merarivierge · 2 years
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Can I hide away? Is there anybody out there?
Hide away. Is there anybody who cares?
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brimycave · 2 years
Day 8 of Cringetober 
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inthewindtunnel · 3 months
Ft Floura
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queenpiranhadon · 7 months
Your co-writer takes too long to write her chapters so you drag her to your house and force her to write it.
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verygaypurplething · 4 months
Seeing what they're doing with mystic flour now makes me so hype cause like, if they add timekeeper to kingdom think of HOW FUCKING SCARY THEYLL BE
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chapter 7 is up!
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trollbreak · 1 year
Brain is trying to draw a lot of comparisons between gargoyle lady and kitevh and. I’m too sleepy to see if there’s a point there. But also like, who cares if I’ve got the same guy in a couple different fonts this would hardly be my first time doing that, and there’s not a damn thing wrong with it lol
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horizonjv · 6 months
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Floura (Numen’s Law)
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Day 2 and 3 of drawings monsters as babies
Hoola and Floura
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clone-trooper-cheese · 7 months
Fluffy therapy
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I got a Fives figure and put him on my friends cat. Long story short, we have now created a new species called "Macrooka" which are pretty much just giant cats. Here's a quick run-down of everything we made about them:
A species of giant tooka cats from Iduunnoh, an enormous planet, larger than Yavin Prime, located in wild space. This planet has everything giant. The floura, food and wildlife are all very large.
A full grown Macrooka can get up to 15 times the size of a tooka cat, hence the name Macrooka (Macro-Tooka) with an average height of 8.4 meters, length of 14.1 meters and an average mass of 150 kg.
Macrooka Cats purr in the range of 20-140 hertz (i dont know if this is the proper term for Star Wars stuff), which reduces stress responses in humanoids.
Reference image below of my friends cat, Dax
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xbalayage · 7 months
A Hidden Feeling
WC: 1,055
A/N: This is my gift for @violettduchess for @ikemenlibrary's gift exchange! I haven't been much into the fandom anymore and I apologize for that! But thank you Bryn for hosting such a fun exchange that I got to be a part of and even though I haven't written Silvio in a while, I hope this turned out okay! ❤️
You didn't expect a man on the streets of Rhodolite to pay you any mind, let alone a whole prince from another country. Now, he's offering you what he considers a “once in a lifetime” deal to be in a fake relationship with him. The circumstances were that his father was getting sick of him and needed him to find a suitable wife and produce an heir, but the woman chosen was… not at all his type. Just the same kind of woman he'd toy around with for fun and that was it. Definitely not one he'd even consider himself marrying!
“Look, we both get somethin’ out of this. Ya get my old man off my back and you get a chance to be with me.”
By his logic, it seemed only he was benefiting from this. But even through his brash behavior, you couldn't help having a massive crush on him for the longest time now, completely enamored by the man portrayed in his books about his adventures.
You both sat as a cozy little tea/diner place in Rhodolite for him to unleash his idea on you, stealing you away from both Rio and the other princes to try and convince you of this crazy scheme of his. And, you'd hate to admit it, but after sipping the delicious tea the establishment had to offer, you gave him a smile. "Sure, I can do that for you.”
The look on his face was priceless. He expected a smart comment,  a sneer, your usual back talk but ... you actually agreed? If only you could take a picture to frame and hang it on your wall, you'd hate to forget the expression of complete dumbfoundedness.
" ... What's the catch? Why'd you go and just agree so easily? That's not like ya.”
Of course, he'd be confused. But you couldn't help the easy, amused chuckle that escaped, his face reddening in embarrassment. It's cute that he thought he had you pegged.
"Simple! I choose all we do today and you have to comply! Easy enough, right?" He'd shoot an uneasy glare your way but forfeit any argument. Time was of the essence and he didn't have time to try and find another noblewoman to take your place.
