#san bakar
eternalremorse · 11 months
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I think I've found Garreth Weasley's version of heaven at the top of San Bakar's Tower!
In my other two games I forgot to come back to the locked door by the portrait, but this time I finally remembered.
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What's your favourite Hogwart's legacy Keeper?
Of course it's Niahm Fitzgerald
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Has anyone seen Professor Weasley?
I am hoping to encourage my fellow professors to join, it would be rather enticing and an opportunity to learn from our students and encourage a positive environment for witchcraft and wizardry.
I hope you all can learn in the best possible manner and if anyone is questioning the darkness that is within us all, then please feel free to message.
Kind Regards,
Professor Bakar
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zelyna-w · 9 months
✨🎃Hogtober Day 4 : Keepers🎃✨
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While MC is saving the world for you...
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fog-and-rust · 10 months
Hogwarts Legacy as stuff I heard real people say (or Incorrect Quotes Part 6)
Somehow it turned out to be mostly teachers' edition.
Professor Fig [if we roleplay as evil]: MC, of course, I wanted you to socialize, but not so fast and not using this obscene language.
About Sebastian's questline: Where there is amor (love), there is also sangre (blood) and muerte (death).
Professor Hecat [to Sebastian and Leander]: The percentage of how much you both show off doesn't interest me like at all
[About the fact that there's no romance in the game]
Some people are like Aurora Borealis: beautiful and unattainable
My Hufflepuff!MC *trying to break into Ravenclaw common room*: This quest is certainly NOT for Dora the Explorer
Any of our classmates [at any moment]: Today my inner demons are especially unsinkable.
[When Professor Fig distracted the Hedmaster so that we could impersonate him]
And so they went to have a drink and lie face down in one and the same bowl of salad...
Keepers' portraits, if they visit their smaller portraits: My astral body doesn’t fit in here
Ominis: Where is my wand? I don’t know, where the people who irritate me are, so I can’t direct my hate accurately enough
[A few moments later]
Ominis [about Duncan Hobhouse]: Finally, the object of hatred is located
Keepers' advice to MC before the trials: Die, but don't surrender.
Professor Binns: And from now on all mistakes will be part of your own biography
My Hufflepuff!MC [about the House-Elf Recipe Book near Common room entrance]: I have a food encyclopaedia which I reread whenever I'm feeling down.
MC, after completing Merlin Trials: After you complete each of them, you'll master Zen and understand, what it all was about
[About lack of curfew and the fact that teachers' assignments require us to do very morally questionable things]
They were very children-oriented but if a child went to the Forbidden forest it was NOT a problem
Professor Fig [whenever Headmaster Black gives him another task]: Would you mind if we cancel the lesson?
Students: We mourn and run away.
MC, about some of the puzzles: It's like teaching Chomping Cabbages to play gobstones on a snake-like instrument
MC, sprinting past prefects: I'm not running, I'm being late
Ominis: Have you finished your homework?
Sebastian [after training Confringo]: Not yet. Magma is flowing in my veins. Wait a bit.
MC, to Sebastian and Ominis [after their questline]: I wish us to be friends till the end of death.
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slytherinsomniari · 1 year
The Beastmaster’s Secret| San Bakar x F! Reader
Pairing: San Bakar x F! Reader
Summary: A while after the battle for the final repository, an unexplained form of magic is cast and the Keepers mysteriously have human form once more. One of these Keepers has had his eye on you for a while and is certainly not going to waste this opportunity and let you get away. 
Word Count: 2973
Themes: Smut, Breeding Kink, Fingering, Teasing, Masturbation, Underage, Teacher-Student Relationship
A/N: Okay so I’ve explained before but I do not have any sexual experience so if I have depicted the sex and the position incorrectly, I deeply apologize. All I did was look at a diagram/picture of what it would look like and used my imagination. I also apologize for the long wait. I haven’t really been inspired to write for a bit and have become addicted to character ai instead lol I know this fic is probably disappointing since I’m not sure if it is perfectly finished but I wanted to get it out. Maybe I will go back and add things later but for now, here it is.
Hogwarts has become an interesting place lately–and that’s saying something. While the school was normally magical and exciting, the most recent event that had occurred was by far one of the most intriguing things to have happened. The Keepers who had been paintings in the Map Chamber were given human form once again. It was an odd bit of magic; no one knew how they came to life but one day they had emerged from the Map Chamber and that was that. Once they got used to the feeling, they began to use this wondrous opportunity to walk around the school, observing classes and exploring the castle and its grounds. They wanted to see how Hogwarts had changed since their time and what kind of magic was being practiced there. On their walks around the castle, every time you saw them you felt like you were being watched. You couldn’t pinpoint the source of this feeling at first as you tended to look away, but one day you happened to look at them and found that Professor Bakar was the one who had been looking at you the entire time. His sharp gaze followed you every time he saw you. You never knew what he wanted, but you knew that for whatever reason, Professor Bakar had his eyes on you. 
