#for example: why aren't closed sets the opposite of open sets???
grey-has-rusted · 2 years
i was gonna make fun of physicists for the whole 'spherical cow' thing but then realized that topologists consider a mug and a torus as the same thing.
Like yes, thinking that a cow is a sphere is weird until you realize that it's done out of necessity to reduce objects down to their simpliest forms. But thinking that a mug and a torus are equivalent just because they both have one hole in them is even weirder.
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acourtofthought · 10 months
TW: SA / Abuse
There are many characters in the ACOTAR world who deserve to have their story told but for some reason, Lucien's story seems to be treated as less important than others.
Feyre's desire and need to get away from Tamlin was a valid one but she had her mate looking out for her every step of the way.
When she left, she left behind collateral damage for Lucien to deal with. Lucien who had no one looking out for his best interests (instead he had two people in his life who had the complete opposite of his best interests in mind) and no where else to turn. Not to mention the loyalty he felt to Spring and it's people, he was the one trying to help the Court recover after Amarantha:
"But now—now we need order, Feyre. We need rules, and rankings, and order, if we’re going to stand a chance of rebuilding. So what he says goes. I am the first one the others look to—I set the example. Don’t ask me to risk the stability of this court by pushing back
"We have this one chance, Feyre, to rebuild and make the world as it should be."
“Don’t ask me to pick.”
Even with his desire to do what was best for the Court as a whole, he still tried to balance Feyre's needs, but who worried about his?
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"Look up I silently beseached him"
"I didn't want to know what was happening in that room, what he'd done to Lucien".
It's not that Feyre should have been required to stand up to Tamlin on behalf of Lucien but I'll never understand why the fandom constantly expected him to stand up for her especially when she made the choice to ignore what was happening to him as a result of the times he did go out on a limb for her.
And that doesn't even account for the horrors he experienced before and after UTM. The loss of his eye, nearly dying twice UTM, being whipped.
And when she left......
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Lucien watched Tamlin execute people who may have been friends of Lucien's.
He begged Tamlin for more time until he saw Feyre and believed Rhys had brainwashed her.
And he spent nearly a year in total, before Feyre left and after her return, dealing with sexual assault from Ianthe:
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Lucien hated Ianthe before Calanmai, was fending off her advances before Calanmai but made the choice to participate in the Rite with his abuser because it was what was best for the Court then was again assaulted after Calanmai. Lucien clearly told her no yet she still held him against his will and assaulted him.
"fear and humiliation"
"He’d fixed his pants, his shirt."
Is it because he's a male that people are so indifferent to his experience? That they forget it was traumatic for him?
Is it because he's still standing, still fighting, etc that they forget he's struggling inside too?
He and Elain are so perfect for one another because they're two characters who everyone assumes to be fine because they don't shout their trauma to the world around them. Neither lashes out or shuts down for an extended period of time and because they've started putting one foot in front of the other, people don't realize they aren't seeing everything that's happening below the surface.
But the fact that both Lucien and Elain are capable of so much more but haven't reached out and grabbed it shows how their traumas are holding them back.
Sometimes those who suffer in silence are feeling the most because there's no outlet for their emotions, they're constantly being held inside and those traumas continue to simmer.
I am biased because I love Elucien but I truly believe they will have one of the deepest connections of any of the ACOTAR pairings we've seen. They may hide the depth of their own trauma from the others but they are not emotionally closed off in how they express their love and when they finally open up to one another, I think it's going to be intense.
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smartzelda · 9 months
Might I have some of your finest beyondtsuda or mikamatsu (is that their ship name?) headcanons on this joyous day?
Oooooh hoo hoo
Anon I would be delighted
Okay so when it comes to Beyond Birthday ships, one of my favorite things is him finding little pieces of A in the people he likes. However, with that all being said, I actually don't see Matsuda as being incredibly similar to A (personal A headcanons and all that), so I'd like to think that BB grasps on to some of those little things he can find that reminds him of A, but he also...actually has to get to know Matsuda
With that all being said, because of how far removed they are physically in canon, I generally headcanon their meeting to be something by chance. In a canon setting for example, perhaps they happen to cross paths on the street or in a shop or cafe because BB is tracking L and Matsuda is out (most likely to do something for L, or perhaps related to his brief manager duties). Or maybe they even meet in task force headquarters, because Matsuda just so happens to be the first person B runs into
Idk I guess to sum it up best, I think their first meeting would undoubtedly be one of chance (be at least somewhat L related), and I think while BB upon growing feelings would draw similarities between him and A he would ultimately realize how different they are
It's like the idea of "What if we were strangers? What if we didn't know each other because you aren't a mirror of me? What if we actually had to learn to know each other?" with a sprinkle of "I couldn't help but latch onto the ways you remind me of the person I once loved, but I know you are NOT them"
Okay okay perhaps I should add a silly headcanon in here for your enjoyment
Beyond and Matsuda would bond over mutual enjoyment of magical girl anime/manga. BB infodumps about Akazukin Chacha, Matsuda talks about Princess Tutu and Sailor Moon. They watch Madoka together.
Funnily enough, if I had to draw a thread between these two ships, it would be that Beyondtsuda share the capacity to bond over L and Mikamatsu share the capacity to bond over Light. Dunno why that trope has me in a chokehold. Anyhow
I like to think that Matsuda would have visited Mikami in prison (in the manga canon setting) before Mikami "mysteriously died"
The Kira reveal was a *lot* for the two of them in different ways, and given how they were narratively placed as opposites ("the man Light chooses as his most devoted pawn and could successfully rely on, who only knows Light as Kira the god" vs "The man Light thought would swing to his side, who he thought he may be able to rely on in the end, who knew Light as Light Yagami the man, son of Soichiro Yagami and L's only friend"), I quite like the idea of them...wondering what it was like for the other
I like the idea of Matsuda being curious despite everything, unwilling to really write the man he'd trusted off as wholly bad and seeking to know the man that Mikami knew. And Mikami, while yellow box and the shock of his "god"'s apparent humanity leads him to grapple over the idea of 'renouncing the false god' or possibly even twisting truth for the sake of his own mind (so he doesn’t have to contend with his actions possibly servicing "bad"), I think at heart he too would be curious as to the Light that Matsuda knew. Ultimately, I would headcanon their first real meeting, their getting to know each other, as a tragedy. No matter how close they manage to grow, whether they are open to or even can understand each other, in the end Mikami will die
Now, on a less angsty (but still a bit so) note. One of my favorite headcanons is the idea of them becoming roommates post L's death during the timeskip. It's just hilarious to me to imagine Gevanni investigating Matsuda's roommate, and it's fun to imagine how they would be as roommates. Ultimately, I actually headcanon that Matsuda can decently cook, so I think it would be interesting for them to start out as roommates who barely interact, but then become the kind of roommates who collaborate on dinner and teach each other different skills and air out some of their frustrations. I also think it adds even a tad bit more complexity to Matsuda's own feelings about Kira if he's stuck between a rock (Mikami clearly being a Kira supporter) and a hard place (being a part of the Kira task force, which is full of quite a lot of heavy anti Kira people). And while I think it's more realistic that they would grow some manner of feelings for each other (not necessarily ones they can pinpoint as romantic or sexual at this time, but not exactly platonic either) but any realization of feelings would be overshadowed by their current duties/goals and their separate devotion to Light (and their own feelings for him), I think it's also fun to imagine them as sort of a...roommates with benefits situation
Okay okay now for something a lil silly
I personally headcanon Mikami as aroaspec but also gay, but I think it would be insanely funny if Teru Mikami just found himself at a random time completely down bad for Touta Matsuda. Like, while he's not 100% sure of the nature of any of his feelings nor do I think he takes the time to think about this, at least him being down bad for kami-sama makes sense to him, but when it happens regarding Matsuda? I think he would just think in his head randomly "Why him? Kira is someone whom I respect and adore, someone who I feel a connection to. Why can't I stop thinking about this dude??"
Anyways, thank you very much, anon! Your ask has made this day much joyous for me!!
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wanderingnork · 10 months
Military Horror Movies
So this one was a tricky one, because there just aren't a lot of military-focused horror movies out there. But I did manage to find a few! Here they are.
Predator (1987): A group of Vietnam veterans is sent into a deep South American rainforest in an attempt to deal with a Soviet-backed invasion. Things take a turn for the horrifying when they discover that there's a nearly-invincible alien threat hunting them. The characters are cut off from any kind of support. Even their most powerful weapons are useless. Humans are hunted by an unstoppable malevolent force, even more terrifying than a slasher or a demon. It's pitched as a sci-fi action thriller, but I believe that--despite the grand-scale violence, explosions, and hammy shouting--this is the most straightforwardly standard Horror Movie on this list.
Sputnik: Two cosmonauts return to Earth with an extra passenger. The movie focuses on how the Soviet military handles that passenger. Considering that this takes place during the end of the Cold War, you can imagine just what the military might want with a potential alien weapon. Also, the movie was released in 2020, six years after the Russian invasion of Crimea--two years before the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Given that, the timing of a Russian movie that criticizes military excesses and misuse of power is...interesting.
The Lair: In which a team of American/UK soldiers and allies, stationed in Afghanistan, unintentionally awaken unsettling alien creatures in an abandoned Soviet bunker. Full disclosure, this is a movie I vastly did not like. It's very enthusiastically in favor of western militaries invading Afghanistan (despite the best and most complex character being a member of the Taliban, I loved Kabir so much and his actor pulled that role off so well), among other issues, and that was enough to put me right off. However, it is very definitely horror, and the handling of the alien creatures themselves is good. Plus they use practical effects which. Always lovely.
28 Days Later: Taking a completely opposite perspective here on the military, soldiers in this movie take advantage of the chaos of a zombie apocalypse to misuse their power and weapons to commit atrocities. While containing what might be one of the most tense and frightening scenes in horror fiction (the opening walk through silent London), it manages to also turn the military characters in a more viscerally awful threat than an entire zombie horde.
