famedbasearchive · 4 years
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Timeline: October 10, 2020, to November 7, 2020
On-Set Filming Dates: October 10, November 7
Deadline: November 5, 11:59PM KST
Those involved in the main cast of Our Songs this month may earn up to 10 points total for writing, by the end of November 5 KST:
Completions of the two interviews included in the in-character prompt. (1 point each, up to 2 points total)
Up to two solo paras of 400+ words based on filming for episodes 5 & 6. (2 points each, up to 4 points total). 
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with another muse in the main cast based on the Our Songs episodes 5 and 6 schedule. This must be with a different muse than the thread you collected points for last month. (2 points)
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with the guest muse your muse is writing for for this round based on the Our Songs episodes 4 and 5 schedule. (2 points). **Note: This should be the first priority and points may only be collected for the exact requirement listed. That said, should you have trouble completing this by the deadline with the guest muse, this requirement also be passed only for the sake of elimination consideration (not points) if you complete a second thread with another muse from the main cast by the deadline.
Please remember the number of the above tasks completed by each muse will factor into eliminations during blocks with eliminations.
Those guesting on Our Songs this month may earn up to 6 points total for writing, by the end of November 5 KST:
Completions of these interviews. (1 point each, up to 2 points total)
A solo para of 400+ words based on filming for episodes 5 & 6. (2 points).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with the muse your muse is paired with for Our Songs episodes 5 and 6 schedule. (2 points) 
These do not count toward monthly limits or toward normal schedule points. All posts for this task block should be tagged with #fmdos3.
Following the performances on October 8, the competitors will go backstage to their dressing rooms for a little under an hour while the audience is instructed to vote for two songwriters whose performances they liked the best. These votes will be calculated and combined with online track votes based on a weighted formula, and then the competitors are brought back out. They are first told the cast members that got the most votes in the live voting and the online voting as follows:
- Live audience vote: Youngjoo - Online vote: Taeyong
The final rankings are announced as follows to announce the safe competitors from fifth place to second:
5. Suji 4. Taeyong 3. Joohwan 2. Sun
Choi Jihoon congratulates the four safe competitors and dismisses them from the stage to bring the four remaining on stage (Youngjoo, Kami, Eunah, and Jaewon). The competitors currently on stage represent first place, sixth place, and the two competitors who will be eliminated and he reminds everyone of that. After building suspense, he announces Youngjoo as this round’s winner and announces she’s won a prize: she’ll be invited to perform a solo set on one night of the Topaz Music Festival, a popular music festival held at the venue they performed at this round that will take place in November. The festival is normally for non-idol singer-songwriter types, and this will be the first time an idol has been invited to perform. (admin note: If the mun would like to officially confirm this claim as a prize, please submit this form to the points shop blog to have it added to her career page! The mun may decide the exact date for the festival around their muse’s schedule). She’s individually congratulated and then dismissed from the stage.
This leaves three competitors (Kami, Eunah, and Jaewon) and only one will be safe. After building the tension, it is announced that Jaewon has placed sixth and will be safe to go onto the next episode. This means Kami and Eunah have unfortunately been eliminated from the competition and the final overall ranking for the latest round is ultimately as follows:
1. Youngjoo 2. Sun 3. Joohwan 4. Taeyong 5. Suji 6. Jaewon
On October 10, the idols will once again return to the “recording studio” set they first met at on their first day of filming. Competitors will once again be seated based on their rank (first place in seat one, second place in seat two, etc.). Basic pleasantries will be gone through on camera recounting the last round and reminding everyone of the rules and structure of the show before host Choi Jihoon will inform them of their third songwriting mission:
“After the first and second round, you should all have an idea of who you yourself are as a songwriter and who the rest of the cast are as songwriters. You’ve seen their versatility and the areas they excel in the most, both as a performer and songwriter, but a truly gifted songwriter can work for others as well as they can work for themselves, For this round, you will all be asked to write for another idol who will be performing a song you wrote. No one will be able to get through on an established image or popularity alone this round, as the songwriter behind each song will be kept anonymous until everyone has cast their final vote at the live performances. There will be no additional requirements this round, so put your all into shaping a song fitting of the artist who will be performing your song this round.”
The competitors are given time to react to the prompt before they are dismissed from the main set to their green rooms. In their individual green rooms, they’re once again approached by a camera crew and given a form provided by production with basic information on the idol they’ll be writing for, although the exact identity of the idol is not revealed yet (admin note: please keep in mind muses shouldn’t really be able to narrow down exactly who they’re paired with from information on the forms since the form will be re-typed to remove the element of handwriting recognition and they are not informed the idols are limited to the three in-’verse companies). They’ll react to the information and be expected to talk about their first thoughts. After this, each musician will film a talking head interview in a private room with a small team of cameras and producers where they are asked the following questions:
How are you feeling about the ranking you received last round? How do you feel about it in comparison to your rank for the first round?
What are your thoughts on the song you’ll write this round based on the information you’ve been given about the idol you’ll be writing for?
How will you approach writing a song for someone else differently than you’ve approached writing songs for yourself for the first two rounds?
What are your thoughts on your other competitors at this point in the competition?
From October 10 to October 17, all competitors are given time to begin to work on a song or potential songs based on the information they’ve been given. They will be filmed both through the stationary cameras installed in the studio in their company buildings and will also be instructed to continue to use their self-cam to record their creative process as well.
The guest cast members will be made aware at this time of their role in the show: having a song written for them by an assigned cast member to record and perform. They will not yet be made aware of which main cast member they are partnered with and are asked not to discuss their guesting with anyone.
On October 18, all pairs will meet through either a filmed meeting at a coffee shop or through a filmed video call depending on what schedules allow. This meeting will be the reveal of their partner’s identity and during this meeting, the main cast member should be prepared to show the song they’ve been working on and discuss together with their partner about the song and any changes that may need to be made to fit the idol’s voice, style, or preferences. It is up to the main cast member how much they change to accommodate their partner, although they will not be allowed to completely redo the song at this point.
The main cast member will have from October 18 through October 27 to finalize the song and get vocals recorded from the other idol on the track. The pairs may meet up over the course of this time as they wish to work on recording and finalizing, although each meeting should be filmed.
