#flower shop owner yoongi
bubmyg · 9 months
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2/638 posting a picture every day until yoongi is home
159 notes · View notes
jkabbi · 5 months
bewitched | 01
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╰┈➤summary: Former neighbors turned lovers, your enchanting romance with Jungkook takes a magical turn. A spell to protect him shapes your past, and now, as a flower shop owner, an unexpected reunion brings buried secrets to light. Past and present collide in a captivating tale of love and mystery.
╰┈➤pairing: jungkook x reader (f)
╰┈➤genre: cf2l, fluff, angst, magic au
╰┈➤warnings: just cursing and salem being a menance. also, jungkook hot ass back
word count. 8.4k
╰┈➤note; hi! this is my first fanfic and i was very nervous about publishing it. i had this idea for a while and i need it to share it. the fic has some touches of my favorite series (sabrina the teenage witch) but the plot is different and the characters (apart from salem).
alsoo, english isn’t my first language so writing this was a challenge but i hope its okay ;)
and thats all, i really wish u enjoy it and please be nice, this is my first time and im scared😭😭
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series masterlist
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You consistently gravitated towards a wardrobe painted in familiar tones and patterns – greens, browns, blues, and yellows – with a penchant for clothing adorned by botanical or floral designs.
Yoongi used to make fun of you for it, although there was never a day that he didn't tell you that you looked good.
It was difficult to explain but your affinity for the colors could only be explained by your abilities.
Since you were little, you used to spend days in the sun in the grass, surrounded by trees and grasslands.
You loved playing with the butterflies that flew around or watching the birds that sang and flew freely. You used to talk to the fish that swam through the rivers or to the rabbits who hid in their burrows.
Your obsession with plants also did not diminish with the passage of time; Always worried that the flowers in your aunt's garden were well cared for—including the plants of other neighbors around—you used to water them, sing to them, and prune them.
Surely that obsession guided you to own your own flower shop.
You also used to have great pride in having so much knowledge of them, especially when you were a little girl, since you used to help the ladies in your neighborhood with their plants, giving them advice and tips to take care of them.
Especially one, who was your neighbor next door.
Mrs. Jeon was a pleasant woman, with pretty features and very affectionate towards you.
She was a housewife and had two children; Junghyung and Jungkook. Although you didn't interact much with them.
You still remembered the day the Jeons moved into the house next door.
It was summer and you were returning from your adventures in the forest near the neighborhood, where you talked to the small animals and encouraged green life to grow.
When you turned onto your street, you could see a large moving truck in the house next to yours. Curious, you arrived at your front yard and watched as the movers walked in and out of the house with furniture and boxes.
Before you could watch a family get out of a family car, your aunt Binna called you from the entrance to go take a shower for lunch.
Reluctantly, you left, not before taking a look back.
Years later and you still have the same feeling of warmth that you received every time you remembered the past.
“Why are you smiling at the shovel?”
That's where your memory lane ends. Behind you was Yoongi, who had a small philodendron in his arms.
“Why couldn't I smile at the shovel?” you retorted, leaving the shovel on the counter and sitting up.
Yoongi chuckled, shrugging casually. “I've always known you have a few screws loose. Feel free to continue charming the shovel.”
Mirroring his smile, you quipped, “Thanks for the endorsement, my esteemed companion. You'll be the honored guest at our shovel-themed wedding.”
Setting the plant by the large window, Yoongi fetched his water sprayer from his apron pocket. “I feel truly appreciated,” he replied, misting the green leaves.
From the spacious wooden counter, you opened your laptop, checking the latest email – an order for an outdoor wedding floral arrangement.
“We've got another order,” you informed from your seat.
“For what occasion?” Yoongi abandoned the sprayer, approaching curiously.
“A wedding,” you replied, studying the details.
“Another one?” Your friend leaned beside you.
You shifted for him to read the screen. “At least they're giving us four months," you nodded.
“And the payment is good,” you added. “Our end-of-year getaway might happen after all.”
Yoongi smiled beside you as you bounced with excitement. It might not be a lavish affair, but you cherished the yearly trip with Yoongi and his partner to a quiet seaside town.
A serene ambiance enveloped the place, with only a handful of individuals, and in winter, it turned into a magical haven.
(It was also a place full of magic, but that was a detail that you left hidden)
“Well, in any case, we should celebrate,” Yoongi stood up, heading towards the door to switch the sign from open to closed.
You stretched in your seat and agreed. “What's on the agenda for today? I was thinking of bringing some cakes from Jimin's favorite bakery for our movie night.”
“Oh, about that..." Yoongi hesitated, “Jimin texted me. He's inviting a friend from his college days to join us tonight. Is that okay? I mean, I know you're not a fan of meeting new people, and if you prefer, I can suggest postponing the gathering to tomorrow.”
Taking the broom, you looked at Yoongi affectionately. “It's fine, Yoongs. If he's Jimin's friend, I'm sure I'll get along with him.”
Worry etched Yoongi's expression. “Are you sure? I mean, in the hierarchy of friendships, you come first. Jimin could easily rearrange his plans for us tonight and meet his friend tomorrow.”
Giggling, you enjoyed seeing how much Yoongi cared. “Don't worry. I'm a big girl. I can handle Jimin's college buddies.”
Yoongi smiled in relief. “Alright, but do let me know if you feel uncomfortable or anything.”
“Okey dokey,”you said, raising your palm.
“Okey dokey,” Yoongi replied, giving you a high-five.
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The relentless July sun bore down on your head.
Frustrated by the forgotten hat at home, you silently headed to the bakery.
After buying Jimin's favorite cakes —a mixture capable of putting you in a diabetic coma—you headed towards your friends' apartment, which was a few blocks away.
Your friends' neighborhood was your favorite place to visit.
It was a residential area, which was always in perfect condition.
Grand and expansive, the houses stood adorned with enchanting gardens—a sight that never failed to captivate you. Each residence was meticulously maintained, but it was a particular house that unfailingly left you in awe. A colonial masterpiece, it boasted a white facade adorned with vibrant red tiles. Cascading vines adorned the balcony, reaching down to the floor in a display of elegance. What truly set it apart was the magnificent garden, a vibrant canvas of fiery-hued flowers and exquisite sculptures. It spoke volumes about the refined taste of the person fortunate enough to call it home.
Having successfully banished any lingering awe, you reached the enchanting street where your friends resided. Courtesies exchanged with the concierge, you gracefully entered the awaiting elevator, confidently selecting the sixth floor with a soft chime resonating in the enclosed space.
Underneath your composed exterior, a subtle current of nervous anticipation flowed.
It wasn't a matter of feeling overwhelmed by strangers; rather, your unease stemmed from a lack of familiarity with personal social interactions, even though you navigated such dynamics daily in your professional life.
Your inclination leaned toward maintaining a small, close-knit circle of friends, an approach that steered you away from embracing new connections. However, the person you were about to encounter wasn't just a mere stranger but an integral figure in Jimin's life. You were steadfast in your resolve not to burden Jimin with the dilemma of choosing between friends, an ardent desire to avoid becoming a source of disappointment.
Driven by the profound aversion to letting down your friends, you made a conscious decision to present a facade of normalcy for the impending meeting. It was a commitment to navigate through the evening with an air of ease, recognizing that, in the grand tapestry of life, this was merely a single night – a challenge that, with resilience, you believed you could gracefully overcome.
As you reached the designated floor, you traversed the pristine, white hallway, and with a gentle knock, you announced your arrival at the penultimate door. After a brief pause, the door swung open, revealing Jimin's golden locks.
“____!” he exclaimed, “I'm thrilled you could make it!”
A wide smile graced your face. “It's wonderful to see you too. I brought some pastries.”
Jimin reciprocated the smile. “If I weren't gay, I'd definitely kiss you!”
Amused, you laughed and stepped into their apartment. The ambiance of Jimin and Yoongi's residence exuded a youthful yet elegant charm, reflecting both your best friend's personality and that of his partner.
“Come on, Yoongi is busy preparing some meat on the balcony,” the blonde guided you.
“Ah, you've made it,” Yoongi greeted. “I thought you'd be melting in this heat.”
You snorted, “Don't even mention it. I absorbed the last rays of the day's sun on my way here.”
“I offered to pick you up by car,” Yoongi scolded, brandishing his grill knife.
You playfully dismissed him with a wave of your hand. “I know, I know. But I didn't want to distract you, and besides, I enjoy the walk. It adds a magical touch to the whole experience.”
“You're unbelievably stubborn,” Yoongi teased.
To that, you simply shrugged your shoulders, embracing your determined nature.
“What's the heated discussion about?” Jimin interjected, holding a couple of beer cans.
“How intolerable this brat can be,” Yoongi grumbled.
Jimin chuckled, extending a can towards you. You graciously accepted, and the blonde headed to his boyfriend, delivering the other can.
“By the way, Yoongles mentioned you invited a friend from college,” you remarked.
Jimin settled beside you. “Oh, yes, I apologize for not informing you earlier. I know you're not a fan of mingling with strangers, but Yoongi assured me everything is fine.”
You nodded. “No need to worry; I'm perfectly fine with it.”
Jimin visibly relaxed. “Great! You don't have to stress about anything. My friend is not only nice but also incredibly funny.”
Smiling, you inquired, “Were you two very close friends?”
Jimin reclined in his chair, looking at you with evident happiness.
“The connection we shared was extraordinary. Despite his initial shyness, he gradually transformed into a popular figure. Sadly, we lost touch after graduating, and a year ago, he embarked on a global adventure. Now, he's back,” Jimin revealed, his eyes reflecting the depth of their friendship.
“That's truly wonderful. I've always dreamed of an extensive journey myself,” you shared.
Jimin nodded, disclosing, “I followed his captivating journey through his Instagram. His photography gained significant acclaim.”
“Photography, you say?” you inquired.
“Yes, even though his academic focus was in computer science,” Jimin explained, sipping his beer.
“That's remarkable. I'm genuinely happy to hear that his life has taken such a positive turn,” you remarked.
Jimin's emotions seemed to shift. “He's been through a lot, and witnessing his growth brings me immense joy.”
Before you could respond, the doorbell rang, prompting Jimin to leap up.
“It must be him!”
“He appears quite excited.” You noted, then turned to your friend, who was occupied with browning the meat.
“Yes, Jimin told me that his friend had a crisis and that's why he left for a year. Apparently he's a good guy and you know how Jimin is, too sensitive with those he loves.”
“Jimin has been an exceptional friend. I consider myself fortunate to have crossed paths with him,” you expressed sincerely.
A look of profound affection from Yoongi reinforced the warmth of the bond you shared with both of them.
“He's equally delighted to have you in his life, Bub,” Yoongi assured, a sentiment that brought a genuine smile to your face. In a life where you consciously kept your circle compact, the presence of Yoongi and Jimin proved to be the most precious and enriching.
In the midst of your conversation with Yoongi, the imminent return of Jimin momentarily slipped your mind. The air was filled with a blend of voices, among which Jimin's curiosity stood out.
“It's very quiet living here! Are you planning to look for something similar?” You heard Jimin’s voice.
However, the response was drowned out as the balcony door swung open with a resonant creak. Gathering mental fortitude, you adorned your best smile in anticipation.
“Hi, I’m…” you couldn't finish your sentence because you froze.
As you faltered in your attempt to introduce yourself, a sudden surge of paralysis gripped you, freezing your words on the precipice. The room hung suspended in a disconcerting silence, amplifying the tumult within. The boundary between jest and reality blurred, leaving you grappling with a maelstrom of emotions – the impulse to scream, the yearning to shed tears, and an inexplicable urge to escape. Your body, however, betrayed you, caught in a rigid state, joints locked, breath arrested, mirroring the stillness of your heart.
Swift to recognize your distress, Yoongi deftly intervened, redirecting the unfolding awkwardness.
“Hello! I'm Yoongi, Jimin's partner,” he declared, striding purposefully towards the newcomers. To diffuse the palpable tension, he continued, “And this is my best friend, ____,” punctuated by a subtle nod from you.
The newcomers responded with a tentative smile, their composure visibly unsettled. The girl, attuned to her boyfriend's wandering gaze on your figure, diplomatically interjected.
“Hello! I'm Jiwoo, Jungkook's fiancée,” she proclaimed with an air of gentle formality. The weight of the term "fiancée" lingered, resonating deeply in your thoughts.
Jeon Jungkook has a fiancée.
Jimin orchestrated the seating arrangement, placing them beside you. In this surreal juncture, Jungkook introduced himself, his voice an echoing remembrance from the past. Summoning the courage to meet his gaze for the first time since his arrival, you found your breath arrested by the sight of his face, an unsettling pause enveloping the room.
Standing before you was a man whose stature surpassed your recollection, a towering presence accentuated by his impressive height and robust frame. Cascading down his shoulders, his once-familiar dark hair now framed a countenance marked by the passage of time. The revelation of an intricate tapestry of tattoos adorning his arm became apparent, unveiled by the sleeves of his short black t-shirt.
Yet, it was the constancy of his gaze that struck the most profound chord within you. Despite the exchange of words with Jimin, his doe-eyed stare remained unwavering, anchoring your attention in an unsettling and unwelcome connection.
Overwhelmed by the intensity of the moment, unable to endure another second in the shared space where their gazes lingered, you gracefully excused yourself. A swift retreat led you to the refuge of the bathroom, seeking solace within its walls as the echoes of their continued scrutiny lingered in your wake.
As your anxiety reached a fever pitch, its palpable effects reverberated in the environment. The handwash faucet, seemingly responding to your heightened state, unexpectedly opened by itself, and the bathroom window flapped vigorously, propelled by an unforeseen gust of wind.
With your heart pounding relentlessly in your chest, you managed to slide down the cool tiles of the bathroom wall, seeking solace on the floor. The overwhelming pressure pushed you into a state of vulnerability.
Recalling the advice from Aunt Yoon's lessons, you instinctively covered your ears with your hands and shut your eyes, resting your head on your knees. Familiar voices echoed in your mind, guiding you to find composure amid the storm of emotions.
In an attempt to regain control, you focused on slow, deliberate breaths. As you exhaled, you directed your attention to the bathroom light. With a graceful sweep of your hand, you extinguished its glow, enveloping yourself in complete darkness, except for the soft illumination seeping through the window.
Within this shadowed cocoon, you conjured a small halo of light with your hands, orchestrating its gentle movements. This newfound distraction allowed you to redirect your focus, creating intricate animal shapes within the luminous halo.
Gratitude welled up as the calming effects of this self-imposed light show permeated your senses, coaxing your pulse back to a more manageable rhythm. Amidst the mental whining for teleportation powers, a shadow beneath the door brought you back to reality.
A delicate knock followed, the sound reverberating through the bathroom.
“Are you okay, Bub?” It was Yoongi.
Contemplating your next move, you acknowledged the inevitability of leaving the bathroom sanctuary. With a sigh of resignation, you rose to your feet and opened the bathroom door, prepared to face the outside world once more.
In the clarity of the room, your friend's worried expression was evident.
“Yes,” you managed to respond, your voice carrying a subtle tremor.
Observing your condition, Yoongi's skepticism lingered, although he refrained from pressing the matter further.
“I don't feel very well. I suspect it was something I ate. Can you excuse me to Jimin and his guests? I don't want to appear rude,” you admitted, attempting to convey sincerity despite the weakness in your words.
Yoongi maintained a neutral expression, nodding in acknowledgment. “I'll go get my keys. Wait for me here.”
Your immediate protest burst forth, cheeks flushed with embarrassment. “No! I'm sorry, but I believe it's better for me to go alone. It's not too late, and the fresh air might alleviate my discomfort.”
Raising his eyebrows, your friend expressed concern, “Are you sure you're okay? Should I take you to the hospital?”
Offering a reassuring thumbs-up, you dismissed the trembling in your hands. “Everything is fine; I just feel a little dizzy and tired.”
Before Yoongi could interject, Jimin's voice echoed from outside. “Go,” you urged tensely, “I'll be fine. Just excuse me from Jimin.”
A complex array of emotions played across your friend's face, showcasing his inner struggle. After a few contemplative seconds, he sighed. “Okay, go, but be careful. Let me know when you arrive, and if you feel unwell, don't hesitate to call.”
Embracing him briefly, you departed the apartment swiftly, propelled by a sense of urgency that matched the pace of your footsteps.
With a hasty nod to the doorman, you left the haven of your friends' neighborhood, exhaling a sigh of relief. Under the cloak of night, you found solace in the anonymity it granted, allowing a cathartic scream of frustration to escape into the open air.
Unmindful of the sidelong glances from passersby, you surrendered to the maelstrom of emotions within. The night became a silent confidant to your inner turmoil, and the unbridled tears mirrored the tempest of feelings that engulfed you.
Despite knowing you should control yourself, especially since today's forecast didn't include torrential rain, you ignored this. You didn't bother hiding your magic, which triggered a downpour the moment you left Jimin's apartment.
Facing the reality of your evasive tendencies, you couldn't deny the stark truth about your emotional susceptibilities, a trait often criticized by Aunt Yoon as a vulnerability. In your solitude, your tear-streaked face and swollen, reddened eyes painted a vivid portrait of vulnerability—a deviation from familial expectations. Yet, in this nocturnal moment, it was only the gaze of strangers that bore witness to your emotional upheaval.
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As you reclined in the bathtub, contemplating the unexpected encounter with Jungkook, a whirlwind of emotions engulfed you. Surprisingly, Salem, your usually mischievous cat, lay perched on the bath chair, radiating an uncharacteristic air of understanding – a stark departure from his typical penchant for mockery.
It dawned on you that Salem was privy to the intricacies of your history with Jungkook, intimately aware of the emotions that resurfaced during the encounter. His unspoken support, though unexpected, held a unique depth, a testament to the unbreakable bond between you and your feline confidant.
With a deep sigh, you decided to share more details with Salem, letting your feelings spill out like water from a broken dam. “I never imagined he would come back into my life. Not after all this time,” you confessed, your voice tinged with vulnerability.
Salem listened intently, his green eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and sympathy. “Life has a funny way of surprising us,” he mused, his tail swaying gently.
You nodded. “I just wish I could have been more composed when I saw him. Instead, I froze like a deer caught in headlights and ran away.”
