#flowy hair sas
sanospet · 3 months
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𝘲𝘶𝘰𝘵𝘦 : gummy walls tightening around the thick of his shaft, tomura's brows knitting together as the coil nestling at the pit of his stomach slowly came undone, hips staggering, painting your warmth with his pearly seed, inscribing the story of your shared love on your walls like a parietal painting.
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warnings and notes!
18+ . mdni . smut . angst . hurt comfort . quirkless au . fluffy ending . after care . detailed descriptions of SA . mentions of a knife . reader held at knifepoint . reader has a breakdown . heavy suggestions of reader struggling with SH . detailed fight scene (tomura beats someone’s ass) . deeply insecure reader . they’re both just trying to navigate their way through complex emotions . a whole lot of guilt and self-blaming . soft dom tomura . passionate sex . codependency . requited clinginess . praise praise praise . tomura just being a sweetheart, honestly . pet names (“baby”, “my love”, “princess”) . gender neutral reader . afab reader . reader’s sex is mentioned . proofread though there still may be some spelling mistakes, enjoy <33
authors note:
this fic is super self indulgent, i am the reader, the reader is, indeed, me, lol. it took me much longer than usual to complete, and in turn it is probably one of my longest fics yet, lol. but im happy with how it turned out, i literally daydreamed (basically me writing/directing a movie in my brain, im not sure if that’s the right term…but i do it quite frequently) this fic for like 6 hours straight from start to finish the other day and it kept replaying in my mind like a movie ever since. i needed to get it out and written down, and i wanted to do it justice, so here it is. i hope you enjoy it, and i hope i explained the complexity of their emotions and the turmoil they faced well. thanks for reading <33
(+1000 aura points to you if you caught my shrek reference)
- linus
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"you can't be serious..." the question was drawled as tomura gave your outfit a once over, a slight quirk in his brow, earning a pout in response.
"what's wrong with it ?" you whined, feet shifting beneath you as you twirled, "isn't it cute ?" a sweet smile dawning your glossy lips.
tomura's eyes softened, "it is," he confirmed, "very very cute, too cute, even," gaze resting on your upper thighs, raking over the length of them in the reflection before shifting to where your skirt cut off at the back, just beneath the curve of your ass.
sighing softly with a troubled expression, "look, i wouldn't mind you wearing this if i were coming along with you, but you're seriously thinking of going out in that all alone ? to a party, no less...you'll be getting all sorts of unwanted attention from the weirdos plaguing that place."
your hands fiddled with the silver chain, attempting to clasp it behind your neck as you spoke, "tomura, in all my years of living, you're the only guy that's given me the time of day, let alone a double-take," the reality of it set a pang in your chest as you let out a soft, awkward laugh, "i'll be nothing but a fly on the wall at this party, i highly doubt anyone will try anything."
soft snowy locks swaying with a shake of his head, tomura rose from his perch on the armchair, gently shifting your hair to your front, hands replacing your own, "well you'll do it for my peace of mind, won't you ?" gaze meeting yours in the reflection, hand smoothing over the skin of your back, "if you pick out the perfect piece, i suppose." a small smirk rested on your features, tomura reading the playful glint in your eyes.
tomura sifted through the hangers, pulling out a long, brown, flowy skirt, "it's a party, tomura, not a church." shaking his head at your remark, "no, no, look," he took place behind you, laying the fabric against you, "pretty, no ?" eyes shifting from the skirt to your unimpressed ones in the reflection, "tomura..." cutting you off with an exasperated tutt, "fine, fine."
returning to his previous endeavour, "it's like you dress for the summer all year round," he mentioned, flicking through the plethora of mini skirts and dresses before him "fashion knows no weather." you replied, earning a laugh in response.
pulling out a pair of flare jeans, with hope filled eyes, "what about these ?" you shrugged, "it's a skirt kind of day" amused by your reply , "only you would come up with something like that, god, you're impossible."
"oh," you chirped, kneeling down "how about i wear some tights instead ? compromise ?" he hummed as you pulled open the drawer, "let's see them first," sifting through the load, you landed on two that would match your colour scheme, "yeah, well fishnets wont exactly help your cause," he remarked, "don't you have any of those normal ones ?" fingers combing through his locks as he watched.
"and threaten to ruin my ensemble ?" gasping, "not a chance." holding up both pairs as the man observed "pick your poison, tomura~" you joked a slight melody stringing the words together as tomura rolled his eyes, "these will do," seizing the fabric from your grip, he knelt on one knee as you rose, pulling the lace over your legs before taking place behind you, arms wrapped around your waist.
"i can change if you really want me to..." offering a faltering smile, guilt crept in for pushing back so hard, but tomura insisted, "i can take on anyone who dares touching you," setting a soft kiss to your exposed shoulder, "and i don't think i ever really want to go through your closet again, anyway," and you giggle at that.
"you remember the rules, yeah ?" he asks, earning an eager nod in return, "recite them."
"don't get too drunk," you held up a finger, "don't accept drinks from anyone, and guard my own," adding another finger, "keep my location on at all times, text you throughout the night and..." you grew quiet, "don't wander off too far from your friends" he piped in and you nodded, "but what if they're like…making out with someone ?" you questioned, "watch them." he shrugged, "ew, pervert." tutting, softly nudging your elbow into him and he laughed.
the air felt cold and void when he broke your embrace, the clock's incessant ticking toward your departure doing nothing to aid your growing anxiety about your separation with tomura for the night.
"are you sure you can't come with me ?" voice pleading as you trailed close behind him to the kitchen, "i wasn't invited, love." he swallowed thickly as the words left his cracked lips.
he wanted nothing more than to accompany you, the thought of being parted for so long having glass shards set in his stomach, tearing him to shreds from the inside out. yet he pushed for your lonesome attendance, with the thought of you spending time and having a ball with the friends you adored so.
"im sure they'll let you in regardless," brows upturned, eyes soon to be wet with tears, "besides, i don't think security will be that tight, anyway..." placing an opened bottle of ukon no chikara in your hand, he lifted it to your lips, tipping it as you swallowed.
"you know i'm just a phone call way, baby," he smiled, "and i can come and pick you up at anytime.”
placing the small, empty bottle on the counter, "well you don't have to stay up if you're not coming along," you couldn't help the pout that formed, saturating your murmured words, "i could catch a ride with my friend or something."
raising your gaze with a hooked finger beneath your chin, "you know i can't fall sleep without you, love, and i'm pretty sure i need to be awake to answer your messages," thumb shifting to gently stroke your cheek, "and i love your friends, truly, i do, but there's no way i'm letting them drive you home when they're drunk."
"i could get a taxi..." his brows furrowed at that, "and im sure they'd be just as bad as the creeps at the party, love."
nodding at the words, shifting to the balls of your feet, noses brushing together with a smile, your lips meeting in a gentle touch. his hand moving to the small of your back, pulling you closer as he deepened it, tongue pushing past your lips, the subtle taste of your cherry flavoured lipgloss accompanying it.
"i'll miss you," parting, your breath fanning against his lips as you spoke, "i'll miss you too," he smiled softly.
"do you have everything you need ?" you hummed, moving to grab your small bag from the counter, handing it to him to look over, "and do you really need three lip products ?" he questioned through a breathy laugh as you plucked the lip gloss from his grasp, using the aid of your compact mirror to reapply it. "lip shades are like mood rings, tomura, they change with my emotions."
phone screen lighting up with a message, "she's here already ?" he questioned, failing to suppress the disappointment in his tone, earning a nod as he placed the device in your bag, following you to the front door as you slipped on your shoes.
turning to him, "how do i look ?" clammy hands smoothing over the fabric of your skirt, he neared you, tucking your hair behind your ear, "perfect," he smiled, eyes raking over your appearance, "absolutely perfect."
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the music seemed to permeate through your eardrums, rattling in your head and you could feel the thumping of the bass in your chest as it played, the alcohol mellowing it out just enough for it to be enjoyable. your body felt loose as you  swayed to the melodies, singing along amongst the crowd of perspiring bodies.
your friends had split as the party drew on, dotting around the oversized living area, hidden in corners and splayed on the leather couches at the centre of it all, preoccupied with their newfound love interests for the night, though you lingered near them.
as your buzz began to subside and the itch for another drink began to set in, your head spun, eyes scanning for a friend of yours to accompany you to fetch one, ruling out the few who had made their way to the second floor in hopes of finding an empty room, dwindling the group to just two, both who seemed to still be busy with the acts of exploring their dates bodies, your defeated sigh was unheard over the music as your feet shifted toward the kitchen.
the ceiling was just as tall as the ones you'd seen prior, the room almost soundproof as you closed the door behind you, warm lighting illuminating the dark oak of the cabinets and the hefty island that stood tall in the middle of it, housing a mix of opened half drunken bottles, crushed solo cups and beer cans as well as your bag.
the bright blue cooler almost shone in contrast, juxtaposed by the mahogany in which it rested upon and you reached in for another cider, before aiming to head out.
bumping harshly into the chest of another, you stumbled back, feeling a tight grip on your wrist and the deep, slightly slurry voice that followed "my bad, are you alright ?" speech failing you, an eager nod was all you could manage, your gaze searing into his tight grip.
finger hooking under your chin, a large smirk growing as he gave you a once over, "well, what's a pretty little thing like you doing all alone at a party like this, hm ?" words laced in excitement, "your friends ditch you or something ? did you lose your way ?"
breath hitching, his touch soldering, blazing your skin, your mind fell numb, heart rate only rising as you attempted to voice back, "i..." the lump forming in your throat swallowed your sound, "i came to get a drink," you pushed, voice low, his gaze moving to the cider in your hand, as you pulled your confined wrist from his grip, "excuse me." head hung, you took a step to leave, the searing cuffs of his calloused hands forming its assault once more on your upper arm, grip bruising.
"oh, c'mon, don't deny a guy so harshly," tone grating, whining almost "we can have some fun of our own." his voice deepened, slowly twisting your arm in his grasp, forcing you to meet him once more as you turned, the only solution to stop the growing discomfort and pain blossoming as you suppressed a cry, the can falling to the ground at the harsh tug.
"l-let me go!" yanking your arm toward you in order to free yourself, he only followed, chest slamming against yours, "eager, aren't we ?" he smirked.
stomach churning, the taste of copper sat heavy on your tongue as he placed a hand on your hip, his grip all but crushing. pushing your lower back against the island, his head dipping into the curve of your neck, "stop!" the attempted yell was more of a chirp, "i have a boyfriend!"
riled and raged, the man pulled back with an irritated sigh, lazily glancing around the empty space, "i don't see him," mocking bitterly.
the words set the fiery pit in your stomach ablaze as you continued "he's on his way," you convinced, "just a few minutes until he arrives."
"well i guess that earns us a few minutes to get this over with," you continued your aggressive attempt to break free, soon stilling as the sensation of a cold and sharp object made its presence pushed up against your exposed stomach, "wouldn't you agree ?" lips grazing against your ear as he spoke, laughing softly, pulling back at your silence with a smile, "god, you're so much hotter once you shut the fuck up." he sighed, eyes raking over your face, observing.
your breathing shallowed, almost diminishing completely as your face paled, his lips moving lazily against the soft flesh of your neck. animalistic groans almost reverberating on your smooth skin, teeth grazing harshly as he nibbled, his eyes shut tight. fingers inching up your thighs, crawling beneath your skirt, goosebumps rising in the trail of his vulgar touch.
the growing pit of repulsion and guilt in your stomach threatened to force up the drinks you'd had, and as your eyes glazed over, thoughts of tomura flooding your brain, the sensation of a sprouting rose deep in your heart followed, its unforgiving thorns shredding the pumping organ in its wake.
"s-stop..." you forced through a shaky breath, "please...you don't have to do this," pleading, he continued on, teeth grazing against you harshly, earning a pained whimper, "t-there are so many people here, there's gotta be someone who would jump at the chance to sleep with you tonight..." meeting you once more, eyes lidded, filled with need, the sight sending jagged shards of terror down your straightened spine, "you think ?" you nodded eagerly, "cute, but, the thing is i want to sleep with you tonight, so they're a little out of luck, aren't they ?" smirking, words filled with mockery and snark, as he looked toward the clock, "seems like your boyfriend is running a little late," tracing the flat edge of the cold weapon against the dip of your waist, "let's make the most of it, shall we ?" he whispered.
palms turning white, he gripped the glazed wooden slab tight with one hand as he rocked his hips into yours at a vigorous yet sloppy pace, the edged surface of the island bruising your lower back, his breath fanning against your ear as soft moans escaped his parted lips, head hung low.
"alastair, you in here ?" door swinging open, tufts of golden hair and amber eyes coming into view, "oh—" cutting his words short at the sight before him, analysing your position with a studied gaze, the man before you, alastair, shielding the weapon from the golden man's sight as he raised his head, "uh, we're about to play beer pong, wanna join ?" the two pairs of eyes now trained on you, "if you're not already busy, that is."
alastair hummed, face inching closer to yours, lips grazing your cheek as you turned away, "i'll be right there." sighing, turning your gaze toward him once more with a harsh grip on your chin, "next time, sweetheart ?" he willed, pushing off the counter as he pocketed the blade with a grin, setting a few taps to your cheek "next time." he replied to himself, turning to join his friend as he stumbled through the tall door.
your body remained stagnant in his wake for a while, unmoving as the cold air rushing in through the opened window coated your skin. willing yourself to move, to run, to scream, to vomit to do anything but let that scene replay in your mind for the nth time, or to think about tomura...both only causing a putrid cocktail of rage, guilt and disgust with yourself to build in your veins.
the reflection of the bathroom mirror met you after suffering the treacherous trail of making your way through the drunken, sex filled halls of the winding home you were seemingly trapped within.
a gut wrenching scream was kept locked in the back of your throat as your hands moved, vigorously rubbing and scratching against your neck and shoulders, soap and water trailing down your skin, soaking your clothing as tears crept down your face, falling into your teeth gritted mouth, breathing ragged and irregular as you worked with such force, hyperventilating.
shaky hands steadied with a firm grip on the sink, vision cloudy, tears falling with a blink, your reflection soon came back into focus. skin rubbed raw, rosy, irritated, makeup smeared, eyes wet and red, a chesty cry ripping through your throat at the sight.
you were disgusting, defiled, tainted, no amount of scrubbing and scouring could reverse the damage that had been inflicted upon you.
bag illuminating as your phone shone bright, a message coming into view as you peaked in.
culpability gnawed at you from the inside, crawling up and into your lungs with its jagged claws, piercing gaping holes through your chest, guilt and remorse nestling in the pit of your stomach, the scorching craving for agony and torment setting in.
you deserved it, after all.
you betrayed him, had been disloyal to the overwhelming love you shared, and hadn't done enough to stop it all.
'i could've fucking tried harder' the thought was deafening, echoing in your brain and you could almost hear it, 'should've taken my chances of being stabbed than just standing there like a fucking statue and letting him have his way with me…’
heart clouded, encompassed by the grim emotions, compressed by the pressure of it all, you let out a jagged sigh, shaking your head as if to rid yourself of thoughts completely. collecting yourself to the best of your abilities, you tapped lightly at your makeup with your powder brush, intending to save it to no avail, mascara having left streaky trails, moving onto your messy hair with a tut before smoothing out your clothing and making your way downstairs.
"hey," your friend mouthed from across the main room, waving you over as you pushed past the crowd, "we're thinking about calling it a night and..." bright smile faltering, concern dawning as she took in your appearance under the dim lighting, "have you been crying ? are you okay ? what's wrong ?" hand moving to rest gently on your arm, the pad of her thumb offering strokes, "im alright," your hoarse voice pushed, "do you want me to drive you home ?" she whispered, almost worried as if her volume would shatter you completely, "i, um," you bit back, fearful that the utterance of his name aloud would set your throat ablaze, "t-tomura's c-coming to um, pick me up..." wincing at the words.