There will be no “demo” presentation for this episode in front of the other competitors due to the nature of the task. Final mastered versions of all songs are due to the production team by the end of October 27.
On November 1, the final version of each competitor’s song will be released onto the base TV website and voting will open for online audiences. They will be uploaded onto streaming sites a week later so as not to reveal the writers’ identities.
On November 7, all competitors and all of the special guests will go to the regular building with the performance set from first episode, where their songs will be performed and voted on. As with last episode, minor set and prop elements are permitted, but they should be easy for the staff to get on and off the stage. The respective companies will be responsible for the styling and performance preparation of the performer. 
Once filming begins, the competitors will be informed they will be performing in a randomly generated order in order to maintain anonymity of the writers. The audience is asked to vote more on how well-written a song is for the idol than how amazing the performance is since the songwriters are the ones being evaluated. The performing order is revealed to be:
Wei - “Pit-a-pet” (written by Jaewon)
Huiseon - “Baby Baby” (written by Sun)
Aera - “Diver” (written by Joohwan)
Duri - “Heaven” (written by Youngjoo)
Charlie - “Iljido” (written by Suji)
Minjung - “Girl, Interrupted” (written by Taeyong)
As each guest idol is performing, the six songwriters and all five other guest performers will sit backstage in their individual dressing rooms while their reactions are filmed. Since they are in private, songwriters may react appropriately to the song they wrote. At the conclusion of each stage, each competitor will be given time to talk about their thoughts on the performance and song. In the final airing of the episode, only some competitors’ comments will be aired per song.
During the break following all six song performances, each competitor will film another talking head interview (admin note: please wait to complete this interview until all songs have been chosen and listed above):
Talk about the song you wrote for this task. How do you feel it compares to the first two songs you wrote for the show?
How do you feel the idol you wrote for did in performing your song? In what ways do you feel the song benefited from not being performed by you?
Which of the other songs/performances caught your attention the most?
Which song do you expect got the most votes online and from the audience?
As usual, the rankings for the second round were determined by random generation for spots among who completed the most tasks. In this case, spots one through six were generated by those who had all tasks completed in the #fmdos2 tag on their muse’s blog by the deadline. Two muses did not complete all of the tasks, so they took the eliminated spots. The only exception here is that the admin’s muse will not be eligible for the overall first place ranking unless they are the only muse who completes the most number of tasks. Proof shots of the name picker can be found here (note: admin is in EDT, while the deadline was in KST, so the names were drawn after the deadline).
The winners for separate live voting and online voting were determined using weighted selection based on the randomly generated overall rankings. Rank one got eight submissions into the generator, rank two got seven, rank three got six, etc. and the two eliminated muses got one submission each, and then names were drawn. Proof shots of the name picker for the live audience vote and online vote winners can be found here. A proof shot of the randomizer for performance order this round can be found here. Pairs were made simply by pairing the order of the main cast by seniority directly with the guest cast submissions by order of submission from earliest to latest. Only one switch was made to ensure all muses would be writing for a muse with a skill set or song availability significantly different from their own.
For this task block you will need to submit the following information: the song you would like to claim for your muse to create for this round’s task (and a performance reference if one is available and agreed upon with the performing muse) and the creative claims on it. Please note that the song choice should ultimately be the decision of the mun of the main cast member. Muns may discuss what the performing muse is comfortable with, but the song choice should be based on what the muse would write with the information presented to them and not what the performing muse would necessarily want written for them.
The form link will be uploaded here at 12AM KST October 10/11AM EDT October 9, twenty-four hours after this post goes up. The form link can be found here. A reminder of the limits of creative claims on each muse for the show can be found here. If you think there is a mistake or if a song is released that leads to a necessary update, please contact the main.
Songs Claimed:
Heaven - Gaho
Iljido - Moonbyul
Girl, Interrupted - Miso (prod. 2xxx!)
Pit-a-pet - Yukika
Baby Baby - Suran
Diver - YooA
The simplified theme for this round is “Written By, Not For”. Please read the prompt in the in-’verse info for full details on what this means.
For all rounds, a song must fit all general rules of music claims (i.e. matches muse position, is not too explicit, must be by an artist in the Korean music industry, etc.) and must receive admin approval.
For this round, these are the additional limitations and requirements on songs that can be chosen:
The song must be solo. This means it cannot be a collab or have a feature.
The song must be performed by the muse assigned by the show and the muse performing cannot have creative claims on a song.
In real life, the song must not be a title track according to Melon and cannot have an official MV. Special clips, live clips, and minimal production lyric videos are acceptable, but the song will have to be re-released on an album in the future to claim such videos as canon to the universe.
In real life, the song cannot have charted higher than a rank of 75 on Gaon’s Weekly Digital Chart at any point.
You may claim songs with choreography, but choreography creative claims are not available. As usual, songs with more emphasis on complex choreography should be reserved for muses with dance positions.
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fmdminheearchive · 4 years
           a secret sibling starter for @fmdxsuwei​.
“changwon!” minhee yells, as she hops out of the car, making her presence in the city known. not to the people, but to the city itself. she looks around, peering up at the buildings around her. she loves cities, and she hasn’t been to changwon since she was a child, so she might as well never have been. she’s excited to experience it properly for the first time alongside suwei. dramatic as ever, minhee flips her planner open. it’s brand new, freshly bought less than a week ago just for this day trip’s itinerary. minhee is painfully type b, but she wanted to make a good impression on the viewers and suwei by being at least somewhat responsible as an older sibling. 
“are you still okay with going to chandong art village first?” she asks. it’s top of the list. since it’s their required activity, minhee figured they should do it first so they wouldn’t have to rush through it later in the day. she bets there’s going to be plenty of prime instagram photoshoot locations, and minhee doesn’t want to miss out on any of them. she offers her arm to suwei. “are you excited? do you know any artists? i’m not knowledgeable about art, but i envy artists’ talents.”
