#for alcohol it's only 7% so... let that sink in lol
lucius-the-sinful · 1 year
9 ship songs
@omgkalyppso tagged me to post 9 songs for one or more ships! I think this will probably become multiple posts over my various blogs because I Have A Lot to Talk About. For my first post I'll start with my most recent brain worm: my OC Galethor and Astarion (full playlist appropiately titled killing and maiming). Songs aren't in any particular order other than what I listened too first when making this list, lol.
tagging any and all who wish to participate <3
9. On Melancoly Hill by Gorillaz
Are you here with me? Just looking out on the day Of another dream Well you can't get what you want But you can get me So let's set out to sea, love 'Cause you are my medicine When you're close to me
I'll try my best to avoid Astarion romance spoilers but both Galethor and Astarion being survivors of extreme abuse and after everything is over they are completely unsure of themselves... Other than they know they need each other.
8. Something Real by Post Malone
No cover fee At the gates of hell, no VIP Everybody waits in line So give me somethin' I can feel Light a cigerette just so I can breath Give me somethin', somethin' real
Act 2, Hug Scene. Thats really all you need to know.
7. Honey Whiskey by Nothing But Thieves
I think I better go before I try something I might regret I might regret But if you wanna free your body tonight Its our secret, its our secret
Act 1, Goblin Party. Galethor doesn't do well with large parties or with alcohol (both bring up traumatic memories). So when Astarion proposes getting away from it all, Galethor eagerly takes it.
6. Feeling Sorry for Us by Vegetables
Sad eyes in front of you And frozen arms around your neck If only there were something to find But I need my wounds cured So do you mind my staying here
Galethor feels pretty insecure in their relationship at times, he tends to disassociate. He thinks far to much about how messy things are. Astarion hasn't always been the best partner, but I think given their very similar trauma, Galethor could never confide in anyone else. No one else understands him like Astarion does.
5. Sing To Me by Missio
Its like all day my vanity is for sale Take it away, my head is in my own hell Sing to me, I am not doing well
Chose this one for similar reasons with the previous song.
4. The Valley of the Pagans by Gorillaz
Its so convincing, but something is missing The sun is kissing on my face and erasing my doubts I'm going out with a bang And the fangs of a parasite I'm feeling alright
Galethor is a bit of a sado-masochist and likes to be fed on, okay. Next.
3. Can You Feel My Heart by Bring Me The Horizon
I'm scared to get close, and I hate being alone I long for that feeling to not feel at all The higher I get, the lower I'll sink I can't drown my demons they know how to swim
I think its fair to say that Galethor had just as much trouble opening up as Astarion did. Their relationship was extremely rocky in the beginning, but they never gave up on each other.
2. Trouble by Adam Jensen
Baby, you should look the other way Forget my name, 'cause I'm no good for you Is it living or dying that makes me afraid? Or is it that I know my soul can't be saved?
Not gonna lie, not sure if this is more about Astarion or Galethor. Their relationship is always teetering on the edge, where they know they cannot live without one another but that anything could tip them over the edge into catastrophic ruin.
1. Dead Inside by Younger Hunger
I'm all talk with a thorn in my side I got a real big heart that I'm willing to hide You ask me what I want from life I said to make a lot of money and feel dead inside
Charlatans. The both of them. Whenever Galethor tells lies and spreads misinformation I can see Astarion behind him, biggest heart eyes known to man. They can be a little toxic, as a treat.
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purplesurveys · 1 year
1. What is something in your life that you feel hopeful about right now? Hans gave me a helpful pep talk last night about things I can do to keep my passions up. I've talked a lot in these surveys about the professional rut I've been finding myself in, and he knows about it too, and he sat me down for advice on how to not lose myself. I'm very grateful for the talk and it actually sparked a bit of excitement in me. Now to actually put that motivation into action...
2. What was the last thing you worried about that turned out better than expected? It rained SO hard earlier and I always get super super anxious when I have to drive in the evening and it's raining, because then my side mirrors become completely useless with all the raindrops and I basically can't see anything for the most part. Anyway, I had no choice but to drive as slow as possible just to be safe. I'd rather piss off unhinged drivers with my 10 kph speed than carelessly change lanes or speed knowing full well I can't see shit.
3. Name somewhere you are planning on visiting in the near future? My family has been heads-or-tailing Japan or South Korea for a while now, but my siblings and I have been saying that we would much rather go to SK since it just makes perfect sense – all 3 of us are into Korean culture, food, music, etc. We're currently saving up for it but as far as I know we have plans as soon as mid-2024.
4. How often do you go grocery shopping and how much food do you usually get in one go? Bi-weekly. Our bill usually shoots up to around 7-9k per visit.
5. What is a meal you eat extremely often? Or do your meals & food choices vary a lot? Meh I don't really repeat a specific meal a lot.
6. When was the last time you felt unable or unwilling to speak your mind to someone? No idea. I feel like I have been very honest around everyone these days, especially with regard to my latest promotion. I've been rather vocal, even towards my own bosses, that I'm against it and that I'm only accepting it to keep the entire team from sinking for now, but that I have very strong plans to leave the first opportunity I get, or the moment I feel like this directorial gig is really not for me.
7. What was the last thing you changed your mind about? I thought I wanted to stay a few hours in this nearby coffee shop, but when I was there their tables were so fucking high it strained my arms to use my laptop and phone that I ended up staying for like only 45 minutes before I decided I'd have a much better time in my car lol.
8. Who was the last friend you saw, and what did you do together? I saw Angela and Hans yesterday. We had dinner at our favorite Korean restaurant, caught up with our lives, talked a lot about tattoos for some reason hahaha, let out our respective work frustrations (although a good 85% of it was mine), and Hans gave me another crash course about watches which I always enjoy because I love seeing how excited he gets talking about those tiny machines.
9. Who tends to show up in your dreams? Do you ever wonder if you appear in anyone else's dreams? It's always random people, man. There's not one person or a set of people who make constant appearances in my dreams.
10. What is something you wish you could say to someone who is no longer in your life, or something you wish they could know? I would tell my grandfather about all my accomplishments so far. I'd also brag about how well I can handle my alcohol because he couldn't, haha.
11. Instead of flat earth, what do you think of the simulated earth theory, that we're basically all just a giant computer program or virtual reality? I never really entertain any theories of this nature. I'm just here to live the limited days I have on this planet and I'd rather not invest so much time and brain juices on conspiracies lol.
12. What worries you most about your future? Mostly career-related things. Like, if I've reached this peak at 25, where do I go from here. Ugh.
13. What is something you do to feel better when you're scared? Find a distraction, which is usually a) my dogs, b) rewatching familiar vlogs for the 908th time, or c) surveys.
14. Who do you feel you can count on the most in life? Is there anyone you wish you could count on more? Probably my mom or my sister, for the first question. I don't have anyone in mind for the second.
15. What makes you trust someone? When was the last time someone broke your trust? Idk, I don't really set criteria for this. I just...can tell if I can trust someone, but I can also easily take that trust away if they show otherwise. Last time someone broke my trust - last week when the event organizers that we have been consistently contracting since last year had a disappointing performance.
16. When was the last time you shared a secret with someone, and how did they react? Couple of weeks ago - I was met with shock, which is what I expected anyway.
17. Are you more likely to give advice or to ask for it? It depends on the person, tbh. I have relationships where I'm likely to be the one to seek advice, but it happens the other way around with other people.
18. When was the last time you felt totally lost, figuratively speaking? How about literally? Right now you can say that I am, for the figurative part.
As for literally, that would be two weeks ago when my co-workers and I were supposed to be headed to Nasugbu from Las Piñas (where we needed to pick up a member of the team) but some direction miscomms led me to make a few wrong turns – we ended up in the northbound part of SLEX, then I drove up Skyway, making us end up at the fucking airport, then we ended up back at McKinley near BGC. It was such a stupid experience, I feel like we lost a part of our souls that day LOL
19. In what ways are you emotionally strong? In what ways are you emotionally weak? Emotionally strong: I'm not afraid to be honest about my feelings, especially if they're negative ones; I feel like the years living in fear around my mom changed me as an adult. I'd also call myself resilient – my all-things-will-pass game is pretty strong and it's one of the things about my mindset that keep me sane.
Emotionally weak: I'm sensitive and quickly take things personally.
20. What is the strangest book you have ever read? How did you find out about it? I was gifted a copy of Sing A Song of Tuna Fish in my early teens. I liked the book, but to this day I would say it's one of my more random reads and I still don't have a clue what the title is supposed to mean.
21. Do you prefer to watch movies or tv alone or with other people? Is there anything you refuse to watch alone? I like watching with other people largely because I can have terrible comprehension and would need someone to explain parts that I might not catch on to as quickly.
22. What was the last thing you broke? How about fixed? Can't remember the last times I did either of these.
23. Is there a sign or symbol that means a lot to you for whatever reason (eg. seeing certain animals or birds, 11:11 or other repeating numbers, syncs, butterflies, hearts in nature, etc)? The number 2025 and 613.
24. Do you have any personal ghost stories or paranormal experiences? No.
25. What do you get complimented on the most? My writing.
26. What is something unusual that you find attractive? Idk if there's anything...
27. What time do you tend to eat your first meal of the day? And your last? I eat my first and last meal at like 7 PM.
28. What was the subject of the last video you watched? It's the newest episode of Smosh's running podcast/video series reacting to their older videos.
29. When was the last time you traveled out of town, and where to? Around two weeks ago, to Nasugbu.
30. How would you describe your overall aesthetic? Literally Namjoon's house is my aesthetic, minus all the books cos I stopped reading a long time ago.
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dreamersparacosm · 2 years
hi bestie! thought i’d join in on the celly and ask for a blurb! how about fluff 10 with austin? the one about knowing how to make him laugh. aus’ laugh is one of my favorite things about him and i could use a good fluff piece about it 🥹🤍
note ; this is so cute skdkfkd i love his laugh so much i want to put it on a cd and listen to it everyday also i know u wanted strictly fluff but it’s friends to lovers so lol nice try I’m so sorry i only know how to write one (1) thing
warnings ; none except for this man being unreasonably adorable
You’re about 7 vodka shots deep. Maybe more. Stopped counting after Austin promised every round would be bought with his shiny new credit card that gleams with promise. He’s told himself (and somehow convinced you) that you deserve a night out, a night where you two act as if you’re not frivolous celebrities who carry away on whims and allow opportunities to whisk you to different parts of the world.
Somehow, that’s not the hardest act you pull. The hardest act is pretending that your heart doesn’t crumble into itty bitty pieces every time you so much as spare a glance in Austin’s direction. Pretending that you don’t hear the timber of his voice in your dreams, let it rock you to sleep like a lullaby. Pretending you’re not completely head over heels for your best friend.
You deserve an Oscar for this act.
All this to say - you’re more than embarrassed. Really, it was a shame that you wasted half a decade loving a man who was in a relationship for half his twenties, who lived without a worry in the world.
However, sometimes, in the late hours of the night, you allow yourself to dream: you convince yourself that he feels it too. Feels that spark, that magnetic pull. You tell yourself you’re not delusional, that it’s not just a hallucination you manifested in your head, not something straight out of a Quentin Tarantino film.
But, underneath the dim lights of the nightclub, pressed up against the wooden ledge of the bar, gripping on for dear life to resolve your spins, rap music blaring from the speakers above, you take a real look at him. Blonde locks curled that spill over his forehead. Cotton candy pink lips that are wet from his incessant licking of them. Bright blue eyes that bore into you, like waves roughly crashing against the shore.
“Should we do another shot?!”
He whips you out of the fantasy faster than you can take your next breath.
“Like… no. But, maybe?” You crinkle your nose in disgust at the thought of having to suffer through another shot of vodka. Or, worse. He might suggest tequila.
“I take that as a yes,” He narrows his eyes, flagging down the bartender once more. She’s beginning to know him by name with the amount of times she’s swiped his silver card. You’re still spinning, spinning… like you’re on an endless merry-go-round.
You tap him on the shoulder, lean up into his body, feel his warmth against you. “Or… we could go get McDonald’s.”
“[Y/N]…” he trails off, eyebrows knitting together in suspicion. “No, no. We always do this. We gotta stay out, just once.”
There’s a hint of alcohol by his words, a little bit of a slur. You see the fog behind his eyes, note the way his cheeks burn crimson red from the alcohol intake. Yeah, he’s drunk, and so are you. So, maybe that’s why you make your next comment. “Fine. Should we just, like, get super drunk, fall on our asses, and then see who ends up on Twitter first tomorrow?”
And, then he laughs. Like honey. Like melted caramel. So sweet you want to sink your teeth in it. So sweet you think you might get a cavity. In fact, you might put it in a jar and save it for rainy days. It’s like you’re stuck in time, just the echo of his laughter fading in and out of your ears. He places a hand on your arm, letting it linger for just a few seconds too long. “You always know how to make me laugh, bub.”
And the dream lives on.
thank you for joining my 3.5k celly! requests are now closed.
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bruhstories · 3 years
Dazed and Confused
Summary: You and Connie have been friends for ten years, crushing on each other like a bunch of idiots who can't confess their feelings for one another. Until you go on a trip with your friends. Pairing: Connie Springer x Fem!Reader Warnings & Content: 18+, language, oral sex (female & male receiving), unprotected sex, weed smoking, alcohol consumption, f l u f f Word Count: 4.2 k
A/N: I got so pissed at that last anon that I finished this oneshot quicker lol. @fiaficsxo here it is!
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You loved parties. Not the loud music and thick smoke, not the booze and smell of vomit, but your friends. Every time they gathered at someone's place, your heart fluttered, filled with happiness and content and long-lasting memories.
Connie had the brilliant idea of spending a week in the mountains during your spring break, and you wasted an entire night searching for the perfect cottage to rent. Luckily everyone was down with his suggestion, the only problem was how you'd sleep. Historia obviously wanted to share a room with Ymir. Mikasa and Eren were an item now, so they'd have to sleep together. Armin wanted to try his luck with Annie, so no one objected to that. Jean declared that he wanted to bunk with Connie, like the two eligible bachelors they were, and that left you and Sasha to share a room together. You didn't mind it, in all honesty you loved Sasha with all your heart — but you secretly hoped someone would pick up on your feelings for Connie and let you sleep with him. You weren't that lucky.
You packed your bag the night before the trip, obsessively ticking everything on your list and double checking every item and pocket. It was ready, with one item missing — the white lace babydoll smoothed on your dorm bed. You chewed the pen cap, debating whether to bring it with you or not. You bought it for special occasions, but you haven't had a dick appointment in a long time, and you doubted you'd have one this week. With a shrug, you decided to bring it — you never know what might happen. Nighttime passed quickly and you soon found yourself all dolled up, albeit still sleepy from all the tossing and turning, excited to make more memories with your friends.
The train station was packed with people, especially students who went back to their hometowns for the break, and you were relieved to find Armin and Mikasa there. You three were always punctual, followed by Jean and Annie. Eren, Sasha and Connie were always late, which is why you told them the train leaves at 7 am instead of 7:30. It was a dirty strategy, but no one wanted to miss such a fun opportunity because of those lazy fuckers. And lo and behold, they decided to appear at 7:15.
"That was some good thinking." Jean shook his head, hand sympathetically placed on your shoulder.
"I'm only glad you guys rolled with it." You laughed without noticing the way Connie stared at you, and even he didn't understand exactly what he felt. Was he grumpy because he hated morning, or was it Jean's hand on you that irked him?
"It's not polite to stare." Sasha pulled Connie out of his thoughts.
"I wasn't staring, I was looking." Connie rolled his eyes, gripping the handle of his suitcase a bit too tightly.
"I just don't get it why you don't tell her you like her." The girl popped a bubblegum baloon, proceeding to chew it very loudly.
"Are you kidding me? She obviously likes Jean. Look how she's laughing!"
Sasha placed an arm on his shoulder, a sheepish smile on her face. "You, my friend, are a dumbass."
"Takes one to know one."
To say that your friends were loud during the train ride was an understatement. They didn't really care about the nasty glares other passengers shot at them, opting to talk, sing, eat and practically embarrass themselves. But two hours later you arrived, and the fresh, crisp air of the mountains was a blessing. You didn't regret coming, all of you deserved a break after all the exams, studying and all-nighters you guys pulled.
"We could visit the military museum!" Armin suggested, but Connie scrunched his nose.
"We came here to get high, drink and spend time together, why the fuck would we visit some old ass building?"
"I'd like to go to the museum." You awkwardly smiled, earning a 'see?' from the blond. Mikasa, Eren and Annie backed you up, and since it was a democracy, you ended up leaving your bags at the cottage and touring the small town to find the military museum. The building wasn't massive, and inside it was dark, with crimson carpets and dim lights. It was actually quite a romantic atmosphere, had it not been for the weapons and armours displayed in glass cases. Connie watched you intently, taking in every movement, every flinch, every hair tucking, every scrunch of your cute nose. You absorbed the information, hungry for knowledge. This was something you and Connie didn't share — yes, you were down to drinking and smoking, but you were also eager to learn and study, while he always preached how 'you can always retake an exam but you can't relive a party.' He wasn't stupid by any means, but unlike you, Jean, Armin and Mikasa — who alwaysstudied and never skipped lectures — Connie would wing it and somehow end up getting better grades. His strategy didn't always work, and sometimes, when you were in college, he'd ask you to tutor him. Now you were second year undergraduates, and while you were studying different subjects, you still made time for each other.
"That's a nice, uhh..." Connie squinted, "...shotgun."
"It's a musket." You chuckled, your fingers accidentally brushing his as you turned around to face him.
"Shotgun, musket, same thing."
"Actually, muskets are muzzle-loaded and fire a single bullet, but shotguns pack multiple pellets in one shell." You explained. "I'm sorry, you're probably not interested in my ramblings."
"No, no, it's... interesting. I just wasn't expecting you to know so much about guns." He rubbed his nape and smiled at you.
"Well, I do study history, in case you forgot."
"How could I forget that?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" You awkwardly elbowed Connie. Why was it so hard for you to just tell him your feelings? Oh, right, because you've been friends for ten years and if he didn't like you back, it would only ruin a great friendship.
"It means you brag about it so much it's kind of hard to forget." He told you, quickly realising just how insulting that sounded.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know that's how you felt..." You sighed, eyes darting back to the weapons.
"No, I didn't- forget it." Connie shook his head. Well played.
Back at the cottage, with enough food and booze to last the group a month, you decided to stay in your room for the rest of the day. It wasn't the first time you had embarrassing moments with Connie, but this particular one made you anxious to be around him. Did he really dislike you that much, or was it just friendly banter? If you were to ask him, you could find out, but every scenario in your head had a bad outcome, so avoiding him for now was the smartest choice. Sasha pleaded with you to spend the evening in the living room with everyone else, but you brushed her off, telling her you weren't feeling quite well.
"Text me if you need anything." She told you before leaving. It was immature to act this way, you knew that all too well, but it wasn't like Connie cared, right? You eventually decided to go downstairs after finishing a long episode of your favourite tv show, your stomach begging for nourishment. As silently as possible, you tiptoed behind the couch. The hallway was dim, the sun had already set, and the only lights were the ones from the wide TV screen in the living room where your friends were watching some corny horror movie. You could cut the suspense and tension with a knife, and when you dropped a teaspoon, everyone jumped.
"Sorry, sorry! It's just me!"
"Jesus Christ, Y/N, you almost gave me a heart attack." Jean got up from the floor and walked behind the couch. "How are you feeling? Sasha said you're ill."
"I'm fine, don't worry." You picked the spoon up and threw it in the sink. "It's just a headache, I'll sleep it off."
"Good, we need you here." The man wrapped an arm around you. "You're missing how Connie's crapping his pants at this shitty movie."
From the outside it would seem like you and Jean were a couple, but the truth was far from it. You two grew up together, his family was friends with your family, and what you had was nothing more than a brother-sister relationship. Jean's little remark earned a disgruntled look from Connie, you quickly picked up on that, and so you playfully jabbed him in the stomach.
"Connie's crapping his pants? You're the one who almost had a heart attack." You grinned.
"Oi, that was only because you dropped your stupid spoon. I was invested in the movie."
"Mhm, sure you were."
"Hey, you sure you don't want to join us?" Mikasa waved at you from the living room. You pondered over her question. Perhaps it wouldn't be too awkward to sit with them.
"Alright, sure, why not?"
"Come, sit next to me." Sasha shuffled to the side, but what she really meant by that was 'sit next to Connie', because she shuffled to the otherside.
The following two nights were surprisingly quiet, all you did was play board games, watch movies and walk around the town taking pictures. The tension between Connie and you seemed to dissipate, and you both forgot the unpleasant interaction you had on the first day. But on the fourth night, that's when shit hit the fan. Annie and Armin left for a date, and Eren and Mikasa wanted to spend the night alone in their room, leaving you, Sasha, Jean and Connie unsupervised, bored and tipsy. There was absolutely nothing good to watch on the TV, and you almost wanted to scream when your friends wanted to play truth or dare. It was one of those games you despised, because the whole point of it was to put the players in uncomfortable situations. And you didn't like being uncomfortable, unlike your friends.
"Jean, truth or dare?" Sasha beamed.
"Dare, duh."
"Alright, I dare you to switch roommates for the rest of the week." She sipped her blackberry cider.
"Okay? So, I'll stay with Y/N, then."
Good lord, if looks could kill, Connie's would annihilate Jean and Sasha off the face of the Earth.
"No, no, you'll stay with me. Y/N will stay with Connie."
"Eh? Why does your dare involve us?" You asked, confused and curious of your friend's proposal.
"Because." She shrugged. "Don't pussy out."
"I'm not pussying out. A dare's a dare." Jean scoffed. "I'm gonna go take my shit in your room and shower."
"Y-yeah, I'll go bring mine, too." You got up, using this time to hyperventilate alone. What the fuck was Sasha even thinking? Was this some stupid joke? But your friends wouldn't harm you, so why would she suggest such a stupid thing?
You took a quick shower before curling up in the bed, blankets covering you from neck to toe. Connie wasn't back yet, and you didn't want to go after him, that would just be odd. You were hoping you'd fall asleep before he returned, to avoid any unnecessary fuss, but just as you closed your eyes, the door opened. Maybe you could pretend you were asleep? He struggled to find his pyjamas in the dark, stumbling over furniture and knocking things down, and you turned the bedside lamp on to ease his search.
"Did I wake you up?" Connie bit his lower lip, and through the dim light you watched the way his grey eyes glistened, the way his short brown hair was ruffled, and how the sage green t-shirt hugged his toned abdomen.
"No, no, 's alright. I wasn't sleeping. I can't exactly fall asleep." You clutched the blanket at your chest as you shook the intrusive thoughts away. Connie was your friend, damn it, there was no room for romance between you.
"I can sleep on the floor if you want."
"Oh, God, no, it's... stiff."
"Um, yeah, it kinda is. Alright then, I'll jump in the shower real quick before going to bed." He stumbled into the bathroom and you really wanted to fall asleep now.
But you couldn't. Every time you closed your eyes, Connie's face popped in your head. So much for resting. You tossed and turned on the mattress, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in, but nothing helped. It didn't take long for him to finish his shower, and you mentally chastised yourself for not falling asleep when you felt him shuffle under the same blanket that was covering you. For a minute, you didn't utter a word, you barely breathed, afraid to disturb the silence in the room.
"Are you asleep?"
"Nope." You heard the click of Connie's phone and turned around. You couldn't see him, but you could hear him.
"Do you wanna talk about something? Until we fall asleep, I mean." You suggested.
"Hmm, sure." He turned on his side and you felt his breath fanning over your cheeks. You were too close to him. "Actually, d'you wanna smoke?"
"Aren't the others gonna be mad if we smoke without them?"
"They don't have to know. Besides, you and I never smoked together." Connie was already up, rummaging through his backpack with the flashlight of his phone. "And then we can talk as much as you want."
"Alright, I'm down."
You laid on the floor, your head next to Connie's as you looked at the ceiling, smoke leaving your lips. He took the joint from you, fingers touching yours and you blushed, the haze of the weed melting your worries away.
"Do you want me to skip the song?" Connie asked, and for a moment you forgot there was a song playing.
"No, I like it." You confessed. "I didn't know you liked Led Zeppelin."
"There's lots of things you don't know about me, Y/N." He passed you the joint.
"Okay, tell me something else I don't know."
"I like it when you randomly say historical or scientific facts."
"Didn't you say I brag too much about it?" You took one final drag before you stubbed the joint out in a makeshift ashtray filled with a bit of water. By this point you were high as a kite, every trace of rationality gone.
"That doesn't mean I don't like it." Connie smiled and you could feel it in his voice. "Now you tell me something I don't know about you."
"I can't sleep with open doors. It freaks me out." You sat up, a breeze blowing through the window sending shivers down your spine. "It's a bit cold, do you mind if I close the window?"
"Go ahead."
You got up and picked the ashtray up but before you could close the window, you stumbled over a chest of drawers, the ashes mixed with water spilling over your t-shirt.
"You okay?" He quickly crawled to you, concern written all over his face.
"Yeah, I'm just clumsy." You laughed it off and waved your free hand. "I'll go get changed, I should have a spare shirt."
But you didn't have a spare shirt. All you had was that stupid white babydoll, and anxiety seeped through your veins. You couldn't exactly show up in that in front of your crush. And you didn't want to ask him for a shirt either. Fuck it, what else could you do?
You peeked out the bathroom door and saw Connie back in bed, lazily scrolling through his phone. God, this was embarrassing.
"You look like you've seen a ghost." He laughed, but when your facial expression didn't change, he frowned. "Y/N?"
"Um, so, I didn't have a spare shirt and- Jesus, this is awkward." You opened the door and his eyes widened. "Is it alright if I sleep in this?"
"Oh, I get it now." Connie scoffed.
"Get what?"
"You were hoping you'd share a room with Jean, right?" He sounded almost disgusted.
"Excuse you? Where did you even get that idea?" You slammed the bathroom door shut, arms folded across your chest.
"I'm not stupid, Y/N. I've seen the way you two act. Do yourselves a favour and just fuck already."
You were speechless. Completely reactionless. The weed amplified your anger, but his words brought tears to your eyes.
"You... you fucking asshole! You think I brought this for Jean? I brought it for you!"
"Eh? M-me?" Connie was confused, and you were pissed.
"Yes, you. Jean's like a brother to me, oh my God! Ew!"
"Wait, so you and Jean are not in love with each other?"
"In love?? Connie, how high are you exactly?" You walked closer to the bed, arms still crossed.
"But- Fuck, I am stupid." He shook his head, the memories of you flirting with him flashing before his eyes. "I fucked up, didn't I?"
"A bit..." Your muscles relaxed and you sat on the mattress. "Really, Connie, I... I like you. A lot. But you're always giving me mixed signals."
"That's because I always thought you liked Jean!" He threw his hands in the air in exasperation.
"No, you're the only one."
"Huh, guess I've really been dazed and confused."
Calloused fingertips ran across your hips leaving goosebumps in their trail. Your hands roamed his back and the way Connie kissed you was better than any high you've ever experienced. He was touch-starved, and you were just as needy. His knee found its place between your thighs and you moaned when it barely brushed your cunt.
"I've been dreaming for this moment for as long as I can remember." Connie breathed into your neck, the hot breath tickling your skin.
"Me too, you blind bat." You laughed and he turned you over, hovering over you.
"'M sorry I didn't notice quicker." He kissed you again. One hand travelled lower, pushing your underwear to the side before he pushed two fingers between your folds. "Fuck, you're so wet."
"Well, at least now I don't have to finger myself thinking about you." You whimpered with a grin.
"Oh?" Connie arched a brow. "Is that what you've been doing?" He curled up his fingers and you threw your head back with a moan. "I thought you were a prude."
"T-there's lots of things you d-don't know about m-me!" You replied back between oh’sand ah’s, imitating his words from an hour ago. That only earned a sneer from Connie, his head dipping between your thighs. "Wait, what are you do- ooh fuck!"
