durifmdarchived · 4 years
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      upon the request of gold star, and the fact that there was really no space to do it at bc entertainment with other recordings happening, he had headed off to gold star media’s studio to record his feature on silhouette’s next album. to say the least, he was a bit excited about it and how could he not be excited about being on a girl group’s discography? also, it was nice because he has already worked with youngjoo on both her solo album and later, our songs. it was nice that he was now being feature upon a silhouette b-side to really come full circle in a way. but, he was ready for a studio session. 
his manager had dropped him off at gold star media’s studio building, telling him to just press the call button, and he’d be let in. he thanks his manager, before he’s off, and pressing the button before he’s let in. up to the front desk where security resides, he states his name, and business, before he’s approved, and given directions where he needs to go. he thanks them, before making his way up - of course, using the stairs, because that’s just how he always travelled, as elevators were not his thing at all. 
making it to the door of the recording studio he was told to go to, he doesn’t bother knocking, just to be safe. he opens the door up slightly, peaking in, and looking around. the producer calls out his name, in a rather cool way, and of course, giving the what’s up thing, like a cool producer does. duri opens up the door more, “hello everyone, i’m knight’s duri! i’m really excited to get to work with you!” he says, before giving a full bow.  
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fmdjoosungarchive · 4 years
date: september 6th with: @fmdxyoungjoo​
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a crew member clapped the slate stick, signaling the end of the group’s main portion of filming, and sung felt himself slump. sung imparted as much meaning as a little rectangle of paper could have onto the piece in his hands. he’d have to work harder this round, maybe listen to the company more. a deep breath shot out from his lungs.
he blinked up, while his hands worked to fold the purple rectangle and put it into his pocket, and noticed many of the other contestants were being shuffled off to makeup or hair touchups, or off for interviews. that was, except for youngjoo. sung righted himself, and stood up to go greet her.
his lips quirked up at the same time he reached out to glide a gentle brush of his hand on the woman’s shoulder to get her attention. “hi. um, i didn’t get a chance to say anything before,” rather, he wasn’t quite in the right mindset enough to do so before now, “but, i wanted to congratulate you on your ranking. i really liked e.t. it makes sense other people would see your charms as well.”
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fmdxsujiarchive · 4 years
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walking into a program without knowing any of the other participants was nerve-wracking. when she initially sent in her audition tape, she was uncertain about whether she’d be chosen or not seeing that there were so many other talented singer songwriters. at first, suji thought gold star was messing with her when she saw her updated schedule that included filming dates for our songs. they had mic-ed her and then placed her in a waiting room on her own. she sat there in silence until a writer came in to escort her out. there’s a camera in her face as she makes her way from her waiting room, and she tries her best to keep a smile on her face. one that’s quite rigid from how nervous she is but still friendly enough that she doesn’t appear completely stoic. 
when she walks in, she’s surprised at the set up but even more surprised to see that she’s not the first one there. “unnie,” she immediately whispers upon seeing the familiar face. she doesn’t hesitate to run over and take the seat right next to youngjoo. there’s cameras everywhere, and she’s aware that they’re filming, but she can’t hide how relieved she feels at realizing that there’s going to be at least one person she actually knows.
@fmdxyoungjoo​, july 28th, first day of filming
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fmdhyejuarchive · 4 years
hyeju thinks she’s spent the first couple of hours on this retreat mostly complaining about the fact that she’s even here. it was a stupid idea, and it was definitely not a way to heal or relax. all three companies would have been better off giving their artists and staff members a three-day paid vacation on their own instead of dragging this many people into some resort in gangwon. the only good part about all of this was that she ended up getting to room with youngjoo. at least she looked happier than hyeju did. 
letting out a groan, she dived into the other’s bed and snuck her arms around the other’s torso. “i can’t believe you and i have been in the industry for so long, and we still have to listen to our stupid companies and take part in their publicity stunts.” at the end of the day, that was what all of this was for anyway. it was a way for the three companies to brush their hands off and claim that they did something for their staff and artists. 
