#fnaf roman au
automatonsintogas · 9 months
Chapter 11 | One step over the treshold
(Ugh, I finally wrote it!)
Summary: You leave home for the adventure. You get some much needed advice. The time is running out.
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Sorry everyone. There is no boys in this chapter. There will be in the next. I just needed to flesh out the story a little. I hope you won't be dissapointed.
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 7 days
I'm taking a little break from writing.
I've been posting fanfiction on AO3 for about 1.5 year now and trought that time I wrote a total of 129,553 words. That may be far more fiction than I wrote trought my entire life before!
So I think I am long due for a little vacation.
Until later. Stay tuned for more!
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cr33p5 · 5 months
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(sketch/work in progress!!!)
tracked time: 4 hours 8 min
fnaf au!! i’ve seen a lot of them featuring the sides as animatronics and as cool af as that is..please consider:
the sides are there like normal but thomas is the night guard, and everything plays out like an actual video where they all have a crisis/debate on how to get thomas through the night (might work on a fic about it)
(no reposting to other sites)
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fangirltothefullest · 5 months
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Bunch of fnaf au doodles particularly because I wanted to figure out what logans jumpscare would look like as an owl and then I did Virgil and then Remus so.... it carried on from there. I imagine Patton doesn't have a scary one he just pops up like HELLO! And it ends up being scary by merit of the suddenness alone.
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alexloldog · 4 months
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succession fnaf au
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hey fanders
*turns prinxiety into robots*
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purplerat111 · 5 months
TW blood
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Bernadette, you open my world
I'm fei're every day, my turn is set
Life, death, lead us humans to love and hardship
But you can scream quietly
And now let me in, Bernadette
FNAF au notFFDRoutine "Werewolf"
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thevioletcobra · 5 months
And of the FNAF AU:
Roman x Glamrock Foxy
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Despite the red eyes, he’s actually the nice one.
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Day Shift
This is a reupload of a fic created based on @burnadolt​‘s Sanders Sides fnaf AU from a couoke years ago. Cause... yeah, read mores tend to break if you delete the original, and we changed our sanders sides blog a long time ago. Summary: Roman, an animatronic Prince at the local pizzaria restaurant, finally gets a chance to talk to that new night guard he’s been so obsessed with.
It does not go well.
Ships: Roman/Virgil
Virgil was working the day shift.
Virgil never worked the day shift.
Virgil was just here last night. How the hell was he even standing?
Yet there he was, in fact, standing, off to the side of the room- admittedly somewhat awkwardly, out of place under the bright fluorescent lights. As if it were the most normal thing in the world. Granted, Virgil didn’t seem to fully understand what he was supposed to be doing, seeing as how he’d hardly moved from his spot in the corner of the room. Instead, he seemed content to simply watch the every-changing crowd before him, scanning the room left and right and back again. Hopefully he didn’t get in trouble for wasting time on the clock- surely someone had been assigned to show him the ropes around the daylight hours, but had instead abandoned him to the chaos of the dining hall for one reason or another.
Who even knew how long he’d been standing there in the first place- well, Virgil, probably. Even from atop the stage, Roman had only spotted him in a gap in the crowds, when Virgil’s corner of the room had stood mostly empty and the flash of purple had caught Roman’s robotic eye. But now that he’d spotted the night... the security guard, it was almost impossible not to see him, every-time he turned his attention towards the audiences general direction.
Roman dodged a swing from Remus’s bat that most certainly wasn't in the original script, resisting the urge to scowl at his... would twin be the right word? Once upon they’d been the same, but then parts had been recycled and separated and rebuilt, and now there were two of them and it was... weird. It was weird. Instead of letting his processor dwell on that old puzzle, he brandished his sword with an extra flourish or two, while definitely not wondering if Virgil was watching. Who knows, maybe he finally stopped by to see Roman preform under the spotlights, in all his glory.
(Those stupid security cameras never got his good side anyways).
“Something wrong?” Remus asked, his voice raised into a sing-song pitch as he swung his bat in a big ark around his side before resting it on his shoulder. “Cat got your tongue? Or are you finally crumbling under the pressure of disappointing all your fans, your royal rust bucketness?” 
Ah, yes. Roman’s voice had cut out mid-line when he’d spotted Virgil, right alongside everything else. But who could blame him? It’s not like anyone had told him Virgil would be moving to the- oh no. What if Virgil was being moved to the day shift- permanently? How was he supposed too- this just couldn’t do, Roman still had yet to dazzle the new guard if he never got a chance to pop into the office, maybe show off one of the new songs he’d been practicing, or his cool sword! He’d sharpened the thing just for him!
(Seriously, how was he so good at managing those stupid doors? Normally it took night guards a few days to get the hang of them, but despite it still being the first week since Virgil was hired, somehow he’d managed to completely keep the animatronics out of his office. Not. Fair.)
He was brought back to harsh reality when Remus’s bat caught him on the side of his face, sending his head spinning round clockwise as Remus’s high pitched laugh echoed across the stage. Roman had to grab the side of his head to stop it, straightening it back as he backed up a few steps and readied his weapon. Improv it was then- and at this rate, he’d probably get flagged for repairs, and then he’d have to spend a whole day cooped up in the back room, where- wait. Hold on.
Wait a minute.
If he was flagged for repairs, he could leave the stage. After all, why drag their heavy robotic bodies to the back room when they could just walk on their own two legs?
Mind made up, Roman kept his voice muted as he came back at Remus, raising his sword up high as if he meant to swing it down on his head. Remus fell for the bait, hook line and sinker, raising his bat to block the attack, and leaving his torso wide open. Roman bent his other arm and jammed his elbow into the exposed joints under Remus’s main body piece, forcing the other animatronic off balance and stumbling back. Roman flourished his sword once more, pointing it at Remus and proceeding to make several gestures with his free hand, but not uttering a word.
Some of the kids who were watching were cheering or laughing, others were clapping at the display, and some were distracted by a large, decorative cake being wheeled out from the back kitchens. Ah, birthday parties. They brought in big crowds, but could be so fickle. Right now, however, Roman was thankful for the distraction. As the kids were ushered towards the table with all the party hats and plates laid out for them, one of the employees approached the stage while removing a remote from the clip on their belt. A moment later, and Roman felt his legs lock in place.
(A shame Remus wasn’t still thrown off balance, it was always funny when he fell on his face whenever this happened. Less so when Roman was the one falling).
Roman waited somewhat impatiently as the employee did a quick check of his voice box and the area around his body Remus normally hit him at- the two of them were designed to take a few hits, so it usually took a fluke for Remus to actually do any damage. While the employee was running through the usual checks, Roman turned his attention back to where he’d last seen Virgil. Out of the corner of his vision, Roman spotted Remus checking out whatever he was looking at, and jerk slightly as his gaze landed on Virgil.
Virgil had stopped watching the crowds, and now seemed to have his gaze fixed on a small cluster of people near the entrance to the kitchens. Roman wasn’t sure what- or who he was looking at, but after a few additional moments of staring Virgil pushed himself away from the wall and began making his way across the room. Halfway across, he was stopped by a women who seemed to be asking him some sort of question. However, another employee, spotting them, quickly intervened and took over whatever it was she needed help with. It must have been common knowledge that Virgil didn’t know much about the day shift side of things. No longer impended, Virgil continued on his track across the room, Virgil continued on his path towards the kitchens, were the group had dwindled to just one dad.
