What a wonderful day to get a foot rub....anyone interested in massaging my feet?
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(via GIPHY)
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protoskinkcorner · 2 years
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Prototype & Error like to spend time with each other, keeping their paws warm and occasionally teasing each other
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judacris · 28 days
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Bandit and Chilli in: Admitting The Feet // dm29.deviantart.com
Go on, Bandit. Be a dear. Chilli's dogs are killing her.
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conundrumoftime · 1 year
Nenya, the Ring of Adamant
Rings of Power is leaning heavily on water imagery with Galadriel even before she gets her ring, and I will bet anything it will continue to do this and go with the visual imagery of Peter Jackson’s ‘drowned Galadriel’ to show her dark/tempted-by-power self. 
But let’s take a minute to consider Nenya not only as the Ring of Water, but its other name as the Ring of Adamant.
Adamant is its gemstone (Vilya has a sapphire, Narya a ruby). Adamant might possibly be a diamond but more likely it’s used in its mythical sense of a stone that’s even harder than diamond; Barad-dûr is a ‘black tower of adamant’ in LOTR. So it represents strength. And it has the secondary sense as an adjective of strength of will, too - to be adamant is to be determined, strong-willed, unshakeable in conviction. Perfect for Galadriel, who by LOTR time is (Haldir says) locked in an endless mental struggle with Sauron: ‘the two powers that are opposed one to another, and ever they strive now in thought, but whereas the light perceives the very heart of the darkness, its own secret has not been discovered’. 
But. Also. ALSO. ‘Adamant’ the mythical stone has another sense, now archaic, of being a magnet or a lodestone - something that attracts iron towards it. And this is the sense that you see used symbolically in literature.
Here in the first of John Donne’s ‘Holy Sonnets’, a plea to his creator:
But our old subtle foe so tempteth me,
That not one hour I can myself sustain;
Thy grace may wing me to prevent his art,
And thou like adamant draw mine iron heart.
And here from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream:
You draw me, you hard-hearted adamant.
But yet you draw not iron, for my heart
Is true as steel. Leave you your power to draw,
And I shall have no power to follow you.
And the likely reason it has this sense of attracting things to it, and this getting linked so easily to emotional attraction, is from folk etymology of its origin where ‘adamant’ is seen as linked to the Latin word ‘adamare’ - ‘to love passionately’, or ‘to fall in love with’. 
So Galadriel gets the strongest stone in the world; which also means an unshakeable, determined will; which also attracts its opposite towards it; which does so because it is the stone of love.
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odegoob · 7 months
martin looks dead skksksks
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ghostieeeee · 1 month
“and?” girlie does not care if someone figures who 🩰 is to her lmao
Should I care? 😭😭
I've been bullied all day, I've lost all sense of shame for the time being
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hvlthgxth · 22 hours
Stopped popping perc 30s, I hit 30 pop naproxen
Lost inside the pussy, now the box done got me boxed in
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ghoulibrat · 6 months
Mmmm i ♡ fetal position time!
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wanderingfootlocker · 2 years
Snap me 👻 livlegg28
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meownotgood · 1 year
I am so... exhausted... must.... watch..... jjk....
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tealeavesandthorns · 8 months
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Maria x Gareth (@dontcxckitup)
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kbwrites · 2 months
Husband! Nanami with his Pregnant wife
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cw: nanami x f!reader, pregnant sex, masturbation, nanami loves his wife nsfw under the cut!
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Once you become pregnant with Kento Nanami’s child you don’t lift a finger.
Even if you wanted to.
This man would be at your beck and call all 9 months of your pregnancy.
You wake up every morning to a big breakfast and a smoothie chock full of all the veggies and fruits you need to stay healthy.
Daily footrubs!
And back rubs.
Says it’s to alleviate your aches and pains, but he secretly loves any reason to touch his beautiful wife.
Don’t even THINK about reaching for anything too high.
He’s rushing towards you, resting his hand on the small of your back as he reaches for the mug.
“Please dear, allow me.”
Dropped something?
“I’ve got it, honey.”
