#foot care kit online
uniqaya-lifestyle · 2 years
Shop For The Foot Cream On Uniqaya Lifestyle
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Uniqaya’s foot cream with peppermint extract is an ideal foot cream for all kinds of feet. Whether your feet need nourishment or just treatment from cracked heels, this cream is equipped with all the benefits. Shop for the foot care cream on Uniqaya’s website.
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Still have brain fog, have some more indulgent Earthspark stuff. This one is Medic Agent!Reader patching up Megs after a fight, please enjoy!
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The helicopter moved far too slowly for your exhausted patience, leading your foot to tap out a rapid fire rhythm of displeasure as you stewed while the pilot took his sweet time on the landing. A few frantic checks of your medical kit helped pass a few of the tortured moments more swiftly, but there was no helping your impatient anxiety. Nothing would make you feel better until you were at his side…
At long last, the hulking machine met the solid earth below, and you gave the door just enough time to open before hurtling through it.
The remains of a battlefield in what had once been an industrial facility stretched out before you, the glare of a dozen hazard lights casting shadows on the tangle of rubble and GHOST agents briefly disorienting you. Whatever fight had just gone down had been brutal and recent. The fires quite literally had not all been put out. 
As soon as your head cleared your next dilemma became apparent in a fresh wave of frustration. You knew exactly who needed you most, but you hadn't a clue where to find him, and there wasn't a single officer on the ground waiting for you.  This wasn't the first time you'd found your employer to be disorganized when it came to your patients…
"Dr. Y/N, over here!" 
Your heart rate slowed at the sound of Lieutenant Malto's voice cutting through the chaos. If there was one other person who cared about the bots like you did, and was equally protective of even the biggest among them, it was her. 
"Lieutenant Malto!" you greeted with obvious relief, speaking loudly to be heard over the din of military equipment on all sides. She didn't waste a moment of time, her hand beckoning you with a wave before she did an about face and started guiding you through the chaos.
"He's in the warehouse, it's mostly intact and the most private spot I could find." she explained, pointing to a sizable building that was notably less crowded than the others. While flattened entirely on one end, most of the structure was standing and solid, making it the best contender for an impromptu hospital.
"Is he doing alright?" you asked carefully, voice as low as could be as you walked by her side.
Lieutenant Malto made a face, and you found a little comfort in the fact she appeared more annoyed than concerned. "You know how he is. He won't give me a straight answer on how bad it is, he insists this can wait until we get back to headquarters, but there's a crater about the size of a basketball on his chest and I know he's hurting." she explained, pinching the bridge of her nose as she allowed herself a sigh of frustration. Arriving at the warped doorway flanked by two nervous looking guards, you didn't have to say a word before your medical badge and a warning look from Dorothy provided all the necessary explanations. The two of you were given immediate access through the crack in the massive sliding doors.
The noise of the outside was muffled considerably by the thick metal walls, allowing you to hear yourself think as you took in your surroundings. A few towering shelves of supplies had remained standing, but most had been toppled in the chaos, creating a web of smashed boxes and twisted metal. Lieutenant Malto led you through the mess, passing through what you could only describe as a cave of rubble before you entered a far more open space hidden away in the corner of the building. A massive figure hunkering down against the wall caught your eye even in the darkness. Scarlet optics came online as soon as the two of you entered the makeshift sanctuary, and their owner went from alert to annoyed when he recognized you both.
"Dorothy, I told you I didn't need a medic." Megatron sighed, not sounding too hurried for treatment. You didn't miss the way his hand carefully cupped the injury on his chest or how the glow of freshly spilled energon shone through his digits, but you kept that to yourself when Dorothy spoke up for you.
"Unfortunately enough for you, I have eyes." she said with her best "mom" voice, hands on her hips as she stared the big bot down. Megatron huffed and rolled his optics but didn't offer a rebuttal, his shoulders slumping from the exhaustion he was losing the ability to hide. Softening her stance, Dorothy sighed and gave him a look that was more pleading than demanding. "Now, stop being stubborn and let them help, alright?"
You smiled as the big mech conceded, his softness for his old friend matched only by how obviously displeased he was to be fussed over. Even in the low light you could see him pouting.
"I'll take it from here. Can you make sure we're not disturbed?" you asked, getting a nod from Lieutenant Malto before she fixed the big bot with a final look of warning. As intimidating as she was without needing to fire a single shot, you knew the two of you wouldn't have to worry about any unexpected visitors. 
When you were alone with the big mech, you got right down to business, experienced enough to know where Ratchet would have wanted you to begin. You couldn't help wishing the far more experienced medic was with you instead of across the planet, but he had assured you and your superiors you were up to the task. Hopefully that was true... 
"Lieutenant Malto mentioned a chest injury. How bad is it?"
"I'm doing quite well, actually. Don't know what all the fuss is about…" Megatron replied with a shrug and the faintest hint of a smirk, the former of which caused him visible discomfort when the injury fiercely protested the movement. Seeing pain across his face compelled you to speak more forcefully, and you briefly unshouldered your bag to start unpacking. A portable light flickered to life before casting deep shadows over your expression of concern.
"Megatron, please." 
Either your concern or his promise to Dorothy got him to relent, and he removed his servo from his injury, failing to disguise his resulting wince of pain as a huff of annoyance. "Very well, here it is. Nothing I haven't endured in the past." he explained, gesturing to the hole that had been punched into the right side of his chassis. 
"Help me up, if you can." you asked quickly, shouldering your portable medical kit and mounting your light to your shoulder. Despite all of his earlier resistance, he didn't hesitate to offer his servo for a lift. Your boldness actually seemed to amuse him, judging by how he was smiling in the most mischievous way whilst he lifted you to his chassis.
"Ratchet would be proud. You've learned his bedside manner as well as his methods." he teased, leaning back to give you a better view. You'd have retorted straight away, but the sight of the injury at eye level made your stomach twist. It was about the width of a basketball, as Dot had described, but deep and far from cleanly cut. How he could be so calm with such a wound was a mystery to you, but you kept that to yourself as you got back to business.
"After six months under his tutelage, I've learned he has some very valid reasons to be cranky." you replied whilst aiming your light at the injury. Under full illumination it looked even worse, and you were torn between sympathy for his pain and frustration at his delay to seek help. This was not something that could wait. You tried to make that readily apparent as you fixed him with a most displeased expression while snapping on a pair of gloves. "I'm looking at the biggest one."
"At least those tiny hands can't throw a wrench." he said with delight, smirking down at you. You knew the teasing was likely to help distract him from the pain, so you played along, working whilst keeping your rebuttals coming.
"No, but they're very good at finding all the places you're ticklish." you said whilst your fingertips carefully traced the edges of his injury. Your small size made it much easier to avoid hurting him as you did so, but you were still careful, only applying the tiniest hint of pressure to help you get a better idea as to the scope of the injury and what kind of intervention would be required. When you thankfully found no evidence of damage beyond the focal point, you turned your attention to the gaping hole in his chest. You noted with a mix of emotions that the opening was wider than your own head.
The faint hint of a glow from his spark briefly caught your eye, but the sight of a foreign piece of metal wedged in the depths of the wound was what truly got your attention. Amidst severed energon veins, a few sparking sensory wires, and the smooth workings of Cybertronian biology the darkly colored chunk of earth metal would have stood out even to the untrained eye. Your extensive training allowed you to grasp exactly how dangerous it was. Goodness, just a foot or two deeper…
"You've got a piece of shrapnel in here." you informed him, noting a touch of surprise and a fresh flash of annoyance on his face. Briefly marveling at his impossible level of pain tolerance, you tenderly traced the edges of the injury again, trying to consider your options. There were few without an actual operating room at your disposal. "I can put a seal on the wound and wait until we're back at base to remove it, but given the location I'm hesitant to leave anything in there. It's a bit too close to your spark."
Briefly mulling it over, he surprised you with a chuckle that he pretended didn't hurt before continuing his game. "Worried about me, are you?"
Despite your concern, you laughed along, realizing just how much of your frustration was in fact born from concern. It occurred to you that perhaps the game was more for your benefit than his own.
"You make it very difficult, but yes." you confirmed, looking back to the injury. Deeper concern twisted in your gut as you considered what to do next, knowing that anything near the spark was tricky business. It took a lot to keep the fear from your voice. "You can't self repair much with that in there. I have the tools to remove it-"
"Ah, go ahead and get it over with." he said, sounding displeased but not at all apprehensive. Somehow, his lack of hesitation only added to your own. 
You'd assisted with plenty of extractions, bots got shrapnel embedded in their armor rather frequently, but you'd never overseen anything like this. Even if you knew what needed to be done, you were far from confident in your abilities. There were numerous risks, but worse; there was no way for you to avoid causing your friend a significant amount of pain. All of your apprehension came out in two simple words.
