a fight. The tension remains high as arguments and counterarguments fly back and forth, each side determined to prove their point. The obnoxious player, clearly enjoying the confrontation, smirks as he pulls out a rulebook from his bag, its worn cover betraying its frequent use. He hands it to Seungcheol with an air of smug superiority. “Rules strictly state that boys’ sports teams stay boys’,” he says, his tone almost mocking. “Right, Cap?”
The obnoxious player turns to Seokmin with a triumphant grin, as if he’s won the argument before it’s even over. Seokmin, however, remains silent, his eyes locked on you still registering the conflict in front of him, detailing every word he’s said to your face without knowing and remembering the empty feeling from lack of response.
Seungcheol’s expression hardens as he takes the rulebook, his gaze fierce and determined. With a defiant glint in his eye, he rips the rulebook in half, the pages fluttering to the ground in shreds, and placing the giant chucks back on the opposites. “What rulebook?” he declares, his voice filled with defiance.
Seokmin’s teammate’s eyes widen in shock and indignation. “Hey–” he begins, but Seungcheol cuts him off with a steely gaze.
“If you’re scared of losing, just admit it,” Seungcheol continues, his voice cutting through the tension. “Don’t hide behind some petty excuse like gender. This is about sportsmanship and skill. Unless you’re really just the losers who stole resources from a capable team to cover up your own lack of talent.”
The obnoxious player’s face turns a deep shade of red, his pride clearly wounded. His fists clench at his sides as he struggles to maintain his composure, flinging the defiled rulebook on the field. “You’re on!” he finally shouts, his voice cracking with anger.
The game resumes, and with renewed determination, you step back onto the field, channeling every ounce of energy and skill into each play. Mingyu, having finally warmed up to the idea, starts coordinating seamlessly with you, his passes sharp and his movements precise. The rest of your team, energized by your resolve, steps up their game. You can feel their hope and faith in you, driving you to push your limits and showcase exactly what you’re capable of. To prove yourself that there’s more to what’s in your pants to show what kind of fire is in your heart.
You weave through defenders with skillful footwork, making strategic plays and delivering accurate passes. Each time the ball comes to you, you handle it with precision, your vision and quick reflexes earning you a few key assists and encouraging faces of your teammates. The game is intense, with both teams fighting hard for every inch of ground. You intercept a crucial pass, setting up a perfect opportunity for your teammate to score in the finally minutes of the game. The crowd roars as the ball hits the back of the net, giving your team the lead.
The clock ticks its final seconds and the final whistle blows. The scoreboard broadcast your victory. Ccheers explode around you, a cacophony of celebration and relief. Your teammates rush in, their faces alight with joy. They envelop you in a sea of high-fives and cheers, their exuberance palpable. It’s a moment of pure triumph, and the camaraderie is electric, filling the air with a sense of collective achievement and unity.
Yet, amidst the jubilation, your gaze keeps darting to the sidelines. Soonyoung is already heading towards the locker room, his shoulders slightly hunched, as if trying to escape the spotlight. The sight of him leaving so abruptly tugs at your heartstrings, cutting through the elation of victory. You want to bask in the triumph with everyone, but your concern for Soonyoung pulls you in his direction, a gnawing need to understand what’s behind his distant expression.
You rush to catch up with him, weaving through the celebrating crowd. “Soonyoung! Did you see that? We won!”
He stops momentarily while packing his things, glancing back with a weary expression. “Sure. Congrats on the great game,” he replies, his voice flat and devoid of the excitement that should accompany such a victory.
You take a hesitant step closer, your heart aching at the sight of his disinterest. “I’m really sorry for lying to you,” you say, your voice earnest and filled with regret. You can’t help but feel the weight of your mistake pressing down on you.
“No big deal. Doesn’t matter,” he responds dismissively, his back already turned, signaling his desire to move on.
“But it does,” you insist, your voice cracking slightly as frustration and sadness mix. You trod towards him anxiously, missing the smile he always spays, the teeth he bares, teh flirtatious way he’d greet as you or Yeonam. “I wanted to tell you. I was just so, so happy being around you, I just…”
Soonyoung takes a deep breath, clearly struggling with his emotions. He shoves the last of his things into his bag with a sense of finality. “Can I just get a minute?” he asks, his voice strained and barely above a whisper.
You nod, feeling a lump form in your throat as you swallow your own tears. “I’m really sorry,” you repeat, your voice soft and almost pleading.
Without a response, Soonyoung walks away with his bag slung over his shoulder, his footsteps echoing as he passes through the locker room exit. The door swings shut behind him with a soft, final thud, sealing him off from view. You’re left standing alone in the boys’ locker room–the one place you did everything in your power to avoid, now the only place you find yourself wanting to stay–as the jubilant echoes of the earlier celebration now distant and muted.
The weight of this moment settles heavily on your shoulders, the joy of the day overshadowed the bitter taste in your mouth and your heart now shattered into a million tiny pieces.
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fandomnsfw · 1 year
Your Hunky Werewolf - Young!Remus Lupin x Reader
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Pairing: Young!Remus Lupin x Reader
Prompt: @bitteroceanlove requested this...I tried my best with this 🙈
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Warnings: Smut, D/s undertones, praise kink, nickname bunny used.
(if you do not like the outfits you can imagine something else I just like people to know what I'm seeing when I write it.)
Thank you to my lovely Beta @lets-imagine-fanfics for always editing.
You let out a sigh as you flopped onto your best friend’s sofa, letting your eyes flicker closed. She silently sips her tea as she lets you have your dramatic moment before setting down her cuppa and chuckling at you in amusement. You open one eye and glance at her before finally sitting up and opening both eyes. 
“Was it that bad?” She chuckled rubbing her tiny baby bump. 
“He came in the first five minutes, then had the audacity to ask if he could see me again.” You deadpanned making Lily snort behind her hand. 
“Can’t say I’ve ever had that problem.” Lily bragged playfully making your sneer at her. 
“Yes, I’m sure your very handsome Marauder has no problems making you cum. Bitch.” You huffed making her smirk at you. 
“I think the other two are still single if you want one.” She giggled softly making you roll your eyes. 
“We’ve both known those lot since school and not once has either shown an interest in me. I think it’s safe to say I was never invited to board that ship.” You snorted as you picked up your cup and took a sip of the hot liquid. 
“That’s only because I told them to leave you alone. Didn’t want them breaking your heart specially Pads. He broke a new heart every week that boy.” She rolled her eyes making you chuckle. 
“Who said I’d have gone for Pads? Hmm?” You smirked making her eyes widen. 
“Moony?” She exclaimed gaping at you. 
“Oh yeah, I’d have let that hunky werewolf bang me all over Hogwarts if I’d of had the chance.” You whispered as you pretend to fan yourself though your cheeks had blushed. 
“Is that so?” A male voice chuckled behind you making your eyes widen. 
You spun around to see James stood there with a smirk on his face. Your eyes widened as you looked at Lily for help making her roll her lips to suppress her laugh. You looked back towards James with an awkward smile. 
“Keep that to yourself, Prongs, or I’ll kill you.” You huffed as you pressed the back of your hands to your cheeks trying to cool them down. 
“Hell, no. I’m gonna tell him word for word!” James snickered as he started to run off like a bloody child making you set your cuppa down and run after him. 
“James! I swear to fucking god you better not sa—heeeey, Moony, Pads.” You greeted as you ran into James’ Office to find him hiding behind Remus his face smirking at you over the man’s shoulder. 
“You keep your mouth shut, Potter, or I’ll de-ball you while you sleep!” You hissed as you prepared to run at him again. 
“Oooo scary!” James taunted with fake fear on his face. 
“I will honestly never understand why my smoking hot bestie even fell in love with such a giant man child.” You growled as you ran around Remus, James instantly going to opposite way making you glare at him. 
“What exactly did you do, Prongs?” Remus asked as you both danced around him.  
“He overheard girl talk.” You muttered shyly as you looked up at Remus who was smiling softly at you. 
“Oh yeah, she was talking about someone we knew from school and about how she’d happily have let said person bang her all over Hogwarts, back in school.” James smirked as he wiggled his brows suggestively. 
“Shut your face before I shut it for you, Potter. LILY!” You screamed as you launched at James effectively tackling him to the floor which instantly winded both of you. However, James recovered and stood up throwing you over his shoulder just as Lily came in looking at the scene before her. 
“Prongs, let the poor girl go.” Moony sighed as he gripped your waist and lifted you off James shoulder with ease making your face flush instantly. 
He lowered you to the ground with ease that made your heart and pussy clench. ‘Oh Merlin that’s hot’, you thought as you looked up at him with flushed cheeks. He smiled softly but the sound of James and Sirius laughing hysterically broke you out of your trance as they stared at you knowingly. 
“You two are bloody arseholes!” You huffed before storming out the room but hearing Lily scold James as you stomped downstairs. 
“Why did you marry such a wanker?” You asked seriously making her almost choke on thin air. 
“It’s the multiple orgasms for me.” She snorted making you burst out laughing.  
“Lily Potter!” You scolded playfully. 
“So…” She whispered wiggling her brows but making sure not to say anything out loud fearing the boys were being nosey. 
“How mad are you that I didn’t tell you?” You asked softly as she shook her head in response. 
“Not mad, but had you told me, I totally could’ve set you guys up sooner.” Lily chuckled with a raised brow. 
“You’re not gonna set us up because he’s not interested.”  
***** Meanwhile in James Office.***** 
“You should stop teasing her she’s always been shy and rather innocent.” Remus scolds James making him smirk. 
“She’s not that innocent the sentence ‘I’d of let that hunky we-man bang me all over Hogwarts if I’d of had the chance’ doesn’t really scream innocent.” James snorted making Remus’s eyes widen a little.  
“Yes, talking to her best friend of 8 years. She wouldn’t of said that to you, me or Sirius would she?” Remus chuckled as he sat on the sofa in the office. 
“No, she definitely wouldn’t have said it to you that’s for sure.” James snickered to Sirius making Remus look at James with a glare until everything kind of clicked in his head.  
“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?” Remus asked with a smirk. 
“That your favourite innocent little y/n said she’d let you bang her all over?” Sirius smirked making James snicker. 
“Does Lily’s no dating or shagging her bestie rule still stand?” Remus asked seriously making James’ eyes widen. 
“I think she’d make an exception for you however if you hurt her, I’ll kill you myself. I may tease her but she like my little sister and if your gonna break her heart, Moony, don’t bother.” James stated seriously making Remus raised a brow at him. 
“Do I look like Pads?” He chuckled making James laugh as Sirius scoffed dramatically clutching his chest. 
You were stood in the small baby shop with Lily scanning through different cute little sleep-suits and baby vests as soon as you saw one with auntie on it you squealed excitedly and threw it over your arm knowing you’d buy it. You turned around to show Lily just in time to see the marauders walk into the shop looking around until they spotted you and Lily.  
Remus had a dark red v neck oversized jumper on with a pair of light denim baggy jeans that were rolled up at the bottom and a pair of brown combat boots. Fuck he looked good. Lily nudged you quickly, effectively snapping you out of your daze. 
“What are you boys doing here?” Lily chuckled as she kissed her husband’s cheek. 
“We were at the bookstore and decided we’d drop by and see if you ladies would like to take a break from making a dent in my vault and grab lunch with us?” James snickered as his wife shot him a glare. 
“Yes, I’m starving! Let me pay for these and we’ll get going.” You exclaimed, grabbing all the ones out of Lily’s arms before you ran over to the till to pay. 
You ignored Lily as she protested that she would pay for them. You quickly paid as the boys wandered over to take the bags. You raised an eyebrow at Lily who was looking at them with narrowed eyes. They were up to something. You and Lily shared a knowing look as you followed the boys out of the shop, intent to find out what they were up to.  
Lily clung to James’ bicep as you walked to the pub to grab lunch. Sirius had his arms around James should as Lily scolded him which made you smile. You guys weren’t in school anymore, yet everything still feels the same. Sirius would flirt with everyone and sleep with the ones he felt like, while you and Lily constantly told him off for treating women like toys and he did love a good prank.  
Then there’s obviously James who was an arsehole. He couldn’t take anything seriously, he bullied plenty of people, and much like Sirius, loved a good prank. Well until Lily kept scolding him like a naughty child, until eventually he did stop, then he was more like the puppy that would follow Lily everywhere. 
Remus’s nose was always in a book he was his own brand of ladies' man. He was mature, kind, handsome yet he still he held an air of mystery to most women. Though you being best friends with them meant you knew what that secret was.   
He’s a werewolf. The week leading up to the change he was always more protective of loved ones but then in the days before the full moon he’d switch. He’d grow distant, more snappy and could be territorial over everything. You shouldn’t find that hot, as you can imagine he always felt guilty after the full moon, but every time he growled at someone it sent shivers down your spine straight to your core. 
Remus walked next to you silently as he held onto two of the bags that you girls had been carrying, you more than Lily as she’s pregnant. You glance at him noticing he’s looking down at you. You instantly flush as you looked back towards the ground. 
