#florida fauna
When I eventually leave Florida, the only thing I'll really miss is the wildlife
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ploridafanthers · 1 year
i don’t normally upload pictures from work but
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florida worm lizard
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Disposable camera photos from the swamp, June 2022
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kimlion1313 · 2 months
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Reddish egret
Sebastian Inlet, FL - Aug 24
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uncharismatic-fauna · 1 month
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Feeling Out the Florida Softshell Turtle
The Florida softshell turtle (Apalone ferox) is a species of softshell turtle that resides only in the southeastern tropics of the United States, especially along the Atlantic Coast and the Gulf of Mexico. Within this range, they can be found in a number of freshwater environments, including ponds, lakes, swamps, marshes, and urban catchments; they may occasionally also occur in the mouths of slower moving rivers and streams. They generally prefer more muddy bottoms, in which they can bury themselvesand forage for food.
Florida softshell turtles have a highly varied diet, obtained through both active predation and scavenging. When hunting, they may bury themselves at the muddy lake bottom and wait for potential prey to come close enough for an ambush. They are largely carnivorous, feeding on fish, insects, crustaceans, frogs and mollusks, as well as the occasional aquatic plant. Adults are primary predated upon by alligators, while juveniles and eggs may fall prey to foxes, raccoons, birds, and large fish.
Although A. ferox is almost entirely aquatic, adults will readily move overland to find more suitable habitat. They are also frequently spotted basking on rocks or logs. Adults are highly aggressive, and will attack anything they percieve as a threat, including birds, fish, other turtles, and people. In addition to their ferocious bite, they also emit a foul-smelling musk to drive away potential predators.
Mating for the Florida softshell turtle occurs once a year, in the spring from March to July. After mating, females lay their eggs along river or lake banks in clutches of 9-24 eggs. Although they only mate once, females may lay anywhere from 2-7 clutches in a single year. Each clutch incubates for 56 to 80 days, and are immediately independent. Males reach maturity at only 2 years old, while females take 5-8 years; both sexes may live to be over 20 years old in the wild.
Although perhaps not the most attractive turtle, the A. ferox has a very striking appearance. They have a large, flattened body which is covered-- limbs and shell both-- in leathery, olive green or brown skin, with a lighter underside. The shell may also sport darker spots, which help the individual blend in to the muddy substrate. The head is specially distinctive, with a long neck and flattened skull, terminating in a pointed, tubular nose. Individuals may use their extended nostrils to breathe without exposing their body above water. Female Florida softshell turtles are much larger than males; 40.1 cm (15.8 in) in length and 6.65 kg (14.7 lb) compared to only 35 cm (14 in) and 2.68 kg (5.9 lb).
Conservation status: The Florida softshell turtle is considered Least Concern by the IUCN. However, they are threatened by harvesting for meat and the pet trade, as well as habitat loss.
If you like what I do, consider buying me a ko-fi!
Andrea Westmoreland
Paul Cools
J.D. Willson
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mountainnamemama · 3 months
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Watchful guardian of the pineapple | Tampa, Florida, United States
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great-and-small · 2 years
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Happy Wetlands day! Here is a roseate spoonbill, a softshell turtle, and some sweet baby gators to help you celebrate
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notfrasier · 5 months
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The Vizcaya Museum and Gardens Miami, FL
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Florida red flower
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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World Lizard Day 
World Lizard Day is celebrated on August 14 every year. The day may not be a well-known one, but it’s still celebrated on local levels with schools, parks, and reptile enthusiasts being the main groups celebrating the occasion. Educational and fun events remain a staple of the holiday. Reptile enthusiasts use the internet to spread information about their love for the scaly critters. The day hasn’t been adopted by higher-level conservation organizations like the World Wildlife Fund (W.W.F.). Instead, it is mainly focused on awareness about reptiles as pets.
History of World Lizard Day
Like many odd holidays, the origins of World Lizard Day are unclear. Don’t let its murky beginnings dissuade you from celebrating this wholesome day though. The species is dying out worldwide due to ignorance and lack of attention. The day may be about lizards, but we can’t pass up on the opportunity to tell you more about reptiles in general. It’s the spirit of the day after all!
All reptiles are air-breathing vertebrates covered in scales, plates of bone, or a combination of both. Species of this family include snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and tortoises. All of these shed their skin and depend on the environment to regulate their body temperatures. This dependence on outside factors when it comes to regulating their core body temperatures means that reptiles have to find sun and shade in order to warm up or cool down. In areas that have colder winters, reptiles generally experience a period of inactivity until the weather grows warmer again.