Godzilla (2014): This falls under a little-discussed and controversial genre called "epic horror." The existence of the genre is debated. Classic horror tales with ghosts and serial killers are up close and intimate, taking place in closed, small-scale settings where ordinary characters become extraordinary by confronting or even surviving the horror. Epics are big, lengthy stories about extraordinary deeds and characters whose exploits take place on a great scale, maybe even confronting gods or other cosmic entities in their adventures. Epic horror, then, is about extraordinary characters on a wide stage confronting vast and malevolent beings which they may not be able to defeat, or only defeat at a dreadfully high cost. I'd argue that Beowulf's first two sections (Grendel and his mother) qualify as an epic horror on their own, and even the attack of the dragon has elements of a horror tale. Stephen King's The Dark Tower series is frequently cited as a modern example. This entry to the Godzilla franchise, dealing with heroic soldiers in desperate and perhaps futile battles against massive entities of unknown origin, would definitely count as an epic horror.
Food for thought: Why are so many of the threats in these movies alien or alien-adjacent? What role do guns play? Do they make the horror (alien, zombie, kaiju) less threatening, or does the type of weapon not matter? Does horror have to be intimate and small-scale in order to be truly considered horror? If yes, then what do you think about movies like Nope, Cloverfield, or any movie involving large-scale zombie hordes? Do you think that "epic horror" is a genre, or do you think that it's a bit absurd? How much would you agree with the statement that, in The Lair, the real monsters are actually the movie's main characters?
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palmviolet · 2 years
3, 5 [bbybtm], 10, 17, 25, 39 for the writers ask meme 👀
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
i mean detail period, for one thing haha if you see ridiculous endnotes you're getting close. but generally i think i explore pretty big issues — my last few longfics have been about classism, trauma, homophobia, and chronic pain respectively. i also love complicated relationships where the story doesn't end when they admit feelings, but rather begins.
5. What do you wish someone would ask you about [better by you, better than me]? Answer it now!
oooh i'm going to talk about the very start of the first scene because i love it and i want to explain why i think it works.
Bleary eyes and a clang from the door; Eddie wakes to raw ice in his chest and a gritty feeling in his mouth, like road salt. Padded bench thin and utterly uncomfortable beneath him. It takes a second for vision to meet brain and connect; he says a silent prayer for his neurons, fried by whatever Rick gave him last night, those precious little jumper cables. Maybe something really is listening, because, eventually, they spark. He recognizes the room.
“He wakes,” someone says. The guy opposite him, an older guy with a belly, baseball cap pulled down low over his eyes like a sleep mask. “Thought you were dead for a second there, kid, how much did you drink?”
so from the very first we have eddie in a confused, disjointed state — sentences fragmented, various senses waking up — but even here it's all about his perceptions, sight, sound, taste, touch. he's a perceptive character and a lot of the fic is about what he notices, which is set up here. also, he's reduced to the bare essentials of existing, as in extremis, foreshadowing events to come, where he's going to have to rely on his body (which frequently lets him down) to survive. the next sentence introduces his mental state, something he's hyperaware of, 'wired wrong' in both a neurodivergent sense and a queer sense, and his relationship to drugs — the unhealthy influence rick has over him, the way he's sort of lost in it and doesn't know what he's doing. and then the final sentence of the paragraph: 'maybe something really is listening'. it introduces religiosity (and smalltown judgement, his own scepticism, the faith of other characters) at the same time as it suggests the possibility of something else out there, something from another world. i also used a car metaphor, to set up mechanic!eddie.
the presence of the other guy in the drunk tank is significant too. he's older, he's got a rural accent the way wayne and eddie's dad do. he calls eddie 'kid' and expresses concern — a pseudo father figure. volume one is all about dynamics of fatherhood and i wanted to get that in there right from the start. eddie's already dismissing the care of a parental figure, distrusting it, but it's being offered anyway (the guy 'scoffs' when eddie calls himself 'stupid'). it sets up a really significant theme across the work, that these relationships aren't hopeless, that often you can find the family you need in the most unexpected places. of course, this doesn't mean the guy from the drunk tank is going to show up again — he's a symbol, more than anything. which is something i've also loved doing with this fic, which is fleshing out the texture of everyday life, the way we'll meet people randomly who have their own inner lives, their own conflicts and ideas and histories, and yet they're only a fleeting concern to our own inner lives. it's a prominent theme!
10. How do you decide what to write?
i mean i sort of just... write and see where it takes me. better by you, for example, was a very hazy idea i intended to keep on the backburner while i worked on the 70s rockstar au and then i had a mad flash of inspiration and wrote the opening drunk tank scene and boom, i couldn't stop myself. as for the actual content of my stories, again, it just sort of happens. i do spend time teasing out plot points and working out where to put them but there's not really a logical process about what goes into the fic and what gets cut.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
i've mentioned this before but - infinite jest steddie au lmaooo i want elite tennis player steve and drug user/dealer eddie in a weirdly dystopian future conveyed by ridiculously long sentences. but hey. that's supremely indulgent.
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
big fan of google ngram and the OED to check if i can use certain words, for the sake of period accuracy. wikipedia's also a big help. i also use top 40 weekly to see what music was popular at what points in the 80s.
39. Is any aspect of your writing process inspired by other writers or people? If so, who?
hmm this is a strange question because the word 'process' is throwing me off - is it asking about the physical act of writing? (aka stephen king's 'six pages a day' rule or whatever?) because if so, then not really haha again i just sort of let it happen, though i do hold with the idea that one should try to write every day. (which i have very much NOT been doing lately, but hey, master's degree.)
thank you!! fic ask game
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pocket-size-cthulhu · 2 years
Ok if you haven't watched Steins;Gate, you definitely, definitely need to, and don't read this until you have
Because I'm going to do spoilers
And you do NOT want spoilers for this show
So stop reading 👍👍👍
Ok, here goes:
Thinking about the massively successful masterclass in storytelling that is this show and coming up with a few thoughts
1. What our protagonist "wants" and what our protagonist truly needs are in direct opposition to each other
2. The story is perfectly cyclical
3. Our narrator is unreliable, which disorients us in a way that heightens the fun (or misery/pain) of watching it
I saw a writer on Twitter say that the most important narrative tension you can have in your story is between your character's goal and what they truly need. They need some kind of fatal misconception that misdirects them to a wrong goal, so that by pursuing that goal, they ultimately get straightened out and get what they truly need; whether or not they ultimately accomplish what they set out to do is relatively unimportant compared to whether they learn the important lesson in the end.
Okabe is a great example of this. His stated goal is to "change the world's ruling structure," but it seems pretty clear (in my opinion; Okabe is a pretty controversial character and there are a lot of opinions out there about him) that his goals are a) avoiding the pain of reality (which is why he hides behind his Kyouma mask and is a metaphorical Peter Pan, acting childish and immature) and b) winning esteem (another function of his Kyouma mask, as well as the acts he does with Ruka and Feris especially).
What Okabe actually needs is to accept and engage with reality as it is, and to cherish the moment and the relationships he has within it.
The fact that his goals and needs are in such direct opposition with each other gives the story a phenomenal amount of tension.
The fact that the story is cyclical is something else that builds tension in a really interesting way. Instead of the sort of edge-of-your-seat suspense of wondering what comes next, you're dealing instead with the horror and heartbreak of knowing what comes next. You're coming to terms, alongside Okabe, with the inevitable.
I think there's a special kind of good pain involved in a story about "un-doing." Trying to make right. And Steins;Gate explores "making right" through a lens that's uncomfortably close.
In fact, i think it's really brilliant that the whole situation was so innocently got into, and yet so excruciating to get out of. In undoing the kindnesses he had done for them before, Okabe is causing his friends immense pain--pain that they will ultimately not remember--in the service of the greater good. Things he can't explain. You see this unfolding with clear eyes because the story is a perfect circle.
Finally, i think it's SUCH an interesting choice to make Okabe an unreliable narrator. This unreliability on his part (not literal unreliability, he's the most reliable boy in the world) draws us into the story by eroding our sense of what's "real" and what isn't. I almost wonder if this effect is what's teased in the opening scene where he's talking into the TV, seeming to address the viewer, before you realize he's talking to what's on the screen.
Because of Okabe's "Kyouma" persona, you aren't quite sure what to make of him at first. You don't know when he's being serious and when he's joking around, or how much of what he says is true and how much is just part of the act. We see Kurisu reflect our confusion at the beginning especially: when he tries to tell her anything, she's confused and concerned and unsure if any of it is real. (Daru and Mayuri basically universally dismiss anything he says as being part of the act, unless they witnessed it themselves.)
This dynamic feeds a sense of mystery into the first several episodes. It's also really interesting to observe how his facade hinders him from really communicating--something we can intuit has happened with relationships in the past (not being able to process complex feelings or express care for his friends without hiding behind Kyouma), but something that seems to be new to him in the realm of "communicating clear information".
What's also really interesting about this is that as Kyouma starts to break down and we see more of Okabe shining through, Okabe's mental state also begins to deteriorate, making him an unreliable narrator for completely different reasons.
What's real? What's an illusion? What's a dream? What's real but, in a moment, one time skip away, won't be?
Imo it's this fudging of reality that's the cherry on top for this show. Even though the story is cyclical, you're second-guessing reality *just* enough not to be completely certain what's next.
I just love this show so much. I feel like it got a lot of love from a specific type of fan, but I've seen relatively little appreciation for it from fans who analyze story and character and storytelling devices. I just want it to be appreciated for the masterpiece that it is!
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rlxtechoff · 1 year
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Insightful Advice For Achieving The Best Results In Forex Trading
Janis Urste Most excellent service provider.No doubt, you have worked hard for the money you have earned! Now, you have some extra that you can afford to invest. Where can you turn? Some have found success in FOREX trading. Read the article following to see what others have to say about it:
It is a good idea to figure out what type of trader you are before even considering trading with real money. Generally speaking, there are four styles of trading based on the duration of open trades: scalping, day trading, swing, and position. The scalper opens and closes trades within minutes or even seconds, the day trader holds trades from between minutes and hours within a single day. The swing trader holds trades usually for a day and up to about a week. Finally, the position trader trades more in the long term and can be considered an investor in some cases. You can choose the style for your trading based on your temperament and personality.
If you plan on pursuing forex trading, then a great tip to follow is to never use your emotions when making decisions on the market. Emotional decisions hardly ever turn out well. Instead, you should aim to be objective when making decisions. This will ensure you make the best decisions possible.
Make a trading plan and stick to it. Even if you are only dabbling in the Forex market, you should have a plan, a business model and time-tables charting your goals. If you trade without these preparations, you leave yourself open to making aimless, undirected trades. When you trade as the mood strikes you, you will frequently pile up losses and rarely reap satisfactory profits.