So invested was Roman in wherever Virgil was headed, Roman almost missed the employee checking on him calling in that Roman was headed for the back room for some repairs, right before the locks keeping him in place disengaged and his path-finding lit up a route towards the room he was meant to head towards. And as much as Roman wanted to jump off the stage straight from where he stood- well, that was half of the reason he and Remus weren't allowed to wonder around during the day anymore. Instead, Roman forced himself to walk down the stairs off to the side of the stage.
A few loose kids ran up to him the moment he dismounted, and Roman gave them a deep bow, sweeping one arm under his chest and the other gracefully to the side, earning a chorus of giggles for his efforts. Ah, how he’d missed being amongst his fans- Roman snuck a sly glance back, and sure enough, Remus had already gotten his weapon taken away from him. There was the other reason he wasn’t allowed off the stage anymore.
“Why, hello there kiddos~!” Patton’s voice broke threw the the excited shrieks of children filling the room, pulling the attention away from Roman and onto himself. “Prince Roman here has some very important places he needs to get too, but how would you like some ice cream instead?” he asked, giving Roman a glance and smile, nodding once towards the direction of the back room. He supposed his performance had caught more attention than he’d thought. Roman nodded back, and continued to strut his away across the room. And if his path just happened to lean a little more towards passing Virgil than it needed too, oh well.
By now, Virgil had come to a stop in front of the man outside the kitchen, and was just... staring at him. Much to the... customer(?)... fathers(?) confusion, naturally. Roman was just now getting close enough to hear the man snapping at Virgil to buzz the fuck off already, which just made Roman want to reach for his sword. Oh- lookit that, they’d forgotten to take Roman’s sword off of him. Before he could think twice about interviewing, however, the manager had made an appearance and placed one hand on Virgil’s arm, whilst another employee, the one who had intervened with the women earlier, trailed behind. First day on the day shift, and it looked like Virgil was already in trouble.
“I am terribly sorry,” the manager was saying, grinning in that fake way that never seemed to reach his eyes. “It’s huh- he’s new you see, and a bit awkward, and I assure you I’ll have a proper chat with i-him in my office.” he said, putting an extra dash of emphasis on the last couple words as he shot Virgil a look. Virgil seemed to catch on fairly quickly, turning away from the situation he’d caused and walking towards the hall leading towards the bosses office. Which also happened to be the same hallway leading towards the back rooms.
Now, this was just too good to be true.
Now ignoring the conversation unfolding as he passed (briefly, he picked up on the manager offering the guest free pizza or something) and followed Virgil into the hallway. The lights were immediately dimmed- you could almost mistake them for off- and the noise from the other room sounded muted, almost far away. Roman quickened his steps to catch up to Virgil, and turning a corner in the hallway, found him not to far ahead.
“Virgil~” Roman called out, his voice springing from his voicebox like a song. Virgil came to a dead stop ahead of him, nearly tripping on his feet and forcing him to brace himself on the wall to his left with a loud thunk, silence following shortly after. For a moment, Roman was afraid that Virgil wasn’t gonna turn around, and he’d gone into so much effort to pose for him! One hand with the fingers placed daintily on his chest, the other raised up in the air. Back straight, shoulders high, heel-to-toe stance.
But then Virgil didn’t glance behind him, turning fully around after a few seconds, keeping close to the wall. “Aren't you-” Virgil began, only to cut himself off as he swept aside some hair obstructing his vision. “Aren't you supposed to be busted? Or something?”
Roman laughed, tilting his head to the side and making a motion akin to running his hand threw his own hair. He couldn’t do it, really, or he’d mess it up. And he needed to look his best, right now. “Oh, that?” Roman asked, attempting to keep his voice as smooth as possible. Unfortunately, it was coming out a little static-y... maybe he did need some fine tuning. “Just some fine acting on my part- I saw you in the crowds and well... I wasn’t sure how often I’d have this opportunity.”
“Uh.” Virgil said, taking a step backwards, glancing over his shoulder. He seemed twitchier than normal- but then again, most of Roman’s interactions with the night guard were glimpses caught threw the window of a closed door. Roman took a step forward, matching him. “Look, I’ve got places to be too, so um-”
“Surely one little conversation couldn’t take too long!” Roman said, reaching out a hand towards Virgil. Virgil scurried back, hovering outside the door to the managers office, clutching the edge of his shirt like it was gonna fall off of him. “Oh, come on now, there’s no need to be shy!”
“I- look,” Virgil shook his head, casting more glances down the hall before tugging at his hair in a nervous manor. Now, that wouldn’t do- he was messing it all up! “I really gotta do this- I’ll talk too you tonight, okay?” Despite wording it as a question, Virgil opened the door and bolted inside before he could get an answer, letting it slam closed behind him. Not that Roman would’ve been able to answer, had he been given the time. 
Roman placed both hands, one folded over the other, on his chest. Had he been human, he was sure his heart would’ve skipped a beat- and if he used a healthy dose of imagination, he could pretend the metal under his hands felt warmer than the rest of him. Very little could interrupt this moment.
From behind Roman, the manager approached down the hall, stopping to look the animatronic up and down. After a moment, he grabbed a walkie talkie from his belt, turned away from the robot, and said: “Hey, uh- the Prince bot’s frozen in the hall. Can someone come take care of this?”
When the manager looked back up, Roman was looking right at him. He just about jumped right out of his skin.
Never had Roman felt as if closing took half as long as it had that night.
No sooner than the finally lights been dimmed, the last locks put in place, and the clocks finally tick over to midnight then Roman sprinted towards the edge of the stage, leaping off to clear the nearest table and land hard on one knee. (Super-hero landing.) A moment later, his brother came tumbling after him, crashing over himself several times before hitting the ground face-first.
At least Remus was laughing.
Roman sprung back up to his feet a moment later, brushing off his sash as he took several quick steps into the room. After a moment he thought to look up, catching the glint of a security camera pointed in his and Remus’s direction, and gave a quick wave. He wasn’t sure if Virgil was watching or what, but he’d hate to miss the opportunity. But- wait, what if he only checked the camera after Roman finished waving? What if he thought Roman had forgot?
“Are you seriously just gonna stand there waving at the cameras forever?” Remus asked, right as he draped an arm across Roman’s shoulder and joined him in staring up at the camera. “I swear, you’re the thirstiest bitch I know- alright, let’s do something about this.”
Remus pushed away from Roman, wasting no time in marching towards the nearest table and grabbing a random party hat, before dragging a chair loudly across the floor towards the camera. Roman caught on fairly quick- it was Virgil’s job to keep watch on and off the camera, and tampering with one (minus the, um, permanently busted one in the kitchen) would be a sure fire way of forcing him from that office he’d cooped himself in. But Roman simply wasn’t nearly that desperate- yet.
“No, Remus look it’s cool, I’ve got-” Roman began, as Remus was already fanangling the hat over the lens of the camera. However, they were both interrupted by Patton crashing in through the nearest doors.
