#flora x riven
bifairywife · 3 months
nothing else can strongly remind you that you're a rarepair shipper when someone else says you're the FIRST person they met that ships that rarepair
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0jamajay · 8 months
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charmixpower · 1 year
For the bingo ship, Flora x Riven or Stella x Bloom, please
Rewriting this, wah!
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It's a story as old as time, local mom friend who needs to learn to be more selfish and ex badboy who needs to learn to emphasize more start dating and balance each other out
This ship is stupid fucking adorable and I love it and the main reason I wanna make Riven and Flora besties just
Flora to Riven: have to considered looking at it like this?
Later, Riven to Flora: You know you should do more stuff for yourself
I just–super cute, I love I love
I even love the primary conflict they'd have in their relationship
Flora feels insecure because Riven can't say I love you. Just yesss
Riven genuinely cannot express this (Ive met people who can't say I love you because they were always met negatively when they said it) and Flora just feels BAD because she knows it isn't his fault but she still feels super insecure and doesn't know if he loves her
Riven feels horrible because since he can't tell her he loves her without a panic attack coming on she's upset and he just feels so bad
They'd work through it, find a way to communicate this without having to outright say it (which is the workaround I've found with my friends who struggle with this) but it would be such a good nobody's at fault conflict that shows with dealing and overcoming both of their own personal struggles!!
I love to imagine Musa and Helia help them both with this, sussssh it's so cute
S2 Floriv would be everything. Riven trying his best to work on himself without any outside help, Flora feeling useless because he won't let her help, Riven telling her that he wants to be good person in his own right without requiring someone else, Flora turning into a puddle of goo
Like ough
They wouldn't have the benefit of being knowledgeable about each other's specific trauma effects each other without a lot of conversations and work (hence the I love you problem in the first place) but I totally feel like they'd be able to work past it
Riven would SO being back Flora weird plants he sees on Missions and Flora would be so fucking delighted
Flora would make stuff for Riven (like a candle) and he would be like "ah, this is love"
Riven love survivalist shit and Flora is the fairy of nature they could talk for hours but Riven prefers just listing
Fuckin Flora and Riven ships of all time
Plus it would be cute to see Flora get a little grumpy with him when he teases her. I have not seen enough playful arguing from Flora and I need more of it. She absolutely watches him make a dumbass of himself (like she did to Tecna in s1) for funzies as revenge
Kinda obsessed you know how it be
Okay I'm making a little time line
Floriv shippers get your fucking JUICE, this is gonna be long
No romantic connection, but Flora notices that Riven seems very off after dating Darcy though everyone thinks he's being his usual dick self. Flora tells him at some point that she doesn't know what's going on but she'll be here for him because no one deserves to be alone.
Riven jumps off of CT and gets back up despite his injuries because he hopes there's one person who'd be sad if he died. Flora heals him and they are now friends
Riven is nursing one hellva crush on Flora but keeps it to himself because of his low self esteem and because he isn't ready for a relationship so soon after Darcy. Flora and Riven hang out a lot as friends.
Flora doesn't blame Riven for being lied to and Riven appreciates how she's patient with him and he does as much as he can to show this. Riven hangs out a lot with the new girl who reminds Flora a bit of Riven in s1, with her hyper independent attitude and she's so proud to see Riven attempting to give her advice based on his history. After the Trix show back up he hangs around much more out of paranoia and struggles to communicate this (though Musa seems to understand immediately, something that makes Flora feel a little jealous but she doesn't know why yet).
Riven immediately bonds with Flora's pixie Chatta and she gets to see a bit of his old self in a new positive way with him talking excitedly and openly with Chatta, showing a lot more energy that he usually does becoming a lot more subdued after Darcy. Flora adores her pixie for making Riven more lively. Flora meets Helia, Riven's new friend who just decided they were friends and drags him around now and thinks he's quite silly and befriends him as well. He asks her out but she declines and he asks her if theres someone else and shes like "what noooo" and he's like "sure lol".
Turns out Riven loves adorable things and really adores the pixies so she introduces him to all of the other pixies and he's like =D and Flora thinks its super cute and OH. That's why she's been feeling like that, huh. Flora is now extremely distracted with her new crush, daydreaming about Riven dating her and saying that he'll do anything for her and stuff which isn't far off, and Aisha notices and IMMEDIATELY goes to bother Riven about it who's all depressed about his crush because he has low self esteem and Aisha gets sick of the "I don't deserve someone like her" narrative like three minutes after she first hears it. She tells Riven to man up and Riven continues being a depressed onion.