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durifmdarchived · 4 years
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       duri had been working really hard on practicing english, especially since he had started dating kai and coming to the realization that that is one hundred percent his soulmate. but, duri had also been really interested in interacting with fans more that weren’t in korea or japan. he had already used some of the english he has learned, especially at kcon, but he really was trying his best to do more. however, with having a short amount of time off that he could study, it was hard since kai wasn’t really there to help, due to him being busy as well. he looked up, giving his friendly smile to a junior that was approaching. “ah, sunwei, hello!” he greeted, his smile growing a bit. “do you want to practice english with me?” 
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fmdjaeinarchive · 4 years
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idol headcanon meme / not accepting!
Send ‼ for a career goal headcanon. ( 206 words )
would it be wrong to say that the goal is for her career to end? jaein is only two years into her career, and she lives each day hoping that her contract will come to an end. there seems to be nothing meaningful that comes out of this life, and she either hopes that some magical incident occurs where she suddenly finds that the idol life gives her more joy than regret or dimensions goes completely bankrupt and has to give up the girls. or just her, really. the only reason why she cannot wish for something bad to happen to lucid specifically is because she cares too much about her members. she would only want for her career to come to an end, not the five other girls who could probably achieve so much more. if they wanted to, of course.
for now, the only thing she can say she semi-wishes for is a smooth sailing career with lucid as a group. if something goes wrong or some wild rumors start spreading around, she is aware that she will be responsible for speaking up and taking responsibility. she doesn’t want anything more on her plate since she already has so much on it right now. 
Send ♠ for a headcanon about misconceptions fans or the public have about my muse. ( 221 words )
her whole idol image is a misconception. however, it’s interesting because the public has a very different image of jaein compared to some of lucid’s most dedicated fans. the image that the public holds of jaein is the responsible, funny, born-to-be leader who is always out front and taking care of her members. she acts as the spokesperson and is usually the one to mc or host things when she’s doing interviews with the group. to the public, she is a very out there kind of person. she appears to be very enthusiastic about everything. 
now that’s definitely nothing like jaein at all. most of lucid’s fans probably view her the same, but she knows that there are a few older ones that have been with them since the start that see something different. they see the moments where she has a moment to step back and simply observe her members or how she pushes the others to speak whenever she can. they mention how she’s the type to quietly hand a member a tissue instead of speaking out loud about what’s going on. it takes a while for people to catch onto jaein’s actual personality, and she hopes that one day she can act more like herself in front of the camera. it’s tiring having to always be so energetic.
Send ☀ for a variety headcanon. ( 225 words )
ever since lucid first debuted, jaein had been popular with the company when it came to variety shows. it’s mostly because they think it’s her job to get the group name known and what better way to do that then be on variety shows? it’s painfully true, and she knows that there have been an increase on the number of people who have recognized lucid or at least jaein herself with her variety appearances even if the show wasn’t the most popular. she remembers being sent onto really minor cable ones that she was certain had ratings in the 1 percentile or something. 
her variety show image isn’t too different from her idol one. she’s the one that’s always expected to laugh out loud or exaggerate her expressions and reactions so that she gets caught on the camera once more. variety show producers tend to like her because she seems to be ready for the camera at all times. it’s all the effects of a little bit of good training back when she was a trainee and a lot of pressure from dimensions on doing well. she lets out a sigh whenever she sees a variety show on her individual schedule, and she’s hoping that once lucid gets more known or at least more than now that the other members are called instead of her. 
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eunahfmdarchive · 4 years
            an event thread for @fmdxsuwei​ !
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bashfully, eunah turned away from suwei as she admitted, “i’ve never actually gotten a massage, not properly or professionally exactly.” she peered around the spa waiting area, delicately signalling to the receptionist that they’d arrived. eunah really liked suwei, and trusted her to an extent too. she didn’t open up very easily, even if she did write out her feelings in her lyrics for everyone to see and hear, but she luckily didn’t feel any pressure to explain herself to suwei. she could just be comfortable. not to the same level she could with lux, but she doubted there was anyone who would ever understand her the way lux did. the lucid girls, between suwei and jaein, however, seemed to be doing a good job at getting close.
“i’m excited though! my back has been so sore lately.” eunah famously didn’t take care of herself very well. as they were beckoned to a changing room where towels and robes awaited them, eunah scrunched up her nose. she wasn’t too hot on the idea of having her bare back, her body that was sharp in all the wrong places, exposed to a stranger, but she felt like exposing herself to a professional was a better way to progress to being comfortable with her body than if she were to have to face it after going home with someone. “ahh, turn around so i can change.”
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fmdsooaharchive · 4 years
starter for: @fmdxsuwei​
This is the last time all the eighteen of them were supposed to meet for Secret Sibling, and despite really liking this project, Sooah was glad this was all coming to an end. Not because she didn’t like the show, since that was far from reality. She had visited places she didn’t expect to visit ever and was pleasantly surprised by all the experiences that brought her. All good things should end though, and Sooah is glad they are ending this with such high spirits. And by that, she means competing against each other and playing games. Sooah genuinely hopes things end well.
She needs a break at some point though cause from all things Sooah isn’t, athletic is one of them, and she can’t keep up with the rest. She’s just glad that in her need of a time out, she found Wei, too. It has been a while since she had last seen the younger girl, and Sooah still wants to get close to Lucid’s maknae. “Wei-ssi, hello,” she approaches the other with a smile as she waves her hand, “how are you doing? Are you enjoying yourself?”
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fmdyuanjunarchive · 4 years
setting: lucid’s dorm building with: @fmdxsuwei​
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it wasn’t that yuanjun lacked stamina, sometimes staircases just were a pain in the ass. the combination of being worn down from all the touring charm had been doing and the incredibly stuffy weather outside made even the simplest of exercises hard on his lungs, in this case ones as simple as walking the staircase to get to lucid’s dorm where suwei was waiting for him. “just, give me a sec yeah?” he wheezed out in between gasps for air. internally, yuanjun cursed his god damn asthma for acting up in front of suwei. the plan had just been to hang out, catch up a little, the last thing he wanted was for her to have to worry about his health. especially as she was so familiar with it herself. he leaned back against the wall, trying to stretch himself out to allow as much air as possible into his lungs. “no big deal, the weather is just getting to me, nothing to worry about.”