The day started in the gardens; the sweet floura wafted the surrounding air with its springtime presence, the sun beaming down on them like a warm hug to welcome them. They sat quietly on a bench as the breeze tickled their hair, swaying in a dance upon the wind. Some flower petals were spared from their buds to drift silently past. The simpleness helped relax your mind as you lul your eyes closed to absorb it all in. Silvio laid casually with his arm behind the bench behind you, not truly understanding the silent take of the beginning of the date but couldn't help himself to stare at you and your beauty as you sat picturesque amongst the scene before him.
That's when ... you first started to catch his eye. Granted, he's always had an eye on you from afar. From the way you held yourself to how you spoke to other people, always baring your heart on your sleeve for the world to see. How could you be so brazen and careless to show your weakest point? He didn't understand it. But, it piqued his curiosity about you. His sea ridden glaze stayed on you for the longest ... until your eyes fluttered open did he make sure his stare turned away.
Your smile was brighter than the sun on the coldest days. The nervous chuckle you expressed was like the melody to his favorite song. Your touch upon his hand to lead him away to your next location sent shivers of goosebumps along his skin and your eyes, those hinted of warm chocolate ravaged his heart unhealthy.
What ... exactly was this feeling? What was wrong with him? For now, he bottled it down.
You tugged him along to the vendor stands in town, elated to show him every little incentive Rhodolite had to offer from their foods down to the littlest of trinkets. He ... smiled at your childlike excitement for your hometown and all it had to offer. Once the distraction was over, you turned to him and noticed that handsome smile and thought, "why doesn't he smile like that more?”
Surprisingly, he held your gaze for but a moment with that smile before he realized what he'd been doing, quickly turning away with a tint of red dusted on his cheeks. He brushed the expression off to claim some excuse but you didn't mind at all. It ... seemed like he was enjoying himself.
As the day trinkled to sunset and the sky had painted itself into hues of pink and orange, the last spot you had in mind was to get into a small boat and relax on the waters; on some occasions, Rhodolite would shoot fireworks at night during some celebrations and luckily, they were going off tonight. You thought it would be a perfect end to an adventurous day.
He didn't deny the idea and continued to observe you quietly through your energetic rambles and explanations, finding himself more relaxed with you and a smile always tugging at the edge of his lips. It was then he knew as the sparkle in your eyes looked to him once more, something he'd been keeping in his heart and denying a possibility of happening, that he had ... feelings or even, love for you.
Eyes stared at one another in silence as the moments passed, neither of you daring to look away. You both felt it, huh? That warm feeling in your stomachs as your hearts raced. Silvio went on a whim and reacted. His hand carefully reached to cup your face with both of his hands, looking again into your eyes for approval before he swallowed his pride and leaned in, allowing his lips to collide with yours.
In that moment, the sounds and colors of fireworks sketched themselves across the skies, falling like fireflies around you. The kiss lasted like a lifetime, like hearts had mended into one. No words were exchanged, lips never parted and hearts never stopped racing. That's when he knew, without a doubt.
He was in love with you and everything you were.
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merarivierge · 2 years
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curdled-blood · 9 months
I would like to know your headcanons for Splendor and Fen 👀 Basic stuff like personality and hobbies. I have my own versions of them that I’m in love with, but I love seeing other people’s stuff too. -🎀
OMG I HAVE MY OWN VERSIONS TOO!!! I'm so happy you asked because Fen is one of my favs ever !!!
To start things off it is my version of them used to be humans that died and came back, same with the rest of their family!! I'm not quiet exactly sure how Splendor but I know that Fen's death was a murder that happened due to a series of unfortunate events that happened in his life.. Don't make deals with a man claiming to be the devil, kids.
