#for a long time i thought i was genderfluid cause that was the closest thing to what i was experiencing but i think that wasnt it either
shadowen · 6 months
I've been thinking a lot about the intersections between gender envy, gender dysphoria, and body dysmorphia and feeling very stuck.
I'm non-binary and AFAB. I use the term genderqueer, because my internal sense of gender is very much shrug emoji. As far as specific terms, the closest is probably genderfluid or agender. In a perfect magical world, I'd be able to change my shape or temporarily swap out body parts at will. We don't live in a perfect magical world, obviously. I wear a binder sometimes, but I don't feel like it makes much of a difference. (Yes I have a good quality binder. Yes it's correctly fitted. I have large breasts and mostly wear sports bras, so there's just not a noticeable change.) I feel a lot of the "but am I non-binary enough?" impostor syndrome, for a lot of reasons.
This is all personal stuff, not meant to comment or reflect on the experience of anyone other than myself, and is probably WAY more information about me than you ever want to know. Just thought writing it out might help organize my thoughts. Maybe it did?
I'm fat. That's not meant to be disparaging, just a statement of fact. There's been some variation in my size over my adult life, but I've always been fat. There was a time when I could say I was hot AND fat, but that's long past. The only times I've ever lost a significant amount of weight, I was (a) still fat and (b) living in a way that was deeply unhealthy (replacing meals with coffee and cigarettes, walking so much I was in pain, not sleeping, etc.). I've tried medications and diets. I'm not unhealthy. I'm just fat, and I'm always going to be fat.
I feel like the entire front of my body is just in the way. My breasts and stomach are just this big lump of flesh that keeps me from ever being comfortable. Sitting, standing, moving, walking, sleeping, everything is harder because of this mass that feels like it's pasted onto my body. Clothes that otherwise fit fine don't fit right on my breasts or don't sit right on my waist or just won't go over my stomach. This has always been a problem, no matter what size I am. I used to say that I love my tits, but I don't. The only good thing I can say about them is that they're big enough to occasionally balance out my lower belly, so I at least sort of look like a shape instead of just a blob. One big fear I have with getting rid of them is that I will just look like a blob.
My physical appearance causes me severe psychological distress, but I genuinely have no idea what the underlying cause is. I feel so alienated from my physical self. I hate my body. It feels like a trap that I'm stuck in. I want to cut myself out of it, and I know that's not healthy. The big question is: Do I hate my body because it's fat or because it has breasts? Both? Neither? A secret other thing? This feels like an academic distinction, but gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia are separate medical diagnoses with dramatically different approaches to treatment. In the most simplistic terms, gender dysphoria says, "Your appearance doesn't reflect who you are, and there's things you can do to change that." Body dysmorphia says, "You're convinced there's something wrong with your appearance, and you need therapy to convince yourself there's not."
Neither of them is exactly right. Getting misgendered is irritating, but it doesn't stop me from doing things. What stops me from doing things is feeling like I look ugly and ridiculous no matter what I do. Body dysmorphia is mostly focused on minor imperfections, not literally the entire body, and hinges on the assumption that the feeling is irrational. Is what I'm feeling irrational? I don't know. Is it tied to my sense of self? Yes, definitely. Is it tied to my gender specifically? Fuck if I know.
The thing is, I do know that my gender presentation doesn't match my gender identity. (It doesn't have to, obviously. Non-binary people don't have to look non-binary, but I, personally, want to.) If I wear a dress, I look like a girl in a dress. If I wear a suit, I look like a girl in a suit. At least in a dress, I can look reasonably attractive. In masculine clothes, I just look like an ugly butch. (Butches in general are beautiful. I, in particular, am ugly.) Is there, theoretically, some combination of shapewear, clothing, make-up, etc. that could achieve the appearance I want? Yeah, maybe. Can I go through that routine every time I leave the house? Hell no. It takes most of my morning energy just to brush my teeth and put on a bra.
I know my body is not the right shape. (I think? Could be irrational. Who knows.) So what is the right shape? This is what I've been thinking about lately and why I've been thinking about the concept of gender envy.
Even after 20 years in fandom, I still feel self-conscious talking about things like this in terms of fictional characters, but characters, like gender, are artificial constructs that can have a material impact on our lives. So here we are.
Gender envy is one of those things that I've always understood in theory but never really related to. Recently, though, I encountered a character (as one does) who pinged my brain in a way I couldn't immediately figure out. Not necessarily attraction or identification, and not even really wanting to be like them, but wanting to give off the same vibe, the same impression, the same sense of existence. I didn't really think about what exactly I was feeling until I suddenly remembered that gender envy was, in fact, a thing. And... Yeah. That. So I'm looking at this character and thinking that this is what I want, and I'm looking at myself and wondering if it's possible. And I don't know. Because my body is the wrong shape, and I don't know if I can change it in a way that will make me feel... right.
(This is not about the owlbear. Yes, I generally want to be a beautiful, genderless, monster, but I'd still rather be human-shaped. I've genuinely put a lot of thought into whether I might be a furry and come to the conclusion that I really am just a monster fucker.)
I don't know. The best thing for me to do is probably talk to a therapist, but it's hard enough finding one in general, much less one who knows enough about all the intersecting issues to offer meaningful guidance. I have one non-binary friend who's also fat, but I think they struggle with a lot of the same questions I do. And of course, that imposter syndrome is constantly in the back of my head asking if I'm really non-binary or just sort of non-binary.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for bringing my brother on a surprise adventure to try to save his life?
I (200s genderfluid) am what you might call a wizard, though it's not the term I would use. I find it far from accurate.
As a child (about 8 or 9), I had a VERY near miss with death. I could not, in any adequate way, explain what happened to me, the circumstances of my survival, and the impact it has had without several thousand words. So, for an inadequate and sorely scarce description: I only survived because some being (I now believe it is what we call "a god") coerced me into making a deal with it while I was in the middle of having my brain parasitized. It never explained what it was or what the deal meant, but it left a piece of itself with me, feeding me information at random. Ever since, I've been trying to find out what did this and what the deal means for me.
My brother, M (200s m), is also a "wizard". My upbringing nurtured my powers, as I was surrounded by others who were the same. M's upbringing did not, and he has always violently espoused his hatred for them (both mine and his own).
It was his own self hatred that I, at first, thought was causing his issues. The god-shard has never seen fit to give me any information on what is happening to him so I have been reduced to guesses and even the least reliable of leads, but regardless of the reason, his powers are, for lack of a better term, eating him.
Some number of years ago, I got wind of further information on the god and decided to finally venture into the realm from which all powers spawn. I had avoided as I do have SOME concept of self preservation and this realm is beyond dangerous -- for some, just looking into it can cause them to die horrifically.
In hopes of finding answers regarding his health, I brought M with me. We have long decided we will not agree on what to call this -- M, as we were far from friendly with each other at the time, calls it an abduction. I call it a surprise adventure. Our brother and my closest friend, L (200s m), also elected to come with us. Insisted, really, as I urged him not to and he followed me anyway.
I didn't doubt my choice to bring M at first, beyond the issue of how much he annoyed me, but we've been in here probably at least a decade (time moves differently in here, it's been disorienting) and I'm starting to wonder, now.
We've at least bought him time, if we've failed to find the solution -- which has become our main goal as his condition worsens. L has become very fond of him; he's thrown himself into his new perception of M as our "little brother". And I have come to know and even like a sibling I never would have really known before this.
But we recently encountered another riddle-giver (if I have to answer one more riddle I'm going to kill one of the little things) that DID provide us a lead but also implied that I have essentially forced M to spend the remainder of his life in this gods-damned FUCKING realm. It rung.... painfully true, once I was made to think on it, and now I ask you, the people, AITA or am I overthinking?
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inlovewithobsession · 2 years
bro i think i might be nb
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
Just found out my cat has mammary gland cancer and the prognosis isn’t good. She’s my emotional support animal and idk what I’m going to do without her. I’ve been through a lot the past few years and she’s been a big part of helping me through it. She’s been my quarantine buddy (I live alone) and idk what I’m going to do without her. Could I get some lambert x reader fluff/comfort? Like giant blankets of fluff and comfort?
A/N: Hi babe, I’m so sorry for not responding sooner! I meant to do it last weekend when I got the ask but this week did not pan out how I planned. I’m so sorry to hear about your cat. Last year just before COVID hit, I found out some health issues about my Frenchie and he’s my baby. I don’t know what I would do without him. I’m sending positive vibes your way babe <3 I hope you like this. 
“Is there anything we can do for them?” Eskel’s voice was quiet, but you could hear him through the silent house. “Have they eaten?”
“Doesn’t want to eat. I tried getting them up for just a few minutes earlier but I swear, they’re stubborn as shit.” Lambert answered.
“Maybe they just need space.” Geralt suggested.
“I don’t know. I’ve never…. never seen them like this before. Worries me, you know?”
There was a brief moment of silence and you could faintly hear shuffling. 
“We won’t keep you from them for too long, brother.” Eskel’s gravely voice broke through the silence. 
“We’re going to go ahead and take that contract in the village since you’re…. busy here.”
“Yeah, go ahead. I’m not leaving until I know Y/N is okay.”
The wolves said their goodbyes to one another and then the front door to the house closed. 
You picked at your nails, sniffling, and looked down at your hands. You listened as Lambert’s footsteps came down the hall towards the opened door to your room. 
He appeared in the doorway. At first, he looked at the bed expecting to find you there. But when he saw the blankets were all pushed back and it appeared that you had gotten out of bed, his eyes were drawn to your form by the window. 
“Hey, bug.” He spoke softly.
You sniffled, nodding your head a little to let him know that you heard him. 
“When did you get out of bed?”
“When I…. When I heard Eskel and Geralt.” Your voice was raspy. “They could’ve stayed. You-You don’t have to tend to me.”
“Don’t worry about it, bug.” Lambert shook his head, moving into the room. “They’re busy with a contract in town. A bunch of drowners down by the docks apparently.”
He sat down on the edge of the bed closest to you. 
You stayed by the window, eyes focusing on your hands. 
“Look at me, please.” Lambert’s voice was soft and gentle, and carried a tenderness that was unusual for the young wolf. It felt odd to be so…. quiet, but at the same time it felt so natural to be gentle with you- especially when you weren’t feeling good.
Your face scrunched up as a new batch of tears formed in your eyes. You looked up to him, blinking the tears out of your eyes and then hastily wiping them away. 
“It’s hurting me, bug. Let me do something to help you. You don’t have to go through this alone.”
Your shoulders trembled as you began to cry. You brought your hand up to your mouth. 
“Come here, bug. Put your head in my lap. You like that, don’t you?”
You nodded, then moved to the bed so you could lay down. You put your head in his lap. One of his hands found your hair gently scratching your head while his other hand went to your arm. 
“Love you, bug.”
“I-I love you too, Lambert.”
The both of you stayed like that for a few minutes. 
When he was sure you had pretty much stopped crying, he figured it would be okay to start trying to cheer you up. 
“Hey, bug?”
“You remember when you were bit by Roach when you first met her? Bit you around here, didn’t she?” He rubbed just above your elbow on the bottom part of your bicep. 
“It hurt, but that’s just ‘cause she got the fleshy area more than anything.” You murmured quietly. “Didn’t mean to do it.”
“No, I know she didn’t. But you cried a little and wiped your nose on my shirt.”
A smile began to grow on your lips. 
“You remember that, bug?”
“You answered that really fast.” Lambert smiled, looking down at you.
“I don’t remember that.”
“No, of course not. I remember carrying you all the way up into the keep at Kaer Morhen though.”
“I was tired.”
“I’m sure you were. Poor baby got bit by mean old Roach.”
You began to trace shapes into the knee of his trousers. 
“I do remember that time you were bucked off of Champion.”
“Hey, now. I thought we agreed to not bring that up.” 
“I remember Champ bucked you off, and then dragged you for- what? -a mile. Maybe two.”
“Felt like fucking ten.” Lambert sighed. “Damn horse.”
“He’s sweet.”
“Only to you. To me, he’s a bastard.”
You giggled.
Lambert rubbed your arm a little more before stopping. 
“Bug, I know things aren’t good right now, but they’ll turn up.”
The little smile on your lips faded. You closed your eyes and turned your head so that your nose was tucked into his thigh. 
“How do you know?”
“‘Cause…. ‘Cause…. Well, I’ve been alive a hell of a long time. And if there’s one thing I have learned, bad shit happens but it doesn’t last forever. Good shit comes around too. It might not seem like it and it might feel like it takes forever for that good shit to come, but it does. And you just have to keep your head up, bug. Gotta keep your head up…. And just remember that I love you more than any of the bad that happens.”