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fmdtian · 4 years
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these sorts of events weren’t tian’s favorite, but he didn’t mind it as much as he normally might. bc had put him in a unit, knight had more activities, they were still being promoted slowly and, though the public would likely never forget about their scandals, it felt like there was progress being made. it made him feel like, maybe, they would let him do more in the future, potentially act again. plus, these sorts of activities made it easier for him to speak with other friends and idols, like the younger girl he saw a ways away. it was more challenging at times with his friends from other companies, especially the girls, but it didn’t mean it wasn’t worth it, just that he had to be careful. with suwei, he felt more confident that it would just be seen as senior taking care of a rookie idol, especially given they were both foreigners, as he made his way over. “how’s the shoot turning out?” 
with @fmdxsuwei​ !
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Reminder: Muses not listed in this post may add two points to their trackers.
UNFOLLOW (characters have exceeded the in-character inactivity limit and have been removed from the group)
WARNING (characters have exceeded four days of in-character inactivity and cannot collect points this week)
@fmdminhee / @eunahfmd
HIATUS HAS ENDED (have not met the in-character activity requirements for four or more days and are not eligible for points this week. please let me know if you need an extension!)
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fmdyoohyeon · 4 years
love & live preparations: april 19th, new zealand
with @fmdxsuwei
yoohyeon had been oddly nervous when she had finally received the schedule for the ‘love & live’ music video filming. these collab groups were a bold decision by the big three and she questioned whether she would mesh well with the rest of the girls. normally when travelling, she had all the wish members by her side, this wasn’t the case with this trip. she had of course already met the other collab members when they recorded the track but they had had work to do then and the sessions had all been filmed for the public so she didn’t feel that counted all too much. this was different, the producers obviously wanted all of them to bond, why else would they share a hotel room?
bond. well, she was too antsy to sleep now anyways so she could do that. she knew lucid through promotions, however her and suwei didn’t know each other too well yet, this was a good opportunity for that to change. yoohyeon loved making friends, and they were both the same age, both ‘99′ liners which eased her mind as well as she approached her, “hey, isn’t it too early to sleep yet?” she cocked her head, “there’s this new movie on netflix i really wanted to watch. want to join?"
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famedbasearchive · 4 years
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Timeline: August 2020
On-Set Filming Dates: Varies by pair.
Deadline: September 10, 11:59PM KST (note: the audition deadline was in EDT by error—deadlines for Secret Sibling, as with all base schedules and monthly schedules, going forth will be in KST)
Those involved in Secret Sibling this month may earn up to 8 points total for writing, by the end of September 10 KST:
Completions of the two interviews included in the in-character prompt. (1 point each, up to 2 points total)
One solo para of 400+ words based on filming for episodes 1 & 2. (2 points).
EITHER two threads of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) OR one thread of ten posts (five per participant, including the starter) with their assigned Secret Sibling taking place during their first filming. (2 each, for up to 4 points total OR 4 points)
These do not count toward monthly limits or toward normal schedule points. All posts for this task block should be tagged with #fmdsecret1. 
There are not tasks available for muses outside of the main cast for this task block.
The following idols are informed they’ve been chosen in early August and will be sent a contract to sign: @fmdhyoyeon, @fmdartemisia, @fmdxsuwei, @fmdhyuk, @alicefmd, @fmdminhee, @fmdtaejin, @durifmd, @fmdheesung, @miyeonfmd, @fmdwoochan, @fmdrina, @fmdjaeyeol, @fmdting, @fmdsan, @fmdminah, @fmdsooah, @fmdminjung, @fmdsophie, @fmdjynx They will be told not to share the news of their casting with anyone yet and sharing the news with anyone outside of their management before they’ve been officially announced will result in them being removed from the cast and replaced.
The cast members will be paired up as follows, with the designated filming date (for a twenty-four hour span from the afternoon/evening of day one to the afternoon/evening of day two):
Lipstick’s Artemisia & Fuse’s Sooah - August 7 - August 8
Lipstick’s Ruby & Lucid’s Hyoyeon - August 8 - August 9
Lipstick’s Minnie & Lucid’s Suwei - August 9 - August 10
Fuse’s Minjung & Lucid’s Alice - August 14 - August 15
Fuse’s Miyeon & WISH’s Rina - August 15 - August 16
Knight’s Hyuk & Unity’s Ting - August 16 - August 17
Knight’s Duri & Unity’s Jaeyeol - August 16 - August 17
Decipher’s Taejin & Knight’s Heesung - August 21 - August 22
Knight’s Woo & Alien’s San - August 22 - August 23
Aria’s Jynx & WISH’s Sophie - August 29 - August 30
(admin note: The date of the first day of filming should have been checked to work around all muses’ schedules with the consideration idols do not attend music shows on Mondays and some schedules may happen on the morning of the day they meet, but if you notice any problems, please send in a message and the date will be fixed!)
Before the first meeting, each pair member will be driven to the filming location by a manager and told whether they are the younger or older “sibling” of their pair, but not the identity of their partner. They will then be asked the following interview questions by their manager and are expected to answer them as if having a casual conversation with their manager. There will be three cameras stationed in the car for different angles of the interview “conversation”.
What are the traits you think you should show as a good younger/older sibling?
What kind of personality would you like your older/younger sibling to have and why?
What might surprise your sibling about you if they only know you as a celebrity?
The idol member will then have their partner’s identity revealed by their manager by playing the message from their audition as linked above (if their partner didn’t say their name, their manager will tell them who it is).
What do you think about your partner now that their identity has been revealed? From what you know of them, what are they like / what do you think they are like?
Following the conclusion of the in-car interview, they will be taken to the location of their first meeting: an apartment rented out by production and set up with mounted cameras where they’ll be spending twenty-four hours together to get to know each other. They’ll be aware that this is the setting and concept for the first day of filming beforehand.