"alright, but um, i'm here if you need to talk, you know that, right ?" she spoke softly, brows upturned, eyes overflowing with worry, and you forced a smile, "i know," nodding, "thank you."
arms interlocked with hers, you finally escaped the, now seemingly claustrophobic, confines of the oversized home. offering your friend a farewell, waving to the others, you slowly made your way to tomura's parked car, his shadowy figure leaning against it.
the soles of your shoes scraping against the asphalt as you dragged your feet to continue your trek closer to him, the intense loathing, you'd been all but consumed by, threatening to take over as he waited with outstretched arms, a warm smile dawning his face.
falling into him, your body relaxing upon contact, a shuddery breath escaped your lips as the comforting scent of his cologne filled your head, arms wrapping around him despite the turmoil in your brain.
"you missed me that much, yeah ?" he let out a gentle laugh, your eyes falling shut as the melody vibrated through his chest, slightly straining as they filled with tears once more at the sound of him, despair twisting your stomach in a harsh pinch.
"_____?" words dripping in concern as he hooked a finger beneath your chin, chest tightening at the sight of you. eye whites more of a crimson shade, veiny and dried out, your neck looking more like his own, hair tousled and unkept, clothes home patches of water as it stuck to your skin, the makeup you'd perfected now streaky with canals of dried tears.
letting out a manually steadied breath, he aimed to suppress his swiftly accelerating anger in a soft veil, "what happened ?" tomura's undivided attention had your face wet once more, rivers pouring from your eyes, hiccuping as you could barely form words, apologies spilling from your lips as he guided you into the car, hoping for more privacy and peace as you explained.
"it's all my fault," you pushed as your breathing steadied once more, "i shouldn't have..." shaking your head as tears continued, voice breaking, "i-i should've have l-let him..." the car fell silent, save for the unsteady puffs of air falling from your lips. tomura's jaw clenching at the mention of another, he knew where this was going and a sloppy cocktail of guilt, fiery fury and rage coursed through him.
tomura gently urging you to continue, you obliged, albeit through choked sobs and hiccups, hands interlaced, his thumb stroking over the back of yours, aiming to give you some sort of solace as you struggled, despite the ire festering within him. breath hitching, he swallowed thickly at the mention of the weapon you were held up toward, eyes frantically flying over your being, hands moving to inspect for any injuries, "i wasn't cut or anything," you explained, "he just h-held it up to me and i was scared so i..." the words stopped at the back of your throat, the confession stinging your throat,"um, i...i stopped fighting" gaze falling beyond the window, looking at tomura only causing an eruption of pain within you, "...im so sorry."
letting out a serrated exhale, "do you remember what he looks like ?" earning a slow nod in response, gaze lifting toward the house as alastair's infamous figure came into view. "are you going to h-hurt him ?" you questioned through sniffled gasps of air, tomura following the object of your glare, eyes landing on the tall man, "he'll be lucky if i don't fucking kill him." he breathed, turning to you, "stay in the car."
tomura's gait was that of a soldier, marching toward the man without a word, a heavy mist of enmity encompassing his being, trailing after him as his boots scraped harshly against the asphalt, echoing amongst the chatty drunken party-goers during his trek. slowly garnering attention from them as he shrugged off his jacket, before he raised a tight fist, slamming it down onto alastair's face with vigor, the man almost kissing the ground as tomura pulled his fist away, ready for another blow.
"what the fuck ?!" alastair slurred, mind spinning, the stench of alcohol coming off him in wafts as the weighty sole of tomura's boot crashed into his nose, before retracting and slamming into the man's ribs. falling to his knees, alastair trapped between them, tomura's world fell silent.
tomura wanted to break the man before him, tear his limbs from his body with his teeth and leave him strung up to be eaten by wild animals, to burn him alive and savour his tormented shrieks. tomura wanted to disintegrate him, dust him by a single touch, into nothing but a pathetic pile of grim ashes, to have him slip away between his fingers, to be forgotten, to drift away in the wind.
tomura's punches were mechanic, automatic, rhythmic as he moved, dealing continuous blows of the same force, and the packed crowd that had formed around him were hushed, gawking, the only sound echoing through the night being that of dull hits and cracking bones.
"....im tomura!"
his unforgiving assault continued, heart pumping liquid ivy, adrenaline coursing through his veins like a drug, eyes glazed over, void of light, face expressionless as your screams slowly permeated his trance.
"you're gonna kill him, tomura!" pleading, eyes bloodshot, slightly hesitating to touch him,"that's enough...please..." reaching for his raised fist, shaky hands enclosing around them, "let's go home..."
the cacophony of overlapping sirens sliced through the air like bullets as the crowd clamoured, scattering like flies, yet your stagnant positions remained. tomura's gaze raking over your tired eyes and puffy face, heart clenching. hands tightly woven together, you rose as a duet, crisp air lacing over his bloodied knuckles, nipping at your tear stained cheeks as you made your way to his car once more, settling into the warmed seats.
tomura was the first to break the otherwise wordless journey home, "he could've killed you." the statement was harsh, piercing, "i wouldn't know what to do if you were to die," focused on the road, tomura's grip tightened on the steering wheel as he let out an uncomfortable laugh, "i mean, i can barely sleep without you, let alone live without you..." trailing off, "...i think i'd be better off joining you.”
the sentiment was not lost on you, you knew he meant it, deeply at that, yet it pained you to no end. his words feeling like an open wound exposed to the elements, heart continuing to bleed for you in the wake of your betrayal.
you'd never experienced such life altering love in all your years, something so dizzying, intoxicating and intense, something so real and raw and beautiful, something you could almost...touch, something you didn't deserve.
tomura was the best thing that had ever happened to you, by far and...he now sat beside you solemn, hands bloodied and bruised, heart torn, trust broken, betrayed and trampled upon by the one he treasured most in this parasitic world.
clothing rustling against the leather seat as you shifted uncomfortably, "why didn't you call me ?" he questioned through a small sigh, tired words laced with defeat, disappointment. "...i wasn't in my right mind," you spoke, voice hoarse, eyes trained on your fingers placed in your lap, fiddling with a loosened thread of your skirt. "i was in a daze and i was frantic and i went to...wash him off of me in the bathroom right after and," speech pace speeding as you explained, "i was so fucking overwhelmed by everything and that's when i got your message and by the time i went downstairs you were already there and...now we're here..." exhaling softly through a shaky breath, "and i'm so sorry..."
the soft blow of the car heating was all you could hear, as tomura's mind spiralled, fingers reaching for his deck, putting the cigarette to his lips, lighting it. "you broke our agreement." it was a statement more than anything, just a voicing of his conflicting thoughts, expressed through a sigh after a long drag, yet you replied, "i know…im sorry”
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knees buried in the soft carpeted floor, you tipped the rubbing alcohol onto the cotton, gently pushing it up against tomura's knuckles as you finished cleaning him up, barely earning a hiss from the man. eyes searching your face from his position above, observing the wrinkles in your forehead due to your furrowed brows, "what's on your mind, love ?"
stilling your movements, gaze lifting to meet his, white hair falling forward as he looked down at you, almost curtaining the rubies held within his eyes. words clogging, gulping harshly, breaking the stare for a moment before locking it in again, with the help of his hooked finger beneath your chin, a shaky breath escaping your parted lips, "c'mon, what's up ?"
"hurt me...p-please" begging, glassy eyed, voice breaking. tomura's tone remained calm at your pleads, almost as if he were expecting such a request, "why would you want me to do that ?"
eyes straining once more as tears threatened to well, speech quickening, "i...i betrayed you and i broke your trust and i let that guy touch me and i could've done more to stop it and i could've fought harder and i didn't tell you right after and—" vision clouding your eyelashes failed you as tears began to trail down your face again, chest rising and falling faster as you spoke, eyes darting around the place, "i— your pretty hands are scarred now because of me and...and...i deserve it."
nodding firmly at your own words, finally raising your gaze to meet his own, pleading, "please, take your frustrations out on me...it would make you feel better." eyes squinting, "it would make you feel better." he corrected, "it would." you confirmed.
rising from his perch on the sofa, extending a hand out to you, leading you to your joint chambers, tomura's lips met yours in a gentle embrace and as he moved to deepen it, you pulled away, eyes wide "w-what are you doing ?" confusion knitting your brows together.
"i forgive you," he stated firmly, "i think your guilt is punishment enough," tucking your loose hairs behind your ears, shifting your tendrils from your face, his hand rested on your cheek, thumbing it softly, "this...all of it, it wasn't your fault, you had no choice," he spoke, tone assertive yet tender, "you just need to forgive yourself now, yeah ? it's gonna be okay," setting a soft kiss on your lips, resting his forehead to yours "we're okay, we're together again like always, yeah ? just you and me, it'll be okay." the words were whispered, like a secret only to be shared between the two of you, something special to treasure as a pair.
leaning into him, crashing your lips together once more, you couldn't help the tears that fell, hoping to seal the taste of him in your soul, meld into him completely as his hand found the small of your back, pulling you in closer as he breathed you.
pulling away, "is this truly what you want right now?" he questioned, searching your face for any signs of discomfort, coming up empty as you nodded eagerly, whispering, pleading, begging, "make me feel like im yours again, tomura."
hovering over your nude laying form on the cushioned bed, clothes collectively discarded on the hardwood, safe for your undergarments, his lips met your cheek, trailing down your jaw slowly, slowly before meeting your neck. pushing his pillowy lips against your sensitive skin, mellow actions growing eager gradually as he continued, teeth softly grazing your skin as he sucked, making a mark, branding you as his own.
shame shrouded tomura's being, hanging heavy like a thunderous cloud, striking him in his core. his culpability was discernible in his mind, his constant turn-downs of your unofficial invitation gnawing at his insides. his presence all that would've been needed to prevent such a situation from taking place, to prevent such trauma, such pain, yet he withdrew the opportunity, and it haunted him like a vengeful ghost.
soft mewls fell from you as he worked, the nausea you'd associated with the actions earlier that night being reborn anew at the touch of your lover. hands gripping his arm, hips rutting, as he toyed with your most sensitive part through the fabric of your underwear.
finger hooking into the band, hand slipping underneath, finally making contact, a gasp falling from your lips at the act, tomura continued, sharp intakes of breath soon switching to a whines as he did so. drawing circles on your blossoming core, pulling away, he admired the flowery imprints he’d created on your neck as they deepened in shade.
lips meeting yours once more, finally slipping a digit into your warmth, taking the opportunity of your opened mouth to slip his tongue in as you moaned, slowly pumping you before doubling the dosage. lacing your hands into his hair, brows furrowing as tomura swallowed your tunes, meeting you with his own, kiss growing desperate as your hand found his clothed cock, slipping beneath the fabric, intending to alleviate the tension as you stroked, earning shaky groans from the man.
parting to hurriedly free yourselves from the threaded pieces of fabric, you met again, lips interlocked, his thumb pressed to the length of his cock, leisurely dragging it between your folds, as he rutted against you.
the strain was native as tomura slowly buried the head of his cock into your core, yet you couldn't help the need to paw at his shoulders, face contorting at the width and he gripped your wrist, "you can take it, princess," whispering, lips grazing yours as he spoke, inching deeper, soon bottoming out, "there we go."
stilling as you adjusted, tomura's mind itched for friction yet he remained stagnant as your lips crashed with fervour, treasuring the complete feeling of being slotted together once more, like missing pieces of a jigsaw, your core carved, his cock sculpted to couple.
his motions were slow at first, tender, pulling out at a grating pace before filling you once more, your hips moving to meet his, yet they harshened as he continued, pelvis soon snapping into yours, coarse strokes pummelling against that gentle pocket of nerves deep within you, leaving you in a choked daze. bodies rocking in tune with the bed springs, tomura's head buried in the crook of your neck, groans slipping into your ears, aiding the tightening knot nestling in your core as his thumb drew circles between your folds.
raising his head to meet your gaze, flushed cheeked and glossy lipped, heavy lidded eyes harbouring a fountain of lust, and you were enraptured by the view, his cologne almost permeating off him at the short proximity, intoxicatingly so.
mind dizzying as he observed your features, wanting to savour the expressions he pulled from you, clenching around him unwillingly at the sight, eyes squeezing shut in shame as your cheeks rosed, a smirk dawning his face in return, "you're taking me so well, baby." his voice raspy, a whine slipping from your lips, "such a good girl for me, aren't you ?" nodding eagerly at the question, "anything for you, master." through whimpers, and tomura smiled at the words, knowing you met it, all too deeply.
panting softly, the knot in your stomach tightening harshly as you squeezed around tomura once more, "can i—" cut off by a moan, hands fisting the fabric of the sheets, "cum on my cock, princess." back arching off the bed at the vulgar words with a mewl, tomura slipped his hand beneath, holding you, pumping you through your bliss, relishing in the way your muscles tensed, the way your eyes fell shut and the lazy open mouthed smile that rested on your lips.
"t-thank you," you pushed through a whine as the sensitivity set in, tomura's actions persisting as he chased his own high, pace becoming languid and jagged as it neared. hand flying to grip his wrist as he began to pull out, "w-wait..." pleading, "c-can you uh...inside..." cheeks burning as you spoke, voice timid, quiet.
tomura's brow quirking at the request, his silence only making you feel the need to explain further, "t-the love bites aren't enough..." you pushed, "i...i want to feel you from the inside..." eyes searching his face as you trailed off, a smile forming on his lips as he obliged, settling back in with the gentle words, "anything for you, my love." you smiled shyly in turn, knowing he meant it, all too deeply.
gummy walls tightening around the thick of his shaft, tomura's brows knitting together as the coil nestling at the pit of his stomach slowly came undone, hips staggering, painting your warmth with his pearly seed inscribing the story of your shared love on your walls like a parietal painting.
                              ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩
the rushing water pooled at your feet, head tipped back as tomura's sudsy digits massaged your scalp gently, eyes falling shut as he moved the shower head over the length of hour hair, keeping the soap from trailing down your face before raking conditioner through your locks with tender care, repeating.
your fingers moved through snowy locks as tomura reached for the shampoo bottle, taking a whiff, "it smells so…sweet," he commented, "one of the reasons i like it so much," you shrugged, "is it any good ?" he questioned, "you'll see for yourself when we're done," humming, he sniffed it once more, "i like it" slight confusion lacing your brows, "how so ? you haven't even seen the results yet," earning a shrug, "it smells like you," the words forming a sweet ball of golden light to glow within your chest, a smile dawning your face, "besides, your hair is always super soft anyway."
dried and clothed, tomura fingers combed through his hair in the reflection, "woah…" he spoke, "see ? this is why i keep telling you to quit buying the cheap stuff," gently poking a finger into his arm with a smile, he shrugged, "eh, it gets the job done but this...this is some fancy shit." laughing at his choice of wording, "yeah, sure it is, tomura." sarcasm laced within the words, earning a playful squinted glare in the reflection from the other. 
"do you wanna do a face mask with me ?" holding up a small pot in one hand and an sealed packet in the other as tomura splashed water on his soapy features, patting his clean face dry as you continued, "a clay mask is drying and would probably irritate the areas around your lips and eyes but i think a sheet mask should be okay."
"and if it does irritate my skin ?" you squint, pointing as you talk, "it’s moisturising, so i have high hopes that it won't..." smiling as you trailed off, he shrugged, "sure then, go ahead."
perched at the edge of the bathtub, you took place between his knees, his hands placed on the backs of your thighs as you laid the serum doused sheet on his features, tugging it into place. entranced by your focus, tomura's heart swelling as his eyes raked over the soft lines of your face, the wet tendrils sticking to your forehead, the gentle curl of your pretty lashes and the plump lips he so dearly wanted to kiss again, "there we go." you piped, breaking tomura's daze, his eyes shifting to the mirror, "i look terrifying," he laughed, "you don't," you retort, "and don't laugh, you'll shift the placement of the mask," shrugging, arms held in surrender "whatever you say."
he observed intently as you swiped the clay on your face, "now we both look terrifying," you laughed, earning a tut, "no, you, you look cute." giggling at the words, "well, you think i look cute in anything." shrugging, "my point exactly."
tomura's chest warmed as you gently pressed the serum into his skin, the dried mask discarded on the counter not too long ago, fingers setting soft pats against the scarred flesh, careful not to agitate the wounds, "you haven't been scratching as much recently," you spoke, gaze dipping to his neck, reaching for the moisturiser you'd put on moments prior, gently massaging it into his skin, "the urge comes in waves sometimes," he shrugged, "still, im proud of you," a gentle smile gracing your lips as you uttered the words, tomura mirroring it, "all done!" you beamed, tomura pulling you down, setting a soft kiss to your lips, "now you're done." he corrected.
you soon found your tired bodies interlinked within fresh silk sheets, your head on tomura's chest as his fingers smoothed over your hair, the nostalgic cartoon playing in the background on the tv becoming white noise as your heavy lids fluttered shut, drifting into a hearty slumber within the safe confines of the arms of your lover.