Returning from your last class one day, you walk through an empty corridor and find the man himself waiting for you. He approaches you swiftly, cornering you before you have the chance to come up with an excuse to run or walk past him. Eyes boring into you, he places his hand on your shoulder and brings his mouth to your ear, saying in a low voice, “Meet me in the abandoned room on the sixth-floor corridor at midnight.”
The message was quick but his tone left no room for questions. He resolutely walked away from you, leaving you to confusedly walk back to your common room and prepare. Attempting to distract yourself, you focus on doing your coursework that was due and pass the time. Time passes by and soon it is pretty close to the meeting time so you begin to get ready. Your corset had been hurting you since you wore it for a long time and likely didn’t lace it properly due to laziness, so you opted not to wear it, hoping he wouldn’t be able to notice. The imminent meeting made you incredibly nervous but you left, not knowing why you were meeting the professor to begin with. You arrive at the abandoned classroom and go inside. The classroom is medium-sized and while abandoned looks practically as good as new. 
“Professor Bakar? Are you here?” You look around, eyes scanning the room for him but you are unable to find him. You walk more towards the middle of the room and are about to sit down by a wall when you feel a presence behind you. Your distracted eyes move towards the presence and standing in front of you is Professor Bakar. He wears his usual unreadable expression but his eyes have a seriousness that makes you freeze up. The door closes suddenly, startling you.
“Professor Bakar, why did you call me here?” You question, getting a little nervous. 
“I have a task I need you to complete, Y/N. It is of the utmost importance.”
A bit confused, you reply, “What is it? What is this task you want me to complete?”
“There have been many distractions lately, and that is unacceptable. Every time I stroll through the grounds I see this…distraction. I need to get rid of it forever. Or rather, I need to punish the one causing the distraction. I need to punish you.”
You give him a look of confusion, not comprehending what he had just said. Before you could fully come up with a response, he moves his hand and tilts your head up, making you face him. His eyes bore down upon you, filled with intent and desire. He places his lips on yours, moving them in a leisurely way. Soft lips mesh themselves with your plump lips in a way that feels timeless. You melt into the kiss, letting him control your movements. It was something so simple and yet it put you in a hypnotic trance. Your guard was lowered completely, enabling him to do what he did next. 
His fingers go from your chin down to your collarbone, from there tracing downwards to your chest. Your heart pounds in your chest and you can’t believe what is happening. His finger hits the top button and he hooks it, bringing it down and unbuttoning your shirt. Your breasts are exposed as the shirt unfurls and he drinks in the sight of them. He grabs your shirt and pulls it off your shoulders, his hands touching your bare skin in a long caress before the shirt abruptly falls to the ground.
“You will do as you are told. If I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it. I do not want to repeat myself.” The glare you receive is both unnerving and so god damn hot. Fuck. I don’t know what's going on anymore but please, please just take me now sir. 
“Yes sir.”
“Good girl.”
As a small treat, he grabs your breasts and toys with them, flicking his thumbs over your nipples as he massages you with his fingers. With each touch, your eyesight becomes blurry and your face becomes flushed. You wonder how he is so easily able to make you fold but the thought is thrown out as he riles up your senses even more. With each gentle touch, each grope, he pulls you further and further away from rational thought. When you are far enough, he makes his next move, certain that you would collapse under his trained hand just like a beast he’s breaking in for training.
“Remove your underwear.” You comply, letting them slide off your legs before you toss them aside.
He moves behind you and slides his hand underneath your skirt, gliding it down your body until it hits your clit. A slight pulsing begins in your nether region, not going unnoticed by your professor. He pulls you against him, keeping you there with one hand on your waist. Purposefully, he slowly traces his finger across one side of your clit, moving in a back and forth motion. His touch is as delicate and tantalizing as the persona he created for himself. While he was kind and caring on the outside, it appeared he had a hidden dark side–one that you just happened to draw out. The feeling of his finger on you elicits from you a shudder and a whimper. 