Splendor - to be honest his personality is about what you'd expect. Very much up beat and happy go lucky optimist type deal that has definitely been influenced by past traumas in his life 😃 He's especially peppy around kids and REFUSES to swear cuz yk... but around other adults he kindaaa loosens up a bit but he can still be a bit uptight. Even then, he still has a chaotic side that RARLEY peeks out. Sometimes he gets so wound up that he just eventually breaks down and starts freaking out but he usually finds a way to survive 👍🏻 fighting the urge to call him a prude cuz thats mean but its so truuuuuuuuuue
Offender - Okay so like imagine if Deadpool was more cut off and distant. Flirty, witty, kind of a prick but secretly has a heart of...silver. If you wanna get to know him, and I mean REALLY get to know him, it's pretty much impossible unless you were quite literally hand picked and/or forced upon him (i.e. his proxies *wearing a t-shirt that says ask about my fen proxy ocs*) Bro doesn't even trust his own fucking family, so he tends to be stand-off-ish if that makes sense 😭
I should see what personality types they have 🤔
Splendor -
Cooking - OKAY BUT YOU CANNOT TELL ME THIS MAN WOULD NOT MAKE THEEEE BEST COMFORT FOOD YOU'VE EVER FUCKING TASTED. You eat one of his dishes and suddenly you have fat puppy syndrome. Fat, full, and tired. I like to think him and his family was from Germany and that he specializes in German dishes :D
Baking - Same with cooking, you CANNOT disagree that he'd make the most delicious goodies. He also definitely makes weed brownies, though he may deny it.
Music - Splendorman may not play an instrument like some of his other family members, but boy does he love listening to music. Him and Trenderman both LOOOVE to collect vinyls together <3. Splendor definitely has a record player that he uses RELIGIOUSLY and a phonograph somewhere around his big ass cottage teehee
Tea - OH yeah, ya boys a tea conisour. He has like every tea you can think of AND THEN SOME. he probably has an entire room just for storing all that damn tea.
Offender -
Gardening - Since Fen was a kid he's been absolutely in love with nature, especially flowers specifically. Sometimes he'll spend hours, even entire days, messing around out front of his broken down mansion and about his forest, tending to the flowers and other floura.
Violin - Another hobby Offender has had since he was a small lad!! Over the many years of his existence he has had plenty of time to master the craft of violin playing. Though since his death he stopped playing as often as he used to but he still does every now and then!!
Singing - Fen may not sing often but when he does, he has the voice of an arch fucking angel. He likes singing just fine but if he's being completely honest with himself, he enjoys playing the violin more. Though he does occasionally use his hypnotic voice to lure people in so he can steal their souls but that's business, not a hobby.
Painting - Yet another activity Fen is incredibly skilled in, but does not often indulge in. But since Fen has access to so many different flowers with many varying colors, sometimes he'll make paint to make something insanely beautiful.
Random Fun Fen Fact: After his death, Fen has this snake tattoo implanted on him by the devil that is slowly moving and slithering around his body!!
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ella-the-fella · 7 months
Warning: some stained blood
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Well...i know how you feel....but think about it...i know your worst fear...i know your biggest insecurities....i know every little negative thing about you...yet I haven't used any of it to my advantage…do you wonder why that is, dear?
(Totally not talking to Floura lmao-)
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queenpiranhadon · 9 months
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A/N: Ooooh only one chapter left before things get juicy 👀 Let's see what Apex is up to now heh. This chapter is written by the lovely Nyota (@labaguetteisdabest) :D. You can find the masterlist here
Warning(s): None worth mentioning
Pairing(s): Kaepex
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5 days. 
5 days I’ve been on this horrible boat. 
5 miserable days avoiding Princess Kaeda. 
5 miserable days... 
And they’re almost over. 
You would think, with the constant sound of waves hitting the hull of our ship, that I would be peaceful.  
But no. 
Worst time of my life. 
The constant joy emanating from Cari as she gazed at the deep blue waters and reaching over (almost falling more on more than one occasion) to be closer almost gave me a heart attack. 
The girl is reckless. I like that about her, but sometimes it’s too much.  
Someone knocks on my door, and I reluctantly get up. 
