#fong is the best best friend ever
smashpages · 1 year
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Knight Terrors: Poison Ivy #1 finds Pamela Isley living in a suburban nightmare:
It’s another absolutely gorgeous and serene day in Pamela Isley’s lovely little new neighborhood in Knight Terrors: Poison Ivy #1 by Poison Ivy writer/artist team G. Willow Wilson and Atagun Ilhan! Everything and everyone here is wall-to-wall smiles! Nothing ever goes wrong, everyone is friends, and best of all, it’s made just for Ivy with lots and lots of love. Now, Pammy, don’t frown, don’t fuss, and don’t fret—just because this wasn’t what you thought you wanted, that doesn’t mean it won’t fit you like a glove! Have some pie, dear, don’t think too hard, and just smile.
That magnificent cover is by Jessica Fong.
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dilesxpressions · 8 months
Mandy Lau
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1. Name, Year, Major, and Hometown
Mandy Lau. Psychology major. San Francisco, California
2. What’s your roman empire?
3. What is the best compliment you have ever received?
You make me happy.
4. If your life was a movie what genre would it be (comedy, horror, drama, etc.) and what actor would play you?
I’d want it to be a rom-com but my life is lowkey boring so like a documentary lmao 
5. What is something on your college bucket list?
Go on a trip with my friends!
6. What’s your guilty pleasure? (song, movie, food etc.)
Hot Cheeto Puffs… mmm mm mmmm 
7. What are your bad habits?
I never hear my alarms and end up missing classes and midterms..
8. What are your favorite song lyrics?
Feels like we’re falling for the first time. This is exactly what it feels like. When I can’t go to sleep unless you’re lying next to me.
9. Defend your unpopular opinion/ hot take
Paris shouldn’t be a dream vacation. That place kinda ghetto lol
10. Describe a time where you had to step up and be a leader?
Hello, my name is Mandy Lau and I was the Pledge Master for Alpha Phi Omega - Iota Phi chapter, in the fall of 2023. During this term I had to step up and lead a group of lost pledges toward active brotherhood. My Children include Ada Lei, Andrew Chik, Angelica Anderson, Arra Vargas, Ashley Lee, Brandon Vu, Caitlin Chan, Cecilia Chu, Christian James Carino, Colby Huang, Damon Kwan, Emily Hu, Emily Woo, Eric Dong, James Lau, Jasmine Louie, Jenny Yee, Justin Koh, Kano Castleberry, Katelynn Phy, Kaylee Ong, Madison Nakano, Natalyn Tran, RaeAnn Garcia, Sean Vincent Batoon, Shelby Higa, Stanley Chan, Suah Lee, Tyson Park, Welton Czhang, and Zachary Leung. My Co, Ying Bettina Fong and I, held pledge meetings every week to teach these children about the three cardinal principles of Alpha Phi Omega: Leadership, Friendship, and service. The first week, they learned the purpose of Alpha Phi Omega: The purpose of Alpha Phi Omega shall be to assemble college students in a national service fraternity in the fellowship of principles derived from the Scout Oath and Law of the Boy Scouts of America; to develop leadership, to promote friendship and to provide service to humanity; and to further the freedom that is our national, educational, and intellectual heritage. The next week they learned the toast song: Here's to Alpha Phi Omega, Loyal Brothers we, True to self and to each other, firm in loyalty. Daily working, daily striving, ever more to be True to Alpha Phi Omega, our fraternity. Brothers clasp the hands of Brothers, strong the circle we, Ever mindful, ever serving all humanity. Now we raise our grateful voices, in our song to thee True to Alpha Phi Omega, may we always be. I was their mom… You should ask them how I stepped up to be a leader. :)
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phoenixlionme · 1 year
Fav Tropes and Why
All Loving Hero - Many people in the fandoms and IRL think someone who believes in kindness and love is “weak”. I call BS on that statement. It’s easy to believe being cruel and/or edgy is “mature” but it’s not. Willingly choosing to be good in a world where others tell you to stop is the pinnacle of strength and resilience.
Amazon Chaser - Seeing a (usually male) character be smitten with a female’s character battle prowess and/or fiery attitude is *chef’s kiss*.
Babies Ever After - What can I say? I love seeing my favorite OTPs having a child and/or children together. It makes me think back to the beginning and progress of their love.
Badass Family - The family that kicks ass together is the family that will ALWAYS worm their way into my heart.
Beware The Nice Ones - Seeing a normally nice and gentle character go APESHIT when pushed too far will never get old.
Big Brother (Big Sister) Instinct - Protective siblings for the win.
Bittersweet Ending - Sometimes you want a straight up happy ending but life doesn’t happen like that. In reality, the best you can get is half happy and half sad. It’s bittersweet for a reason.
Childhood Friend Romance - It’s just a sweet concept. Two people who have known each other all their lives, falling for each other, and then forming a romance is absolutely wonderful. Marrying your best friend and true love at the same time? PEAK ROMANCE.
Cool Big Sis (Bro) - Having caring, loving, encouraging older sibling figures is PEAK SEROTONIN.
Dark And Troubled Past - Hearing a person’s troubled life can better humanize them to the audience. Me included.
Feminist Fantasy - In short, this trope is about a fantasy and/or scifi story featuring a female protagonist and/or large female cast. And many of people’s favorite shows/movies fall into this category.
Handicapped Badass - I believe I was introduced to this trope when I was graced with ultimate presence of THE best earthbender of ATLA/Tlok, one of THE well-written characters in history (animated or live-action), and one my ultimate fav characters: Toph Bei Fong. She was a blind girl but she was able to use what people perceived as a weakness to be her greatest strength.
Hard Truth Aesop - Something needed in a lot of media. Sometimes the moral of a story isn’t as straightforward as meany would like it to be. It makes life more complicated and nuanced.
Interspecies Romance - I think my liking of this trope aka “Monster Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Romance” started with one of my favorite disney movies: The Beauty and The Beast (the OG one). Seeing a huge, monstrous being (who is ironically still quite good looking) having a tender and loving romance with their human lover is peak romance. Like Guillermo del Toro, I am all for monster romances.
Mama Bear - The woman who birthed you for roughly 9 months, is ready to go through all hell to protect you. Good parenting.
Papa Wolf - Similar to the Mama Bear trope, a dad going beast mode to protect his child/children is good parenting at its’ finest.
Platonic Life Partners - Despite popular belied, it IS possible for male and females friends to be and stay just like that: FRIENDS. And it’s not “lesser” than
The Reason You Suck Speech - Whether they’re the hero or villain, a rant meant to call them out on their shortcoming and how said shortcoming keep hurting the goal and/or other people is great. It makes either the hero grow or makes the villain get their final comeuppance.
Took A Level In Badass - Watching the progress of how a wimpy, unskilled character transform into a badass is freakin’ awesome. Either they become badass in skill, personality, and/or both are all equally awesome.
Watched It For the Representation - I don’t care what some pretentious, attention0-seeking jerks say...Hearing another person reveal how empowering and validating it felt seeing someone similar to them (i.e., race, sexuality, body type, etc.) is great to see.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Hi there, I'm back with another question. In your opinion (which is like BL Gospel to me), is My Engineer a "canon" show that people should watch, or do you think a YouTube edit of Ram King will suffice? It seems that people reference them, but not the show more generally. If it helps contextualize my potential enjoyment level of the show, I hated SOTUS but loved Why RU (only Fighter/Tutor) as far as engineers go....
Is My Engineer BL Canon or can I just watch the RamKing cut? 
Oooo. I think there will be decent around this but here are my thoughts.
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My Engineer is a Thai ensemble university set BL where all couples, and there are 4 of them, are BL story arcs. But they were by no means the first in this regard, Make it Right started this kind of thing, Love By Chance continued it. So multiple BL couples and story arcs with different dynamics were pretty well established as a hallmark of Thai BL by the time My Engineer rolled around. 
So, no, I don’t think it can be considered canon. 
The interesting thing about this one is that it follows two interweaving groups of friends, the freshmen: Duen, Ram, and their buddies, and the phi phi Bohn, King, Mek, Boss, and their friends, (and then two seniors). So the friendship groups themselves are really important to the story. 
In this regard it is a bit more like Why R U? than SOTUS, although heat level wise it falls in the middle. And most of that is carried by RamKing’s epic kiss. I would call it more like En of Love or 2 Moons 2 than anything else. 
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The anchor couple, BohnDuen, has a combative Tom & Jerry type romance and it is mostly just REALLY annoying. But linguistically they are fascinating. I call Duen the “premier linguistic brat of Thai BL” for a reason. So if you are intrigued, as I am, by Thai honorifics and age dynamics, that is the main reason to watch them. 
The 2 minor couples (MekBoss and Thara & Fong) are fine although Mek’s voice is dubbed, so that’s hella weird. MekBoss is friends to lovers (a bit stalker-ish) and Thara & Fong are kinda enemies to lovers, although they got the least screen time so their dynamic never became entirely clear. 
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RamKing, the secondary couple, are by far the best of the lot. Their dynamic is wonderful and both actors are stand out, there’s some GREAT pining and what conflict they have is around personality types and family trauma. 
BUT their story arc is not resolved. There’s a great kiss, but no HEA. 
Another linguistic note. Because Perth was still learning how to speak Thai fluently at the time, when he delivers Ram’s few lines I find his Thai VERY easy to understand because it is so precise and careful. He must have had a super strong accent to native speakers though. 
RamKing are meant to anchor season two but... no word on when or even if that will ever happen. 
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IMHO you can just watch the RamKing cut BUT the way both characters interact with their respective friendship groups is really important to their personalities and the RamKing cut doesn’t show all of that. 
I mean, the bit where Ram takes drunken Duen away from Bohn, and the other bit where he punches the shit out of Bohn are both super important to Ram’s character. Because he is a person who doesn’t speak very much, his actions are absolutely vital towards proving what a deeply loyal and protective human he is. He is a much less complex character if you only see him from King’s perspective. 
I am not sure you would get the full depth of his character, in particular, if you don’t watch the entire show. 
That said I only watch the RamKing cut AFTER I’d watched the full show, so I can’t say for certain what the experience of watching it alone would be like. 
Perhaps someone has done it this direction and can weigh in? 
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attackfish · 3 years
Hi. So I asked whether you thought Toph’s sisters would also be blind in a Toph and Ty Lee Roleswap and I love your response and the logic behind it. Could I get 5 HC for an actual Toph/Ty Lee Roleswap?
Continued from: [Link].
1. In the heart of the Southern Earth Kingdom, in beautiful, prosperous Gaoling, the wealthy Bei Fong family welcomes a little girl. She is soft and pink, and of sunny, sweet disposition, and as she grows, the Bei Fongs are enormously proud of her. The only problem with her is that she is a girl, and that she is an only child. So the Bei Fongs know they must find her a husband who will cherish her as she is meant to be cherished, and who will steward their vast fortune and estate. Because little Ty Lee will never be able to. She's too fragile and delicate.
2. Little Ty Lee excels at her lessons. She loves flower arranging, singing, and poetry recitation. She can give a dinner or a tea party, and practices with her toy animals. She is as poised and girly as her parents could wish. And her favorite subject is dancing. She loves to dance. She loves to be set free from the stillness and careful minimality of movement always expected of her. And, though she would never ever tell her parents, she wants to be a dancer when she grows up.
3. The problem with Ty Lee's parents is that she never really gets the idea they see her. No, they see through her. And the more they praise her, and fuss over her, the less she feels like a real girl and the more she feels like a doll. Then one day, her dancing lessens are over. She knows enough to be accomplished and a proper lady. That's all she needs. Her pleas that she likes dancing and is good at it, and it makes her happy go unheeded. Why would any of that be important? She is the perfect little girl, and that's whatever her parents decide it is, right? As the noose of a proper society life and a marriage that will shut her away just as her mother was, and just as she always has been anyway, inches closer, Ty Lee practices her dancing at night. She sneaks out to dance with the children of Gaoling, and plots to run away to join a dance troupe and make her living far away.
4. Meanwhile, little Toph starts school. She is the daughter of an old and prestigious Fire Nation noble family, so she goes to the best school in the land, the school that Prince Ozai's own daughter will attend. She and her sisters are divided up into different classes , but they each share a dorm with another sister. Except for Toph, odd girl out, who gets stuck with a gloomy bad tempered girl. Her teachers pity her or treat her as stupid because she can't see. She's heard them talking about how useless it is to try to teach her or her sisters anything, how their parents should just keep them home. And that's what she wants more than anything else at the end of the year.
5. But of course her parents send them all back. That's the year the princess is going to start. They have to make friends with her. And the princess does decide she wants to make a friend. Less than a week into the school year, she walks up to Toph and says, "You're blind, right?" Toph snaps back, "Yeah? So what?" Princess Azula is furious at first. Toph didn't know she was the princess, or thst she was supposed to say "Yes, your highness," but in the end it doesn't matter. Azula wants to know how Toph gets around without bumping into things. She wants to know how Toph does what she does. It's the very first time someone has ever wanted to know. It's boring and ordinary at home, and dismissed at school, but Princess Azula thinks it's cool. She wants to know.
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beifongsss · 4 years
playing with fire pt. 2 [sokka]
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Pairing: Sokka x reader
Summary: You’re a Fire Nation citizen who saves Sokka and Katara from some angry villagers. Aang “convinces” you to come along with them, finding your knowledge of the nation useful. Not everything is smooth sailing though as both Water Tribe siblings have their doubts about you.
this will be a series :D this marks the beginning of book 2.
prologue. one.
The four of you spent the next few days in the Northern Water Tribe to help the community rebuild and to pay your respects to Princess Yue.
Arnook had held a festival to celebrate Yue’s life, claiming that she would hate to see her tribe in such a sullen mood. Deep down you knew he was right, but that didn’t change the fact that your heart ached whenever you heard her name. A lot of your time was spent walking around alone, helping out whenever you could. You still felt immense guilt over what had occurred even if Arnook had publicly declared you to be an ally of the Northern Water Tribe.
You grunted softly as you helped an old woman clean up her shop, the fallen sign being just a bit too heavy for you due to your injuries.
“Woah! Hey, let me help you.”
The weight lessened as the sign was taken from you. You glanced up to see Sokka, holding the sign with ease.
“You shouldn’t be lifting heavy things. Not when you’re injured,” Sokka stated before turning to the old woman. She smiled at him, directing him where to put the sign and he nodded before doing ass told.
She came up to you next, patting your shoulder softly as a smile spread across her face. “You have a good boy. Don’t let him go.”
You blushed at her words, shaking your head immediately. “He’s not- We’re not...together.”
The woman’s eyes widened but before she could say anything, Sokka returned. She thanked the two of you before turning around and heading back into her shop, leaving you alone. You started to walk away, Sokka rushing to catch up to you before falling into step with you. A silence enveloped the two of you, but it wasn’t awkward. Ever since Yue...
Ever since you had lost the princess, the two of you had begun to spend more time together, much to Katara’s annoyance. It had been an accident, to be honest. Both you and Sokka had trouble sleeping after losing Yue, feeling as if you had failed both her and the Northern Water Tribe. He had joined you on one of the bridges in the city one sleepless night, the two of you enjoying each other’s company as you stared up at the moon.
The two of you eventually began to talk. There was something about standing on the empty bridge in the middle of the night that made baring all your feelings easier. It was during these midnight chats that Sokka revealed why he was so full of guilt.
