#flood as in...pond and river?
stevenrogered · 9 months
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Anita Dobson as Mrs. Flood DOCTOR WHO | “The Church on Ruby Road” 
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barmy-owl · 9 months
Mrs Flood. Rivers and Ponds can flood. 😉
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raphexim · 9 months
Okay, so.
Besides the coincidences listed for the goblins, here are a couple more:
Ruby. Rose. Four letter R names meaning a shade of red. Both with bleached hair, both 19 years old. (It is no WONDER the goblins fixated on her!)
Flood. The overflow of a River. Tardis blue front doors like the Ponds' home. (The right age, if they'd gotten to try for normal parenthood and died in 2012.)
There are more, and my brain is too full and I know I am missing some and need a rewatch, but.
There's more a-brewin' on this line.
Please add to this post with other stuff you caught, it's also been so long since I watched the older seasons I know I won't remember everything.
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commandermaxil · 3 months
what song plays whenever ruby thinks about the night she was born? carol of the bells. carol can also be used as a name like melody or song…….melody POND, RIVER song. what’s another body of water??? FLOOD. mrs flood is river song and river song is rubys mother CONFIRMED!
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ohmerricat · 8 months
time is a body of water innit . some kind of turbulent ocean, always in flux, forever shifting. that's why it must be traversed in a ship (or you risk seasickness – a vortex manipulator is a leaky dinghy?) the current is strong but it is possible to sail again it, theoretically, though not without losses and not without fear.
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pond. river. flood.
calm and playful one second and the next there's a storm at sea. oncoming on the horizon
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obsessingonthevalley · 3 months
Doctor Who finale was something. Who the Stardew Bachelor(ettes) think Mrs. Flood is?
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Literally me the entire episode. It was good in some ways, very much felt like a Russel T Davies early finale, like the TenRose finale, meh. Yknow. I don't actually know how to connect this to Stardew Valley, umm who the Stardew bachelors think Mrs Flood is?
Sebastian: Strong River Song fan so hoping for an Alex Kingston cameo, so just hoping for mrs Flood to be River and regenerate back into Alex Kingston. (I'm projecting)
Maru: thinks it's Clara, "clever boy" and the outfit in the finale, thinking logically but confined to the finale me thinks.
Shane: Rani, no further comment.
Abigail: Master, just wants the master back (projecting again)
Sam: took the message of the episode to heart, she is just a neighbour, we give her power because we want her to be mysterious
Penny: Could not care less, she's just happy to be here.
Emily: subscribes to the in a tv show theory, still, in denial, thinks mrs flood is the TV?
Haley: she needs it to be River Song
Alex: another god. thought how the god storyline ended was mid, it needs more, again I'm projecting with this one.
Harvey: the doctor in the future, some fugitive doctor/war doctor bs
Leah: doesn't give a single shit about it, just wants Rogue back (or River, bring back Alex Kingston. Russel, you coward.)
Elliot: Rani, he's old. (different as to why Shane said it)
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manicpixeedream · 9 months
pond… river… flood…
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northwestofinsanity · 2 months
What a fun day to work at a veterinary hospital, as a classic rock addict who could make several lyrical puns about it whenever the occasional minor and funny inconvenience from it came up! There’s even a six-inch deep pond and a river flowing through the parking lot!
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lotus-ignis · 3 months
I haven't seen the church on Ruby Road, so this is my first time seeing Mrs. Flood.
She's my favourite and I love her.
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risperidog · 6 months
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lilislegacy · 7 months
something i feel like we don’t talk about nearly enough is the fact that percy is healed by water.
it’s so normal to us because it’s one of the first abilities we discovered he has. and it makes complete sense. but like… he’s the only demigod with that ability. jason doesn’t get healed by a gust of wind. hazel doesn’t get healed if she touches a diamond. nico doesn’t get healed if a skeleton gives him a hug. annabeth doesn’t get healed if she walks into a library.
like percy could be stabbed in the chest multiple times, he could break every bone in his body, he could be slammed in the head resulting in a crushed skull and hemorrhaging, but get him to some water fast enough and not only is he good as new in no time, but he’s stronger and freshly rejuvenated.
it’s insane when you think about it. no one else can do that. do you know how hard it is to kill percy? even if he’s not near the ocean, he can be healed by rivers and lakes and streams and ponds and all sorts of water sources. water recharges him. it makes him immediately stronger.
that’s a huge reason why i argue percy is the most powerful demigod. yes, he’s shown he has incredible super strength and super speed. yes, he’s a legendary sword fighter - arguably the best one alive. yes, he has control over air, land, and sea. (deadly hurricanes with heavy winds and thunder and lightning, huge volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, etc.) yes, he’s capable of mass destruction. yes he can single handedly cause natural disasters and mass casualties. and yes, he’s capable of controlling people’s bodily fluids, including their blood and saliva. he is terrifying
but even if someone manages to beat him, he dips one toe in some water and he’s immediately healed and even stronger than before. whether the injury is internal and external. he’s healed all on his own. no ambrosia or nectar or external remedies necessary.
guys. percy is insane. he’s way overpowered.
and i love it.