“Heeeeeey, what’s up daddy-o?” Remus asked, tilting his head so far back he was practically upside down to look at Patton. “Did they lock the doors before you could stalk another child home again?”
Patton choose to ignore the (probably true) jab, and instead turned his attention towards Roman. “That was so scary!” He gushed, about... something. Had a spider got in his wires again? “I was so worried that something had...” his voice box cut itself off, and he just shook his head.
“Think he killed any of the kids?” Remus asked, tying the strings of the hat in a pretty little bow atop the camera.
“I don’t... I don’t think so.” Patton said, tightening the knots in the jacket hanging around his shoulders. It hadn’t been a part of his original design, and Roman had completely forgotten where he’d gotten it from, but right now he wasn’t concerned with that.
“Hold on,” Roman held up both hands and glanced between the two of them. “What are you two talking about?”
“The- that guy! From earlier.” Patton said, very unhelpfully.
“Someone got arrested,” Remus sung, humming happily as he leaned back on the chair to admire his work. “While you were in the back playing sick. “Crazy too- it was the one guy Virgil was bothering, can you believe it?”
“It was... he... hold on.” Roman said, taking a few steps back and letting himself collapse into the nearest chair. Thankfully, it held his weight. He moved one hand to his head, then jerked it back again before he could ruin his hair. “What the hell did I miss? Someone got- were the kids- what?”
“Someone got arrested.” Patton repeated. “It was all very confusing- the police suddenly showed up to take this one guy away who the staff kept talking too... they were probably distracting him, now that I think about it.” he walked over to Roman, placing a hand on his shoulder. “It’s okay, they got him, so I’m sure everyone's safe now.”
“I hear he was wanted for many crimes.” Remus sing sung, probably having no idea what he was really talking about.
“That must have been why Virgil was rushing to get into the office.” Roman realized. “I didn’t even realize- no wonder he said we’d have to wait til tonight to talk.”
“No, wait, shut the fuck up.” Remus said, crashing straight to the floor before scrambling up and over to Roman, smacking his hands on the princes shoulders with a CLANG that echoed in the room. “You’ve got a date? With the hot new night guard?” Remus asked, glee in his voice. “Ah, Ro-ro, you’re gonna get fucked tonight!”
“Don’t call me ro-ro.” Roman said automatically. “And we’re robots, we don’t even have-”
Patton gasped, his hands smacking up to his face. “You’ve got a date?!” he asked, glee ringing in his voice like a bell. The moment Roman turned his attention to him, Remus went scrambling off somewhere, but Patton had all his attention on Roman now. “Oh, Roman, that’s wonderful! I know you’ve been trying so hard... wait, don’t humans sleep?”
Roman gave an awkward laugh, adjusting the way his sash sat on his body. Ignoring the last part, cause honestly he wasn’t sure how sleeping worked, he said; “Hey, don’t make me out to be some love-sick puppy...”
“Boy, you’ve been lusting after that guard since you first caught sight of him!” Remus shouted from some far flung corner of the room, dragging something heavy across the floor. “I had no idea dark and brooding was your type!”
“Shut up!” Roman squeaked, hiding his face behind his hands. God, they’d gone from talking to someone getting arrested and then Romans love life in no time flat, huh? While his head was done, he picked up more sounds, namely footsteps down the hall. Footsteps to light to belong to anyone here- well, Janus was light enough to sound like a person when he walked, but right now he was busted so he was limping everywhere. “Wait, he’s coming, oh god, oh fuck, I’m not ready!”
Roman stood back up, waving his hand at himself in a vain attempt to help himself cool down and silence his internal fans that were just going to town, while Patton helped Roman adjust his accessories and fix up his hair- Roman hadn’t even noticed himself running his hands through it again. Patton gave him a smile- when you knew their faces well enough, it was easy to tell when they were smiling for real. “Break a leg, kiddo.” Patton said, despite the fact he was the newest bot here. “But not really, cause that would be rude.”
It was then that someone appeared in the doorway, hesitating for a few moments before walking into the low-level lights shining from the stage. Virgil glanced at the two of them, then up at the camera covered by a party hat, then back at them. After a moment, he held up a hand and gave a little wave, seemingly out-of-place and awkward in the rest of the restaurant.
Patton was doing this thing he did where he bounced on the back of his feet as Roman approached Virgil, before giving a deep bow while seeping his arm dramatically across his torso for pose number 5. “Greetings, our dark and stormy guardian. It’s so wonderful to see you out of that dusty old security office!”
“Yeah, um,” Virgil looked around again- he did this thing where he pretty much turned his whole head, instead of looking around with his eyes. “I’m not really sure if I’m supposed to be out here? Maybe? I’m uh, I’m still kinda new. To this, and to life, I guess.”
“Of course you’re allowed out of your office... who trained you, anyways?” Roman asked, making sure to stand straight. Gosh, Virgil was short. He also hoped he wasn’t coming across as rude, but seriously, was anyone telling Virgil anything?
“um...” Virgil shrugged. “There was some phone recordings in my office I listened too, but I’m not really sure they were for me? I think they were there for the hu-”
Roman gasped dramatically, reaching out and snatching one of Virgil’s to hold between his own. “Abandoned in these trying times?! Well, fear not my dark and stormy p- I can show you the world!”
“Are you...” Virgil faltered out, before tilting his head at Roman. “Are you quoting Disney?”
“Yes.” Roman said. “There’s a bunch of old tapes in the back, if you uh.... if you wanted to head back there with me and um, watch some? With me? Maybe?”
“Well, I mean I love Disney, so that’s a yes.” Virgil said. If Roman had had a physical heart, it would have burst out of his chest.
Neither of them noticed the scrapping sound getting louder until Remus dumped a bucket of water from a janitors bucket onto Virgil. Roman jerked back from the sudden water, and Virgil jerked too- but-
His body convulsed violently, a few sparks flying, before his eyes went through a series of colors before landing on blue, white text spanning across his vision. Then they went black, as the sound of a machine powering down emanated from him, and Virgil collapsed to the floor with the sound of clattering metal.
Roman, Remus, and Patton gathered around him. Remus kicked his shoulder, making it clang.
“Huh.” Patton said. “He looked so... I guess we should get him to the repair room, huh?”
“Hey, pops!” Remus said, shouting suddenly as he looked at Patton. “You’re not the youngster anymore!”
A moment later, Romans sword smashed down on Remus’s head.
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thatonelesbianfander · 2 months
All Stay Strong: The Transcript Files Chapter 2: 1966-1974
Fandom// Sanders Sides and Five Nights at Freddy’s
TW// Yelling, Swearing, Child birth mention, Homophobia, Ableism, Abuse, Arguing
Word count// 5573
Description// All Stay Strong is a Sanders Sides and Five Nights at Freddy’s combined lore AU. This chapter takes place in the years 1966-1974. During these years, you will see the origins of Henry and Sophia’s life together, the start of Michael Afton’s life, different events from the beginning of Remus and Roman’s lives, the origins of FredBear’s Family Diner, as well as some other major events.