You wiped your tear stained cheeks.
Lambert gave you a few moments before deciding to shift the subject. 
“If I bring you something, you think you will eat for me? Doesn’t have to be a lot, just a little bit. You worry me like crazy, bug.”
You nodded your head.
“Yeah. I can.”
“Thank you.” Lambert rubbed your arm. He lifted your head and moved out from underneath you, standing to his feet. 
You put your head down on the bed, curling your knees as tight as you could to your chest. Lamberet knelt down by the bed, brushing his fingers along your temple. 
“M’here for you, bug.” He reminded you softly, leaning in to kiss your forehead. “Just gotta lean on me, okay?”
You nodded.
He kissed your head once more before leaving the room.
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @genderfluid-ho @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an--actual--human--disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24 @thefirelordm @monkeymo @krenee1drful @nympha-door-a @unadulteratedtreecrusade @Aquarius-pisces-rose @mentallyscreamingsincebirth @fl0ating @sometimesiwrite @you-fxcking-wish-bish @thanks-bruh-for-nothing @maan2442 @thegaydeath @creatingstuffinpeace @wellthisstinks @andyrazzledazzle @ameliasmistake @winterwolf @caraqas @bluscryn @thefirelordm @y-napotat @henrycavillbesty @ta-ka-shi-ma @sulkyshengshou @spaced-out-state @thecollection @mayday1284
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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scribblesofanaricat · 3 years
Yo! Sooo who are some of your active ocs 👀?
And, if possible, can you provide a reference/description of what they look like and summary of who they are/their backstory?
For no reason in particular-
Uhhhh I'm not too sure what you mean by active OCs, but I can certainly list off some of my main ones, though they're not very special ;-; (I don't have that much of a backstory for them, but I'll do my best) (all art credit to @/doodlecam and @/mewi-or-lara!)
Finley Redding (aka Finny), age 8, from WIP #1:
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Born with abilities that harness the limitless dark energy of another plane, but grew up with the distinct impression that they had to try and restrain it, though they don't know why. Moved homes a lot over their eight years and pretty much isolated except for their parents and their grumpy shapeshifting wyvern Marshmallow. Met Marshmallow when they were not-quite-two years old; they found him injured in the forest and forcibly brought him home to be healed. Currently lives in a tiny dilapidated swampside village. Withdrawn and speaks in very short blunt sentences. Compassionate towards the lost, alone and persecuted. Cloak is actually a blanket. Big sweet tooth. Likes chocolate, stories and climbing trees, hates worms and crowds. Nonbinary.
Elias Felix, age 14, from WIP #1:
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Born with abilities that harness the energy of the waters. Raised in a large community of fighters in a war-torn province by Arna, the healer who nursed his mother after she gave birth to him. Not a bad fighter but much prefers listening to the elders' stories. Mostly isolated from the rest of the community; only really close with Arna. Has put a lot of time and effort into learning card tricks. Optimistic but also a worrywart. Hums a lot. Likes animals, jokes and cheese and crackers, hates heights and mint. Bi trans boy.
Robin Galanis (aka Laes), age 14, from WIP #2:
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Separated from their family in a huge electrical fire a long, long time ago - who really knows when? After that, taken in by someone who started out with his own agenda but grew to care about them. Stitch marks from incomplete mutilation transformation process. Left eye replaced with a cybernetic one that can see more brilliantly - difference in eye strength often causes headaches. Difficulty concentrating and patchy thought processes/poor impulse control. Struggles between their instincts and the right thing to do. Wants to know just what happened, how and why. Likes comfy clothes, windy days and ladybugs, hates bright lights and instant hot chocolate. Genderfluid.
Adeline Jaxson (aka Addie), age 19, from WIP #2:
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Lives with her (biological) father, her (adoptive) father and her little brother in a cramped apartment. Underpaid overworked intern at a certain laboratory because it's the closest she can get to her special interest (coding and programming) as well as a reliable, if menial, way to earn a paycheck. Peanut butter is one of her samefoods. Sometimes plays monster hunting with her brother when she isn't too exhausted. Afraid of asking questions or requesting clarification. Very determined to prove herself but consequently never knows when to stop. Likes black coffee and the colour lavender, hates the heat and slimy textures. Lesbian.
........um, I hope this is good enough and I've at least made them sound semi-worthwhile 😅
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bapydemonprincess · 4 years
1 to 5 for all your OCs cause I can't tell what all your ocs are and too lazy to look it all up, sryy :P BUT I do like what you have made that i saw!!! jsyn
Well, I’ll see what I can do!! It’s.. all under a cut becayse god it got long. 🙈🙈🙈
1. What is their gender? Nonbinary.
2. What is their sexuality? Asexual.
3. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames?Aarushi is Sanskrit for the first rays of the sun. Which makes so much sense as they are a baby created between Agni and female Sebastian :’) And it’s most likely Agni came up with the name mainly and Sebastian totally loved it immediately. 🖤 In most cases, people seem to like calling Aarushi Aaru for short, so there’s that, and I also headcanoned myself Agni calls his child tiger cub (there was Bengali for it but I can’t find it 🙈) Lastly, Sebastian calls both Aarushi and Ambrose their “kittens” and that sticks too. 🥰 (much to Ambrose’s dismay) 
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger?  Which sibling are they the closest with? As stated above, Ambrose is Aarushi’s only other sibling. In general it was a miracle Seb and Agni were able to have another child after the first, considering the difficulties they endured the first time around, but definitely didn’t regret it! So Aarushi was much older by the time Ambrose was born, and had also likely come and gone to go explore the world on their own and make contracts (they need to eat souls like mama). As for closeness, Aarushi and Ambrose’s relationship is a mixed bag of love/hate. Aka, Aarushi adored their baby brother, no matter what, but Ambrose is always going to feel a bitterness deep down involving his older sibling, considering compared to him, Aarushi has LOTS of power inherited from both Sebastian and Agni’s hand of Kali, and yet.. they really are a peaceful sort and nothing like a demon of Hell themselves!
5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives?
Aarush loves both Agni and Sebastian and has a strong bond with both parents. The only thing they ever disagree on is Mama’s idea of eating souls and such. Aarushi is a pacifist through and through, much like Agni, and though this worries Sebastian because they do need to eat souls to survive, Sebastian cannot fault their beloved kitten for how they think of things. As for other relatives, Aarushi considers Grelle Sutcliff and Hannah Annafellows, who are most definitely together and (possibly..?) happily married their aunts, especially since Hannah helped Sebastian through the whole pregnancy in the first place.
1. What is their gender? Male.
2. What is their sexuality? Bisexual.
3. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames?
The name “Ambrose” is Greek, and means “Immortal” ..(I am so so sorry I cannot for the life of me remember why that was picked it was something to do with how ironically his life WAS almost snuffed out, or he was meant to be a powerful demon but didn’t/couldn’t become one.. I dunno! 🙈) And again, Sebastian calls him “kitten” and Aunt Hannah, Grelle and his father Agni call him a little raven or corvus. :3 Meanwhile his now boyfriend calls him “Rosie” as they can shorten his name to that 🖤
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger?  Which sibling are they the closest with?
I think it’s basically the same answer as above :P
5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives?
Like the polar opposite of his elder sibling, Ambrose doesn’t get along very well with family. Especially Mum. Mainly due to Sebastian being the one he was meant to be given powers from but couldn’t handle it. Not to mention, with how independent Ambrose is, Sebastian’s motherly attitude constantly gets on his nerves from early on and many times he’d tried even running away from home out of frustration, wanting to be “free”, and of course rebellion in general. For some reason, though, when it comes to Aunt Hannah, Ambrose doesn’t mind her much.. She was the one to save the boy from death by Sebastian’s demonic essence tearing his soul asunder, and that involved her taking away most of the demonic parts of him.. But instead of also targeting her with his rage, Ambrose respects and admires her a little. She is a quiet, calm, knowing comfort. As if she too understands the urge for isolation and independence. 💜 And finally, as for Aunt Grelle, well.. as Hannah’s wife is a bit more hands-on, Ambrose isn’t that fond of her.. but despite that he does respect her fighting skills, as growing up, Ambrose had learned to fight with weapons with her, as well as her junior, Ronald Knox (who loves goading the half-demon on out of spite because he’ll never be a fan of Sebastian, of course.)
Ulva Gelzer-Michaelis:
1. What is their gender? Female.
2. What is their sexuality? Lesbian.
3. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames?
Without even needing to look it up again, I know for certain Ulva means She Wolf in old German! uwu As for nick names, obviously most call her pup or little pup, especially her Dad and Mama!!
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger? Which sibling are they the closest with?
Ulva is an only child, as it was a miracle that Sebastian (while female of course) and Wolfram managed to have this little one by herself! However, since Wolfram considers Sieglinde Sullivan like a daughter as well, Ulva has come to know the young lady as like an older sister!
5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives?
Both Sebastian and Wolfram undeniably adore their only daughter, though the hyperactive little puppy girl does always give them a run for their money, and the demon’s Mother Hen instincts are very high where she is concerned, as Ulva always finds herself getting into things one way or another that she might regret.. other than that and perhaps the older servants of Phantomhive at that time and maybe the Earl too if still alive, no other relatives really.
Eddie the Demon
1. What is their gender? He/them for the most part.
2. What is their sexuality? Demisexual.
3. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames?
As most demons under contracts allow their current masters to give them names instead of freely giving out their true name or, in this case, not even having a true name, Eddie let Ambrose decide on that, and thus the boy was like “Hm.. well... with that spooky Victorian Author look I’d say Edgar, y’know, like uh Edgar Allen Poe? But eh.. You don’t look serious enough or old enough to be an Edgar, so how ‘bout Eddie!”
Of course, Ambrose loves calling his imp turned lover plenty of nick names ;), including Ed, sugar, baby, babe, sweetheart...
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger? Which sibling are they the closest with?
Well, being a very young imp of Hell, it is unlikely Eddie has any siblings, or even knows about any :P (And the likelihood that any siblings they do have if any would come to kill them for the sake of getting more power and recognition is very high..)
5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives?
Like many, many demons of Hell, Eddie likely has no clue at all who exactly created them. :/ It may be unfortunate to us humans to be left like that, but demons really don’t care, especially after a few centuries of adapting to fend for themselves!
Aidan Astre Sutcliff-Michaelis
1. What is their gender? Male.
2. What is their sexuality? n/a as he was last seen/known as merely a toddler so I and @grelleswife would rather let that be until we eventually write something new in that verse where he’s grown older. :3
3. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames?
Aidan is a Gaelic/Irish name for “Little fire” and was thought of, of course, by his mother Grelle Sutcliff :3 And obviously both other parents Mey and Sebastian were in agreement. He is a little spark; a little flame they’d all brought to life with their love. 🔥 Besides that, Aidan is still called “baby” by his mama Mey, “kitten” by his papa Sebastian, and “little chap” from his mummy Grelle! 
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger? Which sibling are they the closest with?
He is currently an only child! However at the end of our Sebagrellerin rp, he did confess to wanting a sibling, sooo who knows ;3
5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives?
Aidan is very close with everyone, and not only his three original parents, but also now Miss Hannah Annafellows who kinda in a way has become a third mother too. >w< 💜
Amy Michaelis
1. What is their gender? Genderfluid, but usually favoring female.
2. What is their sexuality? Pansexual
3. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames?
I don’t believe it is possible to derive a nickname from the name Amy, but I think it’s important to note in her original story in That Butler Big Brother, Bard likes calling her “Madam President” in a tender/joking way. >w< (And i personally think after that, back in Hell, Amy INSISTS her subordinates call her Madam President TOO. (though they all find the extra madam part confusing..))
In the original article of Amy the Demon, their other names/other version of their name is Amii or Auns, Hanar, Hanni.
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger? Which sibling are they the closest with?
In every verse of this character, the one thing I think that will always be the same is she has an elder sibling named Naberius, who is the fourth Marquis of Hell in the Lesser Key of Solomon, and is who we headcanon Sebastian Michaelis as. Who knows if these two have any other siblings, but I personally like the idea of these two, being the weirdo outcast demons they are, are a rare breed on their own. While other demons in Hell would likely either immediately kill and/or leave any blood related demons to be forgotten, these two stuck together for some strange reason, and our best guess on the why is that as Naberius was much older, nearly an adult by the time Amy came into being, and something instinctively drove the crow demon to stay by her side, and raise her, despite.. the animosity they sometimes share towards each other...