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@fmdxyoungjoo​, june 19th
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fmdjynxarchive · 4 years
“ah, you’re on the drip team too?” her eyes had brightened when she realized that youngjoo was going to be apart of drip. it was nice because she had just did the runway show with the other girl. and now they were meeting again for the base collab, it was truly fate in her eyes. they were about to record lines but since there was a bit of time, jiyoo found herself snacking and offered some youngjoo. 
“what do you think of the song?” the main reason jiyoo was excited for it was because it was different from what she did as a aria member. it’d go a long way in showing that she had different sides to herself. she’d be able to play with a darker concept that aria would ever have. it was a nice little break from her normal. “i like it a lot..it’s just what i’m looking for.”
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fmdtaeyongarchive · 4 years
👀 + what do you have in mind for your next album? 👀 + out of all your tattoos, which are the most meaningful to you? do you intend to get more?
send me a “👀 + a question” and my muse has to answer honestly! - accepting!
👀 + what do you have in mind for your next album?
“I want something more authentic than Fatalism was. It’s going to be the end of my series of singles, so it has to align with that, but... more than anything, I want it to be more me. I’d really like it to be entirely my creation so it can be the most true version of myself I can present right now. I want to release something people really won’t expect from me, but I don’t feel like I’m ready for that yet, so that may be more of a future goal.”
👀 + out of all your tattoos, which are the most meaningful to you? do you intend to get more?
“The most meaningful to me is one of the first two I got — the “keep going” tattoo on my finger. It’s something I need to be reminded of a lot more than I’m proud of and it might seem cliche or sappy, but being able to look at it and remember there was a time when continuing on felt worthwhile, there’s times that means more than I could put into words. I’ll need to get it redone before long because of where it is, but that makes it all the more meaningful to me. All three of my tattoos that are phrases mean a lot to me: keep going, si vis amari, ama, and rather be dead than cool. I plan to get a lot more, though I’ll run out of space soon for areas I can cover up enough to have as an idol, but I’d like to keep getting tattoos my whole life. I’m thinking of getting another one really soon if I can.”
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404fmdtaejin · 4 years
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headcanon meme, still accepting!
Send ☏ for a good fan experience headcanon (wc: 240)
he supposes that each fan experience is a good one because at the end of the day, all the fans there are solely there to support and wish well for the idols. a lot of the time, each experience seems to be the same run of walking by, waving, doing fan service, and signing a few things
his most memorable positive fan experience was probably the time he went to a shoddy corner restaurant, and a woman in her mid-40′s came up to him to tell him she loved his acting. it was the first time he was recognized as an actor rather than the decipher member. she told him how much she loved his character and how she wished for a son-in-law like him someday.
another memorable one was when a fan quietly slipped a note during a fan sign, and she wrote that she supported him no matter what. it said something along the lines of ‘don’t pay attention to the negativity, because we are all here to support you in the end’. he kept that note and stowed it away in his box of fan-goods he keeps as memories.
the last one was probably when he was overseas for fun, and got noticed as the guy from ‘parasite’. it was the first time a foreigner recognized him for his acting work, which made him feel like he was actually getting somewhere with a career away from music.
Send ♥ for a headcanon about something my muse likes about being an idol. (wc: 245)
being an idol has its advantages, but being not an ordinary person and someone who is heralded all over the tv and media is something that sits well with taejin.
he was originally supposed to take over his family’s empire, but he realized that a life full of numbers and business meetings wasn’t his own particular cup of tea. thus, the life of the industry and a world of fame was more up his alley.
he likes the attention he gets, and the way he gets recognized in public. from every outfit he cherishes getting captured to all the media posts about how he’s a star, he likes reading about himself and taking advantage of all that fame has to offer. being coddled by the internet is a special feeling that very few can relate to.
another aspect to love is the pampered treatment he receives on a weekly basis. there is nothing more lavish than having a schedule lined with spa treatments and facials. with perfect skin and a cleanly finish, he expects there’s nothing better than this.
the last thing he enjoys is probably the non 9-5 aspect of the job. of course, there are days when his schedule becomes a 20 hour work day, but there are also times where there’s nothing planned and he has a month off. during this time, he’s free to travel and do as he pleases which many office workers and population of seoul cannot relate to.