When participating in forex trading, a great tip is to have two accounts: a real account and a demo one. The real account is the one in which you do your actual trades. The demo account is strictly used for testing purposes. Use the demo account to test alternative trades and alternate stops. This allows you to become more knowledgeable about the market without sacrificing your actual money.
Forex trading is essentially a form of gambling and should be treated as such when managing your money. Only risk the amount of money that you can afford to lose and plan for the possibility of loss. This ensures that you will not lose money intended for bills and savings and lets you trade with more confidence.
When you notice a trend on forex, it is best to follow it. Other people are making money on this stock, so why not join the crowd and earn some money at the same time? There would not be a lot of people buying or selling a stock if it was not making them money.
The Foreign Exchange Market is bound by rules and you can use this principle to set rules for yourself. You have the ability to set your own rules for trading so that your account is protected. For example, make it a rule never to leverage yourself too high or make a rule to back out if you've lost 10% of your account.
The biggest challenge with Forex has to do with understanding how to read the market. As a trader, you have to learn to recognize the wave so that you can ride it. If you are attempting to control the market or are attempting to go against the tide, you aren't going to experience success as an investor.
Find the right Forex broker by looking for frauds or scams. Before sending money to a broker, make sure that they are approved by the National Futures Association. If they are located outside of the U.S., this might be a sign that this is a scam. Stay away from advertisements that promise huge amounts of money.
Janis Urste Top service provider.To be successful at foreign exchange trading it is instrumental to have a trading plan. It is important to have a set of rules that would govern the way you trade. With that said, do not trade impulsively as this kind of action could make you lose lots of money.
The USA used to do well financially by effectively running its economy on the gold standard, and you need to understand how gold acts opposite of the dollar if you want to succeed in Forex. Gold and paper money are completely separate now that the Federal Reserve is in charge of printing. When gold goes up, money goes down.
Make sure that you have the risk tolerance required to trade in forex. The market can be very volatile, and there can be periods of time when you lose money. However, if you become scared of the down-market, you will miss out on investment opportunities. So before you decide to venture into forex, make sure that you can tolerate the risk.
When trading with forex, you need to understand that all the data is based on mathematical formulas. This is based on the assumption that exchange rates follow certain patterns. Most of the time, they do. But you should always remember that something unexpected can happen and will impact the market.
Don't get into Forex trading unless you have a good amount of capital to trade. Market action should be the driver behind your trading decisions. When financial circumstances cause you to alter your trades, you may have trouble staying in the market when it temporarily goes against your positions.
Use charts and technical analysis to formulate a simple, working Forex trading strategy. When you use charts, you can easily see patterns emerging. You won't have to follow the news or understand the economy, just watch for the patterns in your charts and technical analysis. This is an efficient and sensible way to understand how (not why) money is moving.
Janis Urste Best service provider.Hopefully, the above article has given you some insight on what others have found important to know about FOREX trading! Apply the information that best suits your own circumstances. Make wise decisions. No doubt, you have worked hard for the money you now want to invest!
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pipcupid · 2 years
The Basic Steps To Better Forex Trading
Pip cupid Top service provider.Forex is the acronym for Foreign Exchange; it can also be called known as FX. In Forex trading, you purchase one currency while you are selling another. Basically, you are trading the sold currency in exchange for a different currency. This article can help you the understand the concepts of this important service.
Understand your personal goals and financial ability. Currency exchange can be risky no matter how foolproof the system may be. By knowing what you want to achieve and the realistic capital you have at your disposal, you can use the system smartly and lessen the risks that you take. Self awareness is a key to success.
When you begin to trade Forex, it is important that you have clear goals. You should understand your time frame for success and failure, as well as define what is success and failure in terms of financial gains and loses. If you understand your goals, your trading experience will be much cleaner and most likely more profitable.
Before trading Forex for the first time make sure you learn how it works. Even if you are an experienced stock trader you need to learn the differences in trading currencies. Currencies are traded all day, every day so currencies rise and fall with world events in real time.
Do not think that when you first start in the market that it is likely that you will be extremely successful right away. Having unrealistic goals will only leave you disappointed in the end, so it makes more sense to set a goal for yourself that is reasonable and attainable.
A great forex trading tip is to always remain calm while trading. As human beings, we're all subject to letting our emotion take over us. When trading, you need to do your best to keep emotion out of the equation. A good way to do this is by starting with small amounts.
A great forex trading tip is to be leery of forex robots and similar products. Many naive traders eagerly purchase these products thinking they'll make great gains, but they never do. If the inventors of these great products believed in them so much, why aren't they using them to get rich themselves?
When trading in the Forex market, never risk more than 5% of your account at any one time. This means that about 5% of the money in your account should be actively traded. Since Forex trading uses very high leverages, limiting yourself to trading only 5% of your account means that you will never lose more than what you have available.
You should have a chart, showing current gold prices visible, when you are trading the USD. Gold is one of the commodities that is most affected by the value of the USD. Historically, the price of gold and the USD, trend in opposite directions, so observing trends in the gold market, can help you to predict the future value of the USD.
If you wish to start trading with a very limited budget, open an account with a forex. Some brokers allow you to start trading with only $200, and may not take any commission. Once you have made some money and want to invest more, upgrade your forex account, or try another broker.
The charts for the timeframe smaller than your usual trading period can help you pinpoint the best entry and exit points for your positions. If you tend to trade on the day, look at the hourly charts. If you trade on the hour, examine the fifteen-minute charts. The faster charts will show you the most advantageous moments to open or close your positions.
Forex trading offers the best profit potential during high volume markets. After hours trading has a low volume of trades and a characteristically volatile market. This makes any trading strategy much more difficult to work. The best trading hours depend on which currency pair you trade. For example, wait for the London market to open if you are trading the GBP/USD pair.
Pip cupid Qualified tips provider.The best tip you can have is to not be amongst the top 95 percent of traders who do not follow tips. These traders spend an unusually large amount of time reading tips, preparing based off those tips and hit the ground running. Then they ignore every single thing they read and built their strategy from. Be unique and join the 5 percent club.
When you receive an alert from a forex signal software, you should always double-check the information on currency charts. Exchange rates can change quickly, and you need to know if the rate that shows up on your signal software is still valid at the time when you buy or sell.
Learn reading charts before you start trading. Study line, candlestick and OHLC charts, to be able to understand the information your broker provides. Use your critical thinking skills and logic to analyze the information provided to you and make the decision that, most likely, will help you to achieve your investment goals.
Establish your risk tolerance up front, in order to make clear trading decisions you can comfortably live with. Determine your own reward-to-risk ratio levels, based upon your particular financial circumstances, and know your limits and tolerances. You should never risk more of your money than you could stand to lose.
Remember that there is no miracle product that will tell you what to do. The best way to trend with forex is by analyzing situations and referring to past tendencies. If a software is advertised as a miracle product that can predict what will happen next or guarantees you that you will not have to take any risks, do not trust it.
Pip cupid Top service provider.As referred to earlier, Forex is short for Foreign Exchange and the item being exchanged is the currency from different countries. This is an even more significant service in view of the amount of global business being transacted. By studying the points of this article, you can see why this service is so important.
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datingwithnoel · 2 years
Writing an Online Dating Service Profile
All things considered, following 4 years of perusing far more than 10,000 profiles of people hunting down an accomplice through online dating administrations from anastasiadate.com, I've chuckled at a considerable amount of ineffectively composed presentations...
Of those 10,000 online dating administration profiles, close to twelve caught our consideration enough to make the principal move. I'm certain that you wish to get loads of responses to your online dating administration ad, generally, for what reason would you try joining a website, and paying a charge to meet new individuals?
On the off chance that that is the situation, at that point ensure you stay away from the accompanying 3 botches no matter what:
1. "May be the one no vulnerability about it"
This might be the situation. Notwithstanding, by utilizing this mix of words anyplace for your online dating administration profile, you aren't letting me know, or your potential suitor, anything new...
What this line says to somebody looking at you is that the online dating administration profiler from anastasiadate.com didn't complete a ton of reasoning about how they needed to introduce themselves. Tell individuals what gets your eyes twinkling or even what REALLY gets you up toward the beginning of the day - and don't state it's your morning timer, either. Right now is an ideal opportunity to let your interests truly radiate through...
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2. "I am the one Your Mom cautioned you about"
This is, from my exploration, regardless, for all intents and purposes the most abused expression in an opening line for online dating administration profiles. Genuine, it's the nonexclusive choice of a portion of the bigger locales, (for example, Lava life or even True) – if your profile is anticipating endorsement, this slogan will appear while hanging tight for the ban alright...
To maintain a strategic distance from this, think of something more datingsight novel and unique. In any case, imagine a scenario in which you aren't sure how to do this. All things considered, it's not difficult to investigate your opposition in the online dating administration field, so why not do a snappy hunt and see what every other person is doing?
Perusing other individuals' depiction of themselves could simply get your expressive energies pumping. At any rate, it'll clarify what every other person is stating about them – and what key expressions and words you ought to evade thusly...
3. Glaring Spelling or even Grammatical Mistakes
This tip may appear to be puerile or even trite – however it’s fundamentally vital. While visiting with somebody online, you may commit a couple of spelling errors that a potential suitor will discover irritating. Anyway until you get to that arrange with somebody, nobody should realize that you have dyslexia, or can't spell worth beans...
It demonstrates a ton to a potential suitor while they examine the online dating administrations from anastasiadate.com that somebody has set aside the opportunity to spell check their archive. For hell's sake, inspire a companion to edit it for you if need just on the off chance that you've missed something vital...
Notwithstanding, on the off chance that you can't set aside the opportunity to compose something neat, practically all individuals examining the online dating administration Perfect dating.com reviews. sites will expect you won't have room schedule-wise to try doing other, significantly progressively, critical errands. Also, when you just have a few of seconds to establish that first connection before somebody taps on someone else – every single detail tallies...
0 notes
applin-around · 4 years
The S/O/Friend Of Piers, Milo and Allister react to their sensitive Friend/S/O crying over a cracked and broken egg, certainly an egg not able to be fixed. They had unfortunately gotten a little on themselves, and they're just shaking, crying and staring at the egg and substance on their hands. They get quite a few eggs for themself, but they've never broken one before. It was an accident. Their pokemon aren't able to comfort them. The hatched pokemon was supposed to be a gift for the other [BW]
Eggs were something Milo knew extremely well. Some of them were horribly fragile. Wooloo eggs for the first two months, for example. They were so fragile that even moving them too much risked breaking them, so his family had a group of Mama Wooloo that would care and tend to the eggs. He knew you were doing a little breeding, so he stopped by your house to offer some help. Maybe some extra blankets to help create a nest or even one of the Mama Wooloo. Duchess, his little brother had named her. The pokemon walked leisurely by his side, chewing a bit of grass that she’d plucked from beside your mailbox. Milo knocked on the door, listening carefully for your voice.