5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives?
Neither Amy nor Naberius know or remember for certain who or what their parents are. Amy most definitely recalls absolutely nothing, while her older sibling only vaguely recalls someone very, very old holding them as a youngling close, and between soft, soft soft so soft.. black wings.... But that’s all.
Adam Borders
1. What is their gender? Transexual ftm
2. What is their sexuality? I am not completely certain if he is Bisexual or something else at this time, as all I know is story wise he fell hard for Amy, so he is attracted to her but I cannot jump to the conclusion just yet as to what that means.
3. What is the meaning behind their name? Do they have any nicknames?
Adam chose his name when he fully accepted himself as a transexual man, not only just because he liked it, but because of the Biblical humor only he’d understand behind it considering his dead name was Evelynn, similar to “Eve”. It is understandable that many wish to completely forget their dead name, but Adam liked doing this, as he has a rather dark, bitter sense of humor, especially regarding himself. 
As for nicknames, his current Senpai Grelle calls him “Handsome” or “Charming” like Prince Charming, and Amy herself just calls him Boy or “dear boy”. Amy also likes resorting to Ancient Greek or Latin with her terms as it gives her confused flustered looks. >;3
4. Do they have any siblings? How many? Are they older or younger? Which sibling are they the closest with?
Most of Adam’s life before becoming a reaper is very sad and a bit left unsaid.. but I think he had an elder sister, who like most of the rest of the family, reacted very badly to uncovering what happened to their deceased relative and the why of it. :( So Adam would likely never bring up his older sister again.. except maybe briefly, but only maybe after learning of Amy’s relationship to the other demon Adam meets eventually, Sebastian Michaelis, who is her older brother basically.
5. What’s their relationship with their parents like? What about other relatives?
Again, most of that is very depressing and dismal, as they never would have accepted Adam for who he truly was, and had tried forcing him to live a certain way he did not want to. :(
And so... that’s most of my OCs!! XDD @grelleswife and I have something else in the works involving our current RP, but i can’t spoil it right here so that’s all left out! And the only others were tiny characters like Sylvia the Angel from the RP, and my self insert that I don’t think i need to put down here. 🙈 Thank you though for sendig me this!!
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linerwriter · 5 years
The Language of Flowers
I’m so sorry I haven’t posted a fic in so long, but this is what happens when high school lets you (*cough* strongly encourages you to *cough*) take AP classes sophomore year. Word of advice: don’t take AP Economics unless you’re good at math ;-;
Anyway, I kinda hate how this turned out, but I love the idea too much to let it waste away in my docs, so here it is. I love flowers and their meanings, and after seeing some pictures of the gang with flower crowns, I was gone. Hope you enjoy!
Note: Wild is genderfluid in this fic! I am, however, not genderfluid, and as such, I don’t have an intimate understanding of how someone who is genderfluid feels. If there are people who are genderfluid and feel misrepresented, just leave a nice comment below and I’ll change it :) Additionally, there is a time where Wild is misgendered, so if that triggers you, just skip to the next section.
Wild’s collection of flowers was, quite frankly, astounding.
It was like he had a flower for every type of task. Hunting food, cooking dinner, doing chores. It puzzled everyone to no end, especially as they never saw him pick any of them. They did, however, notice the “patterns” of the flowers, and what they meant.
Sometimes, the flowers described happiness.
“Wild? Are you okay?”
The young male shot a grin toward Twilight. “Never better!” He chirped enthusiastically. 
Twilight stared. In all of the time he had known Wild, he had never seen him like this before. “Are you sure? You’re acting… different than usual.”
Wild blinked and raised an eyebrow. “Am I not allowed to act like this?”
Twilight waved his arms rapidly, “No, you are! I’ve just never seen it before.”
Wild’s gaze turned into one of amusement. “I’m happy today, is all. See my flowers?” He pointed toward the daffodils and gladioluses behind his ear, “Usually they’re apple blossoms and violets, but today, they’re daffodils, which means I’m happy!”
“Is that so?” Twilight spied a single daffodil nearby and leaned over to pick it up. “Then how about one more to add to your collection?”
Wild’s face showed one of surprise before it melted into laughs. Twilight’s brows scrunched up in confusion, which Wild noticed. “Everything matters with flowers, from color to the number of them,” he explained as he calmed down, “For example, if I hadn’t known better, I would’ve thought you meant misfortune when you gave me this.” He plucked the daffodil out of Twilight’s hand, “Thank you!”
Twilight shook his head as Wild scampered off, “Hylia help us.”
Sometimes, the flowers described preference.
Today was going to be an odd day, Legend decided, and it was all because of a certain pyromaniac. 
It had started with the missing flower. Well, not missing, exactly, since there was a calla lily in place of the regular gladiolus in his braid, but still. Strange.
For as long as any of them could remember, the gladiolus was a constant in any of Wild’s combinations, yet the flower always stood apart from them. It seemed to Wild’s eyes that it indicated a particular concept he knew about, but he never bothered to tell anyone else about it, so the meaning was unknown.
The second weird part of the day was the way Wild was acting. Usually, he was quiet and thoughtful as they walked, yet today, he seemed to walk taller and chatted with everyone. His usual violets were still in place, so what was causing this change in behavior? After thinking and frowning to himself to the point Twilight was concerned for his sanity, he decided to ask Wild.
“How are you today, Wild?” He smoothly walked up to his friend.
Wild giggled sweetly, “Never better, Legend!”
Legend stared. Okay, that was the last straw. “Are you good?”
Wild tilted his head curiously, “What do you mean?”
“The way you’re acting! Your flowers! It’s not normal!”
“My flowers…?”
“The gladiolus isn’t there!” He searched Wild’s eyes desperately, “I don’t what that means!”
“Oh, that.” Wild laughed again, “That just means I’m feeling female today.”
Legend’s mind screeched to a halt. “Feeling… female?”
“Yeah, did no one ever tell you? I’m genderfluid. The gladiolus means I’m feeling masculine.”
Legend stared again. He did this for so long Wild started to get worried, “Legend?”
Legend snapped back, “Yeah?”
Wild nervously played with her fingers, “Are you mad?”
Legend’s brows scrunched together, “Not particularly, no. Why?”
“It’s just that not everyone approves of me being genderfluid, so I didn’t know if you had a problem with it or not…”
Did he have a problem with it? Legend thought for a moment and decided, “Nah, I don’t have a problem with it.”
Wild looked at him hopefully, “You don’t?”
“Nope. I was more concerned with how much you were talking, to be honest.”
“Yeah. So, what do other flowers mean?”
“Other flowers?” Wild looked startled at the sudden topic change, “Well, peonies mean…”
Today was going to be an odd day, Legend decided as he looked at her, but that doesn’t mean it had to be a bad day.
Sometimes, the flowers described pain.
It was raining when Time found them, dead leaves and purple hyacinths scattered in their loose hair. Their somber mood gave Time everything he needed to guess the meaning behind them.
They spoke softly at the unasked question, their thumb delicately tracing the purple hyacinth. “I had a hard time expressing myself back then—still do, in fact.” They chuckled lightly, “Combined with my poker face, it was hard for anyone to tell what I was thinking, and after an incident with a visiting lord, Zelda suggested I put flowers in my hair to describe what I was feeling that day. Nobody beyond Zelda and the others knew what it meant, they thought it was just decoration, but they were enough for me.”
“I’m guessing you brought that to us, huh, cub?” Time said just as quietly. Wild nodded, bowing their head as tears came down their face and sobs wracked their body.
“I miss them,” they said through the cries, “I miss them so much!”
Time held their body tightly, eyes squeezed shut to prevent tears from escaping him. “I know, lovely,” he whispered, “I know.”
Their tears joined the ones from the heavens.
Sometimes, the flowers described love.
Sky tilted his head in confusion. “That’s a new combination,” he muttered to himself distantly. “Wonder what that means.”
“Wonder what what means?” Wind asked curiously as him and Hyrule came up behind the farmer. Twilight jerked his head toward Wild.
“Wild’s flowers. The grouping, it’s new.”
Wind and Hyrule both looked toward Wild’s new flower crown, made up of lilacs, hyacinths, and gardenias. Hyrule frowned thoughtfully, “Maybe he’s happy?”
“No, he uses daffodils for that,” Wind disagreed. “Maybe he’s content?”
“Nah, that’s violets and apple blossoms.” 
“Then what’s it describing?”
“Uh, maybe if you asked him, he’d tell you,” Four piped up from where he was carrying wood for a fire. “You know he’s always welcome to tell us.”
“That’s true, but I want to figure it out, you know?” Sky smiled, “It’s kinda like a game!”
Four huffed and rolled his eyes, “If you say so.” He walked back towards Warriors.
“Think we should ask him?” Hyrule proposed a few minutes later. “I have a feeling we’re not gonna figure it out.”
Wind sighed in defeat, “I think you’re right. Hey, Wild!”
Wild looked up from where he was conversing with Time, “Yes?”
“What do your flowers mean?”
Wild looked at them in surprise and hesitantly touched the flower crown. “My flowers?” At their nods, he smiled widely, “They describe my love!”
“Your… love?” Sky asked in confusion.
“Yeah! My love for you guys!”
“My heart.” Wind clutched his chest while Hyrule’s eyes welled up. 
Wild blinked. “Are you guys okay?” He asked, concern lacing his voice.
“They’re fine, don’t worry.” Everyone looked up at Warriors’ voice, “They’re just feeling the love.”
Time side-eyed the captain, “And you’re not?”
“No, I am. It just isn’t as prominent.”
Time shook his head ruefully, “If you say so. Anyway, why’d you pick that combo today, cub?”
Wild shrunk a little in embarrassment, “W-well, we’ve been together for a little while now… and you guys have been really accepting of me and my flowers, so I guess I just wanted to say thank you?” He looked down, “This collection means family, which is the closest thing that could describe how I felt with you guys.”
Wild looked up when he felt Wind crash into his back. “Group hug!” He cheered. 
That was a good day.
While yes, it is weird for Wild to have as many flowers as he does (and they never die too, which is even weirder), they all got used to it, so much so everyone eventually started doing it themself. All they had to do was ask Wild for a few flowers that described their feelings, and suddenly, they had a flower crown made up of their thoughts and emotions.
Goddesses, the language of flowers was helpful.
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thelasthomelyurl · 5 years
thelasthomelyurl’s Good Omens fic masterlist
Please excuse some blatant self-promotion. Hi, I’m on AO3 as amerande and I’ve written a handful of Good Omens fics and I thought it’d be good to make a little list of them for your delectation and delight. 
All of these are Aziraphale/Crowley-centric. 
And I Would Hide My Face In You (E) 9k words, oneshot
Summary: The one where they share a body. Built on the conceit that our favorite demon and angel have gotten very used to the foibles of their fleshy corporations and when Aziraphale gets discorporated, he has cause to remember how different it is without one. Smut: yes! POV: Aziraphale
Excerpt:  For a moment, Crowley seemed to chew on that thought, his taut posture unchanging. Then he nodded his head decisively. “Well—why not this one?” he asked. Aziraphale looked around. “This one,” Crowley said again, emphatically, indicating himself. ”Oh! I mean, surely that’s obvious,” said Aziraphale by way of answer.
Review: “They love each other so much, I just can't... handle all the love...” -AO3 user shit_happens_bitchachos7
This Halfway Thing (M) 23k words, multi-chapter
Summary: A hurt/comfort story spanning the last few hundred years before the end of the world, starting with an unexpected encounter that leaves Crowley badly hurt and starting to realize that perhaps things cannot continue as they have always been.  Smut: A little tiny bit. Not explicit.  POV: Crowley
Excerpt: “Is that all this is, to you? A business arrangement?” Aziraphale answered his question with another one. “Isn’t that precisely what you proposed?” Crowley floundered, caught off-guard. That’s all I thought you would accept, he could not say. That’s all I dared hope for, and more than I deserved. He had thought that just an acquaintance, just a taste, just the barest of connections, would be enough. He’d grown greedy. Hundreds of years of this arrangement, of little conversations and compromises and clandestine meetings, until he’d allowed himself to wish, to let tiny tendrils of hope wind their way around his heart. All things he could not say. This was it: the doom he’d known he’s been consigning himself to when he stayed and let Aziraphale nurse him to health. He’d been starved for so long, and then gorged himself, and now turned up his nose at the scraps that would once have seemed a banquet. 