The cat brushed against your arm, a gesture of reassurance. “It happens to the best of us. Emotions are messy, especially when it comes to matters of the heart.”
You couldn't argue with that. Jungkook's presence had stirred up a whirlwind of memories, both happy and painful. “I thought I had moved on,” you admitted, running your fingers through the water absentmindedly. “But seeing him again brought everything back.”
Salem, ever the sage advisor, offered his perspective. “Moving on doesn't mean forgetting. It means learning to live with the memories without letting them control you.”
His words resonated with you, providing a sliver of clarity amid the emotional turmoil. “I know, Salem. I need to face this too, even if it feels like reopening old wounds.”
“I'm surprised you accepted this so quickly,” your cat confessed.
You sighed slowly, playing with the soap bubbles.
“I have to, apparently Jimin adores Jungkook. That means I'll have to run into him at least one more time,” you growled.
Salem laughed, throwing his head back showing his white fangs.
“You talk like it's strange that Jungkook is charming to everyone.”
You gave him a knife-sharp look. “Of course I know Jungkook is charming. I knew it from the first moment I saw him”
Your cat looked at you mockingly “I see that your jealousy is still active.”
You threw water at him, making him hiss at you.
“Careful with this beautiful fur, human girl!” Salem looked at himself, looking for any part of his body that was wet.
“I'm not jealous,” you replied.
“Yeah, of course,” your cat replied sarcastically. “As if you didn't suffer a mental breakdown every time Jungkook went to tutor that Cheerleader that you didn't like.”
You got up offended, spilling some water that overflowed onto the floor.
“For the love of Satan! Stop throwing water on the ground!”
You giggled but with a snap, you dried the wet floor without much difficulty.
Salem sighed irritably, but let it go. He knew that you were still affected by the events that occurred a few hours ago.
“I'm sorry,” you looked at him with your bright eyes, on the verge of tears. “It's just that I missed him so much and seeing him there was like my soul returning to my body.”
Salem nodded, his cat-like eyes focused on your trembling countenance. “I understand, although you must also remember that it's not the boy's fault that he hasn't seen you for almost ten years.”
You screeched in frustration. “I know! That's why I'm mad at myself." You clenched your fists. “I'm not being fair, I know.”
In seconds, hot tears of helplessness fell from your eyes.
You had cried so much that you felt like you were running dry, although you preferred to cry naked in your bathtub with your talking cat as a witness than cry like a loser in the streets with the pouring rain.
Salem nudged your hand with his head, a gesture that felt oddly comforting. A small smile played on your lips.
“I appreciate having you around,” you whispered gently. “Despite our occasional squabbles that resemble sibling rivalry, I find joy in having you as a part of my life.”
You and Salem remained in the bathroom, a peculiar duo bound by a history that transcended the ordinary human-pet relationship. The atmosphere softened, and Salem, with a twitch of his tail, broke the silence.
“You know, for a human, you're not half bad,” Salem teased, his green eyes glinting mischievously.
Rolling your eyes, you retorted, “And for a cat, you're surprisingly sentimental.”
Salem nudged your hand playfully, “Only for you, _____. But don't let it go to your head.”
You chuckled, grateful for the levity he brought to the moment. “I won't. So, any plans on how to deal with the Jungkook situation?”
Salem feigned contemplation, his tail swaying side to side. “Well, we could start with not throwing water on the floor every time you're annoyed.”
You laughed, “Fair enough. I'll work on that.”
As you began to drain the bathtub, Salem leaped down, pacing around the bathroom like he owned the place. “Remember, we're in this together, Human. I'm not letting you face the Jungkook dilemma alone.”
With a smirk, you replied, “Good to know, Cat. Teammates, right?”
“Teammates,” he affirmed, and as you stepped out of the bathroom, you couldn't help but appreciate the unique bond you shared with your sassy feline friend. Little did you know, the challenges ahead would only strengthen the unspoken understanding between you and Salem, making your friendship an unexpected source of strength in the face of life's unpredictable twists.
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Indulging in an emotional outpour in the midst of a torrential downpour probably wasn't the wisest choice, and now you found yourself grappling with the repercussions of that impulsive decision.
Pain reverberated through your skull like an explosive symphony, each beat an agonizing pulse. Swollen to the point of incapacity, your eyes resisted attempts to open, trapped in the clutches of the affliction tormenting your body. A relentless cough seized you, each convulsion intensifying the already distressing situation.
The warmth radiating from your skin forewarned of an impending fever, threatening to pull you into the abyss of its debilitating embrace at any given moment. As discomfort layered upon discomfort, your physical state became an intricate tapestry of misery, weaving together the threads of throbbing pain, swollen eyes, and an unrelenting cough.
The incessant playback of ABBA's melodic tunes only intensified the predicament. Feeling utterly disheartened and shrouded in darkness, you impulsively struck your nightstand, yearning to silence the persistently chirpy alarm – a feat that proved elusive.
“Salem!” you bellowed in frustration, confident your feline companion was alert. Typically, at this hour, Salem reveled in observing the morning skirmishes between your neighbors, perched contentedly by the window. After a brief pause, you sensed the delicate touch of small paws on the wooden floor, followed by a graceful leap.
“What happened to your face?” inquired your concerned cat, gracefully traversing the expanse of the bed. Emitting a weary sigh, you replied, “What do you think?!” dripping with ironic exasperation. “Could you kindly put an end to the ABBA serenade? It's throbbing in my head.”
“I thought you'd never ask. I was on the verge of contemplating a window escape,” Salem quipped and a welcome hush settled in as the music ceased, leaving behind a palpable tranquility.
“Your appearance is rather dire,” mused your cat. “I'll venture into Binna's ancient cookbook, see if there's a remedy for your congestion and eyes.” With that, your feline companion gracefully exited the room, leaving you alone with the weight of your thoughts.
A peculiar sensation enveloped you, a departure from the serene routine you cherished. Yesterday's surreal events disrupted your tranquility, plunging you into an unexpected maelstrom. As stress mounted, the realization dawned: today, opening the store was an improbable feat. You resigned yourself to the inevitable task of informing Yoongi about your illness.
Contemplating calling him, you hesitated, anticipating his inevitable arrival at your apartment. After leaving you to your own devices yesterday, the gravity of recent events ensured he wouldn't let another moment elapse without seeking an explanation. You understood the futility of avoiding the impending conversation; Yoongi's familiarity with you meant evasion was a futile endeavor.
The internal conflict intensified. While you sought to shield your secrets, not for your sake but for the safety of those around you, memories surfaced of the last time an unwitting innocent had stumbled upon your hidden truths. The stakes were higher, and the delicate balance between disclosure and protection hung in the uneasy silence of your apartment.
The internal turmoil dissipated with a knock on your front door, a sure sign that it was Yoongi. Despite your initial inclination to feign slumber and play ignorant, you dismissed the unfairness of such tactics. Struggling against your physical discomfort, you made your way to the door, relying on muscle memory to navigate the lock on the first attempt.
“Hello,” you greeted him, your voice laced with drowsiness. As the silence lingered, your anxiety mounted. “Tell me you're Yoongi and not a stranger.”
Assured by his familiar voice, you sighed in relief when Yoongi confirmed his identity. "It's me, Daisy,” he reassured, but concern etched his features. “What happened to you?! Do you need help?”
Before you could dismiss his offer, Yoongi's hands gently grasped your shoulders, guiding you back into the apartment. “You should have told me you were like this!” he exclaimed, a mix of frustration and worry evident in his tone. “Go to bed, let me prepare some herbal water and soup.”
Attempting nonchalance, you responded, “It's okay. Salem is taking care of it,” the words slipping out without much thought. Heading towards your room, you realized Yoongi wasn't following.
“What's going on?” you questioned.
“How is Salem going to take care of that?” Yoongi pressed, seeking clarification.
In a quick mental scramble, you conjured an excuse. “You know I like to joke about Salem being almost like a person,” you explained, hoping he would attribute your words to the haze of illness. Yoongi relaxed slightly, accepting the explanation. “Okay, let's go,” he agreed, unknowingly stepping into a web of secrets and feigned normalcy.
You found solace in the eccentricity of your speech and demeanor, knowing that Yoongi rarely took your statements seriously. “I guess this is about last night,” he remarked, momentarily halting your steps.
“Uh, yeah, about that…” you hesitated, reaching your unkempt bed where Yoongi dutifully set about fixing the disarrayed bedding, tenderly covering you.
“I'm sorry,” you murmured, opening your eyes just a sliver, the figure of your friend a bit blurred.
“Why?” he inquired, settling on the edge of the bed beside you.
“For being a lousy friend,” you confessed.
Yoongi chuckled. “Why do you think you're a lousy friend?”
A lingering silence enveloped the room as internal debate raged on. The decision to divulge or withhold weighed heavily on your mind, yet the fear of losing Yoongi eclipsed the burden of guilt.
“Last night,” you began, releasing a fraction of the truth.
“I can't say I don't care, but the truth is, I don't know what happened with you last night.”
Observing your uncertain expression, Yoongi placed his hand atop yours. “It's okay if you don't want to tell me, but if you need someone to share those things with, you know you have me.” His reassurance offered a comforting anchor in the tempest of secrets and unspoken words.
“It’s not that! It's just that…” you blurted out, grappling to organize your thoughts. “It's hard to tell you this.”
Yoongi's expression shifted to surprise. “Is it something bad? Although it hurts me a little to think that you can't tell me things.”
“No!” you blurted out again. “I mean, it's not a bad thing, but it is a secret—something I haven't shared with anyone. I can't leave you with that weight on your shoulders. I care about you deeply, and this is a very old personal issue of mine.”
Yoongi sighed, his touch on your hand offering a reassurance. “I understand that you have secrets and everything, but I need you to trust me. Whatever it is, I can handle it.”
Frustration welled up within you. You comprehended your friend's earnestness, and part of you yearned to unburden yourself, seeking refuge in his understanding like a vulnerable child. Yet, the weight of the secrets, particularly this one, loomed heavily.
“I trust you with my life,” you asserted firmly. “Don't ever think that I don't trust you. But this is delicate, and I don't want to put you in danger, okay? It's for your own good. I need you to understand.” Your hand found his, emphasizing the gravity of your words, seeking a connection that transcended spoken language in the complexity of shared trust and unspoken fears.
Yoongi's gaze lingered on the juncture where your hands met his. Your small, pale hands, adorned with various scars, each a testament to childhood mishaps, contrasting sharply with his own larger, slender fingers—resembling those of a pianist, unmarred by any blemish.
Having known you for about five years, Yoongi recalled his initial impression of you as a girl thrust into the adult world, seemingly vulnerable yet never to be underestimated. Physically unassuming, you harbored an indomitable strength within. Even on the brink of collapse, you seldom sought assistance, always striving to navigate challenges independently.
Your independence, strong will, and stubbornness were palpable, complemented by a warmth and genuine concern for your loved ones. Despite the tough exterior, Yoongi understood that you harbored a complex relationship with your family—a topic shrouded in silence, as if you had grown up in solitude.
Yoongi sighed, breaking the contemplative silence. “It's okay. I understand. But when you're ready, please tell me. Otherwise, I don't know how to help you, kiddo.” Despite your persistent self-reliance, he emphasized his commitment to ensuring your well-being.
The unspoken bond between you and Yoongi transcended mere friendship; it was a pact of mutual support, a promise that echoed in the intertwining of your hands—a connection that conveyed a shared understanding even in the face of undisclosed burdens.
Giving him a warm smile, you say, “I've got you, Yoongi. When the time's right, I'll spill all the beans. I Appreciate you rolling with the punches in my life and being the constant in all the chaos. You're my rock, Yoongi.”
A spark of anticipation ignites within you, and you can't help but feel a renewed sense of connection. You eagerly await the day when you can share your truths with Yoongi, not just because it's necessary, but because he's earned the right to know the intricacies of your heart. Until then, the unspoken bond between you two will continue to strengthen, paving the way for a future where your shared trust transcends the undisclosed burdens you carry.
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The weight of the term "coward" bore down on you, a bitter truth you grappled with. In refusing your friends' invitations, you felt the sting of guilt, recognizing the unfairness of your actions. Yet, each declination seemed like a desperate attempt to shield them from the mysterious reality you were living.
Deep down, you were keenly aware that Yoongi harbored suspicions about your enigmatic secret and your reluctance to join gatherings since Jungkook's return. But so far, he chose to maintain a respectful silence, understanding the complexity of your situation. You knew that inevitably, you would have to face them or reveal the truth, a daunting prospect that loomed on the horizon of your clandestine reality.
Lost in contemplation, you found solace in the transformative touch of your magic on a calla lily's withered leaves. The visual metamorphosis from faded yellow to vivid green offered a momentary escape from the turmoil within.
The idea of visiting a neglected park to tend to the forsaken plants flickered in your thoughts. However, your recent weeks had dwindled into a mundane routine—shuttling between your apartment and work with little room for spontaneity.
Salem, your feline confidant, dismissed your cautious approach, deeming you a “scared chicken.” Yet, Salem wasn't navigating the unpredictable streets, fearing an accidental reunion with a former love entwined with his fiancée.
Seeking refuge in the familiar, your nights were painted with Gilmore Girls marathons, a shared ritual with Salem. In this routine, you found a fragment of normalcy, although Salem's affinity for reality shows, particularly the extravagantly dramatic ones, wasn't lost on you—typical of a devoted Jersey Shore fan.
On one of those nights, there you were, clad in bunny pajamas and cocooned beneath a soft, pink blanket. Salem, your feline companion, lounged nearby, sporting cucumbers over his eyes as he reclined in an armchair atop a plush pillow.
“I don't understand why Rory makes such a big deal about being with that cute boy,” Salem remarked, his feline skepticism directed at the TV screen.
You sighed, your attention captivated by the unfolding drama on the television. “Well, Rory is classified as a good girl, and he's a bad boy, as they say,” you attempted to rationalize the protagonist's actions.
Salem sighed dramatically, almost dislodging one of the cucumbers from his eyes. “These children today with their labels. That's not a bad boy! Having a bad personality and doing unexpected things is not being bad. In my human era, I used to set houses on fire for fun.”
You couldn't help but glance at your cat, suppressing a laugh. “Salem, the difference is that he simply behaves badly socially. You, on the other hand, wanted to dominate the world.”
Offended, Salem shifted, grabbing a corn cap and defiantly placing it in his mouth. “What's wrong with wanting to take over the world? I was honestly doing all you vapid humans a favor.”
You sighed, fully aware that attempting to alter your cat's worldview was a futile endeavor. Despite his occasional moral quirks, his loyalty to you remained unwavering, even if his ethical compass was a bit unconventional.
Salem chimed in, dismissing the idea of Rory choosing her boyfriend over the 'bad boy.' “Anyway, she'd be stupid to choose her idiot boyfriend over the 'bad boy,'” Salem quipped, offering his feline commentary on the TV drama.
Casually grabbing a handful of popcorn, you nodded in agreement. “I can't deny that. Jess is very charming.”
Salem burst into laughter. “You always fall for the character like him,” he teased, capturing the essence of your penchant for captivating personalities.
You shrugged, acknowledging Salem's astute observation. Personality, indeed, held considerable weight in your assessments. However, a somber undertone enveloped the room as your cat uttered, “Although Jungkook was a different story.”
Salem, quick to rectify any potential discomfort, clarified, “I mean, Jungkook wasn't a bad boy, but he was very charming.”
A bittersweet smile played on your lips. Salem's words rang true – Jungkook was undeniably charming. In fact, “charming” had been his nickname during your past relationship. His allure extended beyond his striking physical features to his dark, captivating eyes. Yet, it was his multifaceted personality that truly distinguished him. Jungkook, a gentleman and a hopeless romantic, possessed a charisma that left an indelible mark.
However, the charm didn't diminish his playful side – a penchant for competition and teasing that brought both joy and occasional exasperation. The memories of those moments played like a silent film, evoking a mix of nostalgia and the inevitable ache that accompanied thoughts of Jungkook.
Your talking cat, astutely perceiving the direction of your thoughts, chose to intervene. “It's late. My dream of beauty awaits me,” he declared, nonchalantly removing the cucumbers from his eyes, as if signaling the end of his entertainment.
You absentmindedly nodded in response. “Hey brat, you should go to sleep. Your dark circles are getting worse every day,” your cat stated, taking a few steps into his designated space.
As always, your cat's acerbic comments carried an underlying truth. Your dark circles, silent witnesses to your restless nights, had indeed become more pronounced. It wasn't that you were resistant to the idea of sleep; it was just that ever since the unexpected encounter with Jungkook, restful slumber had eluded you. Moreover, an inexplicable fatigue had settled into your bones, leaving your body more exhausted than usual.
The nightly escapades with Gilmore Girls and Salem's company, while comforting, couldn't completely mask the deeper anxieties that lingered beneath the surface. As you stood on the precipice between wakefulness and dreams, the echoes of the past and the uncertainties of the present converged, casting shadows that manifested as visible signs on your weary face.
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Yoongi had mentioned his and Jimin's trip to his parents' house, but it only fully registered today when he sent a message reminding you that, for the day, you would be the sole occupant of the store.
Luckily, you were already en route, having woken up ahead of the alarm. Mornings held a special allure for you, a time when the world seemed brimming with possibilities. The birds serenaded from the trees, the plants stirred to life, eager for a morning sunbath, and people bustled about, preparing for their day.
Fortune favored you, as the day unfolded with a surprising calmness, sparing you from a hectic workload. Capitalizing on the tranquil atmosphere, you decided to close up shop early and head home, intending to invite your cat for a leisurely outing.
Salem, seemed overjoyed at the prospect, his daily entertainment having temporarily moved away—the neighbors next door.
You adorned yourself in a thin dress adorned with vibrant flower patterns, the perfect attire for basking in the sunny day. A diligent application of sunscreen followed, a necessary precaution for your sensitive skin.
However, Salem's animal instincts prevented him from roaming freely without a leash. Although not a conventional cat, his unpredictable nature necessitated a careful approach. As you prepared to take him out, the anticipation of a sunlit excursion filled the air, promising a serene interlude amidst the routine of your day.
“Do you prefer that we go to the park near the center or the one near this sector?” you inquired, capitalizing on the deserted streets to engage in a conversation with Salem.