He told you all about how he felt inadequate in the Southern Water Tribe; the only son of the chief who couldn’t even protect his home when Zuko arrived looking for the Avatar. He told you about how he tried to be the best warrior possible, desperate to protect his home and Katara, his sister and his tribe’s last waterbender. After a few more nights, he revealed that the reason he was so torn up about Yue wasn’t because of the brief fling he had had with her. No, it was because his failure to save the princess had brought back all those feelings of inadequateness. Sure, his heart ached slightly due to the feelings he had held for her but he was old enough to know that what he felt was mere infatuation. He had admitted that her words kept replaying in his head, wondering what was the “change” she had mentioned and telling you that he wasn’t too worried. He was already traveling with the Avatar and being hunted by the Fire Nation. At this point there was no “change” that could scare him. You pretended not to notice that he didn’t talk about the whole “being afraid to love” part of Yue’s goodbye.
In return, you opened up to him about your feelings as well. The main topic was always your guilt; the guilt you felt at being part of the nation that had ruined so many lives, guilt at running from home, guilt from knowing that no matter what you did, you would never be able to make up for the mistakes of your past. You told why meeting Yue was so important to you, telling him about how it was the first time someone from another nation had treated you normally and trusted you. And you had let her down. You hadn’t been able to stop Zhao from killing Tui. You told him a little bit more about you running away from home, telling him that you feared ever going back because you knew that you would be punished severely. You had run away from your responsibilities and that was not something to be taken lightly in your family.
The two of you made your way back to your campground silently, earning yourself a smile from Aang and a glare from Katara when you arrived. You packed up your things, knowing that it was time to leave, and prepped Appa after bowing to Master Pakku as he said his goodbyes. Within a few minutes, you were off to Omashu to find King Bumi so that he could teach Aang earthbending.
The only pit stop you made was at an Earth Kingdom outpost, where General Fong tried to convince Aang to fight the Fire Lord in the Avatar state. The issue had caused a lot of disagreement within your group, with Sokka and Aang agreeing with the General and you and Katara wanting Aang to wait until he had mastered all four elements.
“I told the general I’d help him,” Aang said, entering the room where you were all staying. “By going into the Avatar State.”
“Aang, no!” Katara exclaimed, standing up. “This is not the right way!”
“Why not?” Sokka asked, placing his arms behind his head while he laid on the bed. “Remember when he took out the Fire Navy? He was incredible!”
“There's a right way to do this,” Katara said sharply, glaring at her brother. “Practice, study, and discipline!”
“Or just glow it up and stop that Fire Lord!”
“(Y/N), what do you think?” Aang asked, turning to face you with a lost expression. You stared at him wide-eyed, not knowing what to say. Aang noticed and walked up to you. “You’re a part of our group now, and I want to hear your opinion.”
The Water Tribe siblings stopped their bickering as they turned to face you as well. Sokka had a smug smile on his face, coming up and wrapping his arm around your shoulders as you kept your gaze on Aang. Katara stood with her arms crossed, glaring at you as she waited to hear your response.
“Um, well,” you stuttered for a bit before taking a deep breath. “Aang, I agree with Katara.”
Immediately, Sokka’s arm dropped from around you and he stared at you with betrayal. Katara’s jaw dropped before she gave you a tiny smile, glad that someone was taking her side. Aang simply looked at you curiously before motioning for you to continue.
“Aang, there’s a reason the Avatar has to master all four elements,“ you said, avoiding Sokka’s gaze. “You can’t rely on the Avatar State because what if something goes wrong? I want the Fire Lord defeated as much as you do but the correct way to do it is by mastering the rest of the elements. Besides, you yourself said that you don’t know how to control the Avatar State. Don’t do something just because some bossy old general wants you to.”
“People are getting hurt or dying because of this war,” Aang said. “And it’s all my fault. You don’t understand.”
It was silent for a moment before you placed a hand on his shoulder, leaning down to catch his gaze. “Aang, people have been dying long before you were alive and they will continue to die long after you’re gone. This war is not your fault. You have a choice about how to confront the Fire Lord and whether or not you choose to use the Avatar State, just know that I will be there to support you, okay?”
Aang stayed silent for a few seconds before nodding and leaving the room. Katara followed after him, pausing for a few seconds to turn around and look at you. “Thanks.”
You stared after her in shock. Sure, she had said one word but in your eyes that was much better than all the glares you had been receiving from her.
“What was that?” Sokka asked once you were alone, still gaping at you.
“What was what?” you asked, walking to your bed.
“I thought you were going to have my back, not my sister’s,” Sokka proclaimed, following you.
“Sokka,” you sighed, turning to face the boy. “We both know that the Avatar State is a large gamble. What if he can’t access it when he confronts Ozai? He’s the Avatar for a reason. He’ll learn how to master all four elements and he will succeed.”
“You’re just trying to delay us,” Sokka said. “You don’t want to see the Fire Nation fall.”
Your eyes widened before they narrowed dangerously, your glare making the Water Tribe boy shift in discomfort. You stepped forwards, poking a finger into his chest harshly. “I don’t need any of this from you. I thought we were friends Sokka. I’m sorry for thinking about Aang’s well-being. Did you know that he has nightmares about being in the Avatar State?”
This time it was Sokka’s eyes that widened at your words. He knew that Aang hadn’t been sleeping well but he had no idea what his nightmares were about. He winced slightly as he remembered his earlier words, stuttering as he tried to apologize.
“Next time,” you began, effectively shutting the boy up. “Worry less about where my loyalties lie and worry more about your friend.”
You stormed out before he could say another word, leaving him to sigh deeply and throw himself on to his bed as he thought about how to apologize.
Katara had yelled at him when he told her what he had said, not that she’d ever admit to defending someone from the Fire Nation.
A few days had passed since you had left the outpost. Much to yours and Katara’s relief, Aang had declined the general’s suggestion after his tactics to activate the Avatar State had gotten a little too aggressive.
You hadn’t spoken to Sokka since the day of your argument, even though he had tried to corner you multiple times. You weren’t angry with him anymore, just upset over what he had said. Aang and Katara had noticed the distance between the two of you, especially when you began speaking to Momo. The two of you always spent your free time together. As nonbenders, you often had nothing to do while Aang and Katara trained which resulted in a lot of quality time with each other.
Currently, all of you were relaxing in a lake surrounded by tall cliffs. Aang and Katara were practicing their waterbending while Sokka floated on a large leaf, Momo curled up on his stomach. Appa was in the water as well, floating on his back as you sunbathed on his stomach.
You tuned out Sokka’s nagging as you enjoyed the warmth, occasionally getting splashed when Aang and Katara sparred.
“Da, da, da. Don't fall in love with the traveling girl. She'll leave you broke and brokenhearted. Hey, river people!”
You sat up when you heard a new voice, panicking slightly when Appa began to roll over onto his feet.
“Appa, wait!” you cried, trying to scramble off the sky bison. “Don’t t-”
Your words were cut off as Appa disregarded your words, rolling over completely and dropping you into the water. You fell onto Sokka’s legs, causing him to tumble into the water as well. Momo screeched in panic as he managed to get away. 
Sokka yanked you out of the water, making sure you were okay before guiding you over to Katara and Aang. He looked at the newcomers suspiciously. “Who are you?”
“I'm Chong and this is my wife, Lily,” the man with the lute-like instrument said. “We're nomads, happy to go wherever the wind takes us!”
You slinked away, eager to change into dry clothing while everyone else was distracted. When you got back to the group, Aang patted the space next to him and smiled widely. You sunk into Appa’s soft fur, smiling as Aang excitedly put on the flower crown they had made for him. Lily sat next to you soon after, asking if she could place flowers in your hair. You nodded softly, allowing the woman to decorate your hair as she wished. When she was done, she did the same thing to Katara, weaving flowers into her dark strands as she braided it.
“Hey, Sokka, you should hear some of these stories. These guys have been everywhere!” Aang said happily as Sokka approached.
“Well not everywhere, Little Arrowhead,” Chong said as he stopped playing his lute. “But where we haven't been, we've heard about through stories and songs.”
“They said they'll take us to see a giant night crawler!” Aang exclaimed.
“On the way, there's a waterfall that creates a never-ending rainbow!” another nomad, Moku, said dreamily.
“Look, I hate to be the wet blanket here, but since Katara is busy,” Sokka said shortly, shooting a glare at his sister as she shot one back. “I guess it's up to me. We need to get to Omashu. No sidetracks, no worms and definitely no rainbows.”
“Wow, sounds like someone has a case of destination fever. You're worried too much about where you're going,” Chong said easily.
“You got to focus less on the ‘where’ and more on the ‘going’,” Lily added, accidentally tugging Katara’s hair as she gestured with her hands.
“Yeah, Sokka!” Aang said, leaning back on Appa. “Relax for a bit. Look at this flower crown they made me! And look at (Y/N)’s hair! Doesn’t she look pretty?”
You smiled at the Air Nomad softly, being met with a large grin. Sokka, on the other hand, sputtered for a moment as he tried to hide his blush and avoid looking at you.
“O. Ma. Shu!” Sokka finally enunciated, cheeks still blazing and keeping his stern gaze on Aang.
“Sokka’s right,” you finally said, patting Aang’s head and missing the grateful look Sokka shot at you. “We need to find King Bumi, so Aang can learn earthbending somewhere safe.”
“Sounds like you’re heading to Omashu,” Chong stated, causing Sokka to facepalm in frustration. You held back a giggle at the situation. “There's an old story about a secret pass right through the mountains.’
“Is this real or a legend?” Katara asked skeptically.
“Oh, it's a real legend. And it's as old as earthbending itself.” Chong stated before strumming his lute. “Two lovers, forbidden from one another, the war divides their people and the mountain divides them apart! Built a path to be together! Yeah, I forget the next couple of lines, but then it goes ... Secret tunnel! Secret tunnel! Through the mountains, secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel! Yeah!”
You all looked at each other uncertainly before Sokka crossed his arms and turned to Chong. “I think we'll just stick with flying. We've dealt with the Fire Nation before. We'll be fine.”
“Yeah, thanks for the help, but Appa hates going underground,” Aang added, flashing a smile. “And we need to do whatever makes Appa most comfortable.”
The four of you bid the nomads goodbye and took off... only to return when you ran into an army of Fire Nation soldiers.
“Secret lovers cave,” Sokka muttered as you rejoined the nomads, annoyance clear on his face. “Let’s go.”
Aang was way too confident for someone who was trapped in an underground labyrinth. After you had reached the tunnels, the Fire Nation had caught up to your group and blown up the entrance, effectively shutting you all in. On the bright side, Chong had remembered the rest of the song.
After taking inventory of all your supplies, Sokka had suggested making a map to keep track of your steps. You had immediately agreed, stating that it was a smart choice. Everyone else had agreed as well, not having any better ideas. After the tenth dead end, however, you began to regret letting Sokka take the lead.
“Sokka, this is the tenth dead end you've led us to!” Katara cried exasperatedly. You nodded along with her statement, feeling a bit frustrated.
“This doesn't make sense. We already came through this way,” Sokka said, looking at the map in confusion. You peered over his shoulder to get a better look and he angled the parchment towards you. He looked at you before swallowing and looking away hurriedly. You were closer than he had thought you were.
“He’s right,” you chimed. “According to this, we’ve been through here already.”
“You don’t need a map,” Chong said as he breezed past. “We just need love. The little guy knows it.”
“Yeah, but I wouldn't mind a map also,” Aang said meekly.
“There's something strange here. There's only one explanation,” Sokka said, turning to face the group. “The tunnels are changing!”
You opened your mouth to tell him off, not getting the chance to do so as the tunnel began to shake.
“The tunnels, they're a-changin',” Chong said frantically as you all began to get closer together. “It must be the curse! I knew we shouldn't have come down here!”
“Right, if only we listened to you,” Sokka said sarcastically. You swatted his arm.
“Everyone be quiet,” Katara yelled suddenly. “Listen.”
Momo settled onto your shoulder, chittering softly as he gripped your hair. You stood next to Sokka, the two of you staring into the dark tunnel. You tensed when you heard a growl coming from the darkness, Momo flying away and landing on Appa who was farther away. Sokka grabbed your wrist and pulled you behind him, raising the torch to get a better look. Everyone panicked when something flew out from the tunnel. You stayed still, Sokka’s hand still on your wrist as everyone else began to run around.
“It’s a giant flying thing with teeth!” Chong yelled, rushing past you.
“No!” Moku replied, ducking onto the ground. “It’s a wolfbat!”
The wolfbat flew around, occasionally diving down towards the group. When it dove towards you, Sokka panicked and swung the torch at the creature. The sudden movement caused cinders from the torch to land on Appa, who began to panic and run around.
“Watch out!” you cried, tackling Katara as a chunk of earth fell where she was standing.
“Hey! What-” her words died down as she saw the chunk of earth, her face losing color as she realized what had happened. “Oh, thanks.”
You nodded in return before running off, pushing Lily out of harm’s way as well. Appa was still running around and he managed to hit the ceiling hard enough to make the tunnel collapse completely.
“(Y/N)! Watch out!” Aang cried. You looked up to see the ceiling begin to fall, panic taking over and rooting you to the spot. Aang watched in horror, unable to airbend you out of the way as the tunnel began to collapse around him as well.
A strangled gasp left your throat as someone threw you to the side before landing on top of you. The tunnel completely collapsed afterwards, leaving the two of you separated from the rest of the group.
“Are you okay?” Sokka asked roughly, scrambling to his feet before helping you up. You nodded wordlessly, rubbing at your shoulder before looking around. Sokka walked over to the torch he had dropped when saving you, picking it up before turning and walking to the pile of rocks. You watched silently as he tried to dig his way out of there, knowing that there was no way the two of you were going to rejoin the group without an earthbender. Or a badgermole you thought to yourself.
“Sokka, stop,” you whispered, placing a hand on his shoulder. He tensed up under your touch, causing you to immediately retract your hand. You turned around, facing the dark tunnel behind you. Seeing no other option, you began to walk forwards, hoping that the tunnel would lead you somewhere.
“What are you doing?” Sokka asked, grabbing your hand and pulling you back. “We have to get back to the others.”
You pulled your hand away from him, shooting him a lazy glare. “Look, unless Aang magically happens to master earthbending in the next five minutes, we’re trapped. Our best choice right now is to continue walking.”
Sokka grumbled under his breath before walking away, lighting the path with the torch. The two of you walked in tense silence for a few minutes, both of you too awkward to start a conversation.
The two of you spoke at the same time, flushing slightly when you met each other’s eyes before chuckling softly.
“(Y/N) I wanted to apologize for what I said at the outpost,” Sokka said, coming to a stop in front of you. “I know you’re angry but I wanted you to know that you were right. I wasn’t concerned about Aang’s well-being even though I should’ve been. It was wrong of me to not listen to you or Katara because you had a point; Aang still has time to master the remaining three elements and he’ll be able to do it. I just- it just sucks that we’re caught in a war, y’know? I want it to end before I lose anyone else I love. I’m sorry.”
“Sokka, I wasn’t angry at you,” you whispered, not meeting his eyes.
“You weren’t?”
“Ok... I was,” you admitted, glancing at him. “But I got over it pretty quickly. I was just really upset because you questioned my loyalty. I know that the Fire Nation can be evil. They’ve done so many things to the other nations but they’ve also ruined things within their own nation. I’m from the capital city, Sokka. There’s a reason I ran and it’s because things just kept getting worse. Yes, I’m Fire Nation, but that doesn’t mean that I’m the enemy. I accept your apology, you dork. Now, we should probably keep walking before that torch burns out.”