"It'll hurt."
He went quiet, compelling you to step back on his palm and look up to meet his optics. Megatron appeared surprised by the admission, but his gaze softened quickly, his tender smile returning as he lifted you to speak more directly. 
"I can handle that, little healer." he promised, his rare use of your affectionate nickname revealing just how touched he'd been by your concern. "I trust you to pull out a splinter."
Apprehension still twisted in your gut, but you found yourself ready to face it at last, so long as you had his faith in you. "Okay, just give me a minute…" 
Megatron returned you to your spot so you could work, holding you steady to ensure your accuracy. You opened your kit and went straight for the proper tools. A sizable pair of pliers and your shoulder mounted light were all you really needed, but you prepared an emergency vein cap in the unlikely event of a bleed, refusing to be caught off guard with the mech's safety on the line. The heavy tool weighed down your arm as you took a final stock of the injury. Knowing that removing the obstruction as smoothly as possible was key, you were moderately pleased to find a single pull would do the trick, provided you did it properly.
"Ready?" you asked when you ran out of reasons to delay.
Megatron tensed, his sizable frame preparing itself for a short but very unpleasant experience. You allowed the tension in his voice to steel your nerves.
Hardly daring to breathe, you slipped your hand into the wound, grabbing hold of the warped metal and making sure the grip was ironclad. There would be no do-overs, and the slightest mistake could spell agony at best… Gathering yourself with a breath, you refused to let your fear keep him in pain a moment longer than necessary, and when a final check of your grip found it solid you knew it was time.
Megatron remained still as a single clean yank tore the shrapnel free, but you felt the agony reverberate through every inch of his frame, the raw power almost crackling as he hissed through clenched dentae. In the blink of an eye the metal went from lodged dangerously close to his spark to clenched firmly in your pliers, the sharpened edges dripping with fresh pink energon. 
"I've got it! Are you okay?" you asked in a clumsy rush, dropping the tool quickly to check him for further distress. By the grace of rare fortune there wasn't a trace of trouble in the now clear injury.
"Better, actually." he sighed when the pain passed, his shoulders relaxing as the relief took its place. Spare hand testing the edges of the wound and finding it far less tender, he looked to you once again, gratitude apparent in the depths of his optics. "Ratchet would be proud."
"He'll only be proud if you survive. Let me apply a patch, and once we're back at headquarters I'll do some proper welding." you replied without missing a beat, pretending not to be dizzy from the lingering rush. Now more comfortable, Megatron had little trouble adjusting himself to receive the patch, and you pretended not to notice how his gaze had turned more affectionate than simply mindful. Covering the gaping wound with a pliable length of temporary mesh, you allowed yourself a moment to breathe a sigh of your own relief. He would be okay, that was all that really mattered.
Your hand lingered on the patch when it was finally in place, and you renewed the silent vow you'd made to yourself. Nothing would be taking him away from you, no matter how determined he may have been to be reckless, not as long as you had a say.
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princesscolumbia · 9 months
I just experienced my worst dysphoric episode since the pandemic, possibly ever.
I grew up in Colorado with my sister. Both my parents experienced auto accidents and we wound up in the care of a woman who we would nowadays call a TERF. She'd manipulated damn near everyone and made my life absolute CPTSD-inducing hell and I got out at 17, but she burned it into me that being a 'tranny' was the worst thing I could ever be and I was going to be raping children before I knew it if I didn't get it under control. This bitch scarred me so bad I didn't even investigate if she might be wrong for a decade.
I wound up moving in with my dad when I was 17 and this meant going to California to live. Thanks to the greater access to support and information in San Diego (by coincidence, I wound up moving in just down the road from the San Diego LGBT Center), I learned that damn near everything I had been told by my stepmother was wrong. It still took a very long time before I started my transition, though, and by that point I'd moved to Arizona (Phoenix, specifically), and started transitioning right after a painful and traumatic divorce.
I had met another transwoman online and she moved out to join me to get me through the most intensely painful and traumatic period of my life since getting out of my stepmother's place. After we'd settled into our own apartment, my girlfriend started noticing behaviors where I'd take on too much responsibility, was unable to tell her 'no' even when I needed to, I'd go out of my way to keep her happy even at the expense of my own health and well-being, and I'd work myself into exhaustion repeatedly. She had to bodily pick me up when I'd pushed myself in workouts to the point I couldn't get up off the floor. She put her foot down and started getting me help, as well as making sure I didn't self-sabotage and enjoying hobbies that break me out of my routine. (She got me a subscription to a model kit to build, which isn't something that happens every day and forces me to step away from the computer and my chores and work for a bit at least once a month)
I'm nowhere near perfect by this point, but when I returned to Colorado to spend time with family for the first time in a couple decades, I saw all my own self-destructive habits in my sister, who has a wonderful husband who does his best but I can see it's a struggle for both of them.
My whole family is doing their best to accept my transition, but they struggle not to say "he" or "him," and they almost always correct themselves, but it's just a little paper-cut that's been building for days now.
Today we went to my niece's school play (Madagascar adapted to a musical for children, it was adorable) and I was suddenly feeling incredibly self-aware. I felt like every eye was on me and I realized I needed to use the bathroom but now I didn't dare because I wasn't wearing makeup and except for family (who've been having issues with it) I haven't been correctly gendered once since I got here there was a cop circulating among the crowd of kids and their parents and I just knew I was going to be arrested just for existing in public while trans and I was the tallest person there and everyone could see me...
I was able to lose myself in the performance, keep my eyes on the kids and just enjoy it as much as possible, but the dysphoria was grinding away in my awareness, right on the edges, and as soon as the house lights in the theater came up, I headed for the door...where the cast of the play and half their parents were gathered to greet the patrons. I had to walk through a gauntlet of people who would be looking at my face at least once.
I walked and walked and walked in a straight line until I was out of the building and hit a wall and just stopped. My daughter was dutifully following, and I was trying my best to get it under control when my mom came up and asked if she could help and I just...broke. I cried on her shoulder for the first time since my divorce (before I started transitioning) and she had no idea what was wrong.
I was crying all the way back to my sister's place.
After we got back to the house and got some lunch in us, mom and I sat down and I explained about dysphoria in general and that moment in particular. My sister hasn't gotten home yet, but apparently she and mom were talking and (I should have known, I do the exact same thing) she had the thought that I was mad at her.
So I get to have another conversation (hopefully private) when she's finally back.
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deada55 · 2 years
Jagged Edges
synopsis: Pickles and Toki have a talk post-doomstar.
content warnings: vomit, pharmaceuticals, maybe body horror, poorly revised WIP
for kloktober day 27, favorite trope or guilty pleasure
... what kind of writer am I if I don't love hurt/comfort? I also tend to write a lot of sickfic, including Bethany for yesterday's entry. This is part of a broader post-doomstar WIP that's... essentially this but in different dimensions and between different band members.
They paid people to check up on everyone. They paid people to make sure everyone was alive and kicking. Caring was still pretty gay, even though there were some allowances made here and there. No one needed to check up on Toki.
Pickles wasn’t the kind of guy to sit around and trust that everything would be set up before a show. Before they really made it big, whenever Charles wasn’t milling around, Pickles’ was up the roadies’ asses and taking nips from a flask. Getting Snakes N’ Barrels off the ground was full of little fuck-ups like missing cables, missing stands, missing a stool (milk crates were a band’s best friend,) missing both fucking guitars once upon a time. He’d fallen out of the habit of double-checking before participating in Thunderhorse and getting reminded all over again about how many boxes made up a kit.
He had to check on it himself, since Toki hadn’t shown up to dinner, hadn’t come around to hang out, and hadn’t made any posts online. In the halls, all he could hear were his own footsteps. He knocked a couple times on the door before letting himself in, sliding in one inch at a time. Toki was sitting on the head of his bed sideways, leaning against the wall in lieu of a headboard, and staring outward.
“Hey, Toki. Feelin’ ok?”
Sometimes, Toki looked pretty normal. Today wasn’t the worst day. Pale was the new norm. Sometimes he was sweating, sometimes he was shaking, sometimes he was clenching his jaw. For the most part, he looked relaxed. The tendons of his wrist shoved against his skin like bones.
“Uh, Toki?”
“You, uh, good?”
The conversation was more engaging than sitting around trying to make themselves make another album. Nathan was writing stuff down every now and again, but no one had the impetus to do anything more. Toki was back in the physical sense, and back completely for short bursts of time, but no one wanted to push him.
“You know, uh,” Pickles’ mouth moved faster than his head. “We know it’s hard, right now-”
“Is fine. I’ve dones it befores.” Toki snapped back at him before he could mumble any more, but in the awkward silence that followed, Pickles thought it over one more time. Done it before? 