Salem's tail swayed as he noticed bugs fluttering near some flowers. “Let's go to the one close to your friends' neighborhood. Let's take advantage of the fact that they're not in the city,” he responded absentmindedly.
Enthusiastically, you and your cat set off in that direction. The park near your friends' neighborhood held a special charm—beautiful, serene, and known for its delightful ice cream offerings.
Upon arrival, you witnessed the expansive park filled with families enjoying their leisure time. Opting to settle near the pet-friendly area, you and Salem joined the ranks of others with the same intention.
As you observed, puppies frolicked joyfully, engaging in playful antics, while cats gracefully navigated their designated climbing structures. Salem, for once, seemed poised for a predator's pursuit, his back raised and gaze fixed intently on the grass.
Seating yourself, you embraced the idyllic scene, the carefree interactions of pets mirroring the leisurely afternoon unfolding around you.
After a delightful stint at the pet-friendly section, you suggested to Salem that it was time for ice cream—an idea that sparked shared excitement. The ice cream stand in this park had a well-deserved reputation for its delightful treats.
As you traversed the park toward the exercise area, the ice cream cart came into view, attended by an elderly gentleman exuding warmth. “Hello,” you greeted. “Can you give me two ice cream cones, please?” You opted for the classic strawberry and vanilla combination, while Salem subtly indicated—keeping it hush-hush from the vendor—his preference for chocolate and cookie flavor.
Equipped with your chosen delights, both of you sought refuge from the heat under the shade in the nearby area.
“There are quite a few humans exercising,” Salem observed between licks of his ice cream, which you held out for him.
You nodded, your mouth occupied with the delectable treat. In the vicinity, exercise platforms hosted several people, likely part of a group that gathered for communal workouts. The gusty afternoon wind played its part, occasionally obstructing your view as you contended with strands of hair billowing into your face.
Amidst bites of ice cream and the distant hum of exercise enthusiasts, you and Salem reveled in the simple joy of a sunlit day, punctuated by the sweet indulgence of shared treats.
The tranquility surrounding you shattered abruptly when Salem, positioned next to you, nearly dropped his ice cream. “What happened to you?” you inquired in surprise, brushing strands of hair out of your face.
As your vision cleared, you observed your cat, seemingly paralyzed by something in his line of sight. Following his gaze, you discovered the source of his astonishment—a muscular figure executing pull-ups on some bars. However, your fortune took a turn for the worse as you recognized the specimen to be none other than Jungkook.
His sweaty back adhered to a tight black t-shirt, elevating the temperature on your cheeks. While you had always been aware of Jungkook's well-maintained physique, your mental image had been anchored in his teenage years, not this embodiment of masculinity.
“Damn,” you and Salem echoed simultaneously. As you continued to gawk, your grip faltered, leading to the unfortunate demise of your ice cream. Yet, your attention remained captivated by the man before you.
An involuntary reaction stirred between your legs—a sensation dormant for far too long. However, the enchantment was abruptly disrupted by the barking of a large dog nearby. Panic set in; you were with Salem, and despite his mischievous tendencies in his golden age, he remained a cat.
Swiftly scooping up your feline companion, you used your magic to clean the fallen ice cream with a single hand.
In a near sprint, you attempted to escape the scene swiftly, but your efforts were thwarted as the same barking dog bolted towards you at full speed. Closing your eyes in fear, you clutched Salem tightly to your chest, shielding him from potential harm.
“Fuckin-!” Salem's protest was muffled as you squeezed him even tighter. Panicking, you beseeched the approaching dog, “Oh, cute little dog! Good dog! Don't eat my cat, please!”
To your relief, instead of feeling sharp teeth, the dog leaped onto you, licking you eagerly and wagging its tail with unbridled joy. As you cautiously opened your eyes, you found the little dog gazing at you happily, devoid of any malevolent intentions.
Before you could identify the source of the new voice, the dog leapt off you. “I'm sorry! I promise he doesn't have any bad intentions; he's just very playful!” the owner explained.
“Don't worry…” you began, only to be interrupted as you locked eyes with your unexpected savior. “Oh, it's you!” Jungkook exclaimed with unusual excitement.
Struggling to respond, you found yourself once again speechless in his presence. Jungkook, unaware of your rigid demeanor, continued, “Sorry about my dog! He's still a puppy and tends to be playful.”
Feeling claws digging into your stomach, you silently cursed Salem. As Jungkook spoke, you attempted to break free from your frozen state. “Hi, um... sorry, it must be because of my cat.” You finally managed to speak, avoiding direct eye contact. “Don't worry, I did notice.”
Jungkook's smile was blindingly bright, leaving you momentarily stunned. “He's cute,” he remarked, pointing to your chest where Salem was concealed.
Suppressing a laugh at the irony, you agreed, “Yes, although he's not much of a dog lover.” You gestured towards Bam, who was curiously sniffing around “He’s cute too”
“He is. Although his size can be intimidating,” Jungkook commented with a smile.
Unable to resist, you inadvertently mirrored his smile. “How old is he?” you inquired, curiosity piqued. Bam, a Doberman with a sleek, dark coat, stood at a height reaching up to your belly. He exuded an air of elegance and grace.
Jungkook's response drew an astonished gasp from you, “Almost seven months. I know, it's the same reaction every time I mention his age.”
A laugh bubbled from you as you adjusted Salem, his curious little head popping up from your arm. “Hello, little friend,” Jungkook greeted your feline companion warmly, fostering a comforting warmth within you.
You introduced Salem, playfully mentioning, “Unlike Bam, let's say he's not very young”.
It wasn't exactly a lie – you had known Salem since you were a baby, and according to your aunts, Salem had been a cat for quite a long time.
Jungkook extended his tattooed hand towards you, curiosity dancing in his doe-like eyes. “Can I pet him?” The sudden closeness caught you off guard, but you managed to reply, “Sure. He's not aggressive.”
Jungkook's gentle strokes on your cat's dark fur left Salem completely enchanted, purring happily in your arms. “Apparently, he likes affection,” Jungkook observed, his eyes locking onto yours.
You smiled shyly, your pulse quickening. “No. He only likes you,” you shared, attempting to bring a lightness to the situation. “He doesn't like people very much. Hopefully, he can put up with Yoongi.”
Jungkook grinned at your words, and before temptation could take hold, you squeezed your cat and smoothed down your dress. “I think it's time to go,” you said casually, concealing any nervousness. “It was nice seeing you.”
Surprisingly, Jungkook seemed momentarily taken aback by your swift departure. “Oh sure!” His cheerful tone dimmed slightly. “I'm sorry about what happened with Bam. I hope you had a good afternoon.”
You nodded shyly, uncertain if another encounter with the sweaty yet undoubtedly attractive Jungkook would be good for your heart.
“Well, I guess I'll see you on Wednesday?” he suggested, subtly trying to delay your departure.
“On Wednesday?” you asked with a feigned innocence.
Jungkook chuckled. “I guess Yoongi hasn't told you yet. We're having a barbecue with friends to celebrate my return to the country. It's at my friend's house where I'm staying, just a few minutes from here.” He shared this with a shy smile, “You're invited; I hope you can make it.”
Despite the initial inclination to decline, Jungkook's charm left you powerless to resist his hopeful gaze. “Okay,” you agreed after a moment, pulling your gaze away from his eyes to survey the surroundings. “I'll see if I can come.”
Jungkook's smile persisted, seemingly undeterred by your attempt at resistance. “I'll look forward to it. It's going to be a blast.”
You chuckled nervously, “Don't set your expectations too high.”
Jungkook, still smiling, leaned in slightly and said, “Hey, it's going to be a fun time on Wednesday. Good food, good vibes. You gotta be there!”
You chuckled, “I'll think about it. Can't promise anything, though.”
Jungkook, with a playful grin, countered, “Come on, live a little. We didn't meet properly last time, but I think we'll get along. I already like your vibe, and I can see that Jimin and Yoongi adore you”
You raised an eyebrow, “My vibe, huh? Well, we'll see. No guarantees, though.”
Jungkook, keeping it light, gave a casual shrug, “Cool. Wednesday it is, then?”
Despite your initial resistance, Jungkook's carefree demeanor and magnetic aura prove to be a formidable combination. Succumbing to the easy flow of conversation and the genuine warmth he exudes, you find yourself nodding in agreement. “Sure, Wednesday it is,” you reply, trying to downplay the subtle thrill that creeps into your tone.
Jungkook's smile widens, a playful glint in his eyes. “Awesome! Can't wait to hang out. It's going to be a good time, I promise.”
Internally shaking your head at your unexpected change of heart, you shoot back, “Don't get too excited! I'm just there for the food.”
As you walked away, the realization dawned upon you – you were in deep trouble. The echoes of Jungkook's laughter lingered in your mind, and the casual commitment to a Wednesday gathering now felt like the first step into a maze of unpredictable emotions. Somehow, in that lighthearted exchange, you couldn't shake off the feeling that the road you were on might lead to a place where your carefully constructed emotional boundaries would be tested.
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jmdbjk · 3 months
Bangtan weekly report
I hope everyone is having a great day so far. It's been a busy week/weekend for Bangtan.
Hobi's Hope On The Street album dropped on Friday and I got my ass to Target first thing to get it!
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The album is amazing, as I knew it would be. Hobi continues to amaze me. I'm struggling to find the right words to express how I feel about him. As I told my bestie, Hobi is the blood and bones of BTS. Namjoon might be the big brain lyricist, the leader and Yoongi might be the constant melody maker and realist, but Hobi makes the whole thing come alive and beat with movement.
The first two episodes of the HOTS docu-series were also amazing. To hear and see him delving so deeply into the thing that makes him who he is and therefore makes BTS what it is brought tears to my eyes.
The Hope On The Street Pop Up location in Seoul is an overwhelming success as were the parties that Hobi threw for fans in LA, Chicago and NYC.
Items from his Hybe studio are on display at the Seoul pop up event and merch that is available there might be the same that will be available on April 9 on Weverse Shop.
Neuron dance lessons were being conducted today and look like they are being filmed. Maybe they will end up in a future Bangtan Episode! If you'd like to see more of what's inside the pop up, you can view this thread on X.
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(image from @ddaisyy94 on X)
Yoongi has entered the Nonsan Training Center, the same one where Namjoon and Tae did their basic training. Yoongi's basic training will last 3 weeks and then he will return to his alternate service assignment. He looks so good! (sarcasm)
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And it was mentioned that Jin accompanied Yoongi on this day. Jin wasn't going to let Yoongi enter military basic training without having his only hyung in the group see him off.
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Speaking of Jin, his Weverse post for March was 77 DAYS LEFT!
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Jimin has made a scholarship available at the Department of Physical Therapy at Dongeui Science University in Busan. According to the information, Jimin made this donation prior to enlisting. Physical therapists are important in his and the members' lives to keep them healthy while performing at such high levels.
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Taehyung was spotted at a soccer match in Chuncheon. He was with a group of fellow soldiers in uniform. However, also present were Manager-nim and several recognizable Hybe security guys. Interesting.
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Namjoon shared some moments from his weekend with us. I will assume he is taking his proper holiday now that he's past the 100-day mark of enlistment. He visited Sorol Art Museum in Gangneung, he hugged the sky at a beach, smelled the cherry blossoms and was lurking in and about the Hybe building because he saw a banner from Army. It's possible the banner was installed by the owner of a nearby restaurant.
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Hiding his beard stubble with hotteok:
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Stopping to smell the flowers during his time off:
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Hugging the sky at the beach:
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And I can't leave my precious Kookie off this week's report. We don't know if he and Jimin have taken the vacation that is due them now that they've also passed the 100-day milestone of their enlistment. They've completed just over 20% of their obligation as of yesterday/today and tomorrow they will be promoted to Private First Class II.
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We've seen more pics of Bam than of JK this year.
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(photo from @holicare.barf on Instagram)
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stacywaters · 1 month
All my works on Min Yoongi :]
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Series: Coffee and Violets:
What will happen when Y/N becomes friends with the owner of the flower shop next door?
CH1 - Hoseok
CH2 - Yoongi
CH3 - Visiting the Flower Shop
CH4 - I’m Not Going
CH5 - Not Quite a Date
CH6 - Spilled Milk
CH7 - Yeongsun
CH8 - Soft Rain
CH9 - Love Letter
CH10 - Golden
The Concert part 1
The Concert part 2
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raplinesmoon · 2 years
the way home
what happens on your way home from date night?
pairing: bts x reader genre(s): fluff au(s): established relationship au word count: 1.8k warnings: none, just softness rating: g
a/n: this was inspired by me, as a very single girl in a big city, having no one to get up to trouble with on my way home from going out. i passed by one of those flower stands and bought a boquet, and it made me think of these short drabbles.
The autumn leaves crunched under your heels as you and Namjoon walk side by side, his arm wrapping tight around your waist to shield you from the crisp chill in the air. The gallery opening had you buzzing with excitement all evening, Namjoon and you slack-jawed over the various pieces, studying and marveling over them together. Eventually though, your eyelids had begun to droop, and Namjoon knew it was time to go home. And so, the two of you set off on the not-long, but not short either walk through the city streets, the promise of a warm bed fueling your desire to stay awake.
As you walk, Namjoon chatters along, doing his best to keep your fatigue at bay. He points to every house, waves at every dog, and stares into every storefront, until one of them makes him stop in his tracks. 
It was a bookshop, towers of books peeking at you from behind the window, the dim light indicating they were still open for business art this late hour. 
“Namjoon,” you yawn sleepily, hoping he’ll take the hint.
“___-ah, please,” Namjoon pouts, giving you a show of his dimples.
 The two of you stumble in, browsing through the impressive selection, sharing input on the latest picks you want to take home.
Eventually, the two of you bid goodbye to the kind owner, arms a little heavier, and pockets a little lighter, excited for the promise of some quality reading time before you fall asleep.
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“Arghhh,” Seokjin groans, rubbing a hand across his stomach. “I’m so full I don’t even want to think about food for another three days.”
You chuckle at his dramatic reactions, swatting him on the arm, and he yelps. The two of you had gone all out for some Korean barbeque, Seokjin insisting that you had to eat enough to “get your money’s worth”. You just hoped it wouldn’t come back to bite you later. 
“Liar, we both know you’re already thinking about breakfast tomorrow,” you tease him, loving the way his ears turn red.
His walk slows down all of a sudden, his eyes glinting with mischief as he catches sight of something. Following his gaze, your eyes widen and your stomach sinks when you see the sign in the ice cream shop window.
“Lovers’ Sundae for two,” it reads. “Any couple to finish in less than ten minutes wins a prize!”
“Jin, no,” you barely have enough time to protest before he’s dragging you inside.
. . . 
One gigantic sundae later, and the two of you are giggling, laughter bouncing off the walls, doomed to crash from the inevitable sugar high that’s befallen you. The restaurant staff had gathered around to cheer your efforts as you took the massive dessert down bite by bite, hollering with applause when the metal of your spoons met the bottom of the bowl.
“I hope we don’t regret doing this for the prize tomorrow morning,” you groan.
Jin takes your hand in his, smiling at you from across the table.
“I already won before we even started. I got you, didn’t I?”
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Yoongi yawns, his mouth stretching wide like a cat’s as he stretches, and you rub soothing circles across his back. The concert had gone on longer than you’d expected, and you internally curse yourself for keeping him up late when you knew he had upcoming deadlines. 
If he was mad at you, Yoongi didn’t show it, pulling you against his chest as the two of you walked through the subway station, hurrying along so you wouldn’t miss your ride home. His warm arms instantly made you feel safer among the hectic crowd, your heart finally at ease.
Suddenly, you come to a halt, Yoongi crashing into you as he stops, taking in the lilting tune of a song that has begun to echo across the tracks. You barely have time to say anything before Yoongi sets off, you in tow as the train that you were supposed to be on thundered into the station. Your mouth opens in surprise, but you follow him to the source of the music.
It’s a young violinist, caught in a passionate rendition of one of the very songs you’d heard tonight. Their fingers flit effortlessly across the strings, the notes melding into a seamless harmony, and you find yourself bopping along. Beside you, Yoongi goes completely still, his feline eyes surveying the musician curiously.
As the song comes to an end, you barely catch wind of Yoongi moving beside you, before he drops a hefty tip into their instrument case, the violinist’s eyes widening in shock at the generous gesture. 
Yoongi says nothing, giving them a smile and a wave, before grabbing your hand in his, leading you back towards the platform.
“C’mon, let’s go home.”
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“God Hobi, my feet hurt,” you whine, your lower lip trembling as you limp down the sidewalk in your heels, Hoseok offering you a steady arm to lean against.
Your feet feel like they’ve been rubbed raw, blisters forming on your heels, and you resist the urge to let a few tears escape. You didn’t want him to feel bad. The dance lesson had been harder than you expected, but Hoseok’s smile had made it all worth it, shining brightly in the dimly lit room as he twirled you in his arms. 
Hoseok had wanted to hit the club after, his feet ready for more, but you’d begged against it. Except now the guilt was setting in as the two of you traversed the short distance home down a couple of streets.
Suddenly Hoseok comes to a stop.
“Give me your shoes,” he says, slipping out of his own dress shoes and picking them up, offering them to you.
“Hobi, I can’t,” you argue, but he listens to none of it, quietly bending down to slip the heels off and his own shoes on, triple knotting the laces so they won’t slide off your feet.
“What about you?” you ask curiously, guffawing when you see him slip the heels on, the sparkly straps a stark foil to his sophisticated suit.
“If you can handle dancing in these for me, I think I can handle the five-minute walk up to the apartment,” he laughs, his amusement echoing into the night air as he leads you home. When you reach upstairs, he slips the shoes off your feet.
“I know we said no more dancing for tonight, but how about we twirl into bed together?”
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“Park Jimin, for the last time, I said no way!” your face turns red as you scream at your boyfriend, his pouty lips making you instantly feel guilty for raising your voice.
You didn’t even want to think about how much money he’d spent tonight, from the fancy restaurant to the expensive limo, and now he wanted to spoil you even more? Your conscience was unable to handle his kindness, always wishing you could do something in return.
“___, come on, please it’d look so good on you,” he whines, gesturing to the red dress in the store window. “We should just try it on.”