His tongue lapped at your cunt, fingers pumping in and out of you, and you completely sunk into the mattress, moaning his name over and over again. You gripped the sheets, flexing the muscles in your legs as you squirmed and thrashed. Connie stopped and you almost crushed his skull with your thighs at the empty feeling. He pulled your underwear down and shoved the cotton panties in your mouth.
"Don't wake everyone up, Y/N. You don't want them knowing what a little slut you are, do you?"
You shook your head and Connie went back to circling your clit with his tongue, adrenaline rushing through your entire body with each lick, each suck. Tears of pleasure pooled at your eyes, nose and cheeks red from the thrill of your incoming orgasm. The way he was sloppily eating your pussy and moaning while doing it drove you insane, and within seconds you came undone, thighs trembling with delight. In fact, you were so sore you had to push his head back, begging him to stop so you could return the favour.
"You taste so sweet." Connie licked his lips. You don't know what possessed you to pull him into a kiss after you removed the makeshift gag, but he was right, you were sweet.
"Can I...?" Your eyes drifted down to his twitching cock, your voice soft and quiet.
"You wanna suck it?"
"Later. Right now, I wanna fuck you."
Connie gave you no time to protest, his elbow pushed one of your things to the side, the blushing tip of his cock grazing over your overstimulated clit, up and down your slit. Inch by inch it disappeared into your cunt and he let out a satisfied sigh. You bucked your hips, manicured nails digging into his shoulders with each thrust.
"Shit, you're so fucking tight!" Connie growled, head lowering to kiss you. You could still taste yourself on his lips and that only made you clench your spongy walls around his cock. That seemed to please him, because he rocked his hips harder and faster. "You like it?"
"Oh, God, yes!" You gasped, beads of sweat forming on your forehead as you clawed his back.
"Fuck, I want you to ride me." He gripped your hips tighter and turned you over. You tried your best to get in the new position without letting his cock slip out of you, and when you finally adjusted yourself, it was a whole new challenge. Gravity pulled you down, and his tip brushed your cervix, your eyes squinting at the slight pain. "If it hurts, stop-"
"No!" You cried out, your hands resting on his chest. You bounced up and down, the uncomfortable feeling slowly replaced with pleasure. Connie's hands traced your thighs as you rode him, another wave of heat flushing through your core. His palm met your cunt, thumb circling over your clit. "I can't c-come again!"
"Yes, you can. And you will cream on my cock."
The disgust words worked like magic and you flexed your thighs, bouncing faster, head thrown back, hair cascading down your back. "You're so beautiful, Y/N."
"Connie, I-" The words stopped in your throat, the pressure too much for you to handle.
"You what?"
"I'm- oh, God!"
"Atta girl!" He praised you when he felt your silken walls relaxing and your thighs quaking. The second orgasm was so intense you let yourself fall over his chest, dizzy and tired. You thought he'd give you a break, but Connie wrapped an arm around your back, holding you in place before giving your oversensitive cunt a few more thrusts. "Now you can return the favour."
You mustered up some strength to get up and kneel in front of the bed, between his legs.
"Please don't come in my mouth." You asked him before wrapping your pretty lips around his cock.
"Gotchaah-" Connie choked on his words when he felt himself in your hot mouth. You bobbed your head up and down, cheeks hollowed and eyes on him. You didn't break eye contact when you pulled away and spat on the tip, hand pumping his cock to smear the spit. "Hot." He mumbled before you went back to sucking. You felt the throbbing, tightening your lips around him and picking up the pace. "Y/N-"
It all happened in a flash — Connie yanked your hair and pulled your head back, thick ropes of milky white cum shooting all over your face and neck.
"Eew!" You scrunched your nose, hand under your chin to stop it from dripping down the floor.
"What do you mean ew? That's, like, a billion kids!"
"Actually, a fertile man produces around-"
"Don't start. Do not." He pressed his index finger over your lips. "Let's get you cleaned up."
You woke up sore, especially between your thighs, but damn, was it worth it. Connie wrapped an arm around your waist, mumbling something about how pretty you are, but you assumed he was still sleeping — or still high. The sun shone through the blinds and you squinted, annoyed by the brightness, and so you turned around, watching the way your crush snored peacefully.
"Cute." You smiled and planted a kiss on his forehead, waking him up. "Oh, I'm sorry!"
"Why?" Connie rubbed his eyes. "Waking up to you is a blessing."
You couldn't hide the tinting of your cheeks and the grin on your lips. "I didn't think you were the romantic type."
"There's lots of things-"
"I don't know about you. But I'd like to know those things. If you let me, of course." You bit your lower lip, eyes filled with hope.
"Can I be your boyfriend?" He sat up, his eyes serious.
"I thought you'd never ask."
Okay, so maybe Sasha knew a thing or two when she dared Jean to switch roommates.
You walked into the kitchen after getting ready for the day, with Connie following behind you. Everyone was eating their breakfast, and Jean instantly dashed to you.
"Connie, bro, take me back. Sasha's leaving crumbs all over the bed! I can't sleep like that!"
"I can't, man, I wanna spend the rest of the week with my girlfriend." He sneered and you elbowed him.
"I forgot to mention Jean's overprotecti-"
"Your what? Hands off my sister from another mister, you creep!"
"Creep? You're the one who was sexting someone's sister last night." Sasha chimed in, mouth full of cereal.
"Thanks, Sash." Jean rolled his eyes. "For real, how did this happen?"
"You see, mate, when a man and a woman love each other-"
"Nope. I will not hear this."
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imagineredwood · 3 years
hey girl. i’m not sure if you’ve done this but a would include or blurbish thing surrounding angel and the guys taking ez out and pressuring him to get a little too drunk and him coming home to you all clingy and touchy saying dirty but also very cute things as you try to get him cleaned up and in bed? i want to eat him. lol i hope you’re feeling better btw 😇
I know this message is mad old and I’m sorry I’m just now getting to it, but thank you. I’ve been doing much better thankfully  🥰
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Now that he was finally a full patch, EZ would be happy that he can spend more time with you at home 
He doesn’t have to jump at everyone’s beck and call like he did when he was a prospect 
So he enjoys being able to stay home with you and spend quality time 
And while the boys are happy for him, they miss being able to rag on him 24/7
So after a fair bit of convincing, they manage to get him to agree to have a boys night out with them
Nothing crazy, just talking shit and having a few drinks 
EZ’s hesitant, but with your encouragement, he relents and heads out with them, only expecting to have a couple drinks 
But as they catch up, one drink turns into three, and three turns into five and before he knows it, they’ve gotten him well and truly drunk 
Stating that he needs to loosen up 
They let Angel be the sacrificial lamb that helps EZ hobble up to the front door when they take him home 
Lest they have to face your wrath 
But you’re calm, despite the eye rolls and help the older Reyes bring him in
“Take him to the room. I’ll get him cleaned up for bed.” 
And Angel simply nods, thankful he didn’t get scolded for bringing you back a drunken Old Man
And with a pat to the back, Angel’s off, leaving just you and a goofily grinning EZ 
“Heyyy, baby. You look so good tonight.” 
His tongue is heavy, his words slurred 
But they’re still coated in the same usual love and adoration 
Your chuckle is soft as you walk closer to him, your knees against his as you stand before him
He looks up at you from his seat on the bed and leans forward, clumsy fingers reaching for the hem of your shirt to lift it up slightly
His lips are kissing along your tummy and side then, your hand on his shoulder the only thing to make him stop 
“Chill, you’re drunk. We have to get you in bed.” 
“I am in bed. You should be too.” 
And you’re rolling your eyes again, though with a smile this time as you hold your hands out to him 
“Come on. Get up.” 
He makes a noise somewhere between a whine and a groan but listens regardless, allowing you to help him stand and make way to the bathroom 
You’re starting to strip him then, only for him to start trying to strip you too
“What are you doing?” 
“Getting you ready for bed too.” 
“...”Im already ready for bed. I’ve been ready since midnight.” 
And while he stops trying to strip you, his hands are still wandering over you as you get him naked 
He’s half-hard and you ignore it, but he doesn’t let you, the alcohol erasing his filter
“Just let me fuck you, mami. We can be quick. You know I can make you cum quick.” 
Simply shaking your head, you reach for the boxers you grabbed for him and open them up for him to step into, having to hold into him as he sways 
And finally, he’s dressed, you grabbing the washcloth off of the side of the sink and wetting it with warm water, wiping down his face for him before ushering him into the room and into bed 
Because you know he’ll make good on his offer in the morning 
General taglist @piccasoe @ateliefloresdaprimavera @gemini0410 @woahitslucyylu @my-rosegold-soul @that-chick212 @everyhowlmarksthedead @glimmerglittergirl​ @elcococruz @fanaticfangurl21 @encounterthepast @iambabyharry @svintsandghosts @starrynite7114 @saturnsaree @multiyfandomgirl40 @destynelseclipsa @sadeyesgf @queenbeered
Mayans taglist @dazzledamazon  @abunnykisses @briana-mishell24 @angelreyesgirl @wrcn9fvlcver @peaches009 @capt-canadian @thesandbeneathmytoes @krysiewithak @bisexual-space-slut @appropriate-writers-name @cind-in-real-life @blessedboo @montanaraed @kkim120 @megapeacelovemusic-blog  @blowmymbackout
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spenciegoob · 4 years
What’s That Vegas Saying?
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Request(?): Just saw this tiktok where a girl and her friends were drinking shots, and the alcohol was in these tiny test tubes. the one girl had the end of the tube in her mouth, grabbed her friend’s face so basically the alcohol was being fed to her and I immediately thought of doing that with Spencer.
The request (?) was gifted to me by the amazing @imagining-in-the-margins
Pairing: Spencer Reid x GenderNeutral!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content Warning: alcohol consumption, intoxication, major pining (lol oops)
Team bonding with the BAU was not as simple as it sounds. They couldn’t just stay in the woods on a camping retreat; they’ve seen too many cases in the woods. Going to the beach was just... weird. And apparently hunting down the sickest minds or eating pasta at Rossi’s mansion wasn’t “team bonding” enough. 
“How about we go to Florida?” You asked the group seated around the conference table. The chorus of unenthusiastic groans of disagreement served as your answer.
“If we want to be surrounded by drunk teenagers, maybe,” Derek piped up, and you couldn’t help but let out a breathy chuckle at his sarcasm. As sarcastic as it was, though, he was right. It dawned on the group that there was possibly no where to go that didn’t either have bad memories, or would definitely create some.
That was until Spencer Reid broke the silence.
“What if we go to-” The suggestion didn’t need finishing; they all knew what he was going to say. As quickly as it left his mouth, regret etched his features with the realization that not only was the team going to hop on the idea, but if he had not spoken at all, they might not have even considered it.
“Boy Wonder does it again!” Penelope shouted in her usual enthusiasm, although unlike most times, this held a bit of mischief as well. 
“That’s it,” Emily jumped in. “We’re going to Vegas, baby.”
And that’s how the team found themselves on a plane heading straight for Las Vegas, Nevada. More importantly, how you found yourself next to a more than usual jittery Spencer Reid. You knew for him, going home wasn’t exactly a team bonding vacation, but more anxiety than normal.
Anxiety about what exactly?
The question remained in your head for the first hour of the trip. That was until you couldn’t ignore the way his leg basically shook the whole plane, and his constant moving eyes flickering between anything he could out of the tiny window.
“Hey,” you said putting your hand on his knee softly, the bouncing immediately halting. “Are you okay?”
The bouncing didn’t return when the question left your mouth, but tension in his muscles returned. His whole body went rigid at your words.
“Y-yeah, of course. Why wouldn’t I be?” The question came with no malicious intent, but the speed at which it left his mouth confirmed his growing worry.
“I’m not going to pry, but I will tell you this,” you say as you squeezed his knee before releasing it. 
Spencer would never say it, but he missed the warmth of your hand on his skin too soon after it was gone.
“This could be your chance to let yourself go and finally have fun in the one place that seems impossible for you to do so.” You hoped your words reached him as you watched his eyes flicker rapidly again, the movements so subtle that if the small lights above you were off, you may have never noticed.
He was trying to let your words sink, wrap his brain around logic that had no scientific reasoning or fact to back it up. You could only hope he heard you, really heard you, and when his eyes halted and a small smile stretched his features, you couldn’t help but return the gesture with a fluttering heart.
“You may just be right.” He finally made eye contact with you, causing both of your smiles to grow wider.
With a new found serge of confidence with the hot doctor who unknowingly held your heart, your smile turned to a smirk and you leaned in so your cheek was besides his.
“And you know what they say.” You turned slightly so your eyes could rest on his side profile and gauge his reaction. It didn’t last long, because sensing movement, Spencer turned slightly too. His face was stoic, but behind his eyes there was something you couldn’t quite put your finger on.
You let your eyes drift to his partially parted lips, and then back to his eyes, all within less than a second.
“What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.”
The same day the plane landed the team found themselves in a club that night. It was 9:57, but from the way half of the team joined Penelope is taking back shots, you could tell it was only the beginning of the night.
That’s when you noticed that Spencer wasn’t like you or Aaron pacing yourselves for the night. Actually, the doctor wasn’t drinking at all.
“Spence, you’re not drinking tonight?” You asked over the loud music that pulsed through your body. When Spencer’s eyes met yours, however, your heart beat faster than the club’s rhythm. 
“No, I um- I don’t think really like alcohol.” Something about that answer didn’t sit well with you, but apparently you weren’t the only one.
“You don’t drink for the taste, Boy Wonder,” a very drunk Penelope yelled from across the booth. 
“I’ve just never drank anything I liked.” That was definitely the worst thing Spencer could say. The second the words left his mouth, Penelope and your head shot up to meet one another’s eyes. 
The “Let’s Get Spencer a Drink He’ll Like” plan blossomed in your one second of shared eye contact.
“I think it’s time we change that, Pretty Boy,” you said with a smirk Spencer melts for, even if that look meant trouble for him later on.
“On one condition,” he started, and turned his body to face yours directly. “You try everything I do.”
You contemplated for a moment. His request meant getting shit-faced in front of your coworkers, but the saying does go what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
“You’re on.”
Penelope all but dragged a slightly less drunk Derek to the bar to fetch Spencer and you some drinks. In the meantime, Hotch stared at the two of you looking at each other, smiles beaming.
“You know,” his voice broke through the trance you two unknowingly had on the other. “I’m not helping either of you out of here when you two get too drunk.”
“I’m with the boss man on that one,” a very, very drunk Emily slurred. 
“That goes for you too, Prentiss.”
Before either of you could defend yourselves, Penelope was back with a tray of assorted shots. There were at least 7 different types of shots, two for each.
“Alright here’s how this is going to work,” she said as she put the tray in front of you two. “I will tell you what’s in them after you’ve taken them.” 
The two of you stared at the tray, your face full of excitement, Spencer’s nervousness. When you two looked back at each other, he gave you a soft smile.
“Hey.” You put your hand on his on the table as you spoke. “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.”
His hand flipped under yours to give you a reassuring squeeze, his smile growing into a smirk as he did so.
“Let’s do this.” Your hands pulled apart as you both decided to start with the clear liquids first. The smell alone was enough to make you want to gag. 
Spencer stared at it quizzically before turning to you.
You both knocked them back as quickly as you could. You couldn’t help the scrunched up face you made as the liquid burned it’s way down your throat.
Spencer had the same face you did, obviously not enjoying the first drink of the night. You would be lying to yourself if you said you didn't find his scrunched up nose and eyes adorable.
“That was vodka!” Penelope through giggles as the team laughed at you and Spencer’s disgust.
“Yeah, no shit.” The next shot you and Spencer picked up was also clear, but Einstein did say insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. 
“Oh god, here we go again,” you mumbled before throwing the shot back, Spencer following your lead. 
He slammed the shot glass back on the table with a slight cough.
“That was so much worse than the first one,” he squeaked, and you couldn’t help the giggle from escaping. Spencer looked over at you and let out a breathy laugh.
“Regretting your decision now?” He asked.
You grabbed the next shot off the tray, this one having a small brown tint. He grabbed the matching one.
You clicked your glasses together and said “Never,” before finishing the third shot of the evening.
By the time the tray was finished, Spencer did not find a drink he enjoyed, but neither of you could remember what the actual goal was.
Spencer and you were both lightweights, so by the time the shots were cleared, you caught up to the rest of the team’s drunk level.
Sloppiness was a better word for it. At one point you stood behind Spencer with his head leaning back into your hand as you poured another tequila shot down his throat. At another, you had been dared to give JJ a lap dance that you didn't object to doing. 
Now, the team found themselves seated at the booth sharing drunk horror stories.
All of a sudden, Spencer shot up from his chair on legs that can only be compared to a baby deer’s, drawing the attention of the entire team.
“I think I have something to say,” he yelled, and while he seemed uncertain that he wanted to say what was on his mind, there was no uncertainty in his next statement.
“I have a crush on Y/N.” Smiles spread around the table as the team realized it only took a little alcohol for this to happen. The only two not smiling was Spencer, who was staring at his now empty chair with confusing on what the fuck he was doing etched all over his face, and you, who’s jaw was on the floor.
“Hell yeah drunk confession!” Emily yelled, breaking the silence amongst the group that the music had the courtesy to fill.
You realized it’s been way too long for you to not say anything, and whether it was the alcohol or the confirmation you needed, you yelled back at him.
“Oh my god no way.” His head turned to you, the look of confusion replaced with... regret? Anticipation? Hope?
“I have a crush on you, too!” You said it as if the two of you realized you like the same TV show, or are wearing the same socks.
Your casualty about the whole thing made Spencer feel significantly less awkward, and he made a mental note to thank you later.
“No way, for how long?,” he mimicked you from before in the same tone. The two of you stared at each other with wide eyes and bright smiles.
“Since my first day six years ago!”
“Me too!”
The rest of the team just sat there, laughing at the two who finally admitted their feelings for one another. 
“You know what we should do?” Spencer asked you, excitement spread through every inch of his face, and his hands moved between the both of you.
“Especially since we’re in Vegas,” you finished his question, catching on to what he was trying to get at.
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” He needed confirmation that he was not the only insane person at this table. 
Insane and drunk were interchangeable, right?
“Let’s get married in Vegas,” you both said at the same time, and the relief you both felt when you realized the other was as insane as the other came out as two laughs.
But, as the idea was shared between you two, the team sprung into action.
“Oh no. No, no, no no no,” Derek grabbed Spencer’s shoulders and kept him firmly by his side, JJ doing the same to you. 
“How about we get you two to the hotel instead?”
And then you woke up in your hotel bed with no recollection of how you got there. Your head was pounding as the sunlight seeped through the cheap hotel curtain right in your eyes.
You groaned and shot up, rubbing the sleep from your eyes the best you could. To your right on the nightstand were two advil, a glass of water, and a note. 
You took the advil as soon as you laid your eyes on them before picking up the note to read.
Lunch at noon Next time, we’re going to Florida -JJ
So JJ was the one that brought you to the room after...
Oh god, oh no. That was so stupid. Getting married in Vegas is so stupid why is that a thing? You internally screamed. But wait, Spencer likes you?
You needed to find Spencer. Grabbing your nearest jacket, you threw it on before basically running out the door.
You didn’t get very far, because the second you turned the corner, you ran into something hard.
No, not something, someone. Spencer stood before you in the same state you were in; disheveled, hungover and a little worried.
“Hey, I was just coming to find you,” you said, trying to alleviate some of the awkwardness between you two.
“Ye-yeah me too. I uh, I actually wanted to ask you s-something.” Well so much for alleviating awkwardness. 
“You can ask me anything, Spence.” He looked up at you and gave you his signature tight lipped white boy smile.
“I know they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but when we get back, would you want to maybe grab a coffee or something?” He said rocking back and forth on his feet.
“Like a date?” You didn’t even bother to hide the hopefulness in your voice and on your face. You wanted nothing more than to go on a date with Spencer Reid.
“Yeah, a date. Is that.. okay?” The longer it took to get a yes or no, even a maybe, was enough for the anxiety and regret to start to blossom. You wouldn’t let it grow anymore, though.
“Of course it’s okay, and yes, I would love to get coffee or something.” You giggled back at him, looking up to meet his eyes that matched the ones on the plane; filled with love. 
Love for you.
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Glide (Miss Venable x reader)
a/n: hello :3 here we have another song fanfiction whoohoo- uhm Glide (by Lxandra) don't expect too much haha.. its angsty i guess lol :7 oh and its really long-
summary: I am really bad at this holy shit.. I guess its about the “"relationship” between you and Miss Venable (relationship is a weird word-)
warnings: alcohol, talking about depression and suicide (but nobody's actually depressed), notes of sex 
google translate :’D
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"So, Miss Y / L / N", Mister Langdon finally said as he stepped around the table to stand in front of you.
"After telling me about your homosexuality, I would like to know if you are currently in love?"
You narrowed your eyes at the man in front of you.
"What kind of stupid question is that? Is this the part where we braid each other's hair and talk about our high school crushes?"
"Answer. My. Question.", the Man growled.
"Okay okay," you muttered quickly. "Uhm, well let me think about it for a minute."
It all started when Miss Venable heard you scream one night.
You had been at Outpost 3 for a few months at this point and in all that time you hadn't spoken a lot and spent the entire time in your room except for meals.
The others didn't know much about you. They knew, you were one of the youngest residents of the Outpost and that you had left your family behind. And of course they knew your name. But that was all.
You spent a lot of time thinking about your family. Your relationship with your parents wasn't ideal, but you still missed them. And if you had known a year ago where you were today, you would have done a few things differently. Celebrating Christmas with them one last time, vacationing with them, simply spending the time peacefully with them instead of arguing.
Usually you cried quietly to yourself, with your head buried under your pillow, hoping, that everyone would forget you existed,  but crying wasn't enough tonight and after dinner you snuck into the kitchen to steal a bottle of the red wine, that you smuggled into your room afterwards.
It was now 1 a.m., the bottle was almost empty, and hours ago you had started tossing the items you had in your room. Your clothes were scattered on the floor, while you had tossed the boring books from the library against the wall. Your bed was a complete disaster and in all your anger you had torn the sheets. There were red wine stains on your pillows, which had almost slipped into the blazing fire of the fireplace after you tossed them off the bed.
And now all you could do was scream.
"Fuck you!" You shouted as you staggered in the room with the alcohol in one hand.
"Fuck you all! Fuck this apocalypse, fuck this outpost, fuck-"
"Miss Y / L / N" interrupted you a loud voice behind you and made you turn around.
Miss Venable was standing in the doorway in front of the locked door, staring at you in confusion.
"Ever heard of knocking?" You grumbled and hid the bottle behind your back.
"I knocked," Miss Venable hissed, her gaze wandering angrily over your chaos.
"And if you hadn't screamed so loud, you would probably have heard it. What the fuck do you think of making such a noise here at night? Stealing alcohol as well?"
"I uh- caught," you muttered as you put the bottle on the round table in front of you.
"Do you know what's really funny? We don't have anything to eat, but there is no end of alcohol. Whoever came up with that must be pretty stupid."
"It was my idea. I am in charge here, in case you forgot."
"Oh right," you sighed and slapped your forehead with the palm of your hand.
"Shit, well, i'm sorry, but what was your name again?"
"You forgot my name?" Asked Miss Venable sharply with raised eyebrows.
"Yeah," you muttered before collapsing onto your messy bed.
"But I know it was something weird."
Miss Venable glared at you, which of course you couldn't see because you were buried with your face in your blanket.
"Hopefully you realize this will be punished," she growled.
"Oh suck my dick", you grumbled. "You enjoy punishing others, don't you? You are a little psychopath"
You laughed softly into your blanket and noticed how you became more and more sleepy. You almost fell asleep if Miss Venable hadn't tapped her stick loudly on the floor.
"You will start cleaning up here immediately, otherwise it will be the last night you spend in this outpost."
"Oh shut up. You are totally mean to me," you moaned and pouted at the angry woman.
"Why are everyone always so mean to me? I haven't done anything wrong."
You got up on shaky legs to walk past her to the door, but you tripped and fell against Miss Venable.
"Wow," you mumbled as you stared into her brown eyes with your glassy ones and grabbed hold of her hips.
"I may not know your name, but I know,  that you are really pretty"
"What the fuck is wrong withyou ?! "
Wilhemina pushed you away from her so that you stumbled backwards and landed on the floor.
You stared out at her with hurt eyes as tears welled up in your eyes.
"I didn't do anything," you yelled at Miss Venable, who was still leaning on her stick in front of you.
"It's not my fault, that you're beautiful. Be happy, others are ugly."
"That's enough," growled Miss Venable as she took a step towards you and grabbed your arm to pull you up.
"You're going to bed now."
"I'll do nothing," you mumbled and tried to pull yourself out of her grip, but you were way too drunk to use enough strength and she could push you like a doll on the bed.
You laughed again.
"Guess what, my bed is big enough for both of us, isn't that funny?"
You looked up at her playfully, or at least you tried.
"You beautiful woman. We-"
"Your behavior is disgusting," she interrupted as she leaned over to grab your chin. Immediately you fell silent.
"And my name is Miss Venable."
She looked down at you dangerously and you saw fire in her eyes when you started laughing out loud.
"Haha Miss Venable, I told you it was something weird," you shouted before you started screaming out loud.
"Miss Venable is beautiful whohoo. Can you all hear me? Miss Venable is beautiful. She-"
"What the hell", Miss Venable cut you off again and took her hand from your jaw to put it on your mouth.
"Are you going to be quiet at last?"
"M'sorry," you hummed against her hand and Miss Venable could see from the wrinkles around your eyes, that you were grinning under her hand.
"I want you to go to sleep now and clean up the chaos here tomorrow, do you understand me?" She asked in a sharp voice. But you just glared at her and wanted to bite her hand when she repeated her question.
"Do you understand me?" She barked louder and this time you nodded quickly.
"Good," she said happily as she took her hand from your mouth and straightened up again.
"Fuck you," you mumbled quietly and watched unhappily as the woman went to the sofa across from the fireplace and sat on it.
"Can't you just go?" You moaned as she leaned her cane against the edge of the sofa.
"Oh I'll go," she replied while staring into the fire.
"When you fell asleep."
You groan in annoyance.
"Is that supposed to be a joke?"
"Do I look like I'm joking?"
"Oh come on," you sighed and pulled your blanket over your head so she couldn't see you.
It was actually your plan to wait for her to go away, but at some point (who knows how much time had passed) you actually fell asleep.
Living my life in a bubble
Sometimes reality's too much for me
(I trip and fall into a dream)
Your love it gets me into trouble
Sometimes your gravity's too much for me
(It gets me weak in the knees)
A week had passed and not much had happened. The next morning you woke up alone and with a big hangover and barely remembering what had happened the previous evening. Miss Venable had forced you to clean up the mess in your room after she had punished you for stealing the alcohol and as attractive as this woman was, she seemed genuinely angry about what had happened, even though it was actually nothing special. At least that's what you thought, but you couldn't remember either.
The world had ended and her problem was, that you had stolen a bottle of wine and ravaged your room. You wondered how fucked up her life must have been before the apocalypse, if that bothered her. And she wasn't the only one you wondered about.
The other residents of the outpost were all disgusting.
"Why do we have to eat this shit?"
"When are we getting out of here?"
"Why is life so unfair and let me be here with you idiots?"
You hate those ungrateful assholes. Everyone was dead and their only problem was, that they were still alive.
Other people deserved it so much more and the fact that mankind's only hope was in these conceited, stupid assholes seemed like a joke.
When you lay in bed that day and stared lost at the ceiling, you had lost all reference to reality. You didn't know what day it was or what month you were in. You also didn't know whether the last meal you ate was lunch or dinner, although a glance at the clock would have been enough. But you got tired of staring at the clock and watching the second hand, hoping something would happen.
Nothing changed anyway. And all you felt was that big feeling of loneliness that completely filled you. You were a very emotional person and all you wanted was someone who was normal. But everybody in this outpost was a huge disappointment. Conceited assholes, intimidated Grays and Miss Venable, who enjoyed punishing people.