“You look very pretty today, Bunny.” Remus whispered as he leaned over so he was at your level continuing to walk towards the pub, purposely keep the same pace as you. 
“I-I do?” You stuttered as you glanced down at your puffy long sleeved black turtleneck jumper, an Aline brown and red plaid skirt that went past your knees and a pair of black Mary Jane heels.  
Your hair was in a messy low ponytail with curly pieces falling around your face. You had eyeliner, mascara and wine-red lipstick. Honestly you hadn’t put much thought into your clothes not realising the boys would be joining you. You should’ve worn something sexier, you thought sadly as you looked back up to meet his deep brown eyes. 
“Yes, you do.” He chuckled as he offered you his free arm making you blush as you shyly took his offered arm and wrapped your arms his much like Lily and James were doing. 
You walked for another minute or so, arm in arm with Remus as you entered the pub immediately following Sirius, James and Lily as they sat at a table big enough for all of you. Remus slipped his arm away from yours much to your disappointment, however that didn’t last long as he pulled out a chair for you, easily moving your seat closer to the table with you sitting on it.  
You flushed as Lily watched with a suspicious gaze which you quickly returned as if something was going on and thats when it clicked and you let out a gasp before picking up a salt shaker from the centre of the table throwing it straight at James head making everyone except Lily look at you like you'd gone mad.  
“You fucking told him.” You hissed making his eyes widened.  
“N-No! He figured it out himself!” James defended as he rubbed his head staring at his wife for help but Lily just shot a glare at him.  
“How’d you figure it out, anyway?” Sirius chuckled making your eyes snap towards him with a look that would’ve frozen him had he not been used to getting that look during school. 
“You guys hate coming shopping, you hate carrying our bags and Remus is being flirtier. You think I wouldn’t figure that out? Remus never flirts with me.” You snorted as you shot Remus a glare.  
“In all fairness I never flirted because of Lily’s rules.” He defended himself as he leaned on the table his chin perched on his palm as he stared into your eyes causing you to flush a soft pink.  
“You’re so lucky your pregnant Lily or I might’ve given you the pepper to match your husbands salt.” You whispered over the table making her smirk.  
“I was protecting your heart, body and soul.” She argued making you roll your eyes.  
“You do realise I did all of those things, right? I wasn’t bloody innocent virgin, Lily!” You whisper yelled at her making her eyes narrow.  
“I thought your first time was last ye-OH MY MERLIN! It was 7th year, right?” Lily glared making you look away with flushed cheeks. 
“Maybe.” You mumbled making every look at you in shock. In 7th year you often disappeared reappearing looking dishevelled but thankfully no one even noticed. 
“Who!?” Lily shrieked making you flinch. 
You glanced between your friends and looked at Sirius flushing bright red making him frown as all your friend looked at him with anger. You looked away unwilling to saying hoping Sirius would correct them because you sure as hell didn’t want to.  
“Sirius!” Lily scream making his gape at her.  
“It wasn’t m-OH for the love of merlin! You DIDN’T?” He groaned as he pulled a disgusted face.  
“Regulus? Seriously?” Sirius gagged around his name making you flush bright red.  
“Don’t judge me Pads!” You hissed as you avoided looking at anyone.  
“Eww. Do you have any other school sex stories you didn’t tell me?” Lily huffed with a pout.  
“No just Reggie.” You huffed as you rolled your eyes. 
“And since then?” Lily asked with narrowed eyes making you roll yours. 
“Only the ones I’ve told you about.” You chuckled making her nod in response. 
“So: him; last year; and then the date last week.” Lily confirmed making you flush bright red. 
“Can we stop talking about my very short and boring sex life. Please and thank you.” You huffed as you began chugging your butterbeer whilst glancing at Remus who had been more quiet than usual. 
“I love how everyone just forgot that Y/N said she’d let Remus bang her all over Hogwarts.” Sirius exclaimed making you choke on your butterbeer. 
“Actually, she said: ‘Oh yeah, I’d of let that hunky werewolf bang me all over Hogwarts if I’d of had the chance’ in those exact words.” James snickered making you flush a brighter red as Remus bit his lower lip to stop from smiling. 
“I actually hate you.” You groaned as you repeatedly smacked your head off the table until a hand was slid onto the table underneath your head. 
“Bunny, stop or you’re gonna hurt yourself.” Remus scolded you as he lifted up your face by gripping your chin gently.   
You stared into his eyes the nickname he’d also used earlier making your heart melt. He brushed away the hair from your face, assessing the damage already done to your forehead. You got lost in watching him fuss over you completely forgetting that your friends were there. 
He finally finished fussing his eyes instantly gazing into yours as he smiled happily. You smiled back shyly before moving to fiddle with your now empty glass. You glanced up to see James, Lily and Sirius staring at you with smug smirks which you returned with a glare. 
After lunch you all decided to call it a day to which Remus instantly offered to escort you home. You gave him a smile as you wrapped your arm around his and began walking the short distance to your flat. You stopped at your door, turning to unlock it before turning round to face Remus again. 
“Would you like to come in?” You asked sweetly. 
“I would but it’s getting close to the full moon so I was gonna grab a smoke and chill out.” He muttered awkwardly making you laugh. 
“I have weed and I promise I won’t steal your food.” You giggled as you gave him a sweet smile. 
“Deal.” He chuckled as he followed you into the flat quietly.  
It wasn’t his first time there as you all spent time at each other’s places. He flopped onto your sofa as you grabbed snacks and your tin filled with weed, tabaco and papers. You flopped down next to him and began rolling a joint. You lit the joint with wordless magic taking a few drags before passing it to Remus. 
He laid back smoking the joint for a while before passing it back to you. He used his wand to turn on your vinyl player letting the sound of music fill the silence. You both zoned out as Remus started laughing making you giggle as you looked at him. 
“What?” You asked making him laugh more. 
“What is this music?” He laughed making you grin as you listened to which vinyl was playing.  
“This is my mix-vinyl. I tweaked the songs with magic so I could have more than one artist on it.” You giggled as the song playing had ended. 
“Oh my merlin, I love this song!” You squealed as you stood up doing a little carefree spin as you looked down at Remus who was watching you in amusement as you began dancing around the room. 
“Wooo shake it, bunny!” Remus shouted as you began shaking your hips to the beat.  
“Gimmie gimmie gimmie a man after midnight!” You sang with a grin as Remus cheered from his seat. 
You kept swishing your skirt around you as you danced happily to the music as Remus began munching on a pack of walkers crisps. You flopped down next to him panting from your impromptu dancing session. Remus wiped the sweat from your brow with his sleeve before holding on of the cans of pop toward you urging you to take a sip before giving a crisp in your mouth. 
Your eyes widened unsure if he even realised he’d not only gave you his food despite always being so territorial about it and sat fussing over you. You’d noticed him do that a lot today, but you were unsure whether it was unintentional or if he’d known he was doing it. 
You decided to just take a leap of faith. You were high and feeling rather confident so without another thought you climbed onto his lap and planted a kiss straight on his lips. He didn’t even hesitate. His arms wrapped around your waist pulling you closer as he tilted his head kissing you deeper.  
You whined against his lips as his hands slid down your back to you ass gripping it firmly in his hands. You moaned into his mouth your tongue tangling with his as you tugged on his hair. He finally pulled away, looking into your eyes with a lustful gaze. 
“I don’t want a one time thing. I want all of you.” Remus whispered huskily making your heart leap with happiness. 
“Y-Yes, totally down for that.” You stuttered, blushing bright red as you fiddled with the hem of your sleeves. 
“Fucking Lily’s fault. Could’ve had you all this time, Bunny.” He groaned before pulling you into a heated kiss. 
He wrapped your legs around him before standing up and walking towards your bedroom. He kicked the slightly open door before using his foot to close it before lowering you both onto the bed, your lips never breaking apart. You gasped as he ground his hardened member against your clothed heat, your long skirt lifted completely exposing your panties. 
“Need you to tell me if I get too rough, Bunny.” Remus growled as he began ridding you and him of clothing until you were both naked. You flushed but nodded softly making him shake his head. 
“Ah ah, I need verbal response, baby, or I’ll stop now.” He instructed making your heat clench around nothing. 
“Y-Yes Moony.” You whispered shyly making him smile softly. 
“Good girl.” He chuckled softly as he began placing kisses all over your body, biting the spots that were more sensitive. 
He moved down until you could feel his breath on your heat making you flush bright red. Yes you had this before, Regulus had been a generous lover but not since school. Remus practically inhaled your scent while biting the inside of your thigh. 
“Spread your legs for me, Bunny.” He whispered against the now stinging skin of your thigh. You instantly spread your legs gazing down at him in a daze. 
“Such a obedient girl, aren’t you, Love?” He chuckled teasingly as he ran his finger through your soaking wet folds. 
“M-Moony…please.” You whined as he kept edging towards your clit with his fingers before moving away. 
Without another word Remus did what you asked. His tongue licking up you slit before he began drawing random shapes with his tongue gently. Your back arched off the bed as you moaned desperately, your hand clutching the sheets as you resisted the urge to thrust against his tongue. 
“Fuck, you taste so good, Bunny, could do this all day.” He growled against your heat making you blush as you let out a needy moan. 
“S-So good—Remus f-fuck!” You cried out as he eased two of his fingers inside you curling them upwards perfectly hit that sweet spot as his tongue continued lapping at and around your clit. 
You’d never felt this good. You could feel ever nerve ending reacting to him as you spread your legs more, using your feet to push your hips off the bed as you began to chase the release you could feel building. However, when you began moving your hips Remus’s free hand came down on your inner thigh slapping against the skin hard. 
“Stay still or I’ll spank your ass, bunny.” He scolded and that was all it took you came clenching around his fingers as your legs shook from the intensity. 
“Fuuuuck, Remus!” You moaned loudly as you clutched at the sheets as if to ground yourself. 
“Did you just cum because I slapped your thigh or because of what I said?” He groaned as he helped you ride out your orgasm with his fingers. 
“B-Both.” You whimpered as your legs twitched a little as he pulled his fingers away from your heat and bringing them up to his mouth and sucking them clean making you soaked sensitive heat clench around nothing. 
You suddenly remembered this whole time Remus had been naked and you had yet to look at his cock. Your eyes wandered down your body as you took in his sculptured abdomen that was littered with scars just like the rest of him. He was perfect. Finally, your eyes found his member and you suddenly leaned your head back silently praying to Merlin it would fit. 
“You look like a scared little bunny.” Remus chuckles teasingly as his hands grip your hips. 
“You’re so mean, Remy.” You whined as you flushed bright red. 
“Come here, Baby…don’t worry M’gonna treat you so good.” Remus mumbled as he kissed up your thighs with a smug smirk on his lips. It was something you rarely got to see with Remus as he was usually the sweet, mature one. 
He lifted your legs bending them so your hole was shamelessly exposed making you flush a deeper shade of red. You felt so exposed and vulnerable in this position, yet you were so turned as you got a full view of Remus gliding his cock through the wetness of your heat.  
You moaned at the feeling of the head of his member pressing against your clit before he dragged it back through your folds. His lips twitched into another smirk as he finally began pushing his member inside you.  
“Fuck, you’re tight.” Remus growled as he pushed in inch by inch. 
You mouth widened in a silent scream as you clawed at his forearms there was a burn yet you’d never felt so full. When he was fully in, he stilled in that positions as he brought his hand down to softly tease your clit causing you to whine and whimper as you felt yourself relaxing and the pain subsiding. 
“That’s it, Bunny…taking me so well.” He praised as he began thrusting so slowly inside you, never stopping his motions on your clit. 
“M-Moony.” You panted as you wrapped your arms around the backs of your knees your eyes flickering to the sight of his hard member sliding in and out of you. 
“So good for me, aren’t you, Baby?” Remus groaned as he picked up his pace a little instantly brushing past your sweet spot with each thrust. 
You couldn’t speak the only thing coming out of your mouth was a string of loud filthy moans that seemed to make Remus’s cock twitch the louder you were. His fingers never stopped teasing your clit making another orgasm build faster than you’d expected. You had, had multiple orgasms but never this intense and never this fast. 
“You gonna cum again, pretty little bunny?” He teased with a wicked grin on his face. 
“Mhmm.” Was all you could say making his grin widen. 
He didn’t comment but his smile spoke volumes. He sped up his thrust and his fingers making your back once again arch off the bed as you felt your legs start shaking from the intensity.  
“Cum for me, Bunny.” He growled as he spit on your clit when it started getting dry. 
That was enough you felt yourself tighten around him making his thrust slow down with how tight you’d gotten. You screamed his name as your leg shook in your arms, your nails digging into the flesh of your inner thighs. He paused his movement for a second letting you come down, his hand moving from your clit before he began fucking into you like a man possessed.  