“I don’t know,” you hesitate, but he’s already walking inside. You trail along after him, the sales assistant flocking to you and squealing in excitement as Jimin points to the dress from the window. What happened to going home and watching cartoons?
Before you can even protest, you’re ushered into the changing room, the curtains swishing behind you as you come face to face with the dress. It really was beautiful. Trying it on wouldn’t hurt, right?
You step out shyly from behind the curtain, Jimin’s jaw dropping when he sees you in the red fabric. 
“We’ll take it,” he tells the cashier immediately, and you blush when he shoots you a wink.
You fiddle with your thumbs nervously, only for him to come up to you and press a kiss to your cheek.
“I know what you’re going to say, but just let me spoil you, okay? Date night is for you to feel special, and it’s not over just yet.”
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“Tae, it’s getting late,” you tap your foot impatiently, wondering why he’s deviated from your usual route to the bus stop. It was a busy night, the fireworks drawing an endless crowd, and you wanted nothing more than to be curled up against him on the couch right now.
“I knew I saw it somewhere around here,” Taehyung mumbles, eyes focused on the road ahea, barely casting you a second glance. You frown. What could be so important that he’d forget Yeontan waiting for him at home?
You walk down a couple more shady streets, the darkness causing you to lean into Taehyung’s chest, before you hear an “aha!” and you gasp.
Flowers. Tons of them. The two of you have come to a stop outside one of the plentiful streetside flower stalls, the fresh scent of the blooms permeating your nostrils.
“Ahhh Taehyung-ssi,” the old woman running the stall beams at him. “So good to see you again. And I see you brought someone with you this time.”
The woman smiles at you, and Taehyung brings you towards the stall.
“Pick any of them,” he gestures to the spread, and you feel your heart blossom with love for him. 
You don’t know how long the two of you spend staring at the flowers, feeling each petal in between your fingertips, but by the end, you’re carrying a bouquet the size of your head, filled with an assortment of colors and fragrances.
“Aren’t you glad we stopped by now?” Taaehyung smirks, taking one of the flowers to tuck behind your ear.
All you can do is smile.
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You’re lost. The two of you are lost and Jungkook knows it. You know it too, but you hold it in. It hadn’t been his fault. The two of you had wandered in the wrong direction after catching the latest superhero flick at the theatre, and now you were paying the price.
While you’d been ready to chew Jungkook out, you knew it wasn’t his fault. In fact, as the streets got darker and more ominous, you were thankful for his presence beside you, making you feel protected. 
“My phone died,” Jungkook curses under his breath. “We’ll just have to retrace our steps.”
He slings an arm around your shoulder, and the two of you carefully make sure to walk back the exact path you came. Except halfway through, Jungkook gets distracted, leaving your side to run inside an empty park.
“Jungkook, are you for real,” you groan, but stop when you hear him howl with laughter, using his muscular arms to launch himself onto the monkey bars.
“C’mere!” he waves you over, and you break out into a grin, jogging towards him. The two of you take turns going down the slide, Jungkook daring you to go on your back, while you push him to go on his belly.
The two of you giggle in a race on the swings, pushing to see who’ll go the highest, and before you know it, the nighttime sky has made way to the dawn, hues of pink and purple breaking through the inky blue. 
Yawning, Jungkook reaches for your hand, and you give him a yawn back.
“Now we can find our way home.”
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A/N pt. Thanks for reading! As always, any feedback or comments are much appreciated, but I appreciate you all anyway. Lots of love, Isi 💜
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vminhoes · 3 months
My taegi fics:
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And they were roommates!
Yoongi is a tired businessman stressing over his subordinates and Taehyung is a tired college student stressing over Yoongi’s ass. Specifically, how bad he wants it.
(Explicit ✧ roommates au ✧ student taehyung, businessman yoongi ✧ roommates with benefits ✧ smut, fluff, angst)
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Spoils of War
After the Kim pack nearly wipes out the human kingdom, Prince Yoongi is captured and brought back to Prince Taehyung as a gift.
Taehyung just wants to be left alone, and Yoongi just wants to go home. Of course they hate each other, but Taehyung will not hesitate rip anyone who touches Yoongi to shreds
(Explicit ✧ royal/hybrid au ✧ human yoongi ✧ hybrid/alpha taehyung ✧ enemies to lovers ✧ smut, fluff, angst)
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You scratch my back, I'll blow out yours
Yoongi is the newest up and coming musician hot on the scene. At just 23, he’s an ingenious producer, phenomenal rapper, captivating performer, and overall he’s one badass motherfucker who doesn’t take shit from anyone.
That being said, he may or may not need to sleep with his record label’s son Taehyung, who’s been pining after Yoongi for months, if he wants a chance at making it big.
(Explicit ✧ coffee shop au ✧ frat boy/barista taehyung, rapper yoongi ✧ blackmail ✧ smut, fluff, angst)
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Flower boy
Yoongi had seen far too much and done even worse to be affected by anything else life had to offer. That is, until the handsome owner of the flower shop down the street gives him a few daisies and a new outlook on life.
(Explicit ✧ mafia au ✧ drug lord yoongi, florist taehyung ✧ mutual pining ✧ smut, fluff, angst)
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Why don't you say "I love you" back?
A little drabble based off of Yoongi’s vlive where Taehyung says “I love you” and refuses to leave until Yoongi says it back
(rated: G ✧ canon compliant ✧ yoongi's vlive - "i won't leave until you say that word" ✧ fluff
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So cute
Yoongi just wants to bang but Taehyung can’t be serious for two fucking minutes
(Explicit ✧ college au ✧ boyfriends!taegi ✧ smut, fluff)
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There was only one bed
In an act of pure desperation, Yoongi grabs the nearest stranger and proclaims him to be his new boyfriend in an effort to prove his ex that he’s moved on. He realizes too late that said stranger turns out to be an ingenious marine biology major who surfs and looks to be sculpted by the gods.
Luckily for Yoongi, said stranger also happens to love romance novels, and his favorite tropes include “fake dating” and “there was only one bed.”
(Explicit ✧ college au ✧ fake dating ✧ only one bed trop ✧ smut, fluff, pinch of angst)
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The best part of me was always you
Yoongi was thriving. He’d moved across the world, gotten his degree, his dream job, and a fantastic boyfriend. Visiting home was going to be a piece of cake now that he had so much to show for.
That is, until he unexpectedly sees Taehyung for the first time in years at an engagement party.
(Explicit ✧ modern setting au ✧ exes taegi ✧ exes to lovers ✧ hurt/comfort ✧ smut, heavy angst, fluff)
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curio-queries · 4 months
Run BTS: 047 | Protect the BTS Village part 1
Original Air Date: 03 APR 2018 Episode Length: 29:49 Total Parts: 2 YouTube English Subtitles: No Title Song: Blood Sweat & Tears
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Synopsis: The iconic debute of the Blue Village saga. Think scavenger hunt meets a social deduction game (think werewolf/mafia for some, Among Us for others). I am completely biased by this concept. The best birthday party ever has was when my mom set up a scavenger hunt. When escape rooms became popular, i was so excited. so it's impossible for me to be objective with this episode. When I started watching Run BTS for the first time, i honestly didn't think there would be an episode that topped these.
Production: They do a great job with the location and getting coverage. the map graphic is a great piece of storytelling as well, it's a shame that it comes out a little stagnant with how little movement it's actually conveying so a more dynamic version would have helped with the pacing. The explanation screens are pretty excessive. i get that this concept is a little more complex and they are trying to avoid staff just rambling the setup, but this is definitely a crutch in these kind of eps. The art dep does a good job with what they need to do, but overall I'm not a fan. The one before the meeting is even more superfluous. I think we'd all rather have had more footage in the time consumed by that 'summary'. We just watched the scenes that it summarizes and we're about to listen to the members share it all with each other. The one after the meeting is quotes of what we just heard the members say...
Endearment: Call me crazy but I think these episodes have some of the best glimpses into authentic personality traits for the guys. They're honestly so bad at these types of elaborate setups that they have to spend the whole time focusing on that and less on being entertaining. so it feels a little more genuine.
Winner/Loser: see final part
Best Cheater: Jin, for that fake hint
Member Moments:
RM: Mechanic RM, doing such a good job trying to unravel the hints and figure out a meta of who is on his team.
JN: Bank President Jin, first instinct: make up a clue to point to Yoongi.
YG: Flower Shop Owner.... wait you can hear the intro to give it to me during his introduction?? i never noticed that before. Yoongi is so great in these kind of episodes, i don't know how to describe it, he's just the most chill version of dedication to the role playing and strategy
JH: Supermarket owner! I'm loving the irony of his description, "a social person with all the villager's info'... uh, with happens later with Jimin, Hobi clearly did not keep up with that trait! lol Hobi actually is pretty good at the searching aspect of these games, but you can tell he thrives in a team mentality. he knows how to point out what may be important and then brings it to someone else to get it to the finish line.
JM: Delivery man... i adore Jimin but you can tell that he struggled with the act. they clearly cut away from him every time something points to him being guilty. y'all i wasn't expecting to have any feels during this episode. the Jm/jk salute in the police station... i just wanted to watch a silly run ep, not be reminded of the ms.
V: Patisserie V! We didn't get much V coverage this episode, but we find out more about what he was up to in the next one.
JK: The least observant Police Officer in history. He literally picks up the hint and doesn't see it. Now it's obvious the guys were not given any direction regarding what they should be looking for, but the edit kindly points it out to the audience. bless poor JK's heart
Bonus Content: Much shorter than expected for this episode, and it's mostly the same scenes we had. does anyone know when the bonus content was released? it makes sense if it was before the final part, and they were trying to keep the reveal secret.
CQ Rank: 5
(CQ Eval Date: 04 FEB 2024)
Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.
Previous Episode: 046
Next Episode: 048
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blackswan446 · 5 months
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for an autumn day, it was unseasonably warm. it felt more like a beautiful mid-spring afternoon. the landscape didn't match the temperature; the fall air brought a burst of new color to the normally-green tree leaves, to paint one last vibrant picture before they would plunge to the ground and succumb to the harsh conditions of winter.
you sat on the edge of the fountain, making sure not to let you or your bag fall into the pool of water and coins below. although the mall was crowded, you could've sat for hours and just watched the world go by. all these people, they all had their own lives, their own friends and enemies, successes and heartbreaks, yet all you would ever know them as is random people from the mall, and all they would ever know you as is the girl who was sitting on the fountain.
you were broken from your philosophical moment by someone taking a seat next to you on the cool marble bricks. that person was hoseok, clad in his fashionable streetwear, styled hair, and...holding flowers?
you must have been visibly confused, because the first thing he did, rather than greet you, was explain the bundle of flowers in his hand. "don't get the wrong idea, i passed a shop on the way here. i thought you'd like them, that's all." he said, holding out the small bouquet to you. you smiled, and took them slowly. "thank you..what kind of flowers are they? did the owner tell you?"
he nodded. "gardenias. apparently this is the last bunch the shop was selling, i think the growing season for them is over." he explained, looking proud of himself and his good deed. you held the velvety petals of the delicate white flowers between your fingertips, and you didn't need to lean closer to smell their sweet fragrance. you smiled fondly at the small posy, and looked back to hoseok. "thank you, i love them." you said gratefully, not bothering to hide your cheesy smile. he beamed at your appreciation and his heart swelled with pride.
'looks like my research paid off. who knew flowers could have so many meanings?'
it was a few hours later, and you were walking side by side with hoseok in the shopping mall. you cradled the elegant bundle of gardenias gently in one elbow, and the other was holding a few shopping bags. hoseok was carrying a few of his own, plus a to-go cup of iced coffee. "i'm glad we were able to go out today." he said, "you know. before the holiday rush."
you nodded your head in agreement. "yeah, i am too. this place will be packed a month from now. all the stores will be empty, too." you complained, shuddering at the thought of returning here and fighting with the old ladies over the last candle and swimming through a sea of middle schoolers, all looking for their mothers.
"we only have a few more stores to hit, right? my feet are tired." he whined. "hey, i want to get my holiday shopping done early. you can't rush me. i only have to get something for my aunt, my father, and yoongi."
hoseok cringed internally at the mention of his name. "yoongi, huh? what are you going to get him?" he inquired. you shrugged your shoulders. "oh, i don't know yet. he's so hard to shop for. i have to make sure i get him something good, though, because he'll already be mad that i'm out today." you stated.
hoseok felt his heart sink as you mentioned that detail. "how come?" he gritted, trying to keep his cool as he fought the little red devil on his shoulder, screaming in his ear for him to do something, to say something. you sighed. "i don't know. i think it's because we're getting into flu season, and he doesn't want me to get sick." you said. hoseok nodded stiffly. "good to know he cares so much." he fumed, careful not to let his response come out sarcastic.
you nodded and sighed again. "yeah, it is. even if he's strict, i'm glad to have him." you said contentedly.
after a long day of shopping, joking, and talking, you were finally walking through the deserted parking lot to your car. "god, how long were we here?" hoseok joked, looking around the desolate plot of concrete. "six hours, maybe?" you said, thinking back to what time you had gotten here and when you had last looked at the clock on your phone. "i'm exhausted."
he nodded tiredly. "what are you doing after this?" he questioned, the both of you stopping when you reached your cars. you thought for a moment, considering your dinner options and the commute home. "i'm probably going to go to bed. i'm exhausted." you repeated, thinking of the fluffy pillow and cozy comforter waiting for you at home. "sleeping already? but it's only six o'clock." hoseok said, surprised.
"i know, but i haven't really been sleeping well these days. i always wake up more tired than the night before." you admitted, remembering also the sleepless nights and when you would jolt awake randomly. "i see." he said, nodding his head. "well, i hope-"
hoseok stopped talking, watching as the light around the two of you dimmed. the golden rays of the sun were suddenly gone. looking up, the both of you saw the reason for the abrupt darkness: a huge, grey cloud, that had moved through the sky and covered the sun, killing the bright light that came with it.
"what the hell?" you blurted, wondering where in the world that cloud had come from. "i didn't see that when we came outside." hoseok said, his tone sounding bewildered and a little scared. you shook your head. "i don't like this parking lot when it's this dark or empty. it makes me feel like something bad is going to happen. i'm leaving." you said, flinging open your drivers side door and jumping in.
hoseok, who found your superstitions amusing, laughed as you shoved the key in the car's ignition. he tapped on your window, and made a cheesy 'call me' gesture to you through the glass. you rolled your eyes and laughed, clipping your seatbelt into place and driving out of your spot. hoseok waved you goodbye, and it wasn't until you were gone that the smile fell from his face and he got into his own car.
as he laid in bed that night, his thoughts were fighting with one another, darkness imposing itself into the corners of his mind and seeping into his brain. he look a deep breath, and laid still for a moment, before lunging off of the mattress and flying to his desk. he rifled through the drawers, desperately trying to find the paper he needed. finally, his fingers brushed over the smooth envelope he had been searching for. taking it out of the drawer slowly, he lifted the flap and removed the sheet inside.
he read over the unsent letter, rereading some sentences over and over. there was a lot more where this had come from, as he had been writing them for well over a year now. however, with the recent influx of emotions he had been feeling the past few months, and his internal battle between good and evil, the volume of letters written had shot up.
his feelings terrified him to the core, and these letters served as reality checks, as something to ground him and point him back in the direction of happiness and peace. were they the honest to god truth?...
he liked to think so.
whether or not these letters were an honest record of his emotions wasn't important. what was important, was the fact that these letters contained the right answers, and also proved to both you and himself that he knew what the right answers were. they were like reminders for him, whenever his mind started to stray away from what was right, he could reread them and get himself back on track.
he had to make sure he didn't act out, because if he said one wrong word, did one wrong action, gave one little indication that this darkness even existed,
you would run
so fast
and so far
and you wouldn't
give it
a second thought.
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jungshookz · 8 months
OMG I JUST FINISHED SMITTEN PT3 I AM HEARTBROKEN :((( will yoongi and y/n end up becoming friends eventually?? so excited for smitten pt4
"Friends? Hey, listen, I just work here, I don't want to get tangled up in all this drama. I just sell flowers-"
"Yes, you do, so I don't know why you're using company time to chat everyone up-"
"You're just jealous that everyone likes me more than you when you're the owner of the flower shop-"
talk to my characters!
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derireo-galge · 2 years
Ex Boxers | mini au | yoonmin✍🏼
Where ex boxers and long term boyfriends Yoongi and Jimin are being very playful on twt.
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• Yoongi is a boxing trainer
• Jimin is a flower shop owner
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aajjks · 5 months
Thank you for your time, Lee Woojin. Sargent Dace says. We will handle this situation with much concern. I’ll get the door for you. Thank you, once again. Your highness, I will bring up Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi. They are your cooks. They claimed to have had a run in with a man last week while they were down at the bakery. I will be right back.
*Irritated by her Kings screaming as all she wants to do is sleep, the Queen sits up and gives her husband a mean glare.*
Stop yelling at him! He said he wrote you a letter so why didn’t you open it and reed it? See, he could be screaming at you because you didn’t care enough to open it. You either be nice to your people, the ones you are meant to protect or you quit screaming in my ear before I go back to our chambers to finish my rest. Nobody knew that you would have been the target. Everybody believes that you will always keep us safe, it’s scary when our protector needs the protection. Everybody’s going to be on edge, just stop lashing out on others. Without their help, you wouldn’t know a thing about this. And people can look… I am pretty cute. Now stop screaming in my ear or I really will go back to our chambers.