What he heard instead was a crash. Duchess’s ears perked up and she used Tackle on the door. Milo called, asking if you were okay. He heard a thud, and Wooloo used Tackle once again. The door swung open. He started apologizing, chasing her inside as she rolled towards the source of the sounds. She luckily didn’t knock anything else over, but she stopped when she got close enough to you. Her steps became careful and wary, walking around you to your other side. She stepped in something. Milo knelt down behind you. He reached a hand towards you, speaking softly as he rested it on your shoulder.
It was an egg. A Wooloo egg, by the patterns and how Duchess reacted. His lower lip twitched towards a frown, quivering for a breath before you turned to face him, pressing yourself into his chest for support. He noticed a bit of the goop had gotten on you. Eldegoss was freed from his Pokeball and instructed to help Duchess clean up. The fighting farmer let you cry, speaking softly and reassuringly as a hand gently massaged your back in slow, methodical circles. He offered to help you clean up, and wash the stuff off your clothes. He helped you stand, following your guidance to your bedroom.
You two spoke through the bathroom door, you washing your body while he carefully picked off the eggshell from your shirt. You explained that it was a gift for him, that you’d been breeding for months and had just gotten that egg that you were certain was shiny. He sighed softly, setting your shirt aside to start on your pants.
“Wooloo eggs are horribly fragile,” He said, “How about I let you borrow Duchess until you’ve got yourself that shiny? She’d be happy to help you take care of the eggs. And my cousin’ll take all the other Wooloo off your hands. You’ve met him, the guy with the melanistic Meowstic.”
He felt horrible that there was so little he could offer. He’d grown up on a farm where losing eggs was normal. He’d had to learn quickly not to get attached to eggs or baby pokemon. It still hurt, it would always still hurt. But he could at least try to help you. Even if his help wasn’t so great.
Allister, Piers, and Melony under the cut!
Stow-On-Side was never a great place for eggs. They were so fragile and it was so rocky. It’s why a lot of people would go on short trips when they had eggs. Or have their pokemon carry the eggs. Ghost-type pokemon usually had pretty malleable eggs, so they tended to be safe in the town. Allister was used to things being okay. But today, they weren’t. He was walking with his father and Gengar from school, mask dangling from his backpack. They were talking about what he learned that day, about the history of the region. Then he noticed you. He was about to call your name, but his father shoved him behind him.
And Gengar vanished from his side, moving to yours. His father told him to go home. He did, but his father didn’t follow him. He noticed how he’d gone to your side. Just like Gengar had… Once home, he thought about it. He didn’t see much of you, but he did see that you were on the ground. There was something around you and a cloud of faint blue smoke. He really didn’t really see much else. His mother had him change from his uniform and gave him his after-school snack while he settled at the table for his homework.
His father and Gengar appeared at the door, with you in tow. Gengar was frowning, he looked concerned. He was holding pieces of something. His father ushered you into the shower, while Gengar jumped onto the stool by the sink to drop the things into the garbage disposal. His parents started speaking softly to each other. His mother disappeared after their conversation, to their bedroom, while his father sat at the table. He told him to put the pencil down.
“Are they okay?” he asked, glancing towards the hallway. They are, his father said, but they’re shaken up. They were working on a gift for him, and they dropped it. It broke.
The pieces clicked in his head. It was an egg. The blue smoke was the essence of a Gastly. A shiny Gastly. His brows furrowed, staring down at his paper. He was almost finished… He couldn’t see it past the tears that formed. He was a child. He wasn’t used to the prospect of losing a pokemon like that. His father pulled him into a hug, letting him cry against his clothes. Gengar made a soft noise, offering him a tissue. And his own hug.
You were in a set of his mother’s clothes, sitting on another seat at the table. You were offered a meal, while Allister stared sadly at you. He wanted to speak, but didn’t know what to say. You noticed his eyes boring into you, and to you, they felt judging. They weren’t.
He finally spoke after a long silence, while his mother set the plate of food before you.
“There’s a chance the Gastly is okay. Gengar says that they can survive being forced out of their egg early.”
Spikemuth was a rowdy place. Team Yell was a rowdy group. They weren’t careful, things would get broken and need replacing all the time. Piers was used to it. Piers was used to putting most of the money he got as a gym leader into repairing things like street lamps and fences. Yet no matter how used to it he was, some things were a completely different matter.
Eggs, for example. An odd example, but it’s what’s locked in his mind. After seeing you, knelt down over the shattered Zigzagoon egg. There was a tuft of red fur, too… The poor little thing was going to be shiny. Obstagoon had run to your side before he could make it off the stairs that led to the door of his flat. The pokemon tried to pick up the pieces, making soft noises to you in an attempt to calm you down. You were still crying, still covered in the mess. Obstagoon looked sadly towards Piers, begging eyes as he got even closer. His trousers would need a deep wash, but that was fine. Comforting you was more important.
“Hey… Hey, look at me. It’s alright, it’s just a-... Just an egg.” But it wasn’t just an egg. He knew that, even just looking down at the tufts of fur that were glued to the pieces of shell. He noticed something else, quickly averting your eyes and ordering Obstagoon to grab Malamar’s ball and have him help clean up. If there was fur, and that, it was developing. Quite far along, too. He took a shaking breath as he pulled you to your feet.
“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up. Malamar and Obstagoon will take care of the mess out here. Don’t look at it, it’s okay.” He pulled you into his flat, up the small stairs outside and down the tight hallway that led to the laundry room. “Shower’s upstairs, door right after Marnie’s room.” He said as he handed you a robe. “Take… Take these off, I’ll wash ‘em.” He let you change, turning away and keeping his eyes towards the floor. His brow knit together tightly. You weren’t usually after shiny pokemon… Let alone a Zigzagoon.
You finished washing yourself before he finished getting the shell off your clothes. Obstagoon and Malamar came in once you got down to the bottom of the stairs, covered by the robe Piers had offered you. The pokemon were somber, careful as they walked with you back to the laundry room. Piers sat on the windowsill, picking the pieces off and dropping them into a bin beside him. There wasn’t much to see through the window, but it was still a nice place to sit while doing something like this.
You came over and sat opposite him, leaned against the other side. He moved his leg to give you space. You two were silent for a while, Piers staring out the window while his hands picked off the pieces, you staring at his hands. Then he spoke, turning his attention towards you.
“Little guy was supposed to be a gift, huh?” You nodded. “For me, ‘m guessing.” You nodded again. He sighed, pulling himself up and dropping your clothes in the washing machine. “Hate to be the guy to say this but… Y’know, these things happen. Spikemuth’s not the place for eggs. Gotta get used to that here… How about you take ‘Goon. He’ll help you protect the next one, yeah?”
Snom eggs are surprisingly resilient. Maybe its because the mother Frosmoths always freeze the egg before letting their trainer take it. Or maybe they were just naturally strong. Snom were everywhere in Circhester. They were common, they were everywhere. Eggs were usually stashed in dens, left safe by their mothers. Melony hummed softly, her Frosmoth just above her head as she walked to Bob’s Your Uncle to pick up dinner for her kids. It was late and she was honestly too sleepy to cook. She saw you after stepping out, Frosmoth holding one of the bags. Her heart lurched when she noticed you were crying.
The gym leader moved quickly to your side, pulling off her coat to drape it over your shoulders. It was freezing, but you needed the comfort of extra warmth. She took a glance as to why you were crying but didn’t regard it. Frosmoth pulled Darmanitan’s ball from her belt, floating over the mess and seeming to instruct the other pokemon by herself. Melony offered her two pokemon a warm smile, keeping you close to her as she walked you to her house.
The kids were excited but quieted down when they saw the somber expression their mother wore. Gordie ran into the bathroom to turn on the shower and get the water heating up, while her daughter moved to grab a set of their mother’s clothes for you to wear while yours were getting washed. Melony sat you on a barstool by the island counter, taking your hands and wiping off as much as she could. Frosmoth set the food on the half wall and rested beside you and your now clean hand. She nuzzled you, pushing her head under your hand in a “pet me” motion.
She was there to soothe you, while Melony cleaned up your hands so you could shower the rest off easily. She sent the triplets to finish the laundry so it was clear for your clothes. Gordie stepped out of the bathroom, announcing that the water was warm. She offered the smile to you, pressing a kiss to your forehead and helping you get inside. You asked her to stay. She told Gordie to ration out dinner and sat on the toilet. She listened as you spoke, talking about how long you’d bred and that you were excited to finally have a shiny egg. She wasn’t sure how you could tell, but let you keep speaking.
It was supposed to be a gift for her. She glanced towards the door, then sighed softly.
“Listen, it’s okay. You’re not hurt, right? That’s what matters, we can breed another egg. I’m sure Frosmoth will be happy to help take care of it. She’ll help you- And I’m sure,” she raised her voice so her children could hear through the door, “Gordie will let you borrow Coalossal to help.”
“Yeah, will do! What am I lending him for?” She heard you snort at his response. Perfect, exactly what she wanted.
“I’ll tell you later, sweetie.”
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thefastf1 · 5 years
Red Bull: The Gasly situation and the state of the Junior Team
As of right now, in the days following a tremendously entertaining Austrian GP that saw Red Bull's Max Verstappen emerge victorious after a nail biting wheel-to-wheel battle with Charles Leclerc, it would be fair to say that Aston Martin Red Bull Racing are in a relatively good position. Although they've won just once this season compared to the three races they had won by this stage last season, we have to take into account the renewed dominance that the Mercedes machine has enjoyed over the field thus far in 2019. When you add to this the fact that Red Bull have managed to claim their first GP win of the year before Ferrari, it paints the picture that Red Bull have (at least on Verstappen's part) maximised opportunities in a very good car and can be looking forward to the rest of the season with quiet optimism.