Send ♫ for a performance headcanon (wc: 273)
there was a time when he tried really hard at every performance. maybe because he was a leader or wanted to shine on stage, he put in the extra effort to perfect each dance and sing along in front of a crowd who knew all the lyrics to their songs.
however, once taejin reached the end of his 20s, he found it extremely boring to be on stage and more of a burden to have to flail his arms and legs in front of fans, despite him biting the age of 30. hearing the song ring ding dong for the past ten years does a lot to someone’s mentality, and having to do the dances that his body did when it was younger only makes his bones hurt more.
sometimes, the outfits are also ridiculous because they are far too tacky in his opinion. the concepts become too much, and he questions why decipher even has to go on music shows anymore and perform in public if they have been such a strong force till now.
essentially, he is the epitome of laziness on stage currently. he short steps the dance moves, mainly because he is the weakest dancer on the team (in his opinion), but he still sings the songs without using backtrack. lucky for him, he’s been blessed with a nice tone of voice that somehow manages to stay on pitch.
he’s lost passion for being on stage over the years, and wants it to end as soon as he steps on. there’s nothing that could be worse than being the oldest hag and having to step on stage and do moves that he was taught when he was 17.
Send ∞ for a future (post-idol life) headcanon. (wc: 281)
post-idol life, which he hopes will be soon, will consist of only acting and cf’s. he wants to seriously pursue some more serious roles, that are only limited currently due to his idol status.
he hopes that fame won’t be fifteen minutes but instead his career will bloom into something bigger, creating a substantial acting career like lee byung hun or hyun bin. kim taejin wants to be a name that is heralded as a ‘legend’ in the acting industry, with many hoobaes using him as inspiration for their dive into acting.
if he’s lucky, he’ll get an oscar for a solo work he’s done (but that’s just wishful thinking). in reality, he’ll probably just accept awards from blue dragon film awards and be happy with that.
in his personal life, he hopes to add some a family aspect into his life by becoming a fervent soccer dad with a beautiful wife. two kids is his maximum, a boy and a girl. he’ll be the first at all their school events and the loudest cheerleader on the side lines. because he knows the industry, he’d never tell his children to join but instead relax in the normal life.
he’ll cook and clean for his wife on his days off, taking the kids to school. but he will never let himself go as maintaining a perfect visual till he dies is his life long goal.
as for where he’d be living, it might be his current villa as it has six bedrooms and is far well to raise a family. plus, he’s made many memories inside the house and has grown an attachment to, so he doesn’t see himself want to move.
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fmdminheearchive · 5 years
            fmdsharedhouse starter for @fmdxyoungjoo​. 
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minhee is unpacking her things, sitting cross legged on her new bed. she’s stuffed from their dinner and she’s whistling bubble pop to herself as she lays out her belongings on the bed. then, the door opens, and minhee looks up with a little “oh?” she’s the first person to get into their three bed room, and she’s excited to see who she’s going to be sharing with. 
“ah! jooie unnie!” minhee exclaims, clambering to her feet to greet her first roommate and opening her arms to her. “welcome to the best room in the house, if i do say so myself!” suddenly a little embarrassed, minhee takes a glance over her shoulder at the mess on her bed. “um, sorry about ... all that. i’m in the middle of taking my stuff out. i starting to think that i might have brought too much.”
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fmdkamiarchive · 5 years
mama / youngjoo & kami
so far kami did enjoy everything that the show had to offer. bowling wasn't her skill but she did have fun and the picnic was nice, but she was game for the noraebang. that wasn't something she could mess up. she was sure of it. once they arrived, it didn't take long for her to get comfortable. mainly watching for the first half of it, she wanted the perfect song to sing.
finally, she got an idea and knew right away what she wanted to do. "hey, do who's your mama with me." it'd be a fun song to perform with someone. and even if youngjoo didn't want to join her, she'd still steal the show and do it. it was easy to see she was having a lot of fun ( and had a little to drink with what had provided ) "if you'd like unless you'd prefer to watch the show, that's fine too."