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vestaignis · 2 months
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Озеро Сукко (Кипарисовое озеро), или Голубое озеро — одна из самых популярных и фотогеничных локаций в окрестностях Анапы. Удивительные деревья с узловатыми корнями и приятным смолистым ароматом растут здесь прямо из воды. О происхождении названия озера существует множество предположений. С адыгейского топоним можно перевести как «водоем кабанов». Существует также вариант трактовки «Сукко» как «су» — вода и «къко» – свинья или дельфин. Озеро в Сукко было создано искусственно путем строительства плотины на реке, впадающей в Черное море, что привело к затоплению долины. Этот водоем занимает площадь всего 8 гектаров. Высота Кипарисового озера - 40 м над уровнем моря. Особую известность озеру принес уникальный эксперимент, проведенный в 1934–1935 годах, когда были посажены 32 болотных кипарисов, которые успешно прижились и выросли.  Изначально кипарисы были посажены на сухой земле, однако из-за значительных изменений рельефа территории они со временем оказались в воде. В периоды засухи уровень воды в озере понижается, обнажая обширную корневую систему деревьев. Кипарисы достигают внушительной высоты почти в 30 метров, а их стволы могут быть шириной до полуметра. Роща прекрасна практически в любой сезон: весной свежая листва хвойных деревьев нежно-зелёная, летом приобретает более тёмный и насыщенный оттенок, а осенью полыхает ярко-оранжевым или красным цветом. К зиме деревья полностью сбрасывают листву, обнажая ветвистые кроны — в чём тоже есть своя красота.
Из-за обилия известняковых отложений в зависимости от освещения озеро Сукко может менять цвет от нежного молочно-голубого до насыщенного бирюзового. Голубое озеро не только известно своими кипарисами и кристально чистой водой, но и окружающей его природой. Водоем находится среди лесопарка с дубами и грабами, а с северной стороны его окружают склоны горы Широкая. Рядом также расположена можжевеловая роща, создающая лечебный воздух в этой местности.
Lake Sukko (Cypress Lake), or Blue Lake, is one of the most popular and photogenic locations in the vicinity of Anapa. Amazing trees with knotty roots and a pleasant resinous aroma grow here directly from the water. There are many speculations about the origin of the name of the lake. From the Adyghe toponym can be translated as “pond of wild boars.” There is also an option to interpret “Sukko” as “su” - water and “kko” - pig or dolphin. The lake in Sukko was created artificially by building a dam on a river flowing into the Black Sea, which led to flooding of the valley. This reservoir covers an area of ​​only 8 hectares. The height of Cypress Lake is 40 m above sea level. The lake became especially famous due to a unique experiment conducted in 1934–1935, when 32 swamp cypress trees were planted, which successfully took root and grew.Initially, the cypress trees were planted on dry land, but due to significant changes in the terrain, they eventually ended up in water. During periods of drought, the lake's water level drops, exposing the trees' extensive root systems. Cypress trees reach an impressive height of almost 30 meters, and their trunks can be up to half a meter wide. The grove is beautiful in almost any season: in the spring, the fresh foliage of coniferous trees is soft green, in the summer it acquires a darker and richer shade, and in the fall it blazes with bright orange or red. By winter, the trees completely shed their leaves, revealing branched crowns - which also has its own beauty.
Due to the abundance of limestone deposits, depending on the lighting, Lake Sukko can change color from delicate milky blue to rich turquoise. Blue Lake is not only famous for its cypress trees and crystal clear water, but also for the nature that surrounds it. The reservoir is located among a forest park with oaks and hornbeams, and on the northern side it is surrounded by the slopes of Mount Shirokaya. There is also a juniper grove nearby, which creates healing air in this area.
Источник: https://kukarta.ru/ozero-sukko,//ezhevika-travel.ru /tur/ozero-sukko-foto,/turistexpert.ru/rossiya/anapa/kiparisovoe-ozero/,//kiparisovoe-ozero.ru,/blijehotel.ru/articles/kiparisovoe-ozero/, /experience.tripster.ru/sights/kiparisovoe-ozero-sukko/, /www.tripadvisor.ru/Attraction_Review-g3226223-d2331079-Reviews-Sukko_Lake-Sukko_Krasnodar_Krai_Southern_District.html.