He thought “the punishment hole” was like a K-hole, a metaphor. When you get pumped that full of benzos, you’ll say just about anything. Toki wasn’t serious, right? Being on the streets was tough, but Pickles hadn’t thought he’d heard about Toki getting trafficked. He knew that the shit about stacking wood and pushing the mill in Norway was probably true, just by the sight of his parents, but he hadn’t thought the hole was real.
“It’s fines.” Oh, it was real, and it made every bone in Pickles’ body ache.
“‘S not different, stop talkings about it, I don’t wants to talk abouts it, it’s all the same.”
“Dude! I’m not gonna make you talk about it, I just didn’t know.”
Did he even know now? With a response like that, he didn’t have space to ask Toki if that’s what really happened, but he had to guess based on how dry it made his mouth. Fuck.
Toki’s lips flattened out, and his fingers shifted along his upper arms.
His face left a streak of sweat on the stone blocks as he lifted it, and his posture loosened just so his left foot slipped off of his pillow and towards the mattress, so the arms on his knees tilted, and his shoulder dropped and opened his chest. Now that he was facing Pickles’ pained scowl and beaten brow, his whole mind stacked itself in order like a deck of cards getting tapped against the tabletop.
"Pickle, it's ok this times.
“This times I knew someone would knows I was real, because you saws me go. In Norway, all the empty houses… My dads, my moms, God, and mes were the only ones I knew when I was smalls. To me, only they knew that I existed, they were the ones that cared about me, they were God, they were my gods, they were all I had to know God. If they hated me everyone did.
“But this time, I had you guys-” So suddenly, an icy gray dawn broke behind his green eyes and Pickles blinked three fat tears down his face and then two more at the sight of Toki’s face so stony, so serious, swallowed by a cloudy, moonless darkness.
“and I wanted you to live, not just remember me, and I thought… I dreamt it, and I wished and I prayed that yous wouldn’t get high one day and let me go.” His voice cracked but all he felt was a thick, bitter tide rising in the back of his throat and a shiver exploding through his muscles. It should have been cathartic, but now all he could do was try to be still and try not to puke through his nose. Not on the bed, not again.
He was too old to stand by and Toki turn green in breaking waves. It was like Toki gasped up above the foamy crests every once in a while only to swallow more water and moan through his twitching lips. It was so, neurological- That was the only word Pickles could think of to describe it, in the same family of Toki’s default state of coating his upper lip with saliva ever since he seriously started taking antipsychotics. 
Come to think of it, Pickles didn’t know what any psychiatric drugs felt like when you took them how you’re supposed to. He got out of rehab without a daily prescription- ain’t that funny.
The wire trash can was bagged (and full of dusty model trimmings) so he picked it up by the rim and climbed on the bed beside him. Pickles all but grabbed the back of Toki’s head placed him in the trashcan. A spare elastic knotted around one of his dreads came off without a fight, and Pickles gathered Toki’s hair from his temples, hardly missing anything.
Pickles brought his hand up to rub Toki’s back while he heaved and gulped and gasped. He couldn’t even retch, much less speak, and the so-wrong feeling of someone’s fingers touching the widest scars on his back was infuriating. All he could do was shake the hand off with his shoulders, but he didn’t really want to fight Pickles anyway. He wanted him here, and he wanted to want him there, and sometimes he wanted the second one more than the first. It’d been like that with most of Dethklok since coming back. The impulse was random and directionless and so deep and so immediately true… he pushed and pulled, waiting for everything to change, waiting for a helping hand to pick up a knife.
Eventually, he grunted and his throat unclenched for a minute. “Pickle, why’re you cryin’?
“Because dude, I… that’s horrible. That’s a horrible fuckin’ thing to happen. and. I don’t want anybody to feel that way, man, ‘specially not you.” He used the side of his thumb to wipe his face. “Sorry I’m getting all emotional about it, but you’re a good person. You’re a good person.” 
Toki looked bothered, pale and sweating, looking queasy with annoyance. When he coughed up some thin yellow slime, Pickles was happy to see that it wasn’t what he’d said that made him pull a face. His supportive pats on Toki’s back were flung off, and that wasn’t his fault, either: If anything touched Toki’s back above the waist, he wouldn’t tolerate it. Even the strap of his guitar rubbed him the wrong way from time to time, and he’d jitter all rehearsal to try and get the weight to sit somewhere bearable.
Toki sighed when the muscles in his chest relaxed. “Sorry. Stupids fuckings… drugs.” Kloketeers had to take turns forcing him to take them, making sure they were swallowed, going so far as to sweep through his mouth with their fingers, poking around the back of his tonsils. There had been mood stabilizers, antipsychotics, antidepressants, anxiolytics… They brought the doses up and down to see what could make life the way other people felt it. Then he was taking pills for the nausea, taking pills to sleep, taking pills to keep his legs still, taking pills to fight the lingering aches in his stomach until the doctor could figure out what he wanted to do with the jagged edges Magnus’ poor sewing gave him. He could barely eat. Even though starvation had pushed his diabetes into remission, all the wounds were healing slowly, from what they could tell on ultrasounds. Everything was off.
He tried his best to get back to what made him happy, to being a normal-enough person with everything taken care of. Dethklok had given him everything he needed.
He wanted to believe he was safe now, but he felt safe at the funeral, too.
“It’s alright, Toki.” Pickles had a funny way of saying his name. “You heard what I said?”
Toki wanted to hear it again despite the guilt pulling at the hair on his temples. Maybe it’d sound different the second time he heard it, maybe it’d just waste more of everybody’s time.
Pickles just thought he was being accommodating, knowing how blank Toki could get, how he’d lose weeks and weeks to being normal acting but not quite present and coming out of it without remembering anything they’d done for the last couple days. Real subtle. Toki never did anything crazy like that, but it was nerve-racking that anyone could know for sure after it was over. If all he had to do was say something twice, he’d do it. He’d done more for people who couldn’t care less about him, and he trusted Toki felt… something.
“... do ya… want me to say it again?”
“We care about you. Hey, d’ya want some water? Pedialyte?” Pickles teased the trash can out of Toki’s arms and put it on the floor so Toki could finally unfold his legs and sit like anything but a dead baby bird, revealing a small, yellow grease splotch of post-surgical drainage on his shirt. He took Pickles up on a cup of pedialyte to change the flavor of his mouth.
“Pickle, can I sleep in your beds tonight?”
Gay. And, gross. But, how was Pickles supposed to say no? He nodded and reached around to the back of Toki’s head. “M’ere. I’m gonna braid your hair back. You’re sweatin’.”
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auckland-drum-studio · 2 months
Drum Lessons For Beginners: Building A Solid Foundation
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So, you’ve finally decided to pick up the sticks and dive into the world of drumming; whether you've always been mesmerised by your favourite songs' rhythmic beats or just want a cool new hobby, welcome! 
Starting drum lessons for beginners can be one of the most exhilarating musical journeys. It's time to turn those air drum solos into real beats on a drum kit. But where do you start? Let's break it down.
Why Drumming?
Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let's talk about why you should stick with drumming. Drumming isn't just about making noise (though that's a fun part of it). It’s an incredible workout, both mentally and physically. 
Playing the drums can improve your coordination, reduce stress, and even make you smarter by boosting your brain's cognitive functions. Plus, let's face it, drummers are just plain cool.
The Basics: Setting Up Your Drum Kit
When you're new to drumming, the drum kit can look overwhelming. Here’s a quick guide to help you get started:
The Snare Drum: Your main beat keeper.
The Bass Drum: Operated with a foot pedal, this is the heartbeat of your kit.
Hi-Hats: You can open and close the two cymbals with your foot.
Toms: Various drums that add depth and variety to your sound.
Cymbals: These are used for accents and special effects, including ride and crash.
Learning how to set up and care for your drum kit is an essential first step in drum lessons for beginners.
Holding the Sticks: Grip and Posture
It may seem trivial, but how you hold your drumsticks and your posture are crucial to your success as a drummer. There are two main types of grip: matched grip and traditional grip.
Matched Grip: Both hands hold the sticks the same way. This is the most common grip for beginners.
Traditional Grip: Often used in jazz drumming, this grip has one hand holding the stick like a pencil.
Your posture should be relaxed yet controlled. Sit up straight, keep your arms loose, and make sure your drum throne (yes, that’s what the seat is called) is at a height where your thighs are parallel to the ground. Good posture will not only help you play better but also prevent injuries.
Rudiments: The Building Blocks of Drumming
Think of rudiments as the alphabet of drumming. They are basic patterns that form the foundation of all drumming. Some essential rudiments include:
Single Stroke Roll: Alternating between hands.