Sokka gave you a sheepish smile before turning around and moving forwards. You stayed close to him hoping that nothing else would crawl out of the tunnels.
“(Y/N), can I ask you something?” Sokka asked, breaking the silence once again. You nodded silently, motioning for him to continue.
“This has been bugging me since the North Pole, but I didn’t want to bring it up so soon after-” Sokka paused for a second, not wanting to mention Yue. “Um, why did Zuko’s uncle recognize you? And why did he tell Zhao he had to listen to you? And most importantly, how do you know Zuko?”
You flinched slightly. You knew he was going to bring that up, it had only been a matter of time. Sighing, you looked at him. “The truth?”
“The truth,” Sokka replied, nodding his head firmly.
“The truth is that I was trained to be a Fire Nation soldier from the day I was old enough to hold a sword,” you said quietly. “My father is a well-known admiral, Ozai’s right-hand man. When I showed an interest in combat, Ozai decided to do us a favor and let me train with the best of the best. I was good with a bow and arrow but I really stood out with sword fighting. When I was old enough, I joined the army.”
“That still doesn’t explain the whole Zhao situation,” Sokka stated softly.
“When I was fifteen, I stumbled upon some battle plans of my dad,” you continued. “They contained a lot of flaws, even if he couldn’t see them. I fixed them for him and when Ozai found out, he had me join a group of high-ranking officers to plan invasions. Zhao was one of them. I don’t know why I was so good at planning invasions, but whenever Zhao and I disagreed, he would go to Ozai. The Fire Lord would always agree with me, which pissed Zhao off to no end.”
Sokka chuckled at your words. “So that’s why? Zhao had to listen to you because you were ‘Fire Lord approved’?”
“I guess so, yeah,” you replied, chuckling along with him.
“What about Zuko?” Sokka asked. “How do you know him?”
“I already told you, Sokka,” you replied. “I trained with the best of the best. That meant training in the palace. Zuko was my sparring partner growing up.”
Sokka’s jaw dropped. “You had to spend time with the angry prince?!”
“He wasn’t so bad growing up,” you said, laughing lightly. “We were pretty good friends up until I left.”
“Why’d you leave?” Sokka asked suddenly. You continued to walk in silence for a few seconds, causing Sokka to think he had made a mistake by asking. The two of you reached a cavern, the path you were on separating into two tunnels. You looked at each other uncertainly before glancing at both tunnels. You squinted at the tunnel on the right, seeing a faint glow coming from it.
“Let’s go this way,” you said, nudging Sokka. He looked at you and then at both tunnels before sighing and nodding. He was just about to apologize for his question when you spoke up.
“I left because of my father,” you admitted quietly. Sokka stayed silent, keeping his eyes forward as he allowed you to speak. “He once took me with him when he was leading an invasion. He said that I had to experience battle if I was ever going to take his place. It- It was awful, Sokka.”
Sokka glanced at you, seeing the downcast expression on your face. You glanced at him for a second before continuing. “It was a small Earth Kingdom town. The soldiers were barely older than I was. They had surrendered, the Fire Nation had won. But they said that their surrender was dishonorable and they slaughtered them anyway. I couldn’t stay there, not when I knew that was what my nation was doing. So I ran. I settled into the town you found me in and stayed there for a few months. And now I’m here. Stuck in a cave with you.”
Sokka smiled slightly. “It could be worse, you could be stuck with Chong and his group.”
You laughed at his words and bumped him with your shoulder. “I guess you’re right. You’re not the worst person to be stuck in a cave with.”
Sokka’s cheeks burned at your words and he distracted himself by looking at the torch, which was running dangerously low. You followed his line of sight, biting the inside of your cheek as the torch began to dwindle down to nothing. A few minutes later, it went out, a curl of smoke rising up into the air.
“Now would be a really good time for you to say you’re a firebender,” Sokka jested, stopping to let his eyes adjust to the darkness. You chuckled weakly, bumping into him by accident.
“Spirits! I’m so sorry,” you whispered, grabbing onto Sokka’s arm. You swallowed harshly before sliding your hand down his arm, reaching his hand and intertwining your fingers with his.
“I-It’s okay,” Sokka said. He was glad it was dark in the tunnel, that way you wouldn’t see his blush. You did, however, feel him stiffen up.
“I’m sorry,” you apologized, slipping your hand out of his. “It’s silly but I’m a little scared of the dark and the torch went out so suddenly and-”
“It’s alright,” Sokka whispered, tugging your hand back to his. “I’m right here okay? I’m not going anywhere.”
You nodded before realizing he couldn’t see you. The two of you kept walking hand in hand, trying to feel your way through the tunnel. You could feel your fear intensifying, gripping Sokka’s hand more tightly as you moved forward.
“Did I ever tell you how we met Aang?” Sokka asked suddenly. He squeezed your hand softly, waiting for you to answer.
“N-No,” you replied.
“Well it happened because I made Katara angry,” Sokka said, laughing breathlessly. He could feel you loosening up and smiled softly, glad that he was managing to distract you. “We were out fishing and we got caught in the current. Our canoe got destroyed and we were stranded on a small iceberg. I made some dumb comment about her causing us to get stranded and Katara got angry, telling me that I was rude and sexist. Her waterbending got out of control and she shattered this huge iceberg that was floating behind her. Inside of it was Aang and Appa.”
You smiled at his voice. He was pretty good at storytelling. He continued to keep you distracted as you walked through the tunnel, telling you stories about his childhood in the South Pole and talking about his mother and father before telling you about all the adventures the Gaang had had before you joined. He was in the middle of telling you about their adventures at the Northern Air Temple when you reached another cavern. The words died in Sokka’s throat as you looked around, the ceiling of the cavern covered in various glowing crystals.
“Wow,” you breathed, looking around in amazement.
“What are these?” Sokka asked.
“These are our way out,” you said in realization. Sokka looked at you confused. “This is how the two lovers found their way through the tunnels! By letting the crystals guide them!”
Sokka’s eyes widened in realization before smiling and wrapping you up in a hug. “We’re finally going to get out of here!”
You laughed as he twirled you around before putting you down.
“The two lovers put their trust in their love and by doing so they were able to find their way through the tunnels by using the crystals as guides,” you said. You looked up at Sokka giving him a teasing look. “I guess Chong was right. Love does lead the way.”
Sokka looked at you as you laughed at your words, thinking about all the time he had spent with you over the past few weeks. Your words rang in his head as he thought about just how well he had gotten to know you. He knew about your past, about your qualms with the way the Fire Nation operated. He knew about your little quirks, especially after all the time spent together while Aang and Katara trained. He thought about how you sat and listened to him, genuinely caring about what he had to say and always knowing what to say in response.
All of a sudden, the fact that the two of you had gotten trapped in the Cave of Two Lovers together was no coincidence.
“Sokka?” you asked quietly, noticing that the boy had suddenly gone quiet. “Sokka, are you okay?”
Sokka nodded, his eyes searching your face for a few seconds before he leaned down. Your eyes fluttered shut as his face neared yours, his arms still wrapped around you from the hug you had shared earlier. You felt yourself melt into his touch, your heart speeding up when you felt his lips brush over yours. You were just about to lean up and fully press your lips to his when the cavern began to rumble.The two of you quickly separated, eyes widening when the cavern walls fell to reveal a large animal.
“Quick! Get behind me!” Sokka yelled, trying to shield you from the flying rock. You peered over his shoulder, eyes widening when you saw the badgermole.You ducked under Sokka’s arm, walking up to the giant creature. Sokka’s eyes widened at your actions. “(Y/N)! What are you doing?”
“This is a badgermole, Sokka,” you explained, walking up to the animal. You paused for a moment, not knowing what to do. You hesitantly extended a hand, giggling when the badgermoles pressed its snout into it. “It’s our ticket out of here.”
Sokka gaped at you as you climbed onto the badgermole, only turning to wave him over. He quickly got on behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist to steady himself. You ignored the heavy blush on your cheeks as you stroked the badgermole’s back.
“Hey, Mister Badgermole?” you asked, ignoring Sokka’s bewildered gaze. “We’re kind of stuck in here. Do you think you could help us get back to our friends?”
“Really?” Sokka asked, giving you an amused look. You shrugged, a bashful look on your face. All of a sudden, the badgermole began to move and you held on tightly. Within a few minutes, you were surrounded by bright light.
“(Y/N)! Sokka! You guys got out.”
You looked down, seeing Aang, Katara, and the nomads. You gave them a cheesy grin, sliding off of the badgermole. “Sure did! Sokka and I got out by letting love lead the way.”
“Really?” Aang asked excitedly.
You and Sokka glanced at each other briefly, both of you looking away with rosy cheeks before you replied. “The badgermole was a huge help too.”
Katara looked at the two of you suspiciously as you approached them. You went over to pet Appa and Momo as Aang went to say goodbye to the nomads. When she was sure you weren’t paying attention, she turned to her brother. “So, what actually happened in there?”
Sokka’s eyes widened and he floundered for a few seconds before opening his mouth to reply, only to be interrupted by Chong.
“Nobody react to what I'm about to tell you,” the nomad said before pointing at Aang. “I think that kid might be the Avatar!”
You looked over at Sokka just in time to see him facepalm, causing you to giggle quietly. Sokka shot you a halfhearted glare before smiling softly at your laugh. 
All he could think about was what had happened in the cavern.
atla: @musicalkeys, @mywigglybaby​, @bubblebars​, @iguessthefloorislava​, @dekahg​, @boxofteenageideas​, @bottledcostcowater​, @butterflycore​, @coldlilheart​, @the-firebender-girl​, @ajediherowitchrunner​, @lammello​, @astroninaaa​, @samsmultifandomblogs​, @sadskater25, @oddment-niwit-blubber-tweak​, @eternallyvenus​
pwf: @ilovespideyyy​, @binaryssunsets​, @a----rag​, @existing-but-nonexistent​, @milk-n-cheese​, @itsthatsadbitch​, @nin-tendou​, @honey-ruel​, @reclusive-chicken-nugget​, @teenbiology​, @davnwillcome​
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prongsmydeer · 3 years
Ayesha Liveblogs 2gether the Movie 
The anticipation of this movie has been so long, I really can’t wait to see it even if it is a recap of 2gether hahaha
“You nervous?” “No, I’m okay, I think.” WHAT ARE WE NERVOUS FOR BOYS, WHERE ARE WE GOING
“I got a note from someone. Someone who would change my life forever.” Tine to Green: Thanks for indirectly getting me a boyfriend, bestie
Wild that in the greater context, the most intelligent friend of all, Fong, is the one who convinces Tine that giving people a sedative is the best course of action to get them to leave you alone. [Jackson Whittemore voice] Where are you getting your juice???
“A plan made by a fool can bite you in the ass real fast.” That’s the moral of the show, isn’t it
I still can’t believe this band is called “Sssss..!” imagine asking someone about their favourite musician and then they just hiss at you
“Though it seemed like a bad idea, it wouldn’t hurt to try.” LMAO it really is such a loose and nonsensical premise
Tine: How do I convince this man I am not interested?
Fong, Phuak and Ohm: Date more men.
Tine: Why?
Fong, Phuak and Ohm: We have found a really hot guy.
Tine, bisexual and stupid: Okay!!!!
“He’s a political science student with anti-social behaviour.” Me too, Sarawat hahahaha
Incredible that Sarawat walks away from this exchange where all Tine does is call him an ass, and then he’s like, “Perfect. Incredible. Waited my whole life for this. I want to kiss him.”
“Some day you may want someone to be a nuisance in your life.” You know that post that’s like ‘marry someone you want to annoy for the rest of your life.’ Yeah 😌💕
If you’re going to cheat at your music audition, you really ought to put your phone on Do Not Disturb lmao
Funny that this phone call is basically the only time we ever see Tine interacting with his parents. Did he ever tell his parents he and Sarawat are in love or do they still think they’re just friends and roomies
Also funny that Dim arranges this lady-and-the-tramping-a-snack exercise by gender. P’Dim said: I understand u may be uncomfortable with the possibility of heterosexual kissing, so I have come up with a solution: gay kissing, hope this helps xoxo
The longer that this movie goes on, the more I feel a bit bad for Bright bc Win gets all of the voiceovers. They really only needed him for like, 30 seconds so far khgjhggj I hope he was still paid well 
“This was the first time Scrubb’s song could make my heart beat this fast,” said Tine, thinking that is a chill and platonic thing to think about your music club buddy
I really do love that Sarawat starts this tradition of singing his feelings to Tine, and also that Tine sings along, slightly out of time
How is Green such a dedicated non-boyfriend to Tine, and yet somehow in his real relationship, finds it okay to join a club to flirt with another man in front of his actual boyfriend. Green and Dim need years of couple’s counselling
Is the reason that Dim’s band is wearing face-obscuring cardboard masks so they could use the same band members as “Sssss..!” without ppl noticing LMAO. Economical!
🎶 It doesn’t matter who you like. Just look at me. 🎶 I don’t know what it is about this song, but Took Yang (Everything) GETS ME EVERY TIME. IT’S JUST VERY ROMANTIC
“Whatever it was, I didn’t like this feeling.” That’slovebitch.jpg
“All I knew was if I let this feeling continue, it might not do any good to... both of us.” HONESTLY. This line alone makes the voiceovers worth it. Like, that Tine is AWARE of his growing feelings and thinking of Sarawat’s really changes the way the scene reads. THEY 🥺💕
“I feared that I might develop feelings for him,” said Tine, already tits deep in feelings 
What I enjoy most about Bright, both as an actor and in general, seeing him in interviews and such, is that he somehow has this expression as if he is in love with everyone he’s ever spoken to. It’s compelling
I think in one interview he describes it as “listening really intently,” and I’m like. That is not how I look when I listen. You listen with love in your eyes. It is very endearing
I’ve never understood why the fake-dating break-up takes place while Tine is in a towel. Who decided this lol it really does distract from the sincerity of their feelings. His hair isn’t even wet LMAO
“But you like Earn.” It’s funny that in this recap, Tine doesn’t describe the like, 8 or 9 times that Sarawat, prior to this, sincerely declares that he is interested in Tine hkjfhkjfhf bisexual blinders on
“The guy I just talked to. He is the guy I like!” Sarawat’s flashbacks are so funny in the context of how he reacted to Tine every time he spoke to him. Sarawat’s that tweet that goes, ‘When I was 7 I had a crush on a guy in my class & didnt know how to deal w it so I wrote him a letter that just said “get out of my school”’
I love that how even when Tine is not quite ready to admit his feelings, he leaves the door open for Sarawat to understand that he is starting to reciprocate them
“Nowadays, I only wish for him to be faithful to me,” said Tine, as if Sarawat has not been in love with him and only him since the moment they met
HAHAHAHA it’s been 64 minutes and finally Sarawat gets a voiceover, good for him 
Also if Sarawat proposes to Tine I will cry, I love that for them. I hope Tine uno reverses him and pulls out his own ring 
“So are your parents coming?” “No, they will only come to the party in the evening.” WILL TINE’S PARENTS FINALLY MAKE AN APPEARANCE? ONLY TIME WILL TELL 
JKGKJHGKJHG Tine’s lack of self-awareness gets me every time
Ohm: How do you feel about him?