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midnightarcheress · 5 months
Simon takes you to the museum.
pairing: bodyguard!ghost x actress!reader cw: implied ptsd. 4 | gold rush masterlist.
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the timid yellows creeping up the tree leaves announce the beginning of autumn, crisp air filling their lungs as they walk through the Tuileries Garden. Simon tries his best to act calm, focusing on how you make your way on the footpath around the octagonal lake, but the city’s sounds and the bustling crowd in the park keep him on edge, fingers rhythmically touching the dense fabric of his jeans for a faint sense of safety in the present.
despite his anxiety levels spiking, he still manages to appreciate the view. the remaining flowers from warmer days paint the grass with vivid colours and, on the horizon, he catches a glimpse of the Eiffel Tower on the other side of the river. the sun shines brightly in the sky, almost casting a golden halo over your head, the tender heat warming his brittle heart in a brief moment of peace.
“the museum is that way,” you look back at him, pointing to your left. ever since Daniel complied with your request for time off, you’ve been researching the perfect spot to spend your free afternoon, ultimately landing on the Orangery Museum. at least a museum is supposed to be a quiet place, Simon thinks.
“did you know that this building was actually a greenhouse?” you ask, walking through the entrance, “it was created to store the citrus trees from the garden, that’s why this side has so many windows.” your head tilts to the riverside facade and he silently hums, acknowledging you.
his lips involuntarily curve at your enthusiasm. the two of you don’t talk much on the daily, but it was endearing to see how happy you were for being surrounded by art, and he didn’t mind hearing you babble about the paintings. or about anything, honestly. the sound of your voice was soothing, pacifying the nerves that had been eating his insides since he stepped out of bed. 
“oh, those are my favourite!” you tug on his forearm, pulling him into an oval room with huge panels, the tiny inscriptions on the side reading ‘Claude Monet’, “those are water lilies, y’know, the flower? he did two-hundred-and-something paintings based on a pond in his property, can you imagine that?” 
“they’re pretty,” he mumbles, observing the thin brushstrokes. art is far from his strong suit, but he liked how the paintings captured the fickles of light and how they lacked the usual restrained aspect seen in other pieces – they seemed relaxed, floaty, free. so different from your life. maybe that’s why you loved it so much.
you drag him through the whole exhibit, explaining little details of the museum, the garden, the techniques, and he listens closely, his attention never leaving your mouth, completely entranced by your words. he didn’t feel the weight of the duty nor the need to protect you there, it was a different world. your own little bubble, and you allowed him inside. 
his hand brushes on your shoulder while exiting the building, guiding you through the door. he’s not keen on being outside again, sirens already buzzing in his brain with the idea of potential threats lurking in the shadows.
trying not to let the perpetual concern flood his mind, he clears his throat and sparks up conversation, ignoring the rules pairing over his head. no talking, no touching. “so, how did you learn so much about... all that?” he gestures back to the museum.
“oh, uhm, i used to paint,” you start, hiding the smile sneaking up your lips at his unexpected interest, “took a course in art history too.”
his eyebrows raise. “used to?” 
“yeah, when i had more time to myself,” he notices your sigh, studying the sudden solemn expression that outlines your face. your beautiful face, “but i wasn’t very good at it.” you chuckle, downsizing your abilities, and he snorts, not fully believing you. it’s the first time you’ve seen him showing any sort of emotion besides indifference, and he prides himself on the surprise gracing your features. 
it was nice, walking with you. not behind you. did he enjoy the view? yes, but this – him by your side, arms swinging together, matching steps – was real. genuine. it almost felt like a date, not that he would ever dare to say it out loud. everything was perfect.
until it wasn’t.
it happened so fast. a loud blast on the street made Simon wrap an arm around your waist and pull you to the nearest alley, one hand firmly pressing you against his chest and another holding your head, broad shoulders covering your body as the intense blood pump on his ears muffle the deafening ringing rattle. he stays in the position for a while, blown-out pupils frantically darting around and searching for any indication of danger. 
he takes a deep breath and his head dips down to you. for a minute, the only thing he sees is the gash on your forehead and your bleeding eye. you’re paralysed, partially because your brain is still catching up on what’s going on, and partially because his tight grip doesn’t admit any movement. 
“Ghost? what’s wrong?” the scared tone of your whisper readjusts his vision to what really is in front of him – you. safe, without a single scratch, tucked in his arms with a strength he hadn’t used to this extent in a long time. and he feels bad, pathetic even, because nothing happened. the blaring sound was a car crash in the avenue, not a grenade destroying everything in sight.