Double Stroke Roll: Each hand hits twice before alternating.
Paradiddle: A combination of single and double strokes (RLRR LRLL).
Practising these rudiments daily will dramatically improve your technique and speed. Incorporate them into your drum lessons for beginners, and you’ll see progress quickly.
Reading Drum Notation
Learning to read music is a big plus for any instrument. Drum notation can look intimidating, but it’s quite straightforward once you get the hang of it. 
Each line and space represents a different part of the drum kit. Start by learning the basic symbols and where they correspond on your kit. Plenty of resources and beginner books are available to help you with this.
Playing Along to Music
One of the most fun and rewarding parts of learning drums is playing along to your favourite songs. Start with slower songs and simple beats. 
As you become more comfortable, challenge yourself with more complex rhythms and faster tempos. This practice makes your drum lessons for beginners more enjoyable and helps you develop a good sense of timing and rhythm.
Finding a Drum Teacher
While self-learning is possible, having a drum teacher can accelerate your progress. A good teacher will provide personalised feedback, help you avoid bad habits, and introduce you to new techniques and genres. Look for local drum instructors or online lessons catering specifically to beginners' drum lessons.
Embarking on drum lessons for beginners is an exciting adventure that requires patience, practice, and passion. Focusing on the basics, such as setting up your drum kit, holding your sticks properly, mastering rudiments, and reading drum notation, will build a solid foundation to support your drumming journey for years. So, grab your sticks, sit at your kit, and let the rhythm take over.
Source By: Drum Lessons For Beginners: Building A Solid Foundation
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priyanka104 · 9 months
A Practical Guide: How to Plan Chardham Yatra From Delhi
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The Chardham Yatra, a spiritual journey to four sacred destinations in the Indian Himalayas – Yamunotri, Gangotri, Kedarnath, and Badrinath – is a dream pilgrimage for millions. Originating from Delhi, this journey not only promises spiritual fulfillment but also a chance to witness the incredible beauty of the Himalayas. In this comprehensive guide, I'll walk you through planning this sacred journey, ensuring a fulfilling and hassle-free experience.
Preparing for the Journey
1. Best Time to Visit: The ideal time for Chardham Yatra is from May to October, avoiding the monsoon season (July to August) due to landslides and road blockages.
2. Fitness and Health: The journey involves trekking at high altitudes. Ensure you are physically fit and consult your doctor before planning the trip. Carry necessary medications and a first-aid kit.
3. Packing Essentials: Pack light but include warm clothes, raincoats, sturdy shoes, a torch, and essential toiletries. Don’t forget to carry enough cash, as ATMs might be scarce.
Itinerary from Delhi
1. Delhi to Haridwar (206 km) Start your journey from Delhi to Haridwar, a drive of approximately 5 hours. Haridwar, a holy city on the banks of the Ganges, is an ideal stop for rest and spiritual preparation.
2. Haridwar to Barkot (220 km) The next stop is Barkot, which is a 7-8 hour drive. It’s a beautiful hill station serving as a base for the Yamunotri trek.
3. Barkot to Yamunotri and Back (36 km drive + 6 km trek) The actual pilgrimage begins with a trek to Yamunotri. The 6 km trek can be completed on foot or by pony/palanquin. After darshan, return to Barkot for an overnight stay.
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4. Barkot to Uttarkashi (100 km) Drive to Uttarkashi, which is about 4 hours away. Visit the Vishwanath Temple here and prepare for the next leg to Gangotri.
5. Uttarkashi to Gangotri and Back (100 km each way) The drive to Gangotri takes about 4 hours. Perform darshan at the Gangotri temple and return to Uttarkashi for an overnight stay.
6. Uttarkashi to Guptkashi/Sitapur (230 km) The next destination is Guptkashi or Sitapur, a journey of about 9 hours, which is a base for Kedarnath.
7. Guptkashi/Sitapur to Kedarnath and Back (30 km drive + 16 km trek) Drive to Gaurikund, from where the 16 km trek to Kedarnath begins. You can trek, hire a pony, or opt for a helicopter service. After darshan, return to your base.
8. Guptkashi/Sitapur to Badrinath (190-240 km) The drive to Badrinath takes about 7-8 hours. Visit the Badrinath Temple and explore nearby attractions like Mana village.
9. Badrinath to Rudraprayag/Srinagar (160-190 km) After visiting Badrinath, head to Rudraprayag or Srinagar for an overnight stay, breaking the return journey to Delhi.
10. Rudraprayag/Srinagar to Haridwar (165-135 km) Return to Haridwar, visiting Devprayag on the way to witness the confluence of the Bhagirathi and Alaknanda rivers.
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11. Haridwar to Delhi (206 km) The final leg of your journey will take you back to Delhi.
Accommodation and Food
Book your accommodations well in advance, especially during the peak season. Options range from budget lodges to luxury resorts. For meals, local eateries and restaurants serve simple vegetarian food, keeping in line with the spiritual nature of the journey.
Permits and Registrations
Ensure you register for the Yatra online or at designated centers. Carry valid ID proofs for permits, especially for the Kedarnath trek.
Travel Tips
Stay hydrated and acclimatize to avoid altitude sickness.
Respect local customs and the environment.
Stay updated on weather and road conditions.
Opt for a guide or a travel package if unsure about organizing the trip on your own.
The Chardham Yatra from Delhi is not just a religious pilgrimage but an expedition that brings you closer to nature and spirituality. With careful planning and preparation, this journey can be a life-changing experience, etching memories that will be cherished forever.
Remember, the journey is as important as the destination. Embrace every moment, and let the serenity of the Himalayas transform you. Safe travels!
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pharmazondirect11 · 1 year
Your One-Stop Shop for Health and Wellness: PharmazonDirect
In a world where convenience and health go hand in hand, PharmazonDirect stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking a reliable source of healthcare products. With a wide range of offerings, from acid reflux medication to foot care kits and everything in between, PharmazonDirect caters to diverse health and wellness needs. In this blog, we will explore the exceptional products and services offered by PharmazonDirect, emphasizing the importance of easy access to health solutions.
Acid Reflux Medication: Finding Relief
Acid reflux can be a constant source of discomfort for many individuals. PharmazonDirect understands the need for effective acid reflux medication and offers a range of over-the-counter and prescription options. From antacids to proton pump inhibitors, their selection ensures that you find the right solution to alleviate the burning sensation and heartburn associated with acid reflux.
Anti-Analgesic Products: Relieving Pain with Ease
Managing pain is crucial, and PharmazonDirect recognizes the importance of providing easy access to anti-analgesic products. Whether you’re dealing with headaches, muscle aches, or any other type of pain, their selection includes pain relievers and analgesics that can help you regain your comfort and mobility.
Women’s Health Products: Nurturing Wellness
Women’s health is a paramount concern, and PharmazonDirect doesn’t shy away from addressing it. They offer a diverse range of women’s health products, including prenatal vitamins, menstrual relief, and menopausal support supplements. These products are carefully curated to cater to the unique needs of women at different stages of life.
Foot Care Kit: Taking a Step Toward Better Foot Health
Your feet carry you through life, and they deserve proper care. PharmazonDirect’s foot care kit is a comprehensive solution for those looking to pamper their feet. From callus removers to moisturizing creams and orthopedic insoles, this kit offers the perfect tools to keep your feet in top condition.
Best Hay Fever Medicine: Conquering Allergies
Allergy season can be particularly challenging for those with hay fever. PharmazonDirect’s collection of Best hay fever medicine includes antihistamines, decongestants, and nasal sprays, all designed to provide relief from allergy symptoms. With their help, you can enjoy the great outdoors without the constant sneezing and itchy eyes.
PharmazonDirect’s commitment to providing top-quality health and wellness products is further enhanced by their user-friendly website, secure payment options, and prompt delivery services. They understand that when it comes to health, there is no time to waste. With PharmazonDirect, you can conveniently access the products you need without the hassle of visiting physical stores.
In conclusion, PharmazonDirect is your partner in maintaining a healthy and comfortable life. With a wide range of products, including acid reflux medication, anti-analgesics, women’s health products, a foot care kit, and the best hay fever medicine, this online store stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking reliable healthcare solutions. Explore their website, place your orders, and take a step toward a healthier, happier you.
Visit PharmazonDirect today and experience the convenience of online health and wellness shopping. Your well-being is just a click away!
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blizzardhealt · 1 year
Essential Podiatry Tools: A Comprehensive Guide for Foot Care Professionals
Healthy feet are crucial for overall well-being, as they provide mobility, balance, and support. Consequently, it's vital to promptly address any issues and maintain regular foot care. A key aspect of this care includes keeping the nails properly trimmed and promptly treating any infections or diseases—a task that requires the use of appropriate podiatrist tools. If you are a professional in the field of foot care, then it’s important to understand the essential podiatrist tools and their uses. This guide will highlight the key tools and provide tips for selecting the best ones.