You were so sensitive from your last orgasm you screamed as you released your legs and wrapped them around Remus as he gripped your hips tightly as he pounded into you. You could feel something building again but it felt different. You reached up and bring him down to cling onto him, your nails biting into his skin. 
“Oh fuck, fuck, fuuuck!” You screamed as you felt the cool inside you begin to snap again. 
“Fuck, Y/N.” Remus growled as he began cumming inside you. 
You came against but it caused Remus to slip out as he counties jacking himself all over your heat watching with dazed eyes making you look down to see little gushes of clear white liquid coming from your pussy. You flushed bright red as you twitched, finally you stopped cumming. You felt embarrassed you arms instantly coming up to cover your face. 
“Hey. Bunny, I need you to listen to me, okay?” He whispered as he moved your arms. 
“You did so good for me baby. Such a good girl for me.” Remus stated as he left small kisses along your face. 
“R-Really?” You mumbled shyly as you looked into his eyes. 
“Mhmm my good girl. Gonna keep you forever.” Remus chuckled making you giggle. 
You woke up to the sound of someone pounding on your door making you sigh as you threw on Remus’s jumper that he had somehow took off with magic but also folded it. You looked at the sleeping naked man in your bed smiling happily before you dragged yourself to the front door and opened it slowly. You saw Lily, James and Sirius stood there with raised brows. 
“Come on get dressed, we’re gonna go see Moony before he has to lock himself away for the moon.” Sirius exclaimed cheerfully as he pushed into the flat, Lily and James following as you stood there with a blank look. 
“Sure, come on in guys.” You scoffed sarcastically as you walked over to the kettle and flicked it on grabbing to cups. 
“Forget the tea. We’ll have tea at Moony’s.” Sirius groaned dramatically as he rested his head on your shoulder watching you make tea. 
“That’s not how I like my tea.” Sirius huffed making you roll your eyes. 
Suddenly the sound of growling was prominent in the room making Sirius spin around to see Remus stood there in only his jeans from yesterday. You raised a brow at Remus stepping away from Sirius making Remus’s face relaxed which for some reason made you grin. You stepped closer to Sirius again putting your hand on Sirius’s chest and Remus glared at him letting out another growl. 
“So hot.” You giggled as you bound over to Remus who instantly wrapped his arms around you, pulling you against his chest possessively. 
“Fuck yes! Gimmie my money, gentlemen!” Lily laughed as she held out her hand. 
“Couldn’t of waited till after the moon?” Sirius groaned as he handed over his money. 
“Better than me, I said it would take another 6 months!” James sighed passing his pregnant wife money. 
“Idiots.” You snorted before snuggling into Remus who pecked your forehead gently.  
Fuck yes! You got the hunky werewolf. 
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randomfoggytiger · 2 months
Collector's Edition: Reworking Requiem and Mulder's Return (Part II)
Ahhhh, Requiem. The episode that drove me to read fanfics after Season 8 wrapped up.
Loose chronological order below~
@amplifyme/wonderland/Lydia Bower (Tooms Gossamer)
“New year’s resolutions?”
Mulder looks over at her with one of his sidelong, appraising glances. “Do I look like the type who makes resolutions?”
“Come on, Mulder. We’re stuck in this car on New Year’s Eve on what is most assuredly a dead-end stakeout all because you’re convinced that one Herman Jiménez is preparing to escort his family to a new home somewhere in the heavens, compliments of a spaceship steered by little green men. Humor me just this once and play along. And yes, I do think you’re the type to make resolutions.”
“Well, see, that’s where you’re wrong. I don’t make resolutions at the beginning of a new year. I make promises instead.”
Pre-Requiem: There is, in fact, no Requiem-- only a stakeout, a debate, and New Years promises.
@cecilysass's Pause (Ao3)
“Mulder?” she repeats.
Very slowly he turns, allowing her to see his face for the first time.
His expression is flat, without affect. He blinks.
“Hi,” she tries again. She scrambles to stand up. “I didn’t mean to startle you. It’s just me. I’m…I’m having a rough time. I don’t have any idea what’s going on. I don’t remember what’s happened.”
He takes a step towards her, and she sees how terrible he looks. He needs a haircut and a shave. There are deep purple smudges lining the bottom of his eyes.
His eyes dart over the scene in front of him: her clothes, her hair, the half-eaten lasagna on the plate in front of her, the coffee table with no dirty dishes.
Something like fear flickers across his face.
Pre-Requiem: Scully is presumed dead for a year, only to be returned missing a chunk of her memories (and unaware she is pregnant.)
@leiascully's (Ao3) Imagine Other Worlds - Chapter 7
She can feel it. She knows there’s no medical reason she should be able to. But she knows, somehow. When she goes to see her doctor and she touches Scully’s shoulder with that expression, it isn’t difficult to gather herself. She’s been through this before.
Pre-Requiem: Not only is Scully pregnant, but her cancer is back. There is no Bellefleur, only a hope that she'll pull through.
Variations on a Requiem
Scully wondered, just for a moment, what had ever happened in Bellefleur. She hoped that Theresa Nemman no longer got nosebleeds. She hoped that Billy Miles had found some peace. Maybe nobody saw lights in the sky anymore and the tourists just enjoyed the salmon and the peace of the deep woods. She didn’t mention any of it to Mulder. He’d want to revisit their first case, sifting through the pine straw for any evidence of the ashy dust she’d found. Some things were better left alone. A town like that needed its motels, and she and Mulder were inadvertent firestarters. But she looked up across the rows of manila folders and smiled at him, and he smiled back, and the magic was still there, just like it had always been.
Pre-Requiem: Mulder and Scully live their lives gently growing older together... until a late-life pregnancy shocks their routine.
@msrafterdark's (Ao3)
Could you write something in which Scully tells Mulder she's pregnant in the afterglow?
He stares at you for a beat longer and you watch as his gaze darts back and forth across your face. To your immense shock his expression nearly crumples before you, his eyes glassy with immediate tears.
Pre-Requiem: Scully tells Mulder about her pregnancy.
I'm not sure when you're accepting prompts but can you do one where Scully has a pregnancy scare with Mulder?
“Well, I just…you told me once that you had little desire to start a family…”
“Yeah, Scully—awhile ago.”
Pre-Requiem: Scully is shocked Mulder is happy at her news.
MSR Ficmas
He looks down at the note again, the one he found on his desk after he came back from a morning financial meeting. He was already in a testy mood about their budget being further tightened, now he just feels ill.
@ Doctor appointment, 11 am. Will call. Do NOT worry.
Pre-Requiem: Mulder and Scully are married; and Mulder is panicking over Scully's latest doctor's appointment.
Ficlets (Tumblr Prompt) - Chapter 103 (Ao3)
Content with his reasoning (oh what a rarity), she relaxes, nods, her eyes immediately growing heavy as she leans against his shoulder. She’s excited to see that house tomorrow, with its beautiful deck and an office and that gorgeous master bedroom…She’s trying to keep an open mind, but her heart has already been sold.
Post Requiem/Mulder is returned early enough to make pampering little first trimester nests for Scully.
Canticle (Ao3)
She wakes sobbing in his arms, saying “No, Mulder, no!” And when he tries to tell her everything is okay, she rushes to his tiny bathroom to vomit.
He pounds on the door. He calls her Dana until she unlocks it and looks at him with haunted eyes, holding a cold washcloth to her face.
“We’re taking you to the doctor,” he says.
“You can’t go near the ship,” she says. “It’s you it wants.” Then she collapses against him.
Requiem: Mulder listens to Scully's dream and flies home with her.
 It was science and mysticism and love-magic, combining like a perfect syzygy. It was the history of them, their lives, their suffering, their work, their love, emerging of some dark alchemy into a perfect future person, housed now beneath his palm. “The baby will be like Gibson,” she said: a weapon and a target and a key.
“But it’s ours,” he whispered—it was a question and a statement.
“Yes,” she said. “Only ours. Of that I’m sure.” And therefore so much more than merely weapon, target, key.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned in the desert two months later, to revelation upon revelation.
@mldrgrl's (Ao3)
MSR 38
Skinner was already on the phone calling for an ambulance.  The gunmen hovered, giving orders to each other to give her air, get her water, find a pillow.  Marita knelt down next to Mulder and put a hand on Scully’s ankle.
“Alex,” she said.  “Find a blanket.”
Requiem: Scully passes out in the Bureau.
Mulder had a nagging feeling about returning to Bellefleur even before he boarded the plane. It had actually started when he'd told Scully he was leaving and she was going to stay.  He expected her to put up more of a protest than she had, but it was the look on her face that gave him the first sense of foreboding - like she didn't expect to see him again.  
Requiem: Mulder, acting on a gut instinct, resigns on the plane.
Not Again: Part 1 and Not Again: Part 1 - Gone
“Sir.”  Mulder stops Skinner from turning away and squeezes his upper arm.  “What did that man, Agent Doggett, mean when he asked if it was about the baby?”
Skinner takes off his glasses to rub the bridge of his nose.  He hesitates before he hooks them back over his ears and looks Mulder directly in the eyes.  “Agent Scully used the bureau labs yesterday afternoon to run some bloodwork on herself,” he says.
Post Requiem: Scully is abducted, instead; and Mulder is forced to work alongside a task force that suspects him.
au where Mulder didn't go....
He picks her up like a bride. “We’re going to the ER.”
“What, no, Mulder, you need to—your flight.”
“Ha ha,” he says. “Very funny.”
“Mulder, I’m—“
“Scully,” he tells her, jostling her around a little to get the car keys from his pocket, “shut up, will you? I’m taking you to the hospital.”
He can tell he’s moved her when she leans her head on his chest.
Requiem: Scully faints in the garage before they even leave the FBI.
Lapsed_Scholar’s Variations
“I must have fainted,” she tried, shakily. “I was feeling a little bit strange, just now. I should be fine in a moment.” Her mouth felt peculiarly clumsy around the words.
Exasperation flared across his eyes, but he kept his voice steady and gentle. “I don’t think so, honey. I had the airport staff call an ambulance. It should be here in a moment.” Honey? In public? It was apparently worse than she thought. When she found that she didn’t have the energy to call him on it, she knew it was worse than she thought.
Requiem: All the many, different ways Mulder could have been kept from Bellefleur-- from heartfelt to frustrated to comic to close shave.
@baronessblixen's (Ao3)
Fictober Day 11 Ao3 Fictober 2020 - Chapter 11
“You let him go alone?”
“No. I- um, I might have caused a slight ruckus at the airport and, um, we were asked to leave. He drove me here.”
“What kind of ruckus, Mulder?” Scully asks, amusement in her voice.
Requiem: Mulder crashes through the hospital, determined to get to Scully's side.
Fictober Day 12 Ao3 Fictober 2020 - Chapter 12
Hesitation drips from her voice. What happened to being ready? He turns his head and rests his chin on her stomach.
“Nothing is going to go wrong, Scully,” he says.
“It might.”
“It won’t.”
Post Requiem: Scully tells her mother the good news (without having Mulder halfway out to space.)
isamariposa's Bullfrogs and Jello
He smiles, and then he's so tired of this.
Requiem: Mulder is too worried to leave, so Skinner calls up Doggett to take his place.
@moonprincess92/Moonprincess92's Are you up for writing some season 7 fluff?
And as it became more and more likely that they would be shut down, Mulder knew that now all Scully had to do was ask him, and he’d walk away in an instant. He wouldn’t risk their lives for anything. 
He certainly wouldn’t risk hers.
Requiem: Mulder leaves Skinner at the airport, afraid Scully's cancer has returned.
@rationalcashew/RationalCashew's Dark is the Way; Light is the Place (Ao3)
He moved quickly to her, barely registering the note in her hand until she handed it to him. Mulder felt the blood drain from his face when he looked at it.
Take your chance. Wave and grin. So many guys just play with sin.
Underneath the typed note was something new: an incredibly detailed eye, drawn in black ink.
Devil eye.
Requiem: Mulder returns from Bellefleur, surprised and delighted at Scully's news. The two barely have time to process before they are thrown into a Deadly Sins case.
@frangipanidownunder/Frangipanidownunder's Already Special
Diana stands, pulls out a file from a drawer. Holds the Manila folder up. “This is a contact list of all the women who have been, and who will be, used as hosts for the experiment. They are all patients of the same pair of doctors. Lev and Parenti.”
There’s a sharp silence in the room. Lizzie Gill spreads her fingers flat on the desk. Scully presses a finger under her nose.
“I know about the IVF,” Diana says and Scully scrapes her chair back across the floor. The door slams behind her.
Post Requiem: Mulder was never abducted; and he and Scully tackle Per Manum and one Diana Fowley head-on.
oregon forest
Skinner finds them. They’re somewhere in the desert, and they’re still together. They’re shivering. Scully’s teeth are chattering. Mulder is wrapped around her, his face in her neck, his fingernails digging into her back desperately. She’s gripping him just as hard, and she squints as someone shines a light into her eyes. She’s frightened all over again until she hears Skinner’s panicked voice: “Scully? Mulder?”