“it’s nothing” he pulls back, averting your eyes like the plague, “i'm sorry.” stupid. 
you frown, overlooking his avoidance with utter sympathy, “are you alright?” he grunts, unintelligibly, reverting to his cold stance and nodding. you don’t buy his half-answer, but decide that it’s better not to pry.
he knew it was coming, the uneasiness brewing in his gut was only waiting for the right trigger to crawl up his oesophagus and spill all over you. 
the rest of the walk is quiet, with him returning to his position a few steps back. never should’ve left. you sneak glances at him, checking, but his gaze seems too far gone. next thing he knows, you’re both on the jet, Daniel snoring in the front seat, him looking out the window, lost in thought. of course i'd fuck up. 
he barely hears when you approach him, trembling fingers handing him a card. the card. you’re trusting him. he glares at you for a second, hazel irises shifting between your spooked appearance and the paper. ‘don’t like you travelling without me, darling. i’ll be waiting for my souvenir  – your prince.’
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i've never been to france lol. and yeah i had a monet phase when I was fifteen.
little fun fact - the painting in the fic masterlist is part of his water lilies series.
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ohmerricat · 8 months
slight case of derangement today! you’ve been warned.
anyway has anybody considered… what if ruby sunday turns out to be river’s daughter from the 24 years she spent on darilium with twelve. plenty long enough to begin to raise a child. river could have wiped the doctor’s mind of all memory of their daughter for some kind of safety reason, likely to protect ruby (not that it works for long). would explain her tabula rasa heritage, and, more importantly, act as the obvious reasoning behind the bbc adamantly refusing to reveal the name of the leaked future companion played by varada sethu after millie leaves post-s1/14: it would be a massive spoiler for the series finale since she’s a regenerated ruby, 3/4 gallifreyan (or 1/2 weird time vortex augmented human?? one heart or two for ruby then? what even is river species-wise? many questions zero answers) another clue backing this concept up is the nature of the ruby/doctor relationship being completely non-romantic from what we’ve seen, with the doctor probably finding a male love interest in s1. just imagine a final two-parter — the doctor and ruby are facing some world-ending stakes, the universe is in peril, ruby ends up fatally wounded and… her hands start buzzing with a familiar golden glow
one more tidbit in corroboration: in a recent panel at some con (i can’t remember the video link now but if someone asks for receipts i will find it) alex kingston was quoted saying that river’s journey “may not be over just yet”. of course this could mean big finish or it could mean nothing at all but what if it hints at her showing up in a flashback sequence. what if she’s behind the black cloak, carrying baby ruby to the church? what if the doctor didn’t approach the hooded woman because of a subconscious recognition…
now, disclaimer so none of you start weird discourse for whatever reason, of course this could end up being a completely idiotic theory that’s way off the mark. or it could accidentally turn out to be spot on. imagine if i got it right. what would be the odds. would i feel vindicated or disappointed?
p.s. adding stuff i initially left in comments because it completes the post
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post-postscriptum: (mrs) flood… river… pond…
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casper-spills · 2 months
| Tarot Cards: Places they represent |
✩░▒▓▆▅▃▂▁𝟑𝟎𝟎 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥!▁▂▃▅▆▓▒░✩
Hey guys! Welcome back to another post ♡
We reached 300 followers! And I'm gonna do a special for you guys because I seriously am so grateful for all of your support. My blog has been growing so fast and I literally never expected to be where I am today. Thank you! ♡
This post will be a little different to my usual stuff. I was thinking I might start a series like this where I give some tips on how to read your tarot! I'll also include the sources I use at the end in case you wanted to check those out too.