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blacklegsanjiii · 6 months
@lunanight2012 fucking got me with the god damned mama Boa and her snake biting Warlord! Sanji's dads. During deaged Sanji specifically. Doffy is victim number one, he brings it on himself but like, Sanji's laughing so it's fine! No one else agrees with him as he is dangling a laughing Sanji by his feet. Doffy is like too wrapped up in Sanji that when the snake bites him he fucking flings Sanji overboard really fucking far and Jinbei is fucking diving for the kid so fast. It makes way too much sense way too fast about why Sanji is such a good swimmer. Robin springs forth hands to take Sanji so that Jinbei can come back aboard without climbing through the Sunny and Robin is absolutely adoring holding little Sanji and coos.
"Boa, you can't, we are guests." Mihawk tells her.
"But he's mine." Boa whines at him.
"No." Crocodile tells her and she glares.
They're docked and Crocodile is out with Nami and Sanji because he has the money. Also Sanji is still dressed in the clothes Boa brought so he is in skirts and flowy pants and shirts. Nami keeps trying to point things out to Sanji and he keeps looking to Crocodile for his okay and it absolutely one of those 'you need to ask your mother and father and that's Boa and Mihawk not me' type deal because he has a list for Sanji and he is not facing their wrath. He is not Doffy. Of course Nami buys a few things without them knowing and with the five finger discount and Boa is looking at Crocodile with disappointment and throws water on his arm and lets her snake bite him. Crocodile sighs as Luffy laughs and Mihawk rubs his temples. Sanji is pulling on Boa and asks her to stop having her snake bite them.
Jinbei is helping Sanji with meditation as the others are helping the Strawhats with normal every day stuff. It's good for his mental health and Jinbei welcomes the crew to try with them. Luffy finds it boring but Zoro does it. The cook never takes a moment to rest and the tiny cook is like other kids who find Zoro interesting but he's still the cook and says his hair looks like moss. It's going well until a bug lands on Sanji and bites him and sends him into a panic like the crew hasn't really seen before. Once Sanji is calmed down, Boa, who Jinbei is trying to talk down from her fuming state, has her snake bite Jinbei.
"I'm going to behead it." Mihawk threatens.
"I'll turn you to stone." Boa threatens back.
"I can't believe Zeff has never been bit." Doffy grouses.
"I absolutely can." Crocodile says.
"She seems like someone who would use him." Usopp agrees.
"She does." Doffy and Crocodile say.
Finally Mihawk. The warlords have already gotten over the 'he has emotions?' hump years ago when they first met Sanji and Mihawk was new to being a father. Years later the Strawhats learning Mihawk has a full range of emotion and is very tactile with his son because his son is not used to soft touches. That changed over the years but yeah Sanji is ten again and so fucking touch starved. Luffy is grumpy because his boyfriend is ten, doesn't remember him, and is scared of him. Mihawk is training him in observation haki and recognizing those around him.
Then Sanji hides his haki. No one can find him. Chopper is sniffing and looking for him as the crew and warlords scour for him. Boa is glaring at Mihawk who is pointedly ignoring her. When they find Sanji, sleeping of all things in a very narrow nook in the library with a book about the All Blue. He is carefully extracted and put to bed and once everyone else breathes a sigh of relief on deck Boa just bites Mihawk on the shoulder hard enough to draw blood and rip his shirt.
"Boa!" Jinbei scolds.
"He would have beheaded my snake!" Boa argues.
"You could just quit having it bite us." Crocodile points out.
"It's been years." Boa huffs while crossing her arms.
"I'm going to send you to the Marines." Mihawk hisses.
"I'll send all of Amazon Lily after you." Boa glowers.
"How do you guys deal with this?" Franky asks.
"Usually one of us would just take Sanji and leave." Jinbei answers.
"Oh." Brook answers as Mihawk and Boa devolve into a fist fight.
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strawberryancake · 1 year
yjw as your friend in public fubu in private lol (who loves to give you intense pleasure) (you’re his pillow princess atp) ㅋㅋㅋ)
tags: smut, foreplay, f/m, pov, read at your own risk!, no pene (yet) lmao
written in taglish
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You are so annoyed. Pikon na pikon ka kay Jungwon. Kulang na lang murahin mo siya sa sobrang inis mo sa kanya.
Annoyed because Jungwon, someone you are in a talking stage or situationship with, ignored the hell out of your shit since yesterday.
Despite every little papansin you did, or bugging him via text or call, not even once did the guy respond. Nagawa ka pa nga nitong irapan kanina bago umuwi pagkatapos ng klase.
And it did not help that you and Jungwon belong in the same friend group—who are all clueless about the shits you do behind their backs, by the way.
Now that they are inviting everyone over because of Heeseung’s birthday bash in his house, you already know what you should do.
Jungwon is famous in your university. First year pa lang, laman na siya ng school paper dahil sa angking talino nito—kaliwa’t kanang patimpalak na ang nasalihan niya, not to mention how he has been serving the entire studentry since his freshman year.
“Ano? Ganyan ka na lang?”
Your friend, Isa, asked you after checking you out. Dahil biglaan din ang pagyaya ng kaibigan nila ay hindi na rin sila nakapaghanda para sa nasabing event. Tanging white flowy dress lang ang suot mo—nothing extravagant, actually, dahil birthday lang naman at mga tropa mo lang din naman ang makakasama mo.
“Bakit? May mali ba?”
You started feeling conscious about yourself. You know, at times, you can be insecure. How you get a glimpse of your lips when you’re not wearing tints, how your hair isn’t flowing in the direction you prefer, or even how you think your stomach can burst at any time.
And of course, Jungwon, who is someone so special to you, would always tell you how beautiful and appealing and hot you are.
S’yempre alam mo na kung ano ‘yung kasunod nu’n.
“Wala naman,” Isa said. “Pero feeling ko mas bagay sa’yo magblack. Meron akong string-ish na strap dress d’yan sa cabinet, baka gusto mo suotin.”
You thought about it. Carefully. Kasi hindi ka naman mahilig sa mga extra revealing clothes, let alone wearing it to a birthday party (which is not yours to begin with).
Pero dahil gabi naman at sinabi rin ni Isa na meron siyang white fur cover up, um-oo ka na lang at sinubukan na ring isukat ang damit.
While trying to wear the dress, your skin suddenly shivers from the cold air brought by your dorm’s air conditioner. Full backless kasi ito at tanging sa string lang kumakapit ang buong damit, kaya isang pagkakamali mo lang na mahigit ito ay paniguradong mahuhubaran ka nang wala sa oras.
Roommates nga rin pala kayo ni Isa kaya siya ang kasabay mong pupunta sa birthday party ni Heeseung mamaya.
“Ang revealing nito masyado,” you uncomfortably said. “I’m not even sure if I can wear this confidently.”
You heard your friend scoff and by then, you can also imagine how he rolled her feline-like eyes.
“Bagay naman sa’yo! Harap ka sa salamin.”
You protested yet again, but to cut the story short, nakumbinsi ka pa rin ng kaibigan mo na ito na lang ang suotin mo para sa gaganaping pagdiriwang.
You gripped your free hand in the fur fabric of your cover up while the free one is carefully holding your white purse. Upon arrival in Heeseung’s house, you can see a few people enjoying themselves by drinking cocktails and dancing to the music and lights.
And for a few moments, you forgot how annoyed you are with Jungwon.
Paano ba naman kasi—nakita mo siya mula sa malayo na nakasuot ng puting polo, which the first two buttons are down, by the way, paired with a black slacks. His fit is very basic but it did send your stomach some tickles.
You immediately avoided his gaze when he looked at you.
Might as well enjoy the party, you said in your mind.
Honestly, time flew so fast for you and Jungwon. Hindi mo napansin na mag-iisang taon na pala kayong nasa set-up na ‘to—nagawa niyo na lahat ng ginagawa ng mga normal na magjowa—name it: nagsex na kayo sa kotse niya, you already know how to turn him on when you’re riding his motorbike, pati ‘yung mga parte ng katawan niyang alam mong nagpapabaliw sa kanya tuwing hinahawakan mo—alam na alam mo. Pero wala pa rin kayong label.
Mostly intimate and physical ang involvement niyo. For you.
Many times he asked you about it, but you avoided his questions still. Feeling mo kasi hindi ka pa ready magcommit.
Which boils down to this—napipikon ka kasi pakiramdam mo unti-unti na napapagod at nagsasawa si Jungwon sa set-up niyo.
Totoo naman.
Suddenly your lack of confidence starts kicking in.
Upon meeting your friend group, Heeseung decided to invite you over inside his house for a more quiet and chill place. Medyo dumarami na rin ang mga dumadalo sa bahay niya, at bilang hindi kayo ‘yung tropahan na mahilig sa bars o clubs, it’s best to keep you all in one place. At least makakapagkwentuhan at makakainom kayo nang matiwasay.
But your best friend, Isa, wants to go outside and have fun.
“Labas tayo, ‘teh,” she whispered after tugging your side.
Bahagya ka namang napatingin sa labas at kitang-kita kung paano nagsasaya ang mga tao—you see how their bodies rhythmically dance, how they sway their hips and feel the music outside, and it made you curious, honestly.
You then switched your gaze towards your friends, and out of the five people you looked at, only one of them exchanged your glare.
It’s Jungwon.
Mabilis mo na lang iniwasan ang tingin nito saka nagdesisyong sumunod sa kaibigang nakatayo na.
“Saan kayo?”
You heard Jay asked. Agad namang hinawakan ni Isa ang kamay mo saka sumagot.
“Lalabas lang,” she said. “Titingin ng iinumin. Ayaw ko niyang whiskey niyo, sakit sa ulo ‘yan bukas eh.”
Jay nods and continues talking to your other friends.
“Tara na!”
You still feel uncomfortable with the dress you’re wearing. Buti na lang talaga may cover up si Isa na bumagay naman sa suot mo, kaya hindi mo na lang din inantala ang lamig ng simoy ng hangin na humahampas sa likod mo.
You’re here to enjoy, ‘di ba?
“Du’n tayo! Dali!”
“Baka makita pa tayo ng mga nasa loob, alam mo namang sobrang protective ng mga ‘yun sa atin.”
It’s true. Kaya rin siguro hindi nila kayo dinadala sa mga bars o clubs ay dahil alam nilang mababastos lang kayo ng mga lalaking pumunta sa lugar na ‘yun para maghanap ng mauuto.
“Sure ka ba rito?”
“Baka mamaya magalit sa atin ‘yung mga ‘yun,” you worriedly said.
“May balak ka ba lumandi?”
You weren’t able to answer Isa because you suddenly heard someone from your back talk.
And the moment you turn around to see who owns the voice who just greeted you, agad ka namang natulala.
It’s Sunoo.
Crush mo nu’ng first year. The same man you used to send cute love letters and funny quotes every day.
Bahagya ka namang nahiya nang maalala mo ang kagagahan mo noon.
“Hi?” You hesitantly said.
Nang pagmasdan mo ang mukha ng binata, hindi mo talaga maiwasang mamangha. Sobrang gwapo kasi nito. His facial features, who are very strong, did not give justice to his warm behavior towards you.
First year pa lang, mabait na si Sunoo sa’yo. He would always reach out to you from time to time, ask how you’re doing—kaya ka nga nafall sa kanya noon.
But then again, alam mo namang noon pa lang ay hindi rin talaga kayo p’wede. He had a girlfriend shortly after you guys became close kaya hindi na rin kayo nagkausap pa.
Despite the loud music and crowded space, you still heard Sunoo.
“Okay naman,” you politely said, holding the glass of wine the server gave you. “Ikaw? Kumusta? Tagal mong nawala ah.”
Sunoo chuckles.
Gwapo pa rin.
“Okay naman,” he replied. “Hahaha! Oo nga, sorry, ah?”
“Hindi na kita masyado nakausap mula noong nagka-girlfriend ako.”
You immediately waved your hand ‘no’ and dismissed his thought.
“Ano ka ba!” You countered. “Okay lang ‘yun, it’s a canon event,” biro mo pa na ikinatawa niyo na lang na dalawa.
The night went on. Kung kanina, crowded na ang lugar, ngayon ay mas lalong dumami ang tao at mas sumikip ang kinatatayuan mo.
You can’t seem to find Isa anymore, and you know your friend just started looking for someone to spend the rest of the night with. Gets mo naman.
“Ikaw lang ba nandito?”
Sunoo asked. Kanina pa kayo magkausap at nagkukuwentuhan. Nakalimutan mo na rin ang lahat ng nangyari dahil patuloy lang kayo sa pag-uusap habang umiinom ng alak.
Aaminin mo na: namiss mo rin maging kaibigan si Sunoo. At some point, alam mo namang nagkaroon kayo ng mutual feelings. Pero dahil nga umiba ang ihip ng hangin ay tinangay na rin nu’n ang nararamdaman mo para sa kanya.
All you can see is your once-friend Sunoo na masungit sa iba pero mabait sa’yo na sinusubukang maging malapit muli.
And as the crowd goes wilder, hindi mo na rin mapigilang mapasayaw sa inuupuan mo dahil sa saya ng paligid.
“Gusto mo sumayaw? Du’n tayo sa mga tao,” aya ni Sunoo sa’yo na agad mo namang pinaunlakan.
He then asked for your hand—at dahil s’yempre, gusto mo ring maranasan for once ang pumarty, um-oo ka na.
Minsan lang naman.
As you walk your path towards the crowd, suddenly, you feel like someone is staring at you. Nang ilibot mo ang paningin mo sa buong paligid—it’s a bit surprising that you stopped your tracks when you saw how Jungwon piercely looked at you from the distance.
He is slowly chugging the glass full of whiskey. Kitang-kita rin ang pagbaba ng adam’s apple nito habang nilalagok ang alak.
But then, you paid no attention. Hindi mo muna siya iintindihin ngayon.
Pikon na pikon ka nga.
“Are you okay?”
Bahagya ka namang kinilabutan nang mangilabot dahil sa lapit ng boses ni Sunoo sa tenga mo. No joke, pati likod mo biglang nangilabot.
Ang gwapo kasi talaga ng speaking voice ni Sunoo. Lalo na ‘pag seryosong seryoso siya.
“Do you want to go back instead? P’wede namang sa counter na lang tayo ulit, if you’re uncomfortable.”
Agad ka namang napakapit sa malapad nitong braso nang maramdaman mo ang sipa ng alak sa utak mo.
Of course, Sunoo, who has the fastest reflex you know, immediately caught you.
You can feel how warm his palms are against your waist. To which you shivered, by the way. Ang lala lang.
What’s with tonight? Lagi na lang akong kinikilabutan. Ganito na ba kalamig ang panahon? You unconsciously said in your mind.
“Sure ka ba? Ayos ka lang?”
You nodded and removed your grip all over his shoulder.
As the sound gets louder and louder, you start swaying and dancing.
Hindi alintana ang biglaang init ng paligid. Malaya ka namang nakakasayaw dahil nararamdaman mo ring inaalalayan at nakaagapay si Sunoo sa mga gilid mo.
Alcohol started kicking in; dahil madalas ka na naa-out of balance, hindi mo na rin namamalayang nagiging malapit na kayo ni Sunoo sa isa’t isa.