Essential podiatrist tools:
Moon head toenail clippers - This type of nipper allows you to perform a rounded cut in one swift motion. Look for nippers with hand-filed jaws and a sturdy box joint for clean and smooth cut every time.
Ingrown nail nippers - Podiatrists use specially-designed nail nippers to trim deformed and ingrown toenails with precision. 13cm is a good size for an ingrown nail nipper, but make sure that the tool has pointed blades.
Cuticle nipper - A cuticle nipper allows you to trim hang nails safely and effectively.
Double-ended blacks file and double-ended lifter - Toenail blacks files and nail lifters help treat ingrown nails by gently clearing debris under the nails.
Choosing the best podiatrist tools
When purchasing podiatrist tools, consider the following tips:
Look for a complete kit – Online podiatrist toolkits are available, providing the most basic instruments. Choose a kit that includes all five essential foot care tools to eliminate guesswork.
Verify the quality – Choose CE-certified, fully autoclavable tools made from premium German steel according to the highest standards like ISO 9001 and ISO 13585. That way, you can confidently reuse them time and again.
Go ergonomic – Choose lightweight and ergonomically designed tools for optimum comfort. This also reduces the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome, which is common among chiropodists and podiatrists.
Satisfaction guarantee – Always look for a manufacturer’s 30-day money-back guarantee on podiatrist tools.
Get the best podiatrist toolkit.
Visit Blizzard to explore their excellent selection of podiatrist tools. Their podiatrist toolkits include durable plastic sleeves, a complementary foot file, and safety caps. Sign up to receive a 10% discount on your first purchase and become eligible for monthly giveaways.
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👧🧒You blinked and May became August just like that! You know MBG has got you covered on the cutest girls clothes. But did you know we've also got the tea on how to keep your little ones healthy as they head back to school for Fall 2022? Read these 9 pro-parenting tips to make sure all your bases are covered when they board the bus or enter the classroom.🩹🏫
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1. Know what's out there 🤔
How do you protect against potential health threats? According to pediatricians, these are the 10 most common school-age illnesses
2. Follow Up 📋
Doing your own research is always important. Not just online, but within the school as well. The environment, the lunch menu, your child's daily or weekly schedule can all be factors for increased health concern. Check in with teachers to see if there have been any bugs going around
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3. Plenty Of Sleep 💤
We know it's asking a lot of your little one to adhere to bedtime rules, but the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends:
  Which bracket does your child fall under?
4. Balanced Meals And Snacks 🍎
Growing kids and busy students require a healthy and balanced diet. Be sure to add a little something from all five food groups on a regular basis, are giving them plenty of water, and throw in a few autoimmune-boosting items like orange juice which is packed with Vitamin C or yogurt chuck-full of probiotics!
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5. Form Healthy Habits 🧼
As a parent, you know the smallest things often can make the biggest differences in your kids. Regularly working in healthy habits like washing your hands for 20 seconds, sneezing/coughing into your elbow, and respecting personal space means less chances of spreading or catching germs. The more it's practiced at home, the easier for them to practice at school.
6. Get Up And Move!🤸‍♀️
Most children don't have problems with energy, but focusing that into exercise can help improve their overall health! Going for walks, making up dance routines, or even time set aside for stretching and breathing can go a long way
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7. Keep Sanitizers On Deck 🧴
Having wet wipes, tissues, or hand sanitizer in your child's backpack or lunchbox is a super easy way to make sure they are always prepared for messy (or germy) situations when soap and water just aren't an option. Great for afterschool activities, sports, and fieldtrips.
8. Plan Ahead 🧰
For all our efforts, children may still get sick. We simply can't protect them for everything. But we CAN prepare for anything! Know the signs of the most common illnesses and their methods of treatment. Be sure to keep over-the-counter medicines for children in stock at home for emergencies. Wanna go the extra parenting mile? Create a Sick-Day Kit for your child with activities, snacks, or movies to help them feel better as they recover!
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9. Take Care Of Yourself 💆‍♀️
Let's face it; you can't be 100% all the time and parent burnout is real. Your health is also important. Give yourself personal time to eat balanced, exercise regularly, and find activities to cope with stress. Your health, and your kids, will thank you.
We hope these tips were useful. What would you put in your child's Sick-Day Kit? Let us know in the comments below! 👩‍⚕️
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uniqaya-lifestyle · 2 years
How to Use Uniqaya’s Foot Care Moisturizer Cream
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People often underestimate the importance of having happy and healthy feet. Even In this age of self-love and self-care, the feet don’t feature very high on people’s list of priorities. However, Uniqaya’s Moisturizing and Repairing Foot Care Cream with Coffee Extract and Peppermint is here to change all that! It is, by far, the best and most effective foot care cream for cracked heels and rough feet. This foot care cream helps combat dryness, inflammation and cracks. It also moisturizes and soothes feet without leaving them sticky. Shea butter soothes the skin and repairs cuts and cracks; coffee extract improves blood circulation and rejuvenates the skin, and; peppermint nourishes the skin without making it feel greasy. This foot care moisturizer cream is truly a treat for the feet. Wake up to happy feet that are ready to conquer the world.
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How to Use Uniqaya’s foot Care Moisturizer Cream
– Cleanse feet with lukewarm water and pat dry gently. – Apply generous amount of foot cream and massage in circular potions till fully absorbed.
Looking to buy foot care moisturizer cream?
Check out Uniqaya’s website and avail the festive season’s special prices, discounts and offers. This festive season, celebrate self-care with Uniqaya.
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lawndoctorusa · 1 year
Common Lawn Care Problems and How to Fix Them
Keeping a perfect lawn is not easy. Lawn care problems can be frustrating, despite your best efforts. Potential issues include yellowing grass, overgrown weeds, pest infestations, and soil deficiencies.
Insect-caused brown spots. Use insecticides.
Brown spots caused by insects are a common and frustrating lawn care problem in Poway. Pests can damage your lawn, leaving brown patches that detract from its beauty. Various insecticides can effectively eliminate the brown spots caused by different insects. Follow insecticide instructions carefully for maximum effectiveness and safety. Identify the insect causing the brown spots before choosing the right insecticide for that pest. Consult a professional lawn care Poway service for guidance on insecticide selection and application. You can remove brown spots and revive your lawn's greenery with the right approach.
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Compacted soil causes dead patches. Aerate soil.
Compacted soil is common in lawns with heavy foot traffic. Compacted soil can create dead patches by blocking water and nutrients. Aerating the soil can solve this problem. Aeration pokes holes in soil for air, water, and nutrients to reach grass roots. You can aerate your lawn by using a manual tool or renting a machine from a hardware store. Aerate once or twice a year depending on compaction severity. Combine with fertilisation for healthy grass growth. Aerate your lawn to prevent dead patches and keep it healthy and vibrant.
Test soil pH and fertilise to fix yellowing grass.
Yellow grass is a common lawn care Poway problem. Yellow or brown grass on your lawn may be due to imbalanced soil pH levels. Testing your lawn's pH balance is easy with a soil test kit from your local hardware store or online. Use the soil test results to choose the right fertiliser for your lawn. To balance the soil's pH, add lime or limestone if it's too acidic. To lower the pH balance, add granular sulfur, ammonium sulfate, or other acidifying agents if your soil is too alkaline. Fertilizing your lawn improves soil nutrients and rejuvenates grass. Address the problem to restore your lawn's lush green glory.
Water the lawn regularly to avoid drought stress.
Drought stress is a common lawn care Poway problem for homeowners. Water your lawn regularly in summer to prevent drought stress due to high temperatures and low rainfall. Drought can make lawns yellow and lifeless, and some areas may even die off. Water your lawn deeply to reach the roots, about six inches deep. Water your lawn in the early morning to reduce water evaporation from heat and wind. Water requirements vary based on location, soil type, and grass species. Typically, one inch of water per week is recommended. Water deeply and regularly to avoid drought stress and keep your lawn healthy all season.
Remove moss in shady areas with a rake and apply lime sulphur.
Moss in shady lawn areas is a common and frustrating problem. Moss grows where grass struggles due to its preference for shady and damp environments. Use a rake to remove moss from soil. Remove moss thoroughly and dispose of it correctly. Apply lime sulphur treatment to affected areas. It dries the soil, preventing moss growth. Lime sulphur treatment kills moss spores to prevent regrowth. Be careful with lime sulphur as it can harm plants if used excessively. Follow the product's lawn care Poway instructions carefully and wear protective gear when applying.