It's a member of the crew. He looks at me with piercing eyes, saying, “We’ll be docking in one hour, Princess.” 
“Thank you,” I tell him. But I’m not really as thankful as I paint for the espyns on this ship. 
Don’t get me wrong, I miss my brothers. But my parents are really hard on me – too hard.  
I don’t even know if I really want to be queen in the first place! 
After the crew member shuts the door, I go to my bag. I picked out a deep red dress with intricate golden details to wear at the dock. 
Another knock comes from my door, and I groan quietly, but go to open it. 
Cari stands before me, tanned hand in her brown hair and sea green eyes seeming to be lost in thought. 
“Cari?” I ask. She whips her head over to me and manages a small smile. 
“Ready to go home?” she questions. 
“Never been more ready,” I reply instantly. “What about you?” 
She pauses. “I... I’m not sure.” 
And it’s just our luck that Little Miss Flawless walks behind the water princess. 
“Have fun in your icy wasteland,” I call over to her. 
Kaeda tosses her jet-black hair over her shoulder and shouts back, “Have fun in your fire-ravaged badlands!” 
Cari pulls me into my room and slams the door. She lifts a hand and summons a ball of water from Vohona knows where and tosses it at me. 
I create a blaze, careful not to let it touch the wooden walls, and evaporate the water instantly. 
“What-” Cari exclaims. 
I smirk. “I’ve gotten better, you know. Practice does that.” 
Cari hesitates before replying. “...The boat’s slowing down.” 
“The boat’s slowing down,” she repeats. “I think we’re almost at Minsare.” 
“Really?” I want to leap out to the deck, but I know I wouldn’t even make it halfway. 
And the boat suddenly comes to a stop. Cari and I glance at each other, and she sprints out of the room to grab her stuff. 
A wild grin spreads across my face as I gather my stuff and shove it in my bag. I ran out of the room and made my way to the deck. For once, I don’t mind the salty air. 
The small white buildings of the seaside town of Mariport bring my bliss to a whole new level. 
“I haven’t seen Dodomi in ages,” I breathe. Two pairs of footsteps come from behind me. I know they belong to Cari and Kaeda, but I don’t make a snarky comment. I just look at the mainland in longing. 
“Princesses!” one of the crew members says. The three of us simultaneously turn to face him. “Come this way. Your carriages are waiting.” 
We walk, Kaeda in front of me and Cari. We walk in silence, in awe of setting foot on the mainland after so long. 
When the three of us walked off the ship, carrying our heavy bags, we all let out a small breath. 
I’m almost home. 
Three carriages, one adorned with snowflakes, one with water droplets, and the third with flames, pulled up in front of us on the road.  
Kaeda walks up to her carriage and doesn’t look back. 
Cari hesitates. She turns and hugs me, saying, “Bye. Write letters?” 
I hugged her back. “I will. I promise.” 
Cari Acquarone smiles at me, then, with a swish of her soft blue skirt, she steps inside her carriage. 
I walk up to my carriage and climb in. I settle myself, putting my bag beside me. 
“Are you ready, Princess?” a familiar voice says. 
My teal eyes widen. 
“The one and only.” 
Avior was not a noble, but his family was going to send him off to training to be a knight. Training started the day I left Dodomi, and I hadn’t seen him since. We tried to send letters, but he rarely had time to respond and mine took forever to deliver. 
So, we gave up on contact, basically. But I don’t think either of us forgot. 
“You’re an actual knight now?” I asked Avior. 
“Yep!” I can hear the grin in his voice. 
The carriage starts to move, and I stay quiet. 
It’s barely been 10 minutes and I’m already bored out of my mind. 
Gods help me, I think. 
Maybe if I read it’ll be better. 
I reach into my bulky bag and pull out the book on top. It’s some old mythology book my parents got me for my 10th birthday, back when my interest in the deities of our world was the highest. 
May as well research them. 