Review: “WTF, I have secondhand pining.” - tumblr user @curlycrowley
he I was seeking, or she I was seeking (it comes to me as of a dream) (M) 2k words, oneshot
Summary: This is a simple oneshot that takes place around 1200 BC; Aziraphale is at a wedding to give a blessing and runs into Crawly, who is a woman at the time. Features genderqueer/genderfluid Crowley using she/her pronouns. This is a significant departure from the writing style of the other fics. Smut: Not explicit, heavily poetic. As a fun note, I tried to keep references to Crowley’s body configuration phrased in such a way that you can pick what set of genitals you think Crowley should have for this.  POV: Aziraphale
Excerpt:  They talk, and she brings him wine, and he places dates, raisins, and apricots on a plate for her. He laughs when she shares half of each with him. They are sweeter, coming from her hand—sweeter still is the brush of her fingers against his lips. He shares wine from his own cup; her lips meet it like a kiss and she drinks deeply. As he watches her, the glint of her golden eyes, the flash of her teeth when she talks, the dance of light on the angles of her strong face, he feels sated beyond any need for food or drink. There is something like a hunger, but it is instead a fullness which might overwhelm him if he lets it.
Review:  “This was gorgeous. So atmospheric and tender.” -AO3 user juniperphoenix
The Second Coming of the Apocalypse (G) 3k words, oneshot
Summary: This one’s weird! Buckle in for some theological angst and one idiot’s stab at interpreting how the whole God thing and Ineffable Bureaucracy could work out.  Smut: no! There is hand-holding though.  POV: Omniscient narrator who dotes on Crowley
Excerpt: God turned Her attention to the angel. MY AZIRAPHALE. “Almighty,” he choked. Well, he had asked three years ago for a chance to speak directly to the highest authority. It seemed his opportunity had arrived. GABRIEL CALLS YOU FALLEN, She said. “I rather think that Gabriel and I disagree on some fundamental points of theology,” he said as delicately as he was able. THEOLOGY? “It’s a human term,” he explained. “For the study of...You. And what You mean for the rest of us.” Silence. “Not what You meant, of course,” Aziraphale said apologetically. “You see, I think Gabriel said that because he believes that in working against the orders he was working under, I must have been doing the wrong thing. Which, you know, an angel can’t do...at least not if they’re going to stay an angel.” Silence. “It’s just that I thought that maybe orders calling for the destruction of the world and all the life in it might be worth...questioning.” 
Review: “[jumps up on the table] GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!” -twitter user stabletorus
The Angel of Eastgate: A Prologue (T) 10k words, multi-chapter
Summary: The fic that started it all (for me). My first entry into the GO fandom, which started with the thought “hahaha that sign says Eastgate, what if Aziraphale lived there” and then turned into a study of why our beloved angel is so damn angsty.  Written with copious footnotes.  Smut: No but there is yearning.  POV: Aziraphale
Excerpt:  Aziraphale had always clung to the Ineffable Plan, to the knowledge that everything would eventually work together for Good. Until Crowley had influenced him, given him this thirst to know, it had been enough that the Plan existed and that the Almighty knew its every turn. She knew the particulars, and She passed what knowledge was needed unto her closest servants, and eventually Aziraphale’s orders would reach him, and as long as he followed them, everything would be okay. The possibility which Crowley had planted in his mind—that he, the principality Aziraphale, might take actions and not just hope that they were insignificant enough to escape notice (as with The Arrangement) but actually pursue the dictates of his own conscience—was deeply compelling. It was also, of course, entirely heretical.
Review: “This is special. And your footnotes are hilarious.“ -AO3 user Katzamboni 
I’ll update with more as I write them! 
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joycantdomagic · 5 years
Is it depression? Or is my life really that miserable?
I’ve never really been a child. I grew up way too fast because my mom raised me that way. My mom was a single mom raising a little child. I don’t blame her for raising me the way she did. I did turn out quite alright and ready for the world. And yet I never experienced the same childhood others experienced. I don’t know if I miss it but I know that something is missing.
I moved to my fathers place when I was 14 because me and my mom were arguing all the time. We still are. Although we get along most of the time.... if we spend more than 3 days with each other we’ll rip each other apart.
It’s not the first time for me to be in a different environment. I had to change schools before, said goodbye to friends and hello to new ones before. I’m actually quite good at breaking up contact with people who are or at least were very close to me. So living in a new city wasn’t that difficult for me. I was always good in finding new friends. But it was difficult to fit into my “new” family... my dad married again. A woman who already had two children. They did everything together. Were on holidays together (without me), had birthdays together (without me) , shared insiders together (without me), had family photos together(without me) and so on. I wasn’t really a part of this family. I mean... I can’t blame them. I was rarely there and when I was, only for a couple of days. Fitting in was difficult. Which is something I never experienced. Especially with my own family.
So I grew cold over time. Stayed in my room all day and only came out if I had to. My stepsister also had problems with me moving in because now she was the middle child. And she’s very anxious and only knows how to express her anxiousness with anger. But I didn’t knew that at that time and I just thought she hated me for years. My brother and I got along quite well. He’s 5 years older than me and also pretty quiet. Although I’m not that quiet... but I am when I’m with my family. I’m actually a very happy person. I’m pretty extroverted and always laughing. But not when I’m with my family.
First of it was because I wasn’t feeling like I fit in. Then my father and I started arguing because of stupid stuff. I was mid puberty so it was mostly my fault. But he wasn’t used to arguing with his own child and he apparently forgot that I was in my puberty. Idk... but because of those arguments I grew even colder. And so did they. They barely included me in anything anymore. Although sometimes they tried but then I didn’t want to... because I knew my dad and I are arguing again.
My father is that kind of person who does big promises and NEVER keeps them.
He promised me for my birthday so many things... wrapped it in like a gift card I never got.
I’m okay with not getting any presents or not celebrating my birthday. I never really celebrated it up until I was 15.
That was my first ever birthday party and I celebrated it with my 3 best friends (at the time)
I always had good friends but these 3 were different and they were staying. It was really nice having them around. They were like a 2nd family for me. Because they were accepting me the way I was. Even though I wasn’t there from the beginning.
Now a few years later. Obviously some things changed. I got new friends. My old friends are still there. We’re still meeting up but only every few months. One friend (Anna) of my original friend group is going to my school and we’re still pretty good friends.
I discovered that I’m bisexual. I kept it a secret. Only told it my closest friends. I didn’t knew how my parents would react finding out. And I was too scared to find out.
So obviously the extrovert that I am, I went to my first pride in Cologne. No one suspected a thing because everyone went. I loved it. So I went to the next CSD in Essen with a group of friends I knew from a convention. And that’s how I met Sam.
Sam later became my boyfriend. He’s transgender. Which apparently is worse for my dad than him being 7 years older than me. I didn’t knew my father was that transphobic... so he kept asking me If I was a lesbian. And I kept saying “no” until one day he asked me if I like girls and I said “yes. But I also like boys” and he didn’t understood it... he kept telling me I should decide wether I like girls or boys... i was pretty confident at that time. I was quite brave and I stood up for the things I wanted. But it always backfired. It didn’t stop me though. I kept telling my dad my opinion... and of cause it wasn’t the same as his. So we argued even more. Threatened each other with so many things. I had one breakdown after another but I always played it cool.
After some time I discovered what “genderfluid” means... and I thought “fuck...I’m genderfluid”. I always tried to convince myself that I’m not (I still am). Because being genderfluid sucks! Obviously I haven’t outed myself to my parents. For them I’m still their girl... so that’s another thing. I can never fully outlive my genderfluid self. I always have to be feminine, I always have to be perfect, I always have to be something that I’m not.
My father never talks about me with his friends. Except it’s about my good grades or my future plans. Oh.. how I know? Because non of his friends know anything else about me... and guess what: my grades aren’t always that good. Does he mention THAT? Of cause not. Why would he mention his unperfect daughter?
But I’m not trying to impress him. I try to live my own life without him... which is difficult because we live in the same house.
Sam and I later then broke up. I kept it a secret from my dad for a very long time because I didn’t want him to think that he was right about Sam. Sam and I were still best friends. Maybe even more than friends. But we weren’t in a relationship anymore.
Anna and Sam (my two best friends) were always helping me with EVERYTHING I went through. We always helped each other with everything.
Now I think everything is changing a little bit and I am afraid that I am the only one who isn’t changing. Sam had a new girlfriend and during that time he was very absent. I can’t blame him. But I had Anna who always had my back.
After a year Sam broke up with his girlfriend. And he needed me again. Which obviously made me happy.
Now Anna got a boyfriend and she’s quite happy with him.
I don’t like him. I really tried to. But I don’t. He’s one of those dude bro’s who think every stereotype is real. He sometimes does nice things for her. And she’s happy.... but he’s changing her... into something I don’t like. Into one of those chewing gum chewing girls that I don’t like.
I kinda am excepting that I’ve lost her to him. Maybe just for a while... maybe forever... idk. We’re still trying. But I don’t think I want to be friends with the person she’s becoming.
But you know... I always have Sam... well apparently not for long now... because he’s in love. And it seems they’re getting in a relationship. And I know he’ll be invested in this relationship. He won’t have time for me at all.
And then I’ll be alone.
Alone in my room.
Yet again.
Because I don’t want to come out of it and get yelled at for No Reason at all.
I am 19. And I still feel like a lost child in a shopping mall.
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parabcllums · 5 years
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⌜   LYRICA OKANO, GENDERFLUID, SHE / THEY / HE   |   nightmare by halsey, sanguine, the stepford child   ⌟    ⏤   blink and you’ll miss MORGAN ANTONIA STARK, the TWENTY TWO year old child of TONY STARK & PEPPER POTTS ! they’re an UNDERGRAD student at paragon academy, and i’ve always found them to be pretty SELF SACRIFICING & SELF MADE, though i’ve heard that they can also be really INSCRUTABLE & OBSTINATE. i don’t think getting their way is a smart thing to do - everyone knows that their power is GENIUS LEVEL INTELLECT & LATENT EXTREMIS VIRUS. you can check out their pinterest board HERE or their stat page HERE ! 
i am MONUMENTAL with a heart of glass,      and hands made of stone. ( touch me ). touch me.
SECTION ONE OF TWO : BULLETPOINT HISTORY trigger warning for infant sickness & ( teen ) pregnancy
march 30th, 1996 ; morgan antonia harold stark enters into the world by c section at exactly 6:59 am, three weeks before their due date. like most parents in their position, tony and pepper like to joke that morgan couldn’t wait to see the world - it adds a touch of humor to otherwise stressful memories, of a difficult pregnancy and extended time on bedrest. it brings a chuckle, no matter how small, even during those early years.
they’re a sickly child. it seems predetermined. anything that could be wrong very often was ; starting with influenza contracted aged six months, which leads into an extended stay in the icu due to contracted pneumonia. there’s something wrong ; a genetic condition, a primary immune deficiency that means anything they can catch, they do. their parents do their best to make sure that they’re kept up to date on their vaccinations, that they stay away from crowded spaces during cold season - but they contract meningitis when they’re five, and the resulting virus very almost kills them. treatment, after, is rigorous. neither tony nor pepper want to lose them.
by extension, they’re also a very SHELTERED child. their parents are over protective by nature, and they allow it, no matter what seeds of resentment begin to grow, in those earliest years. they know that they only want the best for them, that they only want to see them right - they know that their father isn’t scared of anything as much as he is afraid of losing any of them, and they know that their mother isn’t all that different. they wish that things were different, but they settle into a routine, regardless. 
to the outside world, the stark’s are the perfect family. they’re rich. they’re genetically blessed. they have EVERYTHING they could want, and they never even have to think about it. morgan is a shining jewel, from the moment that they turn around on their way into a convention center, hand in daddy’s, and wave. every so often, a story will run in the tabloids surrounding the stark kids - when the paparazzi come searching for photos, morgan always plays up for the camera. when they’re old enough, they seem to have a natural born talent for knowing what to say. they’re a stepford child in a stepford family, and they never let the image slip.
they do everything, to be perfect. to never let their parents down. to be everything that they WANT them to be, and then some. they’re in a dozen clubs. they’re on a dozen teams. they excel in school with god given talent, and they seem to be surrounded by friends, at every turn. they’re well behaved and well spoken, they know exactly how to act - and yes, over time, they become quite self obsessed. they’re told all the time how beautiful they are, how intelligent, and they have a neverending stream of people to keep them on their toes. in school, people below them think that they’re quite rude. that they’re a bitch, a rich, spoiled, stuck up kind of bitch - but the truth is, they just don’t think. they don’t go out of their way to be anything, really, and that thoughtlessness follows them.