Need to put your shoes on? He’s resting your foot on his knee as he ties your sneakers.
There for every doctor’s appointment. Cries the first time he sees the ultrasound.
Is so patient with you, handling you with such care through your mood swings.
“It’s alright dear, I know you’re frustrated… Come sit down and I’ll rub your shoulders hmm?”
Has no problem waking up in the middle of the night to get you your midnight cravings.
Arguably the perfect husband.
He thought it was physically impossible for you to be any more attractive.
But then he sees you drinking a glass of water in the kitchen, one hand resting protectively over your bump in a beautiful flowy dress he had gotten for you.
Feels ashamed at first. He doesn’t wish to bother his darling wife, especially when she’s going through so much.
Resorts to locking himself in the bathroom, rutting his hardened length between his fist and sucking in a breath as he imagines your swollen breasts and belly round with his seed.
Bites back a moan as his cum spills from his flushed tip down his hand and shaft.
He doesn’t get away with it for long though, you’re too smart. It’s one of the reasons he fell for you.
Not giving him time to protest, you grab his large hand and lead him to your bedroom.
He wants to tell you not to worry about him and his trivial needs, that he worries he might hurt you.
All those restraints die in his throat when he sees his precious wife climb on top of him, sliding down onto his length.
“O-oh… darling” he purrs, enraptured by the way your breasts bounce with each movement. He gives them a gentle squeeze, loving how sensitive you’ve become.
His honey-colored eyes glaze over as pleasure washes over him, painting your walls white.
Secretly wondering how long you should wait before he gives you another child.
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godesssiri · 2 years
Grrrr. I have staff who were rostered at the rest home during the hurricane last week and didn't come in. Fair enough, it was a natural disaster and they didn't want to take the risk of leaving the house. I have other staff that went above and beyond and covered them, ones who voluntarily chose to be stranded there with the residents, another who wasn't rostered, couldn't contact us, but drove the long way around in the storm to come in anyway just to check if he was needed - which he was.
The staff who didn't come in, who were rostered, were not physically cut off by floodwaters and did not have dependents at home to look after, are now complaining that they got paid from their annual leave balance for those days. There's no special provisions in their contracts and government advice is that those days can be paid from either annual leave or domestic leave, or they can take unpaid leave.
They're bitching because our laundry lady who has 2 kids at home didn't come in but I've paid her her normal hours as if she did come in. I made the decision to do this because:
When she came in there had been only 3 staff on for 2 days straight and they hadn't been able to check the resident"s incontinence pads as often as they usually do so there were a lot of nasty sheets and pants to be washed
We had no power so no washing machines and they were asking us to avoid using the waste water systems as much as possible.
She hauled all the washing out into the garden and rinsed it out with the garden hose, burying any solids.
She hauled it all in buckets into her own car and took it to her own house and ran it through her machine using her own electricity. Her machine is half the size of the rest home's so she had to do twice as many loads.
She got up at 6 am so she could be at the laundromat when it opened at 7 and could get a chance to beat the ques and use the dryers, she used her own money to pay for the laundromat.
She confronted a gang member who's kid stole one of our washing baskets at the laundromat and made him give it back.
I wasn't paying her for hours that she didn't work. I was compensating her for using her own electricity, petrol and cash. And she did work extra hours getting up so early to get to the laundromat. I was also giving her hazard pay for doing so really nasty work in very challenging conditions.
AND she's been saying for months we need to go through the rest home's old blankets and sheets and decide what we need to get rid of rather than having them take up room in storage. I asked her to go through and pick out the really ratty ones to donate to the temporary animal shelter that's been set up at the race course and the faded but still usable ones to give to a friend who is organizing help for the overseas workers here for the harvest who's accommodation is gone. I expected her to do that in work hours and I would deliver the donations to the drop points. She did it on her own time and delivered them herself because she wanted to help displaced people and animals.