You began hooking your arms in his nape—carefully putting your hands against it, still dancing over the rhythmic sounds all over the place.
Naramdaman mo namang unti-unti ring hinahapit ni Sunoo ang braso niya sa bewang mo—and not gonna lie, you are liking it.
Still your eyes closed, you swayed and swayed while Sunoo’s palms are now guiding you. Hindi naman nakaligtas ang malumanay nitong titig sayo habang sumasayaw ka.
“Hey,” you can smell his minty breath. Agad ka namang napadilat at halos mamilog ang mata mo sa sobrang lapit niya sa’yo. As in isang galaw niyo lang—tiyak, magtatama ang mga labi niyo sa isa’t isa.
“Are you okay with this?”
You smiled.
“Oo naman,” sabi mo. “Why not?”
“Nothing,” he said. “Rumor has it that you’re in a relationship already.”
Am I?
Hindi naman.
“May boyfriend na ‘yan.”
Kung ang iba matagal bago mawala ang tama ng alak—ikaw, isang salita at isang dinig mo lang sa boses ng isang tao, alam mo na kalalagyan mo.
Kailan ba hindi?
“Uwi na tayo. Hahatid na kita sa boyfriend mo.”
“Ako papagalitan nu’n.”
Pakiramdam mo biglang nawala lahat ng alak na ininom mo mula kanina. Narinig mo lang naman ‘yung boses niya, pero bakit parang pakiramdam mo, dinidisplina ka na agad?
“Wala akong boyfriend.”
“I can kiss Sunoo in front of you. Wala akong boyfriend.”
You heard the other scoff.
But you know you’re a brat—and he is definitely your tamer. Kaya bahala na.
You suddenly hooked your arms against Sunoo’s nape. Not minding everyone else aside Sunoo, you then closed your eyes for a bit and you felt a plump lips slowly reaching yours.
Napako ka naman sa tinatayuan mo nang maramdaman mong hinawakan ni Sunoo ang mukha mo papalapit sa kanya. He then started moving his lips upon capturing yours—you can taste the cocktail he has consumed since then.
Bahagya namang nanlamig ang katawan mo nang may nagsalita ulit sa harapan niyo.
“Let’s go home.”
“It’s getting late.”
You weren’t able to bid good bye to Sunoo after that. Hindi mo na rin namalayang padabog kang pinasok niyo sa loob ng kotse niya.
Still your eyes closed, mas lalo ka lang nagalit nang magsalita ito.
“Is that how you make me go crazy?”
“Pinagsasabi mo? Hindi mo ba nakikitang nagsasaya ako kanina pa? Epal mo eh.”
Gago ka talaga.
You just heard him scoff and drove the engine away from the place.
“Ayokong pumunta sa condo mo. Uuwi ako sa dorm namin,” you uttered after realizing he’s heading the way to his condo.
But Jungwon did not even flinch nor mind you.
“Ayoko sa condo mo, Jungwon.”
He sarcastically said. He even had the guts to dryly chuckle, na mas lalo pang nakainis sa’yo.
“Ihatid mo ako sa dorm ko. Ayoko sa condo mo,” you repeated once more.
Mas lalo kang napipikon dahil hindi manlang bakas sa mukha ng lalaki na galit o anuman ito. He is showing nothing.
“Ano ba?!”
“Ayoko nga sa condo mo! Iuwi mo ako, Jungwon! Ano bang problema mo?!”
Muntik ka na masubsob sa dashboard ng kotse niya nang bigla itong pumreno at pumarada sa gilid ng kalsada.
“I can ask you the same thing. Ano bang problema mo?”
“Para kang pokpok kay Sunoo kanina eh,” aniya.
Bahagya ka namang nakaramdam ng kirot dahil sa sinabi nito. Your eyes started to sting but then again, you still tried to remain strong.
“Oo. Hindi pa ba halata? Gustong-gusto ko siyang makalandian kanina. Kita mo naman siguro.”
Jungwon did not answer, but despite the lights turned off, you can see how his grip against the steering wheel tightens.
And then Jungwon scoffed and dryly chuckled. Once more.
“Do you think you’re being funny?”
“Kulang na lang maghubad ka sa harapan nu’ng tao para lang halikan ka niya. Para kang tanga.”
You know, if it’s a normal day with Jungwon, hindi ka naman maaapektuhan sa mga sinasabi niya. You know too well that his degrading tendencies towards you are just applicable in bed when you’re doing the deed.
But this time around, you felt a hot tear stained your cheek.
“Talaga,” you mindlessly said. “Okay.”
“Uwi mo na lang ako sa dorm ko, Jungwon. Let’s call it a night.”
Thankfully, Jungwon listened. Hindi na rin siya nagsalita pa pagkatapos ng biglaan niyong sagutan.
A few minutes later, you just found yourself opening his car door and heading towards the lobby of your dorm building.
Jungwon immediately went out and chased you. Hindi ka naman na nagulat dahil dito.
“Okay—I was jealous.”
“I did not like how you guys interacted earlier. I did not like how he wrapped his hands all over your waist—tangina, ako lang gumagawa sa’yo nu’n. Ako lang ‘yung may karapatang hawakan ka nang ganu’n.”
“I’m sorry for acting like a jerk.”
“And I’m sorry for calling you names.”
Eh sino ka ba naman para tanggihan ang isang Jungwon?
You just found yourself gasping for air moments after you closed the door of your room.
“You already know what to do, Won.”
Something shifted in Jungwon’s eyes, though there’s a hint of worry, he continued kissing you and exploring his hands all over your back.
Jungwon lightly nibbles your lower lip, causing you to whimper in pleasure.
Naramdaman mo rin kung paano unti-unting bumukol ang slacks niya sa pagitan ng hita mo, at dahil dito, inabot ng isang kamay mo ang bahaging ito ni Jungwon.
“Mamaya na ‘yan,” Jungwon whispered while kissing you.
He then traveled his lips to your exposed neck. Pakiramdam mo nga’y naririnig ng kapitbahay kung gaano katunog ang halik na iginagawad ni Jungwon sa leeg mo.
You unconsciously massaged and pulled his hair, causing him to moan between your steamy kisses.
Diniin mo rin ang labi niya sa leeg mo. Jungwon almost sucked your neck but you immediately told him not to leave marks.
And you can’t deny how he prioritizes your preference in bed and sex in general.
As Jungwon continuously kissed your other neck, his hands changed its direction. Kung kanina ay nasa mukha mo ito, now, his calloused yet delicate hands are travelling down to your exposed back.
Now kissing you, he brushes his hands against your back, na agad mo ring hinayaan ang lalaking tanggalin ang fur na cover up mo.
You’re literally wearing just a piece of cloth in front of him.
Okay lang ‘yan. Nakita na niya lahat sa’yo, ‘di ba?
Jungwon suddenly broke the kiss—na hinabol mo pa, s’yempre—and started checking you out. From your head to toe.
But it made you unconscious how his gaze stayed to your bust a minute.
“You see,” he said. “I’m glad that you have a cover up, babe.”
“Kasi kung wala ‘yan, baka lahat ng mga tao kanina, nakita na ‘yung boobs mo.”
Jungwon then motioned his right hand towards your sideboob, na ikinagulat mo naman.
“You looked so hot, do you know that?”
“Are you even wearing a bra?”
You did not answer. Instead, you guided his hand towards the end string of the dress and smiled.
“I think that’s for you to find out, Won.”
“I can’t believe I get to see you this hot. Tangina, ang sarap mo titigan. Tapos mamanyakin lang kita sa utak ko.”
As soon as Jungwon pulled the string of your dress, he was greeted by your naked body.
Secret lang, ha, pero nagtanggal ka na ng undies mo bago ka pa makaalis sa bar nang magpaalam kang magbabanyo ka. Alam mo rin kasi ang mangyayari ngayong gabi.
Tatakpan mo sana ang katawan mo—specifically your babies, but he stopped you.
“Ride me.”
“Bilis,” aniya. “Buhatin kita.”
Hindi ka naman nag-abala pa at dali-daling tumalon sa kanya. He was able to carry you easily and crash your lips together.
Dahil nga binubuhat ka nito ay ikaw ang mas nasa itaas. You begin cupping his face and kissing him passionately, leaving no room for air.
Jungwon started walking towards your wall, and once you felt the cold concrete against your back, he began pressing himself to your body.
Not to mention, though, that your pussy is generally wide open against his clothed dick. Ramdam na ramdam mo kung paano ito tinutusok ang pagkababae mo—especially the rough fabric of his slacks.
Feeling mo tuloy nawewet ka na agad.
“Ah,” you moaned when he started kneading your breast. Hindi niya na pinalampas ito kahit hinahalikan ka niya.
And honestly, you love how his hand perfectly cups your bust. As if it is entirely made to play with your tits and give pleasure to you.
“Laki,” Jungwon said, interrupting your sloppy kiss.
Hindi mo na rin pinalampas ang pagkakataon—you started grinding yourself against Jungwon, and at this point, parehas na rin kayong umuungol sa pagitan ng inyong mga halik.
After being satisfied with the kiss (or upon realizing that both of your lips are now swollen), Jungwon decided to bury his face in between your breasts.
Dahil dito, napasabunot ka sa buhok niya to support yourself on top.
While feeling the gap between your breasts, though, he gently massages the both of them.
Pagkatapos hawakan, he then started doing a circling motion around your tits.
“Sarap,” you breathly said.
“I know,” sagot nito. “Lusog ba naman.”
You’re a bit embarrassed, yes, pero agad namang napalitan ang hiya mo nang biglang sunggaban ng bibig ni Jungwon ang kaliwang dede mo.
His mouth is sucking your nipple like a baby in need of his milk, and at the same time, his other hand is errotically massaging your breast.
“Fuck,” you hissed. Hindi mo mapigilan magmura dahil sa sarap na ginagawa ni Jungwon sa’yo.
Foreplay pa lang ‘yan, pero parang titiklop ka na.
“Won,” again, with your breathless voice, you called him. “Please.”
“Ikama mo na ako.”
As he slowly tucked you in the bed while kissing your lips, you can feel his dog tag sending cold against your chin. Ngayon mo lang din napansin na wala na palang pang-itaas na suot ang binata.
“Your necklace..”
“Istorbo, babe.”
Jungwon chuckled and removed the jewelry for a bit. After doing so, he started touching your entire body—probably deciding which part he should play first.
Eh kaso talagang adik siya sa dede mo.
Kaya ayun, hindi na naman nagpigil ang bibig at kamay nito—again, he sucked your nipple once more, while his left hand busied itself by kneading and massaging your other one.
Of course, agad ka namang napaliyad at angat ang ulo. Sarap din kasi talaga sa pakiramdam nu’ng bibig ni Jungwon sa dede mo eh.
Stimulated by the eventful sucking of your nipple made by this man, naririnig mo pa rin kung paano nito sambahin ang dede mo.
“Tayong-tayo oh, shit.”
“Kasyang kasya sa bibig ko rin. Tapos lamas na lamas din dede mo sa kamay ko.”
“Bagay talaga sila.”
“I can fucking die while touching and lapping your tits, you know? Sarap eh.”
Of course, sa lahat ng sinabi niyang ‘yun, alam mo sa sarili mong natuturn on ka na talaga.
Eh biglang nagsawa ang lalaki sa dede mo.
Now, you can feel his lips slowly going down there.
Alam mo na.
He called you. Nang titigan mo ito ay parang pusang inaamo ka.
“Can you spread your legs wider for me, please?”
Ay, putang ina rin talaga ni Jungwon.
S’yempre hindi ka naman na nagpabebe. Si Jungwon na ‘yan.
Kaya walang pasabi mong binuka ang legs mo for him. Pero ang gago, hindi pa rin nakuntento.
He then situated between your legs—and, apparently, starts putting his hand on top of your clit.
“Buka mo pa.”
“Ayan na ‘yun! Wala na!”
Tarantado talaga si Jungwon sa’yo.
Alam niya kasing ito ‘yung pinakapaborito mong ginagawa niya eh.
“Alright, babe,” maloko pa nitong tawa.
And as soon as you felt Jungwon’s lips against your pussy, wala na. Talo ka na.
“Fuck. Please,” nanghihina mo namang sabi.
Again, masunurin si Jungwon. He knows how to make you feel good.
Jungwon started lapping your clit. His fingers are roaming in the area of your pussy, and with that, pakiramdam mo, lalabasan ka na agad.
“You’re so wet.”
Parang may pumutok sa sintido mo. Gago talaga ‘tong Jungwon na ‘to.
He continued sucking your clit, creating a noise you already know. His finger then started entering your hole na mas lalong nagpabuka ng legs mo.
“Babe, don’t curse,” despite him eating you out, naintindihan mo pa rin. Pero mas lalo kang naulol kasi nagvibrate ‘yung pagsalita niya sa puke mo.
Eh ‘di mas lalo kang nabasa.
Jungwon then took out his tongue to tease your clit more. You can sense him looking at you from down there, and you just reach for his head para idiin ito lalo sa puke mo.
His now two fingers started making you feel sensitive. Bagan hindi mabilis ang paglabas-masok nito sa’yo ay pakiramdam mo, mas dapat pa nitong bilisan pa ang ginagawa niya.
“Babe.. bilisan mo, babe..”
Sobrang laswa ng tunog ng bibig ni Jungwon habang kinakain ka. Parang nababaliw ka lalo kasi sobrang ingay mo rin talaga tuwing kinakain ka niya.
After letting Jungwon insert his fingers faster while eating your pussy, you can sense a knot inside you. Agad mo naman siyang pinatigil—pero dahil ito rin talaga ang isa sa pinakagusto niyang gawin sa’yo, he just continued sucking your pussy while inserting his two fingers.
“Won.. Won—”
“Ah—please, lapit na ako..”
Alam na alam ni Jungwon kung paano ka kunin. He knows how to make you go crazy. Alam niya kung paano ka lalabasan just by his tongue, mouth, and fingers.
He inserted another finger inside you, making it three, while sloppily sucking and lapping and kissing your clit. Hindi mo na alam kung saan ibabaling ang mukha mo dahil habang ginagawa niya sa’yo ito, mas lalong ibinubuka ni Jungwon ang puke mo.
Sabi niya kasi, mas naaabot niya ‘yung g-spot mo ‘pag bukang-buka ka.
“Oh! Shit—”
“Won.. Fuck, please..”
And in one last blow, you feel your juices coming out. You hastily motioned Jungwon to let go of you, but he’s a bit stubborn. Hindi niya inalis ang mukha niya sa puke mo at buong-pusong nilunok ang lahat ng nilabas mo.
Pero dahil si Jungwon siya, hinayaan mo na lang. Alam mo naman kung gaano ka rin nito kagustong pasayahin sa kama.
After finally releasing your high, Jungwon gently left a peck to your pussy and looked at you.
“Sarap mo talaga.”
“I will never get tired of eating you, you know?”
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just-barrow · 11 months
day 29 of @almost-a-class-act's War Is Helloween prompts!
SAS: Rogue Heroes - Jim Almonds/Pat Riley
Character A is taking a kid (theirs or someone else's) trick-or-treating and rings Character B's doorbell because the kid was too scared to approach the house on their own, OR because the kid in their charge smashed Character B's jack-o'-lantern.
Jim loves hanging out with his 6-year-old niece Millie, so when his sister asks him if he can take her out for trick or treating he immediately says yes.
Fortunately she is just as eager to spend an evening together as he is.
She's dressed in a little vampire costume, her flowy black cape billowing as she runs from house to house. Her plastic jack-o'-lantern is clinging to its handle for dear life as it swings violently back and forth. Jim has trouble keeping up, but seeing her so excited fills him with joy and he runs after her with a big smile on his face.
Most houses have put up some decorations; carved pumpkins on porches, cute little bats in windows, and the occasional ghost floating next to the front door, but nothing too elaborate. One house, however, has gone the more extreme route when it comes to decorating. The entire front yard looks like a graveyard, surprisingly realistic headstones littering the grass and creepy skeletons and zombies clawing their way out of the ground. There are lights and everything. Jim is impressed.