Anyway, here is a list of places that the cards represent ♡
Cassy the friendly ghost ♡
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Ends on September 22nd
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1. Magician - Kitchen, labatory, shows, music, magic, performances
2. High Priestess - Secret place, secret society, library, somewhere quiet, reading rooms, theatre, halls
3. Empress - Old/stately homes, old school building, old hospital building, boutique, beauty parlor, restaurants
4. Emperor - Royal palace, business establishments, schools, univerisity
5. Heirophant - Church, univeristy, temple, place of worship, corporate building
6. Lovers - Sweet shop, date locations, love hotel, honeymoon places
7. Chariot - Car ralley, racing fixtures, garages, horse racing, highway
8. Strength - Zoo, petting zoos, gym, fitness studios
9. Hermit - Cave, retreat centres, hill walking
10. Wheel - Ferris wheels, london eye, casino, lottery tickets, shops selling wheels
11. Justice - Court, arbitration offices, counselling institution, police department
12. Hanged Man - Bungee jumping, sky diving, thrilling activities
13. Death - Church yard, funeral parlor, butcher, cemetary
14. Temperance - Cocktail bar, queues, waiting rooms, chemist dispensary
15. Devil - Adult shops, clubs, casinos, brothel, strip clubs
16. Tower - Chop shops, tall buildings, skyscrapers, stormy areas, fire
17. Star - Water, ocean, river, stargazing
18. Moon - Nighttime, stargazing, movie, stage, theatre
19. Sun - Birth centre, midwifery unti, hospital, holidays, tanning booths, abroad
20. Judgement - Rehabilitation centres, church, treament centres, spa
21. World - Airport, flying, dance studios
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☁︎ 𝒔𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔 ☁︎
Ace - Editor's room, skyscrapers, office, library, radio tower
Two - Statue of liberty, new york, seashore
Three - Hospital, rainy place, cloudy areas
Four - Bedroom, quiet places, funeral parlor
Five - Debate club, near water, themepark, competitive environments
Six - Boats, river, cruisers
Seven - Archery, secret location, casino, bomb shelter
Eight - Prison, therapy
Nine - Psychiatric hospital, confessional
Ten - Surgery room, accupuncture clinic, dentists
Page - Fraternity, rowdy places, sports arena
Knight - Windy places, windmills
Queen - Fenced off places, great walls, boundaries, spikes fences
King - Lawyers office
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🕯 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒔 🕯
Ace - Workshop, construction site
Two - Balcony, overseas, historical travel, boat
Three - Seaside, boat travel
Four - Fastfood, cafe, outdoors, wedding, celebration
Five - Sport centre, pool game
Six - Market, downtown, show, event, someone/something noticable
Seven - Competitive/violent environment
Eight - Road trip, highway
Nine - Competitive environment, barrier, wall, bouncer, high security
Ten - Workplace, labour, sweatshop
Page - Disco, dance, party
Knight - Hot and dry place, bonfire, abroad, holiday
Queen - Social events
King - Active place, fast moving environments
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꒦꒷ 𝒄𝒖𝒑𝒔 ꒷꒦
Ace - Lake, pond, birdbath, birds
Two - Luxury, home, common dating places
Three - Bar, pub, party
Four - Under a tree, graveyard
Five - A place of regret, place of bad memories, hospital, flooded areas, bridge, after party cleanup, alone in a bar
Six - Flourists, schoolyard, playground, nostalgic places
Seven - Highup places, views, drug suppliers, spots where people do drugs, drug shops
Eight - Bookstore, library, cave, quiet
Nine - Bar, party, pub, dinner, home
Ten - Family gatherings, park, outdoor, bbq party
Page - Aquariums, fish tanks, sea parks
Knight - Picnics, peaceful/romantic areas
Queen - Bathtub with cancles, home, skinny dipping, swimming
King - Beach, lake
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˗ˏˋ 𝒑𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒄𝒍𝒆𝒔 ˎˊ˗
Ace - Dispensary, bank, currency exchange centre
Two - Circus, arcade, carnival
Three - Fashion show runway, art gallery, boutique, museum
Four - Uncle scrooge's home, gold reserves, saferoom, secret hideout, vault
Five - The streets, people living in powerty, homeless spots,
Six - Pawn shops, currency exchange shops, trade stores
Seven - Nursery, orchard
Eight - workshop, construction site
Nine - Gardens, green parks
Ten - Market
Page - Field, farm, family business
Knight - Workplace, chores, school
Queen - Home, nursery room
King - Bank manager's office
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Dividers by @cafekitsune, @animatedglittergraphics-n-more
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mambalae-s · 1 year
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fallen glory — ushijima wakatoshi x reader
wc: 3.2k words
cw: god! wakatoshi x nymph! reader; unprotected sex; breeding kink; size kink; wakatoshi is a big boi; reader is described as a black woman; degradation; manhandling; ; creampie; not proof read; if i’m forgetting anything please let me know!
notes from author: please, if you’re under 18, do NOT interact with or read this post. i will block you.
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there are legends among mortal towns, the tellings of stories passed on by flesh and bone. a god, mankind will utter through shrouds of smoke, beneath fire-lit nights of centuries old, where the stars would even hold their breath to hear the words of divine destruction. a god so mighty and fearsome that wields power in his breath alone, that the earth would tear herself apart and offer her burning heart, that she would so desperately beseech her master that this mere sacrifice would be enough to please him. mankind would sing those sorrow-filled ballads of flaming rivers that sputtered brilliant embers, so brilliant in their dying glory that venus herself would weep and beg for mercy.