Major Characters// William Afton, Clara Afton/Mrs. Afton, Henry Emily, Remus Sanders, Roman Sanders, Janus Sanders, Michael Afton
Pairings// William x Mrs. Afton, oc x oc
AUs// All Stay Strong AU (more about AU here)
Masterpost // Previous // Next
File 1AE4161966- Emily Wedding
The date is April 16, 1966. It is the day of the wedding between Henry Emily and Sophia Fosterson. Henry Emily was the son of an adoptive above average income British American family who adopted him after his birth parents divorced and abandoned him. Henry was born in Utah in the year 1938. Henry was the middle child of his family, having a younger adoptive sister named Jessie, and an older adoptive brother, William. Henry used to co-run his father’s milling company along with his siblings and father before it went out of business. Currently, he worked for a small woodworking company, making wooden props. Sophia on the other hand was the daughter of a wealthy American family. Sophia was born in Utah in the year 1939. She was the only child of her family. Sophia worked as a nurse in the local hospital. The two met at a nearby bar a few years before William and Clara’s marriage and started dating a few months before. Now, after 5 years of dating, and a year of planning, they were finally getting married.
Henry sat in his chair as William did his hair.
”How can you stay so calm about this? I would never be able to stay this calm!” William said.
”That’s because I’m not a fucking anxious bitch like you,” Henry said. William hit the back of Henry’s head with the back of the brush playfully.
”Ow!” Henry said, rubbing the back of his head.
”Deserved,” William said.
”Shut up,” Henry replied. William finished Henry’s hair, Henry looking at himself in the mirror.
”Wow, you’re actually pretty good at styling hair. Should use some of that talent for your own,” Henry said, fixing up the sides a little.
”Excuse you, I think my hair’s perfect,” William said, fixing his ponytail.
”Yeah, yeah, whatever you say,” Henry said.
”I can hit you with the brush again if you’d like,” William said.
”Please don’t,” Henry said. William helped Henry fix his bowtie before the two sat down.
”So, how have the twins been doing?” Henry asked, picking up his book.
”Pretty good, they’ve both taken their first steps and Roman has started speaking a little. Remus hasn’t started speaking yet, though, but other than that they’re great!” William said.
”That’s good. How about your job? How’s that been treating you?” Henry asked.
”It’s actually pretty great! I love being able to make a bunch of different machines and stuff! I’ve been working on this one new technology so I can make robotic suits, but it’s only in its starting phase, it’s nowhere near finished,” William replied.
”That’s cool,” Henry said.
”Yeah, life’s been good. Roman and Remus seem to be really close, they’re basically inseparable. Once, we had to take the twins in for checkups, and Roman had to go into a different room than Remus and Remus wouldn’t stop crying until Roman came out,” William said.
”I bet that was fun,” Henry said.
”Yeah, right,” William responded. The two continued to talk until they had to head over to the church.
Over with the girls, Jess did Sophia’s hair as Clara and Jess’s “friend”, Dawn, sat next to her.
”So, are you excited?” Clara asked.
”Yeah. Kind of nervous, but excited at the same time,” Sophia said.
”Don’t worry, you’ll do great!” Dawn responded.
”Thanks,” Sophia said. Jess finished Sophia’s hair, handing her a mirror so she could look at herself.
”Wow, you’re really good at this,” Sophia said.
”I mean… I studied fashion for 4 years. Would kind of be a waste if I wasn’t,” Jess said.
”True,” Sophia said.
”So, Clara. How have the twins been?” Jess asked.
”I mean… You just met them a few months ago, but they’re been good,” Clara said.
”You have kids?” Dawn asked.
”Yeah, didn’t Jess ever tell you?” Clara asked.
”No,” Dawn replied.
”Shit, that’s what I was forgetting!” Jess said.
”It’s okay. What are their names?” Dawn asked.
”Remus and Roman. Roman is the shortened version of Romulus and Remus is named after Romulus’ brother,” Clara said.
”Roman mythology?” Dawn asked.
”Yeah. I was really into it last year when the twins were born,” Clara said.
”That’s pretty cool,” Dawn said. The four soon heard knocking on the door, turning to the door.
”Come in!” Sophia shouted. Ashley, opened the door, smiling.
”Hey, you four! I just wanted to let you know that there’s about 15 minutes until you’re needed at the church,” Ashley said.
”Okay, thanks, Mom!” Jess said. Ashley nodded, closing the door and walking off.
”Welp, let’s get you into your dress and get you to your future husband,” Jess said. Sophia nodded, standing up and walking to the other side of the room with Jess. Jess helped Sophia into her dress, fixing it up and adding a few last minute details before the four exited the room and walked over to the church.
After the wedding, everyone went over to the reception area. Everyone ate the meal while talking.
”So, yeah. That’s basically the story of how we met,” Clara said.
”Wow, that’s really cool!” Dawn replied.
”Yeah,” William said.
”Well, I need to use the bathroom real quick. Do any of you know where it is?” Dawn asked.
”Oh, I do! I’ll take you to it!” Jess said. Dawn nodded, the two getting up and going to the bathroom as William and Clara continued to talk. Once the two arrived in the bathroom, Jess closed the door, walking over to Dawn.
”Are you okay, love? You’ve been really quiet tonight,” Jess asked.
”Yeah, I’m fine. I was just thinking…” Dawn said.
”About what?” Jess asked.
”Well, I just think it’s unfair how both your brothers get to marry the love of their lives while we have to stay hidden…” Dawn said.
”I know… But I promise you… If and when we can marry, I’ll make sure that is the first thing we do, alright?” Jess said. Dawn smiled, turning around and facing Jess.
”Thanks. I love you,” Dawn said. Jess smiled, putting a hand to Dawn’s face.
”Kisses?” Jess asked. Dawn nodded, smiling.
”Where are they… They’ve been gone for a while now…” William said, looking around. The meal had ended and everyone was gathered around Henry and Sophia’s table, waiting for Dawn and Jess to get back so they could start presents.
”I don’t know… Should we look for them?” Henry asked.
”Probably… What if something happened?” Sophia replied. Henry and Sophia got up and headed to the bathrooms, the reception guests following behind. William and Henry walked next to each other before stopping in front of the door to the handicapped bathrooms. William opened the door, freezing at the sight. In front of them, Jess and Dawn stood, both kissing each other, unaware of their audience.
”What the fuck?!” Henry yelled. Dawn and Jess looked up, freezing as they realized they were caught.
”William… Henry… I can explain!” Jess said, nervously.
”You fucking freak! You’re fucking disgusting!” William yelled, tears coming to Jess’s eyes.
”Hey, leave her alone!” Dawn defended Jess.
”You shut up! Stay out of this!” William yelled back.
”Will… Hen… Please…” Jess said, starting to cry.
”Don’t call us that! You’re a fucking disappointment! I wish you were never my sister! Get the fuck out of here!” Henry yelled.
”Fine! It’s not like I fucking need you two hateful bigots in my life anyway!” Jess yelled back, grabbing Dawn’s hand and their stuff before storming out of the reception.
”Henry, William… You really didn’t have to be that harsh on her… She’s just confused!” Ashley said, putting a hand on Henry’s shoulder.
”Whatever,” Henry said, looking away from his mother.
Henry and Sophia sat in bed in their apartment after the reception, Sophia reading a book as Henry zoned out.
”Was I really too harsh on her, Soph?” Henry asked.