The older “sibling” will arrive first and will be given time by themselves to get to know the apartment, which will include everything the pair might need, like food in the fridge, a video camera and Polaroid camera, board/card games, and pair-specific props like a guitar, a karaoke machine, cooking essentials, video games, etc. based on public knowledge of the interests of each member of the pair. Each idol will also be allowed to bring a single bag of their own full of anything they may need overnight like pajamas, toothbrush, snacks, bonding activities, etc. 
Examples of what the apartment might look like are here, here, and here.
The younger “sibling” will arrive after the older “sibling” has had about thirty to forty-five minutes in the apartment on their own.
In addition to everything else in the apartment, each pair will also have also have a “secret notebook” which will include questions and tasks for the pair to get to know each other including the following:
Have three meals meeting the following requirements:
Leave the apartment for one meal mutually agreed upon by both siblings.
For another meal, cook together using what’s supplied in the kitchen.
For another meal, order take out agreed upon by both siblings to be delivered to the apartment.
Take Polaroid photos together as proof of this memory.
Teach each other the point dances of one of your songs.
Use the projector set up in the living room to watch a reel of moments (stages, variety appearances, etc.) from each of your careers prepared by production and discuss your experiences as an idol.
Share your concerns with each other.
A note is included in the notebook including these missions and telling them they should work to achieve every mission by the time they part at the end of the twenty-four hours.
Outside of these missions, the “sibling” pairs will largely have free reign over what they discuss and what they do within the apartment with their twenty-four hours together, although everything should remain family-friendly and image-conscious and idols should not be too candid about any frustrations with their company, their group members, or their fans.
When/if the pair sleep, they’ll sleep in the same large bed like real siblings might do in their childhood.
At the conclusion of their first day together, they’ll do separate talking head interviews before leaving:
Was there anything that surprised you about your sibling during the time you spent together?
What was the most memorable part of the twenty-four hours you spent with your sibling?
Do you feel that you opened up to your sibling or is there still a barrier between you two?
What would you like to do with your sibling next time you meet?
The final number of submissions was twenty with even numbers of muses by gender, so all muses submitted were cast in the show, although the casting process would have been selective in-character. Pairing was semi-random as complete randomization was not possible while still keeping pairs realistic and making sure muns weren’t paired up more than once across multiple muse submissions!
Any questions can be directed to the main’s ask box!
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fmdjude · 4 years
NAME: #1 dongsaeng RINGTONE: fly high by lucid PICTURE:
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LAST TEXT RECEIVED: what did you think??? LAST TEXT SENT: it was so good. i am a great teacher. EMOJIS: 🤞🏻(from suwei to yejun)  ✍🏻(from yejun to suwei)
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404fmdminjung · 4 years
starter for @fmdxsuwei​
it’s not flattery that brings her here, nor is it pretension inside her words she melds together to create songs. but it’s the earnest nature of the call and a simple push of a complement that brings her to a corner of a cafe with nothing more than a journal of drafts, splotches of black ink to songs never released to the public. minjung waits in her seat, a sip of her iced americano down her throat — a pen that sketches outlines of a couple sitting a few tables away till her eyes flick upwards to see the person she’s expecting. and so, she flips over her notebook, hands criss-crossed, chin on top. sitting pretty as if she’d been ignorant to the world around her.
“hi little duckling, are you ready to transform into a swan today?” she tilts her head slightly, lips extended to reach for another sip of the coffee that slowly melts. her eyes focus on the softness she sees in suwei, and it blunts the edges of her sharp words normally meant to pierce and destroy strangers from waiting along. “i don’t know why you asked me — but i’m happy to teach you how to write stories. where did you want to start? do you have ideas for songs or do you just want to live inside the fairy tales of your mind?”
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famedbasearchive · 4 years
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Timeline: September 2020
On-Set Filming Dates: Varies by pair + September 29
Deadline: October 15, 11:59PM KST
Those involved in Secret Sibling this month may earn up to 8 points total for writing, by the end of October 15 KST:
Completions of the two interviews included in the in-character prompt. (1 point each, up to 2 points total)
One solo para of 400+ words based on filming for episodes 3 & 4. (2 points).
A threads of at least six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with their assigned Secret Sibling taking place during filming for episodes 3 & 4. (2 points).
A threads of at least six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with a muse other than their assigned Secret Sibling taking place during the joint pre-Chuseok gathering filming. (2 points)
These do not count toward monthly limits or toward normal schedule points. All posts for this task block should be tagged with #fmdsecret2.
There are not tasks available for muses outside of the main cast for this task block.
Before filming begins this month, the cast members are informed that the show has teamed up with the Korea Tourism Organization to sponsor the next two episodes of the show and each pair will be going to a city in one of the nine provinces of South Korea to spend a day on a “family trip” with an itinery completely created by the pair themselves. They are given at least a few days to research their assigned city if needed to find places they might want to visit before they are expected to make their itinerary. Assigned cities(/counties) and the dates the pairs will be visiting are as follows: 
Sep. 11: Knight’s Hyuk & Unity’s Ting - Jeonju (Jeollabuk Province)
Sep. 12: Alien’s San & Impulse’s Haechan - Suwon (Gyeonggi Province) 
Sep. 14: Lipstick’s Artemisia & Fuse’s Sooah - Danyang County (Chungcheongbuk Province)
Sep. 14: Knight’s Duri & Unity’s Jaeyeol - Cheonan (Chungcheongnam Province)
Sep. 18: Decipher’s Taejin & Knight’s Heesung - Gyeongju (Gyeongsangbuk Province)
Sep. 19: Lipstick’s Minnie & Lucid’s Suwei - Changwon (Gyeongsangnam Province)
Sep. 20: Lipstick’s Ruby & Lucid’s Hyoyeon - Seogwipo (Jeju Province)
Sep. 21: Fuse’s Minjung & Lucid’s Alice - Sokcho (Gangwon Province)
Sep. 21: Fuse’s Miyeon & WISH’s Rina - Yeosu (Jellanam Province)
(admin note: The date of filming should have been checked to work around all muses’ schedules with the consideration idols from the three companies do not attend music shows on Mondays, but if you notice any problems, please send in a message and the date will be fixed!) 