Relief fills her, suddenly, and she nods, a little whimper bubbling in her throat, as her head falls limply to Mulder’s shoulder.
Skinner drives them to the hospital. Mulder won’t let go of her hand. He won’t stop touching her face, her hair. He whispers it again, the things she remembers from the ship; he whispers, “I’m sorry, Scully, I’m so, so sorry.”
Requiem: Scully runs after Mulder, catching up just in time to get abducted along with him.
AU where scully finds mulder in the Arizona desert during within/without
He and Doggett seems equally stunned at the whole thing; Mulder had never really expected her to hear him. 
Within: Scully sticks to her instincts and finds Mulder in the ship.
s8's roadrunners AU where it's mulder instead of doggett
She tells him on the bus. After Doggett is finished cutting the slug out of her, because she’s shouting that it needs to be cut out and Mulder wants to do it but he can’t. His hands are shaking too badly. So he holds hers, lets her squeeze the life out of them as she screams, as the cultists pound on the bus, as Doggett pulls out the slug and shoots it. The cultists are dismayed. Mulder can see the flashing lights through the dusty window of the bus. As Doggett runs outside to deal with it all, Scully collapses woozily against his chest. He presses a quivering hand over the bloody wound at the back of her neck, and he realizes only then that she is sobbing. “It’s okay,” he whispers in frantic reassurance, pressing one hand against the wound and wrapping his free arm around her shoulders.
Roadrunners: Mulder is returned in time to rescue his partner.
lost time (Ao3)
“What now?” he says, though it may be to just himself.
“I want to look at the files you set aside for me.” Scully says.
“Do you want to be alone? There might be some upsetting stuff in there. I didn’t see a lot but…you don’t end up in the x-files for just having a really great time.”
Scully shakes her head. “No, I want you to be there. You lived this through it all, too.”
Requiem: Mulder and Scully are abducted together, and returned with seven years of memories erased.
DeadAlive Switch (Ao3)
Mulder never gets the chance to beg Scully to stay in DC. She collapses on the forest floor, wakes clammy and nauseous, eyes glassy. He runs for help, yelling desperately. When he returns, she is gone, stumbling into the forest against her will. 
Requiem: Scully is abducted instead; then returned, "dead." Months after she's buried, Mulder claws her up from the ground.
stellar_dust’s (Ao3)
Threnody 01 - Divested (Ao3) and Threnody - Domani Non Viene (Ao3)
Some time later, empty of tears and drained in his soul, Mulder rose and quickly, deliberately, packed up all of his things.... As he grabbed clothes off the floor, he couldn't bear the thought of pulling his and Scully's apart, of taking hers next door and zipping them into her own suitcase, so into his they went, together.
Requiem: Scully is abducted instead. Not only is Mulder the primary suspect, but he must also grapple with his worsening brain disease and the sudden revelation of Scully's pregnancy.
Threnody - Indelible (Ao3)
With a deep breath, she got a grip on herself. All roads lead somewhere. Eventually, there will be a town, with a phone. She raised herself on shaky legs and began to walk.
Two steps later, Dana Scully disappeared.
Post Requiem: Mulder and his new partner Doggett drive up to Skyland Mountain after a ghost sighting. The ghost happens to be someone very different than he'd been expecting.
amorfati3215/Amorfati32’s (FFN)
Unnamed 1 and Unnamed 2
“We’ll find him,” replies Mulder, his smile faltering. “The Gunmen and their friends are monitoring everything. As soon as there’s any sign of him or the other abductees we’ll know.”
“That doesn’t stop me from feeling guilty.”
Requiem: Skinner, not Mulder, is dragged off to parts unknown.
@writingwell/RocketMan/Darkstryder's (xffics) Second Coming
He was weaker than he'd led them to believe. His head rolled along the seat when Bear spun the ATV around, but Scully was holding him up, trying to keep him from falling asleep.
Post Requiem: Scully and Krycek make a deal over Mulder's return.
@lotsoforangesoutside/@lotzzoforangezoutside/ lots_of_oranges_outside's
Impossibilities (Ao3)
She has half-expected Skinner to stick her with a new partner like he did to Mulder six years ago. That didn’t happen. She’s also thought her mother would freak out about her being an unwed mother and demand a wedding before her stomach starts to show; that also didn’t happen. So many things have been happening that really shouldn’t be happening; talking to her unborn babe is pretty low on the list of things she’s never imagined happening.
Post Requiem: Scully makes a wish upon a genie's ocarina.
@cauldronoflove/thegoodthebadandthenerdy's Gravity, Oh Gravity
the first thing he sees is not scully, but rather the stars. they're a comfort--they're still there and still bright and still patterned how they should be. they burn his eyes and slide down his throat like top shelf whiskey. but they don't even come close.
because the second thing he sees is scully. scully in a shirt he's had to have seen her in a thousand times, the one he thinks is green, but isn't sure because his eyes have always betrayed him. his eyes have to be betraying him. scully and-
and         and                  and
(and his heart stops beating.)
it thunders back to life as he stumbles forward, legs feeling like they've been chopped from his body and reattached in the wrong direction. 
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned as he was taken.
@onpaperfirst's Ao3, LJ) For the first sentence prompt
He’d been pushed out the back of a truck on the side of the 5, just north of Eugene, wearing a thin t-shirt and scrub pants. His tenure on the ship itself had been short. They’d all been taken to a warehouse just across the border on the outskirts of Juárez where he had proven surprisingly adept at levitation but had refused to cooperate when asked to mind read.
Post Requiem: Mulder has been abducted, and returned, by the government.
@enigmaticdrblockhead's AliveDead
Out of some sick inner desperation, his body continues on. Blood still pumping and heart still beating, by definition he is alive. Life. To him it is nothing but lying down.
His right hand almost seems stiff. Fingers are curved upward to show a gray palm. He begs for whatever they can give. He is never lucky.
Post Requiem: Skinner finds Mulder, sick and amnesic, on the street.
An idea: scully becomes pregnant but mulder never "dies"
They spend their time in silence, but it’s comfortable. His pupils focus easier and easier and she wheels him around the hospital grounds. He looks up at her from his wheelchair, sadly and adorably rumpled but alive, and she bends down for a kiss. Of course their first kiss in public will be far from home, one of them just this side of peril. It only strengthens her resolve to do it again.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned two months later, aphasic.
@virtie333's (Ao3)
Dream a Little Dream - Chapter 4
While Aldrich took them on another tour, chatting away, Doggett knew Langly and Frohike were tapping into the building's security systems. Tonight, after dark, he and Byers would sneak in, with the assistance of the computer geeks in the van outside, and do a little search and rescue. 
Post Requiem: Mulder is rescued by Doggett and TLG, and the three take down the Alien Bounty Hunter and speed off to help Scully.
The Hunter
For that past week, however, the Prey had been hunting as well, and the trail had finally stopped here, in Savannah. A beautiful town, if one cared about those things. But the Hunter was single minded. He only wanted one thing. And tonight, he was about to get it.
Post Requiem: Mulder escapes, and is returned in time to save Scully and Doggett.
@suitablyaggrieved/ScullyLovesQueequeg's Ignorance
The backseat occupant made a noise of delight upon making eye contact with Mulder, and Scully steals a glance at her partner, to see a small smile on his otherwise somber features. It was gone as soon as it had arrived, however, and his eyes shift out the window again. The backseat occupant was satisfied with this outcome, and he too turned his attention to the slow moving blurs that paint the window as the car moves along the side streets.
Post Requiem: Mulder is returned a year later, and suspiciously reacclimates to his new life.
@contrivedcoincidences6/Spooky66/geektime66’s AU 5 HC
“Hello Ms. Scully, this is Amy from Holy Cross Hospital, we’ve been trying to reach you from your other numbers.”
Scully’s brows draw together. In years past she would have thought they were calling about Mulder.
“A man was checked in a few days ago with no id. Today he started talking and asked for you before he fell back asleep, we were unable to get a name.”
Scully’s heart beats in her ears. She knows it’s not Mulder but she doesn’t know who else it could be. 
Post Requiem: Scully tries to move on... until Mulder is returned a year and a half later.
Thanks for reading~
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where-dreamers-go · 6 months
“Blanket” Jonathan Crane x Fem! Reader
(A/N: Another older insert reader from about two years ago that I finally got around to finishing. Here’s one where Jonathan and Reader were both celebrating that neither of them had crossed paths with Batman for a whole week. Then things kind of heat up from there. Jonathan still needs the reassurance that Reader is being true in their relationship because he’s not used to that. This is kinda related to my previous Jonathan Crane fanfics discussing Batman’s opinion on their relationship. Minors Do Not Interact with this. Warnings: Minor angst, romance, first time together, lovemaking, hand job (both), unprotected sex, and mentions of Jonathan having past heartbreak. Word Count: 2,124 words)
A celebration was in order. A disguised excuse to be together and leaving adult responsibilities for another day.
Neither you nor Jonathan had crossed paths with the Batman for over a full work week. No captured Crane and you weren’t wrangled into another lecture about being too close to Scarecrow.
Honestly, it was a relief.
Over at your apartment, Jonathan had prepared dinner. A little something warm, hot, and homey. You had insisted cooking was his secret skill. The meal and time together was lovely. Something you cherished.
Cleaning the dishes could had been worse, but at least the plate didn’t break when it slipped from your grasp.
You were lucky. Yet it was a firm reminder to Jonathan and yourself that you were capable of being distracted.
Drying your hands, you could see Jonathan pushing his sleeves just that much further up to expose his forearms.
Could it be the glimpse of skin when he was otherwise all covered up?
Was it the lean muscle that lead to Jonathan’s dexterous hands?
Maybe you simply missed holding his hand after a long week?
Probably all of the above. And then some. You did adore the man for all that he was and would be.
The towel stilled in your hands as Jonathan’s arms encircled your waist.
“Do you have any after-dinner plans?” Asked Jonathan, his breath tickling your ear.
“I was thinking we could watch a movie,” you said and hung the kitchen towel up to dry. “Maybe share that really soft blanket I got a few weeks ago.”
“Sounds very domestic.”
“And I’m hoping to keep it that way. You know.” You gestured towards the windows on the other side of the living room. Ones that had been covered with curtains all evening.
“He couldn’t be that irritating.” Jonathan tightened his hold around you.
“It’s been a week…”
The two of you grew silent. Lost in thoughts of the Batman dropping by to lure you away from Doctor Crane. Again.
So much for getting handsy in the kitchen.
Sighing, your shoulders lowered. “I just wanted a little celebration with a sprinkle of romance. No fear of nocturnal creatures.”
Jonathan’s lips met your ear. “You’re not afraid of him, are you?”
You tilted your head. “More annoyed, I think.”
Humming, he pressed a firm kiss to your exposed neck.
“More annoying still that we’re talking about him when I finally have you all to myself. A great feat these days.” You smiled contently as Jonathan continued giving slow, strategically placed kisses. “And…we could just shut off all the lights,” you suggested.
“Skip the movie.”
“Get under the blanket.”
“Share body heat.”
“And a few other things?” You folded your arms over Jonathan’s, hopeful.
His lips curved upward against your skin. Lean hips pressed closer to you from behind.
“I’ll get the lights,” he whispered.
“Meet you on the couch.”
You turned your head and gave Jonathan a long, generous kiss. One you two would surely continue.
Jonathan slipped out of your grasp and gave you a head start. Stilling his hand by the light-switch, he was patient.
You were quick to cross the floor. Unfolding the new blanket in a rush, you laid it across the couch cushions.
In the second it took you to glance over to your partner, the apartment went dark. Save for the candles on the dining table that flickered, forgotten as you sat on the couch.
“Hmm, this blanket is really soft,” you murmured.
His foot bumped yours on the floor.
“With what?” You reached up and gently tugged him on the couch beside you.
In turn, he grabbed ahold of your thighs and pulled you fully on the couch, legs draped over his lap.
“With what’s underneath,” he said and gave your thighs a squeeze.
“Sweet and suggestive words.”
“You suggested we share other things.” He inched his fingers further up your thigh.
Humming quietly, you took your time as you unbuttoned his dress shirt. Working your way up, you listened to the sound of his breathing subtly changing. Fingers skimming over his heartbeat. Strong and more noticeable in the position you two were in. Then, having found his neck in the dark, you leaned in to kiss his throat.
Jonathan sucked in a breath.
Sliding your fingers along his skin, you pushed his shirt passed his shoulders, soon discarding it over the back of the couch. You took your time caressing his shoulders and arms. Kissing your way down his slender neck.
His fingers dug into your nice clothes. A soft moan left him as your hands explored his chest.
“I’ve missed you.” You murmured. “All of you. Your mind, your eyes, your voice, your touch…” You kissed his lips slowly and whispered, “Undress me.”
Jonathan pulled at fabric feebly, too busy kissing you again.
Finding his hands, you guided Jonathan as he removed your clothes piece by piece. Slender fingers glided over your skin and eliciting small gasps from yourself as he touched with cold fingertips. Chills ran across your skin.
