#for how ugly this is it took an embarrassing amount of time
caernua · 5 months
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He's killed Farrier. One of my best agents. And knows where the others are. You know what must be done. Make it clean. Painless, if you can. We were friends, once.
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dreaming-medium · 8 months
Stray Kids Kinktober Day 7
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Stray Kids Kinktober Masterlist
Virginity - Jeongin
Word Count: 9.5k
Summary: Long distance friendships work most of the time. But what about when that friendship was supposed to be more? What about when the distance spans over several time zones instead of cities.
He’ll always be the one that got away, that’s what you tell yourself. 
But it’s not like he’s gone completely, no, Yang Jeongin is still in your life every single day. He’s just not physically present now. 
The two of you went from spending every single waking moment together to then only seeing him when he’s able to come home during breaks in his idol schedule. 
Which is basically never. 
When he left Busan, he took your entire heart with you.
The night before he left for Seoul, you told yourself over and over again that you were going to confess to him. That you weren’t going to let him leave for stardom without knowing how you felt. 
And if he didn’t feel the same, then the distance would help. 
And if he did… then who knows what would happen. 
But, when the moment came. And Jeongin was hugging you goodbye in his childhood bedroom, you froze. 
“Jeongin, I need to tell you something,” you murmur into his chest during a tight hug. 
His hand runs down the back of your hair, his nose digging into the top of your head to smell your coconut shampoo. 
“What is it?”
Your heart was beating so fast, you thought it might explode. With the way your ear was pressed against his chest, you’re able to hear his heart thudding against his ribs as well. 
He’s probably just nervous about leaving, that’s all. 
Every thought flies from your head. Not a single word of your practiced speeches in the mirror come to mind. 
He’s leaving. He’s leaving. He’s leaving. 
“Y/N?” Jeongin tries to catch your attention by squeezing you tighter. 
“Just…” you trail off, blinking the tears away from your eyes. Your throat constricts and gets tighter and tighter. “Just don’t forget about me when you’re famous, okay?”
Jeongin rocks you both from side to side, a thoughtful hum coming from his throat. 
“I don’t think I could forget about you even if I tried, Y/N,” he whispers into your hair. “I’ll text you every chance I get, FaceTime and calls too. You know I will.”
The desperation in his voice causes the tears to finally fall down your cheeks. The other half of your soul was leaving. 
Who was going to walk to school with you? Split another menu item with you so that you both could have two different things? Watch scary movies with you and launch popcorn everywhere?
“I know, Jeongin.” A hiccup shakes your chest. “You’re going to be famous before you know it. And you’ll have other famous people lining up to be your best friend.”
“Yeah, well, that spot is already taken.”
Jeongin pulls away from you slowly to look down at your tear-ridden face. 
“No amount of distance will change that, okay? I’m serious.”
You bite your lip and look down at the floor with a pathetic nod. 
Two fingers hook under your chin to bring your eyes back up to his. They’re glossy and brimming with his own unshed tears. 
“Cross my heart,” he hushes and draws an ‘X’ over his chest with his free hand. 
“Cross my heart,” you sob and mirror the action. 
“Now, stop crying. You know you’re an ugly crier.”
“When are you leaving, again?”
It’s embarrassing to say, but you did have little faith in Jeongin to keep the promise. 
But you’ll be damned. Because he did so to the best of his abilities. 
No, you two were not attached at the hip anymore, sipping soda through the same straw. But you remained as close as ever. 
Conversation never dulled over texts. 
Sure, there would be periods of time where you would only hear from him once or twice a day. But that’s normal, especially with longer distance friends. 
Also, with a schedule like his, it’s a miracle that you get to hear from him at all. 
The first year was the hardest. When your birthday passed and he wasn’t physically in the room with you at midnight for the first time, it felt like a dagger to the heart. 
Yes, he was on FaceTime with you, but it wasn’t the same; and you both knew it. 
Life continued. It didn’t stop in his bedroom like you thought it would. 
The ache faded. You adapted. He adapted. But your friendship remained constant. 
“America?” Jeongin asks bewildered on the phone. 
“It’s a full ride, Jeongin! I’d be stupid not to accept it.” 
You’re laying on your bed, painting your nails with the phone in between your shoulder and your ear. 
“I mean, yeah, but like… didn’t you also apply to the University of Seoul?”
“I did, but they’re not offering me a full ride. You know my family’s financial situation, I have to go where the money is.”
“But… but what about plane tickets and such? Wouldn’t the cost just balance out?” he stutters. His tone sounds strained and choked. 
You almost wish you were on FaceTime right now so you could see his expression. He was never good at hiding secrets from you, you can read him like a book. 
“Not really… I’d probably just… live there for four years and come back when I’m done,” you mumble and then blow on your wet nails. “Jeongin, I really wasn’t expecting this type of reaction…”
The sadness of your voice can’t be helped. 
Jeongin had no idea you applied for the photography program at the California Institute of Arts. It was on a whim that you sent your application in. 
He makes a choked noise on the other end of the phone. “I-I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m happy for you, I really am! I’m over the moon excited! California! That’s-“ he clears his throat. “That’s incredible.”
He’s crying. Yang Jeongin is crying right now. 
You sit in silence for a moment and stare blankly at the wall in front of you. With each word that comes through the phone you can feel your heart breaking. 
“I can’t believe it!” He continues with his fake happiness. “California! Woo… just- just like in those movies we used to watch to-together!”
Clenching your jaw to stop your own tears, you pull the phone away from your face and tap the FaceTime button. 
The line rings a few times before you hear Jeongin gasp and stutter even more. 
“I have to go, Y/N. Chan is calling me to do something!”
“I didn’t hear—“
“Bye, Y/N!”
The line beeps three times to signal he hung up. Your phone displays the failed FaceTime call. 
Numbness floats through your chest for a moment before something harshly tugs on your soul. 
He was expecting you to come to Seoul. To come closer to him, wasn’t he? 
You drop your phone onto your bed and continue to sit there, staring into space. 
Yes, you wanted to go to Seoul with him, you desperately wanted to do that. 
But, you need to think in the long run here! Four years longer away from him in exchange for a lifetime free of debt. 
It’s only four years, max.
Tears prickle your eyes and you grit your teeth to try and stop them. 
Shit, Jeongin. Come on. 
You went to America. You made the hard choice, but the right one. And you know it, too. 
Jeongin knew it too. Hidden underneath all of the grief of you moving even further from him, he was endlessly proud and happy for you. 
But now, instead of a two hour train ride, you were an eleven hour plane ride away. Your day was sixteen hours behind his. 
Now, if he texted you and asked what you had for dinner, you would tell him about last nights’ meal or what you were thinking for later. 
There were only about two hours a day where you were able to talk at the same time and it was killing him slowly. 
When your classes for the day were ending, he was waking up for the next day. When you were getting ready for bed, he was finishing lunch. 
If he wanted to FaceTime you at the end of his day, it was the middle of your work day. 
You were losing each other. 
He was able to do two different cities in the same country, but two continents was its own animal. 
Jeongin would lay awake in bed at night, knowing you’re up and moving around. It would haunt him while he tossed and turned. 
Because in his mind, you’re also the one that got away. You were the only reason he almost didn’t audition to become a trainee. 
But, your entire life, you talked about attending the University of Seoul for college. So, he bargained with himself and became a trainee because eventually the two of you would be together. Right?
Now, you’re in America. You’ve been in America for two entire years. 
Making new friends, meeting new people, experiencing everything without him. 
The knife twisted in his gut when he started noticing the same name floating around your conversations when you spoke about friends. 
It was always ‘Ryan said this’, ‘Ryan did that’, ‘Ryan showed me this’. Jeongin wanted to scream and pull his hair out. 
It was only a matter of time until he got the phone call he was dreading. 
Jeongin had just sat down in the living room of the shared dorm when his phone rang. His seven other members were flitting in and out of the room. 
They all knew you very well. Jeongin talks about you so much they would swear you were everyone’s childhood best friend. 
The few times you were able to visit him in person before leaving for America, everyone always got along famously.
He answered your FaceTime call immediately. 
“Hey!” you say as soon as you see his face. “Are you busy right now?”
“No, not at all. We don’t have anything until later today. What time is it?” Jeongin looks at the clock. “It’s almost 9 PM by you, what are you getting ready for?”
You placed your phone down on your desk. “Well, ah— that’s actually why I’m calling you, I need your advice.”
Felix and Seungmin both walked into the living room, talking quietly and sat down on the couch opposite him. 
“What’s up? Are you okay?” Jeongin asks. 
Both the other boys perk at his tone and look over. 
“I’m um… going on a date tonight. Ryan had asked me out with him tonight. So I wanted your advice on what to wear, since you’re a fashion God.”
The floor beneath him crumbled. His heart fell through the sofa and into the Earth. Even his fingertips go numb. 
A date? You were going on a date? With Ryan? You were going on a date with Ryan. 
You were going on a date. With Ryan. 
“Jeongin?” You ask again when he doesn’t answer for a few moments. His eyes are completely unfocused and spaced out. 
He snaps out of it and clears his throat. “What um— What did you have in mind? It’s getting chilly out, right? Maybe wear a sweater? What about that cable knit one I got you?”
“Jeongin it’s LA! It’s always 70 degrees here.”
“But the restaurant might be cold.”
“I’ll bring a jacket then.” You laugh at him, unaware at the absolute anguish he was feeling. “I was thinking something like… you know that black skirt? That with this new tube top I got aaaand my knee high boots.”
“No.” He answers quickly, your face falls. “Why don’t you do the top with jeans?”
“It’s a nice place.”
“M-Maybe a dress then.”
Seungmin And Felix were watching everything unfold in front of their eyes. It was like a car crash, they couldn’t look away. 
Jeongin kept going, “I really liked that long sleeved red one you wore for Christmas last year.”
“And if that doesn’t work I just think the sweater is the best option here.”
You stay silent, letting Jeongin finish his ramblings. 
There’s a solid fifteen seconds of silence between the two of you before you spoke up on the other line. “Are any of the other boys in the room with you?”
Jeongin immediately looks over at Felix and Seungmin. “Yeah, Min and Lix are here.”
You nod a few times, refusing to look at the camera. 
“I gotta go, Jeongin. I’ll text you later, okay?”
“Bye. I’ll text you when I get home safe.”
“Y/N, wait!”
Three beeps signal the end of the phone call. 
He sits there for a long moment, just holding his phone in his hand before he drops it onto the coffee table. 
His heart is shattering into a million pieces. 
Jeongin buries his face in his hands, elbows resting on his knees. 
Both of the other boys sit there, unsure of what to do next. They glance at each other and then back to Jeongin, who hasn’t moved. 
“Jeongin…” Felix calls out gently. 
The boy lifts his face up from his hands and looks over at his friends. “What am I supposed to do? A date. She’s going on a date. And I’m on the other side of the world.”
His throat bobs with a gulp and he pulls at his pants anxiously. 
“Jeongin.” Seungmin tries to grab his attention. “I think she was just looking for support.”
He’s right. He’s completely right, but Jeongin is so blinded with jealousy he can’t think straight. 
“I’ve loved her since we were thirteen and she’s going on a date with someone else.”
“You don’t even know if it will last.” Seungmin tries to comfort him. 
“They’re already super close, she talks about him all the time, it’s always ‘Ryan, Ryan, Ryan’. He’s her new best friend, not me. She was supposed to come here, to Seoul, not go to America. And we were going to.. we were going to–” He chokes up and can’t get it out. 
Jeongin abruptly stands up from the couch and snatches his phone off the table. 
“I’m going for a walk.”
And with that, he was gone. 
He won’t answer any of your texts or calls. 
It’s been two weeks since your date with Ryan and you still haven’t heard from Jeongin. 
It feels like a giant punch in the gut. 
All you want to do is talk to him but he’s nowhere to be seen. He hasn’t even sent you a text to say he’s busy or when he can finally talk again. 
Just radio silence. 
You thought about texting one of the other members to try and get through to him, but it feels so high school that you decide not to. 
All you want to do is talk to your best friend. 
But he doesn’t want to talk to you, it seems. 
It has to be because of the date. There’s no other explanation behind it. Everything was fine until you told him you were going on a date. 
You’ve been here for two years now! Did he expect you to stay single forever?
Just because he has a dating ban, doesn’t mean you do too. 
The more you think about it, the angrier you get. The smoldering ashes of your rage don’t dim. Not one bit, they just simmer and flicker on. 
It all bubbles and reaches a boiling point one Friday where you’ve had entirely too much to drink. 
Your friends dragged you out to a frat party where you drank yourself stupid. Nothing eventful happened at the party, but when you stumbled into your apartment and you were left alone with your phone, it all hit a head. 
[March 3 11:48 PM] 
Y/N: I’m home safe.
[March 4 4:22 PM]
Y/N: How’d your day go?
[March 5 7:31 AM]
Y/N: Jeongin please talk to me. I have so much to tell you
[2:01 PM]
Y/N: I saw a cute lil baby Fox on my way to class this morning, made me think of you :) 
[March 13 6:12 PM]
Y/N: You’re just going to keep ignoring me, huh?
[March 19 3:58 AM]
Y/N: YanG Jeongin. 
Y/N: you can’t fucking�� ignore me forever 
Y/N: or maybe you can. 
Y/N: is that what you want???? Me to be gone????? All these fucking years of friendship down the drain????
Y/N: well fuck you too, I guess 
[4:02 AM]
Y/N: I got hired for your stupid fucjing group’s world tour. For when you come to America
Y/N: I fucking begged my professor to give me the gig for a project. It’s an internship. Was gunna see you next week and everythinfg 
Y/N: surprise, asshoke
Y/N: and now you won’t fucking talk to me. Do you realize how petty you’re being? How childish? Over what? A guy?????? I cant fucking back out now, my professor would kill me. 
[4:09 AM] 
Y/N: the whole tour I was gunna spend with you
Y/N: fuck you, Yang Jeongin. 
Y/N: and your stupid fucking childishness. 
Y/N: why cant you just be fucking happy for me for once. 
Y/N: it took me so long to get over you. Why do you keep doing this to me? 
[4:14 AM]
Y/N: Was I supposed to wait forever?
Jeongin stepped out of the shower and looked at his phone. 
Fifteen unread messages from you. It’s 4 AM in America, why are you awake right now?
He was so embarrassed over the way he acted two weeks ago that he couldn’t bring himself to talk to you. 
But my god, he only made it worse. 
Jeongin goes through every single emotion while reading your texts. You were going to be one of their photographers for the Manic tour? 
You were going to travel with them?
His thumbs quickly tap his phone and as he’s about to click the phone call button, he freezes in his tracks. 
‘It took me so long to get over you. Why do you keep doing this to me?’
‘Was I supposed to wait forever?’
His entire face drops, the excited palpitations of his heart turn sour and what feels like a knife is stabbed through his chest. 
Fuck fuck fuck. 
He stares down at his phone for what feels like an hour before he hurries out of the bathroom and right into Chan’s room. 
Chan looks over at his member with a startled expression. 
“Jeongin? Everything alright?”
“No, no everything is not alright.” He thrusts his phone into Chan’s hand. “What do I do? What should I say?”
Chan looks down at the phone with wide eyes, he quickly scans over the text. His face seems to go through all the stages of grief that Jeongin’s did, just a bit more watered down. 
“You have to call and apologize, Jeongin. She’s definitely a bit drunk right now, but you need to call her.”
Jeongin gulps and his hands clench and unclench several times before he takes his phone back from Chan. 
“Can I sit in here while I do it?”
“Yeah, of course.”
He sits down on the edge of Chan’s bed, staring down at his phone like a deer in headlights. 
Chan just stares at him, not knowing what to do. 
“What do I even say, Chan?”
“How about you start with ‘I’m sorry I was a dick and ignored you’?”
Jeongin groaned and curled in a bit, his jaw clenching with anxiety. 
His thumbs move around the screen, but they don’t tap the call icon. 
Chan watches. “It’s in the top right.”
“I know!”
“Well you weren’t doing anything.”
Before he could second guess himself, he tapped the call icon and held the phone up to his ear. 
It rings … and rings… And rings…
It doesn’t even go to voicemail. Jeongin’s heart drops through Chan’s bed. 
He brings his phone away from his ear and checks that it’s your number he dialed. 
It is. 
He hangs up and immediately tries again. 
It rings … and rings… And rings…
Chan’s eyes follow him closely. His face falls when he figures out what’s going on. 
“Jeongin…” he whispers and wheels his chair closer to him on the edge of the bed. 
Jeongin doesn’t listen. He hangs up and tries again with shaking fingers. 
“I’m sure it’s just a bad connection, right?”
It rings … and rings... And rings…
He hangs up again with a cry. 
When he looks down at your conversation he sees another notification. 
[8:15 PM]
[Y/N has stopped sharing their location with you.] 
You blocked him. You really blocked him. 
“She’s drunk, Jeongin. Give it until the morning, yeah?”
Jeongin stares at his phone for a long moment. “Yeah.”
The next morning was filled with embarrassment and shame on your side. 
When you rolled over with a groggy mind and upset stomach, the first thing you did was check your phone. 
You were still in your dress from last night, your makeup was now smeared all over your face and onto your pillowcase.
A few texts from friends, a couple from Ryan, Instagram notifications, Snapchat, nothing from Jeongin. 
Your face pulled into an ugly sneer for a moment before it quickly morphed into horror when you tapped on your conversation. 
“Oh my god.”
You sat up quickly in bed, and almost immediately regretted it with how your stomach lurched and head spun. 
Rereading all the texts, you wanted to slam your hungover ridden head over and over again into the wall. 
You stopped sharing your location with him? Why would you…?
Oh, shit. You blocked him, didn't you?
Your hand runs through your matted hair nervously and you stare down at your phone. 
“You dramatic bitch!” You curse yourself and gnaw at your lip. 
What do you do? What do you do?
Obviously, you tap around to his contact and unblock his number. 
The texts immediately flood in. 
[March 19 4:25 AM]
Jeongin: Y/N, im so sorry
Jeongin: please answer 
Jeongin: Y/N please unblock me
[4:31 AM]
Jeongin: I don’t know what to say other than I’m sorry. I didn’t know how to go about apologizing 
Jeongin: you’re halfway across the world right now, Y/N, please. 
Jeongin: why can’t you just be a two hour train ride to Busan anymore. 
[4:38 AM]
Jeongin: I miss my best friend, please
Jeongin: I’m so endlessly proud of you. I brag about you every single day.
Jeongin: that picture you took of the Seoul skyline is still my background. The one with our hands. 
Jeongin: I like that it makes me think of you each time i open my phone
[4:44 AM]
Jeongin: i knew you couldn’t wait forever, that’s why it hurts so bad, Y/N
Jeongin: why did I choose this path? It hurts so bad, Y/N
Jeongin: i care about you so deeply
Jeongin: you’re the only one for me
Jeongin: when you left for LA, you took every part of me with you. 
[4:57 AM]
Jeongin: im so proud of you, Y/N. I guess I’ll just see you starting next week for the tour. 
Jeongin: i’ll wait for you
Jeongin: cross my heart
“Fuck,” you whisper, your voice cracking. Tears welling up in your eyes. 
Is he serious? 
What are you supposed to do right now?
A text from Ryan comes in as you’re staring at your phone. 
[12:41 PM]
Ryan: did you still want to come over tonight?
A week passed. 
Another entire week without talking to Jeongin. 
It was like color was slowly draining from your world. 
You know you should reach out to him, but shame and embarrassment kept blocking your path to your best friend again. 
But now, you had no choice. 
You stood in front of a large office building, your bag slung over your shoulder, heart in your throat. 
Once you stepped inside this building, it would be the first time in over two years that you and Jeongin were inside the same walls. 
If you had pictured this moment just a month ago, you would’ve been kicking open these doors and sprinting through the halls until you finally laid eyes on him again. 
But now, you find that it feels like your feet have melted into the concrete sidewalk. 