Helia comes around and mentions to Flora that Riven really talks her up often and encourages him to ask her out before learning that she previously rejected him and makes Flora feel like 17 different emotions. Aisha and Musa become friends, Aisha realizes that Musa has a lot of things in common with Riven and starts slightly bugging her about what she thinks he's going on about to help Flora. Musa is completely shameless in her match making attempts and Flora is like hhhhhh. Flora is encouraged to ask Riven out but Flora says that Riven is still in a delicate place due to Darcy and she's right so Musa and Aisha drop it.
When Flora meets Diaspro she's more upset at her upbringing than she is in canon, focusing on that instead of telling Diaspro to be better for her people, due to Riven's influence, she tells Diaspro to become better for herself and that she should be free. I firmly believe that Riven should of been allowed to save the CT witches and so he does in my Canon, and the witches are super thankful because I like watching Riven squirm under the attention he's literally always wanted.
Anyways twinning with the witches is mostly witch girlies teasing Flora about Riven and Flora going "noooo, he's not even looking for a relationship" and them "if you don't date him I will". I think Riven being super popular in CT and disliked at the other schools is very funny, sue me. Flora still let's Aisha take the lead and struggles to share her own input or tell the witch girlies she'd like to be left alone, leading Aisha to go off on her own without Flora. Flora ends up in the heart of CT and nearly gets ambushed by the Trix but is saved by Griffin, who makes it known that she assumed that would happen between her and Aisha and Flora actually snarks at her which is something she hasn't done to someone yet and from not on doesn't like her that much.
Riven fucking hates Avalon because he reminds him of Darcy and now Flora is low key suspicious of him but doesn't saying to Bloom. She tells Tecna and Musa tho, but doesn't tell Aisha in fear of her doing something on her own. They go to the Wildlands, the Trix show up, and Riven immediately goes to Flora for help once he senses them. Flora is EXTREMELY confused because she can't transform or use much magic and Riven is like "can you still hear the voice of nature" "yes but-" "what is the problem" and Flora is VERY confused at how she and Timmy ended up leading the fight back against the Trix.
She ends up getting her Charmix after getting confident in herself and her own plans after getting in a disagreement with one of the others and sticking to her guns. She is so excited!! Floriv survivalist otp for the entire arc I am just saying.
She confidently heals the Flower of Life after getting her Charmix and she's like "wowowow, I love trusting myself" and Riven is like quietly clapping in the background because he doesn't want to distract her.
Flora cringes at the fact that Riven was super right about hating Avalon, and is now planning on taking his "this person sets off my paranoia so much" comments much more seriously.
Flora is nervous to save Bloom, Riven is like "girlie (affectionate) you helped save Alfea, your probably one of the most powerful Charmix faries to ever live, you got this" but in a much more aggressive Riven-y way and Flora is like ❤️. They hug before going to fight Darkar, all of their friends BEGGING them to talk about their feelings but no 💕💕💕💕. They will not.
Flora offers to hold back Darkar on her own while Musa prepares a powerful attack, Musa agrees, Flora draws Darkars agro and Riven does the thing™. Musa gets the attack in stunning Darkar for a moment so she can try and take the spell he put on everyone off, while Flora IS FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. Riven confesses at the worst fuckin moment because he's Riven and Flora is like "love you too BUT YOU ARE DYING".
They win, happily ever after.
Riven seeing Flora when he comes to the beach: I did the summer program at RF again, heres a pretty plant for u 💕💕 I saw it during a mission and brought it back
Flora, who has like 13 of those: Awe your so sweet
Riven hears Flora talk about Chimera and Cassandra and is like "paranoia says shes bad" and 12 seconds later guess what happens? Chatta nearly thinks its funny but gets the disapproving mom stare. Tho he also mentions that Chimera is too young to know better and that they should try reaching out to her because of this is how her mom reacts when given power over Stella and Radius, imagine how she acts to Chimera who she's always had power over. Flora is like "did not think about that, will do".
Riven watching Flora help spell Brandon to see Stella's inner self: I do NOT approve of spelling people without there consent, and will not be a part of this
Riven, Nova, and Chatta form a gossip squad. Flora tries to laugh too hard.