“Is this alright?” Jonathan asked softly and a little hesitant, hands stilled at your waist.
“I’m with you. Of course this is all right.”
Chuckling, he gave you a quick kiss. Then one more as you took his hands in yours once again.
The pair of you removed the rest of your undergarments before you straddled his lap. Jonathan’s hands rested along your upper back as he gazed upon you in the candlelight.
“Your body is as lovely as your mind.”
Pulling yourself in closer, you thanked your partner with a deep kiss. You felt his exhale as he held you to him. Chests warming between two quick heartbeats.
“I finally get you all to myself,” you whispered against his lips, running your fingers through his hair. “Just us.” You kissed a path down his skin.
“Yes,” he breathed out, “If anyone ruins this, I’ll give them three doses of fe—.”
His words were cut off as your teeth grazed his neck.
You pressed a kiss to his skin; likely reddening. “Good, but I think we’ll be,” you pulled down the zipper of his trousers, “just fine.”
“Agreed.” He swallowed.
Lifting up his hips and fussing around with more articles of clothes, soon Jonathan was as bare as you. Vulnerable and flustered with how close you two had become.
“You okay?” You asked, palm against his burning cheek.
“Sitting with anticipation.”
“You and me both.”
Jonathan placed a hand over yours on his cheek and smiled.
Held together by languid kisses and roaming hands, the pair of you took your time. No rush to get anywhere later nor hide. Lovers memorizing the slight curves of the other. Discovering beautiful imperfections and how it felt to give passionate affections.
You knew Jonathan had held so many doubts before either of you had seen the other’s apartment. To be wrapped around the other, bare and on your couch, was an enormous step towards ensuring each other’s deep adoration.
“Let me take care of you a bit, yeah?” You delicately pushed up his glasses before slowly dragging that hand down his body.
Jonathan shivered under your touch. Yet not as much as when your hand grasped around his member.
You smirked, moving your hand up and down repetitively. Gently, of course, for your dear Jonathan.
He relaxed onto the couch. Soft moans leaving his lips every so often.
There was no need to hurry. Everyday came and went with many tasks. The time alone together in your apartment did not require any of that.
“You look so gorgeous like this,” you confessed, feeling quite content with yourself.
To see your Jonathan comfortable and sighing in pleasure may have also given you a confidence boost. You were doing this with him. He deserved some time to unwind. To have his mind on something he never had before, not without lies at least.
You would never dare to consider the thought of hurting him. Seeing him burdened with his past was enough to claw at your own heart. You never wished to be the cause of it. Jonathan held a special place in your heart and always would.
Leaving the hold he had on your hips, one of Jonathan’s hands started exploring the wetness between your legs.
“Oh.” He breathed out.
You closed your eyes. Loosing yourself in his touch.
Jonathan Crane was indeed an intelligent man. Inventive as he was caring, in your experience with him.
So why did it surprise you that he was giving as much as you were?
Perhaps subconsciously you imagined leading him by the hand with encouraging words as you shared body heat in the most unrestrained form of connection. Perhaps you thought he’d be too nervous. Perhaps, in your anticipation, you forgot how Jonathan had grown to initiate affection with you, his partner.
Could you be that silly or were you in love?
What was the difference?
Kissing his chin, you removed your hands from Jonathan.
“Lay with me?” Reclining onto the cushions, the blanket was soft along your bare skin.
He nodded. Following after you and your body heat. Jonathan pressed multitudes of kisses across your shoulders and neck. All of them soft and barely hiding his rapid breathing. He kept himself propped up on his arms. Ones you gladly held onto.
A light gasp escaped him as you made room for him between your legs. In response, Jonathan laid an openmouthed kiss just below your ear. Delicately, he adjusted his hips to align with yours.
It was a wonder how close you could be and yet still not be close enough.
Rocking your hips, you aided his member to run along your folds. You closed your eyes at the pleasurable sensations that zipped through you. Between his kisses and his movements, it was beginning to consume your mind.
“I need you.”
Your whisper caused Jonathan to stop moving.
“Are you sure?” He asked, lifting his head to look at you properly.
“Very sure, Jonathan. And… Oh, please know I want this. You. Truly.” You cradled his face between your hands. “I want to be with you.”
Behind eyeglasses, emotions swirled in Jonathan’s eyes.
“Just us.”
Leaning down, Jonathan kissed you fervently. All lips and panting hot breaths. He released his emotions full heartedly.
You felt as he guided his tip to your entrance.
Your sudden moan startled him, if only for a second. He managed to see your smile. Amongst the semidarkness, he found one of your hands to hold.
“Easy,” you used your free hand to hold his hip as he eased himself into your warmth. A moan left you, mixing into a giddy laugh and back to a moan. “Good.”
“Good?” Jonathan asked, quirking up an eyebrow.
“Very.” You kissed his lips eagerly.
You almost came then.
Safe and adored, you could be in his arms forever. Just like that. In the quiet and peaceful night without a care of what happened outdoors. It was you and Jonathan. All you wanted.
A gasp shot out of you as Jonathan gave a particularly pleasant thrust. You tightened your hold on him.
“Oh, Jonathan.”
Could you both have more?
More time together to explore domestic bliss and passionate moments between work life would be an extended goal. One you were adding onto each day whether consciously or not. You would be with Jonathan because you both wanted to. No one could convince you otherwise.
“Darlin’, you’re—,” Jonathan inhaled sharply, “—so beautiful.” His words raced out as he rested his forehead against your shoulder.
Your legs were squeezing around him, limbs locked tightly while you both met your pelvises together again and again.
“Don’t stop. Please… Jonathan.”
Sucking in much needed air, you shut your eyes. You let your body do what it craved, thrusting and quivering until it all came to a peak. It hit you like a wave.
Faintly, you could hear a ramble. A repetitive chant of your name.
You opened your eyes.
A loud gasp came from Jonathan as he quickly removed himself from you. His climax rushed through him quickly. Hands clasping the blanket as he came over you.
In a huff, Jonathan fell into your embrace. His hot breath fanned across your collarbone.
“We did it,” he whispered breathlessly, almost to himself.
“And it was amazing by the way.”
You could almost picture him flushing at your words.
Kissing the side of his head, you wrapped your arms around his back.
“Later, do you wanna take a shower, handsome?”
“A shower?”
“Yeah…” You ran a finger along his spine. “You’re welcome to stay over. Please?”
“I would not think to refuse.” Jonathan kissed your collarbone. “I’ll surely sleep well with you, darlin’.”
(If you love my writings and want to support me, I have a Ko-Fi where you can buy me a coffee. I would be eternally grateful. coffee
Best wishes and happy reading.)
DreamerDragon Tags: @
DC Tags: @
**Let me know if you would like to be tagged in insert readers, either through replies, ask, or message.**
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hiraeth-sonder · 6 months
Routine Trail - Inicio
Boothill x Reader
The way home is a long one, but what is waiting for you is most often worth it
//Short little thing before I start working on a fic no one will want (very indulgent onmyoji fanfic). Massive liberties taken for Boothill's entire existence here. Poem from Akif Kichloo on Twitter.
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People keep asking 
me for my address and 
‿︵‿︵‿୨ ୧‿︵‿︵‿
The candle flickers in the night, its little flame trying its best to remain alight among the harshities of this world. Seated by the window with a book in your lap, you look beyond the horizon as your tea grows cold on the table. It is quiet for the most part, nothing but the occasional chirping of birds and your thoughts to accompany you on such a lonely night. 
Though, perhaps ‘lonely’ would not be the best descriptor. 
Your dearest lover was due to arrive any time now. Albeit, the connection on his end had made it horrifically choppy and all you could catch was ‘coming’ and ‘soon’, so whatever that means. And seeing as his message had lasted for about a minute, you could only assume he would be coming back soon. So you wait. You have been waiting for the past three days, tidying up the house and thinking of his smug grin, doing the laundry and thinking of that silly little hat plopped on your head when you least expect it, knitting and thinking of the way his fingers grasp your hand, no matter that he is unable to feel it. 
Still, you wonder how long he will remain in your humble abode this time. If you get lucky, perhaps he will stay around for a few days, and if not, he will be gone by the time the sun rises. 
You are not angry that your reunions are very often brief and if not, cut short. Rather, you find it hard to remain angry. Of course, that is not to say that every time you awaken to nothing but your empty bed, perhaps breakfast prepared on the table and no doubt a little audio message waiting for you, you do not feel just the slightest miffed and perhaps aggrieved. 
You know that he has pledged himself to the Galaxy Rangers, and that his own principles will not let him remain idle in one place for too long knowing that many injustices in the world remain. You know that, it is a notion you have not once forgotten, one that has made you so unabashedly enamoured with him. You would even argue that you would have never gotten so addled by his very being if not for that very part of him. Yet there are times you just wish you could have him for a day longer, an hour longer, a minute longer even. 
There are times you miss him with such a fervour you wonder why you do not just pack up and join him, times you yearn to do nothing but to run your fingers through his hair, run your finger along his nose and place a hand at his cheek. These moments always trip you up at the most arbitrary times, and it leaves you thinking of nothing but him in the aftermath. 
As your eyes flutter open and close, a pathetic attempt at remaining conscious, you can just scarcely hear the sound of footsteps outside, boots against dry ground in a rhythmic click of spurs. The person beyond steps onto your porch and does not bother with knocking, opening the door as what may be considered moonlight leaks in. 
There is that well-pleased grin on his face, steel grey eyes glinting with a fondness still. The ends of his pants are dirty, and his hair is just the slightest messy. Arguably, he has come back to you neat and tidy as can be, but that instinct within you simply looks for reasons for him to stay, not reason.
“Darlin’,” He calls for you yet Boothill gets not two words in before you are already up and out, your hands reaching for him as metallic arms clasp themselves behind your back. In a sudden move, he lifts you up in one swift action, forcing a shocked gasp to leave your throat as he laughs.
It is a sweet sound and no matter the surprise, you yourself laugh along when he spins you around. He would never drop you, you trust him with your life. And when he finally puts you down, soft and gentle, a hand rests on his chest, the feeling of leather and cool medallions under your touch a kind of relief, yet nothing compared to that of your other hand, thumb upon his face rubbing in methodical strokes, warm and alive.
With a far softer tone that you are used to, you furrow your brows as you direct your attention to him fully, “You’re all scuffed up.”
“‘was trying to get back to you quicker,” He mumbles in your hair, inhaling the scent of your shampoo like a man starved.
“You idiot,” You sigh, a resigned smile pulled across your face. Still, that does not stop you from continuing your petting, your other hand brushing away his bangs to fully reveal his handsome visage, “You didn’t even stop by the mechanics, I can wait for you, y’know?”
“And let you waste away all on yer own?”
You can only let a fond laugh escape at that, not actually too worried about his clearly healthy and fighting fit condition. Come hell or high water, that damned cowboy of yours would find some way to crawl back into your life. 
“I’m back,” His voice mellow yet distinct, finally free of whatever glitchy communication device he manages to get his hands on.
Smiling, far wider than last time, cold fingers brush back your hair as you lean into his touch. You whisper into the night, heard by only you and him, “Welcome home.”
He came home, and no matter how long he will be around, what matters is that he is home, safe and sound and back in your arms. 
‿︵‿︵‿୨ ୧‿︵‿︵‿
I keep handing them
your name
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cringelordofchaos · 11 months
I made a music playlist for my imaginary flicker fanfic!! It makes zero sense without context but uh yeah (the playlist is full of headcanons for all the flicker characters in there, for some characters there are multiple songs (cough cough Tamia). I might update the playlist as the time goes on, so yea
I know most people don't care but for the ones that do, here
Also regarding the subject of the flicker webseries I mentioned multiple times on here; I'm not sure if I could make an actual series soon (sorry!). If i were to ever to it I think I'll write a fanfiction of it before making a webseries because it's just easier. If i ever make a webseries I might use SOME of the music in the playlist I made for it.
The tag "flicker webseries preparations" might be changed into, or used alongside the tag "flicker fanfic preparations". But yea
Again, I still want to make a webseries but I've literally never even published a single chapter of a written work so I'm far too inexperienced+ I don't have enough time and skill to do it anytime soon
If you have any questions about my headcanons or the fanfiction, feel free to ask!!!
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bookished · 1 year
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-> Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x f!reader witch
-> Summary: Geralt of Rivia faces the impossible: he is defeated by a monster and, in the middle of trying to escape after being severally wounded, finds a cabin, where a witch who knows what he needs, cures him.
-> Rating: +18
-> Word count: 2.2k
-> Warnings: smut, kinks including breeding, rough sex, neck biting until blood comes out, degradation, domination, a little bit of praise kink, dirty talking
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-> Notes: i've been rewatching the witcher and reading lots of fanfics, i got so in the mood of writing a piece and i hope you enjoy it! <3
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Geralt of Rivia rode through the dense, ancient Caed Dhu forest, his silver hair glistening in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the leaves. He had been on the path for days, following rumors of a dangerous creature that plagued the nearby village.