Looking down at your watch, you see that you still have another thirty minutes before you have to be in the meeting. And your mouth is painfully dry. 
A bell dings to your right and you see a coffee shop. 
You quickly turn and walk into the shop, the same bell dinging to announce your arrival. 
The barista welcomes you in, takes your order, and tells you your total. 
As you’re fumbling for your wallet, an arm reaches out from behind you and swipes their card to pay for your coffee. 
“Oh, thank you! You didn’t have to—“ you turn and your breath catches. 
None other than Bang Chan stood behind you with that charmingly bright smile. 
“Hi Y/N,” he beams. 
“Chan!” you squeal and wrap your arms around him. You completely forgot everything for a moment, especially when he envelopes you in his strong arms. “What a nice surprise!”
“Hi, Y/N,” he says into your hair.
A throat clears behind you so you jump apart to apologize to the barista. She just laughs and takes Chan’s order. 
The two of you stand off to the side to wait for your drinks. 
“How was the flight in?” you ask, bouncing on the balls of your feet. 
“I’ll be honest, I slept through the whole thing, so I’m not sure.”
“It’s probably the only sleep you’ve gotten this week, hm?” 
Chan laughs and rolls his eyes, but he doesn’t deny it. 
The barista calls out a name.
Chan shifts from foot to foot. “I know what happened.”
You tense up and look down at your feet. 
“How much does he hate me?” 
If you’re being honest, you really don’t want to hear the answer. 
Chan scoffs, “Hate you? He doesn’t hate you. He’s just hurt, Y/N. The same way you are. You both hurt one another.”
Looking off to the side, you cross your arms. “Yeah, well. He started it.”
“Don’t be childish.” He nudges you playfully with his elbow. “Distance is hard for close relationships. It was a miracle that you two went this long without a fight.”
You nod your head and bite your lip. 
“I miss him so much.” 
“He’s just across the street, you know.” 
You laugh which causes Chan to laugh.
The barista calls out your name and then says Chan’s right after. 
“Come on, Y/N,” he loops his arm through yours and you both walk out of the coffee shop and into the office building. 
You sip your coffee nervously, the taste is barely hitting your tastebuds with how preoccupied your mind is. 
The elevator ride up to the appropriate floor is simultaneously the longest and shortest ride of your life. 
What’s the worst that can happen, Y/N? He punches you in the face? Pushes you down the stairs? Maybe grab your coffee out of your hand and dump it over your head?
As if he ever would. 
The doors open and you both step out of the elevator. 
Loud voices carry down the hall and you giggle. 
“It’s been so long since I’ve heard you guys in person and not over a phone.”
“It’s louder in person.” Chan sighs and leads you down the hall. 
Each step is a death march of sorts. 
The conference room door swings open before Chan could grab the handle. 
Your heart rate spiked and then flatlined. 
Jeongin stood there with wide eyes and parted lips. He stared at you with every single emotion known to man. 
“Hi Jeongin,” you whisper, holding your coffee tighter. 
He says nothing. 
Jeongin steps out of the doorway and wraps you up tightly in his arms. One hand on the back of your head, the other on your waist. 
A surprised noise leaves your lips and your eyes widen. 
The coffee cup is taken from your hand by Chan who slinks into the conference room, the door closing softly behind him. 
Without a second thought, you return the hug. 
When your arms wrap around him too, a sigh of relief leaves Jeongin’s mouth and his shoulders slump inwards even more. 
He didn’t expect you to hold him. He didn’t expect you to even want to see him. 
Your arms tighten around his body and it feels like ice thawing from his heart. 
Jeongin’s throat tightens and he buries his face into your hair, inhaling deeply. 
He hasn’t held you in so long. He’s missed your touch so badly. 
Jeongin, who hates skinship, couldn’t wait to have you touch him. 
Your hand begins to rub circles on his back and he melts into you like a puddle. 
“I’m so sorry, Jeongin,” you whisper. 
The dams of his heart begin to crack and break. Every pent up emotion he’s felt for the previous three weeks bubbles to the surface. He stifles a sob and holds you tighter. 
“No, please, I’m sorry, Y/N.” His chest sputters with a cry. 
You pull back from him and look up at him with red, glassy eyes. “We’re both idiots, aren’t we?” you push out a laugh in between tiny cries.
You’re trying with all your might not to let the tears fall down your cheeks.
Jeongin isn’t doing much better. His eyes are red and you can see the tears brimming in them.
Three weeks, you haven’t talked. It was the longest span of time the two of you went without speaking ever. 
You reach up and cup both of his cheeks. Jeongin’s eyes close and he leans into your touch.
“I missed you so much, Jeongin.”
He winces at your words and his lips pull into an even deeper frown,
Jeongin brings his hand up to cup yours against his face. “I’m so sorry, Y/N.” he repeats.
You step closer to him and press your lips to his cheek. Jeongin gasps under his breath and stiffens underneath you. The skin underneath your lips heats up.
“I forgive you, Jeongin.” You smile and back away from him. He watches you closely with wide eyes. “It’ll take more than that to get rid of me, you know?”
He smiles sheepishly and nods. “I forgive you too, you know.”
The elevator pings behind you and your new boss walks out with another important looking man. 
He smiles kindly at you. “Let us get this meeting started, no?”
The first concert went off without a hitch. 
Because of your position, you’re traveling with the entire crew and the members. Sleeping in the same hotels, going to the same restaurants, using the same transportation.
Sometimes you feel like a ninth member.
The boys all stood on stage with their hands interlocked to take their first final bow of the tour. You smile behind the camera and make sure to get all of them in the shot.
Jeongin spots you from the stage and smiles directly at you in the media pit. Your smile pulls even brighter and you focus the camera on him for some solo shots.
He winks once before turning to wave goodbye to some Stays in the floor seats.
Your heart flutters, it’s the happiest you’ve been in weeks. Hell, maybe even months.
All of the members exit the stage soon after and you walk with your security escort backstage.
You’re able to hear them before you see them. They’re as loud as ever, yapping about how well everything went, how happy they were to see so many Stays, how they can’t wait for the next show.
When you turn the corner to the dressing room with a bright smile on your face, they all turn and look at you.
“Congrats, guys!” you cheer and clap for them.
They all beam and say thank you. 
Jeongin crosses the room to stand by you. He still has his beanie on.
“What did you think?” he asks happily.
“I loved it! I think I took close to two thousand pictures. Maybe more. I’ll have to go through them on my laptop later.”
“That can wait!” Minho calls from the back of the dressing room. “We’re celebrating tonight!”
“Celebrating how, Mr. Lee?” you tease and hear his signature giggle.
“With booze and games back at the hotel.” Jisung answers for him. 
“Oooh,” your mood brightens. “I’m always up for that. You’re right, pictures can wait.”
“Great, then it’s settled.” Jisung claps his hands together once. “One hour, we all meet in my room.”
They were not joking around with the amount of booze on his hotel counter. You would swear you were at another frat party.
In your cup, you were nursing your third rum and coke of the night. You made the mistake of asking Changbin to make this one. After the first sip you knew this one was going to have to be taken slow. 
Everyone was sitting in various seats in the room, some on the bed, some on chairs or the floor. The TV was playing a movie that no one was paying attention to.
“Okay, Felix, truth or dare.” Hyunjin asks.
“Truth– no, dare– no, truth.”
“Final answer?”
“Who was the last person you stalked on social media?” Hyunjin asks, taking a sip of his drink.
“Ah,” Felix thinks for a moment with pink cheeks. “Oh! An old friend from Australia.”
“Just a friend?” Minho jokes.
“Yes, yes, just a friend.” Felix laughs, waving him off. “Y/N, truth or dare?”
You perk up from your seat on the couch. Jeongin sat on your left, his entire side flush with yours.
“Um, truth, I don’t feel like getting up.”
“What’s your body count since you went to America?”
Your eyebrows raise and you cock your head to the side.
Jeongin stiffens up noticeably next to you, he practically jokes on the drink that he was taking a sip of. “Felix, you can’t just–”
“Two.” you answer quickly and take a large swig of your drink.
Jeongin’s head whips around to look at you as if you just shot everyone in the room. You stare back at him with a confused face.
“What?” you ask, getting defensive. Embarrassment crawls up your neck. “I know it’s not a lot, but I’ve been focused on class and everything, you know?”
“No, I just– I didn’t think that–” Jeongin stutters and looks everywhere but at you. “I didn’t know and you–”
“Tell you everything? I didn’t think you wanted to hear about it.”
“Was it Ryan?” he blurts without thinking.
Your face pulls into a shocked, angry expression. “Excuse me?”
“Was one of them Ryan?” he presses further. The alcohol gave him loose lips. 
“Why would–”
Chan interrupts the two of you, “Anyway! Your turn Y/N.”
You stare at Jeongin for another couple of moments before looking away at the group of men. You shake your head in disbelief before taking a deep breath. 
“Seungmin, truth or dare?”
“You know you didn’t have to walk me back to my hotel room, it’s only one floor up.”
Jeongin insisted on walking you back up to your room when everyone started turning in for bed. The hotel hallway was eerily quiet compared to the noise filled room that the two of you just left.
“You never know what could happen in a hotel hallway.” He reaches up and rubs the back of his neck nervously.
The two of you take the stairs up to your floor and walk in silence until you reach your room.
“Oh, wait. There was a picture I took tonight that I want you to see! Really quick, come on!” You quickly unlock your door and drag him into your room. 
Jeongin stumbles in and looks around. Your room is spotless, just a few clothes strewn about. 
You walk over to your camera sitting on the desk and pick it up, looking through the pictures for the one you wanted to show him.
He watches you closely, your face is only illuminated by the small screen display. Your tongue is sticking out between your lips in concentration. 
Two? You slept with two people since you’ve been in America? Jealousy began churning deep within his gut and coursing through his veins.
He’s been so busy with being a trainee, then debuting, then training and rehearsing and recording that he hasn’t… he hasn’t been able to be with anyone. Nor has he wanted to. Because none of the people he could have were you.
Jeongin was so hopelessly devoted to you.
Your phone dings on your desk and you look over at it, an angry sneer twitches at your lips and you roll your eyes and then look back at your camera.
“What was that?” Jeongin asked, stepping closer towards you.
You look at Jeongin, then at your phone, then to your camera. “Nothing, you don’t need to worry about it.”
Jeongin lifts a brow curiously. You look back up at him and roll your eyes.
“It’s Ryan.”
Oh, Jeongin saw red for a moment. But, he kept it to himself to the best of his abilities.
“How’s that going, by the way?” Jeongin asks. He really does not want to know the answer. But, morbid curiosity got the better of him.
You hesitate, your finger stops moving on the camera to scroll through the album.
“It didn’t work out.” you tell him without looking up.
“Oh, I’m sorry.”
You bite your lip and look up at him. “Are you? Are you really, Jeongin?”
Jeongin is taken aback by your small outburst. “Y/N, I–”
“Because you seem to be super invested in him, Jeongin.” you lower the camera, staring Jeongin in the eye. “Every time I bring him up, your eye twitches. You can’t fool me, I know you too well. I know you hate the guy.”
“I don’t hate him.”
“Then what if I did fuck him?”
Jeongin scoffs and looks away angrily, he crosses his arms over his chest. “I wouldn’t care.”
Oh, he cares so much. His skin is fucking crawling.
“Look at me, Jeongin.”
His jaw clenches and he hesitates.
You put your camera back on the table and cross the final few steps until you reach him. You reach out and grab his chin between your thumb and pointer finger, forcing him to look at you.
Jeongin’s eyes widen and he stares at you.
“Look at me and tell me you don’t care.”
His face twists in anguish. He stares deeply into your eyes, flickering back and forth between them. His mouth screws up in a frown, eyebrows pulling together.
He gulps.
“Say it.” you push. “Say you don’t care if Ryan fucked me.”
“I…” he opens his mouth and promptly shuts it. He swallows again. “I can’t.”
“Why?” you hush.
The grip on his chin tightens even more when he tries to look away from you.
Alcohol thrums through both of your bodies to create a pleasant buzz and lift your confidence levels with one another. 
“Why, Jeongin?”
“Because!” he cries out. His arms uncross and he grabs both of your shoulders tightly. “Because maybe I want to be the one fucking you! Is that what you wanted to hear?”
You’re taken aback for a moment. Truly, you didn’t expect him to be so crass.
“Because maybe I would lie awake in bed at night thinking about being your one and only.” Jeongin steps towards you and you back up until your knees hit the edge of the bed. “Because you drive me fucking crazy and I want you all to myself. Because I can’t stop thinking about fucking you into my mattress every single night!”
Your hand drops from his face but he snatches it up in his own larger one. 
“Do you understand how bad I want you?” he whispers harshly. His nose is scrunched up and he’s talking through gritted teeth. “I’ve wanted you so badly for so many years. I can’t even look at anyone else because you exist. I’ve only ever had eyes for you. No one else exists, no one else makes me feel like you do.”
“How do I make you feel?”
Jeongin stares at you for a moment before he brings your hand down to press at the crotch of his pants.
Through his sweats you can feel just how hard he is. Both of you whimper at the touch.
“I want you so bad, it hurts.” Jeongin begs. “I don’t want anyone else. I want you. I want you to be my first. I can’t be your first, let me be your last.”
Your heart is hammering against your ribs. 
Is this really happening?
“Please, Y/N,” Jeongin whimpers. “I’m begging you.”
He’s begging you to take his virginity right now? Right now?
“Now?” you ask, bewildered.
His dick twitches in your hand and he closes his eyes in what looks like pain, but you both know it’s pleasure.
The tension in the room snaps. 
“Jeongin.” you grab his attention.
His eyes snap open and look at you.
“Kiss me.”
He gasps, cock jumping in your palm again before he smashes his lips against yours with a grunt. 
He’s absolutely devouring your mouth with his. It’s wet and sloppy and completely inexperienced. But what he lacks in experience, he makes up for in enthusiasm.
Moans are slipping from his lips left and right as your tongues intertwine together.
Your hand slides from his dick up his body to tangle in his hair. Your other reaches up and you grab one of his from your shoulder to place it on your waist. He paws at your shirt with his long fingers.
You nip gently at his bottom lip and he moans.
“Am I dreaming?” he whispers against your mouth.
You reach around and pinch his side. He yelps and jumps a bit. 
“No, not dreaming.”
He swoops down and locks your lips once more. Your fingers massage his scalp and comb through his hair. 
You part from his lips for a second to yank your shirt off. Jeongin watches you with hungry eyes, he’s trying so hard to maintain eye contact with you, but he keeps glancing down at your chest.
“Yours too.” You point at his shirt.
It looks like he practically ripped the thing off. It flies off the top of his head and onto the floor. His bare arms come around your exposed waist, his lips searching for yours.
He’s frantic in his movements, like if he isn’t kissing you, he might die.
You grab his hands and bring them up to your bra clasp.
“I don’t–”
“Learn.” you hush against his lips and suck on his bottom lip. He moans and his fingers grasp at the clasp clumsily. 
He’s so focused on trying to unclasp your bra that you take the opportunity to kiss his jawline with an open mouth. Your teeth nip at his sharp jawline and he gasps.
Down his neck you trail your hot, wet kisses. 
With each passing moment, you can feel his desperation growing and growing. A frustrated whine comes from his chest when he can’t get it.
You bite his collarbone harshly and his knees buckle slightly, but he keeps himself up.
“Y/N!” he cries out, pulling so hard at your bra you think it might snap in half.
You giggle and have mercy on him. You reach behind yourself and unhook your bra in one movement.
It drops to the floor and this time, Jeongin has no reservations about staring at your naked chest. His lips part and his own chest starts heaving with pants. 
Another laugh comes from you. 
His eyes flicker up to yours for a split second.
“Are you going to touch me or just stare?” you tease him with a sultry smirk.
Both of his hands come up and cup both of your breasts in greedy handfuls. You moan at the sensation and wrap an arm around his neck, bringing your lips back to his.
Jeongin fondles your breasts, thumbs brushing over your nipples gently. Your back arches into his touch.
“Do it again,” you breathe out. He immediately follows your command, pinching and rubbing at the sensitive buds. Every single one of your noises is swallowed by his wet, swollen lips.
His kisses leave your lips and travel down your neck. They’re too gentle and innocent for your liking. 
“Fuck, bite me, Jeongin.” you beg.
Without any hesitation, his teeth sink into where your neck meets your shoulder. You cry out and roll your hips into his. 
The hands on your tits stutter in their movements before speeding up, the lust consuming his brain. 
He bites again and again just to feel your hips move against his, to hear your moans right next to his ear.
The tent in his gray sweats seems painful at this point. He continues to rut against your body for any sort of relief. 
Threading your fingers through his hair, you pull his mouth off your neck. HIs lips break their suction seal with a pop and he looks into your eyes.
He already looks so fucked out it sends a bolt through you.
“Let me make you feel good,” you whisper against his lips. 
If it’s his first time, you want it to be memorable. 
He doesn’t put up a fight at all. His mind is completely gone, he just nods over and over again. You could tell him ‘jump’ and he’d say ‘how high?’.
Your hands slide down his sculpted chest, mapping out each of the muscles. Jeongin keens under your touch, closing his eyes and sighing in pleasure.
When your hands get to the top of his pants, you quickly slide them down, taking his boxers with them. 
Gray sweats pool around his ankles and his long, hard cock bobs as its set free from its fabric confines. 
Jeongin hisses when the cold hotel air hits him.
You lean up on your tiptoes and capture his lip between your teeth for a moment at the same time you grab his dick gently.
The whine he lets out is sinful.
He’s been dreaming of your touch for so many years, and now that your hand is finally wrapped around him, he can’t believe it. 
You release his lip and it snaps back into place.
Slowly, you slide your hand up and down his cock. So much precum is weeping from the head of his cock. Every movement pulls a noise from Jeongin. 
“Sit on the edge of the bed, Jeongin.”
He gulps and obeys your order, his cock standing proud between his parted legs.
Jeongin watches you closely as you sink down to the ground onto your knees. He fists the sheets on either side of his body with white knuckles.
He has to be dreaming. This has to be one of his wet dreams where he wakes up with ruined pants and sheets. 
Settling between his thighs, you run your hands up his legs. Jeongin watches your movements with a fucked out expression. The way your fingers glide over his skin raises goosebumps. 
One of your hands comes out and grabs his cock with a gentle, yet firm, grip. His eyes snap shut and he can’t stifle the moan that punches from his chest. 
His cock is so slippery from his own precum that your hand glides over the skin easily. 
You pump him up and down for a bit, alternating your grip from firm to gentle, changing the tempo from fast to slow.
His hips won't stay still on the bed, he can’t keep still even if he wanted to. The pleasure from your hand is fucking killing him. It’s all consuming.
You smirk. “Jeongin, look at me.” 
He cracks his hazy eyes open just to see you lean forward and lick a fat stripe up his entire cock.
Jeongin cries out and his head tilts back. His hips jump around and his legs feel like they go numb.
You open mouth kiss down the sides of his shaft.
The pleasure shoots up his spine, he can practically taste the electricity. 
Just when he thinks it can’t get better, you wrap your entire mouth around him and sink down to take as much of his cock as you could without gagging.
His hand flies to your hair and grips tightly. The strands weaving through his lithe fingers.
Up and down, you bob on his shaft, making sure to let the saliva pour from your mouth and down over his balls. 
Jeongin doesn’t even realize how hard he’s pulling your hair until you moan around him. He cries out at the vibrations and pulls even harder. 
Your other hand wraps around whatever you couldn’t fit in your mouth. 
He’s on cloud nine, he can barely breathe. Every intake of breath takes his full concentration, you’re making him feel so fucking good.
No matter how many times he’s touched himself and imagined it was you, it could never compare to the real thing.
His eyes follow your head, watching his cock disappear into your mouth as you stare back at him with those sinfully innocent eyes.
You’re going to be the fucking death of him. 