Keeping a healthy lawn can be tough, but with proper knowledge and approach, you can solve common lawn care issues. Address soil compaction, nutrient deficiencies, and pest infestations promptly to create a beautiful and valuable lawn. Use the tips in this post to turn your lawn into a beautiful paradise that impresses everyone. LawnDoctorUSA offers top-notch lawn care in Poway. We use advanced techniques and equipment to keep your lawn healthy and beautiful. You can trust us.
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vishakhashandaliya · 1 year
Pedicure at home
How to do Pedicure at home
Pedicures are an excellent way to treat your feet and keep them looking and feeling fantastic. Going to a salon for a pedicure can be expensive and time-consuming, but with a few simple equipment and some know-how, you can give yourself an equally good pedicure at home. In this post, we’ll go over the fundamentals of a home pedicure and offer tips and tactics to make the most of your at-home pampering.
Step 1: Gather Your Resources
You’ll need to obtain some basic tools before you begin. Some of these items may already be in your home, or you can buy them at a beauty supply store or online:
Buy Pedicure kit from Amazon in affordable price
Nail clippers
Nail file
Cuticle pusher
Cuticle trimmer
Foot scrub
Foot soak
Toe separators
Nail polish remover
Cotton balls or pads
Nail polish
Step 2: Get Your Feet Ready
To begin your at-home pedicure, prepare your feet. Remove any previous nail polish using cotton balls or pads and nail polish remover. Next, clip your nails straight across and smooth the edges using a nail file. Ingrown nails can be caused by cutting your nails too short or too rounded.
Next, immerse your feet in warm water for about 10-15 minutes using a foot soak. This will soften your skin and make removing calluses or rough patches simpler. For added relaxation, add Epsom salt or aromatic oils to the water.
Step 3: Exfoliate Your Feet
After bathing your feet, exfoliate any tough or calloused areas with a foot scrub. A basic foot scrub can be made at home by combining equal parts sugar and olive or coconut oil. Massage the scrub into your feet, concentrating on the heels and balls of your foot.
Step 4: Take Care of Your Cuticles
Gently press your cuticles back with a cuticle pusher. Pushing too hard or cutting your cuticles can result in an infection. Remove any excess cuticle or hangnails with a cuticle trimmer.
Moisturize Your Feet in Step 5
After exfoliating and caring for your cuticles, moisturize your feet. Massage your feet with a rich foot lotion or cream, paying specific attention to your heels and any dry or cracked regions. You may also take this time to give yourself a foot massage, which can aid with circulation and stress relief.
Step 6: Apply Nail Polish
Paint your nails as the final stage in your at-home pedicure. To begin, use toe separators to keep your toes from rubbing together while the polish cures. Apply a base coat of nail paint, then two coats of your desired color. Finish with a topcoat to protect and extend the life of your polish.
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Tips and Tricks for a Fantastic At-Home Pedicure
• Allow adequate time for your at-home pedicure. All of the processes should take at least an hour to complete.
• If you have any cuts or open sores on your feet, avoid getting a pedicure until they heal.
• After soaking your feet, use a pumice stone or foot file to carefully remove any leftover calluses or rough places.
• After applying lotion or cream to your feet, wrap them in a heated towel for an extra pleasant touch. This will allow the moisturiser to penetrate deeper into your skin.
• If you’re not sure about your nail polish talents, try utilizing a nail polish pen or stickers for a quick and easy look.
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Pedicures provide various benefits in addition to making your feet look nice. Here are some of the most important benefits of getting frequent pedicures:
Hygiene: Pedicures encourage proper foot hygiene by carefully cleaning and eliminating any debris, bacteria, or dead skin cells that may collect on your feet. This can aid in the prevention of foot odor, fungal infections, and other foot-related problems
. 2. Nail Care: Professional pedicures provide regular toenail trimming and shaping, lowering the chance of ingrown nails, which can be uncomfortable and infected. Straightening your nails and smoothing the edges might help avoid unpleasant ingrown nails.
3. Callus and Corn Removal: Specialized equipment are frequently used in pedicures to gently remove calluses and corns. These thickened layers of skin can be painful and unattractive, and eliminating them improves foot comfort and attractiveness.
 Moisturization: During a pedicure, your feet are normally bathed and exfoliated before moisturizing lotions or oils are applied. This helps to nourish and moisturize the skin, avoiding dryness and cracking, especially in dry areas like the heels.
5. Improved Blood Circulation: Pedicure massage techniques assist stimulate blood circulation in the foot and lower legs. This can help to minimize swelling, fatigue, and improve overall foot and leg health.
6. Stress release: Getting a pedicure can provide a great amount of relaxation and stress release. The relaxing foot bath, massage, and general self-care experience might assist you in unwinding and rejuvenating.
7. Better Foot Appearance: Pedicures improve the appearance of your feet. Your feet will look well-groomed and lovely if you remove dead skin, care for cuticles, and apply nail polish. This might increase your self-esteem and help you feel better about your feet.
8. Early Detection of Foot Issues: Visiting a nail salon for pedicures on a regular basis allows professionals to closely check your feet and nails. They may detect any irregularities or potential problems, such as fungal infections, ingrown nails, or skin diseases, early on. Early detection allows for prompt treatment and prevents the illness from deteriorating.
9. Self-Care and Relaxation: Indulging in a pedicure is a kind of self-care. It allows you to focus on yourself, relax, and prioritize your well-being. It’s an opportunity to schedule some “me-time” and engage in a relaxing and enjoyable activity.
While professional pedicures have numerous advantages, appropriate foot care and hygiene at home is vital in between salon appointments. This involves washing, moisturizing, nail cutting, and wearing comfortable and supportive footwear on a regular basis.
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jkmedicals · 1 year
Best chemist in Chandigarh
Chemist use their knowledge to learn the composition and properties of unfamiliar substances, as well as to reproduce and synthesize large quantities of useful naturally occurring substances and create new artificial substances and useful processes. Chemists may specialize in any number of subdisciplines of chemistry. Materials scientists and metallurgists share much of the same education and skills with chemists. The work of chemists is often related to the work of chemical engineers, who are primarily concerned with the proper design, construction and evaluation of the most cost-effective large-scale chemical plants and work closely with industrial chemists on the development of new processes and methods for the commercial-scale manufacture of chemicals and related products.
A pharmacist, also known as a chemist or a druggist (INDIA), is a healthcare professional who dispenses medications and who provides advice on their effective use, with the aim of preventing disease and promoting public health. Pharmacists often serve as primary care providers in the community, and may offer other services such as health screenings and immunizations.
Pharmacists undergo university or graduate-level education to understand the biochemical mechanisms and actions of drugs, drug uses, therapeutic roles, side effects, potential drug interactions, and monitoring parameters. This is mated to anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology. Pharmacists interpret and communicate this specialized knowledge to patients, physicians, and other health care providers.
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Cabinet Refacing Costs For Updated Kitchen Cabinets
If your kitchen cabinets are looking tired, it might be time for a new look. You can easily update them with a copper metal sheet, which only costs $7 at Hobby Lobby. Using a pin nailer, attach the sheet to the cabinet panel. You can also print out a design pattern and use an awl and hammer to punch holes in the sheet.
Costs of updating kitchen cabinets
Kitchen cabinet projects vary in cost, depending on the materials you use and the type of work you want to complete. The cost of lumber continues to rise and some materials are more expensive than others. Some upgrades include replacing cabinet doors and drawers, painting, and installing new flooring and backsplash. A full facelift can cost $1,500 to $3,500.
Painting your cabinets can cost anywhere from $200 to $1,550, depending on the materials you choose and the labor. For a simple update, you can consider using low-end materials, like gray or navy blue. However, high-end materials such as stainless steel and granite will add to the cost.
The price of stock cabinets from a domestic manufacturer can be up to $300 per linear foot. If you have a small kitchen, you may be able to get by with installing stock cabinets. However, if you need custom cabinets, you will need to pay about $1,200 per linear foot.
Labor and installation rates make up nearly half of the total cost of kitchen cabinets. The process of installing new cabinets is time-consuming and requires careful attention to detail. Installation can cost anywhere from $130 to $2,000. The process of removing old cabinetry, moving appliances, and measuring can cost additional money.
Some people choose to hire a professional kitchen designer to make their kitchen look beautiful. However, you need to know what your budget is before hiring a professional. Professionals usually charge $100 to $200 per hour. You should include this fee in your budget, and make sure that you set aside a portion of your budget for unexpected costs that may arise during the remodel.
Types of updates
Changing the hardware on your kitchen cabinets can give your kitchen a fresh look without the cost and effort of a complete renovation. Another simple, but equally cost-effective update is to replace the doors on your cabinetry. Burbidge, a company that sells kitchen cabinets and cabinet hardware, says that RTF (resin-to-formaldehyde) is a melamine-based product that will update the appearance of your kitchen without completely gutting your wallet.