Diaspro says no to Valtor, choosing to be happy without anyone else, Valtor does NOT take kindly then re offers to Samara and Erendor after putting Diaspro under his then their control.
Riven hears about Valtor's past and has a mini Darcy spiral out of fear, and Flora calms him down.
Drugged Sky: I love Diaspro
Drugged Diaspro: I love Sky
Riven, who's been under emotion control spells before: THAT'S SUSPICIOUS, THAT'S WEIRD
Bloom is all upset while Riven is FREAKING THE FUCK OUT. Riven is like "those two are under so much mind control Aisha DO SOMETHING" and everyone agrees to immediately do something (because they all have 0 impulse control) and Flora is like "Samara is a guardian fairy. I wanna save Sky too but... we're just not strong enough rn" and they're all sad but agree. Yes Samara is a guardian fairy, I need her to be powerful enough to make the Sky situation not be solved instantly.
Stella gets her Enchantix by saving Chimera who she's been trying to reach out too, Chimera immediately starts sobbing and saying she doesn't want to go back to Cassandra but also can't leave and asks Stella to come back and save her and Stella agrees.
Flora and Tree Faragona: *having a intense conversation*
Everyone else: 🧍
Riven after seeing Floras Enchantix: you got really hurt ;-;
Riven: irrelevant
Flora: NO!! IT'S NOT
Tecna's gone and BOY HOWDY IS NO ONE TAKING IT WELL. Riven trusts Timmy about Tecna more this time around.
Everyone wants to go kill Valtor and Flora talks them down, instead, now that they have Four Enchantix Faries they can take down Samara and Cassandra who have been using their royal powers to help Valtor, and then go off to take they're rage out on Samara in a STUPIDLY hard fight (because fighting gravity will always suck) where they barely win.
Bloom goes to pyros, and Cassandra puts Solaria on fucking lockdown because Samara got her ass whooped as a guardian fairy and Cassandra is a Charmix fairy....yeah she knows she's done for as soon as the Winx get their hands on her.
Riven is able to help Timmy a little more than before because a certain nature fairy taught him some meditation techniques he passes on to Timmy. Also he helps Sky get therepy because being under mind control spells suck a lot and Riven is helping him all he can, Flora is sooo proud.
The boys do not go to Omega, only magic users can't immediately fucking turn to ice when standing on Omega. They're forced to stay home. They do see Bloom, who's SUPER happy to see that Sky again and tells them all about her Enchantix and Riven is like "as someone with an anger problem, I think you have an anger problem" and Bloom is like "no".
Flora: then this weird guy Ophir showed up who was watching us and can make copys of himself
Riven: *gasp* DARCY
Flora: no—
The girls make a plan to sneak into Solaria, Riven helping with the sneaking part because he's good at that, Helia and Sky helping with their connections, Brandon helping with the lying part, and Timmy doing tech support. They get in with a fuck ton of glamours from Mirta and the ability to pick locks and lie like their life depends on it. Cassandra gets her ass kicked so hard by Stella and Stella adopts Chimera.
Helia video chatting the girls: 🥰
Riven seeing Ophir: *gasp* DARCY!
Helia: well you were right about Avalon....go crazy
Riven, getting on his bike: I will!!
Riven tries to stab Ophir again and Flora is like "RIVEN HAVE BEEN OVER THIS" and she gets him to calm down, golden kingdom happens and she's very happy to see that he and Ophir have become besties
Bloom trying to kill Valtor and nearly getting herself killed because she hesitated: I should lean more into my anger Issues, not being angry enough is my problem
Riven and Flora: NO!!!
Flora talks to Bloom about her nightmare differently because Riven constantly goes on about how obviously Valtor is lying about Bloom's family and she tells her this because duh.
Bloom: I wanna talk to the ansestal witches
Riven: absolutely, and I cannot stress this enough, the FUCK NOT
Riven: why would the most evil people ever not lie to you???????
Bloom: y'all hear something
The Winx defeat Valtor and Riven is all like "where's the body?" Because he's Riven and everyone tells him to chill but Bloom is like "uh, just checked...." And everyone is like "goddamn it"
Helia get corned by Valtor and is VERY upset atm bc he couldn't do shit and feels like he failed his friends everyone is freaking the fuck out about their bfs. Except Musa who is dating Aisha and Aisha who is dating Musa. Bloom calms tf down for once in her life to eat Valtor's dragon flame, happily ever after.