As he ventured deeper into the woods, he couldn't shake the feeling that this particular hunt would be different.
In the heart of the treacherous Caed Dhu, Geralt of Rivia, the renowned Witcher, found himself in a dire predicament. A contract had led him deep into the ancient woods, where he faced a foe more formidable than any he had encountered before. The beast, a grotesque hybrid of wolf and wyrm, had proven to be a match for Geralt's skill and swordsmanship.
As the moon hung low in the night sky, Geralt's silver sword clanged against the creature's impenetrable scales. The battle had raged for hours, and his strength waned with every strike. Blood oozed from numerous wounds, staining his armor and leather boots. His trademark white hair clung to his sweat-soaked forehead, and his golden eyes burned with determination.
But in a moment of miscalculation, the beast lunged forward, its jaws snapping shut around Geralt's forearm. Pain seared through his body as his bones cracked, and he let out a roar of agony. With a swift, desperate maneuver, he wrenched his arm free, leaving shreds of flesh in the creature's maw.
Battered and bloodied, Geralt knew he was outmatched. With a heavy heart and aching limbs, he made a fateful decision. He turned and sprinted through the darkened forest, leaving behind the monster he could not defeat. His every step sent waves of agony through his injured arm, but he pushed himself to the limit.
As he escaped, he couldn't help but reflect on his countless battles, his victories, and his unshakable resolve. Yet, this time, survival took precedence over valor. The Caed Dhu closed in around him, a labyrinth of twisted trees and shadowy threats. Geralt, the fearless Witcher, ran for his life, vowing to return to face the beast another day, once he had healed and prepared for the inevitable rematch.
Deep within the heart of the dense and mysterious Caed Dhu, Geralt of Rivia stumbled upon an unexpected sanctuary. The cabin's solitude was a haven for a Witcher in need, a sanctuary where he could mend his battered body and prepare for the inevitable return to the treacherous wilderness.
The cabin stood as a solitary sentinel in the depths of the forest, its timeworn facade hidden beneath a canopy of thick foliage. With aching limbs and a resolve unyielding as steel, Geralt pushed open the creaking door and stepped into the dimly lit interior.
Inside, the air was heavy with the scent of herbs and alchemical concoctions. The flickering candlelight revealed a modest yet well-equipped witch's lair. Shelves lined with vials of potions and bundles of dried herbs stretched to the ceiling. A cauldron simmered with a mysterious brew, its aroma tinged with both magic and healing properties.
He needed rest and healing. Inside the cabin, a fire crackled in the hearth, casting a warm glow across the room. The scent of herbs and potions filled the air, a telltale sign of a fellow witch's presence. He knew he wasn't alone.
From the shadows, your hooded figure emerged, revealing the gentle features of a young witch. You had been tracking his progress and had prepared the cabin for his arrival.
He got a closer look of you, which allowed him to see the medallion of the Viper, which matched your dark green eyes, that were glistening under the candle's light. You were, definitely, one of the few Witches left after the Trials that erased most of them from the surface of Earth.
Without a word, you approached Geralt and began to help him remove his clothes, your touch gentle yet firm. As the clothing fell away, his battle-worn body was exposed, covered in cuts and bruises. He hissed in pain as you examined his wounds.
"I'll take care of you, Geralt," you murmured softly, your voice soothing. You mixed herbs and applied salves, tending to each injury with practiced care. Your fingers moved with a grace born of years of training.
Geralt watched you work, silently grateful for your presence. The pain began to ebb away as your healing magic flowed through him, knitting his flesh together.
Once the wounds were tended to, you stepped back, your eyes meeting his yellowish ones with a warmth that belied the harsh world they inhabited.
"Rest now," you said, guiding him to a nearby bed. "You've earned it."
As he lay down, his body slowly relaxing, Geralt couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the kindred spirit who had tended to his wounds. In a world filled with darkness and danger, he had found a glimmer of light and solace in your healing touch.
Also, your touch brought up a slow burning fire within him, making him feeling the need in his body to bring you closer, to lick you, to taste you. He needed to show gratefulness by giving pleasure to you after healing him with such care and knowledge... as if you knew exactly how his body reacted to each one of the remedies you were using. That made the White Wolf groan in approval.
He couldn't help but grab your wrist before you stepped back, not applying so much pressure to hurt you, but enough strength to keep you where you stood. Your breath hitched in the back of your throat, making you stare back at his intense stare.
He started slowly and gently rubbing your inner wrist, where your pulse was accelerated, with his thumb calming it, you, without words, and no further movements needed.
"You're safe, Geralt. You made it home. Let me go, and you rest." You whispered, not wanting to break the calm and enchanted ambience. You don't know how you managed to sound firm, calm, steady and confident, but your tone left no doubts.
He kept staring at you, his jaw tense while the candles in the cabin lightened his skin, and you couldn't help but break eye contact and admire his body. His injured body. But, also, his fit figure.
Suddenly, Geralt pulled you into him without effort, and a groan escaped from him, low and deep. Something that made your body really happy, but you knew you couldn't risk hurting him more than he already was. You needed him fully recovered.
"If you want to keep that hand and arm, I'd suggest you let go." You had no choice but to warn him.
"I can smell you, Witch." He simply replied, his voice low and raspy, while not letting you go. You swallowed the lump in your throat, as you smelled his arousal, too. There was no possible denial in what was going around between you two, in that cabin, as the darkness of the night and the moonlit mixed with the candles surrounding you both.
With his other hand, he grabbed the Viper medallion hanging from your neck, pulling your face closer to his while keeping his firm stare at you. You could even notice the smallest of the dilation of his pupils in that position.
"After taking care of me, let me take care of your needs, witch." Geralt whispered. You knew fighting him was useless, and you couldn't deny the way your body was craving him, either. He tilted his body, not giving a flying fuck about his fresh wounds.
You stared down at his lips, and back to his eyes. He grinned a little before grabbing your medallion and pulling you close until both of your lips were a wet mess against each other, not even letting the air pass between you two.
You moaned against his lips, your groans and whines making him feel rougher and animalistic each passing second. His hands were everywhere on your body, not allowing even one millimeter of skin escape from his touch.
No previous warning, he ripped your dress from behind and continued tearing off your undergarments. You were speechless as you could only feel him. You tried touching him, but he didn’t allow that. He had you naked in front of him in a matter of seconds.
Furthermore, you looked into his eyes, waiting for his next move. "Geralt-" You were anxious for more of what he had to offer.
"You're exquisite, aren't you, witch?" He was appreciative of your exposed body in front of him, meanwhile using your condition as a pet name, which didn't annoy you at all.
He took your silence as an invitation to switch positions, grabbing you by a fistful by your long hair, having you bent over the same surface he was laying on not long ago.
Geralt directed his right hand to your pussy, moving his fingers between your folds while humming appreciatively at your wetness. The sounds filling the room, and the sights you had thanks to the little mirror that wasn't too far away on the wall in front of you, were too much to handle. It didn't take long for your thighs to begin to shake, and the White Wolf knew it too.
His hand, which was teasing you, was now wrapped around your small neck, pushing you down, taking out his digits, spreading you apart with his large girth, and slamming into your cunt.
As you wrapped your small hand around his, he tightened his hold on your neck, taking your gesture as an invitation to be rougher.
He tilted his body on top of your back, replacing the hold of his hand on your neck with his teeth burying in the delicate spot of your skin, as he kept slamming into your wetness, and you could feel his medallion swinging over you as his movement fastened, and his cock was buried deep, still pounding, into you.
"Ah, fuck, Geralt." You mumbled, not being able to keep your eyes out of the reflection in the mirror. The candles lightning his sweated skin, you underneath him as he dominated you on that unstable surface and his aura surrounding your senses.
Your hips began to move on his, as you needed that sweet relief. Geralt's bite on your neck became harder and you could feel and smell a bit of blood running down your skin, which heated up both of you even more, if possible.
His groans were louder against you, the slamming of his cock inside of you more frenetic and he dug his nails into the sides of your hips to keep you steady. He let go of your neck to press his mouth on your shoulder. "You're so fucking tight and behaving like a good girl," he moaned. "Keep milking me, witch, so I can breed you and fill you up with my cum until it oozes out."
The way he was talking to you, saying those things, had you closer to the edge. You needed to feel his cock pulsate inside of you, stretching you out and getting you full of him. Your moans were unstoppable as nonsense dripped out of your mouth.
"I wanna see those pretty thighs of yours covered with my cum." Geralt wrapped an arm around your waist to hold you in place as he circled your nipple with his thumb and index, pinching it.
“Yes, Geralt, yes." Your mind was blank, dazzled with lust and desire, almost making you forget your own name.
Your thighs began to shake, and he felt them, “Yes, witch, come all over my cock.” His encouraging, husky voice praised you. You called out the White Wolf's name, your orgasm hitting hard and uncontrollably, your head dizzy as you saw stars and lights in your vision.
You felt Geralt exploding inside of you, with a few more snaps of his hips against your ass you felt his girth tighten up, and a few more spurts of his cum filling you up as you rode off your orgasm.
"Fuck, you milked me so good, you emptied me, didn't you?" He moaned and grunted again as he felt your pussy tightening lightly on him. "What kind of witchcraft did you use on me, huh?"
He let go of your breast, not moving his position so you were still under his dominant figure while his cock rested inside of you, feeling your thighs sticky of his cum and other mix of fluids.
"Well, you loved the way I was curing you earlier and the attention I gave you, didn't you, Witcher?"
"I'm not one to turn down a healing session when I'm offered one." Geralt whispered in your ear, still not getting off you. "But what's the catch?"
You smiled, feeling chills down your spine. "The catch is, I get to pamper every inch of you and make sure you're completely healed."
"I think I can handle that kind of catch."
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Did you enjoy it? Please, consider leaving a comment, reblogging, sending feedback in any way or buying me a coffee. If you would like to request something, go and message me. Also, if you'd like, you can check my masterlist or send me any prompts. Happy reading!
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asumofwords · 2 years
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: This is my first time ever writing fanfic. I have been reading fanfic on this godforsaken app since I was 12, and have been encouraged blindly by my best friend to post this. I hope you enjoy!
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Chapter 2: Steam
The walk back to your chambers was a quick journey. The hair on your arms stood up, as the ever present feeling of being watched surrounded you. The soft sound of your footfall echoed in the mostly empty wing of the Red Keep where your chambers resided.
The art on the walls of the Keep had been changed to Queen Alicent’s tastes. Bland colours and entirely not Targaryen, replaced the once brightly decorated halls and walls of your old home. You followed the torches until you reached the heavy oak of your doors, having them opened by a Knight of the Kings Guard; his white cloak standing stark against the dark corners of the corridor. 
As he pushed open your door you asked him to summon your maids. 
“Could you please fetch Aella and Saria for me? Have them prepare some water for a bath.” 
He bowed his head, “Yes, my Lady”, pulling your doors shut.
Your chambers were the same as the ones you had as a child, most of the furnishing and decor had not changed, though some things had. The room, however you could tell, had been unused since your departure many years before.
The windows looked out towards the sea, the moon softly reflecting on the water, flickering with the waves. A shadow could be seen above, a great beast flapping its wings to push itself and its rider higher into the sky. Its looming shadow slipped between the clouds rolling in, and you prayed a storm would blow in from the sea and knock Aemond off of Vhagar and into the ocean below him. 
Vhagar was the largest dragon in the world, fitting for your uncle as he had the largest ego in the world. You often joked to your brothers that he was most likely compensating for his manhood. Unlike his brother, you had not heard of his conquests with any women, or men. He was entirely elusive, a man with little or nothing to say, that many knew naught about except for his anger. 
Lost in your thoughts, Aella and Saria knocked on your chambers and you bid them to enter. Aella was young, no older than two-and-twenty. She had bright curly red hair that was always tightly pulled away from her face in braids that formed a low bun at the nape of her neck. Her eyes were a deep brown and she had a dusting of freckles upon her nose and cheeks.
Saria was the opposite. A few years older than you, her hair was as black as night, and silky smooth, worn in a similar style to Aella, but with flowing bangs that framed her face. Her eyes were a bright blue and her skin was a deep olive.
Aella and Saria came with you from Dragonstone and had served you for many years. Both were kind and trustworthy, and you would sometimes dare to call them your friends. 
The girls carried two large metal buckets each; steam rising high out of them. The two maids walked across the stone floors and placed them against the far wall. More maids walked in, carrying more steaming buckets of water and a large metal tub, placing it next to the burning fireplace, and began to fill it.
“Will you be joining the King for dinner, My Lady?” Aella asked, lifting one of the buckets letting the water carefully fall in as to not splash upon her or the ground.
“I will,” You replied, “I have not seen my Grandsire the King for many years. I’ve missed him,” You paused and thought, “and Prince Aemond extended a very warm invitation for me to join.” You looked up to see Aella and Saria give you a knowing look.