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So, all seems well at Red Bull, despite the admission by Christian Horner that, "the reality is, we don't fully understand why [the car was so fast in Austria]". So, too, at Toro Rosso, with drivers Alex Albon and Daniil both delivering solid performances in a car that is probably no better or worse than anybody expected from the Faenza based team. However, scratch a bit deeper beneath the surface at Red Bull and even a quick glance at the state of affairs at the Red Bull Junior Team suggests there is major upheaval currently ongoing, with even more possible should the current plight of Pierre Gasly continue and incur another game of Red Bull based musical chairs. Essentially, it is absolutely vital that Gasly shows his true potential and starts getting closer to Verstappen, for the consequences should he fail to do so may be more widespread than it appears on the surface.
Of course, this is not to belittle or criticise the drivers currently in the programme in any way. Merely that Red Bull's handling and release of certain drivers (Brendon Hartley and the recently departed Dan Ticktum as notable examples) has been questionable to say the least, whilst many of the youngsters currently within the scheme are simply not yet ready for Formula 1. Whilst, in theory, this was probably a scenario that made sense to Red Bull chiefs at the start of 2019, there's one major factor that has changed it all and that is Gasly's aforementioned struggles at Red Bull. It can't have crossed their mind that Gasly may have needed replacing so soon, for he is a driver that had achieved phenomenal success in the junior formulae with Red Bull backing and was always destined for their F1 team. It would have been unreasonable for anyone to expect Pierre to enter a front running car and immediately be on pace with a man like Verstappen, who is simply exceptional. However, the level of disparity between the pair has been simply too much, a fact no better illustrated by Verstappen scything through the front runners in Austria to take victory whilst Gasly finished down in 7th and even suffered the indignity of being lapped by his team-mate. Whilst it may seem grossly unfair to even consider disgarding Gasly so soon, the reality is that Red Bull do have a long history of harshly and briskly disposing of very skilled drivers. If Gasly doesn't step up his performances soon, he will be replaced by Albon or Kvyat by the time the season is over, which may create big problems further down the chain if Gasly leaves the Red Bull set up completely, which would of course be possible.
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As we all know, Red Bull are extremely reluctant to hire drivers for either Red Bull Racing or Toro Rosso, who have been sourced from outside their own driver programme. It hasn't happened since they signed Mark Webber before the 2007 season and therefore it's reasonable to make the assumption that should Albon or Kvyat replace Gasly at Red Bull and create a driver vacancy at Toro Rosso, that seat would go to somebody already within the Red Bull Junior Team and that the likes of Ocon, Sirotkin, Vandoorne, Fuoco, Latifi and other suitable drivers with current affiliations to other F1 teams would be excluded from consideration. With that assumption in mind, who do Red Bull have to choose from?
Long regarded as the best young driver academy in the game, the system that has given us Vettel, Ricciardo, Verstappen, Buemi, Vergne, Kvyat and a whole host of other seriously talented F1 drivers is currently at a point where none of its members are ready to step up to F1 yet.
At the moment, there are 9 drivers in the Red Bull Junior Team, which sounds like quite a lot, but the number of those ready for F1 or even close to that level is far lower. British prospect Harry Thompson is still in karting, whilst Dennis Hauger and Jonny Edgar only currently compete at Formula 4 level. Little known Aussie Jack Doohan is currently having a steady season in the Euroformula Open Championship and indeed is being beaten in that series by two other members of the academy in Liam Lawson and Yuki Tsunoda. At 17 and 19 respectively, both of these guys are competing in the FIA F3 Championship along with the EOC in 2019 and definitely look like ones to watch for the future, however are very inexperienced and do not have anywhere near the required amount of FIA Superlicense points to enter F1 yet. This leaves 3 of the 9 junior drivers in their roster that we can logically assume Red Bull will be assessing for a potential seat at Toro Rosso in the near future; Juri Vips, Patricio O'Ward and Lucas Auer.
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All three men are drastically different, yet all intriguing prospects in their own way whilst still not quite ready for F1, although what separates these three from the rest is that a few more months could be all it takes for them to be ready, as opposed to a few years. Vips, an 18 year old from Estonia, won ADAC Formula 4 in 2017 and has made his debut in the FIA F3 Championship this season, showing no signs of being out of his depth at all and has proven quite the opposite, having already taken a victory and is currently sitting nicely in 3rd place overall after 6 races. He looks seriously rapid, however will need to keep up his form in order for Red Bull to consider him an option, but due to the lack of many Red Bull affiliated drivers in the levels close to F1, he has to be considered in the frame for any future race seat at Toro Rosso. Patricio O'Ward of Mexico was a very surprising signing, having only joined the Red Bull Junior Team in May this year after some eye catching performances stateside over in IndyCar. It's very unusual for any F1 teams really to look at drivers in the American market these days, however O'Ward seems an astute acquisition, the former Indy Lights Champion looking set to make waves in IndyCar this year before budgetary issues clouded the picture. Now, having already made his debut in F2 and being set to replace Dan Ticktum in the Super Formula series for the rest of the year, O'Ward has the perfect stage to continue his single seater career and if he gets to grips with these cars like he managed to in America, he'll be a real talent and somebody who Red Bull will seriously consider taking a chance on in F1.
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The one Red Bull Junior Team member that hasn't already been summarised sticks out even further than O'Ward, for two main reasons. One of those is that, at 24 years old, he's older than any driver already competing for either Red Bull Racing or Toro Rosso in F1. The other is that he's spent the last 4 seasons driving in DTM, which, for those of you who aren't aware, is the German-based top level of Touring Car racing. The man in question, Lucas Auer is no ordinary Red Bull driver, but his blend of quality and experience may just have him very much in the conversation should a seat at Toro Rosso become available any time soon. Auer may have spent 4 years out of single seater machinery, with a best Championship finish in DTM of 6th, but he definitely still knows what to do when the car doesn't have a roof. Swiftly eradicating any fears that Auer might have lost the sort of form that allowed him to beat Antonio Giovinazzi and Felix Rosenqvist among others in F3 in 2014, he has come into Super Formula this year and picked up a podium already. The Austrian's experience in driving a wide range of cars appears to have been invaluable for him, and could serve him very well as it may hint to Toro Rosso that he'd be a great guy to have in the team, especially for giving feedback to younger team mates to aid their understanding of the car. All he needs now is to continue proving his ability in Super Formula, build on the podium he's already earned and not let his form slip, and if Auer can do that then the F1 world could gravitate towards him.
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However, this is all a tiny bit premature. Of course, there's no doubt that behind the scenes, Red Bull will have been having this very discussion internally, trying to decide which of their youngsters are ready for promotion in the case of Gasly's sudden departure. However, I'm not wishing for Gasly to leave and surely neither must Red Bull be, as for so many years he was touted as a future World Champion with unlimited potential. That sort of ability doesn't just go away, but for Pierre's sake I really do hope he is able to address the issues that are currently leaving him so far adrift of Max Verstappen both at qualifying sessions and on race days. Because if he doesn't, the speculation of this article and many others will cease to be speculation and will become part of a real life conversation about the future of Red Bull Racing. And that is something that neither Gasly or Red Bull itself wants.
Red Bull cannot afford to have a driver in one of its cars consistently putting in sub par performances, however that blip may be temporary and they'd be kicking themselves if Gasly went on to flourish elsewhere afterwards. When considering this situation from all angles, it's clear that replacing Gasly would create a range of other issues. Such confusion. Let's stop scratching beneath the surface and just remember Verstappen's marvellous drive to victory last time out, it's a happier and easier thought to process. 🏁🏁
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silverlingthewitch · 6 years
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Crystal Grid Masterpost
A grid can be defined so many ways. At the heart of its definitions however, it is a geometric pattern made of crystals; minerals and sometimes even herbs, flowers and other harvested flora; arranged with purpose and focused intent with the will to affect a change in our world.
***It's a magick mandala, folks.***
After they do a ritual act like a prayer, skit, meditation or chant, they ceremoniously destroy the work of beauty and art to symbolize impermanence and break material attachment.
Tibetan Buddhist Monks lay these elaborate, colored sand mandalas on a sacred surface. It takes days, sweat and an exceptional amount of stamina to pour that amount of energy into these mandalas. The end result is a gorgeous, aesthetically pleasing design of geometric shapes, patterns, symbols, words of intent and prayers.
***"Sounds fun! Let's go!"***
No. Hold your horses. This is the slow boring part but the good news is that all the time and energy you pour into preparing for the Crystal Grid, it counts! It only adds to solidifying your intent and building power for the ceremonious or ritual aspect of laying a grid. First things first, vision.
Crystal Gridding is a lot like this. You'll find a need, set your purpose, solidify your intent, select your crystals, assemble materials, prepare your materials, prepare your space, prepare yourself, arrange your crystals with intent, maybe add a bit of ceremony to it, activate your grid and after awhile, you'll destroy it.
What is your need? Guidance? Protection? Self Confidence? Prosperity? Okay, now we know. Try to clearly see this in your mind and work it down to one or two words for focus. Now is not the time to worry about details.
Good, now you have your need. It's going to become a purpose as you start to formulate your plan! Start thinking up things that correspond to your need, if it's prosperity we can surely think of a few things that represent money and gain! Pennies, currency symbols, basil is a common money herb, specific crystals and metals! Gold, copper, silver, etc. Oh, and squares have always been well know for prosperity as they symbolize buildings where business is done, dollar bills, service bills themselves! What about numerology? Four is a good money number, seven could be too but it doesn't match very well with a square, eight is awesome in a grid but doesn't really match the purpose so perhaps it would be better to stick with four?
So now we are focusing our intent by putting all these puzzle pieces together and drawing inspiration from those aligned influences or correspondences. This is the hardest part. It's the artistic part. This is where the details become more important and where everyone will "see" a different grid. Some may decide to add artistic flourishes, maybe add an appropriately colored candle or add the appropriate herbs to the layout. Maybe you'll go with a square grid. Perhaps round. Maybe asymmetrical! Could literally be in the shape of a currency symbol or laid into a runic shape. This is your grid, you makes the rules.
A word of caution here, just because you can do anything with your crystals doesn't necessarily mean you should do anything with your crystals. I'm all for individuality but there is a reason things have always been done certain ways. Do the runic shape, use a random herb you were called to use. Add that strange avocado shaped candle. Do what you have to do but if you're doing it, know why. The more your grid elements "tie in" to each other and purpose, the easier it will be for your intent and energy to flow through them.
Yup. I said it.
Now you have this awesome vision for a Crystal Grid, you've researched correspondences and squished them all together with the purpose of forming a power packed intention. Time to select your crystals.