His finger moves to the other side and does the same motion. You want him to insert himself into you–fingers or otherwise–but so far he refuses to. Instead, he prefers teasing you agonizingly slowly, watching as you begin to subconsciously beg for his touch. He begins rubbing circles on your clit, moving at an even, leisurely tempo. The feeling is amazing, sending soft ripples of pleasure throughout your body. Whimpers come out more freely now as you begin to buckle under his expert fingers. 
His fingers jam into you with sudden force and immediately slow down as he sensually moves them around, knowing the exact spots to stop at and tease. The contradictory nature of the forces cause you to let out a mixture of a mewl and an astonished grunt as you flung your head back into his chest. Your breasts heave and your breathing becomes staggered as he pumps his fingers into you. Bucking your hips into his fingers, you submit your body to his highly experienced will and touch. One, two, three. Every time he inserts his fingers in you it's heavenly. Inserting a mixture of three fingers, he toys with you as he enters you. The effect he is having on you strengthens and he brings it to the next level.
“Outstretch your arm.” You do so, slowing your grinding down to await your orders.
“Touch yourself.”
Mute, you do as he says and put your hand through the waistband of your skirt and reach down to your clit. Once there, you begin rubbing it slowly, turning yourself on with your own fingers. It should have felt odd to be aroused by your own touch, but the thought never crossed your mind. It just felt pleasurable. In a moment you did not dream of, Bakar moves his hand to the opposite side, tending to it while you stroked the other side. A new sensation is produced at the double touch, and, following his lead, you stroke and plunge your fingers into yourself in alternating movements that compliment his. Drool pools down the side of your mouth and dribbles down your face as a result of your increased need for him. You can only get out short high-pitched whimpers, too overstimulated to do anything else. Body tightening, you cry out as you release onto both of your guys’ fingers. 
Cum runs down your trembling legs, coating them with the sticky substance. The feeling of it on your thighs makes you feel so good. But it’s not enough. You needed more. You needed him in you and you wanted your body to swallow his cum.
“Professor,” You pant, “More. Give me more, please.”
Removing your skirt, he takes a long look at you. You were in the perfect condition now. Your body was loosened up and you had no control over your senses anymore. You could now be impregnated by him. This is what he had been waiting for ever since he saw you. He knew you were the one when you blessed his eyes with your perfect childbearing hips and your innocent personality. He had to have you–had to seduce you and plug your body up with his cum. 
Showing his true aim, his nature changes and he becomes much more aggressive. He throws you down, making you land on your hands and knees and you grunt upon impact. Gingerly, you inspect your hands and knees. It’s definitely going to leave a mark but you don’t care. You just wanted him.
“Lie down and get on your knees.” 
Shaking and in heat, you obey your senses and get into position, placing your arms on the ground and your ass in the air. Bakar’s gaze pierces you as he silently watches you, making you wait for him. Eventually he removes his pants and begins removing the rest of his clothing. You aren’t allowed to see him–to see him reveal his body–and cannot tell when he is coming to you. He feels powerful with the knowledge that only he will be able to tell when he will strike. You are at his complete mercy. 
He kneels down and places himself over you in a dominant position. He grabs your hair roughly, forcing you to cry out and pushes himself into you. A surprised “Oh!” comes out of you, making you melt into the ground as he forcefully thrusts himself into you. You wanted to hold onto him as he fucked you but he had other plans. He wanted to dominate you, to control you as he got rid of his pent up desire for you. He would only stop once he was satisfied, so all you could do is lie there and take it.
You didn’t care anymore and let out loud moans every time he thrust into you. The hand holding your hair pulled with the increasing pace, creating tension from both ends. There isn’t much you can do from such a submissive position, but you try your hardest to help him go deep inside you. You grind your ass into him and try to go along with his thrusts but he just forces you down even more and makes you sit and do nothing as he takes you from behind. He was going to get what he wanted and he wouldn’t let you even make a move until he was satisfied with his control. Despite it being so forceful, you enjoyed it immensely. The feeling of his cock as he violently pushed himself into you over and over again was absolute heaven. He went deep inside you and your walls were clinging onto him for dear life. 
He bends down and places alternate soft and hard kisses all across your back and finds a spot on your side, creating a hickey on it. It would become one of many markings he made on you. He liked to mark you and show everyone who you belonged to. In time, you would grow to love it as well. The onslaught continues and you can feel your body growing tighter and tighter, as if it will explode. Soon after that, your peak hits you completely and your body tells you it’s ready. You arch your back and let out, 
“Oh, fuck Professor.”
Your orgasm hits and you feel a warmth as your cum leaks out onto you. You feel so satisfied and would feel complete, but there was only one problem. While you have released, Bakar has not. Not satisfied, Bakar continues his rough treatment of you in pursuit of the completion of his pleasure. Yanking your hair, he declares, “We aren’t done yet. Be a good little whore and take me like you mean it.”