Tine: Not much. Just, my heart flutters when he’s around. When I listen to Scrubb songs with him, the songs sound better. Especially when his face gets close to mine, it feels like my heart is jumping out of my chest. But I guess that’s normal
Fong: ???????????????????????????? TINE PLS
Also kills me that despite this monologue, Tine’s friends are like, ‘He’s being very nice to you and he’s very hot. This could happen to anybody. We will protect u from the Void of Sarawat’s Hotness’ GETS ME EVERY TIME
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“Though I had sung with him quite a few times, this was the first time I felt... something between us.” THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME? WAT PLS
“Did Tine dump you already? Why did you ask me to take you here?” “Why are you such a jerk?” Accurate sibling interaction between Sarawat and Phukong lmao
It’s a shame that so far they haven’t included any scenes from Still 2gether, in which they address any of the relationship or personal insecurities that arise for these two over the span of the series, but I guess ‘and then we put work into our relationship’ doesn’t make for as good of a movie LMAO
 OH PSYCH Sarawat said: Still 2gether was also my favourite part of the series 😇🥰
“We spent time apart,” said Sarawat, as if they were not literally 30 mins away from each other for 2 weeks kjhkjhj they’re so silly
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“Don’t you ever look at anyone else.” 2gether the movie said you can have a leetle BossPear, as a treat
Hahahaha they gave us a Fong x Earn x Ohm triangle so they’d have something to do I guess hahahahaha
Tbh I was still rooting for Earn and Pear 
Also: Sad that Phuak couldn’t make it kjghgh RIP bestie. When they said “look who finally decided to show up,” I really thought they were gonna cut to him
“Mom, this is Wat, the guy I told you about.” THEY HAVEN’T MET HIM IN THE PAST FOUR YEARS? LMAOOOOOOOOOOO
Awwww Dad wants Sarawat in the family photo too, I love that <3
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“You’ve prepared this for your man. Hurry up.” REST IN PIECES SARAWAT HAHAHA
Tine’s parents, rn: I think your roommate has a crush on you
“Honey, Wat sings so beautifully.” “Of course, he’s singing to his boyfriend. Right, Tine?” HAHAHAHAH I CAN’T TELL IF TINE’S DAD IS SAYING WE KNOW OR WILFULLY IGNORING THE LOVE
Dad’s strained smile kjghkghkgjh there’s only 5 mins of the movie left, nothing else can happen
“I would never get sick of singing with you.” ROMANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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This movie is so funny. They could’ve easily made this a special episode in which Tine’s parents find out about them dating, but instead they had a 70 min series recap, and then they wrapped it up with, ‘Yes, Sarawat proposed to Tine in front of his parents. Tine said yes. No, I will not elaborate.’ Power mov(i)e
😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️ WAIT THEY ELABORATED 😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️
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2gether said: I wanted to remind you that gay marriage and adoption is illegal in Thailand actually, xoxo sorry. But our parents love us and our dog is our baby
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Well, 2gether wanted to make sure that their movie took you through the same emotional roller coaster the series had. And they sure did!!! It was very fun to watch regardless
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earthfluuke · 4 years
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summary: individual ohmfong moments i couldn’t get out of my head.
everyone has been writing yearning fics (and i adore them so much), but i wanted to get some fluff out there. i hope you enjoy!
it’s second nature for ohm to slide into any open seat at their group’s table. full plate in hand, he’s just about to dig in when he catches phuak’s questioning eye, and his fork freezes a breath from his food. the silent questioning raise of his eyebrow has phuak shaking his head and motioning a hand to the opposite side of the table.
“sit next to your boyfriend, dumb ass,” he says, followed by the mumble of, “no wonder none of your girlfriends stayed with you.”
eyes widening, he turns to fong who can only send him a forgiving smile. scrambling to move his things, he falls onto the bench beside him with a sigh. head hung, shoulder slumped, he works out quickly, “i’m sorry. it completely slipped my mind, and i–”
“it’s okay,” fong assures, understanding as ever. “it’s…different. but we’ll get there.” he slides a plastic cup across the table to him and knocks their shoulders together. “now stop sulking, and drink that.”
ohm rises a bit, reinflates. he’s only ever remembered fong coming to the table with a signature blue hawaii in hand. there is none in sight, only this. taking a sip, he can’t help but feel it tastes a bit sweeter than any other time he’s had it.
they’re not there yet; but they’re on their way.
“oh!” he hears ohm exclaim as they’re walking out of their classroom towards the football field. just as he turns to ask what’s wrong, he feels a hand grab onto his.
eyes shooting down to the space between them, fong takes notice of how ohm’s fingers fit between his and curl over more than half of his knuckles. he soaks in the warmth ohm’s palm presses into his own and the feel of his thumb stroking up to his nail and back down again. he’s never held someone’s hand before, save for his parents a long, much younger time ago, so he doesn’t have much to compare to. even so, he doesn’t think any other hand would feel as nice. this is the hand he wants to hold forever.
allowing his fingers to close and rest between the ridges of ohm’s knuckles, he tightens his hold when ohm gives their arms an experimental swing.
“we’re boyfriends now,” he explains. “that means we get to hold hands.”
 it’s so innocent, so simple, but knowing that doesn’t help in slowing fong’s heart.
fong knows he has a very handsome boyfriend. it’s difficult to ignore when they’re meant to be studying in the library. ohm has a hand in his hair, head rested against his palm as a finger taps in concentration. his lips move with each word he reads, tongue sticking between his teeth when he gets to an exceptionally difficult section.
it’s too much sometimes, to just sit there and stare. actions have never been his strong suit; observations are more his style, but it’s not enough. leaning past the edge of his chair, he smooths a hand under ohm’s chin and up the cheek farthest from him. he pulls him the small distance he needs to in order to press a gentle kiss to the cheek facing him.
he hides the laugh that’s building in his throat when he moves back to find ohm wide eyed and stunned. the hand in his hair has slid down to where fong’s lips just grazed, and fong has to turn away from him to hide his pink cheeks and silly smile.
“i’m going to get some snacks. do you want anything?” ohm is too dazed to respond, so fong pushes back his chair and scurries off to the vending machines. it’ll give him the chance to calm down.
(and if he comes back with a few choice snacks he knows to be ohm’s favorites, then that’s just a bonus).
when fong is fast asleep, ohm can’t help but prop himself up on his arm and admire him. his bangs curl over his brow, and his cheek buries further into the pillow when there’s an especially cool breeze from the air conditioner. dark lashes fan over tan skin, full peach lips puffing out calm, even breaths. one hand clutches the blanket closer to him while the other lays on the sheets as though it’s looking for something.
he’s as gorgeous as he always is, but there’s something more special about a beauty that only ohm gets to see. there is a constant pull of wanting to grab onto that hand, remind him that what he’s reaching for is right beside him. but he cannot will himself to disturb him and instead resigns himself to only stare. he’s done enough to last him a lifetime, but he doesn’t think he’ll ever tire of it; not if he’s staring at fong.
“beautiful. sweetheart. babe. love!”
“um,” tine clears his throat, looking from ohm’s wide, hopeful grin to the top of fong’s head, the only part of him visible from behind the pages of the book he’s using to hide. “what are you doing?”
“trying to figure out which name i like the most,” fong mumbles from behind his book, clutching the binding a bit tighter when ohm throws an arm around his shoulders.
“the secret is that he likes all of them,” he says, continuing over fong’s protests, “i just need to find out which one he likes the best.”
it picks up again from there, in front of their friends no less. all fong can do is let him go on and on, each name more blush inducing than the last, and hope his novel does a good enough job masking how much he’s enjoying this.
“i’ll see you for dinner after my group meeting. okay, tilak?”
“yeah, sure – wait, what? hey! fong!”
fong is always a vision, but this. this. this is something completely different and so very far from even his wildest of dreams.
his sweater – a light beige with a v-neck that dips lower without the collar of the shirt he normally wears underneath it poking out – hangs loose around fong’s smaller frame. the shoulders pool upwards, the sleeves drape over his fingers, the hem hits far past the bottom of his torso. it doesn’t fit at all, and yet it does. there is something so right about coming out of the shower and finding fong lying on his bed, homework papers strewn out across the sheets and ohm’s sweater pooling up around his hips.
“i’m sorry,” fong is quick to say, fingers scrambling to tug it over his head. “it got cold, and it was the first thing i saw. i can give it back.”
“no.” he holds his hands out to steady fong more than himself. when the neck of the sweater stretches back down and he can see him, ohm sends him a smile. “it’s…it’s good. nice. it looks nice.”
“nice,” fong repeats. the very tips of his fingers, the only parts that peek out from beneath the sleeves, smooth over the fabric. his eyes soften, the tips of his mouth curving up. ohm can’t the tingling feeling that spreads through him.
that single strand of hair. it’s as lovely as it is distracting, for fong at the very least. he supposes ohm must have gotten used to it, takes notice of it the same way he does to the air around him. but it’s so out place and somehow so perfectly put that fong cannot help but admire it.
it’s a flame, stark black and contrast to his skin, that draws his hand towards it like a moth. ever so carefully, with just a graze of his fingers, he pushes it back into place. brushing over his ear, his hand buries beneath the hair parted against his scalp, dark locks blanketing over it.
only then does ohm look to him, realize that there had been something out of place he hadn’t seen. what he does see – feel, sense, know – is fong. and what a wonder that is, to be more noticeable, more important, more vital than the air. to be what ohm needs to breathe.
ever changing lights flicker across the concert venue. sarawat’s band is on stage, but they’re impossible to pay attention to when fong has all of his focus. he’s beautiful in every color he bathes in, but ohm can’t help but be partial to the mixture of yellow and orange.
fong has always been a bright light, a beacon, an ever-present warmth. the colors paint him as the sun he’s always been, the very center of ohm’s universe. head back, ears turned up to the music, his eyes reflect gold when he turns to ohm to tug him close and sway them along to the bass beneath their feet.
purple and blue remind him of late nights where they’d forgotten to close the blinds. green brings memories of lying in the grassy field in the back of their high school, when all ohm could rely on was stolen glances and accidental hand brushes he’d hold nearer and dearer to his heart than he should have. pink and red mix together, and all he can see is love coating over full cheeks and a fuller smile that he is lucky enough to have directed at him. and then it’s back to yellow, back to orange, back to warmth so hot ohm could burn.
it’s a heat like no other. all he can do to cool is curls a single arm around the small of fong’s back and pull him close enough for their foreheads to touch. his heart still roars with flames, engulfs him in a love hot enough to melt.
wrapping himself around him, fong comments, “you really like this song.”
and all ohm can do is hum, hold him tighter, and soak in his warmth. “i think it might be my favorite.”
“how did you know?” fong asks. the two of them are staring up at the ceiling, peeling paint their replacement for stars. “that it was me, i mean.”
by all intents and purposes, it should be an easy enough question to answer. but it becomes difficult when it hits him that…it’s always been fong. there isn’t a moment where anyone else has taken refuge in his heart and made it their home.
“i don’t remember when it started. but i remember when i realized it couldn’t be anyone else.” the memory flashes behind his eyes in vivid detail, kept clean and clear from how many times he’s brought it back to the forefront of his mind. “new years eve of second year. after tine and phuak ditched us to find pretty girls to kiss at midnight.”
mouth agape when he looks to him, fong says in startled disbelief, “in your backyard when i almost burned my hand on that sparkler? that wasn’t as special as i was expecting. more embarrassing.”
“it wasn’t. and that’s why i knew. there didn’t need to be some big sign. i just knew that even in those simple moments, i wanted it to be you there with me. and,” ohm catches his eye, looks at him so he knows how much he means what he says, “it was the first time i got to see you smile. it wasn’t because of something stupid phuak did or something sweet tine said to you. it was just… because you were happy. i hadn’t seen anything that beautiful before.”
fong says nothing, only reaches down to grab his hand. but when he smiles – that smile – he tells ohm all he needs to know. it’s another one of those not so special moments; the two of them lying flat against the sheets, their hands twisted together between them. but that in and of itself makes it special.
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hesther-mcg · 4 years
wishful thinking
request: Anonymous said:Hi! I saw your mai x reader and it was amazinf!! so could I request a Mai x waterbender!reader hc/ one shot (whichever you wanna do!!) The way you write her is amazing!!☺️
pairing: mai x waterbender!reader
warnings: idk how to feel abt this :/// if it’s not what u were wanting i’m sorry i can always do another part 
a/n: super long! maybe not good, who knows! i tried my best, but maybe this could be continued? waterbender!reader goes to the boiling rock prison break party?? some more pining, maybe some words exchanged between reader and mai?? 
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creds to owner, i couldn't find them :(
“Aang and Sokka, I wish you a good journey,” Earth King Kui bid farewell. “Ba Sing Se owes you it’s thanks, and we look forward to your safe return.” 
Your group of friends bowed to him, small smiles on all of your faces. You had finally managed to get to him and tell him about the war, and expose Long Feng, and now each of you had specific tasks to complete. It made you slightly uncomfortable to split up, but things were never easy in times of war. 
You had decided to stay behind in the city with Katara so she wouldn’t be alone. Sokka deserved to see his father, so she had so kindly opted out of the journey, and upon realizing you had no business at the Eastern Temple with Aang you chose to stay with her. 
“Your Majesty,” a guard came up, alerting everyone. “There are three female warriors here to see you. They’re from the island of Kyoshi.” 
“That’s Suki!” Sokka yelled as he fell to the ground from Appa’s side. He groaned dramatically as he squirmed around, and you reached a hand out to help him. 
“You know these warriors?” The Earth King questioned, taking a few steps forward. 
“Oh yeah,” Sokka replied as he stood up straight. “The Kyoshi Warriors are a skilled group of fighters. Trustworthy, too.” He smiled. “They’re good friends of ours.”
The Earth King nodded his head. “Then we shall welcome them as honored guests.”
The sun was high in they sky as the Kyoshi Warriors made their way down the path before them, lined with Earth Kingdom guards on either side. The three girls, in matching makeup and uniform, wore stoic expressions as they inched closer to the King. 
“In our hour of need, it is with the highest honor that I welcome our esteemed allies,” he extended his hands, and the girls kneeled before him, resting their painted foreheads against their hands. “The Kyoshi Warriors.” 
Slowly, they rose back up, revealing their faces to the very man they were there to overthrow. “We are the Earth King’s humble servants,” the girl in front mused, eyes sharp. 
You sighed. You knew that this was what you’d signed up for when you stayed behind with Katara, but that didn’t mean you enjoyed the things you had to do. You sat on the ground beside your friend, Momo resting on your shoulder, and a large map of the four nations separated the both you from the row of Generals you were speaking with. They were so far away you couldn't even make out their features, and you were sure that the both of you looked like two specks of blue rather than kids. 
“General Fong’s base will serve as the launching point for the attack. In exactly two months, the Army and Navy will invade the Fire Nation on The Day of Black Sun,” he moved his arms about, and the clay pieces on the map that represented Earth King forces moved. They glided towards the Fire Nation Capital, and Momo flew from your shoulder and landed with a small crash, and all the pieces fell over. 
“Or we could send in Momo to do some damage,” Katara joked with a laughed as the lemur moved around and knocked more things over. “Cause the...” when she was met with a stern silence, you nudged her with your elbow. “Sorry,” she quietened down and you rubbed her arm a few times.
General How closed his fist and all the pieces erected themselves, causing Momo to jump with a screech and retreat to the comfort of your shoulder. “All we need is the Earth King’s seal in order to execute the plan,” he placed down a scroll, and it glided towards the pair of you on a block of stone. 