Probably you would have started talking to yourself, but thank god you weren't there yet.
Sometimes you thought, it might be easier, if you opened up to others. But your body had become like a prison and you kept every thought trapped deep inside you because it did not match those of the others. Stupid assholes.
And while you continued to sink into your self-pity, you would probably have fallen asleep, if you hadn't been bothered by the sudden knock on your door.
"Fuck off," you moaned while staring angrily at the door, but the person standing in front of it only knocked one more time.
Asshole, you thought before reluctantly climbing out of bed to open your door.
"I said you should f- Oh Miss Venable," you stared at the woman in front of you.
"Are you here to punish me again for something pointless? If so, I can assure you it won't be necessary .. The wounds from last time still hurt, if you care."
Miss Venable screwed up her eyes.
"Well, Miss Y / L / N, actually I don't care, but if it still hurts, you seem to have learned your lesson," she replied coldly and you just snorted in annoyance.
"What do you want from me?"
"You are obviously depressed-" she started and you interrupted her immediately.
"What is that shit supposed to mean? I'm not depressed, I'm just sad. And since when have you been interested in how I'm doing?"
You glared at her with narrowed eyes, but her face still had the same deadly serious expression.
"You've been sad for a long time, don't you think?"
"I- uh".
You looked at her confused.
"All my friends are dead, it's only logical that I feel that way .. I find it rather questionable, that I'm the only one here, who feels that way."
"So?" Miss Venable raised an eyebrow, which made you even more insecure.
"I don't really care how you feel either. I just don't feel like wiping your blood off should you decide to kill yourself."
"Suicide isn't always bloody," you muttered.
"And because we don't have any doctors here-"
"By the way, that's the stupidest thing of all. You know, we have a hairstylist, but no doctors, you also notice that it doesn't make any sense, right?" You interrupted her and crossed your arms in front of your chest.
And again Miss Venable ignored your words and finished her sentence, which you had interrupted.
"..I thought that would help too."
Your eyes widened when you saw what she was pulling out from behind her back and immediately you started laughing.
"Are you serious? First you punish me brutally for stealing a bottle of red wine and now you come to give me one?" You laughed and stared down at the bottle she was holding out to you.
"What's worse is, that you think alcohol is replacing therapeutic treatment. That's pretty sad to be honest, Miss Venable."
Wilhemina narrowed her eyes.
"It's not sad, I just prefer red wine stains instead of stains from your blood," she growled.
"You can't possibly be serious," you mumbled and suddenly had to grin.
"You enjoyed punishing me, right? And now you're coming, because you need a reason to do it again."
"Oh come on," Miss Venable rolled her eyes.
"Take the bottle or don't take it, it's just an offer."
You were still staring at her in amazement. What was wrong with her that she thought this action would solve your problems? Another proof of how fucked up everything was and that the only person you could count on was yourself.
"Uhm, well thank you, Miss Venable," you stuttered and reached for the bottle.
"If you come over every evening and bring me a bottle, your diagnosis may work and I will have very different problems, than my sadness."
"Not funny," muttered Miss Venable, her lips pressed together.
"Well, good evening, Miss Y / N."
She turned around and started to leave and you could only stare after her in confusion. Evening?
Then you actually had dinner earlier, even though you could have sworn it was only lunch.
"Maybe you want to join me-?" You asked suddenly and were just as surprised by this question as Miss Venable, who turned to you.
"I don't think getting drunk on my own would be fun," you added, stepping nervously from one foot to the other.
"You did it a week ago," replied Miss Venable and in the torchlight you could see the lines of confusion on her face.
"But I never said it was fun," you smiled crookedly as your grip tightened on the neck of the bottle.
"And I think it would be nicer to do that, in the presence of another person. Especially since you've already seen me drunk."
You looked at Miss Venable expectantly, although you did not know exactly what you were doing. It was probably just your desperate attempt to get someone's attention, simply because everyone, who has ever cared about you was dead. And you knew Miss Venable might not be the best choice. But while the others complained aloud about their suffering and argued about who was worse off, Miss Venable didn't show such feelings and kept her thoughts to herself. A circumstance with which you could somehow identify.
"Okay," Miss Venable finally muttered, surprising you one more time that day.
"Well, great," you said before stepping out the door frame to go back to your room. You sat on the other end of the sofa, across from where she sat a week ago. In your hand there was still the bottle of red wine and for whatever reason you were ashamed of this situation. Miss Venable brought you alcohol because she thought, you could use it to manage your sadness, or depression (as she called it). And if she had actually meant well, which was actually questionable with her, then you had to make a pretty pathetic impression on others.
"You cleaned up the mess," you heard Miss Venable's voice behind you, but it was more of a determination than an acknowledgment.
"And I just noticed that we have no glasses at all".
Your shoulders sagged at her words and for a moment you were afraid she would leave. But you heard her close the door behind her before she went to the sofa and sat down on the exact same place, that she had been sitting on a week ago.
You watched the woman confused, leaning her cane against the sofa.
Her gaze lifted to you and she stared at you as expectantly as you looked at her confused.
"What are you waiting for? Go into the kitchen and get glasses," Miss Venable uttered.
You blinked in surprise.
"I- I didn't know that was a request," you muttered before jumping up from the sofa to run from your room into the kitchen.
When you ran back to your room 5 minutes later with two wine glasses, Miss Venable was still sitting on the ugly fabric sofa just as she had done a few minutes earlier. And somehow there was something aesthetic about it.
Personally, you thought it was ridiculous, that everyone had to adapt to the Victorian style, just because she wanted to. But it was perfect for Miss Venable. As if it was made for it. Her red hair, which she always pinned up so strictly, then her almost black eyes and the lipstick. Also her pale skin and her cane. Even her strict personality perfectly matched the style of clothing.
"Do you want to stay in the door frame and stare at me, or are you finally coming now," Wilhemina hissed suddenly without moving even an inch and immediately a slight blush rose in your face.
"M'sorry," you muttered and quickly closed the door before going back to the sofa. After you sat down, you put the glasses in front of you on the table, where the wine bottle was now.
"I was just wondering," you explained as you poured the wine into your glasses.
"Why the Victorian style of all things?"
"Why not? It looks good," replied Miss Venable, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
"Well," you began before turning to give her her glass.
"The world is ending and you make us wear 10kg dresses, because you think it looks good?"
"Any better idea?" Miss Venable asked back, putting the glass to her lips.
"Uhm I, i don't know," you stuttered and watched Miss Venable as she drank her wine.
"Don't we have to be prepared somehow or something like that?"
You heard Miss Venable laugh quietly into her glass.
"Prepared?" She repeated with a small grin and put her glass back on the table.
"On what? For the aliens to come and get us out of here?"
You shrugged your shoulders.
"I don't know," you mumbled before you put your glass to your lips to take a sip of the bitter liquid and while you were drinking you could feel her gaze digging into your skin.
"By the way, I also find it very questionable what kind of people live in this outpost," you added, setting your Glas next to hers on the table.
Wilhemina let out a laugh. It was one of those laughs that you couldn't tell whether it was meant honestly or sarcastically.
"I'm not surprised you say that," she muttered.
"Is my dislike of the others that obvious?" you asked confused.
"I don't know if obviously this is the right word .. But what I do know, is that you always look disgusted when you see them, so I'm assuming you don't like them and to be honest, I like them neither.
Your confusion turned to laughter.
"Well," you said.
"With you it is obvious that you don't like any of them."
"These people are just as competent as they were poor. They are only here because of their money," she said disapprovingly.
You sighed thoughtfully.
"It's kind of sad, that money was the way in here. Scientists would have been so much more valuable. I'm only here because my grandfather had the money."
"What did you do before the apocalypse?" She asked you and you were surprised by this honest question.
"I went to college to study history," you replied when your gaze wandered into the fire.
"So I can  judge that the Victorian style wasn't the most practical choice."
You heard Miss Venable snort in annoyance and you couldn't help but grin.
"And what did you do before the apocalypse?" You asked, turning your gaze back to her. Miss Venable seemed as surprised by your question as you were by hers.
"It's a little tricky," she began. "Basically, I built human robots."
For a moment you stared at her in amazement. Miss Venable had averted her gaze from you and directed it to the wine glass in front of her.
"M'sorry, but if you've built human robots, why are you letting real people, the Grays, work for us? Wouldn't robots have been revolutionary in an apocalypse?"
Unlike you, Miss Venable seemed totally unaffected by this.
You watched as the redhead reached for her wine glass and took another sip of the blood red liquid.
"You are asking too many questions for my taste, Miss Y / L / N," said Miss Venable softly, putting her glass back on the table. And even though she kept her voice low, you could hear her indirect threat.
"To be honest, I'm amazed, that I'm the only one asking questions," you replied, trying to make eye contact with the woman next to you again, but Miss Venable's gaze was tied to the blazing fire in the fireplace and you could see a dark glint in their eyes.
"You shouldn't get involved in things that are none of your business," she said suddenly in a monotonous voice. "All over the world there are survivors and it is not your job to question my system, nobody has the right to do so. You are just one stupid survivor of many, nothing more"
You and I, we just glide
Through the night
We just drive, we get by
We just glide
"Oh c'mon," you moaned and ran your tousled hair.
"God must hate me".
You stood on shaky legs from the library floor, that you fell on after stumbling into the room. You brushed the dirt off your skirt and realized with gritted teeth, that it was ruined.
"Seems like someone is having a bad day," you suddenly heard a voice say and immediately your mood worsened.
You straighten up again to meet Miss Venable's eyes. The woman sat on the right of the two leather sofas and with one hand clutched her cane, which was propped on the floor.
"Fuck you", you hissed before you let yourself fall on the sofa across from her.
"Oh, someone is having a very bad day," added Miss Venable, and you didn't have to look at her to see, that she was amused by your behavior,
"Yes, my day sucks and guess what, it's all your fault," you growled and glared angrily at her stick.
"When I got up this morning and wanted to leave my room, I got stuck in the door with my blouse and the whole sleeve was torn. Did you also notice, how much you sweat in these clothes? It's really hard to go at the toilet with these clothes .. I'm sorry, but what the hell was your idea, when you decided to give us a Victorian dress code? Did you have to make our life after the apocalypse even harder ? "
You pressed angrily your lips together and screwed up your eyes.
"You are the only person who complains about it," said Miss Venable and sounded not quite as amused as a minute before. You let out a dry laugh.
"The others are too scared of you, to tell you that," you said bitterly.
"Besides, what the hell are you doing here?"
You tore your gaze away from her stick to look directly into her dark eyes.
"Why shouldn't I be here?"
"Because you're never here and you didn't look like someone who'd like to hang out with Mr. Gallant or Coco."
"Well, neither Mr. Gallant nor Miss St. Pierre Vanderbilt are here right now, right? And besides, I could ask you the same thing", Miss Venable replied indifferently and somehow she was right. It was also a rarity to see you in the library as you actually spent most of the time in your room.
"I suppose my great sadness is over now .. or as you called it 'depression'. I'm more in the mood right now, that I don't care and I am angry at everything and now you are my victim. Your lipstick is smeared by the way", you sighed, although that was actually a lie, her lipstick was perfect as always. But in fact her eyes widened slightly and you couldn't help but enjoy this view.
"You're lying," hissed Miss Venable and you had to grin.
You shrugged your shoulders.
"Maybe you'd better go and see, or you risk the others seeing you ruined makeup."
It was obvious that Miss Venable was a perfectionist woman and she wasn't going to let her position of power be challenged over a smeared lipstick. On the other hand, you were an extremely bad liar and Miss Venable wasn't stupid.
"You're lying," she repeated, only with her lips pressed together, giving you the sense of achievement you wanted.
"Mhh Miss Venable," you hummed as your eyes found her stick again.
"This cane .. when I saw you for the first time, I wondered if it was just a symbol of power or if you really needed it-"
"..And then you saw me walk with it," added Miss Venable with a bitter tone in her voice.
"Oh no," you quickly shook your head.
"It wasn't your walk that gave me the confirmation that you really need the stick. It could never be your walk, you walk so majestically with that stupid thing, that even people, who don't really need a cane and only use it as an accessory would look handicapped next to you."
It was probably a rather desperate attempt to put the whole thing in a compliment and Miss Venable did not answer your words either, but you could see in the glow of the fire how her pale skin turned a light red shade and that was enough for you.
"It was your grip to be honest," you continued.
Miss Venable frowned.
"My grip?"
"Yes," you nodded and started playing with the fabric of your skirt.
"Your fingers are always clenched so tightly around the handle, as if you wanted it to break through. As if you were trying to strangle it or something like that, i dont know."
The furrow on Wilhemina's forehead only got a little wider with your words.
"You seem to spend a lot of time watching what my hands are doing," she mumbled and this time it was you, who blushed.
"It was just an observation, that I made on the side," you stammered quickly when you realized, that from one moment to the next the conversation had taken a completely wrong direction. Miss Venable did not answer again and you did not have the courage to look her face again and so the next few seconds were filled with an embarrassing silence, although you could imagine that Miss Venable was enjoying your discomfort.
"May I take a look at your cane-?" You finally asked to break the silence.
"You want to take a look at my cane?" Repeated Miss Venable, surprised with raised eyebrows.
"Only if it's okay," you said quickly.
"You are the first person, who asks me that".
Miss Venable looked thoughtfully down at her cane, which was still in her hand.
"As I said, the others are too scared of you-"
"The others don't care," Miss Venable interrupted, and you didn't know if she was sad about it or if she didn't care. But we're talking about Wilhemina Venable, she probably didn't care.
The red-haired woman sighed before holding out her stick to you.
You grinned and tried to grab the staff, but before your fingers could touch the wood, Miss Venable pulled it back again.
"How can I be sure, that you won't break it up and use it to make firewood?", She asked you and you looked at her in horror.
"I would probably be the last person to do that," you said indignantly.
"On the contrary, I think you would be the only person in this outpost who would dare to."
Miss Venable held out her stick to you again and this time she let you reach for it.
You immediately noticed how light the wood was in your hand as you carefully ran your fingers over the stick.
"What kind of wood is that?" You asked quietly without looking up from her walker.
"I guess it was blackthorn".
Your fingers moved on to the handle of the stick, which was probably the most interesting thing. A metal handle in the shape of a raven skull served as a support for the hand.
"Doesn't that hurt?".
You lifted your gaze back to Miss Venable, who obviously didn't understand what to do with your question.
"Well, if I had to support myself with all my weight on this skull, it would hurt," you added and Wilhemina just shrugged her shoulders.
"Uhm, it's a beautiful cane," you muttered, handing it back to her.
"May I ask why you need it?"
"I don't know what this should have gotten to do with you," replied Miss Venable, not sounding as nice as before. If you could call it "nice".
"Okay okay, taboo subject, I got it," you said quickly, desperately searching your head for anything to keep the conversation going.
"Do you actually enjoy it? To have control over everyone here? And know that, that almost everyone is afraid of you?", You finally asked and leaned back against the sofa.
"You asked me that a few weeks ago, when you were drunk," remarked Miss Venable, looking down at her gloved fingers, which were wrapped around her cane again.
"Really?" You asked confused.
"More or less. It was more of an accusation."
"An accusation?"
Miss Venable hummed in agreement.
"I told you, that you would be punished for your behavior and you said I would enjoy it."
"I understand," you mumbled, still staring hard at her face.
"What else happened that evening?"
A smug smile danced on Wilhemina's lips and she took a moment to consider your question.
"Well, you made fun of my name," she finally began as she drummed her fingers on the skull-like handle of her stick.
"And then you said, that I was pretty and that I should be happy about it, because other people are ugly."
Your eyes froze as her words entered your brain.
Wrong turn. Wrong turn.
"Uhm .. You know, when I'm drunk I tend to perceive things a lot more intensely than they actually are and then I exaggerate occasionally," you tried desperately to get yourself out of this situation, but Miss Venable just let out a loud laugh and you realized, that you had failed miserably. You cleared your throat briefly and sat up straight again.
"You haven't answered my question yet," you said, trying to change the subject again.
"I wanted to know, if you enjoy all of this."
"Do I enjoy it if you don't obey my rules? No, I don't enjoy that, why should I?" Miss Venable said and again had that indifferent sound in her voice. Of course you knew that she had bypassed your question and that was enough to prove, that she enjoyed her monarchy in Outpost 3.
"You said earlier, that you had got over your grief. That's good to hear," said Miss Venable, and this time she was the one who changed the subject.
"I thought you didn't care what I felt".
You smiled contentedly and cocked your head. Somehow you liked this game of mutual debunking.
"I don't care either, I just wanted to be polite."
Your smile widened when you saw her fingers clench a little tighter around her stick.
"Miss Venable and polite, I don't think this is a well-working combination," you teased her and in the glow of the fire you could see her roll her eyes.
"You were a lot less tiring, when you were crying in your room all day," she muttered disapprovingly.
Why should it be such a struggle
When it means so much to you and me?
(I trip and fall into a dream)
Built like a ship in a bottle
Gotta handle you so delicately
I don't know what we got
But I know what I want
The silence is killing me softly
What. The. Fuck.
When you arrived at the Outpost a few months ago, you couldn't even have imagined in your deepest dreams, that you would ever end up in this situation.
You lay on your back, still staring at the ceiling with wide eyes as you tried to stabilize your breathing. Only now did you notice, that you had your arms wrapped around your chest and that your fingernails were digging painfully into the flesh of your shoulder. Your body lay rigid in her bed and you couldn't move an inch. You desperately tried to put the things that had happened in the right order.
Was it a stupid idea to go in Miss Venable's Bedroom? Yes, definitely. In retrospect, you didn't even know what exactly you wanted there. And actually you should have disappeared, after you saw that Wilhemina hadn't even been there. But no, of course your curious ass had to inspect her entire room.
And by the time Miss Venable came out of her bathroom in her pajamas, you had already started counting in your head how many punches Miss Mead was going to give you as punishment. You had definitely crossed the line.
But it turned out very differently than expected. Miss Venable had been angry anyway, very angry, but her anger was not expressed in words. The woman had pressed you against the wall and before you could do anything about it, her hand had slipped under your skirt, between your legs and Miss Venable had broken her own rule.
Of course you could have pushed her away, but it felt so right. You wanted so badly for someone to pay you attention and Miss Venable had kind of given you just that, when she pressed you against the wall and fucked you senselessly.
The whole thing was just so emotionless. You hadn't been able to look at her. You were ashamed of every sound you made, and if Miss Venable hadn't put her hand over your mouth, everyone in the Outpost would probably have heard you scream.
Which wouldn't have been so practical, because this man had come here a few days ago and you knew he was interviewing all the residents for the sanctuary and it wouldn't have been very beneficial for you if he'd caught you, breaking you down Venables rules. Regardless of the fact, that she had broken her rule herself.
Miss Venable hadn't said a single word about what had happened a few minutes ago, as if she had absolutely no need to justify herself.
She hadn't even looked at you when she took her hands off you and wiped them with a kleenex.
"You can sleep here tonight," she had muttered.
"It would be noticeable if you left my room now."
And now you lay next to her in bed and tried to understand all of this. Your dress was messy on the floor and all you had on was your underwear. After your fingers relaxed, you had pulled the blanket, that she wordlessly gave you over you and clung desperately to the fabric.
You had calmed down and could now hear her breathing next to you. The fact, that she was just lying next to you and probably sleeping was disturbing. At least, she could have apologized, right? Although, that didn't make sense either, because you obviously enjoyed what had happened.
You carefully turned your head towards her and saw, that her back was turned to you. And you wondered if she was really sleeping or just pretending. Miss Venable had become your most private contact in the outpost and you didn't really know what that actually meant.
You wanted so badly to touch her, but you didn't know if you had the right to do so. Only now did you notice the scars on her back, that shone through the light nightgown. Add to that the snake-like curve of her spine and suddenly you understood why she needed her stick.
"You have scoliosis," you said your thoughts out loud and you heard her hold her breath.
"Congratulations," she hummed miserably.
"You figured it die out."
You nervously began to chew your lower lip.
"Did I make anything wrong?" You asked quietly.
"Ask yourself how you got into this situation, then you will know."
"I- do you want me to go?", Your voice sounded sadder than you actually wanted.
When Miss Venable didn't answer, you felt tears welling up in your eyes as the feeling of fear grew inside you. You screwed it up. Probably the next evening you would end up like Stu as stew.
"No," Miss Venable suddenly whispered before turning to you. The red-haired woman had a blank expression on her face while she watched you cry.
She raised her hand as if to wipe the tears from your face, but she lowered it again and you had to do it yourself.
"M'sorry," you muttered.
"You're stupid if you apologize," Miss Venable replied bluntly.
"That was more than just unprofessional of me, I should have let you go and tomorrow you would have been punished."
You looked at her sadly.
"That's the only solution, isn't it? Punishment."
"I don't know exactly what you're getting at? It's actually quite simple. Those are my rules and whoever doesn't stick to them will be punished for it", Miss Venable looked at you unimpressed and you returned her gaze thoughtfully.
"What about Michael Langdon? Does he have to obey your rules too?" You finally asked.
"What does this mean?"
"Uhm well, I guess I've known you for 18 months now and the first time you seem scared."
Miss Venable raised her eyebrows.
"You don't know anything about me. I'm not even remotely an emotional chaos as you are."
Emotional chaos. Okay she had a point. You blinked a few times to force the tears, that were still glistening in your eyes back down.
"I don't know if emotional chaos is the right word," you muttered.
"You should think less about your stupid feelings," Miss Venable sighed, turning away from you again.
"They've only got you in trouble so far if you ask me."
You pressed your lips together and had to suppress an angry comment, that would only confirm her accusation. Your eyes stared at her back again. The red curls of her long hair had slipped behind her shoulders and were now curling on her back. You would have loved to stretch out your hand to touch it. You would have loved to curl up in her arms to feel safe for the first time in over a year. You wanted to kiss her. Or at least hold her hand. Anything. Just a little bit of their affection would have been enough and you would have been happy. It probably all sounds kind of selfish, because she fucked you a few minutes ago. The whole thing just wasn't particularly loving. You felt like a disgusting animal and now you wanted her to show you, you weren't. Miss Venable was only a few inches away from you and all you had to do was hold out your hand and you would feel her warmth. But while it was actually only a few centimeters, you realized, that there were worlds between you and this woman and that she was probably never further away from you than at this moment.
You and I, we just glide
Through the night
We just drive, we get by
We just glide
Maybe we're just fooling in foolish imagination
Got no destination in sight
You and I, we get by
We just glide
Wilhemina Venable had a great talent at pretending everything was fine.
As if nothing happened. Nothing had changed in the days after that night.
Since Michael Langdon was at the Outpost, she avoided private contact with you and the fact, that you had shared a bed didn't change that. In addition, she was just as disgusting to you in front of the others as always and that was nothing new either. And while Wilhemina no longer seemed to care about what had happened between you two, at the same time it almost killed you.
You actually expected, that she would want to talk to you about it again, but nothing had happened and that made you angry. Miss Venable would always deny it, but she was the only one who cared about you. And you appreciated her weird way of paying attention to you so much.
The only problem was, you couldn't even begin to imagine, what was going on in her head. While you were acting like a lovesick teenager, the only thing you saw of her was her deadly serious face.
Oh and Miss Venable was right, you were a fucking emotional mess. Since you woke up the next morning in her empty bed, you have cried a lot again and spent a lot of time in your room, but this time Miss Venable would probably not come to offer you alcohol as medication.
It was the afternoon of any day and you were sitting on the floor, leaning against your bed. In one hand you held a pair of scissors, while in the other you held the skirt of your dress. You were still not used to wearing long skirts after so many months and you still kept poking around at yourself, when walking through the outpost, so you decided to cut your skirts short. Of course you knew, that Wilhemina would probably kill you, if she saw you, breaking her sacred dress code, but fuck Wilhemina. At least you could finally walk properly again.
The triple knock on your door made you look up from your work and you got up to go to the door. You probably should have known it was Miss Venable who knocked. Who else has been interested in you, in the past few months?
"We need to talk," said the red-haired woman firmly, without looking at you.
You just nodded and stepped out of the door frame to make room for her.
For a brief moment you were afraid, that Miss Venable would get angry about the dress, that was lying shortened on the floor next to the scissors, but she just ignored it and stood across from you.
"Well, Miss Y / L / N, I'm just here to ugh- "
Miss Venable was interrupted by you when you, you stupid idiot, reached for her face to angrily press your lips against hers. The kiss only lasted a second in total, because Miss Venable immediately pushed you away from her and the next thing you felt was her hand lashing angrily against your right cheek. A horrified gasp escaped your lips and you looked at Wilhemina in horror as you rubbed your cheek.
"If you do that again, I'll kill you," the redhead growled, glaring at you angrily.
You looked at her hurt and felt tears start to sting in your eyes.
"M'sorry," you muttered.
"Oh of course you are," hissed Miss Venable.
"What the hell were you thinking of?"
"I just- I don't know," you stuttered desperately.
"I think I love you".
Miss Venable's eyes narrowed and she looked like she was going to punch you again.
"This is not love, this is despair, you stupid thing."
"Despair?" You breathed in horror.
"How else would you describe your behavior?" She spat and angrily started knocking her stick on the floor.
"I mean, look at you. You are a total mess. Either you cry in your room all day or you are angry at everything and everyone. You are the only person, who ruins her clothes. You are the one which most often breaks my rules, just because you are too unable to deal with your feelings. You know, everyone can handle what happened, except you, because you are so damn selfish. But you have to wake up.. Do you think, that was what I wanted, when you cried into my bed a few days ago? Oh no. And I know that, was my fault too. You know, everything what I want, is that you obey my rules, but that seems to be too much for your incompetent ass ", Wilhemina scolded and angrily knocked her stick on the floor.
"And now you come and say you love me."
She shook her head.
"As I said, this is not love, this is despair. And I don't know what kind of answer you were hoping for, from me, but let me be clear: In my opinion, of all the residents of the Outpost, you are the most pathetic and I hate you, I really do and you're sick if you even thought it would be different. "
You stared at her in shock. The feeling, that rose in you at that moment was indescribable. A mixture of disgust, shame and anger. But also the feeling of betrayal. And you couldn't say who these feelings were for, for you or for Wilhemina.
"Y-you hate me?" You stuttered, wiping the back of your hand over your cheek to remove your tears.
"I hate everyone in this outpost, that includes you too," hissed Miss Venable.
You shook your head in disbelief.
"I don't believe you," you whispered.
"I still believe, that you are scared and that is why you act like that."
"Mister Langdon will interview you tomorrow," said Miss Venable without responding to your comment.
"If you tell him anything about what happened a few days ago, I promise you will wish you were never born. With your condition, you probably won't be in the sanctuary anyway, but I will don't let me spoil this opportunity from you. Do you understand me? "
You shook your head.
"I don't understand what your problem is suddenly ... I asked you that evening if I should go and you said no."
"The whole thing was a mistake, nothing more", Miss Venable growled quietly and stepped past you to go to your door.
"I hate you and you hate me, that's all that's between us, you understand?"
You wanted to say something, but you decided not to, it didn't make any sense anyway.
"I understand," you said softly.
"Good," replied Miss Venable before turning and walking out of your room.
You stared after her sadly. Of course you didn't understand why she was suddenly so mad at you, but how could you? Miss Venable had wanted to end whatever was between you, so that she would not feel guilty if you were to be murdered by her in a few days. She had never meant to offend you, but she had to make it clear to herself, that she didn't love you. She just couldn't love you.
Show me freedom
'Cause love don't cost a thing
Give me freedom
Yeah don't just let me leave
"Miss Y / L / N", Mister Langdon barked and slapped the table with the palm of his hand. You winced and looked disturbed into the blond man's eyes.
"I asked you something".
He leaned down to you and his face was only a few inches from yours.
"Are you in love?"
You swallowed and blinked a few times, before you whispered softly:
"I am not."