”Not at all. I think you had the right reaction. She’s a sinner and a traitor to God. You did everything you needed to do,” Sophia replied.
”I know… But… She’s still my sister… I can’t help but feel a little guilty,” Henry said.
”Well, that is fair, but she decided to stray from God, so she should have expected this,” Sophia responded. Henry sighed, looking down.
”Okay… I’m going to go to sleep… I love you,” Henry said.
”Love you too, Hen,” Sophia replied, smiling. The two shared a quick kiss before Henry laid down and fell asleep, Sophia following suit a few minutes later.
File 1E4201966- Emily Moving Day
The date is April 20, 1966. Henry packed the last of his bags into his car, getting in. Sophia looked up from her book, smiling.
”Hey, Hen. Got everything?” Sophia asked.
”Yup, let’s go,” Henry said, starting the car and driving off. The drive wasn’t that long, only taking about 15 minutes until the two were at their new house. The two got out of their car, grabbing their bags and walking up to the house. Henry grabbed the house key, unlocking the door and opening it. Sophia stepped inside first, followed by Henry shortly after once he locked the car. The two looked around at their house, all of their furniture and stuff having been moved in the previous day.
”Welp, let’s get to unpacking everything,” Henry said, placing his bags down. Sophia nodded, placing her bags down as well before walking with Henry. The two started to unpack the boxes and organize the house, sharing a couple of drinks and laughs along the way.
”Oh, I’m so excited! We’re going to be able to have our own family together!” Sophia said, handing a glass to Henry.
”Yeah, it’s exciting!” Henry replied, putting the glass into the cabinet.
”So, you’re making the basement your work area still?” Sophia asked.
”Yeah, it’ll just be safer for all of that stuff to stay in the basement since it’s a bunch of sharp objects and heavy equipment,” Henry said.
”Okay. If you need any help with anything, you can ask me,” Sophia said.
”I know, Soph. Thanks,” Henry said. The two finished organizing the house, both now sitting on their bed.
”Ugh, I’m tired,” Sophia said.
”Take a nap. I can start dinner while you sleep,” Henry said.
”Are you sure?” Sophia asked.
”Yeah, go to sleep, I’ll get dinner started,” Henry said. Sophia smiled.
”Thanks,” Sophia said, laying down and falling asleep while Henry walked downstairs and started dinner. Sophia woke up and ate dinner with Henry an hour later. The two watched TV after eating, soon falling asleep on the couch together.
File 1AE6211967- Birth of Michael Afton
The date is June 21, 1967. William paced up and down the hallway as Henry and Sophia stood outside with him. Sophia held Remus as Roman stood next to her, holding onto the sleeve of her shirt.
”Why won’t you let me be with her during this?” William asked, still pacing.
”Because you’re going to freak out again like you did when these two were born,” Henry said, gesturing to Remus and Roman.
”Ughhhhhhh,” William said, leaning against the wall and sliding down it. Roman tugged on Sophia’s sleeve, Sophia looking down at him.
”Yes, Roman?” Sophia asked.
”Remus,” Roman said, holding his arms out to Remus.
”Do you want Remus?” Sophia asked. Roman nodded, making grabby hands towards his twin. Sophia smiled, setting Remus down. Remus walked over to Roman, hugging him as Roman hugged him back. Remus looked over to William, who sat next to Henry, his head in his hands. He walked over to William, pulling Roman along.
”Papa?” Remus asked, tapping William’s arm. William looked up, smiling a little and opening his arms out to Remus. Remus and Roman hugged William, William holding the two close.
”I love you two so much,” William said.
”Love you, Papa…” Remus replied.
”Remus’s speech has been getting better,” Henry said.
”Yeah. The speech therapist has been working wonders for us,” William said, holding his kids close. Sophia walked over to the four, sitting down next to Henry. William took a deep breath, leaning his head against the wall.
”Ugh, this takes too long! I want my wife!” William said.
”She’ll be done soon, don’t worry,” Henry said, putting a hand on William’s shoulder. A doctor peeked out into the hallway, looking around.
”Mr. Afton?” the doctor asked, confused.
”Down here,” William said. The doctor looked down, spotting the 5 sitting on the floor.
”Ah! There you are! Your wife’s ready if you would like to see her!” the doctor said.
”Okay, thanks,” William replied. Henry and Sophia got up, picking up Remus and Roman so William could stand up as well. Henry and Sophia put the twins down, William grabbing both of their hands.
”We’re going to head out. Tell Clara we said hi and hope she gets well soon,” Henry said, holding Sophia’s hand.
”I will,” William said. Henry and Sophia walked away as William turned to the twins.
”Come on, you two. We’re going to go see Mama,” William said. The twins smiled, walking with William into the room. The three walked over to the side of Clara’s bed, William grabbing Clara’s hand and holding it.
”Hey, love. How are you feeling?” William asked.
”Tired,” Clara said, looking over at him.
”Mama?” Roman asked, looking up at Clara. Clara looked down at Roman, smiling.
”Hey, Ro,” Clara said. The twins looked up at Clara, Clara smiling at them.
”Where’s baby?” Roman asked, looking around.
”He’ll be here in a minute,” William said, putting a hand on Roman’s shoulder. Right on time, the doctor came into the room, holding the newborn Afton child in his arms.
”Here’s your new son. Have you thought of a name yet?” the doctor asked, handing Clara her son.
”Michael!” William said.
”After Michael the Archangel?” Clara asked.
”Hey, you got to name the twins after one of your interests! It’s only fair I get to name our new son after one of mine,” William said.
”Your religion isn’t an interest,” Clara said, holding back laughter.
”Shush, I like it,” William said. ”Okay, well, I’ll leave you alone for now,” the doctor said, walking out of the room. The twins crawled onto the bed with Clara, looking at their new brother.
”So, what do you to think?” Clara asked. Roman extended a finger out to Michael, Michael grabbing onto it in his sleep. Roman smiled, looking to William.
”Papa, Papa, Mikey’s got my finger!” Roman said.
”I see,” William said, sitting on the edge of the bed.
”Hey, you two,” Clara said, the twins looking up to Clara.
”I need you to promise me that you’ll protect him, okay? Keep him safe,” Clara said. The two nodded, smiling.
”Okay, you two. Let’s let Mama get some rest, okay?” William said. The twins nodded, getting off the bed. Clara handed Michael to William, William putting Michael in his bed and walking out of the room so Clara could sleep.
File 1A641969- Remus gets Golden
The date is June 4, 1969. There was a knock at the Afton’s door. William answered the door, his mother, Ashley Afton, standing on the other side.
”Oh, mom! You’re here!” William said.
”Yeah! I got presents for the twins!” Ashley said, holding out some present bags.
”I’ll take the presents. Come on in!” William said, grabbing the presents from Ashley. Ashley walked in, greeting Clara who was holding Michael before sitting down on the couch. William placed the presents on a table with a bunch of others before also sitting down.
”Boys! Grandma’s here!” William called. Remus and Roman bolted down the stairs, running over to Ashley.
”Grandma!” Roman said, hugging Ashley. ”Hello, you two, and how are my favorite twins doing?” Ashley asked, hugging Roman.
”Good!” Remus said, bouncing up and down.