He’s only able to last for a few moments with your mouth on him before Jeongin is panting out.
“Y/N, you- you gotta, ha– You gotta stop or– or I’ll– fuuuuck– Im c-close and I– hng! But I wanna–! I wanna–! I wanna fu-huck you!”
You swirl your tongue around his head and pop off his cock, sit dribbling down the sides of your mouth.
“You wanna fuck me, Jeongin?” you ask him with a sweet tone. It fucking kills him.
“Yes,” he pants out, “It’s all I want.”
“You’re gonna let me pop your cherry?” you ask, looking up at him through your lashes. After you ask that, you lean over and bite his inner thigh.
Jeongin yelps and tightens the hand in your hair. 
An embarrassed flush covers his neck and ears. “Please, Y/N.” he whimpers. 
Smirking, you stand up from the floor and make quick work of your own sweatpants. Jeongin watches you like a starved man at a buffet. His tongue darts out of his lips and licks them when your panties drop to the ground.
“How do you want me, baby?” you ask him sweetly. 
He tears his eyes away from your naked pussy to look up at you. He gulps.
“How do I…?”
“You want me on top? You want to fuck me from behind? You want to be on top? How do you want me, sweet Jeongin?” Your hand comes out and caresses his cheek. “How do you want our first time?”
His cock jumps at the thought of you in each of those positions.
But one sticks out.
“Need you underneath me,” he whispers, keeping eye contact while his hands come up to rest on your hips.
Your hand cards through his hair. It’s so fluffy.
“Whatever you want, Jeongin.”
Leaning down, you press your lips to his in a sweet kiss. It’s the tamest one you’ve shared tonight.
When you break apart, he chases after your lips, but you crawl onto the bed, laying down and making yourself comfortable on the pillows.
Jeongin follows your movements with innocent, fucked out eyes. He licks his lips again and his eyebrows pull together as he watches you.
You part your legs and run a finger through your sopping wet folds, making a show out of displaying yourself to him. He watches it like a hawk.
Slowly, you bring the finger up and stick it in your mouth, tasting your own juices.
“Come on, Jeongin. You said you were going to be my last.”
He turns and scrambles onto the bed, crawling over you and smashing your lips together desperately. Both of your legs wrap around his waist while he devours your mouth with his own.
His tongue is everywhere in your mouth, licking your own, invading and licking the roof of your mouth, coming out to lick your lips.
When you whimper, you feel his cock jump against your heat. Your hips roll onto his and his hips buck downwards into yours.
Both of you are moaning, panting messes when he pulls away.
“I don’t have a condom.” he says painfully.
“I’m on the pill.”
“Are you sure?”
“Jeongin, please fuck me already. I’ve waited my entire life for this.” you smile up at him with shiny eyes.
His eyes search yours with an equally sentimental look in them.
He nods once and lines himself up with your entrance. His head rubs along your folds a few times, making himself slick.
Your head tilts backwards into the pillows.
“No, please, look at me.” he begs breathlessly.
Immediately, your eyes snap open and you gaze into his.
Two heartbeats pass and he presses into you, his cock invading your soaking walls. The stretch feels so fucking good, you’re so horny for him.
Jeongin is the one that has the harder time keeping his eyes open, his pupils are blown out. His jaw drops in a strained moan, face screwing up almost painfully with how much pleasure is coursing through his veins.
His hips stutter a few times until he bottoms out.
“Holy fuck,” he whines. His hands clenched into fists next to your head. 
“You feel so fucking good, Jeongin,” you praise him, your own voice is fucked out. 
“I���m not going to last,” he cries and buries his face into the crook of your neck.
“Don’t worry about me,’ you coo.
His hips buck again and he whimpers into your skin. 
“Jeongin,” you call to him and he lifts his head. His hair is so ruffled and messy, lips are swollen and wet, cheeks covered in a permanent blush. “Fuck me until you cum.”
His eyes roll back in his head and his hips pull out and slam right back into yours. Both of you cry out, your back arches.
Jeongin continues to fuck into you at a sloppy, harsh pace. His eyebrows furrow in concentration. He looks down at your tits bouncing with each thrust, his head dips down and he takes one of your nipples into his mouth.
“Jeongin!” you cry out and arch into him. He moans around your nipple, biting it gently and rolling it with your teeth.
His thrusts are getting frantic.
He pulls off your tit with a pop and comes up to your face.
“Need you to cum with me,” he murmurs before capturing your lips. “Need it, need it, fuck! I need it, Y/N!”
“Give me your hand.”
He balances his weight on one of his hands and holds out his other one. You guide him down to your folds and press his long, beautiful fingers against your clit.
“Mmmm…” you moan when you guide him to rub in circular motions.
He feels you clench around him and he whimpers into your open mouth. 
“Just like that, Jeongin.” you rasp. “Keep that up and I’ll cum on your cock.”
He rubs faster in some moments, slower in the others. His mind is swimming in the clouds. Everything feels so fucking good. 
Your whines get louder and louder, each one more higher pitched than the last.
“Close, close, close…” you breathe out against his lips. “Hah!”
Thank god. He’s been this close to blowing his load for the last four minutes, but he needed to feel you. He needed it.
“Yes, Jeongin! Yes!”
His thrusts get harder, his rubbing on your clit matches the timing. 
You reach around his back and scratch your nails up his back.
“Come on, Y/N.” he whines. “Cum for me, Y/N. Need to feel you cum around me.”
Your pussy clenches down on him impossibly tight, your head is thrown backwards and your mouth stretches open in a silent scream.
It throws him over the edge, he spills into you with one of the most feral noises he’s ever made in his life. It tears from deep within his chest.
He cums forever, painting your insides white. 
Jeongin buries his face in the crook of your neck as you both come back down to Earth. Your heavy breathing fans out over his back.
One of your hands starts rubbing up and down his naked skin. It’s warm and inviting and he wants to curl into it forever.
He eventually pulls his face away from your neck and looks down at you with stars in his eyes.
“Good?” you ask.
Jeongin laughs and leans down, pressing a kiss to your nose. “It was perfect.”
“Cross my heart.”
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malum-forev · 1 year
If you still have Receiving/ giving a gift available, could you please write about Avenger Bucky receiving a gift from reader, for Christmas or his birthday? But he totally doesn’t expect it and gets all emotional cause he hasn’t received a gift in decades and doesn’t know what to do with the whole thing.
Yes yes yeeesss this is such a great ideaaa <3
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“This is stupid.” Bucky grumbled.
“What’s stupid is that you waited until December 24th to buy your Secret Santa a gift!” Sam said, dodging the thousands of people roaming the streets of New York. 
“I didn’t think the gift exchange would actually amount to anything.” Bucky groaned. “I thought we would be sent away on a mission!”
“I don’t care what your excuse for procrastination is! I just want you to buy your Secret Santa something.”
“How the hell am I supposed to know what-“
Sam covered his ears. “La, la, la, la. I’m not listening, don’t want any spoilers.”
“I want to be put back in the cryostasis chamber.” Bucky sighed dramatically.
Bucky stretched the neck of the uncomfortable wool sweater someone on the team had forced them to wear. The itchy fabric made his skin red. Whoever started the ugly sweater tradition should be sentenced to life in jail. Bucky thought. 
“Will you stop acting like a toddler, we’re supposed to be the adults here.” Sam spoke from the edge of his mouth to not attract any more attention. 
“I’m not acting like a child, I’m acting like a senile old man. This is the appropriate way for me to act seeing as I’m over a hundred years old.” Bucky crossed his arms over his chest, immediately regretting the action as he pressed the disgusting fabric against his chest. 
“Okay! Bucky’s turn!” Sam yelled, not wanting to bare another second of his friend’s complaining, pushing Bucky to the middle of the circle. All of the agents’ eyes were on him. 
Bucky never really celebrated Christmas, back in the 40’s it was common for families to celebrate it but ever since he got out of the ice he- well let’s just say The Winter Soldier didn’t really have time for holiday shopping. 
“I got-“ Bucky cleared his throat nervously. “Ryan as my Secret Santa so, here’s a knife.”
The room got eerily silent as they all watched Bucky take out an unpackaged knife from one of his pockets. 
Sam facepalmed himself. 
“Thanks Sarge.” Ryan awkwardly smiled. 
“I sharpened that myself.” Bucky said proudly. 
“Let’s move on!” Sam said, this was more painful than he’d ever imagined. “Who got the cyborg as Secret Santa?”
Again, silence met everyone. The agents looked at each other but no one stepped up.
“It’s fine,” Bucky forced a small smile. “I withdrew my name from the bowl. I didn’t need anything.”
Scattered chatter was whispered before they continued with the gifts. 
Bucky looked down at his watch an hour later, how much longer would he have to put up with this?
The double doors opened loudly and in you came. You quickly said your hello’s to a couple of your friends and walked straight towards Bucky. With a big smile on your face and a small bag in your hand. 
Bucky gulped as you approached him. 
“Merry Christmas Sarge.” You beamed, his brain was trying to process your words. Bucky felt like he’d never heard someone call him that, and no one should ever try to top it because it would never compare to how the word Sarge sounded coming out of your lips. 
“Me-Merry Christmas.” Bucky stuttered. 
“I’m your Secret Santa.” His eyes widened but it seemed like his reaction only made you happier. “I saw you pulling your name out  when everyone left so, I decided to pick it up for myself. I hope you like your gift.”
You were truly the human form of sunshine. He thought.
“C’mon, open it. I need to know if you liked it.” You pushed the bag closer to him. 
Bucky took it by the handles and peeked inside. It was a book.
He saw how you nervously fidgeted. 
“When I got recruited, I researched about you- well both of you, Sam and yourself. God this is embarrassing.” You fumbled with your words. “Anyways, I read that your favorite book was The Hobbit so, I tracked down a first edition copy since well, it’s been edited since it came out and I thought it would be nice for you to have something from back when you first were alive- not alive because well- Oh god, it was stupid right? Giving you a book? You probably don’t even have time to read-“
Bucky cut you off by wrapping his strong arms against your frame. 
“This is the most amazing gift I’ve ever received.” He mumbled against your hair. “Thank you.”
“Welcome.” You squeaked.
“This is incredible.” Bucky whispered, not knowing if he could get any other words out without his voice cracking. No one had ever done something as special as this for him.
“You made Barnes smile!” Sam laughed, patting Bucky on the back. “You should get a medal for things like that.”
This one's short and sweet! Hope you like it!
Hi hiiii This is part of my 1k Celebration, if you like this please be sure to look at the Bingo Card and ask for a prompt! Love y'all <;33
And you can find the Bingo master list and what prompts are still available here!
*Any gifs posted are not my own and I give the artist full credit.
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
“What the fuck are you wearing?”
Eddie’s voice rang out through Steve’s bedroom.
Steve jumped because, well, he was completely alone in his house less than a minute ago, and now Eddie Munson was standing in his doorway staring at him.
In a skirt.
Not like, a short one. Just one of Robin’s that she let him borrow with no explanation.
She kind of gave him a knowing look, but she didn’t say anything. She probably didn’t want to scare him or make him second guess himself or feel any of the shame he finally buried deep enough to even ask her for it.
It’s just when he first saw it in her closet, he fell in love with it. The way it flowed in just the right spots, how it hit above the hips (or he thought it would if he ever was brave enough to try it on), how the color was the exact shade of blue he always preferred.
And Robin never even wore it.
It was shoved in the back of her closet like a forgotten thing, never to see the light of day because then Robin would have to acknowledge something other than jeans or stupid pleated pants that were apparently “all the rage for lesbians, Steve!”
So he spent months picturing himself in it, touching the soft fabric any time he had to grab something from her closet, practicing asking to borrow it “for a girlfriend.” Practiced telling himself that skirts were only gendered because of society, or whatever bullshit spiel Robin had gone into when they saw a guy getting teased for wearing a dress in Indy.
And he believed it just fine when it came to others. Doesn’t make any man who is a man less of a man and all that.
But for him?
It’s just not allowed.
Until it was.
He was staying the night at Robin’s because they had to close and then open the next morning. She was showing him her new sweater she’d bought for her first date with Nancy that she refused to actually ask Nancy out on. When she opened the closet, he saw the edge of it.
“Can I borrow that?”
Robin looked at him like he’d gained ten heads.
“Borrow what? The sweater? No. This sweater cost more than most of my closet combined. It’s gonna be my magical confidence booster.”
“Not the sweater.” Steve took a deep breath. “The skirt.”
“I mean. Not for me. Obviously. For someone else.”
Robin raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.
“Uh. Do I know her?”
“Does she need clothes or something? I can do a closet clean out to help.”
Steve loved Robin. She wasn’t exactly well-off, but she’d literally give the shirt off her back if it meant someone else would have clothes who needed them.
He only felt a little guilty about lying to her.
“No, no. Uh. Just the skirt. She saw one like it the other day and loved it so much. She couldn’t get that one so I think if she can just wear this one once she’ll get it out of her system, ya know?”
If he was talking about himself, that was only for him to know.
But he saw the way Robin was looking at him. She knew. No amount of coverup was going to make her not know. He could only hope she wouldn’t ask questions.
“Sure. She can try it and see if it gets out of her system. She could also keep it if it doesn’t though.”
Steve gulped.
Robin gave him a small smile, encouraging when he felt like he was going to throw up all over her ugly bedroom carpet.
“Yeah. God knows I won’t ever wear it unless I’m being forced to.”
“Okay.” Steve smiled and walked over to the closet. “I…she’s gonna be really excited about this. Thanks, Robs.”
“Anytime Dingus.”
He turned to look at Eddie standing in his doorway, face flush with embarrassment and shame. He didn’t want this to be the end of whatever was going on between him and Eddie.
They were dancing around each other according to Robin and Will and Dustin and Max.
They were being ridiculous according to Nancy and Jonathan and Wayne.
They were being cautious according to Eddie.
They were just taking it slow.
Steve hated it.
But he knew why Eddie wanted to be cautious; Rushing into a relationship built on shared trauma is probably worth taking a little time on.
And even if they have been basically dating for months, it’s totally fine that they haven’t even kissed.
And now they probably never will because Eddie just walked in while he was wearing the skirt.
He loved this skirt. He felt pretty. He loved that when he turned in a circle, it fluttered out just enough to look cute, but not enough to show a bunch of skin. He loved the way the color made his tanned skin just a bit lighter, and he glowed a little in the mirror.
But now he would always think of Eddie leaving him in the dust because of it.
“I just. I. Sorry.”
Steve looked down at his feet, trying to feel for the zipper along the side of the skirt to take it off before he made things worse. His hands were shaking, adrenaline pouring through him so quickly he couldn’t find where the zipper began.
He felt a hand on top of his, holding it firmly to keep it from moving anymore.
“Stevie. Look at me.”
As hard as it was to do it, Steve looked up at Eddie, tears already forming in his eyes.
“You look beautiful. Keep it on, let me see you.”
And even though the words were so kind and made Steve feel so much better, he let the tears fall from his eyes.
Hearing Eddie say it out loud, that he was beautiful and allowed to wear this if it made him feel beautiful, was almost too much for him to handle. His last set of scars had really done a number on his self-confidence, but this skirt had given him hope for the first time in almost a year that he’d feel good in his skin again. Eddie had the power to tear him back down, but of course he hadn’t. He made it better, like he always did.
Eddie pulled his hand away from the skirt, holding it up and twirling him in a circle.
Steve giggled.
When was the last time he did that?
Never, maybe.
Eddie’s smile was contagious as they looked at each other with matching beaming smiles. He was staring at Steve’s face now.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy, sweetheart.” Eddie reached his unoccupied hand out to touch the waistline of the skirt. “I don’t think you know how incredible you look when you’re happy.”
What does a person even do with a compliment like that?
Pass out? Kiss? Die?
Steve settled on kissing Eddie.
It was time to move beyond whatever they’d been doing. Steve couldn’t wait any more.
If Eddie was going to not only accept this part of Steve that Steve had barely even accepted of himself, but also encourage him to feel beautiful, then Steve was going headfirst into this.
Their lips met harshly at first, Steve being a bit overzealous and misjudging how close they already were.
But within seconds, Eddie was slowing it down, placing both hands on Steve’s cheeks to control the pace better. He was licking along Steve’s bottom lip, silently asking for entrance, but not moving and faster or demanding anything more than what Steve wanted.
When they parted for air, Eddie rested his forehead against Steve’s, eyes blinking open slowly.
“You like the skirt?” Steve asked with a smirk.
“I love the person in it. I like whatever he feels best in.”
Steve sat with that for a moment, but recovered quickly.
“You love me?”
“Can’t imagine how you didn’t know, sweetheart.”
“Just didn’t know it was like this.”
“Like what?”
“Like the real kind. The kind where you love someone enough to love the things they love even if you aren’t sure what to do with it.”
“I love you the real kind.”
Eddie was smiling at him when he pulled away and left a kiss on the corner of his mouth.
“I love you the most kind.”
“I love you the best kind.”
Steve laughed.
“Can we dance?”
“If you want.”
“I wanna take the skirt for a test drive.”
Eddie settled his hands on Steve’s hips and started humming a song that was definitely not usually for a slow dance, but sounded nice enough for them.
When Eddie spun Steve out and twirled him back into his arms, and his skirt moved in just the right ways, he felt more like himself than he ever had before.
And when Eddie bought him his own skirt from a store in Indy the next time they had a date night, he let himself feel pretty in a way he didn’t think was possible.
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mvybanks · 1 year
frat rafe spending the night at your place, and he finds pictures of you guys, and you with his sisters in the house, and he thinks it’s so sweet
sorry for replying to this a month later, trying to get to all of my asks. + this was cute asf
As Rafe walks into your apartment, the one you’ve been sharing with your roommate since freshman year, he begins looking around the place, noticing the little things. The coffee table in the living room is littered with notes and books, and he knows it’s because you’ve been studying for your upcoming exam; striding into your room, he’s taken aback by the amount of pictures you have on your wall, nightstand and on your desk.
He smiles when his eyes fall on a picture of you from when you were a toddler, a toothy grin on your face and your nose scrunched from how much you were showing your happiness.
“Give me a sec, Rafe!” you yell from the bathroom, for you were taking your makeup off after spending the night with him and hour friends at a bar.
“Take your time!”
On your wall, some of the candids were of you and your friends, others were with his sisters, Sarah and Wheezie, especially the former since you two basically talk to each other everyday. He notices one of you and his first sister sprawled out on the couch of his house back in the Outer Banks, and he remembers taking the picture for the two of you. You spent last summer with them and you and his sisters forced him to be the official photographer of the vacation.
He didn’t mind, of course; he would take any occasion to take pictures of you and gawk at your beautiful face.
Finally, he sees the framed picture on your nightstand; it’s one of you and Rafe together, and even his jaw starts hurting from how much he’s grinning. He’s got his arms wrapped around you from behind and is kissing your cheek as you’re laughing, your head thrown back on his shoulder. This one is also from last summer; you and him had been drinking at a party and you were both so drunk, it was hilarious, which is why Sarah so kindly took a photo of your embarrassing moment.
At the time, you both thought it was going to be ugly and Rafe never saw it, but you fell in love with it immediately.
He takes the frame in his hand and millions of thoughts start running through his head: why do you have to be so goddamn perfect?
“Hey,” you whisper as you enter the room.
He’s almost startled, too immersed in his mind that he didn’t hear you get out of the bathroom. Turning around to look at you, he shows you the picture in his hand.
“I remember this,” he says. “I can’t believe you kept it.”
You shrug, “I love that photo. We look so happy.”
Rafe places it back down and shows you that half crooked grin of his. “Yeah, we do.”
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bendycxmet · 2 months
Crowd—Nicholas D. Wolfwood
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Summary: You watch as Wolfwood tries to find you in a crowd.
Word Count: ~1.5k
Pairing: gn!reader x Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Content: down bad reader and Wolfwood, mainly fluff, gets a lil cheesy but oh whale
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A long day of traveling calls for a long lunch break, you and Wolfwood decide. Tucking yourselves into a restaurant at the edge of town, Wolfwood lets a low whistle out at the populated cafe.