The man leaned back and looked at you thoughtfully for a few seconds.
"Well, Miss Y / L / N," he finally sighed.
"You can go."
Without looking at the man again, you got up to run out of the room. You tripped and if you hadn't held onto the wall next to the door, you would have fallen. For a moment you leaned against the wall with your eyes closed and took a deep breath.
This man was disgusting and a little too intimate for your taste, no wonder, that no one liked him.
You opened your eyes again and realized, that Miss Venable was staring down at you as she leaned against the railing.
Your eyes were lost in hers, her almost black eyes in which the light of the torches is always reflected. You wanted to say something, but you were afraid, that she would leave and you didn't want that. Miss Venable had put on her indifferent expression as always and, as always, you did not know what was going on inside the woman.
Your lips formed a mute "fuck you" when you saw her turn away from you to move. And the faint tapping of her cane proved to you, that she was indeed leaving and you knew that she would not come back.
Maybe we're just fooling in foolish imagination
Got no destination in sight
You and I, we get by
We just glide
104 notes · View notes
kaylaxwrites · 4 years
Catch the Wind
Pairing: Matt Murdock/reader Words: 7.2k Summary:  You like Matt. You’re pretty sure he likes you too. Then why does he say no when you ask? What is he hiding and why won’t Foggy tell you?Request:  “How about an old friend of Foggy and Matt, who has this will they won’t they thing with Matt and she finally tries to act on it for her only to get turned down by him. His decision was because he is too focused on being Daredevil and doesn’t want her to be swept up in that so they decide to be friends, but it takes a strain on her relationship with Matt but also with Foggy too. Then like decide where it should go from there” (anon)  A/N: decided to put this all in one part at an attempt for more notes lol
For me to love you now Would be the sweetest thing T'would make me sing Ah, but I may as well try and catch the wind
“Catch the Wind” - Donovan
You had been best friends with Matt Murdock for nearly as long as you could remember. As the longest—and oldest—resident of Saint Agnes Orphanage, you had been assigned to show Matt around when he first arrived after his father’s death.
You quietly knocked on the open doorframe. The boy inside sniffled and quickly wiped away his tears before turning towards you. “Come in,” he said, never meeting your eyes. At first, you assumed he was embarrassed to be caught crying.
“Nice glasses,” you offered, hoping to draw his attention away from the death of his parents—or whatever happened to his family that led him here.
The boy pushed the glasses higher up on his nose. “Oh. Yeah. Thanks, I guess.”
You stepped across the room and took a seat on the edge of his bed. “You must be special. Sister Anne would never let me wear sunglasses inside.”
“Oh, they’re…not really…sunglasses.”
He spoke so quietly, you didn’t really make out what he said. So you continued talking anyway. “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Matt Murdock.”
You stuck your hand out for him to shake. “Nice to meet you, Matt Murdock.” You froze awkwardly as the kid made no motion to shake your hand. But then you put everything together—his dark glasses, the way he never met your eyes, the cane you were now noticing against the wall—he was blind. And you were an idiot. “I’m, uh, holding out my hand for you to shake.”
“Oh, sorry.”
At last, you shook hands, and you tried not to let the awkwardness sink in. “Um, so Sister Maggie told me to show you around. Do you want to go?” Matt nodded and stood, collecting his cane off the wall. You stood as well, unsure of yourself. “I’ve given this tour a dozen times to newbies, but never to a blind guy. How does this work? Do we hold hands or…?” You quickly shut your mouth. Obviously, you wouldn’t be holding hands—why would you hold hands with a stranger?
“No,” Matt chuckled. “Just give me your elbow.”
“Oh, sure.” You did as Matt said and led him out to the hallway. “I don’t know if they told you, but your room is the third one on the right. You must be lucky. You got a single room. Most of us have to share.” You directed Matt down the stairs until you were on the first floor. “We can’t go in now because they’re setting up for dinner, but the dining hall is here on the left. Breakfast is at 7 on weekdays, 8 on weekends, and dinner is always at 6.” You led Matt further down the hall and out the door. You stepped into a small, sunlit courtyard.
“This is the way to the church,” you continued explaining. “I don’t know if you’re Catholic, but you’re gonna be here real soon.” You stopped in front of the doors to the church, but didn’t go inside. “We’re required to go to Mass Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, as well as the weekly Mass school gives.”
“Yeah, Saint Agnes also runs a school on the other side of the block. It’s where we all go.”
“So I won’t be able to go to my old school anymore?”
You sighed. Newbies always had a hard time finding out they’d no longer be attending school with their friends. “No. Sorry.” His face fell. “But! I think we’re in the same grade, so we should have some classes together. I remember when I was the new kid, but, hey—you already got one friend. It shouldn’t be too bad.”
“What friend?”
You nudged his shoulder. “Me, doofus.”
Matt smiled softly at you and from that moment on, you were thick as thieves.  
As you grew, you slowly realized you probably had more-than-friends feelings for Matt, but you never spoke about them out loud, nor did you dwell on them very often. Matt was your best friend—your only friend—and you didn’t want that to change. So you locked the butterflies in your stomach down tight and shoved those feelings in the back of your brain. It didn’t help that as you neared graduating high school, everyone thought you were dating. You even caught the nuns who worked the orphanage whispering sometimes about how wonderful the two of you would look married—as if things would ever get that far.
When you went to college, your pool of friends expanded by one: Matt’s roommate, Foggy. Foggy quickly became your other best friend—since you were around Matt all the time, it made sense that you and Foggy would be close as well. In fact, it was to Foggy one drunken night when you confessed your feelings for Matt for the first time.
You and Foggy stumbled back to campus after a night out on the town. You, Foggy, and alcohol were never a good mix—you always tried to drink the other under the table until neither of you could stand upright. You leaned against each other for support as Foggy fumbled with his keys to the dorm. You laughed loudly when he dropped them and fell trying to pick them up, but he quickly shushed you. “Shhhhh. Matt’s trying to study,” he slurred, trying and failing to whisper quietly. Matt said he couldn’t go out with the two of you that night because he had a test on Monday morning.
You made a zipping motion over your mouth, but giggled again as you watched Foggy unlock the door. He was on his knees, the doorknob at eye level, as he concentrated on putting the key in the lock as a surgeon would make an incision. He fell on his stomach when the door finally swung open. You leaped over him as soon as you could, eager to see Matt and annoy him to stop studying.
But the room was empty.
You turned to Foggy (finally standing), almost pouting. “Maybe he had to go to the library?” he offered. You shrugged, and then collapsed onto Matt’s bed. You weren’t sure your legs would hold you up any longer.
Foggy puttered around the room, trying to drunkenly change clothes, as you snuggled into Matt’s pillow. You closed your eyes to stop the world from spinning, but that made you realize how tired you were. “You know,” you yawned, almost half asleep now, “I think that girl at the bar really liked you.”
“Who? The pink shirt?”
You nodded into the pillow. “Yeah, she kept looking at you and smiling.”
You peeked open one eye to stare at him. “Are you not going to ask me why I didn’t act as your wing woman?”
Foggy’s cheeks flushed. “Uh, no, that’s okay.” His voice was higher pitched than usual. What was he trying to hide? If you could move your limbs, you would have crossed the room to stare him down. As it was, you tried to be as intimidating as you could with your face half squished in a pillow.
“Who do you like?” you asked after a moment, finally coming to the conclusion that he must have a crush on someone.
“No one. Who do you like?” he countered.
“I’ll answer if you answer.”
He stared at you for a moment before flopping back on his bed. “You know the girl from my study group?”
You quickly sat up, instantly regretting it as the room—and your stomach—swirled uncomfortably. But you pushed it aside. “Marci Stahl? You like Marci?”
“Yeah,” he muttered. “Don’t make a big deal about it.”
“Ooh, I am so going to have to tell her.”
“Don’t!” Foggy quickly turned to face you.
“Why not? I already know she likes you.”
“She does?”
“Um, yeah, it’s obvious.” That, and she sat with you at lunch one day and had asked about him.
“Cool,” he sighed happily, laying back down. You huffed a laugh, surprised that was all he had to say. You slumped back into Matt’s bed, eyes drifting closed. You were almost asleep when Foggy called you out on your promise. “Who do you like?”
You froze. You tried to search for a fake name, but the copious amounts of alcohol you had this evening meant you couldn’t think of one. So you sighed and figured you might as well say it. Foggy wouldn’t tell, right? And it was probably best you got it out of your system. “Uh…Matt?” you said quietly. You weren’t even sure if Foggy heard you.
But he did, and after a moment’s silence, he asked, “Have you told him?”
“Definitely not. I didn’t want to mess anything up between us and now…”
“Elektra,” Foggy finished for you.
It seemed Matt had been hanging out with Elektra more than you and Foggy lately. You tried not to let it get to you. Matt was allowed to have other friends, after all—even girlfriends—but something about her gave you a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach. You couldn’t put your finger on the feeling or why it was there, but it worried you nonetheless.
“You won’t tell him, will you?” you asked. But Foggy was already asleep.
You were pretty sure Foggy kept this secret over the years, as Matt never once mentioned it to you. Or he was so drunk he forgot about it. That, or Matt similarly thought you should just be friends and never brought it up himself. Either was okay with you.
But now your feelings were somehow growing and you were ready for things to change.
You were hanging out at Matt’s apartment—you always did, every Friday. It was tradition. The two of you were tucked into opposite ends of the couch, watching random things on your laptop. You described what was happening whenever an audio description wasn’t available. But it had been several minutes since you last spoke. Matt hadn’t dozed off, like you originally believed, but he was lost in thought. You tried not to disturb him, thinking he was planning his opening for a case or something like that.
But the three glasses of wine in your system had other plans.
You slowly slid across the middle of the couch until you were inches away, thighs nearly touching. Matt gave no indication that he noticed you. “Hey, Matt?” you whispered after a few moments of silence. His head tilted towards you, indicating that he was listening, but he said nothing. “Can I tell you something?”
“Always,” he replied. He turned his body to face you, realizing from the tone of your voice, you guessed, that this was serious.
“I-I—uh…” you began. You heart pounded. What even were words? “Ilikeyou,” you finally breathed in one rush of words.
“I like you too.”
Your heart constricted. “More than friends, I mean.”
“I know.”
What? Your brain froze. You couldn’t comprehend. You were expected Matt to laugh you off, Matt to turn you down, Matt to do anything but that. “You—you do?” Matt nodded. “Then why…why didn’t you say anything?”
“I could ask you the same question.” He was smiling at you.
“I didn’t want to change anything. Between us. But I told Foggy once in college… I think maybe part of me thought he wouldn’t be able to keep his big mouth shut.”
“Oh, he told me.”
Your eyes widened. “He did? Oh, I’m gonna kill him.” You sprung from the couch, searching for your phone. But Matt stopped you with a hand around your wrist.
“Hey, it’s fine.” He pulled you back to sit next to him. Your thighs were pressed against one another. “I thought you wanted him to spill.”
“A bigger part of me wanted him to forget. We were really drunk that night.”
Matt’s thumb moved to rub circles on the inside of your wrist. Goosebumps raised on your skin. “I remember.” You were surprised he did. But you guessed maybe it was hard to forget the time your best friend told your other best friend that they liked you. Even if you weren’t there. You were sure Foggy gave him all the details.
Matt continued to rub circles into your skin and it was hard to think about much else. Your eyes raised to meet his. You sighed. His eyes were so gorgeous. You wished he didn’t hide them behind his glasses all the time, but you understood. Even then, you wished you could stare into his eyes all day.
Your gaze flicked down to his mouth. Before you knew it, your lips were pressed into his. He froze for a second, not returning the kiss, and you panicked. But before you could pull away, his hand was on the side of your face, pulling you closer. As your lips crashed into one another, you regretted not doing this sooner. He was an amazing kisser.
As things delved deeper, you turned to press your body tightly against his. You threw one leg across his lap and eased him back against the back of the couch. Your hands roamed—through his hair, over his shoulder, down his arms, across his chest. But when you brushed across his ribs, he gasped in pain and pulled back. You instantly sprung off of him.
“Oh, my god, are you okay?” you asked. “What happened?” You knew Matt somehow amassed a large collection of bruises and broken bones—he was just clumsy, he’d tell you ever since they started appearing in your teens. But you weren’t so sure. You’d never even seen Matt stumble once. You slapped Matt’s hands away as you reached for the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up to reveal his ribcage.
Blue bruises stood in stark contrast to his skin, surrounded by cuts and scratches of various depths. He winced when your fingers ghosted across the widest bruise—was a rib broken? Several other injuries trailed around his side and you figured his back was in similar shape.
“What happened?” you demanded once more. “Have you gone to the doctor? Were you mugged? Did you call the police?”
Matt’s hands landed on your shoulders to stop your barrage of questions. “I’m fine,” he said, but he gave no further explanation.
“That’s not fine, Matt.”
“I saw a nurse. It’s nothing that won’t heal in a couple of days.”
You breathed a small sigh of relief. But you were still left with so many questions. “Who did this to you? What happened?”
“I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. But it’s handled. They won’t be bothering anyone else.”
“That’s good,” you sighed. You wanted to ask more questions, but you knew Matt was being purposefully vague. Why wouldn’t he tell you what happened? Why didn’t he tell you that he was hurt? You wanted to press him more, but you knew Matt was as stubborn as a bull and there was no way you’d get any more information out of him. Tonight, at least. So you decided to distract yourself with the other question filling your head. “So…what about us?”
“We can’t.” Matt’s answer was immediate. No hesitation.
You felt as if a horse had kicked you in the chest. Your breath was knocked out of you. “What?”
“I…we can’t. There’s too many things going on and I can’t risk it.”
“What’s going on? You can tell me—you can always come to me. You know you can.”
Matt hung his head, leaning over his knees. “I can’t.”
Your eyes stung with unshed tears. Matt always came to you. You practically told each other everything. Had you messed things up by confessing your feelings?
“Does it have to do with your bruises?” you said softly.
Matt didn’t reply.
You stared at him, searching for words to say, begging for him to say something. But each of you remained silent.
“I have to go,” you said at last. You scrambled to throw on your shoes and gather your things.
Your heart shattered when Matt made no move to stop you.
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“Do you know what’s going on with Matt?” you asked Foggy, pushing your food around with your fork. The two of you were at your favorite diner for your regular biweekly lunches.
“Uh, no. What do you mean?” Foggy’s eyes instantly darted out of the window. He fiddled with his hands. Foggy may be a lawyer, but you had known him long enough to know he knew exactly what was going on.
“I was at his place the other night and he had these bruises…” You gestured over your ribcage, indicating where Matt’s bruises were located.
“Oh. He probably fell down the stairs again. You know Matt.” Foggy chuckled nervously. He wouldn’t meet your eyes.
“Mhm,” you hummed skeptically. You stared Foggy down. Once or twice, he would glance up at you, but his gaze fluttered away when he realized you were still staring. The waitress brought your checks over and he fumbled getting his money out of his wallet and struggled with gathering his things. Before he could get up and leave, you spoke his name, forcing him to look at you. “Foggy. What’s going on with Matt?”
“Nothing, I swear—”
He looked at you and sighed. You were hoping he realized you wouldn’t back down. “I can’t tell you.”
“Why.” It wasn’t a question. It was a demand.
“He promised me not to.”
“Is he in some sort of secret blind Fight Club?”
“If only.”
You reached across the table to grab Foggy’s arms. You leaned towards him. If your college days taught you anything, you might be able to puppy-dog-eye your way to get what you want. “Foggy. Is he in trouble?” you said slowly, quietly.
He turned his head, looking away, as if to find somebody who would rescue him from your gaze. But there was no one. “Y/N, I…I really can’t do this.” His voice was weak. “I can’t tell you.” He pulled free from your grasp, standing and walking away from you. “I’ll see you next week,” he said over his shoulder as he exited the building.
You sat back in your seat, resting heavily against the booth. What was going on? There was nothing, nothing that they had hidden from you before.
At least…not that you knew of.
So why were they hiding this?
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You ignored their texts and calls over the next couple of days. You were angry that they were keeping things from you. You were upset that Matt had rejected your feelings just like that, so easily. Your emotions overwhelmed you and you weren’t sure how to process them—so you just ignored them.
After about a week of the silent treatment, they sent Karen over to your apartment one night. She carried your favorite takeout in her hands as a bribe. You took it, of course, but you weren’t happy about it.
“They’re worried about you,” Karen said once the two of you were sat at your table, food dished out in front of you.
You speared a vegetable with a little too much force. “Yeah, well, they wouldn’t have to be if they would just tell me what’s going on.”
“I’m sure they have good reason.”
“You didn’t see the state Matt was in. Something big is going on.”
“Matt said he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe he was mugged and they don’t want to tell you so you’re not worried?”
“I wish that was the case.” You turned to face her. “How are you so calm about this? I mean, don’t you think something’s up?”
“I talked to him a few days ago and…he’ll tell us when he’s ready.”
You huffed and rolled your eyes. With Matt’s stubbornness, he wouldn’t tell you anything until the information leaked on its own. You’d have to wear down Foggy or…
Karen sighed. She could tell she wasn’t going to be able to get through to you. She decided to change the subject before you could rant any more.
“Seen anything good on Netflix lately?” she offered and the two of you made small talk for the rest of the evening.
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A few days later, you were cursing yourself as you were backed into an alleyway. How could you be so stupid? You dropped your guard walking home for one minute and look where it got you. You knew to always be aware of your surroundings, so why did you stop to check the notification on your phone? Just one cute video sent from a friend of her dog and you were about to be robbed of your belongings…or worse.
You tried to form an escape plan—or at least a get-out-alive plan—but your brain was short-circuiting. You nearly shrieked when a dark mass seemingly fell from the sky. Your heart sped faster. Was this man an accomplice to your attacker? Would you now have to face two men to get out of this alley?
But you breathed a small sigh of relief as the man rose from his crouched position on the concrete. You had seen enough pictures in the Bulletin to recognize that this was the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen. In the flesh. Right here in front of you.
The masked man took only one step forward but it was enough to send your would-be attacker running for the hills. The masked man cocked his head to the side, listening for a moment, before turning to face you. “Are you alright?” he asked. His voice was comforting, like an old friend.
You let out a shaky breath. “Y-Yeah, I’m fine.” You crossed your arms in an effort to hide your trembling hands. “I wish I knew all it took to scare someone away was to wear a mask. Maybe I’ll start carrying one around.”
The man smiled, small but tense. “If only that’s all it took.”
You glanced awkwardly around the alley, unsure of what to say next. “I, um, thank you?” You cleared your throat. “Thank you,” you tried again. “I…I don’t know what would have happened if you hadn’t shown up.” You tried to clamp down on your wandering thoughts, but it was hard to stop the flashes of possibilities in your brain.
“Is there anyone you could call to come get you?”
Matt. Foggy. Karen. But you still didn’t feel like reaching out to any of them just yet. You shook your head. “No. My apartment’s just two blocks away, anyway. I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m okay. I’m just a little shaken, but I can make it. Thank you.”
The man hesitated a moment longer, seeming to check that you would actually be all right, before scaling the nearby fire escape in leaps and bounds until he disappeared in shadow. You took a moment to collect yourself before stepping out into the warm light of a streetlamp. You hesitantly made your way home, skittish and jumping at every little noise. You sighed a breath of relief when the deadbolt of your front door finally slid closed.
Even though you were on the fifth floor, you went around your apartment, checking that every window was locked and secured. You pulled the blinds closed for good measure. You froze when you spotted a figure crouched on the fire escape across the street, but smiled as you realized it was the masked man, seeing you safely home. Despite the evening’s events, you felt safe knowing the masked man was protecting the city.
You spotted the Devil of Hell’s Kitchen several more times over the next few weeks. You would catch glimpses of him on your walk home, spot him in shadows from out your window, heard the stories of those he saved. It was comforting, knowing he was out there. You didn’t think his persistent presence would one day turn against you.
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You awoke in the middle of the night to a noise in your apartment. You laid still, ears searching for another sound. You relaxed when you heard none after a few minutes. Maybe your neighbor just dropped something, you thought. You closed your eyes and tried to fall back asleep. You tensed again at the sound of fabric rustling, realizing after a moment it was just your window curtains in the breeze. What had you so jumpy tonight? You had seen the masked man just this evening, keeping watch over the block. You knew nothing was going to happen…
You were nearly asleep when a hand clamped over your mouth and nose.
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You were dazed and confused when your eyes finally fluttered open. You weren’t in your bed—had you fallen asleep working at the kitchen table again? You moved to stretch your arms and back, but something tugged tight at your wrists. You glanced down with groggy eyes to find a neatly knotted rope around each arm. You kicked your legs to find that they were similarly bound.
In an instant, your sleepy mind flashed to full clarity.
Not good. This was definitely not good.
Your eyes focused just ahead of you. Across a small wooden table was a well-dressed man with dark hair. He was sitting casually, almost lazily, with one leg draped across the arm of his chair. He was twirling a knife idly in his right hand and barely glanced at you when he spoke. “Finally awake?”
“Where am I?” you responded, giving another futile tug to your bindings.
“New York City,” the man deadpanned. You nearly rolled your eyes—you could’ve figured that one out yourself. The sounds were distant, muffled, but you could still make out the sound of the hustle and bustle of the busy city. You couldn’t exactly tell which borough you had been brought to, but you knew you weren’t in a residential area. The room you were in was big with tall ceilings, dim construction lights, and no windows aside from darkened skylights on the roof. An abandoned factory. A warehouse, maybe.
Well, isn’t that just a bit cliché.
You shivered as a draft eased over your skin. The building certainly didn’t have central AC—you were freezing in the thin pajamas you had been kidnapped it.
You had just been kidnapped. Why this was only registering now, you weren’t sure. You fought the panic rising in your chest. Hyperventilating now would be no good and you didn’t want to know what would happen if you passed out. A count of five to control your breathing, then: “What do you want from me?”
“It’s not you we want, sweetheart.” He rose from his seat, straightening his suit jacked and adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves. He slowly stepped around the table and you couldn’t help but be reminded of a jaguar stalking its prey. You tensed when he disappeared behind you, but he was only gone for a moment before tossing several issues of the Bulletin across the table. “It’s him.”
You cautioned a closer look at the papers in front of you. Featured on each page was a different grainy photo of the man in the mask, Daredevil, whatever they were calling him these days. “I don’t—I don’t know him.”
“You don’t?” The man—your kidnapper—pulled out a few photographs, placing them slowly in front of you. The first was of you and Daredevil walking side by side. It was taken shortly after he had saved you from that alley, you realized, when he escorted you home. The second was a picture of the fire escape landing just outside your window. You were leaning out the window, handing him a bottle of water—the defender of Hell’s Kitchen needed to be hydrated, right? But glancing at the third picture, you were unsure of what it had to do with you. Until you realized it was of him kneeling on the rooftop of the building across from yours.
“We’ve been trying to track him down,” your kidnapper continued, “as he’s been interfering with several…business ventures of ours. He’s been very hard to locate. Fortunately for us, your apartment is one of his more…frequented locations. We just want to know who he is. Then we might be able to…set you free.”
“But I don’t know him!” you insisted again.
Your kidnapper retrieved a knife from his pocket, sliding the flat of it up the side of your arm. “It would be easier on the both of us if you just told me his name.”
“It would be easier if you’d just listen! I don’t know—” Your words abruptly cut off as the man slid the point of the knife against your thigh—not deep, but enough to slice through your pant leg and draw a thin line of blood. You could almost laugh. You were expecting much, much worse. “That’s the best you could do? I’ve had paper cuts worse—”
Your eyes widened. Why were you mouthing off at a time like this? Why would you say that? Stupid, stupid, stupid… In a flash, the man’s palm struck across your cheek, turning your head sideways. You tasted blood. Your lip was split. Fantastic.
“I just need a name.”
“I don’t have one!”
“Then let’s just hope he finds you in time.”
“What? No, please, please!” you shouted as his fist collided with your temple.
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It was a slow night for Matt. He hadn’t stumbled across any emergencies needing his assistance nor could he hear any in the surrounding area. The night was almost too slow, it seemed. Without anything to do, he jogged across rooftops until he reached your apartment building. He always told himself it was just part of his nightly sweep of the neighborhood, but deep down, he knew it was more than that.
It had been weeks since you’d talked to him—well, talked to him as Matt, that is. You had been his best friend for nearly two decades now. It pained him every day the two of you didn’t talk.
But it wasn’t like he didn’t understand.
He rejected you. He probably broke your heart and, to top it all off, he was hiding a huge secret from you! He understood why you were giving him the silent treatment—he’d probably do the same if the roles were reversed—but he was thankful he could still at least check on you every day, even if it was as the Daredevil. He just wished you wouldn’t take it out on Foggy, too.
Foggy was torn, to say the least. He hated to see his two best friends apart like this and hated knowing he had contributed to it in some way. He wanted to tell you Matt’s secret, he really did! But he couldn’t. He desperately wanted to tell you so you could talk some sense into Matt, get him off the streets every night, but he couldn’t betray Matt’s trust like that. Even as much as he wanted to. He’d tell Matt as much, but things were already tense between them as they were.
Shaking his thoughts aside, Matt stepped gently onto your fire escape. He first noticed the cool air seeping out the window to your apartment. How many times would he have to remind you to lock it? He made three quick raps against the pane, alerting you to his presence. He waited for you to answer, but you never showed. He turned his attention away from the city and directed it to the inside of your apartment. But…he couldn’t hear you.
He could hear the loud thumping of the heartbeat of your upstairs neighbor and the quieter beats of her two cats but not you. He slid your window open wider and slipped into the space of your kitchen. The air was still. You hadn’t been here in a few hours. Dread pooled deep in his stomach.
Matt pulled his phone out of his pocket. Normally, he left it behind, but part of him hoped you would end your silent treatment one of these nights. Whatever the reason, he was thankful he had it. He just had to assure himself that you were okay—perhaps you’d gone to the store or out to a movie with a friend. He quickly dialed your number, paling when he heard your phone buzz on your bedside table. He hung up. Foggy’s number was next.
“Matt?” Foggy asked groggily, disoriented from waking up and confused that Matt was actually calling him.
“Have you heard from Y/N?” Matt asked quickly.
“No. Why? What’s going on?”
“Nothing. I just…stopped by her apartment and she’s not here. She’s not answering her phone.”
“I’m sure she’s fine. She’s probably at a friend’s place. Asleep. Like we should be.”
“Yeah. Goodnight.” Matt ended the call, nearly throwing the phone across the room in frustration. Something wasn’t right about this. He paced across your apartment, freezing when he caught the scent of…cologne? His heart dropped a little. Maybe you found somebody to replace—
His mind made the connection. That was the same cologne as one of the crime bosses he’d been following.
This time, he did throw his phone across the room.
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You realized at some point you’d gone unconscious. You awoke to a throbbing in your skull and sharp pains across your abdomen. You couldn’t feel the rest of your body, but you generally felt like you had been hit by a truck. The taste of blood was heavy on your tongue. You pried your eyes open, but everything was blurry. Was one of your eyes swollen shut or just could you not see from the pain in your head? You pried your eyes open further and winced. Swollen. Your eye was definitely swollen.
You couldn’t catalogue any other specific injuries. All the pain swelled together, indistinguishable from one another. You thought maybe a finger was broken, but you couldn’t tell for sure. It definitely hurt every time you tried to flex your hand, though. You also realized deep breaths were something to steer clear from.
Your captor noticed your movements and stepped into your field of vision, leaning against the table in front of you. “Back, are we?” he asked. He casually bumped your knee with his, almost affectionately. You hissed from the pain the movement caused.
“Didn’t…didn’t think I could leave,” you wheezed. You’d certainly begged for it earlier. But your kidnapper made it clear the Devil arriving would be your only hope. Your kidnapper…you really needed to give him a name.
“Not yet.” Your captor—Zane. Yeah, let’s call him Zane—picked up a knife from behind him and twirled it in the air. You tensed, waiting for the pain to come, but he just continued to stare at you.