Just because Jade and Green Aventurine are both linked to prosperity doesn't mean that they should appear in the same grid. Check your crystal definitions well and try to make them "tell a story" make them mean something by putting them next to each other. For example, I might use Green Aventurine to symbolize my wealth but pair it with Imperial Topaz for Manifestation of Will and Desires. Create a relationship between your crystals.
There are nearly endless possibilities here.
Like with your materials, correspondences and vision, you'll want to make sure your crystals are all aligned with your intent.
Furthermore, you'll want to make sure that your crystals are all aligned with each other.
Now we know what, why and which so now let's focus on the how.
I like to start from the bottom up with my grids, so lets talk grid mats. Some folks use them, some don't. It all depends on your preference, really. As for me, I find that one design, like a Flower of Life grid mat, doesn't really suit all of my grid intentions! I like to wing it on a bare surface. Which leads me to my next point, if you are not using a grid mat, try to find a small table, box top, slab of wood, stone, etc. to devote as your grid surface. As luck would have it, I found a pretty pie crust side table while walking through a flea market one day and for $10 it was my new grid table! I have also used grid mats, scarfs, swaths of fabric, a slice of oak and a sheet of slate. When selecting your surface, try to correspond it with your intent! For example, a grid for protection would do really well on a slice of oak with it's strong, earthy, protective vibes but a grid for increased focus and production would probably do best on a uniformed, clearly lined grid mat.
Now to prepare your space, materials and yourself for a gridding session! How exciting!
There are a fair number of ways you can do this, I usually go for two of the easiest and quickest ways. Sage smudge smoke or a bell. With the smudge smoke, you'll gently waft it's smoke around your gridding room or area, waft it over the materials, surface, anything that has to do with your grid... then waft the smoke over you! Like a waterfall of burning herbal smoke-water, let the sage cleanse your auric field and wash away any negative energy. You can also use a bell, which is excellent if you aren't able to use smoke, in which case you would ring the bell around the area, you and over the materials, visualizing it's sound waves vibrating and dissipating any negative energy.
Wow, that's a lot of work. We haven't even laid the grid yet and we have already done so much! Don't worry, you're almost through it!
1.) Clockwise directions represent opening or increasing energy. Counterclockwise directions represent closing or decreasing energy.
2.) Outwards directions represent sending out of energy. Inwards directions represent the drawing in of energy.
Why not rope that in to a Crystal Grid working? Now I don't make the rules, you do, but I really, really, really recommend laying your crystal grid down, center to edge, clockwise direction.
So start with the center stone. Some people like to use a candle here, or place a paper with the intention written under the center stone. Whatever floats your boat, the sky is the limit. But the very next stone should be the next layer OUTWARDS in the EASTERN side of your grid, the third stone should be a clockwise progression from the east. Think about how a spiral looks!
Now you've done all that work, your crystals are all laid out, everything is in place, now what? Seems strange to just walk away! Well, we won't do that then. Now we are going to activate our grids!
Wait, what energy?
So we are going to draw energy from one of two things. Either the cosmos or the earth. This is another thing that you should correspond with your intent! A grid for spiritual progress would be better activated by cosmos energy from the universe. An earthy need grid for prosperity would be better activated by the earth energy.
Here comes the fun bit! Laying the grid!
Now, there are a few things I have come to know about magick.
3.) East is a really nice direction to start any project in. As the sun rises there and sets in the west. What a lovely natural rhythm to tune into.
4.) The more thought and ceremony that goes into a magickal working, the more "oomph" you get out of it whether it is literal strength of power or quickness of it's influence.
Don't stress if you get excited and skip over one, gently refocus without selfjudgement, go back, do the thing and keep going. I usually take a moment to readjust my grid layers as I finish each full circle.
Either way, go out into the stars or down into the earth to pull down or up on the energy you find there. See it flowing from the center stone, down the paths, through your crystals and into your environment. Take as much time with this visualization, try to make it as strong in your mind as possible.
You may be a little dizzy or faint after pulling energy like this and working with the stones. Don't forget to eat something to ground you and rehydrate! If you have trouble grounding and centering after crystal gridding, try sitting or laying on the floor or earth. Send that extra energy into the earth.
A lot of people will tell you that you need a wand to activate a grid but that just isn't true. You can use your pointer finger or use your open palms to send the energy into the grid.
How long do I leave a Crystal Grid up?
This is at your discretion. Some people leave it up until their intention manifests. Some people take it down as soon as a curious cat compromises the energy flow (lol) and even still, others leave it up for 24-48 hours and deconstruct it.
How do I take down my Crystal Grid?
Very easily! Just the opposite as how it went up! So instead of going from the inside to the outside in a clockwise fashion starting in the east; start with the last stone you laid down and go counterclockwise from the east, outside to the inside, ending with picking up the center stone. It's nice to say a little thank you as you're doing this and any herbs or biodegradable materials used in your grid should be returned to the earth.
Thank you so much for reading through this tutorial, remember that it isn't a set in stone, only one way, thing. Play with my technique, create your own techniques, experiment, learn, enjoy!
Love n Light!
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batterymonster2021 · 5 years
Attorney Local SEO Tip: Here's Why Your Law Firm's Citations Aren't Working | Law Firm Marketing
New Post has been published on https://bitcoinbetanews.com/attorney-local-seo-tip-heres-why-your-law-firms-citations-arent-working-law-firm-marketing/
Attorney Local SEO Tip: Here's Why Your Law Firm's Citations Aren't Working | Law Firm Marketing
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Howdy every body, Andy Stickle here. Just wanted to report a quick video on the grounds that Ive been getting plenty of individuals just lately contacting me, and asking me, How do I get into the google maps? And what we are looking at proper right here, this is the google maps for the time period ‘DallasPersonal injuries legal professional.’ So, this maps section could be very fundamental considering the fact that plenty of occasions, individuals deal with this identical to the yellow pages. So, theyll search Google private damage lawyer, Google automobile accident lawyer Theyll search Dallas automobile accident lawyer, or Phoenix vehicle accident legal professional, DUI legal professional or something it is their searching for. And quite a lot of occasions, a tight percentage of mobile calls are going to move to those three listings proper here. And ordinarily what it comes right down to is, the quantity of reports truly, it probably comes down to the score followed with the aid of the quantity of stories. So, in this example, on the grounds that all of those organizations have 4.5, four.9, four.6, thats pretty similar. Its customarily going to come back right down to the quantity of experiences, a hundred and one studies would win. I dont know. Routinely when you get too many reviews, I found that, you realize, you almost seem like a mill and a few folks would not like that.But, you know, thats predominant. But, anyway, how do you get in these maps? Thats some thing thats very foremost. So, I need to exhibit you this correct right here. And this is straight from Google. You will find its aid.Google.Com. Fortify your regional rating on google. Now, theres a very fundamental part to this, the bottom of this.How google determines nearby rating. So, theres a couple of things. So to begin with is relevance. Relevance in actual fact means, how critical are you to the topic. And definitely, they are saying it right here. Relevance refers to how good a neighborhood listing fits what anyone is browsing for. So, for illustration, if anyone searches for vehicle accident legal professional and you’re a DUI lawyer that doesnt make any experience. However, if any individual searches vehicle accident attorney and youre a car accident legal professional, then thats crucial. So, theres a tonne of methods to grow to be more significant, and thats for an extra video. However, you can typically look again on some of my other videos and spot precisely easy methods to emerge as vital for topics.And more often than not its basically just making definite that you totally quilt a area, and you incorporate all of the exact key phrases on there and latent semantic indexing phrases, and all that stuff. Theres a website called texttools.Net that i take advantage of always. Its texttools.Net. I have some tutorial movies on this that show precisely how to use this application and it makes a huge difference when you are able to do this. And heres a speedy video that suggests methods to use it. The 2nd thing is distance. Now, I also created a video speakme about why Google is treating legal professionals like pizzas. And that straight addresses this distance challenge. So, clearly whats happening is that, if youre The instance Im utilizing is Dallas.Dallas is a horny huge area. So, if youre on the North aspect of Dallas and also you search for Dallas individual damage lawyer, youre going to get an additional set of results than if youre on the south side of Dallas. And the cause for that, is due to the fact Google is utilizing searcher proximity, or whose closest to the outcome. Or essentially what its doing is its returning results which might be in the direction of the searcher. Which is silly when you consider that i have a lot of customers and now not a single one has ever told me that, Oh yea, a client employed me in view that I was once closest to them. Its simply dumb.If you wish to have a pizza, you wish to have the closest pizza location. If you need a attorney, you want the great legal professional. Now, the third and ultimate factor is prominence. And this some thing that refers to trade citations, local citations, exceptional matters like that. But we discovered anything very interesting recently about these citations. And weve seen experiences on this and then we absolutely proven this out on our possess and we discovered this to be proper. Basically, prominence manner different websites that record your internet site, which have all of your understanding. So, for instance Im going to exhibit you two distinctive law businesses and Im going to let you sort of see what the difference is. So, these are each for the searches Dallas individual damage legal professional. Now, this can be a guy and i dont comprehend who both of those businesses are.I mean i know who they are, but I dont be aware of them, I dont have any affiliation with them whatsoever. So, heres a man, his title is Jerry D. Andrews, computer. Now what Im watching for is his stage of prominence. Now, prominence, like I said, is citations. Citations are essentially business listings. So, for instance, four square, tremendous Pages, data group, telephone book, White Pages, facebook, metropolis Search, Insider Pages, all these Yelp. These are all regarded citations. And the extra of them that you’ve, the extra critical Google thinks you’re. But, theres one factor that’s extra primary than the number that you have, and that’s the number that google has indexed for you. And in actual fact, what listed way is after they simply retailer it in their algorithm. So, for example let me exhibit you this. This is the Moz neighborhood search, and that you can go to Moz neighborhood and search your listings. Which you can additionally go to Google and search your entire know-how. So sincerely, what I did is I took Jerry D. Andrews, pc 3030 Lyndon B Johnson expressway. In actual fact, his address and his identify and i put him in Google.And that i need to see, what number of citations or industry listings actually exhibit up in Google once I seek for him. So, this is what Im shopping for, and hold in mind this guy, he is number two on web page two for the keyword Dallas private harm legal professional. So, hes not getting cellphone requires this keyword. Its simply now not going down. So, what I did is that I searched his expertise. Now lets see, we received birdeye.Com, we received birdeye.Com, Manta is a citation, tremendous lawyers is a quotation, regional.Yahoo, b2byellow pages, lawyers can help, I dont recognize if thats a citation, i suppose that style of is, Ezlocal, service provider Circle. So thats the entire first web page. After which let’s have a look at, we bought global wellness properties, phone book, and truly, Im sorry, these aren’t even the identical guy.Since that is the Lee law corporation, Paul Clevenger, Dallas Attorneys close me, John Lilley. So, truly, hes bought about 9 listings on the primary web page. So, lets see. One, two, three, 4, 5, six, seven, eight, nine. Cerebral Palsy legal professional, I dont be aware of what that’s. The opposite bizarre thing is that okay, yea under no circumstances mind. So, hes best acquired 9 listings on the first page. Now, lets appear at his Moz nearby. Now these are like 4 square, super Pages, info group, and none of these were on the primary page, Localeze, Factual, metropolis Search, Insider pages. Now if I open these up in a new tab, simply look at this real speedy. Im just going to open a few of these. Im going to do an index search. The way in which you do that’s that you just just do website online: in front of any URL, and so that it will tell you if the URL is listed in Google. Now you see proper here, I did site, then I did the URL.Your search blah, blah, blah did not in shape any files, so this web page shouldn’t be listed. Heres one other one, tremendous Pages, site. And these are predominant citations. 