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durifmdarchived · 4 years
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         ever since duri was picked for soso and he heard the demo, he was a bit excited to partake in the song. it seemed to be a bit different from the type of songs that knight would do, as well as the type of songs that duri took on as a solo artist himself. he always like trying new things; things that were outside the box for him music wise and it seemed that soso was going to do such a thing for the man. they were getting onto the next part of the day, which was involving the recording with an idol who had helped to write the song. the cameras began rolling and he stood from where he was sitting within the studio. “hello, sunbae!” he greeted, bowing towards her with a smile. 
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famedbasearchive · 4 years
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Timeline: October 10, 2020, to November 7, 2020
On-Set Filming Dates: October 10, November 7
Deadline: November 5, 11:59PM KST
Those involved in the main cast of Our Songs this month may earn up to 10 points total for writing, by the end of November 5 KST:
Completions of the two interviews included in the in-character prompt. (1 point each, up to 2 points total)
Up to two solo paras of 400+ words based on filming for episodes 5 & 6. (2 points each, up to 4 points total). 
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with another muse in the main cast based on the Our Songs episodes 5 and 6 schedule. This must be with a different muse than the thread you collected points for last month. (2 points)
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with the guest muse your muse is writing for for this round based on the Our Songs episodes 4 and 5 schedule. (2 points). **Note: This should be the first priority and points may only be collected for the exact requirement listed. That said, should you have trouble completing this by the deadline with the guest muse, this requirement also be passed only for the sake of elimination consideration (not points) if you complete a second thread with another muse from the main cast by the deadline.
Please remember the number of the above tasks completed by each muse will factor into eliminations during blocks with eliminations.
Those guesting on Our Songs this month may earn up to 6 points total for writing, by the end of November 5 KST:
Completions of these interviews. (1 point each, up to 2 points total)
A solo para of 400+ words based on filming for episodes 5 & 6. (2 points).
A thread of six posts (three per participant, including the starter) with the muse your muse is paired with for Our Songs episodes 5 and 6 schedule. (2 points) 
These do not count toward monthly limits or toward normal schedule points. All posts for this task block should be tagged with #fmdos3.
Following the performances on October 8, the competitors will go backstage to their dressing rooms for a little under an hour while the audience is instructed to vote for two songwriters whose performances they liked the best. These votes will be calculated and combined with online track votes based on a weighted formula, and then the competitors are brought back out. They are first told the cast members that got the most votes in the live voting and the online voting as follows:
- Live audience vote: Youngjoo - Online vote: Taeyong
The final rankings are announced as follows to announce the safe competitors from fifth place to second:
5. Suji 4. Taeyong 3. Joohwan 2. Sun
Choi Jihoon congratulates the four safe competitors and dismisses them from the stage to bring the four remaining on stage (Youngjoo, Kami, Eunah, and Jaewon). The competitors currently on stage represent first place, sixth place, and the two competitors who will be eliminated and he reminds everyone of that. After building suspense, he announces Youngjoo as this round’s winner and announces she’s won a prize: she’ll be invited to perform a solo set on one night of the Topaz Music Festival, a popular music festival held at the venue they performed at this round that will take place in November. The festival is normally for non-idol singer-songwriter types, and this will be the first time an idol has been invited to perform. (admin note: If the mun would like to officially confirm this claim as a prize, please submit this form to the points shop blog to have it added to her career page! The mun may decide the exact date for the festival around their muse’s schedule). She’s individually congratulated and then dismissed from the stage.
This leaves three competitors (Kami, Eunah, and Jaewon) and only one will be safe. After building the tension, it is announced that Jaewon has placed sixth and will be safe to go onto the next episode. This means Kami and Eunah have unfortunately been eliminated from the competition and the final overall ranking for the latest round is ultimately as follows:
1. Youngjoo 2. Sun 3. Joohwan 4. Taeyong 5. Suji 6. Jaewon
On October 10, the idols will once again return to the “recording studio” set they first met at on their first day of filming. Competitors will once again be seated based on their rank (first place in seat one, second place in seat two, etc.). Basic pleasantries will be gone through on camera recounting the last round and reminding everyone of the rules and structure of the show before host Choi Jihoon will inform them of their third songwriting mission:
“After the first and second round, you should all have an idea of who you yourself are as a songwriter and who the rest of the cast are as songwriters. You’ve seen their versatility and the areas they excel in the most, both as a performer and songwriter, but a truly gifted songwriter can work for others as well as they can work for themselves, For this round, you will all be asked to write for another idol who will be performing a song you wrote. No one will be able to get through on an established image or popularity alone this round, as the songwriter behind each song will be kept anonymous until everyone has cast their final vote at the live performances. There will be no additional requirements this round, so put your all into shaping a song fitting of the artist who will be performing your song this round.”