and this god, oh, this righteous and almighty god, his heart would mirror the depths of darkness. how cruel, this god, that he would beckon the tempests and the floods to destroy and ruin the earth, that he would paint wars and famine across endless seas and planes until there would be nothing left of man. when he bestows his wrath on bellowing thunders and rips the heavens asunder with magnificent lightning, he holds no mercy for the weak and unfaithful. his eyes behold, and his left hand cast their judgement, and the earth can do nothing but wait with bated breath as the universe stands still around her, powerless, and without charge of the pestilence that would next consume her and wipe her filthy soul clean once more.
oh, but who could imagine the divine’s demise at the hands of a damsel?
let these words not travel far, lest they spread across continents and reveal him for what he is. let the world not know of his mortality, of a heart that quivers before summer-touched evenings and sings wretched hymns of manly lust and desire. of his visits to the holy garden, they must not learn, even less should they know of the soul that resides there — the very same that would tame the tempest, and incite a hunger so ravenous and feral only to quench it all the same.
he’s here; you know without even looking, and your intuition tells you that he knows that you know. you don’t need to look behind you to know that wakatoshi’s watching you, eyes of gold and olive that stalk you like a hunter. he takes in every part of your image as a devotee does with visions. the droplets of water that glisten across dark brown skin, the sheer white fabric that clings to your full mounds and ass, barely doing anything to conceal your perked nipples, or the dip between your plush thighs. by the heavens, you truly are a vision of sin and desire — one that held the key to destruction between two-toned lips and written like scriptures among dark coils of hair akin to sacred vines.
“well?” you sigh, sinking further into the pond. the cool water kisses your skin with a tenderness that washes away the day’s searing heat. goosebumps rise across your body and you lull your head to the side, and that’s when you see him, your god come here to visit the garden of eden. “will you just stand there or are you gonna join me?”
how brazen, you must’ve sounded, irreverent as if you knew not the god who’d walked into your sanctuary. yet you knew all too well who he was, and you knew what he’d come for. you knew that, just with the sight of your body drenched in water, you could unravel this benevolent god and reduce him to nothing but a man lost in desire. since the first day he found you here on a lonely spring’s afternoon so many years ago, you’d somehow wrapped his tongue between your teeth and poisoned him with pleasure untold so that he would return time and time again. he reminds you of a lunatic, seeking the taste of your nectar like a man who knows nothing else, and you’d become his drug and his achilles heel, the very thing that could unwind this god and render him to nothingness.
the waters part to make way, welcoming wakatoshi into the pool as he comes close to you. his body presses against yours and he leaves no room between, so greedy in the way his fingers dip into your waist and burying his face into the crook of your neck to take in your scent. you reach up one hand to wrap into his long, jade green locks, and you pull him closer to you, eager to feel his lips leaving soft kisses across your skin.
“i can’t stop thinking about you…” he grumbles into your jawline, hungry and impatient. his fingers wrap into the thin fabric of your gown, nails digging into your flesh as he pulls you closer, pressing his hard cock into your ass as if he wants it to disappear between it. “fuck, what are you doing to me?”
you can’t help the soft moan that escapes your lips, though you know there’d be no sense trying to. coyly, you reach for one of his hands and bring it down to your pussy, pressing his palm flat against it and pushing yourself further against his length. “nothing, darling.” the words that leave you are teasing, almost to test him — accentuated by your sugary laugh when his fingers begin to peel your dress against your skin without you needing to tell him. “it’s you who keeps coming back here on your own accord.”
his fingers dip between your thighs and your knees buckle a bit when they brush against your pussy. you’re wet, wakatoshi discovers your slick already pooling into his hands despite him hardly even touching you. tauntingly, he caresses you, pools your slick along his fingers as he so barely slides them between your swollen cunt to hear the hiss that slips out of your mouth.
“look at you,” he chuckles, condescending. “so needy already, hm? do you want a god’s cock to defile you that badly?”
he’s baiting you, drawing on your words like a puppeteer, you know it. only touching you ever so slightly, giving you the smallest taste of what he knows you want, yet he wants you to beg for it. he wants you to throw yourself unto desperate abandon and give yourself up to him. and it’s working too damn well. greedily, you try to sink yourself down on his fingers, but he quickly stops you with a hand around your throat. frustrated, you whimper. “wakatoshi…” you keen. “for god’s sake, stop toying with me already!”
his teeth sink into your neck suddenly, the sensation of his lips sucking on your flesh causing your pussy to flutter. “nngh…” overcome with weakness, your head falls back against his chest, and your eyes are forced to behold the behemoth of a man behind you; the glistening droplets that slide down olive skin and the furrowed lines atop his expression. his lips part on breaths heavy and weighted as he squeezes his fingers tighter around your throat, and your own breath catches beneath his grip. you’re left wanting, needing the very air he robs you of, needing him inside your core, needing him and everything he’d give to you.
ah, you think bitterly, i’ll lose this war again today.