Another way to make a kitchen look new is to paint the boxes of your cabinets. This DIY project can take a couple of days, but the results can be well worth the time and effort. It will add character to your cabinets and help to update them from plain to dated. Don’t worry about matching the hardware with your appliances; you can mix metals and colors to make a more interesting look.
Another way to change the appearance of your kitchen cabinets is by adding under cabinet lighting. Not only does it make it easier to work in the kitchen at night, it also allows you to see your food and kitchenware. This can be done with LED strips or with kits from the lighting section of a home improvement store. If you’d prefer a more permanent update, you can also paint your cabinets or reface them.
Another inexpensive way to update kitchen cabinets is to paint them. Paint your cabinets is a quick and easy weekend project, and chalk paint is the best option. Afterward, you can seal the paint with a wax or lacquer to give them a long-lasting look. Another effective way to update your cabinets is to install new cabinet handles. You can purchase them from online stores, but make sure that the new handles you choose match the existing holes.
Costs of cabinet refacing
There are many factors that will determine the costs of cabinet refacing in your kitchen. For example, the cost of hardware is a large contributor to the cost of refacing. Basic cabinet hardware can cost anywhere from two to fifteen dollars, while more expensive types are made from decorative materials that cost more. Considering functionality as well as style is important when choosing hardware.
Refacing existing cabinets is more affordable than completely replacing them. It can cost between 40 to 50 percent less than replacement and doesn’t cause as much disruption to your kitchen. Moreover, it helps the environment by reducing waste. Discarding old cabinets would create a lot of garbage in landfills and garbage dumps, so by refacing your cabinets, you’ll be helping the environment.
Cabinet refacing is not inexpensive, however. You’ll need to consider the amount of time you’re willing to dedicate to the project, as well as the number of cabinets. For example, if you have a large office with many cabinets, the price of the job could be much more than for a kitchen with a few cabinets. Also, you’ll want to consider other accessories, such as new hardware and mirrors.
The cost of cabinet refacing in your kitchen varies from $210 to $22,000, but it can cost as much as six thousand dollars or more. The materials used for the project also determine the cost. A laminate made of plastic or melamine will cost less than a laminate made from a wood material. However, a hardwood cabinet will cost more than one made from a cheaper material.
Refacing your kitchen cabinets can add significant value to your home. It can be a worthwhile investment if you are planning to sell your home. For example, wood veneers can transform the look of your kitchen space. This option is also the most expensive.
Cost of cabinet refinishing
The cost of cabinet refinishing for updated kitchen cabinetry depends on several factors. Hardware replacements can add hundreds of dollars to the project. Soft-close doors and glass inserts can also add to the cost. While you may not need the additional functionality of soft-close doors, these extras can greatly improve the look of the cabinets. Another factor that affects cost is the type of finish. A glazed finish adds a nice touch to the cabinets, but a traditional finish will also work fine.
One of the most important aspects of cost is the quality of materials. Many cabinet refinishing services will provide a new finish for your kitchen cabinets, but you must choose the right finish. The materials and the labor costs should also be considered. Some professionals offer free consultations to determine what type of new finish would look best on your cabinets. This will help you know the total cost of the project.
If you don’t want to spend a lot of money, consider refacing your cabinets instead. Most homeowners choose to install crown molding and glass inserts to make their kitchens look more attractive. The cost for this step may vary from $100 to $400 per linear foot. Other common upgrades to the kitchen include hideaway trash cans, built-in wine racks, and new lazy Susans. To save money, homeowners should seek free quotes from local experts in their area.
The cost of cabinet refinishing for updated kitchen cabinetry depends on the materials used and the quality of labor. Some contractors offer a flat price and don’t specify what’s included. In many cases, labor is the biggest expense. You should also find out if the contractor charges for a full day’s work or only includes part of the work.
Cost of cabinet refacing
When you are ready to upgrade your kitchen, you may want to consider cabinet refacing. It can improve the look of your cabinets and save you money. However, it can be a time-consuming project. To make sure that the work gets done properly, you may want to hire a professional.
There are a number of different materials that can be used for refacing cabinets. One option is plastic laminate. This type of material is incredibly durable and comes in a variety of colors and wood grain designs. Compared to wood, it is also less expensive. It also won’t require you to seal the wood. Plastic laminate is also available in hundreds of colors and will allow you to mix and match design schemes easily.
The final cost of cabinet refacing depends on a few factors. The type of material and design will play a large role in the overall cost. You can choose from plywood, solid wood, or plastic laminate, depending on your preference and budget. Choosing a material will also depend on the size of your kitchen. A large kitchen will require more expensive materials than a small one. Likewise, if your kitchen has a tight corner or is on a narrow floor plan, a refacing job will take longer.
Refacing cabinets requires a contractor to remove the old cabinet doors and drawers. This process also includes sanding the surfaces to prepare the new finish and hardware. This process can be costly, and will require you to be prepared to spend a day or more on the project.
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Your kitchen is more than just a place to cook; it’s a space that brings people together, connects them, and helps them feel relaxed and comfortable. It’s a space that makes you proud to invite guests over, and it’s a space that lets you show off your personality and style. That’s why Vancouver Kitchen Renovation wants to help you create the perfect kitchen for yourself and your family. Whether you’re interested in updating your existing kitchen or starting from scratch, we can help you turn your dream kitchen into reality. We believe kitchens aren’t just functional spaces; they bring families together, connect them, inspire creativity, and allow them to express themselves. So we strive to create designs that reflect these values, and we’re excited to share them with you.
We understand that to be successful is to stay ahead of the curve. That means staying current with the latest technology and design trends. We always want to improve our products or services without breaking the bank. That’s why we stay connected to the latest technologies of NKBA, National Kitchen and Bath Association. In addition, at Vancouver Kitchen renovation, our primary focus is providing sustainable kitchen design and renovation packages, and we believe in sustainable living. Sustainable living is a way of life in harmony with nature. It is a lifestyle which focuses on the preservation of our environment. Sustainable living is a philosophy emphasizing respect for the environment and concern for its well-being. This means we should take care of the planet and treat it as if it were our home. We should try to preserve what we have and protect it from destruction. If we do this, we will enjoy the benefits of the earth’s resources for many generations. Whether you’re planning a major remodel or adding finishing touches to your current kitchen, we’d love to discuss your project. Book your showroom consultation online.
Main Areas of Service in British Columbia:
North Vancouver
West Vancouver
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a realistic budget for a kitchen remodel in Metro Vancouver?
For a kitchen renovation in Metro Vancouver, a budget of $50,000 is realistic. This would include new countertops, cabinets and flooring as well as lighting.
What is the 5-zone kitchen?
The 5-zone kitchen is an innovative design that allows for more efficient cooking with less space. It has five distinct cooking areas, including a sink area and stove area. There is also a fridge, freezer, food preparation area and dining area. This allows every cook to have their own workspace and eliminates the need of a large, multi-functional kitchen.
Maximil, a German chef and designer, invented the 5-zone Kitchen. It is used often in European-style European kitchens. Families who wish to save time and money by cooking together can benefit from this 5-zone kitchen.
There are some things you should keep in mind when designing a 5-zone kitchen. You will need enough space in order to accommodate all five zones. Each zone must be ventilated properly to prevent any lingering smells and fumes. Third, each zone should have enough space to allow for movement.
If you are looking for a more stylish and efficient kitchen, the 5-zone kitchen could be a good option. This kitchen can be a valuable addition to any home with the right planning.
What are the 5 Zone Kitchen’s benefits?
The 5-zone kitchen offers many benefits such as:
Superior efficiency – Every cook has their own space, which makes it easier to use multiple appliances at once.
It is more elegant – the 5-zone Kitchen is used often in European-style kitchens.
Better ventilation – Each zone is properly ventilated to prevent lingering odors and fumes in the kitchen.
Better layout: The layout of the kitchen should be so that there is easy movement from one zone to another.
If you are looking for a more stylish and efficient kitchen, the 5-zone kitchen could be a good option. The 5-zone kitchen is a wonderful addition for any home when planned well.
What is the best time to remodel your kitchen?
Electrical and plumbing rough-ins
Kitchen cabinet installation
Flooring installation
Countertop installation
Backsplash installation
Are open-concept Kitchens going out style?
Open-concept cooking is still very popular as they allow for easy access to all the kitchen areas. For many reasons, some homeowners choose to return to more traditional kitchen designs.
Open-concept kitchens can be noisy. A second reason is the difficulty in keeping a clean open-concept space tidy due to all of the dust and cooking gasses that circulate throughout.