The competitors are given time to react to the prompt before they are dismissed from the main set to their green rooms. In their individual green rooms, they’re once again approached by a camera crew and given a form provided by production with basic information on the idol they’ll be writing for, although the exact identity of the idol is not revealed yet (admin note: please keep in mind muses shouldn’t really be able to narrow down exactly who they’re paired with from information on the forms since the form will be re-typed to remove the element of handwriting recognition and they are not informed the idols are limited to the three in-’verse companies). They’ll react to the information and be expected to talk about their first thoughts. After this, each musician will film a talking head interview in a private room with a small team of cameras and producers where they are asked the following questions:
How are you feeling about the ranking you received last round? How do you feel about it in comparison to your rank for the first round?
What are your thoughts on the song you’ll write this round based on the information you’ve been given about the idol you’ll be writing for?
How will you approach writing a song for someone else differently than you’ve approached writing songs for yourself for the first two rounds?
What are your thoughts on your other competitors at this point in the competition?
From October 10 to October 17, all competitors are given time to begin to work on a song or potential songs based on the information they’ve been given. They will be filmed both through the stationary cameras installed in the studio in their company buildings and will also be instructed to continue to use their self-cam to record their creative process as well.
The guest cast members will be made aware at this time of their role in the show: having a song written for them by an assigned cast member to record and perform. They will not yet be made aware of which main cast member they are partnered with and are asked not to discuss their guesting with anyone.
On October 18, all pairs will meet through either a filmed meeting at a coffee shop or through a filmed video call depending on what schedules allow. This meeting will be the reveal of their partner’s identity and during this meeting, the main cast member should be prepared to show the song they’ve been working on and discuss together with their partner about the song and any changes that may need to be made to fit the idol’s voice, style, or preferences. It is up to the main cast member how much they change to accommodate their partner, although they will not be allowed to completely redo the song at this point.
The main cast member will have from October 18 through October 27 to finalize the song and get vocals recorded from the other idol on the track. The pairs may meet up over the course of this time as they wish to work on recording and finalizing, although each meeting should be filmed.
There will be no “demo” presentation for this episode in front of the other competitors due to the nature of the task. Final mastered versions of all songs are due to the production team by the end of October 27.
On November 1, the final version of each competitor’s song will be released onto the base TV website and voting will open for online audiences. They will be uploaded onto streaming sites a week later so as not to reveal the writers’ identities.
On November 7, all competitors and all of the special guests will go to the regular building with the performance set from first episode, where their songs will be performed and voted on. As with last episode, minor set and prop elements are permitted, but they should be easy for the staff to get on and off the stage. The respective companies will be responsible for the styling and performance preparation of the performer. 
Once filming begins, the competitors will be informed they will be performing in a randomly generated order in order to maintain anonymity of the writers. The audience is asked to vote more on how well-written a song is for the idol than how amazing the performance is since the songwriters are the ones being evaluated. The performing order is revealed to be:
Wei - “Pit-a-pet” (written by Jaewon)
Huiseon - “Baby Baby” (written by Sun)
Aera - “Diver” (written by Joohwan)
Duri - “Heaven” (written by Youngjoo)
Charlie - “Iljido” (written by Suji)
Minjung - “Girl, Interrupted” (written by Taeyong)
As each guest idol is performing, the six songwriters and all five other guest performers will sit backstage in their individual dressing rooms while their reactions are filmed. Since they are in private, songwriters may react appropriately to the song they wrote. At the conclusion of each stage, each competitor will be given time to talk about their thoughts on the performance and song. In the final airing of the episode, only some competitors’ comments will be aired per song.
During the break following all six song performances, each competitor will film another talking head interview (admin note: please wait to complete this interview until all songs have been chosen and listed above):
Talk about the song you wrote for this task. How do you feel it compares to the first two songs you wrote for the show?