“Just our luck to pick possibly the most popular restaurant in town when we’re starving.”
Your stomach grumbles aggressively at the smell of fresh food wafting in from the kitchen. Your nose twitches. Ahh, grilled Tomas. You cast your eyes to the menu hanging from the wall, immediately honing in on the longest description. You wanted something filling as a reward for the amount of steps you’ve accumulated for the day.
“Mind ordering me the Tomas Special? Gril-”
“Grilled with a side of hot sauce. Want some fruit juice too?” Wolfwood finishes. You smile at his thoughtfulness, nodding. 
“Exactly that. You already know me.” You pinch his side, Wolfwood yelping and jolting out of your reach. “I’m gonna go find us a table before someone takes our chance to rest our feet.”
“Don’t go too far, sweetness.” 
You wave your hand behind your back, focused on your search for a table. You find a tabletop outside, right beneath some fans. Perfection. You take a seat, watching as Wolfwood walks up to the counter to place your guys’ order. Your mind wanders, disassociating from your surroundings as you observe every detail that is Wolfwood.
His long eyelashes caressing his sternful eyes, the gentle slope of his bumpy nose, leading you to his plump lips forming the words of your order. You gaze down to his lean but broad shoulders that constantly tote the monster of a cross across his back, his long legs that are in a wide stance, demanding space and authority from those around him. Your eyes catch on his sturdy hands that quickly grasp the change that the cashier hands to him, pocketing it as he turns to look around the cafe.
You decide to toy with him for a bit, letting him look around for you. You wanted to continue your ogling a bit longer. His sunglasses are for once not obscuring his eyes, but instead hanging from his coat pocket. Wolfwood’s regal face is set in a way that the crowd flows around him, choosing to not get in the way of someone whose looks could kill. If you didn’t know him, you’d also avert your eyes. 
Instead, you lean your hand against your fist, softly smiling at the man you call your own. Whenever you are separated, you love to watch the people around Wolfwood as he searches for his other half. Wolfwood has a mission, and that is to be at your side again. 
“Why don’t you make it easier for me to find you in this hell? Raise your hand next time, sheesh,” Wolfwood admonishes you.
“That’s no fun, Nico. You look ready to murder someone if you don’t find me within the next minute, yanno that?” 
“So what I’m hearing is you do want me to put someone six feet under? Never took you to be violent, babe.” You shove him, only able to push him one foot away with how sturdy he is. If you didn’t know better, he let you push him so far. He chuckles at your antics. 
“Not what I mean! It’s just fun to see what you look like to other people when you aren’t looking at me.” He goes silent. You peer up at him, wondering where the usual witty remark is. You smirk at his pink cheeks. “Aw, is someone embarrassed?”
“Ugh, shove it.” He looks away, mumbling his next sentences. “Can’t fault a guy for wanting to look at his sweetness. You’re a sight for sore eyes compared to the uglies that wanna test me.”
“Ohh, so you’re calling me pretty??”
He rolls his eyes before looking down at you, lips quirked, silently answering your question. 
You laugh at how childish he acted early in your relationship. It took some time to thaw the ice that surrounded Wolfwood, ice that had formed as a result of a hard life that he rarely spoke of. So it was no surprise when it was hard for him to admit his feelings for you, especially such soft and tender ones.
He wasn’t familiar with the warmth he felt whenever you smiled at him, wrongfully diagnosing his racing heart as a premonition to some unseen danger in the area instead of feelings of love. That was uncharted territory for him. He was glad now that he could show you just how important you were to him. Now where the hell are they?
A sudden, melodic laugh alerts his senses to his right, eyes finally seeing a charming sight. His eyes skip over the mounds of heads that stand in the way of you leaning against your hand, a graceful smile painted across your face as you watch him. Your eyes are half-lidded, a serene yet distracted look hidden beneath your lashes. 
His heart stutters. He hates when it does that. He’d been trained ruthlessly to maintain an even and lethal composure in his day-to-day work by the Eye of Michael, but when it comes to you, years of training are forgotten. He knows the admiration etched in your entire body comes from watching his every move. It’s what he sees everytime you two look at each other. You look at him as if he was better to look at than the setting suns. 
Your smile deepens, eyes crinkling as you watch Wolfwood’s stony facade melt. He has never turned that predatorial intent on you, only ever offering you the soft, slight joy that is carved into his features when he sees you. 
His long strides carry him to you in no time, dragging his stool closer to your side. He sits down close enough that your knees touch, an affirmation that he is next to you. 
“You’re just never gonna wave me down, huh?”
“Nah, don’t feel like it.” Wolfwood hangs his head, sighing. A couple beats of comfortable silence pass. You blink slowly at the hustle and bustle of the cafe, watching customers waving their receipts at the waiter. Are they killing the Tomas out back? What is taking so long? You manage to hear one of the angry customers ask.
“You did it again.”
“Did what?” Wolfwood looks up.
“You walk around like you own the place. Hell, the whole town. People move out of your way. You got that much power without realizing it, Nico.” He cocks his head at you. Of course he doesn’t notice. “You’re scary. These people know without you even saying it that you can be a liability.” You let out a short laugh. 
“Hey, what’s the big idea? You just said I’m scary!”
“Yeah, but never to me. I know where your technique comes from.” He leans into your space now, eyes fully focused on you, gaze sweeping over your features. His fingers play with yours on the table, lightly lacing your hands together.
“Oh, you know me that well? I can say you don’t know the half of it,” Wolfwood brings his lips to your knuckles, grazing them softly. You recognize him trying to turn the tables, trying to steer you away from your analysis.
“Did you know you look at me as if I put the moons in the sky? Or if I was one of the stars decorating the night sky?” Your comparisons stem from the way that Wolfwood looks when night falls: peaceful. Almost glad that the darkness helps hide whatever burdens he still carries.
He brings your hand up to cover his face, knuckles now brushing his forehead. Maybe that was too poetic on your end. “I know without you even saying it that you love me, Nico. It’s written all over your face–is what I’m trying to say.” 
He rubs his forehead against your hand. “...maybe you do know the half of it.” A quick peck to your lips throws you for a loop for the first time that day. He separates only by an inch, ensuring that the next couple of words are for your ears only. “Let me say it out loud, then. I love you.”
Groaning, Wolfwood’s head falls onto your shoulder. 
“That idiot of a cashier can’t hear for his life.” You chuckle, hand coming up to pet his hair.
“Whatever you say, Nicole. Now hurry up and get our food before someone snatches it.” 
With that, Wolfwood kisses the side of your neck before jogging to the counter. 
You rub where his lips were, heart racing. Damn him. He always manages to leave you speechless. 
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a/n: yeah i needed to distance myself from my upcoming vash smut so woe wolfwood fic be upon ye
divider by saradika
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hannahssimblr · 3 days
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Jen is fully awake, bright eyed and stomping around looking at the art when we arrive at the gallery. I suspect she's hopped up on sugar after I bought her a plate of overpriced pancakes in a cafe in the middle of town. 
“Woman, yearning,” after reading aloud from a gallery placard next to an abstract work she stands back to ponder it for several seconds. “Where’s the woman? I just see blobs. Ugly blobs too.”
“Is that a serious question or are you just giving out?”
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“I’m offering my critiques,” she says haughtily, narrowing her eyes at it. “The point is that I wouldn’t hang that in my house.”
“Hang it where? It’s like, fifteen feet tall.”
“Well, all I’ll say is that I’m now a woman, yearning for my ten seconds back.”
Evie titters. 
“Don’t encourage her,” I mutter, “It’s better to ignore it. She did this when I took her to the zoo once too.”
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“You don’t like the zoo?” Jen doesn’t hear her because she’s already rushing to the next room, and as I suspect, to the merciful end as quickly as possible. I answer for her, “No, she hated it.”
“Was it the sad animals?”
“No, her feet just hurt. There was too much walking.”
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The room we follow Jen into is stark and completely bare, save for an enormous, rusted iron sculpture dangling by a chain from the ceiling. I know what she is going to say about it before she does. 
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“I just don’t understand how this is art. It’s just ugly, and it makes no sense to me. I’m sorry if that makes me sound ignorant, but I just don’t see the skill in this.”
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“It’s not really about the skill though. It’s all in the process,” I'm explaining this for probably the fourth time this hour, but I can see in Jen’s face that she's frustrated, genuinely so, and I really do feel bad for her. While it was nice of her to come, I feel I should have just let her stay at home and hang out on the beach with one of her magazines for the day.
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Evie bends to read the placard, “It’s supposed to evoke a reaction, and I guess you being confused by it counts as a reaction, so you could say that it’s done its job,” She turns and flashes a sympathetic smile at Jen. This is a very nice thing she’s done, attempting to help her to relate to the art, but I suspect from the aura of complete resignation emanating from her that we are past the point where such a thing is possible. 
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As a last ditch effort I try to gently explain the purpose of modern art in a way that sounds accessible, and not like I’m just regurgitating my art history textbook, but her eyes have glazed over. She doesn’t care about the sculpture, she doesn’t care about what it means or how it’s intended to make her feel, she’s simply had enough. 
“I don’t know, guys, I think I'm going to go browse in the gift shop. I’m not picking up what this exhibition is putting down,” she trudges off towards the stairs and leaves us on our own, her footsteps echoing, distant, then gone.
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I’m aware of the quiet once she isn’t there anymore, poking fun at the exhibit, and Evie, who was quiet already, becomes even more so. As she examines the sculpture for longer, I wonder what meaning she’s found in it. Really, to me it is just kind of a big rusted lump, but I’m nervous about admitting that to a person who seems to understand what she's looking at. I stand and pretend to enjoy it for an amount of time that feels more acceptable.
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When she wanders into the next room I follow. This one has an old TV in the corner, and sunlight streaming in through the big sash windows catching specks of dust drifting through the air. We watch this uncomfortable performance art video of a man stripping down to his underwear and climbing into a bed. It feels sexual in nature, while also feeling kind of weird and not that way at all. I don’t know the intention, or which emotion it’s supposed to awaken in me. I say “cool” so that she thinks I understand the point of it, though I’ve never much liked performance art. I find it embarrassing to watch.
I don’t think she’s going to try and make any kind of conversation, but maybe she doesn’t want to make too much noise in an art gallery. Maybe she’s shy. My nose runs so I sniff, and even that sounds offensively loud. 
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“So what’s your deal?” I ask her as we move onto another exhibit. 
She pauses, surprised, “To be honest, there’s not much to say about me.”
“Of course there is.”
“No, well,” she laughs self consciously, “I’m not that interesting, is all. I don’t want to bore you.”
“Seriously, I want to know.”
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Her eyes dart around the room as though she might find something to distract the conversation away from herself, then failing, says, “Like, Tullamore is dull, I go to an all girls’ school and really, nothing very interesting happens day to day.”
I exhale a laugh. These are her bullet points. I bet this is what she says to everyone to make them stop asking. Unfortunately for her I'm only comfortable when someone is speaking. “So you wish you could leave.”
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She makes a small sound of agreement, and then says nothing for a few seconds. From the centre of the room I watch her drift about glancing at the works. “Yeah,” she says eventually, “all the time. I kind of feel like… I don’t know, like I don’t belong there or something. It’s a small town and I think I’m just a bit different from a lot of people.”
“I understand that.”
She nods, “I’d love to be somewhere with likeminded people. That’s why I really envy you going to Berlin, I just imagine what it’d be like to be able to be fully myself and everyone would be just… fine with it.”
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She envies me? Already?  She won’t for long. “Oh well, it was an easy choice for me. I feel the same as you sometimes too, like, I just want to know what else is out there. I don’t want to go back to the US, but I don’t really want to stay in Ireland either. I don’t know about needing to be a different person though. Don’t you think that if you were yourself here then people would be fine with it?” 
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She runs slender fingers along the plush velvet of a barrier, and I’m struck by how easy she makes it to have this conversation, even with the back of her head. I don’t usually talk with strangers like this, but maybe it’s precisely because we are strangers that we can.
Michelle complained sometimes that strange men would corner her on the bus from time to time and start spilling their secrets entirely unsolicited, things like affairs they’d had, money they’d gambled away, unforgivable lies they had told. They unloaded it all on some random girl in her school uniform who couldn’t ruin them, who they’d never see again. I wonder is this like one of those demented conversations. There isn't much about Evie that strikes me as especially demented though. Her openness is refreshing.
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“I don’t know. I feel like I’ve such a history of being… odd, and doing weird things, and I don’t know if I can come back from that,” she admits, “I’d rather just start again and be a new, better version of myself somewhere else.”
I suppose she is a bit odd. Not in a bad way, but there’s a certain manner in which she moves, floating about the room, this dreamy cadence to her speech, these brief moments of intensity that cross her face and interrupt that other worldly, spacey look she has. She’s her own person. I'm not surprised stuff is hard for her, since teenagers resent people they cannot understand.
I picture her at my school, how the girls might have spoken about someone like her, what the rugby boys would have thought. Yeah, obviously she’s real fine, imaginary Fitzy says in my head. He’s picking dirt out of his studs with a twig, bit kooky, though, isn't she? Weird. Like she’s an alien from Mars or something like that. 
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She meanders over to a bench and sits. “What about your friends though?” I join her, “and your boyfriend? Don’t they like this current version of you?”
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She squawks out a raucous laugh that ricochets through the room, and several people look at us. Her eyes widen and she clamps her hands over her mouth, like what I just heard was the expulsion of a demon and not just a natural laugh, “Sorry, I don’t know what that was!”  
“Did I say something I shouldn’t have? Sorry, your reaction was just-”
“No no, just you said that Liam is my boyfriend and-”
“Oh, shit, he’s not? My bad, I just assumed,” I assumed because he told me as much. Was he lying or does he just not know? 
“No, he’s not. I don’t know what he is, we just hang out and stuff. He’s a really nice person.”
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“He is,” I debate whether to say more. “Hm. I always feel so bad about Liam.”
“What? Why?”
“Because we used to be so mean to him when we were younger.”
“Yeah, he was just this happy little kid, he always wanted to be involved with us, but it was like, he was always way too eager, you know what I mean? We thought he was this hokey little country boy, we used to think it was really funny to mess with him.”
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“What kinds of things did you do?”
“Nothing terrible. Just… it was more like…” I shouldn’t have started this conversation, “He thought that we were really grown up or something, I guess, and he wanted to come and hang out the whole time, which was fine. The guys just had this thing about not sharing our drink with him, you know, because it’d be a waste because he’d just end up getting sick and having to get his mother to come and pick him up from the party. So we started pouring him drinks out of a vodka bottle filled with water, and he never noticed.”
“That’s not bad” Evie says charitably, “That’s actually responsible in my opinion, and I honestly wish that Kelly would fall for that kind of trick, but she can sniff out alcohol like a bloodhound.”
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“Nah, like the bad part is how much he really didn’t notice it. It was like a crazy placebo effect or something, and he’d still stumble around like he was drunk. We thought it was hilarious. And then one time when we were fifteen Joe got weed from this guy in town and everyone wanted some, but like, Liam was there and we knew it’d be a bad idea to give him some.”
“So what did you do?”
“The classic - I got some herbs from the kitchen cabinet and rolled them up for him, and then guess what?”
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“He didn’t notice?”
“Right! He didn’t even notice. He smoked our little fake joint and then-” God, why am I laughing? Shouldn't this story have stopped being funny? “-and then after an hour he was rolling around on the rug saying that he could taste colours and that like, the fibres of the rug felt so soft. We had to get his mother to collect him again.” It’s my turn to let out an obnoxious, echoing cackle, and once again, everyone in the room looks at us.
“You’re a mean boy,” Evie chides, but she doesn’t look like she means it. She looks like she likes it.
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“I know. I’m a bastard.” 
I get to my feet. “We should go and see the rest of the exhibits. I don’t want to leave Jen down in the gift shop all day, she’ll be bored.”
Evie’s smile wavers, but she nods, “Okay. Sorry... I didn’t mean to hold you up.”
“You didn’t, I just thought you’d be rearing to see the rest of the art.”
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“Yeah,” she says, then hesitating, “it’s a bit unusual, isn’t it?”
I chuckle, “To be honest I’m not sure I like it.”
“Oh, thank God you said that. I hate it too, I didn’t think I was allowed to say it.”
We giggle and I swerve straight for the exit. “C'mon then, let's do something else.”
Beginning // Prev // Next
Corresponding LG Chapter
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amazzwon · 3 months
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❜ ─ ─ ❛ lee heeseung x fem! reader
╰┈➤ ❝ [angst, non-idol au, one-sided love, friends to strangers]
╰┈➤ ❝ [0.8k words]
╰┈➤ ❝ [cherry blossom; lana del rey]
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I was six feet under my thoughts as waited for her by "The Stone Cold" ice cream shop. As the glass entrance opened with customers pushing through, a waft of sweet air contrasted with the evening air. The grey scarf cloaking my neck itched and tickled me; it was a cold November. My breaths turned foggy and my nose dusted crimson. 
The cold was as harsh as the reality.
It had been a week since I revealed my truth to her. 
"If my name was a word then you are the meaning to it".
That's what I had said, my true being, my pure love, my final chance to prove to her; to tell her that I, Lee Heeseung, am in love with her.
"I-If you will have me," My voice had wobbled, "Meet me in front of our favourite spot at 8 pm?". 
I cringed at the memory. Had I sounded more mature, more manly, maybe then she would have given her answer at that moment.
A week passed but my hope did not. 
The first time, it did phase me... a lot. I remember being drenched in my sorrow and overflowing eyes that would not open (I changed pillow covers twice that day).
The second time, the ice cream shop owner offered me a free scoop (that melted in my hand cause I was too in my head). 
The third time, I took interest in the pebbles by the road and kicked them woefully; but there had been times when my head played games with me, begging me to look up to meet her eyes but she wasn't even there. 
The fourth time, I gazed at the clouds.
The fifth time, my heart began playing tricks on me, persuading me to go to her apartment complex; but I was a lover, not a serial killer.
The sixth time, I can't even remember anymore...
The neon pink, "The Stone Cold", sign flickered in contrast to the golden gleaming lamp posts. It looked ugly. The contrast, I meant. Coincidentally, so did my thoughts. The crowd brushed past me, rushing as if they had somewhere to be; that thought made me jealous.
Would she consider me to be a place worth running towards?
Time was ticking; the rush hour stalled. My feet prickled; the freezing temperature swept past me. I stood still; an empty vessel with heartbroken thoughts. The ice cream shop's sign glitched shut, and then the old man (the owner) walked out offering a sad smile at the sad case of a man in front of him. I could hear the man wobbling out of the scene but, my genius envisioned her footsteps approaching me. 
There you have it, another day spent on the woman so gorgeous, she turned me ugly with glum hope. My mind tugged me to text her, just one last time. I decided against it.
The buses continued their usual routes. It was a cheap option instead I chose to take me and my pathetic heart for a walk. I shouldn't have; I could have easily saved myself from the nightmares, the embarrassment, my dignity! Yet I watched with my chapped lips parted and eyes widened. She had her arm looped with another man. My eyes flitted from her to her man. Her man? ugh, that word itself made my soul churn.
He whispered something in her ear and she laughed as if she had no care in the world. How brutal could she be! They stood near the signal waiting to cross the road... so she did have a place to rush towards but couldn't she at least stop by to reject me?
Oh no, it was worse. I was the other man... 
I collected the few shards of my heart and I turned around with heavy eyes. Walking briskly, I couldn't gaze straight, too stunned to look up anymore. At least, I had memorised the path home. I decided that home was my place to be... but no.
As soon as I thought of home, she flashed across my mind. Her smile, her warmth; she was my sunlight and she was my shade. My walking speed turned obsolete and my vision was hazy. I should have known better than to have such a tremendous amount of longing, I could have spared it to face the world.