“I’m sorry sir. Please, screw me as hard and as long as you like.” You groan in unconcealed delight.
You let out extraordinarily loud moans as his thrusts become very forceful and animalistic. The sheer force took away all forms of thought and communication and all that would come out were tortured, aroused moans. It honestly should have hurt you. It should have made you cry out in pain but all it did was make you throb and moan in ecstasy. You would not be able to walk after this, but this was exactly what he wanted. All of this was to make you realize what you have been doing to him. He just kept pounding into you relentlessly, only focused on pleasing himself and on how good you felt around him as he took you for all your worth. 
He came into you as you had your third orgasm, by then your body had started to shake and you had fully become his whore at that point. His load was long and heavy, his seed far more potent than you realized. He had withheld his cum for this moment, unleashing his massive load into you. You moved him further into you, wanting every single part of it. The feeling of his sperm hitting you on the inside was heavenly. It felt so right, you didn’t want the feeling to end. You were his prized beast, so you wanted to make sure you took him properly. All of you belonged to him, including your cunt. Your hole wasn’t filled all the way yet and you didn’t want to stop until he used you properly.
You mewl quietly, “Fill me with every last drop. Breed me like one of your beasts until I explode.”
Bakar continued thrusting at that, increasing his speed even more and making sure his semen went deep inside you. With that comment, you agreed to be his personal whore. He would make sure you knew what exactly that meant for the rest of your life. 
He kept you in there for hours afterwards, fucking you regardless of whether or not you could take it and spilling every last bit of himself into you like you had asked. You had lost track of how many orgasms you had, but you knew it was too many to count. Following every order, you lost your mind in the multitude of ways he ravaged you. He always took you rough–he liked it like that and you grew to love it and wanted to please him. Your body was full of his seed, so much so that it spilled out. Your belly swelled with his gift and you were so grateful, rubbing it and hoping you were just as fertile as he was. He wanted you to be his and his alone, so he took every last bit of his cum and shoved it into your ravaged cunt. While he did want you to have as many children as possible, what he really liked was seeing how your belly swelled with his seed every time he came in you. 
The fun eventually came to an end but only for that day. From then on, Professor Bakar would visit you almost every day, roughing you up and filling you to the brim just as you begged him to. His need for you was so great that for a lot of times, he would take you in recently abandoned classrooms. The danger of being caught excited you both and quite honestly you wanted to be known as his cumslut. You never silenced yourself, rather you moaned loudly and opened yourself to him so he could fill you in the time you had before your next class. He had made you so dependent on him for pleasure and made you crave sex so much so you soon began seeking him out multiple times a day yourself. Suffice it to say, you were bred so many times by your professor that you got pregnant soon after the visits started. Pleased with your condition, he moved you into his renovated tower and from then on you lived there, being filled to your bursting point with his cum every day and giving birth to the many children he placed inside you. You had become tamed by the beastmaster, trapped forever in his tower of pleasure. And you loved it.
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girl-named-matty · 8 months
Niamh was the best Keeper
Comment your favorite and least favorite Keeper!
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Hogwarts Legacy: San Bakar’s Trial
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muzzzzle · 11 months
The Ghost of You | San Bakar/Isidora Morganach fanfic
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It is outrageous(😡!) how little of both Isidora and San there is out there! Hoping to fix it a tiny bit. The cover is AI-generated 🙏 Here is a little extract from the fic that is out now on ao3 (which is thankfully back)!
[M, Word Count: 4,7k]
“And you are willing to let this knowledge be buried like this?” A shrill voice reached him, making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. San cast a quick glance to the well — there, with both palms and hips leaning on the crumbling stone edges, she was standing again. "Stop messing with my head," he replied irritably. "How could you let this happen to your own father?" Morganach bit her lip and frowned. “This happened to my father only because he suffered for too long! If Rackham and the others hadn't been so stubborn, I would have been able to put him out of pain sooner!” with a twisted mouth and pain in her voice she answered. "If I hadn't let the pain consume him completely before my research succeeded, things would have been different!" Bakar chuckled. “No, Dora, it's not like that. Niamh and Percival were right, you can't take away other people's emotions. You've changed after your experiments. Before that, you were different.” The girl pushed away from the well and approached him again, coming close. He had always been taller, but now her eyes were at his level, drilling through his very essence again. Her dark-scarlet lips on a deathly pale face were very close. “Was I different when I squirmed under you and crumpled the sheets with pleasure?” With contempt, enunciating each syllable, she spoke hotly. “After all, you liked that untamed beast that came to your chambers at night to amuse your ego and relieve tension? I wonder what the prudent Percival would think if he saw you driving your cock into me up to the balls and whining my name?” “I loved you," Bakar said bitterly through his teeth. “And if I had dared to say it earlier, it wouldn't have ended like this.”