Each pair is assigned one tourist spot in or near their assigned city/county that they must visit during their day trip to fulfill the sponsorship with the Korea Tourism Organization, but the rest of the day’s activities will be completely decided and agreed on by the pair themselves during a day of filming taking place before their trip (admin note: the exact date can be decided based on muse schedules) where they will meet in a room at the company building of the younger of the pair. They will be given an hour or two to film themselves planning out and agreeing on an itinerary together. They’re free to do as they please with the obvious limitations of all activities needing to be family friendly, image appropriate, within a reasonable budget, and reasonably able to be filmed. If they’d like to take a food tour of the city, they may do so. If they want to spend all day in the city’s animal shelters except for when they must visit their required location, they’re also welcome to do that. (admin note: A list of possible hot tourist spots in each city/county is linked above to help start out research into specific locations, but muses are also welcome to visit general locations that can be found in most every city like restaurants, shopping, movie theaters, etc. if that’s what they jointly prefer!) The required tourist spots to visit for each pair are as follows:
Knight’s Hyuk & Unity’s Ting - Jaman Mural Village (Jeonju)
Knight’s Woo & Alien’s San - Samsung Innovation Museum (Suwon)
Lipstick’s Artemisia & Fuse’s Sooah - Mancheonha Skywalk & Zipline (Danyang County)
Knight’s Duri & Unity’s Jaeyeol - Arario Art Gallery Cheonan (Cheonan)
Decipher’s Taejin & Knight’s Heesung - Gyeongju World Amusement Park (Gyeongju)
Lipstick’s Minnie & Lucid’s Suwei - Chandong Art Village (Changwon)
Lipstick’s Ruby & Lucid’s Hyoyeon - Seogwipo Daily Olle Market (Jeju)
Fuse’s Minjung & Lucid’s Alice - Seoraksan National Park (Sokcho)
Fuse’s Miyeon & WISH’s Rina - Yeosu Expo Ocean Park & Hanhwa Aqua Planet (Yeosu)
Before their planning meeting, each member of the pair will be pulled aside to film a talking head interview:
What kinds of places do you want to visit in the city/county you’ve been assigned?
Are you the type of person who prefers day trips around a city, or is a night in like last filming more comfortable for you?
If you could go anywhere in the world outside of Korea with your sibling, where would you want to go?
Following the planning meeting, at least a few days later, the pairs will go on their trip as they have planned (on the dates listed above). Each pair will have a camera crew and a few producers present during their trip. Production will have already cleared filming at any location they planned and any necessary tickets or equipment for activities planned will have already been bought.
At the conclusion of their day trip filming, they’ll do separate talking head interviews before leaving:
Did you learn anything new about your sibling today? If so, what did you learn? If not, what would you like to learn about them?
What was the most memorable part of the day you spent with your sibling?
Is there anything you didn’t get to do that you might want to come back and do with your sibling off-camera some time? Was there anything you did do that you’d want to come back and visit/do again some other time?
You’ll need to buy your sibling a gift before the next time you meet at the full cast dinner. What do you think you’ll get them?
On September 29, all nine pairs will come together for a joint day of filming at a large apartment rented out by management where they will have an early pre-Chuseok gathering. Anyone who has other group mates on the show is encouraged to introduce their group mates to their sibling, and, in general, everyone is encouraged to socialize and come together for what will be used as a heartwarming ending scene to the fourth episode. At the end of the dinner, the sibling pairs will exchange gifts with each other.
Any questions can be directed to the main’s ask box!
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famedbasearchive · 4 years
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Timeline: October/November 2020
On-Set Filming Dates: Varies by pair + November 9
Deadline: November 19, 11:59PM KST
Those involved in Secret Sibling this month may earn up to 8 points total for writing, by the end of November 19 KST:
Completions of the two interviews included in the in-character prompt. (1 point each, up to 2 points total)
One solo para of 400+ words based on filming for episodes 5 & 6. (2 points).
A threads of at least six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with their assigned Secret Sibling taking place during filming for episodes 5 & 6. (2 points).
A threads of at least six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with a muse other than their assigned Secret Sibling taking place during the finale Sibling Games. (2 points)
These do not count toward monthly limits or toward normal schedule points. All posts for this task block should be tagged with #fmdsecret3.
There are not tasks available for muses outside of the main cast for this task block.
After their trip around Korea last month, the pairs are informed shortly after their Chuseok filming that they’ll be going on either a two day-one night trip or a one day-two night trip out of the country with their partner for the first part of filming for the final two episodes. At the time, they’re told the city and the dates they’re scheduled to travel.
Assigned cities(/counties) and the dates the pairs will be visiting are as follows: 
October 18-20 (one day, two nights): Knight’s Duri & Unity’s Jaeyeol - Hong Kong
October 20-21 (two days, one night): Lipstick’s Artemisia & Fuse’s Sooah - Seattle, USA 
October 21-22 (two days, one night): Lipstick’s Ruby & Lucid’s Hyoyeon - Gold Coast, Australia
October 22-23 (two days, one night): Lipstick’s Minnie & Lucid’s Wei - Guam 
October 25-27 (one day, two nights): Decipher’s Taejin & Knight’s Heesung - Hanoi, Vietnam
October 27-28 (two days, one night): Fuse’s Miyeon & WISH’s Rina - Chiang Mai, Thailand
October 29-30 (two days, one night): Fuse’s Minjung & Lucid’s Alice - Singapore
November 1-3 (one day, two nights): Alien’s San & Unity’s Ting - Taipei, Taiwan
(admin note: The date of filming should have been checked to work around all muses’ schedules with the consideration idols from the three companies do not attend music shows on Mondays, but if you notice any problems, please send in a message and the date will be fixed!)
The aim for this trip is to show how the pair have grown more comfortable together, from a full day in together to a small trip outside of the city to an out-of-country trip. Each member of the pair will be asked to write a letter to the other that they’ll exchange in the final hours of their trip.
Before the trip each member of the pair will be pulled aside to film a talking head interview:
Have you ever been to the city you’ll be visiting with your sibling before? If so, what do you remember it being like? If not, what do you expect it to be like?
You’ve been tasked with writing a letter to your sibling. Do you know what you want to say to them in it yet?