So far, Millie has been firmly telling her uncle to stay behind on the sidewalk because she wants to knock on the doors all by herself, but for the first time that night, she pauses, not sure if the candy will be worth the scare.
"Do you want me to go with you?" Jim asks gently.
She worries her bottom lip with her teeth for a second before nodding. "Yes, please."
Jim takes her hand and leads her through the graveyard, admiring the effort that was put into it whilst also keeping an eye on the kid. The further they go up the path, the more determined she seems to get her hands on that candy. Jim smiles and lets go of her, taking a step back as she knocks on the door.
It opens with a creak.
A very handsome man in a black cape stands before them, little devil horns poking up out of his slicked back, dark hair. He smiles down at the little vampire girl standing defiantly before him.
Eyes big, she says, “Trick or treat.”
The man kneels in front of her and holds out a bowl with full-size chocolate bars, smiling. “Here you go. What a great costume, I love your cape!”
Jim smiles at the very distinctly American accent. That explains the elaborate decorations. He regards the man from a safe distance, trying not to be too obvious about checking him out. He's not entirely successful; their eyes meet briefly and Jim's knees temporarily turn to jelly at the dashing smile aimed his way.
With a grin, Millie quickly takes one of the big chocolate bars, clutching it to her chest in disbelief and delight. “Thank you, sir. I like your cape too!”
“You know what,” the man says conspiratorially, “because we’re both wearing such awesome capes, how about you take another chocolate bar?”
The girl hides her giggle behind her little hand, quickly taking another bar and slipping her prizes into her jack-o’-lantern before turning around to beam at her uncle.
As he stands back up, the man nods at Jim. “Hope you don’t mind that I gave her so much candy.”
“Nah, it’s fine. Fortunately for me my sister is the one who gets to deal with the sugar high,” Jim grins. Behind him, his niece is poking at one of the skeletons, clearly having overcome her fears.
The man laughs. “Cute kid.”
“Yeah, she’s great.”
There's a brief, calculated pause. “If you don’t mind me saying, you’re not too bad yourself, either.”
Jim feels a blush creep up his cheeks and gives the man a bashful smile. He wants to say something–that he thinks the man is gorgeous, and that he is very single and very available–but then his niece yells at him from the end of the path.
“Come on Uncle Jim, we haven't been to all the houses yet!”
Wishing that he could come up with a reason to stay but knowing full well that he needs to go with Millie, Jim smiles apologetically as he backs down the path. “Sorry. Duty calls.”
“Of course. Uncle Jim.” The man leans against the doorway and smirks. “I’m Pat, by the way.”
Jim likes the sound of his name on his lips. “Nice to meet you, Pat.”
“Feel free to come around later." Pat winks. It really shouldn't be as charming as it is. "You can help me with my costume.”
Well, who is Jim to decline such an offer?
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gloomy-prince · 2 years
16 for the artist asks?
16. Something you are good at but don’t really have fun doing
Art-wise, I would say inks, which is ironic since I'm an inking assistant for Suitor Armor over on Webtoon lmao. I can have fun with certain inks, such as long flowy hair or something. I find it more enjoyable to ink SA than to ink my own work because, well, I didn't sketch it. I sketch pretty cleanly so inking can sometimes feel like drawing something twice, but I refuse to skip inking because I don't like the end result if the lines aren't precise.
Just in general.... I'm not really sure?? the only thing I can think of is math lmao. I was good at math in school but i hated it.
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mmmmffffffp mmm hmm mmffph
Kenny has been accepted! Please send in your blog link as soon as possible!
out of character info Name/Alias: Tea Pronouns: She/they Age: 20 Join Our Discord: Yes! Timezone: GMT+1 Activity: Around a 7, sometimes I get busy during the week Triggers: Graphic depictions of SA Password: Craigs gay Character that you’re applying for: Kenny McCormick Favourite ships for your character: Butters/Kenny is my main, but I’m super open minded for most ships
in character info Full name: Kenneth “Kenny” McCormick Birthday: March 22nd Sexuality, gender, pronouns: Pansexual (openly) and Genderfluid (Closeted outside of his main friends), fine with whatever pronouns really but typically uses he/they. (Canon evidence mainly being based on his comfortability in his gender and gender non-conformity as shown through his Princess Kenny persona) Age and grade: 18, senior year. Faceclaim: Lucas Bin (Very negotiable!) Appearance: Kenny is pretty average when it comes to the height department, standing at about 5'9-5'10. Due to his difficult upbringing, he could be regarded as oddly thin for his height, giving him a slightly lankier appearence and making some bones - such as his collarbones and wrists - stand out a little more against his skin. In general he could be regarded as androgynous in appearence due to his softer features in his face, and his average stature - which was future accentuated when he dressed as Princess Kenny.
Due to his restless nights during most of his adolescent to early teenage years (either due to staying up all night to care for his sister using his guise as Mysterion or from nightmares from his countless traumatic deaths) Kenny sports dark circles under both eyes which certainly assists in accentuating his deep blue eyes. As well as that, Kenny has several scars littered in various locations around his body due to some of the deaths - or near death experiences - he has previously endured, however these are few and far between. One of Kenny’s most prominent features is his mop of blonde hair, which is often unkempt and dishevled as he doesn’t feel the need to spend much time maintaining it. Why would he even need to take care of it when its usually hidden beneath the hood of his parka? Though overtime Kenny has started to branch out into other fashion choices outside of his parka, though it is still very much an item of comfort and security for him and is never far behind him. On occasion, most typically ‘feminine’ clothing are the attire of choice for Kenny. He favours long and flowy dresses. However Kenny is not oblivious to how small mountain towns can be and very rarely will dress in this fashion when going out in public without hyping himself up a little (and bringing a change of clothes, just in case.) Personality: More often than not, if someone is asked to name Kenny’s most defining personality trait, they would say his extremely sex driven mindset. He has a bad habit of making hyper-sexual jokes or innuendos, and more often than not is thinking with his dick. He is sexually knowledgable and experienced, and could honestly be compared to a walking Urban Dictionary. His perverted and hyper-sexual behaviour is most likely something learned from childhood in his household - or perhaps from the pornography he somehow obtained and hid at home. Aside from that side of his personality, Kenny is very much an empathetic and loyal friend. He has shown on countless occasions to be understanding of his friends and willing to lay down his life for the greater good - or at least what he regards as the greater good. However, it occasionally gets on his nerves that his issues with death and near death experiences are glossed over and ignored by his friends; occasionally feeling like a slight outcast in his main friend group despite feeling well liked by his friends. Overtime Kenny has grown quite apathetic towards his situation and is usually blank faced unless actively engaging in mood boosting activities. One major point in Kenny’s personality is his care for his siblings - especially his sister. He’s always been more than happy to answer Karen’s every beck and call and would gladly take on multiple jobs for petty cash and save up stray coins he has fished out of the couch cushions just to buy Karen an up to date doll or a hot meal. As well as that he would gladly beat the crap out of anyone who said anything even remotely bad about her. History: Being a part of one of the poorest families in Southpark, Kenny has had an extremely difficult upbringing. Often times food was scarce, and what they could get was often frozen or extremely simple, with no means of heating it up or making it any more fulfilling. Having three children and no means to support them has often left them lacking in necessary nutritious meals needed for young children, as well as them missing out on important social needs and school events that involve money. As well as this, Kenny’s family is mostly composed of alcoholics and drug abusers. Despite there very low income, they drink so heavily that has seriously hindered the families ability to get even remotely out from under the poverty line. Their drug abusing has also led to his parents being arrested on numerous occasions, which has landed Kenny and his siblings in foster care several times. Their garage may also be home to squatters and a possible meth lab, though Kenny has been told multiple times to leave the garage alone, therefore he’s unsure if theres any truth to those statments. Once he was old enough to hold down a stable job, Kenny was quick into the first one that would take him. The money he earned from this was partly kept as a 'flight fund’ just in case his parents alcoholism or drug addictions got worse and he needed a quick fund to move out with his sister. He does mediocrely in school as he doesn’t exactly care much for most of the stuff taught in school. The rest of the cash he has he uses when going out with his friends or engaging in one of the *many* dates he’s been on. He’s usually pretty quick to jump from one partner to another if they don’t keep his attention well enough or he regards them as “too boring” for him. As for his friendships and such, Kenny prefers to maintain his close friendship with Stan, Kyle, and Cartman as much as he possible can. He’s also always been open to branching off into other friend groups and has a tendency to mingle with just about anyone. Due to his openness for mingling, he tends to weave from group to group and get to know just about everyone his age in South Park, the more the merrier in his opinion! As it currently stands, Kenny has no plans for college after highschool, and when asked he simply shrugs it off as wanting to stay in South Park. Sample paragraph: By now his cigarette had burned down to a mere nub, the ash staining his fingers a little. The collar of his parka pulled up over his mouth but resting just below his nose from his seat. Kenny McCormick was no stranger to being locked outside of his house. It happened more often than not actually; at least when the lock on the door actually worked. His fingers were practically numb as he scrolled through his phone, brushing his thumb over the cracked screen as he typed out a quick text to his older brother to 'get the damn door’. It was already getting pretty late as it was, and mid winter in South Park was cold enough without the snow seeping into the ass of his pants from his seat on the doorstep. Once the door behind him finally opened, Kenny was quick to get to his feet, ignoring how badly his feet and knees hurt. “About time, I’ve been out here for a fuckin’ hour.” Kenny spoke, swearing not uncommon in his vocabulary, especially not when it came to his family. He didn’t wait for Kevin’s response, pushing past him into the equally cold house and kicking off his boots, snow melting into the already grimey carpet. He didn’t even bother greeting his parents, not that it would matter very much considering his father was already inebriated infront of the crappy television and his mother was cutting something up in the kitchen - most likely not something of the food variety. Kenny was quick to go to his room - still shared with his siblings - shrugging off his parka and dropping it as well as his bag to the ground. He gave Karen a quick smile, it was hard to stay annoyed when she stared at him with her big doe eyes, half expecting some little gift from him as per his typical weekly routine. “Remember that freaky ass doll you told me about?” He asked, digging around in his bag to fish out the little box of perhaps the ugliest doll he’s ever bought, ready to watch her face light up as soon as he unveiled it. Headcanons:
Kenny has an affinity for smoking, especially when stressed, but any excuse is fine for him.
He’s completely sworn off all drugs due to his upbringing, however he will often claim to do them.
Despite being well versed in all sexual content, he’s incredibly dumb when it comes to safe sex, like seriously, he needs reminding.
He’s got a plethora of freckles all over his face, as well as a slight tooth gap.
Doesn’t own a car nor a license, but technically can drive pretty well.
Anything else: Nothing major, I just wanted to say thank you for even just the consideration and I hope we can chat more soon!! This is such a cool idea!
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quoteonquotepoetry · 2 years
poem #1
TW // !! sa and church
it was a sunday a clear day a god’s day so i put on a flowy dress my hair a curly mess and we drove to the chapel. all the kids my age would break away today to talk to some preachers about how to stay away from hell so when the knell rang and rang we would know what to do “if you do well” one leader did say “you will get a prize to take away !” so i sat quietly  answered the questions methodically smiled wide and mr. dave said “you !” “you with the red curls, and the dress with the purple frills,” he said, “you are doing well !” so he took her hand made her stand and to the back of the storage closet they ran and this girl (who i decide is no longer me) kicks and screams and cries and hurls but mr. dave said she had to be clean. so he took off her dress her face a teary mess and made her do things she did not like she, who was barely seven knew she would not go to heaven because the man carved “sin” into her skin with the grime of his dirty red-stained hands.
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leila1 · 4 years
OS: Dairy Milk
As he exited the airport the air smelled familiar and the winds reminded him of her. At the mere thought of her a smile appeared on his face, those eyes which were impatient to see her, were tired yet screamed warmth. Thirty more minutes and he would see her finally. How he had wished he never had to attend those business meetings out of town, surprising himself  how he even managed a business  despite his wandering mind, that only weaved her dreams, that only imagined her.
He hopped into the car throwing his coat on the seat, loosening his tie in tire, letting a sigh in the burning weather. Transparent beads of sweat turning his hair wet, that she always found endearing regardless. Oh how she found him so adorable in this situation sweating like a beast fanning himself with his file while continuously complaining and sighing closing eyes every now and then. With a screech the car came to halt. Mohan heaved a sigh of relief managing to survive despite driving at the speed of light under strict instructions. He could already feel home before even entering Shantivan, it gave him an immense peace and a sense of belonging. The big pillars, the intricate carvings and years into building a home. A sense of pride running through him as he imagined the site that awaited him inside, every time he returned home.
Her fragrance and warmth that he so desperately craved.
He could feel her blinking eyes, fidgeting duppatta, that told him tales of restlessness in his absence.
Without wasting a second he ran to his room, a rush of happiness gushing through him.
Wanting to surprise his beloved wife he slowly pushed the door only to find it strangely quiet. A small smile played on his lips when his eyes found the sleeping beauty. She lay there on his recliner, covered in white chudidaar, flowy daman  of her kameez falling from her knees complementing her leg on leg posture. Her curls fell on her face while a pinch of vermilion adorned her partition. Those silver jhumkas peeked  through the shiny curls hung quietly.
A sudden movement caused her to stir in sleep as she slowly opened her eyes. , her jhumkaas and silver bangles a dozen in each wrist twinkled.
He stood there still, his laptop bag in one hand and blazer rested on the other forearm while his hand prevented from making a noise by what it held. Arnav smiled, all his tiredness and frustration gone as he stared at the sleeping beauty he had claimed his.  No longer being able to wait and sensing her husband's presence she slowly lifted her eye lids that wore a light natural shade of peach. Smile crept on her lips as she saw the man standing in front of her, top two buttons undone, his loosened tie one hand holding the laptop while the other under his coat hiding something behind it. Perfectly combination of handsome and soft.  
He managed to look fine even in sweat.
Tired as hell he still managed to smile. His warmth emanating through the room, she felt alive.
"Aap aa gaye!"
She exclaimed with happiness jumping from the recliner running to stand right in front of him. Smiling like a goof upon sheer happiness.
"Kaisi ho?" He asked in a low tired voice which was still laced with concern and love.
"Main theek hoon aap laye yeh mujhe den"  
She took his belongings.
"aap ne khana khaya?"  She asked hurriedly without letting him speak further.
"Oh ho chodo isse"  He grabbed his blazer  and laptop from her hands and threw them on the bed
"aur khana bhi kha liya" he said while holding her hand, to which she smiled in relief and turned a shade of red
"mere intezar kar rahi thi?"
After all these years she still managed to play with his senses with one look. Gone was the tire that he carried with him in this room moments ago.
" Aap bohat irresponsible hain, aik phone hi kar deta hai insaan"
She narrowed her eyes and  pursed her lips at his carelessness, acting like  the responsible one when they both knew better.
Raising an eyebrow for a moment only to flash another smile he came closer.
"Phone kardeta to yeh cute sa expression kaise dektha?"  
He flicked her nose.
"Cute sa expression free mein nahi milega"
She said while putting her hand forward in demand
"What?" He asked in mock pretense. "Mujhe dikh raha hai yaha se to koshis bhi mat karna"
Shaking his head in disbelief smiling at the same time at her childish attributes he refused to grant her wish. "Arnavv" she said firmly now looking at him with hands on her hips, her bangles echoing from her movements. Finally giving in he held her hand and brought it closer to his heart with the other placing something solid wrapped in purple in her hand. "Milk ?"
Khushi continued to look into his eyes.
" Milk" he reassured moving closer "18 cubes?"
Mischief evident in her eyes.
"18 cubes"
He replied in a husky tone moving closer.
"No nuts?"
She spoke further with a blend of innocence and naughtiness reflected in her eyes, biting her lower lip trying to have some self control.  
"No nuts" he smiled, shifting his gaze to her lips.
She smiled looking at his lips. "Thank you" she breathed slowly looking in his eyes in gratitude " When will the day come when you won't be the only one asking me these questions?"