Maybe she saw it. She noticed my blind faith, she noticed my unfortunate state of being under her spell and left me to my thoughts. They weren't any better.
I approached my home... oh god, I want to find another word to call the place I rest... 
my hand shoved in my pocket to fish out my keys
a warm place... 
I finally felt the cold metal ring and pinched the correct key.
a place to laugh...
I tried to connect it to the keyhole but I missed
a place where I could love...
 I missed again
a place... where I would stop missing her
The first tear fell before I could even enter my house; the place as cold as November. 
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renaiswriting · 1 year
A cup of comfort
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Pairing: Joshua Hong/Reader
Summary: You were so excited for this date, only to get stood up. Luckily for you, there's a cute baterista who's more than happy to keep you company.
Warnings: none, just fluff (!!)
Word count: 2.4k
Gif is not mine.
You checked the time one more time; you have officially been waiting for almost forty minutes now.
For the first ten minutes, you thought he might be trapped in traffic.
But as time passed, you got more and more anxious.
You have been thinking about this blind date your friend insisted on for quite some time; you weren't too thrilled about meeting new people yet since it hasn't been so long since you and your ex-boyfriend broke up.
Oh well, since he dumped you, to be more exact.
Your friend told you this guy was the sweetest and smartest guy she had ever known. Talking nothing but good things about him for weeks.
Apparently, he was your friend's boyfriend's best friend, and he has also been dumped by his ex-girlfriend and is ready to start something new.
So, you put so much effort into looking good. You went out of your way to your friend's house to ask her to lend you one of her dresses that you loved so much. It was red with cute little flowers.
You also spent hours doing your hair and make-up, using even your favorite lipstick and that special perfume that you only use on special occasions since it's really expensive.
You checked if he, Jaemin, had sent you any texts, as you have been texting him asking if he was coming.
Should you send another one?
You stopped yourself from going through your chat; you didn't want to seem that desperate.
You made eye contact with the barista once again; he had approached your table on two occasions now, and both times you told him you were waiting for someone else.
Considering the amount of time you have been there without ordering, you were suspecting they were just about to ask you to leave or order something.
But the thing is, you weren't even hungry.
At first, the nervousness of having a first date, most specifically a blind date, with a guy your friend was constantly telling you how much of a perfect match he was for you took all the appetite away from you. But now that you were there alone, the embarrassment of spending so much time and getting all excited about this date made you feel nothing but nauseous.
You sighed. It would be best to just leave now. The quicker you left, the quicker you could put all this ugly experience in the past.
As you started gathering your things, you heard someone cleaning their throat.
You turned, your cheeks getting red as you saw the same barista that had come to your table for the third time.
He had a big hot chocolate cup with cream on top and a cheesecake. You raised an eyebrow, looking confused at him.
"Um, I didn't—I didn't order anything."
He smiled softly at you, his smile reaching his eyes as they turned into two crescents.
"I know, it's on the house; you seem kind of sad."
His voice was just as soft as his smile.
"Oh, thank you, but I was actually about to leave."
"I thought you were waiting for someone." He said, putting the things in front of you. A cute cat had been drawn with powdered chocolate on top of the cream. You smiled at that.
"It seems like he couldn't make it." You shrugged.
"We can't let a customer look this sad; it would be bad business for us." He said it, a serious expression decorating his face.
"I'm kind of embarrassed," you confessed to him, but still you sat down again, your eyes focused on the cheesecake that looked way too delicious. "I feel like people just know I've been stood up." You laughed to lift the mood and not give away how much you actually meant it.
"Of course not," he shook his head, smiling again, "no one noticed, trust me, so please enjoy it."
"It feels uncomfortable being here on my own," you told him, moving the food from the tray. "I usually come to places like this with my friends."
The guy looked at the clock behind him and at the number of clients there were inside the little cafe. "Well, I can keep you company for some minutes if you want to."
"Oh no, if you're busy, please don't mind me." You smiled at him.
"I'm free right now." He reassured you.
You nodded, connecting your eyes with his, saying, "Well then, please take a seat."
"So, what's your name?" He asked, getting comfortably into the seat. You were struggling to drink the hot chocolate, not wanting to ruin the cute design. He seemed to notice this, as he encouraged you to try it, saying it was his favorite.
"(Y/n)," you introduced yourself, "this is so good by the way."
"Thank you," he laughed, "hot chocolate is my specialty." He said it proudly.
"What's your name?" You asked, noticing that he hadn't said yours.
"Joshua, you have a beautiful name."
You felt your ears getting red, feeling thankful that your hair was long enough to hide it.
It has been so long since the last time you actually got a compliment, even if it was a polite one, as Joshua just did.
"Thank you; so do you." You returned the compliment, "You want some? This is way too big for me."
"Oh no, please, it's for you. I didn't know if you liked cheesecake, but that's our most popular one, so..."
"I do! It's actually my favorite!"
"I'm glad," he replied; his voice sounded genuine. "I'm more of an apple pie fan myself, but cheesecake is really good too."
"I didn't see apple pie on the menu." You commented, your eyes traveling to the big menu on the wall.
"Oh, we don't. Not yet, at least. But my mom used to make the best apple pie ever. It's been a while since I have had it."
"She doesn't bake it anymore." You asked out of curiosity.
"She does, but she can't send it here without it getting bad, so I just have to accept the pictures she sends me." He smiled.
Now that he mentioned it, you did recognize a slight accent here and there.
"Where are you from?"
"I'm from America," he answered, "but I got a chance to study at one of the universities in here with a scholarship, so I couldn't say no to that opportunity."
"I bet you miss your family a lot, huh?"
"I do, but well, I hope it's worth it in the end."
You smiled at him, taking another sip of the hot chocolate.
"What about you?"
"What about me?" You asked, confused.
"Yeah, you came in here alone."
"Oh," you mumbled, cleaning your lips from the rest of the brown drink you were drinking.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," he rushed to add, "because it kind of sounded like I was forcing you to tell me."
"Nah, it's okay," you reassured him. "I was supposed to meet with a guy today. My friend planned this blind date thing, but it seems like he couldn't make it."
"Did he tell you he would come?" He asked with a frown.
"No, I sent him some texts asking, but oh well."
"What an asshole." He abruptly said it, sounding annoyed. "And you waited all this time here looking this pretty." He added.
You felt your cheeks turning red, avoiding looking at him in the eyes.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." He apologized.
"It's okay, you didn't."
"His loss, honestly." He tried to cheer you up, "but you should honestly be glad it happened; you really dodged a bullet with this one. If he can't take a first date seriously, then he wouldn't take anything seriously."
"I guess so..."
Your phone's screen lit up as a new text from your best friend popped up.
You excused yourself, unlocking your phone to see what your friend sent you.
It was a screenshot of Jaemin's close friend's Instagram story. It was a picture of him and another girl hugging him on the bed.
You locked up your phone. But Joshua was frowning.
"What happened?"
You shook your head and said, "Nothing; I just found out why Jaemin didn't come." You smiled.
"Wanna talk about it? If it makes you feel better, I don't know any Jaemin and probably would never know him." He smiled.
You sighed, showing him the screen you had received.
You didn't want to talk about how disappointed you felt about the whole blind date fiasco with your best friend, knowing that she would probably go straight to her boyfriend and tell him everything.
You needed to get everything out of your chest.
You cleared your throat, taking a deep breath to control your emotions because you felt like you were about to explode. " I don't know Jaemin in real life at all. Everything I know is what my friend knows about him because her boyfriend is Jaemin's best friend. Apparently he had broken up with her girlfriend a couple of weeks ago (I don't know how long, but based on what my friend told me, it has been way longer than it sounds), and he said he was ready to find someone else. Long story short, my friend's boyfriend showed him a picture of me, and he was apparently really excited to meet me. So my friend gave him my number, and we talked for around a week before deciding to meet each other here and have a date."
You took a sip of what was left of the hot (now almost cold) chocolate, trying to calm down because the longer you talked about everything, the more hurt and angry you felt.
"He told me he was over her, but now my friend just sent me a screenshot of him and her ex, who I suppose is still her ex and girlfriend together."
Joshua's eyes opened wide. "So he stood you up because of her ex-girlfriend?"
You nodded, cleaning your lips from the brown drink.
"This is really a boomer; I was actually looking forward to this date; he sounded so sweet," you sighed, "whatever."
Joshua moved forward, giving you the sweetest smile you have ever seen. "Don't worry about it; like I said before, this is his loss. You'll find another person, someone better."
"I hope so," you replied honestly. "I've been searching for more fish in the ocean for so long now that I'm starting to think I'm the last one standing." You snorted.
"What do you mean?"
"It's been really long since me and my ex-boyfriend broke up. And if I'm honest, I'm starting to think that was the only relationship I'll ever get in my life, like that was my only chance in the love area." You laughed, trying to mask how honest you were feeling. "Whenever I like someone, they don't even spare me a second look. Jaemin did sound like he was looking forward to our little date, but I think it was only me." You chuckled awkwardly.
Joshua didn't say anything; he just kept looking you straight in the eyes.
You felt awkward all of a sudden. "I'm sorry; I didn't mean to dump all of that on you." You chuckled once again, trying to lift the mood. "I'm not usually this pathetic, I swear."
There was something comforting in knowing that, even if you cringed lately at how much you were feeling right now, you could simply ignore coming to this cafe ever again and would never have to face Joshua again.
It kind of gives you the freedom to just let all of your feelings go. If he's judged you lately or made fun of you with his coworkers, you couldn't care less; it's not like you were planning on meeting him ever again anyway.
Joshua shook his face and said, "There's nothing to feel sorry about; I get it. And honestly? It does sound like he was using you—well, maybe not using you but more like playing with your feelings. " It's almost like he was only talking to you to distract himself from his ex if he didn't give it a second thought and simply let you come here all by yourself. I mean, he could easily send you a text letting you know he wasn't coming."
You send him a smile and say, "I guess so; oh, it's already so late." You noted, looking at the time on your phone, "I'm sorry for getting you away from your work." You quickly apologized.
"Don't worry about it; I didn't mind it at all." He reassured you: "What are you going to do now?"
"Well, it's late, so I should probably get home by now. Today has been such a rollercoaster of emotions for me," you laughed. "I feel like it's been forever since I left my house."
"I see. I hope you can have a nice rest today, then."
You nodded, both of you walking towards the door of the cafe.
You were the last customer inside, now that you've noted it.
There were two other baristas, one of them behind the cash machine.
You approached them, with Joshua following behind. "How much do I own you?" You asked, taking your wallet from your purse.
"Nothing," you heard Joshua say from behind. "I told you, it's on the house."
You turned around and said, "I'm being serious."
Joshua nodded and replied, "So am I." He moved his attention from you to his co-workers, saying, "Just take it from mine."
You saw them nodding.
You sighed, knowing that there was no way to convince him. Instead, you took the money you were going to pay for the coffee and cheesecake and put it in the tip jar.
"For the therapy session." You shut him up before he could protest.
"There's no need, really." He reassured you. "That's way too much for a tip."
"I don't care," you replied, putting the wallet back in your purse. "Thank you for the food."
"I'll have to do something to return it." He mumbled. "It's way too much."
"Like what?" You said laughing; you weren't going to accept whatever he was thinking of; you were going to walk past that door and never come back. After all you talked about with him, you were not embarrassing yourself more.
"Let's go to the cinema." He offered. "Tomorrow night."
Oh, boy.
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captain-mj · 1 year
First of all thank you for indulging my König x Ghost brainworms. SECOND, I loved it. The implication that König has been heavily collared and probably controlled in the past. *Mwah* good shit. Ghost going feral when he shifts? I need to know more! König and Ghost fully shifted encounter when? I think their dynamic here has a lot of potential.
If you are up for another part I will stay away from your teeth for now, but they are on thin ice.
I’ve thought about this more and I’m prepared!!
Part 1
König was cautious for a while. Being stripped of his mask by Ghost had caught him off guard. He felt weird about it. Not quite as angry as he should be honestly. More just... flustered and embarrassed. Ghost had immediately looked at his scars.
König had at one point started to consider himself handsome. It took him ages honestly, he had just joined the army and bulked up a little instead of being as skinny as a twig. Finally eating properly probably helped.
Then the scars happened. The ones across his face at the very least came from the battlefield. While he definitely thought they were ugly, hideous, nothing like Horangi's or Stilleto's, he didn't hate them quite as much as the ones around his throat. Shame filled him.
He honestly wanted to head back to KorTac. This was only temporary after all, but he needed to stay a bit longer. They were partnering with SpecGru for the time being which means he had to be here... With the angry, scary.... kinda hot lieutenant.
König blushed, wondering where that came. Yes, Ghost was tall. Not König height, but tall enough that he didn't feel like he had to back up and look down to speak to him. Ghost was also so commanding. Broad shouldered and willing to put whoever and whatever in their place. It was admirable. König wished he had that confidence.
One thing they had in common though was the unearthly silence they both had. With Ghost, it felt right. He was The Ghost. A Specter more than a Man. When König snuck up on his teammates or appeared out of nowhere, it was creepy. Off-putting. Where Ghost could lean in that, his whole persona hinging on it, König couldn't. Instead he just freaked people out and got called out for sneaking up on them.
König did not like training very much, Yes, he was well aware he needed to and he did regularly, but he didn't like it. And today, something in the air felt wrong.
He told himself it was just his anxiety again, but it didn't feel like he was being stared at. The air itself had a charge to it. König hesitated and considered just leaving. If anyone asked him why he was leaving before touching a single machine, he'd claim he suddenly remembered a meeting he had to go to. Yeah. That made sense. He could...
Ghost moved to spar. The hoodie he wore over his clothing fell to the floor with a thump, leaving him in an short sleeved shirt. König didn't recognize the other person, so not 141 and not KorTac. Maybe some recruit? Or another person like him from a different group? He didn't know.
They sized each other up. The other person looked very, very determined, but that was how most people looked when sparring with Ghost. König wasn't sure why because Ghost was willing to spar anyone if asked. Just no one was brave enough to ask half the time.
"Need me to go easy on you? Don't really learn if its just me tossing you around." Anyone else and König would've rolled his eyes and chalked it up to him being cocky. But with Ghost, it was just true. He was extremely adept at fighting and sparring was pointless if it was just getting your ass handed to you.
König decided to watch. As did half the room.
"For the first round. Need to warm up." Their voice was deep. König tried to guess his accent, but nothing really came to mind.
They were off. The stranger mostly went with quick jabs and tried their best to avoid Ghost. It wasn't the worst strategy, but Ghost had an impressive amount of stamina for his size, so it wasn't the most effective either.
König noticed someone recording and he thought that was odd. Some people recorded their workouts but this was sparring and it didn’t seem like Ghost to allow it. He shrugged it off. What was the saying? Not my circus, not my monkeys?
Ghost took the person down and they bounced right back up. “How did you do that exactly?”
König crossed his arms. Were they… flirting? Gross. Ghost didn’t pick up on it, instead actually instructing them on exactly how.
König noticed seconds before Ghost did.
The recruit grabbed the back of his mask and yanked.
There was a list of reasons this was bad. Besides the fact that Ghost had broken someone’s arm for touching him before (he insisted it was an accident but didn’t apologize) and could be downright evil in his cruelty with people he interrogated, it was also just mean. Why would someone want to do that? Ghost could be a hardass but never without reason. He was never mean without reason. He was cold and distant but König had a feeling that had little to do with his actual personality.
Of course every one was curious about his face. No one got to see it.
Before the cloth had moved an inch, Ghost shredded his clothing with his shift. People started screaming and fleeing, most of them having intimate knowledge of the fact that Wolf Ghost and Human Ghost were very different creatures.
König decided to stop this before there was a casualty. If he took a second to walk forward, he’d blame it on surprise.
The stranger currently had one of the ropes of the arena in front of them as Ghost frantically tried to get to them through it. Ghost hadn’t had time to think, to busy trying to go right for the throat.
König slammed into his side, sending him skidding across the floor. He stood up and quickly realized his mistake.
Ghost was big. It made sense. Big human equals big animal. But he looked more like the direwolves his omi would tell him than the wolves he had seen on missions.
Ghost had intense black fur and he stalked around König, snarling. But König didn’t think he looked angry. No, he looked scared. It made sense. Wolves were not supposed to be alone and not only did Ghost probably feel alone, this person had just cruelly tricked him.
“Simon.” König tried to reason. Someone was yelling about tranquilizers and he immediately grimaced. “No, just all of you leave.”
Ghost threw himself at König, teeth bared. König quickly tried to dodge, watching those giant dripping fangs almost graze him. He panted softly, backing up.
Ghost stalked forward, standing defensively when König simply stepped forward as well. He knew if he shifted, he could more easily pin Ghost down BUT an equal amount of pettiness for getting yelled at and worry they’d both end up tranqued and with giant headaches later kept him from doing so.
König snapped his fingers and Ghost’s attention fell on his hand. He spoke calmly to the stranger. “Go. Quietly. But keep close by. I’m sure Captain Price will be happy to hear of this.” The confidence he usually got on missions kept him steady.
Ghost glared at him. Bright brown eyes That struck fear into people’s hearts. That appeared from the shadows and dragged the soul to the ferryman personally.
Right now, he looked like a nervous puppy.
König softened a tad, now that everyone was gone he took off his hood slowly and then his jacket, glad he went with a zip up one. They had the room and no one else would come in until one of them gave the all clear. Its why they paired them up.
“You’re not feral.” He spoke softly. “Just spooked. Like a horse. Shifting has never been pleasant for you, has it?”
If Ghost could understand him was still up for debate. But clearly something agitated him because he was trying to get to König’s throat again. Killing bite, fast and efficient.
König finally shifted and they wrestled with each other. He knew normally, Ghost could beat his ass. Hell, if he was a bit more sound, he probably could with both of them shifted. But as is, Ghost couldn’t strategize and König could. Its how he ended up with Ghost on his back, König’s teeth around his throat, careful not to sink in, and his paw on Ghost’s surprisingly soft feeling tummy.
They sat there a while. König able to feel the pulse through his teeth.
It slowed once he realized König wasn’t killing him. He tried to wiggle away but König applied more pressure to his paw and he stilled.
Ghost melted back to a person. It was… shockingly graceful considering how he had acted. König suddenly dwarfed him. He pulled back slowly, ignoring the copious amounts of drool on Ghost’s throat.
Ghost was pretty.
He had a strong nose, soft lips and a lot more hair than König had been expecting. It looked bleached and slightly curly, maybe wavy was better. Like König, he had scars. Glasgows along with a few on his cheek that connected to a slice on his ear. König wondered if he had been able to pay attention, if he would’ve seen the chunk from his ear in wolf form too.
Ghost stared at him. Both of them were half naked, bodies aching from unexpected shifts. Ghost also looked lost. Something soft in his eyes. König was careful not to look down, both of them remaining eye contact as is making sure neither broke that rule.
His eyes seemed to freeze over as he came back to himself. “Fucking bastard. Ill eat him alive, shifted or not.” He grimaced as he moved and König wanted to ask how long it had been. Ghost kept himself under wraps pretty well but tons of people snuck out too shift occasionally. Let out steam.
Ghost’s mask had been torn to shreds in the shift. “Fucking hell.”
König didn’t let himself think. He dropped the sniper hood over Ghost. “I had been wearing a neck gaiter in case the hood got too hot. Ill wear that.”
Ghost looked up at him and the word pitiful came to mind. König didn’t like it. “Thank you, König.” He pulled on the hoodie he had dropped before going into the ring. His pants were half shredded but he pulled those on anyway. It would have to do until they got to their room.
König also pulled on his half shredded clothing to follow him.
He wondered if Ghost would join him on a night out if he asked.
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delulu-hours · 9 months
What are you doing to me?
Pairing: Jake Seresin x Latina!reader
Summary: Since the first moment Jake laid eyes on you, you had his attention. Little did he know that you were going to change in every possible way he didn't see coming.