This is were the I love you drama happens. They haven't had any real problems and I like interpersonal struggles that are no one is at fault and they both work it out and grow. No I'm not doing all of s4 with them because FUCK season 4 but I'll do a highlight reel
Flora becomes a teaching assistant at Alfea and Riven talks about how Helia and Saladin offered him a job at RF but he's still thinking about it
Bloom wants to see if there's any magic on earth at all so drags the Winx to the tree of life to see and WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT, A WEIRD AMOUNT OF MAGICAL PEOPLE ALL IN THE SAME PLACE
Flora, who knows exactly what Riven would say: that's suspicious, that's weird
Riven grumps about the glamor and how he looks weird as an earthling and now Flora looks much prettier as herself and then immediately backtracks bc "not that implying that you aren't pretty now, but" and Flora so laughs at him
Riven takes one look at the Believix powers and FREAKS THE FUCK OUT, until it's explained that all they do is help people think more clearly or unrepress their empathy and Riven calms down but asks them to be careful with them
Bloom tries to have Roxy take the white circle (or mind control ring as Riven calls it) Riven throws a chair at her, and Flora actually gets mad at Bloom for suggesting that bc she's seen how mind control has REALLY fucked up Riven and thought that Bloom would understand because she's with Sky but apparently not. Bloom feels horrified she just pissed off group mom
Flora says it like that too, just very disgusted, Bloom has a little crisis and keeps the ring
Riven and Flora adopt Roxy
Roxy brings up that she and Riven are super cute but why do they never say I love you? Anxiety sets in
Riven is suspicious of the Earth faries bc MIND CONTROL DUH, and so is everyone else but they decide they probably did it because they've been trapped so long and are super upset and Riven is like "fair"
Diana kidnaps Riven and now Flora is even more sure that she's gonna 1v1 the bitch
Flora puts off talking to Riven about the thing™
Riven looking at Flora's Lovix: *cant form a coherent sentence*
Flora: 🥰
Flora sees all the trees being cut down and is like "I understand the eco terrorism Diana, me too bestie, but you can't punish everyone! Just the people in charge 🥰🥰"
Flora: hold my flower I have an ass to kick
Riven: kick her ass babe I got your flower
Flora talks to Musa about how she's feeling and Musa says she and Aisha have the same problem but know they care about each other and Riven has a talk with Brandon who says he should show he cares as much as he can and show his love though action
Riven fuckin laughs the back circle out of the frutti music bar and no one believes them. No one. They've delt with Valtor and Darcy and know what a liar FINALLY looks like
Bloom and Tecna fight Nebula, and Bloom feels more bad about the Roxy thing
Flora keeps Roxy as warm as possible
Nabu is alive!!!! And Helia fucking kills Duman instead because Riven got the idea to do shifts lest they get taken as hostages again
The war happens
happily ever after for realzs this time
The end!!!
Yeah I fucking love this ship XD
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dragonfly0808 · 2 years
29, 19, and 8 for Flora x Riven <3
8- They’d love to partake in each other’s interests so Flora loves trying to help Riven repair Wind Riders and ships and Riven adores helping Flora with her plants. They love listening to each other rant about machines and potions respectively
19- I totally think that due to their respective insecurities Flora would totally leave him little notes or flowers all around so Riven’s checking his gear or his toolbox and finds daisies or little notes. Riven would just like, always have an arm around her or is constantly giving her little kisses or playing with her hands. OMG, I could totally see him wielding a few metal stuff for her like metal flowers
29- I think they would argue over Riven being a bit too protective due to Flora’s past trauma and the fact that due to her warmth and friendliness some guys confuse her sweetness with flirting. They compromise by having a little gesture that means ‘stop it, I got this’ or ‘okay, I need help this time’
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darlenicy · 1 year
Soooo I just thought about the missed chance of Flora x Riven and remembered that Flora was the one in ep 1x9 to ask Brandon & Co why Riven didn't come with them which implies interest in him, doesn't it? And no, I don't want to hear that Flora is the mom friend who is concerned about everyone... I mean the beginning of s2... please there was so much potential for them.