They had both witnessed the one-eyed Prince torment you since your recent arrival, and have listened to your younger selves stories of his sudden random bullying before the loss of his eye. Such a sudden shift in him which had surprised you both. 
Some days it was as though he had forgotten that he hated you then, talking to you excitedly about something he had learnt in the library, before realising his mistake and scowling, stalking off away from you. 
You had never truly understood the shift, but it was only ever in the open, before the eyes of court that he did it. If you were tucked away in private, he would speak to you kindly as he always had. You had shrugged it off as a child, but as you had gotten older, you realised that perhaps Alicent had been the reason for it.
“I wish to look my best this evening. It has been a long time since I have been in the presence of my family, and I want to make sure they know of how I have grown.” 
Saria came behind you and began to unlace your dress, pulling it softly over your head. 
Your slip was loosened by a tie at the front and it dropped down, pooling at your feet. The large copper tub had steam rising over the top, the light from the fire reflecting off of its side created a beautiful light that danced upon the wall.
Lifting your foot you stepped over and into the water, letting the stress and anxiety of the day melt away as you sank deeper into the tub. Leaning up against the high lip of the back, Aella lifted your braids from your neck and over the top, slowly untangling your hair and brushing out the strands.
Saria walked across the room and over to a large wooden wardrobe, which sat beside the bed. Dancing dragons were carved into the doors, with the faint remnants of paint covering them, with soft gold leaf detailing lining the trim of the wardrobe.
It was one of the last things left in this room that was yours, making you think that perhaps Queen Alicent did have a heart after all. Opening the two doors, Saria reached in and began pulling out gowns to present to you. 
“What about this dress Princess?” She held a deep red gown with a high neck. The shoulders pointed upwards and held the sleeves of the gown together with gold chains. The long sleeves were inwardly lined with a golden silk and there were black embroidered Godswood branches reaching along the hem and bust of the gown.
“Beautiful but no, I am wanting black for this evening.” 
Aella continued to braid your hair back, whilst you rested in the tub. 
Saria went back to the wardrobe and brought forth another dress. This time it was a black, short sleeved one. Gold embroidered flames licked at the bottom of the gown, which split at the front up towards the fitted corset of the waist. A golden skirt peeked through the split, which shimmered like the fireplace.
The neckline was modest and although it was one of your favourites to wear back home in Dragonstone, you felt that the dress was more of a summer gown, and the coolness of the night that nipped at you made you think this dress would be too thin.
“I think I want something more mature. They haven't seen me since I was young, I am older now and wish to show it.” 
You closed your eyes sinking further into the water to think for a moment, Aella pouring oils into the bath to soak your skin.
“Are any of the new dresses from Dorne?” You inquired, opening one eye to look at Saria.
The dark haired girl paused in thought, then hurriedly walked back to the wardrobe. 
The next time she stood before you, she held a new gown you had not worn nor seen before. 
“This is new from Marba, the tailor in Dorne.”
It was a dark black, sweeping gown. Its neckline plunged sharply into a deep V, dark black leather wrapped tightly around the waist and was embroidered with black vines that looked like dragons tails. The sleeves were long and open, that hung off by the shoulders that were lined with drooping gold chains. The inner lining was a deep blood red.
It was unlike any gown you had seen before.
Slowly you stood, Aella holding out her hand for you to take to help you out of the tub. Steam slowly rising off of your body as she pressed a warm towel to dry you, softly pushing your undergarment over your head to wear. You walked towards Saria, who held out the dress for you to inspect.
Up close, the black embroidery shimmered like threads made of Onyx, and the leather was finely stitched together to pull the waist into a tighter shape. The chains on the sleeves were thin and wound together like long chainmail braids, so delicate it draped softly and weightlessly as to not misshape the gown.
The plunging neckline was like most dresses witnessed in Dorne, but not nearly as often in King's Landing.
“It is beautiful, thank you Saria.” You smiled, “Help dress me, I’m sure they are expecting me soon.” 
Saria held the gown and helped you into it, lifting it over your head and pulling it down. The inner lining was soft on your skin and the leathered waist was a new but not unwelcome weight against you. Slipping your arms through the sleeves you heard the soft jingling of the chain detailing, they looked similar to a warriors chainmail, and you thought for a second that you looked as if you were dressed to go to war. 
Though this thought was not entirely unsubstantiated. Queen Alicent, your two uncles and aunt all still to this day wore green, were referred to as the Greens and were still waging a silent war against your mother and you all.
You thought of how your uncle Aemond would react to seeing you in a dress like this, but that thought was short lived as Saria began to tighten your gown, pulling in your waist which then lifted your breasts. You giggled at the prospect of irritating the prudish Queen Alicent, as Aella began to fuss with the finishings of your hair. 
The dress fit you perfectly, and your hair was swept back in small intricate braids which were held together by golden charms, the rest of your hair sat softly down your back. 
“You look beautiful Princess,” Aella spoke breaking the silence, “they are sure to see how you have matured with your years away from the Keep.”
 She and Saria smiled softly and dabbed small drops of perfumed oils behind your ears and upon your wrists.
Ensuring that you were ready, Saria and Aella began to clean your chambers as you walked to your door, having the Knight open them for you.
Taking a deep breath you stepped out and began to walk behind the Knight. His white cape swayed behind him as you walked down the corridor to feast with your family again after many years apart. 
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reverieparacosm · 1 year
Could i perhaps request what it would be like to be in a relationship with the witch-king during his reign of Angmar? F!Reader please! (Also hello hope you are well!)
Headcanons what it would be like to be in a relationship with the Witch-King of Angmar
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Witch-King of Angmar (Lord of the Rings) x F!Reader
Warnings: manipulative behavior, toxic relationship, possessive behaviors, worshipping
Note: Hiii! I am fine. :D I am happy that someone finally wants a Witch-King fanfic! There are not enough fanfics about him! :3
Living in Angmar, you would be surrounded by a desolate and barren landscape. The realm itself reflects the Witch-King's malevolent influence, adding to the overall sense of despair and hopelessness
You become a source of light and hope for the Witch-King
You see beyond his dark exterior and recognize the flicker of humanity that still resides within him. Your presence challenges his beliefs and makes him question his allegiance to Sauron
"You are mine, body and soul. No one else shall lay claim to what belongs to me."
His possessive and manipulative nature would drive him to do anything to have you and keep you away from others
You would be the first person to evoke unfamiliar emotions within him, and he would be determined not to let you slip away easily
The Witch-King has high expectations regarding your appearance in public. He will not tolerate you dressing like a slob, and he will react strongly if you challenge him on this matter
Prepare to be lavished with an extravagant amount of jewelry. The Witch-King will spare no expense in adorning you with opulent accessories
He would give you your own servants
His love language for him can be quality time together, although sometimes he can leave his comfort zone and be affectionate with physical contact
Despite the darkness that surrounds him, the Witch-King has an insatiable desire to make you happy
"In my arms, you shall find ecstasy that transcends the mortal realm. I will show you pleasures beyond your wildest imagination."
He may go to great lengths to fulfill your desires and shower you with extravagant gifts and grand gestures
He treats you like an absolute Queen
Living with the Witch-King would likely require you to isolate yourself from the outside world
Your relationship would need to be kept secret, and your interactions with others would be limited to ensure your safety and the preservation of the Witch-King's image
The halls of Angmar would be populated by monsters, serving as the Witch-King's loyal minions. These monsters would add to the sense of dread and foreboding within the realm
Being in a relationship with the Witch-King would expose you to constant fear and danger. His enemies would view you as a potential weakness to exploit, making you a target for their attacks
A deep sense of loyalty binds you to the Witch-King. Despite the challenges and dangers, you find yourself drawn to him, captivated by his enigmatic presence and the intensity of your connection
He is quite interested in what you like, and he is willing to learn things you like just for the fun of it
Occasionally, he may refer to you as his pet. However, it is crucial to note that anyone else who dares to use that term in reference to you will face a painful death
"My love for you is an eternal flame, burning brighter with each passing moment. No distance or obstacle can extinguish it."
Having the Witch-King as your protector ensures that no one with a functioning brain would dare to mess with you. The mere thought of crossing him fills people with unimaginable fear, and some individuals are even afraid to look in your direction due to the consequences they may face
He becomes fiercely protective of you, willing to defy Sauron's orders to keep you safe
Sauron would be jealous of the Witch-King's divided attention and suspicious of your influence on his most trusted servant. He would closely monitor your interactions, trying to discern any signs of disloyalty or betrayal
"I am the shadow that protects you, my love. With a single command, I can bring kingdoms to their knees and shape the world to our whims."
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moonlits-ocean · 9 months
Long Way Home [Part III]
[Azriel x Reader fanfic]
Synopsis: Y/n is the daughter of a healer in the city of Velaris. After a small incident, she moves to the House of the Wind to work for the High Lord, Rhysand. Everyone in the house seems to welcome her except Azriel, the second in command. Even though he is just blankly polite and does not acknowledge her much, she can't help but fall for him. Does Azriel return her feelings or remain unfeelingly aloof?
Read Part 1 here.
Read Part 2 here.
Part III
A few months later, Star fall was to commence soon. 
Excitement was in the air, and I was looking forward to it too. Rhysand and Feyre were going to host a party, and preparations were already underway. Everyone pitched in to help between their usual duties, chattering about the outfits, the food, song and dance.
Mor and Feyre repeatedly asked me about my outfit for the event. I remained evasive, since I had no plans of actually attending the party. I'd be watching the sky from elsewhere. Even though I helped with the preparations as if I was going to attend, I was gradually emptying my quarters and shifting my things to an isolated property outside the city. This property was situated in a river valley backed by the large mountains surrounding Velaris. It was an inheritance passed down in our family, and I had remodelled the villa and the gardens with the help of my dad. It was a perfect place to avoid others, and I loved it very much. Father, on the other hand, didn't like to be alone for long periods of time and didn't visit it much. 
While I was still in the process of shifting my things, I started sleeping less in the nights. I stayed awake at the kitchen table with a hot cup of tea, working my anatomy drawings or study notes. The one thing I'd miss when I left was the library, so I tried to make extensive notes and copied important paragraphs from the books I read. 
One night, I decided on a change of scenery and took my materials to one of the many balconies, making myself comfortable on the thick carpet. As usual, I had some tea in my favourite cup and lots of lamps to illuminate my work. 
I had placed the tea-cup along with a glass jar of coloured pencils on a side table so that I wouldn't accidentally knock them off with my elbow. Leaning against the balcony railing, I was copying a detailed anatomical diagram of an Illyrian wing in my journal. 
A sudden gust of wind knocked over the table and shattered the tea-cup and glass jar. I jumped, dropping my journal as I watched the carpet soak up my drink and pencils scattered everywhere. My favourite cup was broken to fragments. 
Azriel appeared before I had the time to think what to do next. 
"Oh, sorry," he pointed at the shattered pieces.
I sighed. The glass jar could be replaced, but the tea-cup was from one of a collection set of my mother's. It hadn't broken into very tiny pieces, though. Maybe I could put it back together, even if it couldn't be used. I could use another cup for drinking and keep this one back in its shelf. 
I unfolded a drawstring pouch from my pocket and gathered all the pieces. Azriel helped by collecting the remains of the glass jar and the scattered pencils. The tea stain on the carpet couldn't be helped.
He didn't leave immediately after we finished, so I offered him a cup of tea while I brewed some for myself. He accepted, and soon enough, we had our own mugs of the hot liquid and sitting next to each other on the balcony floor, looking out into the night.
He cleared his throat. "That cup was important to you."
I nodded. A tendril of his shadow flickered near his neck, and slipped out of sight. "It's from a set that belonged to my mother."
His expression dropped from his usual polite blankness. "I'm truly sorry. If there's any way I can help fix—"
I held up a hand. "It's alright. I'll fix it by myself later on."
I was curious as to why he had appeared here. He had never actually come to a place I was in out of his own volition. I asked him about it.
He did not give a direct answer. "You weren't there in the kitchen. I was looking for you everywhere."
I fell silent, turning over his reply in my mind, unsure of how to proceed. Meanwhile, he laid down his mug and picked up the journal I used for sketching. This journal in particular was just pages and pages of anatomical Illyrian wings with the parts labelled and side information. I had drawn them in every possible angle and technique I could think of. 
He slowly thumbed through the pages, his own wings slightly trembling in the breeze. 
"These are really accurate," he commented as he stopped at one of the pages. His eyebrows went up, and I leaned over a bit to see what he was looking at. 
It was a shaded sketch of a pair of hands, with the palms turned up. And they had scars on them. Azriel's hands, which I had drawn one feverish night from memory. Fuck. 
I straightened, cupping my own mug with both hands and intensely staring at it, determined not to face him or acknowledge the drawing. My ears and neck turned hot with embarrassment. He stayed on that page for a long time before closing the journal and carefully keeping it on the carpet between us. 
"Why the wings?" He asked after a while. 