How do you feel the idol you wrote for did in performing your song? In what ways do you feel the song benefited from not being performed by you?
Which of the other songs/performances caught your attention the most?
Which song do you expect got the most votes online and from the audience?
As usual, the rankings for the second round were determined by random generation for spots among who completed the most tasks. In this case, spots one through six were generated by those who had all tasks completed in the #fmdos2 tag on their muse’s blog by the deadline. Two muses did not complete all of the tasks, so they took the eliminated spots. The only exception here is that the admin’s muse will not be eligible for the overall first place ranking unless they are the only muse who completes the most number of tasks. Proof shots of the name picker can be found here (note: admin is in EDT, while the deadline was in KST, so the names were drawn after the deadline).
The winners for separate live voting and online voting were determined using weighted selection based on the randomly generated overall rankings. Rank one got eight submissions into the generator, rank two got seven, rank three got six, etc. and the two eliminated muses got one submission each, and then names were drawn. Proof shots of the name picker for the live audience vote and online vote winners can be found here. A proof shot of the randomizer for performance order this round can be found here. Pairs were made simply by pairing the order of the main cast by seniority directly with the guest cast submissions by order of submission from earliest to latest. Only one switch was made to ensure all muses would be writing for a muse with a skill set or song availability significantly different from their own.
For this task block you will need to submit the following information: the song you would like to claim for your muse to create for this round’s task (and a performance reference if one is available and agreed upon with the performing muse) and the creative claims on it. Please note that the song choice should ultimately be the decision of the mun of the main cast member. Muns may discuss what the performing muse is comfortable with, but the song choice should be based on what the muse would write with the information presented to them and not what the performing muse would necessarily want written for them.
The form link will be uploaded here at 12AM KST October 10/11AM EDT October 9, twenty-four hours after this post goes up. The form link can be found here. A reminder of the limits of creative claims on each muse for the show can be found here. If you think there is a mistake or if a song is released that leads to a necessary update, please contact the main.
Songs Claimed:
Heaven - Gaho
Iljido - Moonbyul
Girl, Interrupted - Miso (prod. 2xxx!)
Pit-a-pet - Yukika
Baby Baby - Suran
Diver - YooA
The simplified theme for this round is “Written By, Not For”. Please read the prompt in the in-’verse info for full details on what this means.
For all rounds, a song must fit all general rules of music claims (i.e. matches muse position, is not too explicit, must be by an artist in the Korean music industry, etc.) and must receive admin approval.
For this round, these are the additional limitations and requirements on songs that can be chosen:
The song must be solo. This means it cannot be a collab or have a feature.
The song must be performed by the muse assigned by the show and the muse performing cannot have creative claims on a song.
In real life, the song must not be a title track according to Melon and cannot have an official MV. Special clips, live clips, and minimal production lyric videos are acceptable, but the song will have to be re-released on an album in the future to claim such videos as canon to the universe.
In real life, the song cannot have charted higher than a rank of 75 on Gaon’s Weekly Digital Chart at any point.
You may claim songs with choreography, but choreography creative claims are not available. As usual, songs with more emphasis on complex choreography should be reserved for muses with dance positions.
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fmdcharoen · 5 years
�� @fmdxyoungjoo​
“You’re going to be late.” He laughed, consonants and vowels tumbling over his tongue, which his teeth sought to clamp down on in order to keep further teases at bay. They’re halfway out the door of the cafe when he, himself, then practically tripped over an uneven surface, staggering back before grappling for a railing to steady himself. A sheepish smile crawled across his face then, dark eyes flickering to Youngjoo to make sure she hadn’t seen his misstep, and yet he was certain she had.
“Don’t say it,” he warned playfully, grinning down as he tugged up his facemask, “We’re going to miss the light show if we don’t hustle now.”
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fmdxsujiarchive · 5 years
a company meeting didn’t seem like the best way to start off 2020, especially with her album being released so soon, but suji was technically an employee which meant she had no choice. for some odd reason, she’s managed to get to the building earlier than usual and headed towards the conference room. peeking inside, she’s surprised to find that she’s not the only early bird around as she manages to meet eyes with youngjoo. a smile is exchanged between the two of them before suji goes to sit in her respective seat. “i thought i’d be the first one to arrive, but i guess not. what’s got you up so early, unnie?” suji wonders if youngjoo is simply a morning person like she is or if there’s some other reason she’s around so early before the meeting is said to be starting.