*Just as the Queen wrapped up her lecture to her husband the Sargent comes back into the office with the two best cook the palace has ever met. Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi. They take a seat in front of King Jeon and decide Seokjin will go first.*
Ah, your highness I heard you’ve been threatened! I know exactly who it is! Well I know his face, kinda but I don’t know his name. My sidekick here and I had went down to the bakery because we were out of bread, flower, and sugar. Speaking of which, I think it’d be nice if we had a larger space to store the food we need. It would cut our trips out of the palace down to at least once a month. Anyways, we were speaking to Moon Yoji, she’s the owner. We have known her for years, she’s a good women. She always asks about our day. As I was explaining to her the importance of having enough food for an entire palace, something we don’t have, I noticed a man listening to my conversation. I thought nothing of it until my sidekick notic-
I not your damn sidekick. The quiet blonde snaps. Stop telling people that. Excuse him, your highness for his lack of intelligence. Back to the creep, I had noticed he was following us from the bakery to a small shop we stopped at to look at the jewelry. We were picking out a bracelet for Yn when I seen the same man from the bakery. He didn’t buy anything from either store. Everybody knows who we are and normally we go and come back unbothered. This guy though, something was off. From listening to what goes on inside the palace to following us from store to store. He hid behind counters and shelves but it was only when I had noticed he followed us all the way to the pathway to the palace. He stopped right at the start of the gravel. He was wearing what I would say was a robe. An oversized black robe. He had the hood on the entire time so I couldn’t see his face really but the smell. He smelled as if he had just crawled out of a turtle tank and rolled in cat litter. We wrote you a letter describing the incident but we never heard anything back. We thought you had taken care of it. I guess not.
“Y-Yn stop scolding me- I’m sorry okay? I-I apologize for screaming at you… my queen has made me realize my mistake… well yes she is right. I should’ve read the letter, but you two- please stop fighting. And I will protect my palace and my people until the day I die- I just need that man HERE. Send my best men to look for him. A black robe you say? Hmm… who could it be?”
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jkabbi · 5 months
bewitched | chapter 02
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╰┈➤summary: Former neighbors turned lovers, your enchanting romance with Jungkook takes a magical turn. A spell to protect him shapes your past, and now, as a flower shop owner, an unexpected reunion brings buried secrets to light. Past and present collide in a captivating tale of love and mystery.
╰┈➤pairing: jungkook x reader (f)
╰┈➤genre: cf2l, fluff, angst, magic au
╰┈➤warnings: cursing, salem (deserves his own warning)
word count. 10.9 k
╰┈➤note; we are already in the second chapter! i am very grateful for the support you have given me and to all the people who have decided to give my story a chance <3 i hope u guys enjoy this
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Despite the passage of three days since your rather embarrassing encounter with Jungkook, little had deviated from your usual routine.
Happy for your mental health, you haven't encountered him unexpectedly on the street or elsewhere again.
Presently, you found yourself engaged in the familiar task of cleaning your home, punctuating the process with the addition of protective spells – a regular practice that brought you a sense of security.
Engaging in thorough cleaning bi-monthly, your diligence stemmed from a subtle paranoia, fueled by the looming threat of an old adversary with formidable abilities. Despite the intricacies of this routine, the current impetus for your meticulous cleansing arises from an underlying fatigue that has settled in recently.
As you meticulously attended to your chores, Salem lounged indifferently by the window, his attention fixed on the world outside.
“You do realize those cat paws of yours could lend a helping hand – or paw – with the cleaning, right?” you chided, irritation evident in your voice.
Ignoring your remark, Salem continued gazing out the window, uninterested in your domestic concerns. Frustrated, you used your magic to make the window fly open with a simple touch of your fingers.
“Hey!” Salem protested, his discontent palpable.
Now it was your turn to dismiss him. After tending to the cleaning, you sank wearily into the armchair next to the window, grateful for the modest size of your apartment.
“Did you know our neighbors moved?” Salem piped up.
“Yes, you mentioned it. Why?” you responded wearily, still staring at the ceiling, exhaustion lingering in your every movement.
“Because there's a moving truck. I guess someone else will occupy the apartment next door,” Salem remarked with a touch of boredom. “I'll miss the dramatic fights of our former neighbors.”
Before you could engage further in Salem's observations, your phone interrupted with its insistent ringing.
Your bestie fired off a text, checking if you were a go for the Wednesday meeting. “Who is it?” your nosy cat chimed in, strolling over. “Just Yoongi,” you mumbled, deep in thought “He’s asking about the Wednesday thing”
“Oh, the social shindig! Are you gracing it with your presence?” Salem asked, eager for the scoop. You tore your gaze from the phone, observing movers weaving outside the apartment like a chaotic ballet. “I'm on the fence,” you confessed. “Feels like a recipe for disaster, doesn't it?”
As your cat claimed dominion over your legs, he vented, “You know what's truly disastrous? Replying 'you too' to a waiter's 'enjoy your meal.' It's like living in a cringe-worthy sitcom moment in real life.”
Salem, seemingly unfazed, played with dust bubbles, offering a quip as if participating in a cosmic comedy.
Frustration building, you sighed, “Can we be serious here? This is more significant than a sitcom faux pas.” Salem, with an innocent look, glanced up, feigning detachment.
“Why are you upset? It's happened to me countless times! It's embarrassing,” Salem retorted casually.
“I'd rather repeat that to a waitress a thousand times than risk losing my dignity to Jungkook's charming white commercial smile!” you exclaimed passionately.
Salem, raising a dismissive paw, sought to diminish your sentiment, “Don't think you're special; it happens to everyone. It's just a barbecue among friends. What's the worst that can happen?”
Annoyance etched on your face, you retorted, “What's the worst? You know exactly what could happen. I can't risk the spell being broken.”
Salem, nonchalantly, replied, “Bah, if the spell breaks, put it back on. Simple.”
Your gaze, sharp as daggers, could have sent Salem six feet under. “It's not that simple, and you know it. Playing with someone's mind is risky business."Blah, blah, blah,” Salem replied with an air of boredom. “You humans care so much about rules and consequences.”
Your eyebrow arched in curiosity, “Maybe that's why we're not punished and made to look like a ball of hair for eternity.”
A playful smirk danced on your lips as you sensed you might have struck a nerve with the proud feline.
Before you could engage in a verbal sparring match with your fur-covered companion, a peculiar sight outside the window seized your attention.
Through your apartment window, you observed movers delivering high-quality appliances and furniture to your apartment complex.
Perplexed, you couldn't help but wonder: Why would someone affluent willingly choose to move into your less-than-ideal dwelling, plagued by mold, electrical issues, and water problems?
Confused, you and Salem, were equally captivated by the sight unfolding outside your window. “Apparently our neighbors are rich,” Salem mused, settling at the window. “What are they doing in this poor excuse for an apartment?”
Agreeing, you shook your head, still gawking at the street where movers were unloading opulent possessions. Salem, always the dramatist, remarked, “With that television, imagine what my Turkish novel nights would be like?!” His excitement was palpable.
As you continued to watch, your attention was suddenly captured by the arrival of a dreamy bookcase, adorned in dark and elegant wood. Unable to contain your enthusiasm, you exclaimed, “Imagine having that bookcase!”
The absurdity of the situation struck you, and you couldn't help but laugh, feeling a tinge of embarrassment at the spectacle you and your black cat presented to any passersby. A disheveled girl, mouth agape, and her feline companion – not the most polished image.
Salem, ever the provocateur, couldn't resist teasing you about past suitors. “Sometimes I wonder why you didn't marry that Kang boy,” he commented. “If you had, those,” he gestured outside, “would be our belongings.”
Annoyed, you pushed him. “You know damn well why not! The guy was a complete idiot!”
Salem, undeterred, retorted with a swipe of his paws. “He was an idiot, but an idiot with money.”
Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms. “Oh, come on! As if you don't hate him either! Remember that time he said you were useless because you failed with your plan for world domination?”
Salem's ears perked up, and you seized the opportunity to stoke his anger. “And then he said he could do it better because he was the son of the High Priest of the Church of Night.”
The mention of Kang Hyung, the insufferable figure from your school days, visibly enraged Salem. “That damn brat! I had forgotten what an idiot he was,” Salem exclaimed angrily, displaying his claws. “As if the little shit hadn't failed the final aptitude test against you!”
You smiled, grateful to have Salem as a comrade in your shared disdain for Kang Hyung, the arrogant tormentor who not only made your school life unbearable but also sought to bind you in an unwanted marriage to hinder your progress within the Church of Night.
Chills coursed through your veins, triggering a wave of unpleasant memories and emotions as the recollection of the Church of the Night consumed your thoughts. Salem's observation cut through the internal turmoil, “Now that I think about it, that bastard must have been partying when you left.”
You nonchalantly shrugged your shoulders, masking the deeper complexities of the emotions that stirred within you. Delving into the past wasn't a habit, especially when it involved the social circle you had left behind—the realm where tradition and ancient customs overshadowed individual freedom.
In that stifling environment, your opposition to conformity had been a constant struggle throughout your childhood and adolescence. The battle against a system that restricted your authenticity intensified when your human friend, and eventual boyfriend, became a permanent part of your life. It was like pulling the trigger on an invisible conflict that escalated into a war against your own kind.
Though the notion of dating a human seemed trivial to you, it was forbidden in the eyes of your coven. This strict rule, which you found utterly senseless, triggered a cascade of opposition from your aunts, peers at the academy, and even some magical texts. You couldn't fathom how something as natural as love could be deemed heretical.
Your father's relationship with a human, resulting in your existence, added another layer of irony to the situation. Yet, for the high priest of your coven, your liaison with the human boy disrupted his plans to marry you off to his son, maintaining a supposed line of purity.
The revelation amused you, considering your own mixed blood, with a human mother. The absurdity of their insistence on purity evaporated when you reflected on your father's heritage—a former pastor of the Church of Night, one of the most powerful warlock in recent generations, and the unique mediator between humans and magicians, showcasing the absurdity of their narrow-minded views.
A surge of memories triggered a headache, prompting you to physically shake them loose. It was a conscious effort to purge the lingering thoughts from your mind. The mantra echoed within – your past, a source of mental distress, held no relevance now.
The chapters of your old life, once defining, had lost their grip on your present self. Reminding yourself of this, you cast aside the weight of bygone years. The rules that once constrained you, now faded relics, held no sway in the canvas of your current existence. This deliberate detachment marked a symbolic liberation, a decisive break from the constraints that had defined your past.
The weight of your past choices no longer haunted you too, the passage of time had rendered them irreversible. Over the past decade, you've learned that being overly harsh on yourself hinders personal growth and happiness. This realization became particularly profound when reflecting on decisions driven by love and the instinct to protect those dear to you.
Your inner circle may be small, a deliberate choice. Yet, it doesn't diminish the depth of your commitment to those within it. You've proven time and again that you'd go to great lengths for the sake of your loved ones. This unwavering loyalty has been the guiding force propelling you forward through these ten years of personal evolution and resilience.
Because after all, in the tapestry of devotion, you'd rewrite the stars and reshape your destiny for your loved ones.
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Fifteen years ago
The soft radiance from the lamp bathed the room in a gentle glow, casting shadows that danced on Jungkook's superhero sheets, cocooning you in a comforting embrace.
If someone would ask you how home feels like, you would describe this.
The room's door swung open noiselessly, heralding Jungkook's return, cradling a steaming cup of your favorite hot chocolate. He handed it over with a gentle warning about its temperature, and as your fingers brushed his, you felt the stark contrast between his warmth and your cold, trembling ones. With a shy smile, he settled beside you. Gratitude filled your expression, not just for the comforting cup but also for the sparring clothes he had thoughtfully provided, considering your pajamas were smeared with mud and damp.
Despite the impending weight of an awkward conversation, you opted to divert your attention to his window, a bit distant from the bed but offering a serene view of the outside world.
The once-turbulent wind had yielded to a gentle breeze, causing leaves to rustle in the trees. The rain had ceased its rhythmic drumming, and residual droplets now dripped from the roof outside Jungkook's window. Sensing the boy's restlessness, you took in the quietude of the scene.
“Do you feel better?” Jungkook's voice, a melodic whisper, filled the room. A sense of shyness tinged your response as you glanced at him, softly admitting, “Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn't want to bother you.”
With an encouraging look, he reassured you, “It's not a bother.”
The intensity of his gaze prompted you to shift your focus to the cup in your hands. “Was it a nightmare?” he inquired slowly, his words a gentle balm as if speaking to a frightened creature. Shaking your head, you kept your gaze fixed on the cup, grappling with the words to convey the complex emotions.
After a brief silence, you found the courage to continue, “It was something akin to a lucid dream. It doesn't happen frequently, but when it does, it's intensely vivid.” Sipping the chocolate, you revealed, “I struggle with sleepwalking problems, and at times, it coincides with these dreams.”
Jungkook maintained a respectful silence, his attentive eyes inviting you to share more. Emboldened by his patience, you felt a surge to elaborate. “It's like a distant memory from the past, but not mine – someone with a profound connection to me. This time, I woke up in the general cemetery. And when I looked around…” A shiver coursed through you, and in response to your fear, Jungkook placed his warm, slightly wounded hand atop yours, offering a reassuring and firm grip.
The room held a hushed atmosphere as you shared the unsettling details of your encounter. “There were some people hanging... from the big tree in the middle,” you said, each word measured. “I think they were women. Then they started saying some things that I couldn't understand, and when I wanted to escape, they surrounded me... trapping me.”
In the shadowed stillness, Jungkook nodded attentively, his eyes reflecting a mix of concern and understanding, urging you to continue.
“I don't know what I did; I just know that I threw myself on the ground and used my dad’s necklace as a talisman. I think that kept them away,” you explained, gently touching the pendant around your neck. “Then they disappeared, and I ran away as fast as I could.”
Apologizing for the midnight disturbance, you added, “I'm sorry for waking you up. I didn't want to be alone.”
Jungkook's smile, radiant even in the dimness, melted away the shadows of fear. He reassured you, “The truth is that I'm happy you came here. I wouldn't have liked you to be alone after something like that.” His fingers found yours again as he continued, “When something like that happens again, come find me, no matter what, deal, Daisy?”
In those vulnerable moments, you couldn't help but appreciate the warmth of his caring nature. His presence was a comforting haven, a solace in the midst of the eerie tale.
Opening the window for you in the dead of night wasn't an ordinary gesture. Not when you were resembling a scene from a horror movie—soaked by rain, caked in mud, and wearing an expression of sheer terror.
As you poured your gratitude into a whispered acknowledgment, you found yourself caught in a contemplative gaze. Jungkook's eyes crinkled at the corners, and his smile deepened, revealing a sincerity that resonated through the dimly lit room.
The room felt like a sanctuary, insulated from the outside world. And in that sanctuary, you acknowledged the intricacies of your feelings. You cherished him not only as a friend but as someone who had unknowingly captured your heart.
For Jungkook, love was a sacred expression, an unfettered commitment. You admired the way he loved—wholeheartedly, without reservation. His love embraced his family, enveloped his friends, and echoed in every act of kindness he bestowed upon others.
As you looked at him, you couldn't escape a twinge of envy for his ability to love fearlessly. It was this very quality that made him a beloved figure in your school and community—a beacon of happiness, responsibility, and altruism.
Witnessing his gestures, whether helping elderly neighbors or playing with children, you marveled at his genuine kindness. It painted a picture of a person who not only shared joy but also had an innate understanding of the needs of those around him.
Yet, amidst all this admiration, a poignant reality lingered. You yearned for more than friendly smiles and shared camaraderie. You wished to be the one capable of sparking an indescribable fervor within him, to have your presence elicit a symphony of emotions.
But a sobering truth anchored your heart. In his eyes, you remained a cherished friend—someone seen through the lens of platonic affection.
The dialogue drifted into a contemplative silence, each heartbeat resonating with a subdued acknowledgment. “Okay,” you eventually replied, the word carrying a depth that echoed your gratitude and an unspoken acceptance of the emotions that swirled within. “Thank you,” you added, the words whispered with a blush coloring your cheeks—a subtle testament to the complex tapestry of feelings that entangled you in the midst of the night.
A gentle sigh escaped you as you snapped out of your contemplative thoughts, deciding it was time to return home. Just as you were about to rise from the bed, Jungkook's grip on your hand tightened, a silent plea for you to stay.
“Stay,” he whispered, his breath warm against your face. The proximity between you two ignited a flurry of emotions within, and a subtle but palpable pressure began to build.
“Kook, it's okay. It's late, and we have classes in the morning,” you reassured, attempting to mask the nervousness that tinged your voice. Yet, he shook his head, his hold on your hand unwavering.
“I won't be able to sleep if you leave,” he admitted, his eyes holding an intensity that defied description. Caught in the sincerity of his gaze, you nodded slowly, acknowledging the unspoken connection between you two.
Pleased with your response, Jungkook rose from the bed, gracefully taking your empty chocolate glass and placing it on his desk. Turning back to you, he approached the bed with a certain vulnerability in his demeanor.
“Is it okay if I sleep in bed with you?” he asked, a delicate blush gracing his cheeks, his hand nervously tousling his hair. “It's okay if you don't want to! I just know how much these 'episodes' affect you, and I don't mind sleeping…”
Interrupting his anxious rambling, you gently reassured him, “It's fine, Kook. No problem.” A sigh of tranquility escaped him, and a silent understanding passed between you.
“Okay,” he nodded, settling down beside you. “Should I leave the lights on?” he asked, his gaze filled with genuine affection.
Shaking your head, you responded, “It's not necessary. You are enough.” In the soft glow of the room, your unspoken connection and deep affection lingered, an intricate dance between two souls who harbored profound feelings for each other yet struggled to articulate them. Love and protection remained unspoken, concealed in the hesitant glances and tender gestures, painting a delicate picture of two shy hearts afraid to voice the depth of their emotions.
He extinguished the warm glow of his lamp, and in the ensuing darkness, Jungkook settled down beside you. This nocturnal rendezvous wasn't unfamiliar terrain – sleeping beside Jungkook had been a cherished tradition since childhood. Pillows, often arranged as a makeshift wall, served as a quaint barrier, yet by morning, the pillows would be strewn about, and some part of him would inevitably find solace in proximity to you.
This shared ritual had dwindled as adolescence unfolded, hormones and societal expectations introducing an unspoken distance. You attributed it to the complexities of growing up, and perhaps, a lingering sense that Jungkook felt awkward about these intimate moments. Overheard whispers of school friends teasing about your close bond only fueled that perception.
Nervousness lingered as you embarked on this night together. The last time you shared a bed was months ago during an impromptu camping trip, an accidental convergence beneath the stars. You both fell asleep, and you awoke the next morning realizing you had unconsciously embraced him on his mattress.
If Jungkook felt any unease about these moments, he masked it well. Turning onto his side, he wished you goodnight with a hoarse voice. Your expectations remained tempered; you understood the limits of your friendship, acknowledging that Jungkook cherished you as a companion, nothing more.