I shrugged. "I miss having them."
"What happened?"
I narrowed a side glance at him. "I'm sure you know what happened."
One corner of his mouth tipped up. "I do. But I'd like to hear the account from you."
I shrugged. "Nothing much to tell. Father was sent on a mission. Mother was already dead by that time and he had to take me with him since there was nobody else at the time to look after me. The task went wrong, and the enemy soldiers ripped off both our wings and left us to die. Only, we were somehow revived and brought back to life. It was quite a while before I learned how to properly balance myself without my wings."
"This was during the war, yes?"
He turned to me and gave me a once-over. "Your mother was not Illyrian."
I nodded. "She was a high fae from the Summer Court. It's a thing in our family's ancestry. We come from a long line of powerful healers, and not all our mates are Illyrian. She survived my birth, even with my wings, but she died during the second along with the child."
Noticing the sadness that crept into my voice, he changed the subject by pointing at my journal. "Why my hands?"
I blushed, turning away from his inquisitive gaze. "I find them beautiful, that's all."
He opened his mouth to reply, but stood up abruptly, his head cocked to the side as if listening to something. 
"I have to go."
Going like this only meant one thing. "Is Elaine in need of help?" My voice sounded strange to my own ears.
He was on his way to one of the archways, and halted mid-stride. "Yes. Why?"
I shook my head, motioning for him to leave. "It's nothing. Go on. Don't let me keep you."
He took a step towards me. "But—"
"Just go."
He left.
I took a nap right there on the carpet until the early morning rays warmed my skin. When I was awake, I started gathering all my things to go back to my room. Cassian appeared and waved at me as I stood up, my arms weighed down with the books and the empty mugs. 
"Good morning, my chicken soup."
I laughed. "Morning, Cassian."
During my stay, Cassian had once fallen ill with a stomach problem and wouldn't eat anything and spat out the medicine. I mixed all the herbal concoction in some chicken soup, its flavours masking the bitterness of the herbs and fed it to him until he was better. From then on, he started calling me his chicken soup and always came to me in case of injuries and other illnesses. 
He took some of my books and started walking me to my quarters. "I've fetched you breakfast, its in your room."
When we reached my room, we unloaded our things on a table and I sat on a chair, keeping the breakfast tray on my lap. He took a seat on my bed and thoughtfully chewed on a piece of fruit. 
His wings were gently fluttering and I couldn't stop staring. 
"How does it feel to fly?" I asked in a low voice. My wings were ripped before I could do so.
His eyes softened. What happened to me and father was not a secret, everyone knew about it. He suddenly grinned as if he had a great idea. 
"What if I show you, instead of describing it?"
I didn't know what to say. "Um, I don't know, I'm a pretty chubby woman, I might be too heavy for you to—"
He groaned dramatically. "Oh, come on. I will be put to shame if I can't carry you!" He stood up. "Finish your breakfast. I'll take you right now."
Read Part 4 here.
Thank you for all the responses to my previous two parts of the story!
This fanfic can also be found in Wattpad, along with other exclusive parts like playlists and pictures. Here's the link: https://www.wattpad.com/story/358573037-long-way-home
Happy reading! <3
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princessleechan · 2 months
"You're the man!" Chapter 44.5 (18+ written scene)
⚽Chapter tags: MDNI, she’s the man au, revenge au???, cross dressing!reader, reader identifies anything but male, sports au, queer themes, university au, love-whatever the fuck kind of shape, w.c. 1.8k, stairwell sex, hair pulling, brief oral, unprotected sex, yearning, might edit later
⚽Tag list: @90s-belladonna @the-boy-meets-evil @lirtha97 @hipsdofangirl @justineasian @kwanisms @multi-kpop-fanfics @pantumin @wooahaeproductions @mayashu @shuasdraftsalt @lone-lone-ranger @headlockimnida @horanghaezone @haolistic @porridgesblog @jeonjungkaka @luchiet @ujimatchaaa @skzdesi @cheoliehansolie @vlbii @myghobi @sisterofsomeone @joonsytip @gyublues @alltheshineofthestars-blog @randomworker @isabellah29 @savgogh @too-many-kpop-hubands @kamabokogonpachro @skittlez-area512 @seccdlurv @chisskaa @mochiteez @theyluvfrankocean @lllucere @thomawifey @middle-of-the-earth @okiedokrie-main @itsokaytobedumb00 @humankimbap @zezedoesshit @teenyfinds @jeonghansshitester @aaa-sia @heyitz00 @silvsie
“Soonyoung!” you exclaim, a burst of laughter escaping you as you follow his lead. Your giggles, light and carefree, echoes through the quiet hallway as he gently tugs on your hand.
As you both navigate the ornate hallway, the clamor of the event gradually fades into a muted echo. Soonyoung leads you toward a quieter, more secluded area. You descend a grand staircase, its steps bathed in the soft, golden light of the chandeliers above. The rich scent of polished wood and the faint hum of the building’s old architecture is only what follows
At the bottom of the stairs, Soonyoung guides you to a narrow, dimly lit stairwell. The walls avoidant of historical portraits and antique fixtures, only its old paint and dust and peace of knowledge of its vacant being. It’s intimate with just a few flickering lights casting gentle shadows on the steps and walls, now falling on Soonyoung’s features and painting him a vision both mischief and beauty
Finally, you’re away from prying eyes. The sounds of the bustling event are now a distant murmur, replaced by the soft rhythm of each other’s breathing and the gentle rustling of your dress in your trail. As you both stand there, the shared closeness make the world outside feel like a distant memory, eveloped in teh warmth of each other’s presence.
“I still can’t believe you’re here,” You voice out, grasping on the lapels of his jacket. “I was really preparing for myself to be stood up.”
His fingertips ghost over the curve of your cheek before it hugs you in his grasp, cradling you in his hand. “I had a lot of time to myself and there were a few things that couldn’t help but replaying my head.”
He steps closer, closing the distance between you until you can feel the warmth of his breath on your skin. “How hurt I was you lied to me,” he admits, his voice tinged with vulnerability as he observes the quiet fall of your smile.
His hand, open and gentle, rests on your lower torso, drawing you closer to him. The contact is tender yet firm, anchoring you both in the moment. “And how I wanted nothing more than to be with you again,” he adds, his words laden with earnest emotion, leaving no doubt about the depth of his feelings.
You open your mouth to speak, but the words catch in your throat as a remorseful breath escapes you. “I am truly sorry for lying to you,” you begin, your voice heavy with sincerity. “I allowed our relationship to develop to the point where I felt like I could finally be myself again. You made—make me incredibly happy whenever I’m with you. I was terrified of everything changing and losing what we had. I was scared of what ‘Yeonam’ might do to us, worried you might think that none of it was real. But it was real—just not the whole truth.”
“In a way, I get it,” he reassures, his tone soft and understanding. “You were doing something you believed in. I just wish I hadn’t been caught in the crossfire like that.”
You bury your face against his chest, finding solace in the coolness of his suit as you try to calm your flustered cheeks. “And I should’ve made things right,” you confess, your voice muffled against his fabric. “I should’ve told you the whole truth the moment I realized how deeply I was falling for you, not game day in front of hundreds of other people.”
He gently lifts your face to meet his gaze, his smile radiating warmth and tenderness. It feels as though your heart is drawn to him, completely captivated by the moment.
“I found out that night you stayed over,” he continues, his voice steady and sincere. “Not on game day.”
Your eyes widen in surprise, taken aback by his truth bomb.
“I saw some of your messages on your phone when you left it behind. I was being nosy, trying to figure out if these feelings I had were just in my head. I was waiting for you to tell me the truth yourself. Then, when that moment happened between you and Mingyu at the soccer game, like a fucking scene out of a movie…Got me thinking. What position was I supposed to play? Striker? Point guard? Goalie? Defense? I was fucking spiraling.”
You clench his suit firmer. “Soonyoung…”
He shakes his head, hair covering his eyes and his inner turmoil spilled like ink on paper, ignoring his eradiacting heartbeat “I didn’t want to be a player in your life who was only ever on the sidelines. If you and Mingyu were meant to be together, I wasn’t going to settle for just being ‘let’s stay friends.’ I wanted to be with you or not at all… but I didn’t really have a choice, did I? Not when I fell in love with you.”
“You fell in love with me?” 
“Right?” he confirms with a scoff of disbelief, his gaze lifing and steady on you. “I haven’t even kissed you yet there’s nothing else telling that I’m not truly, deeply in love with you.”
“I love you too, Soonyoung.” You film hold on to him, fear of him unlatching himself at any moment, clinging on to this moment of mutual desire, truly feeling like you were being swept up something imaginary but was reassured the moment his forehead kisses yours and the tip of his nose traces over the bridge of yours.
“You don’t know how much of a relief it is to hear that.”
Soonyoung’s head lower, gaze dropping down to the shape of your lips and finally take them a residual of urgency he once felt back at his apartment. Your lips, plush and soft, taste of sweetness and longing, quickly consuming him as you clutch him in your grasp, seamlessly following his pace. Swiftly he shifts position, pressing against you as your back meets that was once behind him, and cornering you until there was not and inch of distance between you both.
You moans pried your mouth open and Soonyoung’s hand creep around for your leg before the fabric fo the dress spills down by its, and exposes your thigh layered in panty hose now pressed against his side.
“You look incredible in this by the way.” He says in a rushed breath.
You softly laugh. “I was hoping you’d get to see me in it.”
“And I was hoping to do more than see you in it.”
“Soonyoung,” You chide, before he slams himself against you back to the wall, replaying the sultry moans leaving your lips.
“I needed the moment I laid eyes on you. I’m not letting anything else take you from me.” His hand travel past your dress and feeling the warmth of your dress, feeling how your arousal seeps past your panties and through your underwear in a damp stain. “How can I when you feel this good against me?”
Leveraging against the wall, Soonyoung tears the fraile fabric of your tights, leaving only your underwear as his remaining obstacle. “Soonyoung,” you admonish, quickly muffled under the palm of your hand, swept up in a concoction of hunger and fear of being caught
“No one will know under this thing, but I will. And that’s good enough for me.”
His kisses cascade from your flushed face, down to your cheeks and chest, and finally to the heat between your legs, sucking against the wet spot of your panties. Your jaw drops slack open, finding yourself being held up off the ground by the sheer force of Soonyoung’s strength and ambition of his jaw. Your hand fall to his hair, gripping it for dear life as he pushes your panties aside and his tongue swirls around your entrance. He starts alternating it with thick stripes being licked from bottom to top, indulging on your heat, before his lips wrap around your clit and sucks
You’re shaking in his clutches, vulnerable to his attention, ad you give soonyoung your whole body. Tired and helpless breaths escape you, following the pure conviction of Soonyoung’s mouth that guides him to its high before he finally parts form you, and lets you taste the pure efforts on your own tongue.
“I needed that so much,” he whines and you nod back in agreement, not having enough.
Soonyoung begins unbuckling his pants, taking out  the cock burning a hole in his pants and gently he guides himself over your slit through your panties, wetting its head with remnants of his earlier feast.
“Soon, give it to me,” you softly plead.
He takes both of your legs to his sides, hilting his cock to your entrance but only brushing the tip gently around your arousal. “Fuck, I want you. I want you so fucking bad.”
“Please, right here. I miss you so much. I can’t wait anymore”
“Fuck.” His length strokes a long caress against your slit before it stretches out your fluttering walls. His hand braces your behind, claiming your ass in full palms beneath the heavily material of your debutante dress and he takes sharp, gradual thrusts, experimenting with your sensation. Your hands grip his shoulders, fingers digging into his linen suit jacket and bracing for impact.
You take him in a liplock, gathering him by the hair on the back of his head and cling around him, savoring every thrust as it plummets deep in you. He’s careful, but needy and by the sounds of his voice, he aches to go deeper and faster. You softly caress him, staring back in those eyes glistening in awe of the you and how your pussy swallows him whole just serendipitously. 
“Why are you perfect in every way?” He whines, into your hair.
In desperate pleas, he drags your body back and forth towards him, bouncing your flesh and being to him like nothing and feeling your walls contract around him deliciously. Soon, your hand claws through his clothes, nails piercing through his flushed skin and you braced the wall behind you as you detected a familiar feeling. Your legs anchor around him, hot with every thrust and your voice finally gives out, not caring how the sound of either of your voices echos like a cave. “I’m coming…”
“Fuck that sounds so much more better than I ever imagined.”
“Soonyoung…” you whimper through your kiss swollen lips. 
His hands reach for your hair–using it as support– while the sharp thrusts taking a harsher form and he is essentially slamming you against the wall. Your mouth forced open, echoing incoherent music as you’re overwhelmed with your undoing. Soonyoung takes your lips, dulling your moans and swallowing them down his throat, riding out the final minutes of your climax and patiently sailing through the journey to inevitably his. Your smiles are restless, but nothing but nothing  short of happiness and relief is left in your bodies as you linger in this moment, hoping it lasts for an eternity.
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