What is the top thing you want to do, eat, or see in the city you’ll be visiting?
Each pair will have relative freedom as to where they go and what they do during their short trip (as long as all activities are family friendly, image appropriate, within a reasonable budget, and reasonably able to be filmed) and a small crew will be sent with them to their location. They’ll stay in a hotel room together (with two beds) at their location for either one night or two nights depending on their assigned trip type. For two day, one night trips, pairs will arrive on the morning of the first date and depart in the evening of the second date. For one day, two night trips, pairs will arrive in the evening or night of the first date and leave early in the morning of the third date. The show will pay for necessities like transportation and food during the trip, but any souvenirs and the like will have to be bought with the cast member’s own money. Each cast member will be given a self-cam during this trip in addition to the camera crew that will go with them. 
After all pairs have returned from their trip, the second part of the episodes will be filmed on November 9 at a large house outside of Seoul that has been rented out for the day for filming. This will be the final filming of this season of the show and it will another meeting of all of the siblings where everyone will show off the bond they’ve formed over the course of the show by competing in games against each other. These will consist of physical games like wheelbarrow races and pair volleyball as well as less physical games like charades and paired video games. Not all pairs will participate in all games, but all pairs must participate in a full-group sibling version of The Newlywed Game where the pairs are asked a question about one "sibling” and the other sibling must give the same answer their sibling gave to see how well they’ve come to know each other. 
At the conclusion of their final day of filming, each member of the sibling pair will do their final talking head interviews:
Think about the first time you met your sibling. How has your relationship with them grown since then?
Do you feel you’ve gotten to know your sibling better over the course of the show?
Would you like to keep in touch with your sibling now that the show’s come to an end?
You’ve already exchanged letters with your sibling, but is there anything you’d like to tell them now for them to hear when they watch the finale of the show?
Any questions can be directed to the main’s ask box!
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famedbasearchive · 4 years
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Note: This month, idols in all six songs will be either preparing for their song’s release or promoting their song. All idols will also be participating in recording a special physical-only bonus track.
Those involved in this month’s schedule may earn up to 5 points total for writing, by the end of June 15 KST (for each song schedule they are a part of):
A solo para of 400+ words based on their May schedule for the COLLA3ORATE project this month (3 points).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) based on their May schedule for the COLLA3ORATE project this month (2 points).
These do not count toward monthly limits or toward normal schedule points.
For the beginning of the month, the members of the song (@fmdyoohyeon, @fmdhaseo, @fmdsiyeon, @fmdxsuwei) will continue to have sparse rehearsals together up until the release of their song on May 11.
On May 12, the members will attend The Show for their first special promotional stage. The four members will all go to the salon together early in the day before arriving at the SBS studio. They will be granted a waiting room of their own up until they pre-record their stage a few hours before broadcast time. They will not stay around for the live broadcast of the show (unless they have other schedule reasons to do so).
The members will repeat this schedule for all music shows on the 13-18 as well.
During their promotions, each idol will also be guided to take a number of selfies that will be chosen from by staff as photo cards for the physical mini-album for the COLLA3ORATE project.
During their promotion period, the four idols will be informed that they have one more song to record — a special bonus track that will only be available on the physical version of the mini-album all of the singles will be released on. All that is required of them is to record their assigned parts, as there will be no promotions or other activities for these “secret” b-side tracks. The idols will be given the demo beforehand and will be scheduled to record one day out of May 20, May 25, or May 31 depending on schedules (the day is up to the mun as long as the muse is in Seoul on the chosen date!). Line distribution for this track can be found here.
End note: This month, no part of their schedule (other than music show stage filming) will have cameras present.
For the beginning of the month, the members of the song (@fmdyuanjun, @fmdjaeyeol, @fmddaisuke, @dawonfmd, @fmdxiwon) will continue to have sparse rehearsals together up until the release of their song on May 20.
On May 13, all idols  performing in the song will fly out very early morning KST to California to shoot the music video for “Go” in Los Angeles. Members are encouraged to sleep on the plane ride, as they will begin shooting as soon as they arrive. The music video shoot will be a two day shoot over May 13 and May 14, before the members fly out back to South Korea late May 14/early May 15 for a late May 15 arrival in Seoul.
On May 21, the members will attend MCountdown for their first special promotional stage. The members will all go to the salon together early in the day before arriving at the Mnet/CJ E&M studio. They will be granted a waiting room of their own up until they pre-record their stage a few hours before broadcast time. They will not stay around for the live broadcast of the show (unless they have other schedule reasons to do so).
The members will repeat this schedule for all music shows on the 21-27 as well. During their promotions, each idol will also be guided to take a number of selfies that will be chosen from by staff as photo cards for the physical mini-album for the COLLA3ORATE project.
The week before their promotion period, the seven idols will be informed that they have one more song to record — a special bonus track that will only be available on the physical version of the mini-album all of the singles will be released on. All that is required of them is to record their assigned parts, as there will be no promotions or other activities for these “secret” b-side tracks. The idols will be given the demo beforehand and will be scheduled to record one day out of May 20, May 25, or May 31 depending on schedules (the day is up to the mun as long as the muse is in Seoul on the chosen date!). Line distribution for this track can be found here.
End note: This month, behind the scenes content at the music video shoots will be filmed for an M/V filming video. No other part of their schedule (other than music show stage filming) will have cameras present.
On May 3, all idols (@fmdhyejun, @fmdchaesoo, @fmdjynx, @fmdxlux, @fmdxyoungjoo) chosen will be scheduled to be picked up in a Dimensions Entertainment van from their dorm or private residence to be driven to the Dimensions Entertainment building. Once there, they will begin to learn the choreography for the song they recorded last month. They will learn from one of Dimensions Entertainment’s dance instructors and one of the choreographers (@fmdjoohwan) will be present for roughly a half an hour to give pointers on the parts of the dance they helped with. The five idols will meet a few times throughout the month to practice together under the same circumstances of being chauffeured to the Dimensions Entertainment building together, but are expected to also practice on their personal time.
On the same day, they will be introduced to a woman named Jo Jiwon who will serve as their project group manager for this month and the next as they approach promotions. She will be with them for all schedules from this point onward unless specified otherwise.