they only let themselves slip when teenage hormones come into play. they'd never really acted upon the feeling, deep down, of pressure - they had never done anything to step over the line. there were expectations upon them and there were things that they had never been allowed to do because of who they were, but they loved their parents, and they let them have that control on their life ; they STILL did, even as they began to rebel. by day, the perfect child. by night, a steady descent. it was so painfully easy for morgan to find the party scene, and begin experimenting. alcohol and drugs, sure, but the real problem came when morgan began to discover her sexuality. they just wanted to know what it felt like, the first time that they strolled up to a boy at a party and kissed them. they just wanted to know what it felt like, the first time that they led someone upstairs. they just wanted to try it.
and then the strip turned pink. they were sixteen. they were no longer PERFECT. even if they never said it, morgan felt as if they could feel the disappointment, radiating from their parents. they scrambled to know what to do, and for a chunk of those nine months, struggled with the idea of growing up and letting go. they did what they thought was right, they found a willing family, a perfect one, and they made all the necessary arrangements to hand the baby over when the time came. and then their pregnancy got difficult, and on bedrest, they spent a lot of time simply... talking to their bump. and when they woke up after their c section, and were offered the chance to see their kid - they didn’t want to let it go. they didn’t want to say goodbye.
virginia marie stark, soon to be known as gigi, wasn’t always wanted. but all of a sudden, she was. and morgan wasn’t letting her go. 
they were terrified of disappointment, of being seen as a failure. they never told their parents that - they just moved themselves and gigi out of home, eight months after her birth, and pushed away the people they should have stayed closest with before they had the chance to do it to them. they felt like it was easier. actually, it was worse.
and they grew up. as out of bounds as it had once been thought to be - they did it, because they had to, because they realized that they could. 
im going to include the like, long ass actual wcs at the bottom, but : the father of morgan’s kid is MOST wanted, right now ! my personal favorite way that the connect could go is that gigi’s father is actually someone who was teenage morgan’s closest friend, someone who she experimented with, who she was wholly comfortable with. they probably have suspicions, but maybe don’t realize even now ! 
past flings from their teen years are ALWAYS wanted, especially since they were something that morgan really indulged in - but i’m also completely open for current flings, or more recent exes. love ? in this economy ? nah
( similarly, more info down below ) i wld love the prospective parents of gigi that morgan disappointed bc that was a dick move on all parts and wld be such juicy drama, now
definitely wld love an ex group of “”best friends”” who , y’know - were just a rich kid squad causing trouble, that morgan lost contact with / got ostracized from upon her teenage pregnancy
genuine ! friends ! made ! in ! the past ! six ! years ! the first GENUINE friends morgan ever made - preferably people she didn’t know before, but who they met and got super close with upon moving out of the fam home
oh also their older siblings - there are two spots and i wld LOVE to see them snagged because... also... drama
i think it makes most sense for morgan to be living off campus, so a roommate wld be neat - they could be one of her genuine friends, or they could b someone that they dont really know that well. open to anything ! 
MORGAN STARK, our LYRICA OKANO fc, is looking for a EX FLING / ONE NIGHT STAND / FATHER OF HER CHILD connection who looks like ALEX FITZALAN, CHANCE PERDOMO, FINN COLE, DREW RAY TANNER / PLAYERS CHOICE, who is 21 - 23. you DO have to contact prior to applying at PARABCLLUMS or DISCORD. ( one word : yikes. the thing is. the father of morgan’s kid doesn’t… know that they’re the father of morgan’s kid, though they absolutely COULD have their suspicions. i think there’s like… a bunch of directions in which this could go. once upon a time, morgan was… only the prime and proper kid of tony stark and pepper potts, and yeah - her fall from grace came in the form of a teen pregnancy. she was rebelling, and that led to her becoming a bit of a party girl. she made mistakes. she dated around. she had one wrong one night stand, and she ended up pregnant [ later giving birth to virginia marie stark, also known as gigi ]. her life was completely derailed, and when she chose not to put her kid up for adoption, it seemed only to get worse. she had no desire to derail anybody else’s life, too, so she never did. no matter what rumors were thrown around by friends or by tabloids, she never said who the kids dad was - and it really could have been anyones. a best friend. an otherwise enemy she made one bad call with. a friends boyfriend! someone she shouldn’t have been with, someone she felt something for… as i said. limitless potential. we can talk ! )
MORGAN STARK, our LYRICA OKANO fc, is looking for a JUNO STYLE connection who looks like PLAYERS CHOICE, who is 30+ YEARS OF AGE. you DO have to contact prior to applying at PARABCLLUMS or DISCORD. ( i don’t know what to call this. basically : when morgan was sixteen, she got pregnant. it was a scandal perfect for tabloids all across the world, and nothing could have outdone it - except for when she disappointed the prospective adoptive parents of her kid by backing out, upon gigi’s birth. all the way along, they would have been given the impression that morgan was going to hand over the baby to them. all the way along, she DID intend on doing so. things only changed when gigi came into the world, and morgan continues to feel horrific about what happened to this day… though she’s not really good at expressing that. )
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kctakcla · 5 years
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           ( genderfluid ) haven’t seen DAKOTA SAMPSON around in a while. the ALEX TURNER lookalike has been known to be (+) INDEPENDENT & (+) PROTECTIVE, but HE/THEY can also be (-) HOT-TEMPERED & (-) TURBULENT. The 24 year old is a SENIOR majoring in THEATRE. I believe they’re living OFF CAMPUS ( at home ) but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door.
                         yes I AM an Arctic Monkeys fan , what gave you that idea !! ‘sup guys I’m Hylia and we don’t know self-control so I’m already back at it again with hitting my muse limit and applying for Dakota here. A note : Dakota’s an old muse but the only thing I’ve changed about him is his name ( along with modifying stuff to fit the connection I took and Watershed biz ) , so if you ever hear me call him Spencer , sorry for the slip-up - that’s just what his name was beforehand. But ANYWAYS , more under the cut !!
                  v brief mention of homophobia + transphobia and also... frequent mentions of religion.
k so I also highly rec you read Jackie’s intro bc Katie made this family and I’m just hopping in on the sibling ride  
so yeah their parents were fuckin,,, picture-perfect religious fam on the outside but that’s not good 4 the fuckin’ kids and from the start Kota was always the problem child. Never sat still in church, always tended to gravitate towards the “dark/satanic” stuff and over time he was so used to being accused of that shit he sort of... embraced it ??
Lemme explain.
so Dakota was often punished for even batting an eye at stuff his parents didn’t like so he grew angry he wasn’t allowed to like certain shit and that just upped him liking it and taking part in that stuff tenfold.
It started innocently when he was young - he’d take his allowance, march on over to the closest store that sold CDs and bought every heavy rock album he could find. Linkin Park, Metallica, Rise Against, Sixx AM,  that shit.
Then it escalated to taking an interest in SFX makeup, especially the gory part. Snuck out on Halloween to trick-or-treat and collect candy in the best costume he could make for himself.
Watched horror movies and played darker video games when he’d sneak out and would often take an interest in the decoration , the acting...
Then he started saving up and buying black clothes, ripped jeans, faux leather jackets, and even getting his ears and lip pierced. Threw temper tantrums when his parents told him to cut his hair. Got a tattoo of his sister’s name on his wrist with forged parental approval.
Started dating kids who had a reputation on being on the wrong side of the tracks !! Also came out as bi & genderfluid and lived in an extremely religious household so . . . ( tw : homophobia & transphobia ) they didn’t react well. But he flaunted it. He rubbed it in their fucking faces every chance he got since that was who he fucking was , and if you don’t like it ?? SHOVE IT. 
But yeah. He always had a strained relationship with his parents for that reason. He was known as the black sheep of the family , the problem child. It was AMAZING he was so close with his younger sister , Jackie.
His sister was his everything. Perhaps the only person Dakota was certain cared about him and for that , swore to protect her. Especially against their parents and what Dakota considered their BACKWARDS methods of parenting.
So , he sorta took to parenting her himself - teaching her life skills and survival skills and how to deal with their parents.
okay - Tatiana’s relationship with Kota is kind of important so I wanna get this out of the way before I dive too deep into his character + personality
when they were younger, everyone thought he and Tatiana would get together. Everyone did. Whenever the Sampson and Samuels families would get together, he and Tatiana would immediately gravitate towards each other. They often spared each other glances in church, and he claims Tatiana fell in love with his “rebel” persona.
He even took her to senior prom.
But they never officially dated - they’d hang out regularly , yes , but they never considering themselves more than just friends . . . and then some. He often snuck into Tatiana’s bedroom by climbing through her window , often 
Besides , he was the bad boy who renounced God in his family and Tatiana was the preacher’s daughter. How could they ??
Well . . . they still slept together. Quite often , actually. He often routinely visited her for such in her dorm at Lockwood , and it didn’t matter if she had a boyfriend or not. If she asked him to spend the night with her , he would.
He wrote Tatiana love letters he doesn’t know if she even opened. But it was very obvious Dakota harbored some feelings for her that went beyond friends with benefits. Tatiana may have felt the same - who knows ?? 
She led him on and played him like a fiddle. Maybe he knows about it , but refuses to accept it. He thinks she was genuinely in love with him , or he tells himself that to feel better and not so embarrassed.
Needless to say , he was struck with grief when she died. He wanted to be more than an ex-almost , but unfortunately , that was only how far they got. 
Dakota’s your stereotypical rebel without a cause - he’s loud , he’s unfiltered , and he doesn’t give a FUCK about your opinion so again , SHOVE IT.
But he’s not a bad dude at all - he’s actually pretty open-minded and a little wild , but fun to hang out with. He’ll be honest with you about his opinion on you - and he is NEVER one to shy away from his emotions or hide how he feels.
Believe it or not , the only vices he has are drinking every now and then ( normally nothing more than beer ) and smoking. Hasn’t touched drugs once in his life , not even weed.
He’s very outspoken and will fucking !! Tell you !! What he thinks !! Even - no , ESPECIALLY if you don’t want to hear it.
Half the time he says shit to piss people off and get a reaction. I’m sorry this is just how he is.
DEFINITELY someone into the horrific / creepy shit. He keeps the ID Channel on as background noise and can watch most horror movies and play horror video games without flinching.
Kinda sleeps around a lot and he knows not to attach sex to romance but also . . . it’s like. Horribly easy to lead him on. He can get attached to people and it’s so easy to tell when he’s got a crush so it’s sort of easy to manipulate him like that.
He’s VERY into acting !! He’s a showman , he likes attention. And portraying someone that isn’t him is one of the most fun things to do. And he’s wicked great at it - there’s something about having a hundred eyes on him that gives him confidence and validation where some may clam up.
... Also an attention whore but not a conceited jerk kind of attention whore.
Also into music , but it’s just a background thing. He knows how to play GUITAR and also the DRUMS , and can sing really well. 
He’s short-fused as hell. It’s so easy to get him fired up as long as you say the right words , and it’s really easy to pick out what those words are. Mention or say anything negative about Tatiana or his sister and he’s on your ass.
Again , love makeup and does a lot of SFX makeup in his free time !! So yeah it’s a lot of creepy / gory shit and definitely not something his parents would approve of.
On the subject of his parents , he still lives with them but only to take care of Jackie. And whenever he’s with them , he does whatever he can to piss them off or to make them disapprove of him even MORE. So far , he’s been sliding inklings he worships the Devil and makes jokes about eloping or marrying people with careers the toxic religious people frown upon. 
Yeah he really. Doesn’t like his parents. And he doesn’t want his parents to like him.
Jackie’s the best tho.
Also call him Kota or Kody or Koakoa Puffs or any puns with his name I’ll take it
friends he has that know he was rly into Tatiana but were also aware of how she led him on 
they either fuel his false hopes
or try to knock some sense into him by telling him the truth ( never listens tho )
PEOPLE ,,, who really disapprove of how he is for whatever reason. Could be someone who was close with the Samuels’ and know Tatiana was involved with him but they can’t stand the idea of her fucking someone like him.
Soft people he goes protective papa bear over !! Bc he would !! He totally fuckin would !!
People he regularly butts head with and just wants to get a fucking reaction out of bc again , that’s the name of the game
Theatre buddies !! Theatre buddies who he gets REALLY into it with 
Or even theatre rivals , who don’t like his personality / need for attention
Fuckbuddies bc again Dakota sleeps around and sees no shame in it
Also ppl maybe who are attracted to him oNLY bc of the bad boy aesthetic / thing he’s got going on ??