Katara picked up the scroll as you both rose up from the ground. “We’ll get these scrolls to him right away. Thank you, General How.” You bowed and turned away from the men, and together you and Katara took off down the corridor. 
The walk through the Upper Ring was nice, Ba Sing Se truly was a beautiful place. It was nothing like what you and Katara were used to, which was snow, ice, and water. The North and the South had their differences but one thing rang true for both places; it was cold and wet and blue, but it was home. The city was different, hues of green and yellow filling the streets, gold trinkets lining the windows of some shops, expensive clothes on racks in others. 
But the nice tea shop that caught your eye was probably the nicest thing you’d seen. It was beautiful and shiny, and evidently very popular. “Hey, Katara, let’s get some tea!” You pointed towards the building. “Come on, it’ll be nice,” you smiled and batted your eyelashes, giving her your best pleading expression. 
“Hmm, alright,” she agreed. “What do you say, Momo? A cup of tea before we get back to the  Earth King?” She asked the lemur on your shoulder. He chattered in response, looking between the both of you with his large eyes. It was all you needed to start heading towards the shop. 
You were greeted at the entrance after trekking up the steps. “Table for three, please.” Katara spoke to the pretty woman while your eyes scanned the surrounding area. 
“Uncle!” A familiar voice shouted. “I need two jasmine, one green, and one lychee.” None other than Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation, the very boy who’d been hunting you and your friends for so long, wore a uniform and flitted around the shop. You nudged the girl beside you, and she gasped. 
“I’m brewing as fast as I can,” the old man you recognized as Zuko’s uncle assured with a small smile, standing in the kitchen area of the tea shop. It was as if time had stopped, and everything in the world went out of whack. Nothing made sense, this didn’t make sense. 
Nothing needed to be said, no look needed to be shared; you and Katara had the same thought in mind. 
We need to tell the Earth King. 
The both of you bolted down the stairs and ran away, flashes of blue heading towards to King. You were panting by the time you got there, but the relief of seeing Suki resting on the ground in front of the throne, her gold headband and oil makeup familiar and comforting, was sweet. 
“Thank goodness you’re here, Suki,” Katara rushed. “Something terrible is going on. The Fire Nation has infiltrated the city. I just saw Prince Zuko and his uncle!” 
Suki’s eyes widened a fraction before a sly grin grew on her lips. It was then you realized that this wasn’t your friend, and the two girls resting behind her weren’t Kyoshi Warriors either. You don’t know why it had taken you so long to figure out, or why Katara still hadn’t figured it out herself. This girl was acting nothing like Suki, and it was so painfully obvious now. 
“We have to tell the Earth King right away!” Katara urged, and your eyes cut to her. Something was wrong, and when the girl wearing your friend’s headband, and your friend’s uniform stood up, the female waterbender finally figured it out. 
“Oh don’t worry.” The mystery girl assured, slowly stepping forward into the light, and her golden eyes shined. “I’ll be sure to let him know.”
Momo screeched and flew from your shoulder, fleeing to who knows where; but you didn’t mind, he was safer elsewhere. Suddenly, the Chi blocker you’d fought on several occasions leapt forward, a flurry of flips and handstands and acrobatics. Her hand landed on Katara’s shoulder as she flew over her, and the your friend dropped to the floor. The water she had pulled from her pouch sloshed to the ground, and you pulled it up and combined it with your own water. 
Before you could do anything, however, the girl grabbed you in the same spot she ahd grabbed your friend, and she pulled you backwards. You lost the sensation in your limbs, and you dropped and landed in a puddle of water. 
“So, Zu Zu’s in the city, too.” Azula mused, walking closer to the both of you. You could only see above you, and the girl with the knives you’d been thinking about since Omashu entered your line of sight. The edges were blurry, and steadily growing more fuzzy, but you’d recognize her any day-- even with the makeup. 
“I think it’s time for a family reunion.” 
“How’d you learn that?” You asked, and the girl beside you chuckled. You were sitting so close together that your’re arms brushed every so often. 
“I was bored in my room, so I taught myself a trick,” she shrugged, throwing another knife at the wall. It stuck an inch away from the one she’d thrown just before, not any higher or lower. 
“Well, you’re really good,” you complimented, and your cheeks reddened. “You think you could teach me?”
She looked at you, her dark hair shining in the light. She grinned at you, small but sweet nonetheless. “Sure,” she drawled. “Someday.” 
You couldn’t take your eyes off of her. She was so pretty, and she looked so cool and collected. She was a complete mystery, one you wanted so desperately to solve. 
That was wishful thinking. 
You wouldn’t get to see her that close, or brush your arm against hers, or have her smile at you. She was on Azula’s side, and you were on Aang’s. It was as simple as that. None of the other factors needed to be mentioned; like how you didn’t know her name, or her age, or how she got mixed up in the schemes of the Royal family. 
You wouldn’t get to learn how to throw knives, or just what to do to make the Fire Nation girl smile like she did whenever you dreamt of her. That’s all you would ever have, dreams and wishful thinking. 
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burninglilys · 4 years
love is a round-sounding word
this is an ohmfong fic inspired by @bbrightwin (x), @earthfluuke (x), @gaysarawat (x), and @sarawatlovestine (x) !!! once i thought of fong and earn bonding over unrequited crushes, i could not stop writing, which is how this 2.4k ohmfong fic was born, something that i spewed over the course of an hour. i apologise in advance for how all over the place this is!!! 
fong knows a thing or two about unrequited love for one's best friend.
he knows about the bittersweet clench in one's heart as they see their best friend – the person they love – happy with someone else (because they deserve to be happy even if they don't find that happiness with him). he knows about the dawning realisation as it drops into the pits of his stomach when they realise that they would never be able to make their best friend – the person they love – just as happy. he knows about the resignation that comes with it. 
fong knows a thing or two about unrequited love. 
this is what prompts him to talk to earn. because he knows those looks full of heartache and longing. he knows them. he is familiar with them and had lived with this feeling for two whole years. 
"am i that obvious?" earn laughs, looking away from pear. fong holds her shoulder.
"not at all," fong assures. "i just know how it feels like," he says. 
earn's eyes glint against the sunlight. "oh?"
fong looks at tine, sitting securely in sarawat's arms. 
"oh," earn mutters. it is now her turn to hold fong's shoulders. 
at least it doesn't hurt the way it once did. 
they begin their somewhat unconventional friendship like that – bonding over something as heart-wrenching as unrequited love. he listens to earn talk about pear, how earn knows, just knows that pear might not be as happy with boss the way she ought to be, how it feels like she's carrying a neon sign on her forehead with the words 'i love you' whenever she talks to him, how sometimes pear does something or says something that makes earn want to hold pear's shoulders and tell her everything. 
he tells earn that it's difficult now and that it will remain difficult for a while until it gets easy; until her shoulders that carry the weight of her love for pear will dissipate one day, until what remains is nothing but few specks of hurt that say – oh, i loved this person once. 
they meet for lunch and sometimes for dinner and sometimes fong parts with his friends early just to meet her. 
he knows how unfair he is being but it feels so good to have someone he can share that part of his life with. it feels good to be understood. 
"you've been talking an awful lot with earn recently," ohm says, a glint of something in his eyes. 
fong looks up from his phone, confused and dazed. "huh?" 
he sees ohm clench his jaw and turn towards his food again. "nothing," he says. 
then he looks up, a smile on his face as though he never clenched his jaw in his life. "just don't forget your friends, okay?" 
"how could i forget you guys?" fong laughs, his heart clenching at how vulnerable ohm's eyes look right now. 
fong keeps looking at him until ohm's gaze softens immeasurably. "just don't forget me, okay?"
fong blinks in surprise. his heart tugs inside his chest.
he leans into ohm, nudging his arm with his elbow. "how can i ever forget about you?" fong says, smiling. 
fong realises just how true that statement is. 
ohm, who has been with him through the worst. ohm, who has been with him through the best. 
he realises how he can forget about anything but ohm and his unending kindness. ohm and the gentle way he cares for everyone around him. he realises how he can forget about anything but ohm.
there must be something painted on fong's face because ohm flushes bright red and looks back at his food as if the last couple of minutes did not happen at all. 
fong's heart gives a familiar tug again. his face creeps into a grin. 
later, at dinner, earn snaps him out of his reverie with a snap of her fingers. 
"earth to fong," she smiles. "are you okay?" 
fong parts his lips, the blush across ohm's face prominent in his mind before he shakes it off. 
"i am okay," he replies. 
earn narrows her eyes. "right," she drawls. "what happened?" 
fong thinks of the time ohm had snapped a plastic fork in half when he'd mentioned going drinking with earn. he thinks of the time they'd all had a sleepover together and fong had woken up with ohm clinging onto him. he thinks of how ohm always remembers his food and drink orders. 
fong shakes his head. "nothing," he says. 
earn raises her eyebrows and lets it go. 
"as i was saying, pear invited me for dinner next week and i don't know if i should go," earn says. "there's something so horrible about having dinner with her, pretending as though i don't have big gay feelings for her." 
earn says something else but the world quietens down around fong. he thinks of the time ohm had accompanied him to a tedious family dinner and how he had patted his back reassuringly afterwards and taken him out for fast food and drinks. he thinks of the time he had gotten ridiculously drunk and how ohm had taken care of him through the entire night. he thinks of the time they'd slept beside each other and he'd woken up to ohm playing with his hair. he thinks of the time ohm had watched movies with him for an entire night only for fong to fall asleep on him and tucking him in bed. 
he thinks of a missing piece of the puzzle finding its way back to him. 
"fong!" earn's concerned voice brings him to the present again.  
"fong, are you alright?" she asks. "do you want to go back to your dorm?" 
"earn," he hears his voice waver. "i think i like one of my friends again."
the realisation hits him hard. the ground underneath him is forcefully ripped away and he's falling and falling. he thinks of the scrubb concert and how ohm had held his face so close to him, over something fong could not even remember. all he remembers is his stomach swooping and his heart beating faster and faster until it slowed down when ohm moved away from him.
he thinks of how pathetic it is to fall for his best friend – again. 
fong knows a thing or two about unrequited love for one's best friend.
he just doesn't think he's ever experienced it so intensely before.
putting a name to what one is feeling for someone – what he feels for ohm – brings about its own sense of reactions. suddenly, he can't glance at ohm without looking away the next second. suddenly, he can't stay close to ohm without feeling the urge to do something ridiculous like holding him as close as possible. suddenly, he can't touch ohm without having tingles erupt all over his body. suddenly, he can't eat with ohm alone without pretending that it isn't a date. 
it's even worse than when it was with tine. he could reason his way out of thinking about him so ridiculously. because tine always had someone – someone he liked, someone he was pursuing or was pursuing him. 
with ohm, he just can't reason his way out because he's always, always there. and he has never mentioned liking someone else. 
it's getting harder to pretend that ohm's fond looks and ohm's gentle gestures don't mean anything more than platonic. it's getting harder to pretend that his knees don't get weak when he catches ohm's eyes in their shared classes. 
it's getting harder to pretend that everything is perfectly fine. 
fong knows a thing or two about unrequited love – but doesn't know shit about unrequited love for someone like ohm.
so fong does something he's never done before. 
he runs away. 
he stops hanging out with his friends till he gets control of his big gay feelings, as earn puts it. 
he apologises, tells them about the extracurricular activities he has, about how he is suddenly so busy. he tells them how he'll make up to all of them next time. 
next time when he has some semblance of control over his big gay feelings, as earn likes to put it. 
in front of him, two weeks later, earn takes in fong's sleepless form and sighs. "maybe talking to him is the way out?" 
he had been in all states of frenzy ever since he realised. he couldn't seem to think of anyone else but him. he couldn't seem to think of anything but him. it was getting out of hand. 
fong nods. "it is. but i feel so much when i'm close to him. it's horrible. i want to get my emotions under control before i speak to him, to any of them." 
he sighs wistfully again. "phuak will know i like him when he looks at my face because it's so blatantly obvious. i just don't think i'm ready for that, for any of it." once again. 
earn pats his back. "i trust that you know what is best for you," she says. "but i'm here for you."
fong looks at her gratefully before turning towards her. "how was dinner last night?" 
earn averts her gaze and flushes bright red. "it was fine." 
"fine?" fong incredulously asks. "just fine?" 
earn nods. 
"you're telling me that you had dinner that you were fretting over – for the fourth time in the last week, might i add – with the love of your life at a fancy restaurant and it was just fine?" 
earn nods again and tucks her hair behind her ear. 
"we talked," she says, her eyes sparkling. "we talked and went on a walk afterwards." 
she leans towards him and whispers, "we held hands too. and right before i dropped her to her dorm, we gave each other good night kisses." 
"what?" fong shrieks. "wait, are you guys dating now?" 
earn nods again, giggling. 
"oh my god i'm so, so happy for you!" fong exclaims. "how did all of it happen?" 
earn looks towards their front and turns back to fong. "we talked," she pointedly says and pats his back. "i will text you the details later because i'm going to leave you to this." 
she stands up and walks off and fong is left staring at her back, a little dumbfounded. "what just happened?" he whispers before turning ahead, only to come face-to-face with ohm. 
"ohm," fong whispers, turning cold.  
ohm looks furious. 
"this was you 'working on an assignment for extra credits'? this, fong?" 
he takes a seat beside him, his back straight and his fists balled to his side. 
"ohm," fong mutters, a little helpless. 
"at the very least, tell us the truth!" he snaps. "just tell us the truth, yeah? we can handle it." 
his gaze turns remorseful again. "i can handle it." 
fong takes a deep breath, shifting a little closer on the bench. 
"ohm," he says again. 
"fong," ohm says, turning towards fong and holding his hands between his. 
"what can you handle?" fong asks.
ohm sighs, his hands tightening around fong's. 
"the fact that you're dating someone else," he whispers. "or the fact that you're in love with someone else, once again." 
fong's heart skips a beat. 
ohm snatches his hands away from fong's and rubs his face. 
fong itches to hold them again. 
so he does. 
ohm looks at him, a little in surprise. 
"are you dating her?" ohm asks. 
"no," fong replies. 
the puzzle is piecing itself back together. 
ohm's expression that was clouded with pain clears up in an instant. 
fong knows a thing or two about unrequited love. 
"oh," he says. "good, good," he awkwardly comments. 
they're still holding hands. 
fong wants to move closer. 
so he does. 
"would it matter? if i were dating someone?" fong asks. 
ohm's face scrunches with pain again. 
fong wants to do anything to make that disappear. 
"as long as you're happy," ohm lets out, hanging his head low.
fong knows a thing or two about unrequited love. 
"ohm," fong shifts closer, letting go of his hands. 
ohm looks at him with surprise. 
fong's hands rest on ohm's cheeks. 
"ohm i want to date someone," he says, earnestly. "i think they like me too." 
ohm scrunches his eyes before settling them on fong with resignation. 
fong knows a thing or two about unrequited love. 
he doesn't know shit about requited love. 
"i think you should ask them out," ohm replies after a pause. "if they make you happy then who am i to oppose?" he laughs humourlessly. 
"ohm," fong leans closer until he rests their foreheads together. fong's heart is beating dangerously fast in his chest. ohm looks at him with astonishment as his hands come and rest on fong's waist. 
"ohm," fong says, helplessly as he gazes into the eyes of the one he likes so, so much. 
"fong," ohm mutters with as much helplessness. his eyes widen in what Fong thinks (and hopes) is realisation.