“Okay, listen,” you begged. “I’m weak. I’m weak, I know I am. I’m weak to torture. If I knew anything, it’d have spilled already. You’re good—you’re good at what you do, but I don’t have anything—”
“Flattery gets you nowhere. Besides, that isn’t even the goal anymore.” A glint from the knife was your only warning before it was embedded in your thigh. You screamed, begging, pleading, that your hero would find you.
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Your bloodcurdling scream sent ice down Matt’s spine.
He had been poised outside the warehouse, waiting, listening, trying to find the best course of action to rescue you. But that sound had him throwing caution to the wind. He dove through the nearest window.
Three men were in this hallway. Matt dodged a bullet one of the men fired before ripping the gun out of his hands. A solid strike from the butt of the gun rendered the man unconscious and Matt turned to face the other two. His mind turned to autopilot as he incapacitated his enemies. Every move was instinctual, every hit uncaring.
At last, he found where you were being held in the center of the building. He tensed as he stepped into the room, hands raising in a sign of no harm. You were being held at gunpoint. Every step he took pressed the gun tighter into your temple, so he froze, thirty feet away from you.
Tears were streaming down your face. You knew a gun was being held to your head, but you weren’t conscious of much more than that and the knife still hilt-deep in your leg. Ringing in your ears drowned out all other sound. You weren’t sure how the Daredevil made it across the room or took down Zane, but you instinctively reacted when hands pressed down on your shoulders.
“No, please, stop!” you begged. “I don’t know who he is, I swear.”
Slowly, your senses came back to you. “Hey, it’s me. Calm down,” you heard. Your eyes fluttered open. The masked man blearily came into focus. You wished you knew what he looked like. He’d probably have such gorgeous eyes… “Y/N, hey.” A hand tapped the side of your face. “I need you to stay awake, okay? I’m gonna get you some help.”
“My eyes closed?” you mumbled. You were trying to stay awake, but your eyes had plans of their own.
“Yeah, they did.” He knelt down to untie the rope around your wrists and ankles. Once free, he tucked an arm under your knees and behind your low back. “This is going to hurt. I’m sorry.” On a count of three, he lifted you into his arms and you were out like a light.
 You groaned some time later as you were laid gently on what you thought to be a couch. You couldn’t tell where you were—higher thinking was on the backburner currently. The pain quickly erased any thought that came into your mind. You fought to open your eyes, though. You had to know if you were safe.
You were in a small apartment, on a living room couch like you originally thought. An expansive first aid kit was spread on the coffee table next to you. Several of the tools were bloodied; several packages were ripped open. You raised your eyes higher to find a woman and a man having a heated discussion. The man you knew—it was the Daredevil. You could tell even though his back was turned. The woman, though…you weren’t sure her identity. She wore blue, bloodied gloves and the ears of a stethoscope were around her neck. You caught the last of her argument.
“She needs a hospital, Matt. Only surgeons are qualified to remove impaled objects. And I, as good as I am at stitching you up, am not a surgeon.”
You thought hard to make sense of the words. Who needed a hospital? And wait… “Matt?” you croaked. She said Matt? Daredevil instinctively turned at the sound of your voice and you gasped at what you saw. His mask had been removed. You met the eyes of your best friend. Matt Murdock. “What? It’s you?” Matt sighed and ran a hand over his face. Fuck. This was everything he was trying to avoid. “This was why you had those bruises?” He nodded. “Foggy knows?” He nodded again. This was too much for you to wrap your head around.
Matt knelt by your head and took one of your hands in his. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so sorry. This is why I couldn’t tell you, why we couldn’t be together. I knew someone was going to use you to get to me. It’s all my fault—”
You stopped his tirade with a whisper of his name. “Matt, it’s not your fault.” You reached up to wipe a smear of blood off his cheek. You weren’t even sure who it belonged to—you, him, or one of your kidnappers. “It’s not your fault. We’ll talk about this later. Right now I’m in a lot of pain and getting a lot of blood on a stranger’s couch. I need to know what the plan is.”
Matt turned to the woman and then sighed. “This is my friend Claire. She’s a nurse at Metro General. She’s going to take you to the hospital, okay?”
Matt moved to stand, but you gripped his arm. “You’re not going?”
“I’ll meet you there as soon as I can. I have to change clothes first. I can’t show up looking like this.” He gestured broadly to his bloodied suit. Your grip tightened. You didn’t want him to leave you. “I trust Claire with my life. She’s safe.”
You slowly loosened your grip. “Be fast,” you whispered. Matt nodded.
He and Claire loaded you into the passenger seat of her car. Matt pressed a kiss into your temple before closing the door behind you. Soon, the car was moving and you bared your teeth through the pain each turn and bump caused. Claire was a constant stream of “sorry.” You fought with everything you had to stay awake, but with the adrenaline gone, you felt every injury at full volume. But one ginormous pothole was all it took for your strength to shatter.
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You groaned as you came to. Your eyes fluttered against the bright lights, but once they adjusted, you found you were in a hospital room. “I want to stop waking up in random places,” you whined. This was the third strange place you had woken up in since…however long it was since you were last at your apartment. A calendar on the wall said it was Sunday. So, two days.
Matt startled awake at the sound of your voice. You glanced over at him. He’d been trying to sleep in one of those uncomfortable hospital chairs. He had dark circles under his eyes, worse than usual. Had he been here this whole time? “You look like shit, Matt,” you said.
“Y/N, I—” he started, but you cut him off.
“You don’t have to apologize. I understand now, I do.” Matt slid his chair across the floor until he was right by your side. You reached down to take his hand.
“But if I—”
“There’s a million things both of us could have done differently to not end up right where we are. The blame’s not all on you, Matt.”
He was silent for a few moments. He pressed the back of your hand against his lips as he thought. “How are you not mad at me?” he eventually asked.
“They got me on the good drugs right now, I think. But once they release me…ooh, you’re in for it.” You squeezed his hand, smiling.
“Yeah?” He returned your smile.
“Yeah.” You sat quietly for a few moments, your heart monitor filling in the easy silence. “So are you really blind? Or is that something to throw off people from finding out your secret identity?”
“You think I’ve had an alter ego since I was ten?” he laughed.
“You never know,” you shrugged. You burrowed deeper into your pillows. “I think I’m going to take a nap now. Will you stay?”
You were nearly asleep when you had to murmur one last thought. “I love you, Matt.”
“I love you too.”
241 notes · View notes
oh-so-scenarios · 5 years
ᴛʜᴇ sᴇʀᴇɴᴅɪᴘɪᴛʏ ᴏғ ᴛʜɪɴɢs...♠| 08
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⤖ ᴡʜᴏ ʜᴀs ᴛɪᴍᴇ ғᴏʀ sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇs? Jᴜɴɢ Hᴏsᴇᴏᴋ ɪs ᴛᴏᴏ ʙᴜsʏ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀᴅ ᴏғ ʜɪs ᴍᴀғɪᴀ ɴᴇᴛᴡᴏʀᴋ. Hᴇ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ sᴇʀᴇɴᴅɪᴘɪᴛʏ ᴏғ ʜɪs sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴍᴏᴠᴇ ʜɪᴍ…ʀɪɢʜᴛ?
⤖ Mᴀғɪᴀ Lᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ Hᴏsᴇᴏᴋ x ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ Fᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, Aɴɢsᴛ, sᴍᴜᴛ, sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ!ᴀᴜ,
A/N: Unedited. This is kind of a filler chapter. Finally entering Phase 2 of this story. Lol yall don’t know what that means, but my goodness did it take a while. Please ignore any typos!
(Word Count: 6.1K)
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He hates me. I know it. I crossed the line. That’s probably what I did. I kissed him on the cheek? I confessed my feelings and probably made him even more uncomfortable? Way to go Y/n! Way to go!
It’s been 7 days since the Charity Gala, and while things were buzzing in the news about the transportation company that was being sued for the “loss” of the real artworks, Hoseok has been ignoring me like the plague. Or so I think.
Jennie and I are at the headquarters as much as we are at the hospital and in each visit, and I haven’t seen Hoseok once. No one said anything about him, or where he might be, so I can only assume I angered him. My heart feels...crushed? I thought there was a warm moment, a real moment somewhere in that night of fake hugs and smiles. 
It must have been the alcohol getting to my head, thinking that something was...beginning. It was silent as Jennie and I cleaned up the operating area, the patient still not woken as he rested in the recovery bed.
This is 3rd surgery Jennie and I have performed for the black market. I seem to be the only uncomfortable, seeing as Jennie hums calmly while stripping the dirty gloves off her hands and slipping off the disposable plastic apron to reveal the dark blue scrubs that I also wore. I copied her motions, slipping my gloves off and throwing the apron into the trash bin. 
I took a deep breath and placed my hands on my hips. After the patient was awake and well enough to leave, we’ll have to come back and clean the area better.
I looked over at Jennie who stared back at me with a knowing look, “Jungkook said he was buying fried chicken for everyone.” She spoke softly, glancing towards the knocked-out patient. I wordlessly walked past her to the sink, washing my hands with soap and drying them off. 
I moved to the side, giving her the space to do the same. Her hair was pulled up into a high bun, and though I nagged her about that being inappropriate for surgery, she looked like a chich college student. 
I stood by the sink waiting for her while she hummed to herself. She’s been very happy lately. It’s because of Jaehyun. He makes her happy, and the love radiating from her was depressing. She cheered me on, telling me that the kiss on the cheek was a brave move. It was a great move! I was being assertive! 
But why do I feel like shit? Not a single text, not a call or even an order passed down to Jungkook. Hoseok is missing in action, and no one wants to admit it. If he didn’t hate me before, he hates me now.
We walked out of the room and out the lobby area, finding a chaotic scene. Six men seated around the large round table, fussing and bickering with boxes of fried chicken sat between them. I snickered at the scene, watching Jin stood from his seat to yell at Taehyung.
“You said you didn’t like Lemon pepper! Why are they over on your side!” His voice echoed through the place, while his eyes widen. He shook his head vigorously and his face turned a bright red. Giggles emerged in the room as Taehyung pushed the basket of chicken across the table.
I quietly walked up to a seat beside Namjoon who showed me a kind smile. 
“Done with the surgery already?” Jimin chimes. I nod, glancing over the different types of chicken. Jennie sits about 3 seats away from me, digging into the food right away. Namjoon pushes a basket of some wings, silently offering it to me.
 “Is Hoseok avoiding me?” I asked softly, I was hoping they wouldn’t hear me. That the loud smacking of lips as they ate would drown out my words, but everyone stopped to look at me. Yoongi’s brows furrowed and he looked towards the others as if they had the answer. 
“What do you mean?” Namjoon asked from beside me. I sighed, leaning forward, looking over the wings once more. 
“I haven’t seen him since the gala, and he’s not ordering me around like he usually does…” I trail off as I realize I sound like a whining child.
Jungkook raises an eyebrow at me, chewing the last of the food in his mouth before speaking.
“Boss traveled Y/n, I thought you knew,” Jungkook said a matter of a fact. My mouth made a small O shape, embarrassment consuming my whole body.
“He traveled?” I questioned, looking to Jin who was nodding slowly.
“He left 2 days after the gala, he has some business in Japan. I told him to tell you, but I guess he didn’t.” Jungkook adds with his eyes focused on the wing in his hands. His gaze flickered up to me knowingly. 
Jungkook hasn’t asked me what we were arguing about at the gala when he interrupted, the ride home is silent, while I sniffled and wiped my tears. I can’t be certain why I was crying. Maybe it was because he thought so little of my feelings? Or he found it so hard to believe that someone could like him?
“Why would Boss avoid you?” Namjoon asked, before pointing at the wings he set in front of me. It was silent order to start eating or he was going to take them for himself. 
I reached forward and grabbed one wing, twisting it around with my fingers. I can’t be sure what the flavor is, but that didn’t matter right now. The room grew quiet, some chewing and shuffling containers being all that’s heard. 
I sighed, “I kissed him--” 
“You kissed boss?!” Jungkook exclaims in...excitement? 
“--On the cheek!” I add quickly, not wanting him to jump to conclusions. 
“Wow noona” Jungkook said with his wide eyes gleaming, “and what did he do?
I shrugged, “Nothing. He didn’t say or do anything.” I took a bite of the wing, looking up to see all the guys at the table smiling slightly.
“So what were you so worried about?” Taehyung voices as he reaches for a napkin to clean his mouth. 
“I thought I crossed the line? I didn’t want to anger him or come on too strong.” I was hesitant to say anymore. I only really talk to Jungkook. This is the first time I’m really having a conversation with anyone. Other than Yoongi of course. I didn’t feel uncomfortable though. 
The older guys, Namjoon, Seokjin, and Yoongi, weren’t strangers; but they certainly weren’t close friends. They work the closest with Hoseok, so I don't see them as often as I do Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung. They do the more of the details for Hoseok. They aren’t as eager to share as the younger guys.
“Hoseok will only protest never encourage.” When Seokjin says it like he’s solved the case, my brows furrow. I’m not following. 
After meeting my unclear facial expression, he sighed and leaned back in his seat. 
“He didn’t say anything, so he didn’t hate it. If he didn’t like it, he’d let you know for sure.”
“That’s just how Hoseok is.” Yoongi adds simply, “And if you are so curious to what he’s up to, just call him.”
“Call him?” 
“Duh. If you’re bothering him, he won’t even pick up. You’ve already gone ahead to do something bold like kissing him, you can’t get bashful now.” Yoongi starts to work on another wing, taking a big bite before reaching for the open water bottle on the table. He pushes his hair back, despite the thick headband that was already feeding that purpose. 
Jennie hadn’t spoken this whole time, too busy stuffing her face with wings. I kept eating while she wiped her mouth with her arm, my eyes widening at the uncharacteristic behavior. Jaehyun is rubbing off on her and that’s clear. Jennie used to be ...stiff. A bit stuck up but not enough to come off as a bitch. 
She had high standards and expected only the finer things, yet she would also go with the flow of things, not wanting on the chance to experience something she could later brag about. Since meeting Jaehyun, she has loosened up in terms of the proper chip that was on her shoulder.
“I say,” She takes a sip of water, but I’m pretty sure that wasn’t her water to take. 
She repeats herself, “I say you keep on with what you’re doing. Be forward. You have to be with a laid back guy like Hoseok. Call him, holding his hand, kiss his cheek and all that. If he says he doesn’t like it, stop.”
Taehyung claps his hands together, “We won’t say anything about it and act oblivious! Just do what feels right and we’ll act like it’s nothing new!” 
Taehyung pumps his fight up into the air, the whole action being something you’d expect if he was drunk.
“Operation ‘help Boss understand Y/n’s feelings’ is a go!” 
“He understands,” I mumble, “I told him that I liked that despite his lifestyle.” 
Taehyung shook his head, “No Y/n...we need him to understand!” He deepened his voice on the word ‘understand’.
“Hyung is very smart, but he’s also...dense when it comes to things like this. For him to understand, he needs to see actions. Once he feels like he’s got a handle on the situation, he’ll possibly respond or make a move.”
 I chuckled, “You really know Hoseok really well.”
Taehyung kisses his teeth, “I’ve been studying the mystery that is Jung Hoseok for 8 years now.”
It sounded so easy when the others were talking about it. Call him. Don’t text him, but call him. But now that I am lying on my bed, the butterflies in my stomach were overwhelming. I look at the clock on my wall to see that it’s nearing 10pm, I’m sure he’s awake. 
I grabbed my phone, scrolling and finding his contract. I pressed his name and watched the screen change as the number dialed. I placed the phone on speaker, staring up at the ceiling while I waited, hoping to hear his voice.
A few more rings later, and it went to voicemail. I sighed, hanging up before it could start recording. Of course, he’s busy. According to Namjoon, Hoseok is going for his actual investment work. One day I’ll get Hoseok to tell me more about his investment company. It’s thriving and doing well. 
I turned onto my side, sleep suddenly growing heavy on my eyes. It’s been a long day and I was finally feeling the tiring work of the day while my body relaxed and went slack against my bed and pillow. 
I don’t remember how long my eyes were closed before I felt a buzzing vibrating the bed. My eyes fluttered open, and though my vision was blurry, I could make out the caller ID. 
I grabbed my phone quickly, swiping to answer and hitting the speaker button. I set it down on my bed, staring at the black screen while soft breathing sounded through the iPhone speaker.
“Doc.” He said quietly. He sounded bored, with no sense of urgency or sleepiness. I looked at the clock again. It is 11:34pm. 
“Hi.” I croaked, eyes widen at my own voice. I cleared my throat as quietly as I could.
“I woke you up.” He said, almost sounding sorry. 
I shook my head slowly as if he could see me lying there in my bed, with my hair a mess and my baggy T-shirt and shorts. 
“I don’t mind. I don’t work tomorrow.” I answered. There a beat of silence, and I can hear cars zooming in the background.
“You called me?” He sounded annoyed, not because I called, but the fact that I wasn’t speaking. 
“Yeah,” I replied softly, “I didn’t realize you traveled.”
“I guess I didn’t tell you, it was sort of last minute. I had to handle some business.” He replied. 
“Oh, I see.” I pause for a moment, “I hope I’m not bothering you when you’re busy.” I rush out that last bit, my nerves getting to me. 
“No, you’re not.” 
“Ok, cool. Umm...how much longer are you staying in Japan?” My desperate attempts at preventing an awkward silence.
“Why?” I could hear the smirk in his voice, “Do you miss me?” He chuckles soon after, showing that he was teasing. I bit on my bottom lip nervously as he laughed. I gripped my bedsheets in on hand and closed my eyes, thinking of how I should be bold. Without opening my eyes I spoke the first thing that came to mind.
“I miss you a lot.” Hearing the words leave my lips caused my skin to tingle. My eyes remain closed while I listen to Hoseok on the other line. His laughter dies down and I heard a slight shuffle. He doesn’t speak for a short time, leaving me in my dread and fear.  
“I’ll be back in 4 days,” His teasing tone was no more, he spoke simply and plainly. My shoulders drop in relief. He’s ignoring my statement, which I regret even saying so him ignoring it is for the best. I heard more shuffling and what sounded like a car door closing.
My eyes stay closed as I speak again.
“Good,” My voice is light, sleepiness taking hold of me again. I yawned lightly, and we sit in silence for a little while.
“Go to bed, Y/n.” Sounding like he was ordering a child. But I was too tired to say something smart. 
“Good night Hoseok, sorry for bothering you,” I muttered. 
He takes in a deep breath, sounding like he made up his mind on something, “Y/n?”
I hum in reply, irritation rising as he was keeping me from falling asleep.
“Whenever you start missing me, just call me.” He said the words casually, but he spoke quietly this time. My eyes snapped open in surprise. He cleared his throat, showing discomfort with his own words. He’s nervous?  I looked at my phone in time to see the screen flash to black as he hung up the phone without a goodbye. 
He said to call him whenever I start missing him? I laid there with my eyes wide and my mind empty. My heart racing to the point of my vision vibrating as I stared blankly at the wall opposite of me.
The conversation was short, awkward and almost forced but...it wasn’t awful. I would like to think that he enjoyed our conversation. He also didn’t say anything about the kiss or the gala. But it was nice to have a small normal chat. 
Whenever you start missing me, just call me. 
My lips turned up into a shy smile, “He’s too cute.” I say to no one in particular.
To say, nothing had changed...wrong. But to say things had changed would also be wrong. Hoseok hasn’t brought up the gala, the kiss or even the investigation being conducted on the small delivering company that is being accused of swapping the real art with fake art.
Hoseok wasn’t really attempting to make conversation, but he wouldn’t suggest hanging up whenever we sat in silence. He comes back from Japan tomorrow, but I’ve called him 2 more times in the past 3 days. Usually later at night, when he is on his way back to the hotel. Calling him the second time was harder than calling the first time. 
Whenever you start missing me, just call me. What was that? Where did that come from? He doesn’t make mention of it again, and neither do I. But it feels like his words loomed over us with every conversation we had. Like he wanted to say something about it but was waiting for me to bring it up. 
I stared up at the ceiling as I heard the shuffling of bedsheets and blankets. Unlike the other times I called, Hoseok was actually in his hotel bed this time. Since our conversations were barely conversations. I’d ask him how his day was, I’d get a one-word answer followed by me desperately trying to keep the flow of things going. I wanted to try and dig deeper. If he doesn’t want to tell me. He won’t. 
“Hoseok?” My voice sounds quiet and lacks confidence. When he replies he sounds distracted and I can faintly hear his fingers tapping away at his phone screen.
“Yeah?” He sounds distracted.
“So you took over for your father when you were 16?” I asked timidly, a slight tremble in my voice. I heard another shuffle, with a small sigh following after.
“Yeah,” He answered, “No big deal.” 
He was trying to brush it off, but I wasn’t going to move on that quickly.
“It must have been scary...dealing with the death of your father, but also being ushered into such a big role.”
“I don’t want your pity.” He hissed. My heart dropped a bit, feeling the peaceful chat turning dour. 
“I’m not pitying you, I just imagine it must have been hard.”
“I managed, I had the guys to help me out. I did what was expected of me and I turned out fine.” 
I opened my mouth to reply but he kept speaking, so I sat and listened.
“My dad was sick, and I knew what was coming so I was ready for it. I prepared and was able to move forward.” 
“How do you prepare for something like that? Taking such a big role I mean.”
He groans, “I don’t know. I just stopped hanging out with friends, I stopped my hobbies and things like that. My relationship with the guys also changed. It was...rough.”
My eyes perked up, “You knew the guys before?” 
Hoseok lets out a humorless chuckle, a bitterness underlying the action. 
“They were my best friends before I became their boss.” He sounded sad, and I felt sad as well. There was a longing in his voice. How much as his relationship with the boys changed? They seem...close, right? I wouldn’t exactly call their relationship the typical friendship, but I wouldn’t say it’s lacking. 
Before I respond, ready to reassure Hoseok, a thought enters my mind. I don’t know what their friendship was before, and how or why did the guys agree to do such work for Hoseok? Were they already aware of Hoseok’s father and the lifestyle he had? 
“They’re still your best friends now.” I inject, wondering why he was speaking in the past tense. 
He scoffs, “Nah, I wouldn’t agree.”
“They just work for me at this point, I doubt they like me anymore.” The statement sounded so insecure. My brows furrowed and I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. The flashbacks to Taehyung’s cheeky smile as he spoke about Hoseok were battling the words I just heard.
“What?” I shake my head, “What would make you think that? Has the boss, employee overshadowed the friendship? Is that what you think?” 
He doesn’t respond, leaving me with his calm breathing as a sign of his distress.
“I don’t think it’s that way at all Hoseok! If you feel that way, I think you should talk to them about it.” 
When he still refuses to speak, my heart grows heavier. Does he go around just thinking everyone holds some sort of animosity, does he? The conversation at the gala makes sense, and a light bulb flickers on above my head.
Do you really like me? 
“Why are you so keen on having everyone detest you?” My tone comes out a bit rougher than I intended, but it doesn’t seem like he noticed.
“My line of work doesn’t really let me be a people person.”
“But that’s work, isn’t it? There’s a time where you gotta shut the work mindset off...right?”
Another beat of silence, my own breathing sounding louder than Hoseok’s. Another shuffle from his end and a grunt. I’m guessing he was changing his position on the bed. 
“Go to sleep, doc. You’ll see me tomorrow.” That’s all he said and the line disconnected. He hung up. 
Once again I’m left lying in my bed with my thumping heart and my thoughts. What a ball of secrets Jung Hoseok is. Just what is going on in that head and heart of his?
“We did the best we could,” I said to Jennie as we walked down the hospital hallway. We trailed behind Dr. Lee who was looking down at his clipboard. Our heels click against the tile floor, as we zoom towards room 323. We were on our way to check on a patient who just woke from a surgery we performed the day before. 
We already knew this was going to be a rough one. A terrible car accident has left a couple in a sad state. The wife, an older woman in her early 50’s had damage to her legs, leaving her partially paralyzed. Only temporarily. With proper physical therapy, Ms. Cho will be able to walk again.
As for Mr. Cho, he is stuck in a sleep-like-state. A coma, one could say, however it is believed that he can hear his surroundings. Though we did surgery to stop the internal bleeding, the seriousness of his injuries can’t be known until he awake. 
I glanced at my outfit, the yellow dress seeming too bright for the depressing atmosphere we were going to enter. However, the yellow dress was significant to my mood. The happy butterflies floating around my stomach were clouding my focus. 
It was a dress Jennie gifted me a few months back, and it sat in my closet collecting dust. The dress stopped right at my knees, it’s shaping being form-fitting with being skin tight. The hem of the skirt ruffled out, giving it a spring vibe. The whole dress was covered in white polka dots, less than you would regularly see for the pattern. The v neck wasn’t deep enough to be inappropriate, and the sort sleeves also had the same ruffle as the skirt hem. My white heels complimented the whole look.
When I strolled into work today, Jennie was sipping her coffee, only to have her eyes widen as she choked. 
“Wow,” She breathed, “You look hot!” I cringed, gesturing my hands for her to bring her voice down. She was being too loud. A few nurses turned their eyes, raising their eyebrows. 
“Mr. Jung must be returning today,” one of the nurses at the help desk muttered loudly, “I heard he hasn’t been at any board meetings because he traveled.” I turned my head towards the voice to meet a teasing set of eyes. 
I stared at her and she shrugged, “Am I wrong?” She giggled looking me up and down. The other nurses giggled along with her. 
“It is that obvious?” I whispered to Jennie. She took another sip from her Starbucks cup before she gave me a thorough once over. She takes a look at my outfit, a cheesy smile pulling at her lips while her eyes moved up to my face.
“Oh hell yeah.” She chimes. I grunt, covering my face with both hands.
“He’s going to think I’m such a try-hard.” I groaned then adjusted my white doctor’s coat to try to cover the dress more.
Jennie bites her lip, the red lipstick that painted them not smudging one bit. She brought her coffee cup up to her lips as if to take a sip. She raised her shoulders and turned her body to the side as if she was hiding something from me with her body.
“Y/n, I’d be more worried that you’d make him hard.” She whispers just loud enough for me to hear. My face heats up and a coy expression grazes my face.
“You think so?”
“Oh, I know so!” She exclaimed, winking at me.
We stood there waiting for Mr. Lee to arrive. He told us to meet him here at noon, and it’s already 12:23. The longer we stood there talking, the more I noticed glances my way from patients and fellow workers. 
“Is the dress inappropriate for work?” My face scrunches up and my insecure questions slip from my lips.
“No, not at all. You’re just giving off different vibes than usual. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, you look good.” 
Before I could reply, Jennie spoke again, “You talked to him on the phone yesterday?” 
“Yup,” I said popping the p, “The conversation gets...better. It was very weird at first but it’s smoother now. You can tell he doesn’t usually do that kind of thing.” 
Jennie nodded in an approving manner, “That’s sweet.” She smiled and took another long sip of her coffee from tossing the empty cup into the nearby trash can. She turned back around just as Dr. Lee rounded the corner. 
“Took him long enough,” Jennie said under her breath. She stuffed her hands into her coat pockets, giving me a better look of her outfit. She wore a simple black turtleneck, the fabric looking too thin to protect from any cold, and a sage green skirt that was shorter than my dress with black heels. Her red lipstick popped and her slicked-back ponytail with the side part made her look so slick.
Jennie takes more risks with her outfits than I do. She dances right on the line of a provocative and voguish. No wonder this amazing dress I’m wearing is something she bought me. My hair was down today, Jennie telling me that pulled the outfit together more.
“Sorry for being late ladies. I-” Dr. Lee’s voice catches in his throat as he looked up from his clipboard. He gawked at me, blinking his eyes repeatedly and racking his eyes down my body. He snaps out of his trance not a second later, looking back to my face and shamelessly smiling at me.
“Dr. L/n, you are...breath-taking.” He said honestly. 
I roll my eyes, “Thank you, Dr. Lee.” 
“Let me take you out to dinner.” 
I falsely give it some thought, “Mh, sure! I’ll be sure to bring Mr. Jung along.” 