However, this is not what I wanted to say: Because I was curious I checked the 4kids Dub if there was any similarity or if they changed the script again for whatever reasons. Spoiler: They changed it. But the thing that got me was Tecna's reaction on Stella's heart eyes for Brandon (Sky by that time).
Tecna says: Stella, please remember, our goal is not to socialize.
What did I understand? 🙈
Tecna: Stella, please remember, alcohol is not to socialize
Lmao I had to switch the subtitles on to get what she really said. And I can't..because I thought: it's the 4kids dub, it's possible she said that. 🤣
In the original she says: We all saw him, we know his name, no need to yell. Which is iconic too but now I can't get off the thought, that Tecna prevents Stella from drinking 🤣
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lantsov-vanserra · 2 years
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The absolute serve it would have been 🥹🫶🏼
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skloomdumpster · 2 years
Flora/Riven headcanons 🌸⚔️
i love that emoji for them, that's adorableeee
Flora likes sweet&spicy food, which Alfea does not have. She "forces" Riven to tag along down to blackbridge and has him try all the sweet and spicy food, some of them w/ flowers and he hates it, but he'll go every single time she asks.
Riven's used to being the one with Bad Ideas of his friend group, so he's not sure of what to do with himself when Flora joins in his bad idea. When he suggests they bungee jump, he's not serious but now Flora is all "LET'S GO!!!" and he can't possibly say no without ruining his reputation and this is how he ends up jumping with her. He hates her (he loves her).
When Flora gets angry, she gets impossible to deal with. No arguments will get through her, she completely shuts down, my way or the high way. Riven luckily has a lot of experience dealing with stubborn bitches <3 (sky), so he just nods and nods and nods and then he waits until she's done ranting and pretty much verbally slaps her to sunday. This always leads to loads of pouting, but she does see the light.
Riven has an habit to go into his head when he's upset. Things escalate and snowball and he isolates like hell. Flora doesn't let that happen, she's clingy and annoying enough and she doesn't care. She will intrude and climb in his bed and refuse to move and she's so shameless that she'll do that even if Sky is in the next bed over, even if Riven calls her clingy. Not a single fuck given (he appreciates it so much)
Flora is a hoarder and so is Riven and they go to loads of garage sales together, except their tastes clash horribly.
They do both adore weed paraphernalia and Riven is more than willing to toast money in a funky looking bong, sue him. They sit criss crossed in his bed and hit it up, making out in between.
Flora is one of those deranged people who put even the worst bugs in a paper sheet and free them in nature. Riven stomps on them. <- They've fought about it before.
Riven is a connoisseur of romcoms and Flora says she "loves them", but in reality she falls asleep during the first five minutes, drools on his shoulder, wakes up in the final ten and pretends she watched the whole thing.
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come-sail-away-bell · 2 years
What do you mean no one is shipping Flora x Riven ?? The potential???
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winxamvedits · 1 year
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kifkay · 5 months
Winx & Specialists Dynamics that are so Precious to me
it makes sense that in the show, winx and their non-boyfriend specialists don’t interact much. but!! i’m very insane about codependent found families, and I want them all to love each other. so here’s my take on some tet-a-tet dynamics:
rare pairings:
Musa & Timmy: childhood frenemies. they used to go to the same middle school on Melody, and as type-A tweens do, had an intense, “you’re the only person I match myself to” kind of rivalry. they lost contact after Timmy moved away, chilled out considerably, reconnected in Alfea and had a wonderful banter-filled friendship since. because of how fast they slotted back into a friendship, some of their classmates genuinely thought they were siblings.
Tecna & Riven: got up from a rough patch. from “I dislike you but we both love Musa, so we have to be civil” to “you have more depths to you than I expected” to “now that I understand you, I can’t help but admire certain things about you” to “bitch, you are the only person who is as weird and clueless as I am, ARE YOU READY TO GO TO THE ARCADE AND ANNIHILATE KIDS FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES”
Flora & Brandon: little sister, older brother vibes. of similar temperaments and views, they enjoy spending time over a cup of tea — talking about everything and nothing. it’s therapeutic, almost.
(no one in the group knew that Brandon and Flo were good friends. once, when the two had to team up during a mission, Bloom couldn’t even finish saying: “it would be a good opportunity for you to get to know each ot-“, before the specialist-fairy duo were re-creating the most complicated and choreographed hand shake ever. jaws were on the floor.)