With a naughtiness in his eyes he looked at hers.
"Very soon laad governor very soon" she said while putting her arms around his neck still holding the bar wrapped in purple in her hand. She placed her forehead against his as she came closer brushing his nose with hers.
A blushing Arnav was a sight to see.
As both smiled feeling grateful to be in each others presence once again his day felt complete and yet again her torturous wait had finally come to an end.  
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softkaimin · 5 years
Us and Them | p. 1
Pairing: Im Jaebum | JB x Reader 
Word Count: 3.3k
Genre: fluff / angst / royal!au
Summary: All you’ve ever wanted was to live a normal life without the stress of being a princess, so when your bodyguard, Jaebum, gives you the perfect opportunity, you don’t hesitate to take it
a/n: special appearances by Jinyoung, Bambam, and Yugyeom
Tumblr media
The sound of people bustling in and out of your room began to irritate you. Fading and growing conversations about wedding decorations, wedding dresses, and the noble men and women who would be attending, you couldn’t take anymore. You just wanted to disappear into silence.
“What about this one?” Your handmaid held up a beautiful white lace gown that was adorned with brilliant jewels and hand stitched embroidery. You were awestruck at how even with a fully stretched out arm the dress dragged against the ground. The train splayed across the floor, extending a few feet away from the dress itself, and the matching veil rested against the silky fabric of the bodice.
You hated it.
This was the twelfth dress you’d turn down since you were forced to participate in the planning of your upcoming wedding. Frankly, everything fit you beautifully. The flowy ones and the tight ones. Even the extravagantly frothy, voluminous ones shaped you in such a way that would make every woman pray they looked as beautiful as you on their own wedding day. But every time you fell in love with one, you would remember the circumstances in which you were getting married, and it suddenly became the most hideous dress you’d ever seen.
You shook at your head, and closed your eyes tightly.
You were never meant to sit on the throne, that was your brother’s job and, truthfully, you were just happy to watch from the sidelines as you lived your own life with your own family. But the law of attraction doesn’t always give you what you want.
The fantasies that we create of what our lives are going to look like were just that. Fantasies to be lived out in our minds whenever we felt down. Fantasies to trick ourselves into believing we had a goal so as not to give up before we could reach them. But your fantasies were short lived, ripped out of your hands before you could finish perfecting it. And what you were given in return was a life you never asked for.
Your handmaid sighed, gently setting down the dress on your bed as she proceeded to kick everyone who wasn’t you or herself out of your room. The room grew silent instantaneously, and for the first time in a while, you could hear yourself think.
“What’s the matter, my dear?” Your handmaid asked, taking your hand into her warm ones. “Are none of these dresses to your liking?”
“The dresses are fine,” you assured. “It’s this wedding that’s the problem.”
“Oh, those are just the nerves, my little princess. You’re getting married to Prince Jinyoung, the most gorgeous man in all the kingdoms and soon the two of you will begin your reign. It’s normal to get nervous. Your mother was like that on her wedding day too.” She caressed your hair tenderly, trying to soothe whatever anti-wedding monster was beginning to reveal itself before it sent you on a rampage. Not to say you weren’t already on one.
“But that’s just it. My mother and father married because they loved each other. I’m being married off because my father royally fucked up, and now I’m the one who has to fix it.” You noted, rather crossly.
“Language. You are the Crown Princess, after all. Set an example.”
You rolled your eyes at your handmaid's sermonizing, and you wished the room would just fill with noisy wedding conversation again. “There’s no other way to really explain the situation my father put his kingdom in… put me in,” you muttered, letting your head fall onto the wooden surface of your vanity with a thud.
You could waste your life trying to explain to everyone what exactly your situation was, but who except you could understand what it was like to live it. Who except you could understand the dread of stepping out of your bedroom, the fear that the people who took your brother’s life would finally be back to take yours, paralyzing you to the bone? The way you let the the clear skies roll by you without giving them a second thought, yet you wished for anything to be able to lay underneath them again, free from the worry that relentlessly anchored you to the bottom of the oceans of anxiety. You felt like you were suffocating little by little, and even your home was becoming a source of pain. You could explain the situation, but no one but you could truly understand.
Your handmaid shuffled across the room to grab one of the chairs that sat in the corner, and quickly moved back to your side. She sat down and watched you for a second, admiring how much you looked like your late mother. The resemblance was uncanny, the way you spoke and the way you acted. It’d been more than half your lifetime since the Queen had passed, but to those who could remember her clearly, watching you was as if time had gone back and they were witnessing the Queen in her youth once again.
“Listen,” your handmaid started. “I know this isn’t how you pictured getting married, much less the person you would be getting married to, but you have to remember why you’re doing this… Your kingdom is relying on you.”
You lifted your head just enough to see her over your arm, and you remembered what your brother had told you the day before he died. Being in charge of a kingdom isn’t easy, but I wouldn’t give it up for the world. You’re still young, but with my help you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about. This is everything we’ve ever wanted.
What a load of bullshit.
You groaned, propping your head against the palm of your hand. “I know that, it’s just… he made it seem like some kind of dream being Crown Princess,” you admitted. “He made it seem like it would change my life in some fascinating way, but all it did was make me realize how much I am not him.”
Your handmaid knew you were talking about the late Crown Prince – to you, your eldest brother. She felt a sense of relief that you’d finally found enough strength to talk about him after an entire year of avoiding it, but some part of her also felt sorry. Not for you, but for the King. She’d always hoped it was him whom you’d have this conversation with, but considering your strained relationship, not even a higher power could force you to open up to your father.
“Prince Jinyoung is a great person. I’m sure he’d bring nothing but prosperity to his people during his reign, but…” you smacked your lips in frustration, “…he’s not the one I love. I- How am I supposed to be everything my father expects me to be when he himself said I could never be good enough?” You paused, waiting for your handmaid to interject a clever remark, but she only smiled at you.
What the hell is she smiling at? You thought.
She looked as if something in her mind clicked, and every muscle in her face reacted to it with joy. It was a look that made you feel uneasy; a look that told you she knew something about you that you didn’t want anyone to know. Anxiety coursed through your veins, and you quickly grew uncomfortable, not to mention annoyed at her inability to take you seriously.
“What?” You finally asked, your fingers nervously fidgeting with the lace of your dress.
She chuckled, finding your anxious state rather amusing. “If Prince Jinyoung isn’t the one you love, then who is?”
Your eyes widened, and you physically felt your brain short-circuit as you tried to come up with some lame excuse to get you out of answering the question. And, as if the universe were purposely trying to make a fool of you, your bodyguard entered the room.
“Jaebum,” You announced, looking past your handmaid at him. He stood by the door, clad in his newly polished armor as he patiently waited for you to finish up with your previous engagement. He shot you a small smile, and you felt your heart palpitate.
“Hmm, I thought so,” she grinned, and you snapped your gaze back at her, frantically shaking your head.
“Ah, no no. I was just-”
“It’s alright dear, your secret is safe with me.” She took your hand in hers again and patted it gently, a sigh escaping her thin, wrinkled lips. “I know you hate the idea of this wedding, and I know the kind of person you are, so I just ask that you not do anything stupid. Please.”
Your wide eyes lowered into a solemn gaze, and you began to regret every word you’d uttered to her about your brother and Prince Jinyoung. She felt so much like a mother to you, and you hated making her upset. She was there for you when you were born, and when your mother died she helped your father and your brother raise you. But while she taught you to refine the virtues that every royal was expected to have, she also taught you to fight for what you believed in.
And that was exactly what you were doing.
“I can’t promise you that,” you whispered.
She pursed her lips and stood. “Well… I’ll be going now. I’ve got to check on the girls and make sure they’re not royally fucking up the wedding, as you say.” You chuckled lightly, and watched her exit the room, briefly bowing to Jaebum as she moved past him.
Jaebum shut the door behind her, observing the mess of decorations and dresses that the girls had left behind. He bit his lower lip, his chin protruding as he felt the jealousy reigniting deep in his chest again. It was a like a beast he had no control over, and the harder he tried to fight it, the more he noticed it. He never felt this feeling as strong as he did whenever he thought of you and Prince Jinyoung and your impending marriage. It was a strange feeling that stretched across his body, entangling itself with every fiber of his being and splitting him at the seams.
“Have you decided on a dress, yet?” He asked, the words themselves like a poison that left an acrid taste in his mouth. He had no right to put you in a difficult position by confessing his feelings to you, especially when he wasn’t even sure you felt the same.
Besides, the marriage had already been decided by the King himself and there was no going against a King’s declaration. No sane person would even think of it.
He took the empty seat where your handmaid was sitting for himself and smiled at the disgusted look on your face. “I’ll take that look as a no.”
You groaned as thoughts of Jinyoung began to fill your frazzled mind again and you shook your head, trying to evict the images of him from your head. “They all look ugly on me.”
“I doubt that.”
“I’m serious!” You whined, noticing the smirk on Jaebum’s face. You swatted his arm at his thoughtlessness, your hand lingering on his bicep for a moment too long.
He watched you, his heart fluttering at the way your grasped tightly onto his arm. The look in your eyes as if you’d forgotten what pain was for a moment, and he could help but smile at you.
You noticed him looking at you and you quickly took your hand back, returning to the conversation as if the moment had just been some hallucination you had on your own. “It’s not funny, Jaebum! Can’t you see how much I am suffering in this hellhole of a palace? I’m seriously considering running away.” You blinked hard, your thoughts suddenly becoming clouded with pictures of your wedding, except you weren’t marrying Jinyoung.
You bit the inside of you lip, your core heating with images of Jaebum taking Jinyoung’s place, and you silently cursed yourself for thinking of him that way. It was impractical to dream of such a thing happening when Jaebum wasn’t even of royal blood… Wasn’t it?
Jaebum rubbed his arm in faux pain and huffed a silent chuckle, his voice startling you out of your thoughts. “I can, and I close my eyes so I don’t have to see you ‘cause it breaks my heart.” You rolled your eyes, but Jaebum could see a small smile starting to creep on your lips.
But as quick as it came, it was gone. You tapped your fingers against the surface of the table rhythmically, the realization that by this time next week you’d be a married woman, ruling beside Prince Jinyoung and not Jaebum, making your stomach nauseous. “I’m serious this time.”
“I’m sure,” Jaebum hummed.
You paused for a moment, then allowed yourself to slouch against your chair, something your handmaid always scolded you for doing. “Can you honestly tell me that you think it’s okay for me to marry someone I don’t love? What am I supposed to do when literally everyone, not just from our kingdom, but from Jinyoung’s too, is relying on this marriage? I want to be able to be like ‘yeah, for the sake of our people,’ but I can’t. That’s something my brother did, and I’m not him no matter how hard I try to be… no matter how much my father wants me to be.”
Jaebum nodded along, listening and responding to every word you uttered. “Mm. Yeah. Hmm.” Until you finally took a breath, allowing a small window for him to get a word in.
“So, say you do run away. What then? What does it fix?” He asked, his deep gaze making you feel exposed.
You huffed, quickly breaking the intense eye contact with him. “I’m not trying to run away from my duties, Jaebum. I… I just want to know what it feels like to not have the weight of the world on my shoulders, you know. I want to know what it feels like to just be another person. Not a princess, or a queen to be. Just a normal person,” you explained.
Jaebum licked his lips in thought. He could see the wedding dresses from the corner of his eyes, and he was sure you could too. They were the most extravagant dresses he’d seen in his life, almost like they demanded for any and all bystanders to look at them and appreciate the work that went into them. They were truly fit for a queen.
He noticed the frown on your face and the way your eyes had dulled out, and he wondered how long it had been since he’d last seen you genuinely laugh. How long it had been since you forced him to go on one of your ill-planned adventures in town, searching for the next best street food that you would then demand the servants to bring everyday for an entire month until you got sick of it.
Ever since Jaebum became your personal bodyguard, you relied on him for more than just physical protection. You quickly found a friend in him, someone who actually cared about you as a person and not what being close to someone of your status would do to benefit him. He made you laugh, and he held you when you cried. He was your friend who always listened to you, no matter how small or insignificant your concern, and he never once complained. He got to see you as an ordinary person instead of the mature and sophisticated princess you strained yourself to be in front of your citizens.
You changed when your brother died, understandably, but when you father announced to you and the rest of the country that you were getting married, you completely lost yourself. You despised your father after that, and every day afterwards you wished it had been you who died instead of your brother. It angered Jaebum to hear you speak that way, but he couldn’t blame you when he too wished it had been him instead of the prince.
Jaebum extended his hand toward you for you to take it. He wasn’t sure if it was the jealousy of seeing you with Jinyoung or the promise he made to your brother – his best friend – that caused him to make such an abrupt decision, but his mind was made up. He was ready to give up everything, even if all he got was a smile from you in return. A genuine smile. “Then let’s run away. Tonight.”
You opened your mouth to speak, confused at his sudden change of heart. You fumbled for your words, wondering if he was saying this to mock you or if he was being serious. But Jaebum wasn’t the type to mock, especially not you. And especially not about this. “W-Why?” You managed.
“Because your brother wouldn’t have wanted this for you. His greatest joy was seeing you carefree and happy, and you haven’t been in a long time. I made him a promise to protect you, so if you really want to run away, then let me be the one helps you find the place you’re looking for.”
You huffed. No one ever listened to you the way Jaebum did, and it was only now when you understood why your heart ached for him every time you weren’t with him. Why every time you embraced him in a hug, or even just brushed your hand against his for a moment, everything in the world felt right.
It was because the one you loved was him.
But Jaebum was rarely impulsive, and you wondered if you being with him was a bad idea. He was the one who usually talked you out of doing things on a whim. He was cautious, wise the way he perceived ideas and situations, and you were recklessly spontaneous, never thinking things through until it was too late to avoid the consequences. So, what if your idea of starting over, of running away, brought unavoidable consequences that Jaebum would have to deal with by himself? You could never forgive yourself if something happened to him.
Though, one thing was sure now: you were in love with him.
But how could you even be sure he felt the same for you? What if it was your vanity that let you think he could ever see you that way? Or what if he was just offering to go with you because he felt it was what he had to do? It would be humiliating if you confessed and he turned you down, not to mention it would certainly ruin your friendship.
You shook your head, and as you were gathering your thoughts to refuse his offer, you felt the warmth of his hand cup your cheek. He ran his thumb against your cheekbone, and your body physically relaxed, almost as if this simple embrace were expelling the demons inside of you. You were no longer scared of failing your kingdom; no longer scared of the uncertain future.
It astounded you how the one person you could never have was the only one who could make you forget what being in conflict with yourself felt like. Because for this quick moment while the two of you sat in silence, his hand caressing your skin and yours holding onto his wrist for dear life, you felt at peace.
“Please say yes,” he whispered. “Please say you’ll come with me.” He inched his face closer to yours, your lips so close to his. You’d never felt such an ardent desire to mold your lips against them as you did now, and it took everything in you to keep from doing so.
“Would you really give up so much just to help me make a stupid decision?” You asked, your fingers now intertwined with his. You stared at his lips, watching the way they moved, the way they parted whenever he took a breath. It was mesmerizing.
“I’d walk to the end of the earth as long as it’s with you.”
You closed your eyes, imagining what pure, yet simple life you could live with Jaebum, even if it was just the two of you living far away in isolation, away from the perverse influence of others. You felt alleviated. Lighter. Freer, at just the thought. And even if this fantasy remained as such, it would be better to live in a world that you could control instead of one that you couldn’t.
“Then let’s run away.”
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Could you please do a continuation of that one ask where John likes to crossdress with poly! Queen? Maybe one day he’s all dolled up with Freddie, but Roger and Brian walk in and they are blown away. John is so embarrassed, but Freddie invites them to join in (and they make sure to give him lots of praise and call him beautiful, but Roger can’t help but teasingly mock John a little since he loves seeing him embarrassed). It’s ok if you don’t want to do this one, you get a lot of John prompts!
I’m going to be completely honest with you, John is my favorite character to write at the moment, I don’t mind writing a lot of him! And I wouldn’t mind it if were any of the other boys either.