”So… 4 years old now, huh?” Ashley asked, looking down at Roman. The two nodded, smiling.
”You two are getting so big!” Ashley said.
”Yeah, the doctor said they were doing well when we went in for checkups yesterday,” William said.
”Can we do presents now?” Remus asked, looking up at William and Clara.
”Not yet, we have to wait for Uncle Henry and Aunt Sophia to get here!” Clara said.
”Okay!” Remus said. The twins sat on the floor, playing with their toys together as the other three talked.
About 30 minutes later, everyone gathered in the living room, Henry and Sophia having arrived a few minutes earlier. The twins sat on the floor, unwrapping their presents.
”Open that one next, Remus. That one’s from me,” Ashley said. Remus looked to the present that Ashley pointed to. It was a lumpy present that was wrapped in green paper. Remus picked the present up, squeezing it to find out it felt squishy. He tore the paper off, revealing a gold bear plushie. Remus’s eyes lit up as he turned the bear around, looking at it.
”Do you like it?” Ashley asked. Remus nodded, hugging the bear.
”What do we say?” Clara asked, putting a hand on Remus’s shoulder. Remus looked to Ashley, smiling.
”Thank you!” Remus said.
”You’re welcome,” Ashley replied, smiling. Remus looked at the bear in his hands, holding it close.
”What are you going to name it?” Ashley asked. Remus looked to Ashley before looking back down at the bear, thinking.
”Golden Bear!” Remus said. Remus hugged the bear, holding it close. The group continued with their festivities, talking and laughing with each other as a family.
File 1AE2151970- Afton Moving Day 2
The date is February 15, 1970. William and Clara packed up the car as the twins ran around in the yard with Michael. William closed the trunk of the car, one of Henry’s friends coming up to him and tapping him on the shoulder. William turned around, seeing Henry’s friend behind him.
”Hey, man. We got everything loaded into the trucks, we’re ready to go when you are,” Henry’s friend said.
”Alright! Thanks again for helping us with this,” William said.
”It’s no problem, we’re always glad to help,” Henry’s friend said. Henry’s friend walked off, getting into the moving truck. William turned to the kids running around in the yard, smiling.
”Okay, you three!” William called out, the three stopping dead in their tracks, “Got all your energy out?”
”Yeah!” Roman said.
”Well, then get in the car. We’re going,” William said. The three ran over to the car, climbing into the car. Remus and Roman sat in their car seats as Clara helped Michael into his. William got into the driver’s seat, starting the car. Clara got in the car, opening her book and starting to read as William pulled out of the driveway. The group drove for a while, the moving trucks following close behind as they drove to William and Clara’s new house. They soon pulled into the driveway of the new house, William parking the car. William and Clara got out of the car, Clara helping Mike out of the car as Remus and Roman got out as well. William smiled mischievously, starting to sneak down the sidewalk.
”What are you doing?” Clara asked.
”Going to say hi to the new neighbors,” William said. Clara face palmed as William snuck down to a house across the street. This house was a few houses down on the opposite side of the road. The sign on the house read “House of the Emily Family”. William rang the doorbell, hiding behind a bush before the owner of the house answered the door. Henry opened the door to his house, looking around.
”Hello?” Henry called, not seeing anyone. William jumped out from behind the bush, startling Henry.
”Surprise!” William said.
”Jesus Christ, William! What the fuck?!” Henry said, startled.
”Sorry, sorry, I had to!” William laughed.
”What are you even doing here?” Henry asked, looking around.
”Oh, Clara and I moved down the road to that house over there,” William said, pointing over to the house.
”Why?” Henry asked.
”It’s closer. That way we can work on our TV show more easily,” William said.
”Hm, alright. Do you need me and Sophia to help you move in?” Henry asked.
”Honestly, yeah. That would be helpful,” William said.
”Okay, we’ll be over in a minute,” Henry said. William nodded, walking back over to his house. William and Clara moved everything into the house with the help of the Emilys and Henry’s friends, eventually getting everything organized. The Aftons rested easy that evening, exhausted from the long day.
File 1AE5131970- Birth of Charlie and Sammy Emily
The date is May 13, 1970. Henry paced outside the hospital room, grabbing at his hair.
”Damn. I thought I was the anxious bitch of the family,” William said, leaning against the wall.
”Shut the fuck up, William. I brought you here for emotional support, not your usual bullshit,” Henry replied, gripping his hair tighter.
”Okay, okay, calm down. Sophia’s going to be okay, trust me,” William said, walking over to Henry. Henry took a deep breath, calming down a little.
”Okay… I’m good…” Henry said.
”Great. Now, let’s sit down and wait for them to finish up. You can tell me about the book you’re reading,” William said. Henry smiled, sitting down against the wall and starting to talk. A few moments later, a doctor came out of the room, looking around.
”Mr. Emily?” the doctor called. ”Here,” Henry said. The doctor looked down, smiling.
”Hello there! Your wife is ready for you when you’re ready!” the doctor said. Henry nodded, standing up as the doctor walked down the hallway.
”Well, I’m going to go now. I promised Clara and the kids a Disney movie night. I’ll see you later,” William said.
”Okay, see you later,” Henry said. William nodded, walking down the hallway. Henry entered the room, walking over to the bed where Sophia laid. He stood next to the bed, holding Sophia’s hand. Sophia smiled tiredly, looking up at Henry.
”Hey, love. I’m sorry about not being here, I didn’t expect to freak out like that,” Henry said.
”It’s okay, I don’t mind,” Sophia said. The doctor came into the room, holding the newborn Emily twins.
”Here are your newborn twins, Mr. and Mrs. Emily. Have you thought of names yet?” the doctor asked, handing Sophia her twins.
”Hmm… How about Charlotte for the girl, and Samuel for the boy?” Sophia said.
”I like it,” Henry said. ”Okay, then, I’ll leave you two alone,” the doctor said, walking out of the room. Henry sat on the edge of the bed, looking at his new children.
”Can you take them and put them in their beds? I need to rest, I’m really tired,” Sophia asked. Henry nodded, taking the twins and putting them in their beds. He sat back down on the bed, sitting next to Sophia as she fell asleep.
File 1AE281971- Start of Fredbear’s Family Diner Development
The date is February 8, 1971. William and Henry sat in William’s office below his house, watching as Henry filmed the animatronics that stood in front of them. Henry ended the recording, turning the camera off.
”Finally, the perfect take,” Henry said.
”Hm…” William replied, lost in thought. Henry turned to William, confused.
”Everything alright, Will?” Henry asked, concerned.
”Yeah, I’m fine. I was just thinking… Our TV show has become really popular, but we’re not really making any money off of it since the station we’re collaborating with is taking most of the money… Maybe if we made something else with it we could rack in more sales?” William said.
”Maybe… But what should we make with it?” Henry asked. The two went quiet, thinking.
”Well… I don’t think a video game would do well… That industry’s still pretty new…” William said.
”Yeah… Maybe children’s books?” Henry suggested.
”Maybe… But we would need to hire artists for that since no one in this family really does cartoon drawing…” William said.
”True… Maybe it could be a place instead of a piece of media? Maybe something like a theme park,” Henry suggested.
”A theme park would be too expensive to run though… What about a restaurant?” William suggested.