Aisha & Brandon: they are sporties, and they like doing sport things together! they don’t talk aside from exchanging brief encouragements and advice while out, preferring to spend their time in companionable silence. sorta like those dads who never talk to their buddies, but somehow have the strongest and longest bonds ever?
Helia & Bloom: artist besties. Bloom drags Helia out on picnics, where they practice observational drawing (and tiktok trends that Bloom desperately wants to reenact but none of the winx are good at arts); Helia responds by taking her out to see art museums in Magix. it’s a fun dynamic of Bloom being the bubbly gold retriever, and Helia being her black cat.
Tecna & Sky: they didn’t have much of a relationship until year 4. somehow, they both got really, intensely into weaponsmithing and built a joint workshop. they found that they enjoy working alongside each other and value each other’s insights. sky goes to tecna when he needs frank, un-sugarcoated advice, and tecna accompanies sky on hikes and other spirited adventures, for “bonding activities” (because he told her she doesn’t get out of her comfort zone enough). it’s a relationship of deep mutual respect.
Sky & Stella: childhood friends. they knew each other as children and enjoyed playing together (which is how Stella also knew Brandon pre-Red Fountaine). at least, until Stella was unofficially banned from Eraklyon because shenanigans, and they lost contact. they still jokingly call each other “My Lady” and “My Lord”.
Stella & Nabu. Both are flirty and extroverted people, who enjoy the spirit of showmanship. They have a friendly rivalry going of who can fluster the villain of the week the fastest.
canon bf-gf dynamics (dating in canon, open to interpretation otherwise):
Bloom x Sky: liked each other since the first meeting; bonded over being the friend group moms. (on unrelated note: bloom gentle parents her friends, while sky goes all exasperated cig mom on his team and repeats things like: “you better go to sleep right now, or so help me Dragon I will take away your Owl pilot privileges-“)
they are not the most outwardly affectionate couple of the winx, yet they are so wordlessly devoted to each other. sky will follow bloom to the ends of all dimensions, when she gets a calling from powers as mystical as she. bloom will always believe in him and see him as his own man, unlike the many who see him only as his father’s son. they were entwined by fate, long before one had met the other; yet, there’s the trust, the respect, the faith so strong — that could have only come from friendship forged and tested by fire.
Stella and Brandon: the hottest power couple; sole reason behind 60% of all student fairies/specialists/witches queer awakening.
they banter all. the. goddamn. time. these dorks are speaking a whole different language.
they are also most comfortable in each other’s company, being able to be their genuine, less polished selves. stella and brandon are both performers bred and born, playing the roles of a noble princess and a knight. it’s nice, to have a safe reprieve from all that acting.
Aisha and Nabu. their love was one that sneaked up on them. their distance, set by a discomfort at the idea of an arranged marriage, bridged as they transitioned from being reluctant comrades to friendly rivals to unwilling friends to best friends to “if someday the moon calls you by your name, don’t be surprised — because every night I tell her about you”
Tecna and Timmy: partners in crime, ride or die, sunny faith in each other — even when the other person doesn’t believe in themself. I have a whole post about them, go read that ;)
Flora and Helia: they are so. they are. they-
icons. the most romantic couple, the one that sets the standards, the one that gives their friends advice. they are extremely attentive to each other’s needs and tender with each other’s feelings.
flora can recite helia’s poems in her sleep, and trace his drawings with her eyes closed. helia brings mielle presents every time he stops by. flora has tea with helia’s dad every other tuesday; she keeps note of every time helia and saladin are supposed to meet up, to be able to whisk helia away after and distract him from his troubles. helia knows how to care of flora’s plants, and sends her lovingly assorted gift baskets semi-regularly.
Musa and Riven. their relationship is push and pull, is joy then sorrow.
it’s all in a drag of a cigarette, in the vortex of a starless night, in the hoarse laughter. “of all the people in the world, why did it have to be you?” she’ll say and smile.
“ I’m afraid we’re doomed, lover,” he’ll reply, faux-casually, and smile back. both of them will know it’s the truth.
their relationship was not built to last, not for the lack of love or try. maybe they were too similar — both headstrong, unbending, bleeding hearts. maybe they were just different enough not to understand their hurts. nevertheless, it was not built to last — but neither of them would ever bring to regret it. love prevails, no matter in what form in comes, or something like that.