He had taken time with it today. It hadn’t been sporadic or random or because he felt like it. It had been planned ever since that morning when Freddie had told him he’d gotten him a ‘special surprise for later’.
Then when he’d come home and there’d been a box sitting on his bed, and Freddie patiently sat in the sitting room, and he’d set to work.
He’d pulled out the curling iron which usually was kept in a drawer in the bathroom because A, it took a while, and B, he almost always burned his fingers on it, so he hardly ever did it himself and usually only ever got it curled when Freddie did it for him.
Tonight he felt like being fancy, though, so he could deal with the burnt fingers. And he knew Freddie liked it when his hair was curled, so curly hair it would be.
When he was done with that, he was rather pleased with himself. It looked rather nice, he thought, hung around his face in pretty ringlets which he rather liked.
Maybe he’d have to do this more often, he thought to himself just before he burned his finger on the iron.
Or maybe not.
The next thing he’d done was his makeup, which was much more fun than the stupid curling iron, and much less dangerous. He didn’t do too much or too little, just the right amount. It softened his eyes, and brought out his lips, and the sharp lines of his face. Accentuated the nice things about his face.
Finally, finally, finally, he opened the box. Inside was a very pretty blue dress. It had lacy sleeves that hung off of his shoulders and down onto his arms. The skirt was nice and flowy, and it hung just down to his knees.
When he slipped it on and looked in the mirror, he was very happy with what he saw. It was beautiful, he looked rather pretty too. When he finally popped his head out the door to their bedroom, he found Freddie already watching the door, presumably waiting for him.
“Oh.” He breathed out. “Hello. I was going to come out to see you, but-” He was cut off by lips pressing against his, and he couldn’t say he was unhappy for the interruption. He tugged him into the room and shut the door behind him, hooking his fingers in his belt loops to pull him to the bed.
They parted for just a moment, and John didn’t know how he felt to see lipstick smudged on and around Freddie’s lips, but in the end decided he didn’t mind it. He brought up a hand to cup his jaw, brushing his thumb over his bottom lip, tugging on it slightly before letting it go.
And it was that moment, when he leaned in for another kiss, seated in Freddie’s lap, that the bedroom door opened.
He didn’t have time to move, or hide, and somewhere in the back of his mind, he realized that they hadn’t bothered to tie a scarf on the door, the rule they had created, but not spoken about, to keep each other away when they were having their… personal time.
“Fred, Deaks. Rog and- oh.”
John had his face buried in the crook of Freddie’s neck, his skin flushed red down to his chest and all the way up to the tips of his ears. He was mortified, horribly embarrassed.
“Oh. I see that you’re.. Oh.”
John dared to peek out at the door. Brian was stood, seemingly frozen. His cheeks were tinged pink, and he had a mildly interested expression on his face. He let his eyes trail down and was surprised to see a slight bulge at the front of his trousers.
“Bri, what’d they- Oh my.” He had an equally intrigued look on his face.
“We can, um.. We can just leave you to that, then, uh…” Brian managed to stammer out, though he didn’t move away from the door.
“Or you could join us instead.” Freddie suggested, which made John’s eyes snap over to him. “What, sweetheart? Don’t act as if you’d mind. And it appears Brian and Roger would like too, they’re just too scared to say anything. Isn’t that right, my darlings?”
They didn’t say anything, just nodded.
It was Roger who was the first of them to respond. “I think we’ll take you up on that offer, won’t we, Bri?”
“Yeah. Yeah, that sounds good to me.” He took a step forward and shut the door behind himself.
John swallowed thickly, his tongue darting out to swipe across his lips. Oh dear lord in heaven, this was actually happening.
“Princess.” His attention was drawn back to Freddie. “Why don’t you go on and be a good girl for me and kneel on the bed, so all of us can see you. It won’t be fair to our guests if I’m getting you all to myself, will it?”
He nodded and shifted off of his lap and to the center of the bed, getting onto his knees and folded his hands in his lap.
A hand reached up to cup his cheek and his eyes landed on Brian. “You look so pretty like this, John. God, I’m so lucky to get to see you all dolled up like this, hm? So pretty.”
The praise made the flush return to his face, albeit not as dark as it had been previously. “Thank you.” He mumbled out, ducking his head to hide his face behind his hair.
“Don’t hide from us, lovey. Let us see that beautiful face, hm?” He hooked a finger under his chin and pulled his face up.
“Got all dressed up and pretty, and you won’t even let us give you a proper look, will you? Tsk, tsk, tsk.” Roger shook his head. “That’s the whole point of us being here, isn’t it? To let us all admire how beautiful you look like this, and you can’t even let us do that, can you? So selfish of you, John.”
His cheeks flushed red and he tried to hide his face again, only to be stopped by a firm grip on his chin. “No more hiding, sweetheart. You heard Roger.” He tapped his thumb against his cheek. “Now. Why don’t we show them how good you can be for me, hm? On your knees, then, in front of my, darling.” He gave him a little nudge and let go of his chin, allowing him to slide off of the bed and onto the floor.
“Go on then, my love.” He reached up to undo the button on his pants before pulling him out of his underwear, not even going to pull his pants all the way off before he was taking him into his mouth, his lips a pink ring around his cock.
“You look so beautiful like this, my love. So pretty. All dressed up like that. Beautiful.” He tangled his fingers in his hair and tugging lightly, earning him a muffled moan.
Behind him, he could distantly hear the sound of clothes rustling and was aware that that must be Brian and Roger getting undressed.
To say he was surprised when he felt a cold, lube coated finger pressing inside of him would be an understatement.
It was probably Brian, he noted, the guitarist being the one with the longest fingers out of the three of them. It was different than his own fingers, or Freddie’s, but not bad. Just different.
One turned into two and two turned into three, twisting and pushing and wow that felt fucking amazing. He nearly made to complain when those fingers were pulled out, but then became preoccupied with other things.
The hand laced in his hair tightened. He felt Freddie’s thighs shaking, little pants leaving his lips. It took a few swirls of his tongue before he was spilling into his mouth. He pulled off with a faint pop and swallowed. “You’re very talented with your mouth, my darling.” He cupped his cheek. “Do you think you could let Brian fuck you, beautiful? Is that alright?”
He considered it for a minute before giving a nod of his head. “Okay. That’s alright.”
Somewhere along the way when they shifted onto the bed and Freddie moved to the opposite end of it, his dress got thrown to the floor. He’d shifted to lay flat on his stomach, propped up on his elbows.
And then Brian was pushing into him and it was another different but at the same time not bad things. It felt really fucking good when he picked up the pace, and he was dimly aware of the sound of Roger moaning from the other side of the bed. He opened his eyes and was greeted by the sight of Roger jerking himself off from watching his boyfriend fuck one of his best mates.
The thought of that paired by a particularly hard thrust and his own hand on his cock had him coming with a shout.
When all had been said and done, and they all laid there in a heap on the bed, cleaned up from their previous activities, it was Brian who spoke up first.
“We’ll have to do that again sometime.”
“I definitely agree with you there.”
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pinktatertots99 · 5 years
24: you need to leave for musashi and kenshirou cause angst also im happy you had a good day.
damn been a while since someone deliberately wanted angst from me lol.
nearly 200 writing prompts // feel free to reblog
24: “ You need to leave. ”
“six, three, four.” kenshirou stated aloud as musashi slinged his roped bag onto his back. “yeah yeah i know i’m gettin there inu-chan.” he chuckled as he put his hands up. ken felt like he needed a minute seeing him now. out of his inmate outfit he was wearing a black blazer that zipped down halfway with no undershirt and sleeves moved up halfway on the arms, flowy reddish brown pants, flip flops and with the blindfold still on himself, his wrists, ankles and neck he had a pair of visors on a chain around his neck for use. it was so...so odd seeing it.
“oi puppers.” he snapped out of it and shook his head as he cuffed him. “follow.” he commanded as the inmate obeyed. as they walked they could hear cheers from the residence of building 4, the dogs barking and threatening to bite his knees if he ran while hitoshi waved saying he’d bring treats to his place later.
both boarded the ship to the mainlands in no time and standing on the waiting dock. “...to think, this’d be the last time you wear handcuffs when leaving somewhere.” kenshirou mumbled aloud as musashi chuckled. “i’ll probably still put my hands out to be cuffed even though no one’ll be around to cuff em.” ken just hummed, not getting the satisfactory of humor like musashi had for that as they stood, the trip feeling so long but too short at the same time. he didn’t want to see how close they were getting to land or how much more distant nanba was getting.
the ship soon landed. other inmates with their guards or supervisors were boarding off it, musashi and kenshirou being last as they stood on the docks, sunset looming over them as kenshirou hesitantly and slowly took the cuffs off. the german male rubbed his wrists. “heh...it’s weird, ya’d think someone would like it being uncuffed, this feels, so off though heh.” he smirked still, pulling out a bendable walking stick.
a bark echoed as both looked over, seeing a white hot pink eyed kishu staring at them with a harness and handle attatched to it’s harness. both leaning down and petting the dog. “i’ll be in your care then miss...” musashi trailed off as he felt the tag that was conviniently in Braille. “gomi? ...ey did ya do this on purpose pup?” he looked to kenshirou’s direction and smirked as ken coughed lightly. “i wanted to make it easy for you. there’s a translation in english, german and japanese her name on the back depending on where your going.”
“man first the visor, the stick, now a seein eye, at this point puppy i’m thinkin your trying to take yourself with me huh?” he chuckled lightly to himself as ken rolled his eyes but smiled lightly. as both got up musashi took hold of the stick and gomi, both staring at eachothers direction.
“...don’t you need to leave?” musashi asked as ken snapped out of it. “mean, your boat’s gonna leave shortly pup. unless you can doggy pad-” he was cut off as he felt the sudden jolt of kenshirou leaping to him lightly, holding him firmly as nuzzling into his shoulder. musashi stood there looking upwards with a neutral face...and smiled as he moved one hand to hug him back and the other to pet his head. “your awful at hiding your emotions puppy.”
“shut up.” he choked out, almost sounding and looking ready to cry. musashi gave a light chuckle as he petted him. it seemed time just stopped as they stood there, musashi patting his back lightly. “you need to leave.” musashi said lightly, both pulling away as ken lightly brushed his sleeve over his eye.”i’m...proud of you, in-...musashi.” he stated, musashi feeling the heat of the sunset and those words hitting him, smiling brighter.
“hey, before ya go.” he moved his hands to his face. ken watched as he slowly unvieled his binds from around his eyes. the cuts on them seemed healed enough as he kept them closed enough to hand them to him. “something to remember me by.” he said as ken took them. “b-”
“i got a visor pup no worries.” musashi stated as he put the visor on easily, taking the handle and stick back from gomi’s mouth. “use it as a ponytail holder or something. i’ll see ya around though pup. thanks.” he soon started turning his back and walking off into the sunsetted city, ken’s mouth slightly open, closing, and smiling lightly as he nodded and took a swift turn back to the ship.
extra footsteps echoed the hall as hitoshi paused to look behind himself. “oh supervisor your back! did musashi-san get back sa-” he paused as the supervisor passed by. “oh supervisor where did you get that hair accessory from!?” he asked excitedly as kenshirou looked back and stopped. holding his ponytail was a familiar black ribbon that was tied into a low hanging bow due to it’s length. he smiled.
“was a parting gift.” he stated as he walked off again, hitoshi cocking his head confused but quickly realizing and smiling as he continued his way down the hall following the supervisor suite.
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musicallady7 · 4 years
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Richard and I strolled by the river Seine admiring the streets of Paris. Everything was so aesthetically picturesque. Like a pretty painting you'd see in a museum. The river below was calm with gentle waves rippling by the water. Birds swooped down to the river with their wings flapping to get home as the sun began to set. The sky was graced with a fine line of peach clouds, the bright orange light slowly beginning to fade away as a midnight blue sky loomed over it.
Bikers pass over the bridge, riding right past us. The cool breeze blew back my hair, conveniently keeping the strands out of my face as it lightly ruffled the flowy skirt of my dress. At nearby restaurants, couples toasted over a glass of red wine, as a  little car with a family of four drove by.
Then there was Richard. He makes this scene perfect.
His face that beamed with warmth looked so radiant in the last light of the sun. A soft smile rested on his lips. I pursed my lips and felt the heat on my cheeks when my mind painted a very sensuous image of how his lips would feel on mine. His ginger red hair that contrasted against the orange lighting of the sunset was combed neatly and looked soft to touch. I was tempted to run a hand through his beautiful red locks. His emerald green eyes matched the military uniform he wore. I was delighted beyond words to hear he came home from the war safely. I was afraid I'd never see him again.
I grasped his hand that held mine a little tighter, afraid he would disappear like a beautiful mirage. He felt like a daydream.
I stared a bit longer than I hoped. He sensed me looking and met my eyes. I immediately averted my gaze somewhere else feeling my cheeks heat up.
This all seemed like a scene in a movie, but that's how it always seemed with Richard. He had quite the talent to make it all feel surreal as if it were coming off the pages of my favorite novels.
We passed by a vintage themed flower shop, where a myriad of beautiful bouquets were displayed outside in painted artsy buckets. The sweet scent of the flowers soothed me and made me exhale deeply. Richard abruptly stopped walking, gazing at the bouquets. I followed his example stopping to appreciate the flowers as well.
"They look pretty." I muttered to myself brushing my fingers lightly over their delicate petals.
"Eira" he called me, getting my attention.
"Yeah?" I asked sending him a small glance before turning back to the flowers.
"Wait here" he replied, as he motioned with his hand to stay where I was. I nodded silently, a bit distracted by the flowers. From my peripheral vision, I see him running inside the store. I wait outside as he asked, just looking around. Soon enough he walks out with a bouquet of white and pastel pink camellias in one hand.
He hands the bouquet to me, placing it in my hand "For you"
I look at him, then back at the flowers, then back up at him a couple times before I could respond. "Th-thanks" I stuttered in a small voice being absolutely flustered.
Like a schoolgirl, I tuck a strand of my platinum blonde hair behind my ear before daring to actually meet his light green eyes that bore into my soul. God, those eyes. They make me sigh dreamily when I think of them.
I still had a hard time comprehending that he actually loves me sometimes. It just feels so unreal still. Then he does all these things, says all these things, he's so sweet and sincere. I don't know if he does it conciously or unconciously but even just by the way he looks at me, like now, I can feel his adoration and love. My heart just melts. How can I not love him back?
After dinner we decided to walk around Paris a bit more. It was later in the night and there were only a few people left in the streets now, including me and Eira. As we walked around, I notice she would glance at the flowers then at me often. Her mind was preoccupied by something.
Suddenly, the rain started to pour down heavily. We both exclaimed in surprise being soaked from head to toe. I grabbed her hand as we ran to take cover under a small outdoor roof of a closed restaurant.
"Well that was an unexpected turn of events" she said with a laugh, looking up at the grey stormy sky that used to be clear and filled with stars earlier.
I grimaced at the sudden change of the weather. "I guess that ruins a nice evening walk"
"Hmm" she hummed thoughtfully, smiling widely afterwards. "It doesnt have to you know" she placed her bouquet at a table making sure it wouldn't fly off. She then took my hand and dragged me out to the empty streets the raindrops showering down on us. She jumped and whooped in excitement, stretching her arms upwards.
"Eira what are you doing? You might catch a cold" I warned her as I quickly took my coat off to wrap around her. She removed  the coat and hung it on my shoulders.
"Richard, if I catch a cold, you'll be there to take care of me anyway. Now come on!" She beckoned me to play in the rain with her.
She started to twirl around and splash on the puddles, laughing out loud. This is the most carefree I've seen her be. She noticed me standing there just watching her  with an amused look and splashed a puddle my way. I made an even bigger splash her way.
She gasped in surprise and laughed mischievously. "Oh, so that's how its gonna be!"
She wouldn't back down, she wanted to get her revenge. She ran to a store and took a bucket that was catching rainwater. She lifted it with ease and emptied its contents on me. I shut my eyes tight as I was drenched from head to toe. She threw her head back in laughter, then bending down and slapping her knee.