In return, you whispered a reciprocal goodnight, surrendering yourself to the embrace of Morpheus while stealing a glance at the silhouette of your childhood friend. Longing to wrap your arms around him and cradle him as you slept, you were acutely aware that such desires were confined to the depths of your heart. Instead, you hugged yourself, creating an unbridgeable distance to prevent the impossibility of touching him. The night unfolded, a delicate dance of unspoken emotions and the quiet poetry of unrequited feelings.
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Flowers, steeped in a rich history of symbolism, serve as messengers of emotions across diverse customs and cultures. The choice of a specific bloom carries nuanced significance, dictated by the occasion, the intent behind the gift, and the sentiments shared with the recipient.
While the tradition of presenting red roses to convey love and yellow roses as a symbol of friendship remains widely known, the floral lexicon extends far beyond these familiar territories. Sunflowers, for instance, embody the essence of loyalty, a cornerstone of enduring friendships.
In the floral haven where you work, offering guidance becomes an integral part of the service. Customers seek advice to ensure their floral gifts convey the right message. With a keen understanding of the language of flowers, you assist them in selecting blooms that align with their intentions.
Presently, your skilled hands are meticulously crafting a bouquet of white peonies, fulfilling a special request from a mother for her daughter's birthday. White peonies, known to attract good luck and health, symbolize youth, beauty, and a cultivated spirit, creating a meaningful tapestry of sentiments within the arrangement.
Meanwhile, at the inn, Yoongi extends his expertise to an elderly couple, providing thoughtful suggestions for their floral needs. The day unfolds with a semblance of calm, punctuated by a slightly increased influx of people. You attribute this to various ceremonies taking place, ranging from graduations to personal achievements, infusing the air with an undercurrent of celebratory joy.
Engrossed in your world, you hum along to the tune emanating from the store's black radio, a companion to your almost five years of experience in the floral industry. Your hands move with a seasoned precision as you cut and arrange the flowers, each movement a testament to your craftsmanship.
Amid this tranquility, the store's phone rings, momentarily disrupting your peace. Observing that Yoongi is still engaged with customers, you wipe your hands on your flower-patterned apron and answer the call. A young woman on the other end, her voice brimming with happiness, inquires about the store's availability.
“The store is open, don't worry,” you assure her professionally, absentmindedly playing with a pencil nearby. The joyous laughter on the other end piques your curiosity. Who could be so delighted about visiting a flower shop? Yet, in this business, you understand that each customer brings their unique story, and money, in the end, is money.
As the conversation concludes, you approach Yoongi, who seamlessly transitions between the roles of a responsible and kind worker. His cheerful demeanor while assisting customers adds a touch of warmth to the shop's ambiance. “Don't worry. The order will be ready for your granddaughter's graduation,” Yoongi reassures the departing elderly couple, their intertwined hands painting a poignant image of enduring love.
Observing the tender moment, you playfully remark, “Wow, I can't wait when that's you and Jimin.” Yoongi responds with a smile, showcasing his teeth. You continue, teasingly noting, “Although I imagine Jimin will age much better than you. Have you seen his skincare? I'm so jealous.”
Yoongi chuckled in response. “Oh, I'm well aware. Living with Jimin means witnessing his extravagant purchases. Just the other day, he splurged on what he claimed was the most expensive face mask in existence. I'm convinced he fell for a scam,” he shared with an amused smirk.
You reciprocated the laughter, understanding Jimin's penchant for acquiring things, particularly those aimed at enhancing his personal well-being. “Well, Jimin's bank account doesn't exactly suffer,” you quipped, acknowledging his financial success stemming from a business and finance degree and a thriving career at a technology company.
Yoongi, engaged in arranging items on the work table, responded, “True. He probably has enough money to buy both you and me.” A playful smile lingered on his face as he contemplated the idea.
Amused, you expressed your thoughts, “I'd gladly be bought by him. I could enjoy your paradise apartment and eat in your beautiful dining room every day.”
Yoongi let out a snort, teasingly considering the notion. "Perhaps you both could adopt me as a pet or something," you continued, playfully imagining an unconventional arrangement.
“Why would we want you as a pet?” Yoongi questioned, leaning back on the counter and adopting a casual posture. You shot him a mock-offended look as you returned to the work table, where your partially arranged flowers awaited completion.
“Because I'm fun and spontaneous!” you asserted, seizing the scissors in your hand with playful defiance. A hint of mischief sparkled in your eyes.
“Why would that be a sufficient quality to adopt you as a pet?” Yoongi stretched, his movement reminiscent of your cat Salem's languid stretches at home. The peculiar similarity between your feline companion and your best friend didn't escape your notice.
Undeterred, you retorted, “How about I roll around on the floor and juggle? I'll present my case, and you can decide if you want to adopt me.”
Before you could jokingly threaten him with the scissors, the melodious chime of bells at the front door rang, signaling the arrival of visitors and momentarily diverting your attention from the playful banter.
A swift turn brought both you and Yoongi face to face with unexpected visitors. As Yoongi began his polite greeting, his words trailed off, halted by the sight that met your collective gaze. The expressions mirrored between you and Yoongi spoke volumes, an amalgamation of surprise and curiosity.
Standing before you were Jungkook and his girlfriend, Jiwoo. Her smile, radiant from side to side, was matched only by the astonishment etched across Jungkook's features. An atmosphere of unexpected reunions and unspoken questions hung in the air.
“Hi, guys!” Jiwoo's cheerful exclamation pierced through the initial silence. “I'm so glad I can see you two again.” You and Yoongi, still processing the surprise, responded with a slightly awkward smile, caught off guard by the unforeseen encounter.
The curiosity in Jungkook's eyes couldn't be contained as he blurted out, “Do you guys work here?” The surprise lingered in his voice, and Jiwoo, seemingly aware of the intrigue, interjected with a playful shake of his shoulders. “Of course, honey! Jimin recommended this flower shop to us.”
While they continued their conversation, you and Yoongi shared a quick exchange of glances, silently conveying a mutual 'what in the fuck?!'
Thanks to the soft daylight, you took a closer, more deliberate look at Jungkook's fiancée—an opportunity denied during your initial encounter in the fleeting darkness. She stood tall, radiating a slender grace that hinted at regular gym visits, showcasing a toned and lithe physique.
Her long, dark hair cascaded down her back, impeccably kept and reaching her waist. A beauty illuminated her face, with flawless, radiant skin free from any discernible imperfections. Even beneath the subtle makeup, her complexion remained perfect, highlighting her delicate features.
The delicate nuances of her face were accentuated by a touch of light and rosy fashion makeup, giving her an elegant allure. As if that weren't enough, she effortlessly pulled off a chic two-piece jacket and skirt set, a trend you had observed on various fashionable girls.
Each passing second of analysis chipped away at your self-esteem. Placed side by side, the disparity was painfully evident
She emanated a sense of chic fashion and beauty, reminiscent of those flawless girls showcased on social media. Meanwhile, you felt like a relic from the past, lacking both the financial means and the physique to confidently adorn those fashionable clothes. The mere thought of comparing yourself to her beauty became a battle you knew you had already lost.
Unable to bear the mental torture, you reluctantly averted your gaze, a pang of inferiority and a hint of jealousy settling within you.
Jungkook, still taken aback, said, “I just didn't know you guys were in charge of this place.”
Jiwoo, maintaining her infectious smile, turned her attention to you. “___ dear, can you help me with my order? I think we changed our minds about some things,” she said, as if you were long-lost friends, releasing Jungkook's hand to link arms with you.
“Order?” you asked, genuinely bewildered. The revelation that Jiwoo had placed an order caught you off guard, and you glanced at Yoongi, finding him equally perplexed.
“Of course! I placed the order a few weeks ago, Jiwoo continued, her grip on your shoulder conveying a sense of familiarity. “For a wedding? Outdoor?” Her words triggered a mental light bulb, and suddenly, you remembered the discussion you had with Yoongi about a potential wedding order.
“Of course,” you mumbled, still slightly shocked, but your legs instinctively guided Jiwoo towards your cluttered work table. Jungkook approached Yoongi, initiating a conversation as you apologized, “Sorry for the mess. I was preparing an order.”
The pervasive sense of inadequacy weighed heavily on you, particularly in your workplace, where the disparity between you and her became glaringly evident. She seemed as though she had never encountered the grit of physical labor, while your calloused hands bore the unspoken testament of hard work and perseverance.
Organizing your work table, you made space and grabbed your book, where meticulous notes of orders were kept. Jiwoo stood nearby, shaking her head reassuringly, “Don't worry. It's your work, and it's also very pretty,” she complimented, gesturing towards the unfinished bouquet of peonies.
Surprised by her compliment, you just nodded.
Opening the book, you located the latest orders and found Jiwoo's for a wedding. “Im Jiwoo?” you confirmed, and she nodded in affirmation.
Setting aside the inner turmoil and the pangs of inferiority, you gracefully donned your professional facade. After all, this is your job.
As you delved into the details of her request, you inquired about any changes or additions. The original order included a Bride's Bouquet, a Bouquet to throw, 2 Boutonnières for the bride and groom, an Arrangement for the altar, 2 Pedestals of 1.70 for the altar, and 80 twigs for the pews.
Jiwoo pointed delicately at your notebook, expressing her desire to add a flower arch. “That's a good idea,” you agreed, jotting down the suggestion. “What flowers are you thinking of for that arrangement?”
“I really don't know. I've seen some ideas online, but I'd like the help of a professional,” Jiwoo admitted.
“Sure, don't worry. I'll help you,” you assured her, maintaining a professional demeanor. Jiwoo moved closer, expressing her happiness that you could assist her. She admitted, “I'm very nervous, and Jimin told me that you were perfect for this.”
Surprised, you looked at her as she continued, “I was a little worried. Jungkook's group is all men, and I missed the female presence. You seemed to fall out of the sky for me. I hope we can be friends.” She looked at you expectantly and friendly.
The unexpected warmth of her words caught you off guard. Despite any initial reservations, Jiwoo's sincerity made it clear that her intentions were genuine.
Tinged with a subtle guilt for harboring feelings of jealousy and inferiority towards her, you met her gaze. Her eyes betrayed a hint of nervousness, darting from your face to your hands, as if she held back from initiating any physical contact.
“I know we haven’t held a conversation but I sense you're a good person, and Jimin holds you in high regard. I genuinely want a positive relationship with my fiancé's friends.” Her nervous tic, a lip bite, revealed a vulnerability that you couldn't ignore. “Don't feel pressured!” she exclaimed, quickly adding, “It's just that I don't have many friends. From what Jimin has shared, you seem genuinely nice, and it sparked a desire to be friends with you. Unfortunately, I missed meeting you at previous gatherings because Yoongi mentioned you couldn't make it.”
Her infectious cheerfulness and nervousness momentarily dispelled any lingering doubts you had about her character. It's not every day you find yourself befriending your ex-boyfriend's fiancée, —especially when your feelings still linger. Yet, with a strange but confident smile, you interrupted her rambling, embracing the unexpected bond.
“ I would love to,” you responded genuinely, your smile breaking through any hesitation. Her shyness melted away as she eagerly took your hands, exclaiming, “What a thrill! We are friends!”
However, a sudden realization struck her, and she looked at you with a hint of horror. “I mean, no! I mean, yes! Ugh, I mean, we're going to be friends.” The awkward stumble in her words added a touch of endearing charm to the moment.
Caught in the moment, Yoongi and Jungkook glanced your way, and you sent them an apologetic look.
As the conversation shifted to wedding preparations, Jiwoo sought your expertise on floral arrangements for the arch. She expressed a preference for a neutral color scheme that wouldn't overshadow the rest of the décor.
With a thoughtful expression, you brought your fingers to your chin. “A floral arch for an outdoor wedding could be enchanting with a combination of roses, peonies, and gypsophila. To create a fresh and romantic atmosphere, consider soft tones like whites, pinks, and greens. We can customize it based on your preferred color palette and the wedding style.”
Jiwoo nodded, her gaze drifting towards your partially finished arrangement. “I'd love something like these,” she pointed, “perhaps in white.”
“Those are indeed peonies, and we can incorporate white roses as well,” you suggested, emphasizing the elegance of the choice.
The idea resonated with Jiwoo, and she clapped her delicate hands in approval. “It looks perfect to me. White exudes elegance!”
You nodded in agreement, adding, “Since it's an outdoor wedding, the white will provide a beautiful contrast against the lush greenery of the surroundings.”
Jiwoo's smile widened. “Exactly! I'm aiming for a sober and neutral style. Most of the decorations will be in white.”
“Perfect, then I'm going to add this modification to the order. Anything else you want to change?” you inquired, diligently noting down the ideas in your notebook. Jiwoo rested her hands on the wooden counter, a contemplative look in her outlined eyes.
“The truth is that I had ordered roses, but I would like another variety of flowers. What other flower do you recommend for the missing decorations and the twigs for the benches?” she asked, seeking your expertise.
Setting your pencil aside, you surveyed the flower shop for inspiration. “Orchids, hydrangeas, or calla lilies are excellent options,” you suggested. “These flowers are commonly used in weddings, and considering their white versions should work seamlessly for your theme. Unless you have a preference for another color, which is entirely feasible.”
Jiwoo played with her shiny engagement ring, a detail that caught your attention just now. “I trust you. I think they are good options. Add them to the order,” she replied, a sense of confidence in her decision.
You nodded, jotting down the final details. “Okay, then an arch of roses and white peonies, and orchids, hydrangeas, and calla lilies for the other decorations,” you named to ensure nothing was overlooked. “Will these last ones be white?” you asked, and Jiwoo nodded. “Perfect. Anything else?”
“No, that would be it,” Jiwoo smiled, and you mirrored her expression. “Then it would be ready. If you have any queries or questions, let me know.” Jiwoo gratefully touched your arm before turning towards where your friend and her boyfriend were engaged in conversation.
“Dear!” she exclaimed, drawing their attention. “It's ready! ___ helped me choose the last details; come here so you can check them!”
Suddenly, your lunch, which you devoured an hour ago, seemed to threaten a return from your stomach. Handling Jiwoo alone was one thing, but facing Jungkook, especially in the presence of his girlfriend-fiancée, was another challenge entirely. Guilt gnawed at you for still harboring attraction towards him.
In an attempt to divert your attention, you focused on the succulent on the counter, nurturing the offspring that were emerging. You had rescued it from near death in a store window, choosing to see it as a rescue rather than theft.
Witnessing your discomfort from afar, Yoongi, a comforting presence, walked behind Jungkook.
As Jiwoo embraced Jungkook by her side, a peculiar sense of discomfort washed over you, prompting a quick diversion of your gaze towards your best friend.
“Did you already choose what you wanted?” Jungkook asked Jiwoo, his comforting gesture a stark contrast to the internal turbulence you felt. Your eyes sought solace in Yoongi, who had positioned himself beside you.
While the conversation unfolded between Jiwoo and Jungkook, Yoongi leaned in, whispering in your ear, “Are you okay?” You responded with a nod, squeezing his hand for reassurance.
“All good,” you assured him, attempting to dismiss the intensity of the situation. Yoongi reciprocated with a knowing nod. “She looks too intense,” he remarked, and you couldn't help but snort in agreement.
“Don't be like that,” you hushed him. “Although you're right, she is,” you added in a conspiratorial whisper.
Yoongi chuckled. “I'm sorry I couldn't save you. She just kidnapped you.”
You acknowledged his comment. “She did, but I genuinely believe she means well. A bit too cheerful for my taste, but I think she's a good person.”
As Yoongi absentmindedly played with the loose strands of your bun, he continued sharing his thoughts. “Yeah? The truth is that I don't know how to feel about her. I think she has too much personality. Every time I see her, she takes my energy away,” he admitted.
Understanding Yoongi's introverted nature, you empathized with his sentiments. Jiwoo's aura appeared clean and clear, devoid of any negative vibes thanks to your discerning skills. However, her vivacious personality could indeed be overwhelming, particularly for someone like Yoongi, whose energy was easily drained by social interactions.
In consideration of his well-being, you had crafted a bracelet with stones known for preserving energy, a thoughtful gift from you. Yoongi currently wore it on his wrist, unaware that it was more than a mere accessory. You had discreetly given it to him the first year you met, recognizing his need for energy preservation. It remained a secret that the bracelet wasn't just a trinket but a genuinely effective tool against energy depletion.
The flower shop's ambiance seemed to shift as Jiwoo's voice permeated the air, interrupting your quiet exchange with Yoongi.
“___ gave me the idea of the flowers we could use,” she shared, and Jungkook's appreciative smile was directed your way. The discomfort lingered, an unwelcome companion as you handed the conversational baton back to him. A quiet reminder that you were intricately involved in preparing the floral arrangements for the wedding of the person you still held a deep affection for, even if he was to wed another.
“What do you think of orchids and peonies?” Jiwoo queried, seemingly oblivious to the emotions simmering beneath the surface. “I know you love daisies, but you told me you don't want to use them for our wedding. So I think the options ___ gave me are good.”
The mention of daisies prompted your head to lift in surprise. Beside you, Yoongi shared a similar reaction, although perhaps for different reasons. Memories associated with the flower brought an unexpected wave of emotion, momentarily distracting you.
The boy smiled happily.
"You saved me in a field of Daisies. It's fitting. You're going to be Daisy.”
“They're fine,” Jungkook responded, his indifference a stark contrast to the internal turbulence you were experiencing. “They're cute.”
The necklace around your neck felt like an anchor, grounding you in the reality of the situation. Determinedly, you steadied yourself at the table, attempting to shake off the surge of memories that threatened to overpower the present.
'Come on, girl, it's just a memory,' Aunt Yoon's reassuring voice echoed in your mind, offering a momentary reprieve.
“Peonies are perfect for weddings,” Yoongi interjected, skillfully redirecting the attention away from you. Grateful for the subtle intervention, you lightly touched his arm in acknowledgment.
“They are very beautiful!” Jiwoo exclaimed, her enthusiasm evident as she squeezed Jungkook's arm. “Look, babe, ____ is making a beautiful arrangement with them.” She pointed to your unfinished bouquet.
Jungkook's gaze shifted to you, and a soft comment escaped his lips. “You have a talent for this.”