Okay it’s late and I’m drawing more blanks but as always LIKE THIS FOR A PLOTTING IM !!
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akalegos · 5 years
Could you tell us a little about your characters?
Y E S !
but due to me having at least over a thousand characters I’ll just give a quick summary of the 25 I manage to dig up over 3 sketchbooks.
Y’all can pick and choose which of them interest yall or who you wanna hear more about!
Also because I’m extra, I made sketch icons for the 25 characters, info under the cut
I’ll talk a bit more about my actual Original Characters first, starting with
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Aiko! Otherwise known as Echo
- A marked individual in a steampunk world that gets mixed with magic, because I like both of those things
- Echo runs an underground lab that does helps the underground world with replacing body parts, illegal surgeries etc etc
- Even though she marked, which puts a bounty on her head already, she is well respected by the community for not cheating for your money, stealing your cash, or shanking/killing you mid-surgery
- however, Echo does long for adventure and sometimes do get bored in the lab
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oh yeah,, Echo like stealing eyeballs, so if you’re low on cash and wouldn’t mind losing an eye, you know who to call!!
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Here’s Echo’s boring, undeveloped sidekick!! I don’t like her and I don’t know how to make her better. Yes, she doesn’t have a name.
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here’s my god playboy that left “heaven” due to having an early mid-life crisis, I call him God boi cause;
- He goes by many names! 
tbh, he’s probably the closest character I have to being genderfluid/-neutral? I’m not sure,,
- The god has many powers, from lightning to shapeshifting
- The shapeshifting part allows him to change every part of himself, allowing him to change depending on his situation.
- God boyo, or originally Aristide, is obsessed with the idea of perfection. A god should be perfect, if a god is out of line, he is no god. 
- Same goes for him, which means whenever something is wrong with him, it affects him, extremely
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However, leaving the land of gods to live among humans aren’t all perks
- Aris isn’t immune to diseases or injuries. In fact, he actually fell down and died on impact when he came to earth, being reborn into another child immediately.
- He doesn’t gain his memories back automatically tho!! He has to have a major shock to the brain in order for him to remember his previous lives
- Sometimes the shock isn’t enough either, when you have a thousand over lives, you won’t remember every single one of them. So forgotten lovers coming back to haunt because your brain hates you? That’s everyday for him!
i just,, i like playing with the concepts of god,,
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Up next we got Ayeka Himura! A japanese student going to a neighborhood, but still a pretty good, school living close to poverty due to her father’s constant spending habits and obsession with art supplies. With the household lacking a mother due to wacky shenanigans, Ayeka takes care of her two younger siblings and the house, all while maintaining a very well-paid job and slowly loosing interest in actually studying for a good, honest job.
also she likes birds!!
Yes her design is heavily “based” off Toga but I love her current design too much to change it, h e l p
So like,, I suck at chinese and I made ocs that exclusively spoke in chinese to help with that but I’m still stuck at 40~marks
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I forgot his scar but remembered his earring i hate myself
my og chinese kiddo! he was was first to come and I love his design ever since
he radiates fuck you energy except the girl below. He’s neighbors with her and they acknowledge each other existence ever since. he has a dumb cliche crush on her and is a bit protective of her because nothing says having issues than latching onto someone that makes you happy
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Only this girl got named!! even tho she was the second character.
Li Shen, yes she doesnt have a surname, is apparently main ho now, according to my old oc chart of my “main” ocs
She’s the group’s resident sweetheart and really does not want you to do stupid shit, stop doing stupid shit. She tutors my son up there ^^ even though he’s actually smart and just refuses to do his work properly. But she still deeply cares for him.
As well as the girl below shdifhd
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the last girl of the ching chong trio and the reason I had to switch up my son’s design is this girly over here! Her design was too business-y and formal so I enrolled all of them into college. A rich girl who doesn’t know how to deal with her g a y thoughts. Tried sending Li Shen some flowers once. She didn’t realize attaching her name would be a good idea and son got a good laugh.
i like paranormal stuff so they apparently look into that shit in their spare time. They’re all actually really fun characters to do prompts with I swear!! send some in and I’ll write them
I had a previous concept for son and Li Shen before last girl came and if yall want me to talk about it,,, i found my sketchbook with the old ideas,,
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Elora herself used to be a fan character but I pulled her out and wow\
cant fucking believe she used to be straight for Vylad
shes the outgoing, fun adventure type! bit of mommy issues here and there tho,, I don’t want to say too much since I have an entire for her +
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her now upgraded bro, Vincent
i really like the name vincent,,
also now he has mommy issues
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Ead, the knight who used to have armor
I hate drawing armor 
he also have issues
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she doesnt have that much issues tho
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basically I made elora and her bro have mommy issues, I’m sorry in advance if that spoils anything
I, sometimes, post about these 4 over on @eloradiesismydocsname​ and its a gay ol’ time
not that gay tho because uhh,, medieval times,, but I need prompts for a modern au of them and I am happy to talk about their personalities and even go semi in-depth for any of them!!
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here we have ghoster.png,, which is her file name cause I didn’t name her,,
A horror enthusiast + film student that goes to a supposedly haunted shack to film her upcoming project with the boys. wacky shenanigans occur and the boys left leaving ghoster here to starve and eventually fall to her death. But because it’s my oc i get to bring her back from the dead, now hungry as ever and will fucking eat you, its not a kink thing, shes just that hungry and angry
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tax fraud.png
a robo girl that i created during social studies cause they were talking about taxes and i just went, “what if,, a robo runs on taxes,,, and like,, she haunts you down for not paying your taxes,,” thus she was born! I don’t know what to name her but she is set in the future so-
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Time to go future-apocalypse style because I love that setting too and was upset that I didn’t have any ocs in that style. So I created Alex A. ! A cybrog filled with memories of the previous generations as a sad attempt to preserve human life.
He’s accompanied by his sister/cousin idr i didn’t draw an icon for her, didnt like her design. they go on a hunt for food and to return with nothing. She gets to meet this other dude who has a plant arm im pretty sure i based him off someone’s elses oc but i cant remember. The 3 are forgotten. Kinda want to bring them back tho.
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Neon! A character set in the future utopia of lazy people, where gamers rise up. its the best I can describe her story without getting too deep. She the new hacker on the block, joining the underground gang of elite hackers. She’s another one of those wacky characters that just has fun. I mean, when you know your way around codes and the world you live in is full of it, would you not take advantage of that?
as for fan characters,, uhh,, i have em
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Alexzandra Zara oh my god i forgot to draw her necklace and shirt
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anyways,, Alexzandra is one of the more older ocs I have that didnt get a big revamp. Only an au I develop to the point I forgot the actual shows and the original cast are a little different from the source haha what? She’s the emotionally unstable german war veteran, yes the wife thing isn’t mutual, and haha shes only 27~. I cling onto her so much?? She’s hits a lot of “edgy” points but I still love her cause idk,, the story I made for her is something I hold dear cause Alexzandra was one of my first ACTUALLY DEVELOPED CHARACTER. Is it wrong to say I hold her really close to my heart? Is that weird? probably a little cringy sorry haha. I probably project a little into her which might have strengthened my love for her ack. Her story delves more into the depression very unstable needs to talk to someone side and i get scared talking about my wife’s story online so uhh, idk ask me specific questions about her, I’ll be more inclined to talk.
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Dr Watts! The spoiled ass dick that stole dst Wilson’s house and yes this is a dst oc, yes im slightly sorry.
He’s just fun?? almost ran a blog with him and a friend’s oc. He’s your typical uptight old science gramps that took advantage of the fact that no one knows his real name that he calls himself a doc. He’s not. I put everything about him up to a 9-10? He’s one of those wacky characters and I love him for it! His story is really wonky tho so might need help solidifying that part 
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and from the angry old man to my sweet man that will adopt you even if you’re noisy or call him ginger. Pilot here is a TF2 OC I made to interact with other tf2 OCs cause some of them are fun and i wanna join in :((
He’s the Canadian stereotype, and yes, he adopted scout, that was one of my character notes. 
Like the actual cast of tf2, there’s barely any real story to him. I only gave him a vague I don’t know my past but hey, i fly really really well. He participated in war unlike certain men but he’s still really nice and will only kill you if you hurt his family. Which he doesn’t know so he just considers the cast his family. He keeps mentioning a wife though, pretty sure he doesn’t have one but you do what makes you happy son.
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Ai! an oc I HEAVILY revamped oh my god i hate her old vers. So if yall remember my random shouting of missing my og son, Aru. Here’s his bff. cause he barely has any actual friends that give a shit. And I just cant have that. but here’s your yandere revamped into a last minute addition. I actually feel like I did Ai a lot of justice. I don’t want to delve too deep cause I will start making charts. I’ll do that in a separate post if yall are keen
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Isamu Aena! a mp100 oc I made by accident cause idk,, I was thinking about lolita fashion and all of a sudden, the actual oc I was going to make turned into a mob psycho oc. She’s one of my few ocs where her sexuality matters (she’s gay yeah) cause it plays a role in her storyline. She went from being “manipulated”/used to Mob’s wingwomen. She spots out things that can help him in the romantic department cause she’s into romance. A student of the school Mob infiltrated and a fantastic tailor, not to mention a pretty decent pyschic. wait where do models get their lolita stuff from,,
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im gonna ignore that and move onto Lillian Yi! Who, i swear i did not meant for it, is very close to lloyd. I mean,, none of the ninjas were with him after s3, who you think he’d meet. Lillian is a survivor from the Great Devourour and yes I’m still pissed LEGO stole my backstory for Lillian to use for Harumi. FUCK YOU LEGO, i still love both of em tho,, The event did leave a big scar and it made Lillian job jumping for a bit, ending at Chen’s Noodles in S6~, where ya know,, stuff got better. She was a medalist for gymnastics and continue the activity, even after her parents’ death, to please others. She was already lost at the time so staying in the sport would help, right? Needless to say, after being rejected at a cop academy for youths, or something similar, she gave up for a while but got back into the idea of saving people by using her skills she already had. It helped with the weight and feelings and meeting the green ninja was a very big bonus. Also Lloyd dubbed her the “mysterious stranger” when she refused to speak in fear of her identity, slight shame, and maybe a bit of being star struck. It helped Lloyd too in a sense where he had something to distract him from Zane’s passing.
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 Their relationship was eventually formed, strong and almost unbreakable, except for harumi but uhh thats a different story. Throughout the seasons, they stayed close and lloyd was always comforted by Lillian went times get ruff.
Also Lillian is my most light-hearted characters and I think that says a lot
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Then there’s Nite “I don’t want to be your dad”. A character that is supposed to be in the ninjago world but barely interacts with the main story and only stays in his self contained plot. He was supposed to get a bf but uhhh idk. He’s the master of shifting and streams that online, taking out small crimes, and is actually really shy and doesn’t like interacting with people.
also haha fortnite
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Nora Akino, the sin of despair! its an ad thing, I think. She speaks only in a foreign language that only Odin understands and is either big gay for Ava or Maggi, she can’t pick. And yes she did drink the vial, when TITAN attacks your planet and you accidentally die, how else can you meet your family again? also my grandpa walked in and said she looks like royalty. cool-
she wouldn’t leave my hand for like,, 3 days or something
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Petri, a fellow troublemaker at camp campbell’s music camp. She managed to pick the camp because apparently a parent who doesn’t acknowledge your hard work don’t read the fine print! Please let David adopt her,,
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LASTLY! Yukimaru Atsuko, hero name; Gummie. She goes by Yuki and is a big dick. She’s a studious student but gets more thrills on the actual battlefield. Living with her uptight grandma and her big bottom energy bro, she has the dom energy thing going. and apparently folks on G+, or the people who comment about her, thinks she’s really pretty, which was oddly a thing back before UA. She’s the dick you can like, not like Bakugou but she will definitely want to fight Bakugou. 
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A gum-related quirk is not full of perks when its only your hands. I’d dive more into her like her insecurities and stuff but I’ve been here for probably 3hrs. Sorry anon.
Also I’m so sorry to anyone who reads this all the way through.
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raeofgayshine · 6 years
I have so many Sanders Sides AU verses (including all those soulmate ones), but there’s two I haven’t posted anything for yet.