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ghostsprobably · 4 months
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Pride Stickers!!! Up on my shop!!
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bifairywife · 2 years
Floriven AU for the WIP game, the flower shop owner and tattoo parlor owner is absolutely perfect
ahhhh totally anon!! ever since i've imagined that au for them, it has stayed in my brain ever since
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so to start of, this au is on a modern and no-magic setting
the fic's original title was "welcome to gardenia" - i took it off because i have an obvious focus and bias on flora and riven so keeping that title didn't sound fair for the others
flora owns a flower shop and riven owns a tattoo parlor
now for the others: bloom owns a café, stella owns a fashion boutique, tecna and timmy are partner-owners of the computer shop, musa and aisha are joint owners of the place where aisha's dance studio is on the first floor and musa's music studio is on the second (bonus is that aisha instructs zumba classes every weekends)
aside from floriven, musa and aisha is a side ship here (they're girlfriends and live in together <33)
i'm not totally sure i'll incorporate them in the finish, but i have thought of icy to be an ice skating instructor, stormy works in a record store (she recommends a lot of punk rock and heavy metal), and darcy works in a vape shop (she gets a big employee's discount)
i feel this miggggght be long. i usually only do sequels but if it gets lengthy, i'll split it accordingly to what i feel is good for the pacing of the story
it'll definitely be an eventual romance, flora and riven are gonna ease into a friendship and work their way through some things and eventually maybe even get together in the end ;3
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nostalgia-babi · 7 months
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dragonfly0808 · 1 year
i saw your account before but haven't really checked stuff cause it was a casual scroll on the flora x riven tag
and then i saw your floriven platonic soulmates and i am just in love like there are no words for it. i might spam you soon with my winx club sideblog and probs scream in tags cause im legit so excited i wanna cry
Hi! I’ve always headcannoned them to be besties they just make so much sense as soulmates (platonic soulmates in my rewrite) and they’re one of my fave parts of my rewrite!
If you wanna see a bit of what their dynamic is like in my rewrite, season 1 chapter 16: Odd Pairs, is when their friendship really starts
And season 2 chapter 28: Two Wrongs Make a Right and Two Messed Up Kids make a Pair of Pretty Best Friends, is a chapter literally dedicated to their friendship.
You can find the rewrite and moodboards (which include their individual moodboards and the Flora and Riven moodboard) in my masterlist!
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charmixpower · 1 year
So I've been asked what my ideal relationship timeline is winx would be like for the canon relationships (on discord), so here it is!!!
This fucking relationship was a mess! Not even a mess in the way Rivusa was a mess, I mean them both imagining a kiss at the end of s1 fucking mess. Help what is wrong with them
For them I would like them to get in a relationship before the Trix try and convince Bloom that she was made by the ancestral witches (Valtor foreshadowing?) and then they break up during the Diaspro event. He gets his ass DUMPED!!! Consequences for your actions you little asshole!!!
They make up during the s1 finale and Sky is like "can we start dating again 🥺" and Bloom is like "No💙". The imagined kiss can still happen, it was so insane, you can keep it
Then s2 happens and Sky is trying so hard to be a good bf "plz take me backkk" and then hes like "I hate Avalon. I'm not even like doing this bc I want you back, that man is CREEPY. Riven agrees and we had an entire civil conversation about it. Baby plz." Bloom is not listening 💙💙💙 and then the dark Bloom thing happens and Sky fights tooth and nail to save her and they make up form like everything from s1 and s2!!! Yaya
After all that they are dating now, good for them, good for them. WAIT? WHATS GOING ON?? ITS VALTOR WITH THE STEEL CHAIR!!! SKLOOM IS ON THE FUCKING FLOOR!!! God they are such a fucking mess goddamn
Riven very quickly points out that Sky was under mind control and Bloom feels bad and she goes to save him and they talk about it and they're fine mostly. They talk about it, it hurt them both but it doesn't fuck them up completely
The first movie is the same except they don't get engaged, please calm down both of you, think about this for a little longer, but they're happy and good for them
Literally the only thing I would change is that they are obviously in a relationship early in s1 and they DON'T break up after the reveal, even though Brandon thinks they're broken up
That's it, aside from that no notes
The show ends after the first movie, the later seasons don't exist and can't hurt me (<- are currently hurting me)
In season one it's established that Musa and Riven met before the season and Musa remembers the interaction a better than Riven does, instead of her seeing Riven act like a dick and then suddenly liking him. She's already seen the soft side of him and she wants the "mean to everyone but me" relationship bc Musa is insane too ❤️
S1 and s2 should vibe most untouched aside from this and Riven and Musa should both acknowledge that they like each other at the beginning of s2 but don't get in a relationship bc Riven isn't emotionally ready 4 another relationship so soon after Darcy and Musa is nomral about it (she's not).