"ohm, can i kiss the one i like?" fong asks. 
ohm doesn't answer. he leans into fong until their lips meet and kisses him sweet and steady.
"fong, am i reading this wrong? tell me, fong, tell me what you mean because i'm about to get ridiculously happy," he whispers against his lips when they part.
fong smiles in response and kisses him again. 
"i like you," fong says. "i realised just how much i liked you two weeks ago but i wasn't sure how you felt which is why –" 
he tears his gaze away and looks at the floor. 
two steady arms pull him closer and hold him. fong buries his face in ohm's neck. 
"i thought you figured out how blatantly obvious i was which is why –" 
he laughs and fong can't help but laugh too. 
they pull away from each other only to lean their foreheads against each other again. 
"i like you too," ohm says. "i like you so much, it's unreal." 
fong kisses his forehead. "i like you too, so, so much." 
they link their hands together. 
fong knows a thing or two about requited love. 
he knows how fast his heart beats when ohm kisses him and he knows how his stomach swoops when ohm does something incredibly sweet for him. he knows how their hands fit together. he knows how ohm's laughter sounds and he is familiar with all his smiles and all his kisses and he is familiar with just how safe and secure he feels when he's around him. he knows ohm and likes ohm and loves ohm. 
fong knows a lot about being consumed with the love that fills him, the love that surrounds him. 
fong knows a lot about being in love. 
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light-miracles · 4 years
Taang: Jealous Aang (of the man of your choice)
Okay! Taang and Satoph and a little of Bei Fong family.
'The swamp shows us the people we have lost. The ones we love.'
In Aang's eyes, it was a good way to lose her, he thought as Toph's husband took her hand to take her onto the dance floor and dance to a song that he claimed to be their favorite, even though Aang knew Toph and knew her favorite song was Secret Tunnel. Still looking at her, the Avatar took a sip from his wine glass.
He hated hating visits and special occasions, not being able to fully enjoy being with his friends, even now that they were older and everyone had their own families and the occasions to see each other were becoming more and more special. The last time he had seen Toph was when Zuko's daughter was born. Everyone had gathered to meet Princess Izumi. The baby girl was beautiful. Aang was having a lovely afternoon with Zuko and the baby until Toph arrived. All the happiness and hope of seeing her died when she noticed that she was not alone. He was with her. And their child was with them, growing strong and healthy in her womb.
It had been too much and he'd had to come up with an excuse that were partially true to leave.
And that had been the last time he saw her, almost two years ago. Until inevitably they had to meet for her birthday in Gaoling. He hadn't dared to not go.
It was a good party, with lots of food and music and games and happiness. Toph's Earthbending and Metalbending Academy had never looked so fun and bright. There were at least 40 people Aang knew, and many more that he didn't. Toph's students were familiar faces whose names he could never remember, much to the Avatar's frustration. Katara and Sokka had danced many songs with Toph, happy and free of their usual duties. Suki and Zuko had been juggling flaming dishes. Lin, the beautiful little girl he had once fantasized about raising as his own when he and Toph inevitably married, was eating at least five different pieces of cake, with her grandfather Lao at her side, who far from reprimanding her, was eating cake too, smiling in a way he only did with his first granddaughter. Little Suyin (Aang couldn't even look at her) was happily moving her arms in her grandmother's arms, both of them dancing in a calmer way than her parents'.
And Aang didn't want to feel that way, that's why he had avoided being alone with Toph for a while now. Because he couldn't get those thoughts out of his head.
That should be my daughter.
Lin should love me like a father and not like an uncle.
Those should be my in-laws.
This should be my family.
Your smiles should be for me.
Your love should be mine.
Everything would be different if Satoru (don't think of his name, don't think of his name, don't think of his name) had never appeared.
The song changed and, guided by an irrepressible urge, Aang walked up to the couple and happily asked if he could dance with Toph. That man (don't think of his name, don't think of his-) smiled happily at him and took a step back. Toph arched an eyebrow with a defiant smile and took his hand, and they both began to dance.
They had both always been good dancers, which the other man obviously wasn't, because Toph began to dance in the wild yet graceful way that only the people who truly knew her knew she was able to dance.
"It seems that you finally cheer up a bit, you got us worried," she said between frantic movements. Aang noticed that people were beginning to look at them.
"A lot of stress lately," he said without lying but not telling the whole truth.
"Your Avatar Mumbo Jumbo will make you die young if you remain all work and no fun," she said turning around. Aang couldn't help it, he smiled for the first time that night. "It's my birthday. Have fun or I'll kick your ass."
"Are you happy?" asked Aang suddenly.
"I drank two bottles of wine and someone spilled cider on my dad. How couldn't I?!"
"That's not what-"
The song ended and they both stopped dancing, hearing their audience's applause. Toph raised her hands in the air and moved her hips. "I'm fabulous, I know!"
They both got off the dance floor, Toph walking over to her husband and wrapping her arms around his waist. That was something else that should be his. Her affection, her caresses, her real caresses, not the friendly punches she shared with her friends. Her love, her joy, wasted on that man. It was unbearable.
"Toru, can you get me another glass of wine?" asked her with a fake sweet voice. "Sorry, I said it wrong. It sounded like a question and it's an order. Bring me more wine right now."
"And what do I get in return, eh?"
"If the wine is good..." Toph quickly bit his lower lip. Aang had to look away so as not to succumb to every bad thought he'd had all night. "... Something very good later."
"This woman uses me as her errand boy,"  said Satoru looking at Aang. "I'm the happiest errand boy in the world."
That man walked away, happily and drunkenly dancing towards to the drinks table.
"Now, what were you saying?"
Aang looked around quickly before allowing himself to look at Toph. No one was looking in their direction. And Toph looked too good, her hair down, her pale cheeks as red as two apples, and a huge smile on her face.
"Are you happy, Toph?" he asked seriously.
His friend was perhaps too drunk to think that the question was a little weird. "Pffff, duh."
"Of course, man! Got everything I've ever wanted!" she said as if she was talking to a particularly dense boy. "What kind of question is that?! *jip*" she said, losing her balance a little for the first time that night. Aang held her arm. "See those girls eating cake at the table?" asked Toph pointing towards Lin and Suyin at the corner table. "Those are my daughters. And I don't need to see them to know that they're beautiful and strong and good. My parents are next to them, they no longer suck and they learned to listen to me and respect me and, this is wild, you won't believe it, we even talk about our feelings from time to time. It's diabolical, Twinkles," she laughed. "I'm surrounded by my friends, my best friends, who are my family on my birthday and at my Earthbending academy. And I travel the world regularly to check out the Earthen Fire factories. I have it all, Twinkles."
"And Satoru."
"Sure, I travel with Satoru. Someone has to drive, duh."
"That's not what I mean."
"Man, just spit out whatever you want to say Twinkles! Or let's dance again. Whatever."
"Toph," he said, leaning down and taking her by the shoulders. "Do you love Satoru?"
"Do you love him?"
She looked confused for less than a second. "I married him, remember?"
"But do you love him?"
"Of course I love him, dunderhead!" she said removing his hands from her shoulders. "Why are you asking so many questions? I'm not drunk enough not to notice that you're acting weird."
"I-I just wanted to make sure that you're happy. That you have everything you wanted. That-"
"I love Satoru? Well, I do. I love him. I'd never have married him if I didn't want to share my life with him," she said almost aggressively. And for a moment, it almost felt like she knew. As if she knew why he had been acting distant and taciturn for so long. Toph opened her mouth, but said nothing for an eternal second, as if there were so many thoughts in her head, all too complex for her drunken stupor. Finally she just said, "He's the best choice I've ever made."
That hurt. It hurt more than being struck by Azula's lightning all those years ago. It hurt so much that he couldn't breathe, couldn't think.
"There's no more wine so I brought Suyin," said Satoru suddenly appearing, holding his daughter. "Your mother finally released her."
"I ask you for wine and you bring me a baby? Man, you do listen when I talk to you."
"I already sent someone to get more wine. Su wants to dance with you while we wait."
Toph took her baby daughter in her arms. "Is it true Su? Do you want to dance with Mommy?"
"Yaay! Dan wi mommy!"
"Very good, Badgermole. But the moment the wine arrives you go back to your grandma, I warn you."
The music changed to a slower one, and Satoru took Toph's hand again to dance, slower than before, swaying gently with Suyin in between. Lin, feeling ignored, ran across the entire dance floor and spread her arms, demanding to be a part of the dance as well. Satoru took his stepdaughter in his arms and put her on his shoulders.
It was then that the pain for the first time turned into melancholy, a silent acceptance of his defeat.
He had loved her and lost her. Just like the swamp once told him he would.
But at least he hadn't lost her to the unforgiving grip of death. He had lost her to another man. A man that hadn't lost his chance like him.
It was torture.
But it was at least a good way to lose her.
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jojotichakorn · 4 years
For the @mistletoinks Secret Santa event, a gift for @class2clown
Mostly to Yourself: an OhmFong fic
Ohm and Fong have liked each other for years, but neither of them confessed, too scared of being rejected and absolutely sure that the other didn’t reciprocate. Until one day (or rather, night), when some much-needed help came from a surprisingly insightful friend.
Ohm, Fong Phuak, and Tine were sitting in the uni’s cafeteria. The latter three were passionately discussing something Ohm couldn’t focus on. Instead, he was focused on Fong, who was sitting in front of him. He was carefully studying the other boy’s features, paying attention to the way the crinkles around his eyes that appeared whenever he smiled made him even prettier than usual (if that was even possible). The sun looking through the tall cafeteria windows seemed to land on Fong in a very special way – how else could Ohm explain the fact that the natural light reflecting off of Fong’s skin made him look glowing and unbearably pretty, while it did nothing to Ohm, except for maybe blinding him.
Suddenly, Ohm noticed someone staring at him. With some reluctance, he had to look away from Fong to Tine, who gave him a knowing smile. Ohm silently cursed every person in the world, who was in love and could thus easily recognize anyone else consumed by the same feeling. “You look at him the way I look at Wat,” Tine told him a month ago when confronting him about his feelings. At first, Ohm was worried that he was being obvious, but he soon realized that neither Fong nor his other friend had even suspected anything.
“What are you so afraid of?” Tine asked him then. How quickly people forget their insecurities when they are no longer relevant. Tine was similarly agitated about Sarawat’s feelings just a year ago, but it had all been forgotten now. However, the truth was that Ohm was even more agitated than Tine had been back then. And it was because Fong was entirely out of his league. He was beautiful and witty and wise and smart, but Ohm couldn’t help but have a crush on him anyway. He had been living with it for almost a year now, but the farther he went, the more he realized that he had probably liked him ever since they first met back in high school. How hard it was to distinguish the strong platonic feelings one had for his best friend and the possible romantic feelings one had for that very same friend. How much harder it was when said friend was also a guy, and the perception of a relationship between two men that society forced on you was so far from reality.
He had to drift out of his thoughts upon hearing his name called with the kind of annoyance that indicated it having been spoken a few times already. “Ohm, Earth to Ohm!” Phuak said, waving his hand in front of his face.
“Yes, what?” Ohm asked, blinking rapidly.
“Wanna go clubbing with us tonight or not?”
Ohm thought for a moment, throwing a glance at Fong. On the one hand, when you like someone – proximity is of essence, regardless of how they feel about you. On the other hand, the idea of seeing the person you like leaving with someone else would make anyone feel miserable, and that happening was a possibility, after all.
“No”, Ohm finally decided.
“Why not?” Fong spoke up, surprised.
Ohm turned to him and looked him in the eyes for a moment, before deciding on staring at his own hands instead. “I’m just a bit tired today, that’s all”.
“Oh, alright then,” Fong responded, sounding almost disappointed, and Ohm was ready to smack himself for all the wishful thinking that his brain managed on a daily basis.
Tine bailed as well since he and Sarawat both had a free evening and wanted to spend it together, which meant that Fong and Phuak ended up going to the club just the two of them. Fong thought about going home too since he didn’t enjoy clubbing that much lately and the only reason he had agreed in the first place was the possibility of spending time with Ohm. But, being the good friend that he was, Fong couldn’t in good conscience leave Phuak alone, so he agreed to go. His friend, however, noticed his initial reluctance and complete disinterest, when they got to drinking in the club.
“Fong, are you ok?” he asked with some note of concern.
“Yeah,” Fong gave him a weak smile. “Why?”
“Because I can see you’re not, but asking is the polite thing to do,” he responded, putting his drink down, clearly ready for a serious conversation.
Fong sighed, contemplating whether he should tell him or not. It wasn’t that he thought Phuak wouldn’t understand him or that he would judge him. It was just that pouring one’s heart out was always hard.
“Fine,” he said finally. “Can you keep a secret?”
“Sure,” his friend shrugged casually in response.
“Ok, this is important, so you have to promise this will stay between us”.
“Cross my heart,” Phuak nodded, jokingly drawing a cross over his chest with his finger.
“Alright then, here goes nothing I guess,” Fong said, nervously playing with his hands. “I like Ohm”.
“Ok,” Phuak responded simply.
“Ok?” Fong exclaimed, almost offended. “I just told you I like my best friend, our best friend, and that’s all you have to say?”
“Well, what do you want me to say?”
“I don’t know!? Maybe a sentence that consists of more than one word?”
“Alright, well. Did you tell him?”
“Did I-” Fong stopped and blinked in shock because his friend’s suggestion sounded like confessing was the easiest thing in the world. “Did I tell him? Of course, I didn’t tell him!”
“Why not?”
“Why… what? I can’t just blurt it out, as if I’m saying hello!”
“Why not?” Phuak repeated.
“Because!” Fong exclaimed, and Phuak raised his eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. “Well, he is our best friend. What if I ruin our friendship? Or our entire friend group?”
“You won’t,” Phuak said nonchalantly.
“How can you be so sure?”
“Because,” he paused. “Ohm is not stupid enough to stop being friends with you because of this. And you are not the type of person to ruin our friend group by distancing yourself because you might be a little embarrassed”.
Fong sighed in defeat, indicating that his friend was as right as Fong was annoyed by it. He tried to fight back. “But what if he doesn’t like me?”
“Well, how do you know, if he likes you or not?”
“Well, you know him! He’s… Ohm,” Fong said as if the name spoke for itself. “If he likes men at all, he is clearly entirely oblivious to it”.
“You don’t know that, though,” Phuak pointed out. “Maybe he’s not ready to just go off and come out to us, or maybe he just doesn’t want to talk about it. You never know. I mean, a year ago, we were convinced Tine was straight, which seems almost laughable now. Besides, Ohm hasn’t dated anyone for a very long time, and it’s not like there isn’t anyone interested. There must be a reason for that, right?”
Fong sighed again.
“What will I do, when he rejects me, though?”
“If,” Phuak corrected. “If he rejects you”.
“Alright, then what will I do if” – Fong pronounced the word almost mockingly – “he rejects me”.
Phuak looked at him carefully and sighed. “Ok, tell me – how long has this been going on?”
“Like a year,” Fong shrugged. “But I think it started even earlier, I just didn’t realize it back then”.
“So it has been a long time”.
“Yes,” Fong prolonged the word hesitantly, not sure where the conversation was going.
“Now tell me, do you see yourself – realistically – falling out of love with him? Especially not knowing whether he reciprocates or not?”
“I-” there was a pause. “No,” he admitted.