A/n: If you guys like this idea, I might even turns it into a series and add more into to fill in some blanks. I hope you guys do enjoy this!
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Maybe it was the way you spat fire when you argued. Or how you defend yourself from a man double your size and weight, but you had Jake amused and intrigued. "Go suck a fucking dick, pinché puto feo! (fucking ugly bitch)" You glared at the man, who didn't seem to get that you weren't interested. He was about to step in when he noticed Rooster moving behind you. A hand was placed on your shoulder as he held you back from attacking the man.
"The lady doesn't seem interested." Rooster stood tall behind you, ensuring he had a good hold on you. "I'm gonna advise that you turn and leave before things get ugly." He nodded at him, and the man, red with anger, left. Once he was gone, Rooster whispered something to the firecracker, who just shrugged the man off her. A smile danced on her lips as she playfully punched his arm. Whatever they were talking about, Jake couldn't hear, with everyone now talking again and the music playing. 
And that was how it began. The interest Jake grew in you.
After that night, he knew he had to get to know you.
Bradley, aka Rooster, was someone you considered family. When you moved away from the family that cut their ties with you at a young age, you somehow ended up rooming with Bradley at 19. While he was only a couple of years older than you, you both had hit it off well. He had no one after losing his mother, leaving you two closer. A friendship that soon blossomed into a relationship of siblings. "Go away." You pushed Bradley, who now had his arm around your shoulders. He smiled down at you, amused with your lazy attempts to push him.
"You know you love me." He said over the music playing in the background. This earned a laugh that left your lips as you shook him off of you. "You'd be lost without me, Y/n." You rolled your eyes at him as you sat on the hood of his truck. You didn't know how you allowed this man to convince you to come out this Friday night, but here you were. Once again, at the bar where you almost wished you had knocked down that ugly piece of shit of a man. 
"Actually, I'd be at the apartment." You shrugged as you swung your feet back and forth. "I'd be in my cozy bed watching Criminal Minds." This time, he was the one to roll his eyes at you. Unlike Bradley, you didn't mind not going out that much. You'd be home watching a good movie or show and curled up in bed. He'll, even reading a good book was enough for you. However, that didn't mean you didn't enjoy yourself when you were out.
"You've already watched every episode of that show." He pointed out, and he wasn't wrong. You had watched all of Criminal Minds, but you loved that show too dearly not to rewatch it.
"Y? (And)" You raised an eyebrow, not seeing the issue.
"Now, if it ain't Rooster." A new voice stopped Bradley before he could respond. You glanced over your shoulder and spotted an attractive man walking towards us. He looked to be about six foot and close to Bradley's age. Your eyes took in the white shirt that seemed to fit snugly around his arms but left space around his torso and the jeans that seemed to fit him well. As your eyes traveled back up to his face, you noticed he was already looking at you. You had to fight the urge to look away, embarrassed you were caught checking him out.
"Hangman." Bradley nodded at him, but you could hear the slight annoyance in his voice. The man didn't look away from you as a cocky smile pulled at his lips. His green eyes traveled down your figure, taking in your jeans and the tight red shirt with a low v cut. Enough to show a good amount of cleavage before he looked back at you.
"Jake," He held a hand out. "Jake Seresin." He introduced himself. Bringing your bottom lip between your teeth, you hesitated before taking his hand. You could feel the roughness from the palm of his hand.
"Y/n Dominquez." You smiled at him and watched as he muttered your name. "Encantada. (nice to meet you)" 
"Hangman, Rooster!" A new voice called from within the bar. Reluctantly, you looked away and noticed a few dagger members waving for them. Letting go of his hand, you turned back to Bradley and gave him a slight nudge with your foot so you could hop off the truck. He held his hand out, which you pushed away. You didn't have to look to know that Jake, or Hangman as the rest seemed to call him, had begun to walk into the bar. Bradley lingered behind, waiting for you.
"This is where I tell you, don't let that face trick you." You glanced over at him. "He'll break your heart." You let out an amused snort before pushing him forward.
"Roger that." A little salute in the process before you guys joined the rest of his group. Jake was on your mind the whole time, as you didn't shy away from checking him out when he wasn't looking. Even if you were on the other side of the bar, ordering drinks with Phoenix, your eyes somehow always landed back on him.
And that was the first night you both had been introduced to each other. 
It has been about five months since Bradley introduced you to the rest of his group. Five months since you had also met Jake. "You're going to force me to go alone?" Phoenix asked as she was dressed up. A beautiful, tight-fitting, black dress. Her hair was down and with soft, loose curls. Her makeup was done beautifully. 
"I don't see why I have to go." You pulled a pillow to your lap. "Besides, you have the rest of the daggers; you won't be alone." She gave me a deadpan look.
"I'd be the only girl surrounded by idiots." She pointed out, and you smiled, knowing she made a valid point. "Please, besides, Jake is gonna be there." Your grip around the pillow tightened as you fought the urge to smile. Even though you were told how much of an arrogant, egotistical asshole Jake was, you had somehow grown to like him more than you planned. Maybe it was how he was still a gentleman or the playful flirting he constantly threw your way, but this man did something to you. 
"Sabes que te odio, (you know I hate you) right?" You glared at the girl before you, regretting the drunk confession four weeks ago. She laughed and pulled out the red dress we had gotten a few weeks back. The moment your eyes landed on the dress, you knew you had to get it. The beautiful red complemented your warm skin tone. It was an off-the-shoulder long-sleeve dress, and the side slit was long; you were worried about how much it would show. You took the dress from her hands and walked into the bathroom. "How much time do I have?" You called out.
"Well," You could hear her move closer. "Bob said the boys must be there in two hours to finish getting ready. So I say about an hour." You looked at your hair through the mirror and sighed. You weighed your options before you decided to change into the dress. As you ran your fingers down the dress, you shook your head, having to change your underwear as it was showing. As you opened the door, Phoenix smiled as her eyes traveled down your figure. 
"I need new underwear." You mumbled as you walked past her, undoing your hair. You opened your underwear drawer and pulled out a red thong, one you knew you could hide so it wouldn't be shown through the slit. 
"Damn, Y/n." She smiled at you as you slipped the thong on. Your eyes met hers, and she smirked at you. "You are going to make that man fall for you bad." A small laugh left my lips as I stood up straight. "Let me help you with your makeup." She pulled out the makeup back in the bathrooms as you sat down. 
The wedding was beautiful. You couldn't be more than happy for Bob and his wife. Your eyes stayed on the newly married couple that danced in the middle of the dance floor. You downed the shot of tequila that Nat had gotten you before Bradley dragged her onto the dance floor. You hummed to yourself and swayed to the music. "Now, why is my firecracker alone?" You could feel how close he was to you as his lips brushed against your ear. His hand rested on the small part of your back as he rubbed his thumb soothingly. You moved back a bit, your head touching his shoulder.
"Just taking in the happy couple." You motioned to where Bob whispered something to his wife, who just laughed. Jake just hummed and moved a chair to sit behind you. You could feel the pull on your chair as he brought you closer to him.
"Never thought Bob would be the first to settle," Jake said, and you turned your head to glance at him. His gaze was already on you as you raised an eyebrow at him.
"Why?" You smiled with a slight tilt in your head. "Bob is a charming man. His wife is lucky to have him." Jake gave you a shrug.
"Not the first thing I imagined for him when we met." He grabbed your hand close to him and messed with it as he continued, "He's a taciturn man. Keeps mostly to himself, and half the time, you forget he's even there." You gave him a slight hum as you knew he had a point. Your first impression of Bob was that he reminded you of an innocent little kid. A puppy, even with his eyes always looking slightly confused and lost. 
"Well, I guess he surprised you all then." Jake let out a soft laugh that seemed to warm a spot deep in your belly, loving the sound of it. 
"Dance with me." He got up and walked before you; his hand never left yours. A soft okay left your lips as he helped you up. You didn't miss how his beautiful green eyes trailed down your figure. Or the way they deemed to darken when he took in the tattoo exposed from your slit. You pulled him to the dance floor, where there was an open spot with few people around. Jake wasted no time pulling you close as his hands reached your waist. Your hands around his shoulders as you sway to the music. "You look stunning." You looked up at him as he pulled you closer to him.
"You don't look too bad yourself." You played with hair, lightly running your nails against his scalp. His eyes fluttered shut as he suppressed a groan from leaving his lips. Having you this close to him, he could feel everything. The way your boobs pressed up against him or his hands were inches away from being able to slide his hand down to your ass. Hell, if he wanted to, he could move his hand close to the slit and touch the exposed skin that seemed to taunt him. Touch the black ink that painted your beautiful skin. He couldn't help the frown that pulled at the corner of his lips. "Jake, estás bien (are you okay)?" Jake opened his eyes to look at you as you looked worried. "Are you okay?" You asked once again as you moved a hand to cup his cheek. Your eyes scanned his face, and he just nodded.
"Yeah," He took a deep breath. He could take in your scent. The sweetness filled his nose, along with a jasmine and maybe a hint of vanilla. But with it all, her scent was the prominent scent that drove him crazy. "Yeah, I'm fine, firecracker." The nickname he gave you left his lips as you rubbed his cheek with your thumb. He looked down at you, and every part holding him back vanished. The gap between you closed as he brought his lips down to yours. At first, you were taken off guard by his action, but you kissed him back. Your arms wrapped around him as you pulled him closer and smiled into the kiss. He felt you slightly open your mouth and wasted no time to allow his tongue to explore your mouth. He explored it all and moved a hand up your neck, deepening the kiss. A groan left his lips as you tasted better than he ever imagined. When you pulled back from the kiss, he couldn't help but give you a lazy smile as he gripped your waist tighter. 
"Wow," Jake's heart swelled when a giggle left your lips.
"What are you doing to me, firecracker?" He groaned as he placed his forehead against yours. "You got me going crazy for you and your fiery attitude." 
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kaeyx · 9 months
Thinking about stepping on catchuus dick while he’s in heat. Hes in heat but hes too embarrassed to communicate that! (Poor babys really good at masking his emotions and needs) The look of shock in his eyes when you push him down to the floor one day out of pure irritation. Bros like “•.•” cause he cant process that youre being rough with him. Where did his kind master go, the one who put up with him even at his worst days?!!? The only way to get him to admit hes in heat is to edge him until hes whining like a desperate whore!
• chuu has been acting up lately for no apparent reason!
•feels way to embarrassed to initiate sex
•so embarrassed that you might wake up with bruised thighs from him humping them at night!
•ever since you took him in my poor baby hasn’t been able to get himself off without some kind of physical touch from you
•even when hes dry humping you at night, its so shameful. Hes been going at it for hours only in the end to have the weakest spurt of cum spill out of his aggravated tip!
•but the night he goes too far is when hes being a little pervert and watching you shower trying desperately to get himself off
•you catch him and inquire about what he was doing
•”awh baby were you touching yourself while watching your master clean himself, y’know you can come in and ill help you”
•He scoffs “y’know you’re not even that pretty. Don’t get ahead of yourself sir, i wouldn’t be that desperate in a million years especially not for you.”
•obviously he doesn’t mean a word of this! He was just so embarrassed that you caught him that he said the first mean thing he could come up with.
•however it doesn’t matter if he didn’t mean it, you’re seeing red
•” what. the. fuck. Did you just say to me”
•chuu fucked up big time
•you get out of the shower and push him down to the ground rolling your heel against his obvious boner
•”if im so ugly then why are you acting like such a fucking whore, i might not have a dick but i know they dont get that hard for just anyone”
•he’s only used to praise from you, but he’d be lying if he said you losing your control didn’t turn him on
•”Ngh! Fuck~ master please m’sorry!” He cries out
•when you try to interrogate him about why he said those things to you he just looks away with furrowed brows and flushed cheeks. (He is quite literally tucking his tail between his legs)
•it goes on like that for at least an hour. But he does break eventually
•hes humping the ball of your foot youve so generously offered while crying out and telling you how he forgot to take his heat repressors and how he was humiliated and didnt want to let you know
•tears running down his cheeks and an embarrassing amount of precum leaking from his tip
•”shhh its okay baby thats all you had to say”
•you whisper sweet things into his ears, but the praise you’re giving him doesn’t match up with the rough manner you’re stroking his cock
•he comes. HARD.
•thick white ropes of cum spilled one after the other from his weeping head
•cums so hard it almost reaches his neck!
•hes now desperately clinging to you whimpering and whining apologies
•”s-sir m’sorry! Jus’ wanted you. Youre so pretty sir, the best master i could ask for!”
•normally hed be to embarrassed to say these things, but hed just had one of the most intense orgasms of his life
•you rub his hair cooing “shh i know baby, jus’ dont do it again”
•falls asleep purring in your arms, slinging to you like he did when you first took him in
AOUGH okay okay I'm putting this under a cut since the ask is long
Nah bc you're right, he'd be so good at hiding his heats. Or we can throw in some a/b/o and give him heat suppressants, sure! Either way you've never had to think about when heat season is coming, or you might not even know about it unless he's commented on it for whatever reason.
Also yes yes yes Chuuya snapping at someone when he's taken by surprise or feels defensive is so real to me. Crossing his arms and huffing even though his cheeks are red and you can see the outline of him in his pants, he's just going to double down and storm off. And try to finish himself off the second you're out of sight of course. Even if you'd had sex before he's suddenly initiating a lot less, not trying to coax you in for a kiss or anything at all, but always deflects when you ask him what's wrong.
Him grinding against your foot or leg is so hot too...or the heel of your boot even... clawing uselessly at the floor and bucking his hips, whining whenever you press down, dripping steadily onto his stomach. All that pent up cum shooting out far more violently than usual as he pants and moans so pretty, deep in his chest. Finally getting relief after so long of trying to rut into the space between your thighs while you slept.
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impala-dreamer · 1 year
Chace You Down
A Short Story 
~Y/N travels with her new boss, Jensen Ackles, to Hawaii for the Sony Open golf tournament and gets more than a little distracted by a new acquaintance.~ 
Chace Crawford x Reader, Jensen Ackles
6,600 Words
Warnings: Absolute uncompromising Fluff. You will feel the sun and smell the ocean air, bask in the glow of a stranger's stare. It is deliciously romantic and annoying and wonderful.
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The airport was crowded even at five in the morning and Y/N struggled to keep up with her new boss, finding that his stride was just about twice as long as hers and ten times as quick. 
Jensen was already at the gate when she caught up, close to panting as she balanced a tray of Starbucks in one hand and a wallet with their tickets in the other. Her bag was slipping off her left shoulder and when she stopped short, the entire thing came crumbling down. The bag slid down to her elbow and the coffee left her hand, somehow jumping two inches into the air when she reached for the wayward strap. 
Boss Man was quick, reacting like a true superhero. In a flash, he dropped his carryon and lunged for the tray, relieving Y/N of the embarrassment of spilling two Americanos all over the ugly airport carpeting and herself. 
She gasped and stared in wonder at the green-eyed devil, thankful and more nervous than ever. 
He’s gonna fire me before we even get airborne, she thought. 
Jensen smiled kindly. 
“Steady there, kid,” he teased, a gentle laugh on his breath. “You OK?” 
“Yeah. I think so.” Y/N took a calming breath and righted the bag on her shoulder, quickly scanned the wallet to make sure the paperwork was still in order, and reached for the coffee tray. 
Jensen pulled it back. “Uh, no. I’ll… handle the caffeine. You just… take a second to catch your breath.” 
He hates me. 
Y/N shook herself quickly and exhaled a quick huff. “Sorry. I’m a little frazzled first thing in the morning.” Her huff turned into a yawn and she struggled to hide it by clenching her jaw. 
Jensen squinted at her and bit his lip. “Get any sleep last night? I know I had you up pretty early.” 
Yeah, I was up approximately all night long, terrified, but thanks. 
“Not really.” Y/N answered, laughing softly. “Little bit of a nervous flyer. Still kinda nervous around you. Nervous in general, really. Kinda all over a mess. I’m sure you’re finding that out. I’m sorry about that. Probably shoulda been on my resume. ‘She’s a disaster! Do not hire!’ But here we are.” 
Jensen blinked slowly, wide-eyed and amused by her rambling. 
“Sorry. I talk a bit too much when I’m nervous. Have I said the word ‘nervous’ too many times? I feel like I’ve said it too much. You know when you start to say something over and over and over and it starts to sound wrong? Nervous… Nerve… Us… Nerve-”
Kindly, Jensen held up a finger to his pursed lips, shushing her. “Calm down, Y/N.” 
She sucked in a heavy breath and held it, nodding up at him. “Sorry.” 
“You’re doing fine.” He smiled and plucked his ticket from the wallet in her hand. “Let’s just get on board and settled and you can get some rest.” 
“Yeah,” she agreed, still nodding like a bobblehead. “Rest. Yes.” 
“It’s a long flight.” 
Jensen grinned. “Don’t worry. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.” 
With a wink, he turned on his heel and gave his attention to the blonde attendant behind the gate desk. 
Great. You’re supposed to be taking care of him and he’s flipped the script.
“Coming?” he asked, looking back over his shoulder. 
Y/N chewed her lip and smiled, steeling herself. “On my way, boss!” 
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First class was way nicer than Y/N had imagined and she quickly settled in, sure that she could spend the six hour flight to Honolulu with a minimum amount of discomfort and only one or two minor freak outs. 
Jensen got comfy right away, tucking himself into the seat by the window and lowering the bill of his black ball cap. It was strange to Y/N just how much the hat worked. They hadn’t been stopped by a single fan the entire walk through the airport, although, she noted, it was so early she doubted anyone else was even awake. Jensen buckled and then busied himself on his phone, shooting off a few last minute messages while the cabin doors were still open. 
On the aisle, Y/N perched on the edge of her seat, watching with flitting eyes as other passengers shuffled in. The usual parade of folks made their way past them and down into the depths of the plane. A few cute elderly couples in matching Hawaiian shirts, ladies with giant sun hats, and men in wrinkled polos. There was the standard young couple wrangling three kids under five, and a posh looking woman with a service dog stuffed into her purse. Business men, a teenager with his headphones blaring, and on and on until they were stuffed in the aisle and Y/N could barely breathe. 
A few people waved at Jensen, a young girl nearly screeched into her hand, all smiling and polite, all ignoring Y/N in favor of their favorite T.V. star. He took it like a champ, waving back, saying good morning, always smiling, always kind. Y/N wondered how he didn’t lose his mind with everyone fawning over him, and yet, she wished just one person would say hello to her. 
“Well, hello.” 
A tall figure cast a shadow over Y/N, but she didn’t bother looking up right away. She knew the greeting wasn’t for her. 
The stranger cleared his throat and Y/N looked up, finding a handsome smile and bright blue eyes gazing down at her. His stare was deep and intrigued and Y/N felt her cheeks burn. She swallowed hard and blinked herself back into reality.
“Hi,” he said again. 
Y/N opened her mouth but nothing came out. The cabin lights shone down on him, highlighting the faint strands of blond in his coffee-colored hair, the gentle slope of his nose, the cut of his brow. She was stunned for a long moment before Jensen’s voice broke the trance. 
“Hey, brother!” 
Jensen leaned over Y/N to shake the man’s hand and she took a deep breath, flooding her sense’s with conflicting colognes. She coughed and the men split apart, giving her room to breathe. 
“Sorry,” Jensen laughed gently. “Chace, this is my new assistant, Y/N Y/L/N. Y/N/N, my buddy Chace Crawford.”
The name and face clicked together in her mind and Y/N knew immediately who he was, but kept herself in check, calmly nodding a smile up at him. 
“Nice to meet you,” she said softly. 
Chace backed up a step and looked her over quickly. “Same here.” He grinned and lingered on her lips a moment too long and Y/N felt her stomach flip nervously. “You excited for Hawaii?” 
A large group of passengers had backed up behind him, but Chace paid them no mind. He waited, eyes fixed on Y/N, smile brilliantly sly and intriguing. 