Intimidated by the unexpected praise, you nodded shyly and looked away, attempting to shield the warmth that crept onto your cheeks from Jungkook's discerning eyes.
“She does!” Jiwoo responded “I'm glad that you are the ones who take care of this for our important day.”
Both you and Yoongi exchanged smiles, though if nerves and tension hadn't gripped you, you might have found humor in the way you two stood still, akin to statues—almost like the infamous standing guy emoji.
Jiwoo's phone rang, offering a welcome interruption to the somewhat awkward atmosphere. She waved apologetically and retreated to the far side of the store.
“How long have you two been working with flowers?” Jungkook asked, his curiosity evident as he absently played with his lip piercing. Observing your still semblance, Yoongi took the initiative to respond. “Professionally, about five years for me,” your friend shared, casually leaning against the white wall. “Although this kid,” he pointed at you, “has been dedicated to them for much longer than me.”
You mentally cursed Yoongi for drawing Jungkook's attention towards you. Trying to play it cool, you simply shrugged, hoping the moment would pass without much scrutiny.
Contrary to your expectation, Jungkook pressed the issue further. “How long has it been?” he asked you, locking eyes directly with you.
Feeling a bit flustered, you toyed with the edges of your brown skirt. “All my life, I guess,” you admitted shyly. “I've had a knack for this since I was a child.”
Jungkook offered a kind smile. “It fits you perfectly.”
Confused by his remark, you looked at him, but before you could inquire further, Jiwoo returned.
“I'm sorry, it was my boss. She wants me to give her some documents,” she apologized, rejoining Jungkook and linking arms with him. “You know, the fashion industry doesn't rest! Anyway, thank you for helping us! It was a pleasure to see you... see you tomorrow!" she said, moving Jungkook along to say goodbye to both of you.
She gave you a kiss on the cheek and a half hug, repeating the gesture with Yoongi, who couldn't refuse, even if his poker face hinted at discomfort when she kissed him on the cheek. In contrast, Jungkook offered a simple half hug and a sincere smile to you and a handshake to Yoongi.
Distracted by the proximity and the unexpected hug from Jungkook, you didn't realize they were leaving the store. Jiwoo's voice from the entrance brought you back to reality: “___, remember that you are invited to the wedding!” With that, they left.
You and Yoongi exchanged dumbfounded glances, shrugging your shoulders in mutual bewilderment. The weight of the day, now felt long and heavy, lingered in the air as you reflected on the unexpected encounter with your past and the impending involvement in Jungkook's wedding preparations.
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In the echoing silence of your kitchen, Salem's mocking laughter lingered as you diligently prepared the food. The sardonic feline couldn't believe the news about the wedding invitation, his disbelief evident in his amused voice, “She befriended you and invited you to the wedding? Bloody hell! Your luck is worse than mine,” he quipped, reveling in laughter.
“And you have to prepare the flower arrangements for them?” your cat continued, clutching his belly in amusement. “What a laugh, for Satan's sake, I have to write about this on my Twitter! It's so funny.”
Irritated by the recollection of Salem's mocking laughter an hour ago, you took out your frustration on the onions, chopping them with visible anger. The sharp knife sliced through the layers, absorbing the weight of your annoyance.
“Woah, what did the onion do to you?” Yoongi commented as he entered your compact kitchen, holding freshly purchased meat. Ignoring him, you continued with your task, determined to drown out the lingering echoes of Salem's laughter.
Yoongi chuckled, “You've been like this for an hour.” Unresponsive, you persisted in your culinary efforts.
Stupid Salem, you cursed internally, I hope you fall in the toilet.
Sensing your irritation, Yoongi decided against further teasing and turned on the small radio hanging by the window and above the refrigerator. The kitchen filled with the comforting hum of a radio show, providing a backdrop to your cooking and dinner preparations with Yoongi, a routine that brought a sense of warmth.
“Are you okay?” Yoongi's question cut through the rhythmic sounds of chopping as he prepared the meat beside you.
You looked at him with curiosity, “What do you mean?”
“These last few days, you've been more tired and pale,” he noted, his gaze fixed on the meat as he skillfully sliced it. “Do you feel sick?”
Yoongi's perceptiveness caught on to your exhaustion. In recent days, waking up and going to bed tired became routine, and the dark circles under your eyes grew more pronounced. Makeup became a necessity to hide the visible signs. You attributed it to recent events, but even Salem, your astute feline, began to notice. He insisted you consume a peculiar green liquid, its origin shrouded in mystery, as a potential remedy for your strange condition but still had no effect.
Unable to deny Yoongi's keen observations, you admitted, “Something, but I guess my anemia may have returned.” The mention of the past diagnosis prompted memories of the treatment you underwent.
Yoongi nodded, concern etching his features. “You should go to the doctor; if you want, I'll go with you.”
Yoongi consistently stands by your side during hospital visits, interpreting your unease as a typical fear, perhaps of needles, remaining unaware that the true source lies in spectral encounters. Your aversion is rooted in the haunting presence of departed souls and the near-dead that once relentlessly pursued and shadowed you within those clinical walls.
Acknowledging Yoongi's usual support during hospital visits, you replied,
“It's okay. I'll go if it gets worse,” tossing the cut onions into the pot of simmering water. The culinary task provided a brief distraction from the mysterious fatigue that had settled over the past few days.
Yoongi's nod was a tacit agreement as he brandished the knife in your direction. You reciprocated with a nod, diligently focusing on preparing the vegetables. “Don't worry, old man,” you teased, and both of you immersed yourselves in the culinary activities. An hour later, satiated and reclined on the couch, Salem peacefully nestled between you, the atmosphere was content.
Observing a wildlife documentary on TV, where a snake devoured a mouse in slow motion, Yoongi mused, “Wildlife is so...wild?”
You keep your eyes closed and waited for the unsettling scene to pass, snakes not being your favorite due to haunting memories of a dreadful person.
“That's the law of the jungle, my friend” you replied. “You're not even looking, Daisy,” Yoongi retorted. “I don't think watching a snake swallow Ratatouille is the best after-dinner programming,” you countered. “Come on, it could be considered one. Anyway, the snake is having raw mouse for dinner,” he remarked. You made a disgusted face, lamenting Ratatouille. As your gaze shifted to the ceiling, annoyance struck you at the sight of cobwebs around the light.
“Letting Ratatouille leave this world with dignity, tomorrow's plan still stands right?” Yoongi queried. Turning to him, you realized he was already scrutinizing you. Trying to sound nonchalant, you replied, “I guess? Why is it so important for me to go?” Distracting yourself, you stretched your bare legs on the coffee table, wiggling your toes. Yoongi snorted, “It's not that it's important that you go. It's just that you've avoided going to my home like it has the plagues of Egypt or something.”
Raising an eyebrow, you defended, “I haven't avoided your home! I told you I couldn't come.” Yoongi wore a mocking expression. “As far as I know, the only times you've refused to go to our meetings have been these last few weeks, since Jimin introduced his friend.”
His inquisitive gaze probed for clues about your thoughts or feelings. Uneasy, you played with your necklace. “It's just a coincidence,” you insisted, “It’s not weird at all.” Yoongi's eyes locked onto yours, searching. “Do you have a problem with them?” he asked pointedly.
Feeling like a child under parental scrutiny, you shifted uncomfortably. “No,” you asserted, attempting sincerity. “I don't believe you,” Yoongi countered, leaning in your direction. Uncomfortable, you fidgeted. “Why do you think I lied?” you asked. “Because I know you,” Yoongi confessed softly. Offended, you sighed, “I have no problem with them, it's just that these weeks have been strange, okay?”
"It's fine if you don't want to tell me" Yoongi pulled back. “I don't want to bother you, I just want to know what's wrong.”
You felt burdened by guilt and weighed down by regret.
You quickly took his hand “I know, I don't want you to feel bad, but I'm not ready to tell you, is it okay yet?”
He smiled and opened his arms. You throw yourself into the middle of his arms happily.
You stayed in each other's comfort for a while until Yoongi interrupted the quiet moment.
“Daisy, before I forget, do you have the botany book that you offered me? I want to read it”
You nodded, stepping out of his arms. “Yes, let me go get it.”
You got up from the couch and headed towards your room.
The botany book that you had offered to Yoongi was a relic, something that your aunt Binna had given you on your tenth birthday, something that belonged to a very talented witch in the field of botany and that helped you study and learn much more about plants. (For your good fortune, it had no vocabulary or a wink towards witchcraft.)
Arriving at your room, you took it out of your bookcase and shook it, removing the dust.
Luckily for you, the material on the outside was hard and durable, so it didn't spoil so quickly.
The botany book was almost in perfect condition—if it hadn't been for all the times you used it and that was evident in the marked corners.
You calmly returned to the living room and handed the heavy book to your friend who was petting your cat.
“You're leaving?” You asked when you saw that he got up from the couch and began to collect his things.
"Yeah, it's getting kinda late, and I think Jimin would prefer if I swing by to pick him up," he casually mentioned.
“Wait a bit! Let me pack some leftover food from dinner for Jimin” you said as you headed to the kitchen.
Swiftly, you grabbed a storage bowl, transferring the remaining delectable contents from the pot with practiced ease.
Ignorant of your surroundings, you turned around and were surprised to see Yoongi, who had something in his hand and was looking at you with a grim expression.
Before you could ask what was wrong, Yoongi interrupted you.
“Why do you have a photo with Jeon Jungkook in your book?” he said furiously, showing you what he had in his hand.
In the photograph, a radiant teenager Jeon Jungkook embraced you warmly, cradling you against his chest with evident joy, while your smile radiated, revealing the gleam of your teeth. This memorable snapshot was captured by Jungkook on the day of your first date, etching the moment in your memory.
Upon viewing the photo, you accidentally let slip the storage bowl, causing it to tumble to the ground.
Yoongi's gaze intensified as he confronted you about the unexpected photo with Jeon Jungkook. The air grew tense, and you felt a knot tightening in your stomach. Memories flooded back from your childhood and teenage years, and you hesitated before responding to his inquiry.
“I... I didn't expect you to find that,” you stammered, your eyes avoiding his accusing gaze. The photograph captured a moment frozen in time, a reminder of a past connection that you hadn't shared with Yoongi.
Silence hung in the air as Yoongi waited for an explanation, his expression a mix of annoyance and curiosity.
The tension tightens its grip on you as you grapple with how to explain your connection with Jungkook without unraveling the truth about your other life. Thoughts race through your mind, haunted by the fear of choosing between maintaining the lie and losing Yoongi, who would undoubtedly seek answers alongside Jungkook, deepening the confusion. The option to explain everything presents itself, but the looming risk of losing Yoongi forever casts a shadow. Could you reveal fragments of the truth without jeopardizing your present? Your relationship with Jungkook appears enigmatic without broaching the delicate topic you've concealed for years. Internal fear intensifies as you desperately search for a solution to preserve the present without unraveling the fragile threads of your hidden history.
You took a deep breath, summoning the courage to open up about a part of your life you had kept hidden.
“Jungkook and I were close friends back then, but things changed over time,” you began, carefully choosing your words. “It's a complicated story, and I didn't want it to affect us. I should have told you earlier.”
Little pieces of truth, you remembered yourself
Yoongi's stern expression softened slightly as he listened, but the tension lingered.
The weight of the unspoken details pressed on you as you tried to explain yourself.
In a desperate plea, you emphasized, “He's completely unaware of who I am, okay? Trust is crucial here. You can't disclose anything to him.” Swiftly interrupting any potential response, you added, “This is linked to a major secret, one that could pose a danger to you if known. I pledge to reveal all, but I need time. It's essential to verify that everything is in order, ensuring your safety. Once that's confirmed, I'll lay bare everything, addressing all your inquiries promptly.” The urgency in your words mirrored the gravity of the situation.
Yoongi's demeanor shifted from frustration to a more understanding tone. Finally, he broke the lingering silence.
“I'm bothered, ____. But for now, I'll let it slide. However, whether you like it or not, you'll have to fill me in on your connection with Jungkook,” Yoongi's words cut through the air and though you nodded frantically, the use of your name instead of your nickname stung.
“I understand; you have every right to be upset. You don't deserve to be lied to, but I need you to trust me,” you yearned to approach him, yet he instinctively took a step back. The physical retreat mirrored the emotional distance between you, a painful acknowledgment of your transgressions.
Before he could articulate his feelings, Yoongi's phone rang, momentarily diverting his attention. After a brief glance at the caller ID—Jimin—he returned his gaze to you. “It's Jimin. I have to go,” he declared, devoid of emotion. You nodded with your head lowered, absorbing the weight of the moment.
Witnessing Yoongi's anger was an unfamiliar sensation, intensifying the hurt of the situation. But before you could dwell further on your remorse, Yoongi was already at the door. Without a chance to say goodbye, he left abruptly.
Salem, who seemed to be feigning sleep, opened one eye and surveyed the room. Sensing your lingering distress, the cat extended a paw towards you.
"Well, that was terrible," Salem commented. Unwilling to engage, you retreated to your room with your head hung low, grappling with the aftermath of a fractured trust.
As Yoongi left, you couldn't shake the sense that this conversation was a turning point, and the aftermath would shape the dynamics of your relationship with him.
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Gratitude washed over you for the ingenious creator of clocks as you swiftly vacated your room. The shrill reminder of your alarm spared you from succumbing to unintended sleep, a silent savior in the early hours.
Yet, another restless night haunted you, a lingering aftermath of the recent clash with Yoongi. The turbulent evening left its mark, a shadow cast upon your sleep. Hastening through a shower, you changed attire with an almost mechanical precision, dabbing on makeup to disguise the pronounced dark circles.
Ensuring your floral dress adorned you perfectly, you dashed to the kitchen, snatching your trusty emergency fruit snack – a ritual for mornings when lateness trumped the luxury of a proper breakfast
A brown leather bag swung over your shoulder, you glanced at the hallway mirror, verifying that your short hair retained its neatness.
Keys in hand, you hurriedly exited your abode, only to be halted abruptly by your neighbor from across the hall. Mrs. Hwang, a kind elderly lady who lived alone, emerged simultaneously. Her penchant for gifting cakes or sweets, citing your resemblance to her granddaughter, added a sweet touch to your encounters.
Resignedly closing your eyes, the inevitability of tardiness loomed as Mrs. Hwang spotted you. It wasn't disdain for conversation that plagued you; rather, it was the extended duration of each exchange. Pleasant as discussions about gardening were, the prospect of an hour-long dialogue felt like the worst timing possible.
In a conflicted moment, you weighed the courtesy of Mrs. Hwang against the ticking clock, realizing that the upcoming conversation, though delightful, stood as an obstacle in your race against time.
“It's my beautiful daisy!” she sweetly greeted you, and despite the inner turmoil caused by your delayed departure, you offered a warm smile.
“Mrs. Hwang,” you responded as she approached, her steps limited by the weariness in her legs. “Every day I see you, you get prettier,” she complimented, prompting an internal eyebrow raise. Uncertain if her kindness veiled the truth of your tired appearance or if she needed stronger glasses, you maintained your pleasant demeanor.
“Don't be like that,” you replied shyly, “You're the one who looks pretty. Did you change your hair color? It looks good on you.”
Mrs. Hwang adjusted her glasses, clearly pleased with your compliment. “Likewise,” she responded, “I went to the hairdresser yesterday.” As she delved into the details of her salon visit, you subtly checked your watch, each passing minute intensifying your internal distress. If Yoongi was upset with yesterday, he wouldn't be pleased today. He despised unpunctuality.
In your mind, escape plans took shape. Triggering the fire alarm was considered and promptly dismissed due to the potential chaos of an evacuation. A subtler idea surfaced – turning on Mrs. Hwang's television or radio, objects she detested in the mornings. You could bid your farewell as she turned it off, then make a swift exit.
Concealing your hand behind your back, you snapped your fingers, and moments later, the television inside Mrs. Hwang's apartment blared to life. She grimaced. “I hate the electricity in this place. It always turns the television on or off without my permission. Just a moment, my dear, I'll go turn it off.”
Exhilarated by the success of your diversion, you seized the moment. As Mrs. Hwang began her retreat, you promptly exclaimed, “I'm sorry, Mrs. Hwang, but an emergency came up. We'll catch up later. Good morning!” The words, premeditated but delivered in the heat of the moment, were your cue. With purposeful energy, you swiftly dashed down the aged hallway as if tomorrow hinged on every hurried step.
Without casting a backward glance, you descended the stairs in haste, aiming for the second floor. However, your progress was abruptly halted as a dog leaped onto you midway up the staircase. As you grappled with the unexpected canine intruder, you realized it was none other than Bam.
You stopped for a second, if Bam was here, then his owner was…
The echo of a male voice, filled with agitation, reverberated through the tiled space with a resounding “Bam!” In a swift maneuver, Jungkook ascended the stairs, his figure materializing before you in less than five seconds. He scolded his pet for running without permission, oblivious to your presence until he reached the halfway point, where he noticed your brown summer sandals.
Seizing the moment, his gaze lifted, locking onto yours. A mix of surprise and joy animated his features. “Daisy!” he exclaimed, catching you off guard with the nickname. Instinctively, you checked your necklace, confirming the spell's persistence. Uncertain whether to embrace the relief of its continued efficacy or acknowledge a tinge of disappointment at his apparent lack of recognition, you hesitated.
“Daisy?” you exclaimed, caught off guard. Jungkook, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, responded, “That's your name, right?” He nervously played with his lip piercing, mentioning, “Yoongi and Jimin call you that. It's okay, isn't it?” Concern was evident in his voice.
Still taken aback, you nodded and explained, “It's my nickname; everyone calls me that.” Jungkook, slightly anxious, touched his neck, asking, “Is it okay if I call you that, or do you prefer your actual name?” Observing his fidgety leg movements, you recognized his nervous tic.
“It's not that I'm unaware of your name; it's just that the nickname is endearing,” he began to ramble. “And it makes sense, you know, like you're this flower girl…”
You interjected, realizing he wouldn't stop unless you clarified the uncertainty.
“It's okay, I prefer to be called that. Don't worry.” Wanting to ease his nerves, you added a small smile. Jungkook, visibly relieved, sighed, “That's good. I thought I offended you.”
He tenderly caressed Bam's head, and a smile formed on your lips as you observed the affectionate scene.