His smile drops at the mention of Hoseok, but the flirty nature in his eyes doesn’t change.
“Well, I’ll always be here.” He said with a wink, looking down at his clipboard again.
“And that’s unfortunate.” Jennie jeered back.
And that’s how we ended up where we are now, marching down the hallway to deliver not so good news to an older lady. By the time we reached the door of room 323, yelling could be heard. A thin and harsh voice was shouting while the calm voice of a nurse battled on.
Dr. Lee opened the door and all the noise stopped.
“Ms. Cho.” Dr. Lee said as he stepped in and we followed.
“Where is my husband?!” She shouts. 
Dr. Lee sighs, “Please Ms. Cho, give us some time to help you understand what is going on.” 
After she yells on for a few more minutes, Dr. Lee manages to calm her down. Her chest rises and falls intensely as lays back in her hospital bed. Her brows were furrowed and she glowered at us. Her gaze shifted between the 3 of us. Dr. Lee is going to do most of the talking, and we were just here to give the details of the surgery and the results.
Jennie and I took some time to explain to Ms. Cho the results of her surgery along with the condition of her legs. We had to pause for a moment as she cried. I made sure to give her a tissue and tried my best to comfort her. After we finished updating her on her condition, came the hard news of her husband.
There is no easy way to break news like that. And it’s always hard to see how people handle news like this. One of the nurses rubbed her back as she sobbed. Her black hair falling into her face.
We were in there for quite some time, setting up her physical therapy appointments. Jennie was discussing with Dr. Lee while I spoke to the nurse regarding the changes to Ms. Cho’s care.
“Young lady,” Ms. Cho suddenly says to me, sniffling in the process. I look over at her, showing a small smile.
“I know you have many patients to take care of, and you probably hear this a lot. But...my husband is my everything. Please do whatever you can to save him. Money isn’t an issue.” It’s hard to believe this soft-spoken woman was the same angry voice shouting earlier.
Her bloodshot eyes were tired and sad, but in general, she looked young for her age. Her skin lacked wrinkles or any significant sign of aging. 
I smiled at her, “Of course Ms. Cho, we will do our best.”
A small smile pulls at the corner of her lips and I watch her eyes move to my white coat, “Dr. L/n?” She reads my name.
I smile, “Yup, that’s me. Y/n L/n.” 
“A lovely name for a lovely girl.” She says softly. 
“Thank you so much, ma’am. I must say you’re also very beautiful.” 
She laughs slightly, having it fade off into a sigh, “My beauty is all I have at this point.” 
She throws a gentle punch at her legs, “These things are useless.” She mutters. 
“Ms. Cho, you won’t be in a wheelchair forever, we can promise you that,” I assured her.
She looks towards Dr. Lee and back at me, “Is that guy any good? His rehearsed smile and strong cologne are throwing me off.” 
I cough to hide my laughter while the nurse closes to me giggles with her hand covering her mouth.
“Dr. Lee is one of the finest doctors I know, he won’t lead you astray. His smile may be a practice, but if there’s one thing that is genuine, it’s his love for helping others.” She nods like my words put her doubts to rest.
“Thank you Dr. L/n, and I apologize for yelling at you earlier. That isn’t like me.” She looks down shyly, clearly embarrassed by her previous behavior.
“Don’t worry about it Mrs. Cho, I would have reacted the same way. You just went through a very disorienting series of events. I wouldn’t expect you to be poised.”
She smiles but soon gasps as if forgetting something. 
“And the other driver? How is he?”
While I explained the conditions of the other driver, who also had serious injuries, Jennie and Dr. Lee came back from the corner of the room they were standing in.
“Mrs. Cho, you’ll be staying with us here at Seoul Sky Hospital for some time and we’re happy to have you. We will do whatever we can to give you a steady recovery; we will also work to look after your husband.” She nods, showing a strained smile. After a few more words, we start to shuffle out of the room. I am the last to leave, giving her a small smile.
I’m sitting in the passenger's seat of the car while Jennie sits in the back with her arms stretched up across the seat. Her back leans against the door while her eyes are closed. Jungkook is driving yelling at Jin who is on speakerphone.
“Boss agreed to buy dinner, and you wanna eat chicken...again? Let’s get noodles!” Jungkook whines. I giggled as he pouts.
“Yah! He said we could order whatever! I’ll order chicken and you order noodles!”
“Why do we have to order from too different places?” Jungkook replies. 
“Just figure something out!” Someone barks in the background. It sounds like Yoongi. I can just picture Hoseok sitting among the chaos.
I laughed at their banter, but it came out a bit chopped. My nerves were getting to me. I was quiet most of the ride, but just like everyone said, be bold. Do whatever feels right. What’s the worst that could happen? He could reject me? Embarrass me in front of all the guys, and make the atmosphere?
Yikes! I just cringed at the thought. 
I shut the car door and followed behind Jungkook and Jennie as he did the regular door unlocking as well as the double doors.  Everyone was in the “lobby” area. Jimin and Taehyung stood around Yoongi who sat at the circular table. They were clearly annoyed him, as he sat there with a blank face as they poked at him. 
Jin sat a few sat away from Yoongi and had a smaller MacBook opened. 
Namjoon stood in front of the chalkboard, writing and a few things, and beside him was Hoseok. My heart hammered a bit. I could see most of his back, and a bit of his side profile. He on the circular table, some papers in his hands. He was looking between the papers in his hand and the words that Namjoon was writing.
He wore an oversized red t-shirt, and grey joggers with black sneakers. He wore one of those fancy Rolex watches on his risk and his hair was a bit messy.
There’s that same old focused face of his. 
Jungkook left my side, heading towards Jin who I guess was ordering food. Jennie gave me a knowing smile and nodded towards Hoseok. I walked further into the room, feeling self-conscious as I caught the guys' attention. I no longer had my white doctor’s coat to hide in.
One of the guys' whistle and I ducked my head down shyly. Namjoon turns around at the sound but Hoseok doesn’t seem to care. 
“Hi everyone,” I said shyly as I got closer.
Everyone says their hellos, well everyone but Hoseok. Namjoon smiled at me, his gaze flickering to Hoseok quickly. Namjoon turned back to the blackboard and continued with what he was writing.
Jennie also went about greeting everyone, saying her hellos before taking a seat at the table. She leans back and grins while crossing her arms. I act oblivious to the fact that everyone was secretly waiting for me to approach Hoseok. I walk around the table, ending up on his right side. 
“Hey,” I said softly. 
“Hey,” Hoseok replies pausing for a beat before looking at me. I don’t miss the way his eyelashes flutter and his eyes flickered down my body quickly. 
“How was your flight?” I asked just as his eyes met mine again. His eyes were narrowed  
“It was good.” Since he was seated on the table, his line of sight was my face, making us the same height at that moment. He refocuses on what Namjoon is writing. 
There’s that warmth I always feel when he’s around. His presence is so...comforting.
I stare at his profile for a second more and just...do what feels right. 
I take hold of his bicep while leaning forward and I did the same thing I did at the gala. I kissed him on the cheek. I pulled back, my face still close. He looks at me, eyes wide. I smile in response, almost wanting to laugh at the deer in the headlights expression that was on his face. 
“I’m glad you’re back,” I spoke softly. His eyes, no longer wide, scanned over my face. His eyes narrowed and he looked at me...wantingly? My eyes widen in response. Whoa. I drew back completely, taking my hand off his bicep and noticing just how the atmosphere in the room changed.
I faced the board, flustered by Hoseok’s gaze on me. 
“S-so what are you writing, Namjoon?” I asked quickly and my heart fluttered, wondering if Hoseok’s eyes were still on me. And they were. I could feel his eyes on the profile of my face. I drew in a deep breath, trying to seem interested in what Namjoon was telling me.
Something about someone going around Korea saying they are ‘Seok’ the mafia head and creating trouble. Someone is basically pretending to be Hoseok. 
I nodded understandingly. 
“Boss is looking hungry,” Taehyung sang playfully as he walked around the table.
Jennie snickers and to no one, in particular, says, “But not for food.”
I turn to look at Hoseok just in time to see his gaze move from me to the paper in his hand. He scoffs, in a light manner this time, and a small smile stays on his lips as he goes back to reading the document. Chuckles sound through the room at Jennie’s remark. Hoseok doesn’t say anything, focusing on the work at hand.
But the red color of his ears said it all. 
“Cute.” I cooed to myself, and Hoseok heard, his red ears getting even brighter. 
Hoseok,  I’m gonna break those walls down Brick by brick.
Thank you for reading! Like, reblog and let me know what you think :)) I also have a question for you, how do you view��“Y/n” in terms of personality and character? Also any predictions? 
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 21
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: thank you for the comments and notes to those who still send them! it means a lot to me. i hope this chapter isnt disappointing!
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : MAJOR SPOILERS! i even added one that i got for AM Conversations lol so yep! keep sending them! the more i get, the longer this story will be lol!
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Chapter 21 : His chapter
The way we had made love kept playing over and over in my head but what I was really obsessed with was how she looked, wearing only my shirt (not even panties), sitting in the couch as she ate the meal I had prepared. She had almost choked on the rice when something funny happened in the movie we were watching and I never really noticed how endearing it was... how adorable she was. Now that we had had sex a few times, I could see a bit clearer. I was still horny for her and was ready to go whenever she wanted to, but I could also realize the little things I had missed. The way her nose raised up when I teased her about her clumsiness, the way her face lighted up when she was excited (she would even sometimes make a few small jumps), the way she bit her bottom lip when she was trying not to laugh, and even the messy state her hair was in when she'd wake up in the morning. I could make a list of all the things she did that I adored and sometimes, I spent half an hour actually listing her cute behaviors in my head.
I knew she was busy these days and I didn't want to bother her but I couldn't help but sent her a few text messages through the days. She didn't seem to bother, she even answered me quite quickly, but on friday, she replied with a message that sort of got to me.
'Did you ever have a talk with Louis about the argument you two had?'
In fact, we had not and I knew that since a few days had passed, we were both calm now and could have a discussion without risking to jump at each other's throat. It was not like me to be violent anyway but Louis knew me well and he knew exactly on which button to press to anger me. I sent him a quick text message, inviting him over and got up to check if I had enough beer left for the night. My phone beeped and I chuckled at his answer that consisted of a smiley emoji showing his teeth and the words 'On my way' written with a few exclamation points.
I quickly sent Olivia a message to tell her about it and then licked my lips before pressing them together and typing something else.
'I miss you, petal, send a selfie.'
I waited about a minute and smiled when I saw the picture of her doing a pouty face with El and Julie doing the same behind her and I realized that Louis was either stuck with the 3 girls and was glad to escape to come to my place, or he was alone by himself at his house and I was saving him from boredom. Either way, it made me laugh and I hesitated but decided to send her an other message.
'Love that selfie but when you have time, you should send me an other kind of selfie 😏'
'😂😂😂 Perv!'
I laughed and put my phone away before rummaging through my pantry to find chips and candies and brought everything to the living room along with beers before the doorbell rang. I breathed in and walked up to it, opening it slowly only to see one of my best friends waiting for me on the other side. He shook his eyebrows and the left corner of his lips curled into an amused smile.
"Hey Neil." he let out, making me smile too. "Thanks for inviting me. Livi said I should bring you this."
He moved his hand up and I noticed he was holding two bottles, one of vodka and one of jack daniels, in-between his fingers. I chuckled and moved away to let him in, following him to the living room. He put the bottles on the coffee table and turned to me before we hugged each other.
"I'm sorry Niall, I should have told you."
"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have been so pissed about it."
We pulled away and Louis raised his eyebrows before rushing to the kitchen and coming back with two glasses. He poured vodka in both and handed me one before clinking his against mine.
"To neverending friendship." he let out, making me smile. "Nothing can break this bond yea?"
I smiled and nodded, licking my lips. "Yea."
We sat together and he opened a beer. I stared at him as he dropped the cap on the coffee table and leaned against the couch before turning to look at me. I didn't know if he was waiting for me to say something but I just grabbed my beer too and took a sip.
"I know I shouldn't have had sex with your ex girlfriend, Niall. " he pointed out after a while. "I just... we became very close, and it's the only way we found not to throw ourselves at random people in bars and shit. I mean I love my son more than anything in the world, but that wasn't planned and I didn't want something like that to happen again. I mean it was a baby, and it was good news, but it could have been something bad, you know?"
It didn't make much sense to me but I kept quiet, curious to hear all he had to say about that.
"It really just happened. The first time we did it she was... so sad. I had just learned that I was going to be a dad, and we both didn't know how to cope with that."
"Who had the idea?" I asked, surprised that those words even came out of my mouth and regretting them right after. I wanted to know but at the same time, i didn't.
Louis sighed but kept looking in my eyes. "Hers, I guess." he shrugged. "But also not really. It's complicated. She proposed it, changed her mind, and I insisted. She said It was the best way to stop hurting for a few hours and honestly Niall, she was right. Every time we needed to tone down the pain in the next few months, that's how we did it. It was a bad way to handle it I mean, we went to therapy later and the more we healed, the less we fucked."
Quickly, I swallowed my beer, emptying it and putting it a bit roughly on the coffee table before grabbing the glass and pouring myself more vodka. I could feel Louis' eyes on me as I took a long sip of it and he sighed.
"I'm sorry, Niall."
"I just can't believe you choked my ex girlfriend." I pointed out in a low tone. "You called her names. You made her moan and cum. But the worst of all, Louis, is that you became so close to her that you guys can just look at each other and know exactly what the other is thinking."
I didn't say more but I knew that it also meant that in bed, he knew exactly what she liked. He knew exactly how to turn her on, how to touch her to give her pleasure, how to make her shake beneath him. He had seen her in a vulnerable state that I wished I was the only one who saw. I wanted to be the only one to read her that way, whether it was sexually or romantically.
"You're her best friend now and I'm not." I mumbled. "I'm nothing."
I swallowed the rest of my glass, feeling suddenly my whole body on fire but I didn't know if it was because of anger or because of the alcohol. Perhaps, a bit of both.
"I won't lie to you, Niall. She's my best friend. She's my other half." he shook his head. "But it's just friendship. It means a lot, but we don't have romantic love for each other. The special connection we have is all about friendship. A deep one alright, but still."
"You don't get it." I scoffed, looking down at my glass as I felt myself get slightly dizzy. "She used to have that connection with me."
I felt Louis move on the couch and he got closer, still holding his glass but he waited until I looked up in his eyes to talk.
"No, what you had was stronger than that. The connection you two had, Niall, was stronger than what me and her have. And you're the one who broke it. It'll come back, I can feel it. But you're gonna have to work for it. She was hurt, and even if I know she loves you, she's so scared."
He took a pause as I let the words he spoke sink in.
"I don't think you realize what happened after you broke up with her, Niall. She was broken. She was like a zombie, numb and lost. She lost her boyfriend and her best friend at the same time. The person she loves the most in the world. You're still that person so... fight. And don't hurt her again because I swear I'm going to kill you."
"Did she date anyone else?"
Louis sighed and finished his beer before filling our glasses again. Waiting for his answers every single time I asked a question was driving me crazy.
"Yea, some girl she met I can't remember where." he shrugged. "It was not serious because we didn't..." he stopped himself and looked up in my eyes. "We didn't stop having sex while she was with her. I mean I'm not even sure they were official, I never asked and she didn't want to talk about it."
"So she never cheated on Dylan with you." I pointed out, suddenly a bit stressed.
"No. And I never cheated on El. With anyone. You know me." he let out firmly. "She cheated on him with you though, didn't she."
"I guess. From what I understand, he knows or something. I just don't know what to do to make her choose me. I've tried telling her how I felt and I made her many promises, but she doesn't trust me, so I'm getting drunk tonight trying not to think too much of my ex girlfriend riding you and moaning your name, or about her getting married to an other famous prick."
"Who's the prick? You or me?"
I smiled and chuckled low. "Both."
I thought he'd throw something at me but he just laughed and shook his head.
"Liv has her secrets but I feel like you have yours, too." Louis let out as we drank our third glass. "You two are gonna have to talk to each other before anything can be official between you."
I groaned. "Talking is all we do. I told her so many things I thought I'd never have the guts, or the chance to tell her. I don't know if she can handle finding out about who I was when she was not around."
"She can." he argued. "Besides, it must not have been that bad since nothing appeared online."
I chuckled. "I'm normally quite good at being private, so don't be so sure."
"I'm sure it's nothing that can't be forgiven. I mean she slept with your best mate and you forgave her, so." he laughed, making me groan again and grimace.
I heard my phone beep again and grabbed it only to smile when I saw her name on the screen. I didn't know why everything that was linked to her made me happy but I knew I was a bit tipsy anyway. I quickly lost my smile when I saw the picture she sent me and my jaw dropped.
'For your eyes only 😉' was written right under a picture of her.
"Jesus Christ."
My eyes roamed on her body and I felt my heartbeats accelerate. She was naked in front of the mirror and her free hand was hiding her pussy. I wanted her so bad that I had to reach for my cock to adjust myself, almost forgetting that Louis was there with me. I thought about touching her and groaned low until Louis hit my knee with his.
"You're fucking drooling, what is it?"
With difficulty, I took my eyes off of my phone and looked up at my friend who had an amused smile on the lips. I turned the screen off and cleared my throat, grabbing my glass and swallowing what was left in it as Louis started laughing.
"It's Olivia isn't it?" he asked, his smile growing. "What did she say? No wait, did she send you a picture? She's supposed to be with my girlfriend right now!"
"Well trust me, your girlfriend is not on the picture. She was not even in the same room."
"No fucking way, she sent you a nude!"
I opened my lips to answer something cheeky but was cut by the sound of my phone again, feeling my heart jump in my chest at the thought of her messaging me but I frowned when I saw who it was coming from and made a small grimace. I should have blocked Heidi's number but I normally don't do that because I'm not a bitter person. Still, if she was to message me too much, I'd definitely have to do something. I clicked on it and it's the message I saw first.
'Told you. Call me.'
I frowned more and scrolled down to see the picture. It was Olivia wearing a wedding dress. I had no idea where the picture came from and I knew that I should try to find details on the picture that would give me clues but all I could focus on was her. Something jumped in my chest but unlike what Heidi probably thought, it was not sadness that I felt when I looked at that picture. I was pretty sure Heidi had sent that to me just to hurt me or start something between Olivia and I but I didn't care. All I cared about was all the thoughts running through in my mind. She looked incredible. She looked so beautiful I felt like I was witnessing something I was not supposed to, as if I was the future husband and that I was not allowed to see her in her wedding dress before she walked down the altar. I felt myself tear up and brought my hand to cover my mouth, swallowing hard and blinking a few times.
I knew Olivia was not sure she was going to get married to Dylan yet and for now, it was enough for me. I also knew she had to go through with the wedding plan and even if it hurt, it was still legit. I could wait a few weeks, right? After all, she waited years for me and never gave up.
"Olivia was shopping for her wedding dress today?" I just asked, my eyes glued to the picture.
"Yea, she was going with Julie and El." Louis confirmed as I shook my head. "Are you mad?"
"Mad?" I asked, raising my eyebrows and looking up at him. "No, I'm just.. she looks amazing."
I turned my phone and Louis moved closer to check the picture before moving back and leaning against the couch again. I turned the screen to me again and sighed, closing my eyes and rubbing them roughly.
"So which picture do you prefer?" Louis asked with a smirk, making me roll my eyes.
"You want to know if my lust for her is stronger than my love for her?" I just asked. "The answer is no. I just feel a bit guilty for even seeing the one with the wedding dress."
"Who sent it to you?"
"Heidi." I replied with a grimace, making Louis roll his eyes.
"Never liked this girl. No idea what you saw in her. But she did that to hurt you, clearly."
"Well it doesn't, it just makes me want to..." I shook my head, searching for my words. "It makes me want to marry her."
With a chuckle, Louis moved closer to me again, his eyebrows raised in surprise and a small smile playing across his lips.
"Excuse me you said what?"
"I want to marry her. You know, have kids, live together, plan an actual future..."
"Who are you and what did you do with me mate?"
"Shut up!" I groaned before chuckling, throwing the untouched bag of chips at him.
He just caught it, opened it and took a handful of chips that he brought to his mouth.
"Yuh shoo tah uh." he muttered as I rolled my eyes, waiting for him to swallow. "You really should tell her." he repeated.
"I don't know how to tell her I love her anymore. I don't know how to prove to her that she's the only one I need and that I'll never break her heart again. That I will never leave, no matter what happens."
I knew I was getting drunk by the minute but I still grabbed my glass and poured more alcohol in it without checking from which bottle it was from. I drank it as I shook my leg, racking my brain to find a way to show her that I meant it. I jumped off the couch and felt suddenly dizzy and held myself on the couch, making Louis laugh.
"Mate, sit back down, you're drunk."
"Nooo no, I know how to make her realize how much she means to me!"
Louis frowned but I ignored him, rushing to my room and searching through a box of my old stuff. It took me about ten minutes but I finally found an old letter Olivia had written me when we were teens and brought it back, giving it to Louis with a big smile. I stood next to him with a large smile as he read it and finally, he looked up at me and chuckled.
"Okay she wrote you letters like that and you didn't know she was in love with you?" he just said with an other chuckle. "Mate, you need someone to hit you behind the head. I can do it if you want me to."
"No, Tommo. You don't get it." I grabbed the paper from his hands and turned it around, pointing at the bottom. "There's her name. In her own handwriting."
Louis frowned, then realized and finally, his eyes got bigger and he got up, grabbing both my shoulders and raising his eyebrows before shaking me slightly.
"Niall, you never ever wanted a tattoo in your life!" he pointed out. "Besides, you're drunk, no one will agree to tattoo you!"
"Oh but you know tattoo artists that will anyway yea? I'm counting on you!"
He stared at me for a few minutes and I brought my hands together in a way to beg him. He ended up rolling his eyes with a smile, making mine grow even more.
"Fine! But if you regret it tomorrow, don't you fucking blame me!"
I barely remembered anything, from the way the needles felt to the final result but when Louis drove us back home, he kept glancing at me. The window was down and the cool wind of the night helped me sober up. I still didn't regret it but I knew it was a possibility when I'd wake up. I'd deal with it in the morning though, I was getting a bit too tired to think about it.
"Did it hurt?"
"Not really. Perhaps I was too drunk to feel it." I replied with a shrug, leaning my head on the seat. "You think she'll realize how much I love her with that tattoo?"
"First off, you're gonna have to show her. It's super small, and it's in a spot no one can see unless you're naked I mean, why did you want it there?" Louis frowned before shaking his head. "Anyway, not the point. She already knows you love her. So do I think this tattoo will suddenly bring her trust in you back? No. But it'll definitely entertain her."
I groaned again. "Shut up."
"Hey, I'm just so happy I got to witness that once in my life. Pretty sure it's the only tattoo you'll ever get. It's an honor for me, thank you, Neil."
"I hate you."
He was right, I had chosen a spot no one could see, at the top of my thigh, near my stomach. I've never been a fan of tattoos and I couldn't find a place to put it that wouldn't be obvious and the only other places that people never see would have given her a very wrong impression of my intentions. I could feel it burn on my skin and unlike what I thought, It didn't make me feel weird. Louis was right, it was a very small tattoo, not worth writing home about, but everyone who knew me was aware that it did mean something.
Louis parked and we walked inside in silence but he stopped near the door and patted my shoulder gently.
"I think I'm gonna leave." he just said in a low tone. "Do you need help to clean or anything?"
I shook my head and grabbed my phone, checking her picture again and surprisingly, it was the wedding dress one. I pressed my lips together and Louis moved closer, his hand squeezing my shoulder this time.
"Do you want me to call her for you?" he asked in a gentle tone. "Maybe she'd want to spend the night here? I'll even give her a ride if she wants."
I looked at my friend and felt a wave of affection for him. Knowing he was there for me and that he cared made me feel better. When I broke up with Olivia, Louis had disappeared and he hadn't been much present until I ran into her again. Now, it felt like he was back in my life for real and I liked it.
"I don't know..."
I was not sure. I wanted her with me, and the craving was intense, but I didn't want her to feel like she had to take care of me again. Still, the thought of holding her in my arms was so hard it made a shiver cross my back.
"I started writing songs for a new album." I let out randomly. "All the fucking songs are about her."
Louis looked at me for a few seconds and sighed. "Tell her, Niall. Do it." He grabbed his phone and clicked on something before bringing the phone to his ear.
"Hey love, I'm with Niall right now and he really wants to see you." Louis looked up at me as I rolled my eyes and he smirked. "Why didn't he call you himself?" He took the phone away from his mouth and whispered to me. "She says you never replied to her last text message."
I closed my eyes, remembering the nude she sent me and let out a low curse word, feeling suddenly like an ass and hoping she didn't think I didn't enjoy looking at her naked.
"No darling," Louis continued. "He was too shy to call you. And he didn't answer your text because he was too busy jerking off to it."
I felt my heart jump in my chest and hit his arm a bit roughly but it only made him smile more. I closed my eyes and grunted low, hearing Louis say a bunch of 'Mmhm''s before saying goodbye and hanging up.
"She'll be there in half an hour." he sent me a satisfied smile. "I mean she said 15 minutes but, you know her."
I remained motionless for a few seconds, just looking at my friend, and finally, I brought him into a hug that he quickly answered. I moved my chin down, trying not to cry, and just closed my eyes.
"I know you love her, mate. And I think you two are soulmates." he admitted in a low tone. "Fight for it. Get her back. And then, never let her go."
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ravenforce · 5 years
Manhattan 2
Word Count: 3583
Warning/s: None. (Would you believe that? Lol.)
A/N: Thank you so much for everyone who likes, and follows this story. You guys are amazing. Please leave your reactions, bloody or otherwise, on the comment section. My inbox is open too if you’d like to pop by. Oh, and please note the ff:
1. If there are any grammatical mistakes I’ve still overlooked, I apologize.
2. Since you’re already reading this part. Please, be careful out there. Protect yourself from NCOV. Wear a mask if you’re going outside. Wash your hand regularly, and bring alcohol everywhere you go. Take your vitamin C seriously, and stay hydrated. If you feel flu-like symptoms, get yourself checked by experts. Don’t self-medicate. The world is a better place because you’re here. Stay with me. Xx
Manhattan Parts: 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8  | 9
The Morning After - Lou’s POV
Lou can faintly see that the sun is already up and peaking through her curtains. Rather than get up, she shut her eyes tighter, the events of the night prior rushing to the forefront of her brain. She sighed happily as she remembers how soft you were against her hands, how obedient you were, and how beautiful you sound begging her to go faster, harder, and most especially when you screamed her name. She groaned when she remembered how you moaned as you come undone in her mouth and hands. She rolled on her back like she’s been struck by lightning when she remembers how you look in her bed, sated and peaceful.
She was disappointed when she found your spot on the bed empty. She sighed, no one leaves her in bed. It is her that always leave, and the other party begging her to stay but she never does. She sat up, she decided she’s not gonna wallow and think that you leaving is some sort of karma for every girl she left satisfied, yet heartbroken. She decided she’s going to shower because you both did plenty of dirty stuff last night, and then she’s gonna come downstairs to find her brothers and their merry gang of beautiful misfits and have breakfast with them.
Dressed in a crisp white button-up shirt, dark jeans, and black boots, Lou barged into the service kitchen where she knew everyone was holing after a night of partying.
“Good morning, children,” she greeted happily. Amidst being disappointed about your departure, she’s still positively lighter. 
The soft morning conversation came to a stop. It took a minute for everyone to process her presence, that Lou, their big sister is home for once. She’s rarely home ever since she opened the art gallery, The Heist, in Manhattan with Debbie, Daphne, and the crew.
“Sestra,” Loki greeted when Lou rounded the corner towards the coffee machine. “Your after-sex-glow can be seen from outer space.”
The Avengers choked on their breakfast items, Loki and Lou started laughing. 
“Loki!” Thor admonished after successfully gulping down his french toasts. 