She shivered. “Uh, yeah. I mean… yeah. It’s exciting.” 
Jensen leaned over to relieve her. “She’s a nervous flyer,” he explained while teasing her just enough to calm her down. 
Y/N laughed and nodded. “That I am.” 
Chace stretched out his arms across the aisle, resting one hand on the back of the seat in front of her, the other across the way. He bit down into the corner of his mouth and narrowed his eyes on Y/N. 
“Well, that’s no good. We’ll have to keep you distracted.” 
Her pulse quickened at his suggestive tone and she shifted in her seat, seemingly uncomfortable. 
From the door, a short crimson-haired flight attendant cleared her throat rather loudly and picked up the intercom, casting her annoyance over the loudspeaker. 
“Please keep the aisle free so that fellow passengers can find their seats… Thank you.” 
Chace either didn’t hear the announcement or didn’t care. He stayed right where he was, silently flirting with his new acquaintance. 
Not unappreciative of the attention, Y/N stared right back, trying not to get lost in the ocean of his eyes or the way the scruff on his lip accentuated his mouth just so. 
Struggling to break free, she sat up straight and nodded at the line of people behind him. “I think she was talking to you.”
Chace leaned in a little closer, smirking. “Who?” 
“The… flight attendant…” She laughed at his obliviousness. “You’re holding up the line.” 
A glance over his shoulder had him startled and Chace flipped around, plopping down into the seat across from Y/N. “Oops.” He shrugged at her and settled into the chair, angling himself so that he could still look at Y/N.
The parade began again, and Y/N tried to calm down, pushing her head back into the seat. “Your friend’s kinda funny,” she said quietly, aiming her voice at Jensen. 
He looked up from his phone and peered over at Chace. “Yeah. I think he likes you.” 
Y/N jolted. “What? No. Nah.” 
Through a break in the line, Chace called to Y/N. 
She turned just in time to get a face full of khaki covered ass. “Ugh. What?” 
Around the backside, Chace tried to find her. “Come sit with me.” 
A toddler pranced passed, stopping to wave at Y/N who smiled and waved back. 
“Come sit with me,” he said again over the child’s head. “The window seat’s empty.” 
Y/N shook her head. “No way. I’m fine here, thanks.” 
Only slightly defeated, he slumped back in his seat. “I’ll just have to shout across the aisle the whole time then.” 
“Sucks for you, then,” Y/N called back, twisting her neck to see around a pair of gray sweat pants. 
“Don’t leave me here all alone, Y/N…” 
Her name rolling off of his tongue was like honey dripping down her body and Y/N took a slow, deep breath, ignoring the tingling it invoked. 
“Sorry, Charlie. I’m quite comfy in my own seat.” 
A portly man in baggy jeans squished by. 
“It’s Chace.” 
Y/N hummed in question. “What’s that?” 
The procession ceased and Y/N found him staring again, bright eyes locked to her face, smile soft and inviting. 
“My name.” 
He rested his head against the seat, pressed his elbow on the armrest, watching her intently. 
“Oh? Sorry,” she lied, trying to knock him off his path. “I forgot.” 
He grinned and looked away, settling in for the long ride. “Yeah,” he whispered. “I bet you did.” 
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The flight was mostly uneventful. 
Jensen napped for a good portion of the journey, the brim of his cap turned down over his eyes like some modern Indiana Jones. Y/N tried to read but Chace was persistent, and they chatted on and off for most of the ride. 
Y/N found that she really did enjoy his obvious interest, but she played it cool, not wanting to come off like some crazed fan. After a few months following Jensen around, she knew how to keep the excitement inside when meeting famous folk. She didn’t want to make anyone uncomfortable. After a few hours, he seemed just like a normal guy anyway, so it was easy to keep herself together. 
Somewhere in the middle of the Pacific, a bout of turbulence rocked the airplane so harshly that Y/N thought she would soon meet God. Her knuckles blanched on the armrest and her jaw clenched so tightly that her teeth began to hurt. She held her breath, eyes screwed shut, and prayed that the end would come quickly. If she was going to die, she’d rather get it over with before they crashed into the sea. 
When the rumbling calmed, she unclenched herself enough to realize that sometime during her panic, Chace had reached for her, and their hands were clasped tightly across the aisle. She exhaled slowly and fell deep into the knowledge that he’d helped her through the worst of it. His palm was big and warm, his long fingers were soft and wrapped around hers a little too perfectly. 
Embarrassed, she pulled away and adjusted herself, smoothing down her shirt and fiddling with her hair. 
“You really are a nervous flyer,” he joked, sitting back. 
Y/N wanted to scream but she swallowed it down. “Yeah. Sorry.” 
Chace shook her apology away. “Don’t mention it. Glad I could help.” 
Me too…
He seemed so sweet, so adorably genuine and kind, but Y/N wasn’t interested in anything but doing her job. She smiled back and sighed. 
He is really hot though…
Jensen woke himself with a loud snuffled snore and sat up, looking around with blurry eyes. “What’d I miss?”  
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Y/N had everything arranged for their arrival. She’d ordered a car - a nice, nondescript yet very fancy black Navigator, pre-checked in at the hotel, and even had a welcome basket with local treats set up in Jensen’s suite. Everything was going to be perfect. She was nailing their first trip. 
Well, maybe not nailing it. Still doing a pretty good job. An OK job at the very least. She would have been doing better had Chace not insisted on hitching a ride from the airport with them, squishing himself into the seat next to her, and basically following her every move. ‘Hey, we’re all going to the same place, right?’ he’d said, eyes forever undoing the buttons on her blouse. 
Jensen didn’t seem to mind, enjoying catching up with his former costar, but Y/N was a tad annoyed. She had to make things perfect for Jensen; that was the entire reason she was there. He didn’t really need an assistant anyway, not the way some actors did. She was basically a glorified gofer, forever fetching him coffee and organizing his scripts, sorting his mail, answering his mail, and making sure he got where he was going on schedule. Between her nerves and basic clumsiness, she was sure she was close to losing his patience and her job. Things needed to go well. 
The hotel was simply breathtaking. Somewhere between the gorgeous surroundings and beautiful guests, Y/N felt a little lost. She felt underdressed and out of place, but did her best to focus on her job. She stood in the humid heat of mid-day and flagged down a bellhop, oversaw the distribution of luggage from the car, and handled the tip. Inside, she quickly got their room keys, made sure everything was in order, and waved Jensen down in the lobby. 
He and Chace had been found out by a gaggle of fans, and she stood back for a moment while they graciously smiled for a few selfies. 
“I can’t imagine ever getting used to that,” she commented when the young girls had moved on. 
Jensen shrugged. “Part of the job. I don’t mind.” 
Chace’s gaze was back on Y/N, seemingly enthralled by her every word and fluttering, nervous movements. 
You’re gonna burn a hole in me, dude…
“Anyway,” Y/N shuffled the keys in her hand and gave Jensen his. “You’re in Suite 408. I made sure you have a balcony with an ocean view. I’m in 207, but my phone is always on, as you know. I made you dinner reservations at nine in the lounge, I hope that’s OK. If not, I can always change it. Um… pool is open till midnight, there’s a private gym on your floor… what else? It’s noon here so… a little after four in Austin if you want to call home, but I think JJ is at a birthday party this evening, so they may have already left. I can text Marie and find out if-” 
Per usual, Jensen held up a gentle hand and gestured for Y/N to take a breath. 
“You’re awesome,” he said simply. “Everything’s great. Thank you.” 
Y/N held her breath for a quick moment and exhaled slowly. “Thank you.” 
Dipping his chin, he looked her in the eyes and smiled. “Go take a break. I don’t need you for the rest of the day. Sunday is yours.”
She hesitated, but then nodded. “Thanks, Jensen.”
He was gone with a wave, making his way to the elevators as a posh looking bellhop followed behind. 
Y/N had just about caught her breath when she remembered her shadow was still lurking. Chace leaned on his rolling suitcase handle and grinned. 
“So here we are,” he said, “two strangers in paradise…” 
Oh dammit, why me?
“Here we are,” she agreed, nervously chewing at her lip. 
He took a step and her stomach tightened. 
Gosh, he’s pretty…
“Wanna come see my room?” 
She nearly choked on her shock. “What?” A laugh overtook her and Chace backed away slowly. “Are you serious? We just met and I do not know you. I’m not gonna go check out your room, dude. Gross.” 
Realizing his misstep, Chace held up his palms in surrender and looked contrite. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant-” 
Y/N shook her head and stepped around him, escaping quickly. “I know what you meant. And… honestly… no.” 
She left him there in the middle of the lobby looking like a lost little boy, blue eyes wide with obvious sadness, flip flops frozen on the polished tile floor. 
Trying to save face, he waved a farewell and called out to her. “OK! Maybe later then! I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other!” 
Y/N refused to turn back, hiding her smile and sticking to her guns. But still, when the elevator doors began to close, she caught his eye and felt the sparks of something passing between them. 
It was only a few seconds, but it was undeniable and Y/N sighed heavily.
Well… shit. 
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It was a humid heat, so much so that stepping out of the safety of the enclosed hotel provoked a line of sweat to instantly trickle down her spine. 
Y/N shuddered at the feeling and adjusted her sunglasses, hiding her precious eyes from the blazing sun. There was a slight breeze and it blew through the palm trees with majestic grace, but brought more hot air, so Y/N made her way to the pool, determined to try and relax just a little bit. 
She sat in a lounger and stretched out in the sun, feeling good. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, enjoying the scent of sunscreen and tropical air, a hint of chlorine from the water and Chace’s heavy cologne.
Chace’s cologne?
Quickly, she sat up and popped her eyes open, finding the man standing to her left, casting a cooling shadow over her. He had changed into bright swim trunks and a tight fitting white tee, and held two frozen drinks in his big hands. Giant sunglasses hid his eyes but Y/N could feel his stare all the same. 
“What are you doing here?” she asked, looking up into the halo around him. 
“Thought I’d find you out here,” he said, taking a seat on the lounger next to her. “Brought you a pina colada.” He held out the drink in his right hand and Y/N cringed at it, cocking a brow. 
“I don’t do coconut, sorry,” she lied, turning her nose up at the offering. 
Chace tongued his cheek and laughed. “Guess it’s a good thing this is a Mai Tai then.” 
Annoyed but stuck, Y/N sighed and took the drink. “You have an answer for most things, don’t you?” 
He grinned and laid back, kicking his feet up onto the chair. “Usually.” 
So cute… I mean, smug. Smug! So smug… and cute. Damnit. 
“Enjoying yourself so far?” 
Y/N settled back and took a sip. “Yeah. I mean, I guess. Little tired.” 
“How’s your room?”
She huffed in annoyance. 
He laughed. 
“I don’t mean like that,” he told her, shaking his head. “I’m just being polite.” 
Y/N softened and smiled. “Room’s good. Yours?” 
A smirk lit his lips. “I could show you, if you’re interested…” 
She would have smacked him if she could reach, but that would have just pushed him onward. She rolled her eyes instead. 
“You’re just so cool, aren’t you?” 
Chace shrugged. “When I need to be.” 
The drink was cold and Y/N ran the rim across her lips, enjoying the cool bite. Chace lowered his glasses to the edge of his nose so he could watch, blatantly in awe of her. 
When she caught him, he jolted back into place and cleared his throat. 
“So… been working for Ackles long?” he asked, hoping she would ignore his staring and the way it made him shift and adjust his shorts. 
“Not really. Few weeks now. It’s really… he’s great. He’s just the nicest, most genuine, awesome guy. I’m really lucky.” 
Chace raised a brow. “You’re not giving an interview, ya know. Tell me how you really feel. I won’t rat on you.” 
Y/N scoffed. “It’s true! He’s really just… overall, I mean… I have no complaints. He probably has many, but he’s so sweet. It’s a great job.” 
“Getting up at the crack of dawn to mix the guy’s protein shakes and make his coffee is a great job?” 
“Well, I mean… could be worse.” 
“Does he make ya fold his socks too?” 
Y/N pursed her lips. “He packs himself, thank you.” 
“Honestly, I don’t even really know why I’m here. He barely needs me at home, this is just… I don’t know.” 
“Maybe he thought you could use a break.” Chace took a sip and then let the straw dangle on his bottom lip. “He is a nice guy, after all…”
His words made it into her head, but Y/N was distracted by the straw and the way it stuck to his lip. As she stared, he reached for it with his tongue and she squeezed her thighs together, overly intrigued. 
Damn… Don’t look at his tongue, what are you doing! Stop that!
“Maybe, yeah…” she answered finally, prying her eyes away from his mouth. “Anyway, it’s a lovely hotel and I’m sure it’ll be a great week. If you’ll excuse me…” 
She stood up too quickly and nearly tipped over. Chace was quick to catch her, standing as she did and holding her steady with a gentle hand on her arm. 
His touch burned her skin in the best way but she panicked and tore away from him, turning back to the hotel. 
“You don’t have to run off…” 
I really do. Oh boy, do I…
Flustered, she waved him off. “Yeah. It’s… I’m sorry. I need to go make some calls before it gets too late back home.”
Chace pouted and her heart skipped a beat. 
Don’t you dare use that lip at me like that… holy…
“Screw the phone calls. Stay. Take a swim with me.” 
The idea of seeing him in the pool, of watching the water bead off of his naked chest and run down those big arms had Y/N squirming again. She clenched hard and exhaled quickly, shaking her head. 
“You gotta stop trying to get me alone, dude. Not gonna happen.” 
“Alone?” He laughed. “The pool’s full of people. We’re surrounded.” 
She squared her shoulders. “You know what I mean. Goodbye.” Spinning on her heel, she walked off, desperate to stop the throbbing between her thighs. 
Chace once again stood alone and rejected, waving her off with a smile. “Can’t blame a guy for tryin’.” 
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Golf, it turned out, was boring as shit. Standing in the hot tropical sun silently watching a bunch of celebrities, even beautiful ones, golf was even more so. Y/N spent most of each day hiding in what little shade there was and mindlessly nibbling on the refreshments as they cycled past.
Still, she kept her eyes on Jensen, cheering when appropriate, bringing him iced water when he waved her over. He was having a blast, and unfortunately, so was his buddy. 
Chase was radiant in the bright sunshine, smiling, joking around with fans, carrying on like a fool. It was hard to keep her gaze off of him, hard to stop imagining what the flexing muscles of his arms would feel like wrapped around her back as they rolled beneath cool sheets in her room.
More than a few times, Jensen caught her staring off in Chace’s general direction and had to snap her back into reality. 
“You ready?” 
Y/N sighed happily at the image in her head, completely lost to the idea of naked body surfing beneath a full moon with a certain someone. 
Jensen snapped his fingers in front of her eyes and Y/N jumped, nearly spilling the tall glass of water in her hand. 
“Hey… sorry.” Jensen took a step back and laughed. “You were zoned way out. You OK?” 
Y/N shook herself and tore her eyes away from Chace so was sauntering into the viewer’s tent, close enough now that she would see the sweat on his thick neck. 
Jensen. Jensen. Focus on your boss. 
She cleared her throat. “Yep. Sorry. Just a little… It’s hot out here, isn’t it? I’m not used to the heat.” 
Cautiously, Jensen held out his hand, palm turned inwards, and reached for her forehead. Y/N laughed gently as he tested her temperature, looking like a true dad. 
“Yeah, you’re really warm,” he commented, eyes narrowed on her, investigating. “Let’s get you back to the hotel.” 
“I’m sure I’m fine,” she said with a smile. “It’s just a thousand degrees out here.” 
And your friend is making me dizzy…
“Still. We’ll go relax tonight, yeah?” Jensen set his hand on her shoulder and pushed gently towards the exit. She turned and let him lead the way. 
“Leaving so soon?” 
Blue eyes caught every ounce of her attention and Y/N nearly tripped over her sandals. She stumbled and Chace steadied her once again; his cat-like reflexes on display, adding fuel to her daydreams. 
He laughed and Y/N gasped, pulling away to stand up on her own. 
“Sorry.” Her cheeks burned and not from the sun. 
Chace grinned. “You keep falling into me. Can’t say I hate it.” 
Y/N tried to roll her eyes in annoyance but it was hard to pretend. The top of his nose was a little sunburnt and she couldn’t stop staring. 
“Yeah, well, maybe you’re just in my way a lot,” she said finally, huffing a bit at the end. 
In my way… in my dream last night… damnit go away. 
A flick of pink tongue against chapped lips made her knees weak. 
“Maybe I am…” 
Jensen cleared his throat behind them and Y/N nearly had a heart attack. He was smiling when she looked back, but the nerves over her job were once more getting the best of her. 
“Sorry. Right. Um-” She looked to Chace and offered an awkward wave. “Bye.” 
Chace was taken aback, shifting to full height. “Bye?” He looked at Jensen and then back at Y/N. “Thought we were all grabbing dinner tonight.” 
“Dinner?” Y/N echoed. 
Jensen affirmed. “Yeah, why not?” 
There is no way you can maintain any semblance of professionalism while watching that man eat… Damn. 
Y/N stammered, looking for a viable excuse. “Well… I mean. I’m not- I’m not feeling too great. I think I’ll just grab something and eat in my room if that’s OK. You guys go have fun. I’m not… yeah, I- I can’t really… um…” 
Jensen cocked a brow and glared down at her. “No. You’re coming. End of discussion.” 
“No buts,” Chace chimed in, offering Y/N his arm. “Boss man insists.” 
For a moment, Y/N considered breaking out into a run, but it really was very hot and the tiny finger sandwiches she’d been picking on all day hadn’t quite filled her up. Also, Chace was looking at her with the sweetest, possibly most endearing puppy dog eyes she’d ever seen. 
He’s the devil. Stay away. 
With a sigh, she relented and slipped her hand into the crook of his arm, instantly regretting the intimate touch. 
God, he’s… firm…
“That’s better.” Jensen clapped a hand on each of their backs and gave a little shove. “Hurry up, I’m starving.” 
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Table for three underneath a canopy of giant leaves and fairy lights, with the ocean one side and the gorgeous hotel on the other. The breeze was warm and the candlelight mesmerizing as it danced along Chace’s face, forever highlighting a new spot for Y/N to lock into and become slightly obsessed over. 
Jensen kept the conversation light and flowing, but Y/N could barely pay attention. She was stuck in a deep ocean of beautiful blue eyes and a smirk that made her thighs clench each time she saw it. She was falling hard, and rather annoyed by it. 
Whenever Chace took a chance, she shot it down. Each time he tried to make her laugh, she rolled her eyes. Every time she caught him staring her heart would nearly explode, beating much too fast. 
They’d spent sunset with a bottle of very expensive red wine that Jensen insisted upon, and tongues were slowly loosening. As the sky darkened, they switched to rum and Y/N felt as if she were floating above the table, staring down at a dream. 
She finally gave in and laughed a little, smiled more freely, gave in to the flirting and gentle prodding. It wasn’t half bad, even if playing hard to get was way more fun. 
Chace stuck the end of a crab leg between his teeth and sucked hard, slurping out whatever meat was left. 
Y/N laughed around a bite of salmon. “Sure you wouldn’t prefer the octopus?” 
Shocked, his eyes widened and he dropped the shell. “You do watch the show! I knew it.” 
Biting her lip, Y/N shrugged. “Maybe…” 
Jensen laughed and blew up her spot. “Don’t let her fool you, she’s seen it all. And read ahead in scripts, and commented on everything. She’s great.” 
Embarrassed, she hid her eyes. “Whatever…” 
Chace leaned in and grabbed his drink. “Here I was thinking you had no idea who I was…”
Y/N mirrored him, leaning over just enough to give him a view down her top. “Didn’t want you to get the wrong idea about me. I’d hate to make anyone uncomfortable… thinking I was a fan or something.”
He rolled the rim of his glass over his bottom lip, narrowing his eyes at her. “So you’re not?” 