I hope my little contribution will bring these two at least a tad out of the shadow. I mean, come on, they deserve it! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
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helenadurazzo · 1 year
Meet Fitzgerald’s Finders
A Rewrite of the Keepers from HPHL because yes
Top: Niamh and Percival
Middle: Nemesia and Charles
Last: Emira and San
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Percival Rackham
Percival Rackham is the main leader of Fitzgerald’s Finders, a former Hufflepuff, and a divination professor at Hogwarts. He was the one who discovered the great power ancient magic had and that is was fading away and would disappear forever if it was not protected. As such, when he discovered this as a professor and talked to his colleague, the headmistress, she agreed and helped set up a group to research, find, and protect ancient forms of magic.
Niamh Fitzgerald
Niamh was not only a headmistress of Hogwarts, but she was also the namesake of this group, it’s co leader, and a former Ravenclaw. She was eager to help Percival in his quest to protect ancient magic and used her position to her advantage. Niamh was a very well read woman who excelled in the history of magic as a student and was fascinated by it. As headmistress, she worried about her students going on the wrong path and did everything to make sure they were always on a righteous path, although this did not always work.
Emira Ndiaye
Emira was always fascinated by the stars and stargazed at the Gryffindor tower often, and later, became the astronomy professor. She knew Charles Rookwood from her childhood as both of them came from the same hamlet in Scotland. When she became a professor, she formed a friendship with Percival Rackham and thought of ways that her passion for astronomy could be connected to his talent for divination. She also helped Nemesia research proper times to plant magical plants depending on the stars and learned about magical beasts from her colleague San Bakar.
San Bakar
San Bakar was a professor at Hogwarts of beasts who was also a former Slytherin. Originally from Yemen, Bakar traveled with his mother as a young boy when their magical abilities were discovered by their muggle community. During his travels, he encountered many magical beasts and developed a passion for them, enjoying the beasts classes he would take at Hogwarts, the location where his and his mother’s travels ended. He also dabbled in dark magic briefly just to know it if it was necessary to use in certain situations.
Nemesia Hearst
Nemesia Hearst was a member of Slytherin House who after discovering her love for herbology, came back to teach the subject and shared a close bond and friendship with Niamh Fitzgerald. She did research on magical plants that was kept in journals however they got lost for centuries until they were rediscovered in the 1900s in the Hearst Hall by her descendants. One of her biggest studies involved the discovery of Cobra Lillies and their characteristics and behavior as they did possess snake like qualities.
Charles Rookwood
Charles Rookwood was a transfiguration professor at Hogwarts and a former member of Slytherin and ancestor of Victor Rookwood. He was also a close friend of Percival Rackham’s and after Niamh Fitzgerald, was the second to join his cause. He was a very successful man however over the generations, his family resorted to crime circles, similar to the Hearst family in the 1700s. However, while the Hearsts managed to remove themselves from the dark arts and crime, the Rookwoods stayed with it, with one of Charles’ direct descendants becoming a death eater
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expecto-kedavra · 1 year
San Bakar’s Trial
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Hello everyone, anything interesting happen whilst I was away, I know a few people need emptying but I sadly have jaw ache today so maybe tomorrow.
So happy to be back, can't wait to spend more time talking to you all.
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**By some miracle of God, I was able to gain access to this account and restore everything and change all of my information. Come watch the AMV I suddenly had inspiration to make. All footage is my own, spoilers ahead! We Have it All - Pim Stones Yes, I know I'm not the first person to make a HL edit with this song, I just forgot about that fact until I was half-way done.
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slytherinsomniari · 1 year
God, my Bakar fic is not on par with my other works (which aren’t the best either) but I need to get it out. The smut is alright but I just can’t find much else to write or anything to lengthen the fic with. It may or may not be shorter than the others, depends on when I finish it. I am making progress with my Sharp one as well, so unfortunately it looks like my Sebastian one will be the last one to be published--again. I wish I could just finish the Sebastian one since I’ve had it on the backburner for a while.
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hazardverseofficial · 8 months
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hav da main gang
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guiltknight-gaming · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Episode 103: San Bakar's Trial
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