“you know what i want to hear from you, little one.” wakatoshi’s words ghost against the shell of your ear, causing you to shiver, heat coursing through each pulse despite the chill of the water. he takes his hand from your soiled thighs and brings his fingers to his mouth, and you watch with eyes glazed by lust as he sucks your juices from them and groans. “hurry…” he huffs. his cock twitches against your ass impatiently, his balls almost ready to burst and bury themselves inside your tight little cunt. “you know i don’t like waiting…”
those words so heavy and fogged over by hunger, you know he’s teetering on the very edge of snapping, letting you know that you’re not the only one who wants the other. he makes slow, intentional work of licking his fingers clean and he sees the way your inhibitions snap behind your eyes, revels in the whimper that leaves your lips as your hands fly to remove your dress all on your own. your breasts fall freely for him to see them glistening under filtered sunlight and of sight of your pursed nipples causes his length to twitch hungrily against your ass.
“please…!” inhibitions abandon you, your pride lost on the incessant pulsing between your legs. you need him to fill you, to ravish and demolish you — you’re aching now, impatient, craving him, “please, toshi, i need you inside me… now!”
you see the very moment wakatoshi reaches his limits and he snaps.
a yelp escapes you as he hoists you up, spinning you around to lock your legs around his hip. his lips crash into yours, mercilessly pushing his tongue into your wet cavern like a beast as he drinks you in. he feels your moans rumbling through his chest and he responds in kind, the space between you non-existent and your body flushed against him.
“that’s a good girl.” whimpering, you claw your fingers into his back as if holding on for dear life. “that wasn’t so hard, was it?” you want to curse him for toying with you, want to shut that filthy, irreverent mouth of his but your mind is too cloudy to give anything but sweet pleas of his name. drool pools from between your lips as he draws his tongue along your neck, suckling and biting every inch of skin. you’ll bruise blue and purple, you know it, but you can’t bring yourself to care. you want him to mark you, want him to possess your body and soul.
your fingers tangle into his tresses of green hair and you pull, causing him to hiss against your neck. “enough already, wakatoshi..!” despite your harsh words, you know they sound like nothing but muddled pleas to him. he’s so much bigger than you, it’s hard to forget he still has control over you — the way his large palms squeeze your ass, the way your body has to sit just above his hip, it’s hard to forget that fact.
“just fuck me already! you act like you don’t know the things you do to me, haah, like you don’t know how much you make me want you even— nngh, even when… you’re not here…”
ah, but how unfair of you, isn’t it? how can you accuse him of such things when really, you’re the one who does this to him? how could you not know that your visage haunts him day and night? that he dreams of taking you over and over, of pumping your hole full of his seed until your tummy would swell? that even then, he’d keep filling you up, keening to hear those sweet, filthy cries of his name over and over? you must know what you do to him; he growls against your skin, sinking his teeth into your collar and causing you to cry out and pull against his hair. “then tell me what you want, darling…”
frustration bubbles within you like an erotic poison as you glare down into emerald orbs. have you not been clear enough for him? what prayers would it take to satisfy this insatiable god? for him to finally give himself to you and abandon all else? you’re already powerless here in his hands, your dress reduced to a soaking bundle that wraps around your waist where his hands palm your bare skin. the tip of his cock only barely touching your core, and you can do nothing but wait until he sinks you down unto it. struggle as you might, your need couldn’t be fulfilled until he wills it, until he finally lets in and use you like you want to be used.
“i want you to take responsibility…” pettily, you huff, eyes narrowing further at the coy grin that sits on his mouth. even with his flushed cheeks and your spit coating his skin, he looks up at you, waiting for you to finish. “i want you to destroy me and fuck me senseless. i want you to force me to take every drop of seed and use me until your fat cock empties out everything inside me.”
wakatoshi hums, pleased, it seems, by your words, though he knows he wouldn’t have been able to hold off any longer even if he hadn’t wrung them out of you. oh, the things you do to him without even knowing that turn him into a wild beast. he all but eagerly lines up the head of his throbbing dick to your entrance, and the warmth of it is already so welcoming as he parts your pussy lips, teasingly rubbing your clit.
“take responsibility, hm?” he purrs against your skin as you whimper, soon forcing out the loveliest scream of his name as he brings you down in one swift motion. he watched your eyes roll into the back of your head, drinks in the way your lips fly open as his length spreads you apart. his own eyes narrow and he clenches his teeth — your tight walls squeeze around him so deliciously, so small and delicate as they clamp around the intrusion. “such a pretty, fragile little doll, aren’t you? fuck…!”
god, he hadn’t even fully sunken into you yet, and already he felt himself hitting the tip of your cervix, pressing deeper and deeper and causing your entire body to convulse as drool pours from your lips, fat tears pooling on your waterline. your orgasm wrecks your body in waves and you tremble, already fucked too weak to even support yourself. helplessly, you fall limp into wakatoshi’s arms, neck lulling back so that you’re forced to look up at the god above you, forced to watch his face contort in mortal pleasure as your hole continues to needily suck him in.