S3 except the golden Kingdom is slightly different, the worry Riven is feeling is shown over anything else. Yeah I'll keep the motorcycle thing in, Riven can't communicate and Musa has a mood disorder they're gonna get into a couple dump fights at first. That's just being mentally ill they're fine. They should like immediately make up tho, like as someone who knows people like this the apologies for being insane bc you had a mood swing or can't read social cues are like so quick
Keep the first movie but Riven doesn't have to relearn any lessons, he is simply vibing and in love with Musa and breaks out of mind control bc of his resounding guilt after being forced to hurt her
Okay and Tecna doesn't explicitly state she doesn't want a relationship bc then it feels weird when she gets into one
But like in s2 when Tecna gets pissed at Timmy for not intentionally picking a fight he can't win that could get him killed?? She's treated as the one in the wrong and has to learn to be more chill than Timmy having to do anything, he literally wasn't in the wrong
S2 was so disrespectful to Timmy I SWEAR
Flora stops having a personality after this, please let her yell at people in begging you. Give Flora a character arc I'm begging you
Helia doesn't have a personality!! He has a bunch of implications and he's literally never around in s2 OR s3!! So often it's the winx and specialists except Helia!!
Let them like express different sides of their personality and give Helia more screen time, that's all I ask
I'm on my knees begging you
I can't even say anything because there's literally nothing to go off of
Take the shab stone comic and put it into the show
Please imagine a world where Aisha is arranged to marry someone and that person and her love interest are two different ppl
Keep it the same except Nabu isn't her arranged partner, they meet while fighting on Andros and Nabu keeps showing up because he ran away from home and has no idea what the fuck he's doing without all his servants and he's asking Aisha for help djwbdbwjsbwnwbs
That would be MY ideal for them but if have to keep the large plot points the same I wouldn't change anything, like my problem is the inciting incident of their relationship the development itself is cute, but id want them to become official in s4 instead. Only Florelia (sane people) and Brella (soulmates) can get away with the one season romance and make it feel natural, Aisha would not get into a relationship that quickly, but that's a nitpick if anything
No other Aisha relationships exist and if they did they'd be with Roy and not Nex shut up
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coffee-jelly544 · 4 months
Aisha/Layla Headcanons
Working out
The dark
Likes to sleep with a nightlight
When stressed she’ll dance
Teaches Musa’s different sports
She knows a lot of languages
Her and Stella like to talk in different languages together
Teaches Tecna how to swim to help Tecna explore new things
Teaches Flora about sea plants
Her and Nabu love to dance underwater together
Likes to do the other girls’ hair
Her and Flora rant about their hair struggles
Surfs with Bloom
Her and Sky like to race the bikes
Has a stuffed animal collection that she pickles out of to cuddles at night
Makes press ons and wears them
Teaches the girls nail health
Has never dated anyone before her fiance Nabu
When playing games she’s the most competitive and likes to do friendly smack talk, especially with Raven
When she was younger she always wanted a younger sibling in hopes to fill in the silence and loneliness
When she was 5 her parents had made her learn dance, she was resistant at first but fell in love with it
At 7 when a servant was teaching her princess etiquette the servant punished her by trapping her in a dark closet after not being able to sit still. Hours later a butler found her and the servant was fired and punished. This traumatizing event left her a long lasting fear of small dark spaces
Learned sports from Alun (butler) and fell in love with sports, they would learn something new every month
When she was 13 she snuck out of the castle and with a transportation device she traveled to a random location. She landed in Gloomy Wood Forest, while exploring she met Livy, a pixie, who led her to Pixie village. When she arrived a new pixie was born, Piff. As soon as they met they formed an unbreakable bond
Musa Headcanons
Bloom Headcanons
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