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@fmdxyoungjoo​, gold star building, january 13th
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fmdhyejuarchive · 5 years
18, 24, 26, 30, 29, 12
12.what do you want for your next birthday?
looking down at the post it, hyeju ponders for a moment. the truthful answer would be a couch, and she could probably write that down without much penalty. her fans would surely eat it up and add it onto the list of ridiculous things hyeju writes on fan sign post its. however, she thinks that’s not a piece of information that her fans really need to know. a new bed for romeo!
18.what is the most recent thing that made you happy?
hyeju can’t recall the last time she was happy. that’s not because her life’s been crappy these days, but more so that she doesn’t exactly have moments where she realizes she’s “happy”. it’s a word that gets thrown around too much, in her opinion, and so she tilts her head to the side and comes up with some typical idol answer just to get it over with. “seeing blue moon still charting? although i think that was more surprise than anything.”
24.what language would you like to learn? 
“i think i need to relearn korean,” is the first thing that leaves her lips, and her fans are laughing at her bluntness. she was never a genius when it came to learning languages, and the only other language other than korean that she could confidently say she spoke was japanese. even that was only because of all the japanese promotions that lipstick had been on where she naturally just ended up picking up the language. “i guess i’d like to give another try to english? though i don’t think i’ll ever be able to pronounce those r’s.”  
26.what is your favorite movie/book you’ve seen/read recently?
she wants to say something along the lines of: what makes you think i read? but the fan in front of her has such twinkling eyes filled with hope. something that she doesn’t want to crush. she seems like a new fan which is a wild concept to hyeju. lipstick gaining fans even now? when there were so many younger idols? “i’ve started re-watching the harry potter series. only to remember how dumb some of the characters are, but i think it’s a good time filler for whenever i’m bored.”
29.what job would you want if you weren’t an idol?
“i think i would have liked to be a choreographer,” she states. it’s half true. if she wasn’t an idol and never got into the whole show business thing, she probably would have been working two to three jobs in order to make a living. or maybe she would have ran back home though that would have crushed her pride. “it feels weird imaging my life as a non-idol!”
30.what is a hobby you’d like to pick up? 
there were way too many things on her to-do list that simply remain on the list and never move forward. “i think there’s a compilation of me stating i want to learn a bunch of things somewhere on youtube. you all know how fickle i am with hobbies. though i guess if i were to pick something up, it’d be an instrument? the drums maybe?”
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404fmdminjung · 4 years
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famed meme still accepting!
Send ♫ for a performance headcanon. (wc: 231)
there’s a hit or miss when it comes to fuse songs for minjung. she doesn’t particularly enjoy the bright bubbly concepts (except for a few) but she really loves the darker more mature concepts. she’s always been exceptionally opinionated and can only allow her feelings for a song to dictate how she takes initiative on things. for things she feels passionate about, she gives it her all when it comes to dancing and singing, which would give her more positive comments about her stage presence. however, for the ones she doesn’t care about she just half-asses it and sings the words like how she does, which causes her to be considered ‘lazy’ or ‘untalented’.
it also doesn’t help that she’s one of the weaker dancers in the group which means she takes longer to get the choreography. sometimes, she’ll even get caught forgetting the choreography, and gets captured and posted on youtube. she stands there wide eyed and smiles, laughing to show she doesn’t take much to heart.
however, she still tries her best despite not feeling the best or not feeling the song. this is mainly because she knows how to put on a show of what people expect of her. rarely, will fans find her frowning because the smile’s glued to her face. she likes being predictable on stage because it lessens the burden of revealing her true personality.