“aww…” he coos at your pathetic form. he brings one hand to cup your messy cheek while the other continues to support your weight, pushing a thumb into your open lips. almost mindlessly, you latch unto it and begin sucking. “already? kitten, i’ve hardly done anything to you yet.” even then, wakatoshi wants more from you. he wants to fuck you senseless, break you to nothingness until you couldn’t think of anything but him inside you. so he pushes, deep past your walls until he fully buries himself inside you, his tip so deliciously hitting your womb. you squeal and tighten your legs at the sensation of him bottoming out of you, dig your nails deep into his arms as if to ground yourself from slipping further.
“w-wait…! please, toshi—!” you cry, though your words are lost on him, drowned by his heavy breaths as he presses his lips against yours, pleas swallowed up while your body shakes. “i only just came, i’m— nngaah! ‘m too sensitive, slow down— fuck! ahh!”
despite your begging, wakatoshi doesn’t give you a moment to recover. he sets a relentless pace of pounding into you, pushing deeper and deeper, the sound of his balls clapping so filthily against your slick not yet enough to hide each honey-coated wail he forces out of you. “you said to… hnngn— take responsibility, didn’t you?” roughly, he wraps his hand around your throat and forces you to look up at him, all so he can take in that beautifully fucked expression you wear, teardrops lining your lashes and your mouth wantonly gasping for air. “that’s exactly what i’m doing, darling. isn’t this what you wanted?”
“yes..!” you can’t deny it. lying to him would be no use, it’s too late to try. your body’s already betrayed you for the pleasure he gives you, your battered hole pulsing around him with each thrust as he stretched you impossibly wide. “yes, wakatoshi..! fuck! i wanted you to fuck me n use me just like this!”
he chuckles, sinful and ungodly, as he releases his hold on your throat to place it around your waist and pulls you down, over and over, repeatedly until your body can do naught but fall to his mercy. “haah..! nngh….! fuck, fuck, fuuuck!”
“that’s it, kitten, just like that.” oh, heavens help him, he already feels himself beginning to waver, his hips staggering as he drives into you. he’s so close, his cock twitching viciously inside your beaten pussy, so close to exploding and filling you up. “take everything, you hear me? i’m gonna cum deep inside your filthy little cunt, and you better take all of it. gonna breed you again and again.”
“mhn! mhn! mhhn!” you’re far too gone to even understand the words he growls at you, far too gone to care for much else other than the sensation of him breaking you apart, or for the prayer you let escape your corrupted heart. “do it..! do it, waka…! let everything out and cum inside me, please, please, please!”
oh, how good did it feel to be at his mercy, to let him ruin you time and time again, at his beck and call. beneath his hold, you release all senseless moral and surrender to the wicked hunger of a being far greater than you. without warning, your body convulses beneath your pleasure as your second orgasm crashes over you. it rips through every vein in your body and releases itself from your core and you scream, your mind gone blank as you cream and squirt all over him. the very coil wound so tightly within your gut breaks like a tidal wave and pushes you off the edge, and after a few more harsh thrusts, you’re granted your reward.
wakatoshi grunts and gasps as his cock bursts his cum inside you, near panting as he pulls you flush against his hip and forces every drop into your delicate womb. his fingers dig deep into your doughy flesh, moans falling from him like a man needing air. he’d spent every last drop inside of you, his chest heaves on the aftershocks of pleasure, but gods be damned, he isn’t through with you yet. you, crumbled against his chest and fucked positively dumb, he hadn’t yet had his fill of you.
“h-hey, wakatoshi, what’re you—!” your startled shout goes unheard by the god as he forces you off his cock, only to bend you over rear up against the edge of the pool. shivers involuntary wreck your body, your whole clenching and your form already weakened by him. “please, i can’t take anymore, lemme rest a little— gaah!”
he silences you quickly by pushing his fingers into your stretched hole, pushing his cum back inside you as your walls object, already far too sensitive. “didn’t you hear me?” he grins, though you can’t see his expression from behind you. so, he pulls you up by your neck, grinning as he towers over your small frame. oh, how feeble and defenseless you stood before him, your legs couldn’t even support your frame, and it was all because of him.
“i said i’d make sure to fill up this tight little cunt. i’m not just done with you yet.”
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© mambalae-s — rb’s+feedback are greatly appreciated!!
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