“What? She looks great!”
“You could have gone with that,” Tony complained, blushing profusely and pointedly not looking at Lou. They’ve all been close to her, growing up with the boys but they still don’t like being privy to Lou’s sexual affairs.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Loki, ever the sassiest, said. 
Thor watched his big sister for a minute, and the three of them have been closed enough to know that Loki’s right. Lou’s definitely glowing. 
“Please tell me you didn’t pick up a random college girl from the party last night,” Thor said warned jokingly. 
Lou smirked and intentionally didn’t answer the question as she makes her coffee.
“Lou?” Thor asked, squinting his eyes at his sister’s back. 
Lou turned around to look at her blonde sibling with an infuriating smile on her face. 
“Well,” she started, intentionally pausing a beat or three to annoy her brother. “I didn’t actively look for her. She stumbled on my lair, what am I supposed to do?”
Loki and the rest of the gang laughed, while Thor continued mumbling and complaining about having to look at the poor girl sulking at school because the legendary Lou Odinson won’t pick up their calls.
”Besides, how am I supposed to walk away from her? She’s breathtaking,” Lou said with genuine fondness. 
Heavy Breakfast - Your POV
Before everyone can grill Lou on who she slept with, you barged in the service kitchen looking slightly dishevelled and with a deep frown on your face. The conversation dropped, while the tension rises. Everyone looked surprised that you’re on-site, their collective gaze fell on Nat and Carol in an instant. The two looked terrified and wholly unprepared for your arrival. They still haven’t quite polished exactly what they wanted to stay, even though they’ve been trying to reach you since the sun started to rise.
“God, Odinsons’ your house is insane,” you said dramatically.
“I went outside to make a phone call, and I got lost on the way back,” you ranted before looking up from your phone and quickly looked at your friends. 
Your perfectly constructed poker face nearly slipped when you saw Lou standing behind Tony and Maria by the coffee maker. She looked mildly surprised but more entertained at the idea of being in the same room as you and the two women she helped you forget - temporarily - last night. You held back the urge to roll her eyes at her. 
“You’re not the first to complain about that,” Lou quipped. “I told the boys to put up signs but I guess they’re both lazy idiots.”
You cracked a smile remembering how she called her brothers that last night before threatening to beat them up, assuming they made you cry. Tony and Maria caught the smile, no matter how small it was and quirked an eyebrow.
“Putting up signs around the house is ridiculous,” Thor complained as you walk towards the coffee machine. 
“Not to mention tasteless,” Loki backed his big brother up. 
Lou handed you her mug of coffee before starting a fresh brew. Thor and Loki stopped talking in an instant, as everyone watches you drink from Lou’s cup. You let out an ungodly moan as you let Lou’s perfectly brewed black coffee with two sugars wash over you, and warm you inside out. Your friends are watching the two of you like hawks. You can hear the cogs in their heads turning, piecing every action and reaction together.
Any minute now, you thought.
“You look good in my shirt,” Lou commented, full-on grinning now. 
“Holy shit,” Tony exclaimed. 
“What?!” Thor yelled as he stumbles out of his stool. 
You just shrugged before turning to your friends. You don’t care much that they know. You’ll tell them eventually, anyway. You just worry that you sleeping with Lou will change your dynamics with Thor and Loki. Wanda looked surprised while Maria looks worried for a second, she knows you best. So, she knows you slept with Lou as a coping mechanism.
Loki and Tony look impressed while Thor looks like he’s still processing but he doesn’t look angry. Nat and Carol looked pissed as hell.
“You slept with Lou?” Nat asked, voice clearly on edge. You frowned, not liking the tone she’s using. “Why?”
“Because I can,” you answered simply, voice neutral. “And I wanted to. Last time I checked I’m free to do whatever and whoever I want.”
“We know we fucked up last night,” Carol started to say. “But this retribution is brutal.”
You can feel your blood starting boil at that. You wanted to yell that you didn’t sleep with Lou as revenge for them kissing Steve and Val, you did it for you. You did it to forget, sure but you did it also because you’re attracted to the woman for fuck sake. You wanted to scream so many things, some of them probably spiteful but you weren’t able to as Lou’s warm, soft hand landed purposely on the small of your back. Everyone caught the action, Nat and Carol’s frown dipped deeper as they watch all your anger dissipate. 
“I can’t do this right now,” you sighed before putting Lou’s mug on the sink next to you. 
Lou just nodded at you before stepping away from her. You walked towards Maria and Wanda before planting a soft kiss on both their cheeks with a soft promise that you’ll explain everything soon enough. You walked towards the Odinson boys next, pulling them both out of the kitchen and into the hallway. Once out of everyone’s prying eyes, you tugged the boys into a hug which they immediately reciprocated, sandwiching you between them.
“I’m sorry about all of this,” you whispered. Thor’s hand landed on the small of your back, while Loki placed his around your shoulder. “I hope we’re cool?”
The boys can hear the worry and hesitation on your voice. Loki smiled at you, before tucking a loose hair behind your ear. “I’m cool with whatever you and Lou are up to. I ship it.”
You smiled at the raven-haired boy before turning towards Thor.
“I don’t understand it but it’s not my business. I just hope you understand what you’re getting into,” Thor said, worry lacing his voice.
The truth is, he secretly ships it as well but he knows her sister’s reputation in New York. She’s been living in Manhattan for a couple of years now, and never had Lou ever dated anyone seriously. He knows her sister’s not the relationship type. She beds girls that caught her interest for a small amount of time until she gets bored or until the girls started developing real feelings for her; then Lou bolts.
She doesn’t care how long the arrangement has gone, if romantic feelings are involved, she’s out. She doesn’t care much if it hurts. For their sister, it’ll hurt worse if she pretends she can give them something she couldn’t. For their sister, it’ll only hurt worst in the long run because what she gives won’t be enough. Lou has been leaving a trail of broken hearts everywhere she goes that’s why Thor worries about you.
You sighed happily. All things considered, you know you’re gonna be okay now that you’ve secured your friendship with the Odinson boys. You were about to leave when the door opened revealing Nat and Carol.
“Wait, Y/N. Please stay,” Nat pleaded. 
“Let us explain,” Carol added. “Let us try and fix this, please.”
You wanted to ignore both of them but the sadness in their voice stopped you on your track. You turned towards them and saw the two woman you truly adore nearly in tears. 
“I can’t,” you started. Nat and Carol visibly deflated. “Not right now. I need to go home and get ready. I have an interview for the internship program. We’ll talk after, I promise.”
“Okay,” they answered smiling softly at each other.
At that moment, you decided that there’s no point holding on the hurt and anger. No matter what, you still love Nat and Carol but you decided you’re not gonna be a player in their game anymore. When you met the two, you knew they still have feelings for each other but they’re too stubborn to admit it, yet you still willingly played. You decided though that if you can’t be with them, you’ll help them get who they deserve.
No more running away. No more mind games, no more using other people to make each other jealous. No one else is gonna get hurt, just because Nat and Carol can’t be honest with each other but that’ll have to wait after your interview. 
The Heist - Lou’s POV
“You’re late,” Daphne stated the obvious as Lou walked in leisurely in the conference room two hours after she’s supposed to be in.
Debbie noted the soft smile on her best friends face but said nothing. Lou just shrugged as she plopped down on her designated chair beside Debbie.
“I’m sorry,” Lou said but didn’t offer any other explanation.
She didn’t really have to explain how she stayed up all night just to make you come undone. She didn’t really have to explain how she offered to drive you home as an excuse to spend more time with you. She didn’t feel like sharing how she drove leisurely back to Manhattan because a part of her wants to stay in Ithaca, and risked being teased by her friends for immediately having a soft spot for a girl she barely knew.
9Ball looked up from her laptop to regard Lou for a moment, then every one to check if they’re seeing exactly what she’s seeing.
“At least one of us had a good weekend,” 9ball said with a smirk.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with an after-sex-glow, like ever,” Tammy said making everyone laugh and Lou to roll her eyes playfully.
“Agreed,” Debbie seconded.
“See, even Debbie agrees,” Constance said, “So who’s the lucky girl?”
“There’s no girl,” Lou lied. She knows that Debbie can tell she’s lying but she doesn’t care. She’s not ready to share you with her vulture friends yet.
Before anyone can call her out on her bullshit, the gallery secretary, Charlie poked her head in the conference room.
“She’s here,” she said looking at Debbie.
“Saved by the bell,” Amita teased, prompting everyone to start giggling again. Debbie shushed them after a minute. Charlie who has been working in the gallery since it opened didn’t bat an eye on her bosses weird antics. She just waits patiently for instructions.
“Send her in,” Debbie instructed before Charlie nodded and scurried away to get the last interviewee for the gallery intern position. Whoever gets the job will join her, and the second gallery assistant, Kurt at the bottom of the corporate ladder.
Lou looked at her best friend with a silent question but before she can answer, the door opened and the applicant walked in.
The Interview - Your POV
You stopped dead on your tracks when you saw Lou, while the other paled a little.
Holy shit, you thought to yourself.
When Lou said she’s a businesswoman, it didn’t occur to you that she might be the owner of the art gallery you’re applying for an internship. You internally cursed the alcohol you consumed the night before for missing dead giveaways that Lou owns the Heist, like the number of artworks and art pieces in her home office, or the magazines on her coffee table featuring her and her crew. 
You were pulled away from your internal musing when 9Ball jumped out of her chair to tackle you softly in a hug. 
“Y/N!!” 9Ball exclaimed as she rubs her pretty face on the side of yours. Lou frowned at the action.
“You know each other?” Lou asked carefully keeping her voice neutral. 
9Ball extricated herself from your person before dragging you to the table. “This is Y/N Y/L/N, she’s my friend from MIT. She’s eighteen when we graduated uni,” 9Ball bragged. 
“We know, nine. We read her file” Rose said smiling.
Lou frowned because she doesn’t know, she forgot to read your file. She meant to do it yesterday but well, she met you instead. Though she knows things about you, it would be inappropriate for her to divulge them in this interview. She had to bite her lips to stop herself from smiling, thinking about all the tiny details she knows about that isn’t in your resume. Daphne caught her though but decided it’s not the time to discuss what’s going on. 
“Y/N you’ve been vouched by Nine, and your credentials are spot on,” Debbie started to say, using her CEO voice. “So I’m wondering why you still want to do this interview rather than just get the job?”
You smiled up at your potentially new boss. You can easily see that Debbie is the level-headed one in their group. 
“I work great with Nine. You all work great with Nine but that doesn’t mean you will work great with me,” you said softly, confusing everyone some more. 
“I need you to assess me as a person, not just my credentials.” You paused to let that information sink in. 9Ball looks at you with pride in her eyes. 
“I’m great in the paper, sure. I possess the technical qualities to perform an excellent job, but I believe all of it is to go to waste if you find my personality doesn’t match yours.”
Smart. Debbie noted on your resume without breaking eye contact. She smiled at you, clearly impressed. She looked around the table to assess her team’s reaction, and by the happy look on their faces, she knew they liked you as well. Everyone was enamoured by you if their attempts to engage you in a conversation all at the same time is to go by. 
“What do you think?” she whispered towards Lou. 
Lou didn’t take her eyes off you as she answers. “I think she’s perfect…for the job,” Lou caught her slipped up early on but by the look on Debbie’s face, she knew she caught it.
Debbie cleared her throat to draw everyone’s attention back to her. She looked at you intensely, the pregnant pause is giving you anxiety. “Y/N, when do you think you can start the job?”
You heaved a great sigh of relief. “Can you give me until next week to find an apartment, move, and get settled?”
Debbie nodded before standing up, walking to you and shaking your hand.“Welcome to the Heist,” she said smiling. Then everyone came over to congratulate you and give you hugs, except Lou.
You were standing at the side of the gallery entrance, texting Maria the good news when someone stood toe-to-toe with you. You’ve seen that boots this morning but you opted to finish your text with Maria before looking up at Lou.
“Would you prefer if I turn down the job?” you asked tentatively. You’re a little worried that she didn’t come over to congratulate you awhile ago.
“What?! No! Unless you don’t think you can’t work with me,” she teased. You laughed softly.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Ms Odinson.”
“Miller,” she said. You tilted your head confused. “I don’t use Odinson here. It attracts too much-unwanted attention.”
You wanted to make a joke about how such a face would attract a lot of attention but the seriousness in her voice prompted you to let it go.
“Well don’t flatter yourself, Ms Miller,” you corrected yourself, trying to imitate the way she talks. Lou laughs at your antics. You’re such a child but instead of running for the hills, she’s craving you more and more.
“Anyway, do you have plans tonight? Thought maybe since you’re here, we can celebrate.” Lou wanted to smack herself for being unable to resist vomiting her words. She doesn’t do nervous but something about asking you out, platonic or otherwise, feels daunting to her.
“I can’t tonight. I promised Maria and Wanda I’ll be home for dinner,” you said with a frown. “And you know I promised Natasha and Carol we’ll talk too.”
Lou mirrored your frown. Something about you, and Nat, and Carol in one sentence ruin her good mood. “Okay. Some other time, maybe?”
“Now, who can’t get enough of who?” you teased, effectively eradicating the frown on the blonde woman’s face.
“Shut up.”
You laughed. She started laughing too while hailing a cab for you. When the famous yellow car pulled up on the curb next to you, you bid her farewell. You stopped before entering the vehicle to look at her.
“Maybe you can help me warm my new apartment soon.”
It wasn’t a question. It’s an offer, and Lou knows it.
She smiled broadly at you.
“It’s a date,” she said before the yellow taxi rolled you away.
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Taglist:  @kaytoopio​​​ @marvelfansince08love​​​ @marvelb00kwolf​​​ @shycucumbersandwich​​​ @subject7creed​​ @inkstainedhandsofgold​
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willowistic22 · 4 years
Cardigan - Belmerttons
Ship: Belmerttons
Genre: Angst if this is how you angst lol
Song: Cardigan - Taylor Swift 
A/N: So I’ve been meaning to get into doing songfics for awhile now and I finally found time to do it yeyyyy. in celebration of Taylor’s newest album I wrote my first songfic to one of  my favorite songs on the album!! It’s always me projecting my inner swiftie lol. give the song a listen it’s sooooo good. Idk how frequent i’ll be writing these songfics but just know i want to dabble in a little bit of songfics so I hope y’all like it! (it’s my first one so critiques are much appreciated!)
Vintage tee, brand new phone
High heels on cobblestones
That night, Buttons was finally brave enough to wear his high heels out in public. The club he went to was full of life. Flashing lights in every corner of the room, music blasting like it’s the end of the world, various looking people dancing to the beat.
Buttons found refuge by the bar to order a drink for himself to sink in his loneliness. Despite the club being packed with people, he doesn’t know anyone.
But that’s where Buttons found him. Leaning his back on the bar top. In a yellow vintage t-shirt that says ‘Santa Cruz, California’ in blue. He dragged his eyes to meet the face. The right amount of freckles sprinkled across his cheeks as it spreads out when he smiles. White teeth gleaming under the light the disco ball provided. Jet black hair going absolutely wild like the scene around them.
God was that stranger attractive. And he might’ve caught Buttons starring.
Dancin’ in your Levi’s
Drunk under a streetlight
He presented himself to Buttons as ‘Elmer’. He was charming and smooth for the most part. Pulled the right strings in Buttons to give him butterflies. But Buttons can tell he might be a little tipsy from the way that he’s slightly swaying for no reason.
One thing led to another and Buttons founds himself walking out of the bar with Elmer. Manhattan’s nightlife is something he’s used to, since he has lived here all his life. But he has someone to share it with now. All of a sudden, the moon seems to shine a little brighter and the stars twinkling undecipherable signals to Buttons.
Buttons laughed at the stupid antics the alcohol made Elmer do. They’ve just met, but Buttons can tell he isn’t the best dancer ever. Elmer swung his body while holding onto the streetlight while trying to sing the lyrics to the very loud song the club provided, with a little stain on his jeans from the liquid he accidentally spilled. It made Buttons erupt into laughter.
They’ve only had one simple conversation but Buttons can tell getting to know this boy is going to be one wild adventure he can’t wait to embark.
Hand under my sweatshirt
Baby, kiss it better
And it was. For two full months, they’ve spent their days together. Elmer made Buttons’ day to day life so much better. Every little thing they did was like a new adventure. Whether it’d be going out for pizza to as little as sneakily putting a hand under his sweatshirt in broad daylight. Maybe it’s too soon to tell but Buttons could almost say it’s love.
Luckily, he hadn’t said it. When Buttons really thought this was all too good to be true, it was.
They’re in each other’s arms, in the middle of Buttons’ apartment. Swaying slowly to soft music they put on to fill in the void. Buttons rests his head slightly into the curve of Elmer’s neck, and Elmer’s sitting on Buttons’ fluffy brown hair.
Previous nights they did this, it was full of life. Now that reality has finally came around the block, they sway in each other’s warmth to the inevitable heartbreak they’d have to go through in the morning.
Chase two girls, lose the one
Elmer isn’t an official New York resident. He lives in Poland with the rest of his family. The kid who’s known to do the right thing only because that’s what his older siblings has been doing their whole life. And the right thing for him is to go with his family’s advice to propose to his long-time lady friend since his 25th birthday is coming up and he hasn’t found a special someone yet.
But he doesn’t love that girl. Not in that way at least. When Buttons found out about the truth, he was in pieces. Sobbing in his bedroom all alone that Elmer had kept that really important information from him.
When you are young, they assume you know nothing
Buttons’ should’ve put his guard up when his heart said it was all too good to be true. Elmer is a gentleman, that part was true. He was out of Buttons’ league. Did everything Buttons could ever ask for when he’s searching for someone to share his love with. But Elmer was never his to keep or lose.
Elmer wanted nothing more than to go back in time and make everything right. From preventing Buttons to sob his heart out from thinking how dumb and naïve he was. And Elmer couldn’t do anything more than just be on the other side of the door, listening to each teardrop Buttons’ received from the devil they’ve created within their made up heaven.
But I knew you
“Why didn’t you told me?” Buttons had asked once he finally picked himself up. He opened the door to see water streaks on Elmer’s cheeks, much like his own.
“I wanted to… I-I swear on my life…” Elmer chocked out, sniffling his stuffy nose. It was hard for him to form a proper sentence with the sobs threatening to escape his lips, “I just… couldn’t find the strength to… accept that I could lose you…”
He really thought he knew who Elmer was. But it turns out he was still the same stranger Buttons met at the club.
What had made the situation even worse, Buttons didn’t have the strength to slam the door at his face. He was to weak to hate him. He couldn’t if he tried. He continued to sob his puffy red eyes out as he embrace Elmer in a hug. Elmer couldn’t stop his own tears from sinking into the sadness.
He let Button’s tears leave a mark on the hoodie he had worn that day. Hoping the marks would stay there forever to remind him the best thing in his whole life he had lost.
Playing hide-and-seek and
Giving me your weekends
And it was unfair for both parties. Elmer found that ‘something’ he’s been searching for his whole life. Giving his all to Buttons.
Elmer gave Buttons a new meaning to simple weekends. Glued to the bed till 11 AM, entangling in each other’s limbs under the covers, skipping breakfast to turn it into heavy lunch dates. Sometimes one ends up dragging the other outside to get some sun. Other times, they stay in with their pyjamas on.
He also reminded Buttons what it’s like to interpret the famous ‘young, wild, and free’ quote. Elmer had ran around Central Park like a child one night. Buttons ended up following his little game of hide and seek after seeing nothing would make him stop. Forgetting their whole point of walking Buttons back to his place after their sixth dinner date.
And it was on that cold and dark night that he finally found out what it meant to stargaze. Buttons had finally caught up to Elmer, fully crashing on his chest when he turned around unexpectedly. Elmer caught him in his arms before gravity did. He held him up with breathless smiles decorating their faces. They were locked in an intense gaze and felt their breath do the same.
Elmer raised a hand to rest it on Buttons’ cheek. If the soft touch didn’t give Buttons goosebumps, the words Elmer whispered after will.
“Ca-can I kiss you?”
Your heartbeat on the High Line
Once in twenty lifetimes
Buttons never even thought their Manhattan adventures could get any better. But it seems that Elmer knows how to make all the black and white colors in life full of color.
Something as small as focusing on Elmer’s heartbeat as he lays his head on his chest while sitting on Buttons’ couch could make him feel this way. Safer than being under the covers at night when 7 year old Buttons had a fear of monsters in the closet. Warmer than the hot chocolates he orders when he goes to Starbucks. Feeling confident that everything in his life has lead up to meeting Elmer.
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone’s bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
For the first time in his life, he found out what being loved really felt like.
It felt like Elmer’s hugs was warmer than winter jackets. It felt like Elmer’s finger that had traced any inch of skin on Buttons was softer than a newborns blanket. It felt like all the bright colors on Time Square’s billboards were nothing compared to what Buttons sees when he kisses Elmer with his eyes shut.
To kiss in cars and downtown bars
Was all we needed
And their love, or whatever it is they have, was each interpreted differently. But it still comes down to how sweet it was.
It was sweet to Buttons for Elmer to be laughing in the middle of their kiss as they head home with a cab after wearing their legs off from roaming around Manhattan. They made sure to give a huge tip to the driver for needing to put up with their honeymoon stage.
“Is he going to be okay after going through that car ride with us?” Buttons asked, still smiling as they make their way into Buttons’ apartment building after exiting the cab.
“I gave him a $20 dollar tip for needing to endure all of that. He’ll be fine!” Elmer replied, to which Buttons countered it with a giggle.
And Elmer thought it was sweet to him when he successfully got Buttons to go to a bar and endure his tipsy antics after his second drink. It’s not that he gets totally hammered, but Elmer does starts to get a little lost after two drinks of scotch.
Buttons had to hold Elmer’s arm the whole way back or else he might trip and fall. It was a sight to behold when Elmer did manage to trip and fall on his own footsteps.
You drew stars around my scars
But now I’m bleeding
“You could still stay”
“You know that’s not possible”
“Then make it possible”
“You don’t even wanna go back there”
“I can’t—”
“You lied to me for nearly two months!” Buttons lifted his head from the warmth of Elmer’s shoulder, making the two stop from swaying to the background song, “I’m sure you can make up another lie to tell your family”
It broke Elmer’s heart to hear something like that come out of Buttons. Voice cracking a little from the sob he held back, but the anger still visible. And slowly, he starts to bleed out invisible liquid out of his eyes. It isn’t the conventional blood you’d get from a nasty cut. Because it was worse.
Buttons sobs quietly as he stares up into Elmer’s eyes that’s starting to bleed as well.
Elmer grabs Buttons cheeks with both hands. He wipes away the tear streaks with his thumbs and sniffles out, “I’m sorry. But I can’t”
Steppin’ on the last train
Marked me like a bloodstain
The next day arrive a little too quick. The day Elmer leaves for Poland. It’s a long-shot for him to return because his Manhattan trip alone costed more than an arm and leg.
Buttons isn’t sure how Elmer managed to convinced Buttons to take him to the airport. And now that they’re standing in front of the entrance, Buttons regrets it a little. Because no one should be saying a proper goodbye to the person that broke their heart. No one should be crying over that person exiting their life. Buttons knows better, yet, he can’t help it.
“I gotta go—”
“I know” Buttons cuts him off. No trace of warmth or longing in it. Just plain cold words.
Elmer just stands in front of him, not moving one inch of his muscle other than the ones on his face. His expression changes after getting the message of how hurt Buttons really is. But who is there to blame other than himself.
I knew you
Tried to change the ending
Peter losing Wendy
“Buttons…” Elmer called out with his breath. The crowded airport fades away around them as Elmer drops his hands holding his passport and plane ticket. He looks at the shorter boy, desperately trying to look for the same look he saw in his eyes when they were still having those adventures around the city together. The hope, the adoration, the excitement. Anything that dismisses his coldness Elmer is receiving. 
“I know you’d stay if you can. But you can’t” Buttons replied so Elmer wouldn’t waste his breath on something Buttons already knows.
They stayed quiet for a moment. Buttons looks down to his worn down sneakers to ignore the visible pain behind Elmer’s black misty eyes.
“If I were to ever come back…” Elmer started out with a crack in his voice, “…would you want to see me?”
Buttons furiously wiped an eye with the over-sized jumper he’s wearing and looks up to meet Elmer’s eyes, “I-isn’t there a flight you’re suppose to catch?”
That answers Elmer’s question pretty quick. His heart shattered even more. With a hopeless breath, Elmer turns around with his luggage but stops halfway to face Buttons once more before finally disappearing to the crowd, “Take care, Buttons…”
And when you are young, they assume you know nothing
Buttons should have never opened his heart so easily to the stranger he met in the club. He wouldn’t be in the back of the cab from the airport just to say goodbye to Elmer. The heartbreak he’s enduring is all his own fault. He holds back tears threatening to trickle down his cheeks again.
How could I’ve been so stupid? He thought to himself, looking out the window. The view of the city goes back to being the dull city he’s always lived in. Nothing is exciting about Manhattan anymore. Benjamin Davenport, you deserve this for being such a fucking naive idiot.
But I knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss
I knew you’d haunt all of my what-ifs
Once Buttons shuts his apartment door, he sinks down the floor with the door against his back. He tucks his knees closer to his chest, grabbing it for dear life as he sobs harder than before. The air turns into all sorts of misty with every drop of water rolls down his cheeks.
That same misty air didn’t change for the coming of long and dreadful days ahead of him. Where he now has to spend them without having a partner to conquer the city. The skin Elmer has placed a kiss is somehow screaming for more attention. And his brain constantly rewinds the ‘what-if’ Elmer had asked before he left for his flight.
If I were to ever come back would you want to see me?
Oh, God, what if he really will come back? What would Buttons do?
The smell of smoke would hang around this long
Days turns to weeks. Weeks turns to a full month. Every possession Buttons owns that Elmer has touched haunts him till this day. It’s unfortunate to Buttons because he let Elmer touch every aspect in his life.
But there’s this part in Buttons that tells him to hold on. Hold on to that huge hoodie Elmer had let him use at night when it got too cold. In this one particular night, Buttons let’s the weeping sky decide whether he’s going to listen or not.
He let’s his weakness gets the best of him and grabs the gray hoodie from his closet, slipping it on in one swift move. Buttons hasn’t washed it since the day Elmer left it there. Buttons takes in the smell as he drops his weight back on his couch again. Sweet and fruity. He even picked up a little scent of Scotch from the soft interior. There were more he sort of picked up, but couldn’t pinpoint what it was. But that’s the smell of Elmer.
‘Cause I knew everything when I was young
I knew I’d curse you for the longest time
Chasin’ shadows in the grocery line
The feeling of longing is still there. And that ‘what-if’ was still looming in the back of his mind.
Buttons hates him. He hates Elmer for bringing in hope when he knows it’s going to be ripped away from his hands sooner or later. He hates Elmer for showing him a world only the two of them can see. Buttons hates the cruel act of receiving so many things from him like they’d be something special, only for Elmer to retract it all.
But secretly, he wishes Elmer really would come back. Part of him wants to call him up and check on him. But another part of him wishes for Buttons to get over that guy. It took so much time to get to where Buttons is at right now. Sure, there’s still that sorrow feeling in his stomach but he let’s the sky sob for him ever since he stopped his eyes from doing so.
Elmer had made up his mind to leave. So Buttons should just drop it. There’s no point in trying to chase someone who isn’t waiting to be caught. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t want to. The coldness of his living room makes him miss Elmer’s warm hugs. But he stays strong because he knows that ‘what-if’ is only a dream.
Or so he thought…
I knew you’d miss me once the thrill expired
And you’d be standin’ in my front porch light
And I knew you’d come back to me
A faint knocking on the door brought Buttons back to his apartment from his mind concentrating on the sound of the rain. He cocks his head towards the sound, a little surprise upon hearing it since he isn’t expecting anyone to come.
He reluctantly gets up from the comfort of his couch, dragging his feet across the cold hardwood floor. He opens the door to reveal a figure all too familiar.