Y/N licked her lip slowly and lifted her glass. “Not yet…” 
Waves crashed upon the shore and a warm silence cascaded over the table as Y/N and Chace fell deeper into each other’s gaze. She took a sip of rum and felt the heat travel through her system, flooding her with a hazy arousal that was both exciting and relaxing. She licked her lip, chasing an errant drop of liquor and laughed gently as Chace’s jaw dropped in awe. 
Feeling rather left out, Jensen clicked his tongue. 
“Should I leave you two alone?” he asked, knocking back the rest of his drink. 
Quickly, Y/N shook herself and let the spell break. She sat up straight and grabbed her napkin, dabbing her mouth and tossing herself back into reality. 
“Um… what?” She laughed, hoping to distract from her behavior. “No! Don’t be silly.” 
Jensen rolled his eyes but smiled kindly, and Chace sucked his teeth, leaning back. 
“All the same,” Jensen said, pushing his chair away from the table, “I think I’m gonna hit the hay. My arms are killin’ me.” 
Y/N stood with him. “Oh. Well, I can run and get you some Advil if you need or-” 
Jensen waved her off. “Please. Stay and have dessert. I’m fine. Just tired.” 
Oh sweet Lord, Jensen don’t leave me alone with him…
“Are you sure?” 
“I am.” Dropping his napkin on the table, he nodded at Chace and then smiled at Y/N. “You two have fun.” 
Chace grinned. “I’m sure we will.” 
Oh crap.
Y/N swallowed hard. “Well… good night, then.” 
Jensen was gone too quickly and Y/N watched him leave like a child being left alone in a department store. Or, more like a candy shop. There was too much temptation at the table. 
The temptation scooted his chair in and motioned to their waiter. “Want another round?” 
Y/N sighed and sat, giving herself over to the situation. “Yeah. Sure.” 
Two more drinks appeared and a stillness settled around them. The sun had gone entirely and the hotel lit up with torches and artificial lights tucked away into the flora. 
“Nice night.” 
Y/N nodded. “Very. I like smelling the ocean like this. It’s… fresh.” 
“Don’t get out to the beach much back home?” 
She sighed. “Nah. Too busy. Also, the waters I’m around aren’t like this. This is clean and blue, not some gray-green sludge with no movement. This is perfect.” 
His eyes fell across her face and she could feel her cheeks burn. 
“It is pretty perfect,” he whispered, lips tipping the rim of his glass. 
Oh, I am in big trouble. 
She cleared her throat and looked away at an older couple across the restaurant. They were holding hands over the table and whispering to each other, truly in love. 
“What about you? You get to the beach a lot?” 
Chace shrugged. “I try. Filming in Canada takes me away from the sand, but I get back to it when I can.” 
“Is it nice up there at least?” 
“You’ve never been to Toronto?” 
Y/N shook her head. 
“Well, you should come up with Jensen next time he’s filming with us.” 
I really should… I bet your costume is super tight in person…
The rum tickled her tongue. 
“Yeah. Maybe.” 
“So indecisive…” He chewed the corner of his mouth and eyed her closely over the candles. 
“No,” she answered, desperate not to think about his teeth grazing her skin. “Just…” 
“Perhaps.” She took another sip and looked up from beneath her lashes. “Is it working?” 
Chace blushed and shifted in his seat. “Uh, yeah. A lot, actually.” 
The alcohol was making her too confident, too easily flirtatious and she set her glass down. The moon was bright and she looked out at the ocean, marveling at the glossy sheen it cast over the waves. 
“So beautiful,” Chace whispered. 
She nodded and then looked back to find him staring not at the waves, not at the moon, but at her. Her stomach tightened and her pulse quickened. 
“You’re looking the wrong way,” she teased. 
He shook his head slowly. “I’m really not.” 
Do not fall in love with him. Absolutely out of the question. 
Without realizing it, Y/N was leaning in, caught for the thousandth time in his gaze, wanting to be closer. 
The flames flickered in his eyes as Chace pushed in close. 
Time slowed down, the Earth spun a little bit slower beneath them. 
Y/N smiled and batted her lashes. 
Chace licked his lips slowly. 
She sighed. 
“Do you hear music suddenly?” 
He laughed softly and nodded towards the stage. A large man in a pink floral shirt was plucking away at a ukulele.
Y/N rolled her eyes at herself and laughed. “Oh, I thought maybe it was you.”  
Chace pushed up out of his chair and leaned all the way over, stopping just before their lips met. His eyes fluttered closed, his breath passed over her lips like the warm evening breeze. 
Y/N held her breath. 
Do it. Kiss me. Please.
She closed her eyes. 
Wait. No! No, no. 
Panic flooded her system and she jerked away. “Oh! Um…” Still fleeing, she stood up, nearly knocking her chair over. “I’m uh-” 
Frozen mid-attack, Chace looked up, brows knitted and confused. “You OK?” 
No, I’m an idiot. Damnit. 
“Um…” She looked around quickly, desperate for an escape or reason. There was nothing on the wind but coconut and petals, nothing in the sky but stars and streaks of light gray clouds. Nothing that would help her. 
Chace sighed and stood up, backing off. “It’s OK.” He cleared his throat and smoothed his shirt down over his stomach, readjusting himself. 
Y/N’s stomach ached in the worst way. Everything was colliding inside and she hated herself for pulling away. 
Fix this. Now. 
She sucked in a breath of courage and downed the rest of her drink in one swallow. “Come walk with me,” she said, grabbing his hand. 
He went without hesitation, laughing as she nearly dragged him from the restaurant onto the sand. 
The beach was empty and they walked hand in hand for a long while, comfortably silent. His hand was warm and big and she felt calmer the farther they walked. 
With the hotel in the distance and low tide nipping at their toes, Y/N stopped suddenly and turned. She went up on her toes and reached for him, pulling him down into a soft kiss that made his breath push out in a gentle moan. 
His eyes fluttered open when she let go. 
“What was that?” His voice cracked and he shook himself as if waking from a dream. 
Oh, no…
Doubt filled her head. “A kiss?” 
He chuckled. “Yeah, I know that, but-” 
Shit. Shit. Shit. 
“I’m sorry.” Y/N stepped away, shoes sinking deep into the dryer sand. “I thought- I mean- I shouldn’t have assumed. It’s just that- Damn it, I’m sorry.” She spun towards the hotel, skirt whipping in the wind. “I’m sorry.”
Chace caught her arm, halting her escape and drawing her back to him. “Hey, I didn’t say it was a bad thing.” 
Her smile returned. “It’s not?” 
“Are you kidding?” 
He turned to meet her face to face and wrapped his right arm around her waist, pulling her close. Their bodies touched and her heart skipped. He was warm and hard and felt like magic against her.
“I’ve been trying to get you alone since the moment we met,” he confessed. “I can’t stop thinking about you. All day, every day. I can’t even focus on the game. All I think about is laying you down and… showing you just how beautiful you are.” 
“You can’t be serious,” she laughed, every inch of her heating up. 
His hand splayed across the small of her back as he dipped his chin. “I am. You keep reeling me in and then pushing me away. I’m goin’ a bit crazy here, Y/N…” 
Her heart was racing, breath scarce as she looked up into his handsome face. “I’m reeling? You’ve been hitting on me all week.” 
He shrugged. “Still. You keep saying no.” 
Y/N sighed. “I just really need to focus on my job and I feel like I’m getting everything wrong and pissing Jensen off and I just-” 
Chace shook his head and grinned. “Not likely.” 
“You really think his arms are hurting? Or maybe he was just giving us some time to get to know one another…” 
That sneaky jerk…
His fingers tensed on her back and she melted into him, leaning forward a little more. 
“So, you wanna try this again?” he asked, left hand lifting to caress her cheek. 
More than anything, you charming son of a…
Y/N bit her lip and leaned into his touch. “Yes.” 
Chace smirked and tipped his head to the side, aiming for her sweet lips. “I knew I’d wear you down…” 
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2023 Forever Tags (Always Open! Send an Ask!)
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whole-bunch-of-hcs · 1 year
Can't Take Them Anywhere
Coop/Reader/Remer HCs. Can be read as romantic or platonic
They are the definition of "committed to the bit". Plus side, they're hilarious and they will turn anything into a good time. Down side, it can be embarrassing and sometimes it will have weird unforseen consequences
(Like, for example, that time at the amusement park that they saw that one couple being really weird and annoying and decided to one-up them but took it too far and got all of you kicked out.)
They also get bored easily. They don't understand a lot of what's happening most of the time and getting lost automatically checks them out of the conversation.
So they find ways to entertain themselves. This typically means 'goof around and almost break something'
Coop points at any and every ugly thing he sees (gargoyle, weird drawing, unsuspecting strangers) and says "oh look it's your mom" to Remer.
Remer plays impromptu smash or pass with everything. He's joking, he wouldn't actually fuck that cactus (or would he? No. He's kidding. Or is he?)
They don't know how to dress appropriately for anything. If you're taking them somewhere nice you need to choose their outfits because otherwise you will have Remer in a t-shirt and boxers ("dude, no one can tell it's fine") and Coop in a random button-up shirt and a tie he didn't tie correctly, neither of which match the pants and sneakers he chose.
Remer once accidentally shoplifted from a gift shop at a museum you took him to. He didn't mean to just walk out with one of those giant stuffed animals, it just kinda happened. It's a miracle he got away with it too. You didn't try to make him return it because how exactly would that conversation go?
Coop is clumsy. Don't take him somewhere with lots of breakables because they will get broken.
They also don't understand what appropriate levels of PDA are. And they will encourage your worse urges too. What do you mean you can't slap Coop's ass in public? Relax, no one's looking and Remer's giving you the thumb's up!
When they're on their best behavior, they're actually kind of perfect. It's nice to know these two have got your back completely in all situations
It's a good thing they're rich because otherwise the exorbitant amount of money they spend on random shit they think is cool would be concerning. You almost never leave a place empty-handed
"Here hang onto this for a sec" and it's the most ridiculous thing they could hand you. How did they even get this you're like 85% sure they don't have them here
100% the type to lay/jump on all the mattresses at furniture stores. They don't care that you're not supposed to do that
Absolute anarchy in a grocery store. They cannot go alone because they'll come back with every snack known to man and no real food or toilet paper and they can't go together because they'll fight with toy swords or pool noodles or something.
It's really annoying but everything else about them usually makes up for it and then some.
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glazedyam · 10 months
Could you write a short Drabble about Jisoo and Fem!Reader first interactions? Like them starting to know each other in one of the practices for their next debut :3
My Inspiration — Kim Jisoo
WC: 0.69k
Warnings: None.
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During trainee times there was an immense amount of pressure put on your shoulders. 
From monthly evaluations, to composing songs, and choreographing dances, the only thing that got you through it was the hope that one day, all your efforts would pay off and you would become an idol. 
Today was just another day of hard work for you. Until, a group of new girls arrived at the company. New trainees, you assumed. 
You and your friend Miyeon had greeted them and welcomed them politely to the company and taught them the ropes of how to get around. As you talked and greeted them all, they seemed eager and confident, but among the trainees a girl catched your eye. 
She was timid, and she looked uncertain and awkward, but she was very pretty, a possible visual, but what mattered to you was her talents.
She introduced herself as Kim Jisoo, a girl from Gunpo, Gyeonggi-do.
—Ah~  girls from Gyeonggi-do always end up debuting. I’m from Busan, unfortunately. — You said, trying to make light conversation.
She just smiled and nodded. You noticed that Jisoo wasn’t very keen on speaking, she was rather eager to begin training, and so were you, as you wanted to see what she was made of, and how talented she was.
To say the least, she amazed you with her soft vocals, she had potential, for sure. You gave her some directions on how to improve, as you knew your instructors would be far harsher with her than you.
Anyways, later that day, after a dance battle between you and another older trainee, you and Jisoo talked for a while, mostly about the trainee life she would be submitting herself to, but now and then, you would ask about her, and she’d answer shyly. 
—What about you, unnie? Why did you decide to become a trainee? — You asked.
—Well, it’s kind of… I actually… — She stammered, she didn't know what to do when the conversation had suddenly switched to the topic of herself, but she took a deep breath and answered, —I enjoy acting. — She answered truthfully. —But becoming a singer would actually boost my chances of it, so, here I am. — She gave you a small smile, her gaze set on the floor.
—Ah, I get it, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about! — You reassured her. 
—No, I mean… Am I even pretty enough to become an actress? — She said, it was more of an outloud thought than anything else. She hugged her knees and stared at the floor.
—What do you mean by that?— You asked.
When Jisoo realized she had said that out loud, she blushed slightly, and crossed her legs.
—I… — She hesitated, — My aunt always told me I wasn’t pretty enough for anything… She used to call me an ugly monkey. — She confessed, a frown etched on her angelical features.
You thought for a moment on how to cheer her up, but you ultimately said,
—I think you’re gonna make it. — 
—Huh? — She looked at you quizzically.
—I think you’re gonna be a great actress, or idol, if that’s what you want to do. — You said, shrugging. — For me… it was my parents. They have never supported me in my dream of becoming an idol… — You confessed. 
Jisoo felt a little bit more comfortable near you, now that you’d both confessed to your aspirations and to the things that bring you down. 
—I think you’re gonna make it, too. — She said. —I saw how you performed earlier, how you danced… It inspired me… — She began, —You really love what you do, huh? — She faced you, and your gazes met. Your eyes focused on her deep brown, almost black eyes, and you felt like you could get lost in those eyes any day. — I hope you become an idol, Y/N. — She put her hand on your shoulder, reassuringly. 
—Thank you, Jisoo Unnie. — You put your hand on her shoulder, the touch sending a shiver down her spine. She wasn’t used to physical contact like this.
Despite herself, she laughed a little, making you blush. 
What a beautiful laugh…
Now, you had found a new source of inspiration: Kim Jisoo.
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iwanthermidnightz · 9 months
I don’t know if you want to post this long explanation and train of thought, but thought it might be worth sending my thoughts.
I’m on gaylor twitter as much as I’m on Tumblr these days, and I watched the rise of the term LSK. Where it came from was after Taylor seemed to make it clear that Karlie betrayed her (post-folklore and through the release of ITTG and Closure, her explanation of MTR at long pond, and during the confirmation of Karlie’s first pregnancy,) kaylor as a fandom essentially died. 99% of people believed they broke up, and it was ugly. Kaylor was already on life support after the masters thing, but this period essentially killed it. Even those who were willing to consider they were still together stopped posting about it because there was no point and we got a lot of hate. It was seen as embarrassing to still believe they were together. Why would anyone want to participate in something that brings no joy? A few like you and 9wift stuck around, but I know that even you took a step back for a while.
But starting around early 2022, a few people started admitting out loud that there were a lot of clues that maybe they were together. Because the evidence for them having broken up was so strong, still very few people would entertain the idea that they never actually broke up. But it started to become clear enough that there was something going on. And eventually enough accounts on twitter who made good points (and do so in a funny, joyful way, unlike the toxicity of tumblr at the time) it became relatively popular, and more and more people became convinced. These people needed a term to separate themselves from “kaylors” who believed they never broke up, at the time were very small in numbers, and had a very bad reputation because of some personalities, particularly on tumblr. They chose Late Stage as their term. It probably was already a term used in other fandoms, but I’m not sure. In the past, we used to describe swiftgron in terms if versions (1.0, 2.0, etc) so I look at LSK as similar to this. They see LSK as a sort of kaylor 2.0. A post-breakup reconciliation.
As is the case with all other subgroups, there are various beliefs about how and when LSK happened, and some of them even go back and forth about maybe they never actually totally broke up. But even those still call themselves LSKs as a way to distinguish themselves as a new generation (who look at things differently.) One of the most obvious ways they look at things differently is they are less concerned with josh. They see him as Karlie’s gay bestie rather than calling him names and thinking he is the devil, both Karlie and Taylor hate him and he’s blackmailing them and he’s a war criminal. All that became canon on tumblr over the years (and also among the meaner parts of Gaylor twitter, much of which was born on tumblr and The Lchat and migrated to twitter.) Most LSKs don’t like josh as a person, but they don’t believe Karlie hates him. This allows them to approach kaylor with fun and joy rather than being miserable all the time like a lot of the old tumblr kaylors. I think a fair amount of this is that there is some separation at this stage from the trump presidency and some of the most controversial kushner stuff and they are young and often not Americans, so it is easier for them to not know or overlook this part of things. Also over time as joshlie continue to be married and have children and look happy together, it becomes harder to see disdain. Another part of this is that they don’t know the lore. There are some advantages to this. While they might not understand all the stuff we understand and sometimes they say incredibly dumb things, they also aren’t weighed down with the baggage that we have that is so hard to let go off. And they can look at things from different perspectives, which also can be hard for those of us who made decisions on how we feel about things years ago, and therefore developed biases that can cloud our thinking. Again, there are pros and cons and neither perspective is necessarily better. But I tend to lean toward a way for people to enjoy their experience in this fandom rather than giving in to misery and anger. I don’t understand why anyone would want to spend a lot of time on something that made them unhappy. I would simply find another hobby. So the fun of LSK on twitter is one of the reasons it gained traction and a lot of the obvious clues that have been thrown at us, especially over the last year, were caught and popularized. That’s not to say they don’t still get hate from gaylors (and swifties of course) who can’t see it, but there are enough LSKs now who support each other to cancel out some of that negativity.
Wow. Thank you for explaining it like that. This is mostly a very accurate account of things. I don’t think that term (lsk) is accurate for us in these parts but it’s interesting to hear how it came about. Personally, I think the twitter gaylors are cute, but theres a gap in beliefs in some cases for sure.
First, I think a lot of us here never felt from the songs that Karlie actually betrayed Taylor. That’s where a lot of the disconnect is. Songs deserve nuance and the situation is of course delicate. It’s obvious there have been some real hardships and tests and breaks as normal relationships have, but nothing absolutely permanent. Who knows the period of time when this all truly takes place. She may have put it out on folklore, but that doesn’t mean it was recent events. I think she dug deep/went back time for a lot of those songs. MTR for example screams Scott. I wont get into song analysis but if one wanted to apply it to Karlie sure, they could. I can see why others would come to the conclusion that they were done forever. But it’s never that simple. Maybe the point was to kill kaylor if you get what I’m trying to say.
The series of events that happened during this time were intense. There were splits in the fandom, weird, crazy and toxic rumors going around etc. To be honest, I’ve pushed a lot of this period of time back in my conscious because it was traumatic to say the least. The amount of hate and toxicity here completely changed the way I and others went about posting for sure. The threats, the hate, the gaslighting, the daily harassment… getting blamed for certain things I had nothing to do with. Yeah. I stepped back for a while and was terrified to say what I wanted. A few people caught on. Even saying this gives me anxiety. If it weren’t for few close mutuals it would have been much harder.
But still there was evidence even through quarantine that things were fact not over between them. And you’re right, it was not popular to say so at the time. It was kind of like walking around with a letter A or K on your chest… the Hester Prynne’s of the fandom if you will. So a lot of us took our thoughts underground, but were still around. There’s some delicate things I still rather not talk about, except for privately.
I think whatever people want to call themselves is fine… and that most of us have the same idea in mind as to how things may turn out. I get there’s varying opinions and thats fine too. There are bigger things to worry about as long as it’s respectful.
And tbh, my opinions on certain things have changed. Or at least how I’m willing to talk about it i.e. jk. I really don’t want to talk about him. Personally, ignoring him/making stupid silly comments about situations has done wonders for me. That does’t mean I like the dude. But to hold that much animosity continuously isn’t good for ones mental health. I don’t want to keep reliving one of the worst periods in history.
That said, we’ve all been through a lot. Like you mentioned, theres a lot of baggage. But for me, taking a different approach and making an effort to be both positive and realistic at the same time has really helped. It’s not being naive. It’s choosing what’s best for you. I don’t want to be that person spewing negativity all the time. I refuse to. I’m so thankful for the people here who choose to see the light through dark times. Sending an extra hug to everyone around 🤍
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