Family who enjoy cooking together will love open-plan, well-designed kitchens. They can be dangerous for children who like to cook and aren’t always listening to their parents. You should carefully weigh the pros & cons of an open-concept style kitchen before you make your decision.
Can you DIY a Kitchen Renovation
You may be wondering if you can actually do your own kitchen renovation. You can, but here are some things to keep in mind.
First, a kitchen renovation can be a big project, so make sure you have the time and energy to tackle it. It is also important to know basic plumbing and carpentry before you begin. It’s also necessary to decide which aspects you want to change in your kitchen, such a storage area, replacement of old appliances or improved lighting.
Now it’s time for you to begin shopping for kitchen materials. You’ll need to decide on cabinets, countertops, flooring, and appliances.
A good idea is to think about the layout of your kitchen before you go shopping. This will allow you to determine how much space is needed and which layout would be most effective in your kitchen.
You have many options when it comes down to cabinets. There are two types of cabinets available: Ready-to-assemble (RTA), or custom. RTA cabinets are available in a variety of styles and colours, and they tend to be less expensive than custom cabinets.
Before undertaking a large-scale renovation, it’s essential to make sure you have taken all necessary steps to ensure safety and security. Check the local building codes to ensure safety and security when renovating.
It is tempting to try to complete a large-scale remodel on your own. But it is better to get professional assistance. A qualified contractor will help you save both money and time. Working with a professional will make sure that your project goes smoothly.
How can I make my kitchen whiter?
There are several ways you can make your white-colored kitchen more inviting. One way is to add coloured appliances and backsplash tiles. Wood elements can also be used to warm up a white kitchen. Warm LED lighting can also be used to enhance the warmth of a white kitchen. No matter which route you take, it is important to add your personal style to make your kitchen stand out.
What is a timeless kitchen backsplash?
Subway tile backsplashes are timeless. For your kitchen, however, we recommend a full-height backsplash. This would allow you to run the countertop as your backsplash all the way up to your upper cabinets. This creates a feeling of a bigger kitchen.
Your most significant cost investment for a kitchen remodel will usually be cabinets, typically comprising 25 percent of your budget. (hgtv.com)
Followed by cabinet cost, labour, and appliance costs consume 20 percent each of your budget. (hgtv.com)
This is rather grim, but according to Business Insider, 12 percent of couples consider getting a divorce while renovating their home! (familyhandyman.com)
According to Burgin, some hinges have this feature built-in, but it’s an add-on cost for other models of about $5 retail, adding up to $350 to $500 for an entire kitchen, depending on size. (hgtv.com)
In large firms, the commission charged by the GC ranges from 15 to 25 percent of the total job cost. (thespruce.com)
External Links
Open Floor Plan History, Pros, and Cons
Find professionals to estimate kitchen remodeling costs
Do’s and Don’ts of a First DIY Subway Tile Backsplash
Create an Open, Craftsman-Style Kitchen (DIY)
2022 Kitchen Remodel Cost Estimator
Cost To Add A Square Foot
Amazing Kitchen Remodel Ideas that Will Refresh Your House
How To
How do I choose a kitchen contractor?
The following tips should help you make a good decision when choosing a Kitchen Remodel contractor.
Ask around and find out what your friends think about their experiences with different contractors. This is a great way to get honest feedback from people who know the contractors well. Ask them about their quality of work, professionalism, cleanliness, punctuality, and punctuality. You might also ask them about any problems they had with the contractor. If so, how did they resolve those issues?
Ask for quotes from different companies. Provide a detailed description about your project and tell them why you want to work with someone else. Let them know that you’re looking to hire someone who can handle kitchen remodels. It is possible to include details such as the size and type of materials used. It is important to specify the type of finish that you are looking for (e.g., countertops or cabinets, backsplash, flooring). Be sure to specify any additional work you require during the project. You might want to install new appliances. Are you looking for a specific style of cabinetry? Is there something you’d like to see in your cabinetry, like a built-in wine fridge or microwave oven?
Check to see if the company has worker’s comp and insurance. You can check online to find out if the contractor is a member of any trade associations. It is always best to choose a company that is a member of a respected organization.
Set up a meeting to discuss the details of your project with the contractor. Ask questions about their experience, qualifications, methods, and other details. Ask them how they would approach your project, and what timeline they envisage.
Ask for references from past clients. You shouldn’t just trust a contractor; get references. Go back through his list of references and call the people he recommends. Tell them you’d like to speak to them about their positive experiences working with this contractor.
Check out reviews left by customers on websites like Yelp and Angie’s List. Many homeowners use these websites to leave reviews after completing projects. So, if you see many positive reviews, you can rest assured that you’ll get a quality job.
Consider hiring a kitchen designer to create a plan for your kitchen remodel. An experienced designer will have a better understanding of what looks best in your particular kitchen. She/he will also be knowledgeable about the latest trends for kitchens.
The post Cabinet Refacing Costs For Updated Kitchen Cabinets first appeared on Vancouver Kitchen Renovation.
source https://vancouverkitchenrenovation.com/kitchens/cabinet-refacing-costs-for-updated-kitchen-cabinets/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cabinet-refacing-costs-for-updated-kitchen-cabinets
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getuscart · 2 years
top 10 dog accessories
The dog changed into the first species to be domesticated by way of hunter-gatherers over 15,000 years ago, before the development of agriculture. There is a lot of attachment between humans and puppies; we adore our puppies, and as a owner, we have to take care of our dogs. our blog will help you out to choose the top 10 dog accessories.
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Top 10 Dog Accessories1. Dog Bowl
We used to feed our dogs daily, for that we have to pic best and healthy bowls. By choosing the best bowls, it will keep your dog healthy and, and also looks good to feed your dogs.
2. Dog Food
Our dogs need a balanced diet to stay fit and healthy, we don't feed our dogs what humans ate, that may keep our dogs unhealthy. Dogs had a separate food to feed them. the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients necessary to sustain your dog’s body with every meal. Our GetUSCart will help you out to find the best dog food.
3. Dog Bed
Dogs might also sleep at the ground and difficult surfaces, as a dog lover we have to shop for a dog bed to sleep. however as a human being we do not allow our dog to sleep with us cause of having diseases, however do not worry our GetUSCart is there to get you great dog beds.
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4. Dog Chain
Dogs are part of the family. We used to take our dogs for walks. We ought to manage our dogs. The owner must shield their dog from something on the other side of their fence (kids, other dogs, and many others) with the aid of preserving the chain attached to that dog.
5. Dog Grooming Kit
Accurate grooming will help your dog appearance and feel his pleasant. Routine grooming classes additionally allow you to look at your dog’s coat, enamel, eyes, ears, and nails for signs of issues. How often you need to groom your dog depends on his length, breed, and type of coat. Visit our website for grooming kits at low prices.
6. Dog Blankets
Dogs are p.c. animals and like the feeling of safety they get from burrowing right into a comfy spot. In case you don’t have a couple of dogs, you could help mimic a dog den by giving your dog a unique blanket they can use whether they curl up on the ground, at the foot of your bed, or inside a crate.
7. Dog Cloths
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There are many reasons you may need to put clothes on your dog. Getting a dog used to sporting clothes takes some time and effort, but desirable options to begin with encompass sleeveless coats or jackets that fasten with straps across the chest and beneath the belly. If you want to start even a simple shop from GetUSCart.
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8. Dog Shampoo
If your dog is visibly dirty, shower him with an over-the-counter shampoo to remove dust and particles. Unlike cleaning shampoos, medicated shampoos do not commonly contain soaps or detergents and consequently might not very well clean grimy dogs.
9. Dog Mouth Cover
Overlaying your dog’s mouth to quell competitive behaviour is a first-rate exercise when you’re training your dog. There are some distinctive muzzle kinds you can pick from to make certain your dog is cozy and safe.
10. Dog Poop Scooper
Portable If the notion of picking up poop with your hand makes you squeamish, or when you have trouble bending over or stooping, a pooper scooper is a superb alternative for picking up your dog's poop. There are many varieties of pooper scoopers, in our GetUSCart,
Top 10  Dog Accessories On GetUSCart
1. Ultrasonic Infrared Dog Deterrent, Bark Stopper
2. Kaytee Clean
3. Dog Head Collar Halter
4. Dog Shock Collar, Remote
5. Dogs 60ct Chews with Digestive Enzymes
6. Royal Canin Dry Dog Food for Poodle Puppy
7. Miracle Care Kwik Stop Styptic Powder
8. Dog Sunglasses Waterproof Windproof
9. Dog bowls
10. Dog grooming kit
These are the top 10 dog accessories , that are well-known in the marketplace ,we are hoping this blog helps you to find out the high-quality dog accessories for your dogs, you can additionally purchase  coolest products from GetUSCart.
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