Buttons’ eyes widen up to the same eyes he fell in love with. He froze in place to see the presence of the tall boy with the same wild hair he wore on the first night they met.
“I…” Elmer started out, shifting his hands out of the pocket of his jacket to reach out. But he retracts his hand mid action, figuring out it might be inappropriate to do it now.
The air between them shifted. A mixture of everything they’re feeling all at once as they hover between Buttons’ apartment and the gloomy hallway. They speak through their frozen posture, saying everything and nothing all at once without a verbal word being exchanged until Elmer broke the silence first.
“I hope you can forgive me”
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asteroiideae · 4 years
1, 4, and 7 for the meta writer ask!
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Right now, I’m primarily writing on text-based rpg forums (specifically a Harry Potter one, at the moment, because I’m still a basic sixteen year old at heart I guess lol) but I’ve recently started writing a series of vignettes based on my Scum & Villainy TTRPG party, which has also been a lot of fun! It’s difficult to measure “progress” on my text-based rpg writing, but I’ve been on the same forum for about six months now, running 12 characters, and nearly all of them are heavily involved in the plot, which I consider an accomplishment! My S&V vignettes I’ve only just begun -- debating whether or not anyone would be interested in reading them/whether I should post them up anywhere. I think what I love most about both projects is that they’re purely collaborative! I’m working with other people, their concepts, their goals, and I have come to absolutely adore using my writing (and improv) to support other people’s creative pursuits. ** gonna go out of order so I can drop my writing under a read more, if I can lol 7. What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree? Oh man this is such a difficult one to answer???? I don’t really spend a lot of time thinking about my writing style, honestly. I tend to write from my gut -- I don’t pre-plan a lot, I just immerse myself into my character and then whatever gets written down is what’s happening? (pour one out for my writing partners who get a rough 20 minute response without my proof-reading or editing!) But I guess probably what I’d say I’m known for in my writing circles is my strong sense of character? I’m pretty good at shifting language/pacing/style to suit whatever character voice I’m attempting to convey, and I spend most of my focus on developing those voices. lol idk I don’t consider myself particularly gifted at, or known for, anything beyond that. (Maybe, negatively, I’m bad about utilizing setting. Where the fuck is this scene taking place???? I sure as shit don’t know. I’ve been trying to work on improving that, though.) 4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like) 
Jess, you really came in with the ones I knew I’d struggle with! lol I tend not to be shy about things I know I do well, but I always squirm a little when asked what I like about my writing, for some reason. But! I’ll share two recent pieces that I liked -- gonna drop them under a read more, but I’ll say what I like about them here. 1. The first is a post from my Harry Potter rpg? I really liked it because I don’t often write hardened/wearied characters in such long-standing relationships? So getting to do an entire thread between a mutually-battered couple cleaning each up after a fight is shockingly intimate, and heart-warming, and idk I really love the way this post in particular came out, as a result. 2. I wrote this literally last night as a warm-up! In my Scum & Villainy game I swap between playing twins, and I hadn’t gotten to play as Ditha for several months, so I wanted to get back into her headspace -- which I did by writing something not in her POV? It’s very short, but I love how neatly it captures and introduces who Ditha Thorn is as a woman, without being long or complicated. from this post, if anyone else wants to receive a novel about my writing I guess.
1. Csilla Voronin & Alastor Moody (from Lightning Struck Itself)  Csilla Voronin looks down at Alastor Moody, and raises her eyebrow just a fraction. "I'm in better shape than you are." It's probably true; she's still got all her parts attached, and only the one (admittedly larger and absolutely cursed) wound to contend with. What it isn't however, is entirely true. Csilla is good at lying to everyone but this man, which is why she usually deflects rather than tries to outright tell him an untruth. Her fingers gently run through Alastor's blood-matted hair. It's not worth pressing him to see someone tonight; not in the least, because she wants to tuck him into bed as badly as he wants her to. "Alright." "As if I've ever been paid a wage." The retort comes easier to her lips than the more honest answer: nothing about this relationship is above, or below, her. She draws her fingers from his hair, now safely pushed back from his ear, and studies the mess; sighs, a sound more empathetic than anything else. "It's going to hurt like a bitch." As she draws away, Csilla drops a brief kiss into the crease of Alastor's forehead, using her forearms against the tub to push herself upright. She picks up her wand in one hand, and disappears through the door into the hallway beyond - only to return a moment later with the first aid kit from the kitchen table. She drops the thing onto the sink, and begins to rummage through it. Alcohol wipes, and gauze, tumble out of the kit and into her hands, and she tucks a few between her palm and her wand. "Were you going to ask me something?" She reaches for the distraction, even as she pauses to shimmy out of her trousers, and drops them unceremoniously atop the messy sink. The first aid supplies go onto the toilet lid, while she toes out of her socks. "Or are you just tired?" Either is possible, but Csilla privately suspects the latter. Free of her socks, she balances one hand on the side of the tub, and carefully sets one foot in, nudging Alastor until she can lower herself into the water, knees trapping his thighs between them. She summons the first of the alcohol wipes into her hand with a lazy flick of her wand, and carefully tears it open. All the warning he gets is a steady, apologetic, glance -- and she presses the wipe to the soot-and-blood caked remains of his ear. Her free hand holds his shoulder back against the porcelain, and her legs pin him mercilessly down. Better to get it over with quickly, than to draw the affair out. 2. Ditha Thorn, Scoundrel (from Scum & Villainy; The Morning Glory) It’s just warm enough that the air carries the earthy aroma of cow dung; it’s hardly romantic, but that’s what spring smells like - the ground thaws, and with it, the excrement from innumerable livestock herds. The young woman sprawled on the faded plaid blanket doesn’t seem to notice it, though. She’s leaned back on her forearms, long hair brushing the blanket as she tips her head back to look at the stars. Beside her, a similarly aged boy traces a shape in the air. “Do you see it? Right there, that little blinking light.” He jabs his finger at the sky suddenly, a grin spilling out over his features. “That’s the place, I think. If they’ll take me, I’ll go there to train.” The girl’s expression cools as she narrows her eyes on that point; the youthful curves of her face going hard with disapproval. “What if they don’t?” He sighs, shrugging out of his jacket suddenly, and dropping it on the girl’s legs. For a while, the only sound is the rustling of the late winter breeze through the shorn stalks of corn in the field around them. Although the girl’s expression doesn’t change, she scoops up the leather jacket, slides her arms into the sleeves and wraps it around her shoulders. “Then I guess I’ll be stuck here, too.” He leans forward, wraps his arms around his knees. “I’m not stuck here,” the girl says suddenly. She sits up, drawing her knees to her chest in a mirror of his own posture. “I’m leaving after graduation, there’s nothing on this rock for me.” That uncomfortable silence returns, and the boy shifts back and forth, clearly trying to find a way to dispute her words - but unwilling to do so while sitting alone with her in the dark. The moons begin to creep towards the horizon, the light fades, before either of them speaks again. “Everyone’s stuck here, Ditha.” He drops his arms, pushes himself off the ground and onto his feet. “Maybe your sister’s smart enough to find a school or a job willing to take her, and maybe the Legion will take me, but what do you think you’re gonna do to get out of here?” The girl, Ditha, blinks several times - her eyes still fixed on the stars. “Sounds like a challenge.” A slight huff is the only response to her quiet statement; the boy has known Ditha long enough to know the worst thing to do is dare her to something. Instead he bends down to tug gently on the blanket. “Come on, Di. It’s time to go.” She stands up, lets him lift and shake the sandy dirt out of the blanket, watches him fold it with eyes that barely reflect the faint light in the dark. When he offers her his hand, after tucking the blanket under his arm, she shakes her head. “I’ll find my own way back to town,” she says, in a tone of voice he’s never heard before. He shrugs, turns toward his truck - she’ll probably follow, he thinks. Where else is she going to go? But when he reaches the vehicle, turns with his hand on the door, Ditha Thorn is nowhere to be seen.
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 4 years
Thank you @vishcount for tagging me once again, you busy bee 💞
This took ages but was fun
1. What is the color of your hairbrush?  black
2. Name a food you never eat. hard cheese? like cheese that is not melted, the only exception is mozarella and feta 
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? both, my system is all over the place so it keeps varying between extremes. but i loathe heat so i am not a good summer person, i whine so much 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? i watched this girl on youtube dragging onision’s book lol
5. What’s your favorite candy bar? hmmm i feel like i haven’t eaten one in ages but the one i remembered now is kaštan - the chocolate is so smooth, but i don’t have it often
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game? i don’t think so? unless you count the gymnastics competions i went to when i was a child and still doing gymnastics
7. What is the last thing you said out loud? “enjoy your food” to my flatmate cooking in the kitchen 
8. What is your favourite ice cream? chocolate and lemon sorbet (or just any sorbet tbh) 
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? water
10. Do you like your wallet? yeah it’s cute, my dad bought it for me when i went through my kuroshitsuji phase - it’s fake-leather with the demonic sigil on one side and the japanese name on the other (also it’s hella battered rip)
11. What is the last thing you ate? pasta with spinach and feta (why is it with these i always eat pasta)
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nope
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched? am just gonna count street dance china here
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? just normal salty ones
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to? @vishcount as well, because i love them and i enjoy their screaming as well as screaming back at them 💞
16. Ever been camping? yes, my family and i used to go camping in italy all the time, it was so lovely. i miss those times sometimes. i’ve also been camping during festivals and the last time i went was denmark in summer 2019
17. Do you take vitamins? i take vitamin d’s during winter, and also eat oranges and lemons very responsibly
18. Do you regularly attend a place of worship? i do not, i only like looking at churches/mosques when they are empty so i guess i do that often 
19. Do you have a tan? no, and my mum keeps scolding me for my paleness
20. Do you prefer chinese or pizza? please don’t make me choose sob. i wanna say both, but i think pizza wins by slight margin
21. Do you drink your soda through a straw? not really, unless am at mcdonalds or somewhere else
22. What color socks do you usually wear? very colourful ones with patters!! since my entire outfit is black usually i love having cute/colourful/patterned socks (my recent treasure was provided by vishie and i sobbed)
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit? i can’t drive
24. What terrifies you? the future
25. Look to your left, what do you see? my water glass, my crocheting, a pile of writing material
26. What chore do you hate most? emptying the dishwasher - it’s too noisy
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? steve irwin, i loved watching his show when i was little
28. What’s your favorite soda? coke or sprite 
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? i can’t drive, so any other option
30. What’s your favorite number? i think eight but i don’t have strong feelings
31. Who’s the last person you talked to? my flatmate
32. Favorite meat? hmm fish and seafood (am 80% vegetarian so yeah) 
33. Last song you listened to? dragon tongue squad - chinese cooking (this song is so feel good and i love it okay) 
34. Last book you read? phew let me thing for a second. 
okay so i couldn’t remember the last book i read but i can name a longer dissertation called transformation and tradition: cataloguing chinese art in the middle and late imperial eras in by cheng yen-wen; and am working my way through an actual book called bronze and stone: the cult of antiquity in song dynasty china by sena yunchiahn c. (i feel like i don’t read anything else apart from uni lately - and honestly i am fine with that cause it’s fun) 
35. Favorite day of the week? friday maybe? 
36. Can you say the alphabet backwards? nope, we gotta sit here til tomorrow 
37. How do you like your coffee? black, in summer iced
38. Favorite pair of shoes? all my pairs of docs boots
39. Time you normally get up? hmm recently i have woken up somewhere between 9-10 but usually i take ages to get up so 11ish is a good time
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? i loooooove sunsets in every form but i experience sunrises so rarely that it always feels very special and magical
41. How many blankets on your bed? one, and one for emergency
42. Describe your kitchen plates. bold of you to assume i have one set of kitchen plates and not just a jumbled mess of second hand plates and plates ppl have left in this flat ages ago. and honestly i wouldn’t want it any other way. (but i bought myself a pair of pastel pink and black plates from ikea)
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment. moderately tidy, for once it is not crowded and there are only some pots piling by the sink for drying
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? sparkling wine/prosecco, wine, beer, gin tonic
45. Do you play cards? no, only uno and maumau cause i suck at cards
46. What color is your car? invisible cause nonexistent
47. Can you change a tire? nope!!
48. Your favorite state or province? uhm. huh. i think where i live right now is good, the capital is its own province so that is nice
49. Favorite job you’ve had? i have only worked at one factory that produces measurement equipment and spirit levels for 5,5 months in total and i gotta say, it was surprisingly okay? i mean it was hell, because everyone is treated like machines, but i guess i enjoyed doing physical labour on my own without having to interact with ppl a lot; and with those i interacted they were really nice and you sort of connect through this atmosphere of being stuck there (though i guess i was most privileged cause i knew i would go to uni and wouldn’t be stuck here for the next 30 years like many others that worked there. i am angry about this, why is capitalism like this)
i am tagging @sassyassassy , @intyalote , @the-cloud-whisperer , @isabellaofparma (two in one day - i am sorry, my friend vishie is busy tagging me in all these so am just continuing this love train). no pressure though, as always
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Coming Home Part Nine
JJ x Reader
Warnings: There will be mentions of the sexual assault from the previous episodes. Other than that, nothing that the show doesn’t cover: alcohol and physical fights, etc.
Hey guys! I’m so sorry I’ve been MIA lately. Not even going to lie I have been procrastinating writing part nine because I have SO much going on atm. Basically I’m leaving to go to gymnastics camp for three weeks and I’ve been trying to get a bunch of little things done and see all my friends before I leave. I was planning on getting this out last Sunday but my laptop fell off my bed and broke lol. Alas now I have a new one and it is super nice I’m so thankful for my Dad (this is the laptop I’m going to be using for college ahh it’s so exciting). Also I’m sorry this is a little shorter than normal but it felt organic for where the story is going. Anyways, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list :) and thank you for reading I hope you enjoy!!💖
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6 Part 7  Part 8
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Your aunt and uncle looked between the two of you confused. 
“You know how he is babe?” JJ let out a half laugh half sob.
You walked over to JJ and carefully embraced him. JJ dropped his bag before wrapping his arms around you and crying into your shoulder. 
“I know babe I do.” 
Once JJ’s breathing steadied slightly you picked up his bag and gave your aunt and uncle a look saying I’ll explain in the morning, before taking him upstairs and into the bathroom. You knew all too well what his father was capable of. You had been there when Luke first started hitting his son. Your mom and dad had taken JJ in on multiple occasions and every time JJ came to you battered and bruised, you helped him clean up and did everything in your power to make him smile. As you indicated for JJ to hop up onto the counter you tried to push away the thoughts of what his father must have done during those five years you were away, and all the pain JJ had endured. 
JJ sat on the counter in the bathroom at the top of the stairs, his head was bowed and he licked tears away from his lips as they streamed down his face. You bent over and took out the clean clothes from his bag and set them next to him on the counter. “I’ll be right back J.” You brought his things into the hallway and closed the door behind you. Just when you thought you didn’t have anymore tears left in you, they began to spill down your cheeks again. Opening the door to your room you were met with questioning looks from the pogues but they understood once they saw you place JJ’s bag next to your dresser and go into your bathroom and retrieve the first aid kit. You glanced back at John B, looking for the slightest bit of comfort in his gaze, he nodded his head in the direction of the bathroom. Looking away from him you walked back out the door and into the bathroom.
As you entered JJ immediately looked into your eyes, his ocean eyes were red and puffy, identical to yours. You dropped the first aid kit on the counter and placed your hands on either side of his bruised face, placing a soft kiss on his cut lip. When you pulled away and reached for the first aid kit he wrapped his arms around your waist, neither of you had said a thing. You knew better than to ask him what happened. Taking out the gauze and alcohol you began to tend to the cuts on his face and lip, gently patting the gauze over them to clean the wounds. He winced slightly at the feeling of the alcohol on his broken skin. Whenever he did this you replaced the gauze with a tender kiss. It was only when you moved to unbutton his shirt and assess the damage that lied underneath it that JJ spoke, as you knew he would. 
“When I got home he wasn’t there. I was stuffing a bunch of my clothes into my bag when I heard the door slam.” He gulped and pulled your small hands away from the buttons on his shirt. He looked into your eyes before continuing, “I borrowed some money from him for tonight so I could, you know, get all dressed up and get you flowers. I was going to pay it back this weekend.” JJ’s head fell forward onto your shoulder as he started crying again and you ran your fingers through his hair. “He was not happy. You know how he gets. Going down the old reliable path of calling me a worthless piece of shit and telling me I’m the reason my mom left.” He sat up and wiped his face, shaking his body in attempts to rid himself of the thought. “I think you know what happened next.” 
You looked up at him and nodded. “JJ, Bubs. You are not worthless. You are not the reason that your mom left. You are worth so much more than you give yourself credit for. Don’t let that piece of shit get it into your head that you are anything less than the wonderful person, friend, and boyfriend that you are. Look at the way the pogues love you, the way my parents and Big John loved you, the way my aunt and uncle love you, the way I love you.” When you began to unbutton his shirt again JJ pulled you into a passionate kiss. Tears streaming down both of your faces. You both pulled away breathless. 
“I love you too Bug.” JJ uttered unbuttoning his shirt the rest of the way, revealing a large bruise and cut on his ribs. 
Your hand immediately flew to it and ran over it lightly. You looked up at him and there was a silent understanding that neither of you wanted to talk about this for the rest of the night. You stepped out from between his legs to retrieve a washcloth and wet it with warm water. Resuming your previous position, JJ placed his hands on your hips and a small smirk grew on his face. As you carefully dragged the warm cloth over his cut, cleaning the blood, he said, “I’ve got to admit. You have always done a good job of cleaning me up and making me feel better but the kissing certainly helps even more.” 
You chuckled placing a band aid over the cut. “Well I’m glad I can be of good service Blondie.” You stepped away from him and allowed him to get down and put on a clean shirt and pj shorts while you packed up the first aid kit and tossed the bloody gauze into the trash and the washcloth in the sink. 
Before you exited the bathroom you wrapped him into a tight hug and took in the scent of his clean clothes. 
“Thank you for everything tonight.” You looked up at him, your chin on his chest and a small smile on your face. “I couldn’t have made it through that without you.” 
“Always Bug.” JJ planted a quick kiss on your lips, “Lets go to bed. It’s been a long night.”
Taking JJ’s hand you lead him out of the bathroom and down the hall to your room. You open the door to find everyone else already asleep. John B and Sarah are curled up together beside your bed while Pope and Kie are snuggled up at the foot of your bed. A smile flashes across your face at the sight of everyone so peaceful following the emotional rollercoaster of a night that each of you had. Carefully stepping over Sarah’s legs you collapse onto your bed and JJ crawls in next to you. Cuddling up next to each other, JJ wraps his arms around you, seeking the comfort that you both desperately need and you lay your head on his chest. For the first time all night you are fully relaxed and you doze off listening to the sound of JJ’s heartbeat. 
Planting a final kiss on your forehead JJ whispers, “See you in the mornin’ sun my love.” And drifts into his own peaceful sleep, glad to know that you are there safe in his arms. 
The next morning you are woken up to a hand wrapping around your wrist and pulling you off your bed onto the floor. You let out a squeal as your heart beats in your throat for a brief moment until you hear Pope say wistfully, “CUDDLE PUDDLE.” 
You find yourself wrapped in Pope’s sloppily hug as you lay across your four friends on the floor. Kie jokingly smacks your ass, prompting a hearty belly laugh. JJ sat bolt upright the moment he felt you leave from beside him and heard your scream. As he realized what was going on he facepalmed and began to wipe the sleep out of his eyes. 
“It’s way too early for this Pope” he remarks with a soft chuckle as he plops down on top of everyone and gives John B a forehead kiss. John B returns the affection and jokingly whispers, “Baaabe I thought we were keeping this a secret.” JJ lands a soft punch to John B’s side and pulls you into him as everyone laughs. Now everyone is lying on their backs on the floor staring at the ceiling. Sarah breaks the silence. 
“Okay I don’t know about you guys but I’m starved.” 
Kie springs up and looks at you, “Banana pancakes!!!?”
You nod and shift to a sitting position, prompting JJ to put his arms around your hips like a seatbelt and lay his head next to Pope’s. Sarah wastes no time getting up and pulling you to your feet practically dragging JJ across the floor. 
“You guys have no idea these pancakes are heavenly.” 
“I’m sure they are but a simple JJ could you let go of your girlfriend would have worked.” JJ states snidely and shoots a sarcastic look in Sarah’s direction. 
“But why would we use words right?” John B shrugs and stands before pulling JJ and Pope to their feet. 
You all parade downstairs in a good mood and a sense of normalcy lingers in the air throughout breakfast.
Pope pushes his plate away from him and leans back in his chair, placing his hands behind his head. 
“Wow. That was.” he huffs.  
“Phenomenal.” John B finishes his fourth pancake.
JJ lets out a muffled “Yeah.” his mouth full with what is at least his sixth pancake. You look over at them and chuckle as the girls place their dishes in the sink and you begin to clean up the kitchen. 
“Why thank you, I’m glad you guys liked them.” you bow into an exaggerated curtsy still giggling.   
Suddenly your door opens and you hear the familiar footsteps of your aunt and uncle coming toward the kitchen and someone else following them. Your uncle emerges and his face is hard but it softened slightly at the sight of the six of you smiling. After your uncle your aunt emerges followed by Ward, Rose, Shoop, and the unmistakable figure of Rafe. The metal bowl and whisk you were holding clatters to the floor at the sight of his slicked back hair. The pleasant lethargic feeling that filled the room previously evaporated immediately as JJ, John B, and Pope spring to their feet and surround you. Your uncle motions for the boys to relax but they don't even flinch,  forming a rigid barrier between you and Rafe. 
Your uncle speaks first, “Everyone is just here to talk and settle a few things regarding the restraining order.” He turns his gaze directly to JJ, “There is no need to be on high alert, this is all a safety precaution to begin with.” 
JJ gives your uncle a small nod and your aunt steps forward, interlocking her arm with your uncle’s. “Let’s all take a seat in the living room.” 
Pope bends down to pick up the bowl and whisk that you had dropped while Sarah moves to give her father a hug and say good morning. Kie and John B follow your aunt and uncle to the couch as JJ places his hand on the small of your back before pulling you in for a hug and glaring at Rafe. 
Once everyone is seated, you speak first, “Okay so what needs my approval exactly?” 
Ward decided to pipe up due to the visible amount of stress your aunt and uncle were under. “It’s just some details, for starters how far away do you want Rafe to be at all times.” 
“Well three hundred feet is the norm right?” 
Rose nodded. “Yes but we can extend it if you’d like.” 
“It’s a small island so I don’t know if it could realistically be any further.” 
John B and Kie rubbed your back in support of your decision but JJ looked as though he would like Rafe to be on the opposite side of the island from you at all times.
Shoop took note of your decision, “Okay y/n, now I just need you to define the terms of peace and the Camerons can be on their way.” 
“Terms of peace?” JJ questioned Shoop. 
He opened his mouth but Pope answered JJ’s question before Shoop could, “Like what would make y/n anxious. In relation to the people around her or any mutual friends.” 
JJ nodded as you spoke. “I don’t want Rafe, Kelce, or Topper bothering me or any of the pogues.”  
Kie chimed in, “I don’t know if this is my place but after what I saw that night I don’t feel comfortable having Rafe at the Wreck. At least not during my shifts.” 
“No don’t worry Kiarra, that is totally reasonable.” Rose offered Kie a sweet smile. 
“Honestly that’s all I can think of, other than the normal terms of a restraining order.” You leaned back into JJ’s arm and he began playing with your hair. 
“Okay yeah, we’ll be heading out then. I’m genuinely so sorry about everything that happened, and that we had to bring Rafe along today. It was purely for legal reasons. We care about you so much sweetheart. I hope you know that.” Ward stood and offered his hand to Rose and looked at you. 
You offered him a small nod as your aunt ushered the Cameron’s from your house. 
“That was pretty painless” Sarah tried to shed some light on the situation. 
“Kinda” Pope huffed. 
Your uncle was sitting across from you leaning forward with his head resting on his hands. 
“Kiara, John B, Sarah, Pope. I’m going to have to ask you to leave. I’m sorry but there is something Patty and I need to discuss with y/n, JJ, and the Sheriff.”
If anyone ever needs anything, wants to give me feedback, or just wants to chat about fandoms please message me and let’s be friends:)) 
@tangledinsparkles @hopelesswritingxd @im-a-stranger-thing @jenahbell @annedub @hmspxgue @harrysbbby  @spn-pogues @nxtrogers @whoeverineedtobe @jjmaybby @thegreatestofheck @maybebanks @k-k0129 @kamri-janae123 @aliensknewmyblogs  @rudyypankow @pm-my-hubbies @beatement-l @ilovejjmaybank @runway-to-my-aid​ @pogxe @themagicdragon1234 @pete-bowen @jjtheangel @thoughtsofthestars @alexa-playafricabytoto @thatfangirl42
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kurooskitten · 5 years
A Dash of Salt, 5. [Kuroo Tetsurou & Bokuto Koutarou)
a/n: god, i gotta start writing longer chapters, LOL
but, here’s this for now! i hope you enjoy.
p.s. land vs sky and s4 ep 1 WAS SO GOOD— I LEGIT CRIED WHILE WATCHING BOTH.
tw: alcohol mention
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The feeling you woke up with the morning after you met up with Kuroo was probably one of the shittiest feelings that God has ever made you felt. It wasn’t easy fighting with your best friend (if you could even call him that anymore) and potentially cutting them off was even harder.
You couldn’t really tell what was causing it— the 3 drinks you had last night after you came home, or the fact that your relationship with Kuroo was becoming harder to salvage everytime you two saw each other.
You half expected to wake up to a barrage of text messages from the boy, but hidden amongst your other notifications you only had one.
Kuroo - 1:27 am
i’m sorry. for everything. so, so sorry.
You felt your heart break inside of your body, and as you were about to type out a response, you quickly deleted it.
Opting to get up and wash your face instead, you tossed your phone onto your bed and trudged your way to your bathroom. As the cold water began to run, you braved yourself against the sink and stared hard at your reflection. One thought wouldn’t leave the forefront of your mind.
Was Kuroo okay?
The text was 7 words, yet voiced so much hurt, betrayal, and regret. You could practically feel the way his hands shook whilst he typed it.
Was he okay? God, I hope he’s okay.
As you splashed the chilly water onto your face, you quickly grabbed a towel to pay your face dry. Hanging it up, you went back to the bedroom and grabbed your phone to see a text from Kenma with an image attached to it.
Oh, no.
Kenma - 11:02 am
You have to come see Kuroo. Not good.
Attached to the picture was him holding an empty and crushed beer can. What was he thinking?!
You - 11:03 am
on my way.
You don’t think you‘ve ever gotten dressed that fast in your entire life.
You knock on the door of Kuroo’s apartment, tapping your foot quickly out of sheer impatience when a familiar blond haired boy opens the door.
“Hey. Where’s Kuroo?”
He steps aside to let you inside, quickly closing the door afterwards. He leads you to the living room where Kuroo is slumped over on the couch. From where you were standing, you couldn’t tell if he was just in a daze or asleep.
You could see the muscles in his body tense at the sound of your voice.
And you could feel your heart shatter.
He makes no effort to move, despite his obvious discomfort, and you decide to suck it up and approach the male. He seemed to turn his face away from your line of sight as you came around to squat in front of him, eye level with the statue of a man.
“Kuroo,” you say softly— no louder than a whisper. “Look at me.” He buries his face deeper into the couch cushion, forcing you to have to twist his head where he could see you.
He was a mess. His eyes puffy around the bottom, cheeks stained with tears. His golden eyes were lidded, but from what you could see of them they were tired and sad.
Tired and sad.
The smell of alcohol lingered in the air and his nose was a cute shade of red; his cheeks flushed. You couldn’t tell if the color of his skin was due to the drinks he downed last night, the excessive crying he did, or both, but one thing was for sure.
The man who laid in front of you was a shell of the man you once knew.
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