“Then think about it – wouldn’t it be easier, in the long run, to find out what he feels and work with that, instead of pinning for the rest of your life, that little bit of hope constantly at the back of your mind, never letting you go?”
Fong was silent for a moment, eyeing Phuak curiously. He wouldn’t say that he was thinking his friend’s words over – he knew Phuak was right three minutes ago, and he got more and more convincing with each sentence. It was more the fact that he was talking with the conviction of someone, who was talking about himself.
“You are surprisingly insightful today,” Fong pointed out carefully.
“No-no-no,” Phuak shook his head. “This conversation is about your messy love life, not mine”.
“Oh, so your love life is messy?” he asked, grinning mischievously.
“Oh, is that how you wanna play?” Phuak smiled in response, taking out his phone. “Ok then, I guess I gotta call Ohm and tell him how in loooove you are with him”.
“You dickhead!” Fong exclaimed, trying to take Phuak’s phone out of his hands. Both eventually gave up, laughing uncontrollably.
Fong ended up staying with Phuak until the early hours of the morning, realizing that his friend’s reasons for coming to the club were more serious than just having a fun evening. Whoever he was trying to get over, it was bad. Fong was now determined to find out, which of his friends he’d share his fate with – Phuak’s or Tine’s.
Ohm woke up the next morning with a headache worse than Phuak and Fong had combined. He became more and more restless every day, and that particular night he only managed to sleep for three hours. During that sleepless night, he finally decided to get over it. He had been pinning for Fong for far too long, and – being sure it wasn’t going anywhere – decided he needed to move on.
That was easier said than done, however, so the first small step he decided to take was to focus a little more on his studies. He had to admit, he had not cared for studying since he was seven, so this was a big change both for him and his friends. But, ignoring the confused looks the trio was throwing at him, he buried himself in homework, which was – among other things – a perfect excuse to put some much-needed distance between him and Fong.
This was absolutely infuriating to Fong, who had just decided to finally confess his feelings only to not get the slightest chance to speak to Ohm alone for the entire week. He got a tiny bit bolder the next couple of days, actively asking Ohm if he had a minute to talk, but was always refused with some stupid excuse. Fong was a rather patient person, but even he had his limits.  
So, when the four friends were coming out of the faculty building after class on a Friday afternoon, Fong – ever so determined – breached the subject again.
“Hey, Ohm, do you have a minute to talk now?” he emphasized the last word, trying not to sound annoyed and failing miserably.
“No, actually I-” Ohm started but was quickly cut off.
“You what? Have homework? It’s Friday, Ohm – I’m sure you can do it during weekends,” Fong was getting more and more impatient, the confession now being somehow secondary to his frustration about Ohm’s behavior these past two weeks.
“I-” Ohm began, unsure.
Phuak coughed. “So we will leave you two alone for a second,” he said, giving Tine a meaningful look. The other boy nodded in understanding, and both left, despite Ohm’s pleading eyes.
“Why have you been ignoring me this whole time?” Fong asked after a pause, reaching out to touch Ohm’s arm. The latter jerked away suddenly. An idea flashed through Fong’s head and he felt himself getting angry. “Listen, if I am actually that obvious and you have figured everything out, that is no reason to treat me like shit!”
Ohm looked at him, confused at the meaning of the sentence and taken aback by Fong’s tone.
“Oh, so now you don’t have any excuses, huh!? I guess I hit the nail on the head then.”
Fong was about to turn around and leave when Ohm grabbed his wrist. “Wait, Fong! I-” he shook his head. “I’m kind of confused, what are you even talking about?”
Fong blinked rapidly, realizing his mistake. “N- nothing,” he stuttered. Ohm looked at him disappointed, clearly understanding his friend is hiding something.
“Oh, don’t you give me that look!” Fong exclaimed, exasperated. “I’m not the one who’s been avoiding you this whole time”.
“Ok, fine,” Ohm sighed. “I have been avoiding you, and I’m sorry. But I can’t tell you why.”
Fong threw his hands up in the air out of frustration. “Who even says that?”
“As I said, I’m sorry.”
“That’s not enough, though Ohm! At least-” Fong looked down, hurt. “At least tell me what I’ve done wrong. Maybe I can fix it, maybe I can-”
“Don’t- don’t blame yourself. This is not your fault. I’m the one, who fucked up”.
“Well, what have you done!? I promise, I won’t be mad or disappointed or anything, I just… I really wanna know, okay?” Fong looked at Ohm with the saddest, most desperate eyes he had ever seen. Ohm breathed out and looked down.
“If I tell you, it will change things. Forever.”
“What things? What will it change?”
“This,” Ohm pointed at both of them. “Us, our friendship, probably our entire friend group, I will ruin it all”.
Fong felt like someone stuck a knife between his ribs, his own words from the night at the club two weeks ago repeated back to him. Could it be? Could he…
“Tell me,” Fong nodded. “Maybe… maybe it will be a good change”.
Ohm took a step back, wide-eyed and shaking his head. “No, no I can’t”.
“Ok,” Fong took a confident step forward. “Then I will tell you what I’ve been trying to talk to you about this whole time”. Ohm visibly relaxed upon realizing he was no longer being interrogated.
There was a pause before Fong continued speaking. “I like you,” he said, and Ohm froze in place. “Actually, I think I more than like you. I think I’m in love with you and I have been for a very long time. And I’m sorry if I’m saying something wrong here and I know I might be ruining things now, but I just had to-”
Fong was interrupted by Ohm pulling him close and kissing him. It was a bit awkward, their teeth knocking against each other pretty hard, but neither of them cared.
“You absolute idiot,” Ohm said, when they pulled away, burying his face in Fong’s chest. “Why didn’t you tell me anything!? I haven’t been able to sleep for days!”
“Well, why didn’t you tell me anything?” Fong said, trying to sound as annoyed as possible and failing miserably, a huge smile beaming on his face.
“Well, you know,” Ohm said, suddenly embarrassed. “I’m me and you are you”.
Fong was almost offended by that. “You are you! Exactly!” he exclaimed, looking at Ohm in adoration. “You are beautiful and funny and smarter than anyone gives you credit for and so kind and nice to your friends and-”
“Ugh,” Ohm groaned, rolling his eyes as if tired of the compliments. “Just kiss me again, you absolute cheeseball”.
And so he did. They shared many kisses that evening, only pausing for quick confessions, getting comfortable with saying “I love you” over and over again.
There would be many evenings like that to come.  
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patandpran · 4 years
The New Routine
I wrote this a few days ago and I am not sure where it came from. I am still going to credit @yangkoogan @earthfluuke @gaysarawat and even @brightwin (Jelly’s song is so fantastic - go listen!!) for putting these two as a pairing in my head.
I fondly refer to this one as ‘the one where they don’t realize until too late that they’re already dating’.
The gang was down to two. Phuak had left on his education exchange and Tine was attached to the hip with Sarawat or at cheerleading practice. This left Ohm and Fong without much direction, neither of them had ever been at the helm of making social plans so they often found themselves half heartedly doing the same things they had done with Phuak and Tine around: going to bad restaurants, bar hopping and playing too many hours of videos games.
All Fong knew was that he still wanted to spend time with Ohm but something felt off about how they were spending their time together. It didn’t exactly feel wrong as it didn’t necessarily matter what they were doing, it just seemed like they were going through the motions of how they used to spend time with Phuak and Tine instead of making their own way. Fong hoped that this reality wouldn’t get in the way of them continuing to spend time together as there was something very grounding about spending time with Ohm that kept Fong sane.
One day, Ohm showed up on Fong’s doorstep with what appeared to be a picnic basket and a flicker of adventure in his eyes.
“Ready?” Ohm asked and Fong was rendered speechless. Upon noticing this, a flicker of apprehension crossed Ohm’s face before he continued, “I decided we needed to mix it up. Do something spontaneous.”
“S-sure.” Fong’s confusion suddenly turned into amusement but he held back his chuckles by biting his lip. “Where are we going exactly?”
“Adventure means mystery.” Ohm exclaimed, pulling out a pair of car keys and dangling them in front of Fong’s eyes. “We are going to drive until we feel like we need to stop.”
“Need to stop?” Fong questioned. “Do you mean like we’ll sort of just listen to our hearts and see when our intuition tells us to we’re where we need to be?”
Ohm nodded so earnestly in response that it almost broke Fong’s heart. He instantly recognized that his friend was going out of his comfort zone to try something new to redefine their new normal without their other two friends - to prove that they could make a new way of things without Tine and Phuak’s influence.
“Exactly.” Ohm answered. “So get your ass into gear and let’s hit the road.”
Fong slipped on a pair of shoes and was out the door in a matter of seconds. He had no idea what the day ahead held in store but the fact that Ohm was going out of his way to plan something different made Fong excited and nervous at the same time. It was so unlike their norm that it made Fong’s head reel with anticipation. He wondered what had inspired Ohm’s whirlwind suggestion for an adventure but decided not to overthink it too much lest he ruin the experience by over analyzing his friends intentions.
“Ready.” Fong shared as he locked his dorm room behind him and smiled at Ohm.
“Let’s do this.” Ohm declared excitedly before grabbing Fong’s hand and taking off in a run toward the parking garage.
The whole scene must have looked so ridiculous to an outsider but Fong was already having so much fun with Ohm that he didn’t care if they looked completely insane. They got to the car and Ohm let Fong’s hand go before opening the passenger door for his friend.
The action made Fong smirk as he climbed into the car and put on his seatbelt. “I guess chivalry isn’t dead.”
Ohm laughed lightly at the response before placing the basket into the trunk and slipping into the driver’s seat. He rested his hands on the steering wheel after starting the ignition. He backed up and pulled on the main road of their university before asking, “Okay - so, North or South?”
“You seriously have no idea where we’re going?” Fong asked in surprise. “I figured the spontaneity thing was an act and you had a meticulous plan in place.”
“That would be how you would plan it.” Ohm responded and while it could have seen as an accusation if anyone else had said it, Fong knew that Fong meant no judgement with his words. He was just stating the facts because he knew Fong so well. “I, however, am choosing to surrender today’s destiny to the universe and see where fate takes us.”
“I feel like you have been reading too many self-help books. Or actually, knowing you, it was a self-help reddit chain.” Fong shook his head in amusement before chewing on his lip in contemplation. “Let’s go… somewhere with water.”
“You can’t be that specific!” Ohm cried out in protest. “North or South? We’ll see if water is what happens. And yes, maybe I have been down a few ‘make your own way’ threads on the internet lately but, hey, I’m choosing to make this a reality through action!”
“Okay… North!” Fong answered loudly, matching Ohm’s slightly manic energy. He knew his friend was excited about the prospect of paving their own way so he would lean into that as much as possible. This was already the most exciting thing they had done in months and they had barely even left campus yet.
“North it is.” Ohm agreed and turned onto the ramp that led North and merged onto the highway.
They settled into a comfortable silence for a while, unsure of how they were going to decide when exactly the right moment was to stop but both Ohm and Fong were simply enjoying their shared time together, especially with no specific criteria on their plans for the day aside from a picnic and a drive.
“I… made a playlist.” Ohm announced about ten minutes into their drive and looked surprisingly embarrassed by the admission.
Ohm had never shown much interest in music so Fong was pleasantly amused by the fact that his friend had gone out of his way to curate a playlist for their mini road trip. It made Fong realize that Ohm had actually put a lot of thought into their plans for the day despite wanting it to see like a ‘spontaneous’ proposition.
“Put it on.” Fong encouraged his friend and Ohm quickly connected his phone to the car’s speaker system.
As the first song began, Ohm turned his attention back to the road and started humming along with the first song which happened to be one by Scrubb. Fong watched Ohm start to bob his head along with the music through his peripheral vision and the sight made something in his chest ache and wish he had seen more of this side of Ohm before. This unguarded, completely in the moment and open to whatever possibility came their way version of his best friend fascinated Fong and he couldn’t wait to see where it took them.
The next song on the playlist was by CtrlS and Fong couldn’t help but be shocked. Ohm had never been particularly on board with the Tine and Sarawat situation, mostly because Ohm was so protective of Tine. Fong had been forced to do some major convincing to get Ohm to tolerate Sarawat’s presence so he was shocked to hear a song by Sarawat’s band on the playlist.
“Don’t even start.” Ohm blurted out before Fong could call his friend out on his hypocrisy. Ohm continued over Fong’s laughter, “Just because I like his music does not mean I like him.”
Fong rolled his eyes at how stubborn Ohm was. He knew that it came from a place of fierce protectiveness for his friend and it made Fong realize just how much Ohm cared for the people around him, despite how much he tried to downplay the emotions that he let others see.
“Fair enough.” Fong responded before spotting what looked like a green space of off the highway. “Hey! What if we stop here?”
“See? Told you it would just happen.” Ohm’s eyes lit up immediately and all the negativity that came with Sarawat being brought up melted from his expression.
Fong couldn’t help but feel a wave of fondness flow over him as he watched his friend relax into his usual positive demeanour. He turned off of the highway and found a parking spot near their destination. He hoped there was some sort of body of water to wade into considering the sun was beating down so intensely that his forehead had a fresh layer of sweat on it despite the car’s air conditioning.
“Here.” Ohm reached over after he shut off the car and pressed a handkerchief to Fong’s forehead before Fong even registered what was happening. Fong’s breath hitched at the close proximity and suddenly noticed the array of colours that were housed in Ohm’s eyes.
Ohm pulled away the handkerchief  and gave Fong a funny look, “Do I have something on my face?”
“N-no.” Fong’s cheeks burned at the question. “Thanks for that. Let’s try to find the water.”
Ohm pocketed the handkerchief before he shrugged and jumped out of the car. Fong collected himself and got out of the car as Ohm grabbed the basket from the trunk. Fong spotted the water in the distance and he raced toward, whether to escape the conflicted feeling he was experiencing or just because he loved the water so much, he wasn’t sure.
Fong heard Ohm trying to keep up with him as he reached the shoreline. Fong was thankful for the breeze as it helped calm down the blush that was presently on his face. He needed the momentary distance to recover from whatever the hell was going on between him and Ohm. The foreign feeling had popped out of nowhere and he felt himself struggling to navigate it.
“Are you going to go in?” Ohm asked and threw an arm over Fong’s shoulder.
The contact that usually felt platonic and casual suddenly was charged with something that Fong couldn’t quite place but he didn’t dare to separate himself from Ohm in fear that Ohm might read it as Fong being uncomfortable with the choice of outing.
“I don’t think so. I’m happy to just dip my feet in.” Fong murmured and looked toward his friend. The sun was dancing across Ohm’s face and Fong was taken aback by how serene the image was. His mouth felt dry and he was struggling to put words together but finally he managed to blurt out, “Should we find a spot to eat something?”
“That sounds great.” Ohm nodded firmly and moved his hand to grasp Fong’s again as if the gesture was something they did on a regular basis instead of it being a new occurrence. Fong was surprised to find himself relaxing into it and even finding comfort in the connection.
Ohm led them to a grassy spot in the shade of a tree and let go of Fong’s hand before opening up the basket. Fong watched as Ohm pulled out a blanket and draped it across the ground. A fleeting thought of just how romantic the whole scene was appeared in Fong’s mind and he was back to square one with a new layer of sweat spreading across his forehead, this time inspired by how nervous he suddenly felt. He obviously was overthinking this whole thing and Ohm was just trying to do something fun and different for his friend without thinking about the specific parameters of how date-like the whole setup was.