"Im going to get you!" I chased after her and she immediately ran to avoid getting caught. It came to a point where we chased each other round and round and round a car. The cycle broke when I jumped over the hood and caught her, wrapping my arms around  her waist. She shrieked in surprise, giggling uncontrollably as I spun her around in the air until she got dizzy.
"Okay okay you win. Put me down now" she gasped breathlessly as she tried to catch her breath.
I placed her back down on the ground. Once she was on her feet, she stumbled slightly and placed her hands on my shoulders to lean on me for support. My hands never left her waist. She looked up at me beaming with her frosty blue eyes. I observe them thoroughly and for the first time, noticed that she had a snowflake pattern in the irises of her eyes. I realize our close proximity and felt a shiver run down my spine at how close we were.
"Dance with me" she whispered.
"There's no music"
She chuckled softly and replied "Close your eyes and listen closely"
I did as she asked. I could hear the rain pitter patterning on the rooftops. The wind rattling the windows. The movement of the river nearby. The sound of our light breathing. Straining my ears, I listened closer. That's when I heard it. Soft music playing a soothing tune from afar. It was faint but it was there.
"I hear it" I told Eira who smiled widely. We began to sway to the tune as she slipped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer. We stared into each other's eyes as we danced focusing only on each other. When we waltzed on the empty street of Paris time seemed to stop. There was no one else in the world but us.
My breath hitched as Eira leaned in closer to sing softly in my ear.
Des nuits d'amour à plus finir
Un grand bonheur, qui prend sa place
Des ennuis des chagrins s'effacent
Heureux, heureux, à en mourir
Her voice soothed me. Like there was no trouble in the world. She sounded as soft and gentle as an angel. She has me enchanted. I am hypnotized by the way the words elegantly flow from her lips. I am trapped by her icy blue eyes. At this moment I knew I was always going to be hers.
Quand il me prend dans ses bras
Qu'il me parle tout bas
Je vois la vie en rose
Il me dit des mots d'amour
Des mots de tous les jours
Et ça m'fait quelque chose
She continued to sing as we made the street our dance floor. Light on our toes, it almost felt like we were waltzing on air, secure in each other's embrace. Holding her close, I basked in her grace and beauty. All I could focus on in the moment was her. How elegant her every move seemed. The way she smiled. How her pale skin looked absolutely radiant in the moonlight.
Il est entré dans mon cœur
Une part de bonheur
Dont je connais la cause
C'est toi pour moi, moi pour toi dans la vie
Tu me l'as dit, m'as juré pour la vie
Et, dès que je t’aperçois
Alors je sens en moi
Mon cœur qui bat
La-la-la, la-la-la
La-la-la, la-la-la
La, la, la-la
She continued to hum gently as I spun her around and lowered her body to dip. I slowly brought her back up, my eyes never leaving hers. She was truly ethereal, and she captivated me in every way. There was no escape. No matter if she felt the same way or not, my heart belonged to her.
We stood in the middle of the dimlit streets of Paris at night. The rain poured down on us in a cold shower. The moon was a subtle silhouette in a puddle nearby. The soft music was masked behind the whistle of the wind.
And there's Eira. She is what makes this scene perfect.
We held our breaths as we stepped closer and closer to each other. She slowly brought her hand up and caressed my cheek. I leaned in to her soft touch. Her eyes flickered to my lips and she stared intently at them. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as she leaned in close enough that our lips brushed against each other.
The next moment, I am taken by surprise when she planted her lips on mine and tugged on my collar to pull me into a soft yet passionate kiss. For a few seconds I froze unable to respond and had a hard time registering it in my head that she was kissing me. She was kissing me.
Eira was about to pull away, not feeling me kissing back but as soon as I noticed that, I responded quickly, gently holding her face and kissing her senseless. Our lips moved perfectly together, in sync. As I closed my eyes, I can feel her smile into the kiss when I ran my fingers through her hair. She wrapped her arms around my torso and pulled me in closer that I can feel her heartbeat on my chest just as rapid as mine.
I cant remember how long I waited for this to happen and now it finally was. Eira couldn't help but giggle, interrupting the kiss. I chuckled fondly at her being adorable. Her eyes met mine once more.
We simply gazed at each other saying nothing yet having a mutual understanding. Nothing needed to be said.
Disclaimer: I dont own the song La Vie En Rose
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medleyofstoriess · 6 years
by: Lordwyne Perez
IG: medleyofstories
We put so much effort when it comes to our hair. Can I ask you something? what is your reason of cutting it? of growing it? or maybe of shaving it? I don’t know your reason but whatever that is, I just hope it makes you confident, alive and most importantly, happy. 
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Hi! It’s me Alessandro, I’m in my mid 20s and I live at my own little and minimal place. I have a long black thick hair and now you are probably wondering why I let my hair grow like this. ^^ I have a Filipino-Spanish blood and let me greet you “Espero que estés teniendo un buen día!” (hope you’re having a good day). I am a flourist and I want to welcome you at Los Florecimiento. Now I hope you enjoy every flowers in bloom you see and every fragrant scent you smell. 
One sunny day, I was arranging a crescent bouquet with a combination of soft to rich pink coloured roses with some touch of baby’s breath and star asparagus fern. Tumunog ang door chime at pumasok ang isang customer in a soft orange flowy long dress, wearing pearl earrings and wearing a bucket hat and I can tell she’s being mesmerized by the flowers. I approached her and I greeted her with a smile. 
“Hi! How are you? Beautiful flowers right? Do you want me to arrange a bouquet of flowers for you? tanong ko sa kanya
“I am beautiful! ...oh gosh! yeah, I mean the flowers are beautiful” she replied and sounds startled.
At that moment, nakita ko ang kanyang maliit na mukha, big eyes and curly lashes ng malapitan. She was really friendly and gave me the sweetest smile. Unti unti akong lumayo sa kanya pero napahinto ng saglit dahil tila bakit parang malulungkot ang kanyang mga mata. Before she walk out the door, muling nagkasalubong ang aming mga mata and again, she smiled at me. She was like this beautiful rose na maraming tinik and that made me wonder who she is. 
After my shift that day, I went straight to the hospital and visited someone who’s really close to my heart. Bitbit ang dala kong fresh flowers, nakangiti at dahan dahan kong binuksan ang pintuan. 
“Hermano!!! (brother) sambit ng excited at maliit na boses ni Ximena. 
Ximena is my hermanita (little sister). She’s seven and with her young age, she’s diagnosed with cancer. Sa bawat araw na nakikita kong nahihirapan siya ay unti unting nadudurog ang aking puso. Just like any other little girls, gusto rin ni Ximena na magkaroon ng mahabang buhok na sinusuklay at pinapalamutian. One time we had a conversation and that leads me to why I grow my hair like this ... 
Habang nakaluhod ako sa tabi ng bed ni Ximena, hinaplos niya ang aking buhok sabay sambit,
“Hermano, I wish I have a long hair too. Do you know when will I get my hair back? sabi ng kanyang napakainosenteng boses kasabay ng malulungkot niyang mga maniningning na mata
“You’ll get it soon Ximena! ngiti kong sabi 
“Hermano, can you please grow your hair for me so everytime you visit me in the hospital, I have a hair to comb? Please? request ni Ximena sa akin
“Yes I will sweetie, Hermano will” sagot ko.
And that’s my reason! Everytime I visit my hermanita, lagi akong nakaupo sa kanyang tabi, nakahiga ang aking ulo sa kanyang mga binti at dahan dahan niyang sinusuklay at hinahaplos ang aking mahabang buhok habang kami’y nagkwekwentuhan or kapag nagbabasa ako ng libro para sakanya. 
One day, it was my day off at nakita kong muli ang babaeng nakausap ko sa flower shop wondering around and looks like she’s lost. She’s wearing this soft pink dress. Nilapitan ko siya at nagpakilala then dun ko nalaman na ang pangalan niya ay Bella. She’s soft spoken, a little bit shy at first pero habang tumatagal ang pag-uusap namin ay masigla naman siyang kausap. She told me she doesn’t have any itinerary that day so nag-volunteer ako na dalhin siya sa Flourish Spring Garden pagdating ng sunset. Pagpasok namin sa garden ay napansin ko ang pagkamangha sa mga mata ni Bella and I can really tell she’s feelin’ the moment. We went up the hill and welcomed her to this beautiful paradise. You can feel the breeze kasabay ng mainit init na liwanag ng nagpapaalam na araw. Biglang lumakas ang hangin at nalipad ang bucket hat na suot ni Bella. Bumungad sa akin ang isang dalagang tila naghihintay din ng pagsibol ng magagandang bulaklak. I look at her beautiful face and just simply smiled. Naalala ko bigla si Ximena and I saw an eyes longing for a chance and hope. 
But for me, “ella es bonita” (she’s beautiful) 
Naibahagi sa akin ni Bella ang kanyang kondisyon at ang reason kung bakit nawala sakanya ang pinakamamahal niyang buhok until she also asked my reason of growing my hair. Hindi ko alam pero bigla kong naalala at nakita sa isipan ko ang bawat hirap at sakit na nararanasan ni Ximena at pinagmasdan ko lamang ang unti unting paglubog ng araw. Hindi ko nasagot ang tanong ni Bella at niyaya ko na siyang umalis.
Bella invited me to eat dinner at her hotel. Pinagpatuloy namin ang pag-uusap habang kumakain. She’s a good listener at aliw na aliw siya sa bawat kwento at jokes na binibitawan ko. I got to look at her eyes longer and now I can really tell, this woman is trying to make herself happy. I want to hug her and I want to make her feel extremely okay. Sa gitna ng pagdaldal ko, bigla siyang nagsalita
“Do you want to stay in my hotel room with me ... for a while? and nabigla siya sa kanyang mga nabitawang salita at humingi ng paumanhin
“Bella, it’s okay! We are both adults and we know how to handle things, right? It’s okay! it’s just a friendly stay. Don’t blame yourself for asking me that!” I replied.
Habang patungo kami sa elevator, nauna siyang naglalakad habang ako’y nasa kanyang likuran. Pinagmamasdan ko ang kanyang bawat kilos at ang pag-alon ng kanyang dress. Sa hindi ko namamalayang pagkakataon, nakangiti na pala ako. Siksikan sa elevator at unti unting nagdikit ang aming mga katawan then i felt like she tried to distance herself from me. Ouch! hehe. Her room has a wide space with a huge queen bed. Umupo kami sa may couch malapit sa malaking window tanaw ang city lights. Bella shared her childhood stories, her favourite food, her favourite pet, her favourite music, and her favourite places to visit habang nabubuhay pa siya which really caught my heart. :’/ Nalungkot ako ngunit sinubukan ko ibaling ang aming attention sa mas masayang topic hanggang sa bigla niyang pinikit ang kanyang mga mata at sinambit ang kanyang munting hiling. Hiling na sa pagmulat ng kanyang mga mata ay wala na siyang masisilayang taong nakaupo sa kanyang harapan. Unti unti akong tumayo... pinagmasdan siya... at higit sa lahat, kita kong nagpaalam ang kanyang mga luhang alam kong masaya. 
“Salamat dahil kahit sa konting saglit, alam kong naging instrumento ako para madiligan ang pag-asang tila sumusuko”.
I went back to the hotel the next morning at kinausap ang front desk agent na ibigay ang bouquet I prepared for her. 
After 3 years . . . 
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Pumapatak ang ulan sa bawat bulaklak at ramdam ang ihip ng malamig na hangin. 
Tumunog ang door chime sa Los Florecemiento.
Bumukas ang pintuan at unti unting pumasok ang isang customer wearing a mustard turtle neck with a black skirt, pinagmasdan kong dahan dahan niyang sinarado ang dala dalang payong kasabay ng pag-pagpag ng bawat patak ng ulan na kumapit dito.
Nasilayan ko ang tila pagsibol ng isang magandang bulaklak. It’s her! She’s back! Nakita ko si Bella with her long, shiny and beautiful hair. Hindi ako makapagsalita sa aking nakita.
Its been years since. Maravilloso!(gorgeous) Hermoso!(beautiful) Encantador!(lovely) yan lang ang masasabi ko.
Nagkamustahan kami hanggang sa itinanong niyang muli kung bakit hindi ko nasagot ang kanyang katanungan years back, wow she still remembers it and ofcourse I shared it to her. 
“Can we visit her? she said with a genuine smile
“Ofcourse! We can...” I replied being mesmerized by her beauty
Pagdating namin sa hospital, unti unting lumapit si Bella kay Ximena na suot suot ang kanyang wig. Hinaplos niya ang kanyang mga palad and I heard her say, 
“ Eres Hermosa Ximena, You’ll bloom soon <3″
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Sa buhay, there are times na nawawalan na tayo ng hope but please always remember that spring will always come. Rain will pour to shower you with hope. Sun will let you feel its warmth. Wind will dance and let you inhale serenity. Ang mga bulaklak ay naghangad ding bumukadkad and when they bloom, they show colours, liveliness and charm. Life in general, sana you don’t lose hope and remember you’re beautiful and you’ll also bloom soon”  :)
Adiós! :)
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weretigerkun · 8 years
another about me tag game
Tagged by @looking-for-stray-dogs aaaah, thank you very much, lea! :D
How old are you?: 18
What’s your current job?: wailing over academics, learning japanese, writing about boys in love (oh i wish this was my job), trying to get through life you know.... 
What are you good at?:
...knowing fashion stuff? :D
paying attention to details, working really intensely once i’ve focused
noticing pretty sunsets, cityscapes, and angles in a city that not many people would consider pretty ;w;
digging through the bowels of the internet to find allllll the content for my current fandom/interest
discussing... existential crises.....
buying presents, or more accurately, finding clothes in someone else’s style that they would like
spending too much time in bookstores
What is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)?:
big goals? i dont have much right now eep
obviously i want to graduate and get a job in my field! something related to art curation. i just want to be creative and be surrounded by creative people honestly~ and then be fluent enough in japanese to read allll the books and comics and fanworks i want to! and share them with others bc japanese literature is sooo rare in my country. mura.ka.mi is basically it lol.
What is your aesthetic?:
this is... difficult oh my ... my aesthetic is always changing i think
long skirts, flowy tops and poofy hair (or in a bun)
cityscapes!!! neon!! the city at night!
character-focused, moody novels
antique stores and film photography
deer antlers, flowers
that feeling when you’re riding the train and it’s full of people but it’s like you’re trapped in your own little bubble, you know?
cloudy weather
green tea-flavored everything
Do you collect anything?:
Memories.... :~)
okay but for real, fandom stuff (whether official or fanmade) and notebooks that i don’t use because they’re too pretty.....
What’s a topic you always talk about:
obviously this varies depending on who i talk to but in general:
existential stuff? feelings? friends are here for that ;w;
art and literature
other people because i am a terrible gossip i am sorry
events that happen in general, especially regarding my country or community (on one level i do mean it seriously #staywoke but on the other hand it’s just a part of connecting with your community you know :D lmao me talking as if im not a shy introvert eep)
What is a pet peeve of yours:
i have sooo many but for now let me say: WHEN CARS PARK ON SIDEWALKS!! side walks are for PEOPLE please let me pass so i dont walk on the road and get potentially run over. thanks.
Good advice to give:  
everyone is just as afraid, just as nervous, just as unsure as you are. we’ve all been there. and nobody has to know your fears if you don’t let them show. fake it till you make it :D you will survive! you already have gone this far!
“If you never ask, the answer will always be no.”
What are three songs you’d recommend?:
Gem Club - Twins
KANON69 - First Lady
IV of Spades - Ilaw Sa Daan
[i have more indie OPM recs if anyone wants them!]
And here they are, those who stole my heart♥
technically only one person but....
tagging @magicalgirlmafu @nekojimaxosamew @fandoms-today-fandoms-forever @shiori-reiko @lunajpg !! no pressure if you don’t want to do it, and i also hope you guys havent done this yet whoops
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