On May 16, the project group members will be escorted to a shop in Gangnam where they will undergo fittings for the outfits they will wear in the music video and during stage performances of the song.
On May 21, the members will arrive at an indoor set to film the music video for the song.
Before they attend fittings mid-month, the idols will be informed that they have one more song to record — a special bonus track that will only be available on the physical version of the mini-album all of the singles will be released on. All that is required of them is to record their assigned parts, as there will be no promotions or other activities for these “secret” b-side tracks. The idols will be given the demo beforehand and will be scheduled to record one day out of May 20, May 25, or May 31 depending on schedules (the day is up to the mun as long as the muse is in Seoul on the chosen date!). Line distribution for this track can be found here.
End note: This month, behind the scenes content at the music video shoots will be filmed for an M/V filming video. No other part of their schedule will have cameras present.
On May 1 all idols (@fmdsamsoo, @fmdtaeyong, @fmdhoon, @fmdhyunsoo, @fmdsan, @fmdjoosung) chosen will be scheduled to be picked up in a Dimensions Entertainment van from their dorm or private residence to be driven to the Dimensions Entertainment building. Once there, they will begin to learn the full original choreography for the song they recorded last month. They will learn from one of Dimensions Entertainment’s dance instructors. They will meet a few times throughout the month to practice together under the same circumstances of being chauffeured to the Dimensions Entertainment building together, but are expected to also practice on their personal time. The female backup dancers will be integrated in a later practice session in the month.
On the same day, they will be introduced to a man named Park Kyuwon who will serve as their project group manager for this month and the next as they approach promotions. He will be with them for all schedules from this point onward unless specified otherwise.
On May 20, the project group members will be escorted to a shop in Gangnam where they will undergo fittings for the outfits they will wear in the music video and during stage performances of the song.
Mid-month, the idols will be contacted either by phone or email by management to be informed that they have one more song to record — a special bonus track that will only be available on the physical version of the mini-album all of the singles will be released on. All that is required of them is to record their assigned parts, as there will be no promotions or other activities for these “secret” b-side tracks. The idols will be given the demo beforehand and will be scheduled to record one day out of May 20, May 25, or May 31 depending on schedules (the day is up to the mun as long as the muse is in Seoul on the chosen date!). Line distribution for this track can be found here.
End note: This month, no part of their schedule will have cameras present.
All idols (@fmdsophie, @fmdsooah, @eunahfmd, @fmdyujin, @fmdyena) chosen for this song will have been informed and sent the full demo of the song on March 15.
On May 10, they will arrive separately at the Gold Star Media building to record the track. As the song will be released with Gold Star Media’s resources, most of the preparations for the song will occur at the building. This is their first time working together and the recording session will be filmed, so before they go into the studio, they will get some time to get introduced to each other. Following this short time to mingle, they will be introduced to one of the lyricists, composers, and producers of the song (@fmdjoosung) who will take some time to explain the overall concept of the song. He will then be joined by another producer and a recording engineer to help guide the recording process. The members will then go into the recording booth in the following order: main or lead vocal (chaewon), vocal (naeun), vocal (chaekyung), vocal (jinsol), vocal (rachel), and rapper (yena). All vocalists will record all vocal parts, but the producers present will focus in on parts for each idol that they determine matches their voice well to record more takes of (these parts will reflect the line distribution). The project group members will be treated to dinner by a manager all together following the wrap on recording.
On May 25, the idols will once again return to the Gold Star Media building for a concept meeting. During the concept meeting, they will be given an overview for the anticipated wardrobe and the MV storyboard in addition to more details on the overall concept of the release.
Mid-month, the idols will be informed that they have one more song to record — a special bonus track that will only be available on the physical version of the mini-album all of the singles will be released on. All that is required of them is to record their assigned parts, as there will be no promotions or other activities for these “secret” b-side tracks. The idols will be given the demo beforehand and will be scheduled to record one day out of May 20, May 25, or May 31 depending on schedules (the day is up to the mun as long as the muse is in Seoul on the chosen date!). Line distribution for this track can be found here.
End note: This month, the studio recording for the single will be filmed. No other part of their schedule will have cameras present.
All idols (@durifmd, @fmdyunseo, @fmdhanjae, @fmdmaverick) chosen for this song will have been informed and sent the full demo of the song on March 15.
On May 22, they will arrive separately at the Gold Star Media building to record the track. As the song will be released with Gold Star Media’s resources, most of the preparations for the song will occur at the building. This is their first time working together and the recording session will be filmed, so before they go into the studio, they will get some time to get introduced to each other. Following this short time to mingle, they will be joined by one of the composers/producers (@fmdxyoungjoo) and another producer and a recording engineer to help guide the recording process. The members will then go into the recording booth in the following order: main or lead vocal (yoon), vocal (jinu), rapper (mino), and rapper (hoony). All vocalists will record all vocal parts and all rappers will record all rap parts, but the producers present will focus in on parts for each idol that they determine matches their voice well to record more takes of (these parts will reflect the line distribution). The four idols will be treated to dinner by a manager all together following the wrap on recording.
On May 30, the idols will once again return to the Gold Star Media building for a concept meeting. During the concept meeting, they will be given an overview for the anticipated wardrobe and the MV storyboard in addition to more details on the overall concept of the release.
Mid-month, the idols will be informed that they have one more song to record — a special bonus track that will only be available on the physical version of the mini-album all of the singles will be released on. All that is required of them is to record their assigned parts, as there will be no promotions or other activities for these “secret” b-side tracks. The idols will be given the demo beforehand and will be scheduled to record one day out of May 20, May 25, or May 31 depending on schedules (the day is up to the mun as long as the muse is in Seoul on the chosen date!). Line distribution for this track can be found here.
End note: This month, the studio recording for the single will be filmed. No other part of their schedule will have cameras present.
Final note: No one is required to write about or acknowledge the bonus tracks and their recording but if, for some reason, you would like your muse(s) removed from said track(s), please let the admin know. Lines were divided as equally as possible while still maintaining a realistic flow within song sections.
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