4 square and tremendous Pages are primary citations. This ones now not indexed. Here is Neurstar Localeze, website online, colon. No longer indexed. Lets see, Factual, web site, colon. No longer listed. So, these are the principal aggregators, and theyre no longer displaying up. Now, once I appear on the quantity one record in Dallas, and that is the Barber law firm. See right here had been back to web page one, Barber legislation company. And lets see, 3102 Maple Avenue, Dallas, Texas, blah blah blah. So, now once I look at that same record for the Barber legislation firm now hold in mind their stuff is just not absolutely listed however theyve got some stuff thats indexed, so lets seem at a few here. Lets look at these three. Tremendous Pages, do not forget super Pages was no longer listed for the opposite man. Lets see if its indexed for these guys. It is indexed.So, you see right here, theres the hyperlink correct there to the super Pages. Let’s imagine Neustar Localeze. K, this isn’t listed. Lets look at city Search, don’t forget metropolis Search used to be now not indexed. And Im now not pronouncing the whole thing goes to be indexed, but this is listed as good. Now, once I search the Barber regulation firm and that i put their tackle in here, 3102 Maple Avenue, Dallas Texas, 75201. Lets appear at what number of citations they have got which are truly indexed. Not what number of they’ve, however how many are clearly listed.So, weve obtained one, two, phone book, ARP, super Pages, tremendous attorneys, Univision, heres their website and then weve got a couple of which are on their internet site. So thats like seven on page one. Heres some extra of their internet site, more of their internet site, exceptional legislation, hg.Org, Yahoo. Now have been on page three. White pages, city Search, higher industry Bureau, top option Awards, top coverage businesses, I dont comprehend what that’s but i suppose its a citation.LinkedIn, Locality, Manta, myezbz, Get Fav. As you’ll discover, their a lot more generic, and so I imply they still have, lets see, heres their Yelp page. So, they just have so many more listings that are indexed. And clearly, what we have now located is that, and honestly, I didnt honestly make this discovery but we verified this due to the fact that somebody else made this discovery and we validated it by watching at our own knowledge. What ends up happening is whilst you create these citations, when advertising businesses create these citations, they as a rule outsource the work.I do know that we dont do our own citations, we outsource our citations. So, what occurs is, you provide the NAP, which is the name, deal with, mobilephone number to the manufacturer thats doing the citations. After which theyre going to want your internet site tackle. And then they in general desire a description of the business. Now, the description of the industry is the place I consider a lot of individuals run into their issues on the grounds that in case you have the identical description on every web page, Google doesnt index every single web page on account that they see it as replica content. So, what weve visible and what weve seen as we confirmed is that for those who use a different description for every citation and also you dont recycle content to your citations, then you definately get extra pages listed. And when you have extra pages listed, youre extra outstanding.And when youre extra prominent, youll rank larger. So thats some thing to look at. So essentially, if youre not ranking very well, are attempting doing that search. Enter your name and your tackle and your telephone number and see what comes up. After which also go to Moz local, I suppose its just moz.Com/regional and click on examine my checklist. Enter your enterprise expertise and then just begin pulling these listings and seeing if their listed.Due to the fact if youre having problem ranking, this might be a significant purpose why. So, i hope this tip helps. Its anything that as quickly as I found out it I used to be like, Wow, that is whatever that the majority persons dont think about. Purpose every body says construct citations, however no person says be certain that your citations are indexed. So, its simply whatever relatively to suppose about. We use a enterprise called net 20 Ranker to help us with our citations. Their citations get listed particularly good. So, if you want any support theyre a just right organization to head with. They dont do the entire stuff, in actual fact they can aid you with citations. Or if you need aid, let me comprehend and i can sort of point you within the correct path for the citations.So, hope this helps and i’ll speak to you guys soon. .
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toskilz · 5 years
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This is the best place to begin…
You want to organize a conference? Fantastic! To be honest, organizing a conference is a great way to give back to your industry, your community and yourself. It's a chance for you to bring people together. And if you don't know how to network, running your own event can be a great opportunity to swap letterpress business cards with others in your field and beyond.
But what does it take to organize a successful conference? How difficult is it? And, most importantly, where do you start?
Collaboration is essential to getting a good conference off the ground
Although it's possible, I would not recommend organizing a conference on your own. Remember, conferences are a way for people to network. If you're in a room all by yourself trying to decide how best to bring people together, you're already off to a bad start.
Collaboration is the key! Just having one other person around to help make the decisions, to help with the administrative tasks and to, quite honestly, be there for moral support, goes a long way.
Reach out to others in your community; ask friends; ask family; share the experience and make it memorable.
You wouldn't think this step is important, but it is. It's the 'glue' that holds your conference together. Don't stress too much about it, though; it doesn't need to be complicated. In fact, it's better if it's not.
When deciding on your theme, there are a few things to consider:
• Who is your target audience?
• What is your message?
• What do you want your attendees to get out of your conference?
Meaning, what's in it for them?
Once you know the answer to these questions, deciding on a theme becomes a lot easier.
• Who is your target audience?
• What is your message?
• What do you want your attendees to get out of it? What's in it for them?
Finally, we planned a few tech sessions to help them increase their skills without which, success is harder to achieve.
Once you know the answers to these questions, you'll be able to decide on your theme, and you'll be able to have a cohesive conference.
Getting the event location right is half the battle
Location. Location. Location. You've likely heard that term used before. That's because location is so important.
While there are countless reasons for finding the right location (and selecting the right date), there are three that stand out the most.
Your venue should be:
• Easy to access
• Easy to find?
• How hard will travel be?
• Affordable
• How much will it cost your out-of-town attendees for a hotel room?
• What about parking costs?
• Offer other attractions outside of your event
• What will your attendees do during breaks and/or after the day's events?
• What are the weather conditions during that time?
Even if your conference is a one-day event, location is important. Remember, it's not just about the speakers and networking; it's about the entire experience.
How was the food? What else did you do? Did you see any 'sights' while you visited the city? These are just a few things attendees will remember and talk about. If you want them to have a good time, make it more than just a conference.
Note: A word about dates. If possible, find out when other conferences in your industry are happening. It's best to avoid scheduling your conference too close to ones that may cover the same topics.
With your theme set and your venue booked, you're now ready to start recruiting speakers.
There are essentially two ways to recruit speakers:
• Invite people you want
• Have an open call (aka, a call for papers)
What about speakers compensation? That's a good question. At a minimum, expect to cover the cost of their accommodations and their conference ticket. If your budget allows, covering a speaker's travel costs is ideal.
Whatever you decide, clearly communicate your decision to your speakers. There's nothing worse than a misunderstanding because of failed communication.
If you decide you want sponsorship, that's fine. But remember, this isn't about getting money for your event it's not just about selling advertising space; it's about finding an individual or group with whom you can establish a deeper, lasting relationship between you, them and your attendees.
When selecting sponsors, keep your attendees in mind. Try to find a good match. For example, you wouldn't reach out to a dog food company to sponsor your developer conference. Well, not unless your theme had something to do with dogs, I suppose.
Also, it's important to provide your potential sponsors with the basics. Tell them about the event, who will be attending and what's included with their sponsorship.
Remember, it's all about communication.
Ticket sales are, by far, one of the most stressful parts of organizing a conference. You need to decide how much, how many, are refunds and/or transfers allowed, what payment methods will be accepted... and the list goes on.
Eventbrite is a trusted ticketing platform, but there are others too
We wanted something easy-to-use and easy-to-maintain. We looked at a few different options, including selling the tickets from our own site.
Eventbrite is a self-service ticketing platform. Among the many features Eventbrite has to offer, you're able to add multiple ticket types, set start and end dates for sales, offer discounts and keep track of attendees.
There are myriad ways to get the message out there Wow! You're almost there. You have your helpers, your theme, your venue, your speakers, your sponsors and a way to sell tickets. Now, you just need attendees!
Marketing your event is important. People aren't just going to show-up. If you're the new kid on the conference block, people might not even know your event is happening.
Here are a few tips to help spread the word:
• Start a newsletter, just don't be 'spammy' about it
• Share the event on social media
• Ask your sponsors to share the event on social media
• Have your speakers blog about it
• Post on other sites, like Lanyrd and LinkedIn
Another important tip about marketing is to let potential attendees know what to expect if they attend the 'why should you go' sort of message. With so many conferences from which to choose, why should they go to yours? Why should they spend the money? What makes your conference different?
In today's economy, people are more conscience about spending money. If you want them to come to your event, give them a reason and refer back to your theme.
Accommodating a wide variety of events such as conferences, seminars, workshops, trade shows, exhibitions, theater productions, stand-up comedy, screenings, meetings, auditions, rehearsals, training, parties, etc. either on large or small scales...we go the extra mile to make your experience very remarkable with our modern Tech facilities, do you even know that there’s a double-sided BIG billboard is opposite Nustreams Conference and Culture Centre? This gives you an advantage to boost your attendance for your planned event by making use of our event facilities at Nustreams.
Whatever your event needs are Nustreams Conference & Culture Centre provides all with just a visit to:
Km 110 Abeokuta Road,
Off Alalubosa GRA, Dugbe, Ibadan.