Lizards are no different, which is why you see them sunning themselves in your warm garden or on the bricks that soak up the sun throughout the day. For pet lizards, staying warm or cool is a different matter entirely. People who own lizards as pets need to heat their tanks with heating lamps or pads without overheating the space. In fact, preparing and maintaining a tank for a lizard or any reptile requires a great deal of initial and continuous effort. Each subspecies of reptile has specific needs and preferences. It’s recommended that aspiring and even current reptile owners do research on exactly what their pet needs to be happy and healthy. Doing research before you buy or adopt a pet lizard will help you to figure out what kind of lizard would suit you and your budget constraints. This before you buy stage is crucial in ensuring that you make the right choice when it comes to being a pet owner.
World Lizard Day timeline
312 Million Years Ago The First Reptiles
The first proto-reptiles evolve during the Carboniferous period.
13th Century Frogs and Reptiles
The first classification system groups amphibians and reptiles together with worms.
19th Century Reptiles in a Class of Their Own
Reptiles are recognized as a completely separate category from amphibians.
21st Century Skin Trade
The lucrative trading of reptile skin results in reptile farms becoming rampant, forcing conservation efforts and heavy policing of these farms.
World Lizard Day FAQs
Why do we celebrate World Lizard Day?
The day is an opportunity for reptile enthusiasts to celebrate their fascination and share it with others.
What’s a good lizard for beginner reptile owners?
Bearded dragons and leopard geckos are two of the most popular beginner-friendly lizards to own. A bearded dragon is known to be one of the most outgoing and friendly lizards.
What do lizards eat during the day?
Lizards may not drink much water throughout the day. They have a varied diet that provides them with nutrients. This includes grass and leafy plants, small insects like crickets and beetles, and berries and seeds.
World Lizard Day Activities
Visit your local reptile park
Donate to conservation efforts
Get a pet lizard
If you want to celebrate the day but don’t have any reptiles of your own then why not support the local reptile park or farm. There will definitely be a fun and educational event being held, and you’d be supporting a local business.
N.G.O.s and organizations like the W.W.F. are doing crucial work when it comes to rescuing and conserving animals and habitats of the world. If you’d rather see your money work on a small scale then why not inquire if your local shelter or park has any reptiles you can sponsor.
We don’t suggest this lightly but if you’re reading this then you must love lizards! Why not start researching what it’s like to own one, so you can see if it’s something for you.
5 Facts About Reptiles That You’ll Think Are Awesome
They used to be amphibious
Most reptiles are carnivorous
They’re not that smart
Temperature determines sex
Extinction crisis
Reptiles actually evolved from amphibians.
Only iguanas and turtles subsist on a plant-based diet.
Reptiles have about one-tenth of the intelligence you’d find in animals like rats, cats, and hedgehogs.
The sex of reptiles is determined by the temperature of the environment outside the egg as the creature grows.
Nearly one-fifth of all known reptile species are considered endangered or dangerously close to extinction.
Why We Love World Lizard Day
Reptiles need some love
They’re great pets
It’s fun
Of all the animals, reptiles are the ones that need some extra love and attention after all the years they’ve been misunderstood. Most people still view them as dangerous and cold creatures when that isn’t the case.
Reptiles make for excellent pets and here are some reasons why: they don’t need training or regular exercise, they’re quiet, and are very low-maintenance. Most importantly, they’re interesting creatures.
Having an excuse to visit the reptile park or spend extra time with your own pet reptile is always a good thing. World Lizard Day is a fun day with no pressure, and we really love it for that.
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e-starr · 6 months
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Study #7
8” X 10”
Acrylic on Board
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He is enamored by Cardisoma guanhumi, "those little blue guys."
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doomspaniels · 2 years
~The Laughter Is Gonna Kill Me~
On the way in from Feeding the Big Doggies, we spotted the year's first dandelion! Three of them, even! We were all a bit fatigued but I thought we could get a picture.
Okay. We're going to need another dandelion. (You can see my "*gasp*!" reaction in the shadow 🤣😂🤣)
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We, uh, we're going to need *another* dandelion.
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You know, maybe we should just do this another time 😆
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qlaudjenha · 5 months
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As belas flores da feira da Vila Madalena. Abril/2024.
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kimlion1313 · 3 months
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Reddish egret
Sebastian Inlet, FL - June 24
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z12may12m · 1 year
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