”A restaurant?” Henry asked.
”Yeah! It could be a themed diner where the characters perform live! It’ll give us somewhere to put the characters, and a better place to film the series. Think about it!” William replied.
”Honestly… That doesn’t sound too bad…” Henry said.
”I know! We could also test out that new technology that I was telling you about!” William said.
”Oh, you mean the springlock suits?” Henry asked.
”Yeah, we can put that new tech into Fredbear and Springbonnie since they’re the main characters, so the main characters can interact with guests,” William said.
”That’s not a bad idea… We should probably fix up the designs for the characters so they’re more presentable in public,” Henry said.
”I’ll get onto that. Do you know a building we could rent out or buy for a low price?” William asked.
”No, but I’ll look around,” Henry said.
”Alright! Let’s do this!” William said. Henry nodded. William grabbed some blueprint paper, rolling it out and grabbing a sketching pencil. He started to sketch out blueprints as Henry gave pointers along the way.
File 1A3141972- Remus’s Diagnosis
The date is March 14, 1972. The Aftons sat outside a doctor’s office. Remus fidgeted around in his seat as the five waited.
”I don’t know why you forced us to come here and do this. You are fine, you’re just fucking sensitive,” William said.
”William, the teachers all suggested this. They’ve been saying that Remus has been having issues and has been having a lot of emotional outbursts,” Clara said.
”Those teachers don’t know what they’re talking about,” William muttered. The twins didn’t really listen to the rest of their parent’s conversation as the two talked. Roman put a hand on Remus’s shoulder, Remus looking over to Roman.
”Re? Are you okay?” Roman asked. Remus nodded, clutching Golden close to their chest. Roman extended his arms out to his twin, Remus standing up and walking over to him. Remus sat on Roman’s chair next to him, hugging him tightly. Roman hugged back, holding Remus close protectively.
”It’s okay, Re… We’re going to be fine…” Roman whispered to Remus. Remus smiled a little. A doctor soon came out of the room the Aftons were sitting outside, walking over to Clara and William.
”Are you Mr. and Mrs. Afton?” the doctor asked.
”Yes,” William replied.
”Alright. I’m going to need you to come into the room so we can discuss the results, please,” the doctor said. William nodded, the two standing up and following the doctor. Clara stopped in front of the twins, handing them a coloring book and some crayons.
”Me and Papa are going to talk to the doctor a little now. Stay right here, okay?” Clara said. The twins nodded, Roman grabbing the coloring book and crayons from Clara. Clara walked into the room, closing the door behind her before walking over to where the other two sat. She sat down next to William, turning to the doctor.
”So, what are the results?” Clara asked.
”Well… It is very clear your son has autism-” the doctor started.
”WHAT?!” William said, slamming his hands on the table.
”Sir, please calm down…” the doctor said.
”My son is not of the devil!” William said.
”Sir… Autism doesn’t make you ‘of the devil’, now please sit down,” the doctor said. William rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and sitting down.
”Now, as I was saying… Your son has autism… This is a neurodevelopmental disability that will affect how your son communicates. It also makes him more sensitive to things like sound, touch, smell, temperature, light, and so on. My advice is to take it slow when dealing with him, be clear with communication, and be quiet. Your son’s going to have a tricky time dealing with this, so please do not make it worse,” the doctor advised.
”Don’t tell us how to parent our child,” William said, glaring at the doctor.
”Sir, I am simply giving you advice so you can deal with this-” the doctor started.
”We’re leaving, come on, Clara,” William said. Clara nodded, the two standing up and walking out of the room. The doctor sighed, putting a hand to his face. William and Clara walked out to the hallway, letting the door slam shut behind them. They grabbed their children, walking down the hallway.
”Papa?” Remus asked, confused as to why William and Clara were so angry.
”Don’t talk to me,” William said. Remus frowned, clutching his bear tightly.
The five eventually got home, Michael bolting up to his room the second he stepped into the house. William grabbed the twins by the arms, pulling them over to the couch as the twins cried at the pain in their arms. William threw the two to the couch, the twins landing next to each other and latching onto each other, terrified at the random acts of violence from their father.
”Papa?” Remus asked, tears rolling down his face.
”Don’t call me that, devil child!” William said, Remus clinging onto Roman tighter, “You and your brother are fucking mistakes. You should have never been born.”
”Mama…” Remus said, looking to Clara who just looked away. Remus looked back up at William, terrified.
”You are being pulled out of school, and being homeschooled. You are not to leave this house unless absolutely necessary. Do you understand?” William said. Remus nodded, clinging onto Roman as Roman just stared up at his father.
”Now, you two go to your room and do not come out for the rest of the day,” William said, pointing to the stairs. The twins rushed up to their room, Roman slamming the door closed and locking it. Remus laid on their bunk on the bunk bed, curling up into a little ball and letting all of their emotions out. Roman frowned, walking over to Remus and laying down next to him. He held his sibling close, scared to let go. Remus clung onto Roman, still sobbing though it was more quieter and controlled.
”Why does Papa hate us now…” Remus asked, clinging onto Roman.
”I don’t know… But we’re going to be okay! Papa loves us, he does! He said so himself!” Roman said. Remus smiled sadly, snuggling closer to Roman. Roman held his twin close as Remus fell asleep, scared of what would happen next.
File 1AE7181972- Fredbear’s is Opened for Private Testing
The date is July 18, 1972. William and Henry stood outside the building, looking at their work.
”Well, this is it. It’s time to open up for private testing. You put the ads out, right?” William asked.
”Yup, now all we have to do is wait,” Henry said. Over the next few days, mail started to pour in, everyone eager to test the new restaurant. The reviews were mostly positive, with only a few negative reviews about the animatronics being ‘too lifelike’. After almost a year of private testing, William and Henry eventually got the courage to open to the public.
File 1AE5161973- Fredbear’s is Officially Open to the Public
The date is May 16, 1973. It’s the day of the grand opening of Fredbear’s Family Diner. Both Henry and William were dressed up nicely in suits. Currently the two stood in the bathroom at the diner, making a few last minute fixes to their outfits.
”Ready for this?” William asked, adjusting his bowtie.
”Yup, let’s go,” Henry replied. The two walked out of the bathroom, going to the front of the building. The two both gave quick speeches before cutting the ribbon and officially opening the diner. People poured into the diner, William and Henry immediately going to work fulfilling orders, and serving and entertaining customers.
File 1M741974- Martinzon Moving Day 2
The date is July 4, 1974. Andy packed up the last of the things in the car as Maria and Janus hung out in the yard.
”Are you two ready?” Andy asked, walking over to the two.
”Yeah, you have everything in the car, right?” Maria asked.
”Yup, we can get on the road,” Andy said.
”Alright,” Maria replied, standing up.
”Come on, Janny. Say bye-bye to the house,” Maria said, grabbing Janus’s hand.
”Bye bye, house!” Janus said, waving goodbye before walking off with Maria and Andy. Maria helped Janus into the car, getting him set up with a coloring book and some crayons.