0 notes
airoasis · 5 years
Attorney Local SEO Tip: Here's Why Your Law Firm's Citations Aren't Working | Law Firm Marketing
New Post has been published on https://bitcoinbetanews.com/attorney-local-seo-tip-heres-why-your-law-firms-citations-arent-working-law-firm-marketing/
Attorney Local SEO Tip: Here's Why Your Law Firm's Citations Aren't Working | Law Firm Marketing
Howdy every body, Andy Stickle here. Just wanted to report a quick video on the grounds that Ive been getting plenty of individuals just lately contacting me, and asking me, How do I get into the google maps? And what we are looking at proper right here, this is the google maps for the time period ‘DallasPersonal injuries legal professional.’ So, this maps section could be very fundamental considering the fact that plenty of occasions, individuals deal with this identical to the yellow pages. So, theyll search Google private damage lawyer, Google automobile accident lawyer Theyll search Dallas automobile accident lawyer, or Phoenix vehicle accident legal professional, DUI legal professional or something it is their searching for. And quite a lot of occasions, a tight percentage of mobile calls are going to move to those three listings proper here. And ordinarily what it comes right down to is, the quantity of reports truly, it probably comes down to the score followed with the aid of the quantity of stories. So, in this example, on the grounds that all of those organizations have 4.5, four.9, four.6, thats pretty similar. Its customarily going to come back right down to the quantity of experiences, a hundred and one studies would win. I dont know. Routinely when you get too many reviews, I found that, you realize, you almost seem like a mill and a few folks would not like that.But, you know, thats predominant. But, anyway, how do you get in these maps? Thats some thing thats very foremost. So, I need to exhibit you this correct right here. And this is straight from Google. You will find its aid.Google.Com. Fortify your regional rating on google. Now, theres a very fundamental part to this, the bottom of this.How google determines nearby rating. So, theres a couple of things. So to begin with is relevance. Relevance in actual fact means, how critical are you to the topic. And definitely, they are saying it right here. Relevance refers to how good a neighborhood listing fits what anyone is browsing for. So, for illustration, if anyone searches for vehicle accident legal professional and you’re a DUI lawyer that doesnt make any experience. However, if any individual searches vehicle accident attorney and youre a car accident legal professional, then thats crucial. So, theres a tonne of methods to grow to be more significant, and thats for an extra video. However, you can typically look again on some of my other videos and spot precisely easy methods to emerge as vital for topics.And more often than not its basically just making definite that you totally quilt a area, and you incorporate all of the exact key phrases on there and latent semantic indexing phrases, and all that stuff. Theres a website called texttools.Net that i take advantage of always. Its texttools.Net. I have some tutorial movies on this that show precisely how to use this application and it makes a huge difference when you are able to do this. And heres a speedy video that suggests methods to use it. The 2nd thing is distance. Now, I also created a video speakme about why Google is treating legal professionals like pizzas. And that straight addresses this distance challenge. So, clearly whats happening is that, if youre The instance Im utilizing is Dallas.Dallas is a horny huge area. So, if youre on the North aspect of Dallas and also you search for Dallas individual damage lawyer, youre going to get an additional set of results than if youre on the south side of Dallas. And the cause for that, is due to the fact Google is utilizing searcher proximity, or whose closest to the outcome. Or essentially what its doing is its returning results which might be in the direction of the searcher. Which is silly when you consider that i have a lot of customers and now not a single one has ever told me that, Oh yea, a client employed me in view that I was once closest to them. Its simply dumb.If you wish to have a pizza, you wish to have the closest pizza location. If you need a attorney, you want the great legal professional. Now, the third and ultimate factor is prominence. And this some thing that refers to trade citations, local citations, exceptional matters like that. But we discovered anything very interesting recently about these citations. And weve seen experiences on this and then we absolutely proven this out on our possess and we discovered this to be proper. Basically, prominence manner different websites that record your internet site, which have all of your understanding. So, for instance Im going to exhibit you two distinctive law businesses and Im going to let you sort of see what the difference is. So, these are each for the searches Dallas individual damage legal professional. Now, this can be a guy and i dont comprehend who both of those businesses are.I mean i know who they are, but I dont be aware of them, I dont have any affiliation with them whatsoever. So, heres a man, his title is Jerry D. Andrews, computer. Now what Im watching for is his stage of prominence. Now, prominence, like I said, is citations. Citations are essentially business listings. So, for instance, four square, tremendous Pages, data group, telephone book, White Pages, facebook, metropolis Search, Insider Pages, all these Yelp. These are all regarded citations. And the extra of them that you’ve, the extra critical Google thinks you’re. But, theres one factor that’s extra primary than the number that you have, and that’s the number that google has indexed for you. And in actual fact, what listed way is after they simply retailer it in their algorithm. So, for example let me exhibit you this. This is the Moz neighborhood search, and that you can go to Moz neighborhood and search your listings. Which you can additionally go to Google and search your entire know-how. So sincerely, what I did is I took Jerry D. Andrews, pc 3030 Lyndon B Johnson expressway. In actual fact, his address and his identify and i put him in Google.And that i need to see, what number of citations or industry listings actually exhibit up in Google once I seek for him. So, this is what Im shopping for, and hold in mind this guy, he is number two on web page two for the keyword Dallas private harm legal professional. So, hes not getting cellphone requires this keyword. Its simply now not going down. So, what I did is that I searched his expertise. Now lets see, we received birdeye.Com, we received birdeye.Com, Manta is a citation, tremendous lawyers is a quotation, regional.Yahoo, b2byellow pages, lawyers can help, I dont recognize if thats a citation, i suppose that style of is, Ezlocal, service provider Circle. So thats the entire first web page. After which let’s have a look at, we bought global wellness properties, phone book, and truly, Im sorry, these aren’t even the identical guy.Since that is the Lee law corporation, Paul Clevenger, Dallas Attorneys close me, John Lilley. So, truly, hes bought about 9 listings on the primary web page. So, lets see. One, two, three, 4, 5, six, seven, eight, nine. Cerebral Palsy legal professional, I dont be aware of what that’s. The opposite bizarre thing is that okay, yea under no circumstances mind. So, hes best acquired 9 listings on the first page. Now, lets appear at his Moz nearby. Now these are like 4 square, super Pages, info group, and none of these were on the primary page, Localeze, Factual, metropolis Search, Insider pages. Now if I open these up in a new tab, simply look at this real speedy. Im just going to open a few of these. Im going to do an index search. The way in which you do that’s that you just just do website online: in front of any URL, and so that it will tell you if the URL is listed in Google. Now you see proper here, I did site, then I did the URL.Your search blah, blah, blah did not in shape any files, so this web page shouldn’t be listed. Heres one other one, tremendous Pages, site. And these are predominant citations. 4 square and tremendous Pages are primary citations. This ones now not indexed. Here is Neurstar Localeze, website online, colon. No longer indexed. Lets see, Factual, web site, colon. No longer listed. So, these are the principal aggregators, and theyre no longer displaying up. Now, once I appear on the quantity one record in Dallas, and that is the Barber law firm. See right here had been back to web page one, Barber legislation company. And lets see, 3102 Maple Avenue, Dallas, Texas, blah blah blah. So, now once I look at that same record for the Barber legislation firm now hold in mind their stuff is just not absolutely listed however theyve got some stuff thats indexed, so lets seem at a few here. Lets look at these three. Tremendous Pages, do not forget super Pages was no longer listed for the opposite man. Lets see if its indexed for these guys. It is indexed.So, you see right here, theres the hyperlink correct there to the super Pages. Let’s imagine Neustar Localeze. K, this isn’t listed. Lets look at city Search, don’t forget metropolis Search used to be now not indexed. And Im now not pronouncing the whole thing goes to be indexed, but this is listed as good. Now, once I search the Barber regulation firm and that i put their tackle in here, 3102 Maple Avenue, Dallas Texas, 75201. Lets appear at what number of citations they have got which are truly indexed. Not what number of they’ve, however how many are clearly listed.So, weve obtained one, two, phone book, ARP, super Pages, tremendous attorneys, Univision, heres their website and then weve got a couple of which are on their internet site. So thats like seven on page one. Heres some extra of their internet site, more of their internet site, exceptional legislation, hg.Org, Yahoo. Now have been on page three. White pages, city Search, higher industry Bureau, top option Awards, top coverage businesses, I dont comprehend what that’s but i suppose its a citation.LinkedIn, Locality, Manta, myezbz, Get Fav. As you’ll discover, their a lot more generic, and so I imply they still have, lets see, heres their Yelp page. So, they just have so many more listings that are indexed. And clearly, what we have now located is that, and honestly, I didnt honestly make this discovery but we verified this due to the fact that somebody else made this discovery and we validated it by watching at our own knowledge. What ends up happening is whilst you create these citations, when advertising businesses create these citations, they as a rule outsource the work.I do know that we dont do our own citations, we outsource our citations. So, what occurs is, you provide the NAP, which is the name, deal with, mobilephone number to the manufacturer thats doing the citations. After which theyre going to want your internet site tackle. And then they in general desire a description of the business. Now, the description of the industry is the place I consider a lot of individuals run into their issues on the grounds that in case you have the identical description on every web page, Google doesnt index every single web page on account that they see it as replica content. So, what weve visible and what weve seen as we confirmed is that for those who use a different description for every citation and also you dont recycle content to your citations, then you definately get extra pages listed. And when you have extra pages listed, youre extra outstanding.And when youre extra prominent, youll rank larger. So thats some thing to look at. So essentially, if youre not ranking very well, are attempting doing that search. Enter your name and your tackle and your telephone number and see what comes up. After which also go to Moz local, I suppose its just moz.Com/regional and click on examine my checklist. Enter your enterprise expertise and then just begin pulling these listings and seeing if their listed.Due to the fact if youre having problem ranking, this might be a significant purpose why. So, i hope this tip helps. Its anything that as quickly as I found out it I used to be like, Wow, that is whatever that the majority persons dont think about. Purpose every body says construct citations, however no person says be certain that your citations are indexed. So, its simply whatever relatively to suppose about. We use a enterprise called net 20 Ranker to help us with our citations. Their citations get listed particularly good. So, if you want any support theyre a just right organization to head with. They dont do the entire stuff, in actual fact they can aid you with citations. Or if you need aid, let me comprehend and i can sort of point you within the correct path for the citations.So, hope this helps and i’ll speak to you guys soon. .
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