One of them has a name and it’s called the Worth The Risk Verse and I already have one story done, working on the second because I feel like it needs to be posted first (as the first one was just mostly a dumb joke) and it’s one of my favorite stories I’ve done, there’s some great Platonic Logince and Logan who is afraid of letting others in because he was hurt so badly and Roman who has been hurt over and over but keeps putting himself out there because he needs to believe it’ll be better and they’re like practically brothers even though they’re completely different, and the whole series is sort of like about the two of them learning that heartache is worth the risk sometimes, which is helped by Patton and Virgil, and also other things life throws at them and it all came from a single dream that I can’t even use half of because the line makes no sense in any real context but I still enjoy it because it gave me this (Like I literally woke up, wrote down the few lines I remember specifically, and then started jotting down information I knew about the verse that I did not consciously think of like it all just existed from that dream). And I don’t know all that much on what can exist inside the main timeline of the verse yet, I have a lot of stuff I want to write that’s just teenage Logince that comes before what I consider the main two stories, which is the one I’m writing now and then the one that will follow it, but nothing so far that comes after (Although I might get inspiration who knows). I really love the verse though, and I love the relationship Logan and Roman have in it, and the things they’ve gotten up to together. Also three out of the four are nonbinary and Logan is trans. Patton is genderfluid and uses shifting pronouns, Virgil is a demiboy and uses he/him, and Ro is just nonbinary and uses they/them. So that’s a fun aspect to write as well.
The second AU I’m working on has a name TBD, but right now I just have it saved as the Orphans AU because, well three of the boys are orphans and Virgil’s parents are just dicks but close enough (Also featuring Foster Dad and eventual Adoptive Dad, Thomas). I mostly only have the background worked out so far for this one, but I do roughly know what I want the first story to be (the main, multi chaptered one). But I do have the characters worked out and I love each of the boys so much.
Like there’s fucking bamf Mom friend Logan who’s the oldest at 12, is trans (because that’s my favorite thing and you can fight me), and has been in the system his whole life. He’s a fucking genius, only cares about the rules that actually make sense to him, will do literally anything to protect his family, and at any given point has about 17 escape plans in case something goes wrong, never afraid to speak his mind especially in defense of his boys, and loves them all to pieces. He spent weeks teaching himself and the others sign language after Virgil showed up
Then there’s Patton who has been in the system since he was a few months old, met Logan when he was like two and immediately got attached (the two are literally almost never apart and most people assume they’re twins), resident Dad friend Patton wants to make everyone feel safe and at home, has a heart too big for this world, loves everyone but is especially protective over his famILY and is willing to fight for them at any given moment. Taught himself to bake with Logan’s help to make it easier for Roman to adjust, but cannot cook to save his life. Patton almost always has a bright smile and a positive attitude that balances Logan’s more realistic nature. Pat is also always ready to cause trouble when necessary.
Roman is the baby and also maybe my favorite, he’s 7, he’s overly dramatic, constantly has his head in the clouds but a lot of that is just because of how he copes. He was raised for five years by a single Mom who was abandoned by everyone for getting pregnant as a teen but worked her ass off to give Ro a decent life and she always took everything that came with a smile, looked on the bright side, and Roman tries to do that for the others now that she’s gone. He’s also deeply afraid of the others “leaving” him like his mom did, which sometimes leads to him being really clingy, but the others rarely mind. Roman likes to play the part of the protector even though he’s the youngest, he dreams of being able to defend others the way Lo and Pat do, which is probably what leads to him bonding with Virgil so much. Patton reminds Roman a lot of his mother, which most of the time Roman loves (although he never talks about his mom much). When he has dreams about her or just starts missing her a lot he usually goes to Logan though (Which may or may not have something to do with the first time they really bonded when Logan found Roman alone crying and held him for hours despite the fact that up until then they had only ever argued).
Virgil is 8, he’s also the newest to the famILY as he only came to the group home after his parents were arrested for drug use. He was only supposed to be there temporarily (and like initially was) until his parents were like proven fit to take him back, but after they do Virgil tries to run off and long story short they’re arrested for child abuse and Virgil is removed from them for good. Virgil suffers from bad anxiety, doesn’t trust people a lot, he also doesn’t talk unless he really really trusts someone (which is why the boys learn sign language to communicate with him easier). It wasn’t easy for the others to get close to V because he was terrified of everything when he first arrived, but slowly they make little steps of progress until Virgil is deeply attached to them all. All three of the others are super protective over him, even Ro, which Virgil finds equal parts confusing and unnecessary but he loves it for the most part. He’s the closest to Patton but he really does love the whole trio, they were his first famILY and they’re like his security blanket. Once he gets comfortable with them Virgil also becomes like surprisingly affectionate, not always in the super obvious ways that Roman is, but given the chance he does like to spend most of his time in some sort of physical contact with the others even if it’s just like sitting close to each other, it helps keep him grounded and feel safe. He also wears an oversized hoodie because it provides a similar comfort of safety.
And they’re all such a cohesive famILY, they’re siblings in every way but blood and the thought of being separated is something they’re so against that Logan has a large number of plans for running away just in case they do try to separate them, Patton is briefed on all of them just in case. Pat and Lo really do look at Virgil and Roman as if they’re their responsibility, especially Logan, to the point where Logan never exactly got to act like a kid because when they were younger he had to take care of Patton and now Virgil and Roman, so when Thomas eventually takes them in one of the things he has to do is teach Logan that he doesn’t have to be an adult anymore which is really hard but so worth it in the end to see Lo light up like a kid on Christmas when they go to the planetarium and Logan lets himself for once not worry if Roman was bored or if Virgil was scared or if Patton was still there and instead just focuses on his own wonder and excitement and childish joy.
And anyways it’s basically just an AU about four boys who had made a famILY and put their defenses up to the outside world learning to trust again and open up and be the kids they were and live without the fears that normally plagued them like other kids did, but they’ll always be closer than normal siblings and especially Patton and Logan who were basically raised together will always rely on each other more than normal but over time they learn they can trust others too and that’s important.
So yeah I’m really in love with my two newest Aus and I can’t wait to share them once the stories are done. Stuff from Worth The Risk should be coming pretty soon but the orphan verse is probably going to have to wait a little bit at least until I finish a few other things I’ve left open
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FANDOM: D.Gray-Man PAIRING: Lavi/Allen/Tyki (Eventually) WORD COUNT: 2,365 WARNINGS: Abuse, Transphobia, Misgendering (All mentioned) LINKS: AO3 | FFN
Summary: For years, all he wanted to do was get away, to be free of his grandfather that demanded he be someone other than himself. Alone, it was an unattainable goal. Sometimes, your only option is to ask for help.
Lavi rubbed at his arm as he sat down at his desk, gently nudging his mouse to activate the monitor. He glanced around his room in hesitation before shifting his chair closer. He wanted to do this, really, but was absolutely terrified. If his grandfather ever found out, things would get so much worse than they already were.
But he was finally reaching his breaking point. It had been a long time coming, and he was surprised that he’d lasted as long as he had. Any normal person would have broken long ago, he was sure of it.
Of course, Lavi wasn’t really what people would consider ‘normal’, and he was fine with that. Honestly, the only reason he was even still living with the old man was because he had nowhere else to go. That, and the thought of what the man would do if he found him if he left was enough to make his chest tighten in fear.
His grandfather was already abusive when he didn’t listen, he couldn’t even imagine what the man would do if he ran away. However, he was at a point where he was more than willing to risk bodily harm if it meant he could finally be free to be himself. He knew, deep down, that if this didn’t work out, he wouldn’t last long enough to finish his degree.
Taking a deep breath, he glanced towards his room door before opening a web browser. Having never done anything like this before, he had no real idea where to start. Despite having lived in this city for years, he didn’t know about any resources for people like him.
He cursed himself for not paying attention or reaching out when his university offered services for abuse victims. He hadn’t even cared enough to finish reading the announcement, stopping the second he saw the word abuse, so any resources that might have been provided were lost.
Staring at the blinking line in the search box, he sighed quietly as he tried to think of something to type. He was probably thinking too hard about it. He certainly wouldn’t get anywhere if he just kept thinking about it.
Letting out another sigh, Lavi finally moved his hands to the keyboard and hesitantly typed: resources for abuse victims. It was vague and, as expected, resulted in thousands of results.
A quick glance informed him that the first couple listed were within driving distance. Unfortunately, he couldn’t drive. Or, more accurately, wasn’t allowed to drive. He’d been given ‘permission’ to get his license, but had no car to drive, and he knew better than to ask if he could borrow his grandfather's for the day. Just thinking back to the last time was giving him a headache.
Which meant all of those options were simply out of the question. He wasn’t about to spend countless hours trying to convince someone to take him out there without telling them why he wanted to go.
Still, he figured it would be good to at least save them for later. If nothing else, he could contact one or two and talk to someone. If he ever got the courage to do so, that is.
He quickly created a new folder, named it something stupid like ‘songs for studying’, and saved each website that looked promising, making sure to name them something inconspicuous. Hopefully that would discourage the old man if he ever demanded to look at his laptop. Again. That had been embarrassing and a very bad week.
Shaking his head, he opened another tab, leaving the other one open for the moment. Hesitating again, he considered if he should really type in what he was thinking. The old man would really have his head if he ever saw it.
“Fuck it.” Lavi muttered to himself, typing it anyway. Once again, thousands of results were returned. He should have expected as much. If people felt the same way he did, there would logically be a large online community.
One downside he could immediately see to having this many results was that he had no idea where to start, or which ones were legit. He’d learned a long time ago that there were a lot of people who baited people in with things like this to harm them.
He would definitely need to look into each one before signing up to any of them. Fortunately, it was easy to eliminate some of them from the list, as they required a credit card to just create an account. Whoever thought that was a good idea needed a reality check, and an ass kicking.
Then there were the ones that were so badly designed, he had no idea where the option to even create an account was. So those were immediately thrown into the trash.
The next website he clicked on caught his attention, though. It looked nice, things were easy to locate, and there was a post on the front page that linked to a lot of online resources that didn’t rely on location.
Scrolling down, the next post was a list of rules. As he read through them, he was relieved to see that they were all pretty understandable, some of them even common sense. Or not so common, given that it needed to be stated. Sometimes he wondered how people could be so stupid online.
The next post appeared to be an introduction for a couple users. However, when he looked closer, he learned that these people were the ones who ran the website. LenaLady, a cute lesbian who just wanted to help people; CrownClown, a nice genderfluid guy who apparently helps his adoptive family run a shelter; there were a few more, but before he could read any further, he heard a car door slam.
Lavi knew he still had about a minute before the old man reached his room, but he immediately started panicking. He closed his browser, and turned the monitor off, grabbing the closest book he could find.
He flinches as the door opens, hoping that his grandfather hadn’t noticed. He can feel eyes on him as an awkward silence follows, but he refuses to look up.
“Why are you so tense?” Bookman snapped, tone unmistakably accusatory.
Placing his book down, he shrugged as he turned to face the man. “Just cramps...” he mumbled, hoping that it would be enough to placate him and prevent any more questions.
Bookman continued to squint at him, making him shift uncomfortably. Finally, he nodded, glancing around the room with a scowl. “Clean this up. Dinner should be ready in a few hours.”
Lavi nodded, flinching as the door was slammed when the man left.
He let out a sigh as he started to relax after a minute, looking around the room. It wasn’t that messy, in his opinion. There were books laying around from working on assignments, and the clothing he’d removed the night before. But other than that, it was relatively clean.
His eyes eventually landed on the bra resting on his bookshelf. Just looking at it made him hyper aware of the one he was currently wearing, causing him to scowl. He hated these things. All he wanted to do was tear it off and throw it in the trash. But that wasn’t possible.
It would be so much more painful for him to go without one than it was to wear one. He really wished he had something else to bind his chest with, but there was no way the old man would ever allow that.
He still remembered what happened the first time he’d ever brought it up; he’d never seen him that angry before. Bookman had never dismissed him so quickly before, insisting that he didn’t know what he was talking about, that he was just being ridiculous.
But Lavi knew that he wasn’t being ridiculous. He knew how he felt, and he wasn’t going to listen to someone telling him that he didn’t know his own feelings.
He really didn’t understand why Bookman was so against it, and it wasn’t like the old man was going to bother explaining it to him. He just knew that ever since, he’d gone out of his way to purposely use his birth name, use feminine pronouns, and introduce him to people as his “granddaughter” instead.
Every time it happened, it felt like a stake to his heart, but there wasn’t anything he could do. Any time he tried to speak up and correct the old man, it never ended well. He still had a bruise from last time.
He hated it. Which was how he’d ended up here. He wanted to leave; he needed to leave. He wouldn’t survive much longer if he didn’t.
Glancing back towards his door, he listened quietly to ensure that his grandfather was downstairs and wouldn’t return to tell him something else before turning back to his computer.