Send ✈ for an airport fashion headcanon. (wc: 305)
if she had it her way, she’d be dressed in street wear and baggy clothes. the type of style that requires really loose pants, and a large hoodie - the stereotypical hongdae warrior fashion. however, gold star knows this and they’ve told her to play the role of a girl group and thus they’ve glued a stylist to pick her clothes for her everytime she goes to the airport.
sometimes, the stylists are kind and dress her in baggy jeans and a t-shirt, which is probably the closest thing to her own fashion. however, other times they ask her to wear clothes given to them by various companies or dress her as a girly girl, as her image suits that ‘best’. 
she has no say, really in what she wears or she just learns to adapt to what they expect of her. most of the time it consists of frills, skirts or just casual wear that can range from skirts to jeans with blouses. 
shoes most of the time are just tennis shoes because she has no intentions to wear heels or strut the airport like it’s a runway. and if she’s really lazy she’ll top it off with a bucket hat to hide her face away from the cameras waiting to catch an idol on a bad day.
as for bags, she carries around smaller designer handbacks. although her favorite bag consists of her worn down backpack that’s survived the years, gold star tells her no and that she should carry something more acceptable - that causes her to bring out designer bags that essentially carry nothing but her phone in them. she’ll never find the joy of carrying around a small handbag, but she knows it’s just free press for the fashion brands which in turn means more money drawn to their group.
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Send ☎ for a bad fan experience headcanon. (wc: 252)
she hasn’t had any real bad fan experiences mainly because she lays low. the only sasaeng interruptions she experiences is when they get wave of her number and call her incessantly. it’s happened six times where she’s sitting alone in her apartment, painting and all of a sudden the phone calls. instead of answering or calling the police, she turns her phone off and continues on.
another bad experience was the sasaengs that followed them to the dorms when she was still living with fuse. in that case, the sasaengs used to hide in the bushes, and step out ringing their bell. it was terrifying and the first time she was too scared to leave the dorms alone. luckily, the manager was present and called gold star to get it all situated. still to this day, she doesn’t understand why people become as crazy as they do.
another bad experience was actually at night when she was wandering around with a friend. she didn’t have a mask on or a hat, but it was dark enough that nobody should’ve recognized her. during the night, a drunken man recognized her and immediately lodged themselves at her, and she felt like she was going to die in that moment - except, she was with a few friends at that point, where the friends had to pry her away from the man and call the police. it ended with a punishment of where she couldn’t leave the dorm without the manager for a few months.
Send ❂ for a voice-related (singing or rapping) headcanon. (wc: 310)
her voice is strikingly unique and can be picked apart from any fuse track. it pierces and echoes through the song, and people know the stark sound. however, that’s the voice that fuse has taught her to sing in, and it has dulled away the original cracks and breaks of her voice. it is polished to be an ‘idol’ voice, so it’s crisp and clear and fits right into fuse’s track like a puzzle piece.
however, there’s another voice she uses for her soundcloud. close friends and fans that know of her soundcloud know this is her actual voice that sounds less strained and more real. it consists of more ‘whiny’ sounding voices that linger the ends of the lyrics on. there’s nothing cute and crisp, but it is grittier and rough despite its high tone. some fans enjoy this voice more and ask her to sing like this for fuse, but other fans call it annoying and tell her she is untalented/too much autotune used in fuse’s voice.
singing has become her escape since she was a little girl, finding music the only stabilizing thing in her life. she started singing a lot of S.E.S and super junior, but then she branched off to pop-punk and ballads. she’s always experimenting with new songs, and for her first solo she will be strictly singing experimental songs because the album is her baby.
although she is a rapper role, she rarely raps in fuse’s songs although she loves rapping in general. she loves travis scott and asap, finding trap the best form of hip hop. although she’s not at the level of her favorites, she tries to follow along although she loses the beat a few times. someday, she’ll get a rapping teacher and learn to polish her skills so she can make her big billboard chart debut as lil jane.
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fmdjynxarchive · 4 years
walk the runway
there was still a little time left before they had to walk the runway. something jiyoo was looking forward too even though she enjoyed the non-choas she had right now. and since there was a little time to fool around and have fun, jynx made her way over to one of her fellow idols. youngjoo.
"hey." she grinned as she sat down next to the girl, brushing some of her hair out of her face. "how do you feel about walking the runway, have you done this before?" it'd be cool if youngjoo did, she could ask for a few tips. "this would be my first time and i'm super nervous about it." she knew once she was on stage, that would all change but the moments leading up to it was still nerve wracking. 
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