The first page I flip to starts the chapter on Thanirrh, the patron god of Hydeau. Thanirrh is the one who blessed Cari with her Reya – or however it works. I don’t remember anymore. 
I begin to read. 
Thanirrh has a twin brother, Glacon, who controls ice and snow. 
Wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 
Glacon is the patron god of Khaenpanii. Little Miss Flawless is from Khaenpanii. 
Cari and Kaeda probably would have gotten along... 
What if they did? 
What if Cari was merely faking hating Kaeda and they were really friends? 
...What if my best friend was never really my best friend at all? 
Cari’s too sweet and honest to do that to me. 
I've told her too much, too many secrets, for her to do that to me. 
I shake the thoughts from my head. 
And I only have three and a half days alone with my thoughts, I think miserably. 
Three and a half days because Fujimura is on the other side of the continent. 
We have to pass through Khaenpanii to reach Asraxvale. This fact is not loved by many of the citizens of Fujimura because the number of them that are extremely zealous over the two royal families’ feuds is... obnoxious. They physically cannot travel anywhere without going through the land of their greatest enemies. 
It's funny, really, because my parents have a fairly decent relationship with the Cynets, the royal family of Khaenpanii. Key word – decent. It’s not anywhere near perfect, and there is still a noticeable dislike from my parents of the Cynets. 
It's better than my hatred for Kaeda, though. That cannot be beaten. 
Suddenly, the carriage wobbles. 
It wobbles again. 
Then, the back left side of the carriage plummets to the ground, and after a bit of insistent pulling from the horses pulling the carriage, we stop completely. 
Avior steps off the front to go inspect the wheel. I open the door to assist. 
And even though I haven’t seen him in years, it feels like he never changed at all. 
He has the same messy blond hair, the same deep brown eyes, the same... everything, really. 
His behavior hasn't changed, either. 
He looks up at me, and for a split second, a look of shock crosses his face. 
I realize that the news of my... accident must have never traveled to the commoners. Why else wouldn’t Avior know? 
I self-consciously fiddle with my red hair. 
“What happened?” he asks. 
“I burned myself when I was eight,” I explain. He doesn’t look satisfied, but I think he can tell I’d rather not talk about it, because he nods and goes to the back of the carriage. 
Once he comes back, he says, “So. The wheel loosened. But it also must have broken, or cracked, something similar to that, because I can’t put it back on. Luckily, I prepared for this.” 
Avior heaves a new wheel up and sets it beside the broken one. He tries to balance it on the muddy ground while simultaneously trying to remove the broken wheel. 
Obviously, he fails miserably. 
I hop out and grab the new wheel from his hands. He looks up at me gratefully and, this time, successfully removes the broken wheel. 
Placing the new wheel in its place, I tighten it to the carriage while Avior takes the broken wheel and throws it in the trees. 
I climb back into the carriage and Avior sits in the front with the horses. 
After a moment or two, we start moving again. 
Three days... 
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hp-soulmates · 1 year
💞 [FIC] In His Love Story 💞
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Title: In His Love Story
Giftee: @girl-with-goats
Author: ???
Ship: Luna Lovegood/Theodore Nott
Prompt #: 19
Word Count: 12,283
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Smut
Prompt #19
Soul mate, soul mate, soul mate
Won't you dance here with me while it grows late?
Put your head on my chest, that's your safe place
We'll fall deeper in love every day
From life unto life and for always
I'll be there when you need me around
When night finally comes and the leaves have fallen from the tree
Baby, you'll have me
Soul mate
Floura Cash- soulmate Special shout out to my beta, AmiaRay. Without your invaluable knowledge, I would have never understood how Lords and Ladies and titles worked. Thank you! 
Set in magical regency England, Lord Theodore Nott is in want of a wife, except he doesn't believe he will find a witch he could call his soulmate... until Lady Luna Lovegood made the Queen laugh.
Read on AO3!
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