“I didn’t know exactly what you would like in terms of sandwiches so I made a tuna salad one and a peanut butter and jelly.” Ohm explained as he pulled out a few containers as he sat down on the blanket. “I also have a bunch of fruit and some drinks if you want one.”
Fong had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from grinning widely at how adorable the whole situation was. Ohm looked at Fong expectantly and patted the empty space beside him on the blanket as an invitation for Fong to join him. Fong sat down and answered, “I think I’ll go for the peanut butter and jelly.”
“I figured that would be the case.” Ohm shared, seemingly pleased with himself as he handed Fong the container with the sandwich.
Fong opened up it up and began to munch of his sandwich as Ohm opened up the rest of the containers, humming absentmindedly as he went about the work. Ohm reached into the basket again and pulled out a container which appeared to be filled with lemonade.
“I’m so tired of those chewie drinks we have all the time.” Ohm shared, “So I made some lemonade from scratch!”
Fong was quite overwhelmed with the time and effort that Ohm had put into all of this - he wasn’t quite sure how he was going to make up for this the next time they went out together. Without thinking, he muttered, “I don’t think I’ve put this much effort into an outing even if it was for an actual date.”
Ohm suddenly froze and Fong immediately realized the implications of what he just said. Fong began to flounder for how to possibly retract the words or somehow play it off as a joke but the silence that stretched between he and Ohm made Fong feel like he was drowning. It wasn’t exactly awkward, it was just… heavy.
Shockingly, Fong didn’t find himself particularly afraid of the weight behind his words, he was more worried that he had made Ohm overthink his actions as much as Fong overthought his own. Ohm was the definition of carefree so the fact that he seemed to be absorbed in thought meant that he was seriously considering the words that Fong’s filter hadn’t quite caught.
“I…” Ohm began to speak and stopped himself before starting up again after he looked directly into Fong’s eyes, his gaze quite serious. “Would it be okay if it was an actual date?”
Fong felt his heart leap into his throat at the question. He knew that something had shifted between them since they started to spend time just the two of them but he had never been brave enough to admit that their relationship had started to lean toward something more than just friendship. It was somewhat of a relief for Fong to realize what had changed and in a moment of blind courage, he reached across and took Ohm’s hand in his.
“Yah.” Fong assured Ohm who looked as if he was terrified to hear how Fong was about to respond. “I think that would be more than okay. It’ll be like our new… routine.”
“How can you still be so rational at a time like this?” Ohm burst out laughing, throwing his head back before collecting himself. “But that’s what I think this works so well…”
Ohm squeezed Fong’s hand reassuringly and Fong’s mind was flooded with possibilities of what was next for them. He sighed deeply and Ohm pulled him closer so that Fong’s head could rest on Ohm’s shoulder. When the close proximity had made him panic before, it now made Fong completely relax into…
Their new normal. Their new routine.
Because sometimes you just have to try something new to uncover something that was already there.
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attackfish · 3 years
Hello Miss Fish ! Do you have an AU that switches Yue and Toph ? Something tells me putting Toph in the Northern Water Tribe would be asking for trouble, and I for one am here for it... (Also, sidenote but I love how many flavors of "girl with oppressive parents" we get in atla, each with their own way of coping. It's very cool I think)
I'm pretty sure I don't. I don't remember one, anyway. And yes, I too love how wide and varied the category of "girls with terrible parents who pass down deeply destructive legacies" is in Avatar. There is no one way to be a girl is a constant theme, as is there is no one way to react to trauma, and the show integrates these seemlessly.
1. Yue is the perfect daughter. The Bei Fongs couldn't be more delighted with her, unless she happened to be a boy. She grows up poised and elegant, diplomatic and pliant, the perfect young woman to be shown off and married off. But is this all she is? Does she perhaps have ideas of her own about what she wants out of life? Perhaps, but she knows there's no point in voicing them. Certainly no one thinks to ask her. Even Yue's earthbending is delicate, refined, suitable for a young lady of distinction. She has taken up miniature sculpture, creating lovely, and artistically and stylistically correct figurines of her family and their friends. The Bei Fongs are simply delighted with her. And as she nears sixteen, the local nobility show just how delighted they would be to welcome such a girl into their own family.
2. Toph, princess of the Northern Water Tribe, is no less adored. She was born almost dead, and it was only benevolence of the Moon Spirit that saved her. Her white hair, and her eyes, milky pale with blindness, signify this great blessing. She is given the best of educations for a girl, trained in diplomacy and the noble feminine graces. She has perfect manners, and perfect deportment. And as anyone who knows her at all can tell you, she's sneaky. Her father certainly knows this, and he chides her on her escapades constantly, and fusses over her safety, but he is the Chief, and a busy man. This should have been her mother's duty to guide her, but her mother died years ago when Toph was young, so it falls to him, and he can't be everywhere.
3. The famous blue dye of the Water Tribes is derived from the leaves of a small flower native to the North. The first Water Tribe sailors to land at the South Pole brought its seeds with them, and now the dye flower flourishes on both poles. It gives off a slightly sharp acidic, slightly sweet smell when boiled into dye. The purple dye that is used to dye Toph's royal wardrobe is different. It can only be derived by crushing the rotting shells and bodies of thousands upon thousands of tiny sea snails. It smells unimaginably horrific, and after they have been all used up, the rotten snails must be buried to get rid of the noxious smells. This is important because Toph can find them by smell, and has in fact on numerous occasions, dumped the foul smelling remains of the dye vats onto Hahn, with the ingenious mechanism of a trip wire.
4. Hahn, who in spite of his betrothal to her, doesn't know Toph at all, has not picked up on the fact that she is sneaky, nor does he have any idea she is the one who keeps dumping rotten snails on him. Arnook however has an inkling. Arnook knows his daughter does not want to marry Hahn, not even a little, that at twelve years old, she has already decided four years is not long enough, and besides, in four years, he might get even worse. So, one day he asks if she knows why he betrothed her to Hahn. She says yeah, she does. She knows about how Hahn's family are powerful, and could ensure a peaceful succession and all, but he is the worst, so she doesn't care. He sighs and tells her she's not getting out of it. She threatens to run South, and he reminds her she's blind. She fumes.
5. She fumes and plans. She decides it's time for Hahn to find out just who has been coating him in rotten shellfish. So she sets up one of her trip wires over his bedroom balcony, waits on the balcony above, and when he gets snailed, she swings down and hangs in front of him, to blow him a kiss, before climbing up and away, and running off laughing. Indignant and furious, Hahn cleans himself up as best he can, and runs to Chief Arnook to inform him that there is no way he will ever marry his daughter. He uses many terrible words that no woman, and certainly no twelve year old girl, should ever be called. Arnook sighs heavily and wonders what he's going to do now.
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limitlessimagines · 3 years
Hello there- I’m not sure whether I can send this in for next week? If not I can always resend it next week or smth. Could I request a romantic valorant matchup? I’m a 6’1 tall gay dude who’s extroverted but often have to deal with soxial anxiety which makes me kinda reserved sometimes. My Hogwarts house varies between hufflepuff and Slytherin depending on what mood I’m in. I’m rather new to FPS games and am still figuring stuff out (multiplayer anxiety is real) and I also code sometimes in my free time (which isn’t a lot lmao). I also own 2 ferrets called crash and Eddie. I do have some friends from different hobbies like cosplay, gaming and irl but I’d say that I’m always a bit detached from most of them because I don’t like too big attachments. I also hardly ever crush on someone because I’m very rational most of the time.
[No worries my dude. I just started playing fps half a year ago!! There’s a reason why multiplayer anxiety exists!! i hope you find a nice group of people, or solo queue with nice people when you play fps games. You deserve to enjoy your time with chill teammates!! Also my submission box is open if you wanna share photos of Crash and Eddie, which, by the way, are the best names for ferrets I’ve ever heard - cheesy]
Your romantic match up is with Cypher!
After losing his family, Cypher is in a long road of recovering from the loss. He’s currently having trouble staying with people, and keeping up with relationships. He gets scared at the idea of getting attached, then losing them. Rest assured, until either of you feel comfortable, your relationship will be a casual one!
Cypher may seem like the kind of person to say things like social anxiety are fake. However this couldn’t be further from the truth. He’s seen some shady things through his cameras, and the one thing that can always take down someone who is very strong, isn’t a big punch to the head, but their thoughts. Cypher understands the importance of doing things when one is ready, so he won’t be the type to pressure you into going outside, or to hang out with other people. The same goes for him. Unless he’s known them for a while, he won’t be out and about either.
Cypher is learning how to code too, so he’ll sit down next to you while you code every now and then. He’ll be quite curious, asking questions, even taking notes. It’s kind of sweet to see the Agent following along something with great focus, and not joking.
He’s more used to physical games, like running in parks, board games, or arcades. So teaching him to try and FPS game is like pushing someone who’s never swam, into a lake. It’s not a seamless transition, that’s for sure. But be patient. Though Cypher can get frustrated, don’t forget, he’s still human, and he will struggle! Actually, maybe it’s him that needs to remember, not you, haha!
Cypher loves your two ferrets. He prefers pets that aren’t usual picks, like cats or dogs. He is fong of Crash and Eddie, and even suggested other animals for you place, like a parrot. You didn’t entertain the idea, but at least he tried to ask.
Cypher didn’t know cosplay was a thing until you showed him your most recent one. He was very surprised and impressed by your handiwork. Though he doesn’t desire to cosplay himself, he does come to you whenever he thinks his Valorant outfit needs a change.
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avatraang · 4 years
Summary: “Hey,” Sokka’s voice is soft. “Come with me. I’ve missed you.”
Distantly, Toph supposes that even the earth moves unsteadily at times; after all, isn’t that how earthquakes are caused?
Notes: This idea has been in my head for literal years. there's a lot of swearing in this story, because you can't tell me Toph wouldn't swear. it takes place over a number of decades. it touches briefly on the comics and on LOK, but not so heavily that you have to have read them or seen the series to understand what's happening. This is a slightly Alternate Universe to that of the comics and of the LOK series. It is a part of my "To Transcend Lifetimes" series, but is not heavily related to the other works in this series. Oh, and also: I know NOTHING about fortune telling. I apologize in advance if I fucked it up royally.
Toph doesn’t really bat an eye when she gets a letter from a small Earth village in the middle of bumbafuck. Her secretary reads it to her and she shrugs it off; it gets thrown on her dining room table most unceremoniously. She spends the rest of the week doing what she usually does: focusing on her school and being a little too bored. To be grounded is in her nature, but Toph also has a strange tendency to get restless. Her body starts to twitch and her spirit grows bored. Nothing good has ever come from a bored Toph.
It’s a very un-Earthbender like personality trait; in fact, Zuko once dumbly commented on how it was almost an Air Nomad quality. Aang had agreed. They both got a rock to the shin for that, as well as a stern, “Don’t compare me to Twinkle Toes and his girly methods!”
But, sucky as it was, Toph had to admit, Zuko had a point. She tried to break out of the habit, tried to be grounded like her ancestors were, like her people had a tendency to be. Yet she has always been the type to crave adventure, to crave something new.
Still. She’s stubborn. That is an Earth Native trait. So the letter sits, unanswered on her dining room table. It’s the end of the week before it’s noticed again. This time instead of the slender, white hands of her apprentice, it is touched by working hands. They are calloused, rough, scarred. And dark. She doesn’t know what dark looks like, but she does know that he’s it.
His visit comes as a surprise; yet it’s change, so she welcomes him openly. Sokka’s footsteps are a little more tired than they were during his last encounter with his best friend, and from what she can tell, he’s taller. He’s lost some weight. But that’s the extent of the differences. At least, from what she can sense.
Yet she knows it is him before he’s even knocked on the door.
She acts on impulse; she can’t help it. When it comes to Sokka, Toph has always been hard pressed to control her actions. She sprints through her house, narrowly avoiding running into people or knocking things over. “Sifu Toph!” One of them cries out, dancing around her as she teeters plates in her hands. Toph bends a seat behind her, catching the girl just as she falls.
“Watch where you’re going!” Toph calls over her shoulder, but it’s well natured. The girl only rolls her eyes (something Toph can’t see, but wouldn’t be surprised to hear). Screeching to a halt at the door, Toph throws it open most unceremoniously, revealing Sokka standing there, hand poised to knock on her door. “Sokka!” She grins at him, “what are you doing here?”
He blinks twice, then drops his hand. If Katara or Aang were here, they might have exchanged a hug, but with just them, they simply stare at each other instead, grinning from ear to ear. It’s strange, two best friends who don’t touch each other like that unless other people are around. She wonders what Katara would think. “How’d you know I was here?”
“I would recognize your clumsy ass footsteps anywhere.”
“It’s good to hear you’re obsessed with me, even after all these years.” He teases her, expecting full-well to get punched in the arm. She doesn’t disappoint. Allowing him inside, she falls silent, waiting for Sokka to answer her.
He stretches as they breeze past servants, heading for her dining room, where lunch is soon to be served. Today is a resting day, hence why she’s not working her students to a pulp. Whether Sokka knew this, or it had just been luck, is something Toph is unsure of. “Do you know of a village named Makapu?”
There’s a faraway ringing of familiarization in the back of Toph’s mind, but nothing comes to the forefront. “Nah. Why?”
Sokka’s eyebrows curl together. “That’s weird. You should have gotten a letter. No wonder you missed your train.”
Toph settles down at the table. “Huh?”
“We waited for you this whole week and you never showed, so I grabbed Appa and dipped to get you.”
Now Toph is thoroughly confused. “What the fuck are you talking about? Who’s we? And I never sensed Appa.”
Sokka rolls his eyes. “That’s because there was no room for him to land in this crowded almost-city of yours. He’s on the outskirts, with Zuko.”
“Spirits, I can’t believe you didn’t get that letter.” Sokka sits down next to her and pinches his nose. Peering at her messy table, he begins to idly sort through her mail until he sees a letter in familiar wording. “What the fuck,” Sokka says, tone accusatory, “you lied to me! You did get it! You even opened it!”
“Hell no I didn’t,” Toph denies. “I would’ve remembered a letter with your names in it.”
“Madame Bei Fong,” Sokka reads, “The people of Makapu Village hereby formally invite you to...” he trails off. “These dumbasses. They didn’t mention us, or the train already booked for you.”
“What the hell are you talking about.”
“Katara, Aang, Zuko, and I were on our way to get you so we could go to Ba Sing Sei.”
“As planned.”
“Yeah.” Sokka nods, “anyways. We stopped in Makapu, a place where Katara and Aang and I had stopped a long time ago, before you and Zuko. We – er, well, Aang – saved the place from a volcanic eruption. Since we were there, we figured we might as well fortify their protection, and we called on you for help. But you never answered, so Zuko and I came to get you.”
“I see.” Toph tilts her head, considering. Leaving now would leave no one in charge of her students; it would break her out of her routine. Already, with the upcoming trip to Ba Sing Sei, she’d prepared meticulously. The sudden change would overthrow all her old preparations.
Next to her, Toph can sense Sokka staring at her. His breathing is even; he’s leaning towards her, expectant. She wonders, not for the first time, what her best friend looks like.
To be steady, or to veer off course.
To veer off course, or to be steady.
“Hey,” Sokka’s voice is soft. “Come with me. I’ve missed you.”
She swallows, hiding her face from him.
Distantly, Toph supposes that even the earth moves unsteadily at times; after all, isn’t that how earthquakes are caused?
“Let me get my stuff,” she grumbles, and the whoop of happiness Sokka lets out makes it all worth it. 
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