Turning the monitor back on, he opened his browser, relieved to see that all the tabs were still open. He didn’t even hesitate to return to the forum and begin the sign up process.
As soon as he was content with his profile, ensuring that it gave no real indication to who he was or where he lived, he began looking for a place to post.
It took a short time to relocate the forum designated for introductions, and he immediately opened a new post. Now he hesitated. He wanted to use his chosen name, but was worried people would judge him for it. Though it was either that or his birth name, and he shuddered just imagining these people calling him that.
Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he finally began typing.
Alright so, I’m new to this website, and have no real idea how these things work, but here goes nothing. I’m Lavi, I’m 22, currently enrolled in university, and recently came to the conclusion that I’m trans.
I know that might seem a bit weird, but I mean. What can you do? Sometimes it takes you 20 years to realize that you don’t want to be a girl anymore.
But anyway. I don’t really have any friends who know I’m trans, and my family isn’t the most supportive either, so. I figured ‘what the hell! it couldn’t hurt to check out an lgbt+ forum’.
So, I’m really hoping some of you are as nice as you seem, because I’m honestly desperate for some friends who accept me for who I am.
He scowled a little, knowing that seemed a bit harsh to his current friends. After all, Yuu had pretty much said “I don’t give a fuck what your gender is, you’re still annoying”, which was one of the nicest things he’d ever said to him, even if he didn’t realize it.
But having more than one friend was something he knew would help at least a little. It wasn’t like he hung with Yuu much outside of school anyway... Bookman was convinced that all he wanted was to get into his pants, and refused to listen no matter how many times he told him that Yuu already had a girlfriend.
So, all in all, his life really was as depressing and desperate as the post made him sound.
Sighing, he took another deep breath and hit post. Now it was too late to change his mind, so all he could do was wait for someone to respond.
It would probably take some time for someone to see it, so he minimized the browser and pushed himself up from his chair.
“May as well clean while I wait.” He muttered to himself, moving to pick up the clothing scattered about. He’d learned a long time ago that disobeying his grandfather’s orders meant suffering, and as much as wanted to leave the mess out of spite, the fear was much stronger.
Tossing the clothing into the hamper, he bent down to pick up the books and papers scattered around the floor. Just as he was stacking them into a pile, a loud ding came through the speakers of his computer, making him jump and freeze in place.
Heart racing, he turned his attention towards the door, expecting the old man to come stomping up the stairs any second. Fortunately, after a minute of kneeling there in silence, he let out the breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding.
Quickly standing up, he placed the stack on his desk and pulled up the browser again. Sure enough, there was a small red ‘1’ hovering over the envelope icon.
Adjusting the volume on his computer so that it wasn’t so loud, he clicked the icon to see the message.
As expected, it was a comment from someone. What he wasn’t expecting was to see that the username was one he recognized from the front page.
He took a deep breath before clicking on it, really hoping they were as nice as their introduction sounded.
Hey there Lavi! It’s nice to meet you. I’m LenaLady but you can call me Lena. I’m so glad that you decided to reach out, I know how hard it can be. But I promise, you’re more than welcome here, and we will never judge you.
However, I do have some questions for you. I know they might be hard to answer, and you don’t have to answer if you’re not comfortable, but I am concerned.
You mentioned your family being unsupportive. I’d really like to know more about that. In what way are they unsupportive? Do they just not use the correct name or pronouns? Or is it worse than that?
Again, you don’t have to answer! I just want to make sure you’re safe.
By the time he finished reading, Lavi felt like he was about to burst into tears. All he’d done was introduce himself, but the response was so full of kindness and concern that it was overwhelming.
Smiling to himself, he clicked the reply button, unsure if he was going to answer her questions honestly. But he knew, deep down, that this had been the right choice, and he couldn’t wait to see where it went.
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phyrgon · 7 years
Asexual discrimination
(cause ace some sexual talk) this is my own experience, not the experience of others I classified myself as Ace for 3 years, then kept changing labels for a year and have thought of myself as demisexual for past 3 years (other things on top of that, but talking about demisexuality for now) I have said on occasion that i have a decent variety of kinks and do wish to explore and figure out myself better (but demisexuality limiting me more than most people) half a year ago a guy that knew me for a week on discord talked about how knew i was kinky and wanted me to dominate him in an rp. I explained how even though am fairly kinky I didn’t know him well enough and how in time I might have that attraction to him but not at the moment. I got called a prude and a tease. I could claim this is discrimination cause i’m demisexual...but a lot of people know me as a transwoman, I’m technically genderfluid but transwoman fits for enough cis people to not be a burden on them so i can communicate somewhat well, with some of them finding out genderfluid(and the ones that accept staying) and me talking on genderless days. And cause of how long known me, he couldve thought i was just a kinky woman and regular sexism. or could be kinky transwoman, gotta have that (various sexual words used to refer to transwoman) dominate the guy and if unwilling, a prude tl;dr the closest i’ve got to asexual discrimination is either misogyny or transmisogyny from a cishet guy
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musthaveloved · 7 years
hey fellow writer friends I need your opinions
ok so under the cut is some stuff from my ongoing sci-fi project (probably a tv series? idk yet) that I’m super excited to expand on and I’d be interested to know what you guys think / if you have any suggestions
basically the main question is “at a glance, would you watch this series / read this book?”
The story’s set in a future where there are several human colonies across the universe, all of them with different attitudes to interspecies breeding with the inhabitants of their neighbouring planets.  The lead characters are a kind of rag-tag found-family bunch, most of whom are mixed-species or otherwise outcasts from their respective worlds-- the episode-by-episode plot arcs are kind of a Firefly setup, with them kicking about between galaxies causing trouble, taking shady jobs and being an adorable (if dysfunctional) lil family. 
The ongoing plot arc is to do with the differing prejudices and beliefs on each planet (both human-populated and otherwise) - one of the oldest colony planets, 100% populated by humans, has gone a bit sort of.... space republican and is stirring up tensions between “pure” humans and “neo-humans” (those with mixed-species heritage). Which, as you can imagine, ends up affecting our neo-human lead characters in multiple ways.
So as you can see it’s not at ALL politically charged. Heh. (I put a synopsis on twitter a while back and my inbox was immediately full of wankers.)
Partially descended from a species that communicates empathically / psychically-- something he likens to the idea of “reading an aura”. Uses his innate empathic ability to become a very good con man.  And annoy Birdie.
Dom’s partner in crime-- the muscle, though she’s half his size. Used to work for a smuggling ring on one of the border planets, until she tried to con her own people and got her tongue cut out for her trouble. Now speaks entirely in sign language, and is always finding new and interesting ways to curse at people.
The only fully-human member of the crew. Assassin for hire-- pragmatic, rash, fiercely protective of their crew. Also genderfluid (something they use to their advantage when it is Disguise Time). 
The tech support-- scarily good with machines of any calibre. Neohuman who is much, much older than she appears (and uses her childlike appearance 
A synth (android) originally assigned as Rei’s medical unit and constant chaperone-- until Rei began modifying and expanding on her programming and the two formed a very different, much more personal bond. The two tend to view each other as sisters.
To a human, Dom’s empathic abilities are comparably excellent-- he can read people with incredible finesse. To a member of To’Ai society - his mother’s side - however, he struggles to communicate because his brain is simply not wired the same way. He describes it this way to CORA:
“It’d be like you trying to converse with a two-year-old; as far as they’re concerned, I’m basically talking in three-word sentences. Max.”
Having spent a few years in his teens being raised (reluctantly) by his mother on  after his father’s death, Dom was forced to find other ways to communicate and picked up Ruka, a form of sign language originated by interplanetary traders that was rapidly becoming common knowledge among the more developed / multicultural worlds. It was this form of sign language that he taught Birdie when he initially took her under his wing.
Later in the story they accidentally end up in hostile To’Ai territory and Dom has to act as an ambassador between them and the crew. Thought that’d be some nice symmetry but I have yet to expand on it.
Shortly after Birdie lost her tongue, she was taken in by Dom, who nursed her back to health and taught her Ruka as a new means to communicate. In return, she taught him how to defend himself a little better. 
Over time, as they took more and more jobs together, they’ve developed certain signs that are entirely their own that help them to communicate better in extreme circumstances (ie when doing crime), and Birdie assigns “sign names” to all the crew based on endearing features, injokes and the like. (This is actually a thing in most Western forms of sign language, as it saves the need to fingerspell everyone’s name.) Her sign name for Dom, for example, is a colloquial Ruka sign meaning “idiot”, but with the inflection that indicates a sibling. 
Rei’s mixed-species heritage is something of a mixed blessing. Her biological mothers, both involved with a genetic engineering lab in Shetuo, pioneered a controversial research project on the compatibility of human genes with those of other species - Rei was the fifth attempt, and the first to survive infancy. Her mothers genuinely loved her, encouraging her interest in technology and trying their best to give her a mostly functional upbringing.... but at the same time - with the help of CORA - keeping her practically imprisoned on their little home-base. 
They had valid reason for concern, too: there are several health complications that come with her particular genetic setup. One of her mothers is a Paniang, a species whose formative growth (ie baby to mid-teens) happens very rapidly and then plateaus, deteriorating just as rapidly at the end of their approx. 100-year lifespan. However, the combination of Paniang and human means that Rei reached the physical age of ten, with a mental age roughly twice that, in two years flat. The rapid aging caused a lot of physical stress, leaving her very weak for a very long time. Her skin is peppered with stretch marks, her bones are not especially strong, her immune system equally so, and her muscles often cause her pain.
Having spent several years under the care of CORA and her mothers, Rei eventually decided her health was not going to be an obstacle. Depending on where she’s going or how strenuous her activities are, she may need a filter mask (to keep her from catching something that could destroy her immune system) and/or a wheelchair.
Being genderfluid or otherwise transgender, by this point in human history, is No Big Deal in 90% of the universe. Not only did humans themselves realise that gender is fluid more fluid than their ancestors thought, but they also adopted the lax gender attitudes of some of their neighbouring planets.
HOWEVER, this is not so much the attitude on Jynto, Ade’s home planet. It is the last remaining colony planet from the first wave of human colonisation and the closest to what used to be Earth. Many people there hold onto a sense of jingoism, and have strict criteria for what constitutes a “pure human”. Some have even begun to show intolerance towards humans who demonstrate qualities they associate with other species, or the much more lax and accepting attitudes of the multicultural planets - such as, for example, gender fluidity. 
Ade was born as Adeline Raike, daughter of Senator Raike, a major advocate for human separatism. As a teenager they began to rebel against their father’s political leanings, secretly taking a short-range shuttle to the nearby metropolis of Kumidima so they could attend protests and rallies against the governing body of Jynto. It was there that they met Sarai, a young student from Aeolus where the dominant species is humanoid but monogendered-- and it was them that helped Ade work through a lot of their own gender issues until they came to the conclusion they didn’t fully identify as female. 
Shortly after, their father discovered what they had been doing and had them excommunicated from the Raike family altogether, as he couldn’t risk the loss of respect among his government that having a neo-human sypmathiser for a daughter would bring. Ade was bundled off to a border planet with nothing but a meagre 50-credit chip as consolation-- and, unbeknownst to them, Senator Raike staged their death at a subsequent rally. Agents were already being sent in undercover to deliberately incite violence-- Ade was then alleged to have died in the brawl, amongst a few others. Raike did everything he could to spin the “tragic death” of his daughter to a) gain sympathy / limelight and b) paint the protesters in a worse light.
As many characters point out in the book, there isn’t really any “pure” form of human any more, as humans have begun to evolve apart from one another depending on the environment of their colony worlds. Some examples:
Erebos and Hemera-- the former is the moon of the latter, which keeps it in a near-constant eclipse. Over time, humans on the darker and colder Erebos have developed very pale skin and much wider pupils in order to be able to absorb more light, whereas humans on brighter and warmer Hemera tend to have very dark skin. Very few humans choose to live on Erebos due to the unforgiving conditions, 
Insuro has significantly lower gravity than Earth (and many of the terraformed colonies that imitate its atmosphere). The small community of humans that live here are a good few inches taller than average, usually quite thin and wiry-- they have a tendency to appear elven and etheral, in a way. They don’t travel offworld much-- when they do, specially engineered exoskeletons are usually required as they struggle to cope with the increased pressure on their bodies and would otherwise end up with serious injuries.
Deo Gansu is a mostly gaseous planet, and therefore wasn’t a good candidate for terraforming. It was colonised instead with a series of self-contained citadels, essentially “bubble cities” constructed to float on the planet’s surface.
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