”Are you all good, baby?” Maria asked, letting go of Janus’s hand. Janus nodded, opening the coloring book and starting to color. Maria got into the car as Andy started the car, buckling up before Andy started to drive. The three drove for a while until they got to a small house on the end of the road. Maria helped Janus out of the car as Andy started to grab some boxes from the back. Maria grabbed the rest of the boxes, the three walking into their new home. The three got inside, Maria and Andy placing the boxes down on a table before turning to each other.
”Alright, time to organize everything,” Andy said. The three organized and decorated the house for the rest of the day, making sure to stop for lunch and dinner. They then ended their day with a movie night on the couch before falling asleep on the couch together.
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redg-blogstuff · 2 years
More old lore au doodles which includes 2 new characters!
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Roman is based off of the theory that the two different shades of purple meant that there were two different purple guys
And the other boio is Jeremy Fitzgerald who in this AU survived the unaliving of his frontal lobe and absolutely hates foxy for it
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automatonsintogas · 7 months
Chapter 13 | Breath before the storm (updated)
A little flashback. We get some behind the stage footage of cooking up the heist because I thought we deserve some bonding time with Moon before the family drama gets in the way.
Update: the last scene got rewritten and updated 12 of november 2023.
TW: anxiety, self-doubts
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lets-zofifi-stuff · 11 months
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lizaluvsthis · 6 months
(I hope you guys love it)
I tried my best to think of his design- heres what you need to know :)
Also thanks to @shygirl4991 we're working on with the Coffee bomb au :>
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From my most basic concept design some of the colors were changed and the other designs were different for Three's model design to have. It's difficult when you work on your own designs for that, nevertheless the final was just right.
Basic Designs:
Blood red colored hat with the signature logo of coffee n bombs in the top hat (it glows in the dark but it's red)
He wears a lilac color buttoned up dress shirt
The cuffs from the gloves are supposed to be dark purple, with a roman numeral III that has the color red. And his main gloves are supposed to be grey color than just white
The sleeves of the dress shirt are supposed to be rolled up
His left wrist is seen to have a black covered bandage for some reason (if you know? You know.)
It was supposed to be a spiked bracelet than a watch
He is supposed to have those tiny burn marks from his cheek, and small slice of those visible scars from his neck and his left ear.
Final designs:
He canonically wears a bun and makes Smg4 think that he doesnt have long hair (he never shows it to him) thats why everytime he puts a hat on
The rope color is blue (its Smg4's color but four doesnt know that)
He has the logo design printed on top of his hat (you can barely see it) that logo also glows in the dark
His white gloves glow in the dark instead of his roman numeral III
He has a scar from his right eye, he got it during the event from WOTFI 2021 (smg0's possession to axol)
His necktie is black (three dark grey purple stripes from the end) with also a skull (signature from the usual hat he wears) the skull glows in the dark as well
His shoe design were hard to put on.. anyway- it has Terrence's bowtie from the side of his shoes
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starsfic · 2 months
Should've done this yesterday, but...
Summaries below:
SDMI/FNAF: Based on this post, the gang is hired to investigate the rumors of a bunny animatronic ghost overnight. The truth is a little more tricky.
TMNT, my incarnation: April O'Neil makes a new friend when staying up late studying at the public library
LMK: Long Xiaojiao streams the Hitman games and is disappointed that she cannot play out all of the murder plans she’s made over the years because of game limits.
LMK: After LBD’s defeat, Qi Xiaotian decides (with some “gentle” encouragement from everyone) to take the summer off work and training. The moment he mentions the monkey village and Wukong’s shame temple to her, Long Xiaojiao suggests maybe they work on fixing it up! Red gets dragged along too.
LMK: AU where Long Xiaojiao’s best friend’s new husband is strange and a giant red bull has been killing livestock.
LMK: Modern AU where Azure, the head of security in a fancy casino, meets a beautiful golden man.
LMK/PP: Due to a misread address, a missent letter, and some poor decisions, Qi Xiaotian finds himself trapped in the depths of the Playtime Co. factory. But he’s not gonna let DogDay be stuck too.
Scooby Doo, my incarnation: The first part of Episode 1, when trying to leave their hometown of Crystal Cove to start their second year of college, the Mystery Gang finds themselves trapped in Crystal Cove.
LMK: Xiaojiao jokingly challenges Red to a duel only for both of their families to take it super seriously, especially when old grudges (aka Ao Lie’s death) are brought up
PJO: The Romans do not take kindly to random people judo-flipping their praetors, and Annabeth is forced to think about the amount of violence in her and Percy’s relationship. (A thing that came to mind when re-reading the books.)
LMK/FNAF: After a nasty argument with her parents, Long Xiaojiao decides to cut herself off financially from them and get a job. However, the only available position is a night guard of an American pizza chain. Shouldn’t be too hard…right?
TOH: Old fic idea where Luz is forced to team up with the Golden Guard to deal with the inspiration for the Xenomorphs.
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aroprincey · 7 months
scene sides (or at least an attempt at scene culture)
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in order:
Logan Monroe - 28 - she/they
transfem hacker!!!!! also a major gamer (fnaf, minecraft, and fortnite are her favs). they’re a bit new to the scene… scene lmao, but her joyfriend virgil has helped a great deal with their confidence in expressing herself this way. they’re also in a relationship with roman, but their relationship is unlabeled because they don’t really need a label, they just know they love each other in a way that doesn’t need explaining <3 really loves dinosaurs
Roman/Prince Mordecai - 31 - he/they/crown/fae
name hoarder!!!! also every gender except the feminine ones. casually dating patton, in a relationship with logan, and in a QPR with virgil. his favorite color is the rainbow <3 they make EDM and crown’s really good at it (look up The Royal Dream Machine on spotify /j). and fae’re a therian! foxkin <3
Patton Harlow - 34 - he/she/any “lovecore” neos
gender is a game and patton is playing for keeps. if cute gives you kandi jewelry or hair accessories he must really care about you. she loves clowns and sky blue (and romans music <3). has the most piercings of the group, but also the most tattoos because heart has literally one. and no one else has any not even remus jahdjdjf (it’s one of those gothic heart tattoos as a tramp stamp because why not). really loves domo
Virgil Tyler - 29 - they/it/she
she wears a mask for fashion but also to hide its face in public (there’s no pandemic in this au). they love sanrio, especially hello kitty, kuromi, and my melody. also loves invader zim, which it watches with remus a lot. purple is love, purple is life. extremely into scene music, especially 6barelyhuman, black veil brides, sleeping with sirens, and avril lavigne
Janus Young - 32 - they/he
remus’s caregiver and bestie <3 they kin rainbow dash and pikachu. he loves doing makeup and they’re always down to do his friends’ makeup if they ask. collects all things mlp and pokemon. also furbys
Remus Mordecai - 31 - as many pronouns as you can fit in one sentence
talks the least out of the group as he is semi verbal! and when she regresses xe’s nonverbal. it’s special interest is homestuck and fox is a nepeta kinnie. also kit basically always has a pacifier in zir mouth, even in public. ey live with janus, who they may have a slight codependent relationship with (or whatever you’d call the kind of relationship where one person is wayyyyyy more reliant than the other? remus is very attached to and reliant on janus)
so that’s them :3 i love them all, i just wish i knew what to do with this au lmao
@spooky-sanders-fan you asked to be tagged so here it is 👀
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