Curiosity laced his words, “What are you doing here?” you looked at him, mildly surprised.
Nonchalantly, you replied, “I live here,” as if it were the most evident fact in the world.
His stunned expression prompted you to confirm, “Do you live here?” You nodded, mirroring his disbelief. “Yeah?”
A few seconds of silence hung in the air as you and Jungkook exchanged looks. Breaking the stillness, you decided to inquire, “What are you doing here?”
His surprise mirrored yours, “I live here,” he responded. You couldn't conceal your astonishment, “As?”
Unfazed, Jungkook explained, “I mean, I've been living here since today. I just moved.”
You internally prayed for an available apartment other than the one next to yours in this worn-out complex. However, your hopes dwindled as Jungkook revealed, “I moved to the third floor. Apartment E65?” He attempted to persuade you with a hopeful expression.
‘Oh, for hell’s sake!’ you mentally exclaimed.
Your luck took a peculiar turn as your apartment turned out to be e66.
The name of the apartment wasn't just a coincidence; you couldn't help but grin mentally because, yes, you deliberately chose the apartment with the striking resemblance to 666. It became a private joke between you and Salem, and while you might claim it had nothing to do with the reference, the sly smile on your face everytime you read it hinted at a mischievous decision when you picked that particular unit.
In this moment, recalling the name of your apartment only stirred up fear and annoyance. Whether it was a cosmic prank or sheer fate, having Jungkook weave into every aspect of your life lately has reached its breaking point.
Dealing with him as part of your common group of friends and begrudgingly handling floral arrangements for his wedding were one thing, but having him as your neighbor crossed a line. You stood frozen, still wearing a surprised expression.
Curiosity laced Jungkook's inquiry, “What apartment do you live in?” The universe seemed to be playing a cruel joke, and you contemplated whether to cry, throw yourself down the stairs, or express your anger at this twisted fate. Unfortunately, you settled for the last option.
“Apparently, we're neighbors,” you tried to sound casual, but the attempt failed masterfully. Jungkook's head lifted upon hearing you.
“Really?” he asked, and you couldn't ignore the overly happy tone in his voice. Your carefully crafted plan to keep Jungkook at a distance crumbled.
“So it seems,” you blurted out, your tone edged with a touch of sarcasm. The realization hit – your hopes of maintaining distance from Jungkook had gone down the drain, and you couldn't escape the impending proximity.
In that moment, an unsettling thought crept in—was this twist of fate payback for erasing Jungkook's memories of you a decade ago? The cosmic irony hung heavy, and you couldn't escape the feeling that destiny, with a wry sense of humor, was unfolding a new chapter where past actions came full circle.
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koolibrary · 2 years
Chapters: 18/18 Fandom: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Taehyung | V Characters: Min Yoongi | Suga, Park Jimin (BTS), Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Namjoon | Rap Monster, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope Additional Tags: Florist Park Jimin, Tattoo Artist Min Yoongi | Suga, flower shop/tattoo AU, Neighbors, Slow Burn, Verbal Abuse, Bigotry & Prejudice, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Eventual Smut Summary:
Jimin likes his new street, his new apartment and his new flower shop. Business is picking up, his days are filled with sunshine and delicious muffins, and it seems as though, overall, he has nothing to worry about.
Except that, well. His new neighbors seem to be a little strange.
Which is okay, since Jimin is a little strange, too.
(A flower shop/tattoo AU, with a twist.)
[my note that no one asked for: this fic was so good?? like i was expecting it to be the typical cliche badboy fic or something but it wasn’t. wow i loved it. quite funny as well. It balances everything] 
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stacywaters · 1 year
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Hey guys! Here are all my fics and imagines so far!
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Hidden Behind a Smile:
Y/N befriends a masked stranger who shares a similar interest in her favorite band. As they get closer, what will she discover through him about the idol she's admired for so long?
CH1 - Card Declined
CH2 - Coffee Shop
CH3 - The Ticket
CH4 - The Fan Meet
CH5 - The Message
CH6 - A Blissful Day
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Series: Coffee and Violets:
What will happen when Y/N becomes friends with the owner of the flower shop next door?
CH1 - Hoseok
CH2 - Yoongi
CH3 - Visiting the Flower Shop
CH4 - I’m Not Going
CH5 - Not Quite a Date
CH6 - Spilled Milk
CH7 - Yeongsun
CH8 - Soft Rain
CH9 - Love Letter
CH10 - Golden
The Concert part 1
The Concert part 2
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Seeds of Hope:
When Y/N's mom needs to move to Korea for work, she finds herself in a completely new environment. As the boy next door tutors her in dance, what will he teach her about herself?
CH1 - The First Seed
CH2 - Sunlight
CH3 - What?!
CH4 - An Unexpected Morning
CH5 - Your Number
CH6 - A Traced Reflection
Falling for You
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Written in the Pages:
A quiet girl who only knows love as something in books meets an equally awkward boy struggling to find his place in the music world. Is there a chance their friendship can turn into something more?
CH1 - Crush
CH2 - Your Comfort Zone
CH3 - Oops
CH4 - First Fan
CH5 - I Like Someone Else
CH6 - Save Me the Pain
CH7 - Just One Day
CH8 - My Phone Died
Purple Ink
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Just Pretend:
Y/N meant to ask her crush to prom, but ended up in a fake-dating situation. As more people find out about their "relationship", they find a true friendship. But is that all it'll ever be?
CH1 - Promposal
CH2 - Ivory Petals
CH3 - New Moon
CH4 - The Group Project
CH5 - Favorite Color
CH6 - Another Faded Polaroid
CH7 - Back at It Again
CH8 - I Need You
CH9 - Star
CH10 - Define Love?
Thank you for checking out my master list! As always, please check out my WATTPAD account for the most recent content!!!
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bangtan-madi · 4 years
Year of the Rabbit — Two: Frostbitten
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Pairing — Jungkook x Reader, Hoseok x Yoongi
Tags — best friend!Jungkook, non-idol au, flower shop au, gym au, florist!MC, gym owner!Jungkook, friends to lovers, slow burn, mutual pining
Genre — fluff
Word Count — 2.6k
Summary — Blame it on the storm or the secret feelings or the snow-in, but one thing is for sure: a lot can happen to two best friends when they're confined to their stores overnight.
Warnings — language
Part — 2 / 5(?)
Previous — Next
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Seven minutes past seven, the lights over your head begin to flicker. One by one, the seconds tick by, and your heart palpitates with their rhythm. Laptop on the desk in the office of the small, upper room, the very last thing you need right now is for the power to cut out. You're nowhere near finishing your orders; your work night is far from over.
Par the course of your luck these days, the lights shut off thirty seconds after they begin to fail. Just before you can let out a string of frustrated curses, they return to their former glory.
A huge sigh of relief passes from your lungs, and you slump back in the uncomfortable office chair, wondering how the hell Yoongi does it for hours on end.
"I need coffee," you murmur, pushing the laptop away and placing your phone on the desk.
Trotting over to the machine on the other side of the upper floor, you find Hoseok's assortment of beverage selections perfectly organized in a tiny cupboard. The upper floor of the shop is split into two rooms: The first is the office, which is where Yoongi does a lot of the business-end tasks that keep the store operational.
The second, smaller room is a place Hoseok claimed as his own. It's hardly bigger than a closet, but the younger of your partners took it upon himself to create a sanctuary of peace and quiet. There's a coffee machine and a tiny cabinet on one side of the room. The other has a sofa-bed, decorated with a plush throw-pillow and a battery-powered heated blanket. You've had plenty a study-session, cat-nap, and girl-chat (with Hoseok, of course) in this room.
You pop the switch on the kettle and start boiling the water, plucking a Hazelnut dark roast from the vast array of flavors. On the wall facing away from the door, there's a tiny window that reveals the expanse of Seoul. On a normal day, it allows just enough light to get by. This evening, however, there is no such blessing. The sun went down over an hour and a half ago, and the weather has worsened. Snow and wind blast against the side of the building, the remnants of winter releasing their fury on the Lunar New Year.
As the water boils, your thoughts turn to Jungkook, this time out of concern. He hasn't texted or called since he left for your apartment, which makes you assume that the service is down due to the weather. When he exited the shop, there was a dusting of white powder on the ground. Now, you were one inch away from a proper blizzard. Peering out the tiny window, you can hardly see the sidewalk or streets. There must be at least a foot of snow on the ground. From the angry black sky and thunderous display overhead, it is only going to get worse.
"If you're smart, you stayed at my place," you murmur, hoping that your stubborn excuse of a best friend headed his inner warning system.
But then again, who are you kidding? Jungkook doesn't listen to anyone, especially the little voice in his head that advises against danger.
After your coffee is brewed and you begin to stir in the sugar, a loud crash sounds outside the shop. Thinking it the wind picking up, you ignore it and continue to add sugar to your desired amount.
It happens again, this time with added vocals. "[Y/n]! Open up!"
You drop the spoon and rush from the room. Definitely not the storm; the wind doesn't howl your name.
When you reach the top of the stairs, you see a familiar figure huddled against the glass door. A bicycle tightly grasped in one hand, the other presses against the glass in an attempt to peer inside. Jungkook is hardly dressed for the weather, wearing the same black jeans and oversized black sweater as before.
Without thinking much longer, you take the stairs two at a time and unlock the front door in a hurry. Thrusting it open, you grab ahold of Jungkook's snow-dusted sweater and drag both him and his bike into the shop. It takes all your strength to fight the wind enough to shut and lock it once more.
"You biked here in the snow?" You turn on your heel, shooting the shivering man a sharp look. "Jeon Jungkook, what the hell were you thinking!"
Jungkook tosses his bicycle onto the floor, frozen metal hurting his chilled fingers. As he blows heat into his clasped hands, he mirrors your tone with, "That you were gonna be here all by yourself, i—idiot! You're the one not answering your damn phone. I c—called you four times and texted you at least a dozen! Every time it went straight to v—voicemail."
"Yeah, that's probably because the cell service is shit right now!" you snap. "Storms always blow it out, and it's not like we have wifi."
"That makes it so m—much better!"
As if the situation couldn't get worse, the lights flicker once again, this time shutting off with a loud pop. You give it a few seconds, waiting for it to return like last time, but no such event comes.
You thrust your hands into the air with frustration. "Oh, this is great. Now, we're gonna freeze together."
The Busan native chuckles softly. "Already ha—half-way there."
Your gaze shifts from the darkened lights overhead to your best friend. For the first time since he blew in a few moments ago, you see how cold he really is. In the dim light given by the near-constant sheet lightning, his features are unnaturally pale. His fingertips are scarlet, and his entire body shakes violently. If the storm wasn't so loud, you would be able to hear his chattering teeth.
"Shit, Jungkook," you murmur, reaching for his hands with concern. Your warm touch causes him to hiss, but he doesn't pull away. If anything, he lets you pull him closer. "How long were you out there in that?"
"Well, I left your apartment when I couldn't get a—ahold of you," he chatters quietly, letting his eyes slip closed as you attempt to encase his larger, tattoed hands in your own. "Elizabeth the 3rd is fine, by the way. Fat and happy and com—completely oblivious."
"When was that?"
"A little after six-thirty?"
Your eyes widen, shifting from the attention on his frostbitten hands to his slightly opened eyes. "Kook, that's almost an hour in temperatures below zero! Forty-five minutes, at least! That's so dangerous. You could've died!"
"What's the alternative? L—Leaving you here at the shop by yourself?" He shakes his head, droplets of melted snow flying off the ends of his damp hair. "Not gon—na happen."
Your heart aches a little at his kind and selfless nature. He didn't even think twice before hopping on a bike and facing the storm to get to you, just to make sure you were safe. Now he was paying the price for it.
You pull him closer, taking his hands and shoving them into the pockets of your university sweatshirt. You'd been wearing it all night, so it was plenty warm. Jungkook is surprised by your actions, and you roll your eyes at his wide-eyed expression.
"Don't get any ideas," you tease. "You don't want to lose your fingers, do you?"
Jungkook snickers and allows his hands to greedily absorb the warmth you and your sweatshirt provide. "I'm more worried about what you might do."
You turn your head to glance over your shoulder, towards the exit. "Do you think we can get out of here? Hail a cab or get an Uber?"
"I don't know, [Y/n], it's really coming down out th—there. And on Lunar New Year? I doubt we'll see anyone for a while. They're all at festivals freezing their asses off or at home with family."
"I hate it when you're right," you sigh, turning back to face him and rubbing your hands up and down his arms. "We've gotta get you warmed up, though. You're freezing."
The brunet attempts to brush off your concern. "I'm fine, really. I'm warming up al—already."
"Lies. You're riding the end of an adrenaline high. Once that wears off, you're going to crash and really regret coming back for me." You point towards the upper rooms. "We have a battery-powered heated blanket that gets pretty damn hot. Follow me."
Forcing Jungkook's hands to remain in your sweatshirt pockets, you tug him behind you, up the stairs and into the tiny retreat room. The darkness makes you have to take it slower, but you know the space like the back of your hand. Once inside, you shove him onto the tiny sofa bed and wrap him in the blanket, turning the heat up to high.
"Here," you say, taking the mug of coffee and pushing it into his hands. "Hold this. Drink it slowly so you don't burn yourself."
Jungkook takes a sniff at the coffee, but then pulls back and looks up at you. "But this was yours."
You shake your head. "Yours now. You need to warm up, Gym Bunny. Start drinking."
He scowls at you in defiance of being told what to do, but eventually gives up and takes his first sip of the warm beverage. Feeling how it warms him up from the inside, the second sip comes much more happily.
As you peer out the tiny window, Jungkook inquires, "How long do you think the st—storm will last?"
"I heard something about it lasting until the morning, so we might be here a while. It doesn't look good out there. Definitely not safe to leave the building. The service is out, and no one is going to drop by. I think we're stuck here until we can manage an exit ourselves."
"In that case..." Jungkook reaches out to grasp the edge of your sweatshirt, tugging you over to him. You hesitate in moving closer, both nervous and concerned about his still shivering figure. "It's only going to get colder in here, Flow—Flower Child. Might as well huddle for warmth while you can."
"Fine. But just so you know, I hate this rom-com bullshit...and if you cop a feel, I swear to god, I will kick you back out into the storm."
Jungkook chuckles as you relent. You slip onto the tiny sofa bed and under the heated blanket with him. His free arm wraps around your shoulders, bringing your head to rest against his shoulder, while his occupied hand holds the mug of coffee. He offers it to you with insistence.
"C'mon, one sip won't hurt. 'Sides, you're the one that dumped seven cups of sugar in it."
"Well, that's the last time I give you my coffee. Next time, you can freeze."
"Then who would you complain to about customers?"
You take a sip of the coffee, silently agreeing that you had gone a little heavy on the sweetener. "Hobi or Yoongi. We all have the same customers, you know."
"Yeah, except Yoongi will just stop selling to them rather than complain about it and Hoseok is sickeningly positive enough to see the good in everyone."
"Fair point."
He takes another sip of the coffee when you return the mug to his tattooed hand. "I honestly have no idea how those two work so well together. Business and personal, I mean. They're just so different."
"Opposites attract?" you offer. "They've known each other ever since high school."
"Yeah, I never got that full story."
"Yoongi moved to Seoul by himself after he moved out of his parent's house in Daegu. Not a great situation there, but that's not my story to tell. He met Hoseok at school. The ray of sunshine was class president and took a liking to Yoongi. He kinda took him under his wing, as they were in the same grade despite being a year younger. I'm honestly so glad he did; god only knows what Yoongi would've gotten into on his own in a big city. He's one of the few that got out of a bad situation, and he attributes a lot of that to Hobi."
"So who asked out who?" Jungkook asks, hoping to pass the time with casual conversation as the feeling slowly comes back to his extremities.
The question catches you off-guard and makes you laugh. "Believe it or not, Yoongi asked Hoseok. Twice. Hoseok turned him down the first time, thinking that they might ruin their friendship. He should've known that Yoongi doesn't give up when he wants something."
"So...they were friends first?"
You nod. "I mean, I've only known them since college, but they haven't changed a bit. I think being friends gave them a foundation for their relationship. From what Hobi's said about the pre-dating period, they were pretty much the same. Sure, there's a lot more kissing and, uh, stuff now that they're a couple, but they're still best friends."
A silence falls over you both as you enjoy the warmth under the heated blanket. Jungkook finishes the coffee, and you're relieved to see his shivering halt and color return over the next half hour.
The storm still rages outside, and Jungkook sighs as the wind blasts harder against the side of the building. "We can't stay here," he murmurs.
"Where can we go?" you reply, not eager to leave the confines of your warm cocoon. "You said it yourself: we're stuck until this passes."
He shakes his head and turns to look at you in the darkness. You can barely make out his features, even if they're only a foot away from yours. You hadn't realized you were this close until now.
"You're starting to shiver." His hands grasp yours, and it's only then that you see he's right. Your fingers have started to tremble, and your teeth are chattering slightly. "We can't stay here. No power, no heat, we'll never survive the night." He pauses, glances quickly to the door, then back to you. "I have an idea. Do you trust me?"
Your reply comes without hesitation. "More than anyone."
The words bring a smile onto Jungkook's face, and if it weren't so damn dark, you might've thought he was blushing. But that can't be right...
He grabs your hand, stands and drags you with him, and tightens the heated blanket around your shoulders. He's given up his portion of the warmth to keep you comfortable. When you attempt feeble protests, being too tired and cold to put much effort into fighting him, Jungkook places a warm hand over your mouth.
"Just do as I ask, just once, okay?"
"But you'll get cold again," you murmur, words muffled by his fingers.
The brunet moves his hand away from your mouth, dropping it to the blanket as he pulls the edges high enough to have the front draped over your head in a makeshift hood.
"Where we're going, we won't need the blanket." At your perplexed expression, he chuckles and reaches for your hand. "You'll see what I mean. Trust me, this idea is genius."
"Famous last words."
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Taglist — @kookie-off-his-kookie​
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vminhoes · 3 months
Flower boy
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Yoongi had seen far too much and done even worse to be affected by anything else life had to offer. That is, until the handsome owner of the flower shop down the street gives him a few daisies and a new outlook on life.
6 notes · View notes