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Lucifer Morningstar x Pregnant!Reader Headcanons
As much as dear Lucy and reader enjoyed themselves in this headcanon post, I can't help but imagine such activities might lead to Charlie become a big sister, so I put some headcanons together for such a situation. I know that Sinners can't get pregnant as canon currently stands, so I typically employ either the Rules of Fanfic or I imagine reader is a living human that ended up in Hell through magic shenanigans (will elaborate with a prompt post once I've got the spoons), though of course you're free to imagine them as Hellborn or whatever suits your fancy!
Warnings: Pregnancy Mention, Implied Smut
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- He's insistent you see the Royal Physician as soon as you start experiencing symptoms, but he's not at all prepared for the diagnosis you bring back, and he might need you to repeat it a few dozen times. You're pregnant? With a baby? And it's his? He put a baby in you? You're going to have his baby? An actual baby? He's going to be a dad again?! So goes the conversation for a good ten or so minutes, and suffice to say he's far from calm once the news finally does sink in. Given that the two of you had assumed that an angel and a mortal couldn't reproduce, this is more than an unexpected surprise, and Lucifer knows all too well how much of a fuss this will create from Hell's lowest ring all the way up to Heaven. That's to say nothing of how Charlie might take the news...
- Once the initial panic fades, after a solid hour or so, he gathers himself and focuses on setting a course of action. A very important decision needs to be made. He says it's up to you, but upon being asked what he'd like to do, the King of Hell surprises himself and answers without hesitation that he'd love to have this baby with you. He's surprised because he knows better than anyone that it will be challenging, but he can't deny how much he wants it regardless. Having Charlie was the greatest thing he'd ever done, and the thought of another little bundle makes his heart swell in ways he can barely describe, but ultimately he'll support whatever decision you make. Carrying a half-Archangel is no easy feat... Hearing that you want the same and intend to carry through is enough to make him lift you clear off the ground in a spinning airborne embrace, wings fluttering like a hummingbird as he breaks out into a celebratory musical number or two. He can't wait to be a dad all over again!
- If you thought he pampered you before, you were wrong. He doubles the amount of servants at your call, ensures there's always a physician available at a moment's notice, and hires a full team of chefs to cook whatever you might crave at any hour of the day. From beginning to end, he doesn't want you to want for anything, and the man knows a thing or two about spoiling, and he goes all out to ensure you're surrounded by comfort at all times. That's to say nothing of his own personal dedication to more or less worshiping your existence. Even the tiniest indication of pain or discomfort has him leaping to your assistance. Backrub? Footrub? Full body massage? You name it, he's quite happy to provide. If it wasn't such a cliche he'd be rather happy to feed you grapes from a golden platter. His efforts are borne from the deep sense of pride he feels every time he looks at you and thinks of how incredible it is that he's with you, that you're carrying his child, and that the two of you are bringing something quite wonderful and unique into existence. Said pride fully extends to the public view, where he doesn't hesitate to show you off and humbly brag to anyone that will listen about the news.
- You'll also find that as protective as he was before, he doesn't even hesitate to get his fangs out now, not that many in Hell are stupid enough to mess with the King's beloved. He expects you to be treated with the highest levels of respect, and if he can't accompany you somewhere, he'll insist on an armed escort to keep you safe. This fear isn't completely unfounded, as there are some willing to risk everything for an upper hand on Lucifer, but he's got ample experience keeping the opportunists at bay. He did the same when Lilith was expecting Charlie.
- Speaking of Charlie, the only thing that gives him any kind of hesitation is his fear that she might take the news poorly. Though she took your relationship well, what if she isn't thrilled about a younger sibling? With their relationship so recently repaired, he fears she might worry about being replaced or pushed aside, and he doesn't know how to reassure her that nothing will ever make him love her less. Thankfully, with her boundless kindness and eternally upbeat personality, the Princess of Hell puts his worries to rest as soon as she gets the news. In fact, she reacts much the same way her father did; a massive hug and a delighted musical number, albeit with far more happy sobbing. She promises through tears that she'll be the best big sister Hell has ever seen, and that she simply can't wait.
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mylafeet · 14 days
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Its my birthday!!🎉✨ Now give me footrubs all day💕
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